FEBE SONIA Student User Guide Rev 6.2 Page 1 FEBE SONIA User Guides: Student Users Background All FEBE industrial experience placements must be entered, approved and assessed on the SONIA industrial experience placement system. Your SONIA Online username and password are your UON SSO credentials. You can access FEBE SONIA Online at https://sonia.newcastle.edu.au/ . Students are encouraged to initiate their own industrial experience placements. Engineering and Surveying students must complete 12 weeks of IE. Construction Management students must complete 16 weeks in total. You may complete your IE in a single block or in a series of shorter placements. Please contact [email protected] with any system issues or queries. Enquiries regarding the nature of your work placement should be directed to your IE Coordinator. Enquiries regarding site submissions and placement approvals should be directed to your School admin team.

FEBE SONIA User Guides - University of Newcastle · FEBE SONIA User Guides: Student Users Background ... Resume at Step 7 once your site has been approved. ... Once your University

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FEBE SONIA Student User Guide Rev 6.2 Page 1

FEBE SONIA User Guides:

Student Users


All FEBE industrial experience placements must be entered, approved and assessed on the SONIA industrial experience placement system.

Your SONIA Online username and password are your UON SSO credentials.

You can access FEBE SONIA Online at https://sonia.newcastle.edu.au/ .

Students are encouraged to initiate their own industrial experience placements.

Engineering and Surveying students must complete 12 weeks of IE.Construction Management students must complete 16 weeks in total.

You may complete your IE in a single block or in a series of shorter placements.

Please contact [email protected] with any system issues or queries.Enquiries regarding the nature of your work placement should be directed to your IE Coordinator. Enquiries regarding site submissions and placement approvals should be directed to your School admin team.

FEBE SONIA Student User Guide Rev 6.2 Page 2

Step 1: Creating a Placement and Submitting an IE Application Form

1. Log in to SONIA Online

2. Click Placements. Your discipline is listed at the top of the page. Click ‘Create’.

оΦ Enter your placement dates

пΦ Enter the duration of your placement in weeks (full-time equivalent - so if you are working 1 day/week for 5 weeks, enter duration 1 week)

рΦ Click on the Sites dropdown list. If your site is listed with the correct site contact, select it from the list and cick Submit. Then go to Step 7, you do not need to wait for your dates to be approved. If your site is NOT listed with the correct site contact, go to Step 6.

6. IF YOUR SITE IS NOT LISTED, OR IS LISTED WITH A DIFFERENT SITE CONTACT - click '!ŘŘ ƴŜǿ ǎƛǘŜ' and complete ŀ new site submission. In the organisation name field type the organisation name with your site contact name at the end, eg 'Hunter Water - John Smith'.

You MUST enter an ŜƳŀƛƭ ŀŘŘNJŜǎǎ ŦƻNJ ȅƻdzNJ ǎƛǘŜ ŎƻƴǘŀŎǘ in the CONTACT DETAILS field.You a¦{¢ ŜƴǘŜNJ ŀ ǿŜōǎƛǘŜ ŀŘŘNJŜǎǎ ŦƻNJ ȅƻdzNJ ƻNJƎŀƴƛǎŀǘƛƻƴ in the NOTES fieldΦ

¸ƻdz Ŏŀƴƴƻǘ ŎƻƴǘƛƴdzŜ enterƛƴƎ ȅƻdzNJ LJƭŀŎŜƳŜƴǘ dzƴǘƛƭ ȅƻdzNJ {ŎƘƻƻƭ ŀŘƳƛƴ ǘŜŀƳ Ƙŀǎ ŀLJLJNJƻǾŜŘ ȅƻdzNJ ǎƛǘŜ. This may

take several days in peak periods. You can check the progress of your site approval on the "Site Submission"

tab. As soon as your site submission is listed as CLOSED, your site has been approved and you can move on.

Click Submit. Resume at Step 7 once your site has been approved.

7Φ Click on the Forms tab.

8. From the dropdown menu select ‘ALL STUDENTS Industrial Experience Application’ and click Add.

Select your discipline (see image below) and select your site, then click Edit

FEBE SONIA Student User Guide Rev 6.2 Page 3

9. Check that the site contact email address on the IE Application Form is correct. If it is incorrect, return to Step 6 and enter your site again with the correct site contact details.

10. Complete the Student Declaration and Submission section. Click Submit.

Your application will immediately be forwarded via email to your site contact for their approval.If your site contact does NOT appear to have received this email, please ask them to check their junk mail folder.

11. If your site contact approves your placement the 'Completed (All)' indicator (see below) will show 2 of 3.

The form will then be forwarded to your IE coordinator for approval.

Once your IE Coordinator approves your placement the ‘Completed (All)’ indicator will show 3 of 3.

At this point, you are approved to commence your placement.

If your placement dates change at a later time, your placement cannot be amended or deleted. Simply submit another placement request with the correct dates.

FEBE SONIA Student User Guide Rev 6.2 Page 4

Step 2: Submitting your Report for Assessment

1. When you have completed your required 12/16 weeks of Industrial Experience, log into SONIA Online

2. Click Forms

ENGINEERING and SURVEYING students: Select ‘Learning Journey Portfolio’ from the dropdown list.

CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT students: Select 'IE Report' from the dropdown list.

3. Click ‘Add’. Select your placement group. You do not need to select a site. Click ‘Edit’

4. Complete the report according to the instructions on the front page

5. If you will be completing further placements and adding to this report, click 'Save Draft' and exit SONIA

6. If you have completed your report, click Submit

7. Once your report has approval from your IE Coordinator the 'Completed (All)' indicator will show 2 of 3.

Once your University record has been updated by your School Admin team to reflect that you have met your

IE requirement, the indicator will show '3 of 3'.