Newsletter Newsletter No: 25 Monday 18 August 2014 Farewell to our Sister School Students Creating the Opportunities

Farewell to our Sister School Students

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Wednesday 20 August

‘Dress-up Day’

Children’s Book Week

Wed 20 - Thurs 21


Portland & District

Music Festival — Civic


Thursday 21 August

PSC Make-Up Night 7.00

til 9.30 in GLC (ad in


Wed 27 til Friday 29


Year 10 Camp -

City Orientation.

Wednesday 3rd Sept

Year 7 & 9


Thursday 11 September

Personal Learning Plan


Wed 17 Thurs 18 Fri 19


School Production

(details inside this


Friday 19 September

Last day of Term 3.

No: 25

Monday 18 August 2014

Farewell to our Sister School Students Principal’s Report

My first week in the Principal Chair has flown by with many students coming to visit me in the office to

showcase some of their class work. It is wonderful to see students taking such pride in the outstanding

quality of the work they are producing, some of which is showcased here in the newsletter. I was also

very pleased to receive a phone call from a visitor to our Hospitality Centre who took the time to call just

to say he had been escorted to the centre by a very polite Year 8 boy who spoke very highly of the

College. It’s great to see and hear that our students are enjoying life at PSC.

Our students have enjoyed a number of opportunities over the past week. Our Year 7 students attended

a series of informative workshops on Monday based around positive self- talk, maintaining healthy

friendships, saying No to peer pressure, stress management and the awareness of the media’s impact on

body image. Interested Year 9 students attended a Taster Day in Agriculture where Careers Advisor,

Suzanne Patterson, proved you are never too old to learn how to shear a sheep! Megan Husband is

heading off to Canberra next January after being selected for the National Youth Science Forum and

sadly, the College said goodbye to our Indonesian visitors from our sister school SMP5 Yogyakarta, who

left early yesterday morning. All 30 students and their three teachers were a little bit teary as they

farewelled their host families. The group were officially farewelled at the Cabaret held last Friday

evening at the Civic Hall. It was a wonderful display of games, dancing, singing and music performances,

from both PSC and the Indonesian students. A huge thankyou must go out to the host families and to the

staff who organised the Sister School visit.

This week is Children’s Book Week with lots of activities such as quizzes, ridiculous reading relays and

Dress Up Day being held on Wednesday. As part of Book Week why not find ten minutes

to sit down and discuss with your son or daughter what they are reading? Even reading

for ten minutes a day can improve literacy and reading skills in all students.

Jo Kindred — Acting Principal

Creating the Opportunities

Don’t Forget Children’s Book Week 2014

‘Dress Up Day’ Wednesday 20th August

Dress up as your favourite book character or something to do with reading or


Congratulations Megan and Jake!!!

Megan Husband has been selected for the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra next January and Jake is the next in line if someone cannot make it.

Both students wrote ex-tensive applications and then went through a series of interviews in order to gain selection. The NYSF (National Youth Science Forum) program is a mix of scientific, for-mal, personal development and social activities. These range from laboratory visits to sports evenings to group dynamics.

They will learn how to make informed decisions about courses and careers in science and gain professional skills to help them realise their potential.

We are very proud of you both for such a great achieve-ment.

Mrs. Edwards — Science CAT Leader.

Pictured at right is Megan Husband and Jake Stevenson.

Year 9 Careers in Agriculture – RIST Taster

Day 2014

The RIST (Rural Industries Skills Training) Taster Day was

an amazing experience, even if you don’t like getting

your hands dirty.

Many students from district schools participated in this

day and 23 were from Portland

Secondary College.

The things we learnt about and

tried included: Shearing, Wool

Classing, Artificial Insemination,

Farm Planning, Dogs and Stock,

Fencing, Poddy Calves and Agronomy.

During the last session of the day a Vet

performed a post-mortem on a sheep

that had eaten a Kangaroo bait, to try and find out why

she’d eaten it. Personally we really enjoyed the shearing

and everyone agreed that the Poddy calves were so cute

and friendly.

By Kelsey England and Hannah Bentham.

Personal Goods brought to School at Owner’s


Personal Property is often brought to school by students, staff and visitors. This can

include mobile phones, IPODS, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not hold insurance.

Staff, students and parent/guardians are reminded of this at the beginning of this academic year. Please do

not bring any unnecessary (or particularly valuable) items to school.

Jo Kindred – Assistant Principal.

Mission Statement

To develop each student socially, physically and academically,

in a safe, caring, yet challenging environment.

Must Street Portland 3305 (P.O. Box 452)

Phone: 55 231344

Fax: 55 234449

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Site: www.portlandsc.vic.edu.au

EFTPOS details. BSB: 313140 Acc: 12067508 Bank: Bankmecu

Wise and Witty Words.

Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.

What’s On!

Canteen Roster

Tues 19 August 10am - 1.30pm Rachel Chambers

Wed 20 August 10am - 1.30pm Help Needed Please

Thurs 21 August 10am - 1.30pm Jodie Bennett

Fri 22 August 10am - 1.30pm Colleen Bell

Mon 25 August 10am - 1.30pm Jodie Bennett

Portland Secondary College does not endorse the products or services of any advertisements, paid of unpaid, printed in this newsletter.

Quilt Exhibition — Heywood.

Date: Saturday and Sunday 4th and 5th October 2014. Times: 10.30am until 4.30pm. Venue: Old Heywood School, Village Green, Heywood.

The Exhibition will be held throughout the Old School Building.

Lace-making and embroidery will be on display.

The exhibition will be open to the public in general.

Refreshments may be obtained from a number of local eateries.

A raffle will be held with all proceeds to Peters Project.

The local Miniature Train Display will be open in the building.

Inquiries may be made through Heywood Patchwork and Craft Shop. Ph: 55272221.

EFTPOS is available for your convenience at the General Office — BSB: 313 140 Acc: 12067508 Bank: Bankmecu