GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz [email protected] 314-550-9174 Birthdays & Anniversaries are posted on the bulletin board. Newsletter Publication Dates January 1 April 1 July 1 October 1 Please send your arcles to [email protected] two weeks prior to the publicaon date. Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC Sat., May 6th | 10:00am-Noon Program: Steeped in Him Special music Variety of quiches, fresh fruit & vegetables, mini cupcakes, breads, tea & coffee, & more! Photo booth Reasons To Volunteer In Gallups 2016 Global Civic Engagement Report, it was reported in 2015, nearly 1.4 billion people donated money to charity, 1 billion volunteered their me, and 2.2 billion helped a stranger in need in the past month. Whether you donate money or donate your me, giving back is beneficial for both you and the recipient. Here are three reasons why it is true that it is beer to give than to receive.You Create Real Connecons: Volunteering is a great way to meet new people from all walks of life. Dedicang your me as a volunteer helps strengthen your es to the community, expand your network, boost your social skills, and expose you to people with common interests, helping you make new friends. You Make a Difference: Volunteering gives you the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Your acons will have a posive impact on someones life. You Get to Have Fun: Volunteering gives you a reason to explore your interests and passions, meet new people, and experience new adventures.

Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz [email protected] 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays

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Page 1: Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz rolando@2serveu.org 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays


Rev. Rolando Quiroz

[email protected]


Birthdays & Anniversaries are

posted on the bulletin board.

Newsletter Publication Dates

January 1 April 1 July 1 October 1

Please send your articles to [email protected] two weeks prior to the publication date.

Family Tea Time & Brunch

at Gray Summit UMC

Sat., May 6th | 10:00am-Noon Program: “Steeped in Him”

Special music Variety of quiches, fresh fruit & vegetables,

mini cupcakes, breads, tea & coffee, & more!

Photo booth

Reasons To Volunteer

In Gallup’s 2016 Global Civic Engagement Report, it was reported in 2015, nearly 1.4 billion people donated money to charity, 1 billion volunteered their time, and 2.2 billion helped a stranger in need in the past month. Whether you donate money or donate your time, giving back is beneficial – for both you and the recipient. Here are three reasons why it is true that it is “better to give than to receive.”

You Create Real Connections: Volunteering is a great way to meet new people from all walks of life. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps strengthen your ties to the community, expand your network, boost your social skills, and expose you to people with common interests, helping you make new friends.

You Make a Difference: Volunteering gives you the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Your actions will have a positive impact on someone’s life.

You Get to Have Fun: Volunteering gives you a reason to explore your interests and passions, meet new people, and experience new adventures.

Page 2: Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz rolando@2serveu.org 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays


Annette Ball Chad Schirmer Daniel Weir Deb Dougherty Derek Sellars Lorren Pack


Adrienne Fisher Alex Shephard Betty Gahn Debbie Ferrante Dinah Arand Doris Lingerfelt Dylon Nappier Frances Owen Iris Door Jerry Vitt Kjell Karlsson Kim Matthews Liz Pehle (Hoppe) Megan Bressler Mike Williams Mildred Janes Patti Fuller Robert Skaggs Stephanie Lindemann Sylvia Pusateri Tammy Kamper Tracy Schall Troy Kweicien Will Wallace

Ongoing (By family):

Angela & family Linthicum Family Morgan (Anthony) Family Orzel Family-health Todd, Michael & Heidi Vetter, Donald & Renee

Deepest sympathy to:

The Thomasson family on the passing of Donna’s sister, who passed away on March 17, 2017.

Jane Tussey on the passing of her mother, Bessie Sowers (Richmond, KY)

Family & friends of Mary Ellen Baker of Pacific, who passed away on February 10, 2017.

Family & friends of Jack McCabe. Mr. McCabe had been battling lung cancer. He was a friend of Emanuel & Pat Clark.

Ann Schulz & family at the loss of Ann’s husband, Jack Schulz.

Doris Lee Eatherton (Ellen Sifford’s cousin), whose husband, Don, passed away on January 25.

A special thanks to my church family for the many cards offering

comfort and sympathy to me and my family on the death of my

husband, Jack. To Rev. Quiroz, the Stephen Ministries, and the

Prayer Shawl group, your friendship and kindness will always be

remembered. I am truly blessed.

—Ann Schulz

Prayers of the Church

All Ministries / Mission Projects Church growth & to reach more people in the community Tornado victims Vacation Bible School

Prayer List

If you are struggling with difficult circumstances and need

someone to talk to, in confidence, please contact Stephen

Ministry Leader, Sherri Estes, at 636-346-2611.

Page 3: Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz rolando@2serveu.org 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays

Student Spot l ight Dear Church Family, I am incredibly grateful for the sponsorship that GSUMC provided for my Dollars For Scholars scholarship this current school year and want to share with you what I’ve been doing at Central Methodist University. During my first semester, I became involved on campus through Chorale and Phi Mu Alpha. Through my time in Chorale, I reached out to congregations within CMU's surrounding areas and throughout central and western Missouri. Within the first two months of school, we performed at the First Baptist Church of Fayette, Linn Memorial

UMC, and Jefferson City UMC for their Sunday services. We also went on tour from November 17-22 to different churches and schools in central and western Missouri with an average of 3 performances a day for a total of 16 performances. This tour is a way to share music with United Methodist churches, as well as an outreach to students. Next year the Chorale is planning on touring to the St. Louis side of the state. I will try my best to get a performance at GSUMC, or in a church nearby, so that the congregation has the opportunity to witness the power of music that the CMU Chorale shares. Also during my first semester, I joined a professional music fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha. Throughout my short journey with the fraternity, I have already been a part of many service activities. Two weeks before finals, we went to The Food Bank in Columbia where we bagged food for children in need. Another service Phi Mu Alpha provides is our songfests that we hold on campus (under our tower) and around town. My favorite songfest that we held was at Ashbury Heights Nursing Home in Fayette. It was amazing to see how happy the residents were, especially when we serenaded the ladies.

Another aspect that was new for me this year was to get out of my shell and perform for the congregation. When I was granted the sponsorship, I was encouraged to perform for you. Being self-conscious when performing in front of the people who love me the most, I was able to overcome this fear and share my passion for music with you. After the praise I received and after seeing how it touched the members of the congregation, I decided I would perform again. When asked to perform for the Christmas program, I quickly agreed. Thank you, again, so much for your encouragement and support. Joshua Stettes

Together We’re Better Gift Cards

For your convenience, Gray Summit UMC now has $25 Walmart cards available for the asking. You no longer have to wait a week after ordering!

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our Children’s Ministry through this program. We would love to have others join in! If you have any questions, please see Morgie Coleman or Donna Keune.

Page 4: Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz rolando@2serveu.org 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays

April 2 ................. 5th Sunday of lent Easter flower orders with payment are due UMC Labadie Leadership meeting (after worship) April 5 ................. Gray Summit UMW meeting, 6pm April 8 ................. Community Breakfast at Gray Summit UMC, 8am-11am April 9 ................. Holy Weeks Begins/Palm Sunday Ministerial Alliance Spring Concert at Hilltop Advent Christian Church, 6pm April 13 ............... Maundy Thursday Service at Pilgrim UCC, 7pm April 14 ............... Good Friday Service at Gray Summit UMC, 6:30pm April 15 ............... Easter Egg Hunt at Pilgrim UCC, 2pm (ages 3-10) April 16 ............... Easter Sunday (sunrise service at Shaw Nature Reserve, 6:30am)

April 22 ............... Earth Day | Celebration in Downtown Labadie April 24 ............... UMC Labadie VBS planning meeting, 6:30pm April 25 ............... World Malaria Day April 30 ............... Noisy Collection Sunday & Native American Ministries Sunday special offering May 3 .................. Gray Summit UMW meeting, 6pm May 6 .................. Gray Summit UMC Family Tea & Banquet, 10am-Noon May 14 ................ Mother’s Day May 15 ................ Graduate Forms are due May 21 ................ UMW Candle Burning Sunday at Gray Summit UMC Outdoor Worship Service at UMC Labadie May 29 ................ Memorial Day June 3 ................. UMC Labadie Superheroes Picnic June 4 ................. Last UMYouth meeting until August 6th June 9-12 ............ Annual Conference, Springfield, MO June 18 ............... Father’s Day June 19-23 .......... UMC Labadie Vacation Bible School June 23-25 .......... Gray Summit UMC Weekend Vacation Bible School The Gray Summit United Methodist Women will collect for Candle Burning Sunday on April 30, May 7, May 14. Candle burning will take place on Sunday, May 21. Watch for details and donation forms in the narthex.


Saturday, July 8th

Watch for details in the weeks ahead.

Backpack News

Packing Schedule: April: First Baptist Gray Summit May: Gray Summit UMC 2017 Golf Tournament

Sat., September 16th Donation & Golf Team forms are now available

Graduate Information

Before you know it, this school year will be coming to a close. If you know someone who is graduating and you would like to share that information with church family, please pick up a graduate form at church and turn it in to the charge office by May 15th.

Vacation Bible School

UMC Labadie VBS will be June 19-23. Gray Summit UMC is planning to

hold a weekend VBS June 23-25. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact… UMC Labadie Jenny Busch , 314-971-0850

Gray Summit UMC Debbie Juntti, 314-223-5329 Watch for more details in weekly announcements. New address

Pat Spalding 5091 Glen Iris Ave, Apt 301 Los Angeles, CA 90041

Page 5: Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz rolando@2serveu.org 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays

Special thanks to the following for having a hand in getting our new sound system up & running:

Debbie Schirmer-Choir Director, Gale Mizner, Emanuel Clark; Carpentry skills on sound booth: Canin Mizner, Travis Mizner, John Gliedt, and Steve Leslie; Sound Engineers: Emanuel Clark, Joe Sullivan, Ryan Barnoski, Mike Coleman

2017 WOW Youth Group & Leaders

This year’s WOW was a great success. The Youth enjoyed a special concert by “I Am They,” listened to guest speaker Big Al Cherry present “His Story,” and attended special learning sessions (girls: Bizarre Bible Stories; boys: No Chairs Allowed).

—Wanda Malin, Youth Director

Thank you to all who attended the community breakfast at UMC Labadie on Saturday, March 11 and Game Night on Saturday, March 25.

I would like to thank everyone for their support of Stephen Ministry. The classes are going great and the Stephen Minister trainees will be ready to assist care receivers by the middle of May.

This is a great ministry which requires many weeks of training. I am grateful for those who have volunteered their time to help those in need. Please keep the trainees in your prayers as they go through this training. Your support, love and prayers are very vital to the ministry.

If you have questions about Stephen Ministry or would like additional information, please call me at 636-346-2611 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Please know that all information is kept confidential.

In addition, if you know of anyone who has experienced a loss who may benefit from our “Journeying through Grief” books, please let me know and we will be sure to get the information to them.

Grace and Blessings,

Sherri Estes, Stephen Leader

Sound engineers Joe Sullivan & Ryan Barnoski at new sound desk.

Page 6: Family Tea Time & Brunch at Gray Summit UMC … · GRAY SUMMIT & LABADIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES April 2017 Rev. Rolando Quiroz rolando@2serveu.org 314-550-9174 In Gallup Birthdays

Gray Summit UMC

204 Ford St PO Box 97

Gray Summit MO 63039

Sunday Worship: 9:00am

Children’s SS: 9:00am

Website: 2ServeU.org

UMC of Labadie

217 Washington Street

PO Box 7

Labadie MO 63055 Sunday Worship: 10:30am

Children’s SS: During worship

Charge Office:


[email protected]

United Methodist Churches of

Gray Summit & Labadie MO

PO Box 97

Gray Summit Missouri 63039






Biscuits & Gravy


Milk & OJ




Gray Summit UMC


8am - 11am