t= ± = = = s s = s s = = = VOhUMK'7. NmiBER 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING< Head of ■ Government, Bu- reaii of Mines SHows That Misleading; Infonn'ation . Was Sent diit After Lease Had Been Signed With Fairs Crowd. --------------- PBDHRAL-COUKT-IIOONJ.-CIIKV- - RNNK. ■JVyo.. March 20.-ConiimiliiK lliu roaillni; nr <lciitM|iloiis ki( H. PoHior Duin, dlmUiir of tlio liiirouii of mfnoA, nnil A. ^V, Ainbronu. kov> oruniont RonlpRliil. dvronRu cuuiincl In llio Tcupol liomu Ailll >vero tu winil up tbolr cano tlilH nftornooii vriili tlio iirrlvnl nf Ailmlral J. !.>■ Uitlmor. juilno uilvocnio Koiivral of tlm navy. . l^Atlmor WHO U oiiioctuil af* Tlvo Bliortly nder, nuon Ih boln» . braiifihl'beru by ilio'dvfoniie nnil will .oltlior hrtiiK , cerinin nnvy^ ilcjmri- Tnoni pnpom'coneorntnR tho Tcui>ol Icnno,‘or will' curry llio rutiual of SecroUry-ot tho Nnvy Wllliur lo ro- \unl llicae,. U I» undoriitwjil. , aonrcoly a’ ilown miocuitom woro III ibiM mornlnK- All lnlor<;ht ,1 In tiKi ruMC.Iicru linii illoU nul. ^ l.jiilmcr firofloiwly Uan raM lliat «_ cxIianKu of uruilo oil (nr utomKO fn> cimi(!^. WIIH vnlUI. TlilHWono ot , the locbnlciUltlus ot Hiako In Ibo ' cBHc—vtliotliiT Ibo navy ituparlmont oouUI pay (or slornRo fnclllileH In • crmio—wlilcb Ih wbal tlw .Toupol luuHoMo.tbo JIammoili Oil .eompnny t Jncluiled. ^ ^ PEDBIIAL COWRT HOOM, CIICT- J RNNR. Wyo,. March 20-Ml»l«#illnB V Information ro8«rdln(j llio iilirolnK of I thl! Teapot Ooma Icaao wait dlstrlbut- ^ oil ihrco <layn after, tho actual ulitnlnif 1 or Ibo leaao od April 7. 1082, Il. waa ^ nhown by-tbo depoiUlon. of Or. H. l Poster Bain, bend of tho uovemraonl c bureau of mlnoa, read In tho Teapot { IJomo/lulffcoro lorfay. '. A Ual^n- mrnt «ul^inomoriui«la on / April 0. Thoio'wero l6«v«l hy Albeff q •B. Fall, ihen Becrelory.*Pt the Idler- q lor. after Senator John B. Kendrick of / Wyomlnu had Inaulred ao lo Tcapoi f ICBHO neRotUllonH. Datn'a deponltlon j " Bain iiliitwl tin hi* dopoBlllon thaC I be dill noc fc-ol ot Ubwtj' lo anlaree . * iinon Information In tbo momorandum ' In which It waa alaicd Ibnt no lra*i! had liccn niRnod nlibouRh bv know jf Ihu Mammoth OII company had boon < Krnntwl lho leoaeon April 7 . I- Tbe dcpotllion of A. )V. Ambrom;. S KOVcrnmcnt'BeotOBlai.-followod - lhal 1 of Botn and bore out mom of Baln'H D tMllmony In regard tc ihe dansrr ot Oralnuso Id ToapofDomo anrf-«te in- G aOvlnablllty of otfaei leoJi^nK. T Prosecution Seeks ^ Additional Evidence ^ Against 'Shepherd s CIIICAOP. .Nfarch 3i>-8tatc-» At- ^ • torney Robert E. Crowe aoarchod the rocorda of A private delectlvo In an •iffart to obtain new evidence antnai ^ William D. Shepherd, accuaed of mur- dorins hla mlUIonalro word, Billy Meaintock. ; , Crowo waa Informed ihot Sbepbcrd p tried to ebeck a prpbo Into McClln- *' toek’B death by blrlng private deiec- C tlvcii to frlsbtcn wlino»«rn. All xeeordH-of the Jon« Doiecllve osency were ordered aeltwl. Crowe b<-llovni th er will "bow corrcsponil* ence twtwcea Shepherd and the \ oRcney. During the inqueat Into Me- Cx Cllntock’n death. Dr. Oeorse Koabers. cd aa Important wttneos. waa approaehed Pr< by an operative of the agency, wbo bci waa arreated and aubaequently re- re; “ hepherd todiy »yui adJuaUnc him- att< ■cif to llfo In the county -Jail. He me; V hopes to bo reieaaed on bond when log hla hearing take* place tomorrow hut ,j Crowe wilt inabil that he be kept a pr^nej'^t ^ » Shepherd told K newipapor mon who w«r® allowed a brief chat wllh blm. m . ".My appetite ia good, my eol) la clean and the bed eoold bo a good ileal wor**.' I fIM H ’a"W l connn* tng and I hope to be ont.lomorrow afierown^ aoi>earod.«OBe the wo«e for h?t**two algbu la JalL Ha be- is: ■“ Mra, Shepherd la eoafldat her ‘"--a;: ;.u n“ *ly alt tha prewaa who' »a»a iMtl- tied atatnat htm are oT qnMllosabl* - reputailot>r aaked. ..Jii ^ a k o Dr. C. C. Patman, who toJd tbe horrible atorr about |dU- ceaainc klUtaf BH«y wlUi, ■arpbold cersa. H* nm* a acbool ««eh k • • rcpDUUon Jbat «he police i^e In- Yeatlealiar tt. All the ollMr>, tero t^o ■oin* aort wf peraonal tntar*-.- ^ haband U a wontertuL m fearing ChrtatUn aad I havj aum- » e (CoaUnued oa pa«* t) vat! FA S u m s Cyclone 1 —lOjOOCri Latest Reports Placc the Nun Many Are Unaccounted fo Million and Illinois State L 'for Relief of Suffering; Dai t the Millions. ________ Tho ntunber of known dead . ..nster which aver visited tbo Uni tho 600 marlr-today oa workers' tuid hamlets in six states. Tho United Press rocapitnlatioi proximately SOOOlnJured.Tjetwoei scoroB oa yot unaccounted for. In' suc^ ■disasters, however, tho the-Indications aro no\^ that the greatly oxcecd .GSO and possibly i ' Bed Cross compilations thus ftir organization has not oomploted areo. . . Tho quick work of tho Red < izatTons, aided by tho militia in sti tin tornado wreaked its great«(l things back, into a more orderly ' Oaro has been taken' to prev Tho. best posMble housing, is b ., through erection of tents in tho lota. W hile thero. is some shoilagi of transportation over broken on< nro being .taken to pretfont t hi c.\si;ai.tv m s t of nK,vn. IMJUltKIl AM) w ------- - . Ill (United I’rcus.) n* City— Uend.MlHHlnK-Injured «o .MlR*. In- City— Dmii ftiK Jured ll< Murpbyaboro ........ :i7l 100 <W0 •«' Weat Frankfort ...,112. 40 4B0 ra Desoto ........ ......:C lUO 3C0 90 New Orlem ............ 16 10 CO Buah .......................... B 10 - 60 Vorgcnnea ........ — 38 ....... 60 Koyaltnn 3 2 -0 A OorlTam .......... 71 26 150 Tl Lbfan ....................... 10 5 80 m Attonbercr, Mo. ......• 3 ..............HT.r'!!,-.""- ■■■? fil Calilwoll. nr ....... 2 7 10 ^ Cnrbondale Hot. .. 25 , Carmt .... .................v.. 2 .11, Croasvlllo. tit ......... 1 ...... or I.eadanob ........... .......... ft 76 MfcLeanaboro ..... ....... 0 36 riumtlold. Ill............... . 7 ■TliomKonvllle 111..'. 1 8 • 32 Kentneky. 1" Utnuinont .......... :. 8 ...... CO »" noliiinil ............ 4 ............... 10 I.jikelanil ................• 3 ...... 40 Sprlngflclil ............. r. ..... ' 25 ,1 ,; boxlDflon................ I ...... 0. Brtdgopori ............ •' I ...... .... dll Indinnn. by Gr/f«n ................ 60 ..... SSO I>rlncelon ............... 21 ..... 200 . ' OwtnitvlMo ............. -10 ...... 76 tio PoBcyvllIP ............. r. ...... 30 lo, Bllwlietli ................ 3 ...... 20 llf TeiinrHHrr. Sumner Comity ..... 27 pH Shclbyvlllo ............. 3 ...... mi Wartraco- ............ . 2 - Kno**llld ................ 1 Kirkland .................. l . , Alabama. . Llltlevilio .... - ........., I ..... 7 _ Oraod iQtalH ......S4Q 333 2063 '| Former Mayor Shot t. Son*in>Law to Prevent Daughter’s Disgrace |g --------- Wl WTCKTTA PAULS, Tux, Mar. 2ft— ml Cx-Mayor Prank Collirr ahot and kill* fn cd Clzle Ilobertaon, his non-In-taw, io up Prevent hta dauehter, Mary Pranela. bclrig taken to I/o In a boustTof bad , repute. Jf ... ro< Thla will iJrColller'a,defcnae. hll act attomeya indicated today as the for- mer mayor-a trial on cbargea of alay- I log (he youlh waa recumed. wa The itate reeled lato Thursday o^er protest of defense counsel wbo de- i manded ^Ura. Hattie nobertaon. ihb fn Iwy'a mother, be mado to testify. W covros otKHKD ly m t anonii ^ IKCBBA8R OTEK OTRKH TKAB.S rot " WA^NOTON,’ March 2»-Censu* bumtn reporta cotion ginned In 1924. countlog rom d baleaaa halt bale* and exclodinc Itatera. 13.S30.608. againat , 10A70.SM la 1023 and 9.fJ940« la .Included- It) ihe aBore round halea gui tU ^ n itadoat 24211307 In .1923 and ua lTt.183 la 1022. Amertcan-ERTPtlaa bsi 4410 atatnat 22.42S in 1023 and 33.- 7SS in JStt. J ----------------------- li < JA B D U m .WIVE intDERAOES at mXOB OPERATIOX 1^ K. C. ^ KA>9A8 c n r . Mo.. March SO.— SI Ura. WUllam U .' Jardine. wife of ^ t^e..aswl7 appolBted aacratarr ot ^ Kcriealtara. vndarweat a mtaor op* km •ration at a. hoapltal bera Bha waa repertad m tlag aaay. Sha haa beea here s'week aader obMr* — vatlon ef her phyajelaaa. l LLS TWIN FALLS, IDA ^ R a is Leaves homeless dumber of Dead at 658, Bu! for; Chicago Is Raising'Half e Legislature Votes Like Sum Damage to Property.Runs into ead in the greatM t tornado dis* United States, crept slowly past era' searched the ruins of towns ,tion shows 0B8 known dead, ap- ' veen 'BOOp'ana'TOOOTiomcTesi"arid thoro is always duplication, and ;ho nltimflto loss of lifo will not ly may bo less than that figure, ftir aro well under 060 but tho Qd its poll in all tho afflicted Ml Oroas and other relief orgon- i stricken southoi^ Dlinols whoro iteat )iayoo, Is quickly bringing riy manner. . >revent tho outbreak of disease. I being aocordod . the sufferers tho dovastatod towns and ham- tago of food, owing to'diffibulty tud inuddy roads, all measures. tho situation boooming acuto. Wlrh-orRnnlzail ruliof work in full swinK tttrouRlioai thu area swvpi, by W^dnesdoy's .unprocodenud tornOdu. the list of known doud nso to 047 as eompilort by tbo Utiiled 1‘rcis iip to 3 o'ciJek this afternoon.' Eatimntcs of ilio uliimato riinunl- lies 111 lho storm which atruck vlo* lontly III necilann ol six stnte*. range as blsh na between 800 and 900 dead with t^e Injured nuniber- Ing upwards of Sl>00 to 4000. MURPHYaBORO, Ills.. Murch 2 0 - A food shortage haa developed here. Thla mornlnR relief workrra called a meeting of, tbn varloua relief orcan- lUtiona In on efforl Ao allevlpta.lbe situaflon. Oovernor %cn M ali, Di- r e ^ r Jteeder of the ltW -w »s and Almost Impaasable roads' 'handicap Ibo effortsof nearby towns to gni food 10- tbe auffirera and in tbe work- om In tho stonn rockcd vliincc, CHICAGO. Mar. 30—CbleoRO sei out today to ralue tSOO.OO.O tor relief w«rK In the Btorm.ridden areas of* lillnola and Indiana. , A eommltteo nf 14 leadlnt: eitUflna, approached by Mayor William H,Dcv- er, niot for the piirpose of.orROnirtns tbe campaiRn. Tbifrdrlvo ^ r relief money U In ad- dition to fundii already belnK raUud by newspapers, the totol of which firot»«6ly wHI_f«acJt-SK»,OIKL-.------ • The forecoing'sums are In ndfli- tioii 10 Ihe »600,000 wbleh tho atale leRlsiaturo Is riiBhlng through for ro- ller. . . Several ti/in loads of modlcal aui» piles. foOd/clolhine and other equip- ment hav»^boen dcapaicbcd from Cbt* cago and more-will follow. Word from ••ilitio K gypf Is: "Keep your people nt home but send auppllea." [ cyclone SIDELIGHTSI Dib A. It. cJrier t/f Mtirphysboro Ipsti^lB medicine kit anil hat when ttisy werobJown from a pntlenrs home Wedneaday. Thoy woro recovered 10 mllea away. U tteni and pompblota from. Murphyaboro have boen pickwl up CS miles away. A motor iar protrudlne thronch the roof of a garage la one of tho freak acenea at .Murpbyaboro. Nrar West Prankfort. a two by four waa blown through a thick tree trunk. AlthouKh badly wracked. St. An* drewa HoaplUI bandied half of the injured al Murpbyaboro. Patlenu wero eared for tn tha boiler rooms, atoek and sotre rooms, bolls, wash rooma and on the atalrwaya. while thn rectory c\o»ely adjoiolns es- caped. A new S12.0M fire cbilne at Mnr- phMboro wae loat on Ita ffeat run. Immediately after th t«itpnn thp anr Rine—betoR raahed to Uie n jln t-^ a a stock In the-moq asd fwmea fivn harains debris atrreloped IL — I A candy bucket baarins the sane erf li Gorham. Illa.. tnarctaant. waa fouad at Chrlatopber, Hla,. 36 nilea away. Ono of (be horoea of the cyclone waa a Iravellng saleamaa driving near DaSoto when tbe- atonn -fury broke. BU car waa daabed acroaa tba road td -alnMal pat 'out of mnnlnc. .He. bowaw. waa able to tat It' atarted aad drove to DuQuSla to notUjr doc- tota a rt Bttraea. - i ' (COBtlnwd.oa Pace X) lAHO, gRIDAY; MARCH. se d fo . Colorado Warden Is \ Exonerated by Civil ^ Service Commission CJ DKNVRn. Colo.. Mnrcb,20—f;hapr\ 3 of Inbumon enii liy nnd niismunliR<-> mem tn eonneeilim wiih tiie Coloratlo pettKt'otfsry wire <HiimliiKed aealani ' , Warden Thomas J. Tynnn today. Complelo exoniTailon was Kivnu liu- llf prison head i>y (in- mate civil, servlei- cominlHHlon whieli lienrd tlio charisM oBiUiist blm. to Former Oovernnr WilUoni Iv. Sweei. *, aflcr n survey o t j » prIso;i conduct* ed utiiier the dlreetiun of Thomas Moll Osijornc. former wnrdim of 8lnK 8I11K aud nationally known prison re- former, clutrRod Waniiui Tynan with .<ibaeJ<l)nK unil bonilnK liiinnisH nf ilte prlKon who iiad Ineurri'iJ tiN enniliy. wllh lioslns liisnni- prlsouiTH nml witli ' miaiiianaRinR tiic fniiils of tlie prlniiii. JEFFEimK .............E W ILL BEOBSE liD ^ TiOOiUIUS:! Ni:w yOHK CITY, March 20- .Tin. In week commenclnii Al'ril 13. 1!I2G. "I TIioiiiHH Jeffenion'ii 182liil birthday, fo wlii bi< olinervud tiirouKhuiii tlm eimn- >h iry «H Jtffirnion W.;ik. necurdliiB lu liic .announuomeni ihhiii-iI imiiiy trom »|: Ihu' Nutliiiml .Hniii|i|iiurierK of Hn- 'fliomnit Jt'llenum MrnwrJ:il I-'uiimlu- I" 111 ' * ill' Ijy II is planned (iiai In ovory comiiiuii> i„ Iiy ilurlnu that wci-k varlouH fuiictlonn •} .7 UDd nffnim will hr iirmnKiil, ‘In limti- inis Ibln slaiimient. Hiuiirt't; .Olblion- oy, thu prcBtdcni. sinlcd: I'* ,, •Tlie ThOiiiBS Ji-rfcriii.n .Memnrlui •'! *■ Poundation Ih dvdlcaied to llie pnner- vrtion of Monilcelio i|nil 10 tiic keep- J" fnr. alive « r those fundnimnint IdenfH which all <\raerlcnns inherit fronl f" ' “Wo have takea ioRai Ullo to Mon* ticollo. including -CSU* aeres sltuatud on tbo mouniain top oTcriookinR „ Charlotiesville, . Va„ and IncludiilK mj " Jefferson'H law , otllce, superintend- “* ent's homo, servanin' (luarters. . with [•P tbo undursrouniJ paaaaKOWoy, tbu ,,, outbDlldlnKH andi thnt/'i!xqulsliu man* , slon which Jefferaon planned and de- ce eluded many v'alHubie rurnlBbhiKS and j,, pricoiess. relies sueh fin' tbo inartdu '*• bUHts of OeoiKi- WosiilnBion. Utiiju- ,|„ mln Franklin nnd Alexander llanilUun which Jefferson placcd In Monitccilu; ut tbo oUht'day tower clock Jjia'le Iiy jn 'ft iDo SwiM clockmakor broiwbt 10 0,1 la America by Jeffenton: ihi* folillnKlail- dor dealRncd iiy Jefferson 10 iinnbli« a, one to cllmii up to wind ibe clock: nn V- Uie aials nsed 'by Jeffvraon for bln g„ IS alcovo bed:*ihe two wooden \vImlow j,„ shelves wblcb Jefferson used an tho II- wrltlns desks upon wblch bo first )<i ouillDcd-Ilia plans for the Declnratiuci of IndepJ?ndonce, the Vlrglnln Statute — ftif >t«i»(r)nii« Ffcednm, and alf»o"t all i- of thoae sreal documents of wblcb lie . te was the auUior: tho black wainiil mU- r ► aic stand designed and made by Jet' k fsraon (o hoid Iho music fmm wblcU M !*• ho played on tbe violin: Uie two iursu [»* pier mirror* which Seffcrspn brouKbt p , *• back wllh him from Prance: ihe tiiod- , | el made by Jefferaon for thu marble , Dinars to be used In Wnshlncton. hoartng the deslsn mado by Jefferson . from the tobacco aulk and flower: { Ibo Rl*, .or one-horae chaise built at nil - Montleello for Jeffaroon ajiii In whlcli he rode from MonUoello to Pbtiad.-I* ba era of tho lifo and work of Thomas |n Jefferaon. fl “The purchase price was I5<».00ff n 01.which *100,000 waa.pald when the f ‘ Foundation took title and an addlilon* . S al »76.00‘0 baa been paid on ibe pur- I- chase, upkeep and repair of the prop- , erty. The contract ot piirchaso wan ■- made upon thcunantmoua opprojrat of ibe boanl of Rovemora of ihe Poun> (Utlon. In our files aro the ortslnal , k bailota.aettlDR forU* tho full tsrms I aod comlHJoBs of the purchase, brar- , Ing tbe for A““AlVmVn"trreaidenl,"unlveW of of?he'atate of°Ceo«u! ” lon D. Par- ,0 ker. former chtet JudRo. New York .. j Court of Art>eaU:E.U»cTrlnkle. ROV- s emor of Virginia and a number of ,h olher ouistandlnRvelttxena. „v. ".Many of tbe utlooatiy, known |g, luncheon cluba ar* ananglne Jeffe^ fir« A soaauacheon«,toi:.llMt_JCWk.,of.April i I- 13,' and ihe eosiMiltteo ^cooperatias ata with tha rorioua :patrioUc and civic su ortanliations tn artantlnR Colonist r* and Historic costume ball*. Jefferson ttm a. dlnnara and many, other foactions. I- Tbe aehool auUiortUea In tnaar aUtea ata ta' aod dUea havo already deatgMt^ one ,ot n dar daring Uut' 4reM as Jefferaon for day. Spetlal exertlsea will be ar- b, raatod by the tMckeia and chndrcnig. 1 rf to honor o( Jefferaon's Wrthday. . res d -rh 0 nwvcneat'la«rb0UjM 0 *partl- aaa. apooaored-by auch prom- mei meat repnbllcwia as Prwident Cool- ^ le idtch Soiodtpr Ooneral Jamea Black. boI ir VIM o!Snw"«^MIeaa I«aUonal «r. e. CoBuntuee Cbarlea D. 1111108; ,fl^■lll H. met d liar* and Tlioodoro Rooaeveli. who tee t. m MSkbofo of tba beard of conr- d non FWeh alao Inclndca John W. Da- — > fta. deooetaOe c^dtdata for pwl- dA deat? WlUlam Jennlata Bryan; tf. S. lai^ (CostlBBOd «a Pact Tbrea.) LY T H . 2 0, 1925., >r S tr i SUN SPOTSIS ‘ ^CAUStOPdiRE- : CATASTROPHE « 1 I. Scientists Arc Trying to De- cipher the Cause of the K Terrible Cyclonc in Six ^ States and the Peruvian ! ,! Flood; Solar Radiation > Studied for Years. t I ______ I \VA.<3lIlN(iT0N, .Miirrii :>(I-Tlir mill 1 * may liuve'Iim riniuini'in I'niii.lm: iIm< ' ; . r<'i:i:ni catneymnie dlntiiiliance:i of ili<' ; enrtb'H suifuri' iiiiii niiiirmplirio. S>|- entlsdi liavi' no) liri'n m •(•'tn. ,ttilu" tia' coi'ini'oiloii lllit uri' iiUihii- iiit; Ihelr Hlinlli'ii Ki ihui i-iwl, 'i'lie dliiuHlriiuii tornnilii lu ilii' iul>l- (lli-wi'Hl mill llie iri'uu-iiilriuii I'l'riivliiti rioiiil Ihln week tuny be litii' in I'liii , Hliom. or' to uukniiwn foroi-u n|.n;it- I Irii: to liliuliilnli or liiennsi- lh.' nuii'n 0 henl. Dr. (I. 0. A#llmli. u»lro-|.liyHli-l..t c nf llie Hnilthnnian liiiillluti'. lolii tiie Unltod I'resu loduy. "Wo hnve iiei'U stiiilylur. imisr in.l- . Inllon iiuro for 22 yenni und lin- kUi. -ri Miiiilii hnvo iiei-ii nuov/n lo m:iiiiil-nii I I for 30U yi-arn bul all tbelr iiffects on I I lhi< earth hnve nol lii en discovnred." ' • Ilr. Ablioti. one of tbo iwidlnj; situ - ni>ot experin lu lbi< world, siiiil. ' f Snlur riidliiiloii of lii-ul. whicli hu:i I lii'cn l.rlow unrinnl cv.'iy iiu.niii »lii<-.r | .\lnreb. l!>22, "inny well liiivo i.ioiiuiv.l , intiTnitlnK elliiintin ef/i-elii," be siiM. VvBHiirenii'Ul nf the niin'H brnt wlilrli an- ItelnR'iiilien dnily i>y Smlibiitmlan sVlrnilNtii In Hpei-lal liiborntnrlen on blsb moiiulaliiH Iti Arlzonn nnd CIillv. sbiiwfd. (bi'ao rejiullH: {7* Tlie "polur eup" of lee on Mur* lii • * reported by Froneb nstronouieni to In;, lorxer liinu Ju Ihu last nm^niy yium and Hio American Hclenithtii niirlbuiiv . Ibis to the decreased radiation of tlio •The nun. direciiy or Indlreclly. controis all our wcntber," Dr. Abbott saliL ••Summer nmi winter, day and nlRbl. nearly ali are caused by ihe . , chanRi-K in the sm rs n-lQti»nn to th« ^arth. But-wo must know mueh moi u a alwiJt tbi.' sun before we can baairo Slir a iheoo- lo explain some of the it'- Hit cent distiirltnncew/'^^^^ - enii durlnR which tiie spols on the sun In* wlil creuse tind di'crease a«aiu. Is now on thii tiie upKrade and wilt reach a cllmiul y In 1U27. octiordlnii to ihe.aaironomerik, It will reach Hs minimum polnl ORalnU',.,, In in32'ond start liicreUsinR BRaln. Ini,,,,., (Ilfs connce))»>i It in pivpled nul tbaiJ„„( becaiisc of ihu Increase In sun spoi ,,f , actlvliy .Ull’ brni imlliitlnii <if ib>> flaminii orb slionlii- iner«>a*c. but airftnsely .nooKb it ban nol. accord- " tuK 10 rceenl obsi-rvatlons, idah TM s Top be S tegteom I FIRE : NyiKINGl nOlSR. Idaho, March ■20-Slrlci, A rules recardlnc tire hazards -in tbe qui- state and national /oresta of Idaho dei<i havo rcHuited from the flrat \peeUni; eral of the Statu Cooperative Board of Iar< Forestry wblcb wcra here Ihls week "■III In Oovi'rnor C. C. .Moore's otHce In Ron Boise. Smoking In closed seasons In S' and arouiKl lumber camp* and Ior. wn* Klnn o[n railonit ar<r prahlhltott uiitirr lain Ulllo 1 of Ihe reRuiailons adoplml by tbe the board at Ihls meetlnR. Opemtopk Oow wlli be called upon ip jwst “No smok- llon tng" sisns In liidr eampa and at t] ihplr operattvo woriu. All stale and elui forest ■ prolKllve iflslrict employes I’ wiii lie prohibited from smoktnR on In I fori’St land In the flro baurd season, acnl During tbe closrd season.oaeh Iok' stnR camp will fiirnMi a aet 0/ toola Hon tor fire protection for every 30 men. In I under rule 3 of the new regulations. 1 < ^very loRRlnR cansp employlnR an ov- and eroRe of nol less ihaa 40 men will *mi fumUh a patrolman equipped wllh D fire flRbttnK apparatus and sicnal mar equipment lo Rive on alarm if bi> 1> cannot control fires he may (lod and Ci five men will be designated In each Pem loRRtnR camp to refwrt af ooco for fire duly when the aUnn ta Riven. The appointment of Ben liuah aa atate forester aeeiunb—W W l-wnh -----j slate wide approval because ot his . 4-xperleoce for maay ycara wllh ib« limber protective aasoclaUcM and s« aute tlmUer erubier. The assistant ■late forester will hot be named for " aomo tlmo yel'and (ho flro wardens for each of (bp aerea dlatrfctt witl be named wtihto the next few months. 8 . Worth Lee of Moaotaln Upme. rep< resenting the cattle.'horse and aheep wen .oa tbe board waa choaan as a member of the soutb Idaho oiecutlre cornrnmeo along w ltt C. A. Barton of Boise aad Ike Kaah. land comstaalon* er. CaauBtaloaer Nash ta «l*o a member ot the aortb Idabo coaunlt* tee alotu vltb Cbarfea McHart, tbe . O federal roproacntaUtre froo ' Coear roao d'Alene and W. D. Homlatoa ot Pot- latch. . c a a i outer membera of tbe board ara y—' (CottUnoed on pasa 3). ^ IMES fcJcen ^ n d o n 'R o se J P i L^SlViI|'''^llV^ wi'fp‘of Oeoriie Dancv, well known tlioiitil- cat pulron, |ii''of(en refvrred.io ur | L«ndoQ lloflc. ,‘i,', TEXAS G iRNOR- I JAKESASUGCESS i OFLiSlAIURE| First Woni.-U3 Governor of T exas A c c o m p l i j s h c s li'ni, M uch Progressive Lcgis- lation During Term. Antj- masking Law Is P a s s e d tu <1 and Citizenship for Hua* "v,,, band. iiien ______ ury AUSTIN. Tex,. Mar. • 2D~Ooveruor li''*, SllrJani I't-fvsustwi imluy was cooreiji'il- me ilellvi ry of n i.o.i>' blow to om-oii- “ eniii ofwoiiinu tm'poianl execuiuvs ? will'll ~fllH'' «i'iii~ilu7 li'Kli*tniTti'i.'''”lirTTnfr I /' wlih a roeprd iiUKiirpnHnvd In ibe IchI tbiriy yenrM, ^ ' ,! WIndUiK UII n 06 dny iieuslim lu-il ],|. | nluiit, ".Mn" FeruiiHOM bundii'd tlic woiiry soliiii* iiuniiwni'il wlih n tiT«c fj, mi HsnKn. "U'cil ,itunr, uoixt luck but , irni i:oo<l.liyf," U'nvinu ihc (iiipttc-adon o( u Mpovlal sraiilon Ini'T in Ih t utl- j|ii,,| lululstrntlon. .J Governor "Mn" wnii abli' 10 fi.O If proud of till' tnaciuK'nm uflcr Ibo.ilii' li-KlBluiiiri- in wlilcli I'lu- scored two imo|i vlciorlon for i-neb di'feiit. duel Itrndini: lbr victory column wnsiMr ordv renlliation of tbo unwrllli'n plnnk Hi luiii' tbe plntfomi upon wblcb idii' i>li-i-ri'd 1uf li ber-eOurH<« 10 tbe uovcrnor's chulrjor'l'- throuRb one of llio stornileiiL pollilcal -JHi.tr campcilKiiB In Toxns-aninosiy for^Jliuu her Inipi'acbed hunbajid. Upou biTibrdi' desk toduy was Ibe leslnlndvi- cnuct-' i>|iu|| tnent. deslKned to nstorc ilie 'eUl-! «i,ri tennbip rlRhls Kirlckon fnini Jniiii-H i: one ForKUson wben hr wun rniiovrd'from I tbe Ruri'mor's cbair In lt)17 for uiIn*||]Aii. use of nlale.lMilds. •. ]da>H AllboUKh thu amnesiy mea«iire wns qui-slloned by ils uppuuenis und «un Tb dei’ined Invalid by Ibe nlKirnoy Kin* lux < eral of, Texa*. lho bill wont ovit liy|oncb iarai! mujorille* In imlh boiiHo.n. ’U nar will- become a iaw wliblo !)0 ilayH ri>. nun Ranlicss of .Mni, FerKUSon's siunaiure. |,awi Si-eond In tbe lint of ocblevotm-nls jk t i wns the cvolulinn qf a slalo. child n,« 1 labor iaw. similar In lunvlslon* to Ihc n-Jrcteil federal nlainlo, tiirmsi A ,, down iKHJuune ll. HTiiorkcd of iiKurpa- llon i^f ‘'iitulo rlchls," I' OlbiT scoirs for Iiovc rnor "Ma" In- '* rlude:- - -• PaSBBRn of an nnH-iniv»kln;; law— In ki*epln« wllh ber rlsld stand sKninHi tbe J<u Klux JCian. , Speedy consldorniion ot appniprli- 'ule 1 llon. J)iin»uns »blrb wero kept with- «»''• In Ihe apparent revenue of tbe sUle. wakr Passase of ibo tkk .radlcaiion bill »• and revision of ibi- slate tanklns J"® \ nyniem. J Defeat of un.pir ceoi sales in* uu manuTaciiirnl cisars nnd elKarotirs. Dotcal of lh.r Ras soles tax. ~ Corrective revuion ot the slate “Otu penal sysiem-pendlnK today. Couzeiu W ill- Take —Incom e-Tax-Case-to- £ ”5 U. S. Suprem e Court —r ~ jsoes WASItlNQTON. March 20—The. ool 1 Lreasur>- dr'partmenl'a arbitrary, oa- ■ Th iMmeBt asalDSt'flmalor Coinens, of klucl Uicbigao. for tll.ooo.MO in WIS in- know «mo taa and whirti SM reury Mal- thla< on thlnka he ahould pay will be tak*' Men •n to tbo at^trene court to jrat a final iocislon on thr letallty of r»«pra. . Th as closed tax caaea. traasnrr. offlc* eolio aia aald today. wrW L. .OP X. W)B CniLMEJr. *»•** GENEVA—la eoaforaltr «r(Ui a ? •aaolatioQ adapted by tb a . U at at- ■eably of tbo. taofaa oC NaUoaa. tbe B«;r*urUt baa Jabt.- basnn a aapalm tor tba «ortd-wid» odaea-- ion ot Toatb la Vm prtoclplaa aad Z^Z rark ^.t^ Ltam oC 1 IDAHO WBATHEE ' ^ I'-ali loiilciil und Rulur- OLD VOL. XIIL NO. 60 ---------- '■ ' ■ ■— A r e a N E W iA W l RECULATES POOL HALLS New M easure Recently ‘ Signed by Governor C. C. Moore Makes Pool Halls and Dance Halls Outside •of Citic‘8 Subjcct to Couri- --------- - ty Commissioners. llOISi:. l.liibo. Marrli l’ii--Oiii' ot l|i<. I iri-i ui-ncy luw It hiriM'iI l<y Oovenior .\loiin-. ibnrfoi.' Woiiilni: .'freetK-i' ;il oiii'c-, is OMO .-oiiriTiiIni; lloiimliu: i^^iii.l tiiill'i wlilrli iiiniiy b'Kl«lntoru Hidubl ll.- funlicr ri-Rtil»ied, lu ->*rlll,ll| IlirilllMM II Wll-1 olulllll'll llun' 1 .... . li!illi< IiimI li.-cmtu' i*onii'Whnl u „• ............. "• ib<- b.'M.r MiorniM of so- lil l.v :iiiil Illlll wj,|,|i- lliey wero ;>lj|e|- !) t.::iillili-<l Illlll III.- |.rot>rlel(UH In Iiiuiiy . :i:iei, int>n.(l Iiiiiiildo of ll...... . llllilo, mill I'oiiiUirK'il retinriH .Ibal Til-' ll. u l;.tt iiliiein Hueb Instliiiilons III •Ilu- li;iu.|!i of III.- eouniy eoniinls- Klolirr:< uml liiiiny ;;im>iI cltizi'liii of the > ' IIIUI-' l . r l <'‘^ '^ 1 ' I'Uir. Mtrlde hns i>ei-n iu jilj Tlie lul.- iij. ll now Hinnilu iilaii-s very liliilnly tbnt li li. unlawful to conduct a iml.ilir imol Imll. liilUard hnll. daneo Imll m aniiiiu-iui'iii rciiurt nl nny plocn niimlilc or nil lni-or|ini-aled city'or vii- lii>;.- wliliiml liuvloK first secured o liri'iiMc (roul ill.- county commistlDn-' ei'ii mill clven a Imnii, Thu appllco- < ' llon immt be filed ul leasl 2ii days bo- fore Ihc iiK’flliiu ue Hhe tmant of . . eoiniiy ....... . so lhal pro- tests nmy bo made If cliizetts dealro III do so. A lK>nd for'tho praal sum nf flvo hundred dollars with at least iVi-o Rood and sufflelentvnuMticf, ret-'- " :i IdeniM of tho county, who shall Jus- 'i ury on oalh In double the amount of ' Uie sum or a-bond from a surety ,f< couipnny is required as well as a rv- cclpi of llcensu fnc of ten dollars per yew;-from tbo sheriff.Is-requlred.lw- . liie oppMcnil'on!'C"'^ “■ Any eliiien may ask Investianilon - _ Ull i<> wiieiher or not Ibn business wftl-"- * 111- l'l Iill- Im'HI liiierests of Iho com- ni'iinliy. wiitiii.‘r the proprietor 1s a- fit luTiuin to conduct such a business ; III a <iulel. orderly ..-and peaceable uianiier and ibe lioard.miuit satisfy ^ lliieir as lo those polnls. Cilisens .Ha) I'om'plaia. If uny olilzen makes complaint to Iill- Ixinrd of coiiiinUsloners that lho > pio|irlcUir of siirh resort Is not con. dueibiK bis business iu a lawful or orderly manner nr Is neRliRuoiiy per- iiiiiilnK unlawful pracllce In bis placo uf iinxln.-ns, Iiin clcrk shall issue an iirib-r fur license to appear beforo the iHi.ird, uut less Uinn 10 da)-s or more . - Imn Ild dnys nfler the service of the ' - brder. Al that meellnR the - board sliull b.'ur leHilniony and deurrolno ubrUier or. not the license sbaU be cunc-eiicd. Violation of Uila law arc Rli(Mi<)d as misdemeanors oad maxi*' nAiii pennliy Is o fine-of 1300 or £0 - liayn jail scniencc or bolh. rirein .*1huws Taxed. The minie act requires the county lux euiii'cior to collect a Uecnse-for ‘ vncb I’xbiblilon of any circus or «tm- -j Ilur perfoniiance'of 110; each exhibi- . llun of jUKRiers. etc., $S per day; each ^ iiawnbrokor. ISO per quarter u d 16 ^ IK-r quarter for pool halls In dties of ' ib« Unit and second doss. :----------------- ., - Automobile Breaking' Up Home Life .Says ji Great Sociologist * OJIICACO. March 20—ThO autOBU^ 'i llie takes lho hich school and college ^ nud.-m from the home sroup' and . r nokoa him an enemy of society. Joha o’ I. .Mueller, professor of aocioilty at ' 4 he Uoivcnlly ot Chicago, a a se ^ Ho - las Just completed a atudy of the on- ‘ j omoblie as a soelolofical force la nodem life. . ■The car Is contrlbuUnc to the de- ' -j Inqucncy of studcnta.*' Prof. Mueller '-j ilatcd. “It remove* (he youth Of .thd . '4 latton from tbe ’prtmary gtoap* ooa- rol. luuolly exerted by ibo family.* .'5 -W llh on ohtomobUe.** %e cooUaoed - ’>tie_coJ1e s e ^ u lh to^to wheta ■ he people wbo*Sre don? ind if be wUhe* to ‘pick ap* a ttrlTba . .. -1 WMI to a neichborh^ wb«r*-aa>ta ^ . J The policem'aiv, pf . coorae, Prot. . ^ ducket eiplalaa Is M t anppeatd to ! ■.r.'S inaw. srhat «o«a A -laiida.oe-a.:aa- ' :hlae. whleb ,1a aofpoaod (A b«,,M iiM •end .b Ihi aiaot'.l.v :r.i:a riolaied witboat aeartfli >M Taat^ . V

FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

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Page 1: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

t = ± = = = s s = s s = = =V O h U M K '7 . N m i B E R 278.

V a s t


Head of ■ Government, Bu- reaii of Mines SHows That Misleading; Infonn'ation . Was Sent d iit After Lease H ad Been Signed With • Fairs Crowd.

--------------- PBDHRAL-COUKT-IIOONJ.-CIIKV- -RNNK. ■JVyo.. March 20.-Coniim iliiK lliu roaillni; nr <lciitM|iloiis k i( H. PoHior Duin, d lm U iir of tlio liiirouii of mfnoA, nnil A. ^V, Ainbronu. kov> oruniont RonlpRliil. dvronRu cuuiincl In llio Tcupol liomu Ailll >vero tu winil up tb o lr cano tlilH nftornooii vriili tlio iirrlvnl n f A ilmlral J . !.>■ U itlm or. juilno uilvocnio Koiivral of tlm navy. .

l^Atlmor WHO U oiiioctuil t» af* Tlvo Bliortly nde r, nuon Ih boln»

. b raiifih l'beru by ilio'dvfoniie nnil will .oltlior hrtiiK , cerinin nnvy^ ilcjm ri- Tnoni pnpom 'coneorntnR tho Tcui>ol Icnno ,‘o r w ill' curry llio ru tiu a l of Sec roU ry -o t tho Nnvy W llliur lo ro- \u n l llicae ,. U I» undoriitwjil., aonrcoly a ’ ilown miocuitom woro

III ibiM mornlnK- All lnlor<;ht, 1 In tiKi ruMC.Iicru linii illoU nul. ^

l.jiilm cr firofloiwly Uan r a M lliat «_ cxIianKu of uruilo o il (nr utomKO fn> cimi(!^. WIIH vnlUI. T l i lH W o n o o t , th e locbnlciUltlus ot Hiako In Ibo ' cBHc—vtliotliiT Ibo navy ituparlmont

■ oouUI pay (or slornRo fnclllileH In • crmio—wlilcb Ih w bal tlw .Toupol

luuHoM o.tbo JIam m oili Oil .eompnny t Jncluiled. ^

PEDBIIAL COWRT HOOM, CIICT- JRNNR. Wyo,. M arch 20-Ml»l«#illnB VInform ation ro8«rdln(j llio iilirolnK of Ithl! T eapot Ooma Icaao wait d lstrlbu t- ^oil ih rco <layn after, tho ac tua l ulitnlnif 1o r Ibo leaao od A pril 7. 1082, Il. waa ^nhown b y - tb o depoiU lon. of Or. H. lPos ter Bain, bend of tho uovem raonl cbureau of mlnoa, read In tho Teapot {IJom o /lu lffco ro lorfay. ‘ ' . A

Ual^n- mrnt «ul^inomoriui«la on /

A pril 0. T ho io 'w ero l6«v«l hy A lbeff q•B. Fall, ihen Becrelory.*Pt the Id ler- q lor. a fte r Senator John B. K endrick of /Wyomlnu had Inaulred ao lo Tcapoi fICBHO neRotUllonH. Datn'a deponltlon j

" Bain iiliitwl tin hi* dopoBlllon thaC Ibe dill noc fc-ol o t U bw tj' lo anlaree . *iinon Inform ation In tbo momorandum ' In w hich It waa a laicd Ibn t no lra*i!had liccn niRnod nlibouRh bv know jfIhu Mammoth OII company had boon <Krnntwl lho leoaeon A pril 7 . I-

Tbe dcpotllion of A. )V. Ambrom;. SKOVcrnmcnt'BeotOBlai.-followod - lh a l 1of Botn and bore ou t mom of Baln'H D tM llm ony In regard t c ihe d a n s rr otOralnuso Id ToapofD om o anrf-«te in- GaOvlnablllty of otfae i leoJi^nK. T

Prosecution Seeks ^A dd itiona l Evidence

A gainst 'Shepherd sCIIICAOP. .Nfarch 3i>-8tatc-» At- ^

■ • to rney R obert E . Crowe aoarchod therocorda of A p rivate delectlvo In an •iffart to ob ta in new evidence a n tn a i ^ W illiam D. Shepherd, accuaed of mur- do rin s hla mlUIonalro w ord, Billy M e ain tock . ; , —

Crowo waa Informed ihot Sbepbcrd p tried to ebeck a prpbo Into McClln- * ' toek’B death by b lrlng p rivate deiec- C tlvcii to f rlsb tcn wlino»«rn. • •

A ll xeeordH-of th e J o n « Doiecllve osency w ere ordered aeltw l. Crowe

■ b<-llovni th e r will "bow corrcsponil* ence tw tw cea Shepherd and the \ oRcney. D uring the inqueat Into Me- Cx Cllntock’n death . D r. O eorse Koabers. cd a a Im portant wttneos. waa approaehed Pr< by an operative o f the agency, w bo bci waa a rrea ted and aubaequently re- re ;

“ hepherd to d iy »yui adJuaUnc him - att<■cif to llfo In th e county -Jail. He me;

V hopes to bo reieaaed on bond when loghla hearing take* place tomorrow h u t ,j Crowe wilt inabil th a t h e b e kep t a

p r ^ n e j '^ t ^ » Shepherd told K new ipapor mon w ho w«r® allowed a b rie f ch at w llh blm . m .

".My appetite ia good, m y eol) la clean and the bed eoold bo a good ileal wor**.' I fIM H ’ a "W l connn* tng and I hope to be on t.lom orrow

a f ie r o w n ^ aoi>earod.«OBe the wo«e fo r h?t**two a lg b u la JalL Ha be-is: ■“

Mra, Shepherd la e o a f ld a t he r

■ ‘"--a;: ;.u n“*ly alt tha prewaa who' »a»a iMtl- tied atatnat htm are oT qnMllosabl* - reputailot>r aaked. . . J i i

^ a k o Dr. C. C. Patman, who toJd tbe horrible atorr about |dU-ceaainc klUtaf BH«y w lUi, ■arpbold cersa . H* nm* a acbool ««eh k

• • rcpDUUon Jbat «he police i^e In- Yeatlealiar tt. All the ollMr>, te ro t^o ■oin* aort wf peraonal tntar*-.- ^

hab an d U a wontertuL mfearing ChrtatUn aad I havj aum- » e

(CoaUnued oa pa«* t ) vat!

FAS u m s

C yc lo n e 1 —lOjOOCriL a t e s t R e p o r t s P l a c c t h e N u n

M a n y A r e U n a c c o u n t e d f o M i l l i o n a n d I l l i n o i s S t a t e L

' f o r R e l i e f o f S u f f e r i n g ; D a i t t h e M i l l i o n s .

________• T h o n tu n b e r o f k n o w n d e ad

. . .n s te r w h ic h a v e r v is i te d tb o U ni th o 600 m a r l r - to d a y oa w o rk e r s ' tu id h a m le ts i n s ix s ta te s .

T h o U n i te d P re s s ro c a p itn la tio i p ro x im a te ly S O O O lnJured .T je tw oei scoroB oa y o t u n a c c o u n te d fo r .

I n ' s u c ^ ■disasters, h o w ev e r, th o th e - I n d ic a t io n s a ro n o \^ t h a t th e g r e a t ly o x c e c d .GSO a n d p o ss ib ly i

' B e d C ro s s c o m p ila tio n s th u s f tir o r g a n iz a t io n h a s n o t o o m p lo ted a re o . . .

T h o q u ic k w o rk o f th o R e d < izatT ons, a id e d b y th o m il i t ia in sti t i n to r n a d o w re a k e d i t s g rea t« ( l th in g s b a c k , in to a m o re o rd e r ly

' O a ro h a s be en t a k e n ' t o p rev T h o . b e s t posM ble h o u s in g , i s b

. , t h r o u g h e re c tio n o f te n ts in th o lo ta . W h ile th e ro . is som e sh o ilag i o f t r a n s p o r ta t io n o v e r b ro k e n on< n ro b e in g . t a k e n to p re tfo n t t hi

c . \ s i ; a i . t v m s t o f nK ,vn. .«IM JUltKIl AM) w

------- - . Ill(United I’rcus.) n*

City— Uend.MlHHlnK-Injured «o.MlR*. In -

City— Dmii ftiK Jured ll<M urpbyaboro ........ :i7 l 100 <W0 •«'W eat F ra n k fo r t ...,112. 40 4B0 raDesoto ........ ......:C lUO 3C0 90New O rlem ............ 16 10 CO >«Buah .......................... B 10 - 60 •V orgcnnea ........ — 38 ....... 60K oyaltnn — 3 2 -0 AOorlTam .......... 71 26 150 TlL b fan ....................... 10 5 80 mAttonbercr, Mo. ......• 3 ..............— t»

HT.r'!!,-.""- ■■■ ? filCalilwoll. n r ....... 2 7 10 ^Cnrbondale H ot. .. 25 ,C arm t .... .................v.. 2 .11,Croasvlllo. tit ......... 1 ...... orI.eadanob ........... .......... ft 76MfcLeanaboro ..... ....... 0 36rium tlo ld . Ill............... . 7

■ TliomKonvllle 111..'. 1 8 • 32 {»K entneky. 1"

U tnuinont .......... :. 8 ...... CO »"noliiin il ............ 4 ............... 10I.jike lanil ................• 3 ...... 40Sprlngflclil ............. r . ..... ' 25 ,1,;b o x lD flo n ................ I ...... 0.B rtdgopori ............ •' I ...... .... dll

Indinnn. byG r/f«n ................ 60 ..... SSOI>rlncelon ............... 21 ..... 200 . 'OwtnitvlMo ............. -10 ...... 76 tioPoBcyvllIP ............. r. ...... 30 lo,B llw lie tli ................ 3 ...... 20 llf

TeiinrHHrr.Sum ner Comity ..... 27 pHShclbyvlllo ............. 3 ...... miW artraco - ............ . 2 -Kno**llld ................ 1 K irk land .................. l . ,

Alabama. .L lltlevilio .... - ........., I ..... 7 _

O raod iQtalH ......S4Q 333 2063 ' |

F o rm er M ayor Shot t . Son*in>Law to P reven t

D augh ter’s D isgrace |g--------- Wl

WTCKTTA PAULS, T u x , Mar. 2ft— ml Cx-M ayor P rank Collirr ahot and kill* fn cd Clzle Ilobertaon, his non-In-taw, io up Prevent h ta daueh te r, Mary P ranela . bclrig taken to I / o In a boustTof bad , repu te . J f . . . ro<

T h la w ill iJ rC o l l le r 'a , defcnae. h l l act a ttom eya indicated today a s the for­m er mayor-a tr ia l on cbargea of a lay- I log (he youlh waa recumed. wa

T h e i ta te reeled lato T hursday o^er p ro tes t o f defense counsel wbo de- i m anded ^Ura. H a ttie nobertaon. ihb f n Iwy'a moth e r, be mado to testify . W

c o v r o s o tK H K D l y m t a n o n i i ^IKCBBA8R OTEK OTRKH TKAB.S rot

" W A ^ N O T O N ,’ March 2» -C ensu* b u m tn repo rta cotion ginned In 1924. countlog r o m d baleaaa h a l t bale* and exclod inc Itatera. 13.S30.608. againat , 10A70.SM la 1023 and 9.fJ940« la

.Included- It) ihe aBore round halea gui t U ^ n ita d o a t 24211307 In .1923 and u a lT t.183 la 1022. Amertcan-ERTPtlaa bsi 4410 a ta tn a t 22.42S in 1023 and 33.- 7SS in J S t t . J

----------------------- — li <J A B D U m .WIVE intD ERA O ES a t

m X O B OPERATIOX 1^ K . C. ^

K A >9A 8 c n r . Mo.. M arch SO.— S I U ra. WUllam U . ' Jard ine . wife o f ^ t^ e . .a s w l7 appolBted a a c ra ta rr o t ^ K criealtara. vnda rw ea t a m tao r op* km • ra tion a t a . hoapltal be ra Bha waa rep e rtad m t l a g aaay. Sha haa beea h e re s 'w e e k a a d e r obMr* — vatlon e f h e r phyajelaaa.


^ R a i s

L e a v e sh o m e le s sd u m b e r o f D e a d a t 6 5 8 , B u !

f o r ; C h i c a g o I s R a i s i n g ' H a l f e L e g i s l a t u r e V o t e s L i k e S u m D a m a g e t o P r o p e r t y . R u n s i n t o

e a d in th e g r e a tM t to r n a d o dis* U n ite d S t a te s , c re p t s lo w ly p a s t e ra ' s e a rc h e d th e r u in s o f to w n s

,tion show s 0B8 k n o w n d e a d , a p - ' veen 'B O O p'ana'TO O O Tiom cTesi"arid

th o ro i s a lw a y s d u p lic a t io n , a n d ;ho n ltim flto lo ss o f li fo w il l n o t ly m a y bo le s s th a n th a t f ig u re , f tir a ro w e l l u n d e r 060 b u t th o Qd i t s p o ll in a l l th o a f f l ic te d

Ml O roas a n d o th e r r e l ie f o rg o n - i s t r ic k e n s o u th o i^ D lin o ls w horo itea t )ia yo o , Is q u i c k l y b r in g in g r iy m a n n e r . .> reven t th o o u tb r e a k o f d ise ase .I b e in g a o c o rd o d . t h e s u f fe r e r s th o d o v a s ta to d to w n s a n d ham - ta g o o f fo o d , o w in g to 'd i f f i b u l ty t u d in u d d y r o a d s , a l l m e a s u r e s . th o s i t u a t io n b o o o m in g a cu to .

W lrh-orRnnlzail ruliof w ork in full swinK tttrouRlioai th u a rea swvpi, by W^dnesdoy's .unprocodenud tornOdu. the lis t of know n doud n s o to 047 a s eompilort by tbo Utiiled 1‘rc is iip to 3 o'ciJek th is afternoon.'

E atim ntcs of ilio uliim ato riinunl- lies 111 lho storm which a tru c k vlo* lontly III necilann ol six stnte*. range as b lsh na between 800 and 900 dead w ith t^ e Injured nuniber- Ing upw ards o f Sl>00 to 4000.

MURPHYaBORO, Ills .. M urch 2 0 - A food shortage haa developed here . Thla mornlnR relief w orkrra called a m eeting of, tbn varloua relief o rcan - lU tiona In on e ffo rl Ao a llev lp ta .lb e situaflon. O overnor % cn M a l i , Di- r e ^ r Jte e d e r of th e l tW - w » s and

Almost Im paasable roads' 'handicap Ibo effortsof nearby tow ns to gni food 10- tbe a u ffire ra and in tbe w ork- om In tho s to n n rockcd vliincc,

CHICAGO. Mar. 30—CbleoRO sei ou t today to ralue tSOO.OO.O tor relief w«rK In th e Btorm.ridden a reas of* lillnola and Indiana., A eommltteo nf 14 leadlnt: eitUflna, approached by Mayor W illiam H ,D cv- er, niot for th e piirpose of.orROnirtns tbe campaiRn.

T bifrdrlvo ^ r relief money U In ad­dition to fundii a lready belnK raUud by new spapers, th e totol o f whichfirot»«6ly wHI_f«acJt-SK »,O IKL-.------• T he fo re co in g 'su m s a re In ndfli-

tioii 10 Ihe »600,000 wbleh tho a tale leRlsiaturo Is riiBhlng through for ro­ller. .. Several t i / in loads o f modlcal aui» piles. foO d/clolhine and o th e r equip­ment hav»^boen dcapaicbcd from Cbt* cago and m ore-w ill follow. W ord from ••ilitio K g y p f Is:

"Keep your people n t home but send auppllea."

[cyclone SIDELIGHTS IDib A. It. c J r i e r t/ f M tirphysboro

Ipsti^ lB medicine k it anil h a t when ttisy werobJown from a pn tlen rs home Wedneaday. Thoy woro recovered 10 mllea away. U tte n i and pompblota from. M urphyaboro have boen pickwl up CS m iles away.

A m otor i a r p ro trud lne th ronch the roof o f a garage la one of tho freak acenea a t .Murpbyaboro.

N ra r W est P ra n k fo rt. a tw o by four waa blown th rough a thick tr e e trunk .

AlthouKh bad ly w racked. St. An* drew a HoaplUI bandied h a lf o f the injured a l Murpbyaboro. P a tlenu wero eared fo r tn th a bo iler rooms, atoek and so tre room s, bo lls , w ash rooma and on th e a talrw aya.

while thn rec tory c\o»ely ad jo io ln s e s ­caped.

A new S12.0M f ire c b iln e a t Mnr- phM boro wae loa t on Ita ffeat ru n . Im m ediately a fte r th t«itpnn thp a n r Rine—betoR raahed to Uie n j l n t - ^ a a stock In th e -m o q a s d fw m ea f iv n h a ra in s debris atrreloped IL

— IA candy bucket b a a r in s th e s a n e erf

li Gorham. Illa.. tnarctaant. w aa fouad a t Chrlatopber, Hla,. 36 n ile a away.

Ono of (be horoea o f th e cyclone waa a Iravellng sa leam aa driv ing near DaSoto w hen tbe- a to n n -fury broke. B U c a r w aa daabed acroaa tba road t d -alnM al p a t 'ou t o f m n n ln c . .H e. b o w a w . w aa a b le t o t a t It' a tarted a ad d rove to DuQuSla to notUjr doc- to ta a r t Bttraea. - i '

(CO Btlnw d.oa P ace X )

lAHO, gR ID A Y ; M ARCH .

s e d f o .C olorado W arden Is \

E xonerated by Civil Service Commission

C J DKNVRn. Colo.. M nrcb,20—f ;h a p r \ 3 of Inbumon enii liy nnd niismunliR<->

mem tn eonneeilim wiih tiie Coloratlo pettKt'otfsry w ire <HiimliiKed aealani

' , W arden Thom as J. Tynnn today.Complelo exoniTailon w as Kivnu liu-

l l f prison head i>y (in- mate civil, servlei- cominlHHlon whieli lienrd tlio charisM oBiUiist blm . •

t o Form er Oovernnr WilUoni Iv. Sweei. *, a flc r n survey o t j » prIso;i conduct* ed utiiier th e dlreetiun of Thom as Moll Osijornc. form er wnrdim of 8lnK 8I11K aud nationally known prison re­form er, clutrRod Waniiui Tynan with .<ibaeJ<l)nK unil bonilnK liiinnisH nf ilte prlKon who iiad Ineurri'iJ tiN enniliy. wllh lioslns liisnni- prlsouiTH nml witli

' miaiiianaRinR tiic fniiils of tlie prlniiii.


N i:w yOHK CITY, March 20- .Tin. Inweek commenclnii A l'ril 13. 1!I2G. "ITIioiiiHH Jeffenion'ii 182liil birthday, fowlii bi< olinervud tiirouKhuiii tlm eimn- >h iry «H Jtffirnion W.;ik. necurdliiB luliic .announuomeni ihhiii-iI imiiiy trom »|: Ihu' Nutliiiml .Hniii|i|iiurierK of Hn-'fliomnit J t'llenum MrnwrJ:il I-'uiimlu- I"

111 ' * ■ ill' Ijy II is planned (iiai In ovory comiiiuii> i„ Iiy ilurlnu th a t wci-k varlouH fuiictlonn •} .7 UDd nffnim will h r iirmnKiil, ‘In limti-

inis Ibln slaiim ient. H iu iir t't; .Olblion- oy, thu prcBtdcni. sin lcd : I'*

,, •T lie ThOiiiBS Ji-rfcriii.n .Memnrlui • '! *■ Poundation Ih dvdlcaied to llie pn n er-

v rtion of Monilcelio i|nil 10 tiic keep- J" fnr. a live « r those fundnim nint IdenfH which a ll <\raerlcnns inherit fronl f "

' “ Wo have ta k ea ioRai Ullo to Mon* ticollo. in c lu d in g -CSU* a eres sltuatud on tbo m ouniain top oTcriookinR „ C harlotiesville, . Va„ and IncludiilK mj

" Jefferson'H law , otllce, superintend- “ * en t's homo, servanin ' (luarters . . with [•P tbo undursrouniJ paaaaKOWoy, tbu , , ,

outbDlldlnKH andi thnt/'i!xqulsliu man* , slon which Jefferaon planned and de- ce

eluded many v'alHubie rurnlBbhiKS and j , , prico iess. relies sueh fin' tbo inartdu

'*• bUHts of OeoiKi- WosiilnBion. Utiiju- , |„ mln F ran k lin nnd A lexander llanilUun which Jefferson placcd In Monitccilu;

u t tbo oU h t'day tower clock Jjia'le Iiy jn 'ft iDo Sw iM clockm akor bro iw bt 10 0,1 la A merica by Jeffenton: ihi* folillnKlail-

dor dealRncd iiy Jefferson 10 iinnbli« a, one to cllmii up to wind ibe clock: nn V- Uie a ia ls nsed 'b y Jeffvraon for bln g „ IS alcovo bed:* ihe tw o wooden \vImlow j,„

shelves wblcb Jefferson used an tho II- w rltln s desks upon wblch bo first )<i ouillDcd-Ilia plans fo r th e Declnratiuci

of IndepJ?ndonce, the V lrglnln Statute— ftif >t«i»(r)nii« Ffcednm, and alf»o"t all i- of thoae s re a l documents of wblcb lie . te was th e auUior: tho black wainiil mU- r► aic s tand designed and made by J e t ' k■ fsraon (o hoid Iho m usic fm m wblcU M

!*• ho played on tbe violin: Uie two iursu [»* p ier m irror* which Seffcrspn brouKbt p , *• back w llh him from P ran ce : ihe tiiod- , |

e l m ade by Jefferaon fo r thu m arble , Dinars to be used In W nshlncton. hoartng the deslsn mado by Jefferson . from the tobacco a u lk and flow er: {

• Ibo Rl*, .or one-horae chaise bu ilt a t nil- Montleello fo r Jeffaroon ajiii In whlcli

he rode from MonUoello to Pbtiad.-I* ba

era o f tho lifo and w ork of Thom as |n Jefferaon.

fl “T he pu rchase price w as I5<».00ff n 01.which *100,000 w aa .pald when the f ‘

Foundation took title and an addlilon* .S a l »76.00‘0 baa been paid on ibe pur- I- chase, upkeep and repa ir of the prop- ,

e rty . The contract o t piirchaso wan ■- made upon th cunan tm oua opprojrat of

ibe boanl o f Rovemora of ihe Poun> (Utlon. In o u r files a ro the ortslna l ,

k ba ilota.aettlD R forU* tho full tsrm s I aod comlHJoBs of th e purchase, b rar- ,

Ing tbe for

A“ “A lV m V n " t rre a id e n l," u n lv e W of

o f?h e 'a ta te o f° C e o « u ! ” lon D. Par- ,0 ker. form er chtet JudRo. New York ..j C ourt of A rt> eaU :E .U » cT rln k le . ROV-s em or of Virginia and a num ber of,h o lher ouistandlnRvelttxena. „v.

".Many of tbe u t lo o a t iy , known |g , luncheon cluba a r* a n a n g ln e J e ffe ^ fir«

A soaauacheon«,toi:.llM t_JCW k.,of.A pril iI- 13,' and ihe eosiMiltteo ^cooperatias a ta

w ith th a ro rioua :patrioUc and civic s u o r tan l ia t io n s tn a rta n tln R Colonist

r* and H istoric costume ball*. Jefferson ttm a. dlnnara and m an y , o th e r foactions.I- Tbe aehool auUiortUea In tnaar aUtea ata ta' aod dUea havo already d eatgM t^ one ,o t n dar daring Uut' 4reM as Jefferaon for

day. Spetlal exertlsea will be ar- b , raatod by the tMckeia and chndrcnig. 1

rf to honor o( Jefferaon's Wrthday. . res d - r h 0 nwvcneat'la«rb0U jM 0 *partl-

aaa. apooaored-by auch prom- meimeat repnbllcwia as Prwident Cool- ^

le idtch Soiodtpr Ooneral Jamea Black. boI ir VIM o ! S n w " « ^ M I e a a I«aUonal «r. e. CoBuntuee Cbarlea D. 1111108; ,fl ■lll H. met d liar* and Tlioodoro Rooaeveli. who tee t. m MSkbofo of tba beard of co n r- d n o n FWeh alao Inclndca John W. Da- —> fta. deooetaOe c^dtdata for p w l- dA

deat? WlUlam Jennlata Bryan; tf. S. lai^(CostlBBOd «a P a c t Tbrea.)

LY TH . 2 0 , 1 9 2 5 . ,

> r S t r i



I. S c i e n t i s t s A r c T r y i n g t o D e ­c i p h e r t h e C a u s e o f t h e

K T e r r i b l e C y c l o n c i n S i x S t a t e s a n d t h e P e r u v i a n !

,! F l o o d ; S o l a r R a d i a t i o n > S t u d i e d f o r Y e a r s . t

I ______ I\VA.<3lIlN(iT0N, .Miirrii :>(I-Tlir mill 1

* may l iu v e 'I im rin iu in i 'in I'niii.lm: iIm< ' ; . r<'i:i:ni catneymnie dlntiiiliance:i of ili<' ;

enrtb'H su ifu ri' iiiiii niiiirmplirio. S>|- entlsdi liavi' no) liri'n m •(• 'tn . ,ttilu" tia ' coi'ini'oiloii lllit uri' iiUihii- iiit; Ihelr Hlinlli'ii Ki ihui i-iwl,

'i'lie dliiuHlriiuii tornnilii lu ilii' iul>l- (lli-wi'Hl mill llie iri'uu-iiilriuii I'l'riivliiti rioiiil Ihln week tuny be litii' in I'liii , Hliom. o r ' to uukniiwn foroi-u n |.n ;it- I Irii: to liliuliilnli or liiennsi- lh .' nuii'n 0 henl. Dr. (I. 0 . A#llmli. u»lro-|.liyHli-l..t c nf llie Hnilthnnian liiiillluti'. lolii tiie ■ Unltod I'resu loduy.

"Wo hnve iiei'U stiiilylur. im isr in.l- . Inllon iiuro for 22 yenni und lin- kUi. - r i Miiiilii hnvo iiei-ii nuov/n lo m:iiiiil-nii I I fo r 30U yi-arn bul a ll tb e lr iiffects on I I lhi< earth hnve nol lii en discovnred." ' • Ilr. Ablioti. one of tbo iwidlnj; situ - ni>ot experin lu lbi< world, siiiil. ' f

Snlur riidliiiloii of lii-ul. whicli hu:i I lii'cn l.rlow unrinnl cv.'iy iiu.niii »lii<-.r | .\lnreb. l!>22, "inny well liiivo i.ioiiuiv.l , intiTnitlnK elliiintin ef/i-elii," be siiM.VvBHiirenii'Ul nf the niin'H b rn t wlilrli

a n - ItelnR'iiilien dnily i>y Smlibiitmlan sVlrnilNtii In Hpei-lal liiborntnrlen on b lsb moiiulaliiH Iti Arlzonn nnd CIillv. sbiiwfd. (bi'ao rejiullH: {7*

Tlie "polur eup" of lee on Mur* lii • * reported by Froneb nstronouieni to In;, lo rxer liinu Ju Ihu last nm ^niy y ium and Hio American Hclenithtii niirlbuiiv . Ib is to the decreased radiation of tlio

•The nun. d ireciiy o r Indlreclly. controis a ll ou r w cntber," D r. Abbott saliL ••Summer nmi w inter, day and nlRbl. nearly a li a re caused by ihe . , chanRi-K in the sm rs n-lQti»nn to th« ^ arth . But-wo m ust know mueh moi u ‘a alwiJt tbi.' sun before we can b a a iro Slir a iheoo- lo explain some of the it'- Hit cent distiirltnncew/'^^^^ - enii

durlnR which tiie spols on th e sun In* wlil creuse tind di'crease a«aiu. Is now on th ii tiie upKrade and wilt reach a c llm iu l y In 1U27. octiordlnii to ihe.aa ironom erik ,I t will reach Hs minimum polnl ORalnU',.,, In in32 'ond s ta r t liicreUsinR BRaln. In i,,,,., (Ilfs connce))»>i It in pivpled nul tba iJ„„( becaiisc of ihu Increase In sun spoi ,,f , actlvliy .Ull’ b rn i imlliitlnii <if ib>> flaminii orb slionlii- iner«>a*c. but airftnsely .nooKb it ban nol. accord- " tuK 10 rceenl obsi-rvatlons,

idahT M s Top beS tegteomIFIRE: NyiKINGl■ nOlSR. Idaho, March ■20- S l r lc i , A rules recard lnc tire haza rd s -in tbe qui- sta te and national /oresta of Idaho dei<i havo rcHuited from the flra t \peeUni; e ral of the Statu Cooperative Board of Iar< Forestry wblcb wcra here Ihls week "■III In Oovi'rnor C. C. .Moore's otHce In Ron Boise. Smoking In closed seasons In S' and arouiKl lumber camp* and Io r. wn* Klnn o[n railonit ar<r prahlhltott uiitirr lain Ulllo 1 of Ihe reRuiailons adoplml by tbe the board at Ihls meetlnR. Opem topk Oow wlli be called upon ip jw st “No smok- llon tng" s isn s In l i i d r eam pa and at t] ihplr operattvo w oriu. All s ta le and elui forest ■ pro lK llve iflslrict employes I’ wiii lie prohibited from smoktnR on In I fori’St land In th e flro b a u r d season, acnl

During tbe c losrd season.oaeh Iok' stnR camp w ill fiirnM i a a et 0/ toola Hon to r fire protection for every 30 men. In I under ru le 3 of the new regula tions. 1 < ^very loRRlnR cansp employlnR an ov- and eroRe of nol less ih a a 40 men will *m i fum U h a patrolm an equipped wllh D fire flRbttnK apparatu s and s icnal m ar equipment lo Rive on a la rm if bi> 1> cannot control fires he may (lod and Ci five men will be designated In each Pem loRRtnR cam p to refw rt a f ooco for fire duly when the a U n n ta Riven.

T he appointm ent of Ben liuah aaa ta te fo reste r a e e iu n b — W W l-w n h -----js la te wide approval because o t his . 4-xperleoce fo r m aay ycara w llh ib« lim ber protective aasoclaUcM and s« a u te tlmUer erubier. T he assistan t ■late fo rester will ho t be nam ed for " aomo tlm o y e l 'a n d (ho flro wardens for each o f (bp aerea d la trfc tt witl be named w tihto the nex t few months.8 . Worth Lee of Moaotaln Upme. rep< resenting the cattle.'horse and aheep wen .oa tbe board waa choaan as a member of the soutb Idaho oiecutlre cornrnmeo along w ltt C. A. Barton of Boise aad Ike Kaah. land comstaalon* er. CaauBtaloaer Nash ta «l*o a member o t the aortb Idabo coaunlt* tee alotu v ltb Cbarfea McHart, tbe . O federal roproacntaUtre froo ' Coear roaod'Alene and W. D. Homlatoa ot Pot- latch. . caai

outer membera of tbe board ara y —' (CottUnoed on pasa 3). ^

IMESf c J c e n

^ n d o n ' R o s e J


i L^SlViI|'''^llV^ wi'fp‘ofOeoriie Dancv, well known tlioiitil- cat pulron, |ii''of(en refvrred .io ur |

L«ndoQ lloflc. ,‘i,',


OFLiSlAIURE|F i r s t W o n i.-U 3 G o v e r n o r o f

T e x a s A c c o m p l i j s h c s li'ni, M u c h P r o g r e s s i v e L c g i s - l a t i o n D u r i n g T e r m . A n t j - m a s k i n g L a w I s P a s s e d tu <1 a n d C i t i z e n s h i p f o r H u a * "v,,, b a n d . iiien

______ uryAUSTIN. Tex,. Mar. • 2D~O overuor li''*,

SllrJani I't-fvsustwi imluy was cooreiji'il- m e ilellvi ry of n i.o.i>' blow to om-oii- “ eniii o fw o iiin u tm 'p o ian l e x ecu iuvs ? will'll ~fllH'' «i'iii~ilu7 li'Kli*tniTti'i.'''”lirTTnfr I / ' w lih a roeprd iiUKiirpnHnvd In ibe IchI tb ir iy yenrM, ^ ' ,!

WIndUiK UII n 06 dny iieuslim lu-il ],|. | nluiit, ".Mn" FeruiiHOM bundii'd tlic woiiry soliiii* iiuniiwni'il w lih n tiT«c fj, mi HsnKn. "U'cil ,itunr, uoixt luck but , irni i:oo<l.liyf," U'nvinu ihc (iiipttc-adon o( u Mpovlal sraiilon Ini'T in I h t utl- j|ii,,| lu lulstrntlon. . J

Governor "Mn" wnii abli' 10 fi.O If proud of till' tnaciuK 'nm u flc r Ibo .ilii ' li-KlBluiiiri- in wlilcli I'lu- scored two imo|i vlciorlon for i-neb di'feiit. duel

Itrndini: lb r victory column w nsiM r ordv ren lliation of tbo unw rllli'n plnnk Hi luiii' tbe plntfom i upon wblcb idii' i>li-i-ri'd 1 uf li ber-eOurH<« 10 tbe uovcrnor's chu lrjo r'l'- throuRb one of llio stornileiiL pollilcal -JHi.tr campcilKiiB In T o x n s-an in o s iy for^Jliuu he r Inipi'acbed hunbajid. Upou biT ibrd i' desk toduy was Ibe leslnlndvi- c n u ct- ' i>|iu|| tnent. deslKned to n s to rc ilie 'eUl-! « i,r i tennbip rlRhls Kirlckon fnini Jniiii-H i: o n e ForKUson wben h r wun rn iiov rd 'from I tbe R uri'm or's cb air In lt)17 for uiIn*||]Aii. use of nlale.lMilds. • •. ]da>H

AllboUKh thu am nesiy mea«iire wns qui-slloned by ils uppuuenis und «un Tb dei’ined Invalid by Ibe nlKirnoy Kin* lux < e ra l of, Texa*. lho bill wont o v i t liy|oncb iarai! mujorille* In imlh boiiHo.n. ’U n a r will- become a iaw w liblo !)0 ilayH ri>. nun Ranlicss o f .Mni, FerKUSon's siunaiure. |,awi

Si-eond In tbe lint of ocblevotm-nls j k t i wns the cvolulinn qf a s la lo . child n,« 1 labor iaw . sim ilar In lunvlslon* to Ihc n-Jrcteil federal nlainlo, tiirm si A , , down iKHJuune ll. HTiiorkcd of iiKurpa- llon i^f ‘'iitulo rlch ls," I '

OlbiT sc o irs for Iiovc rnor "Ma" In- '* r lu d e :- - -•

PaSBBRn of an nnH-iniv»kln;; law—In ki*epln« wllh ber rlsld stand sKninHi tbe J<u Klux JCian. ,

Speedy consldorniion o t ap p n ip rl i- 'u le 1 llon. J)iin»uns » b lrb wero kept w ith- « » ''• In Ihe apparen t revenue of tbe sU le . wakr

P assase of ibo tk k .rad lcaiion bill »• and revision of ibi- sla te ta n k ln s J"® \ nyniem. J

D efeat of u n .p i r ceoi sa les in* uu manuTaciiirnl c isars nnd elK arotirs.

D otcal of lh.r Ras soles tax . ~Corrective revuion o t the s la te “ Otu

penal sysiem -pendlnK today.

C o u z e i u W ill-T a k e

— I n c o m e - T a x - C a s e - t o - £ ”5

U. S . S u p r e m e C o u r t— r ~ jsoes

WASItlNQTON. March 20—The. ool 1 Lreasur>- dr'partm enl'a a rb itra ry , oa- ■ Th iM m eB t a sa lD S t'flm alor C oinens, o f klucl Uicbigao. for tll.ooo.MO in WIS in- know « m o ta a and w hirti S M re u ry Mal- thla< on thlnka he ahould pay w ill be tak*' M e n •n to tbo a t^ trene court to jrat a final iocislon on th r le ta l lty of r » « p r a . . Th a s closed tax caaea. tr a a sn r r . offlc* eolio a ia aald today. wrW

L . .O P X. W )B C n iL M E J r . *»•** GENEVA—la e o a f o ra l t r «r(Ui a ?

•aaolatioQ adapted by t b a . U a t a t- ■eably of tbo. t a o f a a oC NaUoaa. tbe B « ;r* u rU t baa Jabt.- b a sn n a a a p a lm to r tb a «ortd-w id» odaea-- ion o t Toatb la Vm prtoclp laa a a d Z ^ Z r a r k ^ . t ^ L t a m oC

1 IDAHO WBATHEE '^ I'-ali loiilciil und Rulur-

OLD VOL. X IIL NO. 60---------- ' ■' ■ ■—

A r e a

N E W i A W l R E C U L A T E S P O O L H A L L SN e w M e a s u r e R e c e n t l y ‘

S i g n e d b y G o v e r n o r C . C .M o o r e M a k e s P o o l H a l l s a n d D a n c e H a l l s O u t s i d e

• o f C i t ic ‘8 S u b j c c t t o C o u r i - ----------t y C o m m i s s i o n e r s .

llOISi:. l.liibo. Marrli l’ii--Oiii' ot l|i<.I iri-i ui-ncy luw It hiriM'iI l<y Oovenior .\loiin-. ib n r f o i . ' W oiiilni: .'freetK-i';il oiii'c-, is OMO .-oiiriTiiIni; lloiimliu:i^ ^ i ii . l tiiill'i wlilrli iiiniiy b'Kl«lntoru

Hidubl ll.- fun lic r ri-Rtil»ied, lu->*rlll,ll| IlirilllMM II Wll-1 olulllll'll llun'1.... . li!illi< IiimI li.-cmtu' i*onii'Whnl u „•............. "• ib<- b.'M.r MiorniM of so-lil l.v :iiiil Illlll wj,|,|i- lliey wero ;>lj|e|- !) t.::iillili-<l Illlll III.- |.rot>rlel(UH InIiiuiiy . :i:iei, int>n.(l Iiiiiiildo of ll...... .llllilo, mill I'oiiiUirK'il retinriH .Ibal

Til-' ll. u l;.tt iiliiein Hueb Instliiiilons III •Ilu- li;iu.|!i of III.- eouniy eoniinls- Klolirr:< uml liiiiny ;;im>iI cltizi'liii of the > ' IIIUI-' l . r l <'‘ '^1' I'Uir. Mtrlde hns i>ei-n

iu jiljTlie lul.- iij. ll now Hinnilu iilaii-s very

liliilnly tbnt li li. unlawful to conduct a iml.ilir imol Imll. liilUard hnll. daneo Imll m aniiiiu-iui'iii rciiurt nl nny plocn niimlilc or nil lni-or|ini-aled c ity 'o r vii- lii>;.- wliliiml liuvloK first secured o liri'iiMc (roul ill.- county commistlDn-' ei'ii mill clven a Imnii, Thu appllco- < ' llon immt be filed ul leasl 2ii days bo- fore Ihc iiK’flliiu ue Hhe tmant of . . eoiniiy ....... . so lha l pro­te sts nmy bo made If cliizetts dealro III do so. A lK>nd fo r'th o p raa l sum nf flvo hundred dollars w ith a t least iVi-o Rood and sufflelentvnuMticf, r e t- '- " :i IdeniM of tho county, who shall Jus- 'i ury on oalh In double th e am ount of 'Uie sum o r a -bond from a su re ty ,f< couipnny is required as well a s a rv- cclpi of llcensu fnc of ten dollars per yew;-from tbo sheriff.Is-requlred .lw - .

liie oppMcnil'on!'C"'^ “■Any e liiien may ask Investianilon - _

Ull i<> w iieiher or not Ibn business wftl-"- * 111- l'l Iill- Im'HI liiierests of Iho com- ni'iinliy. wiitiii.‘r the proprietor 1s a - fit luTiuin to conduct such a business ;III a <iulel. orderly ..-and peaceable •uianiier and ibe lioard.m iuit satisfy ^ lliieir as lo those polnls.

Cilisens .Ha) I'om'plaia.If uny olilzen makes complaint to

Iill- Ixinrd of coiiiinUsloners that lho >pio|irlcUir of siirh resort Is not con. dueibiK bis business iu a lawful or orderly manner nr Is neRliRuoiiy per- iiiiiilnK unlawful pracllce In bis placo uf iinxln.-ns, Iiin c lcrk shall issue an iirib-r fur license to appear beforo the iHi.ird, uut less Uinn 10 da)-s o r more . - Imn Ild dnys nfler the service o f the ' -

brder. Al that meellnR the - board sliull b.'ur leHilniony and deurrolno ubrU ier o r. not the license sbaU be cunc-eiicd. Violation of Uila law arc Rli(Mi<)d as misdemeanors oad m axi* ' nAiii pennliy Is o fine-of 1300 or £0 - liayn ja il scniencc or bolh.

r i r e in .*1huws Taxed.The minie act requires the county

lux euiii'cior to collect a Uecnse-for ‘ vncb I’xbiblilon of any c ircus o r «tm- -jIlur perfon iiance 'o f 110; each exhibi- . llun of jUKRiers. etc., $S pe r day ; each ^iiawnbrokor. ISO per qua rte r u d 16 ^ IK-r qua rte r fo r pool ha lls In d tie s of ' ib« Unit and second do ss .

— :----------------- . , -Automobile Breaking'

Up H om e Life .Says ji G rea t Sociologist *

OJIICACO. March 20—ThO autOBU^ ' illie takes lho hich school and college ^nud.-m from the home s ro u p ' and . rnokoa him an enemy of society. Jo h a o’I. .Mueller, professor o f aocioilty a t ' 4h e U o ivcnlly o t Chicago, a a s e ^ Ho -las Ju st completed a a tudy of the on- ‘ j omoblie a s a soelolofical force lanodem life. . •

■The c a r Is contrlbuUnc to th e de- ' -jInqucncy of studcnta.*' Prof. M ueller '-jilatcd. “It remove* (he youth Of .thd . '4 latton from tbe ’p rtm ary gtoap* ooa-rol. luuo lly exerted by ibo family.* .'5 -W llh on ohtomobUe.** %e cooUaoed -

’>tie_coJ1e s e ^ u l h to^to wheta ■

he people w bo*S re d o n ?in d if be wUhe* to ‘pick ap* a ttr lT b a . .. -1WMI to a n e ic h b o r h ^ w b«r*-aa>ta . J

T h e policem'aiv, p f . coorae, P ro t. . ^ d u c k e t e ip la la a Is M t anppeatd to ! ■ .r .'S inaw. srhat «o«a A - l a i i d a .o e - a . :a a - ':hlae. w hleb ,1a aofpoaod (A b « , ,M i iM • e n d . b I h i a i a o t ' . l . v : r . i : ariolaied w itboa t aeartfli > M T a a t^

. V

Page 2: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

f-:- . . . ■

|v - - ; r ;

r ~ T W O ■

i somI. . OftU Mra. H . E . Dei

HriilRr Cluh—Tlu- i;i itr r Nmis Hiil. J‘'v, WBI fn tc ria liiifl Thumtliiy nfiiiii'H iii "I'l

by Mm. Alliorc P iiir lr r. i»rlilK«- wn-> a utbe cllvcnilon of i|n- nti.Tiioon iiiiil Ta- Atvor fo r hluli ncoru wnn »wnr<li'»l i lr* . n;fflM rxo Sanclliollx nnd ruimnlnlinn in MyMm. J . W . l*i)rlor. TIjc MouK'hh h.TV- ,\tlh

' cloiio irf Hic cniiiirx.

■ The. M. a . mill S. d u ll will liavr on illitpl*)- Katiirila)', .Miirrli I’l. nl " Uoo)c aCon* (wi> bc-niiiliiil (inllix uml thpy wltl Imi ulvcii itwuy Siiiiir<lay. .March 28. ^

, T he no y a l N rlahznni wlll mni i tn- ’ !V . . nlRht In Ihc I. O. O. K. hnll. ViHliliii;

nn-mhcm .wi'lconm. ,ytun

. l.«>aRni> IlnH Spli-inlhl >li-cliiii:—Tlic m l:(.'a thullc Womi-n’n l^'nKin* iii<-i ou iiu^ThumOay «vcnltiB n l H o 'tlock ut Uu: Wii

, ■ liomo of Mm . Suwim Mncailloy. Thi- Mr. m cctlas ODcnocI wich pruyi-r uilil .Mi». ||>

BawlKby condueccd theMion a fte r which um ler ltu- lcu<li r»hliJ I .\iir.o r Mra. O ulbvrl a <li‘llKhifiil niuNlnil nur

. . . pVoKrara woii rsnUcri-cl. MrH. II.^ <\ uri<

• "Suniibinc." by M elcalf: ‘T h u Jli-iiri i>f ,Mn H or," hy Cadnian. "Uml I" nml ".My OW K cniucky Home,” hy Fo»i»r. u t- com panlc t^o ii ih c piano by .Mrn. Out- {hort. • Ml»« Nell K lnni'y play*U n iiluiio ? •aolo «D(1 Mra. K. C. Macnuli-y n m l thu X ■biography o r Kontcr, tin- iiuihDr «>f i -roikloru BonsH, enpcclixlly ".My Old XK entucky Home." I-'nihor Ki-yzcr rcml 4

■ ^ ’ a n artlcJo on the s r r a i ililmiM ih a t.ru u 7 j bo 'accom plb ihcil by wimu'n w hm X < bandHl loKcUiur for ihi- w«lfur«- ami

u p lif t o r any isrcnt cuuhc. T tio u»- ; aemblod laille* <ll»por»nl w lih thn .■ . conaclouBnt'KK nf nil I'Vi'iiIni: thoroukli-f ly cnjoyeil lo m.'.-i ucAln In i« o

. . . « Hhrinii H all—Ainiiiii:. tin: lirlllloiit

♦vc'nla of. IhV aoclul aciiHon wn« tlu- " 'ob a ll Blvcn Thurm lay evmlnK ' a( .niiilD ancalam l hy th e Tw in I-'allH SlivJni' He

• ' c lub. T he tioU wnn bciiiillfiilly •lv<- Heora tud In pink anil w hile mut w liti uoiquanlltlun o f varliniH colorcd Ijalloiim. |artlB tlcally arrniiKcrf added lo tlu- iii- ,trac tlvenn in of ihu hall.. One <orm-i ,.w W converted Into a hiiibII J ii| iiiiu'H<' •sa rd o n w hure punch nml wnfeni Wor.' 'aarvod throuR houl lho cvcnlns from "'"fa beau tifu lly nppolnted tatjlc. T he ilftt

, m any colorod gowna w orn by tho la- fordie* w llb Iho Ray red fezzeu or Ih r Am ea n a d e a moac pIcanInK bcuiiu. thm lUo

• w lit no t bo rorfioficn aoon Ity ttioae , ,ic fo rtu n ato vnounb 'to bo pruacnt. TIuti- ,

•;.........w ere a b o n t- 200 coiipJc^ prencnt ..omotiK Ihem tho'offJclulK o t thi> i:i J*®

r K orah Sbrlno c lub of Rotoe nnd nt>i.) “ ' ‘J Kueata. from Ourley. Jnjpvrt, Jrronio. o a i

' . Wflttdell, Shoshone. Ooo<tlni;. KlJcr. PJ, B uhl, J lo sen ion anil H oIIIhkt. .MuhIc ' T

V»mntm eniR. Tho chatrm nn of ilio n - p„ui cvpllon oommllteu wna Ur. D. I-. Al' oxander, ctittlm inu of decorailnnn wiit Krcd Kona, and.W m . Klower wuk h ia.i of Hie lov tntlona cominltli'o. _ '"™• IlIlK

Flow er IMy I’m i.'mm—MIm Maln.1 lmi< l.oper and Ml«« Alice lilhlm w. r.- lio»- nclif(I'MHt'B to th e Coiintry Wotnin'ii rtiil fmn W«d;ic<iilay afti-m oon n t Hi<- linnii' ■>' einN

'Mrtf. I*. D. t< iiw ..,,0 ./H 'r‘ Hio uwiiil hualnifia nn-otlnK A jiroKram wnn m.v- ,

• . • rn on “F low «l Day." .Mrn, Hoiii.tor """t reud & p a p e r -o n - ’‘O ur .\iitluiiul Fnr- ,

cnta." nml Mnt. U J; M llltr on -'Oiir " " y ■ NaUonpl I’arkn." Tweiil*' niemhi rt pn 't

auBM'iTt^ roll call by nnnilni: a wilt’ 'U l flower of lilnho nnd Klvim: riotni-ililnv piml of Un hlMlory. AfUT a di'llcloiui iwi. Hu-Ii coiimn liinc-hi'on th e Indliii timl » nioli flow er at-4'd I 'xrhance. T h f ncxl nin-i- Inir wilt 1.0 hi ld on April 1 nt Hi< , home of Mra. I_ J. M ilter mi.l will hr In Ihe form of nn A prlt Fo .'l'i.u riy . lU eh mi-iii1>(T In tmkcil lo I.rim:- n “ '’J ' Kueiil. . , •

(:pliin>pa) (inllil — Th« I'lilDcupa) of l>, Guild mi’i Thumrlay nlirriKHiii a t Hit aehe’homo of Mm. K. J . Oniriiiid<r nn Mil- p(.),ni

Sl« avenue. .Mrn. I . 1’. Niiiji.'ii oik'Mi'<1le meetlnK wllll ornyi-r nml n ri|tl<'ii , ,

<lld pnper J.y .M rn^'. D. I’ryor on "Tti.C hurch anrI Hie l-iirlinn»." nml alno iMimmnry of ll........ .‘<i-ttl<» 'o '' ■'m ent" wn* Kreallv .•njnyi'-t. Ihill ealt doeswan nnnu'crcd w lih vit»i':i fnmi Hi< you I3<lh r»n lin . T h f Ih>»(i-k!i m 'I vi'i' Dodalnly rcfri'nlim rnm diirini; th f miflnl ^nu Ihour. ir nl <

■ Aid n « n » f-Hiked •.Snl.'-T h- tu p lln l tJirlliV Ahl nii.-l a l Ih f Imo ' caJow T hiirxday nfiornoon, .Mnii'Ii. I ’ *' w ith the prrKlili'ut, .Mrit. Iloiuhlon prenldlnK. r in n n w ere iiiaiif for u . rooked* food *ale lo h r tiflil n ' : fl WrlKht'n ntore A pril 11, Mrn. I’. I.T ucker leil the i1r'»oiit>nal.i nml Mri* m M i, Welln Wttit In charKr' of tin- i>i u::i.-iiii Kl-: In ien 'itilnc inlkn on ini-ninni »<i- «od filven tiy th e l{et. nntl .Mr». Iliillfi «<>ry Mlnn .M arrelle M’yiin ;;avf a Vfiy fi> 40:1.

SPECIALSSee Them in Our

Window'I-irx e over-Ktutfed Ii-atlu<r

roc^kcr ...............t . - S ^ O O jN fw 6 .h e ir ranRe wliIi . J

r r » e n r o l r .................. $ 4 7 . 5 0 IOood oak ilre»«fr, p la te ’ II

_____] m lfro rGood rfc it hahy biiKpy. t.in Ju roy l |

H nrd. rciTrrKiiilr b tK l> v $ 1 7 .S 0 ' 1Q u arte r n.i»-r<l ckik lll ira r r '

U hle ........................... ' . . . . S 9 . 0 01 } Ira lro la . the ol.l rellulOe huii*e

w an n e r: u»ei! Ju«i a frw time* .................... . S 1 1 5 . 0 0

Hoosir Furnitur^ Exchange

• Xaia ' ‘r — j

_________ / '

3ciss, Fbono 023.j<>v;il>1.- rtrmiiiillo rn .illiii: .iilltlr-l •'1‘niny." nnd 1. M. .vinxlcrv miui-- .a ijroiin of f'nnU'.tjiV'ii!! ll<ilj.l't.jirill:;it, A T th i' tIoMi. .o r_ lli" jnv )ifnu ii ■liiiiilv icfrciJiinfiii«_ « i'ti.-*«TTTt.l-;' lij:-.'M yiili' J o1iiimh‘i7~M>'‘, 'l-'Jiiiin!' m ill.\llKh Cllil.ti, ------ -

‘ Mill. liull'ini. «I|H ..................

nrtiiii wlHi M iiii’iniicrx anil Ii> i;ii"!'in. T he I>ri-nli1i-nt. .Mr . 0 , W. •Iliilliirrl, |il<'.i|rti-d over 11 nhorl |iiiHlif>'«n im-r l- ilii; n fle r w hleh n {4t. j'n(rl<-k'i> I'ro ; i:ritni wnn fnjoyi'il w iih iiiiinie lij- liliiilyn Hnnloii iiml lluih itrlili'iiiaii.Tlu- next iiivfilnc, Ajtrll I. will he an a ll ilny iiiffUnit w ith .Mrn. II. >V. tli lilL-miin nm l'f ilch iu<'niln:r Ix aMitin' ly hrlm; iirimelhlni; frn ihr' ciifrlerlu tiilii'h ul I- <i'r’loi:ti; niiro lo Irrlni' iii'l:iMorn mill tliliiilili', C iu'ikm of thr' liny w .r . ' .Mr«, Jm iilr ' Ulila. tm ii, Mr<r. Wall llm iliin uiirl rlaiii:liirr,''~Tttnrlyn;Mrn. Jlin .Miilvililll and smiH, .Mi», llr iiry \VI«f ami huliy,' ,Mni.' I'hUlj.

IVJi'i'son. -Mr«. t 'l'n i .Snilr/i. nml «»if MIriKfH Kuih nn.t I 'tin rti .lif ItrMi'in.'iii nml H azfl llooih. Al ih f i'l.i:.r' ..f ih f nrifriKion itn* lioitlfxH Hi-iv»'d n rluliilv lititflt.-aK«l»l*'<l -l.y i\l|.rt.-.Mttlvnil1l <tlid --- ,Mni. \\;nli Hnnloii.

I ^ K N G ^ r i ■

I C A N Y O U R I I ' C H I L D S E E ? . i% n i t . rn tcD K iiiric ik. liU R ux ^

f : c : cA SA.V r» ,\N C IS C O lenelier. wt.o,

tuid HUfTervd 4imch frnm oj'b trou- , lliu heracIf, tulO Iicr ocutlul o f nn liicor. , rlultilo child In .Jier ;«p|iiiul \vln> ap', < |ivuri-d to huvu «<>mR defect of. al;:Iil. i Hla purent.1 were poor nnd Isiiurant i nnd nothlni; hud hi'i-n dinio fur him. > He wnn the worxt ettlld tu ttiu roiun.He.pinyed hookey. nioiocUiled wlili tlie w o n t huyn he coiltil Ihid and fceaierl > to takn n Htupld prlile In iliwarllnt; a ll ' ' hur ufTortn lo tepch tilin. —

Kxnnilmillou nliowed thnt tn one eyo ] hc luid only tw^Miuventhrt of noriiiiil v|.. tin) Klon nnd In Hio oilier eye only one- .Mn: ilftti. .iiultiiblo sliiSKca wcro ordered .> for him. . , 11 ^

A year Inter the feneticr repnrtcil to lioi Iho .doctor ih a t ' tlto t^hlld wiiB cnm- icn litctcty in iniform eil.' I lu wan now nblo “>"l lo acc. I le \PUH hiteroMed In lenmhiK.Ho Htood a t th e henil o f tho cln**. Uo mil! elveu up lilH tmd liiihlta nnd nxiio- ;lates nnd had lii'rnme a iiuruiul, hnp- l’| jy, tn tclllcent ctilld. '

T lio cxplnnntloii w.i.^ nlmplo. TOft :hlld w n i tJirec-finirtlm hlind nnd no in a -k a o u U t^ i a - « ,u ld - H ‘>i’-l,itn t-tH r- tnjr; 'nURD’lio coiitij not m-c. The ilTort to \;||ii <ec w llti dufi'ctlvn eyex rnUftod eon- (1 rtnnt pnln an<l m-n'miK irrllutlnn. H it J.*>. nrorrect nnd'atiKiird anKwcra miirlu th s u-r iltier cldldrt'n taiu-h ut him. ho iliiil he inled everj'thltlB ctmnocti-il. w ith thn tlfii ichool nnd trloit tii koi uk fii^ nwny 'roni Jl nn poKslble. Whr-n he put on ■’J’"' :In«se.t tie aaw Uio world for llie Ilmt ' hue. H n wna nblo to tenm nnd h li , imblilon wnfl.nroiiH.'d.

T tiero tinvft tiecn lliouinndu of mieb ,|„ , inyH and i;lrtN in n i r RchnMn In Hip ^ in!it and Uieru itre many toiTfiy. o i f■'Jlipy BtTUKKlr atime. rHIIclxod and -----iimlNheil by th o ir t<':iclifr*, rrcoliled hy ■■ hi-Ir pnn'iiin, tensed by H ieir'pl'ny- rinleri. rejiirded fiK'ntujiId o r rlt-Inui ■eciiufln they do not lenrn like noniinr tilldron.

a iiey cnnnot lenm bccinurc tlipy can-

1)0 .you t;now tlm t jo n r rblld tint ood eyeslcht? Doe* he oflen cuiuirlulii f hclnc Hred o r of' tiuvlni: u henrl- ehe w hen hn primrn tiiune froni rhnoIJ 0OP* ho dlnllko hi* nchnol or oe* he Icll you ttu it thu lonelier "plckn n litni"} H he nk'epy o r dull when hn I trylnc to cet liUt te«Konii? 1* U bard ir him to krn-p up w llli hl« ctn-Mi-« o r J OPS he occupy a low er position thnn }U tlilnk he KtiowldT Don't i>eobl him nr ptinlnh him until

>u know whi th e r th e re Ift n'line iiliytt- nl rtffect n l ik h In rfnpontlhle f»rh ln lor work. Itirve h h eye.i exnmlned Id brt su re Hint bt.H v|«btn h nurnial.

^ Bible tlfiouglit /5r TixlaiiKtlKUnlK. S-ntK .S liTH . I lK I.f .—5d Ih .piir ri-fuco mid irlronulli. n ■ry hi-lii In truut.lo,—1’*.



Handkerchief Points ..

I,¥7lAK>IIO.S In llckle, ou d'lUM. Wl

HlK' ilrxK ffiiiiuti Irut' to hnnitlivr- elilof iwlnln on itnairlii)! frw,N*.

llnrroiilili-^Ily,' Ihoy niiilti< lli<- ntual' tliilti'rlni; lii'inllnn inir'* in, tvlilcli In .

C'onliil l.i'n>Ii iinil irilviT fiiilirolili-'ry alnn i-mU-lllnh tliJn lovt-ly ' NMi- Ktx-fU t-roiillon nud i:l»o'U u oiuuii ' lluhl i'rri.-t.'l.

K 1 M _ B E R L Y . ]

KIM flKltt.V . Irliilm.—U(„.n.'•lay, Mnn-h M. Ii> .'Mr. ami Mrn, Dan -MnrKa, a fino .hiiby. Klrl.

.Mln* I'Mnn WiiKner of liurloy wnH a w.ro4t.end KiioHt a l Ihe W. ,A. Clllt liimto. .MIna WnK»p)‘ fonaorly nt- Iciided tho K lm herly hli:h m-hool ailll now Ih n iLHichor lu thu Hurley Mchoul,

W illard 'Wood of liurloy vl-iltoil hill iinroiitN. .Mr. nml .Mrn. KItlii Wooil, Suiidjiy.

Mr. nml .Mrn, U '. M oalnoth nnd Mr. mid Mrn, Mai-KnlKhi nml dnuKli- iiTM Ilf Twin F.tllii' \)-vrc Kliutiurly vlullor;! Sun'd,iy and ' ntieiided thetnjrlrtrttntt—rttntrrr—iin n o ~ s r« l l lo i l l i t r “^:hiirfli,

()!*, We.Iii.'jirlay .iifiorniioii. March ■i:~. Ih f W, K, M. S. will hold a .l l- u -r io:i In lho liiiirr.'iiii'm -of ih ti M, h;. rh u rtli. Tin- l.sr served wlll ho iifiiuliif Jat-iiiliii' io:i forniitrly rc< t'frvi'rl for H y (’liliif.'f royally. A l.ro'iriiia will lie a Icalure of lho :iflorii>.oii.'

Tho . nmall Mtii .rf Mr. nnd Mrx. Ill'll .Morllu iKr'I \Votliiei:dny morn- . Iiik fiillovvlm; n r e if iit oitorulliiil fot th f r.'inov.il of nil I'Vo.

Mrn, Klla Trof^ ami Sir, nnd. Mrn. I'llffonl I'uninilUH mill itnuKhlur* of

& /

R e g u l a r . ' •' a s c l o c k w o r k

F a u l ty e l im in a tio n Is t h e cau « e o f m o s t • Ic k - n e s t . T e b e re g u la r a i c lo c k w o r k , ea c h day ,

^ o m e w a y e n le y R O M A N MEAL—a p r o p e r ly bal* a n c c d £ood, ‘

i n - w j B j L

, TWIN. FALLS DAILY 1Unktey woro guesla : Sunday and Monduy o t .Mr. uod Mra. Hoy DnUn.

Mm. A xel Tctemon recelvod word of the crlHcnt lllnena of her inoiher, Mra. W llllatn W arr o f Onkley, foi- lowluR ou oporntlon for nnhiil trou­ble.

Mr. nnil Mr*. J, U Shmiaid .tmd fnmlly wore illnner Kue.iin u t ihn lion I’n tie r home Moudny ovenlnx.

Mrn. L lii l. ' .M. Kenu.i w ns n KUuHt nt Ihe A. J . noiiiiil liomo nenr

• Mra, K lv n '^ tln rk tfp ^ in d .-m o lli'^^ Mnt, fn z li 'r were T w in t^ilhi vinli- orn ^ycdnesdny, ” ' ; ' '

t'oiiily movuil lil Flier, wnn u isueiit nl Iho Hen Potior home IhU woek nml nttomlcd *ehitol no Ihnl ho «:oyhl laku 111* third qu a rte r vxanm hrru lii'forp enroIlhiK In Ihe Flier «chcoIn.

Sheep kllllne iIor* nre ORnin nt work In ihl* vicinity, t:. M. M n)'' reporl* the lottn o f . flv it. Iliio 6wim onu nlKhi reren tly .

SUiIl HwenrhiRen In iiorlouKly, III wllh imenmlinln n t thi-t w rlllnc, l l f j flrat auffcred nn altm-k ol H ie-flu whleh left him I n . a . vi»ry -wouUnud t'lmdlHon.

'.v o r H ’K TO { 'ni;i> i't'(nt.s'ICntate of A. P .,K ru c s e r . Deecuneil.-

.Votlce Ih hereby Rlvrn hy th e un- . demlKned execulora of the e slalo ofA'.-A'UKrucKcr..dccfnBi.'d, . lo jh e . e re iN __Itorn of nnd a ll pomon* havlnK olalmH nealnnt thu nald dccennud, to cxhlhll Ihem w ith the nccewinry voucherii. w llhln four m onthn a fte r tho flrnl puhtlcatlon of thla noilee, lo tho nald execulora, o r c ith er of them, iit tlm office of J . 'W . T aylor. Twlu Fulin, Cnunly of Twin Falln, Sinte of lilalio,IhlH heUiK Ihe flrnl plnee fixed f<ir Hm iranNDctlou of the hUHliicim of nnld I'li- talu.

Dated M areh 10, 19W.WIM.1AM P. KIlUKOKn.' o r r o KHUiiCKit._______________

<^htU( T i

\ ' W ^■ n i w

W l ^ E n iI b O d e l cAttach]]

W / T h

' ll ' ll' TT h e W o r l d ^ s ,

L e a d i n g I r o n e r w c

A r e n 1 8 1 M 1' 1, K X «•» IKO.S'Kll — w llh a lt lh« ie^i'lu.lvo HIMl’LKX fea- 1U „ . 1, lo n«»orl.r. rr>.lii>B Iron^r—un in 1 m.I.llntier il.n t turn* Hie Im n lr.i In.w of th e w erk ]Inl.. it ii1rn.-.i.i onr^

In nri.tlilori, Iho .Nevr

TMbtr Tu|i la coiivenlriit " a n d ' u«.-7ul ..vrry Uny In f-----

lurly well »ulted to tb r * ho u T w lf. rr..,m .■rr amall. \ p in t

W ith ll VC-U n u y iron <0'OU ra»IIy nt>0 w ril while ^ • ■eAi>ji] In un orillnnry 'k itchri. rh.-ilr — ami aave u n ilhoum fv rry Irunlna tiny, '

DO.NT I-X>KOCT. Im- m».IIaloly a fte r Ih li . l> - ‘“ ‘ CfU l off.«- ta cnncludM . the

- tahlo lop n ituchm cnl w llt_ c£t.l »10.i(t >xtra. . - - -

V - e l ;I D X l

« 5 h s =

• TIMES •1 •, ^ ........ ...................... --.......... —

■ ■Dotacaffet r a t idittoO r d*top


m M

T h e B e s t

fh ^ n a m e l e d ^ ^h p '. -iA l

i o n J

r e e ^T H T H E I R O N E R

Th i s is y o u r chance lo s t a r t t ^ n i n t w ay— w ith a SI.MPLEX IR O N EI

chancc to do nw ny. once and fo r r weariBomc. old fnshioncti, back b rc and n rm tirin fr han d m ethod.

Now you tyin sccure n SIM PLEX to n ish in p ly sm all f i r s t p.nymcnt— thoi in Hmnll, eu.sily spared gums cach mo

W ith Each S IM P L E X I f A W hite E nam eled Tabi

A tta ch m en t FR E EPro.sto! F ro m a convenien t ironini

p rac titra l-k itch en -tab le .— A -epecdyr-e space conservinK npplinncc. No ncc placc fo r t^ ia I ro n e r w hen i t 's n o t in you’ve fin ish ed a la r jo week’s ironin inlaily- nnd in rccord tim e, s im p ly lo' uml you hnve an A ttractive, su b s ta n table fo r y o u r o th e r w ork . A nd you g lutcly F R E E w ith y o u r Ironer.

_ _ _J>oD*t Alba A j)tir_O pportuni

ORDER YOUR IRONER .NCcfke: n ^ 0 P O ^ V I E F


iocs your . offee-money ■ai.elfull ^istance—>r<Iocjft,ftp h a tf w a y l < 4 ^ .

....- s s .

" ... "T"• ■

IJ'■ H ir e is a coficc« J= '=5 duan'ce. Notliii

IIw l'tiT T PlM hearted about W■ f= » 7 thc-cropcolFccw

. ■ p W W l M doublc-richinstl— Then vacuum pa

patented proccaa tlu t M J.-B Rfvc coffcc “mileage" I

* TW "

U tt^ o n e r

il in ? th e m odern j | | | | | r a |m . /IE R . I t ’s y o u r \ ^r all. w ith th e break ing , w ris t

E X fo r an as-:hen thc* 'n lnnce ^ ^ n | | | H | | | Hm on th . .-\nd—-

IR O N E R r ^ i a M l H I ib le Top

• F S r a Fiini? board to n4-e ffic io n t-an d -------need to f ind n in W hen

n in g perfectly , low er th e top '

Lantinlu c e t one abso<

h h |h H I |b*NOW!

t c ^ b iR C O M . P A N

F « in A V , ^lAn'CII 20, 1923.

BT«jc that goes the full - - . 3tliiiit.wcakorhalf- " ‘ .-icM - *0! Acrcam'of'- ccsoblcndcdastobe ‘in strength and flavor, npackcdbyourow n Kcas. Sitiall v{onder gfvca you the ment gc“ for your money I

= = ^ '

y S i t e

■ W m ' •

■J ffi'



Page 3: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

P R ID A Y , J IA IU ’H 2 0 , ' l!J2o.

N E W S (

• j E i i i s i D 'j i i i j Q s t t; u p s m c

Senators and. Giants, Look ■ Like Topnotchers in Pen­nant Race. a t This Early Hour in .Training; Camp Circles; WfeaUness.of O lh -. er. Teami*" Is -Benefit to

" Ncw Yorie and Washing- ton. _

(»y HBNIIY U I''AHIlKUL.l Nl-nv rO IlK , -20.— Itociilll

UovulopmcniK lit Ihl) tnilnlnR of tlio m ujor lunciiu banolmll loniiiH linvc a ltarod rmlluill}- , iIiq oiiiluuU for llio poniiniit ruiien.

Tlio Block n f llio New York OliinW nnd (lio WoiliinKloii SvnutorH lini lioun sironRtlii-ned Krontiy i>r Uiu (Io­d in e In (Uo rollnR of xovcrul cx- p )ioc(o(l to Kiro tlivm tlio Rrvalubl

" ■ f S ' f e - v M d i » . . „ . v . i ;pIcKcd ' by prftctlcntl)’ o to ry critic w ho l i u looked, ovor the Nntlonnl T IcflRuo ,clssnltilon» nn oulHtiimUnK Icam in ' UUo leuKiio nml ilio bco'- ' bot fo r thp '.pciinnni. ‘

J a l i r ncOrnw,- no t ouly bii.n u for* midalilo toatn Inil hln o|)i>u»lil<ni linH jlccroiiBoil rrccn ily . Tti-* Clif- cflRo CiibH mill (Iio Ilrooktyii 'U(>lilii» U bavo 1>CPH ulnioiii wrccki-d. ff*

Tbo CiibK Htnrled us (Iio ' du rk 'b ' linrno In llio rnco liu! wl)en Iliilililt I'u Marnnvillo bVoko lilv Iok (b» ivliolo 1’*' loam wnn iiiisot. Tlio Hulibit avIII no t bo nblo lo play for tUroo iiiontbi. •

Brooklyn. ilependlnB ontiruly upoH “ n s rc a t ptichlnff niaff. m ay bave (o KO throuith tho aOMUo w ithout IHII }}' Doak. Doak Insliitfl Uiat lio Is Ib roush w ith -bniolutll. BurlolRl Orimo6, Uoldinic ou t fo r 52000 09 n

- • new con lracl, b a » -n o l 'T ip o r te d lo n - Ibo Ilobinn. W ithout I)oak .m d , O rim ci. Brooklyn would hnvo to. .t«»- rin

> ponii upon tbo g ren l JJan iy Vanco. K hrha rd l anil Q rcon 'hnd Ibn t la nu ^p| pIlcblnR a ln ff . fo r n Jm rd ' »ca»on. yoi

' Tbo CliiclnnntI l^eilg. n lihounh Ih tro J«ij

vrlllcii to pnaitboni up. ntny bo- Ibo '• tint’k A o m o In tbo pnnnniii r s c i - Tlfo -1.

llcdirNiM O n MronR pIlcbliiR niaff } nnd I f ^ n pitclier* -comn throush tho team m ay bo-rlR bt up wllb thQ j. OlantJi.

T ho Now York Yniikoon Imvo been j d g rea t dt^appolnliiiom In tlio triiln- inK cam p.' Tlipy linvo Iim ii KIckliiK nround th c lr cxhthlllun ciiinvn .iiiiI n ,.| nccm moro lidilt upVin-plMnurn ilian nlK

Miuninenie. T h e onl<*r of Mlllnr Him- , Rlnn Ibat fine# of JBOn - wciild be Hn.

panned out n ' lho n ih lc iti. >IM nnl tako Rolf liiid dniirlnR off thi-lr nchedulo i* tbo llt>M>ff.

Tlio WaahioRtnn Senntnrij tiro im- - - p r ^ d ovor tb e lr 1024 form. The Srt leant bniv been mronRlhouod whnro ll Oil:

• needcil ntrenRlli and tho , p)uyom m i ne«m tn bo nUomllnR . n ir tr lly in ’«>■'> buaincm . W aler Jobnnon. nhowhi;:

. . . . U ia-eenctia .-fllU W dt!-oL JIiii_3»rrl'i‘i‘ chnmplonn. han rofiixed to pitch In ' oxhlbilloR Rnmon. naviiiR hlit nnn for U18 pcnnnnt race.

. HAT.S ( i ’.KANHO A S p ^ L D liK K l)M aho Shoo SiJnllj* PW•^iBr.-W^ Mil ^

fo r nnd rtpllvcr.i tToli,\348J;>,'J<^iXt J o , Perrlno Hotel. . - ' •

A n e w stiap o rf i^ to CDt^r your fiome **'; b ft fllUos p l i c ^ " ^ u r BdvcrtlBCN „ „

- t! ,■ _™ ' Tlmen W ant A<)>".Cetn Rcnulln. : 1l

--------------------^ ^ ^

a a



V . - .


- -


Fron t row: U-fl lo rlBhi. Ilu th Wllcov, lon Kalpb. Kiiard; Oina linker, cc^ntcr. R iiard ;‘}I. W. Barr>-, coacb; N oriiia.Henl

T ex R ickard Found . T G uilty of Conspiracy !_

to V iolate S ta tu teTUI-JNTON. N. J.. iMniirli ill—o ro rc f

U •T ox" lik-linid. fl:;bl pvimuU.T. wn'.> foiind ,sillily Ilf <:cmii|ilrin'y t« violin- Ibn liilei-ninli! conin>i-rci' law In trniui- pu rtln s flliiiH of Uio l)('iiiin;ty-Ciir- pon tirr flKht l>y n Jury nliortly tn-roi-c "• iiildnlchi Inni itli;hl.

.SniicncL' w in h f pniwi'cl Tiu-Hilny. !•“ Vour of lllck a n l’fl imnoelalrii w ito 1

ulHo found Kullty nnd «inPO''ni' , iiuiltud. Vr«d C. Quiml’y. h c ^ of Uu " firm producInK (bn n iio s . T uddy . llayen, nccrctary to Jack Konrnn, who In (hanaRer of DcmpBoy. JanjHT Munin. ' ‘ W nnhinstoii nev.'iipnp<*r math «ni; _ frn i ik rio tirncy , tnalch-iitnhrr u t Mnil- lAon-Squaro Harden, w err cnnvlulvd. j*'

JUif DoiiKheriy of P c lp c rn i lo . Va,.- fight reftToe. wnn acgultivd.

Tbo prnitliy provlil«d for tl i f fon* ‘f" Itplraoy cbai-Ro in n H .fiW tln e . .t<fn-da yoam fn lho red rra l pcnUcnilary. «n- di

KA NS,\S*CITy. M.i:-Wd • ' r t t r a n r - ^ I rr" U'wlK, fnriiii'r bra'ywt-l;:lil Phaiti* nlon w rcnllnr. di'fcnitd I’m McrilM of N.'liranku, In two i.iialKbi f.illn laal nlKlit. ■•Tooln" Miindi. r« lnrndo . won two ntralKbtii from Knrl Humi’.on In In the prclllnlnnrk'ii. S . jVI

jiT rjiu .H o .N » i : i : i i h i k i . i ik .(ContlDiH'd from pnKB 1)--------------------------------------------------------nil

S rnn io r lliiyal S: I’opoland. WlllJnm |ki OMibn .McArtoo: Jnmca W. O crnid. Patrick C.-irdlnnl llnyn: lt« v. Dr. th a n Kranii ixnd a niiiiili''r of o ih rr liriinilnrnt prrHiinn who hnvi; Ju lncl ^ In lrnillii« Uiln tnovrmcnl to iircnrrvc f;„ Mnntlrpltii- na n rn trloK r rh iln i- (»>i- ,.rj Uic cblldri'n of A m rrlrn.” ' i!n

- - - .......- - «ti'( 'V f 'i .0N K fi;^^;l.n^nT >l :>«■(Conlliiiird Irimi I’nKc I.) in<

■ - - . ■ llf TwomIoku n l MnrpbyMioro lti;;K<‘l (j.

vnllantly M Uu- wrcckamt of Un'lr fonitiT bmim In nn aili-itipi 10 / r v sn Uit-lr iiiaMcr. i:ii

A niim lv'r nf InrKc-’Icicoinnllvi-ji. lln- In- p ro ix r ty o f ibe .Miil.llo and Ohio mil-' rond. wei-f dcnlioyid by tb“ iim rm nl .MiirphynlKii-o. ihe iuikIiuu were twl.i:- »,il man!ii.« o f Iron. . . <o

M t h e


ffaat woirtbc-AVorld-to-thii Cooks in. 3 to ‘5 m inu tes—g<

F-ROM O'Ofadjr'to th . J t world bat n n e d to m new brca

' l i 'h Q n ic k Q o ^ . tU new Qnakc - 3 to 5 Mibait*—qdiekcr, in laevthas

Bot tb« real accrat la a mnVeleoi, - cm m ^ daUciooacaa tbal*t cM ladvi

_ Por tb*' b «*t adftaiur* in • ' q ' "0«fck Qnakcr” today. T h in wtteb

bftaUast toinorrow.Z ^ o o k fo r - th o 'O o M k e r e n

■ That meana Qaaktr flarot—tb« "t1 4br«aktatta doctort a rt in 3

That iDcaaa tbe mpctfina M ts r . HSrowif. tb t n m d d id o n bt aO tba

aadard full ^ and .

tdinni: m ponnda; o s t : S potada.7 o&

................. iT W I N



i;ox. forw nrd: Uoroiby Mciz. forw ard; ? or. S m in d row: l.^ft In rlsh t: Uhidv ' Renlly, Kunrd:* Itiiby Cox. fonvnrd. Cm

I Fights and. Fighters J

5 NKW, Y «)ltK~Al»' C.iibhi. ln. foriiin -linnlamwoliihi rbnmiiloii. won it n-ii*

. lortiid drrlnlm i fioin Toimny .Miiron. (•:. Nru- york.

I.DNDON T- d "Kid" l.--« In ./-.ri.ii r I . v;flU'i-\vrl;;til'rliaiiiiildii iif .lh i ' w orld,|. ivun dliuiimllfliril for i>i'i-nliit<'ii( hol<l<;' Ins l i r ih i ' rKili'rcmiid oC a lioiii u-liti j.Toniiny .MIllliMn, lliiiiidi <-liai»iiloii.

'I P n o illA , Mix.—c burlh ' lUiymomI ; bi'&l ..lllle KlliiL' in. u l< n roiiiid Imtit

. huro Innt hIrIiI.

' i ’iio.si;('rT«Tr!vssiSTS A im m o s*(Coiiliniied from page X)

plolo fiillh In him. mid 1 fully ue- . Ilpvc' lio 'w ill Jio- friicd. ’ .

V h lo f JuHilco H nrry Oltion. ivlio inallituli'd lliu 1nVi;»llKnth>n iiald !o-

r day hu wnn worklnR im n u * ovi- I deiicc. llu Ih uo-opurniInK wl'h

................ • ,.!1 hu w in Iilvp cvljtFuru In hhow ililii I Ilil imo of tbo nin.lthiK crlnirii Inj

.•liiodi'rii bl:‘i» ry .'' JndKO OI-.idi; Miild. I ■•’Wc will iiliow Ihnl -Ull! pint v.-pm 1 S-i>ni:e|vi'd many .vcam nKo «nd liurr

SjlH fn iil of ile:ilh nl llio illilu Un* '\rt:iln io < :k foriiiiii! apiie.trnl nafcly lnj»4ie handn of Hbepberd," ‘

Iir, Viiliniin, who (-onrot.».-d . (o hiivinK bc-:n i.rf.Tfd jimi.nnii by

‘Sbi'plirrd (nr Uln inlvlirit und cuiiiMol In Ilm nlk’i!in\, pint lo ndiiilnlHHT lypbiild K<!rms id .McCllniiiik. in litit held lu 11 'lunii hoU'l hy ('rou-e. Dr.'-F.nlman In Ibo'^.nlau-’.. .-hlrf wli- ni-Mi. nnd will not b» pini-od, on Irlnl iiMlll nfiLT Shi-iilienrB • cane In diH- (Hiticd'of,-Crowd nald.

II*.\I10 KlUlKSTS.(Contlnuud from paK e 'l)

Oov'-rnor ('. f . Moori'. AI1orn*-y .•rnl A. II. C oniirfr. r'inti- A inhinr l-;d l!l.lll-IJ. .><<H-r.-lfirV of Sini.' f . /V J fl'T , « tnie ,‘<ii|irrlniend.-ni 'of I’nldlo lu- :>erTirlliin. .MImi l-UUnlx-IJi Kimniun. all im-liilMTi* of till,- 'n iB ic ■ Iniid h^nrd. HM-l:iiiiatlnn Commlnslonni' W nrren U. Sw.-nd»i-n nnd Ilcnn of l-'orc/iiry f5rh 0.d K. C- Mllli-r of Ihe imlven«liy. SinIe I 'o r rr lo r lli-ii Ilitnh l/i necrl'- , i;»ry of till- board. rx.<iffU-lo nml b li hi-nil<|iia:tcr!t will be a,' MciM-n>k-.

Tw in m i l s w ill crow In p(oportloa lo you r co-operallon.

i v o rh M > « 3 t - b r e a f c f e 5 t . -----------------

-get Q uick Q i i^ e r .» Jodce’* lady.* aU tbo ibm ktaat d e llfh t. ’ lakar O ata th a t cooks lo than ta u t .oos. riclr f l a m r . . * tfa« .•IvdT Qnaktr.• ' qtdck bicakfaat. H 7 ' ttcb tbe UmOy amO« at

■ II• e a t h o U b a J>' -bot oata' and mSk*' nn 3 to S minuea. i-s JOB want—tho fincat ,tbaworld.

Yovr grocer now hat two kloda of Quaker Oats—tha ' | kind yon hava alwaya known i, aad Qsick Qtakar.




II Al, 'r o x n J i iT . .; .\i‘vi Jlayn.'cniHnln .mil ci'nU'v: Mai-* y WIiiCBnr. r i'iiio r: A iiri'lln SicA-nn: . iMil by courim y of Uiilil lli-rnhl.

Jac k D em psey an d J . . W ife A re F ea tu red n in T hree New Film s

ll(;lJ,V W ()01>. C..1,.-M ar.-h 20. - I'lliiiliiK <'( ".Maiili:il(;ili .MadlK'na." ii nl M<x-n'i'l ih rlllv r fi':iiiirlni; .Mr. and d'

‘ ‘■(.Mni. W illiam ll!i.-rl:.(>ii D.-mimcy, 'h ■Mull! licitlii !u-n- M..:i.b.y. ' mi l Til-- tiiavywi-lKlit ihi.niiilini and "I

li:i< hrld'-. fcirm^rh Knt.-ll.- Tnyliir. hiiv,--|..-i!ii iilKni'il by Klni- Aria T h - }■'

„l iisrci'. Inc., Ill co-iitnr .In lliruo bln ,it |iii-utri'!i lo bv proiliii'cd UiIh num-

’"V)rm|iiicy w i l l . ' ^ Ib.- bero nnd ‘'j V'. Kilelk- lli>; hcrolno. -ll In ihu cbuni.

lilim'n auHU-cr lo f>torliMi bo xvlH'de- .i,- -f<iiul hU Mllo. thin mtmniiT.V njR i’pHi-y ndnillti‘<l inday bu hail

.dliii:oiitln.ica lutQimivu • t rn ln I u r . t ] IO fdarieil iwo w uuk< nRi> iu nntlclpa- i>- linn of n <-lmiiiplunxhlp flRbt anon.I- ■.'Ciurt Iraln anff- w urk lieforp ibo ih jw im i-ri. ini>." bn ra id .. - 1i>

Thrci- riliiui w»V In- |irodm-i'd .be- a lifu ru ilia,.c-b;n.i|ilun will bn • riiiily , ill jU lM|di-ti-nd bia Ulk- TJ1,1 J ---------- — ------- |>iid . i . ---------------- -----------------------:-------------- , III

' - P E R S O N A L S • 1 d"„ I ------------------------------------------------------ nc

di'orKi’ roiii|iio!t nnd fnmlly n r r np ' fioin Hnhl In m.ik-' tb i'ir lininc.

I" ,\luurr<-i-.(liibi>ii. o f llollliifi'V. Ill liatk TToin ('fnTitwo w brri' be vliilud ,

‘•■1 lllu nlnter.- • « - . - hii r . Alini-iii-y J in n y J . Itm oli nnd r .!•- A. MrPlK'c bn\c- iit:u-«-<l i.n. nn a u i o | ’ , e- in , . II. - . . jllj

' l.O.SDO.N-.-V s|-rclnl riiiiiiiili'htiiii i>r|-n I- llic prlVy roiiM»-ll, Jncludliin ViM.-oiini I ,,|

C aic. lo rd cliani'i'llor, wan ni>[>iilnti«t ii.dav to Inke i Iiktko of n'luic uffnliit diirliiK Uic nbtii-nrc «>f the VIoR. who ,tr It-nven for Ccnoa Tlliiriidny nnd the j,]

- P rin rc of Wnlcii. who In To mum nlnrl |„ 1- for South Afil'-n. (-|iid ........ - ------ ---------------------. I I.rr. m rn i.lN - Vi-I.iry for Ilic Fr.'i-'K : I* •KInie K*iTrriiii.ri.' iH ic flrrti- 'l In Innt.ov •I ■\VrdiiciiiIay <1. 11 l.nin, Mnnl rcjporlai'I. Hliow Ihc C<i;ii;invo Afucriinii-ni «'..n

xi'Voii of Ihr iilni- ncutn In Ibn Dall tlr ')■ nml In Ibe oih>'r i» o llic reimldli-unn <|ii >'• BL-enri'd ni'Rlii;lldi'' inornlnii. 'IJntiionn hti *• de Volrrn bnd cupeclt-d lo win nt ea I" U-n.'t five uf Ibc llino, aenln. ________^

□ ' O IL E M U L S KC o l d . I \

S P R A YKur I .u f K eller. S n tle , (.'reen A|.hlil

oi'^.Ic t r r e s am anienla M annfnrlarril and

J . H. SE jHIVnrrhou-te, T n ia

- •<• Phone 3*5

You Can Quick] Sore Stiff, Sw

E v e n . c h ro n ic . rb e o m a U o sw e ll- m« in g s in k n e e , f o o t , a n k le s , s rc l i . h ip s , e lb o w , fh o tU d e r o r f to f f tr j o l a u y ie ld t o th e m ig h ty . * p o w t r f o l i a f l s e a c e o f JOINT*


I t^ he re , r ls h t In tow o and e re ry I r live druRRlM haa 11. lirr]

li 'a n low jirlco remedy, to baI»P* nure. b a i th a t docan 't am p It Trent { Rca i.tkloK. Ib* klnkn. lamf>Beaa o r ior* |luni

J ia r a c u t o t T o u r troubled Jolnia. -iiha I Jhlnt;>ht— la Ibe aam e. ao vullet|!Luy 'n x ra n e a i i lii rcnipounded a«4ely fo ri n I Ibe pnrpnac <if rellcvloR a ll W B t!l«

cllm cai». 'K a iI Joal* r ib. It on tb * torntrD ted.'beli lam e jnlnta aod ita Jual a frw a e e - ja i l onda ll w ill p cse tra t* throoRh * k ln jirrs M d .tJ f t l i a y i ^ h l ^ o w a to the l l j a . j u . i

Cobb Banks o

- ^ ~ ............

f e ^ r - v ' f

. UeswiTiTr- .Maii;ii:.-r Cnlil. of ibc IVlmU Tyi;<-r» ln

lili-riilM-rK nf 1.1" nllrlilni; *lafT tliln m-.oi ■■.iiithiv-iw. nnd "n ip" I'cniiir, l.t|-, rluhl f.Tin nl the AURunin lOa.I iialnliii: c-im

I.r uIhiv-- Ij

HEM D IM E IS ^ G R O W l i C E

SAYS PH Y SICii= ' — • ?

Nl-:w YOIUC. .Mnieli 2ii-..-l'hcri,' .i’> j I nluii.nl n i-on«iaiti yenrly In n -a n c In |,„ i d'-alli:. fn.iii i.rcniilc bcarl dkcni.c. lu j. |.„ , Uic iei;JiiIl-atloii nii-a Ihc donllih biiTC

iiioiMiK'd from Ill.r . I'li-r h-n.ni-it l“ 'i ' '! i , , , I iilnilon In I!Uu iii IT.'.:i In While

Uic Ki-cnlciii iiiorinllly bi nmims pio- ,, ; pli; In inlddli- life, ilicic In a nbin-kln,-., loim of. yoiinai-r llvea nlno. -,y|

•■Tbe pliy of It nil In ibnt nn lircni j,„ u pan uf Ihla m onu lliy In prcvi-ni-

I nblc." nnyii Ur. l.cwln I-'. -MncKcnr.le „ |, of New York IMiy; • . u,i

•'.Many ot Ibe. eountry n ubicnl nnd ‘ flnevl mon nre dyiUK In Ihelr flfllCH nr , even lalo forilcn. Thoy n re cnl down ' In tbelr moni riehly prodiicUve yi-aw. ,p ,• Tboy bave crippled ibvir benftn and ,' Ibe lonn In jiorleiy In Ini-aUulable. i

■Tbe nv e in tc A luerlraii tunii nml> wnmnn tM-( lllernlly. drlvlnis ibe lr

1ic.mH io dcnUi. T bey ni-e doInK ll by u-r• ion miirb wiiik nr ion inu.ch piny or ,1 lo dn loo mi/rli iiL.lmHi..'V

Tbe bnnlneon man worliH nil dny. then p a n of Uut nlKht. Tbe nmu in pnblle life o r proiiiliiciil In llie [.n.fcniilnun eon icn tin tin iipoii bln hpi'clnlly nil d.iy. In Uie ovciilim be (jni-n lo n din- ner. w here he h.m not the nli:tbl«';'i 'U‘i

, ebnnce to -re lax . I’erbni.n h c 'b n a 'I i . mi m a |t< ^ njiecfli- of

"Tbe yoiiniu-r i.eoiile work or iMody Tb '. ihroiiKli Ihc day. Iben u y fo diinee — ' hnlf Ibe nifihi. l l eaii'i be .fnne. The j— ' hcnri will hijind tip iindi'i- oi-ciu<lon.tl ‘ I'trnin ih 'a i.b i ihlriccn Iliuen . lh a l

[wbleh nlioiild U- pin npon II o rd inar­ily. llill l<«lny |.c«.|.l.ir ero»»d II «;vcn

I beyond Mint-wide liuircln of »;afir>-,- n T lic rc l!i loo miu-h w ork. Inn mueh '[p la y . Inn llllle t.Vi.‘ "A mnn cnii n n n bln I.i-nrt l.y In- ' Icnne nnd piolonced tnenlnl • roiiccn- ‘ .trallon Jnnt nn well nn by Ino novere ' phynlral efto rl. He «loe« ll d lfferenlly> bul bolb niralnn ennne a rlerln l

(-lianKi'n .Ihnl affec t jh o b*'art nmlil.rlnK alMiiii iih u liltiiali' lin-Akdown

' Kxeennen tn cuiInK n n d ’drluklUR nlno t.ovciliiail the lii.-iirl."‘ i ......... .........1 I.IMA. PiT ii-K row lnR dinwullfne-

llon over Ihn T aenn-Arlea hnnndary I <iuesllnn nrbllrn led by Prenidenl Ccjol-

IdRe. Ifl bxp'reria^l by Kl Tempo, whicb enll* for n boycoU of American Koo<ln

«»ia n re^1rll■nl. , _______________ .

I O N s p ‘r A y ■'I Mix •

Y O ILphliK llllxicr MKex. c tc. F o r u»con (Dial and akade ir«c«.>nd for »alo by

EAVERnia F a l ls idabo 05 o r ftltk

kly Limber Up MTolien Joints “nienia and lendon i o f \U ie }olots— f is b t w h tre the ac^ny a ta r ta —T hen l le r icd corafcri c r a e t 4Ulckty.

t l * a tnorba Inalan tly and It Mi clean . th a t you can rub il oo often ■ ad se t Uiarvby reaulta much more nulckly. when the Joint ia Inflanieu and Mho aaony h iu sa c .

n«lnK aurb a pow erful connter- lirT jiani, l l cannnt he lp brloBtoS [apeedr aod^he lp fu l r e a o lu tn con- ! Rcatioa. acre th rea t, cheat eolda;, lurabafn and i«<^ralKi* mueh quicker iih sn almoat any r c a td y yo« ran 'Luy. • ■

Rul J-ou niaai r em rm b ^ r . Ihat it I« for Joint a fn ic tloaa Ibat Jolnt- K ate l« m o ill^ . dUpeteaed. and lla belpfnlBMa will aaianlah ya« % a r a ll o rd inary lin lm rata and otb%r ireatm enla have failed. AU druR- Cl«m aell lo ti ot It. r~ ~

on This Pair_ I

\ I / S 'I t


i ll. l'iinkUi« i-ltctn:lv^"ii i.-i aii . sc-imiii. Culliiis l» •liowh 111. lUv III' I • ,|ii i; Uyiiul. • • ■ . ;

Tw in Falls Debates !. Gooding Tonight oji 1 m

Russian RecognitionA Jiilnl dclmlc liclivccnlhi; Mlali' ' '

Kchnnl icaniK-olVCoi.dlm. nnd Twin i. Knlln w in inke jViaic lirt<- tiinlubi.The newillve leiini Iioiii TivIn l-’nlln , ' will ilcbale Coodllli; iiftln iia lK e J,<-iii;i.'h e re nud llic afflrm alU c Icnjii Iriini. . T w in l-'.l11n KII.-II in li.iodliii; In ilchnleIheni nl Uinl iilaec. •J'b-. tjucsllnn l-i. '

[nn Ihe rieiu-nliioi. nf II10-.I11. and 'ibo:.c whn /iMrmlei! Uu- ............ mIIIi

lllol:ic here n few. «c--U na-o lieanl , ;Tw-lii l-‘a lla nViiiic Ilic nflli in a 'iU .'? Ide ,.n f Ihc (jiii'i'linu l.ul loiilrlil U iiy 'Mil I • bnve n vbnnee' in' ln-ar Twin l-'albi al-isnc llic ue;:nllvc ride nt Ihc imiiiciiueiiliiin. ,

Tb.- ntflcinntiv.- i .mim for Twln-l'-nlla ' ‘iwlileb Koen in <iooillu»: In Kciinitb I*'DoiiKlaii. V lclor nullow ay nnd Ken- »'■neih lli'iidnhl. foaeU II. .1. IJIiikIc und ' »vn liernaie K.-lih- i:vnna necompanled iiuth e leaiu 'In CoodlllK. . pc

T he n.-Rallvi- whleb debnlen hero Io- winlaliT In I.«iiil» Jonr-i', l.o.vni I'cri-y nnd dliMlinn W all-Ill. Ilyroii IKnilnbI In nl* Ui,ternnic., fo

l>fl.MK.HTIC SO YKAUS iPA lllS—Vlfiulri- Jk-iinim eaux hna „.|

becii- employed -an n dnmenllc In u b’rin'i-li rnmlly for sr. yciim. Sho liuw jiua eekbrn ted h e r Uiindrcdlh |„

- —- - - — I (U:I P .V..-. KKI.T IIAII.Y I „„

W A.Slll.VCTtiN-W llllnm S. I/oli-, m an. n »;uard n l Ihe WnnlilnRtnn mcinnnieul, cllnilri tn ihe lop of tbe iiiriK'iura every dny. It in pnri o t bl» d iiiy -a - trip of InKpecllon.l T be iiiaiiuiocnt U n.'-.r. f.'ci lili:b. I —

1 ^ pedal

chanc! • lives

. an d { those

’ - tbey ju ste t stronj

them mthouAuthor^ Qsree Bnks Lie


• T H K E B 1

S e r g e a n t G e t s A r s e n i c ^

b y W o m a n ’s ^ M i s t a k e

Ml.S A.MJICI.l-^.l Cnl.. .Morcb 20.- The ik-alli i.f S ri. .Snns^ D rebcn. v.erlil wnr hern, w nt nn unu^nitTihlc .-eeideiii, n cnn'ner'H Jury dL-clil<nl e^lcr nn liii|iieni.

Tbe ii-rilli-i ridlowed lenUniiiny uf Aiiii.|iny KnrKei’U A- K, WnRnor Ibal llr ibe iin dcalli wiin eailncil from ntl ' laji'rllcli ot nrnelile KoliiUim - by er-r..r III llic ................ hln pbynlclun.Mr. WnliiT V. Iiri'm ,

s i :> A n i i t ( .n .n K ii.s iiN i i ik sn » i .n ' n K i ; r K > z . \ a t t a c k ..............

WA.'illlNCTU.V, I). March 19,—Ci.micr .‘ cnainr Cburli-< A. Ciitber- .riN of Tcxiiii. illitd Jll bin hom olhero

.rl i: II. in. I.>.|i<y.l-iilberMin had been nn Invalid for

t.inic Ilme bill Ule Innnedlnle t-nufc ( t liln Ilealli 'tvaii ’Uild lo h.ivo boen .III i.llarU ot Infhi.'nzn, i i f wna i.cnah.r iri.ni Texan trom ISaS to

'cullHV.-on wan born In Dailuvlllu. ,Al;i.. Jn iif in. isr.r..

All fhe newa All lllu llniu In Tha

S2481.00 Given Free , ,The . above iimoniil han heen

i:lvi'ii nway by un In prltcn .- 'jTisT.Mi more will liu Riven

a«ay ai. foliown:l-'ln,i. prlxc--Il';!5 l-'nrd TourlnK

car. n.-ili|i-i Ibl* npleiiilld flra t ' liri.'c we lira i;nlni; to Rlvo .*iway I'l Ollli'l" pi Itfjl.' ' " '

: 1 ■ ■ 2 1 .I- n ' r r . " 1. . . . . . I _____i____________

'■ I !_ 2 ;i j < j c

i ' ■ " I .; I • . • 2 ,! I f j ■> ■ •

I ' : ■ ) J ' I 2 1 ;i' I < I E

■ . . _____

i . ‘ = i = I * j-°U i:ar;..ii;c Ili6 tlR urci In tbo

nhovi- ncjiiare In nuch u m anner lhal ib ry will cniml IG each way Ihorlzonially nnd vorUcally) and »ci)d un yiiiir niiHWor tORolher iv l ih .y n n r nnine an d uddreaa iiiniily wrlftca on n aheoL of pa­per nnd if yonr anaw or la co rrec t we w lll-ai unco m ail you'a.aploD * ■ *did llluairaied prlxo lis t ileaerlb*UiR Uiu prUoH and RiviUR fu ll In* furm nil6n nnd rule*. In ca«e of tlcn Reneral hppeart^oce, n u U nrna nnd bnnd*wrillnR of on iry will bo coiialdered faclora. K - , cn rroet'w b will adv lto you by ra* lu rn mnll nf ii alm pio condltloa lo fn ltil l .. Don't aood uny 'm onoy.

•Yon 'u iii-To u-iirllie'W16Woi‘-WIUl'*" -----------cmt H|.endlnR one cen t of your money. '

tiend your annwer—a ct quickly. ' T h e P a c i f i c H o m e s t e a d

151 Houlh-('ommerclfll Snleni, Orrgon.

A i* e ^y o u rbrakes

" T O W a b o u t y o u r " 1 b r a k e s ? A r e ' '• . t h e y i n g o o d , - . m d i t i o n , o r d o y o u ' ' .IVC t o s t a n d o n - t h e .K l a l t o m a k e h e r s t o p ? ^ <c s u r e a b o u t t h e -- a k e s t D o n ' t t a k ela n c e s . V o w l i f e a n dre s o f y o u r f a m i l yid f r i e n d s d e p e n d o n 'o s e b r a k e s . S e e t h a te y a r e p r o p e r l y a d - '■s t e d a n d — l i n e d M fithr o n g , s t u r d y G A R C O Cpa k e l i n i n g . i ^

------------- ■ ; T r - Z

d to in ^ c t I )ut diiai^ IL h r in g 0 a rv ie « ^ 8 M lf l a ' v i a


Page 4: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

......... .

. • 'roT O ' '■

E [ t <HN FA L L S 1J>ub]U]]«(I S r e r r SiroolDff E ic ep l i

Company. Tw in

Bncorad a t Ut» T w in r n l l t Fo ito (» , D allr PubllcatloD,

------------- •.... -The-declaration -of-V ^L— n — tativ©-of—Denver^banking-4ni

city W ednesday, looking int< the banks o f Twin Falls are a is in keeping with the histor; tim es during the agricu ltural slum p. Tw m Falls has beert a ll times, andr is now ready t o f be tte r tim es an d the spociji local conditions th a t mako fot

* W hile the failure of the seriousJy feJt in the business < ap p a ren t that- i t can not havt

- though it had come earlier. 1 c ial storm s of tho p ast four .\ derstood why the Federal Ba ued its supj)ort, especially as forecasts point, to, a reasonal people o f the comm unity have the bank th a t all Ijas been done to saye the bank.— I3ulil Herah


• , ; As an index-of the way i' ' run in Euro])c, a Prague new,

. th a t Europo is on the ovo of b( ors over which w aves two Ai t h o ^ of the British Em|)ire an is a naive saying in tlie Biblo row er is servant to tiie Icndoi

• th a t saying in Europe prio r t o , ■ . ful. B ut if dehtoi-s complain, c• m e rc e ‘iind Finance, an Amoi

come&'this quotation: “ As thi h ave’all become— every one (

• I d rcds of millions o f able-ho;li( , g age lqn tjie livea of both the

■. practically eVery nation of Ei i shall have, i f no t gojd' i)ourinj , merdhandiae. Each of-us can Iv B ut the creditor may well' ref

-------- ^happen-in-cas^W s^lebtor»-bec.violently discontented with the


Id ah o ’s history is rich in . ga thering .and recordin.q; of wl

Idahoan should take pleasure I ran k s of the jjiuneers beinjr rc(

............ in p -w h o 'h av e written the tm e this state, we are all indebted.

McConnel, form er senator an( the the Woi-W Book company, ical n a r r a t iv e ^ t i t le d “ Fmntioi lan te days , in collaboration wi w ith tlie New York Univei-sity. s ity of U tah. T he hook is i Stoops.

“ Frontier U iw ” is tho slor M cConnell from lho tinio ho k s ta rted westward draw n, as a gold fields of California. One through hut a few of the introdi Mr. McColmell has given lo l! while not as elabontio. .vt!t ocji

. m eraon Houtiii's "Covore(l W a; si.K.” Theix‘ Is this distincl difft ever: No atten ip t is mado a t H e sets down in wriUno: Uio mi as they ininsinred ;ttn{m(l .’ukI should be placed in cvoiy lihr;i a n d from a hisloricai stjnxipoi o u r tex t boks for pijblic school

In these days of airplainL's ficu lt to thoroughly ;ini.iooi;’io transj)ortation wliich tin* pionoi in th eir steady and doti-nnincr w ilderness, s;i.vs tho Capitol NY* air. H ardships of\whioli we kiK

_____ daviocc.uranc.ij,_^I^j.nnx^the wost but surely ncTv^liolcss

Mr. MeConnoll’s l)ook t;;l< vast territo^- in ISdy wosl nf i the mountiiin doserLs. inln Xi-.va founding of Boiso, oarlv dav [i< a reign of lawlos^ncs.-^. Uh- ..re;i an d tho s tirring «-Vfnls il-ai f background for llu's and th ver>- ajipropnai^-lv sav.-< .,f D Law .” ,

• “A c lear nolo o f Ann-rica p a rt o f the story. Lovo of iilioi sire fo r learning, rovoivnco for

. th is life story- *if a roal Ann'riea parentage. lncluslr>-. .>;obriL‘i.\' a w illingness to faco s<piaroly ilio ever- fo r the right, aro lho vita from is everj- chaj)tlor.”

M t l l f f i s I.1 SuniJny by th? Tlmo* PubUaWn*I n Fnlls, Idabo.

o(»c« u Seeooa C lu s M altcr u »3D, A pril U . 1918.

-Ij..-Giines, .Spokane represeri- 4nstit«tionB r^ho-w a6-in-tluH - n to financial conditions, th a l I all in a prosperous condition, ory of these institutions a t all ral depression £fnd the big Brt fortunate in th is respect at r to m eet the advancing wave cial conditions growing out of for j)rosperity.

le Fh-st National Bank will s o f the Ciihl e(ffiini(inity, it ja ive a.* dojirossing an efl'eet jis

Ih iv ing witli.stood tho finaivr :• yoars it can nol well bo un- Bank should not have contin- as we stand facing w hat all

lably prosperous yoar. The ve this failh in tho officer’s of )ne th a t is in their power to do aid .


f in which currenUi of feolini; ‘w spaper is quoteii as sayin;; becoming “a prison for (leb:-

Anglo-Saxim flags,” namely, and the U nited Stalos. Thoiv lo to the effect Ih a t “ lho bor- :lor.” A little rofloctioh iipoii.0.191-1 m ight have f)oon hoI;>-1, creditors gloat. From C’oiii- iierlcan hiisinoss puWication,, the world cliiis into 1!)2.t we L‘ of us— liie ownoi-s of hun- died serfs. W e have a m on- hc living arid th 'e-unborn in • E urope' except "Russia. W o in g in, then its .equivalent ir.I hope to h?'.v(i niore to spend.” •eflect upon w hat is likely to )ecome-loo-numt*roiis-:tnd-tt>»r- heir serfdom. ^


n stirring nii)neer events tho wliich shouhl be a Uisk every re in. Very rapidly are tho i-educoil, l)ui to those rem ain- ue story o f 'lho early days «*f - jd. One of Ihoiu. W illiam ./. nd governor, has ju st issued ly, (.'hicago, a stirring histor- .iei‘ I^iw,” a slory of the Vigi- with How ard R. Driggs, now A’, formerlv. witfli the Univoi-

ilhtslralcfl by H orhoil M .

. o r y o f t h e a ( i v o n l i u - o s o f i \ l r . l e f t h i s M i c h i g a n h o m o a n d

a m a g n e t l ) y t h e J u r e o f t h o n o h a s b u l t o t u r n a n d g l a n o o i d u e t o r y p a g e s ti ) r e a l i z o - t h n t I l h o r e a d i n g p u l> l ie a s l o r y . • ( j i i a l l y a s i n t o r o s t i n g a s F .m - i 'a g ( > n ” a i u l “ N o r t h o f T h i r l . ' - I . f f o r o n e e l i e l w r o n t l i o n i , h o w . j i t f i c t i o n h y M r . I \ I o C o n n o ! l . i m i n d ’s im p r o .‘v '^ io n s o f f V o n i '. ; i ■k I i i i n i s o J f . T i io I n K .i - ') i - a r v i n t h o s c h u . ) l s o f I i l a l i - ) | “ ) o i i i i . 'i h o u ld b f c l a s s o d w i t t i i o l h i . s i o iT o la . 's so s . !

K'.< a n d a u l o n i o b i l o s i i i.-i d i f - ! lo l h o m n r o cni<k- f o r m s of,iiOL'i's of l i i o u i - s i rcsortf'd loll i e d n i a i v l i i i i l n ^ t l i e u » 's l e r ; : | V l' w .';. . 'V d v o iiU iro w a s I n l h " l \ i i o v .’ n o i h i n g w o i v a n o v t .T v - '• I' ' u b ' i a > tx i u i _

;;kfs lho ivaiU-r across lh ai I r ihi- .Mis.-oiii'i rivi'f, tlinuu;Ii: ■•vaih. to.Uh' Boise hjisln. i!i.«' poiiiics in lhi-ou;:h;•eaiiixaiiiiii of tiu' X'iirijanu-.-'

foil<.uv,!_:ill a historio.-il: th fu v s r . H o v .a rd il. Drirr::'- Dr. .Mcron!;c!r.>/-Fro!iii<^i',

canism rings through t-v.-ry 'loriy. jv.-i])0 cl for law. a d .“-' or G 'xl— ai! are l.lcndod ii;, ean >»ov.. o f .irood old Sooioii ■ and viituc. co'u{do»i wiJii ;i,10 issue? of lifo, and to fight: , ital lessfitis th at aro oehotHi'


O ^ ^ k f dhy ije r y jo u A?

Published by irrsnaem etit wit and W attarsor

CHAPTER Vlll—Continued P o r ih ro ^ do rs wo tnailo our

w ay up tbls tunnel o{ baiy graon . sunshlns. Od tlia loncer airoCclicM

, ona could ba rd lr loll aa ona looked P ' nhead wbere - tba - d la to n t- itreen

in iltnl anil tliT a rc iiw ar boBao: T be' deep poaca

‘ of lll ll alranico w atorw ar waa uu- n , • brokvn bjr aay t lm of man. . i l l rN o Iddlsa bore. T e o f much Jp afraid. Curupurl,- said Comus.

“Curupurl l i tbe aplrlt of tlio wooda." Lord John oxplKlnod. "It'n

'G a name for a n r klDd of dovIL Tho j f tioor buEsara Iblnk lh a l ilioru Ih

som oib ln t fonrsome In Ibla dlroc- tloo. and tberofoiti ihuy arold lu"

Oo iht, third day It b(>cniim evl- dnnt tha t oiir Journvy In lho ta

4bl no«a could no: ln*t much iof/Rcr. Is tor thu airoain was rniililly rruw .

la c mnrn nhultow. Twicu In nn many bourn wu nluck uginD Ih'-

^ iKittom. Kinnlty pullvil in<! 1- ] bnnii- up a in u n x .ih o briiahwooil

nml Rpji'nt tho niKbt on ihu imnli , of Ihn riTttr. In tbo mornlOR Lord

U John nncl I miuin our <vny for n l(< cniipl'i nf nilk'n ihrnuRh thn fcirunt. , f k<M-|>lnK piirallul wlil> tho ntrvam: " hui na tt Rruw ov.,r «hi.ll.)w,.r w<.0 roKimoil anil ri.poriod, »hnt Pro-

fcrinitr Cbn:i»ni;or l.nil nlrumly nun- pcniiit. tbnl wo hiul rvacliiid ihn hlEhuni pofnt To whlnh ihn canooii

. couhl Iift.lirounh^ Wo drnw tbum. up; ihf>rofnri). and conci-alod thnin AinntiK tho liuiihoa. bla:!r.,7 ft tr'><* wllh onr uaon, no thnt wo kUoiiI>I

i; ;inr| (bvm n^nln. Tbnn «<• <Il<i- ,r iriliutr-d lho riirliiiis l>t!n|('ii«

itmoiiK utr-Ronx, oniiiitiuliloil. Cooil, n lunt, bl.ink.'in. nnd th<! nn.l. Kli'i'il'lc-rlni; our r.icknrr-ti, «•..

, K'xt /o rtb upon lb<’ moru laUorlDiii Bi.iKe of our loiirnciy.

An iinriirli.>i.-,io ii,i;.rri-l h« t« '.n , II .mir pi.i.p<.Tiiolfl iiinrli.';! lli» oiii.i. t

of o(ir noM- Chp/l<-ni:iTfrnm llic nxini.-nl u( Joliiliir lUMifa cllri>cllo::.i i<> lliu •piiriy. much i.i I'.i'i ovMi'ni-ilhcoii. lent of Suinmi-rlun, K«>v'. ujioii bin

^ AH:.it:nlnB niiuio duly tn hl« (i-IIdw- I’rofciiBor Ut wnn ouly tho carry- Ins of nu nnnriild.hnromuKirl, iho

. mntlof.aaddonly caiiw to a hund.__. "May I aak.! afr." shlB^fluifuiiSf-'

- Ico. ».’lih «-ldou» calm. ••In whm1 cnpacliy.you takn It upon yourjolf 'I III linuo ilono ordorsr*

Chailuneur Kinrod and brlnUcd.3 "I do ll. Pnifur.iipr •Summurlto.r -----■»-|CT|dM>-Of-|llI«-e*lt«HUlloilr2--------

am conipullud iii lull you. sir., ifini I do nul rocoRnlto yuu lo ihot

eiiiincliy."" In d f o a r Challftnror bowci) wllh

unwlitlily ■ *nrcaiim. "Pcrhiip* yim would dfilno iiiy cxaci< puiltUiu."

“Voa. »lr. Vou nr^ a nmn whnno > rnracliy la upon trial, nnd thin

cclminlttno Is horo lo try IL Vou • »nlk. Plr. with ynur JudK*."‘ ~D<-ar m at" aald Challi-nRcr,

.rnilnK himnelf on tbo al.ln of ono of Iho eanoM- 'f n th a t cnno you ,

‘ .■ w ill . 'o f >ou'rao; ru on your . way. ' and I wlll follow iil.my Ic'lnuro. If

I I am not tho loailor you canool ux- ' port m a 'lo lond.-

Tbank bearun Ihat Ih^ro woro lwo aann lii'm—l.ord 'John-R nxlnn and myanlf—,10 proreni thn p.-tu- : lantn und follr of nur Inarnrd I’r». fcssora from 'aendlnif u i back em ii ly.bandod to U>ndnn. Such ar- Kulns apd plf-adlns and pxplaluhu

.h rfo ra wn could K"t Ih-'m mnlll- ' n rd l Thi'n a t lant Summt-rlcn, '

i «.|th bin amx'r ami hla plt>o. would ‘ morA forwardR, and. CballrnKirr ! wouUl como rolllnu and crumblliiK

afv-r. Oy aomo ewxl forinnc *<■ dl«eo»«rcd about th is lima that bnih onr aarantaM ind thx very poorpat opinion of Dr. lilinRworih of Kdlnhursh, Thoncrforwarrt thal

' l r a a onr oni> nafoiy. and rv rry . •j '• Kiralncd *llnaHon wan rrlle»cd Uy

I Kcnlch rootflcUt. wbon bolh our ' ' I>rof>>«>inrii would form a Irmpnrn -i ry alllanrc and frli-ndihlp In th«:r ■ ! d/>»MT»tlon asd abu»e of ihia com-

i Adrancm * in alnitin nlr. along ; , thn hank of thn atri-nm. w« aoon

(onnd tba t ll oarrow rd down lo a n>»rn brook, and Anally that li loM Ha»lf In a er<*ai c re rn moM«a of

1 tpnn»<^llko mo**««. into which w- ‘ I •.-«nk up to our kn"i« Thn plar<* , I w n. horrlblT haun .n l by chu.it. of ; I mo»riulto**i and pverr form of ny- ,

1------rnab1.-.l u— tg - n m ra T ik - th tt-T " -' tltCDl TToraM, mhli-b ,!ron-i1 Ilk-I an or*sn In ihr dl^ianco,. .0 lo.M

iraa It <r'lh ln«rrt Mt- ,On tbn »ci-pnd ilar J f lr r Ifsrln* ,

1.rr.irn» tM :in-r «n-1 l"«t )fi.-ir ir,.pir,.1 rui.in«ncc T^.- 'f - r . of iti-'nlli:-!!.-!! Anijt'onlan '

I iliin I’liirc liI md ctwn I'alna. STO»lnR in '

, rM Clum p... - l : s Ihfck «-oo-i la th o ^ sm p f r hf>i.

Ih - V.-!i>rlIU p»lm . IhT ft niit ’ h -lr c ra r-fu l

I v r r - . r r . Of .-rir.lon l - l - r r n■--.c'r in .t -h- i>to ln.li-m«, «h -n .

i p ,n fr« ior-i lodlsnant




iiyw~ci-« r r r a J ■= - -*

w ith PIrat National Pleturca, Ino,' aon R. Rothaeker.

wordn. lbe whole party #.?reed to " tru s t the fallacious InatlDCts of undurolop'ed aara«es ratlior tbsD Ibo blgbaat product of modern

' , ISurapean cultuVe.” T hat wo were Juntmod In duInK a>t was ibowa upon the third day, when CTftllon-'

aovoral landmark* of bis formor 'o u rnc r. and Id on« «pot wo aeiual* ly came upon four flro-blackcned atonoi, irb]eb muat bavo uiarkud a cnmplnR-placo.

lho Tbo road ailll a iceodcd, and we It'n cconaod ' a rnck-ituddpd atopo *ho which look two days to truvorau.

l» Tho ruRutatlon bad nRnln cha'nRcd. oc- and only tho vvttotabln Ivory treo.IU" romnlnod, wllb » groni profusion

of wonilorful orcblda. nmonR )vl- whlcb I h 'arncd ro rccoRnlio tho ta- raro .Vtiiionia Voxlllarla and Ibo; ur. Klorlimn pink aad scarlet hlonnomt ' iw. of CnitfDya nnd oiliminsloxaitm. nn Occnalonal hrnoka wllb pohhly bot- ll'- I'oma nnd forn-drnped hiinka RU^ hi! Klcd down the ahallnw Korgo* In oil lho hill, anil offerod i;ood cnmp- . nil ln}!-Kroiinda uvcry ovciilnB on lho ird b:inkn of anmo rovk-niudilod pool.

n whi/rn aw.-irm9 ot lltlln hlu>-.h'sc1ird nt. dnh. ahnut ihu alxo aud shntio of n: I'lnxllMi trout, navu ua a dollclous • rt'o aiippor.rr>. Un Ihn ninih day nficr Icnvlnft.Iin- lho cauoGs, hnvipe dn»o, aa I rpoh- hn on. aboOi a-.huudrnd nnd iwnnly >011 mllra. we hi-Rnn In rmorRo from mu Ihotrovn. tvhlcb had erown amiillnr ->m .... Ill Ihoy »orn moro ahruba. Thi-lrni* pl.ico wa* laknn by an Immcnin ll’l wlldiirn.!M of bamlino. wblch Rrutr I'l- HO ihlrlEly that w» cnuld only pnn«

irnio It hy ru iiinc n iiathwny wllh >d, lho .. .....................1 hlllhooka of Ibn- IndlnuK. II .....Ic .11. .......... .. dny.

truvi'llnr Irnm .r-v,.u ti> ih» mornUi l;iK tin clKhi In Ibo i<1i:ht. wiih

only iwo-tlH-nU.-i of on.- hour, oacb, rn III i:i-i thfoitKh.tbla oli«i;u:li. Any- I. t ihHia niofi- inonmonoiir. nnd wrnry- 11J 111-: tuniHT' lilt! I'd l:ri;ii;lri>'‘K for.

i.v..., al Ull. »i.i-l oiiLli p1a.-.-a, 1 il- r.i'iM nol Kl'.: moro llinn inn or ll). hvcivo yardit. tvhll.i unially my v|- lln ,Ti.III wai. liiuKi.d ,10 Ihu. buck ot \v- l.ord John'a enttun Jacliot in from ' •■y. ol mn. and to tbo yellow wall with- 1,0 In a fool i>r ono on e ltbur aide, rrom

abovo caino ono Ihln kulfi-odiro of •mitsmiirtrTfnd nftoon-(cih-ovcr our hnn.la onr- law ibe topa or thh

,ir rui'da Bu-aylnc asalnAi ihn deep hlui- ahy. I do not know wbni kind ‘

,, of eroaiuri'a Inhabit auch a ihlcki-t. ]■ liui aovoral tlmoa..wn board tbn !' nlunclnie of- Inruo. buvTV-.anlmalH I ...

, fliilli' clnjo 10 II«< h-rom Iholr p• aounda Ixird John Judged thorn to I

bo aomo fortn of wild catiUv .Jua l j ,,, aa n lchi.full wo cicnred ih .rhclt of !

t>nrnboon. and a i <;n'ce formi.d o.ir 1 .. camp, oxhaustud by Ui« inttrm l-

" " " S ; , ; ” ’. - . . . . . „ v .' aRDin ufoot. and. found lha i tho

charnctor of (h.t country bad ' cbnnKr-d oncB nsalw, Ijohind us

; \vn» thn wall ot bamboo, na do { llnllo na If 11 mnrlipd tho couran B ta .r lv o r . In froni..wna an open... !_ 1 plain, aloplni: i>llrhlly upwnrda

‘V .md dott.-d n llh flum ps of ircr-forns. Ihn wIioIo curvlnic b-foro , na nnlll ll ond.nl h i.a lonR. wbain- l.arh,..! rldKP. T h i, Wo .rnachrd about mlilday. only 10 find a abnl. ^low rallry bnyonrl. rlalHR onm

; lulo a Rnntl., incllnn wblcb O;‘ Inl to a low. roiin.lod aky.llnn. It

«-aa hrrn, wMl,. »o qroiand Iha 1.. I,, tlrnl of thriin h liu . th a t ao m- 1^ i:ld«-nt op<-nrrf.d wiilrb may or may ?11 not havo been tm portanu ' ^

r'rofr>.«or ChallfnRcr, who with ' ” Ibn two local IndUms wns In thn "

, vnn of th" t'ariy , »!npp<!d auddmly".md polntrd cxclK-lly lo tho rlRht X

' Aa hn dlJ. no wo. i>aw. a l Ihn dl». “ . lanro of a mllo o r 'so . som n.hlne ' ] ,h lc h apprar-il in tin a huKO cr^y [ J’,„, liird ttnp »lnuly up from Iha 1

, sround and »l;lm tnioolhly ofT. ily- ' I inif vi-ry low nnd afraU ht. uutll lin- ll w ai tn»l am nnr Ihn tr rn fr rn a 1 u.-.'

"Pld yon i-f. n r crlnd Challen- ' an* ■ «-r. in exullathm, -Summ erli.n. | t u .

did you «re I t rIlla coll-acun wa« • ta rln s a l iho i

^ »pot whi-fn lho crnature had dla- j

••Wlnn 1)0 ynu c la tn tha t ll li'i'',' w n . r h.. nO;.-.!. j,„,

, "To 111" l)i -.i of my ,t)cl!et. • 1 ,.ntr; ...........t. !«iichl-f. "A r t r r r . l d l r a t l r k r aaM pla:

h". - I t waa a atorli. if ««cr I aaw i;in

Chnllpn« 'r w ai too fo rlon t 10 ^'o‘' J, «Bcnk, lln sim ply atrunK b it pack

jiMnJLi!> .'' ''.'I'^.^.^.'LronlijuicJ ___ '-hla marrh. • l.ord _ Joha came — -

I ni>rpa»t of tnr, b o w se r , and his

n-onu ll - bad b!s-'Zeias eUs!>c.s '!s hl'< h»nd. I

‘ -I foriijol It brfar* J t cot o r - r ' ;„ .ho ir.-...,- .a id hn. -1 won't on- „ .Vrr-iWr to tay %h»t It w j , but . I'll rl*k my rrpn.a iioij a« a aporia- , in^n tha l It w aio-l any. bird ih a t ' |

f r - r t d .ipprit eye* oa ta m» llf r " b'o Ihrre Ihn m atlnr atanda Art. !

, wn r - ; l ’y Jm t at th* «ds- ot thn I.ncnon trriB i the on.Iy- •)

ln« rK-krli of (bla toai world ot j, xhlch our Iradnr apraVs? I «l»n I

rnn .hp 'lac ld ra t aa tt occnrrnd ‘ a n i yon will knnw a t mnch a t;• I do I! ila ad i .a lo sn . for wn aaw |, rn ih ln s m nr. wblch eould bs call 1

- I t (To B« COBtlaasd) |

I -

Y TIM ES ■ r

g e n e r a l IBy

■^Trom llie Monthly Bank J.ettei

T l iE Bcrier4l coune of buimcsa nduriuB the pait mohlli lias bccii I

satUfaciory. Keporii como from Ilicrc and there o f diiap|>ointment 1th a t orders arc not flowing in a <

. Jartter stream, ihat luduairy 11 notoperaiinK a t capacity and tha t .Mar* tgins of profit are im all. Such Coni> I

. plaint* always are licard cxccpt in tboom ttuiM. when Ihe prer»«re of '

- ----- Blniorr.al-demands--gives... e iioush t_ hii«inr«a for w rv liodv . •*'The ordin* >

ai7 stale of btisiiieii ' is tha t in 1 which eompciition cxi«t», w ilh full -i induMrial capieiiy a little ahead of I eonMinipiion requircm enu and m ar- t Rinal pfoduecfs having a ra the r i diiricuU lime. J

Profif-marBlnj change very read- \ Ity as the luarkels awing from the < t>o.<ition in wblch buyers have Ihe j npper hand lo tliat in which tcJler» ,, have iu Of course sellers like lo have thing* their way, hut nothing is more certain lhan th a t under { ordinary conditions they cannot . have ificin iu»t to their liking, for very long. If there is a congcat.on ,

■ of orders, so that competition exiaia n for goods in*iead of orders, jirice* . go up and co«is tend to follow, with

. the r o u k that unicsa Uu«ii.css soon ; falls olT the situation will get *er< „ louily out of lialance and depression will take Ihe place of prosperity. , A '-lot of price and wage adva.iccs 3, occurred in the Spring of 1923 “ which for the good‘of all concerncd ,]

» had better nol have lakcn plaee. ^ • The confidtnce In good time* ll

* ' which hai been diaplayed nf lale .s I)generally baied upon the belief th a t / condition* nre iifhre nearl>- riKlit a for a free, full. cxchanKc of good* .ll and service* lhan they have been h for a long time. The principal con- 0 dilion for. such exchu.ii;c* i* .that fi tbe priccrclations ahall he appr.tM- ei nialeW -tluxe lo which the people c arc accumoined; ill o lhcr v.’ortU. v thai wHai everybody ha* t» »c11 « fthall comm.inil al.niii ihc imnal .p.

■ ^<inantity of oilier .ihiiwi., W hm IhiK ia the case .tiirrc will l.r cn.- tl l.loyment for .ill and ih r produclX <t will move inlo coniu.ninlon. ‘i

Thai siluation. doca not cx iit . coinpieiclj-, hill tircai improvPiiicn.Jij,« jjiltcij |> b« Jj) Ihe- )a.«r y ra r ami more i* Koii»K "n. 11"" prirc* ino«l acrioutl.v out of '.ine since 1920 liavc been" those of {arm products. .\

• ycar.SKO the Mc.S’aryH aiiK cn hill wa* Ihe moat coiiapicuoi.s tm aaure before ihe ConRreM, and tta p ro ­visions were imcndcd to raise the prices o f sertsin leading farm prod­uct* lo -tbc "pre-war parity" with other producta. the pnee-table* of the Btuuau of Lahttr being adopted n as the b siis for Ihe proponrd-opcni.

‘ tions. The l*te»t o f these price* tables, w liiek is for the m onlh .o f |,; j Jani.sry, 1925. ahow* thal it* group ,.1 I .“(arm produ j '* ^now^^apra^({e« 3

! le v e rw h iie !i» entire list o f com- 7 I modilie*. inelodlng farm products.I averaRcs 60 per cent nhove th a t _ ; level. “ Morrover. the outlook for „ I farm producu in ROod. I t i* possi-

hie now to tell wheat for delivery |„ in Sei.temhrr at ahoul $1.50 per i„

' hnshel in CbiesRO. and Ihe disparity iKtween corn and live slock is being corrected. y

The M onihlr Review >f the Re- t - rn 'c aantc of Minneapolii H ate* h; i Ihst llic total dnll?r valne ot bus!- se

A i.i.vs s ir .n io .s .s l« ( i--------- I-'nll

In Ihl- ItM rirl Cnnrl of lb.- Kt.->rnH. lho• Juillrhil nUlrii-l ..f t il- SInl'.- Ilf nm..

................. und f.ir lln- Coiiulv of ntid, T h Ih Intl.-.. , t ‘>ii

O; W. D oiinh-rij, I’Ininilff. ' | w■Vl., • K.1U1

1.. I*. Him. .Sii?.inn.- Tnylor. iF orni.'r- r,.!,, ly .Mi'j.: I., <•. r i.iii , CIO-' Oi>ri-llo. ( s i ; Mrn. i-lrv.- <'o*ii-llo. A, iV M .'.rill.Mrs, A. A. M<rilll. C.-o \V. W.1..1I nnd Mrn . Cni, W, W.i.hI, in frnd- i:.

■ IIUIH. J{.TliP Sl.H.' of Idaho -----

lo CI.-V.. roHK-ll.., \U:.. I'li'v.v Coi l.'ilo, , un.l Mr«. A. A. M-rrl11, Ilm-n of the , a .io v o n an K d .l.- t.n .la n l.: '• Von nn- h. rrhy no.lflrd, Ihat n com- i*

tp lu l.il hnn h.-.n Ilinl :ii.-atn;.I )o u InI ih.- I lH 'r lc <-riurI .ll Ih - IM. v.-iilli Ju - n , , , Idlcliil l)li;ll-|rt ot th f Slal.- of l.laho.

In nn.l fnr ih r ••'oimiy «.f T « li. l.'al!.-.I liy ib<- a1n>u' i.aninl plntiillrr. uml you

hrn-liy dlr.Tl.-d lo ap p ra r and] InnMv.-r Hn- «il.! • . oint.laini uU tiiu |tu .-n iy d a i . of 111,. M.iU.-,- uf

Inl n in iriri, nn.l «lililri foriy .lay,, u ■•'••’•y M'rvrd .Iv n h rr .- , and >011 an- fnrlli.-r no iltln l thm .uil.-»^ NMU TO n p n .n r nnd . 'i'*' n in n .T Hni.l <nmiilnini utililii ll.i. tln ir nii.vlf.nl. il„- [iI.ili.ililf ..HI tnUr- <

........ ............., EThlr. n,-:ion luoii ;)n in for.-rlo^o’ ‘ '

ft moriK!.::.. ;;li. n Ihr ahoi.- nu m .'d , , " 1’ pla tn llffi l.v Ih r il. frntlunv. I-la .ii an.l t l .» . . < o ri.ll,. oiHni ih - fi.l-j T' , ,lo » l:u .I-^. ril..-.i Inn.N in Twin Kallr. , f o i in n . Mnho. nrd iia illiiila rly <l‘- 'i ( ,„ V

foliovr-, lo .« ii : I uk .-l_.oi r.-ii ( 111) in llliK-k n f i y.,.!x In k

Home Mon■ i\T i:ifi-:.sT t i . r i* iM rn vr

• r-!rin ,iit t o 't , . ' . . .n s i i l r r r . l ill ln i; i l,i;:!.l.v im iio rt.ii.t. It. tnlcii.u* n

I,r.v.. r l - .•i.lv.-„,t«tf.-H . .f l ...ih'I'x.’iil l-'nll^, nmi .nr.-, uvi.iinM.- fn

.. W- ;irr ill iK- innrk.-i fo r , x.'i'.-r i.iiJ-: trrin IcMiiy ,.f ral

T he M u tu a l 1r i.o i.n


BUSINE^ eONBy GEORGE E, ROBERTSitter for hUrch Issued by T he N ational City

a iiei* transacted in lhal Reserve d is . U iikll iriet during December as shown by iag tu the individual debit* a t banks In J pert J7 selccied cilic* wa* more than Cfevt» one-fourih greater than a year agp. ciscoIt W inter wheat haa come throiiRh per <r. the 'season in good condition. T he hiiniii. price of wheat after siiflering- B dc- factn rlinu of 2tl cenu per bushel from has f}{ ilic top has reeovercd about two- andh thir.lH of il. The teal of ihe market been-I- will conic in llie licxt few weeks, ingi' il lor omy fouf riibhiiia rgmaln 'uniltIt new wheat will beuin to appear in iicis,'if ihe southwest markets. Tne price the !r- of wheal for May delivery ia about 2'/j.■t 35 9cni* per buthel below that for is es

Ju ly delivery, and nalura llr deal- cance, ers will ro t buy Hour o r mill* buy dencj

wheal f r 'jii now on except as they clinai• ?irc siffe of ability lo pass it on The

for consumption before flour* from the *1 the new crop ii available. W orld mer,

° shipm enis are very heavy. In tbe lowci » week of I'chruary 20 th e .a s^ e g a ie and 1 , from all cxporim g .connirie* w as prele " l<>rtK)0,0D0 hnaheU. and a t the close dang

of Ihe week «2,000.000 huiiiel* were Ther. on Ibe ocean* bound for Eprope. enjoy

• T be i;»iilcd S ia ir t Drpartmeiit o l wiibe , ARrieuliure on Novcmhcr 25 iast, Thi ‘ esDniaied t h r to ta l world movement pal f " to June 30 a t 705.000.000. Seven ropor• tnonths.’ export* of wheal, including 4. Pa ' -flour to January 31*t aggregated 10 Ft : 194 ,m o00 huahcis, against 112,- *terdi ! 366.000 in Ihe correipondiiig period holm ' of 1923-^. , The visible supply in Hclsi ' the United Sia|ca i* *liKhtIy above Pragi

that o f .la s t year a t Ihis time, bu t Swiss• the amount lu farmer*' hand* i« S. Di• b rlie rrd lo be Ics*. ArReiitina and These t An»iralia are the heaviest' shipper* rate* t a t present. I 'ltim aies ot the amount don, a ihc Uniled Slates Mill has available' abov< J 'fo r export ranRc from 50.000.000 to . when . r>5,n»(l.l)U0 l>H*bel*. The new crop In 1 t future* arc sironir. and evrn *ir.ong- were• er in Liverpool than Cliicano, indi* cxpor c eating a belief thnt the carry-over orahit . will lie «mall an.l thal ilie world ullvcr 1 will wanl all the new crop ,it Rood l^ade I .prire*. ■ ’ able 1 I 'I 'ho nrookniire .nuMetiii ha* ma.le N'orll - the follQ.ving calcilaiion upon Un- .*.fric; 1 iled Slaii-n Mipidies and dlHlribulion, $110,1

.I.-MC-I 1-Vhrnary 2fi: lohm, I t .w ill he *cen that thi* itiake:) nnd '

I ■ •I Crop 1924 ........................... ............... ....• C irn - over l.lly 1, 192-1 .......................

Total Supplies ......I , C<m*.imcd to March, 1 ................. ..■ Hxported to March >1 ..........................

Balance March 1 ............ ................... .1 For consninption to. July 1 ........... ..

For Export lo July 1 -----------------I Carry over July I, 1925 ------------- ---

' Ihe carry -over.'57.000.000 bu ihe li Ameri' le**' thal of last vear. Of' T In Federal Reser^•e Dank of 3-18.00r N ew Y ork on Pebruary 26th ad- King.' vancM the rale of diacount from many' 3 per cent, where il had stood since 000.00‘ AimuM f . 192-1. Ut S <A v ei l ent- ty - m• The coiir«e of e\-ent« for aeveral impor• m onth*-ha* , heen low.ard hiRher 0 0 ^ ‘ rate* for crcdit and. open markel » n ^ J

rate* have heen etiffeninr. T he de-; mand for. money has heen increa*- tiary>

ln(T, ROld c tporia bave heen .Icplct- rnary• inc Tile- KrW Vork reser>-c*. and the 1 I no.w ihe »ea*on of the year han a r- Cerni;• rived when interior Kilancc* in New .*lale '

Vork n« .ially"^e redi'.ccd. *uppoThe reaerve'hsnk of New Y ork connii

I has heen ihc only one r>f the re- hut th . sen-e hanks, and the fn ly ccnlral by fre

.( Ih.' Twin Kalli. TownHllo In Tw in for d I'nllH i'.iui.ly a.iil Sinio of Idahn. un wlfolho 1..111M' nn- nhown <ni llu- finnl nn.l .tody im ..n.l.'d plnl nf raid lowiii.ll.- on flic \V| md .If .iT ord iu Ul.- offlc- of til.- w id•-.uniy .IU'i:nidrr o'. :.;ild fnu iily nn-I j.’tb r

W linr. n my han.l un.l tin- ii.-nl of lln- (SI:a «.1hl plNlrU-l fu n i l . Ihlii K‘lh day t.i I'Vhrnii. V. i ; i " . Allot

I-. r . 'm c c i N s .C k lk .

1:. V, !.;.ii;nn. AlKinicy f ..r I’lnlnllff,nl Tx.-lh I'nllii, Idaho. a I


JJ th - m « lr ld r o u r l 'n f tho i:i.-»rnlhItidli-Inl D Irlrlrl ..f the Stui.- of Idnhu, dlKli

In nn.l for T n ln I'nlU (-.nm l), . r r tu r--------- Auier

Jiacn' l ll ll. ria ln ilff. , ----- -

Itn-. l l l l i . D rf.nda 'il.- Tho SI.-.I.- of Iil.iho .lemhi Kt.-rllnE-.

0 J . ;i;. IIIII. Ih - ahov.- nnm.-d d.-f.-n.l-

You n.<: h rn l.y 11.* Irm l ihai a rom- ■l.unl In .Ihi.rr.- han h-. n 111.-.! ii;nlnrl yuu In Ih.- IH rlrlrl Codrt nf l .r i;i.'\.-n th Judiflnl l)H .lrlrl of tho “ ?lnl- .if Idaho, tn an.l for Twin KalU •..uniy, l.y the abiiw nniiird jilalntlff.IT,.: .von n i r h. Li.y .iir.-ci-.l to appear ‘ ro" '' mn ni.KVv.-!- anid .on ip la ln t w llhln w rnly di.};. ..f Ih.- Hrrvlec of Ihln « iiiiim.mK. if »rr».-.l w ithin nnld Ju - PftW Mriol l) i..ir in . .>r w llhln forly dayn if »ha: rrv rd .-Ir.r..hrr.-; and you a rc fu rth e r and i»Itfl.-.l lhal mil.-:.* yon no a p p ra r r.inai; iml niiM-'-r i.r.ld r.jniplalnt w llhln th.- and Imc hrro ln ap.-cUlcl. the plaintiff wlllinp|K-r 4k.- jii.UiiK-nt nsalnai you u i prayc.l.i;]- r n hahj com plalni. .T b ls com plaint la .u rr e i

ney for Home.voii i-n.v fo r 1iorrow .-i1 ti.om -y. Uiii>

n k iii t ' a loan . S K I lV lf K nn .l CONV n lonn th r.nii: '> th .- .M .itunl U iiil .liiis

-III 1.1W r.ii.- nnd s.;rvi, n. V „ iir rmi»c f n r .Voiir ijifiir.-intiijii iiitil iji.sj>r»-lioji

>r .i.-siinh l.- l..';iiis r i , T w in F a l ls r r . r a t.-s . w ith p,-,\M;riit... n r ru u v i '. l 't o Miii

1 Building and Loa• l.VI .Mnin A vf..

F R ID A T , M A R C ir 2 0 , '1025.;

iN D IT IO N s"~5 •City Bank of New York)

Milk in tbe world, cnainialning dur« . ag the past year a Hliscotint rate of I per. c e n t The rale a t the DostoP,Cleveland, Richmond and San F«i»*:isco reserve banks, has been >er cent aud a t the other re se rv e '>anks 4 per cent. In view of th e ■ act tliat tbe brunt-of gold exports ■as fallen ppon Ihe New. Y ork bank*: jiid tha t the reterve banks 'h ave • ieen‘ reduciiif^ their security .h o ld - . . . ngi' in Itli* iiiarket. n o t 't« ,tf e a tc . '

he New Vork rate u p ,td aA 'Iew t ,U nder (he c irc u m su n :^ . U

t ea*y to exagget^le the s l^ I t i - ance of thi*' advance, and the ten* lency lo do so shows an undue in* .:liii«ion to dijeount the future. . rh e changc reflects recovery from . • he stagnant conjlltion* 0! fast Sum* ncr, but- 3 ^ per cent Is still the. uw cit rale in the world for money lUd ita adoptien need no t be Jnter- :>retcd as a w arning t h v » *ta«e o f langerou* expanaion is threatened, i'here ahould be an opportunity to :njoy normal conditions for syrhile riibout alann. ' . f

T he ditcount rale* of the princl- ■ lal foreign l>ank* of isaue a s last oported were as followa; I.,ondon , Pari* 7. llerlin 9 (reduced from 0 February 2fi). Dru**el* ’5 ^ , A m - ' tcrdam 4. CopenhaRcn 7,. Stock- ' lolm 5!^, Onto .(ChriiiJa'nla) 654',; .IcUingfors 9, Danaig II). Rig* 81 ' *’raguo. 6,. Vienna 13, \V a r M w , ,1 2 . . . lw i« Uwik 4; R o m e 'S « .^ |a t^ r^ c '. Dublin Calcutta 7, T oklo 8,.'hese rate* are for discounted bills;' ate* 011 advances are 5 ^ in Z.oh-''^' on, 8 in T a r ii . I T In Berlin, in d .. h o v e . the di.icoiint rates .•iierc ' '- ■ ■■■

In the year 1 924 our total fm pfitis ".>erc $.1,610.552..’i<S6 an'd our to ta l .Micrt.^ S4,S'>0.|.16.87.1. giving a fav- ' rahic balance nnt including «old o r , llvrr of ahnui $<».Sl).000,000. In our ' ' fade ivith Ktirope wc had a favor? ' hie hnUi.cc of $I..14H.ODO.OOO, Wllh ^.•orih . Aiiu-rica $"4,000,000. wiili ifric.i :S.MK)0,«00,- and Oceania110.000.000. while we hiid adverse ■.ihnce* c f ?416.n(K),nOU with A*ia nd -of $I3M>00.0<M w ith South . '

J ,• Quihels______87.1,000.000 • •............102.000.000 , *

..... 975,000,000 ..------- .,505,000.000...... -„>W,000,000 7JS.000.000....- ............................ 260.000,000...... .... 150,000,000 «u . •— .... 65.000.000 215.000,000------- ---------- :----- 45,000,000 ■ .

O f"our favorable balance of $ 1.-18.000.000 wilh Europe, tbe U aiied lingdom supplied $615,000,000, G er- . lany S30I.000.000. Franee $134,- ~W.OOO, Italy ,$112.000.000 m d n e a r / ___________

la Jl«4.000.fl00 ill |0 |,1. •

. . .lary have been.aboul S40.000.000, le principal de*linatloni being erniaiiy and India. The present ale of onr forelRn trade does not ipport the .expectation ih a t thia>uniry will eoniMMte-t©. loie ' g tjld ,'.......................It thj* sii.iation may be o rertocae • .>• frefc IcndinBr. • - •

o r divorce for failu re to n tipporl you r wife, whn ln tho pl.ilntlff. and to r c u v tody of O larrnco HIII, m inor cblld. .

Wltnenn my bnnd and t h f ncal o t the i'4>hl in m r ln Conrt. th is 2Cth day o( I’tb ru a ry . 1D2S..

C. C. SICGINS. Clork.S rA M • • ■(..T. JInmlllnn.Viioriiry for I'lalnllff.Uriij.llnc nt Twin Kalla. Idnho.

T.oo Much for IC .A Scoifuinn m is found dvn.t In tro n t

>f s 1-cunt puiK-lrini; innchlnF. T he •0ri.Bu-r' found Ihat diMijh Iin.l he<^ itu»i-.l by iivcrcxcrtlon. Invpstlsatlon ll,sclUi!d n sign reading: "Vour penny •rtumerf If you b ll hard euoush-"— luierlcan UKlba Weekly.

Plum ber Thought H e • N eeded New Pipes

•'My nlomacli and IniM tlnes were iliviiyi. full cf Kas and 1 o ften bad r ic f c c a llr attack*. The p»ln anit orcncsa caiiae.l m r to th ink I oe«d- d n ro w -se t of pipes. Slnco U k- im .Mayr's WonUnrfui Remedy #11 bla huM dlsappoarpd aotl my only rouhlo nnw I* to m ske enough ouKh li> buy ull the tood Td ,1Ika ^ o cal." II Is slm ble. barm lesa / I rc(>arullon tha t removes the c a ta r- ha: m ucus from the Intestinal t r a d nd allays Ihe Inflam m ation whlcb .insca p rac tlrally a ll tlom ach . Il«-er nd laiesilnni allmentji. Including PIK-ndlcliia.' One dose wlll convince r m«m«-y rcfundctl. Al- a ll d ru g . ■

e Peoplellil- r t a r - K In n o t th t; o n lv >NVKNIK.VCK Jirt* .' a]>w . lin t : n n .l liO.iii A luioc 'iation. i.ip c rs * rc a h v a y s k e p t a l ion /it fllJ limi**.

n-Hi.lcii»-f p r o p e r ty . . W e su it .voiir convciiicn ec .

[>an Ass’n- T T w i n T a l l O i l a h o .

Page 5: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

• V '

FniD AT, 20, lf)2.-

Til® MKTHOmKT CHUItC •H . O. H um phrey, Pni«or.

‘ duDd&r »ch(>oi at'O M S Pu in. -A bMoii, Supt.

P ro ic b in e b r iho pastor a( o 'c lock a . m. Serm on tiuUvct, U njust Stfward.**

T he m usic fo r (Im mornlnp w , - -O rw n prelude. •■Awdnnio"

la n l) : nntliem by tlio clioniH "Ye T b a t S tand in (ho H oiibo" i

. a « 7 ); 'o ffe rto ry . "Metodlfl" (Fr; . . Gr):.p<)sUudc, sclcctod (Daiir).V _________________-A t 6; i s p. m. thP Kim-nrlh I.

^ 1 hold ihQlr devotional nerv • A t,7 i3 0 p. m. th e D r. Pnrrol chestra W ll lead tho tionc norv T he paSft6r . w ia prcireh on "Pi O ur Hand lo Ihe Plow." Thu c: choir wtll fltnir “Oehold (he Con

■ c r" (Gabriel).S tran in rs.w olcom o a t a ll sor

F IB 8 T PRK8 BYTKIHAN n iL 'l A. O. Pearson, M inister.

'9 :4 S a .re . S»ndny school. .Mr. Foldhusen, Supt. -> wclcoinu t w ho do n o l atlf'Du elsewhere.

11:00 a . m. M orning womlilp, f Chaa. W. W illiam s'o f Poriiaml.

.« Koa, wffl npeaic in (Iio (ntcTrscr F o ro in MiiAlons.

4:00 to 0:30 p. ni. Tho Chrl. EndeaTor Socletim will nicvi.

7:30 p .' m .' FvcnlnR worship, paator w ill, sp eak on ".Mlnlnn SplrJU."

A n slttlnes a ro free. Wu li yo ti;to woraolp w ith uk. -

METHODIHT U i r i U ’l l ; K Mi HR] . CUarlos D. F letcher. MlnlMlo:

" Sunday Reboot, a t 10 a . m.‘ Citf o r '.llir a«ea.

M om in«.w orship n t l l . o . m. wilt be,lho .nnnlvcr8ary of thu fo Intr. o f the W omen's F o tclsn }llu

* 'D r“,^ ! “p ‘'a ilH la n bf F ile r wil the speaker. .H ls stibjcct, “AVhnt p b se rran t T rave ler Saw of (lie V>

• e ti*8 W ork In .th e F a r &aa(, Inclu J a p a n and China."

bpw orth LcuRtio a t 7 p. m. Tt "K ecplnr I t Friendry." ■ I..cadcr. iroK sard t

Bveninit service a t 8 o'clock. E, Li White, d is tric t supcrln ttn i Will be w ilh us and speak. Ho

' hold our Srd qu arte rly confere ■ ■ . _ U t 's have « /Hii'IftlcDiJance a t nl

ou r aervlcea ?(inda>\

. ' A S K C E S io iT m sc o P A L n u 'i t i- Rev.' Loula P. N lssen, Ilectot

_______ • , T ho fourth Sunflav tn Lcnt..8 a . m. H oly coihm w lon .8:4G a.' m. C hnrch school.

. 11 a. ra. .MomInK p ray e r and j . n o n . Tbo subject o f tho sormoi

•T he Parab le of the T w o Characte 10 a . m. W ednesday. Ce lcbrai

of the Holy communion; The - nunclation.

4:16 p. m . Children's. Sorvlco addroaa. - ' • '

7 :46 p. m .' Service and addreoii J ______ *T ho. F oW yencss of Slna." _

ConfirmaUon inatructlon i t * and 7:30 on ge i^ay in the rectory,

lU TIIK RA X c i i u n c i r T hird avenuo w est nml Fifth utrc

.Iohn OlhrlnR, .Pastor.' Sunday school 10:00 a . ni;

PasslonspredlKt 11:00 n. m. ISvenlnff service. 7:30 p. m.

Gospel lesson for the roiirih S......................... day In Lent. Subject, "How Hai

'C hriatians A re .> ^ 0 In l ^ r i T hihaa."

You have no church homeT 7 — church' e«lend* t6 (lie cordial luv

tion. Come, you and you r chllili

MK.TH0DI8T C IIU H C irO F F ll- t J . D. G lltllan. D. D.. Mlnlstiir.

N e«t Sunday inorn lnu tiie pro have in a tore fo r (hem a plea* trea t: Hev. E . U W hile, superlntc en t o f the easlern d is tric t o t' Inl moiintalD Contercneo will lie tli p reacher a t te n o'clock. Thn prin

• , K . .

_v % orBettB&TTY waa tbe office mi h e t beautjr now lMrn»a wholesome eompteuoi ahe now aeemed eterna ia s figure of disappou Too U d abe didn 't n a

------: ; : m ^ Ubo:v/hich-ww t tB u t m e n u u !

, a e l v e a f o i e r e r o f l h » t

. e v e j y d » y — o r m c l

AaKeUoga’iALL-BR the jyatem. h» fiber j Itiaiidiaitdoetora.calli food w bkh nreepa tl « b o l k - f ^ which a tnotstnre throucb the i: uUtisg .oMXasti, beali

-y . . • •

f)2. ' . '

3 C M N E V \gItCII nl tha t liour w ill' bo addrcanint or. ' WoMan's Foreign M iw itannry.S m. !'2 I... KImliorly. J n the atternnnn hi

10 ncrcur. Mr. W hlto wtll 'l>c In »( 11:00 In Hn»o ‘0 care fo r tho (mclil .'Cl, "Tho men's clniui wlilch m retn I

GVaves' otflco nml Ih know n «ui R will bl' F ilhr Friendly Fellows." (Mill- Sunday Mcbool grows umliiiH choir, ^bllby nml (Ik> i .

(Spin* ' 1' imdvr Mrs. Docm'ib licindH IFrj-nliiK- XlwnnlanH we.-kly but s(r r ) . . eviTy TucHdny noon.

icrvlco.'^^ i;iil{ lK TI,\.\ < 'l l l ' l^ H , Kl.1lii|-; rro t t o r- AV^-onilcrfiil IntcrcHt wiw m ar ervico. cd la i t Sundny In Iho DIbto n ■ PutthiK and yet IlupoM ran ahead of uh i u Chorua lUipert reported 171 prcncni a t Conqui-r. Klmborly hnd 167 prrHi-nt. iHnn'i

by thirteen. One wct'kncii tlie scrvlccH. iiy nine, ho they nro 22 lu tiic-

KlmhiTly! K lm brrly !! Klw l.ct IIUHMI romi* nn tills Simdiiy. IcI’h (nk<

lend, come, brhiK a ll you r frl M r.John 1^'t's bea( (hii ZW) n inik nex t Su u to oil Wv con do l i . i t wa will. Whu

J'0U7lip, Mr:<. Ili'meinljpr, Illlili' itchool inoctn nd. Or*}- o'clock nnd you miiHt ln> iircHrn rs(H u f.fon* to Im coiinCi')!. So 1

liiuitii nnd Id'H kIvo U iip irt n hrln'diin dimt nexl .^iindny. Ili-ninntn'r. 1. onJy li.-ivc four more Suniinyn ti:lip, The dll' Miiry.ilnterlnK Clirliitlnn i'^ndenvnr n( 7 o'cioci

Cuinmuninn n i 11 n'clodi.Invite J- t:u lo (t 8 II11111. I'aMo

II.\SHK.\ (MIJI.MUXITV t ’ilL'lti IIK IIU Toni' DIotlRotl. Mlnltitor.

. It) n. tn.v Sundny church ac i,ioiiKca 13, c . MnntKomory. KUiierlmcnito

11 n. ni., Similiiy m orning Bhip. Tom HloilKoti will iircuci

!»i.« An Hubject. "ScnIinK L ife 's I ill»sl6n- ppaijg...til ll >.n 7 P- Tencliur (m lnlnR (;|n> h a t An ehurch purlor dlruted by J ’rof. . , Worn*cludlnR •* P- Com munity proRrnm

TndinR 30-nilnuto procm m ,1iy Topic, lloottter Uoyii. Hpeclal miiHlu

■r. Mr«. nuesdon bo*, conducted by Ulodgoll.

k. Dr. ' 8 p, m. Tueniluy, o rchestra :cndcnt, hcnrsnl nnd hoy. ncout meutluR. Ie will 8 |>. m. Wednemlny. Commi rerencc. chnrns relienrsnl led by Mra. Uv t n ii of n p. m. FrJd.'iy, ComiijHniiy jjiti

plnluren.. . . . . . . . >*• *” • n 'l ll 'I. KI.H - elnKH directed by .Mm. Tom 1 :lo r. . «ett. , • . ■

8 p. m. iSundax. Mnrch 20. C (y A d o rn e y .J . W. Tnylor w ill’ liver an nddrest u t tho. Commu

Id aor- church, entltlod “Byes T Iuit 7 tnon N Folks Go WrouR." ictem ." - ■tirallon MTJUTAUnil COSiJrUMTJ’ CUUl > - A n v - .- W .'D row n. Director.CO nnd i "• *" • Sundny aehool.

I 11 a. m.. MornlnR 'warHhip - W o n ' ducted by Uvn W. Brown.

I'h'orylHxIy In tlie . communKy lay:------riH «§—ith-theee—iiorfleeih------ --------

Dry.'.*® U M T K n. lUlETllKKN * CHURl' Snnday school a t 10. E lde r Th

bureh speakJi ,ot 11 u. m. nnd 8 |i Itreet. L p t . iho • hlR mun. prenchors

churcheH, "ilcsplne not the a thInR*.'* Wo nro nmnll. W'o no l hurt yon. I.«1'h blemt eiioli ol

„ pray- for ono nnotlier nnd hobby mBKnIfy the renl w orlh w hile tli IloclK'foll'''' declared liiti-ly "tlm

^ I rovlvnl of Intenne mornis and t t i ' i . ttuallty munt come o r o u r . nn

iHvlin:. erumlile.” Tho rov lra l scllilren Sunday. fx'i'H lie ro*hI, imneli

nnd co-oprruto to r KOnl-NUvInnII,K it holy llvlne.,„ r. Our Biilijecu n l S o'c lock In "Ciironln nexii." ''lie ( 'cn terrd ." Ono l)^K'lrl: eaaani llcn lly I d ull nwnke. I 'rny und n iend- lho house* w ith tioly Incense.

*thel'r MAHOA S n H ) « l . IIOUHF- priiitor Tll^ro will bn rclIitlnoK aervlcea

imi *11 W 31KL . ■

^ I S h e c ^ a y smyatety. Once pretty, thing babit-fimaaked behind an un- never do. tion. Once vivaciou*. Serve Kellmally tired— • droop- cream, aprinkointment and diamay. hot cereala;realize tbat it was con- m any recip< I ttealmg her-etrength. - ~£>(4ieio«i»-witl u d women rid them* Caotioa: •is devaatatxns disease, retidts. A patsant means of eatins partialiy effeiof Kellogg's ALL-BRAN only and ori|chronic cases..w ith sell i t Buy

regolarly. itu•BRAN journeys iKtough n « t relief 01T remaina unchanged, c h ^ pnce.J la lb S T fo o d -l^ b a lk m l e ^ g n I tbe intestine-clean— hotels,a absofbe and .carrie* T b o o rig in« intestinal tract, stim- BRAN— rM^ ealtby actioiL Some*

th e Abiroo school houso i ovonlnR, Mnrch 24, a l 8 p. n , H arris , o t tho Chrlatinn chu r

^ 3 I speak on tho loplc, "Tho V C hristian W orahlp lo a Comr A ll In Iho communiiy a ro u

lainR the 'y .S oc ie ty niUI.STIAX CIIUKOHe \n * F n .T M inisteric h ln e of Church nchool 10 a. m. tn In Mr, Pnlrlcki superinlondonl.\ OS (ho Attendance Inst Sunday 31

for l-^nHter. 400.11

wU r.‘ .X Serm on. ‘T h e Mnmnr'a M: Hirnni-lv Mrx. W. A. .Patricksironk ij i.„ t,|i;k , " I lionrd tiio V

• • > JcnuH Say." by nartibun. . lilKKliY Jun io r conereRutlon. i|Ih0 ' tn mnnlfeat- 'll* HAiDfll ' ClirlHtlan Endeavor 0:30 UH acnln. Topic. 'W hol Can Wo Do i a t 10:30. O the rs to C h rlx tr ' Lender up o n It'd PcRiry Drown.(hey lt‘il KvnnBellslli! Wor«hl|i, 7:30 (lie lend. Serm on. "Tlic New Sphero ol ibtT ly!!! Anili'om by choir, "O Saviour lake tho w orld ." <

frlfnd«. ..; Sundny. llA m .S T C m 'ltC H\h u i nny K. 0 . D utler, Mlnlaier.«tn nt 111 Tliero wn« n apleniliil Inert •urn I .. nllemlance Inul Sundny ii •in Minii,. lio|ie ftu-ri fu rther hicrcnsi'M ill

I m l 'w "«“<t» It nt leant 2ti0 nl ...r «v.. 1“ ’''- II- O' Findley, who la M i'.. «.,!! paatoratP a t Knull. will " to r us a t 11 a: in. D rn iher I'i«i.|( conaldcrnblo experlenct

fvnnm-liMt nnd la aca ln lo ent evitnKoliallc field.

It» tho evenlnK .nl C:ir> our ' ‘'■■I prfB onf In paeeani

X l t tU . tho lr miRHlonary atudy. II w r. doulil 1)0 Kreaily enjoyed by n

HcIiooI, ln(eniicdlalea tneol lu tho cbu lUitonL C:tS.nil wor- ’ Tht> pastor will oeciipy thn cVicli on f>t 7:30 nnd will apeak on "Tho H HiKii. o f .Modern Times." Invito

friends to come oik and aee n 14 (■Inns In Pletui'o tif (ho real Jonah, V 3f. J . K. K reatlyenjoylUR Iho apcclnl m

' <iT.AI>.TII>IN'(iS ASSKMIH11« Second St. Eaat. .

i l »;„i Sunday aehool, I;30. Prnlso-I "»K rcKular prrnehlnB aervlce.

> .Midweek services Tuesday, Thand Snlurday ovenlnRH.' Oood

»(ra re- nnd aluRlnR; old tim e Gospel i UR. «1 and old tim e power felt. A i nimunlty gorK's of revival mootlnRa will . Dell. .March 23 and runnlnR to and I

HiovJnK J«/; A pril 10, with iJio.Itoy Evaj KonnuUi Wine (o brlOR tho tnei

nllllner>'I M rellnsa evfcry nlch(, 7:4C. u IJIod-1 body welcome.

. Coun-1 United U ro tiinn la C brliv i i r d t- i T hird and I 'h lr d E i a t , ,nm unlty 10 a . m., 8 u n d ^ sehroL 'VI Mnku: 11 o ^ 'n u ProdilnK.

• ■ 7 :su p .'m .. C hrisdun Buedei , t 8:li0 p. m.. P reafh lng s 8rTlc<

U U IirH i Thursday evcn lP i. prayer m

••• ; ST. KDM'AIID’S CATUOMI itov. Itemi b. Keyzer. P a id

ip -t;tm -| Sundays 8 and 10:30^liv ,in. MMses week daya 8 a. m.

^ ! ,„ Mayapa, holidaya 6:30 and j l j1 Sunthiy ovenlnR aer^'lQt^ 7:30

JRl'H . •' Sundny nftem onn aervlco a tT hnrn ' Lonton aorviccs W ednesday8 m. ; 7‘30 p ^

.mni'l Church “oi OirtW selei/'o T « n 1®°I _ Sundoy service> 11 ». m.II o tner. gunday school a t 10 a . m. for

» a . r :o y « t . ot9 th lnc . TesUm oaial meeUDf oBrW adi

d in t a .vonln* a t 8 o'clock.id aplr- A ceadlm: room .al 134H Mali

nation q i , ^ north U’ opon dally u c e f a iarta gundaya anJ'hoU day»“ trom 1 :

iael«»b. 4.30 p. m.HR and xho public Is Invltod to a ttend

•e rrlc o s and to vhilt the reading"One- ------------------------

A t Lea$t. Leii Viaifr/ePeople 'vhii live at a d lstano

RBtnrnlly lean faulty thnn thoai iE. ned ln trly under our oivn ej Ices n t *ietirse y.ll»t. ________

s looks tk e d ’*U-fonnin'g pills nnd drugs can

Ce!logg*s ALL-BRAN with milk or 'inklM over cereals; cooked ¥nth la: in soups, o r tt»de into die :ipe« given on Ihfr package. w itbfru it,.bB k^applft etc .. . . . IS Only ALL-BRAN brings sore - . L Dart-bran product can only be s^ c tire . Kellogg's is the one, original AU>BRAN. All'grocet* luy a package today. If eaten i t is guaranteed to bring perma> f or the grocer reWma the pur. ce. Served • ''^restatiranU

g ln al AU.*■ m O f t o - m t m ^ a j L i I I

9 ^ M


' ___________ . TW ]0 T uesday » « • m ‘Hmts From

V alue of ¥ ¥ / ’• / • i)mmuull>-." , W l f ^ '1 u rsc d to . : : .”

OH.'t e r a B a i f tg B a ^ S L , i f ^ ' : i ' | g - j'• 'v : A. I l - l - l I I M I - l -|-

310. Aim - I j r ”"" T

11 a . m. • •MIracleii.' , IB -^—

ck nnd U i ^ S a l . i Mw a pVoice ot

30 ' P. m. ^o lo Win

For the Young...fl".:,-; and .Old* CANUV T in : c i i i i .h u i :n

ic’renso m ' . 'r und we •--------- —

Oi**’! * ^ ' C h l M r n n nre im tiirilty InliTfla ctoslUK 1" >«o.l. .Jn«lill iireach liv -ib o .ii,p i.‘inJi,.v olli.T lh»n». i llmt, KO-oii'iUiout. In c o " a an '■‘V. Hi tlii )

£ . " u -m r vniine tli.-y »bow jwrlU-tiliir Inic r,-nt Inn n , yellow linKvr mid wlill« jmntry

i n ’ - evolve from tbo ovV-u In ili« f

Oiom alIoiitt>-ul,.n llm i tlKiy c c b u rih a t j,, jjo

ho pulp it Of couran (llc^lr■n^o ronio cl* ’•<> ’“*'•« ‘'*lT.iu.. <l th.i 1

. . . * I " »nd sucecedril In wiiinlnK >lo n Hfo sl*o oyup a , r , . j culln.iry nrl. \ \o nru ' ,j,oy usually K^t tn ii ono trln

mualc. "jn tiw lnifuj)" h.-r Jtllchen. b. ci, tho lr Inleri-ai In ih .t.U - In thi-

l l l l . i pam tlon ntul r<null of” w h.n 1■ aro m ak^K an<l not In iho rl> :>

i)0 .follow -^,...-Op. which 11101.1. Krown-iilis .1 Ice, 7:4fi/ too.T hurfltW If chlldrc-ii aliow ln trm ,l>od lutialc eonUloK. do nol .lln.-oiiriii:.- cl: ] | p reach - ix -t ibom bu:in 1>>- nmliim; c j A apecUil w itlrh only r<'iiulr< ii nn rimin vlil beKin wnru nitiioi'paii un,l nliallow <:id includ- And trnch ....... . iliiil tli<'-<'nnmNn»;;{‘lf?)t »aijaop;i;i Ju I'anlly irUuincssaRea. w itti n frw i.HJi.li-'ti of tli- > . E voo '- clolh. Alao. thnt ull .'nam rlril M

ulrnBlIn tUMiil for lmliln« iiin u canlly eloiiniM. Tlu'y w lll'p i

ir ls b al>ly Jump n t ili" litni o t iryliiiiL<i ' twko nnd will Uirllchi In th<» cu ^ UiK up oa Wfll.

Horo la a r- rlix* for fiidso cn ^deavor w hich >ylll rMiUr-' v.;'ry lUtlo nu]rieea. rW on antJ ha« v<-ry <iinirui>i.i

maellOR. icrodlenta. Cliofolala. ilm.'a. wl eonialn auinir in "In.v.iri" fc

OLIC j whlcli )a <jtu.l1y niialnilloU'd, a s to r I nota..nn • ... 1 Cook (ORtrih'T in nn ennnv .4U n. 111. I aauceiain. iwo ecirfoln an;

. onn euiifnl-m ilk. thr~> tahlc-nlK D n. m. I >,fu|g,.liul lT i.i.m .t. two, oi.nc-1. :30. ohocolnlo. tintll u IlKlo drilpiu-t

a t 3. i wntirr form a.n Aoft Icill. Add lay , - and teaai>oon(ul<uf vantllii 1 xirn<-i.

I oaldu (o rooi. tb-M 1»:H ii I crfnm y. nd.linK t.iiv c ’lprnl l^llll|l

elentiDt dnli-a nn.t on,t Imlf rii|ifiil .-lior i nntn whitn Ii<-»tlnir. pin'oiI ly In a tinlli:ri:il run und iu:irk

lor pupils j aquari'ji. .

'adnwMlay ---- ----------- -------------- IT': =• iio ,\K T K T n r i : n

la in *To- ■ RpA nr.iiii».sceDl .c^n•l:3 tl -to — --------T------------

Thfrt^ nrf- n n iim li'r nf wayn and thasa pm pnritic Niinrrriim of wblrti ro n g room. atr.nu 10 br littto Icnoui. ..n,l rat

uaed. Mnnl hoiim<tvlv.-n- tmll. tli , lg . w ith aau<f kront o r ne w rublin•nivi AM. Which a r r of coiino bo».I itiid In inco aro comblnaiionn. H ut tb.'- houM v lose im- • -who wli.1I.ut to vnry b . r i.l'y1.' ,

eyes.— ' provlJi- an .•nually <lrl...-tnl.l.> <l b r flIllnR th.. NpnrrrllM with

------------ onion aiufrinp an.l roiinllm: th.w ith earroln an,t jiolnintTi-

— • C ut one 'inr.llunt nli.tl onion, c U r t apple nnd a few j.t.ilkn nf < ery Into amall plecrn. M li

,« e th er-w ltt» two e.npfulB lire crumb*, one cupriil corn mt'nl, t

: tableapoonfula b u i tr r ond n lli aalt and p^-ppor. W brn nil the cretUenls arc well mixed add j

' * e e tr drieirart a n e w d ta artn

' T I M E S W A N T .


maHouse- e’s Kitchen Diary

j HJI3 t~i"T j " I

I ,'noiiirb liol milk In moliit.ii. T hru IKN wimli und dry a immll rl.U. of m m r.-

rll'K, trim off ttio .'Xc.wi C:il nn.i Iill lh " c.-nli?r wKli lli,.- niiiiriiii;,

' HflMir Uii‘ tu'ii (ildr.i'tnin llii r. i 't, .’i i ilrrt'M.i.l uilb' M<ni'rJn«l. lu. ..|„„„, |.a wa...

tliry -tio I,roMl:lit ii> Illi- lub l- un.l ti.u-.l irt't Iiioiit iii.rvlMK .ll.ih,' hull. Mil gf lr;iii:i-

t.TrliiK l'l lo ;i hot,iilutIi:r. Clioonu l» »>.. M of nnlf.>nii

Itry Unit ^|^,.„ „ ro n n ,r i l i . .Iiu form , .„ „ r „ | | ..Ni.f,,!,.inor.t ..r nnd rooK fur iil>..u:ly f.MiI.I ©f i,„ i,onr. Miini.. .\lonn:r ,r ,..,|„.„ny „o- th a t u lt wlU b.N wi:K

.. child . • •hn wliib- .. - ’

irl'.‘" l lu t • '- A l 'l 'I .i : TA flOC A trliit 111 ri:t)t)I.N Ub.'cnnn.' L_—

I.U tb.-v Taploi-.-v .'Itlie r boK.-d or 1ju1ii-d r l.iir ln i; In u fin'orlli- .Ili.li uf • hllilr.'ii. un.l |in h:ttii lii'i'iitmi' It In nn noiirli.lilni; ll I'lilictil

«.-.'u,.l<,niilly W..11 m-rv.- nn tti.- miUnr.-t,l III .ll"!! fn r. Iiinrli.'on. Itjil;.-.t w llli .• Ib-'iii. u fld -n un.l kitv.-.I lint to lh,- llttlu

candy 'n tn win, liiirry hum., frnm m-li.x.triiiMl.'liid for tillii'li on tlu-.i.' brlr.1; .l;i>». 11w .IWi. ‘ lll fiiuiiil nppLMllni: lo i t i . l r tintm l.'.t h. nllhy iiplirlll. n...•JiH/i.'J cun' iiriii qivirii-r lour Uirl

.:,l unr.. .-I..I \uir>' biiklui: .'lL-.li. tb*' Ulr'-.nin■ in ju.it I,urf:i.-u of t. lil.'b .\s111 nol ufTrct o rH 'l.rub- )i„ ulfc-uli'd by t,li.' ii.'l.t J n lc uf lli.r -ylliK to iiti|>1.-n. I 'uur hnlf u n ip .if IiuIIIiikIk Clean- wiiti-r o\’it (hu uppl.':i nnd IjuKu

until K-nilcr.0 rnndy ] .„ i ^ ,,|„ t pf ,„inj j,, m ,.„atnoI. ’ wiu-o .loublo bollnr nnd.ud.l two u>1n ln< lubtdnpoontuln of ln|>1<ic-n tliul <toi-n • which no t n r .d noulilnt;. nnd (-ook' tinlll " llK> tliplofn l.ioUn cl.-ar, Ilr.-uH^UVO d. nnd Iniu n. bowl, fuld on.i'Sn.l ono

• Imlf cupfiila mii.iir. ti iilnt-h of iKtlt.mm.-ted „ „ ,| „nu i tonmy. Vln-n iiUd1 anijnr. h. t.-.mtkoonful of l.-iiion rx in ic t und 1-nl.oon- Mir Into tint cooli.d taidn.-n. I 'o i.r

l ^ - ^ n p -l'n rn '''\o '’ 'iho'‘’ovon ' fo r 'lw J n ty‘;1'> “>»• iMlniit..-, •

■nntll i------------- -:------------------------------------1.............. .-I..... .... JU K i;i) HAXAN.\S.<m>.illi-liirk in- I -

llill,.-.I fo ilt Ih l..-1nk- ii'u-,|. 1 . ! ^=--------- niibiOilut«/jif, vOJ.-luJpl.n (inwaciiiyn.

• Jnn: * rlN- An.l inii.-iir-,nl rrc-.iii,-iit- ly lAli.i lint plii.'.i nf p.ilulo.-n. Anil

IJ.’iv which Ibu liouncu'lfu should- ciiKlvutr.

vayn of lliitmniin I.nd th. nir.-1v--. lo Ihlnh roniY puriiu-... und cn w.-ll w llh roiuilI rur>l)r biv-f. lamb, o r bnk.-d ham.II. tli,-j|i Ii..'m ov.rth.. nklun from «lx Imn- :ibli:i;;.', nn;i.i iiinl eiit tn ln liiilv, n. l>-nKtJi- 1,1 tn<.ly \vi™,-, I 'la r.' In a nbulfotv .-nunu-l.-.l uM;wlf.- jviint t)al(lnr .Hull o r pin p lu tr .- cl.’ ran M.-tl tw o luld.-jipooiifuln of htitlc-r ■l.> .II.1I1 und n.I.l. iwo lubt.-.ipoi.iir<il« or •nil iin 1.-nioii Jn1.-«' aniJ onn ih ln l cupfu l: th. iii miirtr. Coni* lliln nilitiir-^ over lh«

-iiannniin. -on. one .\n Ih.'an n r.' mont ^Inllrlonn w .irtnnf <;i-l- It la.tx-Bl to hnv.- th riti pn-p;ir.-.lHz to . to allp Inlo Ihe oven twenty tn ln -

brc-.id ut.ai (>.-for.j.»rrvlni: tim f. Knami'l- nl, two t-d w arr l» unaff.icl.-d by tha actiona llllle of clirna fn ill aeltln. »b l l « l thotbe In- prrptiratlon of th ia .d lnb enn t>oid ju st ilenu hours t>.'torchacd. l( Jcnlte.1.

ing ■ Speed Record

T eB O vr^h ton 'a H nt r*qu<«t a f i t r he had artnBlAK lb* SM^aite racr> a l Colvrr Cii>-.

T A D S G E T R E S U L T S .


'J SundayScho(I » i c ^ s o n ^TTO • ii 'r n rv . f n. KiTr.wATrn. IM>., t« S l lu tm ' rr.-n'r*. ....

\ J Lesson for Marcli 22\ THE FORTY DAYS AND THE I _ ' • - CEN5I0H

— j __ _ _ _ _ .Of Ml'nr ltil|i>:n I’lilin .: t ««.

^ ^ jrv io l '. Tul-lC—J -..11 A ic.iidi

, IC~'rhM ''i:l,!r‘l.lv^,;^cViru'u^

I. The W alk of Two DIaceurai Olaclplet (vv,

.ir .- Kimniitm «:is fi-vi-n un,] n ha lf ni'iiii.l- Ui>rili«i-M o£ J.-miiil.-m. .Iii-ii v ini:. tl,,,,. ,v..ri! ivalklni: HiU wny w,« dn ;

Perhiip.i tliclr hmiio \ <mr ( '‘'•f''. . 'f tfi.'y wuro nn-r.-Iy wiilklni: •a... frmn ili.'lr rfltuinlni: I'orr-111..I If H"\v had h.-ll.-v.-<l whut JoHUM !■fa n Ih.'ni nti.iiit HU d.-alh nnd r.'.'-nrr i.-d • llnn l!i.-y tv.iuld hiiVn .-Hr„p,-,V t III:.- ^ri-iit (IlCiitil'uliilnu-nt. • 'I'ho tuple irm ennvi-r.srill.,!! ,Miis Hid tniK.'dy of i II).. >'ro-.N nnd tin' r.".tirn-(-tlun riiniur'i,

lI'O ' hnd lidl.'T.-.| Mimt l ie Kiild niM i.nji ■ ‘.uinhn: f.ihli frum th.- jjravo II ml.I «<mld liifvi! Iiit-n .-xi'i-i-jlns Iu h.-nr J ■vi:ll nii-h r.'i.nri.-i a i vv.-r.- Iieliii.- clr.Miliit

i l . Th'e Unrecognized Compan___J. (vv/ 10 21).

1. Wlio Ho Wnn—.Ti*fiiiH (v. 10). .Whllu tUc-y r.*a^.iii.-il tiiKi'lht-r nn

wci'iidprtul Hv.-nln nf (Im Iukc few di — • J.-aUH Joined Ih.-m. Evcp wlicli

iiiifHtlon.-d th'-in ennc.'rnlns tlu-lr n and U''** th .‘.v dlil ii-ii ;,r.ieni:nlr.o 11 k-tii itiiny tlnii's -nm. a m nn tiik.-n up W' 11‘ln our .nnrr..iva n;id di-‘!ii>p-<lnim.'nt« t! till Jei,u« wulUlnB

. Z lIlHyti.-Mlon (r. IT).;..,P r.T.-.-lvhiK Ih.-lr i.ii.ln.-<!t nn.1 j

Id.-vltll•^ II.. KuiiuiU to lii-I|. hy cnll j ir t fnrih n Kiiit<(ji-nt-ur tli.-lr Krh-C.

a. Thf-lr '.Vn.Hwvr (v. 3H}. uiin Illii i]n.-iii|.>n KO nur]irl-..'.|-tlM'in il

O'' . Ihi’y Jni»|»-d n l tlii-,runel»-*liiii llliif unn n ainmKer In Ji'nimih-ni, fo r i

i'** cnn.h'mniilliin nnd erurlH ilon o t : Breal I ’rophel o t Nnrnrulh were ao

lo t. mdtirhina thut. nn one tl■ had llvi'il In Jernnnleni could bo iiroi-H 'ru tU of them. Ono valuahlo f.iuti m il nf tho unbt'llnf of Iho dlu^lpIeH v jv o ,lhnl It rt-vcalfd (Iio fnel Ihat tl nnu w.-ro not rredulnua enihualimU. i ult. .' linnl I.l eonvlnco. O nt o f iiii'i lnere< *“ , Illy o f tilll dltclplea dovelop.-tl i

Hbiik.m’ fiilili ID CTirlst'a reKuiTrcilu u u t - L . _ HI- The Scrlpturaa,0 pcnc4 (vv, n ty 3 I). • . • -

1. Hlf. Tt<-hnk«y (VT. a-.slO).It.- .Ild iml ri'huko ib.-m fnr nnt

~~j ll.-vlne Ihl'.aininKii Htnrli'a Unit il Imd li'-nrd. hnt fur Imiornncn and li .’t cnnildcnco In th.i O l.rT ea lnn i.

.1 Srrliitur.-B. ‘ They had only nircein ^ purls '’t Iha Old Ti-gtnin.ml

Tntw d Ih.-lr notlnna. Mon nnd won -wIio .llf nut bi-lliivo nil llm t Ihe Scr tu rns any about Iho work o t (he bl.-w

hl.i :^avlor ar...... . hlanifw.irthy. 1j l J very center nnd hoBrt o f (he OUI T

.Itinmni Scrlpiurea Hei fortlt tho dei hln and r.-|.nrr.s*tlon ot, Cbrlat.' I t ta

noranco u t tho Serlptnrps nnd unhel .If ili» wumh'Di'and coniph-tu r.'-.lnn

' llun wrouRlit hy Clirlal thn t mhn ua |,.,j nmny Jnya, and iioH-er uud elllL-liai l r . . . «K w.irk.-r* fnr CtirluLic-r 2. J.-aua Ilf'e.)(tnlwd (tt . nUT.'>).or While alHliiic- a t meat w lih (hn d

r|ph-« Ihelr eyps wero opeiiml a4 th anw Him lilots lho bread an.l dli>trlhi It to them. We. too, can seo Iho I.o

7,7 on such common oecaidnna as eallni;mcnl. If wi. hnvo oi«-n ejT*.'

Pl. indei-d wo ousht lo aeo Him whon i-'atlnif, selllnc. buylnR and in « u r reci ho ailona, fur I le h ss promlaed ua I •’o (..reaenct?. ' Tliey wero so tilted wl

Jny OTer Ihl* revelation of the Savl____ Hint they hastened back to Je r^s^li

(o te ir tlio o tbo r disciples of UU n urrrflUon.

IV. Ja tu s Stands In tha Midst o f i Eleven (Tv/.niM7).

i • J. l ie said. “Peaeo bo un to you" (» ■| ‘ nO-H"). but they were terrinod and i - j frlch ifd . Sinful man In tho preaen i or Und Is 111 s t ease,

t 'l i H e ahowe.1 them n i* hand* atM Illa feet (vv. a>MOJ. In o rder to eo W vlnce them of III* peraonal Identity 1 ffl iravo them landble arW cnea th a t 1 » o-us nnl a mem spirit.[5 8. He a le before them ( r t . 41-4:.),K 4. H e rmsrelasloned them to evaoctpJ Ize iht> world ( t t . « H 0).I f They wera to testify coneem ln t n

ahed blood and ren rre c t lo a , and < Ihla crouad they were to preach r P^nlaoca and ren lasloa o£ slna to a nationa.

V, Jaaua Aic)Ads Into Htav«f< (v «W 8).. n a rln j ; (Iven them the pa rtln e ine aac« 10 evancellM tho w orld, H o a cendetl Ipto heaven. < i u t aa w o.tres ore tba la st words o f on r departi lo T ^ one* ao w«' ahonld ponder th f«r«weU messactt «f the ponL

Banks of tbo'SabbatU Tb* a tre an s o( r ^ e a n m deep

- AT ahallower. ss tb e b o sk s o f tl s f tb a th ar« kept op o r neglected, p reacher la noUoBd caUsd tb s Sobba -Ood'a Dyke." ahutUag e n ( a a ocei

a .o f •v lu .-C s lco tt i

M u t W t. H ia b H ~ r U-------- They M ly eaa e ad e n ta e d th e Hei

Oboat w be h a re -B ia dwiOlBc ta d ti ‘ h w rta . Tbey only c in vo rab tp 1 Ilia Spirit- iriM b a re Iba B oly 8 f t t a s a a sMdlag cemfottec.—N, O . Mad

IONAL .'.(M il l; H i' .s u i im i r . s .s.vi.k o i.'i:,r ,. i : s r , \ n : i ' m h v ii m x h k III-' v n i i i . iM is i K i ; ,\M » 0 Kin;iooi; (M M i.i : .

22HE Att- .......... 1 . ' I., . 1-li,inilt

Jurapea • . . . . . . . . . . ___

If nillrii : I . t . . l.v ........ •ri...

y ikini: III ........................... .. - ' 'Ul.l

¥i -I’ple tlC l.la -..,,,, I., I l ur V.I............... I......I';;';:•7 ;';;;’ m,.r.'!0 III ^",lu{i-.L • I- rK.\-|-i.;i{,inanlon ' ,Iii|‘Uly,

£H:| c .0. a .:l :g l . W O D:

0 "y g P^Dne

r - | | B R''in Ihul I . - . . . . . .

i i l DON’T SOW — ■ GRAM 'M ^w iis- U jitf l Yon !C:iow A b o u t ,t thi-y : ^ . . .w. b u t ' O

T t- o e n i e s a n•ctlun. ' . - . •,vv, G r w l ^ e e < ^ - D i B »

i n f e c t a n t f o r S e e d s ,

t\uTy .Grains, Beai s. Pola- iti in.-k l o V 's , c t c .inmeiit , ,r.:eiiii-il- • • . K i ic v lw . l fo r •; '

»* S i i i m i l l . G r a i u s ;women • ’ .S c r ip - ' 1 ii,-^',‘a s ( . ' s 111 B o a n s :

Itl.'Hii.tl . . . , ri L ,y. Thu 1 I l l I ’t ' . ' h i l o p s ;

“ J.V il i n O n i o n ? - ;

i n R e o t , s .

:"zzlL-l.aK-y • il"'••-•l' l'' ’iTniiiintioti,

: i'Nlljl .n n v t l l , in .1). . . ,.s.-S \il-Ills.

,4 ih.-y‘ '■-•III 'riir(i!i;;li lUx.'^ t-cil Trade

S Dairow Bros, Seed & Supply Compafly;;.

« III* . r iB t r ib u l o n , t'.1 w i t i r _____ '• , .Savior: TWIN PALLS, ‘ IDAHO •' i i^ e mla - -

One Thin Womaii Gained lO Ponndseaeneo ^ -,

k Ud in 2 0 Dayss ? Uo S k i n n y M e n C a n

4. , , D o ' d i e S a m e

ancel- womenAll nrrvoua men nnd women A ll sWInny men and women

BO oa grow aironsor, heaitlile r andcn re- » e r e vtnoroui^ and take on solid to a ll eeitle .l fleah io 30 days jna t by tak«

Inc McCoy'a C «t - l iv e r OH Com- 1 ( t t . pound T ableta (our tim es • d a y -^ a

easy to lake .aa candy.. IBM. -And w bat a h ll 4hcae fleah pro-

duclnR lablata h a e e la a d * . One dr«E* Elat trip led hla a a le a 'ln ona weak.

t^ ery b o d y know s lha l baaty -ta st- In s evll*stMlllnK 0>d U i^ar OU ts

r th is It w ondarfaK -rlU llsar. fleab p rM ocer and bealtb c re a lo r. . < -

B a t wtui w ant* to sw a llsv «tbe 1; ho rrib le s ta ff, w hsn tb sse v o o d a r- 4. ^ m i.ia b le ta r-M c C b y s .C o tf U a < c i« n ,

Compoand T ableta. o re . a s j ie o d . ^ a o a ao easy to take. : w . ▲ A bos of CO tab le ts to r - « " e s B t r •bbatb ana tf a n y ^ n a y n a a .o r ' i e a » a ‘.

r U >«•**« I^ n B a e y .- .C t^ l l i a m a c y ^

kO tstr B e s a r e . a e d - s s t ^ ' l l i g W i M W tp la e r l i l a a l - a s r « » W s A « i S | i ^ » N 8 » lm t e t t e e 'K a * .

and re b e s t. ' >'■ ’


Page 6: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

: ■BEE"

W E D E N r ITI--------- ^ ----------p'> :D. L. liltil-k iH’lK'fi! ri'itlil ;

U lah. vlRlUtiK Mils Myriiii n m l.W ren DInch. .■ -

W. n . 8iim m.'r» n ii.l 'M - 'i ill htui to WtmlPlI Mniidiiy (o I . l ' Mi.i, Siim-I n ifrn , wlio |n i' i.t IkiihIj- il:- h o i- '|)ltAl Oirrn. I

M r. (iiKl liiVh.'ii So,m,T w in rtillK vlHlloni ;

A ItirKo ili'Ii'Knlloii rrniii ih<- I.. l> '8 . cliiircli lii'C cnlU u'! '- '! tin- 1., |i, .-V ' con fcrcncr nl K hik ti »ii ^ lnlclllv.

Mn«. Will M en.'.. « .i i i tl. T « in Pall* Tiii-mlnr. wIi't i ' «Ii»- titn lriw i ni

.......an oporallon for n j>p 'ndli'im ntul r i‘- ' .

p lla l. ' VI<ara SwcnKcii nnil »oiiii. l--iw r 'uci-

■ anil Fnul a rt' (iiilto nli'li iii ih r lr Iiniiu' w fth (he In Rflppo.

Enill Knih wmi u liiivlni'Hrt viKllor in Tw in I-'nllH ..Moiiilay.

M rf. nuNii UrnKDit »ii<l Itnim. Jr .. arrlri-tj U’<yJap*<tar vfftJin . .SnJ(fo r a hrlof \1nln with .Mm. .............parcntH, Mr. uml .Mr«. A. i:, Honr.. '

Mr. anti .Mrh. Carl <;uMi-r wi ic Twjii Fn lla viflUora I'licjiilny. i

• ' Doan IdillnKH iiC iliu ninii< n tilv rr- J .a lly a<l(JrcHHi-<l llio hU li hclihol n:i- . I aomblx Tiicuda}'- inoritliir.

MMilaincH llOHii Ui-amiii. Jiiim'rt i'<'l- k (on and (tladyn Ifoiii; tvorc rli<i|i- pln i; Iri T w in 'F iiiin W itim »il«y.

Tho danco Klv<-n AVnlnrmluy i-.vi-t n ink for (hs hiinvru of tlio Inciil hnm-

------ baU (ro^m w iw vro ll uitwiileit nn.i rn - jJoycil'b j^all.-T linM iiim lc w as furnliili- od b r. lho Bdcn flvo iilvro urcti.KtM ; cQmDriseU o f '^ r o r . Ilnlph nn.i Mri>.' Movot(T. 'Mlsn D onr, I - M'. IiMii.oiii nn>l ■ >

.A llan JorW rlB .'Jr. ' ' .1Lddlon of tho iyilRilnlc m o t' ' ||v

. In an a ll tiny arfulnW \V.'fin.-:..luy in It. M m .-'P o ltonX wlicro Ihry iJie’ leid o r tew iB K -for Homo u t ih rli' iixm - >. hU borsJ->i'.'<‘-i .J . ' , th<

. .M tla n d Aim. C laude WondvrorU nu.l fnUso childr£O.Mroro,bunlnoiur.>1iiliurn In . ' ii'dTwln>‘F a ili;W ^ n * i)d n y nfturiiiKtn. ■ \vt

P ra t. and.M ra. nn>‘0B wqni to Tw in Ut:F a lla T ueaday evening tn MVtniii: ml th o ir in c iila tn r which In hatchlni; th h

• . w eek. .m e. ‘ Mra. A. M. Sliafcr on te rin lnn t im . >>y

'AVcdnoaday allcnK ion' rrniii fotir lo iilr in• Id honor o f T*nul'M s th MrUi.Iny. T h.' 1“J

s u e s is a t (ko p a rty .w ero ili,* lu ron.l •>»itm do and tb e lr icachor. .M«b. nnlliui *" Gordon. ,

Suicide in Sleep emi t . Tborniun jtmov, it nullcltur of An

Banicor, Unk'hinil. cm lilii tlic»at lu IiIn ,■ liw p 'and diod Wi iiilnuioA liiu-r. "I j,,, d rm n it th a t 1. hud il.i'Se It.i' Iio ur<.tula • monivni nf coii^clmiBneiw. “1 •

s aw oke to And l l iriic.*'- A vm llo t ot-.•ulclda while tcuiporarlty Itisuou »ua , [n tu to e d . , £

' TltaoB Want. Ada Oeta Kcmiltii. - y j

Canadian N a t io n a l R iu lw ay* Now-^unuah.^Rodlo P ro ffra 'm i

, T o , P o s s e n c e n O n T lie ir ' T n » in v F r o m N in e Sta. .

• Uon* O f T h e i r O w n :

C X P K IU y R N T S ..ow I«:i,u4, r.ir- • rinl out l.y llie O iu .li.iii N;ni:.iuil

JUilways promise (■r prove n( K' <'-<t \-jlitc III life .dcvclii|imciit of .n.[vjr;ilii!. wliich will farry a ilrrniitc wariiiiif* of tlie approach of traim iiv frimt <ir in llie_ rr.ir o( .•» tiiovinj: ,c r ^lJtiolIary tram. Thi« raiUoa*! Iu« Iiwk iiniii. tained a jyjicm <>f railiu cnicriainincm (or .lUJ^fUKiTj. I'M.'iiii.iM, <1 ffom tb r romi.niiy’n .iwn iiiijc . inul it««-3> Iioird lli.il trtviviiu; ^i;>.aii[train ..;f a [.rruli.ir liiininiinh»oiiik! .Ill tJir .ippr.acli rjf oilier tr.ijrn, an.l that rxi«-riniff,!ia\ k.l- ti. a srrir»

• ' <’f jrwari.'h c \ i - rn n i,i;. I'or llic piir- — , of rt.u iiil.if rij.u lu

from tlii* cli.Cvv-ry.

To D<v«lap Rkdin SienAltIt iin .ilii u l ll’l thv vjll-m wllii

fif«t li-m '-.l 111.- tini|.i.,| Ir'hm .ir ,,i tW Mlun’ i.nMli.-f ifninilf.-»- i,-.ir. II.il.e-»| t •'rntin - . i,. ,-fi,'

ami 't-.w l!..' . ..irail.o ni>;tiirfr> ii. . . r . . , . , !tliat will carry •H'!i :i \.;.it.n ,' nai to llic ilrivtr oi :ni ih .- ''value o f lueli a riu ra tu i . n f

U >-■ •■' - vz'r-rrr.— rr*■•rcr>r3


T W i« teri« r « f > 'l iW « fy ^ U fr r . t i« s way* »q»tpp«d w ith m radio r« c« ti {•dlridBiU b rsd p h ea a •^ rn e * a r* ' a a |

tn in s PprfaltTf: m 'iriR** iraclc Jb c 'i> in«tiirf*h le 'a r a r ecuard toward tSe >>f f-^I* "Utimi. _ 1

Tbe Canadia.n N iili 'ru! Railu-ayi -

j U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

How R adio Help's the A

How Iho milil) L-« hclpInK Ihii fnrm .'r | llv«*<4io(ler nnd hpII hector In hdnu' linim' I t. .(.liiinl. D lroctor of dm HnurH-Jlo. liiu-I; lellMK ho rec«!lvi-« fmni funnor llmomTit-lt Htatloii..cmniKu. Uuw. ivliloh biiK >n tho fnnn ." Ih renc-hliiK tuwiMiKiliitiM iinlnti fnfiu Klrli-y, South i)iikn|n. from n fnmn nnd IJ5 nillo* from u telriiliono. H.* IoIIj \vealhcr reporta bnvu Klvon him In bln fai Unroftu county. IlllnoM, tella hnn- Wi.S xc lulnaie tn wivo 8nr> on n Hln..;le nhl|>in>-nt

I-Yom fnr-nnil wlile rome eotnniiml.-nlli m erda l btaioflt o f th e Fowwliiil.urii mniliin liy aKncoltunil c jpcrla . ’flio funn wrvlci In Ibo muroltiK nnil Ix eontliiiicil throuulioi eurlloftl und vi-ry Inltu)! Infuriiiiiiloit on llvo .lltlonn nro hrou.lcnBt to niriil Aiiierlni, nt J« u t h h llrpnlilo. b.- IlMcns lo cdm-iitlonul InR by mirn wim nro in n |ninliloii lo «lv<> vti'i; whlrh-ennhlo llie fnniior lo li.'lp hint.

T bo j.rneiloul vnlu.. i.f niillo lo the Am emlmulod,'' M id Mr. Oiiunl. ‘•Nol only .|i A m erlni. n*nlMl llio fnm ior In.u i.rni-tli-nl i wift* uurl Ihl- fnrnii-r'H (’)ill(lri'n In Ihvlr Hu; IJomemiikort' liour. n dully f.':iH ireof ilio . jn m w hnt Miij u-nui* to linow.nml fiiriilsV Ure fnm lly."'

BURLEYNEWS IKlUUM-n". .idabo . M nirb 2fi—•I'ii.' <,f I’n le rn WoiMlnu'n of A niiTJenn'w ill b.-^Twln 'niinnm»r(i for Ihe free moiloli. |ile- f (ihow. ‘'Clianln;; Ihi* i :n ro " 'in be E-n.Sun!ti»y,iikhl._V!"-'H,:2. .-.t tb-i

ll Ibl- ini'ilioil'i <ir treniiij'-ni fnr iln 'i. U y itcjTi.mIi ni.'iul..i'ry of Ibi ir .irili r. I ..'‘f ' f

. ■ / .

■ Railroacb.ive arci.mi'IiOi'-il a i i 'r i t >I'al ui j-

.r - r\t'iTinirni:iii(iii iv l«ilV. . I 'l i” ! •'I't 'by il^ r.ului .Ii|M.ln..-iit. .1,11.1.1 III. !

.‘■' .lirVflliin W. II. Swill. Jr. . \ . 'far Uiik J-. I)clnl<r .I", I'.OJ. .i 'n .- f

of cc» ii.. . .. . ,in '->■

^ u ;. l i ru «nhH ''V r^u /V .i|c ’ .iM) 1,!;^* iu lc, .m -ii.i ir. ■Tl.. T.'.u;. w.ll- r

l i l i l s l l■ • A-. ..i.ti.'U .if i .- ; 'M l •‘"■i If. Ti.-I,il /\i;i-nl’ ■ll'it l .u i i 'i 'I i r .

' ' r 'F '

i„ fx-i.ire ir<i'.- .1

I- irv. ;.i;l ir.i.-r lr ,.;rb l iIm '-Jh-. ..iV III III.

l:.iu-iit I .f 't .... ;uivr- ' ’i in-:i. <b fiT>l ever luxix i;i i!ic Du- i.<

(1‘11' y ^ i H i r t-j

. '>ie

a s c ^ - « . l U CmukUu N ^ tie u l R«il-M ac act. Bethr losd |p « a k rr ^

to pauMian.' . ,

At th r «ar-e r"io>1. a I'ri'- i!rr.. e n m \\>* l.r.«U.-a»l i. r i!v I.rr-rit prr; • I.f !hc ,'.xr->KTS cf Ib-- I'fr,.. ir.ti

I’jf lv , Ihm tra>Tbre lSr..-i:.:h Can-1 ti.Ji t illa. T h t Iffrod^i: »-ai (rv=; T^i-lcaai

A --------------—....


A m erican F a rm er ^__________• ivlfi

’ nio‘ "f

' bro~k.k "111

K f . V - \ f;iMi

f ' \ HL ■t . '• xy- ■ ■ I'i.i


' ■i ''r KM.l h lr^w nlly l& fnrm lie lter. ,i„. lUin-uKcd evi'o-.d iij tipun Siimii.'jiiwlc A crlniltiim l roiindiiilnn. in ^k.,. rit-ltuoii. WL8. tbo 8enrM-ll<H0iiick ,IK bi.cnino known hm' i Iio “v.doo nf .^IntK Ih Indlcnt'oil from ii iii.'m<ui: i’ .iniii.r K> mIh-H.frnm tbo riliriKi.l "■ le lli » t Ibo aid tbu mnrket nn.i )i fann work. Anoiher furm or of "b'l: •I Hcnlci! cnnl.led blm n t tbu hift ent of boKH. •.•nllimn lo Jfr. O unnl o f the cfltn- nf illon ro[iorin nml eiliicntlnnai tnllCH nt ,rvico of U'LS KinrtH n t t) o'cloi k biiHuliout the dny nntll tl.p. m. Tin- .i .nllvo Bloclt. CTop« nml wealhor e..ii- (ijji,I. nnd n t nlKht. wbon the fnrnier |,.„i mil iniiiK on every iiIiiik.i of fnrm-:lv>‘ him tbu infuhiinliim ned n.l- i,.„ iilniKolf. ..AniiTk-nn fnnn.'iV'nnnni be over-

5' <li'o>< Wr.S, Ibe fnnn •■Iiiil.in of '•111 ivny. 1)111 lr belim llio fam n'r' i “

I!oy«' nml Clrl»‘ rlub wurlt. Tbti ■ ■b.> Hiatlpn. clvex ihe farm u'im nn lh.-'iilsbi'K .enleriiilnmi'ni f.ir the "'nl

lly_ ^

'I the iceiiernl inihllo in .Invlto.l. ‘j-wlTile Woodmrn m e nirnnKhuT for « .lay i»!< Inllinilon on .Mon.Iny iilKhi. .Mnr. M, 'Vilen llu.' Joi'.iMio ili-i:V.'e H-nni.wlU .;rKiI 0)1 the work ini.l.T lho .lir.'ello.i jiiniiI’uiil 1. Suilih, diNri'Ici di'piiiy of Iunh

kill I'uIIk. iiciii• ---------------- ------- ------------------ j „ f .

riie I*. T. ,V. of Illek.'l i.ebool wlil ehni bl .-i-<'o.ilied f<x»l Lllle nl Twin Fnlln M

i<ttluida». ..M;ii*h..:!l._ . - " " r f r n—------- ■.. — ---------- -nnrIf you w nm a pro«reM lvo news- ,Mr | i - r i;i.| The TU,>■■=>._______ >_______ I a'i

d Builds•___________________________^

...................j V .I :..- ..; , '

■ ■ " ' . i ar .

I p ^ Hj n

i ''

A librar7Vot>wrV*(>on~car'er ih e Caaac on tliv roof lo a* to d ri

r.-.tfi. .ind the r fv r a m w.n received R L'll .i jld in cr ulii;c .r.i: < :i U.W? On- ^

Firvl Radio PrVfram Oo T rain iviil:• ilm >( u a j an errtil In y<hii Man- n itr of lo.'.t U ut .Irfitiilcb- led to ll'.c rtiaMiOimrnl of radio a pait of lllit r(»ilriuir« 'ryvicc. lu tty i»reiniml bv a nro-Vlvn rfM ^ioirr« t :c ,« tlv^r wav a fro ii Canada rt, >"'« a .preial train. '? .n rr thr incmVr*u rn j iiinrimlUl riti.-er;. r ( SVw York S.r ,an.1 NVw Jtrjcy. il wa» .l.-ri.Ip! to ^atlrmpl, ,i« Ii.nrltv. I.i b n a d f j 't ‘' “'j a >nr*<acr »( wfl.->"nr tn Caslila ih tir train left ilurtrraU A Xcctiv- Tlin.l <rt wa< iii-tallftl in ihr oI>vr\-a- iialbturn O f. and \V. I). RrvIJi. vicr-preti- rhai;i^ni Ol thr rai:rt>ad, drliv-rml ihe ad- Ca*.i! rm int.r tlie nitrrpfir-rr.' T lir rx- w dprfli-m t y - j i »:icrc'«tirl »*-\.<e.d all in .1iir.ti,-i^ti"n, aTiil in that ir<.mrj;t the in a

of lliij railway i> ltnn l« ;caaK into L e ir^ ipot


I , H A N 'SE N 'IHAN‘SI':N’. Mnho.—E arl J ln ll nnd

wlfo of ChlcnKO n r r l v ^ ihu laat' of llie wcok for^.it ,vlM>t*ut liio homu of Mr. nail .Mm. H.'-'M.* VnD.leriinol. ,.Mr. Hull nml Mn(. ' Vamlcrpool itfpl.rolbiT nn.i uliiior. . I

Ml'-*. Kvon-tt Wchh (rnin Iho nnrih - I«l.b UIIM v h ltln i; humo fnllm in lln n - I^11) MinuUiy. I

i;i.irt;e Wnfel moved w ilh .hiit Ifamily from- Ibe Scott i«Iac.i Month • Inf tbo t.iwn Io Ihu Hlntun Iiuiiho Ihu ‘IbiKi of tho wt.-k. I

Wiilii-r Caf.iy nnd wife from Ttvlp IFi.ll;. were virtliyrii 'In town' .Snn- '1

•Mr. War.l miiViMl hl« f,-.nilly lo tbo ' I CIcn f.ina ««y(h of lown_«in .Mon- ,

Mr. mill Mn<. I.loyd Joiien-’nrc Ihe Iiiar.'iil;* of :i Imby. hny bnrn on , ' Ih'iblav, .M.’.r ib 111. Mrx.. JoneH wnn I.'m'ljierly .Mbin I’l'uri WIremnii. I' .Ml'::. AiiKiiui' Hnlllo uml .inni;hlcr ' ■Ivillnrr .if Itiiin'rl npont Sundny -in . ■IlniiM'ii. 1

Til.' Ilo.rii.T lloyH lire pInnninK • ^ :i -.iinrliil Ihlriy-iiilntllii r.-Tvleo forr’aiiil.'iy i-v.-aliii:. Mareb , ' i

A iiMi litre ' triiin in r... eintiii hnaIII .11 iiri;.inhi-il wbleh iMeliiileil »ev- • fhi •r.'i! iiii'inUiTii. Tlio le x i ' ■■SininlardMitniijf ..r 'IVai-lierii-TrnlnlnK" Will '____ I . JIH II’ Kindy s4;iilil.i. J . I-'.ilaii.ii ll.i Ilie iiu'otlnK on lant Snn* dnclot l.'iy . vrnlni;. TIiIh dnt::*’ nffordn nn initsiial oiiiii.riuiiliy for ib iw o 'w lio ’ .•.bOi lo irnln for Cbri;<'!!in Hurvlie.

11, .\1. Sinlih nml- W aller »"nn 1 n.iib- « liiitiln.'ti;. (rip In I’ocalcllci. "I... Ilr«l, ..f ..... «v.-.'k. ■;“ ' ' ’i”

Mi-niiii SlWoy wiio reeeiilly nr- rU. il b.Te fr.iin tM lifoinl;. hnii ne- * •.■Iile.I a iii>»ll(<.li w ith Cas.-y-l’arilor "liniib'n ii'iil' ei.iiiiiany nml In liJiulod •'■•‘tio.II Tivlii I-ollK. .

Tbo w elfnte' .'onimliiee o f Ibo Men :hureb nfo nakliir ench innn nf lho — — .•(immnniiy in niiiii "oiiu-' tlm o IhlK iviek n enrd lo M. W; K rimi in cnru if (Ii.‘ ^Ktiderti llVKidm iM .S;i(iJi<ir)ii»i lit Colorndo SprlncN. Mr. Krurn • iiiH been nl i.he Hnnilnrlnni‘fnr over I .ininilh and U mnklnit n i;.illnn(IkI'I to reKnln hin hcniib. Iln hnn tn.l t.. ienve hl« fam»ly here nml I'; iIh b.ii.ll^ieiis n.<»r>V. frjim each of, il!> frlertilri will hu nppreeialcd.

Coai'iil.Table movlliff bnn liven tnk- nc libiee Ibe pauL week. O. .M. l'ii.1i nml wlf<- Imve tni.vcd Into th e AI ewii. beme. Kre.l .8 rhern i|l« into 'M he houM '. reeen 'ly vn.'nied hy Mr. ■ mil Mm. .‘ ke. n. .Mr. .Cui'Ih nnd Inm- " ly have moved from Ihe fnrm ln |o

M.'yert (Jrno to ii'cnm e ' down from ; ■ rwlri Fnlln 't tn n d n y 'n n d 'a p e n t tho * J la y .w lib boniA folka. '. - I

Mi-H. I'*. S. Hull o f . 'iiv lii •Fnllfl. baa • ;rKanlre.l n ijuim f o r ' vocJ.l and ■Intio Iniiinii'tlon. Shu in xlvinR hor ‘ ' uHiionn III III.) Nuhion hnnio un’ Wed- [ lendaya \ ’f eaeji wcok nnd roiimliiH ! o r ' tho eveiilnc til ' InHtrnut Ilw | - 'hnir. ®

Mr. nnil'MrK, Sihnabn u in io downfri if 'T w h r 'lOiilw 'Sntt^itV .iiM v lfi lt .^ ......... ..I iir- liciiiio. of i li6 - m » ; r H iiuTom tr;---------,lr., nnd Mr«. F. W. IJnrk.

An .'K^mv felltoi't 'Jh bring enn-

A Broadc

i f f rWlrt'^!

x d i a n National Railway*. akowiBf llM 'm alli d r iw r ^ i o eBlerlalnm«nt fo r the bftnaSl of

Radio T ralo ScrvUe A Soecau K’C reachiUtimt} I

•A croitp n{ raJirt cn inn ftn wa» or- in ..perai lani.'nl. and* they, in collaboration Toronto. ivit1i\K(.l'k I'lannrtl and carried oirt toon, and lie iieffvcir)- prucratn of developmmt.FVrviil™! w-at made for Rroadcattin;. All o f raint were e<iiiippe<| with reeeirint: ly efpiipi. Ifl*. aftd oo NfA vY eaf'j E tc, 19A a n i tlte » ■ailio train »eT>-iee became an c*tal>- Moncton, iOieil fart with a l.T(sdeast pr6eram ment on t rrom Montreal, the ip e ak m ' being uaV}-. CN ;ir Henry W . Tbomtcn, chainoan a n i tion for > TOidcnt o f the tn tc tn , n d S J. licu b rlr ilunerrfi^rd. J . E. D alfyapie. aad >V. the PadI D. KdKk vic^-prwidMrta... . . from Ufti

Till'.liroadta}tIntf '«!>fce >faj frad- «n N ew ? Qlli- eximded I3«il today th e re ii a A jia . in : hain of nine Mations streteM nr acrou ha» been ra~.ada from Mortclcxt. New Brtna- States ^ rirk; the.iTKrtt eaJlefly, to C i ln ry , Rico, an. n .\IV rta. the tboit wejferiy. W ith- M orcton n a ^ r t tittie a tenth (antic, fu'« added at V ancnctrr »o' th S ' na tn EttsUnrot. Uw D om ie i^ .v iU ^ teyood - U a t - O t

r iM E S ■

; . T e x ^ ^ ' E e s t L o o l

^ ''j '4

' rhoHO iw lnt,.C harlene and Cbnrli^g Danford.twin* In.Toxaa’ a j a fa ir held

iclod f<ir tbo puplla nf lho filth , W.xth. HAvcnih nnil vfitbth RnidCH of o n 'T iu Hannon, lllckol. HiihkoI I^ino nnd . Tho(culnliir 'n eb o o b . T here will bo wuro .(I In prizes Klvon lo Ibo (on txisi I’ennnnipoalitnna ' nn ■•\Vba( Hnn Oecn . -rjiu onu by Ihb Hnnnun. Coinuiuiiltj; hinelet•oi;rnm." Tlui .im purn. mUH( a ll hu Heimol

heforu April I uml nboiilil huillo.l In . box ac. eJisny, context of Mrs.. iinnou th n rch . ScoU..M emhor»''nf Ibe lounl cnmp of M. Suinpa

F o o d V a l u e o f W A lw a y s R e t a i n e d -

c A i mT M W O i l t D ’S G

B A M N C P iF o r over a th ird o f a < m ade good in every

S A L E S » • / « T I M E S T H O S E O F i. :v*_ ■ ■ '


casting Sy•■-•'-■■j front Oieit*

.>n tlie lond • ' ■' vnlimic lo p

. :• W hir playe>o U . ' , ‘ ' ' 'W * '' .T V i from tins »■

. ' ; f . ; . } f . C.rrat Hrilai I in I'tliriary

■ ;]iari of the-I I Oiic Impo

\ : • • . . . . I.J nmedy' \va>\ . '* eacli of the

■ \ ' ; wiiich rdSie\ ' • I icanicd tliat

w i i ’. - ' \ . . ’ - . V . i"B the inili, • V s . ;.. lioml Railw

, Mufocco. Il iifiheC an a.

C \ i»h I'orriKpS j S '.- : . ->A. . . finvemnteni'

Sfi. ■‘A \ • n-liniiiildi ih5 &V L - - - i letter* wat a

.:.'r • • . t he loration . » ' Timi Monln

1 ^ ’ ■' ■ 1ftiet with tlw

I <md Ihe »talii

m Rion. •„{ wb:

W ' ' B-Jl

I ' Tlii» party I V ..I. -(. 'i caiinn with i

: i ai hra<|']uart< a vahuble ec

n i U A T - " : Ry ordinary i’ tteo iveel(f (<

- I . . J . t , U d .» U«. S i , ' . vt of p u te a rn - i.................................... ....................... There i» a .

I , b the radiorath of the »emce. • netidei the WTitle n roc«n j reiVrred to. .ithcr«-are. no«f pmportien of[vratxm a l Monireal. Ottawa, itrre h u not IIto. Winnipee. Regina, Saika- n iie . Hducaand Kdmotiton. . . ebronlcle* art

Radio S u tio a i ' tioni to itl too f ilirie »m(ii>ii« are Ihoroutlt- in touch witl

nipivd with the b te it appararui day. The raIte onet a t OlUw% CNKO and ahled the ^ton, CNRA. rank with the (ore* grre o f per*on the Areerkan contiaeoL Cal- executiveC N RC . has achieired a reputa- Unte. The <

for di>tant tree pt ian. Ixitts par* fcrra the, nilriy elTrctire ia remote paru o{ and fn tie ii iTadfic Report* hare cotne lo Z3.000 milei.liftenen lo tbe Caleary xtaticn America and

n r Zealand, the F iji b tand t, aivl There are IIin Samoa. The Ottawa (tation diSiealty of

evn beard thrpusbout the U aited tion orer aud■ ^uxl in Mexico. C^da. Porto a larce fore

and the Dominiean RepobU.^ tbep. to addton hai already bridscd the . \ ^ tn te n ib , Sii. hanric been heard many tm iel R.O.E.. prtsteland. Scotland. Wales m d Ire - hav^ t i r d tb. O ae cffihoiiast recestly wrote tafe . ^

■ . •-FniE

j: j l l' ' Mr.’ Me


. Prapt ’ f o r . an

K M ^ ^ S p I j n i r . . f l j lH i o t. llio« A KO

' I n f t r ^ i


: ffvrron

- ix c d

ird. wero Judced tho tient looRIKfe 412II0. 5ield n t Saiv Angelo. SW 2i-

TItncjfiiivo r. dnncu lu tho lr Imll

■ Tnc«dny evoniiiR. ' B lrho llov. nnd Mm. Tom nioilKOtt ro c tiv tt^ of, &IV. and Mr*. A. G. ( im on in Twln F tilb Tum doy. •• ^ ”iiu follnwlnit peoplo nllcmled the 'V elcnl concart kIvuu u t Ibo hlfih inol. {((idlto.Huui in T^rin F n lii ,■•6 ailny , nfiontiw n: Mrn. llfhtlRoU.

Nolion nnd iluuEhlurs, A. It. / i )U..uml fnmlly. Mr. und Mrs. 0(U JZ L j npaon, ^YIiil» SnmpHon. Mr. nnd

^ e a i t H o u r

t — i f y o u u s e

H i r :G I t E A i ' E S T

a century i t has . ry know n te stF A N T o n r a B R A C T ,

Ystemleiter, lin^land. tiiat reception lond wa» of iulTicienl10 i«:rmil of dsjicinn lo tniijic { ^ layol hi the Moncton Mudio. {-.-r;..;. ':iat tran»-illaiiiic hroadcnM .is station, desiicunl *olely for rilain, wai-madc the first week lary and was rrccived in every f i - 'Ithe Uritijll Met. j ^mporlaiit feature ibal needed wa« foiiiid ill the’ fact that j ji thcic »iaiitn» was lorctd to

Trm il tall Itll'TS, none of 51 .' - -• ilnied to file iCiiiway. 11 was tliat the c.ill CS|{. cnilrfMly. iniiiah of ihe Caiudiaii Na- ailway<. iud l<cn ,a«aicncd to h v r , :. l l m n ircd ihe co-ujirralinn I - ...- anadbn iiovcrnnienl. the Hril- ; . V •: .■ r . f : . :icp_, OfTirr, and the i'rcnch ....cm " to perstiadi'. Moroffo lo i; • • - .11 lh-«-M il Itltrrj. T o lhe .e {’ ,a t a<blevl a fourth 10 dcMSR.Vc • • ■ r- •:icM of tlie liartiailar. stmlio. .(.inireal is CXKM ami Winni- tRW , Jn Ihe ca*« of Monc- f : ' • .■as nrce\»ary to avoi.l a ton- o •-------------1 tne ta ll Intrr* of .Montrrai, S -- -- - ,■<£■taiion was dr.iR-iaie.1 CNRA. ’ . . . .'..v «-mb.ilixitig Ihe Allanlic re-which ttiai cily is the head* ■ • - • • .

(adio P rores WOrth .foinid still anoiher u 'c in j :

wnrk rermtly. ulx-n a tur* ^>rty wa< « n t out towani tbe .{ivrr coiniiry in Alberta. ) f > a T 5 B 3 i ty kept i r t '^ o 'a r eommuni- ith the CDti»inicti'’n cnsineers a rters by radio. tltTW^ffrctitie B W g f f iy iy e eci.not^ in tim; and work. iry means fl would have taken y S S g T O liM ■I (or a message to reaeb tbe S jR tK S ^ ffik

the field, sercral huadred ih-wcst of Eilmontoa. . . ..

t a definiie policy naintained BAIHIAJLU-*— dio service o l this railroad.DCrarat mtnt coniain a fair O m «f tbo grmi

locational matter a ^ newi P®**” *! b ro * * are (liven tp ed il e o n ^e to - a » « t^ by a Ca

s to keep thos« aboard train .r«ral*b r a £ o m with the bappentnft of the ‘ radio terrice has also en- • • • oUaininc of a sreater de-

personal looch between the Bnt. the treatt officials and the employes a t ayateni b y t t td he^an ad ian National Lines tieal derice can t

nine provinces o f Canada t o . warn cngineei ■SI a mileace appreaimailae o f a train cq the ilei. Ihe larccst isf N onh mote pout'bility < and of the Orililh Empire, avoided and n a e 110,000 ctBploycs and the E ren with the be: o f tnaiotaininir ecmmankt* some eppoft iwity fuch dittaaeet and with n d i itself to r a ’ diia« force is - obviODS. Tn order, this sorL Radio ad d rru the « itlre staff at tfinabklf »aloe m Sir H esty W. ThofUoo. those oa A tpbov

iru ^ i i t . aM other o& ia li tnbote to t t t gn 1 tbe radio to advao- road tnveL it «

_ »n»»er beighti.

T IID A T , M A B O II 20 , j b j s . . - ; - --- I ■■i=ss===s===ass= ' '' ' ^»r.^CHnrielr' Ca l ve r t ; ' / dm: ' • ' ’ Kdamea.Dollwood s n d 'W o a v ^ ,'; J.- «

B a le a .'^ W llb ; tlio exoopUoaVof., McVoy, a ll 'o ru i ie tnon .baa .aem tf : . .•u.lu th e chorua ’ w ork ' ',1r. and i Jlr* . (]«yer MoVojr.- w oro, .• iday dln'Der Kuoats o f * M r .’ nna-^».'. O n n , iveraoti of .ltook >roparntlon»‘o re -w e ll under w a r

an tOaator pronrntn to bo Klvort llio c h u rc h 'u n Sunday ,-A pril 13.. k Kuo<i many .womon. n ie avalllnR. u uiKolvon of tbo opportunity ( Iv u n -ouRh tho millinery- ola*#*a, w blcli'. .......,Q « ln ir cnndueica on S a turday frtfaoa n i lho church parlo racun- ■ llio aujierv lalou Mjra. Blgdgelt.

Jfoil: S. 8. Iliiinphroy lo Ada M. rron ffluuo. SK iS.(0-17.>ood:’ l>. S. Round to F. S lefert , SM, -V\V 14.10-18, , xcd ! a . a . T itua to -A . .T , .Near , lnl» n. fi. 7, blnck 2, KlBltklnnd

) e o d :‘b '.'fl :-H o lfm an lo ’ H. V nler '*60. X\VSW, .S«S W 16, NWW. NMi ' 2M -10. ^

ritncB W nnt A ds Oeta Itottilla .

- yc. ' ..

F o r T o m — « • V ; v ^ i c k - ^ o t H a n j - \ . -

t f lh e re o th ro ash O T d b ^ - saolea in a h o i^ — tty / -’

A ;S o le s « t t d H e e U "

8*ohow m tiehinotaeom .V C.fo rt aild w M rth ^ w f lre t t ’ *

i.-.^ • / ' £ ^ A e r 2 ’fo :I ''V :V i?‘ '

^ .B liek or,T M --for Maiiji; ^ .’ . WoOien and CUldrtii', j. .

y .g £ ___ ;

■ I

' i •

*A i- '-‘ I t ^ ...........


.tfflU I S ■

- / ■* ( 0


g raat a a la aM towora ^« w i. 'e ,» o 'o f Ib a-A iM -'•a 'lleartlaf a ia tb M •»*•■ .> Caaadiaa lU tU ay t« ■ a osdM<ala>MBk fo r- lta . - ■

reatest ro u lt f r i * the.’1 td coRie. t f a ^ iw . a a be put,into opention [ineert ol Uie'approaeb I the wtM ^ e k , a iir'rt* ' lity o f eoffisW will ti»

ncmeroos llv n uved.« best rerriated lystemi. stity will a lw a^ p r a a t J im tro ia train wredc o( adio has prored o f in a - ; m nrioK the Urea o{ te a rd . and if it cap can- e (reater *afe^ o rT a il- it w ill rbe .ta sew aad ' • . ltl.

' T ' '

Page 7: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,

, ___;

'".FRroSYj-isHncn 20,, 1925:.

i H S ^ k; • "----------] p

ItonnesrD&rectory. “■ t ^ A t o n i e y a "

- J . H: BARNISS-Ovyr Clly'C ttfo. «

------------ «>RTm -.W itH *M r-iairTirrK -O T*r - ;Clot Book ■StorB. y

0 > g H X l i i : ^ a r Clos Boolc Storo. n3ame> l l . ritodiwen Orr'.Ctapmaai

■ BOTHWBU, * CHAPMAN P' . Woodt BIdf. Roooa B. fl. 7, 8, 9, 10 A

BWBBLBT * SWEBLEr~Attom»7> F ln t NttUonai Bank Bulltttoi

• Shoe Repairing . cROYAL SHOD RBPAIRINQ. F. "

M ran, P;vp. 180 Snd St. B u t.. W» 4U0 carry now ihoM,______ “

________ Tram fer $iBROWNIB-fl TRANSFER. Pb. 180)1. ” CROZIBR TRANSFBR. COMPANY— br

Phon6,'8«8. StorBj» and craUng. ■ - McNICBOLS, TRArapBR,’ * STOR- vc

A O B ^;C O ^arbago: btnl«d dally av. ■ ■■______ -

WARBBSta-dTUI^SFElR'* STORAOEI CO.-^t«n'M asd^ipoclal estload «■

• ■hlpBWtt)^.CalHornla.’ Phono 1«8. pr

: r>?

■ E S ® t ' SSSSS^ :

S nogel HachlDe Co. 00FbeaelSOS. £1(^SS0 SeeoBd SnU i. Ic]

' ■ 60 Chiropracion “DR. S. C. WYATT — . Cblropratflor

)61 3rd A v . No. Ottlco Plwno <07 Iivdr T boua C. BAWYHR I

J Ofteopatblo Pbnleloa nub'alU i u a S, Om BooJdJB* ~

>liOBO IMO-W . . . Rea. 1S40-J

- ;' V A u c t io n e e r s ”im. COL. MUNYON on

' jHler . ' Twin Falla •. r ; • Pfcaa. a , n io n a >«»

■ rPunU & Roofing . pFitaltBSS 8 C m iB 8 (

Por- Ba!«-FalBta,-Oila. -UnreMO. KaUoalDt .ta-'-bnlk: BM ‘ SoppIIm . I—

Miscellaneous —--------------- --------------------------;---------------- ,]BYB S P E a A I .I8T - D r . Wm. D. Rey. Po

n o ld a ^ u c c e a a o r to Davla O ptical —■ C a 209 Main E a a t N«xt door to Golden Rulo; . I

POR B IL M A RD Sr-T ry M acanley’a. ®« TWIN FA Lia JUNK H tJU SB -M ot- roo

, ala. Rubber. HIdea., P e i t i aod F a r t , w , ARMOUR CEEAM . .pTA TIO N —33< —

M ain SooQ}, Pbonoa . f IM S and 1074 .T S w > ttrbc fo ro ae ll- |}]r In^ ' cream, p o n lt j r o r cse« . Yea. ^ wo cono o u t a fte r your pou ltry , j: Cbaa. Underwood. _________ ___ ^

Piano TuningN a o . H u u -

so yeara* Bstperlence. LlPbona 8t7J. P. O.'Boz 803. _

-------------------------------------------------------------- 1F o r S a f e - M i s c e l l a n e o u s

' ■ • •" ~ notFOR SALll-W a l«i»« a enmbar of —

aoegnd haad ••wins aacblo^a a t Tary 2 rauooatiU prteaa wblla • tbey last- Slpgcr SawlBff UacUna Co, 111 Mala ■. p B ut. wri

■ ' ~ berFOB 8ALa->Koe)i e m i crav«I« C. —

0 . UarUa-s B U dnaltb abop. 148 Ctb F •T«mia weat. ’ Pboaa 8S8W>- • ■«||

raO H -A i/nxnTO obo w n 'PRxnT w.. and ahada traea, amall. fralta. ahruba. “

roaea. Tinea aod perenniala. B«»t of * ■toek' for loweat' prieca. Saieamen wasted, a ta lo fn e la frearKlmberly

'N nraerl^ Kimberly. Idaba *!«: ■ LOOSB BAT .JOB- SALBr-Baled R. I hay wanted. Hooae for r ^ ^ * 5l* "“ p

, 4oB honey cana for aaie. ’ Phona <56. '» c . o , F a n a A «t_________________

........,--F0 R « A L & ^ r a . accd wheat, re- Aaeeleaned a t mill and Minorca rooatera. 1 n U Waltoa. Kimberly.-______________ ^

- - - - M G M ^ P O P .... ■;

(7 * OflCK « l * « MOU O O n 4 - ^ 1 T b a c o u t AND A © ra e H o b A JO B AB c r r v

• 1 THCT V H U .« 0 6 .» « O P l» « V4^ o ^rrp o o R €«Rase f—

. = ^ 1 1 , r ^

' . ^ K v l M i


For Sale-Misc'eilaneoua "FOR 8 ALE>>Cano milk coo'lor. 635

2nd wont. Ph. 77SJ.__________ • ■ .

POR SA L I>-H a}. any qiianilty, |I 3 a ton. R. C. Ilydc, 2 milcH cdbI, 'm HOuUi Kimberly. ■

l in . Tw o 'mllofl nouil> of Klmbirrly.J . B. Blalock. Sou R. C. Hydo, four mlica S. G. o f Kimberly.

FOR SAI.K—lB-3n c#«o irnclor with plowa, almo*t now, n t a 'barKaltl. U nd Amomobllo Ca._________ ____________

FOU SA U .P a lm 10 per cen t off fo r cash. Ka1>

itomino In bulk. R«lum whai'a left. Bruflh iMiflcd free. .Diamond Udwe.Co. . ____________ • • -

FOR 9A U >^W ork nIock, o r trade fo r closud car. W. H. Weat. Cburcblll, Idaho. ■____________

Ford aUe battcrlefi, rtibJior caae, >1S.S0. Llml Automobile Co.

FOR 8 A L B --Pure DIcklow aood wheat, f i mllo w c it of ShoAhono St. brldKo. H . 0 . U nd.

FOR SA i.K -B aby bucsy . b l a c k . '^ vcralblo body. A -l condition. 4S1 3rd avenuo eaat.. Pbono C07W. ’

T in X K ON TIIKSK THINGS Sbado trees, abrubs, roues, vinca

nnd p lania lo beautify your bome. F ru ll trees, sm all fru it, p lonis to sav e you money. Sold dlrcc t a t loweat . p rices for hU bcal quality. .CatalORUo f rc a K im berly Nuraeriea, Klmboriy', ^

ro n 0 4 rn -n i"V » o w seed wUent. .1 f irs t y e a r from cortil>««l bewl. S U U U wc 00 bushola per aero. Also soed 4)ar- ley. . C h a a .' Flowerdew, Sr. Phono , ■ 60CR2;_______________ ;______________ 5

' . For Eent ' HfFOR RCNT—Room nntl Uonrd, cIomc CJu

In. SIS 2nd north . ■ 49

l-'OR RIJNT-^KurnlnJied room Inm odern borne. 228 Clb Ave. north. an

FOR s a l e ; o r FOR RENT—Real- " 1d en t rooming bouatt 222 Cth enaU ho

FO R R B N T -F um lshod h o u s ttee p - Sj’ilo s ap artm o n u a n d s a ra g a . 619 Sec- iq ond avenue n o rth , j r pbone S62J. •

' FOR R B N T -O ara ia . Call 429 4th r,®'avenue ir«#t. . . dl)

. Fum iahed houaokoeplng ' a p a r t- ^ m en u , Oaals ilom e, 4 0 3 'M a l^ A * ^ ] W eat. Phona 971. •, ‘ v’o;

—FOtt-RBNT-—' » T oon- tttmtohed^ M Wartmaat,. raAaoaabla. Bonialow Apts. 6th a tm t and Saeoad avaao* ^eaat .............................................. ......... “ 1

,El*ht room houso Wr ren t—C. B. j,* Po tter , Real a t a t e . hq

POR RENT—40 acrea .'P h . 615J5. • ^

FOB RfiNT-Houskeepta* ■ a p a ^ "T nanta, oompletalr fumUhed for Ilfbt * honaekeeplnf, ono, two aad threerooms' oloaa la, and , low n taa, T»y -pweek or month. The Oxford. 418 V (M anto K ._______________ ' —

FOR R E N T -N iccly fumlHbod.rooni. c Jfiirnaeo bpatecl, d irec t ba lh connec- -k.Ilon. <04 7lb north._____________________

FOR RENT—1 fum U bed room. 4Sli | i Cth avenue e a a t ' • •

■ FOR R E N T -^ le ep to f rooma. 22: j JBth aveaua eaat. • - el.

Livestock and Poultry\ T horoushbred G uem aey bull tor M le o r trado for cow Klvlnir milk. j T hree-fourths m ile eas t and K mllo n o rth of augaV factory. . 0 . W . HowelL

FOR SALE—Good w ork t««m. Sat- u rday , M ar. 21. on sale grounda.- FOR SALi:—lOM montha RObhler, <60

w rlsh t 33 pounds. W. B. Hoag. Klm* —berly Road. ____________________ __

” *F0R SALE—Young boraea. .Must selL Q uit fam )lng. W ill aell on tim e: ^ .1 alao T reb I-ba rley for aeed and feed.W. B. H oag. K lm herly Rond.

FOR SALE—Jersey bull, eligible lo ___reg is ter. T . B. tested. 3Hi years old. D ehorned and runic. A t p resen t herd lire o f thirteen regis tered cow a Priced to sell.* Phone 6I8J 6. Roderick M R. Sm ith. . Bxi■ I I II " ■ Q u

FOR SALB—4.mp team gray gold- g t. Inga, 8 yeara old, ! sorre l m are, 7 — r e a r r old. w eigbt ISOO lb s , a g ^ 8 i one: 6 m ilk cowa. 1 m ile weat and rtr.I m ite aouth. of South P a rk Grocery^ UeC K. H . H a w l e y . _______________ tag t

wAMT . L - " " \ / g Q o o i e a T b i o o r u - ^ , , ^ a A N o s e e F . w »U £ S < « tA N V \f f= ^ H O R O B iF O R N U n v OF . J— ' g O N W STO ftB I■ n &-M AM OtJBOUg

~ ' f f — n i


. " T W lf i

‘ I T H E O L D HI

: C nfct> -«Ngmi M g«.IsHCa AREAfW./ m - - S S .

, *•.- <’ ■ ■* - f I VMH KB


. sow 'T oO yC ftniA r/ J

J fear^ y W ^THB PoRtnc. MIMOTC

* 'W e OfiPOT.« wESxIXir e u r y y ' y o o bu

Livestock and Poultry.FOR SA I.Ir^Cowa. 636 2nd oveniri)

West. P h . 77BJ.' ,i ' ' ' / '

FOR 8 AI1.E—T e a m ''I t big hotAes. : Hound and true. 'In q u ire 2 nilleiyKn. 2. cast of W asblngluii acbool. /G e o . _ Cope. /

~ FOR ¥ a l 10^Fow soo<l Jo i/p y 'w id CJuprnsty cows. Cash or lofms.. Ph.497JL ■__________ . /

FOR 8 A I.l-:-Tonm of li/raos, wag- on and bam csa . Call S2TRG., '

POR S A L B -P ureb rcd a C. W. U g - horn ba tch ing ogga from trapneatod pedigreed Larson breeders w llb Indl- ~ vlduol recorda of 1S6 to S76, mated lo m ales w ith pedlgreea oC S60 to 370, ^ t6.00 p e r hundred a fte r M arch 26th. h 20?^ w ltb order. We a tlll have a few *■ May chlcka for sale. Jobn H. Troen- ^ dly, J r .. H ollister. __________ ' . . g

• PQR S A L E - S e ty ^ hens. Ph. 61SJ3. “

• FO R 'SA C B—Mammolh brorite tui- rkeys (roR k^rlSo w hm tng^ tbck . M rs. s 8 . L. Malty. Rogeraon, Idaho. f

' ^ R S A l ^ I l o g a . aome good feed, p M , 1 bloek cost of rock crusher. E.P .- P u c k e t t - -

HAYES III-OKADI! H A TC H ER Y - F Baby .chicks, Custom H atching. .Sol C H ot and American Broqders. A batch - cach week. S e n d -fo r c treu la r ‘ and p rtcca.. Pb. 230. Tw in Falla. r

” PO R a A L B -4 0 g c ra dairy farm and - 40 acra o rchard 'land . Pboaa 617R t- ■ • i . i I ••_______For Sale-Automobiles '

FOR S A L r - 1 0 2 4 T o n r 7 o i i i ! r T \ - condition. W’lll tako Pord roadnter In •l-ade. <62 W alnut 81. J

F o r ‘T ep* aea ''Step,*' tM C y iade t . Irtnder. 147, Second avesue north- 91I —..... I- ■■ ’ ' glFOR SALE—Dodge B sedan. 6 bal- r«

loon tlrea. F irs t claaa o r d e r , '23 .mod* fcel. H olm quist A uto 'C o . t i

FOR SAI..D—1919 Ford tru ck 'w ilh ~new 'engine , o r will trad e fo r louring hicnr. A ddress P , 0 . bog-84. Twin Falls, w

FO R SA L B -A u to wtodshletda. door S(laaaea.. headlight glasa and window - <laaa, fttooa’a P a la t Shop.

. elFOR SA L »-192< Dodge Type A L

Sedan, fully equipped, run less than m4600 mllea. H olmqulat M otor Co. P

r Situation Wanted „• WANTED—W ork by tha h o a r; Calt U 74JW. • ai

. . . . i I I.. — .1 wHelp Wanted ' -

W A N T E D -B iperlcnced g irl for ^ general houaew ork. Ph. <34W. j!'

MZN Wa n t e d fo r im e e tlv a work. • ' Bxpartenca unneceaaary. W rite - J . * Q anor, fo rm er O ov t Detective. 82S. ~S t Loula. Mo. .. .___________ _ .aALBSU A n—B seepecM i oppoftaa- ~

rtr . BoMlara* a a n h ig s b ic . W rtta u i U e a a a ry C a ls d a r F t e t s r r . -Waab- c i ta g tc ^ Ifc____________________________^

teT M C O O N ovA N w aj& oa. i —A '.w ou CAN USNO THBR 5M A 0 iC M U O -IT !S ,'rH e .g g IN j r o ^ TWff D C N T I


"* ---------- ( A U A S H T



/ ■ • ’ ' ' ■_________________


HOME TOWN _p aaal P |P\ [£'


/ V - K I M )

■me AT THB CPWTWAL. HOTCU w a s u r e s l>.TB «BT-r»N*.STAR.tBDTO •OT. Burr e o B H B oans t w , hcupeo KE OP TMC LOST -nMe in -m c BtOCK m

-------------------------------------------------------— I SlIR------------------------ ------- ^ ^

r Miscellaneous S '- - — ------------------ =»—— :------------------- Lel

^ G reater ba rga in s in used cara tlinn r» r _ ever beforu. Lind Auiomobllo Co. ggj,

' RACINE HOSIERY AOE.NT. Pbono T ‘»I: I E : __________________V • • !P ;

f -------------- V Dnd Polato G row ers—Hnvo fo r salo j T,“' I. certified Enatorn Idabo grown i ‘“ ' . R u tset and Ruyal aeod. Samples■ U r in '‘Ji & R o b e ru ' o ffice .. J . D.• McCoy. CaJJ SC3.

^ ‘Wanted-Miscellaneous) WANTED—Lady,, wishea. gentldman

w ith snme cap ita l' lo rent rooming o a t I. houso w ith h a r. C. It., caro Tlmca. .

; W A N T E D -H ooio c i.M ln i: 'y thouaework o f a n y kind d l 36c- an- Ha]

. hour. Call. 621J; > HoiI ...... I- M ...11 I ..ll I I fltei

-OOOD FARMERS W A N TED -To Helren t Lincoln eoum y farma. Good Co«

.. sobools, w tip r.Jw w er tasea nnd main* Cal'w nifneb’ tf f ln lic^ lay opier high pro- Hei

. ply to-Geo. C. Ruld,. D lelrlch o r A. I. Lao i. .Mc.Mahon, Sbosbone. • ___

■ WANTED—At once T o T c H fifu S sS• Fo rd cara. Phone 147W. J . B. Whlta 1 Co. 'n S ^ la lB -B .I ------------------------------------------------------ - Brc1 WANTED — .lloiiAobold fum ltiiro , Bro

rugs, stoves. Pill <06, A. H. VIncvnt Stai: C o______________.I ■ II 1 1 I I i3u(. WANTBI>—Sl^K ^jjtxa. Pbone 30S. Tur . W ill coma and gut them with truck. ■ gpr

I WANTED—Poultry o t a ll kinds. Top n,„ priccfc n . C. H un te r. .Phono 1KI3W.' g ”;.

For Sale-Real Estate K. p 6 r SAIJ3 OR TRABE—160 acrea. ligg 95 .under gOod ditch, 3 room houae,^ Rod good cella r. ' and outbuildings, good Alta fence and o x tra gowl soil, to trade Alai fo r c itv p ro peny . No m ortgage on - thl»gand._ Box 36. H am m ett, Idaba ^

FOR SALE—Cheap. 8 room piodem ^ house, close In. 11000 will handle It; will take c a r In p a r t paym ent: tbree ycara on .b a lan c e. 415 Bth.ave. cak t B. A. Skinner. •

FOR SALE OIC T H A D E -A roal , e loaa 'ln 31 a e re hotaa, 1 mllo o u t Blue Lakea B ird , sorth.- Good Improve* % m e n u .^ o o d w ater.'.oa ccm ent road.

FO tt 8 A L E > ^ T w ^ thousand acros. fo rty BiUaa BorthWeat . o t Blllloga, M ontaaa.' a a a r Broadvlaw. Farm lqg ... and o tl proapecU a* ta-T tcla ity . Ed­w ard Cor l e t t JoU at, ML_____________

■ -FOR-SAliB O R L B A SB -S oed rancb — 2U) 'acrea, » e l l Improved, 120 A ot a lfa lfa readyHTor need thta year. 60 ready to n e d lor.QHmm.. Also KO sc rea ready to aeed to Orlmm. Call o r *1 w rlto ow ner,.M oody. -Wendell. Id a h a >

. Situation. WantedWANTBD—Houadkeaper on farm.

unincum bered lady prefeirw ). Wm. R. ^ Chambara.’ R t a. Buhl, Id a h a ^ ”

\ f l a t b r 7 ,

| F i l H O W ti V O u' Tlljl 'I I

‘ Money to Loan,SK PE R C B trr M Oirtar FO R FARM

L O A N S -C aa get yon th e m oney la ' toa daya from data of appU eatloa, a

________________________ m lMORTOAOi: LOANS. Swim & Co. Ci

^ M O N B Y ^ O —IAJAN—Farms.— CT«“h proporty. C. E .‘ Potter, R eal B ata ta, lomii Phone 374. '> Oi

, Six P o r ccnt—I f you a av e ' a good ,ion farm and w a n t lo borrow on It, w rlto Xpg Box 62, Tw in Palla. Idaho.

To Trade wECONOMY — Save yourself, your j! !u

c a r i n d M u r pockstVook by trad ing Ifl. you r old tires fo r Ooodyuar BaU . loonn. Lind Auiomobllo Cg

TRA D E In you r ola tlrea on Good.' •>!>>> year balloona. Lind Auiumobilc ( '0.

11 u.L o s t a n d F o u n d___________________________ Jul>

• L O S T -I’ciicll. mil j c t ^ ’lii-ad. Im.t»WH C hristian ciuifc)i kn<l GrvKn »ColU-Bff. Rowa ja t< Ph. 70S\ ■_______

LOST—P air of” sliiOl rim glassoa. "l ,n e a r Idnho theatre . Pb. 103U. ;\lny

t w I n ' f a LTs m'*;M ARK ETSS E U n O P B IC E B t'l

S iiK nr.-cnno------------------------------ J8.3C wl'lS ugar, bout .............. .........._ .X „ .|8.lfl <6VjCream cheesa ................. 9Sj, c<Celery ........................................._lC$D20c yellLeUuCe. California --------------------- 16e »1.0New cabbage; lb ________________ _ 6i N aCarrota. n e w ,----------------------s fo r 26c »i.ODeela. n e w ---------- ---- _..*....__..2 fo r 26c No.T urnips, new ........................... 2 fo r 26c J l.i :Radishes. S bunebeaIPep pers,.lb . i.im , i _ - . _ 26c wi,ijBread ________________10s BiTurkeys, draw n ■ ■ .... ' tHam. flllccd ------------- -------Pork sausage - ' ■ - go*T-bone s teak ___Sorloln s teak — .....« « o:Round steak w_______ nSfit jioc

s r “ 'L z z i z r f f J L i S “.... - “ o’£ s

Bacon, illce d - .............................. _ 4 0 a 1..71D am ' _____________ «n> .*%,

BUTIXG PRICES W 'heat--No quotation. A i tHa>* (in a t a c k ) _______ ,-..„ .-»9® 12Hoga ----------------------------- »9.00©12.00S teers ...... ....... 6cOO tJ- .iH eltera --------- ............ ....................4 c0 6Cowa ____ ____________________3«>4cCalves -------- ;---------------- 0 8e

-------------------i S m b s _________________ ■....— 10;

CniCK KSS AKO* F O ^ n S . .Heavy hens ......... .............. ...............ISc j rL lgbt h w « . .... _ . _ _ . . l . „ a i cLeghom a ....... ........ ......................SeB roilera (Legbom s) ......................l i e “ f”Broilers (colored) ____ ________l*cStags --------------------------------------7c . ii,Capons .............. ........ ..................10021cDueka _________________________ ;lOcT urkeys ____________________18e U. JSpring c h lc k e n a -------------------- 1___16c

. I'ltODCCB ■ •• .BiJUcrfai. a l laclory ___________ <2c 1-5 .B utter, ranch — - ....— • ru raPotaloes. wblto ________________$1.00 dayPotatoea, Rusaein __ _________ L.II.40 cbanEggs ___ _____________20c VaUggi. cash .._.T:^Tr............... ...............18c u»uaRod' clovor, N a 1 perA lfalfa, N a 1 -------------------------819.08 tionAUlka c lover. No. I ------------- 816.M © 20.

........... - ' - (■' " " ' -------

Y OU READ the_____ __O U ie r F e a o w ’. A i

3w j» Too ara n a d in c thla OML f t • T5F C toO uiln..i*ta"i«or1 a to n . - n a ia e t th a t IfM

I a t ta r M ow uadvw tbas la - I p r o b a b ly t t t n s m b a la

? S r » ' y w t WooM(c tro t b4 w e ll to tha o tb s , f e l l o w d t a a c


T o R e a d Y o u r A d

J n T h e M t C o l u m n * ? c i ic l p t

— — — t op.1----------------------- 14.10;

T ha Ttmoa u n c q o a le tf fo r B*w* 114 9 In B oothem I d ^ _______________ - cbolc

c l i i l i

DAILY MARKElW heat and O a t. . S ;

G ain but Com Is ];;;:5] Lower on M arket

CllU'AGO. Murcb 20. — Grain iirlcca climcil Irri'Kulur on ilie Chi- .-ngo board o t trmUi Hiday, w heal nud m u gnInluR imd u ir:i auircrlug fruc- lU " '’ .rniml MclbuckJi, ***;-'

Co^n iriod ile»iiernu-ly to foliiw itreUKib In whmil Imt ilii»rl'u l«'tti-r

ionBcs for lho day.Oula rcflocii-d lilRliur wbifiil pricon :

Uld Miilalivii llio day Hloady li> trm:- ".“i*: ilonully hlKhur.

L anl eiu»«l allgUtiy blglicr uuO 'Hum iirovialoiin lower.

OlK'H. IHkIi. Low. Clone. Sti. W HK,\T— down

May ....... 1C9W IfiK'A >07% III!July ...... la y .i u r i i i 1:1s h s nnda.-J)i ....... l a i KIS mou

0 0 1 t . \ - IambiMay ...... H R - 118 114% U 7»iJuly ........ r :u '4 noV i n iH iSupt ....... 12»Vi l - l sc cm

WATS— , SApliMay ....... « 43% « « . . . XJuly .... 41! 47 4S% 4 ^ h „ n . , \ 3 iy i 4ii 4Ti; 4r.»* 47

M^y *C .... I iu '.i i-.:i ' ’2'’. -'July ... m s 11a 10. . n a « i . 3^ ’;

.. IBSO 'Ifiri" IC'T

M'*y'*^.7... isyu I'jui; is.>in i m ::

nilC A U O <‘its»l «1IAIN.CNU^AOO. March 2U .-O al*-.So. J l [-H

w bllo ' 4C©47c: .No. 4 while, 41<P 291- IO'Al-: atauilurilii. 4214c. " '

C o rn -N o . :i yiliow, *1.13: No. 4 wh t. yellow. 81 .0C # lill: .No. • G yd low . "nrkf »1.04flPl.l<J: No. C yellow. $ l«1 .02 : Kack. Xp. 4 • itilxe.1. $1.00: N a 6 mixed, l l .02efil.0S: No. fl mixed. tlO l-U l:No. 2 while. l l . H ' i : . No. 3 while, Nh: 1111(71.12; No. 4 wlllle. ll.UTVl.US: Qiiiol No. G whllo. |i:05Vjffi'l.Ufl; N«>- C whUc' 11.01. • Ln:

Barley—80<iiiir.<-.' T lm olby-IC .2r,«n.tO . • Sui

Clover—*21.5uft'3ft. <I.‘llv.--------- iitead

OMAHA LIVKSTOCK. ■ . CoiOMAIlAi Ni-b„ March 20 .-C u ltl0— Kanii

lleceliilB, lOOO:, mnrkol a trong to IBc. Tii Higher; yoarlinga. »7.7C©11: sieera, gffi,. 17011.26; cows nnd heltera, 82.600 Ha )7C: sluckora and fcetlera, 1608.86; salvea, $3©l0.7jl: bulls and stags, m 13.7607.26. W 04

Hoga — Receipts. 10.000: m orket © j u IBO260 low er; bulk oC sales, |13.2fi 27©3 ©13,36; lop. $13.66. . Ll'

Sheep — nccelptii. 3,000; , .m arket ^Bc: !5c. h ighe r: yearlings. »U .1C «11.7^ J6e. wolliers, $9.76010,60: lambs, $14© Ch. 10; owes, $7.76010.26..^ ‘omn


K *. AgHoultu ra l Economics.) •

IDAJIO , FALUS. March a S .-H n u l- ings, ligh t: mwlcrate w ire \nqulry ,Jomand modumio; m arket .s l i g h i iy ____weaker on ruaaels, ru ra ls steady; lorloaUs f. 0. b. cash track. U. S. 1 ™ >a«cd California pack ru sie ls m ost. ^ y $1.60, fow early sa les a t $1.66:U. 8 . 1 sacked eastern pack ru ra ls tto « t» r^ l: -waitonloadH caah to g r o ^ ira: U- 8 . I bulk ru ssets $1,200 ?G. m ostly $1.25: U- 8- »■urals, 9Cc: few b ^ h .aa IL ^T h u rs- • ^ ley m o rn lu s: W agonload m arket un- onm

*’vaklm a, W ash,: Ctarlpads f. 0 . b. -ogn«:.ual le rm s: Socked netted gems. '« r ton U S I . $29©30: comblna- »}-• Ion gnldn (76 per c in l N a I s ) , $27

^‘ ^breeley. C o la : Demand light: la rko i steady ; wagonloads cash to wum row ers: aacked ru ra ls U. 3. I and .!*•«

‘SI,' ‘w « : 'c .W .a o in. w.1.0 > S'Orrlved : 6 cars diverted: 13 un* *•»"■ roken « r s dh track ; •uppllos mod- ‘‘ -W- m a ; domand aad trad ing moder- 8b« le ; ^m arket tlrm ; brokers carlot lie s delivered l^>rt W orth: Colo- ado sacked wbltoa, partly graded. »»'«'■ 1.86; Idaho sscked ru ra ls U. S. 1 ‘« j « lostly $S.10; asking h igher: Colo- ddo sacked brown Uwiutys U. 8 . 1.

*S m Francisco : Idaho S, Oregon 1. ia llfom la 1 boat, a rrived ; 11 brok- DB!a a ad 3 unbroken c*rs .on trac k : 5uoUiuppllaa • m d d sm e ; demand and N arsding slow ; m arket steady; sales No.) Jobbara: C slltom la sacked long N arbllea U. S. 1. $2.25©r60: fancy N aranded ask ing $2.70; Idaho sacked N a o sse u I1 1 6 Q 2.M.

CTIICAflO M VESTOrK. a n C A O O . March 20.—Hogs — Ra- slpts. 83.000; marlret >p. $14.58; bnlk of sales, $11400 1.10; heavy welg^iU medium choice. L4014J6; medium w eigb t raedinm nolca $tSJ0O14.1»; ligh t weig b t

—By; .Taylor

T _ O f O e '* J A S 'R 3 ^ ^^ e e r o o T A f o o m | =

*• -ffC <JTH6 ft WAS 1 ->I , la S W W O U T n ^ . *

. l l_ : i

M il


ST REPORTS . ioniiuon chof<e. $13,26014; lig h t ' Ighla common choice $11.76013,66j aek lng iiogs. sm ooth, $13.26©1X60; . acklug hogs, rough, $13013.36:Inuglitvr pigs, inedlutii choice. $11QI ■2,60,

O itd c —^K-ern (iiOO pounda up) holco niKi prime. S10.&0O12.S5;';oo<l. $0,7r.«ll.i!r.: n.eaium. $R,50»0,60: slL-t-ra, rlin ire and prime,ill.26.Q'12.26; KOorl. $m .60O lL20:ipilluiii, $K.3fi(Mo,6U: common. $6.60 '.

hclfom , good and choice. .vr.orfMT- ..............................fr.rnff.1.60* cowa. good and choice, $5.60©,00; rom niou and medium. $6.26©.61); ruiin<-ni uud c u lie n . $3C4-^S: n|v>fN. cull i-IUiIre $SO lL60; me- Hum chcilcu $4.6008: steers, com- iion choice. $0.2608.76.

Sheep—I>nmbN. medium. D4 pounda lown. $14.2r.<rr>6.f.il; cull common, ill w eights $12.2G014.26: caunera nd culls. $8.76012,60: ewes, com- , non to cholcc. $300 .26 :' feeding umbs. rauKO stuck, $16010,76,

• n i i r . u j o PR ow ncE .:;^inCAO O , March 2 0 .- n u t ic r - R o - 1 1*. 77C3; «frcamery. 47c: sCaod- . riV 4K>ic: tlrsta 40H O 44t^c: sec- nO-V 34e3(lc : firs ts , 40ViO44'X.c.

Ki,\;h—IU-ocl|iifl. 22.H81: ordlnorlcs .Sic; llrHtH S'Jc; cxlrim .1S!4c. rhi-eao — Twins; 22%c: A m ericas, _

2=iiv. • • 'I’oitliry—Roci'Ipts. 4 c a rs ; fowls,

7c:' ilucks. L’Hp : geese..18c: sprlngJ Oc; lurkeys, 24c; roimlers, 19c.

POTATO K.S.(^inCAOO. Mnrc-h 20.—Receipts,

:9l- cnr«: W isconsin suckod round A'hltuN. $101.06: 'M lnnosotn round vhites snckuil. m ostly around H :- arknil Red Rlvor Ohios. $1.20OI.30: aukcd ru ssels burbanks $1.1601.20. .

NEW YOIIK T'ROniTE.NKW YOltK. March 20. — F l o u r - 1

]iiiiil und steady.I’o r k - airotiR : mcMs. $41. .I.nnl^l'IaH ier. m idw est spni $17©

7,:i«. ■SuKiir—Raw. s teady: stiol 96 la s t -

ti>llvorc(l, limy paid. $4.71: refined,Iteady: g rauuiuted. $000.22, v . C o lfi-o -ltlos , .Vo, 7. on Spot, 21c;5aiil«s. .Vo. 4. 2C02CHc.

T allow —Quk-i: special lo ex tra , iffTO'Ac. '

Hay—F irm : No. 1, $1.26; Nd. 3.101-05.

D resM d T o u ltry —M rm ; tnrk«ys,0O46c; chickens 20 04 3 c ; fo w ls,'11 3131c : ducks, 20e29c; Long Islands ;:7©32c. . s ■ ' • •

Live poultry—F irm ; g e e t^ ^ -1 8 0 '!6c: ducka. 1C030C; tu rkey j. 38© •■6c.

Cheese—F irm ; s ta te , wliola m ilk, . !ommon to special. : i© S 7 a . . j

PO RTI.A xi)~W itBA T, .PO R n .A N n . Ore., Mar c h ,- 2 0 ^ . _______

A'nsiero wlil'le $1.84; bard n la t f f , il.C6; no rtb en t spring $1.06; « a st< '■rn rkd, $1.62.

--------P O R T L l^D LIVESTOCK. "PORTLAND, Ore., March 20.—C at-

lew Recelpts, 36; tone bf inarket, ^tesdy; sieers. good grade,' $8,160 ,76; medium, $7.76©8.:6: comiaoa,6.76 07.76; cannors snd cnUars, 6,6000.76; heifers, good $0.76(|l?.36; ledlum and 'common, $606.76; beat ^owt. good. $e.l£© 7: medium s a d - oiumon. $606.35; csnnors aad est* ' ^ors, $ 2 0 6 ; bulls, canners s a d b o - --------ogna, $304.60; caivea. DadltUB, .vnd choice, 190 pounda down. fS.60 ;iM 2: 190.200 pounds $7.60O lL '

Hogs — R ecelpu . 80; ia a rk a t teady; .medium, good,< chalea ISO- •’00 peunda, .$13.76014.16: 100-lM ounds. $18014; 160 pounds op , . ; 12.60013.76; peeking smooth, ba*Ty ,11.60012.60; ' packing rough, b aav r.11O11.C0: >U ogbtar pigs, S U O - S.66: feeders and stockers. $10,609- ■ ■ 1.60. . .j| Sheep — Receipts, ISO: m a rk a t -S

teady; lam bs, 84 lb s . - dnw a, m —Inm t r choice H<© 1<; ‘ • baavjr. '3 -eights, medium sh d c b o I ^ ' S l lO .-iI ; cnlla and 'com m oas . s l l 'v a l f t t a , . n 11014; w eth irs , |9© 11 ; ' tw aa , ^ xnmon to cbuea , |8 O 1 0 .. '

HAY QUOTATIONSDENVER, C ola, M arch H .—H ay ' . ?

aouU oas: ' ' •N a 1 South P a rk . S14©tS. ■ '■iNo. 1 an n n lso a . I 1 4 0 U . . j So . I P rs frta , |U © U . 'N a 1 A lfs lta , 113014 . ^ N a 1 N orth P a rk , U © 14.-

-P rta ting : \

Page 8: FAlLLS LY TIMES 1 IDAHO WBATHEEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · V O hUM K'7. N m iB E R 278. V a s t TEAPOT DOME i INFORMATION MISLEADING < Head of Government,


' J U I BRIEF ' v M U S r B E I N 5 : By APRIL 2 0 1

--------- II,

Office of Atiornoy General No- ' tlfiea CoXinty Attorney ■Time for Pilina: Plea of De-'in . fendant Before Sopremo Oourtl""’- Hog B « e ^ x te n d e d with the' I

' , OoDient of ttio Stato. I

"Tlmo IlmiL for atiornoyn fo r Jolin * ;[urko 'to fllu *l)rlnN w ith t)io mi- prem e court hnx been net fo r A |)rll l! SO, It was Ktnted In ii le tte r rcceiveil No< today l>y ,1’roiiocuilni; A tulriiey J. Tn- Wi T nylor from Jninos U. Houne. nmlalii&t. a tlo m e y Ronernl. In liH \ JeUer, Mr. Ooono »aW iJjal lJi« Iran- hoi sc rip t or iho 'C B te.liail boon recolvetl r e b ru a ry 10. H e iloclaretl tlia l tho 20 Ilnya allow etl for tlllnK, hricfii by ,, tlio n ttom eys fo r tho UufeniUnt 1 ^ 0 Inaurricienl In tle w cf Uio c 'r- cum atan ro t and linportaiiuv of ■ tho i m a tte r, aud tlia i A prtl 30 liu<l been ,

< - se t u (lie tlm o lim it w lili tlm oun- aetit o f Ibo otflco o f ' thu ntturiivy

. ri-ii:

Salm on. R iver P ro jec t ' H a ^ o t B een O pened

' ■ '^fq^lHomcstead Entry.U. 8. CoqimlMlonor H . 'k , I'ow rrd of X

theland ofrico Uoro hiw roccivcd n le t- « l e r from the ilepartn icn t o f th n in ter- vcr> lo r In rep ly to an Inoulry conccm lnn w u th e o p e n ln r of tb o Salmon. H lvnrproJ- .•c t fo r aeu lc m ca t and tlio: followlni: t.- le tte r from CommlM loncr W llllani u ■ 8 p ty rfnda an foliown:, R o fe rrln s to tlie roKlnlrr'n Inquiry ^ ' o f Feb ruary 10, lOSC. on to w hen Ilm

. Salm on R lvor p ro jcc t w ilt bn tlirown opon lo en try , I canndl' Rtvo csnct ' , , date, bu t (he caae U u o dcr coniildor- » h tlon and an order p rov ld lne for tbo

* ren toratlon to tbe public dom ain of '' th e unpatcntod portion of tlip ' n rK n- ta t la n will be Inauod In the n e a r fu- tu rp . • tbcr' ■ . ' ------------- ' ntor

, F o rty -Y ear B a ttle ^ on T e x u P la in s '

F a il , to K ill b o g . j rKRNTON, Okla.. M ircb 20—A nl-

lent w arfare w blch lian-ljcon rafelnr;. . fo r tbe paaL.40 y n m nn thn biim i.

.^ l l ln c p la in s of tho panbam llo nrvu o'R"

' F o rty yoara aeo . rowlKi>-n on th r l<'t i o ld O. X. ranch, twolvo m llra north* ««»■ wpat «f hero acron« n broad oxpnniw j n l "

• of a rid land, p ln c t l moro than a neon* fro"' of ferrfld Into the prAlrl<> doK "tow n." 'l r .. I t w aa -Rspccled tb a t Ihc fcrri-ln no"’< w ould cx tern ilna tc lho undiTKround "o* roden ts In a fo^- monllui. Thp thou- '’a r i lianda of p ralrlo doc bolcn In Ibc c round made lL,dan|;orouii fo r thi' '*blr eowboya to ride over tlio n rfn . ovrr

A fter 4U years o f »nrfnr<*. n . fi-w 'Terr«(« a re s till seen.

Tlio p ralrlo dociiT T h ry .n r r mill ttiim erous nnd. n lthniisli thi-y si<‘nrly rite rtn lnateU thi* nlrnltliy.. lit tlo f<T- bab> tc(*. (he ferr^ tn aro Ix-hcWiJ to bv by .

* ntaxlnx a “comeback,." It I- liow cvpr, th ry . f illed to arcnm pllnb powi th e p a rp o sr Intendrd by W . A. T o w n v c-itni o f K a n u s City, Mo,, one of th e raftch wcli; ow ners, who b ro u sh t them here.

, The ferre ts now llvc .npart from thi-p ra lr lo doB townn and rim tlo tholr o i food by pursuing field mlet- and o ih r r a m

.sranll rodents,

A n advertisem ent w orth Iooklns i l i l i i o w Is ncTcr ovcrlookied—ta - thta i aew «papsr., , ___________________________^

wU ltra ’ ’II I II «• 1< p.Tti'Ill • lon tlK T pu n iji , K riiy hitnli*S m n rt M .-rliiiK Inu-liV- cn Ki.li'. K liis tic j i i h f r t . IV ico ..................... 5 1 0

C elestia. \ p iim ]) -ill .• it l i iT " |. ; i f r i i t t

. ]-*.n:lirr. .'m iin . « r M ii 'lc - .'T liri'.'- .K tm |. j i i u i . . r - i:

L o u is ll.-.-!, I V ir,’ $ 1 0 J

................. "N


Sctlmon G row ers o f Q G rim m A lfa lfa in u

New O rg an iza tio n n11. A; C nrter nf llericer wau «'Iect< U

eil iin-xliiunt; • S<iIhoii H nyw iird, ot All^n'liilc. Hi'crctnry, nnd W, W, R l*ij5\oll. sfcrciury nml In -s s u rc r o f l i l Mix UriTiini Alfnifn OruwerM' 4 ,is o - ln ( iR tluir O rini'd by Snimon prowor^ ni Ihu ni<-ftlnfi Ia*ld yontcrd:iy !■> olllcc (.f County AKunf It. .B, Uron- y diiril. 'IM'iniv nf tbe 3D who ^viire i {irexcut ul the ta lk nf K. 1>. Hpnn- i;Iiir. ii;<Rliitiin( Htato nsronnm U t. nnd II, U. KenniHly n f the hIu(i> nHiiorln* tlcn, wv?|( froin the Snim on tr.ncl and |( WIIH dniiTmlned tn fo.-ni nn nM oclatlon fur thu t p a r t o f ib* g f county*otherji U'lll he ftiijned^'lfsleri In od ic r niilKbborhocdH. It Is nnder- o . sicod. Tl

— ------------------ ta

Iiilxt-riuntrd Knim ll«iM|iItul*~S, I’. , J

.N'owman bo.n Ix’vn d ln rliu rc id Irom (he Tw in Kalln connty Rt iiural hoKpltuI,

YMl*i In l.itmoii I*, Grcon' o f Jf 'HolicrfH «rr*-i'd iicre roilny »« r/»lf (li-nrKv K. fiandliiiltr.

l*ollr<* Wnrn Soii-rnl — Several hnvi; hucn wiirmnl uml taken Into ciuiiiidy tenitiunirlly by thi- polli-i‘ u 'lililn llie imiit fvw iluyK for purk- InK In from of hol«lB, • , . gg|

M » r n r r Shoji .Hovf»-^Th<- W erner .j.. ri-pnlr (thnn of w blrli .lliirton Kbor- , . hnrt In nianaKor, bu.i nmvi'd io 2J2 ; Moln nvi’n u r miiitli from Si'oond

■ ■ , , , il’,’ npoelTi-d In S onirlty—"Snnii Klfprtn

Iloolh. daiiKbt«T of .MK nnd' .Mrn. C K. nooili, nnd MlNn Clara Knll, dhiiKli- icr of Mr. nnd .Mrn, K I i Kalf, o f thlx ' •Ity hnvo been n'cvlved Into tifi- De|- Tli la Oamma iiororlty, a t ibo n tuie iitil- reralty. .MIhh Vivian 8 lo n r o f Nninpu n»i va» InltlBtcil n l tb<* nnnic Ume.. . Qui

f>ldhn>en tn I'ntUp I 'e rr ln e —John ). l-'clilliuxen will luiid hlx troop o! Mfi loy HcoutK Illlll nieniliiTn of nlli'cf rcop ir-to -(‘.mip I’orrlno, UiIn iivonInK j—0 xpend tho nlRlil. i'

Had VMU'd In Stnrm Arfn-.-MlKR ~Ciither Cumpboll ot- llilx c ity rec en t- Ay v lilteil In .McL,cnnbiirR. In ibo lino tbe It th e storm In IlllnolH rccontly , loxilUt Is bellvvud lo havo Kono from «niihero to ano iher plnco nu(.iUlo tho 11 -itorm area, - her molior ^ald (bta cbtiiftomoon. (jri

Ncnuli tu Hliovhonc KnllM — F o n r w ilroops of boy scou ts from Je ro m e Shend n numbor from, lliihl nnd T w in rbri'a lls u n d o r . tho loadorship of F . n>ouBlnx llnw ley wilt cnnKrcunlo onhln oVMiInx nt , tb e rnv.> beyond willirent Shonhonc fultn k> ntiend (bo AfliiIrIx. .. her:

<'hi‘vrob-t Ciir llnni*-k*Th»' fhov ro - ct cou|u- cnr owned by Ilriico Jo h n - -p on. biirni-d xlinrtly o fior inldnlKbt hlx mornint; thri'<i nnd n bn lf m llrn | rom thlx c ity on tbo K im berly m ud. 1,|y lr. Jolinxon hnd brouKbt >il» pn rtiio r omo nfler Ihc Shrlnrrit^ 'd n n c r nnd ax ruiurnlnic to (hln c liy w h e n ^ io .ho

nr sklddud on o dnnip x|io( itnil liivn- ii: o v .r , iKnlird. Only iw o wb.-ol» m ; ^hlrh l>rok«- u ft whi-u ilie i-ar inrm-it i„„ v rr wrr<! xttvrit. Mr. JoliiiHon wuii o! h n ri. _

- it .v iiv >io x o i’i . , \m :W ASIH N G TON -A new type ' ot „ f„

nby Tnom'iplniie luts tjccn Invon icd ; vjn .y i->l«»ln Allrn, a lent yllo i lie r .-.! t In i-<|iii|)i>od w llb n nlno liorN e-(tho 'ower 'nxilorcyi’lo onslnc. bu l .h n i!w itl limbed to n lielKbt o t iSOO foot. l l 'T h c elRhx only 20r> poiindn. tor

TWKNTY TWO CIIIIJHIKNOKLAHOMA IMTV-'-John S u lder. A mlltiniiin HvUir Jnnt oiitxlde ibe .to t

liy llm lta, hun Z;: I'Ulldron. ‘ T b f l 'ln r i ehool bourd . (tedded li would he Ann .'itlnR n bnd precedent It ll n tlnw - by1 Ibcm to enior ihe r lty schools I.or .'llboui churKlnR lu ltlan . Iur


/ ! v ^

V h a t ’ s N e w i n S p

K'li h host o f sn m r l iirc iu iils u ro liori> •nlly i'\i^M i(ilifyiiii; w lu ii-s i i r w in fo lu iiil. o f . 'in ip ir <-liiinii. uii<( < |u in ty lii III Io n isliim iiiM o K-irnii-iiK . -M.'iy \v<

Big BurgI'( ilo iiiiil |>iiin|>;- iii^u-• ta nr . i l f wiMi n i l .a i i Im-,1. , Iii.irrou - lioi«l, I*ri.'i'(i i»t iiv u r ........................ 8 , 3 0 t

•N .......................

__________________ • !

'SUNOAYPROGRIIN :GflEEOFOUVALLS ;AT HIGH SCHOOL• T h Iii h»ll« H ecnn tlo ir Snrlely "lln»I I ArrmiRoil K xrd lt n t I’rnum m nf

.nu»Ic U nder D lrcellon of .Mn*. (1.I I’. U utu ll iinil Kenulur liiivnll Will

( ilie Hip ,\ddr\>»4;

.Vcxt Sunday> n ttefnoan the pi'u-• Knini ol Ihe Twin FnlU Ilccroutlon

0 . .P . Duvall and h e r mixed (lu.iili-t. Thiu III one of (bo excellent niiisl- calc orttnnUullonH of tliu c liy i«nd oiKi which lho M nRic'Clly inny woll bu pruud. A nplendTd jiroRrum o^ blRli cbiHH m usical iiiimburx hus been urrnnRed and tbe public hnn a treiit ' In .wnliInK fur Ibcm .Sunday Bftornoon.

S enator O. 1’. Duvall .hnn beon "c- Iccteil to kIvi- the* add ress and ho will ehooNu liiH own HUbJect.

Till' folIuwlHR Ih (ho inuslcak |i r 0 ‘

lu ) Sc«R of tin)' Vlklns.,Ivnton Funin.-.lb ) Mninmy'x LuUuhy ............

....... ...............n rrg . Cliiiit, 8 . SproMHMixed Q uartatlu.

.Muiiituinos O. 1'. Diivull, nnpruno;• W, • ZunuH Sm ith, con tru lio :

^Icflsrs. Nutvon Tluyward, boHKo; liuuRlaH Snlmon, tunnr.

Solo ,...... ........ ......................... Sflb'ctcdilnuKlnK A. Salmon, lenor.

T be Cry of lln rho l . Mnry T . «n lio r ‘ Mrs. \V. ^onuH Sm llb, contru lio . .(il) VnlHo Coprluo ........ - .........Newliind 'th ),A SiinK of tho Sou.......McDowell ,Mr», 1). 1.. Ati-xandcr. nolo planU t.Addn-HH ....... .............to r, 0 . 1*. DnvnllQ narlt^ lo nutuullon;

F e a r .Sot Yc O Ixrnel..... ...........' .................................... Mur .Sploker

T he ICrl K lnR ...'......... ...... ScliubortMrx. 0 . 1’. Duvall, xoprnno.

Dnel. "1 H oard u Voice"....... ..QlovcrMesdninuH Dif^all und Sm ith.

Q unrtoliu , I'n lo .Moon .............................. ............... .F rederick K. I^iunn

Mm. I). U Aloxaiidrr, iiccoiniiiinlnl. •'

l' H I G H S C H O O L i'

At- tho reRiihir weekly meetlnR oftbe Hl-Y cilub' In the biRh xchool iInxL ovonluK the flrn l Inlttatlnn cur* |oniony took place and tho followbiK >II memlMtrH wore Inltlatod Into (hu k c litb: A lbert Murjihy. IrvIn U rury, <■ l^ le a ixh , L u ther n ice, Melchor P rio - < be, illelinrd V lckcrx,' Paul 'W ellner. W llllum Uoborts. Lec nnd .MoTrItt " Shotwell and H arry W arm ke. Do* ■ foro IhlH wax dono the c lub wonti> Ihe audltnrluni to see (bu tllniH il

on Ihe Uifltlon and llBhtlnR o t cari). i Wlilch were pronounced very Rood. " \f lo r lbe buslncHH meollni; ihflTnvm- *' lerii n ijo je d •VuIh” nnd a-Roml xo - |

Till’ iilnih Ki'odo « t lho Jun io r lil^h ” Rcbool h.id nn aiuirmlily yoHlorduy n fl- l* rrnoon nt wblcb a muck irln l o t An- . dy Oump wnx Klven by tionio o t ilm J inomherH of the rinnn, MarcoUe Wynn nlHo Rnve be r r'-ndlni:. ••Pnlc.y." which nho w ill'K lvo a t tho distric t doclainn- in i r contoKi ni Iluhl noxl w ork. A dri ' Ilie rendlUK n lllllo onmpo'lilvo nin;:- , Ins •Ih'Iwm 'u lho I'ovK and the r l r l" ‘ wnx i:ui:lit:i'il In. wllh iiun-ti .n th n s i- *■

Ity a lllllo cniiii)iilr,nlnK yotiiordnyj* nfiiTUoon uninns ibo I>o)n ihi-y I>'H ’ , V lnrigJ.N nvln nt the boud o t i lv fn - i i - ichohtoTIvo" ronii'Hi wbo m m hoMn | .. tho Im d W'lih ov rr iilx hiiudiod vote;;, r ' w ith Vlrslnln H a n n elono nrcond.| Tho voirx co»I ouo ren t ra rh nnd nrci],, tor Ibo iK'nofll nf Iho Coyole. ’ j

i i . iM J iT f T i r i i . i r .o iK i i i c .^ N . ' !.'ATIIK.\Si March Iti.—Jobn l-oKiinl

o t <5n1nr»vl1lo. (in., Ih dimd o tj w rund* rerrlvod when a p/iriy o f : , | Amcrlcnn a ludcnls wnx tlro'd ui>i>nU by buudltn lanl wcok near A r:n ,|f, l.oRnn died lute yenicrdny nfter bo- in InR (Icllrloux iilnce Tunmluy. ] |i

B i t ’©r y o T R A D E

I p r i n g F o o t w e a r

loro. . \ l l ilis iila y iiif; inniM inl oliic, fo o U v ra r f o r S p rin i.', T li.-y a ro lin .- ., 'J 'h .-y i-ivo ;i iiVu- ilis iii.i .-

W.' i i iv i t . ' v .iiir iM»[K-c’ti.iii.

A g a t h a

ISlni'l: v« tin l* '.iin|'. s |)ik .- Ji«-ol: }iiim-|it>ni ilr ro r; i- t i . i n ; I .rieo ....... . S 8 . 5 0


fl |\

' i>i

-FT — -crpu


ill ’ nii

Kihcl Harryinorr. nol.'.t uclri’nx. Id l|.>; « i iCnniux City and ba» lo.-en com, ■

jwlkd lo Ciincol n u.'iU'x »iigiii;o • ' •ll iiK'nt. Slie In Biiftrrliif from aith rl ‘.•• All

; SWIFT « P iV ” 5: EETsitra*: =;■ OFAPPfillW”

• . thl t. .Mfljor llmlu'ln am] O th irs Srnd^M rnt

' HUk’o lo Kainoim i'n rk lnu lliinxe l>x> i,,^ ■J : prr«Hlmr .HonllmriiS uf Coiniuitnlly — i l»«er Mhtu'dHbmrnl of lim nrti bi <— [ Thin C ltj.

if Toli'Krainii of appr.'olntlnn woro neni d 10 th e he.ulijiinnerx o t Swift A Ooni- '* pany by n 'num ber o t londhiK clil- K zi'mi, hen.Ird hy Mnyor Stiud I,. Ilod- u Kin. In hlx tcloRrnni Mayor llodxln'

i-xproHHod tho xemhnont tb n t ih ls nc- . Illlll on the p a rt of the noted jwckerx .. would monn Rreat dovejnpinftnt fn r . JfT w In I'nllx and InHurellx tirow th In . the future. •• • yt O lhor iucjinaaPB,si.'ni ihrm icbour ihT'>1 day .‘xinosnod xlinllnr xrnilin''niH. Tbo I. forllna liiTr over ibo ik tc im lnntlon •

nf lb r roiniiany to eoiu.> In. Ix one of. elllUdntnniu.Mk- < . > . '

Dirricniilin rpKrfrdliii; Ibo eoiixiriii-

conlrucln to r tuuit'b»*’rv. T he m a itr r ,, «iij« n f .T icd firi-i lo tb .' Or.-i:on Shorl . Mno niul Inler lo the r iilo n I'aclfh-.

I Bobbed H a ir Common ' * ^ in A ncient Tim es

r.A1,i:.-;iillH<:. i il —C.lrln wllh Imb- , b.'.l hall- io(!:iy Imvo-noililni; on iholr

Kraiiclnioibi-rn. nc .-ordlpi: lo Dr. ,T. 1.Diiid nf .MInno:li>-i|la. oil.' of Ihe flmt .■n-uilH lo .‘i i l i r K noi ioIIpkc Jn tb .'

, olnK*"--*! 1K<'..'.. ulioli tolllnr: o t her ; i lu. ninrirn ..t llfo al a lur.-tlnj:

.>t III.' T u in fllV Knox rlub,■ -'WlM II I « , m 10 (•nlk!;o ntl ib .'‘ ::lilM boiiiM'.l i Ik Ii- hn lr." Dr, Hui.l• i.ald. ■• .Voim;: Kfrir .it todny miij' flu.I U ’ inl.'i-.'iilliii; I.l etil IIiIh om- an.l lioep

II i» WIkiu 1.1 ilh ir K rnndcbllilrrn in . me.'. wh.'U. In a ll probabillly , hnMio.l J hulr » lll ,a.-alii l.p In niylo.

I III.ASCOW It#- rep ly lo rhorKi-n' Ibal i..)riiill.ii« an- nol (ruo Sooln. Ilev• A1<"»Hiiil.r.-MrJ!:iiii. |||ii-rnl c ,indlrfaf ' for iiiiMio office Imn cballrnxcd con-

lln a liiir:i>l|i.' [iliijInK ront.-xl.

■ ■

, M arthaPiiiniK M ;..h k i.l , SI1.1II- i- li fp it.c .l hool. l i i itlo n tr im . I ‘rutiU iiialloii Inst.IV lri ' .. . . $ 8 . 5 0

R ustlerI’.iTfii; 1-iit! I-r p tu n p , i ii- •Im u ' .....I, ..•l.iN tir' in se r t.iT i, ', ' . ■...... $ 8 3 0

---------------------- ------------------- --— _ i


l i i g M l P1 0 GIVE SHOW .


IN BORLEy SON.i• ----- ^ . ru|:

D M rlcl lle p u l; l-anl I. Sm ith m i l 7>< Mjirnk nnd W ill Kemnin fo r ClnsH'dot Adoplluu Monrtay M rIiU .Sften il up CflnienHoni. ,«v H« JleH So.....

D istric t D eputy Paul 1, Sm llli wlll |>f spuak 1 n # a . D u rley 'th v u tro Su;iituy I

lovtnlnK on tbo presonu ilnn o t onn01 tliu’ ' bulTil' lltitt m utiuir |iHii iiu ‘Hi-T;i><pu t on, tho .H crcen by the Mnitorn Woodmen of A mericn. Hu will ro- •• moln for tho nicnilnt: tbo fdlloivlnR I'l'' nlRh't on. .which occasion Ihero wltli*"® be c lass ndoptlon. I*” "

Mr. Sm llh oxpects to a ttoud Ih o j" ' nnllonal cunvcntlon a t ' Mllwauken which boi;lnH . Juno 20. T bo Btato convention w ill Iio beld In Nampn.May S-7. I It Is oxpuctcd lh a l (bu Twin F o i ls , teuin w ill n itend. 'riio county convention will bo hold horo F A pril, 1, In tbu Odd W llowx hnll lie lioRlnnlnK a t 10 o'clock. to r

- - - dor

S a tu rd ay ’s Five ".'ik, R adio F eatu res

--------- • • Iloi, K'opyrlKht 1030 by United Pro.-.n) an

KOO, Onkland, ( .m c m etern). H |i, ^ollin.— Pnclflo coaHt- Hlundanl tlmi— Sen Aiiipblo club proKram, - ■~C.NI10. Otiawft H,tr. m olcrn), 8:3n p.m. K.iAiern ntandnrd tlm o—Studio ,concert. ■*"'

\V’OAW, Omnha (1:211 mfllom). 8 p. ^ m. ( 'c iilrn l ntandui.l ili iir—NrbrunUaW«wlpyan Oloo club. 7 "

WSAl, C incinnati (32S.U m olers). 13 nnip, m. Coniral Btnndonr Ilme-fcVHAI ‘' ‘V.MIdnlKht 4'n lm lalnerH . " nfi.

WIvAF, New York (4fil.fi .-n iriem ). ""J11 p, IU.— V incent t,opoz ;oraii-Hira.' ,

THK 7 ^ K W I \ « CIIINK.sk : I’EKLNO—T hu Chlne«i>. a ro K«l-

thn chewhiR' Runi bn1>1t. Importnj | | , trom Uto tin ltod StuteiT Inureaned |, moro th a n 3f. yc? c e n l ’ .lurlnK thn fur la s t year._______ .________ ' i»f,r

A n c

Silk^- : S p

$(A N e w L o

yO f |]i.<si> lil t) .- Kilk .Iri'KsoN tllll liric’o. S 111110 o f ’llio sliaiioM r.' n re lii 'iiiin , h ln rk . f;i'nvo|. to(i lvoi« ltl" i>r.‘hy ,,tliiiiffK nn - .•()»];

J iio iit .ovjfj- ilji.v. d e l till* hiil>' 1I0U-. V oii nr.^ n lw iiy s woloonii


T he IdahiDRE


The Cais now ( show r<

day J


238 M ain N o r v i . N orth . ^

. P


FO R G ER Y CASESSontcncca lyoro iKutpbood th is .

momlDR In the cases of C arl Gusr tnvos, a m inor, who a tlm ltted p M «Imt a Jo rsed chock and Bdnc^rd F ra - Lnl zolle who confessed lo forxlaK tbe J ehcck by JudRo W; A. Dabcoek, on Ji rep rtson ia llun of .Cluon WllklOH. . who ropresonted the dofendnots. He doclnrcd th a t (ho boyx woro bnrd . up nm | cuuld not ro i work, nnd arrl wnntcd (0 Rot to Utnh to ROt «ni- ext< ploymoht. FraxoUc Is 23 und oldest | nco o t .12 chlldron. Mr. W ilkins nnld | Ron Ibal he had founil w here thu boys: city could Rot omploym ent It paroled, way

TTb«^-ourt-T*-»m-4mpu«tt.aoiitancB i- iin _ jlmiMoniluy. . | tu *

Jcbn liradloy was sontonced lo untl two inonths in Jail and IlOO flno fo r, whe IIIORUI poHsesHloD, If ho linHn’t th o | money ho lays ou l tho flno n l $2 nnd a duy. , I t I

fSMIWS i'• .. ' bof(

FILIJII. .March 20—l,oui« and U s - ".ILlie i:nnl» proved themHelvfs tornado torendorx In the play. •‘T he T orea­dors," Klvcn by the Fllor riirul bIfib ,, Hohoof nt Ihe (lem (hcaior boro la st • n k lil . T h e combined islco clubn of th .' nehool under tbo dlrecllon of Mrs. OeorKO A. Sny.ler, Ravo niany se lee- .A" llonn. a ll of whleb w ere apprcclntod an w tro a ll ibe octn and acioiji. Tho fni{J foltowlnK Is Ib r onxt’: » f «Senor Dlctorlo. w callby farm er .— wife

.......................... ...............Orcn AlllBonHunilri. Jiin 'nltariiiB tw lim n u ih lo rn - - m

.................. -Mablo Dolln, Ilolfln.D oud CJaiin. Pnhlo. ndmlrern of licn lia nml schc . Ju a n ita —Clniido Moore, KImer Ad* th e

kliiit. ■ JoctSenor Swaieo, Senor Wlinckoo, betf* nie« t a r r x - l ^ i t l s K nnls, I.inlle linnlH. „r Oolnren, Murla, Spaiib>h RlrlH—Kdna

Allon. Qnlila KtowaVi.DnnrbiR -KlrlS'-jMKcu J^ iinlnKn, Nova

M oarley,1 '>n Moseley. Opal Amnn. ^ Chorufl o f OIrlH. wellI'horuii o f Men. hupiAccompnnlut—U u r a C lark. ihr

HATS ri,i:.\X K l) ANU lli.OCKKUIduho Shoe Sbliilm : Purlor. Wn call ^ fr

tu r nnd .li'llvor. Tel. :!a:iJ, .Noxl to 40 tI’frr ln o H ol.l. ' Ui<.

o t h e r „

D r e s s

l e c i a l ■

6 9 5 ' ^.o t J u s t R r i v e d

t l i a t o ron lo il siie li-ii son*ia(ioii> n l tlii»i r .'I iro so iit.'il in ili is iu-\v uK siirtinont

to(i'nr.. n ilp* jrroi‘11. w ilil oniiiKC. i'ti’._•Dniiiijr to o i i r ro in ly - to - w e n r '^ e p a r l- iiili'it o f '.- .i i t i i i i ; ; l i in m to kl'o w liii t 's

W T H I N G S E V E R Y , D A y

[10 D e p a r t n c i e n IlE S S U P F O R EA STER

V,- .•

adillac (on display a

room. See and Satur.da

i/ ,i^le Motor I78T l&OBOSS FBOM* P O B T pm O E

F R T D A T , i r A l t C n 20 , j p p . ' . ^

M N E ifc -

Chief E n irln M r'S ajH . '- T rae k ' WUI N ot D e L aid U nd i A ll

K on I s S n rfac ed t’Too 3Iueh Skele*, ton W ork Is U nsallN faetory.. .

“ .Vo, we aro n o t w altlqg fo r ' tbo arriv a l of m oro ;ra lU in order W ; . extend tbo track ," .aald Clilef, Kngl-* ncor W. li. A rm strons of ibe Oro- Ron Short Lino, wbo w as In this city today betw een tra in s • on -bla- w ay’ to R oierson 'and (hii c o n s tn ic . : tinn •■t hnvo n ien lv nf m ils •tu Hblp In. b u t w e do n o l w an t them until w:o. n e t tb e track, aurfecod whcrn tbo ro lls a ro a lready laid.

■Tho track ao fo r Is a ekoleton nnd neods f llllae In aoi) su r ta c ln it .- 'I t Is no l a *ood ih lnn to lay too much tm ck w ithou t lu r ta h ln g any. ahd now th a t wo liivo th e biR stonm shovel, nt tho Kravol pits wo will Hurfucsi tho tm c k t h a t ^ o h a re -ln td bofore wo lay any nlbro. T h a t IK a ll tb n l I know ; whon 1 know uny- thliiR more; I will toll you."


fea th e r m orcbnnl purohasod tw o pll* , lows trom un old womon n e a r hero.An hou r la lo r ho «nw a mnn w ildly cbosInK b lm . . In tbo pillow s lho mnn bnd secreted noarly »2000, ,1iIb llf>iimo sarlnR*. w ithout telllDfC bis w lfeN *liaro lho money w as hidden.

— rCO X FBBK NO B-O N -CHIU inEN----- ;----------C1NCIN*NATI—T ho houltli of tbo

school children o t ' a ll counirles of lh o w orld w in be o n .im p o rtn n i aiib-*Ject fo r discussion boToro tho rirnt mefltln*> o t tho. 'W orld. Podurntlon o t , ISdiicatlon. A ssociations In Bdin- ' ' burRb, 8 y t lttT}d..: >'n Ju ly . ■; , ,

Pl.SH • ANI» (1I.0UCK8TKH OIX>UCI'»THR, Mom .—I n fac t ns

well ns In nam o. •Oloiicestor Is s till Hiiprcme in tho flshlnR 'induntry. Dur*InK 1H24, the VQioucentor f lee t" cauRhi approxlnioioly 160.000J300 poundn, cod predomlnntlncr. I t In ostlmnlcd tha t n friilRhl train of C.OOO cars , nlretchlni;40 nilleH, would lie required In haul tho a io iicesto r yearly haul.

' ■— r f f ■

■nt \

n t S t o r et , ' 4 . J ■ '

G o a c i:K-

at our 3 it to- lay. ■



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