falatghareh.ir falatghareh.ir

falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange

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Page 1: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


Page 2: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


This MSS Standard Praclice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Teclulical Committee 114 and the MSS Coordinating Committee. The conlent of Ihis Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and concerned volunteers to provide an effective, ciear, and non-exclusive specifi cation that will bcncfillhe industry as a wooie. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacrurer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in ilSelf preclude the manufac­ture, sale, or use ofproduclS not confomling to the Standard Practice. Mandatory con fonnance is established only by reference in a code, sJ>cdfication. sales COnlmel, or public law, as applicable.

This document has been substantively revised from the previous 1999 edilion. II is suggested lhal if the user is interesled in knowing what chnnges have been made, direct pagc by page comparison should be made of thi s document

Unless otherwise specifi cally noted in this MSS SP, any standard referrcd to herein is identi fied by the date of issue that was applicable to thc referenced stundard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex S.)

Any part of lhls .flandanl may be quoled. Credilline.f should read 'U lraCled from MSS SP-42. 2004 wilh permission of the pllblisher, Ihe Manufacturers Slandardi:ation Society.' Reprodllction prohibited under copyright conV(!I/Iion unless wriuen permis.fion is granled by Ihe Manuf aclUrers SWlldardizatian Society of Ihe Va/I'e and Fittings Industry. Inc.

Originally Approved October, 1949

Copyright 0 , 1985 by Manufacturers Standardization Society

of the Valve and Finings Indust!}', Inc.

Printed in U.S.A .

. ,


Page 3: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange




c " ,'''!ISS

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SCOPE ............... .. ..•..... ........ ........... .... ................. .. ........................ ................................. 1 STANDARD UN ITS ......... .. .... .. .... ..... ...... .. .. ....... .. ... , .................................... 1 MATE RI ALS ... ............................... .•.• .. ..• ... .... ............. ............ 2 DESIGN . .. .. ..... . .. .. ............................... .. ...... .. ............ ...... ....................... 3 PRESSU RE TEMPERATURE RAT INGS ........................................................ ....... ..... 6 \VQRKMANSH IP ............. ..... ..... .. . .. ....... . ......... ••. .... .. ...•. .. . ... . . 7 TESTS ....................... ......... ...... ..... .. • .. . ...•...... . .... . ....... . 7 MARK I NG ..................•. .. ...•......•..........•.... .. ..• .......... 7 PAI NT I NG ........ . .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. ..... . ... . .................... 7

TABLE I 2 3 4

Materia ls ... ... .......... ....... ... .............. .... ............ ....... ......... . 2



Flange Dimensions ................................................................................. 3 Stuffing Box Dimensions .................... ................................... .. ..... .. ... ....... .4 Pressure-T emperarure Ratings ........................................................................ S

A I Gale Valves ....... ........ ....... ............................................................................ 8 A2 Globe Va lves .. ......... ........................................................................ 8 A3 Y·Pattern Globe Val ve ................................................................... .. 8 A4 Angle Valve ..................... ...... .......... ... ................. ......... ........ .......... 8 AS Lift·Chec k Bo lted Cover Plate ....................................... .................... 9 A6 Swing Check Bolted Cover Plate ................. .......... ....................... ........ 9 A 7 V-Pattern Swing Check Threaded Cover Plale ..................................... ... . 9 A8 Y-Pallern Swing Check Boiled Cover Plale ....... ........................ ........... 9


Figures . .......... ...................................................................... 8 Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates ............................................... I 0

.. '0 " ..... ...-__ "'" ... . . ..... ..... . ._-_ ..


Page 4: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange



1.1 This Standard Practice is intended to provide a vehicle forthe standardization, to the extent indicated, of those features of the valves covered herein. The valves are made from corrosion resistant alloys whose properties are uniqucly suited to the service into which they arc placed. Chemical process and cryogenic flu id service constitute two such applica­tions.

1.2 This Standard Practice covers corrosion resis­tant alloy gate, globe, angle and check valves con­fonn ing to ASME B 16.34 with flanged and butt weld ends with pressure containing parts made from the alloys listed herein or in ASME B 16.34.

1.3 Vah-e Types and Si:,n

1.3. 1 Types The following valve types are covered herein and are illustrated in Figures 1 through 8 in Annex A. (oj

• J bJ


Gates, outside screw and yoke design (OS&Y) . Globes, T, V-pattern and angle, outside screw and yoke (OS& V). Checks, lift, swing and V-pattern.

OOThe valve sketches in Annex A are for thc purpose of illustration and nomenclature only. They do not repre­sent any manufacturer's product.


1.3.2 Nominal Pipe Sit.u

a) 1/4<NPS<24 (8<DN<600) gate valves. b) 1/4<NPS<24 (8<DN<600) globe and angle

valves. c) 1/2<NPS<24 (15<DN<600) Y -pattern globe

valves. d) 1/4::;NPS.s24 (8 S DN<600) lift check valves. e) In!SNPS.s24 ( 15<DN<600) swing check



The valves stated in either U.S. customary units or metric units are to be regarded sepamtely as the stan­dard. Within thc tcxt, the metrie units are shown in parentheses. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other. Combining valves from the two systems may result in nonconfonnance with this Standard Pmctice.


3. 1 Genual The specific body, bonnet or cover plate and bolting material shall be produced in accor­dance with the applicable ASTM Specification listed herein or in materials group 2, 3, or 4 of ASME 81 6.34. Users are cautioned against applications with fluid which may react harmfully with any mate­rials used in these valves. Consultation with the manufacturer is advised to detcrmine suitability in cases of doubt.


Page 5: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


3.2 Castings Bodies, bonnets and cover plate; shall be mode of materials confonning to the requirements of specifi cation listed in Table I. Other pans in con­tact wi th thecontained fluid shall be of mal erial com­parable to the body malerial. All castings shall be clean, sound and shall be produced to the quality level represented by MSS-S P-S5 .

3.3 inl'f!stmf!nl COMings When investment cast­ings are used for bodies, bonnets, cover platcs or Olher pressure components of valves in sizes 4 NPS (DN IOO) lind smaller, the requirements oflheASTM specifica tions referred to in Table I shall be met ex­cepl lhal it is pcnnissible to dClcnnine mechanical lind chemical properties from II master heal and to usc II 1 inch x 0.25 inch diameter(25mm x 6.25mm diameter) tensile specimen in place of the standard 2-inch (62 .5mm) tensile specimen in place of the stan­dard 2-inch (62.5mm) tensile specimen. A master heat is previously refined metal of a single furnace charge. Tensile specimens shall be CllSt in molds of the same refractory as the casting and shall be heal treated with the casting.

3.4 Wrought Parts Stems. packing glands and other wrought pans in conlact wilh Ihe contained fluids shall be of materials comparable 10 the body and as listed in Table 1.

3.5 Fabrication by Welding

3.5. 1 Valve bodies, bonnels or cover plates fabri­cated by welding shall be in accordance with para­graph 2.J.60fASME 8 16.34.

3.5.2 Welding procedures and welders shall be quali­fied in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Seclion IX.

3.5.3 Where maximum corrosion resistance of welded austenitic stainless steel is desired it is advis­able 10 hcat lreat in such a fas hion as 10 place all chrOmium carbide in solution. See Para. UHA-I05 in Section VIII-DI Y. 1 oflhe ASME Boiler and Pres­sure Vessel Code for guidance on POSI weld heal treatment.

3.6 Bolting Body-hoMeland Body-cover plate bolts or studs sh{-'a ll be ASTM A I 93-Grade 88 or B8M . Nuts for body-bonnet bolting shall be ASTM A 194, Grade 8. 8M, or 8F. Gland bolting shall be Type 303. 304,305, or 316 confonni ng 10 ASTM A 193. A 194. or A276 .

.-___ --r ______ -;-TABLE I MATERIALS

Nominal Designation No. " ) No. (.)


No. (.) AI" No. (.) A240


Page 6: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange

Q , ... -


3.7 Handwhet!l!j' Handwheels shall be of sleel malleable iron, ductile iron or aluminum. They shall be of the spoked design.

3.8 GQsk('ts Body-bonnet and body cover plate gaskets shall be suitable for the applicable rating listed herein, and for service with the types of nuids for which the valves are intended to be used.


4.1 General Valves shall be designed so that dur­ing testing, pennanenl distortion of body. bonnet, covcrplatc or seat faces does not occur to the extent thai valve function is impaired.

4.2 Willi Th it'ktle.\'s

4.2.1 The minimum wall thickness or the body. oon­net, and coverplatcs shall be in accordance with ASME 816.34. The body wall thickness governs the pressure-temperature rating. If the bonnet or

cover material is nOI in the same material group as the body, ils wall thickness shall support the pres­sure-temperature rating of the body.

4.2.2 Additional metal thickness as needed for as­sembly, closing stresses, shapes other than circular, and stress concentrations shall be provided to mect the requirements of Section 4.1.

4.3 End F/a"Rt!$

4.3.1 End flanges shall be intcgrally cast with the valve body or may be attached by welding. Welding shall be in accordance with Section 3.5.

4.3.2 The outside diameter, thickncss, raised face diameter, number, size and location of boll holes and tolerances of end flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B 165. The integral flange dimensions listed in Table 2 shall be used for sizes NPS 1/4 through NPS 3/8 (ON 8 1hrough ON 10) which are not listed in ASME BI6.5.


--\-- -

Nominal Flange Flange Raised Face Boll Circ le No."· Bolt Size Boll Hole Pipe Size (10' Oiameter Thickness Diameter Diameter of bolts Diameter

0 C R oc: ON . . .

NPS m. mn m. ~ m. ~ m. mm. m. oun m. mm 114 8 2." 65 0.34 .. 100 25 169 42.9 4 lIS M IO 0.44 II

3/8 10 2.50 OS 0.34 8.6 1110 25 1.69 42.9 4 3/' MI O 0.44 II

Gcncnal Note: See Section 4.3.2 for tolerances.

Notes: (alBolt holes for valves are located to straddle the center line ~lJ)imcnsions for all larger sizes are per ASME B 16.5.


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' .. " , .... " '---'"


Page 7: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange

4.3.3 The flange face fini sh shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5.

4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange is parallel to the flange face within I degree. Spot facing, ifuscd, shall be in accordance with MSS·SP-9.

4.4 Weld Ends Buu wc\d cnd dimensions and con­tour shall be as specified in ASME 816.25. The pipe schedule number shall be 40S in accordance with ASME B36.19M, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Ordcr.

4.5 Face-IoFace and End-to--End Dimensions The face -to-face dimensions of valves shall be in accordance with ASM E B 16.1 0 except for "Y" pat­tern swing check valves with threaded cover plates as illustrated in Annex A, Figure 7. lbe face·to­face dimensions of "Y" pattern swing check valves with threaded cover plates shall be as follows:

u.s. Customary Units Valve Size, NPS In 3/' I I \14 lin Face·to-Face, in. '.50 '.00 S.7S "'0 725

Metric Units

Valve Size, ON " .,

" 32 40 Facc·to-F ace:, nun. "' 127 146 165 184

4.6 Wed,n and Discs. Gale valve wedges may be solid, split or double type. Solid wedges may be either plain having an I-shaped cross section or a tapered H, or inverted U cross section. Globe, angle, and lift check valve discs ma~ be plu!,; or spherical type or non-metallic. Swing check valve discs may be metallic with flat faces or non-metallic. Non­metal lic discs shall be fitted to disc holders of corro­sion resistant metal equal to the body. Wedges and discs of all types shall be properly guided to the seats.



2 '.50

., 216


Page 8: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


4.7 Seilis Seats may be integral with the valve body. When inserted body seats are furnished. us­ers are caut ioned to consider the: effects of crevice corrosion.

4.8 Glands Glands shall be bolted type, sol id, or two piece design.

4.9 Gland Bolling Studs, stud bolts hinge bolts, or headed bolts through drilled or slotted holes in the packing box flange may be used. In all cases gland bolting shall be securely held in place and shall pro-

vide adequate adjustment for progressive compres­sion of packing material.

4.10 Stuffing Box The stuffing box bore for the corresponding stem diamctcrshall be as listed in Table 3. The nominal stuffing box depth shall be at least equivalent 10 5 rings of square packing.

4.1 1 Backseating All valve types, other than check valves, shall be designed with a backsc:Uing feature . Repacking under pressure is nOI recommended as a nonnal maintenance procedure.


Service/') Temperature

' F

Servicel°' Temperature




:;:;;: ... ' ' .... ' ' ___ HS

CFB, CF3, J04

CF8, CF3, 304

U.S. Customary Units







3041.., 316L



CFBC, 347


CFBC, 347


CN7M N08020

CN7M N08020


Page 9: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


4.12 Stems

4.12 .1 Stems shall be threaded with single or mul­tiple Acme-type thread or 6O-degree thread approxi­mating the Stub fonn.

4.12.2 Gale valve siems shall be of sufficient length so as to be mlcasl flu sh with the top of the s tem nut thread after the wedge has worn into its lowesl posi­tion.

4.13 Packing Stem packing shall be of design and materials suitable for the primary service tempera­ture.

4.14 GUl'kels Body-bonnet gaskets may be ei ther full faced or extending to the inside of the bonnet bolts or retained in recess in the bonnet flange of the body.


5.1 General Flanged end and butt weld end valves covered by this Standard Practice shall be designated as Class 150. Except as provided in Seclion 5.5, ratings for all valves arc Ihe maximum allowable working pressures, expressed as gagc pressure, at the temperatures shown. For inte,lI,ediate tempera­tures linear interpolation is pennitted. The ratings listed in Table 4 are identical to those listed in ASME B 16.34 Class 150 Standard Class for the applicable materials.

5.1.1 Flunged End flal.'es Valves conforming to the requirements of this Standard Practice for flanged end valves shall have the ratings as shown in Table 4. For an installed valve to merit the pressure-tem­perature ratings listed herein, thc bolting and gaskets for the end flanges must be in accordance with ASME 816.5.

5.2 The tcmperatures listed are the material tem­peratures of the pressure retaining structure. In view ofthc various cnvironments in which piping compo­nents may be installed (for example, insulated or


uninsulated, heated or cooled externally) in estab­lishing pressure ratings, it is assumed that the mate­rial temperature of the pressure retaining structure is the temperature of the contained fluid. Use ofa temperature other than that of the contained flu id is the responsibility of the user and subject to the re­quirements of any applicable code,

5.3 Tt'mperatur~ I:.JJects Some considerations of the effect of temperature in application are given below. Additional guidance can be found in ASME B 16.5 as related to line flange joints.

5.3. 1 Low Temperature For a material shown in Table I, thc pressure rating for service at any tem­perature below -2()OF (.2!)oc) shall be no greater than the rating shown in the Table for -200F (-291lC).

5.3.2 Fluid Thermul Expan.\·ion Under certain conditions, some double seated valve designs are capable of sealing simultancously against pressure differential from the bonnet section to the adjacent pipe in both directions. Acireumstance in which the bonnet section is filled with liquid and subjected to an increase in temperature can result in a buildup of pressure in the boMet section. An example is an isolation valve in a cryogenic flu id system having the liquified gas trapped in the bonnet cavity of the closed valve. If the cavity pressure is nOI rel ieved by a suitable auxi liary means. pressure increase will re­sult during subsequent wanning of the cryogenic fluid. Where such a condition is possible, it is Ihe responsi-. . bility of Ihe purchaser to provide or require to be provided means in design and/or installation, or pro­cedure in operation 10 assure that the pressure in the valve will not exceed thai allowed by this Standard Practice fo r the atlained temperature.

5.4 Guidance/or the US~ 0/ Flanged flah'e Rat­ings Applicalion offlanged end valves at either high or low temperatures or in a service subject 10 rapid fluid temperalure variations entails some risk of flanged joint leakage. Guidance, which is intended 10 minimize these risks, is provided in ASME B 16.5. Precautions regarding the bolting ofSleel flanged end valves to cast iron flanges are given in ASME 8 16.5,



Page 10: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


ell "'_

5.5 Va";unce Except as provided for below, the ratings arc the maximum allowable working pres­sure for the corresponding temperature.

5.5.1 Safety Valve, Relief VQ/~'e or RuplUre Disc Operation Under conditions of safety valve, relief valve or rupture disc opeT3lions, the pressure may exceed the rated pressure for a valve furnished un­der this Standard Practice by no morc than 10 per­cent or thal defined by the pressure-temperature ral­ing. Such conditions are necessari ly of limited dura­tion.

Operating excursions in excess orlhe aforementioned are the sa le responsibility orlhe user and 3rc subject to the requirements of applicable codes and regula­lions.

5.5.2 Other Variances Subjecting valves 10 oper­ating variances (transients) in excess of the valve ratings is solely the responsibility of the user and is subjcctto the requirements of applicable codes and regulations.

5.S.3 Syst~m lIydrostutic To·ts If valves C()nfonn­ing to this Standard Practice are subjected to hydro­static prcssure testing of systcms with the valve in the closed position at pressures greater than the IOOOF (3SOC) rating, such tcsting will be the rcsponsibility of the user. In the open position, valves installed in a piping system may be subjected to system tests at conditions not to exceed the hydrostatic shell test of Section 7 provided the user has determined that there are no functional limitations, for example, restrictions on actuating dcvices or special materials of construc­tion.

r .. , ' .. ...... __ wss



Valve parts shall be designed and manufacturing tol­erances set so as to provide intcrchangeability ofthc like pans in the product of anyone manufacturer between units of the same size and type, except the individual fit of the wedge or disc in the body seats.


All pressure tests shall be performcd on completed valves prior to shipment from the manufacturer's works in accordance with MSS SP-6J.


Marking shall conform to MSS SP-25 and ASME 816,34 where applicable, Trim malerial symbols need not be marked on identification plate unless the valve is trimmed with matcrials having basic chem­istry different from the valve body.


Valves shall IIOt be painted or provided with other protective coating unless specified on the purchase order, However, exterior pans not in contact with the corrosive media and regularly furni shed from ma­terial other than stainless steel may be coated 10 pre­vent atmospheric corrosion.

.., : ' " .. ' ........ --_ .. ~.-


Page 11: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


Gue Flilrlged End


.......... _--No .... 7' .. 7 _.... ___ ..a


Alternall .... Gland Bolland Nut


L,rge 5i!e O.te V,lves F .E. One Piece Yoke & Bonnet






LMIIlI Size G.te V.lYes with BorIoet & 5ep8r~e Yoke Arms



Page 12: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


ANNEX A (continued)






I. I-Iandwhccl Nut 15. Pocking 2. Identification Plale 16. Gasket 3. Handwheel 17. BOOy

'4. Stem *18. Dise Locknut ,. Stem Nut * 19. Disc 6. Sel Screw *20. Wedge 7. Yoke Bonnel 21 . Stem Nul key 8. Gland Boll Nut 22. Cap Bolt 9. Gland Flange 23. Cap Boh nul

10. Gland Bolt 24. Covcrplale II . Gland Bolt Pin ·25. Hinge Pin 12. Body Bolt · 26. Hinge lJ. Body Boll NUl 27. Separable Yoke Arms 14. Glond

·Valve Trim Parts 9




Page 13: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange

c" .....




This annex is an integral part o f this Standard Practice and is placed after the main lest for convenience.

ASME. ANSI/ASME. ANS I. ASMfjANSI 816.342004 Valves··Flanged, Threaded and Welding End 8 36.19M-\985 (R2002) Stainless Sleel Pipe B 16.5 2003 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fin ings B 16.10 2000 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions ofVatves B 16.25 1997 Buttwclding Ends

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 200 I Edition (including addenda)

ASTM A 182/A 182M· 02

Section '" Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components Section VIII Pressure Vessels Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications

SpecjfjcatjQ05 (or;

Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fillings and Valves and Parts for High Temperature Service Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials fo r High-Temperature Service


A 193/A 193M - 03 A 194/A 194M · Ola A 240/A 240M - 03b

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High Temperature Service Heat Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for pressure

A276 ·03 A351 /A351·03 8462·04

8463 · 04

B 473 - 1996 (02) eI

A 479/A 479M - 03

MSS SP-9-2001 SP-2S- 1998 SP-SS-200 1


Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplel{), for Pressure-Containing Parts Standard Spedfication for Forged or Rolled UNS N08020, UNS N08024, UNS N08026, UNS N08367, and UNS R20033 Alloy Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Pans for Corrosive High-Temperature Service. Standard Specification for UNS N08020, UNS N08026, and UNS N08024 Alloy Plale, Sheet and Strip Standard Specification for UNS N08020, UNS N08024, and UNS N08026 Nickel Alloy Bar and Wire Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Wire Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels

Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges Standard Marking System fo r Valvcs, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fillings and Other Piping Components--VISual Method Pressure Testing of Steel Valves


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Page 14: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange


Publicat)ons of the following organizations appear in the aoove list.





c," .. ,, ~ss .. _ .. ......... __ YSS

American National Standards Institute 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10035

ASME Ilemational 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

ASTM International 100 Bar Harbor Drive, Conshohocken, PA 19428

Manufacturers Standardization Society of of the Valve and Fillings Industry, Inc. 127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22 180-4602


"'_"'" 7 "' ... . " ' .. ... ____ ...



Page 15: falatghareh · 2020-04-30 · 4.3.3 The flange face finish shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5. 4.3.4 Spot faci ng is nOI necessary provided that the back side of thc end flange

.­SP-6-2OO1 SP.o.2OO1 gp·zs.I_ SP-42·2IX\oI SP-<J.1W1 SP-"I_ ,,~= SP~'-ZI03 SP-53-1999

SP.t;.I..lll911 SP 5~ 2"11


" .... "" SP~'-2003 .......,.,. ....,.,.". SP-&'1I1111 " ... .., sp-ro.'!i1118 SP-l,.,1IW 51>·12·'. SP·7l.2OOl SP·75-111\l8 gp-71-I995 SP·78-11195 sp.19-2O()ot ~ .... ,.., SP.&t·2OC)t SP-a2·1~ SP.f3.2QOt " .... ,." ~ ... ,." sPu lm " .... .., "..,.,.. SP·II1·1W2 SP.Q2·'999 SP-9).11i19\1


" .. "'" SP*2OO1 SP-Of.20C11 51>_2001 sp.W-'_ sp. IfXl.2002 SP·101·'. SP·102·' . 5P·103-I \1115 5P·l04-2003 SP-los..,. gp·IOIi-2003 5p·'()5.2002 gp·1Qt.1WT SP-11Q-,. SP," 1-2OO1 Sf'-112,'999

SP_1I).2001 gp·1I. ·2OO1 gp·nS-I"'" SP-l16-2003 SP-l 11·20Q2 SP_l 1&-20Q2 SP· I1i-2003 sp. 120-2002 SP·121-10D7 gp.122-10111 gp· I23-1_ SP· '~1 SP·I2$-:ZOOO SP-120-7000 SP·171·2001 SP· I29-2003 ,sp.IJ(l.2003 SP· 131·2OOI SP-I12·2OCM

(R YEAR! ~''''

List of MSS Standard Practices (Price list Available Upon Request)

$Iand8<d F"oniIhM .... Coo tret F.e .. <if Pipe ~ .. ..., Coo.~E"" F .... ~ <II ...... ..., FininIJo $pal FKing ' ", Brona, I..., _ s.... Flionges $land8rd Mar1dng Syslem Fa _61, Fi...n;.. F\arlgos and l.Iniot>I CIMt lSOCoo,' 'm Relliltanl G.1e. Gk>oe. ~ _ ChecI< _. with FIIongtd .... BUCI Weld EndI (A 011 WrougN~""""'!lIM Bu\I.weldjllg FiIt:t9t (R OIl SIMI PIpeII ... FIIo"118S B~H" _ DraIn c...16dioo'4

CIMI l50LW c..ro.ion RaoiI\anl Roo un"'" Cast Aao ......... "" ........ (R 02) 0. r !~ $tMd8flI,." StHI c..W'OO _ FotgoIlglS lor vat. • FIa4\l ' ..., F"CIIIQI_ 01'* N~ "lI ~''''IF.~C P.-lide !Ic .. , .... ..,Menow (1'1. 02) Qu.oIity Stan' db SIMI CM'- 'IP lor 'N. . F\oo, W'" -.;I Fillingl _ oc.. Pip"l1 Co, ....... · R .... ·.·.,.OC ~ L·.~iCId 00. ';, ~ lor S_ ~ lor v-.. n.r; . Fiaio'l/l. 8nd oe. p~"" (;00' .......... 1" ..... L; •• OW lor E_ 01 SurIIQ "'-'" ao PiIM ..... ", 8nd s..~, -. CIS'"". and Monuf_ c.. ..... "'" Flange .loon? B.I>. I ; , T .... "" S;' . ... _ T,p; ' """ v.tvea PI ........ T .. 1OI"IO 01 S7M1 ......... HigII ~_ Cl>ema.1ndus?ty FIItogel,nd Thioa<!ed Stub. lor ure _lAn. co.P£ta !k.oft ..... V YMoiO (1'1. Got) I-IogII P", ..... IIutIerty ~..., ~ Olf, ANSIIMSS ~ , PiI* He<-.geol.-.:l So..c>I>o!b- SA .. '0 _ AppICofIior1 Cia? , ...... Gaa v.w. •. F~ ..... Ttr ... did Ends 0.11'1' Iron hi"" CI"!id< _. Flanged ..... nn..:Ii<I Encl.

Bl7lVIo_ ""'" FIangeO 0< Bun W""'""" Erda lor Gtoow ... SerW;:oo B<W'IV Joi"U 101 Coppet _ C<If>pir AADy Pfeuu" FIllinVI SpoocifiaoIoOl\ lor High Tnt WrougI"II Bo.m WIkII"", F6ngI (1'1. 00) GuHlilin .. 1or PiI* ~ ContrlCC ...... Rrl·1iMsNps Cia? Iron Plug vat. ... F,,"9"d _ TI..-e-.:l EnOs SOC· .. ·Welding RN.Ici. """OU en:w.. co.li. GIobi. """'Ii. WId C/IiCII. vatv •• $CIInIIo1IS SIN. Borr'.D .... F .. """" KnIIII G.te VIoIYes v. .... P ......... T.Iling_ Cle .. 3000 S_' FlI'I UnIon .. Sock .. Welding ..,., TIr .. did GoII'I' ?tori G'oOe to AN;Ji VIoIvis. Flangid ...., TlYiIded Eno:b GuIdi __ lot Mollie c. .. in Slinclarcll b v._. FIengoIoI. Filii""",. _ AcWkn (1'1. 01) DilpIngom .... ..... Plpi Hriga",1I"Id s..". ...... ta· FICrir:Mion _I .... • •• ion prat:Iicft Go.+;I,. ... T6"'. +.."Ior Pipe~ WId SoOf>P"'1S (R 116) ... , ... , .... lor ........ ' Oper.'i"". 01 Va/Yai MSS ....... u..t'"'_

(1'1. 06) Cu;''''' S_1or S,", c.1irqs"'" For-gings Iof \W. II . F1Mgn. _ Fl\irIoI_ ov.... ~'" COO' ........ IS UOQ'''' p......,." E.l., •• f>,.....-ow (1'1. 06) au.&iIy SIll lor FenI?ic...., Io<IaL1l¢aitIc SIMI Cas~ lor ~ ....... " ..... g ... _ F ..... _ 00tIet 1'1;: "Q Co, ......... I..IIIrnoonk F' I,JrI/>" lcIOW S .goo(<f) h"lp;!lii _ 8uI """"" AA., ... T. fi +"*>II. b ,"JrIo •.••••• nd FOIongo ~ ... , R. ftMCiO ForvzocI8<Ir"dI 0UdiI FoIIingi-So.,OM .,,~. ThI; I~. "'" --.zIJi", E ..... p, .11 $'6 c..linglrlof .. _ - ,.. 01 'hi. I I . I ~'h"II • • nd Fo:Ii">goo (R 01)""""""" ~ •• 0\.0th":.1ion ~ b EIa'I E," ~.~ "" b " '1 PI S.c ...... Oi'"lIyi,,'" ...... " Il' 01) P .. H ...... ...... ,&c!omlO<" An .... ' .. ".flenge...:! CrIdIg C<>, ....... 'lI c;" .. I':'" _ ~ CI._lob (R OIl MoM-T_ ...... At;;b'Mo< _., .. 11· ~ _ Ortwog C<> , ..... "'" OIo, •• ;ioo'I$ _ P..-lof_e. CI.- I ioRioo 11'1. (0) ~ C<~ ...., COPl* /IoIIDf 1..-"1 FiI:i<Igs b ~ S,.._ Wroo.IghI eo-...... s--,'" JoInt P, .. ,," F .... (R 01) Ina?n.onent .......... b Codi"Pi"" ( .... CO.l CoppM /IoIIDf Fl.... • _ Flor gl , Fiftjng5. Class 125. 150 ind 300 Re ....... -se.lid Clost_Iron Ecconllle Plug VIo1ves W~ F_tid C<W'" ~ JaR Pte .. ,,," FoIIingI 8011 ........ n. I "' I. Sod<,.,.Wi9clIng. SdcIir Jojrot. Go~~~'.~' _ ~ Fnd. Goay--l'OI"I ..-.:I Puc'" IfOII T."""",, S'n ..... (1'1. 1)09) <NaIiIy StMderd lor EvaI_ 0IC.1I s..rtat:. Finillws · VI ....... nd TKtiIi Mtlhocl, TN, SP ......... be _ .... 1\. Io..~. Ihrit diI,.'.''''''"' Cell S"I1_ eo"rrWII. _. ~. '_0£ .. ..,. ~ 01 tn. Slinclard. McllIioo .... ~irn>"l _. be tokl separal&ly., 570.00 NdI. Some QUintl)' diKourlto i!>I>IV 01"1_ otO;t, c:or.r..aJ .... JoirI7 bi_n tipping MAc:toinos ..-.:I T.pplng YolYn Co<roo-iorI Rnillint PiI'I Fitting' TInadt<I Ind SocI<", Weld ..... C .... 150 _ 1000 F~ Flow '111_ 1 1/. NPS Ind S ......... Iof Fuel Gas SeMce S.rllk:e..un. _ ..... Fillings Jor ~ water S)"S! ..... 81_ S- Jor Globi Ind Go1i _ ~ S'" "'-'obe & o..dc _. Flaogood. Flangllosa. 1tn_. ' Wzjdirog Endl (ChIornIcil & PiIrQlooum Re/Inofy SlroJice) FadOry-IoI_ Wroo.og'" Belled Fnd SOCkel·wel<ling FiII>"ogs n.._ a..~ P-"'II System tor Rising Stem Steel ~·Iot .... _. (Oisoign R~eI''''II) 11'1. 02) QuzliI\cIoIUo Tn?rog ~1._1or S .. m Padlitog 10< Rising s...... sc..I v._ "'-'lie: In<IuItriaoIIlai .......... ~_ TIn_ ..... .,..... .. .JoInt I,/nions lui lIM WillI Copp. W_TUO; F • .,.....\iCI T-"" SI, ... . Gray ?ton iI"Id "' ..... Iron In-Uno. S ... og:L'MdeCI. Center-G<,.... ChId< v._ S .... It>U"oa SprIng-.... irl I' C-- Go _ ChtO. ........ 110 ....... lor Piping S) liz '. Sii.".,.Wionci-Oynomoc; c, 5\ .. " _ SOl. ·'im. ,\ppIirI'-""I Cqoopirnfo?icl", Sod<.,·W",," '" Fill""" _ u.--.s P' ss..Ior~_ M 'h Maro.mIy Operalid G..- ?;liIInbuIicA<I _ c..,... ' •• P.c ..... SyII_ b 1oniWnME: .........

II I )'HI .tandanI p r",.., .. ,.""" outaItanlMl .".,...,gn

A IStgi n.- 01 "" ...... MSS Proal .. __ 'IIP''''''' tIj '" N& 0< ANSI S_. pt'r I''''' .. ..". In _Ill .......... oing/IlOUrOI 01 __ It!Io>,nolion, Ihe MSS .. lido",. ill StIo_d P,.Ik. In aICft CiMS

Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry. Inc, ~." ,"",'::S ... __ uso 127 Park Street, N.E .• Vienna, VA 22180-4620 • (703) 281--6613 Fax # (703) 281,6671 ...... , , ... , ... _...... --_ .. ~.-
