Facebook Guide for Agencies

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  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Make businesses more social

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies



  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Build your Facebook Page

    Connect with new fans using

    multiple Facebook ads

    Engage your fans with quality


    Influence friends of fans with your

    Pages social activity





    4 Steps to business success on Facebook

    Start-up Kit > Getting started


    This kit is a basic guide to the functionalities of various products in theFacebook ads eco-system.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Getting started

    There are 3 ways to begin creating an ad:

    1) Go to facebook.com/ads/create

    2) From your homepage, click the Create an ad link

    Start-up Kit > Getting started


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    3) On the Admin panel of your Facebook Page, go to Build Audienceand click on Create an ad

    Start-up Kit > Getting started

    Clicking on any of these links to create an ad will now take you to the adcreate flow which helps you create an ad.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The ad create flow

    1. Set Up Your Ad or Sponsored Story

    Specify what you want to promote by typing the name of a Page, event, app or website

    into the destination field. You can promote any Page, event, or website, but you can only

    promote apps you manage.

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    Promote your Page

    Promote a Page post. Choose toalways promote your most recentpost or pick a specific post.

    Create a new ad by adding content and choosingan image. Make sure to clearly explain what youare promoting, the unique qualities of your

    product or service, and special offers. End with aclear call-to-action so people know what to do

    when they see your ad.

    Show sponsored stories about people likingyour Page to their friends.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    When using Broad Targeting, Facebook reaches its intended audience 95% of

    the time versus an online industry average of 72% of the time. For narrow

    targeting, Facebook reaches its intended audience 90% of the time versus an

    online industry standard of 35%.1

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    You can target people by location, age, gender, interest, and many other variables.

    2. Choose Your Audience

    Nielsen, Reaching the Right Audiences Online, October 2011 5

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Precise Interest targeting lets you reach people based on information they have

    provided in their profile (timeline). This information is pulled from their listed likesand interests, the Pages they like, apps they use, and other information they have

    added to their timeline.

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    When you enter an interest, an additional menu will appear under the headline

    Suggested Likes and Interests to allow you to choose other, related likes and interests.

    Typing # before aPrecise Interest letsyou choose people

    who expressed arelated interest. For

    instance, typing#Photography letsyou reach people

    interested in FoodPhotography, and



  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    Broad Categories help you to target specific groupsfor instance, people who have

    recently got engaged i.e., in the past year or six months.Check off the categories you want to reach.

    Using Precise Interests and Broad Categories together helps you focus on a very specificaudience for your ads or sponsored stories. For example, if you are promoting your

    photography business, you may want to show your ad or sponsored story to people who arerecently engaged and might be planning their wedding soon.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Choose an audience thats already connected to the Page or app youre promoting or

    reach their friends.

    Click Advanced Targeting Options to target people based on their relationship status,

    the languages they speak, their education, and where they have worked.

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    Ads and sponsored stories perform better when they aretargeted to at least 100,000 users. Always check your estimated

    audience to make sure its large enough.8

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    If you want more people to click on your ad or sponsored story, select Click on my ad or

    sponsored story.

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    3. Objective

    Facebook advertising helps you achieve a variety of business objectives such asconversions, sales or brand awareness. The Objective section lets you specify whether

    you want Facebook to show your ad or sponsored story to the people most likely to like

    your Page, install your app or click on your ad or sponsored story.

    For example, if you want to grow your audience, select Show this to people who are

    most likely to like my Page from the Objective field.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    If you want more people to install your app, select Show this to people who are

    most likely to install my app.

    When you select like my Page or install my app in the "Objective" section, you will be

    charged for every thousand impressions you receive (CPM). This means you will only pay

    when someone sees your ad.

    When you select click on my ad or sponsored story, youll automatically pay for the

    number of clicks you receive (CPC) and you can specify how much you would like to pay

    for each click.

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    Not sure which objective you should be optimizing for? Set up a campaign with twoidentical ads, one to optimize for clicks and the other to optimize for Page likes orapp installs. You can then see which objective is best for achieving your businessgoals.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    This is where you name your campaign, choose how youll pay, and tell Facebookwhen to run your ad or sponsored story.

    If you chose Click on my ad or sponsored story as your "Objective, you willbeable to set the bid amount for your ad.

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    4. Campaign, pricing and schedule

    Choose the start and end dates foryour campaign, or click the check

    box to start immediately

    Enter your maximum budget.

    Type a name for your campaign

    The suggested bid range is based on thebids that are currently winning the adauction for the users youve chosen to

    target. We recommend using it to helpensure that youre getting a good

    amount of impressions or clicks.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    After you place your order, your ad or sponsored story will go through the Facebook reviewprocess before going live. Please allow up to 24 hours for this process.

    Clicking Review ad will allow you to preview and edit your ad or sponsored story further.

    The ad create flow

    Start-up Kit > The ad create flow

    5. Place your order

    Once youre satisfied with your choices, you can place your order immediately byclicking the Place Order.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Facebooks ads manager gives businesses visibility into the performance of

    their ads and sponsored stories with the ability to drill down into specificmetrics.

    You can access your ads manager at facebook.com/ads/manage

    Start-up Kit > The ads manager

    The ads manager

    Overall dailyaccount spendsand notifications

    Individualcampaign spends,schedules &


    Individual Account settings,information, reports and other tools


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Type https://facebook.com/ads/manage into your browser. You will be able to see all of

    your current ad accounts, their status, and how much you have spent in the All

    Accounts view.

    Start-up Kit > The ads manager > Getting Started

    The ads manager

    Getting Started

    Clicking on an account will bring you to the All Campaigns view. You can easily pause,

    delete, or reactivate campaigns, track start and end dates, view your total budget, see

    how much of it remains and how much you have spent as a total or broken down by date.

    You will also see notifications here when campaigns are created, rejected, or approved byFacebook.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Use the dropdowns to change the date

    range you want to use to view results.

    The ads manager

    Start-up Kit > The ads manager > Getting Started

    Once you click on a campaign, you can see

    information about its performance and

    either pause, delete, or activate ads within

    that campaign.


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Targeted: The approximate number of people your ads or sponsored stories can

    reach, based on your targeting criteria

    Reach: The number of unique people who saw this campaign.

    Social Reach: The number of people who saw your sponsored stories or ads with the

    names of their friends who liked your Page, installed your app, or RSVPed to your event

    The Audience graph shows you how much of your

    targeted audience you are reaching, compared to your

    total targeted audience.

    If you need to expand your reach, try raising your bids or


    Start-up Kit > The ads manager > Understanding performance of your campaigns

    The ads manager

    Understanding the performance of your campaigns, ads and sponsored stories


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The Response graph allows you to track performance of your campaign by clicks and

    actions over time.

    Start-up Kit > The ads manager > Understanding performance of your campaigns

    The ads manager

    Understanding the performance of your campaigns, ads and sponsored stories


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    There are seven metrics in your ads Manager that allow you to quickly understand the size and

    engagement of your audience.

    1. Campaign Reach: The number of unique people who saw this campaign. This is

    different from Impressions, which includes people seeing your ads multiple times.

    2. Frequency: The average number of times each person saw your campaign , ads orsponsored stories.

    3. Social Reach: The number of people who saw your sponsored stories or ads with

    the names of your friends who Liked your Page, installed your app, or RSVPed to

    your event

    4. Actions: All the people who took an action within 24 hours of seeingor within 28

    days of clickingon your ad or sponsored story. Youll only see data here if yourepromoting a Page, app, or event or running Page post ads.

    5. Clicks: The number of clicks this campaigns ads or sponsored stories have received

    6 CTR: Click through rate. The number of times people have clicked on ads or

    sponsored stories in your campaign, divided by the number of times they were

    shown on the site during the dates selected.

    7. Spent: The amount you have spent on your campaign during the dates selected

    The ads manager

    Start-up Kit > The ads manager > Understanding performance of your campaigns


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The Reports tab at the left hand side of your ads manager gives you access to four


    - Advertising Performance - Actions by Impression Time

    - Responder Demographics - Inline Interactions

    Thesereportsgive you in-depth performance and demographic information on youraccounts, campaigns, ads, and sponsored stories. Use these reports to understand, at a

    granular level, what messaging is most effective.


    Start-up Kit > Reports

    Type of report

    Summary by Account/ad/Campaign

    You can see data aggregatedby month, week, day or acustom time frame

    Choose whether you wantyour performanceinformation displayed in a

    webpage or in .csv formats


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The Advertising Performance Report includes statistics like impressions, clicks, clickthrough rate (CTR), spend and actions so that you can see how cost-effective your ads andsponsored stories are.

    You can also use this report to get an in-depth understanding of how your ads and

    sponsored stories are performing against each other so that you can focus your spending

    on the ones that achieve your business goals at the lowest cost.


    Start-up Kit > Reports > advertising performance report

    Advertising Performance Report


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Responder Demographics shows you information of users interacting with your adsbroken down by country, region, gender and age ranges. Use this information to optimizeyour targeting criteria and content by understanding which ads and sponsored stories areworking for each demographic.


    Start-up Kit > Reports > Responder Demographics

    Responder Demographics


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The Actions by Impression Time report shows the number of actions organized by the

    impression time of the Facebook ad or sponsored story. An action is attributed to an ad or

    sponsored story based on the length of time between a users view of or click on the ad or

    sponsored story and the action (i.e., 0-24 hours, 1-7 days, 8-28 days). Use this report to

    understand how users are engaged with your ads over time.


    Start-up Kit > Reports > Actions by Impression time

    Actions by Impression time


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    The Inline Interactions report will help you understand immediate user engagement on

    ads and sponsored stories. It includes metrics like impressions, clicks, and detailed

    actions such as likes, photo views, and video plays that happened directly on your ads.

    You can use this information to understand which of your campaigns or ads inspire

    immediate action, so you can optimize for impact.


    Start-up Kit > Reports > Inline interactions

    Inline Interactions


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Start-up Kit > Action Metrics

    Action metrics

    Actions tells you how many people connected with your business after seeing yourads, even if they didnt click, so you know youre driving results.

    The Actions metric replaces the Connections metric. Similar to Connections, Actions

    tracks Page Likes, App Installs, and Event RSVPs that originate from your ads. But

    Actions allows you to track a much more robust set of measurements.

    Facebook attributes these actions back to the originating ad based a 24-hour view-

    through and 28-day click-through window, so that you get a better picture of the

    overall value of your ad campaign.

    Acton metrics


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Power editor is a complimentary tool for businesses who manage multiple

    campaigns with a large number of creatives. Power editor leads to major

    improvements in efficiency by making it easy to create, edit, manage and

    optimize ads and campaigns across a large number of different ad accounts .


    Save time by mass-editing ads across campaigns and accounts and bulk-creating ads

    Optimize from within the tool itself by sorting ads by key stats and performance

    Compatibility with Excel: Save time by copying ad and campaign data from Powereditor to Excel, and vice-versa

    Power editor allows you to manage your page by publishing and promoting posts on

    your page through Power editor.

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    Why Should I use Power editor?


  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    1. Open your Chrome browser (any version) . If you do not have Google Chromeinstalled on your computer yet, please download it here:www.google.com/chrome

    2. Visit your ads manager at www.facebook.com/ads/manage3. Click on the Power editor tab on the left side of ads Manager

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    Get started in 5 easy steps:

    4. Install Power editor and open it

    5. In Power editor, click Download.You can choose to download all

    your accounts and pages.



  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Power editor buttons and features

    Enables you to customize the columns that are shown

    in the List View of Power editor . You can select which

    ad columns and campaign columns to display . Note

    that these columns include ad parameters (e .g . price)

    as well as performance metrics (e .g . CTR) .

    2. Bulk Import

    Enables you to import a properly formatted excel file or

    cells that have been copied from an Excel file into

    Power editor . You can also use Bulk Import to import

    individual images or a zip file of multiple images .

    3. DownloadEnables you to download data from the

    ads system into Power editor for the

    accounts you specify . If you have already

    downloaded an account in Power editor

    and choose to download the same

    account again, you will lose any changes

    that were made in Power editor unless

    you upload those changes first . If you

    have already downloaded multiple

    accounts and choose to download a

    single account again, Power editor will

    download only the specified account and

    keep the other accounts as is .

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor


    S Ki P di

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Uploads all edits made in Power editor. If

    there are errors in the upload, each ad and/or

    campaign will be flagged with an error icon

    and the Error Pane will explain the specific

    error for each ad or campaign .

    Creates a new ad or campaign . Note that

    when you are in the ad tab, you will have the

    option of creating a new ad . If you are in the

    campaign tab, you will have the option of

    creating a new campaign .

    Allows you to revert to the latest version of the

    selected row before any edits were made . This does

    not revert the last change made; it reverts all

    changes made since the row was downloaded to

    Power editor .

    After selecting a row (or set of rows in the List View),

    Duplicate allows you to create an identical copy of

    that row . For example, if you have selected an ad in

    the List View and click the duplicate button, another

    ad with the same ad parameters will be created.

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    Power editor buttons and features


    St t Kit P dit

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    8. ExportExports the rows that have been selected in the

    List View into a CSV file . The CSV file contains

    column headers and the values for each row that

    was selected in the List View . Note that

    regardless of whether you have ads selected or

    campaigns selected in the List View, the CSV filethat gets exported will contain all fields

    associated with the ads . If you choose to ex- port

    a single campaign with five ads in that campaign,

    the exported file will contain a total of five rows

    with all of the data for the five ads in that

    campaign .

    9. STATSEnables you to select the time period for

    which all metrics are displayed


    Enables you to sort the rows in the List View

    by any column header.

    11. SEARCH

    Enables you to dynamically filter the rows in

    the List View based on the query.

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    Power editor buttons and features


    Start p Kit Po er editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    A) Left PaneThe left pane contains all your accounts and campaigns . Selecting an account in thedropdown in the left pane will allow you to view ads the the List View, filtered by

    campaign .

    B) TabsYou can toggle between ads, campaigns,

    accounts, account groups, images andPage views, using the tabs .

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    Navigate Within the Power editor

    D) Work SpaceThe Work Space displays editable fields about ads or campaigns . Clicking on one ofthe ads or campaigns in the List View will automatically open up this ad or campaigns

    details in the Work Space . If you select multiple ads or campaigns, you can use theWork Space to make changes to several ads or campaigns at once .

    C) List ViewIn the ads view, the List View will display all ads for the campaigns and accounts selected

    in the left pane . In the Campaigns view, it will display all campaigns for the accounts

    selected in the left pane . You can select multiple ads at the same time by using the Shiftkey for contiguous items, and the Control or Command keys for non-contiguous items .


    Start up Kit > Power editor > Edit your ads & Campaigns

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    With Power editor, you can edit any field of your ads and campaigns that you would beable to edit in ads Manager . This can be done in 4 different ways .

    1. Edit individual ads or campaignsinline in the List View

    From the List View, you can edit some fields of yourad or campaign inline by double-clicking on thefield you would like to edit .

    For campaigns, you can only edit the campaignname inline .

    For ads, you can edit the ad name, status, bid, bid

    type, title, body and link .

    Please note that you cannot edit several ads orcampaigns at the same time using this method .

    2. Edit one or multiple ads orcampaigns at the same time using the

    Work space

    You can select an ad or campaign by clicking on itin the List View, or select multiple ads orcampaigns at the same time by using the Shift

    key for contiguous items, and the Control orCommand keys for non-contiguous items .

    You can then edit all of the ads or campaigns

    fields from the Work Space .

    Start-up Kit > Power editor > Edit your ads & Campaigns

    Power editor

    4 ways to edit your ads & campaigns


    Start up Kit > Power editorStart up Kit > Power editor > Edit your ads & Campaigns

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    3. Edit your ads or campaigns by copy/pasting to and from Excel

    You can copy your ads and campaigns to Excel, edit them in Excel, and paste them back to Powereditor . In the ads or Campaigns view, you have to:

    Select one or multiple ads or campaigns

    Press Ctrl+C/Command+C Open an Excel spreadsheet and select a cell, then press Ctrl+V/Command+V in Excel

    All your campaigns or ads details will be pasted, with headers for each column . You can edit all thefields of your ads and campaigns in Excel except ad ID, Campaign ID and Image Hash . After making your

    edits, you should:

    Select all the rows in your Excel table, including headers Press Ctrl+C/Command+C Go back to Power editor and select an ad or campaign, then press Ctrl+V/Command+V

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    In order to edit images for specific ads, we recommend to change the ad image fromthe Work space, by pressing the choose button under creative -> Image, regardlessof the method you are using.

    Start-up Kit > Power editor > Edit your ads & Campaigns


    Start-up Kit > Power editorStart-up Kit > Power editor > Edit your ads & Campaigns

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    4. Edit your ads and campaigns by importing and exporting to and from


    You can export several ads with their campaign information in the same spreadsheet . Each rowwill represent a different ad within a campaign . You can then make changes in Excel, and import

    the entire spreadsheet back into Power editor . In order to use this functionality, you should startby:

    Selecting one or more ads or campaigns

    Pressing the Export button to open the file in Excel

    If you selected several ads, your ads will appear with their campaign information . If you selected

    several campaigns, all of the ads in these campaigns will appear as separate rows in the Excelspreadsheet . If you want to make edits to existing ads or campaigns, you can edit all the fields of

    your ads and campaigns in Excel except ad ID, Campaign ID and Image Hash . After making youredits, you should:

    Save the Excel file to your hard drive, press the Bulk Import button in Power editor to importthis Excel file, using Import Choose File .

    Alternatively, you can copy the spreadsheet using Ctrl+C/Command+C, press the Bulk Importbutton in Power editor, select Import Paste into text area, then paste using Ctrl+V/Command

    +V .

    Start-up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    Start-up Kit > Power editor > Edit your ads & Campaigns


    Start-up Kit > Power editor > Create New Campaigns

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    1. Use the create flow

    To create a new campaign:

    On the left pane, select an account from thedropdown that the campaign should belong to,

    select the Campaigns tab and then click theCreate campaign button . A new campaign will

    be created in the Left pane (accompanied by a

    + to indicate that it is a new campaign) .

    Select the newly created campaign in theleft pane and then enter the campaign name

    and other details in the Work Space . The newcampaign name will now appear in bold in theleft pane, to remind you that this is a newly

    created campaign .

    To create a new ad:

    Click on the campaign that the ad shouldbelong to, select the ads tab and then click

    the Create ad button .

    If you want to create a new ad in a new

    campaign, create the campaign first . Thencreate the ad in the campaign .

    An empty ad line will appear in the List View;

    enter the ad details in the Work Space bygoing through each of the steps of the adcreation process.

    Start-up Kit > Power editor > Create New Campaigns

    Power editor

    3 Ways to create new campaigns and ads


    Start-up Kit > Power editorStart-up Kit > Power editor > Create New Campaigns

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    2. Duplicate an existing campaign or ad

    - You can select one or more campaigns or ads in an account, press the Duplicate button, and

    then proceed to update the newly created campaigns or ads with your changes . If you have

    duplicated a campaign, it will be created in the same account as the original campaign . If you have

    duplicated an ad, it will be created in the same campaign as the original ad .

    - You can also duplicate a campaign or ad by copying and pasting it . Select the campaign and press

    Ctrl-C/ Command+C and then Ctrl+V/Command+V . If you have copied and pasted a campaign, it will

    appear at the top of the campaigns list . If you have copied and pasted an ad, it will appear withinthe same campaign .

    Start up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    When you duplicate (or copy and paste) a campaign, all of the underlying ads will also be created

    under the new campaign . Note: you can also copy a campaign from one account to another, copy

    an ad from one campaign to another, or copy and ad from one account to another

    Start up Kit > Power editor > Create New Campaigns


    Start-up Kit > Power editorStart-up Kit > Power editor > Create New Campaigns

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    You can create new campaigns and ads from existing campaigns using Excel . In order to dothis, follow the steps below:

    Start up Kit > Power editor

    Power editor

    3. Create new campaigns or ads by exporting from Power editor into Excel

    When creating a new ad, if you would like it tobe in the same campaign as the original, leave

    the Campaign ID and Campaign name

    unchanged; delete the ad ID and give it a newad name . If you would like to put the new ad

    in a new campaign, delete the Campaign ID

    and enter a new Campaign name; and delete

    the ad ID and enter a new ad name .

    add new rows in your Excel spreadsheet foreach new campaign (or ad) you want to create

    and fill out all the fields

    When youre finished, save the Excel file In Power editor, click the bulk import button

    Select a campaign from the Campaigns tab inthe List View (or an ad from the ads tab)

    Click on the export button; this will exportthe selected campaign(s) or ads into a CSV

    file that can be opened in Excel

    Open the Excel file and save it Erase the Campaign ID and Campaign name

    (or ad ID and ad name) fields in Excel and

    leave them blank

    Enter a new name for the new campaign (orad); edit all the other fields

    Start up Kit > Power editor > Create New Campaigns


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Account groups is a new product designed to help you group together, organize

    and access multiple Facebook ad accounts simultaneously, to make it easierand faster to manage.

    This guide gives step-by-step instructions to create and edit Account groups:

    Start up Kit > Power editor

    Account groups

    Facebook allows for users to create Pages which are not linked to ay profileand users can run ads for these Pages through Business accounts. If you would

    like to create a business account please feel free to write [email protected]


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    1. Group a set of accounts together under a group name(including adding/removing accounts from a group)

    Grouping a set of accounts together lets you view all the accounts from one view in ads Manager and

    enables multiple users to access the accounts simultaneously.

    1.1 Log in to your Facebook ads account and click on the Account groups tab in the left side ofaccounts page (www.facebook.com/ads/manage/accounts.php) .

    1.2 Click on the Create a Group button, enter a name and then click Ok.

    Sta t up t o e ed to

    Account groups


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    1.3 To ad an account to the group, select your existing managed accounts from the My accountdrop down tab and/or enter the account IDs directly into the add Account field and then click

    add Account.

    1.4 To grant permission to another user, type the name of a friend and/or an email address into theUser Permissions field and click add User. If the email address is associated with that persons

    user profile, it will grant that profile permission. If the email is not associated with that personsuser profile or business account, you should contact your Facebook rep, so they can create a new

    business account for this email address.

    1.5 To save the changes click on the Back to group settings button in the top right hand corner of

    the Page.


    Account groups


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    2. Grant / revoke user permissions for an existing group

    2.1 Log in to your Facebook ads account and click on the Account groups tab on your accountspage (www.facebook.com/ads/manage/accounts.php).

    2.2 Select the Group which you would like to edit.

    2.3 To grant permission to another user, type the name of a friend and/or an email address into theUser Permissions field and click add User. If the email address is associated with that

    persons user profile, it will grant that profile permission. If the email is not associated with thatpersons user profile or business account, you should contact your Facebook rep, so they cancreate a new business account for this email address.

    2.4 To remove a user from the group click on the cross next to the user.


    Account groups


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    3. Accept account invites to join a group

    3.1 As the admin of the group, add the Account ID you wish to invite to the group in the addAccount field.

    3.2 Once invited, the account will be in pending status and will be inaccessible until the owner of

    the account approves the group invite.

    3.3 The owner of the account being invited logs in and accesses the Account groups tab through

    the left hand nav.

    3.4 The owner will see a notification that the account has been invited to join the group, and theowner can choose to confirm or ignore the invite.

    3.5 Once the invite is confirmed, the account will be accessible to anyone who has access to that

    particular group.

    Account groups


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    4. Select groups in the ads Manager account list

    4.1 Log in to your Facebook ads account and navigate to the accounts page


    4.2 Click on the All accounts drop down menu to see a list of groups and accounts you have

    access to.

    4.3 Click on a group from the drop down menu to view all the accounts associated to that groupselected.

    Account groups


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Account groups

    Account Structure Examples Agency Structured by Vertical


    Start-up Kit > Power editor

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Account groups

    Account Structure Examples Brand Structured by Region


    Start-up Kit > External Forms

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    External Forms

    Page Place merger form-https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/?id=160167234097982

    Reporting a Violation/Infringement of your rights


    Feedback on Pages:


    Convert a Personal account to a Page:


    Enquiries related to Username:https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/360358877344441

    Disapproved adshttps://www.facebook.com/help/contact/?id=270182466376707

    Feel free to reach out to the Facebook Team if you have any concerns with the following

    issues through these external forms.


    Start-up Kit > Appendix

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    ADS Marketing messages that point to a Page, event, app, or a destination outside of Facebook, suchas a website. ads have the voice of the brand and can have social context, such as friends names or

    faces. ads only appear on the right-hand side of Facebook Pages.

    ACTIONS: For ads and sponsored stories pointing to Pages: the number of times people liked yourPage, liked posts on your Page, commented, @ mentioned, checked into your place, tagged your brandin a photo, shared your Page posts, redeemed your offer, clicked on the Page post link, viewed the

    Page post photo, viewed the Page post video, or viewed a tab on your Page within 24 hours of seeingyour ad or sponsored story, or within 28 days of clicking on it. For ads and sponsored stories pointing

    to apps: the number of times people installed, used, or spent credits in your app within 24 hours ofseeing your ad or sponsored story, or within 28 days of clicking on it. For events: the number of timespeople RSVPed within 24 hours of seeing your ad or sponsored story, or within 28 days of clicking on it.

    BID: The maximum amount youve indicated youre willing to pay for each click (CPC) or per 1000

    impressions (CPM)

    CLICKS: The number of clicks your ads have received. If youre advertising a Page, Event, or app, Clicks

    also include Page likes, event RSVPs, or app installs directly from the ad

    CPC: The average cost per click, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of clicksreceived

    CPM: The average cost per thousand impressions, calculated as the amount spent divided by thethousands of impressions received



    Start-up Kit > Appendix

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    CTR: Click-through rate, or the number of clicks your ad received divided by the number of times it wasshown on the site

    DESTINATION The Page, event, app or website you want to promote.

    FREQUENCY: The average number of times each person saw your ads

    IMPRESSIONS: The number of times your ads have been shown on the site

    OBJECTIVE The action you want people to take when they see your ad or sponsored story. You canchoose to have us show your ad or sponsored story to the people most likely to like your Page, installyour app, or click on your ad or sponsored story.

    PRICE: The average amount youre paying per click (CPC) or 1000 impressions (CPM)

    REACH: The number of individual people who saw this ad during the dates selected. This is differentthan impressions, which includes people seeing your ad multiple times

    SOCIAL CLICKS: Clicks on ads that were shown with the names of the viewers friends who liked yourPage, RSVPed to your event, or used your app. If youre not advertising a Page, event, or app, you wontsee social data

    SOCIAL IMPRESSIONS: Impressions that were shown with the names of the viewers friends who liked

    your Page, RSVPed to your event, or used your app. If youre not advertising a Page, event, or app, youwont see social data



    Start-up Kit > Appendix

  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    SOCIAL REACH: People who saw your ad with the names of their friends who liked your Page, RSVPedto your event, or used your app. If youre not advertising a Page, event, or app, your ad wont have

    social reach

    SOCIAL %: The percentage of impressions where your ad was shown with the names of the viewersfriends who liked your Page, RSVPed to your event, or used your app. If youre not advertising a Page,event, or app, you wont see social data

    SPENT: The amount you spent during the selected time period

    SPONSORED STORY: Marketing message that comes from a Page post, or stories about a friendinteracting with a brand through actions such as check-ins, app use, or Page likes. The core message iscontrolled by the advertiser, but sponsored stories will also show social context, such as people

    interacting with whats being promoted to their friends. Sponsored stories can appear on the righthand side of Facebook or in the news feed on the web or mobile.



  • 7/29/2019 Facebook Guide for Agencies


    Helpful links