Facebook Integration Guide

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Page 1: Facebook Integration Guide
Page 2: Facebook Integration Guide

Facebook Integration GuideI

© 2011 ... Prospects Inc.

Table of contents

Facebook Integration 1

................................................................................................................................... 21 Why use Facebook for your Real Estate business?

................................................................................................................................... 32 Getting Started

................................................................................................................................... 63 Configuration Preferences

................................................................................................................................... 94 How to use...

.......................................................................................................................................................... 9Link Facebook friends to your Prospects contacts

.......................................................................................................................................................... 10Update your Facebook status from Prospects

.......................................................................................................................................................... 11Manually post one of your listings to your Facebook page

.......................................................................................................................................................... 12Add the "My Listings" tab to your Facebook page

................................................................................................................................... 155 Addionnal Help

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© 2011 ... Prospects Inc.

1 Facebook Integration

Welcome to the Facebook integration guide for your Prospects software.

This feature only takes a few minutes to set up if you already have a FacebookBusiness Page.

The Facebook integration is one of the many features included in Prospects.

If you are not familiar with the Facebook social network, we suggest you read ourintroduction "Why use Facebook for your Real Estate Business?”

Happy Selling!

The Prospects team


· Why use Facebook for your Real Estate business?· Getting Started· Configuration Preferences

How to use...· Link Facebook friends to your Prospects contacts· Update your Facebook status from Prospects· Manually post one of your listings to your Facebook page· Add the "My Listings" tab to your Facebook page

· Addionnal Help

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© 2011 ... Prospects Inc.

1.1 Why use Facebook for your Real Estate business?

As a real estate professional, it is essential for you to stay in contact with past clientsand prospects. We’ve all seen it happen time and again. You forget to stay in touchwith someone, and they forget to use you as their agent.

Until recently, a personalized web site, a good mailing strategy, and follow-upreminders were the preferred means to maintain contact with several customerssimultaneously.

With its 500 million worldwide users, Facebook has changed the way we interactwith our families, friends, and customers. Over 25% of all page hits in the U.S. are Facebook pages! It has become a powerful tool that allows us to keep in contact withpeople we know.

A personal website used to be enough, but most of the “cookie cutter” real estatewebsites fail to serve the needs of modern consumers. Buyers and sellers nowprefer more exciting websites that are updated with current information regularly; likemarket reports, current news, and agent insight.

A Facebook Business Page gives you a free website to post real estate content andinvite consumers to see it. Social networks have become a huge part of aconsumer’s online habits and your presence on Facebook is important for you to bevisible to them online. It requires very little effort and will help you interact with yourclient base in a whole new way. Ready?

Here’s how we can help:

Prospects' Facebook Integration will allow you to ...

1. Link your Prospects contact records with their respective Facebook profile.

2. Update your Facebook status directly from Prospects.

3. Automatically publish your New Listings, Price Reductions, Just Sold's andOpen Houses directly onto your Facebook business page or personal profile.

4. Add a My Listings tab on your Facebook business page.

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1.2 Getting Started

The first thing you need to do is to Connect your Prospects account with yourFacebook account.

If you don’t have a Facebook account, got to http://www.facebook.com/ and createone.

When you have your personal Facebook profile and your Facebook Business Page,follow these simple steps:

1. Log into your Facebook account.

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2. Connect to your Prospects account.

3. In Prospects, open the Configuration menu from the menu bar at the top leftand click on Facebook in the Configuration menu.

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4. Click on the "Connect" icon.

5. Authorize Prospects to access your Facebook account by clicking on Allow atthe bottom of the screen.

Important Note: Most Facebook applications collect data from their users.Prospects does not collect any data from you. This step is simply to connect yourListings with your Facebook page or profile.

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1.3 Configuration Preferences

This section appears as soon as your Facebook account is connected withProspects.

Please take a moment to set your preferences.

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1. Specify where Prospects will post your listings.

If you have more than one Business Page, select the one you want to publish to.

2. Link your Facebook Friends to your Prospects Contacts

Checking this box will allow you to link any client saved in Prospects with theirrespective Facebook profile and view their last status update right in Prospects.

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© 2011 ... Prospects Inc.

3. Publish your listings automatically to your Facebook Page

New listings, Price Reductions, Just Sold's and Open Houses will automaticallyappear on your wall if you wish.

Select the options that you wish to use and customize the subject of each post.

N.B. You can also include a link to the sold listings.

4. Click SAVE AND CLOSE and you are done!

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1.4 How to use...

1.4.1 Link Facebook friends to your Prospects contacts

A convenient feature in Prospects is linking your contacts in Prospects to yourfriends in Facebook. This allows you to see your contact’s last status update inFacebook directly from your Prospects account. No more wasting time in Facebookwhen you need to be working.

1. Go in the Prospects's contact file.

2. Click on the Facebook icon located next to his name.

3. This will open a search window. Search for the contact you want to link.

4. Select it and click OK.

From now on, you will be able to view this contact's Facebook status and last post byclicking on the Facebook icon.

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© 2011 ... Prospects Inc.

1.4.2 Update your Facebook status from Prospects

You may quickly update your status right from Prospects! To do so, simply click onChange Your Status located at the top right corner of Prospects.

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1.4.3 Manually post one of your listings to your Facebook page

If you’ve chosen to disable the feature to automatically publish your listings to Facebook or if you decide to re-publish a listing to your Facebook page; use the

button in the action menu of the listing in Prospects.

Click on the Listings Tab in Prospects and find your listing.

Tip: You cannot post a listing to Facebook if you are not the listing agent.

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© 2011 ... Prospects Inc.

1.4.4 Add the "My Listings" tab to your Facebook page

*Please note that adding the My Listings tab can only be done on a FacebookBusiness Page.

Click here to create a Business Page

Follow this link to add the My Listings tab now:http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=112127495509548

Click on Add To My Page.

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Important: Depending on the date you have created your professional page, youmay be using the new or the old layout. All new pages will be created with the newlayout.

If you are using the new layout, the new section My Listings will be displayed on theleft, under the picture of your business page.

If you are using the old layout, then you will find the new tab My Listings at the topof the page.

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· Go to your Facebook page and you will see the My Listings tab! If you don’thave any active listings, a message saying that “you’ve sold all of your activelistings” will appear.

· If you’re My Listings tab is not visible, you can manage the tabs on yourFacebook page. You may remove a tab by clicking on the tab you wish toremove and then click on the Edit Icon and Delete Tab.

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1.5 Addionnal Help

Prospects provides FREE Webinars regularly. If you’d like additional training andsupport with Prospects, check the online training schedule for the latest dates.

Training Schedule

You can also connect with us directly on Facebook for tips, updates, and news aboutreal estate and Prospects.

Follow us on Facebook ... and don’t forget to hit the button!

If you need further assistance with your Facebook account, please refer to the onlinehelp of Facebook more assistance.

Facebook Help