" ." . ";:. ,-'.•.. .. _-" .. .- --:' ". ' ' .. ". ,: ...

 · Robert F.• Chetllist. 28 W. Greenwood. Aradrews, Virginia I.. 108 McKinley. Allhauser. M. ... Bartlett, Arthur \V., Mechanical Engineer, 56 E. Stewart. Bartram,

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THE QUESTIONSHALL the Cemetery Lot be selected

when one's best thought and atteriliollcan be given the matter, or shall tlOs im- ,.portatrt dutybe pUt off until death com"es? .Some one must perform this duty, shallit be you? No more restful or peacefulspot could be desired than


,Lots $60 ,and upwardswith perpetual care

Corner markersand deed free


Cemetery: Lansdowne







T I-I E Borough of Lansdownc, incorporated in 1&)3,is 5ituatedin pidit..esqtte Delaware Coullty, sixmile5frolll Philadelphia Cit)' Hall, and one Illite

from thc City Line at AJlgora.

It is convcnicntl)' reached from Philadelphia by a fifteenmhHtte ride over the Pennsylvania Railroad; or by trolley,cOlluections being Illade by the city cars at Darby, Angora,and 69th St. terminal.

The height above tidewater, averaging one hundl'cd andthirty-five feet, enSllres pItre air, while the water (hrnishcdby the Sprblgfield 'Vater COl11pan)' is excellent in qualityand 1111{cHling in supply. The Borough extends frolll Mar­shall Road on the north to Fairvicw Ave. on the south, andfrolll Union Ave. on the east to ShadClahd Ave. and thebarby Creek on the west. Its averlues have telfordcd road­ways, cClnent sidewalks, curbs and gutters, atld aI'e elec­tricaJly Iiglitedfroll1 sunset to sunrise.

A vigilant I'~Uce force. an efficient voltlnteer flre COll1­

pany, a .thorouglHy equipped graded public school, (el11­bracing all gradcs {tom Khlc1ergartcn to High School) andacolill>lete sewer system, combine to l11ak~ this Borough al1lodeI cOlllihltnity.



4 THl~ LANSDOWNg nlRt~cTORY. _._ .__' ' ,- . ._M_..',".."__...,_~_,,._.~ .._.__ ~

Borough Officials

CHIEF BURGESSBenj. \\T. Carskaddon.

COUNCILClaude A. Simpler, President

A. Culver Boyd \\T. A. McEwenJohn Jackson \\T. Frank English\\TIll. C. Shuster, Jr. Harry 1\f. Davis

Sec'y of Council, John \\T. DavisBoroug-h Treasurer, "'alter C. Powell

Assessor of Taxes, John C. HilbertCollector of Taxes, Edwin B. Lewis

Justices of the Peace, Chas. Janvier and Edw. L. DonnellyConstable, R. Jallles RobinsonFire Marshal, Louis J. E.lgle

BOARD OF HEALTHSamuel F. Irwin. Presictent John J. H. Phillips, Sec'yKarl Collings Dr. F. T. Davis, Jr.Tyson Kinsell C. E. Ebrey

Health Ollierr, Thoillas G. JnrivierPlulllbing Ihspector, \\Tllt. H. \\'orrell

SCHOOL BOARnh;aae P. Garrett, President \Villiaht P. Frccbol'll, Sec'y

Jalwes T. Stewart, Treasurel'John D. S. Brooks Fraitk T~ Davis J. Engene Bakel'

"'alter L. pHilips, Principal




BAPTISTPirst CI",rd'.-Located at corner of Lansdownc and E.

La Crossc Avenucs. Scrvices evcry Sunday at 10.45 a. Ill.

and 8 p. Ill. Bible School at 12 Ill. Sabbath School 2.30p. 111. Junior C. E. at 3 p. Ill. Senior C. E. at 7 p. 111.

Prayer Meeting, \Vcdncsday cvcning at 8 o'clock..11t. Sino; (Africall).-Located on Highlatld Avenue

abovc Stratford. Rev. 1. H. Dwelle, Pastor. Services cver\,. .Sunday. Sabbath School at 3.30 p. 111. Prcaching SCI'viceat t 1 a. Ill. and 8 p. 111. \Vednesday cvcning at 7.30 o'clock.

EPISCOPALSt. Joh" tI't' B'l'o"gflist.-Located on Baltimorc Avctlue,

near Lansdownc Avcnuc. Rev. Crosswcll McBee, B.D.,Hector. Rectol'y, 79 N. Lansdownc Avenue. Stutday Serv­ices: Holy COJitt11ltltion 7.30 a. Ill.; Sunday School 9.30a. Ill.; l\Ior.ling Service and Serll1on, I I a. 111.; Holy COI11­

Iltullion, first Sunday of the Iltollth, also II a. nl.; EveningPraycr ah<l Servicc, 8 p. 111. Mid-week Service, \Vednes­day, 8 p. Ill. Saitlts Day's Servicc at 7.30 a. 111.

FRIENDSPr;ellds.--Located on Lansdowne Avenuc, above Stewart.

Organized in .827. Meeting House builthl 1831. Trus­tces, Jacob Elfreth and Isaac P. Garrett. First Day (SUn­day) :VIeeting, 10.30 a. Ill. Fifth Day (Thursday) Meeting,10.30 a. 111.

Friellds (Hicksitt'. )-Located at corller of Owen andStnttfortl AvellUes. First Day Schoo), 9.45 a.•tl. :i\Jeeting-,J 1 a. ttl.




METHODISTM('l/lOdist llpisropal.-Located at cornel' of Lansdownc

and Stratford Avcnucs. Rev, J. R. T. Gray, Pastor. Serv­ices: Sunday, 11 a. Ill., 8 p. Ill. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. 111.

Prayer Meeting, 'Vcdnesday, 8 p.. tn.

Organized ,htnc 11, 1891.

PRESBYTERIANFirst ClIurcll.-Locatcd at corner 'Of Lansdowne and

Cireenwood Avcnues. Rev. \VIll. Boyd, MiIlistet'. Services:Preaching at II a. m. and 8 p. 111. Sabbath School at 9.30a. Ill. C. E. Society at 7 p. ttl. "'cdnesday evening prayerMeeting, 8 o'clock.

The Chl1rch was organized on May 26, 1887. Corner~tonc laid 011 October 18, 1887.

ROMAN CATHOLICSt. P1Jilom""a's.-Lm~ated at cornel' of Baltithore and

Highland Avcnues. Rev. tl'rancis J. Markee, Rector; Mau­tke Fitzgenlld, Assistant. Services: ~Jass at 7, <) anetJ0.30 a',I11. Vespers at 8 p. tn. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. tn.

HoI)' Days, 5,30 and 8 a. Ill.

Orgal1ized January 2<), 1898. Comer stone of Chl1rchlaid Novel\1ber 2<), 18<)8. Church dedicated May 27, 1<)00.



HARDWAREBuilders' HardwareAgricultural ToolsMec han ic s' ToolsCutlety, Etc .• Etc.

nOUSE PURNIShlNGSTin and EnamelWareWood & Willow WareCrockery, GlasswarePlated Ware, Etc.


Bell Pbone 696 GOODS DELIVERED Keystone Pbone 18X

PAINtERS' SUprUESReady Mixed PaintsVarnishes and Stain!'!Window Glass, Lead,OUs, Etc., Etc. :: ::

SPORTINO OOoDsBase BaH GoodsLawn Tennis GoodsGuns and Revol\'ersAmmunition, t~tc.

'--- - J





AAbbe. George C. Draughtsman. 66 \V. Greenwood.Acme Tea Co., R. C Ewan. Mgr.• 24 S. Lansdowne.Adams, Alvin B., Clerk, Hll O\ven.Adams. C. A. Contractor. 230 N. Owen.Adams. George J.•. Clerk, ~a E. Stewart.Adams. H. 1\1., Retired. 5th and Plumstead.Adams, James H.• Decorator, 191 Owen.Adams. Thomas. Leather. 10 Runnymede.Adler. Isaac H.• Buyer. 15 E. Greetlwood.Ager. B. F., Manager. 22 Linden.Aikins. James C. Cooper. Wycon\be and Snlith.Airey. Ida. 61 E. Baltimore.Airey. John. 61 E. Baltimore. .Alden. Ezra H.. Secretary. 85 E. Greenwood.Alden. Martha \V.• Principal of Maplewood School, 85 X.

Lansdowne.Albright, Joseph M.• Contractor. Elder.Albright.· Max. Retired, Elder.Allen. \Vinston. Laborer. Powelton Ave.Allen. \Villiatl1. Real Estate Agent. 19 W. Plumstead.Altrnaire. Carl L.• Professor, 12 Owen.American Icc and Coal Co. Wycombe and Railroad.Ames, \V. L .• Chemicals, 8 Runnymede.Andersen, H. Bruce. Mechanical Engineer. :I;j \V. La

Crosse.Andersen. Robert Hall. Architect. as \\'. La Crosse.Andersen. Robert. Professor. 35 \'\T. La Cross('.Anderson. David, Florist. 69 Owen.Anderson. Martha. Teacher. 69 Owen.Anderson. Mary. 69 Owen.Anderson. William. Dairy, 152 Owen.Andrews. Jefferson 1'.'1 •• Secretary, 28 \Y. Greenwood.Andrews. Kate A.• Teacher. 108 McKinley.Andrews. Mary E.• 108 l\IcKinlt~)J.

Andrews. Robert F.• Chetllist. 28 W. Greenwood.Aradrews, Virginia I.. 108 McKinley.Allhauser. M. H" Sedon. 37 E. Stratford.Allnely. Mrs. A. M. (widow of John), 352 Ow('n.l\tHhony. Mrs. I. M., 56 Lit\den.Archanlbault,. Eugene B., Foreman, 15 S. Highland.Archer. Benjamin H.• Salesman. 32 Fairview.ARLINGTON CEMETERY. Lansdowne and School




Armstrong, Emily S., (widow of C. S.), 32 N. Lansdowne.,\shton, A. H., Auditor, 310 N. Lansdowne.Ashton, Mrs. Adophas H., :no N. Lansdowne.Atkins, '''illiam, Express Agent, 23 S. Highland.Atkinson, I., Treasllrer, 48 E. Stewart.Austin, 'Villiam I., 1\1 anager, 108 N. Highland.Azell, John, Laborer, Shadeland and Baltimore.

BBacon, Frank, Photographer, 23 Rigby.Badenfield, Bertha, (widow of Charles), 121 E. Stewart.Baily, Benjamin, Laborer, Scottdale.Baily, C. M., Civil Engineer, 61 Owen.Baker,Herbert, Foreman, 183 Bryn Mawr.Baker, J. Eugene, Professor, 107 Owen.Baker, Walter E., Foreman, 183 Bryn Mawr.Baldwin, Harry, Mill Superintendent, 64 'V. Greenwood.Barber, Herbert, Publisher, oa W. La Crosse.Balch, Alfred c., Publisher, 119 W. Baltimore.Baley, Charles H., Jeweler, :n E. Stratford.Bnlfour, Mrs. Margaret, 123 N. Lansdowne.


Troubles Repaired on Short Notice ..~

A full line of Heater andRange Supplies on Hand

C. McCullough


19 S. Lansdowne Ave.Lansdowne. Pa.



Ball, Harr)' B., a5 N. Highland.Ball, Harry P., Assistant, a4 E. Essex.Ball, Lewis, Retired, Evergreen Lodge.Barker Building, Baltimore and Lansdowne. nVilliam H.

Barker, Prop.)BARKER, fI.ENRY· S., Advertising and Printing, 32 N.

Wycombe.Barker, William II .,Granite and ~Inrhle, 117 N. Lans-

<lo\\'ne. .Barlow, l\lason, Lawyer, .4 t Maple.llarnnrd, J. L., Teacher, 108 E. Greenwood.Barnes. Rellben. Laborer, Fifth.Barney, E. E., Teacher, 19 \V. Stratford.Barney, Mary C, 19 W. Stratford.Barrington, Florence, Dressmaker, 60 E. La Crosse.BARROW, DANIEL H., Roofer, 10 S. Lansdowhe, It 41

Sltappet Tel'. .Bartleson, . .Henry C, Physician, 61 E. Baltimore.Bartlett, Arthur \V., Mechanical Engineer, 56 E. Stewart.Bartram, I. Louis, Clerk, 111 E. Baltimore.Bartram, Isaac,. Hetired, 107 E ... BahinlOre.Bartram, ]. D., Retired, 45 RUl1nyttlcde.Bartram, J. Henry, l"lorist, Hilldale Road.Bartram, Nathall D., SaleSltlan, 12:i E. B!lltimore~Bartram, Samuel 8., Retired, 1l1g. Baltimore.Bartrajn, l. Ellwood, Trucker, Hilldale.Bartram, \Vm., Real Estate, 16 S. Lansdowne, h Swarth-

more.Bauer, Guy F., \Vlndermere and Bryn Mawr.Bauer, George A., Salesll1an, 80 \V. La Crosse.Bauer, Harry A., Manufacturer. S. E. c()r. Bryn .Mawr

and \Vittdermere.Oawdcn, .C K., Musician, The De.\'onshlre.Beach, Elliott E., Jeweler, 25 N. Highland.Beacham, Eitner G., Clerk, 14:i \V. Essex.Bearse, Mrs. Harry, Shadeland and Drexel.neatty, Kenneth, Clerk, 16 N. \Vycomhc'.BEATTY BROS., (Lucieh W. ahd T. Edgar), Grocers,

23 S. Lansdowne.Beatty, Lucien 'V., Grocer, 16 N. \Vycombe.Beatty, M. Sophrotlia, 16. N.\VYCOtllhc.Beatty, S. J., Rev., Clergyman, 16 N. \Vycomhe.Beatty, T. Edgar, Grocer, 44 E. I,..a Crosse.Beaumont, Mrs. R. S., MandtactUrer Cardhoards, Hill­

dale Road.Beckett, Samuel, Coachman, 255 N. 6th.Bell, John, Salesman, ti5 W. Essex.




1817 1910

Fire Associationof Philadelphia, Pa.

OFFICES: 407 and 409 WALNUT ST.

Elihu O. Irvin, PresidentT.". Conderman, Vloe.Pteat. M. G. Garrigues, Seo'y til Trou.J. B. Morton, 2d Vloe.Prest. R. N, Kelly, Jr., Asst, Seo. til l'reas.



ASSETSAt mi\rket value Decembor .31. 1909. $8.558.281.25

Surplus. $2.348,954~05




Bell, ~frs. Dora, CoutHry Club of Lansdowne, S. Lans-downe.

Bcndell, John L., Printer, 200 \\T. Drexel.Bennett, Lillian, 20 OWN1.Bennett, Marie, 2.0 Owen.Bennett, Simon, Liveryman, 20 Owen.Benson, AlexantJer, Coachman, 05 N. Lansdowne.Berliner, \Villiam, Leather, 416 S. Lansdowne.Berry, Herman c., Teacher, 33 E .. Stratford.Beswarick, Mary, 57 E. Stratford.Biddle, L)'dia, 504 S. Lansdowne.Biddle, Lydia c., 504 S. Lansdowne.Biester, Williatn H., Clerk, 22 Rigby.Higham, Oscar V., Real Estate, 128 N. Highland.Bird, H. E., Draughtsman, 23 N. Maple.Bird, Joseph, Builder, Lincoln and S. Wycombe.Bishop, A. F., Machinist, 70 Bartram.Bishop, Edgar 'I'., Builder, 111· E. Stewart.Bishop, Nina G., 100 N. Union.Bishop, Rebecca H., 114 McKinle)'.Bishop, Thomas S.,· Bookkeeper, 114. McKil1ley.Bleacher, Abram,. Papermaker, Garrett's Paper :\1iI1.Bleacher, Oram, Driver, Garrett's Paper :\fill.Bodenhoffer, Paul, 10 Baily Road.Bond, D.Morton, Photographer, 90 N. Lansdowlle.Bondersmith, H. F., Photographer, 47 V\T. Greenwood.Boner, \Villiam 1-1" Jr., Clerk, 112 N. Highland.Bousal, C. A, Clerk, 20 N. Maple.llonsall, J. Harvey, Mail Carrier, 83 E. La Crosse.Booth, .Albert, Mail Carrier, 25 Schapllct Ter.Booth, J., U. S. Mint, 6 S. Union.Borden, Florence, Pro\·idence Hoad.Borden, John T., Salesman, 102. Powelton.Borden, Joseph F., Secretary, 416 S. \Vycomhe.Borough Laundry, Union and Baltinlore. (\V. Da\'el1-

Ilort, Prop.)Borrelli, Tony, 34 Sltadeland.Borth, Chas., 64 Price.Bowers,}oseph H., Engineer and Contrador, 74 E. Grecn-

wood. •Bowers, \Valter, Engineer and Contradot, loa Highland.Boyce, I. D., Paints, 2~0 Owen.Bo)'ce, Johu, 17 E. Stratford.Boyce, John, Secretary, 21 E. Stratford.Boyce, R. A., Tea and Coffee, 100 Nyack.Boyd, A. Cuh'cr, Lawyer, 120 N. Lansdowne.noyd, Alhert n., Electrical Engineer, 129 Owen.Hoyd, John c., Electrician, 280 N. Maple.



Boyd,\Vm. F., Auditor, 120 Owen.Boyd, \VilIiam, Rev., Pastor First Presbyterian Church,

120 Owen.Boylc, James F., Retired, 407 S. Lansdownc.Braken, John T., Profcssor, 0-1 E. Greenwood.Bradill, George, Huckster, 77 E. BartnUll.Bradley, Frederi&, Upholsterer, 07 S. Union.Bradley, Joseph Owen, CarpelHer, 122 Nyack.Bradley, T. A., Engraver, 87 \\T. Baltimore.Bradley, Thomas, Gardener, 10 Baily Road.Bradley, Sq1lire, Cabinetmaker, 97 S. Union.Bradley, \Villiam, Upholsterer, 97 S. Union.Brahme, Fannie, -19· Vt!. La Crosse.Brecht, Samuel K., Teacher, 205 McKinley.Brennan, Patrick, Laborer, -12 S. Maple.Brcnz, A. D., Clerk, 156 \V. Greenwood.Brenz, Charles It, Clerk, Mansfield.Brenz, Harry A., 156 \V. Grecilwood.Brewster, It c.,. Treasurer, 76 \V. Greenwood.Brewster, Rachel \V., Principal, Shadeland.Brewster, Roberta, Kindergartner, 76 \V. Greenwood.Briggs, C. :M., Gen. Elec. Co., too McKinley.

Estimates Furnished Repairs a Specialt)'

c. B. BUNTINGIron and Wire Fencing, Fence Repairs, Clothes Posts

Tree Boxes, Fire Escapes, Step Ralls, CellarDoors, Grating, Shutters, Window

Guards, Cellar Wind GatesALSO

Ward's American Hurdle Fence, Etc., Etc.

S'HOP AND OFFICE, Church Lane, Yeadon, Pa.N~AR P. R. R. BELL pHONB



Brooks, E. F., General Superintendent P. B. & \V. R. R.,86 S. Lansdowne.

Hrooks, J. D. 5., ConltHcrcial Agency, 77 K Lansdowne.Brosius, Charles 5., Secl'ctary, Owen and Drexel.Brosius, Sumner G., Mal1l'facturer, 23 Owen.Brown, A. ~I., Buyer, 99 E .. Greenwood.Brown, A. T., Paymaster P,·llIla. R. R, 170 Owen.Brown, Annabel, 59 E. Stratford.Brown, Charles E. Janitor, E. La Crosse west of \Vy-

combe.Brown, Edith. 'I'cacher, 99 E. Greenwood.llrown. Ernest H., Accountant, 50 Vv. Stratford.Brown, Geo. Allston, Secretary, Highland above Green-

wood.Brown, Herbert, Bookkeeper, 58 W. Stratford.Brown, James J., Clerk, 60 Linden.Brown, Jesse H., Phyl>iciall, 31 N. Highland.Brown, Joseph, Tin Roofer, 120 Nyack.Brown, Michael, Gardener,120 Nyack.Brown, Nathan, Trucker, Hilldale Road.Brown, Stewart M., Solicitor, 60 Linden.Brown, Thomas, Car Builder, 120 Nyack.

• Brown, ThOluas, Bank Teller, 59 E. Stratford.Brown, Thonlas H., 59 E. Stratford.Brown, \ViIliattt, Coal Dealer, 35 \Vindermere.Brown, \Villiam K.,' Cletk, 60 Linden.Brown, \Vm. Laird, Mechanical Enginel'r, :i5 \Vindermet('.Bryan, Elizabeth E., (widow of J. 5.), .J7 Runnymede.Bryant, Abner 1-1., Broker, 132 N. Lansdowne.Bryant. J. E. G., Insurance, 42;) S. Lansdowne.Buck, \ViHiam N., Chief Clerk, 58 E. Baltimore.Huck, William Penn, Physician, 58 E. Baltimore.Burdick, \\'m., Ph)'sical Director Y. M. C. A.. 7;') E. La

Crosse.Iltttdsall. James F., Carpenter, 70 S. Union.Bttf<lsan, Lemuel, Caq)enter, 82 S. Union.Burdsall, 'Villiam H., Builder, 70 S. Union.Burk, Thomas, Foreman, 207 W. Baltimore.Ihtrkhardt, Richard C., Police Officer, 29 Schappet Ter.Burkholder, Henry A., Clerk, 200 N. Maple.Burkholder. Mary E., 200 N. Maple.Burmont Chemical Co., (Thomas A. Conway, Supt.),

Scottdale.Burt, Chtrence H., Furillture 'Manufaclurrr, 25 '\T. Plum-

stead.Burt, Eva K., 25 W. Plumstead.Rurt, Gertrude 5., 25 \V Plutnstead.Burt, H. R., Furniture Manufacturer, 212 N. Lansdowne.






DO NOT FORGETWe have everything In the Drugand Sundry Hne. Before goingelsewhere ask. us. :: ::





Busch, Frederick, Jeweler, 10 J Poweltoll.Bush. H. F., Jr., 107 Poweltoll. .Blltterworth, I£mma, (widow John), 5 S. Lansdown(·.Bntterworth, Samuel, Newsdealer, 1J S. Lansdowne, h

5 S. Lansdowne.Byrn(" Wchard, :Mallllfacturer, Hillclalt' Uoad.

cCabrera, Charles '1' .• Real Estate Broker, 213 :\laplc.Cadmus, Julia, Clerk, :J2 E. Stewart.Calvin, Grace D., Public Stenographer, l:i2 X. Lansdowne.Callow, Edwin B., Studeltt, 67 Bart ram.C..llow. Free\. A., Clerk, 67· Bartram.Callow, E. P., Clerk, 67 Bartram.Camp, F. M., L.. wyer, 24 \\'. Baltimon'.Canmer, Amanda V., Saleswotnan, 15 K .Mal)lc-.Cantner, Bertha, Teacher. 15 N. Maple.C:lIHner, Clara S., Secretar)', 15 N. Maple.Cantner, Eleanor 1\., Bookkeeper, J;) X. Maple.Callfner, Elinor, an E. Stewart.CalHner, Margaret 5., 15 K Maple.Cantner, Valentine', netired, 15 No Maple.Carhart, James, Mrs., bo \Vindermere.Care)', George E., Jr., Assistant Manager, 31 X. WYl·Oll1hc.Carlisle, Kate M., 06 N. Lansdowne.Carpenter, J. \V., Milk, 215 Berkley.Carskaddon, B. \V., Real Estate Agent P. R R., -12 Owell.Carskaddon, Fred., Civil Engineer, 42 Owen.Carskaddon, Kenneth, Ch'j) Engineer, 42 Owell.Carter, John D., Chemist, The Knoll.Chambers, Franklin 5., Mechanlc-:'ll l~ngilleer, 02 \V.

Greenwood.Chambers, George Gaile)', Instructor, 55 E. Ess(·x.Chappell, Cyrus, Machinist, 49 E. Stratford.Ch:'lrlton, :\Iary R., :U Lincoln.Cheeseman, Laura, 33 1'\. Highland.Cheeseman, Robert G.. Dccorntor. :i;j S. l.ansdowlH', h

73 E. Bartram.Cheese'l1an, S. P.,73 E. Bartram.CHltESEMAN, WM. C., Painter and Decorator,35 South

Lansdowne, h 69 Bartram.Childs, Grocers, \Vtn. Geiger, Mgr., 5 S. Lansdowl/{·.ChipnulIJ, .G. W., Professor, 54 'V. Greenwood.Christy, Micllael, Laborer, Scottdale Uoad.Christy, Tony, 51 S. Maple.Clark, Herbert S., Violinist, 17 Rigby.Clark. 'l'holllas C, Chief Clerk, 17 Higb)'.




Clements, Samucl L., Retired, 242 K Lansdowne.Cliff, \Valler, General Manager, tl E. Greenwood.Clothier, John B., Broker, 37 \\'indernlere.Cloud, J. Cooper, Salcsman, 134 S. Lansdowne.Cody, F. M., Lawyer, 105 S. \Vycombc.Colladay, Frank H., Salesman, H N. \Vycomhe.Colladay, Mrs. G. R., 14 N. \Vycombc.Collings, Karl, 1nsurance, 83 E. Greenwood.CoJlings, \V. N., Salesman, 73 E. Greenwood.Collins, Florence, Stenographer, s:{ E. La Crosse.Collins, George, Porter, 253 6th Aye.Cottins, Mrs. Elizabeth, 83 E. La CroSSe.Collins, Patrick, Retired, 24 N. \Vycolube.Collins, Philip J., Real Estate, 24 N. \Vycombe.Collum, James, 58 Linden.Cotlum, ]. N. Auditor, 5-l Linden.Comegys, Rohert Beatty, Clerk, Hilldale Road.Conard, C. Wilfred, Lawyer, The Knoll.Conard, R. 'V., Machincry, 21 E. Stratford.Conard, Thomas. P., Machinery, 346 Owen.Conn, C. n., 24 Rigby.Conway, \\lilliam, Brick Manufacturer, 147 S. Lansdowne.

D. T. Mitchell J. Edward Mltchel1

D. T. Mitchell 4 CompanySUCCESSORS TO PYLE & MtTCH£[L




Hardware) Drain Pipe) Calcined Plaster, Hair) Glass






Conwa,', \Villiam. Jr., 147 S. LansdoWlll'.Con\'('lit I. H. ~I., 1:1 :\. Highland. 01. Raymond, Sister

Superior.)Cook, ~Iary (;arn·tsoll, 127 S. \Vycomlll'.(oopl'r, John S. S., \Vholesale }l'weler. 4i (h\'l·Il.Cooper, Samuel R. C, Sl'crl'tary and Treasura. I IIi ~.

Ilighland.Cooper, Thomas G.. ~Il'rchant, 1:{5 S. LansdoWIH'.Cordo. :\1 rs. II. ,\., II ousckee!ler, -17 Pricc.Cornog. Howard, Superintendent, 2:1 S. Highland.Corson, Susan Rogers, Physician, Ilfi \\'. Baltimore.Corwin. Emma, 86 S. Lansdowne.Corwin, ~Jary, 86 S. Lansdowne.Costello, Thomas, L:lborer, H S. Union.Cotton, Somers B., Bookkeeper, 107 E. Stewart.Country Chib of Lansdowne, S. Lansdowne.Courter, Harry R, Bookkeeper, 26 \V. Greenwood.Cm'alt, I fa, Student. 5ri E. Essex.Conrt, John Ralston, Editor, 132 S. Lansdowne.Craig, Robert. Butcher, 122 N. Highland.Craig Co., Rohert, Butchers, 6 E. Baltimore.Craighead, James Barrct, Jr., Publisher, 56 Linden.Crawford, John B.. Salesman 65 \V. Essex.Crawford, Joseph, Hetin'd, 16 E. Stewart.Crawford, Hobert, Captain U. S. ~., Retired, 17S :\. Union.Criley, \V. L., Inspector, 5;; E. Stewart.CRONIN, CHARLES I., Attorney-at-Law, 78 E. Stewart

Ave., 905 Land. Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa,Cronan, John F. Hotelkeeper, 69 E. Baltimof('.Crompton, Kate, 111 E. Stewart.Crompton, ~Iarr ~ .. 1lIE. Stewart.Crucible Steel Casting Co., S. Union and Ibilroad.Crugl'r, Charh's, Clerk, Smith.Cryer, :\1. H., Surgeon. 140 S. Lansdowlw.Culhane, \\'iIIiam F.. Salesman, 55 Elder.Cullinan, Thomas H., Clerk, 47 E. Stewart.Cunningham, n. B., Coal, The J)C'\'onshire.Cl:JlJlillgham, S. B., Retired, 10!l E. Stewart.Curle)', John, Pool Room, 7 E. Raltimon'.Curtis, ~I rs. C. 11., -1R E. La Crosse.

DDarh)', E. T., Physidan, 542 S. LaJl~dowJll·.

Da\'enport, \V., 113 E. Grel'nwood.Da\'enport, "V., Borough Laundry, UnioJl and Baltimnrt'.Da"is, Edward 'V., Insurance, 5!l \V. Gr('enwood.Dads, Frank 1'., Treasurer, 32 E. GrecJlwood.




Davis, F. T., Jr., Physician, la E. Baltimore.Davis, Harry M., Druggist, 1 S. Lansdowne, h 21 E. Essex.Davis, II. )., ~Icrehant, S. Lansdowne helow Baily Road.Dll\'is, Joel B., Merchant, 44 Fairview.Davis, Joh:1 B., Dentist, :i8 Nyack.Dn\'is, John \V., \Veighcr and Gaug('r. 142 \V. Baltilllore.Davis. ;\1 rs. M. B.• 107 N. Lnnsdowne.Davis, \\'illiam J., Merchant, 4 HI S. Lansdowne.Da\'is, \Vifliam It, Contractor, 14 Fairview.DAVIS & JESSUP, (H. M. Davis and Walter Jessup),

Dnlggists, 1 S. Lansdowne.Day, H. H., Automohile Service, 7 S. Lansdowne.lkl'hr, E. ]., Superintcnd('nt, 66 E. Stewart.J){. Gn'em', Carolinc Elizaheth, 67 E. Baltimore.f)(. Hart, J. Fred., Broker, 54 E. Stewart.De Horse;>', Reed B., Law and Collections, 107 ;\Id<:illle>'.Dc Negre, D. H" netired, 75 \\T. Greenwood,De Negrc, Edith, Clerk, 75 \V. Greenwood.D<'Iawar{' COllllty Electric Co., R. S. Stntngland. ~Ianager,

Owen and Berkley,Delcollo, M., Fruit Merchant, 15 S. Lansdowne,









Dellet, Edith, Clerk, 9 S. L1nsdowne.Dengel, Adam, Tinsmith, 121 Austin.Dengel, Charles, Roofer, 50 S. Maple.Dengel, Bertha, Clerk, 121 Austin.Denny, C. \V., Contractor alHI Builder, 13 Nyack.De Sales Carriage and \Vagoo \Vorks (James F. Gallagher,

Proprietor), Baltimore and Highland.De Vaux, Danic! H., Photographer, 53 \Yindermere.Devonshire, The, S. Lansdowne. (Mrs. William E. Mc..

Ewen, Prop.)Deikes, \VilIiam E., Clerk, 31 Runnymede.Difahio, Thomas, 282 \\T. Baltimore.Dill, Andrew H., Clerk, 170 N. \Vycombe.Dimenna, Gcnare, 42 \V. Shadeland.Dimon, \Villiatn B., Accountant, 53 E. Essex.Dinsmore, \Villiam H., Insurance Broker, 207 McKinley.Dodds, Edward ]., Conductor, 199 W. Baltimore.Doemling, August, Florist, 185 N. \Vycolube.Doherty, M. ]., Saleswoman, 57 E. Stratford.Doherty, Rebecca P., 57 E. Stratford.Dolbier, Frederick Eo, Electrical Engineer, 43 W. Strat ..

ford.Donaghy, John ]., Coal and \\'ood Heuter, 93 S. Lans-

downe.Donnelly, Edward L., Undertaker, 20 E. Baltimore.Donovan, ]. c., Clerk, 53Windermerc.Dorr)', Jane, 116 \V. Baltimore.Dougherty, Byrne, Accountant, :15 Fa~rview.Dougherty, Hugh, Laborer, 203 \V. Baltil11or('.Dougherty, Joseph ]., Clerk, 203 \\l. Baltimore.Doyle, Tholnas, Gardener, Pennock Terrace.Drew, Frank G., MAnager, sa W. Baltimore.Drew, Raymond 1..., Clerk, 46 \V. Grecnwood.Drew, \Villiam P., l..ibrnrian, 26 S. Lansdowne.Duckett, Thomas A., B1atlk Books, 52 Elder.Duffy, Annie, 15 N. Highland.Duffy, John, Jnsurance, 15 N.H ighland.Duugun, Ruth, Prop. "The \Vindcrmere," Itl4 \Y. Baltl-.. more.

nllhgan, Susan, Musician, The \Villderl11cre.DI'lln, Martha, 05 E. Essex.DUIln, Mnry, 05 E. Essex.Dunk, E. G., Mrs. (widow of Horace A.), 401 S. tans.

dowl1c.DUIHat),Hllgh, Bank 'reller, 100 N. \Vycombe.Dunlap,> Robcr.t P., Engineer, 26 S. Lnnsdowne.Dyer, Mrs. Abbie F., 31 '\T. Greenwood.Dyer, Samucl H., Lumberman, :l7 W. Greenwood.



EEagle, John J., Assistant Manager, 29 N. Wycombe.Eagle, Louis J., Fire Marshal, 19 nigh)'.Eagle, May, 19 Rigby.Easton, \\'m. 0., Director of Educntion, Y. M. C. A., 7'

E. La Crosse.Eaton, Frank, Journalist, 28 Dudley.Eaton, Seymour, Advertising, S. Lansdowne.Ebrey, Cornelius E., Manager, 18 E. Greenwood.Ebrey, H. J., Clerk, 18 E. Greenwood.Eddy, C. Vernon, Printer, 156 Owen.Eddy, J. Frank, Printer, 156 Owen.Edwards, J. R., Merchant, Lhlcoln and Lansdowne.Edwards, \Villiam Z., Manager, 44 \V. Essex.Egolf, A.D., Florist, 24 S. \V)'comhe, h 27 N. M'Wlc.Eichholtz, E. Grant, 37 'V. La Crosse.Elder, George, Bookkeeper, 34 Elberon.Elfreth, ]. R., Retired, 128 N., Lansdowne.Ellis, \Vm. J., Manufacturer, 201 N. Maple.Emery, D. M., l\fanager, 27 E. Let Crosse.English, \Y. Frtltlk, SuperintendelH, 106 E. Plums«·nd.Eppelsheimer, Clarence H., lnsttrallce Adjuster, 19 Nyack.Evans, Chas. Ed Will, Salesman, 347 N. Owen.Evans, Frank H., 59 Fairview.Evans, Judson M., Banker, 208 N. Mllple.E\'ans, Lace)' H., St ructural J~Jlgineer, 130 N. \\'y"'01l111l'.Evans, Theodore, Accoulltant, 26 Fairview.Ewan, R. c., Mannger, 33 Schal'l)et 1'etrace.

FFackler, E. R, Salesman, :{6 \Y. Stratford.Fackler, Elizabeth H., :JO W. Stratford~Farren, Henry J., Salesman, 117 McKinley.Farren, Lewis. J., Salesman, H5 E. Stewart.lttltren, Thomas V., Upholsterer, U8 McKinlc.·y.Fawcett, Chtrence, Salesman, 52 Berkley.Ferguson, Rohert A., lhlilder, 107 E. Stratford.l"edcricks, Simeon, Mall Carrier, 23 S. H ighlancl.Fine, \YiJHam Middleton, Dentist, 40 Uncoil!.Fisher, Annie S. (widow F. F.), 91 E. Stewart.ltisher, If'. R, Civil Engineer, 01 E. Stcwnrt.

, Fisher, It. S., Clerk, 97 E. Stewart.Fisher, Geo. E., ProCessor, 15 \Vindetmcrc.·.Fisher, W. J-J. P., 67 Fairview.Hitzgerald j Mary M., 547 S. Union.Fitzgerald, Maurice, Assistant Priest, 41 E. Baltimore.



Fitzgerald, Patrick, I{etired, 24 E. Stewart.Fitzgerald, Thomas, Blacksmith, 547 S..Union.Fitzgerald, T. M., Merchant, 80 \V. Baltimore.Fitzpatrick, James A., Insurance, 88 Nyack.Fleer, Frank H., Manufacturer, Herford Place, S. Lalls·

downe.Fletcher, Benjamin, 35 Schappet Terrace.Fleming, Anne L., 8 \V. Stratford.Fleming, I. D., Merchant, 85 E. La Crosse.Fleming, Joseph, Manager, 57 Fairview.Fogg, \Villiam R., Secretary, 41 'V. Stratford.)<:ol\\'ell, Anna, 48 S.Maple.Foote,\Varren M., Mineralogist, 418 S. Wycomhe.Ford, Mrs. Laura, 48 Berkley.Ford, Thomas, Driver, Powelton.Foreman, Henr)', Elevator Operator, 112 Bartram.Forsyth, Mllry Anna, 75 W. La Crosse.Foulds Machine Co., Scottdale and Railroad.Fraim, F. B., TOWerillan, 35 N. \Vycombe.Il'ranklin, Lillian, Dentist's Assistant, 49 E. Stratford.Freeborn. \V. P., Insurance, 14 S. Wycombe.Freybnrger, \Valter, Insurance, 32 Fairview.)l'ries. Joseph, Bookkeeper, 75 \V. Greenwood.

GGallagher, Herllilrd, Blacksmith, 28 E. Baltithore.Gallagher, E. A., Milkman, 108 Nyack.Gallagher, James F., Carriage Builder, 22 E. Baltimore.Gallagher, James, Cashier. 84 N. Lansdowne.Gall:lgher, John P., Bookkeeper, lOG S. LansdowlIl',Gallagher, Joseph. U1acksmith,28 E. Baltimore.Gallagher, Margaret, 28 E. Baltinlore.Gallngher, S. A. Dresst'naker, Rooms 2, 4,10, P. O. Bldg.G:l1laghcr, Sara, Enlployment Agency, tolE. Baltimore, h

28 E. Baltimore.Gallagher, Teresa, 14 E. Baltimore.Gambole, Frango, 131 Austill.Ganbole, Antonio, 49 S. Maple.Gantt, Charles H., Clerk, 30 LliHlen.Gadtt, John C., Carpenter, 30 Linden.Gantt, W. Harlan, Clerk, 30 Linden.Garden, Susan M., (widow William A.), :J2 E. Slt·wart.Garrett, Alice A.,. Providence Road.Garrett, Anna, Artist, 108 N. Wycotllbf'.Garrett, Anna L., 'reacher, 49 E. Strntfor<t.Garrett, A. 5., Manager, 59 Owen.Garrt\tt. David, Clerk, 15 N. Lnhsdowne.




Garrctt, E. L., Builder, 208 N. Lansdownc.Garrett, Edwin T. Co., Han'c)' Garrett, Treasurer and

Manager, Providencc Hoad.G:lrrett, Florencc A., Stenographer, Pro\'idence Road.Garrett, Har\'e)', Manager, Providence Road.Garrett, Helen E., Kindcrgartncr, 108 N. \V)'comhe.Garrett, I. P., Post Mastcr, 118 N. Lansdowne.Garrett, ]:uhes, Building Materials, 168 N. \V)·comhe.Garrett, Laura A., Providence J~oad.

Garrett, Martha L., Mrs., 49 E. Stratford.G:lrrctt, Martha P., 208 N. Lansdowne.Garrett, Mary M., 32 Owen.Garrett, Mrs. Mar)' It, Providence Road.Garrett, Nellie S., 15 N. Lansdownc.Garretson, Bcula C. 127 S. \V)'comhe.Garretson, Jamcs E., Mrs., 127 S. \V)'comb~. ,I

Garrigues, M. G., Insurance, 29 Ihulnymede.'

-----------.---------------- I


Garson, T. S., Stealllfitter, Mansfield.Gaskill, George 1\1., 278 \V. Baltimore.Gayle)', F. Howard, Newsdealer, 286 N. Highland.Geissellger, Wnlter H., Retired, 192 N. LaU!idowne.Gei§sellger, \Vnlter ] .• Jr., 102 N. Lansdownl·.Genth, Frederick A., Jr., Chemist, 65 E. Greenw()od.Gibhon, Mrs. Ellen A., 6:1 \"1. La Crosse.Gihhons, james, Gardener,:i7 N. \VYC()JUhl'.Gihson, lllanche, Cook, 5/)6 S. Lnllsdowne.Glhson, Elsie M" Stenographer, 103 .Owen.Gihson, Ellwood I.., Bookkeeper, 103 Owen.Gihson. ]. H., Agent, 5M S. Lansdowne.Gibson, MargarCl, Scottdale.Gihson, Mrs. Clara B., 103 Owen.Gick. nobcrt \V., DelHist, Lansdowne and BaHlltlore, h

24 Owen.Gilla·rt. F. E.. Electrical Engineer, nUI(lnlc Road.

35 S, Lansdowne Ave,H

Lansdmvne, Pa,~.


THE LANSDOWNE DIRgCTORY._._-_ ..__ .._.---------_._---------- ------25

GillJert, George L., Traveling Salesman, 29 Lincoln.Gillespie, Thomas, Bank Clerk, 78 E. Greenwood.Gitro)', Charles H., Cigarmakcr, Mansfield.Gilroy, Montgomery Y., Agent, 16 Rigby.Gilroy, William Allen, Clerk, 16 Rigby.Gleim, George, Physician, 36 E. Baltimore.Glenn, Oliver E., Professor, 202 N. Maple.Goerlach, Augustus, Laborer, 1.24 Austin.Goodman, Alexander, 111 McKinley.Goodman, James, Mrs., 111 McKinley.Goodman, Sara A., 111 McKinley.Goodman, Susan, 111 McKinley.Goodwin, Howard S., Inspector, The Knoll.Gordon, James, Restaurant, 14 S. Lansdowne.Goucher, G.W., Paying Teller, 44 Runnynlede.Gouldrup, John A., Manager, 88 S. \\Tycombc.Grahau, Ada, Clerk, 27 S. Lansdowne, It 27 N. Highland.Grabau, Mrs.L., Dry Goods and Notions, 27 S. Lansdowne,

It 27 N. Highland.Grady, Daniel, Laborer, 45 Scltappet Terrace.Graham, ]. H.• Clerk, 170 Owen.Graha'l1, Sarah ).,122 McKittlcy.Grauley, Edwin, Cigar Dealer, 46 Runnymede.Gray, J. R. '1'.• Rev., Pastor Lansdowne Methodist Church,

17 \\T. Stratford.Greiner, Eugene, Advertising, 70 Eo Stewart.Green. Louis, :Laborer. Pennock Ter: and Darh)' Creek.Green, M. A., Manager, 7 Nyack.Green, MargUerite, Dressmaker. 143 \V. Essex.Greenfield, Ada E., Stenographer, :~o W. Greenwood.Greenfield, Edith S., 30 W. Greenwood.Greenfield, E. H., Foreman, 30 \\T. Greenwood.Greenlee. Samuel A., Real Estate Broker, 268 N. Lans-

downe.GriMth, Albert F., Mechauical.. Rnghleer. 40 N. Maple.Grindrod, George, Laborer, HilldnleRolld.Groce, n. Emilie, Teacher, 20 W. Baltimore.Guilford, Dudley, Dentist, 524 S. Lansdowne.Glillford, S. H., Del1tist, 524 S. Lansdo\\'ne.GUl11and, Harry 'V., Clerk, 75 'V. Greenwood.

Hl-la('kett, John H., Agent, 83 W. La Crosse.H~fer, Frank 1\1., Clerk, 26 S. Lansdowne.Hafleigh. Alice \V., 82 S. Wycombe.Hafleigh, Horace M., Decorator, Bryn Mawr and \Vin­




Hagy, J. Miltoll, Jr., Salesman, Pennock 'rerraCt'.Haines, 'V. S., 77 N. Lansdowne.Haley, Albert G., Bookkl'epcr, 01 E. Baltimore.I-Ialey, \"'illiam J., I{eal Estate, 19 N. \Vycomhe.Hall's Shoddy ~HlI, S. Union and Railroad. (WiIIiillll

I-I nil, ~lallager.)

BetH, Willia.m J., Shoddy ~Innltfacturer, 20 \V. Str:ltford.Hallahan, J. P. H., 351 Owen.Hallett, George n., Professor, 113 ~lcKinley.1I:,lIowell, Benjamin, Jr., Retired, 12:! E. Baltimore.Hammaker, . L. Meacham, Lumber, 59 \V. Drexel.Hammond, Bishop, Chauffeur, 112 Bartram.Han\lin, George 0., Mechanical Engineer, 40 E. Stratford.Hamlin, ~Irs. E. B. Garrett, Music 'reacher, 4n E. Strat-

ford.nand, Charles, Clerk, fit E. Baltimore.Handwork, I-larry S., Stenographer, 210 Owen.Haney, James, Cement Finisher, 14 S. Union.Han\'er. Harry, Clerk, :J7 N. \Vyeombe.Happersett, Thomas G., Manager, 112 McKil1le)'.Harris, Addison C., Banker, 40 S. Lansdowne.I-Iarris, Sadie, ~Iilliner, 12:1 Austin.


Lumber, Coal and FeedLime, Sand and Cement


. Hardware Drain Pipe BuIlding PaperRooting Paper Calcine PlaSter Hair CementAxle Grease Nalls and Olass

Pralt's Horse, Cattle aud Poultry FoodDr. Daniels' Horse Remedies

Baltimore and Union Avenues, Lansdowne, Penna.Bell Phone, 4J Y Lansdowne Keystone Phone,19 M Darby



Harris, \Vharton E., Merchant, 3a Lincoln.Hart, James H., \\'oolens, 344 N. Lansdowne.Hart, Josel>h, Book Biltder, :HO N. Lansdowne.Hnrtel. Adele, Clerk, 1 N. Lansdowne.Hartel, Eliza C. (widow John), Grocer, 1 ~. Lnnsdo\\'nc.Hartel, John, Jr., Clerk, 1 N. L:lIlsdowne.HnszelJ, John. LahoreI', \V. Baltimore and Shadcland.Hnvilaltd, C. W., Salesman. 77 E. Baltimore.Haviland, I-I aroM D., Manager, 38 E. La Crossc.'.Haviland, 'Valter 'V., Teacher. The Knoll.Hawkins, Mrs. \V. c.. 55 E. Stewart.Hays, Ralph L., neal Estate, Pennock Tel'.Hazlett, G. A., Clerk, 54 E. Stewart.Hazard, Sarah Ro, 82 S. \Vyc;omhe.Heald, Harry P.. Architect, 135 N. Lansdowne.Hefner, Anthony J., Grocer, 62 S. Union.Hefner, John J., Grocer, 134 Nyack.Hefner, John & Bro.• Groceries, 60 S. Union.Hefner, Katharine, 62 S. Union.HelmhoJd. Alfred, Jr., Secretary, 24 W. Balthnon'.Hendricks, Enoch B., Carpl.'nter, 150 Shadeland.Hendrickson, Edward E., Architect, 20S Owen.Henry, Arthur c., Druggist, 1 S. Lansdowne.Henry, Hurr)' L .• Manufncturer, 38 Fairview.Henshaw, \Villinm F., Secretary, 123 McKinley.HeIHthl.'r. Rohert, Art Metal \Vorks, 142 \V. Drexe1.Hetherington, E. \V., Salesman, 20 E. Stratford.He)', Emmanuel, l~etired, S. Lansdowlll'.Heyer, Charles E., Reporter, 44 E. Essex.Hihberd, Emily L.,Teachcr, O:l E. Stewart.Hilhert, John c.. St.itiolt Agent, Lansdowne Stntion.l-J ibberd. No\'ella R. (widow Samuel L.), O:l E. Stcwart.Hh:kman, Vol. D., M N. Owen.HidcJl,~'i1Iiam H., Hardwnre, as Nynck.Hill. Williant G.• Real Estate, 124 '\V. Baltianorl'.HilIi.~r, Joseph W., Mall\tfncturer, 00 S. 'V)'conthl'.Hiat<l1e,Henry L.,. Machinist. 63 \V. Greenwood.Hindle. Mrs. Gertrude, 117 E. Greenwood.Hinkson, \\Tnt. E., Electrician. 7 S. Lansdowne.Hines. J. C., Assistnnt Secretary, lOG McKinlc~'.Hirst, Curtis A., Clerk, 47 'V. La Crosse. •Hirst, William 1:1., Manager, 47 \\T. La Crosse.Hoag, \Y.. E., Insurance, 95 Eo Stewart.Hoffer, Al1cuR., Iron Broker, 47 Lincoln.Hofflhan, Andrew tt, Uox Maker, 180 'V. Drexel.II offman, George N., Snlesluan, :'i{J E. St mtford.Hofflnan, Ru~sell M., Uookkcepcr, :In E. Stratford.'1-Ioffmall, \Vm. n., Florist, 64 Price.




lIo~an. ~Iichael, ·w Ehl<.>r.lIogan. P. J., Hors<.>shoer. Scottdale J<oad.II ok:'tnson. Oscar ~l., Architect. II iIIdalc Road.Ho)eman, \Villiam, Retired, 2:ll'1 O\\,('n.Holt!>y. John V.• Post ORin' Inspector. :w Lincoln.lIomer, ~Iatthias. ~Irs., :1:1 Windcrm<.>rl'.Ilood, Ethel, 8\1 E. Baltimof('.Hood. Jl'nnin~s, ~Ianager, IIf) OWl'n.Hood, S. C, ~I rs., 8!1 E. Bait imon'.1I00d, \\Tm. P., Accountant. -10 \V. La CroSSl'.Hop Lung, I.aundry, J2 S. Lansdowne.HOOPES, R, C., Lumber, Coal & Feed, E. Baltimore be·

low Union.II orn, G<.>orgc P., EI<.>ct rieian. 10.1 Smit h :\n.Ilorncr, John, Drivcr, 1H Bartr:.I1l.Howard, l{achd, lIous<.>kcclll'r. 172 X. \Vycomhl'.Howard, \\'iIJiam II.. Wgger, 1i2 ~. \Vycomhe.

_fllialn ]. _ilbert




I-J OWl', Elizahcth P., Tt'adlcr. 40 i\. 0\\,<.>11.II owison. Andrl'w J., U. S. nCl'elHle Servin'. 10:1 ~I d-~ in Icy.lIuhhard. Alfred E., Chief Clerk, ~2 E. Stewart.II uhhard. \V. Pomcroy, CI('rk, JOU Powelton.Hlie)'. Virgil 1.., Salesman, 104 )lowdton.Hughes, Charles V.. Carriage Builder. !Hl :-\YClCk.Ilughcs. Joseph A., Carriag(' Builder, :')6 Xyack.Hughes, John F.• Carriagl' Builder, (if) ~)'ack.

Ilugh('s, Sarah ~1.. 16 :\. \V)'comhe.lIugh('s, Thomas. Carriage Buildl'r, !ili :\yack.llughes, Thomas I., B1acbmith, GO Nyack.II ughl's, \Vm. F., Carriage Buil<ll'r. :i8 K \Vycomhl'.t1umhert, Alfred, Importer, 140 \V. Baltimore.t1umhl'rt, nO}' S., )('weler, 140 W. Baltimorl'.Hunt. Edell B., Assistant Supl,rillten<lent. J:J2 \\T. Balti­

more.HUNTER, C. EDWIN, Real Estate, 28 W, Stewart.



Ilunter, William, Clerk, 73 E. La Crosse.Iluntl'r, I~()hert S., Clerk, 7a E. La Crosse.IInnter, II. C, Salesman, 15 E. Essex.IllIShand, Edgar S., ~Iarincr, ;'):1 E. Stratford.Ilussl·Y. Eelmolulson, Illstruclor, 76 \V. Gn'l'n\\·oO(I.Ilustl'd, G. B., Salesman, 74 !\yack.Iluston. II. 1'., Bookkl'eper, 28 Fain·ie\\·.lIuston, Ida, -421 S. Lallsdowne.Ilutd'ison, J. II., ;\~l'nt, 46 E. La Crosse.11)'(1('. Ernl'st B., Sall'sman, :HO Owen.

IIngralll, Jalll('s K .• Builder, 7 S. Lansdownl', II 75 \V.

G re('n WOOll.In·ing. \Villhm It, 4:1 E. Stratford.Irwin, Donald, Student, :?42 i\. Lansdowne.I rwin, Pierson, Student, 228 N. Lansdowne.Irwin, I~ohert F., Tea ~Ierchant, 228 :\. Lansdownl'.Irwin, Snmlll'l F., 'I\'a and COfTl'l' ~Il'rchant. 24:! :\. ).;lIIS-


JJackson. \V. G.. Gwn'r, Union and \Vyl·om!ll'.J al'kson, John, ~I anagl'r, 10 1 O\\'l'n.J al'kson, Rohert G., Groc(·r. Union alul \Vyl'om hl'.Jackson, William H., 116 E. Bartram.Jackson, W. C, Traveling Salesman, ua E. Gr(,l'II\\·OO(1.)a('ohs. Louisl' ~I., Principal of Friends' School, lIiKhl:1I1l1

and Plulllstead.J;lIl\'ier, Charles, nl'al EstatC', 1:1 S. LallselowlIl'. h :111 EI-

heron.Janvier, ElsiC' S., :W Elheron.janvier, G. Victor, Physicinll 67 i\. Lansdowne.Jall\'ier, ~Iargarl't R., :U1 E. Grel'n\\·ood.janvier, Thomas G., Ch'il Engineer, :111 RunnYI11l'(k.jarell'lla, }erOIlll' n., Jr., Promoter, IS E. Essex.Jarvis, ]. II., Salesman, 101 McKinley.J<.·fTeris, \\'alter S., Grocer, HI N. Lansdownl'.JefTl'ris, W. S. & Co !\Valter S. J('fTC'ris and IIer!lcrt 1'.

~Iiller), Grocers, !'arkC'r Building.Jessup, \\'alter, Druggist, I S. Lansdownl'.John, Frank ~t., Salesman, 105 Owen.Johnson, Alhl'rl, Retired, 275 ~. LansdownC'.Johnson, Frank, Renl Estate, 224 OWl'''.Johnson, F. ~Jflrshall, IIl'atill/o{ nlld Roofillg. -IS \V. Strat­





Johnson. George Caldwell, Clerk. 1t4 Powehon.Johnson, Bellry Encu. Manufacturer, Haily OInd Lans-

downe.Johnson, Ida. nn E. Greenwood.Johnson, Jessie E., 207 McKinley.}ohnsl)n, L. L. & Co.• He<lJ Estat('. Lansdowne & Marslwll.)ohnsc.'n, '\T. H., Jr., Contractor. 7;) E. Greenwood.John5to:l. J. A, Clerk, 204 N. Maple.Johnstotl. \\t. .I .. ~lalli1ger, 1iS \V. Baltimon'.}ones, D. T., Clerk. Of) S. Lansdowne.Jones, 1s<lac T .• Mrs., 10 Nyack.Jonl's, Samuel \V., Salesmiln, 15 E. Stratford.Joyce. c. Edwanl, Clerk. 10:i 1':. Union.

I(Kaltenthaler, H. J .• Iron. 47 Price.Kl'lIn, Andrew B., Bookket'per, 60 \\'. Greenwood.Keall. Mad:lIl1t' Corhisier. 1'eacht'r of Frcml'll. no \V.

Greenwood.Keech, Barden D., Bahker, flU E. Stewart.Keech, nichard M.• Clerk, Of) E. Stewart.Keefer, Geo. R., Broker, 104 Lansdowne Court.Keefer, John Baird, Pianos, 104 Lansduwne Court.

The Lansdowne Market House

fj You can get anytiling yOll want goodto eat frorn us. Cj A good place to doyour marketlng/fhe year 'round. fJ Any­tiling you want for the table at :: ::

Lansdowne. Pat• •• •

William S. Righter's25 S. Lansdowne Avenue.



Keder, L. M., 207 Me Kinley.Keder, William \Vesley, 2d, Architect, to4 J.a-nsdowl1~·

Court.K{'efer, William B., Manufacturer, 104 Lansdowne Court.Keen, Harry R, Secretary, 408 S. Lalldsdowne.Keenan, Julian J., Manufacturer, 55 \Vindermere.Kernan, Lena, 55 \Vincl\muere.Kerne, William C, l\lanager, 01 \V. La Crosse.Kelley, G. \Valker, Bookkeeper, Maple and Stratford.Kelle)', Gcorgr W., Traveling Salrsman, Maple and Strat·

ford.Kelly, Frederick, Clerk, 64 N. Lansdowne.Kelley, John, Electrical Engineer, 212 N. ~Iaple.

Kell)'. Josel>h, Salesman, 04 N. Lansdowne.Kell)'. M. J., ~Ierchant, 04 N. Lansdowne.Kell)" ~. H., Sccr~tary, \Vycomhc and Lincoln.Kell)', 'I'imoth)', Drh'er, ,; S. Shadeland.Kemhle. Arthur 11., Coachman, 354 N. Lansdowne.Kellllcdy, William n., Ph)'sician, :12 N. Lansdowne.Kent, Samuel Lo, Retired. 45 F:tirview.Kent, S. Leonard, }r., 45 F:tirview.Kent, Homer S., Stll)erilltendent, 4:1 Elheron.Kerr, Alexand('r, Lnhorcr, Drexel.Kersey. Samuel J., Elect rici:l11, 7 S. Lansdowne.Kl'rshaw, J. W., ~lanufaCturer, 00 \V. La Crossl'.Kr:'islrr, Harry c., Jr., Photographer, :~o E. Essrx.Kester, William \V., Milkman, 279 2d Av('nue.King, Charl('s F., 268 N. Lansdowne.King, B. It, Stereot)'pcr, 268 N. Lausdowne.Kingsley, Miss n., 'l'cachC'r, 27 N. Highland.Kinkade, Dnvid, Lahorer, 70 S. Union.Kinsell. Tyson, Custom I-I OUSt', :~2 Elheron.KinZt'r, S. L. n., Coal Dealer, 83 E. Baltilnorl·.Kirk, Carrie M.• 554 S. Lansdowne.Kirk, Edith c., 554 S. Lansdowne.Kirk, Ed,,·.ard C, Dentist, 554 S. Lansdowne.Kirk, Mnrtha E., ·12 Berkll')'.Kirkpntrick, }am('i'. 'I'eller. 117 Eo Greenwood.I<irkpntrick. }nmrs, Jr., Bookkeeper, 117 Eo Grecnwoocl.K)'Urnger,\Villi:l1l1, Gnrdent>r,J6 S. Lal1sdown('.KHem. S.M., Mrs., 201 N. Owen.Knccn, Arthur H" Ch·i! Engineer, ,;8 E. Grecn wood.I<nights of COIUlllh\1S Club House, Eo Baltimore.Koch, George, Machinist, 100 E. Plumste:ul.Kocherspergt>r, T. }., Bookkeeper, 94 Nyack.Krztikcr, I-larry, Poultry D('aler, 210 \V. Drt'xci.Krall, J. T., Eyr Spedhlist, 58 E. Greenwood.Krnuss, Eclwnrd. Assistant, ;')1 \V. Essex.






Lachenmc)'er, Paul, Ad\·ertising. 45 W. Stratford.Laird, Annie, Shadelan<1.Laird, Emmeline, Housekeeper, Shadelalul.Laird, Hclen, Bookkeeper, Shadeland.Laird, John, Clerk, Shadeland.Laird, Martha, Stenographer, ShaclehllHI.Laird, Rebecca, Dressmaker, Shadeland.Laird, Sarah, Shadeland.Laird, Samuel, Ret ired, Shadelancl.LaHou, 'V. T., Assistant Priest, oJ I E. Baltimore.Lambert, \V. D.,Profcssor, 21 E. Stratford.Laudes,'William G., Secretar)', 11:1 E. Stewart.Laudis, Isabella, ao Runll)'Jl1ede.Landon, Allee, 'I'cach('r, 27 N. Highland.Lang, A. H., 'Vholesale Notions, 75 E. Haltimof('.Lanl{, Frederick, Manager, 22 S, \V)'combe.Langford, Harr)', Trucker, 265 N. '''ycomhe.Langford, John, Trucker, 265 N. '''yeombe.Langford, Thomas. 1'ruckcr, 265 N. \V)'eombl'.LnllJ{unge, Anthon)', Janitor, M S, Union.LilllO, I.., Groc('ries,W, Baltil110re near ShadelalHI.

EVERY FRIDAY$1.00 per Year


S. PANCOAS1" LEVISEditor and Proprietor

Phohe 208Y 24 N. Maple Ave.




Lansdowne C.trriage, \Vngon & Aut()Jllohile Works (Tho!'>.Hughes. Proprietor), N. \\T. cor. E. Baltimore andWycolhbe. . .


Lnnsdowne Fire Co., E. Baltimore.Lansdowne Friends' School. 100 N. Lansdowne. (Louise

~1. Jacobs, Principal.)LANSDOWNE NEWS, S. P. Levis, Editor, 24 N. Maple.Lansdownc Puhlief.chool, E. Baltimore and Highland.1 ansdownc Stables, \\'. Baltim.ore. (R. Shoemaker, Prop.)Lansdowne Public Library, Baltimore and Highland. (\ViI-

Ham P. 'Drew, Librarian.)Lans<!ownl' Post Oflice, :13 S. Lansdowne.Lansdowne l~eJlublican Cluh, 22 S. LansdowlH.·. (c. Russ.

Jnnitor.)Lavender, Horntio '1'., Clerk. Thc Dc\·onshire.Laughlin, Albert R. Druggist. :I:J2 N. Lansdowne.LawrenN', Freel. \V., Prop., Evergreen' Lodge, E. Balti-

more.Lawson, \VlIIiam H .• Mrs.,15 N')·ack.Leary, James, Lahorer, 1:15 Nyack.Leher, David. Salt'sman, :-17 N. \\')·com"('.Leech, Charles 1-1., Auditor, 108 Powclton.Leedom, Ellwood P., 204 Lan5'downc.Leedom, Hannah Eo, 5:1 E. StraUord.Leedom, Margaret 1.., Ml E. Stratford.LeFcvrc, C. \V., Penna. n. It, Ih)'n ~Iawr and Winder-

mere,Leiker, E. F., Florist, Mansfield nnd Berkl(')"Leisen, Clntrles L., Manufacturer, 42 Bail)"Leland, Christine n., 15 N)·ack.Leland, Mrs. \Villinm H., 16 Nynck.Lenahan, Alice M.• Stcnograllher, J:m E. Haltimon·.Lcnahnn, \Villiam, Sheep Merl'hallt. lao E. Baltimon·.Leonard, Mrs. P., 50 S. Union.Leonrtrd, P., Laborer, 66 S. Union.Leonard, '''illiam A, Florist, 147 N. \Vyeolub".Leopold, "'rNletick, '1'rcasur"r, 7J E. Let Crossl'.Lc\'is, Altua S., Mrs., tOil E. Stewatt.Le\'is, Gnrrett B., Coal and Feed, Lansdowne and Hai!.

road, h 100 ~t cKiuley.Lcvis, Snrah A., 72 \\'indermer".Levis, S.Pancoast, Photographer, 24 N. ~letl)I(,'.Levis, 'Villiall1 B., Mer~haltt, 26 Dwelt.Lewis, Hel1j. Ji'.,·Jr.. 2M N. \\')'c0111he.Lewis, B. F., Dog Fancier, 255- N. \\'ycolUbe.Lewis, ClelUent n., Student, 504 S. U\IlSdO\\'Itl'.




Le\\'is, Edwin B., Real Estate, 7 S. Lansdowne, It 71 \V.Greenwood.

Lewis, George F., Draughtsn13n, 135 N. Lansdowne.Lewis, Lydia C, 504 S. Lansdowne.Lewis, Mrs. Lucy B., 504 S. Lansdowne.Liggett, Mary I., 85 E. Bartram.Lightfoot, .Mrs. Rebecca 'V., 56 Price.Lincoln, AHce F., Stenographer, 54 E. Stewart.Lin~oln, Anna M., Stenographer, 54 E. Stewart.Lindsay, Mrs. Mary, 152 Owen.Lindsey, Thomas J., Editor, 70 E. La Crosse.Lippincott, C C, Insurance Broker, H iIIdale Road.Livingston, 'Valter R., COlllll1ission Merchant, 23 Runn.y-

mede.Li\"zey,]. Morgan, Real Estate, cor. Owen and :\lIwmarie.Lloyd, H. H. 1\1 iss, {) Violet Lane.Lloyd, Charles, Solicitor, 112 Powelton.Lloyd, Elizabeth, Assistant Editor, 112 Powelton.Lobb, Eva 1.., 16 S. W)·combe.Lobb, R. D., 16 S. 'Vycombe.Lockwood, Al1l1ie, (widow John ~1.), 0 Violet Lnne.-Lockwood, Lillian R., Dressmaker, -10 \\T. Essex.

Bell Phone. 34 Keystone Phone. 638 M

Lansdowne StorageWarehouseStorage for all Kinds of Household

Goods. Pianos. Trunks. etc.

Padded Vahs for MovihgsPacking and Shipping




Lockwood, JOtHlthlllt, Teacher, 49 \V. Essex.Lodge, f\nnie R, 85 \V. l~a Crosse.Lodge, Mattie B., 85 \Y. La Crosse.Lodge, Mrs. Susan C., 85 'V. La Crosse.Lodge, Susan C, 85 \V. La Crosse.Loesser, Annie G., Commissioner, 29 K Mal)lcLoesser, Elizaheth, Artist, 29 N. Maple.Long, W. Horace, Manltfaeturer, 55 \V. La Crosse.Longcope, Thomas M., Real Estate, 50 \Vindermere.Longcopc, Thomas M., Jr., Salesman, 50 \Vindernlere.Longshore, Margaretta B., Housekeeper, 165 \V. Essex.Longstreth, Charles, Maltufacturer, 400 S. Lansdowne.Longstreth, Eunice M., 24 N. Lansdowne.Longstreth, F. M., Merchant, 24 N. Lansdowne.Longstreth, F. M., Jr., Clerk, 24 N. Lansdowne.Lorenzo, Genose, Laborer, Scottdale.Lord, Chas. E., Engraver, 47 \Y. Greenwood.Lord, Mrs. E., 47 W. Greenwood.LotoaHo, Luigi, Scottdale Road. .Loughney, J. V., Title Officer, 50 \V. La Crosse.Loughne)', Raymond, Clerk, 50 \V. La Crosse.Loundas, K. J., Cabinetmaker, 80 S.· Union.Love, Thotnas, Theatre Manager, 19 E. Greenwood.Lowden, Albert N., Carpenter, 50 S. Union.Lowden, Edwin, Boots and Shoes, 21 S. Lansdowne, h :iO

S. Union.Lowden, Florence 1\1" Music Teacher, 24 Madison.Lowden, Joseph I., Contractor, 24 Madison.Lowden, Joseph \V., Jr., Carpenter, 24 Madison.Luchitli, Angelo. 7 Shadeland Ave. •Lum, Harry, Laundry, E. Baltimore.Lynch, Edward C, Clerk, 6 S. Lansdowne.Lynch, Jasper \V., Storage \Varehouse, 330 Owen.Lynch, Thomas. A., Retired, 6 S. Lansdowne.Lyster, Elizabeth, Teacher, 280 N. Maple.Lyster, Isaac, Mail Cartier, 150 Midway.Lyster, Ndson 0., loa E. Baltimore.

MMacDol1ncll, Nat1l1ic, a S. Lansdowne.MacDollnell, \Villiatn, as. Lansdowne.MacDo1ll1etl & Co. (\,villiam and Nanllie), :1 S. Lans-

downe.l\lacGregor, David A., Decorntor, HI \Y. Stewart.MacGregor, Daniel, Decorator, 19 \V. Stewart.l\hlChio, Frank, Scottdale Road.Maguire, Frank H., Broker, 8 Owen.



~Iaguirc, Robert. Fifth and Essex.~Iaguire. ~lnrgaret B., 8 Owen.~1'lgllire, \Villiam 'I'., Ph)'Sician, 05 N. Lansdowne.~Iaher, J. F., Mrs., 81 Bartram.~lalone. Mrs. C C, Shadclail<1.~Iallisoll, George. 122 McKinle)'.~lallison, Har\'f)' P., Designer, ]22 ~lcKillle)'.

~Ialloch, John E., Upholsterer, 44 S. Lansdowne, h 203.Mal)Je.

~lttllon, Michael, Florist, 143 \\T. Drexel.~Iangall. \ViIlinm, J"lorist, 26 S. L:lJ1sdowne.~langull1, Mrs. C R, Companion, 17 ~Iadison.

Mansfield, Anna M., :m E. Stewart.~I allslield, \"esley \\T.• Insurance, St ratford and 11 ighl:lIHI.Maplewood School. 85 N. Lansdowne.~Inrclls, Edward, Shoes, 5 E. Baltimore.Maris, Charles E., MalHl(aculrer, 41 Owen.~Iaris, Elizabeth B., Dressmaker, 27 E. La Crosse.~I aris, Frank Manllfachtrer, 4 J Owen.Maris, Frances, :J2 Owen.~Inris, Sara \V., 32 Owen.MClrkee, Francis J., Catholic Clergyman, 41 E. Baltimore.Marshall, Alllla ~I.. Physician, 60 Windermere.~Iarshall, Alice \\T., 60 \VinderJllere.~larsh'llI. Eda, Telephone, 41 E. Stratford.Marshall, J. B. Baggage AgetH, 41 E. Stratford.Marshall, J. 0., Engra\'er, 01 Bartram.MARSHALL, LEANDER, Real Estate, 105 N. Lans-

downe.~larshalJ, Sarah tl.. 60 \Vindermerc.Martin. Emily C, 06 N. Lansdowne.~Iattin, George, Salesman, 08 McKiJHey.~Iartin, Nelson \V., Bookkeeper, os McKinley.~lartil1, Olh·cr. Retired. 08 E. McKinley.~fartin, Viola ~l., 08 McKinley. . .~laschio, Paul, \\T. Baltimore near Shadeland.~Iason. Fred. A., Salesman, 57 \\T. La Crossc.;\(atsinger. \Valter K., PailHing and Paperhanging, S!,

Bartram.M:ltthews, AUred H .. Retired, 61 N. Lansdowne.Matthews, Edna D., 61 N. L.allsdowne.~faxwelJ, Grace B., 64 E. Greenwood.M:lxwell, Francis D., Publisher, 64 E. Greel1\\'oocl.May, D. B., Heaters, 409 S. Lansdowne.McAuliffe. ]. \V., Inspector P. R R., 07 E. Baltitl~ore.McBee, Re\'. Croswell. Clergyman, 70 N. Lansdowne.:\lcCain, \ViJlial11, News Agent, 23 S HighJ:llld.:\lcC:trey, Thomas H. A, Manager, 235 N. \\'ycol11he.



~lcCalllly, Harry J .• Bank Clerk, 24 Highy.~I cCausland. Mrs. Eugene. 18 E. Essex.~lcCaltley, George. Bookkeeper, 103 E. I!ssex.McClellan, J. S., Hat Mallltfadurer. 100 E. Greenwood.~1('Connell, Agnes, l!l Rigby. .~lcCormick, J. J .• Assistant Post .Master, 67 E. La Crosse.~lcCrea. Clara A.. Mrs. "'Iusic 'reacher. 2osN. Maille.~lcCr~", \ViHjilm A.. C"rpenter. 208 N. Maple.McCULLOUGH, CORNELIUS, Heater and Ranges, 19

S. Lansdowne, h 98 Nyack...\lcCullough, James J., Painter, 50 S. Union.~IcCully, James. Jeweler. 77 \"1. La Crosse...\Ie Daniel. Ernest. Florist. HiIIdale...\1 cDevitt. Bernard. Gardener. :i;'; Baily Road...\IcDe\'itt. H. C, Mrs. 19 E. La Crosse...\1 c Devitt. John F., Clerk,.35 Baily Road...\1 cE wen, Frances. 29 E. Strat ford ...\1 c Ewen. \Villiam A.• Superilltcndent. The Devonshire...\Ic Ewen, \Villiam, Retired. 29 E. Stratford.~lcFarland. Mrs. Linnett. 116 \'V. Baltitu6re.~IcGarey. Mary G.• 235 N. \Vycomhe.McKeever. Sarah. Laundress. 123 Austill...\Ic Kelllla, John A., Physician, li S. Lansdowne. .:\IcKissick, Maurice, Gardener, Shadeland and Alhemarle.:\1 cLaughlin. B.. Plumher. ;j I \Vindermere.XfcLaughlin, D., Butter and Eggs, 115 E. Stewart.:\lcLean, Rohert 1.., M:lIlager, 45 E. Greenwood.XlcNalUee, \Valter C, Upholsterer, 24 S. \V)'combe.:\1 c Nulty, J:\lne5, Coachman. 542 S. Lansdowne.:\lcShane, Edward, Lahorer. !J6 Nyack.~Ieadowcroft.James N., Florist. H4 S. Maple.:\Ielligan, James, Driver, 21i1 \V. Baltitnore.:\Ielloll, James E., Bookkeeper. 17 S. Lansdowne...\Icloney, \Villiam I.., Manu(acturer. 89 E. Stratford.:\1 creer, Berton. Clerk. 102 ""V. Greenwood.:\feredith. D. H., Carpenter, 170 N. Owen.Mershon, Cornelius C. Grates, 14 N. \Vycombe.~Iershon. H. V., Clerk, 127 N. Lansdowne.Mershon. G. fl.. Jr., Manufactnrer,127 N. Lansdowne.:\[etzgcr, A. Ro, Catpclllcr, 17 S. Lans(Jowlle.~feyers, Lewis J., Silverl>later, 17 E. La Crosse.~fichlin, Joanna. :17 N. \Vycbmhe...\[illnltnoW. James. Rctirt:d, Oil E. La Crosse.Miller. Herbert P .• Grocer, 48 N. Lallsdowne.~liller, Kate V', 48 N. Lansdowne.:\rilligan, John c., Real Estate, 51 Elheron.Miliken, F. C, Traveling SaleslUan,62 E. Stewart.:\Iilloy, Garrett A., Florist, 41 Smith.




Milloy, James F.,Colltractor, 25 S. Highland..Milh)y, ] o~c&>h, 25 S. Highland.Milloy, Jillia A., 25 S. Highland.Milloy, Mary A., 25 S. Highland.Milloy, ~Irs. Kate, 46 S. Union.Milloy, Valen, Clerk, 413 Snlith.Mills, C. \V., Coal, aa7 Owen.Miugey, Edward J., Lawyer, Baily alld\Vycombe.Mitlge)', Katherine M., Baily and Wycombe.Mingey, Thomas, Su&>erhHettdeut, Baily ancl \\'ycolnbc.Minnock, Peter F., Assistant Manager. 29 N. \Vycombe.Minshall, Richard A., Insurance, 126.\V. Baltimore.Mishler'. Rohert L., Insurance, :"18 Runnymede.MITCHELL, D, T. & CO., Coal & Feed, Baltimore below

Union,Mitchell, D. Thompson, Coal :lI1d Feed, 16 Runnymede.Mooney. Mary, 123 Austin.Moore. Aun, 15 E. Stratford.Moore, Al1l1a L., 29 N. HighJ:lIld.~Ioore, Charles T .• COIHractor and Builder, Barker Build­

ing, h 16 E. Stratford.Moore, Edward A., \Vholesale Crockery, 17 E. Stratford.

DIRECT TO YOUMen. Women and Children's Fine Hosiery


Our Linen








to us



will call


Linenwear Hosiery CompanyOpp. Penna. R. R. Station CLIFTON HEIOHTS, PAt


TAg LANSDOWNE DIRItC'fORV 39----------.------- -------- ----------- -- - - ----- --------------- -- -- -

~Ioore, Frank, Clerk, 70 S. \Vycomhe.~Ioore, H. M., Mrs., 357 Owen.Moore, Mrs, M. E. \V., 47 \V. La Crosse.~Ioore, Phehe A., v) E. Stratford,Mooreshead, Arthur A., Mercantile Agcnt, 44 E. r.rl'('n-

wood.~Ioorcshcad, Frank A., Lawyer, 44 E. Greenwood.~Ioran, H. Maria, Mothers' Helper, 39 Lincoln.~lorris, Alexander, Mail Carrier, 7 S. Lansdowne.~Iorris. Patrick H., Cattle Dealer, Baily and Union.~Iorris, \"ilfiam F., CaUf.e Dealer, Unjon and Baif)· Road.Morrison, Angus, Superintendent, 22 'V. Greenwood.~Iorrison, Catherine P., Stenognll>her, 214 N. Maple.Morrison, David, Clerk, 25 N. 'Vycomhe.~I()rrison, H. \Y., Manager, 67 Price.~lorrison, \\'. J., Salesman, 214 N. Maple.~Iorse, J. I.., Jr., Insurance, 502 S. Lansdowne.:\Iorton, F. N., Engineer, 73 \V. La Crosse.Moseley, Hannah. Forewoman, 66 S. Union.~lo.)'er, Albert 'V.,. Salesman, 105 E. Essex.:\luldoon, Henry, Plumber, 20 S. Lansdowne, h 37 N. '''y-

comhe.:\htlHn, D. D., Phuhher, 76 S. \Vycombe.~rullin, John A., Harness Maker, 22 S. Lansdownc.:\luncer, David J., Pluniher, 16 S. Lansdowne, h 15 :\Iadi'

son.:\Iuncer, Harry, Plumber, 15 E. Madison.:\(urphy, Dennis, Lahorer, 125 Austin.Murray, Chas. J .• Laborer, 104 S. Lansdowne.:\hlrton, Edward E., Hotel Supplies, 21 Righy.:\1tlsser, Charles S., Manager, 40 N. Lansdo\\'ne.~I lith, George B., Manager, 72 \\T. Greenwood.:\1 ut h. 'Villialll J., '''holesale Florist, 117 N. Lansdowne.Myers, Joseph, \Veaver, 36 S. Maple.:\Iyers, Mar)', 36 S. Maple.

NNacey, John, Roofer, :14 N. \Vycomhe.Natalo, A., Groceries, Scottdale Road.Nathans, J., \Vindermere.Natress, Atldrcw, Draughtsm:lIl, 15 S. Highland.Neal, Clara A., 105 ~. Stc\V~rt.Neil, Mat)' ~f.,102 McKinlc)'.Neilsol1, 'Villiall} G.,) \'., Clerk, :lI 0 Powelton.Ncspcllo, Joseph, 38 Burmont.Neuhauscr, J. B., Miss, 107 N. Lansdowne.Newman, George, Caretaker. 22 Madison.Newlyn, Rohert A., Ranculnn Kennels, I~\'ergreen Lodge.




Kcwton, ~lary '1'., CiS Fairview.Newton, S. C, Bookkeeper, 65 Fairview.Nice, H . .I .. Druggist, Barker Building, h The \Villder-

mere.Nichols, Chtistine :\1.., Hi W. Stewart.Nil-hots, Roger H., Salesman, 16 \V. Stewart.Nichols,H. B., :\Ierchant, 16 \V. Stewart.Nichols, John .I., Mail Carrier, t to N. LlIllsdowne.Nichols, Jeanne \V., Teacher, 16 \V. Stewart.Nicholson, A. 1.., Architect, 28 Lillden.Nieweg, Frank C., Professor, 5a Price.Nitz1)y, Geo. A, .I r., Superilltendent. 28 :\1 aclison.Nightlinger. Louis, Retired, Shadeland.NiglHlinger, Mary, Shadcland.Nig'htlingcr, \Villiam, Bri~klayer,.Shadebnd.Noeckcl. Mrs. Mary J., 35 E. Stratford.Nolan, Michael J., Bookkeeper, so N~·ack.

Norris, James c.. Traveling Salesman, 0:' E. Green\\'ood.Norris, ~lahd, 'I'ea(~hcr, 5 Owen.Norris, Mrs. Electa, oa E. Greenwood.Norris, ~I rs. :\1ary R, 5 Owen.Norris, Hngh, Driver. Lansdowne Stables.Norton, Cordelia, 105 E. Stewart.

James Gordon's Lunch Cafe IOyster and Ice Cream Parlor



14 S. Lansdowne Ave.Lansdowne. Pa.

13 S. ChUrch LaneFernwood, Pa.



o.O'Brien, Francis Roland, Insurance,68 E. Baltimo!'l'.O'Brien, Harry, 122 Austin.O'Brien, J. A., Insurance, 68 E. Balthnore.0'Brien, James, Engineer, 122 Austin.O'Brien, S. L., Mrs., 68 E. Baltimore.O'Connor, \VilIi:.m H., Paperhanger, 205 \V. Baltitllore.O'Donnell, Matthcw, Retired, 01 E. Greenwood.O'Dollnell, ~Iary 'l'., !H E. Greenwood.Oesterle, Frahcis D., Clerk, 110 S. \V)'comhe.Oesterle, H. G., Church Furniture, 110 S. Wycomhe.Oesterle, Joseph F., Chemist, 110 S. \Vycombe.Ogden, Harold J 12:l S. Lansdowne.Ogdcn, J. Herbert, Chemicals, 123 S. LansdoWne.Ogden, M. Ella, 12:J S. Lansdowne.O'Harrow, Marian, Physician, 67 E. Baltimorl'.O'Harrow, Caroline \V' J 67 E. Baltimore.OrenshawJ Harry, Moulder, 1 S. Union.Osgood, H. E., Mrs., 50 E. Price.Osprey, Thomas, Retir<,d, 146 \V. Greenwood.OlUland, J. J., Agent, 2:l Madison.O\\'cn, John \V., Retirccl, 93 \Y. La Crosse.

pPackwood, Harry R, Moulder, 105 Nyack.Painter, Amos, EllgineerJ Garrett's Paper Mill.Palmer, E. S., Silk Merchant, 126 N. \Vycombe.Pahner, John G' J Silk Merchant, 112 E. Greenwood.Pard)', Frank, Scottdale Road.Parker, Ref1yes, Automobiles, 64 E. Greenwood.Parker, \Villiam, Night \Vatchlllan, 24 S. \Vycomhe.P;lr~inson, Clifford, Stenogral>her, 10:l E. Stewart.Parkinson,JJatry L., Clerk, 56 \V. Stratford.Patterson, Miss M. E.....b Runnymede.PATTERSON, W. CHESTER, Electrician, 90 Nyack.Paul, It Louise, 90 N. Lansdowne.Paul, Emlen c., Salesman, 91 E. Stewnrt.Paul, FlorenCe. M.,. 90 N. Lansdowne.PallHng, Martha AI. (widow E. R.). M OWl'lI.Pearson, bora, Clerk, 40 N. Owen.Pearson, E;dward ft., Inspector, 40 1\. OW<.'Il.Pearson Elizabeth F., Stcuogt:I{>her, 40 1\. Owen.Pearson, Jaue A., 40 N. Owen.Pearsoll, Mary E., ~o N. Owen.Peck, F. \V., Mrs 49 Linden.Peckham, I.e Roy Bliss, Lawyer, 24 PellllO('k 'fer.



TH:g LANSDOWNE bIRgCTORY------------------ ------ -.-

Peel, Robctt, Laborer, 48 S. Uniol1.Pendergrast, John, Gardener, 39 Snlith.Pcnne1l, S. F., Clerk, 93 W. La Crosse.Pennock, Abram L., Retired, :i5 Violet.Pt'llIIock, Elizabeth (widow Aldrich ] .), Florist, 21 X.

Highland.Pet1!lock, Casper, F'lorlst, 72 \Vindermerc.PENNOCK, C. & G. L. (Casper and George L.), Coal

Yard, Wycombe and' Unlol1'Pennock, C. & G. L. (Casper and George 1..). Florists, 170

\V. Greenwood.Pennock, Elizaheth, 35 Violet.Pennock, Frances, 72 \VinderlHere.Pennock, George I.., Florist, J65 \V. ESSt'x.Pennock, Isabella I.., 16.5 \V. Essex.Pennock, J. Liddon, Florist, Hi Pt'nllock Tt'rra Ct'.

Pennock, Lc'lura, 72 \Vitldermere.Peunock, Samuel 5., Florist, ] 1 Violet.Perkins, J. A., Merchaht, 85\V. Baltimore.Peterson, A. E., Lawyer, 51 S. Lansdowne.Peterson, A. E. Jr., Real Estate, ;')1 S. Lansdowne.Pdry, F. ]. Broker, 45 Lincoln.Petry, Victor J" Interior Decorator, :i·l E. Fairview

ELLIOTT E. BEACHFor 25 )'ears foreman of the clock department of

Bailey, Banks ~ Biddle Co••

O·~tershis services asanexperritl reparntlgclocks and ,~iilh

a lifetime colJectionof tools) is prepared to do good work ofeverydescriptfon. Prices rfiltch less than is usmHly chargedfor similar service. Order by mail or phone to :: ::

25 N. Highland Avenue. Lansdowne. Pa.Bell Phone, Lansdowne 29. Will Receive Prompt Attention


'rl'tl~ LANSDOWNE DIRge'fORY 43

Pettif<ml, c:harles,Gardener, Hit \\T. Essex.PHARAOH, HARRY W., Plumber, 20 S. Lansdowne, h

42 E. La Crosse.P. B. &\V. R. R. Co. Station, S. LansdoWlle and Railroad.Philadelphia Squah Farm, :Mrs. C. C. Malone, ShadelandPhillips, A. \~'., Salesman, 97 E. Baltimore.Phillips, F. Rel's, Jron ami Steel, 500 S. Lansdowne.Phillips, John J. H., Iron and Steel, 105 N. Lansdowne.Philips, \\'alter, Principal Lansdowne Public School, 117

E. Stewart.Phillips, \V. Vernon, Iron and Steel, 101 S. Lansdowne.}lhiPl>S, A. P., Mrs., 23 N. Lansdowne.Pickert, 'William, Bookkeeper, 174 Owen.Piersol, H. A., 23 N. LansdoWile.Pierson, Chas., Manager, 354 N. Lansdowne.Pietro, DOIllenicco T., 127 Austin.Pilling, Chas. J., Manufacturer, 42\\'indermere.Plank, J. E., PaitHer, 16 S. Lansdowne.Poppy, Robert c., Florist, 24 S. \Vycombe.Porter, A. S., Clerk, P. R. R, 77 Price.Potter. \Villiam P, '\'001 Sorter, 26 S. Lansdowne.Powell, Abram, Retired, 29 E. Stewart.Powell, A. L., 23 N. \Vycombe.Powell, A. L., Mrs. Dressmaker, 23 N.\Vycomhe.Powell, Elizabeth G., 29 E. Stewart.Powell, Ethel M., 45 E. Stratford.Powell, Frank H., Clerk, 29 E. Stewart.Powell, George S., Salesman, 45 E. Stratford.Powell. Mary \V., Bookkeeper. 32 N. \Vycomhl'.Powl'll. Mrs. Elizaheth, 47 E. Stratford.Powell, Rebecca H" Clerk, 96 McKinley.Powell, Theodore. 276 \\T. Balthllore.PoweH,Thomas, Clerk, 96 McKinley.POWELL. WALTER C., Hardware, Barker Building, h

96 McKinley.Powell,\V. Harry, Contractor. 129 N. \Vvcombe.Powers, Maggie A., H(lltsekeeper, 41 E. BalthllOre.Pratt. Martha 1.., 128 N. Lansdowne.Pratt, \\'alter B., Cashier, 12 S. Wycombe.Preston, Sarah. E., Dressmaker, 146 \V. Greenwood.Price, H. 1.., Auditor, 30 DlIdl~)r.

Priestly, Thoillas ].. Jr•• PritHcr, 90 McKinley.Pringle, William 1'" Electrical Engineer, 18 E. Stewart.Pu~h, JOS~I)h M., Public Accountant, 39 E. Greenwood.Pugh, \Villiatn H., Jr., Clerk, 19 N. Map\(-.Pyle, Chester N., Clerk, 425 S. LallSdowne.Pyle, :\1 rs. John, 30 Owell.




Q(juann, Charll's H. ~Jrodtl~e {\:'aler. Shadeland.Quann, Elias, Clerk, Shadcland.Quinn, Hugh, Laborer, 129 Austill.Quinlan, Paul F.. Buyer, 91 S. \Vycombe.

RRaich, Frank..'f! 5. Maple.Randolph, Jr,hn, Laborer, H illdale Road.Rankin, l\!;>.ry, 175 Owen.Read, Cowlers. Lansdc,\\'ne and Baily.Read, Frank. ).tatl1~iacturer, Lansdowne and Baily.Reed, George, Butter and Eggs, 82 Nyack.Read, Robert, 1\lanufacturer, 74 Lincoln.Read, \Vimam F., Sr., l\IanuCacturer, Lansdowne and Baily.Read, William F., Jr., Mmmfacturer, 100 Fain'ie\\'.Ree\'es, Chas. )., Buyer, 336 Owell.Rdchner, F. F., Manager, 168 \V. Greenwood.Reid, Edward, \Vholesalc Florist, 2:11 N. J-l ighl:md.Reilly. Huey, Laborer, 109 Ba.rtram.Reilly, Joe, Driver, f09 Bartram.Reilly, Kntie, Operator, Ion Bartram.Reilly, Patrick, Florist, 109 Bartram.Rcmcllter,Caroline, Mrs., 23 S. Highland.r~eJ1lenter, I rene F.• Operator, 2:1 S. Highland.ReJt1enter, Lillia.n 1\1., 23 S. Highland.Reinstein, Ada A., 55 \\T. Grel'nwood.Reinstein, Annahella, ;i5 \'\T. Greenwood.Reinstein, Dalliel K., Clerk, 55 \V. Greenwood.Remington, John C, Hetired, 5;', \\T. Greenwood.I{eyhold, F. K., 104 )'lcKihley.Rhoads, Isaac H., I.umherman, 110 McKinley.I~hoads, }all1eS D., Insurance, 110 McKinley.Rhoads, \Varren L., Veterinarian, 11 Eo Baltimore.Ricci, Frank, Groceries, Shadeland and Haltimon'.Richards, Mrs. F. n., 45 Hunnymede.Richards, Pierce. Butcher, 101 Nyack.Richardson, James, Coachillail, 7 E. Greenwood.Richie, David Ro, Mechanical Ellgincer, 18 Pennock Ter.Rici. J 05('I)h, W. Baltimore, E. Sh(ldelalld.Ridings. James, Clerk, 101 \:V. Baltithore.Hidings, Jo~n ~I., Lawyer, lOt \\'.Baltil11()re.Ridings. \Villiam, Clerk, 101 W. Haltinlore.Riddle, Cluides, Ueceiving 'feller, 212 N. Owen.Uiehle, \Villiam .T., Florist. Rose Lawn.Ricn~d. Lewis, MerchalJt Tailor, 80 \\T. Baltimore.



Rights, Herbert, Civil Engineer, Hose L"wn.IUGHTER, W, S., Grocer,.26 S. Lansdowrte.Ril,,'y, Fred J., Hoofer, 124'l'yack.Riley,George A., Mrs., 124 Nyack.Ril,,'y, George \\T., Carpellter, 130 Nyack.Ril~y, Percy A., Carpenter, 124 Nyack.Rittenhouse, Edward, Jr., Clerk, 26 Owen.Robb, E. J., Paper Dealer, 17 E. ),Iadison,Robinson, Garrett, Electrician, 26 S. Lansdowne.Hobinson, Leroy, Coachman, 116 \V. Ballithore.Robinson, M. c., Manager, 71 N. Lansdowne.Robinson, R. J., Constable, 20 S. Lansdowne.Roberts, Charles c., Chemist, 75 \V. La Crosse.Roberts, I. IIoward, Superintendellt, 2:-J8 Owen.Roberts, John G., Bank Clerk, 42 \V. Stratford.Roberts, L. C. B., Mrs., 30 Runhymede.Roherts, Sara, Stenogral>her, 24 S. \Vycombe.Roberts, Raymond, Carpenter, 195 \-Y. Berkley.I~oberts, R. R, Builder, 105 \,V. Berkley.Robinson, John, Laborer, Scottdale Road.I~()binson, William \Y., Ship. Building, 126 \V. Baltimon·.Rochford, John, E1('etrician, 130 \V. Baltirnore.Rm'hford, Grace Elizabeth, Stenographer, 139 W. Hnltitnore.Rocltfotd, William, Superintendent, l:-JO \V. Baltimore.Roediger, William ~1.. Printer, 240 N. \Vyeor-tbe.I~ogers, Chas. It, ~Iccltanical Draughtsman, 352 Owcn.Rogers, •. Roland, Insurallce, 77 E. La Crosse. ,ROMAGNOLI, L, T" Tailor, Room 11, Barker Building,

h 113 Nyack,Rosato, Fred, Scottdale Road.Rosnto, Lanomezino, Scottdale Road.Rosato, Tohtmaso, Scottdale Road.Rose, Alfred, QuarrYln:Ul, Scottdale Road. ARoss, Franklin J., Salesmalt,l:H \~r. Bahihtore.Roszel, R. J., Bell Telephone Co., 111 E. Stewart.Rowe, Alfred A, Clerk, Highland alld Plumstcad.Uudolph, Harry, Plt,ntber, 40 E. La Crosse.Ih,ggles, 1)nltiel Emery, Manager, 00 E. Stewart.R,Bnel, Lillie, 175 Owen.HUh",l, Marion, 175 Owen.I~utnel, ~fuy, 175 DWell.Huss, Cordia, Jahltor, Repuhlican C1uh.l~uss('II, Edwin A., Clerk, Knoll.nussell, Mrs. Mary 5.,10 E. Stewart.Rlttter. Thomas B., Clerk, 98 Dwell.Hyan, Edward A'I Stenograpltcr.48 \\'. La Crosse.Ryall, J. Edward, Paymaster, 48 \\T. La CrosH·.nyun, \VilIittm H., Clerk, 207 N. Mai,le.



sSadler, E. B., Butcher, 75 \-\T. Greenwood.S"gendorl>h, Frallk E., 126 S. Lansdownt.'.Salter, E. D., Architect, 59 W. Ess('x.Sample, Susan P., 27 N. Highland.Sample, P. D., 27 N. Highland.Sampson, Benj., Driver, Scottdale.Sanders, Th6mas H., Clerk, 55 E. St r:ll ford.Satterthwaith, Thomas C, I ron and Steel Const ructiflll.

1!) \V Baltimore.Saunders, John, Plumber, 17 S. Highland.Saunders, Ralt>h, Carpenter, 47 Schappet Ter.Saunders, Vlilliam, Carpenter, 17 S. Highland.Savery, Charles \,y., Broker, 20 Rigby.Sa,'iro, Carlino, illl Shadeland.Scattergood, T. \,y., Clerk, 75 Owen.Saylor, Harry S., Dentist, 51 E. Stratford.Schaack, Peter, Carpenter, 200 N. Highland.Schaeffer, R. C. Windermere.Schaihle, ~J iss B. .M., 171 N. Lansdowne.Schaible. Miss E. ~I., 171 N. Lansdowne.

Lansdowne Wet Wash andCleansing Company

FOR FIFTY CENTSWill .. do .. ~tl9rditlaty .famlly washfnga9d retOrnlllst~:~Cef~b"~~dt~~r~.~~~ hour~~ a large: :porffon:~f WIiIC/~

Clothes Returned Perfectly Dty·for 15 Cents ExtraOr Washed. Dry and Starched for '15 Cents

FHlthe bag (Iopn~dbythe CPIDpany)to theftlll

b:~:.Cllt;;~~~~~·~~plr=e~a~~le ~r~%I~lh!~:.lOre~: ver:~Telephone, No••4 Lansdowne P. O. Box, No. 216, Clifton Height!!



SdH\ppet, John c., Confectioner,05 N)·ack.Schneld~r, Max, Trucker, Baltimore and E. Shadelaild.Scherr, Rohert Eo, .Merchallt, 426 S. 'Vycombe.SdlOOI for Backward Children, l\fiss Rachel 'V. Brewster,

Principal.Scott, Edgar T., Providence Road.Scott, Miss S., Dressmaker, 45 .'V. Essex.Seal, Jacoh, Retire. 25 S. Lansdowne.Seal, Kathrine, Manager Telephone Exchange, 25 S. Lans-

downe.Senselllck. Edgar H., Bank CI~rk, 10:1 Powelton.Shaffner, Edward L., Clerk, 32 E. Stewart.Shaffner, John, Retired, 22 Fairview.Shaft'ner, William F., Salesman, 22 Fairview.Shanbacker, Samuel J., Broker, 21 Linden.Sharpless. 'Villiam J.. Gent's Furnishings, 175 N. Lans-

downe.Sh~arer, Geo. B., Jr., l\Ianager, 89 S. ''')'combe.Sheppard, Joseph H., Dri\'Cr, 40 S. Mal)le.Sheppard, Herhert, Carpenter, 147 Midway.Sherer, J-I ~n'ey }., Lawyer, 22 Pennock Terrace.Shimer, Edward, l\loulder, 23 S. Highland.Shoemaker. Anna l\1.. Mrs. (widow Charles It), HI \V.

Baltimore.Shoemaker, B. H .• ad, CI~rk. 340 Owen.Shoemaker, J. Shedden, 20 \V. Baltimore.Shoemaker, Lewis F.. J ron and Steel, 85 E. Baltimore. ~SHOEMAKER, RICHARDSON, Livery and Storage, 20

W. Baltimore.Shorley. MeU"ille E., Jr., Snl~sman, us 'V. Greenwood.Shrigley, Arthur, Architect, HilIdnle and Providence.Shrigle)', Ethel Austin, 436 S. Lansdowne.Shrigley, }. M., President, 436 S. Lansdowne.Shreiner, J acoh H., Salesman, 537 S. Union.Sllryoc~, Joseph G., eiyil En~ineer, 24 E. Stratford.SHURTl.EFF, CHARLES L., Undertaker, 22 E. Green-

wood.SHUSTER. WILLIAM C., auilder, 17 S. Lansdowne, h

161 N. Lansdowne.Sill, Alfred H., Clerk, 124 N. Highland.Sill. Clarence, :-16 Owen.Sill, XI rs. Alfred, 65 'V. La Crosse.Simlllo11s, Eliza M.. The Devonshire.SinlOlls, Edward 1.., Electrician. Ilarker Building, h 1U E.

Stewnrt.Simpler, Claude A.. Assistant Trust Officer, 121 E. Stewart.~ipp... Elinor, 33 E. Greenwood.Sil)Jl~, 'Geo. 1.., COIHrnctor and lluilder, 33 E. Greenwood.




Slagle. \\ t·. II.. I'rof",,-,I' I:W \ Highland.Sloan Edward, .:\luskal 11 IflllllVlltS. IIi .s. \\'yco111bc.Slllan, ~l r ~ L. \V., 170;' \V \','" mht'.Smith, Ikrt L..\lr~. Ctllidre;l's S('wi . '~:l :\. \\·ycombc.Smith. C. \\'. R.,danuiacl:;rl'r·" . ~('llt, ti,) Prk,'.Smith, F. \V .. Clerk, 24 \Y. i;r(·('n\\,.(lll.

Smith. Harry. Fiori:". ~~I S. }'comhe.Smith, II. K. Bookke,,!I('f. ..,i, S. La Cro:-.sl·.Smith.). IIcllderson. {'lerk. til \\' E~s('x,

Smith. John E .. Patrolman. :n hapI'd Tel'.Smith. ~largardta A (witlow l<utlolph W. I. '::! Hlghy.Smith, ~lhx. BarileI'. It E. Baltimore.Smith. William C. Ch,rt<. 45 W. Essex,Smith. \\'il1iam Frand". Distri\'! .:\Ianagcr. I'll E. Priel·.Smith, \V. F .. C;l'll('ral ~I allagcr, ·Hi E. Stewart.Smith, \V. F.. ,\tltt mohiks, 81 Price,Slltllhcmall. Ahram. Jr. . .\lanufadurcr.lO :\yack.Smithcman, Elizaheth K" 40 :\ yackoSmyth, Edward H., DClltist. n,,;'l1l Ii, Harker Building. h

t,) E. 51 l'wart.Snytkr. F. It, Bank CIt:rk. 212 :\. :-'IapkSolenherg('r, Edwin D., Gt'lll'ral Seaetary. 1\1 \\'ycol11l1(·.Spencer, EtlwardF" Carpl·lller. :!Ii S. LallsclowllC'.






62nd and Spruce Sts., •••• ••., Philadelphia~ Pa.



Spie"'e, Helen, 2a E. La Crosse.Spiece, L. B., Mrs. 25 E. La Cross,,'.Spicer, A. V., Mrs., The Mansion, Highland and Stratford.SI)icer, Vernon:. A., Teacher, The Mansioll. Highland and

Stratford.Sprague, Emile, 47 Runnymede.Sllril1gfield \Vater Co., 22 Madison. (George A. :\itz:<)', Jr.

Superintelldent. )Sprout, Alphcnso, Butcher, 87 Bartram.Stackhouse, Ellison, Clerk, 911 E. Stratford.Stackhouse, Ellden, Coal lind Feed, 215. \V. Baltitnore.Stackhouse, Laura N., Teacher, DO E. Stratford.Stackhouse, Mary, Stenographer, 99 E. Stratford.Stackhouse, Rebecca S., 99 E. Stratford.Stafford, George \\T., Foreman, 211 S. Lansdowne.Starr, C. E., Gas Motors, :18 N. Lansdowne.Statzell, Harlan P., Merehant, 6 Owen.StatzelJ, Henry c., Salesman, 2-1 W. Stewart.StatzelJ, 1\1 rs. Anna. 15 Runl1ymede.Stauffer. No P., Physician, a2 Violet Lane.St. Clair, \Viltiam G., Advertising, 28 N. 1\laple.Steel. \"'iUiam A., Bookkeeper, 45 Elberon.Steel, \Villiam S., Retired, 180N. Union.Steel. Ge'orge G.,Advertising Manager. ISO N. Union.Steer, Alfred G., Clerk, 65 \V. Essex.Stetser, W. H., 342 Owen.Steward, George, \\'ood Dealer. Mansfield helow Dr('x~L

Steward, Thomas. Driver, I J.I Bartram.Stewart, Alfred J., Clerk, 108 McKitHey.St<.'ward. Edward \\T., Express. 46 S.Lansdowne.Stt.>\\'art, EJiz:II)(>th C. Mrs. (widow John B.), HHi ~Id{in­

Stewart, Mrs. Mary J., a8 \\T. Stratford.. ley.Stewart. Estelle. Teacher. 210 N. Lansdowne.Stewart, Henry, Retired, :16 Runl1ymedc.Stewart, James T., Manufacturer. as \V. Stratford.Stewart. Margaret ... , (wi(low Homer C.l. 210 X. L:tns-

oowne.Stewart, Thomas, Coachman, 114 Bartralll.Stockton, Patd, Hetired, 95 \V. Greenwood.Stockton, William S.. Milling, 05 \~r. Greenwood.Stokes. J. R, Heceiving Teller, 66 E. Greenwood.STORCH, GEORGE N., Confectionery 8ttd Ice Cream, 9

S. Lansdowne.Sto\'ell, \"BHalti Howell. Manager, 18 E. Stratford.St. PhiJOtllclHl Parochinl School, E. Halthnort'.Stratton, Anna H.uth. 50 N. Highland.StraHon, nidlnt(l C.• Architect, lifl ~. Highlnl"!.





Stuart, R H.M., Fire Insurance, JO S. \Vycomhe.Suddards, Charles A., Manager, 31 Uncoln.Suddards, Clll\rles \V.~ Retired, 29 Fairview.Suddards, \Villiam, Bll)'cr,16 Fairview.Sullivan, Alice, 15 Rigby.Sitllivan, Catharine V., Organist, 91 E. La Crosse.Sullivan, John, Brick Manltfactllt'er, 15 nighy.Sullivan, Margaret, 91 E. La Crosse.Sullivan, Mary, Teacher, 15 Rigby.Sullivan, Thomas· J~,. Brick Manufactllrer, ut E. La Crosse.Sullivan's Brick Yards, S. U'lion. (John Sullivan, Prop.)Suplee, Benjamin R., Superintendent, Shadeland.Suplee, Charles J., Jr., Clerk, 56 E. Price.Suplee, Frederick P., Broker, 101 Lansdowne Court.SU1,lee, Raymond c., SwdelH, Shadeland.Swayne, A. Canova, Secretary, 20 Runnymede.

ESllmales Given for Calerlna for all Ol:l:aslons

GEORGE N. STORCHotohfettioner anb <ltateret



TTALONE, NICH6LAS M., Tailor, 18 S. Lansdowne.'faylor, Antra n., 49 Owen.Taylor, Francis G., Lawyer, 33 N. Lansdowne.Taylor, George C., Carpenter, 93 E. Essex.Taylor, James F., Cashier, 60 E. Stewart.'faylor, James H., Can)cnter, 93 E. Essex.Taylor, M. I., 36 W.Stratford.Taylor, Mary B.(Widow of Samuel L.), :12 N. \Vycomhe.Taylor, Robert, Clerk, 32 N. \Vycomhe.'raylor, Rohert b., Broker, .23 E. La Crosse.Taylor, S, Leiper, Clerk, 32 N. Wycorllhe.Taylor, Walter L f) Atchitect, 52 Price.Taylor, William H., Clerk, 33 N. Lansdowne.'fecce, SMapino, &2 S. Maple.'rhomas, Hannah L. (widow John A.), 8 \V. Stratford.



Thoman. Chas., 64 Price.Thompsoll, Adrian, Clerk, 21 Uigby.ThC;>l1lPson, Annie, Bookkeeper, 39 O,ven.Thompson, Edwin S., Plumbers'Supplies, 39 Owen.'rhompsoll, Ida. G., Nurse, 90 Owen.Thompson, Nathattiel, Laborer, 135 Bartram.Thonls()u, \-Villiam P., 7 N)·ack.Thournton, Douglas, Laborer, 1 S. Union.Thrasher, E. L., Automobiles, 67 \"t. Greetnvood.Tighe, John H., Ins,arance, 39 Runnymede.'fighe, James ]., Clerk, 39 Runn)·mede.Tighe, Mrs. James J., 49 Owen.Thus, Frank B., Mallager,199 Owen.Todd, Mary D., 65 Fairview.Tomes, Charles A., Saleslllan, 69 E. La Crosse.Towensand, \-Valter, Laborer, 209 W. Baltimore.Toy, Joseph F., Florist, 147 W. Greenwood.Trolllmer, Frank, Barber, 22 S. Lansdowne.Trout, 'rheodore, Tin Roofer, 76 S.Union.Turner, Charles \-V., Jlttblisher, 8 Runnymede.Twaddel, George, Beatermall, Garrett's Paper :\Iill.'rYSOIl, Robert, Painter, Lansdowne Stables.

uUhl, Philip, netired, Baily Road. 1

Uhl,\Villiam J., Manager, 36 Elberon.Uuhardino, Michael, 44 S. Maple.Underhill, Alice Eo, Mrs., 67. Owen.Underhill, Annie, Mrs. (widow Morley), Insurance, 01

Owen.Underhill, F. S., Wholesale Lulltbet', 25 E. Stratford.Underhill, John P., Clerk, 25 E. Stratford.

vVandergrift, Joseph W., Blacksmith, 76 Nyack.VanSch'er, Isabella, 200 \-V. Drexel.Vanzandt, J. S., Secretary, 56 N. Lansdowne.Vanzandt, Louise, 56 N. Lallsdowue.Varalle, Gabriele, 40 W. Shadcland.Verrall, Edward, Machinist, 72 S. Unioll.Vincent, Josephine C., Clerk, 554 S. Lansdowne.Vogel, Catharine c., 119 E. Stewart.Vogel, Margaret F., lt9 E. Stewart.Vogel, Mary, 119· E.. Stewart.Von Hagen, Alhert Edward, 106 PowdlOn.




wWagner, ~I rs. C. M., 146 S. Lansdowne.\Vagner, George ~l., Lnwyer, 146 S. Lansdowne'.Wallace, Helen F., 85 N. Lansdowne.Wallace, H. '1'., Salesman. 77 \V. llaltimore'.Wallace, Ml'Ibcl L.,77 \"1. Baltimore.\Vallace, \Villiam, Clerk, 28 N. Maple.\Valker, G. E.• Salesman, 26 N. \V)'combe.\Valsh, Philip J., Mrs.,W. Baltimore and Burmont.\Valter, C. F., Bank Teller, GIN. Owen.Waltoll, Geo. 1'., Inspector, Shadeland.\"urdle, \VilWuu R., Manager, :ll)7 Owen.Ware, Clifford S., Clerk, 3:l OwenWare, Ella L., 33 Owen.\Vare, George, Clerk,l18 N. \Vycomhe.\\Tare, \\farrell F., Publisher, 33 Owen.\Varrell, F. G., Electrician, 51 E. Greenwood.Warren, L. A., Salesman, 162 N. \Vycomhl'.\"arren, nO)' L., Clerk, 23 N. \Vycomhe.\'"nlker, E. J., Store Fixtures, 105 E. St r:tt ford.\Vaketield, F:lI1cher E., Assistant, 39 E. Stratford.\Vaterman, Anna ~I., 210 N. Lansdowne.

Win. C. Shuster, Jr.Jauflbrr of Qlrtf~tft l!lomt_


1Latt~boWttt (tOtttt"The Garden Spot of Lansdowne"

Office. 17 S. Lansdowne Ave•• Lansdowne. Pat



\Vatkin, Lewis K".~Jail Clerk, 282 N.~J aple.WATKINS, LEWIS, Osteopatb,92 N. Lansdowne.Wettson, George, MalHlger Seed Store, 37 N. \VycoJUhe.\VatSOll, \V. E., Bopkkeeper, 105 McKinley.W:ty, John, Clerk, The Knoll.\Vehh, W. L., Civil El1gineer, al nUltl1ymede.\Veeks, Edward H.,Plumhing Supplies, 185 E. Plumstt"ul.\Veeks, Newman, Retired, 16 \V. Stewart.\-\Teems, Walter, Carpenter, a S. Union.\Veigand, \VlIli:tll1 ..., Clerk, 53 \\T. Essex.\Veigel, John, Shoemaker, 12 S. Lansdowne, h ShadelatHl

and Drexel.Welsh, Cornelia }., 81 E. La Crosse.'Velsh, George I., Clerk, 81 E. La Crosse.\Velsh, Paul C., Clerk, 81 E. La Crosse.Wclsh, ThOluas S., Salesman, 11 Owen.Wenlock, Joseph, Stenographer, 49 Elberon.\Vharton, \Villiam \V., Treasurer, 131 N. Lansdowne.\Vhetstone, Frank L., Uetired, ltD E. Stewart.\Vhite, Barclay, Civil Engineer, Hilldale Road.\\Thite, F. 1.., Electrician, 197 N. Owen.White. George Foster, Bank President, HilJdale.'White, Howard, Insurance Agent, Hilldall'.\Vhile, Joseph \V., Dentist, HlIldale.\Vhite, J. Reid, Clerk, 82 S. Wycomhe.W"ite, \\'alter G., VeteritHtrian, 87 ..~. La Crosse.\Vhite, \Valter Rhoads. Stttdellt. Hilldalc.\Vbittner. Lorin, Merchant, 46 Linden.\VUkes. \Villiatu, Electrician. 255 No \Vyconihe.\Villard. Dc Forest Porter, Physician. la.9~V. Baltimore.\VilInrd, De Forest, Surgeon. 139 \\T. Baltimore.\Vildman. Kathariuc. Teacher, 85 N. Lansdowne."'illis, \VilJiam V., Surgical Jnstrull1c'n ts, 201 N. Owen.\Villits, Horatio N., Broker, 27 Lincoln.\\TiIlson, H. 1.., Coal Security Co.• 142 \V. llaltimore.Wilson, Alexander, Jr., Real Estate. os \V. Baltimore.\Vilson, Cla)·ton, 51 E. Greenwood.\\Tilson, Clmrles M., Insurance, 162 N. Owen.\Vilson. Clara N.• Music 'reacher. I~ool1l 5. Barker Bldg..

h IOU N. Union.\\7ilson, Eleanor \V., Music EngtH\'er, 109 :\. Union.\-\Tilson. Harr)', Florist, 5 S. Union. .\Vilson. H. M.. Manufacturer, ao Dudley.\Vilson, John S.• Builder, 210 N. Owen.Wilson. Lewis, Clerk, 210 N. Owen.\Vilson, Mary S., Mrs., 10!) N. Union.Wilson, Rohert, Heal Estate Operator, 108 \\T. Baltimore.\ \Tilson. 'rhos. 'V.• Jr., Clerk. ao Dudley.




\Vi.lson, William, Moulder,. 52. S. Union.•,Vinc.hestcr, Anna Ro, Milliner, 42 Bcrklcy.Winchester, .James, 197 \"1. ncrkley~\Vinchester, Joseph A., 197 \V. Balthttore.\\'inchester, Margaret (widow Ignatius), 197 \\T. Halti-

more.\Vindermere, 'rhc, 164 W. BaltittlOre. (Ruth Dungan,.... Prop.)\"lister, RoW., Lunlber, 101 E. Stewart.\"lil)terhoUom, Arthur, Police Officer, 68 S. Union.\Vlih¢rden, George 1\1., Jr., Clerk, 16 N. MaJ)le.\yitzel, James L., Station Agent, Burmont.\Vocher, Charles J., Jeweler, 101 W. La Crosse.Wood, Charles, Insurance, 26. N..Wycomhc.Wood,~ugcne, Laborer, Bryn Mawr and Ardnlore.Wood, Harvard c., Marble and Granite, 4~ E. Stewart.Wood, James, Laborer, Bryn Mawr and Ardl110re.Woolman, Altna, Lec.turer, 21 N. Highland.\Voolmun, Sarah G., 21 N. Highland.Worrell, Will. H., Plumbcr, 13 S. Lansdownc, h 52 Eo

Greellw~>od.\"lright, Anna C., 107. E. Greenwood.Wright,~l1ll1la S., Mrs., 10'1 E. Greenwood.Wright,H. J., Lincoln and Lansdowne.Wtight, J. c., Merchant, 44 Lincoln.Wtlght, ". Houard, Secretary, 107 E. Grecnwood.\Vrigley, Eartlest, Foreman, 30 Madison. .Wunderlich, A., Manager, 32 N. MaJllc.

yYard, Annie D., 1\1 rs., 77 N. Lansdownc.Young, Andrew S. 1'1., Manager, &8 Linden.Young,A. C., Clerk, 115 McKinley.Young, Da\'id,' Watchman, 134 Austin.Young, E. G. Raymond, Salesman, 17 N. \Vycombl'.Young, Geo., 20 \"1. Stewart.

zZerby, Vance A., Stenographer, 105 Powellon.Ziegler, ]. \"1., Publisher, 101 E. Greenwood.Zigman, Ernest, Carpettter, 78 S. Union.Zigman, \Villianl, 'rin RooCer, M Schappet 'rcr.




Re.ception, Dance, Dinner or Musical



Appl, '0 'he Janitor orW.· n. IARKER. H1 North Lansdowne Avenue





East LansdowneWithin Lansdowne's Free Delivery Postal Service

AdjohlS Lansdowne on the cast. }live and half miles(rom City Hall, and railroad and trolley communicationwith Philadelphia similar to Lansdowne. Railroad com­mutation fare 60 cents. Separate voting precinct. Con­sists of 186 houses, stores and church. Eight miles ofgranolithic walks. Lighted by Boulevard street lampsand electric lights. Shade trees along its sidewalks.Grttdcd streets, gas and Springfield water. PUhlicity ',"clt.,ken care of.

East Lansdowne Association.Organized jammr}' 2:J, 1904.

Incorporated Sel>temher 22, 19tH.\Villiam M. Tomkins, }'resident.

William E. Groll, First. Vice-President.H. Lawrence Sines, Second Vice-President.

Rohert C. Greer. Treasurer. Harold A. Lyle, Secretary.F. \\'. Shoemaker, Financial Secretary.

V. Gilpin Rohinson. Solicitor.John R. Fleming, Sergeant-at -Arnls.

J. \Villard Hoopes, Supervisor.

Progressh'e otgaflizatioll to iml>rm'e the Suburb. to:uh'ocate and enCOltrage any and all IltNtSltres thnt tendto benelit East Lansdowne, the prosperity or the con­\'eniencc ofthe residents, and to l>roll1ote. social .inter­course bet ween re~idents, property and land owners ofEnst l.ansdowne.

Pembroke Athletic AssociationII l'nry E. Eby, Sr., President.

\-\T. C. 'I'urner, Vice-President.J. Edward Loewy, 'rrl'asurer.

I.... W. Shoemaker, Secretary.Rohert E. Greer, Manager Ball 'ream.

Department of Public SafetyJObll .It Flcnlillg, C;tptain;Williaht Griffith, F. 1..

ensares and JatilCS A. "'eRver, Offkers.




AAgncw, Edward c., Stonecutter, 3GMelrosc.Adams, Benton E.,. Accountant, 115 Pelln Boulevard.Adams, Harold, Student115 Penn Boulevard.Adams, Helen, Stcnographer, 47 \Vild wood.I\dams, Mrs. Mary, Saleslady, 47 Wildwood.Allen, R. W., Saleslady, 138 Wildwood.Allen, Ezra, Professor, 207 ~n::Kinlcy.

Allen, ~. R, Saleslady, 138 Wildwood.Angeroth, 'fho,uas B., Auger Maker, 806 Pembroke.Arll1strong, Arthur, Provision, 63 Lewis.

·8Bartleson, Isaac 'r., Clerk, 500 PClhhroke.Bartlett. A, Retired, 808 Pembroke.Bartlett, Catherine, 808 Pembroke.Bateman, Lena, I<'orelady, 140 Lewis.Hea~ham, 1\1 n;. Rose, Dressmaker, 220 IJellll Boulel·arel.Beacham, \VilJiam, Carpenter, 220 Penn Boulevard.Bell, james R., Carpenter, 229 Penn Boulevard.Hogg, james M., Machinist, 136 Oak.Booth, Isaac L., Police Officer, 30 .Oak.Bradley. \Vatter C., Teacher, 140 Wildwood.Brant, Christian P., Mail Carrier, 157 Lewis.Brant, PhiJiJ)' Agent, 116 Hirst.Brecht, Samuel.K., Teacher, 205 McKinley.BroadbelH, Samuel, Buyer, 1014 P(·mhroke.Rurle)'. Benj. M., 204 Lewis.

CCarbine. Bernard, Laborer, 52 Bevetl)'.Carbine, Ch:trles F., Manager, 4:1 Re\,('rly.Carbine, jQhn F., Clerk, 43 Beverly.Carbine, Michael, Laborer, 43 Beverl)'.Cassell, A. J., Salesman, 31 Oak.eathrall, j. E., Painter, 11)4 Lewis.Chase, Jr.,. Edwin 'f., Life Insurallce, 120 \Vildwoocl.Casaccio, Michael, Cutter, 34 Beverly.Casnccio, Nicholas, Cutter, 34 Beverly.Casaccio, Vincenzo, Retired, 34 Beverly.Casaccio, Vincenzo, Jr., 34 Beverly.Casares, I". 1.., Machinist, 2Hi l.exington.Church, nobcrt, Hatter, 262 Melrose.Clark. A., Painter, 21 t }><,nl1 BOllle\'ard.



Cochran, \Villiam \V., CarpelHer, 120 Penn Bouleyard.Collins, DCllnis J., Ice, 200 Lewis.COllnor, William, Carpcl1ter, 54 Beverly.Cook, Margaret, Stenograllher, 914 Pembroke.Cramer, Joseph 5., Electrician. 120 Lewis.Cressman, Oscar H., Salesman, 142 Lexington.Crinullhls, Mrs.. Mary A., 262 Melrose.Crimmins, .Michael E., Salesman, 262 Melrose.Cunllingham, H. c., Steel, 132 Le:'ting,on.Cutler, Ernest, Manager, 110 Penn nouleyard.Cutler, M. Helen, 1'eacher, 110 Penn Boulevard.Cutler, Mrs. Jennie, 110 Penn Boulevard.Cutler, Ralph, Druggist, 1to Penn Boulevard.Chester Times, F. \\'. Shoemaker, Correspondent, 3!l


DDaniels, Matthew, Laborer, Church Lane.Deall. Frederick n., Granite Cutter, 144 BeYcrl)r.De la Coya, A. J., Lumber Merchant, U8 Melrose.Dieiller, Alhert, Mason Contractor, t08 Hirst.Diemer, Pauline, 108 1-1 irst.Dinsluorc, \Villiam H., Insurance, 207 McKinley.Douglass, Benj. 5., Clerk, us \Vildwood.Douglass, John B., R. R. Engineer, tt8 \Vitdwood.Duuh:utl, \"tn. G., Superil1tendent, 43 Lewis.

EEast Lansdowne Association, H. A. Lyle, Secretary, 138

\Vildwood.Ehy, Henry E., Manufacturer, 112 Hirst.Eby, Henry, Jr., Cemellt, 112 Hirst.Eby, Joscl)hiuc. Stenogral)her, 112 Hirst.Ehy, Mabel, Student, tt2 Hirst.Enderle, Anton, Laundry, 37 Melrose.Emanuel Evangelical. Luthernh Church, ne\'o Noah F.

Yeiser, I>astor, Penn Bouleyard and Pembroke.Ernest, Charles, Chemist, 900 Pembroke.Ervin, Maurice, Foreman, 17 Lexington.

FFitzgerald, Thomas F., Cigar Manufacturer, 110 LexingtonFlenting, John It,. Glass, 203 Wildwood.Flentings, \\Tm., Laborer, Church Lane.Foley, Finan A., Dairyman, Church Lalle and Lewis.Fox, :\1 iss C. S., G4 \Vildwood.



Freed, ii. E., 'feacher, 29 Oak.)"ritz, Katharyn, Dressmaker. 220 PelHl Boulevard.Fritz, Mantic, 220 Penn Boulevard.Fritz, Peter J., Mrs., 220 Penn Boulevard.Funk, Sylvia,t004 Pel\lbroke.

Gaffney, Albert T., Engineer, 207 McKinley.Gallagher, Clarence, Clerk, 144 Lexington.Gallagher, ]., Laborer, Church Lane. .Garrett, ] ohu, Cigars, cte., 155 Penn Boulevard.Gawne, John 'J\,Contractor and Builder, 147 Hirst.Gifford, Ida. H., Stenographer, 64 \Vildwood.Gordon. \Villiam H., Painter, 101.2 Pembroke.Gorsuch, Villton, Carpenter, 52 Hirst.Green, Jas. c.. Ca.rpenter, 47 Lewis.Green, Jas. G., Retired, 47 Lewis.Greer. Robert c., RtlgMcrehant, 108 Hirst.Gr(:~n, \VIll. F., Mechanic, 47 Lewis.Griffth, Edward, CJerk, 703 Glenwood.Griffith, F. Austill, Patternmaker, 703 Glenwood.Griffith, Theodore S., Carpenter, 24 Oak.Griffith, \\ iIIilun, Telegraph Operator, 70:J Glenwood.Griffith, \ViII in III W., Blacksmith, 24 Oak.Groll, \Villiam E., Bt'.teher, 164 Lexington.Gunnis, Henrietta D., Saleslady. 45 Lewis.Ghlll1is, \Vilhehllilla H. C., 4.j Lewis.

HHIlle, Robert G., Librarian, 64 \VUdwood.1-1 all', .\Villiam Eo, Salesman, G4 \\fild wood.Hall, May-LOll E., Vocal Instructor, .135 Hirst.Hallowell, James I., Collector, 241 Hirst.Hallowa.y, Martha T., Dressmaker, 20 \Vildwood.f-J amm, Joser>h P.• Carpenter, 104 Hirst.Haml)shire, Jesse, Farmer, Church Lane.Hanll)shire, Thomas L., Farl'ller. Church Lane.Hallsell, Frederick, nigger, 58 Lewis.Hartman, Clarence F., Bookkeeper, 62. Beverly.Hasson, \Villiam J., Car<l Cleaner, 30 Oak.Hauf, Le6I)OI<I, Liquors, &c., 144 Lewis.Hengst. Christ inn, Retired, 900J.>embroke.Hhles, David J., Clerk, 1015 Pembroke.Hinkle, Miss Allna 1.., Stenographer, 118 Bc\'erl)'.Hinkle, Mrs. Enll113, 118 Beverly.Hilltucr, Benr)' C, D<.'corator, 808 Pembroke.



Helllling, E., Salesman, '711 Pcrilhrokc.Hoolles, Francis c., Meterlllak'cr, 124 Hirst.Hoopes, Frederick c., Coal, Building Material, 24 \Vild­

wood.Hoopes, }. \Villa.rd, Real Estate & Insurance, Baltimore

and Penn BouleVard.HUlllphreys, S. G., Contractor and Builder, a4 Onk.Hutt, Herman G., Provision Dcaler, Church Lane.Hawkins, Mrs. Clayton. 62 Penn BOUlevard.

I.Illman, Charle's F., Lithographer, 256 Melrose.rUman, J. Lewis, Ironworker, 51 Lewis.rllman, Julian L., Lithographer, 51 Lewis.

JJahke, K;\tharine, Clerk, 162 Lexington.Jones, Levi A., Express, 47 'Vildwood.Joyce, Charles Edward. Clerk, 103 N. Union.

KKelly, J. Edward, Teamstcr, Railroad Hcd.Kelly, John }. R, Bookkeeper, 004 Pembroke.

J. Willard HoopesREALTY


1:8N8ffos Built to OrderINSURANCE



Small Sums af Maney Put Out at " per oent. Interest First MartllAlle andFirst Leln Allainst Real Estate In Sums af $100 ta $1,000

Both Phones East Lansdowne, Pat



KerUand, )osephH., Retired, 118 Lexington.Kertland. ]osephM., Stenographer, 118 Lexington.Kertland, Mary. 118 Lexington.Kcrtland, Rene, Clerk, 118 Lexington.Kerr, Thomas H'f Farmer, Church Lane.Kerr, Thomas E., Teal11ster, Church LanC'.Kerr, ]ohn, Farmer, Church Lane.Kineriemcn, JUlitIS, Cutter, 147 Melrose.KnierieuHHlII, Julius, Tailor, 147 l\fclrose.Koeneman.., Julia, 805 Baltimore.Koenemanl1, Kathryn,.Stenogra,,':er, 805 Balthuore.Koenemann, Mrs. \Vilhelmir.a, Cigar Manufactttrer, so~

BaHittiore.Krieger, B., Salesman, 148 Wildwood.Krom bolt z, Ernest S., Itlsurance Agent, 16 Oak.Kromboltz, Leopold, Dyer, 16 Oak.Kromholtz. Louis, Lahorer, 16 Oak.

LUlllgford, Henry, Trucker, 265 N. \\T)'COlllbe.Langford, John, 'I'rl.tcker, 265 N. \Vycombe.Langford, 'rhomas, 'frncker, 265 N. \Vycombe.LaGasse, J\rthur J., nag Rug Manufacturer, 143 Be\·erly.LaGasse. Florence H., Stenographer, 143 Beverly.LaGasse, Eva L., Stenographer and Bookkeeper, 143

Beverly.LaGasse, N'uran, Dressmaker, 143 Be"erly.La Pointe, Joseph 1-1., Marbleworkcr, 135 Hirst.La Rochelfe,Philip, Teacher, 36 Oak.Lewis, Bc.'ujamin F., Dog Fancier, 255 N. \Vycomhe.Lewis, Benjamin, Jr., Student, 255 N. \Vycombe.Lewis, Eitner, Teamster, 60 Hirst.Lincoln, Jolin H. Bridge I nspeetor, 62 Lewis.Lippincott, Hurff, Bookkeeper, 24 Oak.Loewy, J. Edward, Umbrella Rod Manl.lfactur(·r, 1:13

Lewis.Loewy, A. Ernest, MachhHst, 133. Lewis.Lyle, Harold A., Insurance, 138 'Vildwood.Lynch. Allnn G.• Stenogral)her, 504 Pembroke.L)'nth. Joseph, Motormall, 504 Pemhroke.

M~lcCClhe, Joseph G., Silks.. 164 Pel1H Boulevard.McCarey. Thonlas H., Managcr, 235 N. Union.~'lcCorl11ick,.Jamcs, Laborer, 15 Melrose.~'IcCorrhick, WiII!:uh, LahorC'r, 1!l Mclrose.



McDonald, John, Laborer, 54 Beverly.~lcGirr, Harry M., Mail Carrier, 128 Melrose.McNulty, Hanhah,9J4- Pembroke,Marshall, J. 1\1., Carpenter, 58 Hirst.Matthias, L. J., Real Estate, 62 Penn Bo\\levard.Mead, J. G., Sale-sman, 156 Hirst.Mead, Jr., J. G., Salesm:m, 156 Hirst.Menke, HCllry, China, &c., No \Y\'. cor. PClln Boulcvard

and Pembroke.Metz, .'Villiam '1'., Decorator, 120 Oak.Mid<tleton, George H" Clerk, 140 Lewis.Middleton, kcna, Stenographer, Lewis.Middleton, Helen, Studcnt, 140 Lewis.Miller, J. F., 'I'eamster, 204 Lewis.Millcr, Jos. T., P:ltternmaker, 249 Melrose.~.(irac1e Ccment. Stone Co., 39 Lewis..Mitchell. Thomas N., Florist, 'lUI Pell1brokc.Mills, J., Retircd, 143 Bevcrly.Mills, Mrs. J., Nursc, 14:1 Bcverly.1\( oore, Joseph H., Dcsigncr, 259 Hirst.MUrray, Joscph V., Traveler, 146 Penn Boulcvard.l\I urray, Jr., J osel)h, Student, 146 Penn Boulevard.Murray, I~ohcrt, Student, 146 Penn Boulevard.Mycrs, \Villiam 1\1. Manager, 0:-1 Bc\·crly.

1ya8 ~ CompanyContractors and Builders


Miracle Double Air ChamberConcrete Blocks

39 Lewis Avenue, ..'f

.... East Lansdowne, Pat



NNooaillaker, \Villiam B., Machinist, 246 Hirst.Nonamaker, \ViIliam F., Bricklayer, 246 Hirst.Norman, B. F., Mechat\ical Engineer, 11 Penn Boulc\'ard.

oOsbornc, \Vcndall B., Clerk, 51 Lewis.Ott, Preston, Machitlist, Church Lane and Emerson.Owen, C. Haymond, Clerk, 122 Melrose.

pPatterson, Harry H., Machinist. 138 Oak.Patterson, Henry, Retired, 0 Oak.Patterson, Lizzie, Nurse, 6. Oak.Pembroke Athletic Association, H. E. Ehy, Sr., President,

.112 Hirst.Pharaoh, Alhert, Plumber, 152 Hirst.Pharaoh, \Villiam T., Paper Salesman.

RReineck, George, Bricklayer, 100 Glenwood.Reineck, Stephen, Bri~klayer, 700 Glenwood.Penstel, Detrich, Agent, 10. Lexington.Rosborough, William J., Cutter, 126 Beverly.Rosner, Marguerite S., 50 \Vildwood.Rosner, Max, Lithographer, 50 Wildwood.Rosner, M. \Villiam, Clerk, 56 \VUdwood.Ruher, Allton G., Boilerlnakcr, 58 Melrose.Ruber, Leonard. Florist, 58 Melrose.Huber, Leonard c., FOremal\, 15 Lexington.Rush, Jesse Z., Stenographer, 250 Melrose.J~llssell, James A.• R. R. Engineer, to Oak.

sSavcry, Frnnk Y., Canvasser, 135 Lewis.Suvery, Vvillinm A., Reporter, 135 Lewis.Schulze, Geo. A., Examiner, 12t Penn Boulev.trd.Scott, Charles G.,. Bookkeeper, 130 Lexington.Scott, Elsie,. 225 Melrose.Scott, Mildred, Stenogral)her, 225 Melrose.­Sl'Ott, Mrs. Myra A., 225 Melrose.Scott, Norwood It, Salesman, 225 Melrose.Sharr, Edward J., CnrpelHer, 260 Hirst.




Shearer, William, Laborer, 45 Lewis.Shoerllaker, Frank \V., Manager,. 39 Lewis.Sines, H.. Lawrence, Printer, 807. Pembroke.Sml~h, Amos, Carpenter, 26 Church Lane.Smith, Andrew, Ironworker, 705 Glenwood.SIt1J~h, Geo. A., Salesman, 705 Glenwood.Slnl~h, WaHer, Clerk, 705 Glenwood.Sniith, William, Carpenter, 26 Church Lane.SOlnmers, Ralph \V., Driver, 2 Oak.Spayd, Charles 1-1., Chendst, 28 Lexington.Steward, Alfred F., Dairyman and COlltractor, Church

Lane and Lewis.Streeper, Leon, Clerk, 136 LeWis.Supplee, A. R., Lahorer, Church Lane and Lewis.

TTaylor, Amandl\ S., 28 Bevetly.Taylor, Mary Ella, 28 Beverly.1'aylor, Thomas J., Minister, 28 Be\'erl)'.Thurwanger, Josel>h, Retired, 63 Bever)'.ThurwanJ!'er, Perry M., Contractor, 63 Beverly.Tindall, \Valter L., Publisher, 134 Lexington.'rompkins,\Villiam M., Electrician, ?'l3 Pembroke.Trainer,I1avid E., Retired, 115 Wildwood.Trainer, P. B. M., Insurance, 115 Wildwood.Tvas & Co., C()lttractors and Builders, 39 Lewis.'ryas, Joseph. Contractor and Builder, 36 Penn Boulevard.

UUmpsted. Harry 5., Clerk, 202 Lewis.Umpsted, Marie, Clerk, 202 Lewis.

vValentine. Charles N., Collector, 24 \Vildwood.'Vallone, I..ouis. Packer, 143 Penn nO~lle\'ard.Van \\Tinkle, John, Carpenter, 146 Melros('.

wWeaver, Genevieve, Clerk. 36 Penn Boulevard.

. \"'e:aver, Jiulles A., Mnchh\lst, 36 Penn Boulc\"ard.\Veisc, Harry:'., 128 Melrose.\Veisgerber, Gustavus,. Clerk, 144 Melrosc.Welch, Alhert n., Carpenter, 204 Hirst.\\'<'Ish, U. S. G., Sal('sman, 108 Hirst.



Welsh, \Vilson, Ag<.'llt, 20 Wildwood.Whl.llen, Henr)', LahoreI', :I!I Oak.Whalen, Patrick J., Retired, :m Oak.Whitaker, \Villiam, Paperh:lllger, :n Oak.White, }nmes "'f Phtnlher, 251 Melrose.White, Thomas, Clerk, 200 Lewis.\Vhitesidc, James. Salesman, 120 Bcverly.\"illiams, Robert, Plumher, 111 Lewis.\Vilks, \Villirim, Tin Roofer, &c., 255 N. Wyconl!>c.Wilsoll, Clara N., Music Teacher, Ion No Union.\Vilson, Eleanor M., ~fusk Engraver, IOn N. Uniol\.Winoller, Ben F.• Carpenter, 1);, Penn Boule\·ard.\Vood, H onter c., Jnstnller, 128 Lexington.\Vood, Thomas, Draftsman, 128 Lexington.\Vorhllall, Oliver n., Electrician. 136 Lewis.Wright, Elizaheth, 801 Baltimore.\Vright. I-farr)' H., Mototmnn, 26 Church Lmle.\Vri~ht. Samuel P., Dmggist, SOl B:lltimorc.

yYates. Franklin \V., Tinware, !i0 Ll'xillgton.Ycarslc)', Laura, 42 Lewis.Ycarsle)', Mrs. ~Iartha, 42 Lewis.Yearsley. \V. ,r. B., Tinroofet, &c., 42 Lewis.\'eiser, Nonh Eo, .:\liIHster, ~O!l Pembroke.\' oungkins, Perry J., Eledrician, 71:l Pc111 hroke.\' (jtln~, ) oseph P.. Plutllhing Inspector, 2H4 Melrose.





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