, CARNEGIE INSTITUT I ON OF WASHINGTON 2801 UPTON STREET. N. W., WASHINGTON 8, D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Dr . John McCarthy Computation Center Stanford University Stanford , Cal ifor nia Dear Dr . McCarthy: WOOOLEY 6- 0334 November 3, 1965 I note that you have participated in studies sponsored by the Space Science Board on the biology and exploration of Mars . Recently I have performed model experiments ,rhi ch conv ince me th at condit ions imposed by the geophysics of Mars make it highly improbable that organic compounds have been synthesized there and that accordingly life could not originate on the planet . My findings Hill be published in the December 1 i ssue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sc i ences . Hm,ever , in vieH of your act ivi ty Hith respect to t hi s problem, I thought you Hould be interested in an advance copy \·rhich I am enclosing . Sincerely yours , Director

f~~ · 2013. 6. 14. · Proceedings of the National Academy of Sc i ences. Hm,ever, in vieH of your activi ty Hith respect to t his problem, I thought you Hould be interested in an

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    2801 UPTON STREET. N. W., WASHINGTON 8, D. C .


    Dr . John McCarthy Computation Center Stanford University Stanford, California

    Dear Dr . McCarthy :

    WOOOLEY 6 -0334

    November 3, 1965

    I note that you have participated in studies sponsored by the Space Science Board on the biology and exploration of Mars . Recently I have performed model experiments ,rhich convince me t hat condit ions imposed by the geophysics of Mars make it highly improbable that organic compounds have been synthesized there and that accordingly life could not originate on the planet .

    My findings Hill be published in the December 1 i ssue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sc i ences . Hm,ever , in vieH of your act i v i ty Hith respect to t his problem, I thought you Hould be interested in an advance copy \·rhich I am enclosing .

    Sincerely yours ,

    !~.f~~ Director

  • , ... -=-" .,"

    Abiogenic Synthesis in the ¥artian Environment Philip H. Abelson

    Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Hashington, Hash . , D. C.

    At the spring meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, a committee

    of the Space Science Board took the follm-ring Posit ion? "The biological

    exploration of Mars is a scientific undertaking of the greatest validity and

    significance . Its realization ,·rill be a milestone in the history of human

    achievement . Its importance and the consequences for biology justify the

    highest priority among all objectives in space science -- indeed in the space

    program as a '·Thole . "

    The Martian environment is hostile to both life and organic chemicals .

    Intense ultraviolet light , of 2000 AO i·rave length, l1hich destroys both life

    2 and many chemicals penetrates to the surface of the nearly dry planet .

    Ozone formed as a result of action of ultraviolet light is in contact ,·rith

    the planetary surface . 3

    Even more destructive is the combination of radia-

    tion excitation and chemical attack. Certain porphyrins can survive f or

    400 million years in a reducing environment in the dark. In visible l i ght ,

    in the presence of oxygen, they are destroyed in a feH hours .

    !Vater content of the total atmospheric column Mars is extremely dry. 2 4

    is only O. OOl g/cm . 5 6

    Life cannot function in such an arid environment . '

    Lederberg and Sagan7 have attempted to minimize the Hater problem by suggest -

    ing that ,·rater might be available at local hot spots . Evidence from

    8 Mariner 4 makes this suggestion appear unsound. Mars does not shm-r evidence

    of tectonic activity usually associated Hith hot springs . Under the small

    atmospheric pressure of Mars, ,·rater ,·rould boil at about lO° C. The presence

    of dust storms on Mars indicates high Hind velocities and consequent large

    rates of evaporation from any pool of ,·rater near its boiling temperature .

    In order to create life it is necessary abiologically first to

    synthesize at least some organic chemicals . In this paper I ,·rill present

  • · . 2 new data that makes it unlikely that organic chemicals are being formed on

    Mars or have been synthesized there in the past. I will describe some

    experiments which indicate that abiogenic synthesis must be conducted in a

    highly reducing environment. Mars with its low mass loses hydrogen quickly

    and the necessary reducing environment to permit synthesis is not present

    now nor is it likely to have been present for long in the past. Mars has

    a mass 0.108 that of Earth. Correspondingly, the escape velocity from the

    surface of Mars is 5.0 km/sec while that from Earth is 11.2 km/sec. Near

    Earth the presence of a magnetic field tends to prevent escape of ionized

    particles. No such barrier is associated with Mars. 9

    The Mi11erlO experiments of ten years ago, which produced amino

    acids from methane, ammonia and water, have been hailed as demonstrating

    that the creation of life on Earth was inevitable. Examination of Miller's

    papers shows that the results also provide an implicit warning that the

    creation of life on Mars would not be easy. While creating small amounts

    of amino acids the irradiation produced larger amounts of other substances

    including hydrogen. Some of the products of the experiment are shown in

    Table 1.

    4T In Miller's experiments the hydrogen was retained in his apparatus. On Mars the hydrogen would escape as it was formed. Any original methane-

    ammonia mixture would be quickly changed to a more oxidized gas.

    In the new experiments a series of mixtures of C02, N2, H20 and H2

    .have been studied. The experiments show that large amounts of hydrogen

    must be present in order to obtain appreciable quantities of amino acids.

    The major amino acid was glycine. The results are presented in· Table 2.

  • 3

    At first sight it is surprising that such high proportions of hydrogen

    must be present to achieve synthesis of amino acids. However, consideration

    of some of the photochemistry involved makes the results seem reasonable.

    In comparison with other molecules, molecular hydrogen is relatively inert

    to ultraviolet radiation.

    In the real situation on Mars, this relative inertness of hydrogen has

    special significance because of the spectral distribution of solar radiation.

    The effective wave lengths ll for reactions and the corresponding energies l2

    available are shown in Table 3.

    ~\ Perusal of Steacie's~3 books on atomic and free radical reactions yields

    the further generalization that organic compounds containing hydrogen are

    much easier to split than is elemental hydrogen.

    I will now present arguments that the Mars atmosphere was probably

    never sufficiently reducing for abiogenic synthesis to occur and at

    most that the atmosphere might have been adequately reducing for a very

    short time.

    To provide a background for discussion of the Martian environment,

    I will briefly review some facets of Earth history. Most geochemists

    14 accept the view advanced by Rubey and others that chemicals in the Earth's -

    atmosphere and oceans are a product of outgassing of the interior of the

    planet a process which continues today_ Rubey estimated that during the

    planet's history the following amounts per cm2

    of volatiles have appeared

    at the surface: H2

    @, 3.2 x 105 g; CO2, 1.8x104 g; and N2, 8xl0

    2 g. The

    gases were accompanied by an equivalent reducing capacity of 4xl02 g. H2.

  • 4

    In the early history of Earth the atmosphere was probably quite reduc-

    ing. Carbon dioxide issuing from volcanoes quickly dissolved in the oceans

    where it combined with alkaline s~bstances brought in by weathering of land.

    Gases such as CO and H2 and the N2 tended to remain in the atmosphere. Solar

    radiation produced more complicated molecules. These dissolved in the oceans,

    where they could be shielded from ultraviolet radiation. In such a benign

    environment many organic chemicals can survive millions of years, permitting

    slow accumulation.

    On Mars the sequence of events has been different. Only small amounts

    of volatile substances have reached the atmosphere which could not be highly

    reducing by reason of H2 escape.

    The most telling argument against an initial dense atmosphere on our

    planet, reflecting cosmic abundances of the elements, is the comparative absence

    of krypton and xenon in the present atmosphere. Mars, with its light_mass, must

    have been even less effective than earth in holding volatile substances. Today

    Mars cannot retain atomic oxygen 0 During the process of its formation when

    gravitational attraction was even less, it could not have retained methane. The

    present atmosphere of Mars must have been derived largely from two sources:

    (1) outgassing associated with localized heat generated by meteorite impact, or

    (2) a mild degree of planetary outgassing. Either process would bring volatiles

    to the surface gradually. Their composition would resemble those which appeared

    at the surface of Earth.

    An estimate of the amount of volatiles which have reached the surface

    of Mars can be obtained by considering the fate of nitrogen. On Earth almost

    all the nitrogen which has reached the surface is now in the atmosphere.

    Actually~ nitrogen has not yet been detected on Mars. The only gases definitely

    known to be in the Martian atmosphere are water vapor, 0.001 g/cm2, and carbon

  • 5

    15/ dioxide, 12.0 g/cm2~\/ The presence of nitrogen is assumed in order to account

    for the total pressure of the atmospheres. Kuiper15

    estimates that the unknown gas involved represents 10 g/cm2o If all of this is. ,.

    assumed to be nitrogen the quantity is small in comparison to that on Earth,

    and it indicates that Mars has not been outgassed to a degree comparable to

    that of Eartho The Mariner 4 pictures are in accord with this view, for they

    show no evidence of the tectonic activity which accompanies outgassing.

    Another factor affecting Martian history is the small 8moun~of

    thermal energy reaching the planet. Mars is 1.52 times farther away from the

    sun than is Earth and accordingly receives only 43% as much radiation. As a

    result, the average surface temperature of Mars is 30-40 oK lower than Earth. 5

    Correspondingly, the humidity of the atmosphere is so low that rain does not 16

    fall. Without rain and weathering, the mechanisms for absorption of C02 would

    be ineffective. Hence the present amount of C02 in the Martian atmosphere may

    approach the total· that has ever reached the surfaceo

    A small amount of water is present on'Marso Does it represent the

    last residual of water that arrived at the surface countless years ago? Prob-

    ably not. The H20 now present may be due to the solar wind. In one year about

    1015 atoms/cm2 of hydrogen strike the Mars atmosphere. There are now about 2 x 1019

    2 atoms of hydrogen per cm of Mars. The present Martian water could be the result

    of a transient equilibrium with the contribution of the solar wind balancing

    the present escape rateo

    One of the crucial facts about Mars is the small amount of chemicals

    in the atmosphere in terms of amounts of solar radiation. Suppose that all the

    hypothetical nitrogen on Mars was initially present as ammonia. This would

    amount to about 4 x 1023 molecules per cm2• If the outgassing process required

    109 years, the annual production would be 4 x 1014 cm2• Each cm2 of Mars each

  • 6

    year receives 1021 quanta of wave length less than 2250 A. Thus if all nitrogen arrived as ammonia and at one time (a most unlikely combination of events),

    solar radiation would destroy it in a t~e of the order of a thousand years.

    Alternatively, if the ammonia were produced gradually, each molecule would be

    greeted by more than 106 quanta capable of destroying ~t. The process would be

    irreversible for the product, inert hydrogen, would be quickly lost. Similar

    arguments can be" applied to consideration of the fate of any water or methane

    which might have appeared on Mars. The combination of solar radiation and ease

    of hydrogen escape have acted to produce and maintain on Mars an environment

    unsuitable for abiogenic synthesis.

    --~'--' :'::':::--- . .,,---:.--

  • 1proposed biological exploration of Mars between 1969 and 1973, Nature,

    206, 974 (1965). /VV

    2 Evans, D. C., Science, 149, 969 (1965). ~

    3Goody, R. M., Weather, 12, 3 (1957). /VV

    ~Kuiper, G. P., The Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets, 2nd edition

    (University of Chicago Press, 1952); and Spinrad, H., G. MUnch, and L. D. Kaplan,

    Astrophysical J., 137, ~

    1319 (1963).

    5Abe1son, P. H. , these proceedin~s, 47, ;vV

    575 (1961).

    6 The Martian environment, Science, 147, 683 (1965). Abelson, P. H. ,


    7Lederberg, J., and C.' Sagan, these Proceedings, 48, 1473 (1962). ,...,..,

    8Leighton, R. B., B. C. Murray, R. P. Sharp, J. D. Allen, and R. K. Sloan,

    Science, 149, 627 (1965). ,.I'VV

    9 Van Allen, J. A., L. A. Frank, S. M. Krimigis, and H. K. Hills, Science,

    149, 1228 (1965); O'Ga11agher, J. J., and J. A. Simpson, Science, 149,1223 ~ ,...,....,

    (1965); Smith, E. J., L. DaviS, Jr., P. J. Coleman, Jr., and D. E. Jones,

    Science, 149, 1241 (1965). ~

    l~iller, S. L., J. Am. Chern. Soc., 77, 2351 (1955). ,..,..,

    11Mi1ler, S. L., and H. C. Urey, Science, 130, 245 (1959). ~

    l~ousey, R., The solar spectrum in space, Astronautics, p. 32 (July 1961).

    l3Steacie, E. W. R., Atomic and Free Radical Reactions, 2nd edition, vo1s.

    1 and 2 (Am. Chern. Soc o Monograph, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1954).

    14 Rubey, W. W., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 62, 1111 (1951).

    15K . G P' .. ll1per, • ., pr1vate commun1cat10n.

    l6Kuiper, G. P., Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,

    University of Arizona,~, 90 (1964).

  • IT

    Table 1 '

    Products Formed Miller Experiment 1955

    Glycine Alanine CO N2

    H2 CO2

    47 mg. 30

    420 210



    The reaction mixture contained 532

    mg. C, and the yield of glycine based

    on carbon was 2.8%.

  • !!

    Table 2

    Products of Irradiation of Gas Mixtures

    t' Starting Gases, cm. Hg Percent Carbon Fixed

    CO2 N2 H2O H2 Total Carbon As Glycine

    12 6 2.5 0.2

  • ~



    Table 3

    Thresholds for Photolysis and Energy Available



    3 H2O

    CO2 CO


    .. H2

    Effective o Threshold A

    2250 1850'

    1690 1545 liOO



    Solar Energy . At i\.< Threshold ergs cm-2 sec-l

    300 42·


    5. 0.87

    < 0.6

    •• J ..




    January 13, 1965

    Dr. Orr E. Reynolds Director, Bio-Science Programs Office of Space Science and Application National Aeronautic and Space Administration Washington 25, D.C.

    Dear Dr. Reynolds:

    Enclosed is a draft of "A Proposal for the Study of Computer Control of External Devices and an Automated Biological Laboratory". Sorry for the long delay in getting it out. Stanford will submit a formal proposal as soon as we have your reactions to this one.

    Area Code: 41, Phone: DA 1-1)00

    EawuioD 189'

    As we mention in the proposal there is a possibility of additional support for this work from A.R.P.A. Dr. Ivan Sutherland, Director of Information Processing, The Pentagon, Room-3D-200, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington, D.C. 20301, is the person with who~ we have been talking.

    I hope the results of the summer study were helpful to you.


    Encl als

    9J: :;;~ &tit; John McCarthy Professor of Computer Science

    and .?, C) , j, . 'l~_~~/J\' /~JQ'shua~erberg

    j Professor of Genetics


    Dr. Orr E. Reynolds


    January 13, 1965

    Director, Bio-Science Programs Office of Space Science and Application National Aeronautic and Space Administration Washington 25, D.C.

    Dear Dr. Reynolds:

    Enclosed is a draft of "A Proposal for the Study of Computer Control of External Devices and an Automated Biological Laboratory". Sorry for the long delay in getting it out. Stanford will submit a formal proposal as soon as we have your reactions to this one.

    luea Code: 41, Phone: DA 1-1300

    EatauioD 289'

    As we mention in the proposal there is a possibility of additional support for this work from A.R.P.A. Dr. Ivan Sutherland, Director of Information Processing, The Pentagon, Room-3D-200, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington, D.C. 20301, is the person with who~ we have been talking.

    I hope the results of the summer study were helpful to you.


    Encl als

    Sincerely yours,

    0) on ~. /l--ff--. r "



    January 13, 1965 Area Code: 41, Phone: DA 1·~lOO

    Elltmsion 189'

    Dr. Orr E. Reynolds Director, Bio-Science Programs Office of Space Science and Application National Aeronautic and Space Administration Washington 25, D.C.

    Dear Dr. Reynolds:

    Enclosed is a draft of "A Proposal for the Study of Computer Control of External Devices and an Automated Biological Laboratory". Sorry for the long delay in getting it out. Stanford will submit a formal proposal as soon as we have your reactions to this one.

    As we mention in the proposal there is a possibility of additional support for this work from A.R.P.A. Dr. Ivan Sutherland, Director of Information Processing, The Pentagon, Room-3D-200, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington, D.C. 20301, is the person with who~ we have been talking.

    I hope the results of the summer study were helpful to you.


    Encl als

    Sincerely yours,

    frL· 11J f &It;. John McCarthy Professor of Computer Science

    and .p-C) . J..." l '- ~LM_~~.)....../IJ\' ~;rQshUa teaerberg

    ./ Professor of Gene:tics


  • January 1" 1965

    Dr. Orr E. Reynolds Director, Bio-Science Programs Office of Space Science and Applicat ion National Aeronautic and Space Administration Washington 25, D.C.

    Dear Dr. Reynolds:

    Enclosed is a draft of "A Proposal for the Study of Computer Control of External Devices and an Automated Biological Laboratory". Sorry for the long delay in getting it out. Stanford will submit a formal proposal as soon as we have your reactions to this one.

    As we mention in t he proposal there is a possibility of additional support for this work from A.R.P.A. Dr. Ivan Sutherland, Director of Information Processing, The Pentagon, Room-,D-200, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington D. C. 20,01, is the person wi t h whom we have been talking.

    I hope the results of the summer study were helpful to you.

    JMcC/ f st

    Encl , ~s

    Sincerely yours,

    John McCarthy Professor of Computer Science


    Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics

  • b v.b.

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    John McCarthy, Professor Qf Computer Science

    Principal Investigator

    Josh~a Lederberg, Professor of penetics

    Co-Principal Investigator


    This proposal is presented jointly by the Instrumentation Rese~rch Laboratory in the Genetics Department and the Artificial Intelligence Group of the Computer Science Department at Stanford University.

    We ~ntend to collaborate in research in several connected areas, namely:

    1. The design of an automated biological laboratory.

    2. Computer control of experiments in chemistry, biology, physiology and medicine~

    3. Computer control of external devices in general.

    4. Artificial intelligence.

    For this purpose we need a laboratory the core of which will be a large general purpose computer suitable for very sophisticated control processes, but which will also contain other apparatus such as an artificial eye consisting of a TV camera and storage tube that will permit the com~uter to look at the outside world; a mecnanical hand operated by the computer; and connections to laboratory apparatus such as a mass spectrometer.

    The remaining sections of this proposal are the following:

    a) Purpose of the Project

    b) Immediate Projects

    c) Long-range Goals

    d) Minimal Equipment Plans

    e) Extended Equipment Plan and Possible Other Support

    f) Budget

    g) Other Support for the Computer

    h) Personnel

    i) Appendices

    At least until such time as these arrangements might superseded by an even more comprehensive control facility, the computer will be installed and maintained in the Instrumentation Research Laboratory. at the Medic~l School. In this way, full use will be made of equipment and operating support of existing programs.

  • Purpose of the Project

    This joint project of the Artificial Intelligence Group and the Instrumentation Research Laboratory arises as a result of our partici-pation in the Space Science Board's summer study on the biological exploration of Mars. This participation led to our conviction that the unmanned exploration of the planets and Mars in particular requires an automated laboratory. This laboratory must be controlled by a computer which in turn is controlled from ~he earth. The reasons for this belief are fully expressed in the paper "The Automated Biological Laboratory" which we are incorporating as appendix A of this proposal and which must be read to fully understand our point of view about how how to combine remote control from the earth arid on-board computer programs in the most effective way.

    Besides their use in space research, automated biological laboratories will have an important role on earth. In particular, automated laboratory techniques are essential to cope with the full complexity of chromosomes and proteins of terrestrial organisms. See the paper "Program in Molecular Neurobiol~gy" by Lederberg which we incorporate as appendix B.

    The Artificial Intelligence Group at Stanford finds the automated biological laboratory an excellent focus for work in computer control of external devices, pattern recognition, and heuristic programming. Appendix C discusses some of the work of the artificial intelligence group.

    We believe that both the specific projects we expect to undertake right away and longer range research in artificial intelligence, computer control, and instrumentation will contribute to NASA's goal of 'planetary exploration.

    Immediate Projects

    Three projects will be undertaken immediately:

    1. Computer programmed eye-hand coordination. This has many applications to the automated biological laboratory, and its effective~ ness will affect strongly what the laboratory can be prog!ammed to do. It is also a key problem from the point of view of artificial intelligence. The work on this will mainly be carried on by the Artificial Intelligence Group.

    2. Computer control of a mass spectrometer. Monitoring the operations of a high-resolution and a fast-scanning instrument, maintaining files of past data, and logical interpretation of the spectra.


  • ,. Computer controlled wet chemistry: conventional laboratory operations typical of molecular biology

    The Artificial Intelligence Group will take the responsibility for the programming support of the computer.

    In the near future the Computer Science Department expects to establish a new laboratory dedicated to the control of external devices. Among the subjects studied in this ,laboratory will be~

    1. Visual pattern recognition. Looking for objects in pictures of given types, e.g. the pedestrians in a picture of a road, or airports in a picture taken from a plane ..

    2. Control of vehicles such as cars and planes using visual infor-mation.

    ,. The proposed automatic biological laboratory to Mars.

    4. Recognition of tracks in bubble and spark chambers.

    5. Speech recognition aimed at a phonetic typewriter.

    6. Computer control of assembly processes.

    1. Artificial intelligence. Logically this could be separate but it is'involved inthe other projects and requires the same computer facilities.

    The reasons for undertaking this work in the Computer Science Department are:

    1. Computer Science should include the use of a computer to provide the intelligence of a system as well as the use of a computer to provide answers on paper. Therefore, our educational work will be unbalanced unless this is included in our program.

    2. We believe that the next major technological advances in our society will require computer controlled systems. For example, we are willing to argue at length that computer control of cars will solve the traffic problem; that automatic delivery systems will raise our effective standard of living; and that computer control of airplanes is necessary to make non-airline flying useful to large number of people.

    Long Range Plans

    The Instrumentation Research Laboratory seeks to establish a working example of full computer-controlled operation of a laboratory in molecular biology.


  • As the first step in this direction, we propose to optimize the use of a mass spectrometer for ultra-micro biochemical analysis by online use of a computer to monitor the sample-handling, mass-scan, and data-acquisition from the instrument, and the reduction and logical interpre-tation of the mass spectra. The latter functions will be developed primarily on an offline basis for applications in terrestrial biochemistry. However, as prototypes for an exobiological search and detection scheme for analysis of organic materials in soil and in the atmosphere, these functions should also be done on line.

    Instrumental hardware is being developed under other auspices for the use of mass spectrometry in scanning mode, i.e. to study the distri-bution of nucleotides, lipids, proteins, etc., in micro-sections of biological specimens, e.g. nerve cells and chromosomes. The raw data output from such a system is enormous and can only be interpreted with the help of extensive computation. A computer large enough to have a flexible programming capability will greatly simplify the design of the control hardware as well as the data interpretation.

    Appendices D and E, on algorithms for compositional interpretation and topological mapping of organic molecular structures, illustrate the first step in programming "chemical intelligence". We propose now to apply the heuristic procedured developed by the Artificial Intelligence Group to develop more economical approaches to hypothesis-formation in matching actual spectra.

    Few realistic problems in experimental science are so apt to the extension of computer logic.

    On a more opportunistic basis, we also propose to tie the computer into such analytical operations as ultracentrifugation and its photo-densitrometric readout, particle-, cell- and colony-counting, paper-, column- and gas-chromatography, scintillation counting, spectrophotometry, spectrofulorimetry, spectropolarimetry, as these are used on a day-to-day basis in our department's research on genetic chemistry (for an example, see Appendix B), immunochemistry, and the protein chemistry of the brain.

    Another program that would focus the interest~ of both groups, as well as attract sUbstantial practical interest from other medical researchers (e.g. Professor L. Luzzatti of the Pediatrics Dept.) is the automatic analysis of chromosome sets. At its extreme, this is a sophisticated problem in pattern-recognition. Possibly long before this is achieved the computer would unburden the cytologist of'the most tedious labor of searching the slides, measuring the chromosomes and sorting the lists of lengths, freeing him for more creative judgments~

    At the instigation of Professor G. Khorana of the University of Wisconsin, we are also studying the possibility of computer-controlled automation of the chemical synthesis of complex polynucleotiedes.


  • However, we cannot make a definite commitment on this project until we have had more experience on simpler ones, and can recruit specially qualified assistance.

    We have already had considerable experience with the small LINC computer along these lines and find it extremely useful, but subject to real limitation in precision (word size) and fast memory capacity, mainly associated with the programming systems. Full software develop-ment for the LINC might be as costly as the purchase of a larger computer and would also be subject to real limitations even for relatively simple problems.

    Both groups participating in the project are convinced of the importance of the proposed automated biological laboratory for exploring Mars. If NASA proceeds in this direction we are eager to help especially in the areas of planning computer programming, and experiment selection and design.

    Minimal Equipment Plan

    The computer equipment planned here is based frankly on the amount of support we were told we can hope for. It is a minimal plan in the following respects:

    1. It will not provide enough memory for work in artificial intelli-gence for several years. This will force the Artificial Intelligence Group to divide its programming systems efforts between the IBM 7090 at the Computation Center and the PDP-6 in our new laboratory. This will also limit the sophistication of the control programs that can be written.

    2. Not enough memory or secondary storage is provided for a.time-sharing system. Therefore, the machine can easily be jammed when several people have large programs to debug.

    3. The system places extensive reliance on the already heavily committed time-sharing system of the Computation Center. Delays and breakdowns there will cause the project to lose time.

    On the other hand, our plans do provide for a fast computer with good real-time interaction capability and which is expandable to meet the deficiencies mentioned above.

    The plan for computer equipment is based on the Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-6 computer. We plan also to negotiate with at least IBM and Control Data in addition, but they would have to make sub-stantial discounts in order to compete in price.

    Here is the equipment, together with the prices of the components, that we wish to obtain.


  • I. Minimum Program Cost through Fiscal Year 1967 (with immediat.e purchase of PDP-6).

    A. PDP-6 and Related Equipment.

    Arithmetic processor type 166. This is a 36 bit word length single address binary computer with a 2 microsecond memory

    Core memory type 163· 16,384 words

    Paper tape punch

    Paper tape reader

    Data control type 136. For attaching external devices

    Display monitor and control

    State sales tax at 4%

    Shipping and installation (est. cost)

    Total PDP-6 Cost

    Time sharing connection

    2 Teletypes at 3 000

    TV system

    Electromechanical hand

    Total Cost Related Equipment


    B. Personnel.

    Fiscal year 1965

    Fiscal year 1966 (and yearly thereafter)

    2 Systems programmers 2 Applications programmers 1 Electrical engineer 1 Secretary 4 Grad. research assistants (incl.


    Staff Benefits. at 8.5% of salaries


    ,C. Indirect Costs at 42% of Salaries only



    146 100

    126 000

    5 500

    9 000

    10 000

    40 000

    13 464

    6 000

    356 064

    10 000

    6 000

    40 000

    10 000

    66 000

    422 064

    15 000

    20 000 20 000 10 000 5 000

    20 000

    75 000

    7 650

    97 650

    ~7 800

    557 514

  • E. Fiscal Year 1967

    Personnel (as above)


    Indirect costs


    75 000


    31 500

    The budget for this program could be met by the gr~nt of $100,000 (personnel and some equipment) for the fiscal year ending July 1965, and $457,514 for the following year. The cost for the continuation of this program through July 1967 (FY 1967) would be $112,875, for a grand total necessary through FY 1967 of $670,389.

    The Digital Equipment Corporation equipment can be rented at 1/30th of the purchase price per month, with 75% of the rental paid in the first year applicable to the purchase of the equipment. On this basis, the annual budgets would be as follows:

    II. Minimum Program Cost through Fiscal Year 1967 (with initial rental of PDP-6).

    A. Fiscal Years 1965 and 1966-

    PDP-6 Rental (12/30th) Time sharing connection 2 Teletypes at 3 000 TV System Electromechanical hand

    Total Hardware FY 1965 and 1966 Personnel Benefits Indirect costs

    Total Other

    TOTAL FISCAL YEARS 1965 and 1966

    B. Fiscal Year 1967

    Balance due on PDP-6 Personnel Benefits Indirect costs


    142 426 10 000

    6 000 40 000 10 000

    75 000 5 375

    31 500

    249 244 75 000

    6 375 31 500



    208 426

    112 875

    321 301

    362 119

    783 420

  • The budget for this program could be met by a grant of $100,900 for the year ending July 1965, $221,300 for year ending July 1966 and $362,119 for year ending July 1967.

    If we have the basis of providing the Digital Equipment Company with a fairly firm letter of intent in February, we can expect delivery of their equipment by August of that year.

    Extended Equipment Plan and Possible Other Support

    We are hoping that NASA will be able to provide more than first indicated, and we also hope for support from other government agencies. If additional support were available we would probably spend it in the following ways:

    Capital Equipment

    1. $20,000 more on the eye-hand for a more workmanlike job.

    2. $21,400 for a microtape system for local storage of programs and data~

    3. $20,000 for a data communication system and 4 more teletypes.

    4. $126,000 for 16384 more words of core.

    5. $30,000 for fast memory to speed up the computer.

    6. $110,000 for a magnetic drum system that would permit a time-sharing system.

    7. $252,000 for 32,768 more words of core. This would permit a trans-fer of the artificial intelligence work from the IBM 7090.

    8. $180,000 for a second processor that would permit simultaneous real-time and time-shared operation.

    9. $30,000 for a line printer

    10. $100,00 estimated for a disk file

    At this point we would be independent of the Computation Center.

    11. Still more core.

    If we could plan a large system soon we would have a better bargaining position with respect to the manufacturer. A system that would permit an effective simulation of all functions of the proposed automated biological laboratory might cost $3,500,000 for the computer including two processors, 256,000 w9rds memory of core, a time-sharing system, a multi-console display system, and facilities for controlling a number of experiments. Other apparatus might come to $1,000,000 and personnel costs might run $500,000' to $1,000,000 per year. We believe that the prompty support of such a


  • laboratory would incre~se the probability of a successful biological landing on Mars and would make a sUbstantial contribution to the art of controlling experiments by computer.

    Recently, core memory costs have been coming down. In particular, Digital Equipment has told us that if we buy a large memory all at once we can get it much cheaper.


    Fiscal 1965

    Fiscal 1966



    Personnel (fiscal 1965)

    Personnel (fiscal 1966)

    Personnel overhead

    Equipment costs







    $ 15,000



    62,000 + overhead

    This discrepancy is to be made up by leasing part of the equipment.

    Other Support

    Besides NASA, other government agencies have expressed interest in supporting research in the areas mentioned in this proposal. Specifically, the Advanced Research Projects Agency has supported the Artificial Intelli-gence Group and we are asking them to increase their level of support in the following directions:

    1. To help with the PDP-6 computer. To the extent that they do, we will expand the configuration as indicated in the section on equipment.

    2. Computer-controlled hand. They are interested in supporting the design of a hand, intended from the start to be computer controlled.

    3. Computer eye. They may support work elsewhere on a computer eye and give us one.

    4. Additional personnel for work in artificial intelligence.


  • The AEC is interested in supporting the work of Professor William Miller who has just come to Stanford from Argonne National Laboratory and has a joint appointment between the Computer Science Department and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Professor Miller works in the area of computer recognition of pictures from spark and bubble chambers, and in computer control of experiments. We hope he will be able to Jo~n us, since if he uses the same machine our problems with programming systems and training students will be eased.

    Two of the larger computer manufacturers have expressed interest in supporting work in this area. The computers they would like us to use are more expensive than the PDP-6 and very large discounts or other support would be required in order to justify switching.

    None of the other potential support is definite yet so please don't wait for them to act.


    Computer Science Department

    Dr. John McCarthy, Professor of Computer Science, Director, Artificial Intelligence Group.

    Dr. Edward Feigenbaum, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Associate Director, Artificial Intelligence Group.

    Harry Ratchford Raj Reddy Gary Feldman

    Stephen Russell Harold Gilman

    Department of Genetics, School of Medicine

    Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Director, Kennedy Laboratories for Molecular Medicine

    Dr. Elliott Levinthal, Program Director, Instrumentation Research Laboratory, and its staff, including Dr. Bert Halpern, Dr. Sidney Liebes, Lee Hundley, Harrison Horn, Nicholas Veiades.

    The entire staff of the Department of Genetics, including Professors Eric Shooter, Walter Bodmer and Leonard Herzenberg, and associated fellows and students, will be involved in the automation of laboratory procedures. In addition, Professors Carl Djerassi (Chemistry) and Lubert Stryer (Biochemistry) will collaborate in these applications with special reference to mass spectrometry and analyticalphotochem-istry respectively.



    Appendix A

    Glaser, D., McCarthy, J, and Minsky, M. 1964. The Automated Biological Laboratory.

    Appendix B

    Lederberg, J., 1962. Program in Molecular Neurobiology. (Submission to National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Blindness in connection with grant no. NB-04270.)

    Appendix C

    Feigenbaum, E. 1964. Artificial Intelligence Research.

    Appendix D

    Lederberg, J., 1963. An Instrumentation Crisis in Biology.

    Appendix E

    Lederberg, J~ and M. Wrightman, 1964. A Subalgol Program for Calculation of Molecular Compositional Formulas from Mass Spectral Data. NASA, Sci. and Tech. Aerospace Reports (STAR) No.

    Appendix F

    Ganesan, A.T. and J. Lederberg, 1964. Physical and Biological Studies on Transforming DNA~ J. Mol. BioI. 2: 695

  • ,. l


    Artificial Intelligence Research

    A piece of computing hardware, by itself, can not exercise control over an external device. Control is exercised by means of the computer's "software"--the program of calculations, decisions, and operations given to the machine. To control a complex apparatus requires a complex program. To control the behavior of a device that is operating in a rather general-purpose manner, relatively independent of human intervention, in environments of great novelty whose structure is not well known to the programmer in advance, is a programming problem at the edge of what the computer science is now capable of.

    Such control calls for techniques that are being developed by a field of research called artificial intelligence research. The task of this research is to exploit the pure information processing and logical capabilities of computers for the construction of programs for complex decision-making, rational problem solving, pattern detection and identification, hypothesis formation, etc. -- activity usually thought to require some degree of in-telligence in its performance when it is done by human beings.

    The goal of artificial intelligence research is to discover systems and techniques that will allow such activity to be performed successfully by computer.

    The essence of intelligent problem solving in complex tasks is controlled search, since the number of combinations of possibilities to "try" is astro-nomical in any meaningful problem. Methods for reducing to a practical level the amount of search necessary for effective problem solving are called heuris-tic methods. Heuristic programming is a branch of artificial intelligence research that deals in the discovery and implementation on computers of heuristic problem-solving methods. Heuristic programming is the specialty of the Artificial Intelligence Group at Stanford.

    Another focus of this Group's work is concerned with decision processes and heuristics for pattern recognition -- detection of patterns in data, and classification for identification and further use by other problem solving programs. On one level this concerns recognition of objects in a quasi-visual field (such as a TV camera-storage tube combination would produce). At a more complex level, just now beginning to be investigated, it concerns the processes of empirical induction--detecting regularities in sets or sequences of events, interpreting these and forming hypotheses on the basis of previously stored (but modifiable) models of the environment and its processes, experiments to test and revise hypotheses, etc.

    "Software" of the type described above is virtually mandatory for the control of the kind of automated biological laboratory being proposed. The laboratory will be relatively independent of human operators' it will be exploring a novel environment about which our best expectati~n is that m~ny

  • unexpected conditions .will be encountered. Thus, the artificial intelligence research proposed is to be seen, not as an adjunct, but as a vital integral part of the laboratory project. Basic research on the problems and tech-niques ne~ded to produce the requisite software are fully as important and justified as research directed toward the "hardware" design of the laboratory.


    TEL.521-1113 AREA 401

    April 29, 1966

    Professor John McCarthy' Computer Science Department Stanford, California 94305

    Dear Professor McCarthy:

    Enclosed is your subsistence check for $16 for the April


    Professor Schwarts has been appointed editor of the Pro-

    ceedings of the Symposium, and as soon as we receive your manuscript,

    I will mail you your stipend of $300.

    jw enclosure

    Sincerely yours,

    ,~-.Q'.~ Jacqueline Walker Meeting Arrangements Section

  • T-

    'Le~]!I2'9/ ·el.1.rI~'r.r~J:J~'l~ f~O~·O.i·::;- t:.:jf~2 ! .. ':l£~~ .J.z'.~.£ i~!. ;;::~~ij·es'~·.,~

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    S'_(!j;~(; ..r~j':"~




    Dear Colleaguo,

    September 29, 1966



    The Working Confol'enco is clo:;od a;.i.d ! wwt to thnnk again dl of you tor ht\ving come to Fiaa r".'lc! COll~t;r1hu-~od with your presence to the Guccess of tlle Conforence i tealf.

    Certainly thero 18 much work still to bo dono e.nd ! hope that the Conference has ouccedofi in estabUlilhing bette:!' contacts between all of us.

    Moreover I hope that ull 0:£ you. hll.vfj good. memorise of Pias t\nd that the opportunity will arleo again to come back hore.

    Here enclosod yov- will find tI:.o complete list of addrossee of llar-GiciproncEl on Syu'lbol Mr,nipulCl"tion Lllllguages.

    Yours sinc01'sly.

    IA. Carc;coialo {U Porino}

  • \ ,',

    .. BARRON

    . '

    k c

    .- pat O£.lt!~~!l'!!J~!_~~;,;~!!:~~a . , ,


    " _. .,' . ,'~:' ~ .. : ....... .: ';

    . ~- Dr, B~ Alpiar, " , , : .' .. Eldg':-'lnstitut ,lli' -Reu~(ti'torschln"

    .: _ ,lj303i'-IfURENLJNGEN - Swihel''iand , "

    Dr. 1)0. W Barron'~ Un1vare i ty Mathematical: Labgratory, Corn Exchanl(e Street. " CAMBJi'IDCt: - EnSl and-

    :: ........ ', .. w"·-

    DENZleRl Pro t'~' J • P. Benzeort ~ Faculf;~ des Sd8!lCee de Paris,

    _ ,,3$. rue de la R6.r!l_~,li-qu~. " - - ... :o1t~, - France .' , ' .. 0-),', i .: .,' !:."u

    , . ' -. .; I ~.' .

    ~--ii".-'''''''..w",;-.folt-1d2'. &" G, Bobrow,·: ,_ "i ... -----.-......;.-----~-1



    , ._, ,. ,..:., fc/o BaIt Beranek an4,N •• lnc.


    50 Moulton St. CAMsi iDCE , Mas 8 • us.",

    Prof,' C. Rohm, INAC .. · Piazzale de1le Sci8'D'ze, 7 R


    .. ~,

    . . . . . r.Hl rSTf'"-tiSEN




    .. r:E. I. l

    •• (,.N Buxto'l, lr I"td.

    30-31 !'w'JII.AU Street LoNDO~ • I. - Eng,,,--l an~d!--_______ . __

    .. : Fr. !. A.Caraeciolo di Farino 'entro Stud! Calcolatrici Elettroniche Via ,S.Maria, 'H PIS! - Italy

    1,'1". ·C. Christensen, Computer Associates, Inc. Lakeside Office Park, WAKEFIEl~, Mass. (.)~1~8~8~O~-~U~SA~ ________ ___

    Mr. 1. Cohen, Institut de Math6matiquea Appli[U~es. B. P. 7 ~ &, SA I~T-MAR'rrN-d' HImES - France I

    Dr •. 0.1. Dahl Norwegian Computing Center Fvr ulinrsvn i B, 1l1inii rn, OSLG 8 -

    Dr. J.W. De Bakker, Mathern tisch Centrum !a Boerl v~Btr8at 49, .uiSTr;~!llA! ...::....!!olla!!:. _____________ _

    Dr. J.]. Daby, lilM France 94. rue Rt aumur, PAll IS ~I~me _ Fran..!:.! ___________ _

    Hr. ". I'.nfTeli, Inl:lt uLe .)f Ay.nli d ,"t\:ematic 5wif'!'l Sedera' 'n'lt't.ut,e ,)f i hnllo v Luonbar'Ltrar- 3., Ii,»/) /11111 iI - C;wlt f 1"1 nc

    ~~--- - ._--- ---- -- -- -----

  • ,


  • J;W DLER

    .... .. .






    .. Pr t adler. ~ rs h fer E ektr nische ech..n lagen der Technieohel! II hecbole

    Am Hohen U!er 6· 3 HANNOVER - GeraaDI

    . ·Dr. ·.S. Kamen.,., STatem Deyelop.ent Corp. Reaearch and Technology Div. 2509 Colorado Ayeuue SANTA MONICA - California 90406

    Dr •. I.A.loraYold, Norwe ian Defence . Rea.arch Eetabl1ahmept D1Yteion for Ele.~~ronlc>a P.O. Box 2S . KJELLER - Norway

    JU •.. J. LoeekI, MaLE, Research Laboratory. 80, rue dee Deux Caree, BBUXELLES 7 - Belgiu.·

    Prof. L.Lukaazewioz, Polaka Akadeal& Nank Inat.Ttot MauyJl Mate.atyeznych ul. (oazyko.a 79, . WARSZAWA 2 - Poland

    Mr. B.l. Mailloux, Mat.hematisch r.entru •. ) E Boerhaaveatraat 49 AMSTERDAM - Holland

  • ,

  • reI ~ L m;

    IONRA.D-\(·ROHN .


    f.j USER

    T t:HA

    zurk! w 1 0 , aka Aka ~ 1 ani.

    I t. t.u C 'Mastyn ul . ':)8 Y 0 79, WARSZAli ~_-.,--,P:.;o:.:l:.:an=d,--__ ~ ______ _

    .. ' P"'of.· 1. Mef'ARTHY, . C mpiltaUon Cent.re STANFORD, Cali (prnia 94305 - USA

    • D •. cIlr v, n 1 T~ pone L ~ rat il 8 ll'llRAY HI L/" ew I ers&! - t s

    A, • S I i ha III 0, C lmll!lt r Unl ,l!..4in urgh univerdit 7, BuccI nh PI ce, EDINBURGH Il - England

    Dr •• L. lon~a - -rohll, P.O •. B I ~5 K1ELI~ Y

    ·Dr. C JOe'l"8, n cktord Research lostitute In 140 1/~ Aount Auburn.Stre~ CAMBRID~F, Aa 8. O~139 - VSA

    Dr. J "euDue r, Reehenzentrum dsr Unlv rsita 1I/aue Unl verSl tnt, lIails 3.) '~3 KIE" - Germ&LY

    Dr. 11 isimn r , El t hI1 c LabO'l"R~Or

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    Dr. L. Spanedda Centro studi Caleolatrle~ Elettronl~he Via S. Maria 44, . PIBA - Italy ., i ...

    Dr. 'ft. SprugnoU C.~ro Studi CalcolatriclElettronicke vii:s. Maria, 44

    ,PIS - Italy

    . ' Mr~ T.B. Stl8l~ Syete nevelopment Corporation, R .earch and Technology nt-hion, 2500 C)lorado Av nue ' SANTA MONICA, California 90.06 - U~

    -r ~ :C. Stra'c hey,

    9, Bedford Gardens, LONDON W.8 -~gland

    .... Dr. ,R.P. Van de Hilt, Stiehting Ma themat1eoh Centrum e!3 r veat)' 49

    AMST~:1tDAl.I - Holland"

    Prof. W.L. Van der Po.l

    . ~.'

    Dr. ,'eher Lahoratory ot the 'etherlands P.T.T. St. Paulus.traat • LEIDSCHENDAlI - The Netherland.

    Dr. S. Waligoreki Polska AXadam!a Nank Instytnt Maszyn Matamatycznych ul. Koszykowa 79 WARSZAWA 2 - Poland

    Prof. " .V. Wllk;ee, F.R.S. ~thematical Laboratory, Corn Exchange Street, CAMBR IDGE - End d

  • ..

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    In Reply Refer To : SB (GD:jh) 9 April 1965


    TO: Members, Ad Hoc Bioscience Working Group

    FROM: SB/Manager of Advanced Projects

    SUBJECT : Report of the Ad Hoc Bioscience Horking Group

    Attached herewith is a copy of the draft of subject report. I would appreciate having your comments and suggested changes in my hands before April 21, 1965, since I must present the findings of the Group to the Bioscience Subcommittee of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Space Science Steering Committee on April 27, 1965. Unless I have your comments by April 21, I must assume your concurrence with the draft report.

    May I again thank you for your hard work and valuable contributions to the Group's findings and, recommen~ation~s. /

    ,y/ \ ~ . % . ,/ .'?-. -:.-~dY/(,

    C"-,,, Geo e H. Dunc

    Enclosure a/s

    Mager, Advanced Projects Bioscience Programs Office of Space Science

    and Applications (Chairman, Ad Hoc Bioscience Horking Group)


    In Reply Refer To : SB (GD:jh) 9 April 1965


    TO: Director, Bioscience Programs

    FROM: SB/Manager of Advanced Projects

    SUBJECT : Report of the Ad Hoc Bioscience Working Group

    The Bioscience Horking Group met at Newport Beach, California,

    22- 26 March 1965, for the purpose of formulating the specific biological

    science mission objectives for the Voyager landings on Mars in 1971

    and 1973. After deliberation, the Group determined that it could not

    approach the biological science mission objectives without considering

    the state -of-the-art and resulting specific experiments. In addition,

    the Group concluded that, because of the impact of i nformation

    obtained by fly-by or orbiter upon any plans for the science payload

    of a l ander, it should consider possible science payloads for such

    spacecraft .

    The Group unanimously made the following general recommendations:

    1. High priority should be given to an orbiter in 1969, rather

    than a fly-by, because of the greater amount of data and the capability

    for a seasonal look. A fly-by should be accepted only if an orbiter

    is impossible .

  • 2

    2. It would be desirable to have an orbiter preceed a

    lander, but not at the expense of missing the 1971 opportunity

    to land.

    3. There is no doubt that lite cannot be detected from an

    orbi ter. It life is to be detected and characterized, . a landing

    must be accomplished. Therefore, the lander program must be

    emphasized as soon as possible.

    4. ~ether with the commitment to Voyager, a major

    commitment to tbe SRT in biOSCience, aimed at supporting the

    Voyager experiments, must be made.

    5. Emphasis must be increased on the foUowing:

    a. Improved power supply (Rm).

    b. Improved communications.

    c. Soil sampling devices, with first priority on

    obtaining larger samples ( Z 1 kg).

    NOTE: Such increased emphasis should ~ result

    in decreased emphasis on the longer-range SRT


    6. Voyager landings are unique as canpared to all previous

    space and planetary missions, since most instruments must be

    used tor more than one experiment.

    The success ot Voyager experiments depends upon the cooperation of

  • • ~. »

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    . . : •.•••• t-.

  • 3

    experimenters selected from the scientific community; experimenters

    accustomed to designing their own instruments and who may well

    resent having to share a cormnon instrument. NASA Headquarters must

    accelerate their current efforts to solve the problem of how best

    to insure the cooperation of the "scientific community" under

    these conditions.

    Finally, the Group unanimously concurred in the reports submitted

    by its three subcommittees. (See attached copies).

    Enclosures a/s

    George H. Duncan Chai~~, Ad Hoc Bioscience

    Working Group


    The Committee "Go consider liars landers consisted of A. Douglas

    MacLaren, Vance oyama., George Hobby, Gerry Soffen, Edward Evans,

    and was chaired by Wolf Vishniac. Jerry stuart contributed addi-

    tional information. The Committee considered two landing vehicles,

    one containing up to fifty pounds scientific payload, and the other

    a scientific payload between 100 and 300 pounds. The Committee

    considered payloads which would be most economical: the largest

    amount of information that could be obtained in the smallest

    array of apparatus, as well as the largest amount of useful

    information that was likely to be obtained per number of bits e

    The Committee also considered the logical sequence in which

    such experiments might be carried out, the coherence of the

    investigation carried out by any one payload, and the contribution

    that information so obtained might make to future investigations.

    Ideally, the complement of any one experiment should be available,

    sterilizable, amenable to automatic programming, and be applicable

    to the study of soil samples.

    The following pages are a brief summary of the detailed dis-

    cussions which were held, and it is clear that each item requires

    con~iderable amplification. The payloads described on pp. l~ and 12

    are the unanimous recommendation of the COmmittee, the suggested

    sequence of operations was drawn up later by the Chairmano The

    specific recommendations listed in the discussion section also

    have the Committee's unanimous support.

  • -2-


    We viewed the sampling as the single most important problem

    that confronts the design of a.n unmanned lander. The performance

    of anyone investigation is strictly dependent on the availability

    of a sample and on its size. This dependence upon the availa-

    bility of a sample which must be obtained regardless of the

    nature of the surface on which the lander may light places

    a considerable demand on the sophistication of the sampling


    A sampling device must obtain a sample with high reliability,

    regardless which technique may be employed (sticky surfaces, suction,

    either alone or with abrasives, coring, drilling, explosive fragment-

    at ion, or scooping). Ideally the sample should consist of small

    particles or be sufficiently friable to permit chemical processing.

    Since there are limits below which one cannot perform satisfactor,y

    chemical analyses the size of the sample will determine the nature

    of the experiments that may be performed upon it. We have conside·red

    as the example of the most diffic~lt soil to work with a terrestrial

    desert soil which may contain 0.1% organic matter or less. Of

    such soil 10 grams would be a lower limit for extensive analytical

    procedures, while a desirable sample would be in the order of 100

    grams to 1 kilogram. In addition to obtaining a. sample, ancillary

    eqUipment should be able to measure the sample and parcel it out

    to various experiments that may compete for the same sample. A

    metering of the sample will give us not only the basis for any

    quantitative measurement, but Will also tell us whether or not any

    .. ,

    .. , t

  • -3-

    sample has been introduced in anyone experiment, so the experiment

    will not go through the programmed motions without a sample having

    been introduced.

    Each landed instrument package should contain several sampling

    devices so chosen that at least one of them should be successful.

    venturi suction devices, although capable of the induction of

    sizable.samples in suitable soil, are bound to be successful at

    least in the milligram range 0 Even smooth rock has enough dust

    or sandy material on it which could be collected by some such

    device. Devices for obtaining larger samples ,\-Tould have to

    find a suitable substrate on which to operate. It is therefore

    desirable that at least the largest sampling device (100 gra.ms to

    1 kilogram) be equiped with suffiCiently sophisticated sensors to

    allow it to tell whether it rests on rocky surface or on loose

    soil. This would preclude the sampler from exhausting its power ...

    supply or suffer mechanical damage on a rocky surface. Some roving

    capability should be built in, so that the sampler could reach

    out and test for surfaces of various hardness and begin its sampling

    on the proper ground. Roving capability is also important to

    escape the burned area should retrorockets be used and to avoid

    splinters of wood if balsa is used as an impact limiter. The im-

    portance of sampling devices is such that the Committee feels justi-

    fied in aSSigning a large fraction of the lander weight to the sampling

    operation. Since at present the only devices available work reliably

    in the milligram range, the Committee recommends strongly that larger

    Sampling devices be deveiopedo

  • -4-

    ~ne subsequent sections discuss the performance of a landed

    complement of instruments in terms of the sample required for each

    experiment. We list the measurements that may be performed without

    any solid sample, with samples of one or more milligrams, 1 to 10

    grams, and with amounts over 100 grams.


    ~idity. Relative humidity should be measured immediately

    above the surface as well as below. Such measurements could be

    carried out for instance with an ~03 detector in which conductivity

    is a function of water adso:rption. MeasU'e1ents belo'" the surface

    of the soil could be carried out by the incorporation of such a

    detector in a probe which will penetrate the soil. This same

    probe would include some of the measuring devices or attachments

    mentioned below. The measurement of humidity below ground would

    not be a measure directly of the water content of the soil but of

    . the water in equilibrium ,dth the gas phase in the soil. Humidity

    should be measured at intervals for a full Martian day in order to

    obtain the diurnal variation.

    Temperature. A temperature measurement should accompany the

    humidity measurements both·:.above ground and belo",.

    Pressure. A single measurement of atmospheric pressure should

    be carried out.

    Atmospheric Composition. We suggest a gas chromatographic

    ana.lysis.~ of the gases found in the atmosphere and below the 'Soil.

    Of particular interest is the determination of oxygen. The sensi-

    tivity of the oxygen measurement should be sensitive to a v~~~·~t ::-',:;;: ,':

    . :f:·{ .' i ~: .


  • -5-

    least 2 orders of magnitude below the nominal maximum value for

    oxygen (0.025 mb~ 10-6mols/liter). Should gas chromatography

    not be sufficiently sensitive we suggest an exploration of methods

    such as the use of kr,yptonate or fluorescence quenching. Other

    gases that may be detected and measured by gas chromatography

    would include a confirmation for the values assigned to carbon

    dioxide, and a search for gases of potential biological significance

    such as H2S, NH3, qH4, CO, oxides of nitrogen such as N20, NO, and

    N02, and HCN. In terrestrial biology these gases may be metabolic

    end products ,as well as substrates. Some of these gases may con-


    ceivably occur at higher concentrations in the atmosphere underground.

    Radiation. It is of interest to determine the flux of ultra-, 0

    violet light between 1850 and 3000 A. This could either be measured

    by a broad band determination or by resolving it into about 100 o A bands. A series of filters and a thermopile are suggested as

    one type of detector. The determination of ionizing radiation

    has been considered only for secondary missions.

    Surf"ace Structure. A study of the mineralogical structure

    and chemical composition of the surface could possibly be obtained

    by x-ray diffraction, infra-red reflectance spectroscopy, and alpha



    Organic Matter. Milligram amounts of soil can be pyrolyzed

    and volatile material condensed on a flat plate. A small non-

    specific uv source and a non-selective detector of visible light

    could determine the formation of fluorescent material which is

    ~onned from all organic matter during pyrolysis.

  • -6-

    Growth ~ Catalytic Activity. Milligram samples can be used

    to detect chemical activities such as the evolution of gases or

    change in pH. These experiments may take the form of pro-

    viding labeled organic substrates and looking for the evolution

    of radioactive gases or a determination of the increase of par-

    ticles in either distilled water, salt solutions, or in the

    presence of' organic compounds. Gas evolution, which can be

    detected either by measurement of radioactivity or by gas chroma-

    tography, may take place either in solution or in soil samples

    barely moistened with the appropriate reagents. The increase

    in particles can be measured only in a liquid medium by light scattering

    which may detect 103 particles.

    The organic substrates might be sterilizable carbon compounds

    in such combinations that some of them might be used by micro-

    organisms, or one that is easily decomposed such as urea. Urea

    is commonly found and decomposed in the soil, but it may also

    have a non-biological Origin and therefore be found even in the

    absence of living organisms. Its ".decomposi tion could be detected

    by observing the evolution of ammonia and carbon dioxide. Various

    salt solutions may be deSigned to support organisms that could

    occupy the ecological niches expected on YArs, and should make

    allowance for the possibility that high salt concentration is

    a Martian device of' water preservation.


    Soil Composition. In addition to the experiments described -above which can be perfonned on milligram samples, larger samples

    of Martian soil can be heated to obtain volatile gases Whi~q~~

  • -7-

    driven off under these conditions. After driving off H20, and possibly (

    NH3 and C~, the heating can be continued until pyrolysis occurs.

    The f'ragments of what may have been organic compounds may then be

    passed through a gas chromatograph into a mass spectrometer. The

    combination of the gas chromatogr,aph and mass spectrometer for the

    study of' pyrolyzed soil samples is recommended on the basis of its

    operational simplicity, versatility, and scope. It is limite~ by

    the data capability. It is recommended that despite this limitation

    this' technique can be valuable since suitable programming may

    select ~or the transmission of' a few peaks of major interest. The

    transmission of a full GC/MS scan will have to wait for the strength-

    ening of' the data link.

    Compounds of High Molecular Weight. It is of' interest to deter-

    mine the occurrence of compounds of high molecular weight. Such

    compounds may be organiC compounds and be of biological significance,

    either as the products of' 11 ving organisms or as the accumulation

    of some prebiotic chemical events. From the point of view of' the

    origin and evolution of life the occurrence of any compound of

    molecular weight above 500 or 1000 may be of interest, even if it

    is not a carbon compound. The techniques that have been proposed

    for such studies, such as dialysis and dye absorption (J-band) do

    not distinguish adequately between high molecular weight organic

    compounds and colloidal clays such as bentonite. We recommend

    that the use of a molecular sieve technique of which several have

    been developed in recent years and are capable of determining

    molecular weights in ranges of' interest to biologists (Sepbadex,

    derivatives of agar, and poly.amides s~Ch as Bio-Gel).


    i •


  • -8-

    Identification of Amino Acids and Their Optical Isomers. Amino

    acids may occur in soil either as the result of biological activity

    or may arise in prebiotic chemical events. Amino acids may there-

    fore occur in Yartian soil regardless whether living organisms

    exist or not. In that event it is of interest not only to identify

    the amino acid but. to determine whether one optical isomer pre-

    dominates. A technique which is capable of doing both ~gain

    exploits the capabilities of the gas chromatograph. If one

    optical isomer of an optically active alcohol is used to esterify

    the amino acids, gas chromatography can distinguish the optical

    isomers of the amino acids. An extension of this technique

    1?romises to carry .out similar operations with esterified optically

    active carbohydrates. Such an instrument would be useful not

    only in analysis of soil but in the analysis of Martian organisms

    should it have been possible to cultivate them in a growth experiment.

    Fluorimetry. An examination of soil samples by spectral fluori-

    metric techniques may identify several classes of organic compounds

    of potential biological significance. The use of two monochromators,

    or at least of two sets of filters, allows the selective use of various

    wavelengths of exciting light in addition to a measurement of the

    emission band. Such examination would·reveal compounds related

    to photodynamiC pigments, porphyrins, phenazines including flavins,

    quinones, proteins, nucleic acids, and others.

    Elementary Analysis. We recommend the development of apparatus

    capable to carry out a chemical elementary analysis of the major

    soil constituents. Although no such automatic apparatus exists

    at the moment we believe that this and other wet.ch~mical tec~iques

    are amenable to automation.

  • -9-


    Soil Respiration. In addition to, all the analyses that have

    been mentioned above, large samples of soil lend themselves to

    measurements of activities observed in the total soil~ A large

    sample may be monitored for gas exchanges, paying particular atten-

    tion to carbon dioxide and ammonia. Such gas exchanges may be

    monitored on the original sample and upon the addition of water or

    various solutions of minerals and organic compounds. An alternative

    to carrying out experiments with large samples in the instrument

    capsule might be an experiment perf o TImed in situ. Possibly a section

    of soil might be. sufficiently isolated by a suitable shroud to

    carr,y out such measurments without necessity of removing the sample

    from its location.

    The availability of large samples of soil suggest growth experi-

    ments in which the medium is an aqueous extract of such soil. The

    preparation of a Martian soil extract and its use as a growth

    medium may turn out to have many advantages over whatever might

    be supplied in the instrument capsule.

    Photosynthesis. Since all life depends on the energy conversion

    from radiant energy to chemical energy it would be desirable to test

    for the occurrence of photosynthesis. The only definite experiment

    included in these recommendations is part of the growth experiment

    in which the occurrence of light dependent growth may be tested.

    The Committee feels it desirable to see a procedure developed

    which would search for photosynthesis in a sensitive and more

    direct fashion. Light dependent C02 fixation appears promising

    and can ~e made sensitive by the use of c1402, but since C02

  • -10-

    fixation is not a necessar,y, though likely, concomitant of photo-

    synthesis, the development 'of another approach may be desiroable.

    Pending such development we recommend an experiment in which C02

    fixation is measured as a function of light.


    Although pictures of Mars would be extremely desirable their

    demand on the communication link are such that their transmission

    at present would interfere with the transmission of data from

    other experiments. The Committee feels very strongly that the

    amount of information obtained from pictures is small on a per

    bit basis compared to what can be learned from many other experi-

    ments, and that pictures should therefore be assigned a secondar,y

    priority. Given the choice, tpe Committee feels that the various

    analytical experiments that have been proposed will provide us

    with more valuable information than pictures are likely to do.

    Nevertheless, efforts should be made to improve the communi-

    cation link to the point where the troansmission of an occasional

    pictUre (101 bits) would not interfere with other experiments. Should

    it be possible to obtain such pictures the following observations

    appear desirable: a) to see an experiment in vrhich growth may have

    taken place, either macroscopically or microscopically; b) to ob-

    serve the environment in which the spacecraft is operating and

    em>ecially in which the sampler is collecting Martian soil; and

    c) to obse~e a sample being taken in a close-up picture. The

    obserVation of a mechanical device obtaining a soil sample may

  • -11-

    give us a strong, visual impression of the Martian soil. It is

    strongly recommended that all efforts be made to improve the

    communication link, including the development of better or larger

    transmission antennae and power supplies. In this connection

    we urge NASA to request from the AEC the development of Rl'G or

    similar_ devices that will extend the availability of energy both

    in level and time.


    Two payloads are considered here, one including 50 pounds

    of scientific instruments, not counting the data processing equip-

    ment, and the other approaching 300 pounds.

    Fifty-Pound Payload

    1. Detection of water in the atmosphere

    2. Gas chromatograph for atmospheric analysis

    3. Measurement of atmospheric pressure

    4. Photometry of ultraviolet light

    5 • Probe for soil examination which will

    include water detection and other devices

    6. Temperature measurement for inclusion in 5 and


    7 • Gas intake for soi1. probe to lead to gas


    8. Sampling devices from milligram range to

    10 gram range

    9. Fluorimetric detection of' organic compounds

    10. Combustion device for t~e detection of carbon,

    1 pol.lXJd:,~ ':

    1 pounds

    1 pound

    3 pounds

    6 pounds

    1 pound

    1. pound

    1.5 pounds

    5 pounds

    hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur in gas chromatography 5 pound~ ,

  • -12-

    11. Growth experiment, "biological amplification

    of sample", incl. "enzyme" 5 pounds

    TOTAL 50 pounds

    263 Pound Lander -Items 1-10 .ab·ove 45 pounds

    12. Sampler for 100 gram to 1 kilogram range,

    including roving capability and soil testing 40 pounds

    13. Sample processing (sifting, distribution,

    extraction, measurements of pH and conductivity) 15 pounds

    14. Detection of amino acids and separa. tion of

    optical isomers 25 pounds

    15. Fluorimetr~c examina~ion of soil 15 pounds

    16. Growth experiment, more sophisticated than

    Item 11 above 15 pounds

    17. Detection of catalytiC activities ("enzyme

    experiments") 3 pounds

    18. Soil respiration measurements on large sample 10 pounds

    19. Detection of high molecular weight compounds

    and molecular sieving 5 pounds

    20. Mass spectroscopy to follow gas chromatography 25 pounds

    21. Photosynthesis detection 10 pounds

    22. X-ray diffractometer 15 pounds

    23· Measurement of alpha scattering 30 pounds

    24. Elementary analysis 10 pounds

    TOTAL 263 pounds

  • ...,

    j I

    ,\ treospharic coc:posi tion (2)

    Insertion of Probo Into Ground (S) i

    it succossf'ul.

    ccmpos1t1on (7, S & 2)

    if successful ------__ _

    Detection of organic compounds by, fluorescence upon pyrolysis (9)



    may provide medium '

    affects design of med1U11l

    ~~1~ '--


    _I I


    I I BzQ2ar1mants within broken Una contained in 50 lba pqload. all exper1r;lients in 263 lbs

    payload. Figures in parentheses reter to aperiments listed on pp. 11-12.

    'I if successful ~_

    -, ~-Ti------~

    Determination of pH and conductivity (13)

    CompoWlds of high molecular weight (19 JK::K.:------

    Amino acid detection and optical activity (14 & 2)

    Fluorescent compounds (15)

    X-ray diffraction (22)

    a-5cattering (23)

    Elementary anal¥sis (24')

    Soil respiration or !tin situ" experiment (18)


    The subcommittee on Information Processing and control consisted of

    the following individuals:

    1. J. McCarthy, Stanford University (chairman and reporter)

    2. J. C. Busby, U.S. Navy Aviation Supply Depot, Philadelphia

    3. J. Stewart, JPL

    4. J. Stallkamp, JPL

    5. D. Slaughter, JPL

    The job of the committee was to recommend whether a stored program digital

    computer should be used to control the ABL and to compress information for

    transmission. Available to the subcommittee was the report, The Automated

    Biological Laboratory, by Glaser, McCarthy, and Minsky coming from the National

    Academy of Sciences summer study and some general inf~rmation on progress

    in computer development. It was felt to be necessary to make a report that made

    fewer assumptions about size of payload and drew fewer conclusions about the

    manner of operation of the ABL than did the summer study report.

    We discussed the availability of suitable computers, and a number of

    potential applications including:

    1. Compression of pictures for transmission. The reduction in the number

    of bits transmitted ranges from a factor of 2 in the worst case to a factor

    of 106 in cases where the objects that may be of interest in the picture are

    well known (from previous pictures) and only special information is required.

    2. Compression of mass spectrograms and gas chromatograms. A factor of

    7 is readily obtained by describing in terms of position, height and width.

  • .;.-

    - .

    3. Control of a wet chemistry laboratory. I

    4. Control of a sampling device using visual information.

    5. Control of a lens cap used to protect the TV camera during dust-storms.

    An example of the use of the computer for adapting to environmental conditions.

    The results of the committee meeting are represented by the following

    a~reed upon assumptions, facts, and conclusions:


    1. The ABL will be designed to obtain information from several sensors,

    to inter-relate and utilize this information in its subsequent operations, and

    to transmit at least a portion of this information to Earth.

    2. The total scientific payload, including the computer and its input-

    output will not be less than 100 pounds.


    1. The use of an adequate digital computer to process data on Mars will

    enable a reduction in the amount of information to be transmitted to Earth

    by a factor of at least 2-. The reduction in communication power may pay for

    the computer.

    2. The use of a central memory and data processing capability enables

    the ABL, when on Mars, to control both experiments and support operations

    in a more integrated and flexible manner than would otherwise be possible.

    3. Since the program fed to the computer can readily be altered up

    until shortly before launch time, plans can be changed to take advantages of

    advances in knowledge of Mars and in techniques of information processing at

    a relatively late point of time in the ABL development program. Changes in

    programs consistent with the capabilities of the equipment can be made after

    arrival on Mars.


  • 4. Programs for providing meaningful control over operations of the ABL

    will require a minimum of 107 to 108

    bits of information storage. This may

    be divided into 2 x 105 of core and the rest taped unless the full memory

    is available in homogeneous form; e.g. thin film.

    5. Supporting Technical Research on the design of an adequate computer

    for the ABL can proceed on the basis of general design parameters and need not

    await detailed determination of experiments to be conducted nor supporting

    operations to be carried out.

    6. Supporting Technical Research on general purpose computer programs for

    achieving artificial intelligence capabilities will, if successful, lead to

    expanded capabilities in the Space Program and in Earth-based activities that

    are of even greater importance than the "payoff" for the ABL.


    1. The ABL should include a relatively sophisticated stored program

    digital computer, to which information from ABL sensors should be fed, and

    whose internal operations will thereafter determine which further operations

    are to be carried out and what information is transmitted to Earth.

    2. When the number of experiments and supporting operations become

    sufficiently complex, planning should be directed towards the provision of

    common tools and f'acili ties which can be used for a variety of tasks : __ under

    central computer control, rather than providing separate tools and facilities

    designed for only limited use.

    3. Supporting Research and Technology is required in the following areas:

    a. Sterilizable, multi-megabit memory computers weighir~ approximately

    35 pounds, whose design emphasizes low power drain and de-emphasizes speed.

  • b. General purpose digital computer programs for controlling external

    equipment, recognizing patterns, and achieving artificial intelligence capabil~ties

    in general.

    4. Supporting research in both computers and programming should commence

    as soon as possible.


    At the Newport Beach meeting of March 21 - 26 a subcommittee was

    formed to inve stigate the usefulne s s of £1y- by s and orbiter s in 1969 and

    1971 for the biological exploration of Mars. The subcommittee consisted

    of W. Stroud, G. Mamikunian, C. Campen, D. Easter, and D. Rea, Chair-

    man. The following is a report of this subcommittee f s findings. In reading

    this it should be understood that the group did not have access to the vast

    amount of hard data available, nor did it have the time to adequately investi-

    gate all phases of this intricate problem. However the participants were

    familiar with many asp'ects of the problem and despite the adverse circmn-

    stances were capable of semi-quantative analysis of the problem and of

    means of attacking it.· The product should be viewed in this light and no

    effort should be made to construe it as being a definitive work.

    1. The Prime Goal of 1969 and 1971

    This was considered to be the selection of a landing site and

    landing' time for automated biological laboratories (A. B. L. f s), and

    the provision of engineering design data desirable in implementing

    the biological goals.

    II. The Rationale behind the Mis sion J i;'-,

    ::: A. Biological . .I 1 ). \ 1. \QThe detection of micro-environments, local areas where

    internal activity has incl:eased the surface temperature

    and availability of water. An acceptable re solution for

    this problem was considered to be 5 kIn.

  • 2.

    - 2 -

    A greater understanding of the nature and origin of the dark

    areas and the darkening wave. In view of the current impor-

    tance attached to the darkening wave it is most important to

    obtain further information which might resolve the question

    of whether its origin is biological or not. The detection of

    evidence s of volcanic activity and of topographical structure

    could make significant contributions to an increased under-

    standing of this problem. An acceptable resolution was taken

    to be 5 kIn but increased resolution would be most desirable.

    B. Engineering.

    1. The determination of the density structure and composition

    of the atmosphere. This is important in designing the con-

    figuration of the entry capsule.

    2. The determination of surface characteristics important in

    de signing the lande r .

    a. The surface roughness. The resolution should be 10

    .meters or better.

    b. The bearing strength of the surface. For this a re solu-,

    tion of 5 krn was considered acceptable since the e sti-

    mated uncertainty in placing a lander on the surface was

    considered to be 500 krn.

    lll. Experiments

    A. A non- survivable probe.

    Such a probe would measure the composition and density struc-

    ture and should be flown as the engineering requirements dictate.

    If measurements of the surface pressure being .carried out at the

  • - 3 -

    current opposition indicate the pressure is high, e. g. 50.±. 20 mb,

    then the probe is probably unnecessary. However if the derived

    pressure is low, e. g. 25 + 10 mb, then the probe, is indicated.

    B. A sugge sted orbite r payload.

    1. Low re solution complement.

    This consists of four overlapping maps obtained with a spatial

    resolution of 5 km (20 km for the microwave) and would pro-

    vide information on micro-environments, the dark areas and

    the darkening wave, and the bearing strength of the surface.

    a. Broad band visual picture in the red

    bits per element


    b. Surface infrared brightne s s temperature

    c. Surface microwave brightness temperature

    d. Water vapor abundance

    The number of bits per re solved element = 16. 25, for a

    map covering the planetary area the num?er of bits is

    7 4 x 10 .

    2. Medium resolution complement.




    This mea surement with a re solution of O. 5 km. would provide

    information on the dark areas and nature of the darkening

    wave and on the pre sence of