Extra Grammar - Key

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  • 8/3/2019 Extra Grammar - Key



    1. 1. Where do Tom and Jean live? 2. How much butter have you bought? 3. When is Lucy going to come?

    4. How long have they lived here? 5. How many compact discs has Michael got? 6. Whose is that bicycle?

    7. How far is the coast from here? 8. Where do you live? 9. What happened after the storm? 10. What

    time did he open the shop? 11. How long have you been working? 12. How many people die of AIDS every

    month? 13.What did you witness? 14. Who brought you presents? 15. When did you get married? How

    long did they travel round the world?

    2.1. are often created 2.werent filmed 3.was made 4.arent played 5.are done 6.were set on fire 7.were

    protected 8.was injured 9.wont be needed 10.will be generated

    3. 1. When we had finished our meal we went for a walk. 2. After I had done the course I was able to

    speak the language well 3. I havent seen him for a month. 4.It is a week since he hasnt been to work. 5.

    It is a month since I have written to them. 6. The last time Kate went to the dentist was six years ago 7. I

    havent gone /been to Brussels for two years. 8. Its hard to pass this test 9. The driver let the old man

    travel on the bus without a ticket 10. The police made everyone leave the building. 11. Its dangerous to

    drink and drive. 12. His brothers are noisier than him. 13. Light travels faster than sound in the air. 14.

    John works more than David 15. Laura isnt as patient as Sue 16. His car is much faster than mine 17. Buy

    less cheese than the last time. 18. Its the silliest story I have ever heard 19. Ive never met such a clever

    person. 20. She is the most graceful gymnast 21. No other singer is as good as she is. 22. The harder you

    try, the better youll do it. 23. He was too short to be a politician. 24. Pam dresses less smartly than Sally

    25. It isnt warm /hot enough for us to have an outdoor party. 26. The contest has been won by a local

    talent 27 Computers are being used all over the world. 28. My book was stolen at the park. 29. Was the

    match being watched? 30. I was sent a strange letter/A strange letter was sent to me. 31. Emily has been

    promised a bicycle for her birthday by her parents /A bicycle has been promised to Emily for her birthday

    by her parents. 32. You should have been ordered a taxi. / A taxi should have been ordered for you. 33.

    Mediterranean food is known to be healthy / It is known that Mediterranean food is healthy 34. It is said

    that he was a dishonest man / He is said to be /to have been a dishonest man. 35. The government was

    expected to reduce taxes soon /It was expected that the government would reduce taxes soon. 36. Man is

    thought to be related to apes. / It is thought that man is related to apes. 37. Rangers are expected to win

    the cup / It is expected that Rangers (will) win the cup 38. Elvis Presley is thought to be alive / It is thought

    that Elvis is alive. 39. I am having my shoes mended (by the shoemaker). 40. I am having my house

    painted now.41. We are going to have the gutters replaced on our house (by a builder). 42. Last week, Mr

    Stone had his eyes checked (by the optician) 43.John had his car repaired at the garage yesterday 44. Did

    Joanne have his nails painted (by the beautician)?