THE WEEKLY EXPONENT THE \"i'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT. l"ll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 1914 Numher :i. OAGH BENNION G IVES A OO RE15 SENA. TE SITS Matter of Representation of Athletic Council On Senate and Student Ac· tivity Ticket Are Discussed At First Meeting of Year. BlUE GOlO Wlll GlASH WtTH MIN ES TO- MORROW WA ITE T A.li..KS R. A. Waite, International Y. M C. A. Boys' Secretary Gives Splendid Ad· dress on ··How Much Are You Worth:' GOLLEGE WINS flRST ennion Te! s of Athletics and Also Emphasizes the Need of Strictest Traicing in Assembly Address Tlw l held .t.:te lirst FIRST GAME FOR THE 8TMTE CHAMPIONSHIP WI LL BE P L .6.YEO llH"\.'tillg ol tlll' year last \\"ed11esdar TOMORROW ON THE FOOT BALL FI ELD WHEN THE ST RONG al thl noon hour aud discusst:!d a SCHOOL OF MINES AGGRE:GAT 1 0N PLAYS THE COLLEGE large unmhPl' o( important business ELEVEN. RALL Y W ILL BE H ELD T HIS E VENING At a s_ie('lal last TueRtlay \Blue and Gold Eleven Outc;ass Team mon.i11g, at 11 o'eluck, the stude::it From Billings High and Plays 1Joily and Lile [a('ulty had the good I T hem Oft T he ir Feet , 1 )rtun• 111 an hr H. A. rnatter;::. :.Ir llavi<lson, lhL• president \\"aitt:, iIJ.lf.>rnational Y. :\1. C. A. secre- RO f. TALKS GUTTING l·alled thE.- meeting to on.lt.:r and tlln t LhP Cirsr question to be con· OncC" more lh<.: '.\lonlnna Sl<ite Sl'bool the- }H"O\"Nbial Bozeman mud holds tary of tht' bay·:: department. wliose I r n LLEG E I ersonality wi.th lJ U his r1s ::i.. s11eaker ::ms given 111m SHRS THE SPHEROIO :-i.iUen·U \\a8 whether tlk re1iresenta- or }.linl"'-s will tang\<:> with the State :;way over tlle fuot.ball grounds and ti Yes at t'!le meeting or organiz.at.ions eol\ege \V!'leu t.heil' respective gridiron will! the short time lefl for ol<l sol lO n n;: Uonal rr.-pul;ttion. th it had not ) el elecled their officers armies meet o:t t.he local field to- t;et in hi!:; work the iil'ld will prob(;b· \ rn)f Bishou led the 'jinging and .or year should ha.ve a vote. No- mono iv a[Lernoon. Tb.e miners are ly be- worked to a good thick (·onsis· Spe·r,,.tar:y Colton of the local.Y- r-.: .. c. I thing i l the conslitutiou about tbe in the game or b1ood Utls and tenc·y. The co;itest will at all en.:uts A. made a short lJrayer. :'.\Ir. \Vaite I '"'ome Statistics Regarding Those Who matter l:Ollld be: found, .so as a prece- this is first game of the season. be jwa-:; tl:en introduced by Prof. F. S. Bi.lings Team Shows Real In cut Class Are Given. Davidson dent it was <levided that they should Rumors ('Orne from the miner's catnJJ ('oolev who 1iresidl.:'d in tlw aLs('JJ<'t' I Contest Against Stronger Te am Tells of the Work of Senate he t!:le 1 1 ower to :n:'>te. 1 thul the' abo inteud to start the sea·. ?\ot,Yit'i<.:l'..lnding the faci tl!at o l'n: icleHt Hamilton. Bad Weather Handicap . Tlle problem of thP representation son which rucans that if the fie!U will not be u;e bHt to 111:: <lt>:::=ired . of the athletic council, which hns re- a l;ug..,. t·rowd i$i lool·:.t-«I for as this is 1 'I hP evening words of Mr. 'Waite 0 ,ir a RE:'- 'h\r honr on ]liaced the old athlf•tic associntion, th£' first ot thC' seri< s or mes !'or pO\\ erful "Ho.: On a field that was ankle dt·c}) in rr 1 l 8 ,p1•ial ass;>.mbly for men in the stude11t senaie and the number tl e g t·ce e for tlle locals th<' state C'ham11ionsh1p. The bnos-IYOll lwo; . d an . uc mud, and \Yith a drizzling rain r111ing, inJ\ '' sh 1d. The lllt"E'ting was ad- of bouor cri:-d1ts shonltl bP at- \tt la in:c I' tlga ll' . . lcr club will be down on the fiel1l n:an rnoc an( -:oman oo ,ha an a lbe eleY('ll defeated tne Flil- nu I I ow muco 'lit "l"!D ltoti a 101 , , '<I 1hat l.t was l>roughi 11p. Alter considerable discus- mix t ·t le merl::., - ' 1 '. as De to Si:l\\ dust. ! !IP continued bY tel1ing o( 1io1JI1. The score nl•t of .i: .. l'PS.H lng; 1::i a 1e uc I of pe-0ple. The first is tll2 futurt> rn hold sion wns dl'cided t.:iat the athletic a limited slnr:k'·nt Uody the Dutle tn- 'ronighl at I o'clock thE booster < i('> for which p1:·ot 1 le a l.! cour::.e shew the c:ompa:i at "€' Bll'f·.it,th nA.''11"1.'.' [Jr counc.'il wlw·h is comvosetl of t,\'iO stitution has nlways had considernbleclub \\iJI conirregatc un '\lain strett to- \111on:-a11d T'P ia!';t an· t.ed or the two teams, altbougb fo<·nlt 'rnemlwrs, tll1 coac!1. a:i d. ... It . t · tl l l" t ·n e'' it! tl b 0 tPrines ·rnd ·n boys p1ayed a strong consistent game \ ·'a .11111 the l i:::: au l two st•1de11 s dectt.·tl IJ\· the llttcu 111 1n1 trng a le ic e;ims 1 lot .1er '' t b <o b o s d .r '.1er like a;;;11ara -;us a.1d so\11 kr and made it ha:d at timc>s fo1 U\P "" the field. llowen:'r \\ilh lal'ge ran t,men s aye Pen ma c or a buon t1.. 1 c.t··l\tS a lnrnc:h. colk-e to ;vlYanee the hnll ilnsiqu1 will gtudent one from the sc·nit1r [rt.•sbman t'1t; )ear it •.:-r rousi:ig rally A lJtll\firP "m built "Waite tben c 11 eople s m a<· 1 iuir1.::d a c n:,;lJ r iJ1 ,n••um 01 and the snake tl;;1nce ;ni.l otlH•r n:.;n1:1l ···\·ho ""''n no· 1 ,b-th• .e-1 Tie high school made th€·Jr i,r:::;t 1 oliall lilat nal, a nnrnlwr of the ce\i brations will hp parllcip,1tec- 1 in. ',·t: dJ 1 hf'rs. It makes 11 , uown onl,:; 0uce dndng C1e g:h 1 1e; 1 l;""v1.;r, , 011 n,.., rro tll< B1.1t1 h ·::::11 .\'1 the loyal bocster;; an(l boo Lcr· 1 , .. main of the::;e you :\drl C!l' m lfl- \\b 11 t:..te <'Ollege carried the ba 1 ' 1 Jr- t..,, a t ·h ' to tll of- s('hool cham w ushq 'am ot l:..st iias a.re urμecl lo be ih. re 011 tun for thC' n·sult s. lll•' ,,·ard at "ti! only to luose it l ll a i1 ) car. this eel :Uration an•l Jet t. e tenrn 1 . cse are the kind that t 11; i·r1... 1111 tumUle. Bran;er t.lle tul!bdl K. h se1 .tr. wt re 11a11J<_·c1 as ei while l·v ti, tlle ll 1 e 01 gorng to iwcss know \'hat expected u l1 1•111. 0 ,, ! walk .,. 1 irnrued milk• he Hilling t. eam layed a 11.ir 1 t "' t1 id· d th"'t <.liX sliould be nt- ... amP. Con:rt, .lolly and Ilomne,., dld it -a l Ie gaY0 a::. an exump1e of those tlle best work ior the college. t SC i l< $lUde::tl actiY[(y TRA IN IN r T ftBlE mo r no TBA L'L MEN 1e STHITI"u' 1n follO\'.l'lg_ '""it!e tal<en 'om 1 0 eeu l:t; <.: ct 0 he t ·Ret Wi ll(Xt disc 1$::.t d. Accord- H lJ " run ru H J l H II I l bis 1:1nt C'!Tl'V the ball to the fi,·e- the Bi!U11g!-; Gazette gives the rilaY Ho 1.n:r 1 im n ,•re i -"'to t'1c s1. gestion m;1d1;•, ticket vard lin then, when the touchdown ·u cktail. Cl e ot ,,-, _·la c 1 re sPot:ld be pai<l at the timl' of regis- · 1 11 · l ti t 1'' · r" ·' l l · 1 r. in an U\ ,tcic . of the in· fration a•1d !":Jlou1d iuclude subscription letes were introduced to t.l1e tram_ iiartakmg or t.1c staff of hfe. !meant for lum to carry the ball. This mud. Billi11c:s High at South jark 8at- · · For the fir:3t time the college ":lt . .J- \f..c ... ·11 se.alPd _ar.ound the t.rn.brng a> e wac: asLuri:'.d, ;.:;;r,e th1 s.1gna ,, .n .1.s (ll a a ,; e Uelic• c that much good to tl e Fxpo111;•nt, antl admission tu all ing- table Tm·sday when a large ti.or· .l11st itO''' or1l'' lhc 11·rst team men\ m. au is like a the mo'r'e it lfllliav held the Sta coll• fo:. 'l' a " l.·cmt li ht·d Uy :.i. r<_:>g11lar thleti1· ancJ forPnsic e'ents. It was Lit•;] of the football squad began ' . ·.· is puffe<l the smaller it becomes 21-11 s-Y ,.f' lhn th.- -i u 1 'l t•1e humau e1tlciency TJ1e further !"Ug:gP!"ited that a committee with Coach Beuniou at c·ol- aud a number or the more 1woru1!5ing '.\lr '\Yaite went on to sav: to t '·1 e c1 mt. =it 1 Jitik• 01 , no l _ -=houlrl h1 a11 ointecl h:r the vresident . . c·andidates en the S(lCOll<l iPam arc · 0 t anl 1·11 '' bicb should the advis- 1 .:..:'e lunch. The new m g.iven a ::;eat al the table. 1t was not I "The cipher has Talue cn}y as it d tbn ma:t ·r of diet. Its im· C'Ollege athletics is 1.>eing taken cal'el . . . t l ti with other units. trick on which they 11a1l 11lie ,., not rp··Hzcrl A man <lbilit\- of snC'h action a:J.d mal\e rf'com- r . . deemel neces:mn· that the entire come-; 111 o re a on T)n'l in h Ir t1 e Yl'iror:-; im! of i ns good can" ot him!'.\elf 11 .'.tr Lult nametl of by "P.ed'' nderc m i•onUN'l'l•'l sqaud shonld be included ·11 th(-' l!::;t 81 L \'.itu .1 c:i.vb r bu lan he_i' g. l':'\l'l:\l,.l''TI of the "'I ::; l C' :o.tock. lf o11I,v a,:: n lmsi·)as a mpmber, the remainder of the \\ith the lunch couute1·. The :;en- ancl ibis together \\llll C:rn f;;lCt tlrnt I.le bas Yalue only as he co:JJeS lnto c-oudirion of the field, the hom1 t: ianl T11en t .er"' Ulf· mat t• n mitteP 10 bf> apJ)Ointl:'d at a later mg, howf'ver. is under the direct accomodatio::is for such a large num- counedion with a person who '!las fonght n .,.lorir.111s fight nntl down .__ "' vision or tJe coach. · I ct · that hai:> t:." The man with date. ber could not be arrangetl resulted a smg e om:nant !Jl'rμuse . lwit.h ilving colors. C\m;:;ider 11b. 'he ""'''"n,_t det11ar1d. lo llle numlier of organiza- For many :years ll'i.lbing during atb- in a list being chot-ie11 the conch. burned out all other Pl.irpose::; But tul1ls, it. was a dctolT got. 1 ca.rri<1ge i.s 111 .... - . t1011•. t11at ll'"Ll not ,·et ll1e1·1· letic seasou Ueeu c-.onsi<lt?reJ smrn"- 1 k tl l - ., n _ "' Tllis list. is subject to change later on tltt- Yalm.'_ of thE' man i ·e 1 "" Ta ue 1 colJ. raw drizzle.\' h1 1 at lie ·"' men of the country today in what a joke among the parl!d- I · il d d hicl "id ot ll liui:s of lrnsiness are men of good it was to make a :I as tlJe second string nen mel'it posi- ol t, l' on "" 1 5 e times [_pproad1ed the proport10ns l'f a ,,,.,.,·,n., .. rornplete annoHncement of the corn- iiants in athletics. 1 owever . tious witll tile main crew. the one i::, t.Je zei o. •pnl rain. a C'l"O\Hl of more 1ha11 200 ... with the coming of Conch Bennion,. il b "One of the olJjecrions t•aised mittees for the year. 1 k 0 1 1 d rved at I "I( the man is 'lead in ec.•rnest 0 watcl1ed 1he hatlle throue:h. T e aiust the athlete is this lack of goocl was made 'ery eYidcnt that sac: n r two s a are. se . his vurpose, then and only then, is he wea1her fniled to dam1,en the BOU F FO NS HOLD MEETING I training would not be tolerated. Coach t.able it beir1g worth lO. Otherwise he is valued of the :::id(' lines hosL and the arriagE". the trained ath- t f r or rea ns tha::i on that " The first Ilouffon meeting of the First., a definite date was se a ter or m e so . . lat UJ ' And acC'ording to mv maihe· and-Black wa." gi\'en Joyal :mrr1ort .. tap of llle gong to the lnst pquiri11g thC' least f'ffon, resr.'; wl1en- "" i l I a new i1m0Yat1011 in col- 1 · "on was and tl1C' usual iwo ed a7ld fo1· the f TSL irue a ar ge num- dlfierence in the two classes is due I Weight T oo Much in Mud . .. \·er an opportunity is afforded but · IJ r Lt d er give a lege athletics at t his 111ace the tr aln· .::: ready at moment 1.0 put forth dances "tll hP: gn et1 Unr111!! the school I er o ie squa w e n ' C • h ' 1 d d h' t ·u 'Iartin E. Kell,\' and ell real t r ain111g di.cipliue oac mg table ..ias a r ea y ma e a i w1 1 is supreme effort when the occasion year. u ::\lyron 1 Bennion immedia tely began working those in football circles and Coach TlJis is due to a lac·J\. of Carr were elee:ted tn the- dub ror a training ta bl e and b ow W(" li he jnennion is that heton" the adiing ruen w c·arr.r themselves lsneceeded tn his efor ts can be seen season is tner 1l \'.11l lla'e \\t>ll iiro,eu o .,, n J :i o I::: 1 .. ::::'. ... UNDER WAY Interesting Address on t he Peopl e and 1 the Count ry of Nippon Is Gi ver) ( 1 'l a ns Ar e Arrang ed for the Tr ian gu lar •I De bate At Meetin ] in Mis so u la I Wh ich Prof. Gilruth Attend s At Meeting of Club . Re'' DiYine gave t:1e third of his of let·tures on bi!5 trip around Uelmtlng activities on the hill start- the world, llefore 1be Tr avel Club d iu ParneBt thb JJast week. wit:1 the e\'('ning. 'rbe subject unounc:ement. ot the c1ue.stion for i he of address was ··Japan." Beauliful· riangular Jnter·eollegiate league, con- ly ha.ntl slides, showing views sting of Gonz(:lg:l Unhersity al Spo· \or that e:0uutry. were thr o,.,.·n upon the an e, tlw College of ).[i8so11 la, an d lh e sc r een. I o::i t. ana State college. ).1r. Divine Uegan his tal k by say i ng A meeting of re}J r esentatiYes fr om t.ba t t he five i mportant cities .J,.ana? , I JI t hr ee schools \\·as Jrnld last. Sal- we re, Kobe, Osak a, :-.J"agosalo, Tok10 1rday in Missou la t.o sele<:t the ques- lhe capital, and Yokahama, t he p rin- l 1un for discussion t h is year anti to cipal se apo rl. Il e t.h en spoke of the tt end to any o th er matt ers that mig:1t beauty of t he ic ture sque m ou ntain e presented. Prof. Gil ru t h, delJate F'1.1giyama. This pe ak r esem bl es a oach r eprese nted Montana Stal e, great whi te sug ar con e su spend ed 1 ath-e r Lor enz was t.h e de lega te Jrom from the sk Y. a nd is vi s ibl e from onzaga, a nd P rof Holliday r eprese nt- every o:rn of t he sixty is land b of tb e th e coll ege of l\ I if:.sou la . group. Th e ques tion decided u pon is a Jn point or his tory, Japan is on f. ba se o! th e Mon roe Doc trin e problem of th€' old est coun lri es of the world, bat. has bec:i rac in g t !1e n ations of for dal es as far back as GGO D. C. ar e nis c ontinent to r a good ma ny years me nlion ec.1 in t.be a:icien t reco rds Th e b ut which has co me in lo s pecia l population is ;1b ou t G2,CI00 ,000. /romiu en ce only re:cenUy. It is 'l "h e is lands arc m ou nt ai nous a nd of ,....t aled as fo llow s ··Hesol \'ed 1 th at an volcanic ori gi n. 'fhi s la tter fac L is 1-Amen c an al11an ce should he subst1- proved by th e red s oil that is fo u n d 1ted for l he Doct rine." I eve rywh ere. ' rh e c limat e, Divi ne The lhree de bates \Yill occu r on th e wc':l t on to s ay is not differ en t on d Th urs day of i\lar ch, one co n- , fr om th at or th e Unit ed Sl ates. rrbe st tak ing pla ce at. e :i c-b scho l This is land s are s trun g throu gh thirty d e- .Monta71'1 State h as th e n cgatl\ e gr ees of latitude , so it is e\•id e nt t hat th Gonzag l at Snokan e, the affir- a gr eat ran ge or temn e ratur c a nd ative wi th li ssoula at Boze man and c li mati c conditions prevail. cr ontinued on Page Fou rj I (Continued on Page Two) I ED NOBLI, , CAPTAl N OF BLUE A:'-I D GOLD ELEVEN The collegians from Bozeman •tsed their superior weight. to excelle11t ad· I vantage, smashing benvy li ne 11lunges against the lighter Billings tea,.n. REGORO I IN rnE SHORT couRsE BoosrERs wILL tContinued on Two) Regi st ra tion E <ceeds T hat of Last Year by 81 g Ma r gin Alr ea d y. Ma ny Old Men Are Back. ELECT OFFICERS At Meeting T oday the Boosters Wil l Clect Officers fo r Yea r- Brief Hi st ory of t li e Or ga nizat ion The reoi::;tra_Lion in the sdt0ol 01 riculturc re;,u·heU seYent) Tllm·sUay morning :ind a number \YHl' "·aitiug tu be r1:.·gisterC'l1. JuJging trom hist ..\ meeung of the Boosters wilt be iigur+J:c: the total number of stud· hehl tbis morrnng at 11 o'dock t·nts will reacll ninety or ont" hm11lred. the purpose of el ecting O[iieers l'or Lust. Tl:'gistrntion was six t y- thL' \'ke·l'rcs icl e:1t Bullock. will three. about twt:nty entet'i;ig after iu the absence of P res11len t · fir!;)t l hrce da ys. I Harrell H ibba rd . w lw diU not n. t.urn The most no t iceab le fecHnre t his · w the college U11s fal l. . Y('ar is the nnmhe r oi students rrom Boosters club was f uun tl t: 11 in l11e \\ cs t ern po1 ·Li on of t be swte \\"hiC' h t he fa ll o r with De.:\1'.Hh would. inUica te an interes t as presi dent an d Dave l l1gb1e as v i< ·e- in Ft ''Tictt lt ure in tbat section. 'fh ere 11i r e!::ildent. \\'i th th esC' leaders t he a re 1:1to nrleen s tud l?nts fr om Lb e ex- Boosters ma de their first ye:1 r a very "_·emc western pa rt , t. wo fr om Li ncoln \successful one. In th e tnll of .1 no ICOln tv in north wes tern co rn er Da ,·e l\ igl>ie \\a s chose n pr t>s ld<'ut . ·. - of tbe or ganiza ti on anU \\' i\l ia m Vl s- of th e .. la te. . ( p "t' h.H!l\ L Othel' s t. ates are represen ted as well. m l. Yit'e 1 ires1den. . ice· 1 . s Th ere ur e se veral from \\'yomin g. on l\ 'es ial w as elec te d pre sid e nt 1 : 1 from :" fo rt h Da lw ta, on fr om New and . Roy was chose n Jer sey one from No nb Cnroli na. one pres1de nl. 1 h e cus t om. of e ' · · t · ·'s viCf'l'· iJJ" t':'!=:. Ident to t ho from Mi nn eso ta , and two fr o m lll1 n01 s. t:1e pas )e a1 · .. - · . iqz Th e asse mbl ies will be he ld on pr eside n cy was aga .11 rollO\\ ecl JU I Thur sday nw rning s at nine o'c lock. wh e11 Roy l\l alsor was chosen Jll't:t>i- Th e pl ace hn s not b ee n anno un ced yet dent. La::it fa ll B ar re ll H ib l.iartl wn.s as lh f' r oo m in th e Agri cu ltur al lluilcl- ele l·t etl to the h elm aL1d l •' r ed lh.1- i:1 g is too sm:'lll. Jot k was eh osen yi c.:e-p resid en t I No new cou r ses !rn ve bee n ad de tJ The μurp ose oi lh c orga nizhl i•hi th is vcnr but th e old courses ha ve w boost ever .y th ing in genern 1 •ntl ' IJ cen .<: han ge d a.net mnde mor (' pn1t ti- nt bl eti cs in pa rti cular. 'lh (' lt onsw c al ters t ake c har ge of tb e ae1 le t ic t.•o n- Pro f. J. IT. will s1)eak at the res ts. look aft f? l' t he w.e lfnrC' or. Ru ral r ir e d' lY p r O" 'Tam 3t Be lg rade I dsi li ug te ams and th elr sup1 Hnh• rs, J • • r:- a c 1 g of th e lon- l 0 11 .F'r i chl Y. Hnral da y was ret"e ntlr 1. en tl to th e a ve.r 1 n c·r euted by <-1 p ro clarna Li on by th e gov· I t eRts , a rr nnge and act, 88 i oot- e rnor. i at the gn.rot-s


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Page 1: EXT. lll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 ~NO · 2016. 5. 18. · THE WEEKLY EXPONENT THE \"i'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT. l"ll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 Numher :i. OAGH BENNION GIVES AOO RE15 SENA. TE SITS


Numher :i.




Matter of Representation of Athletic Council On Senate and Student Ac· tivity Ticket Are Discussed At First Meeting of Year.



R. A. Waite, International Y. M C. A. Boys' Secretary Gives Splendid Ad· dress on ··How Much Are You Worth:'


ennion Te! s of Athletics and Also Emphasizes the Need of Strictest

Traicing in Assembly Address

Tlw ~tude: l Senatl~ held .t.:te lirst FIRST GAME FOR THE 8TMTE CHAMPIONSHIP WI LL BE P L .6.YEO llH"\.'tillg ol tlll' year last \\"ed11esdar TOMORROW ON THE FOOT BALL FI ELD WHEN THE ST RONG al thl noon hour aud discusst:!d a SCHOOL OF MINES AGGRE:GAT 10N PLAYS THE COLLEGE large unmhPl' o( important business ELEVEN. RALLY W ILL BE H ELD T HIS E VENING

At a s_ie('lal 'as~wmlJlY last TueRtlay \Blue and Gold Eleven Outc;ass Team mon.i11g, at 11 o'eluck, the stude::it From Billings High and Plays 1Joily and Lile [a('ulty had the good I T hem Oft T he ir Feet

, 1)rtun• 111 h·~~r an a1ldr"~. hr H. A. rnatter;::. :.Ir llavi<lson, lhL• president \\"aitt:, iIJ.lf.>rnational Y. :\1. C. A. secre-


l·alled thE.- meeting to on.lt.:r and staL~d tlln t LhP Cirsr question to be con· OncC" more lh<.: '.\lonlnna Sl<ite Sl'bool the- }H"O\"Nbial Bozeman mud holds

tary of tht' bay·:: department. wliose I r n LLEG E r~mar1::~lilP I ersonality "':onp~ed wi.th lJ U his ~!lnhty r1s ::i.. s11eaker ::ms given 111m SHRS H~NOLE


:-i.iUen·U \\a8 whether tlk re1iresenta- or }.linl"'-s will tang\<:> with the State :;way over tlle fuot.ball grounds and ti Yes at t'!le meeting or organiz.at.ions eol\ege \V!'leu t.heil' respective gridiron will! the short time lefl for ol<l sol lO n n;: Uonal rr.-pul;ttion. th it had not ) el elecled their officers armies meet o:t t.he local field to- t;et in hi!:; work the iil'ld will prob(;b· \ rn)f Bishou led the 'jinging and .or th~· year should ha.ve a vote. No- mono iv a[Lernoon. Tb.e miners a re ly be- worked to a good thick (·onsis· Spe·r,,.tar:y Colton of the local.Y- r-.: .. c. I thing i l the conslitutiou about tbe in the game or b1ood Utls ~·ear and tenc·y. The co;itest will at all en.:uts A. made a short lJrayer. :'.\Ir. \Vaite


'"'ome Statistics Regarding Those Who matter l:Ollld be: found, .so as a prece- this is th~ir first game of the season. be intere~tiug. jwa-:; tl:en introduced by Prof. F. S. Bi.lings Team Shows Real Clas~ In cut Class Are Given. Davidson dent it was <levided that they should Rumors ('Orne from the miner's catnJJ ('oolev who 1iresidl.:'d in tlw aLs('JJ<'t' I Contest Against Stronger Team Tells of the Work of Senate he ~i\"t>ll t!:le 11ower to :n:'>te. 1thul the' abo inteud to start the sea·. ?\ot,Yit'i<.:l'..lnding the faci tl!at th1.~ o l'n: icleHt Hamilton. Bad Weather Handicap. Tlle problem of thP representation son rig~n which rucans that if the fie!U will not be u;e bHt to 111:: <lt>:::=ired . • of the athletic council, which hns re- a l;ug..,. t·rowd i$i lool·:.t-«I for as this is 1 'I hP evening words of Mr. 'Waite 0

,ir a RE:'- 'h\r honr on ]liaced the old athlf•tic associntion, ~lllue ~~1~e g~\~1 l~ c°,~1:si~~tra~:~tu:·1~~\'.: th£' first ot thC' seri< s or ~a mes !'or pO\\ erful t~d')~'res~twere, "Ho.: m~~~e a:~ On a field that was ankle dt·c}) in l~t rr 1 l 8 ,p1•ial ass;>.mbly for men in the stude11t senaie and the number tl e g t·ce e I~ for tlle locals th<' state C'ham11ionsh1p. The bnos-IYOll lwo; . d an hau~u ~ . uc mud, and \Yith a drizzling rain r111ing, inJ\ '' sh 1d. The lllt"E'ting was ad- of bouor cri:-d1ts t~<'lt shonltl bP at- \tt la in:c I' tlga ll' . . ~h~ lcr club will be down on the fiel1l n:an rnoc an( -:oman oo ,ha a n a lbe c.:olle~e eleY('ll defeated tne Flil-/',~~',on' nu o~~;:d~l~n~~o,''.;1:0:o!~'rseu: I ~\';ii~:~ ~~1 ~';1~1 c~~1~~~te~w~Ya:tu~:~~ <olleg;:~~o ~:~ ,~y~:n ):~;,;~"'~~~-an:~ ~l~1l.~•i: '~1;~ bg:1;~,e~~<~ ,::11~sa \'~;;:.h~~ I t'1~1111ld,all:u ofet~h ~:,acter, ow muco ~:!: l~tghth:t~~~;o~ea~~l:;:«I~~< a~::: 'lit

"l"!D ltoti a 101

, , '<I 1hat l.t was l>roughi 11p. Alter considerable discus- mix lt\~"ll t ·t le merl::., - '1'. as De to Si:l\\ dust. ! !IP continued bY tel1ing o (

5~'eral 1io1JI1. The score ~l·O doc.~ nl•t of .i: .. l'PS.H lng; 1::i a ~('Orf'€'~::; 1e uc I <"la~"eR of pe-0ple. The first is tll2 futurt> rn hold sion • wns dl'cided t.:iat the athletic a limited slnr:k'·nt Uody the Dutle tn- 'ronighl at I o'clock thE booster < i('> for which p1:·ot1le l>~cl a l.! .tn;l:'•.!~1 cour::.e shew the c:ompa:i at "€' Bll'f·.it,th .\111~ nA.''11"1.'.' [Jr counc.'il wlw·h is comvosetl of t,\'iO stitution has nlways had considernbleclub \\iJI conirregatc un '\lain strett to- \111on:-a11d dollar~. T'P ia!';t an· t.ed or the two teams, altbougb th~· ~t:100J fo<·nlt 'rnemlwrs, tll1 coac!1. a:i ~-ilum- d. ... It . t · tl l l" t ·n e'' it! tl b 0 tPrines ·rnd ·n boys p1ayed a strong consistent game \

·'a .11111 the l i:::: au l two st•1de11 s dectt.·tl IJ\· the llttcu ~· 111 1n1 trng a le ic e;ims 1 lot .1er '' t b <o b o s d .r ~ • to~el '.1er like a;;;11ara -;us a.1d so\11 kr and made it ha:d at timc>s fo1 U\P "" ~ the field. llowen:'r \\ilh lal'ge ran t,men s aye Pen ma c or a buon t1.. 1 c.t··l\tS a lnrnc:h. colk-e to ;vlYanee the hnll ilnsiqu1 will gtudent lHHI~ one from the sc·nit1r [rt.•sbman clus:~ t'1t; )ear it •.:-r hoY~ rousi:ig rally A lJtll\firP "m h~ built :z..•~ "Waite tben dt:iscrib~.111 c 11eople s m <.hla~. a<·1 iuir1.::d a c n:,;lJ r iJ1 ,n••um 01 and the snake tl;;1nce ;ni.l otlH•r n:.;n1:1l ···\·ho ~·t ""''n no· 1,b-th• .e-1 ,~ Tie high school made th€·Jr i,r:::;t 1 oliall lilat nal, a nnrnlwr of the ce\i brations will hp parllcip,1tec-1 in. ',·t: dJ1hf'rs. It makes 11 , dif~1.:rence uown onl,:; 0uce dndng C1e g:h 11e;

1 l;""v1.;r, , 011 n,.., rro tll< B1.1t1 h ·::::11 .\'1 the loyal bocster;; an(l boo Lcr· 1 , .. main of the::;e you :\drl C!l' m lfl- \\b 11 t:..te <'Ollege carried the ba1' 1Jr-t..,, a t ·h ' to tll of- s('hool cham w ushq 'am ot l:..st iias a.re urµecl lo be ih. re 011 tun for 11 ~ thC' n·sult remaim~ ~1e s. lll•' ,,·ard at "ti! only to luose it l ll a i1 ) car. this eel :Uration an•l Jet t. e tenrn 1 . cse are the kind that t 11; i·r1... 1111 tumUle. Bran;er t.lle Ui~ tul!bdl K. h se1 .tr. wt re 11a11J<_·c1 as ei ~ht. while l·v ti, tlle ll 1e 01 gorng to iwcss know \'hat i~ expected u l1 1•111. 0,, ! walk .,.1 irnrued milk• he Hilling t.eam layed a ~ 1

11.ir 1 t "' ~ t1 id· d th"'t <.liX sliould be nt-... amP. Con:rt, .lolly and Ilomne,., dld ~~ it -a

l Ie gaY0 a::. an exump1e of those tlle best work ior the college. t SC :i~\ i "~eat!) i:~ l< l·~d ::"'~~~~~he~. $lUde::tl actiY[(y TRAININr TftBlE mo rnoTBA L'L MEN 1e STHITI"u' 1'.~~~' ~~ ',:;·CJO(~.:. l~an~h \Ill~ ha~ 1n follO\'.l'lg_ '""it!e tal<en 'om 1 0 eeu l:t; <.: ct 0 he t ·Ret Wi ll(Xt disc 1$::.t d. Accord- H lJ " run r u H J l H II I l bis 1:1nt C'!Tl'V the ball to the fi,·e- the Bi!U11g!-; Gazette gives the rilaY Ho 1.n:r 1 im n ,•re i -"'to t'1c s1. gestion m;1d1;•, th~s ticket vard lin then, when the touchdown ·u cktail. Cle ot ,,-, _·la c 1re sPot:ld be pai<l at the timl' of regis- · 1 11 · l ti t 1'' · r" ·' l l ·1

r. in an U\ ,tcic . of the in· fration a•1d !":Jlou1d iuclude subscription letes were introduced to t.l1e tram_ iiartakmg or t.1c staff of hfe. !meant for lum to carry the ball. This mud. Billi11c:s High at South jark 8at-

~ · · For the fir:3t time the college ":lt . .J- \f..c ... ·11 se.alPd _ar.ound the t.rn.brng a> e wac: asLuri:'.d, ;.:;;r,e th1 s.1gna ,, 1~ .n .1.s (ll a i.c~u a ,; e u~i.:., Uelic• c that much good to tl e Fxpo111;•nt, antl admission tu all ing- table Tm·sday when a large ti.or· .l11st itO''' or1l'' lhc 11·rst team men\ m. au is like a _cigare>~te. the mo'r'e it lfllliav held the Sta coll• fo:. 'l' a " l.·cmt li ht·d Uy :.i. r<_:>g11lar thleti1· ancJ forPnsic e'ents. It was Lit•;] of the football squad began tal~rng ' . ·.· is puffe<l the smaller it becomes 21-11 s-Y,.f' lhn th.- ode~ -i u 1 'l t•1e humau e1tlciency TJ1e further !"Ug:gP!"ited that a committee lle~ls with Coach Beuniou at th~ c·ol- aud a number or the more 1woru1!5ing '.\lr '\Yaite went on to sav: ··~ to t '·1 e t~l· c1 mt. =it

1 a~::,, Jitik• 01, no l _ -=houlrl h1 a11 ointecl h:r the vresident . . c·andidates en the S(lCOll<l iPam arc • · Iopel~ ~ly 0 t ei~hed. anl 1·11 '' bicb should l11Ye.oti~at~j. the advis- 1 .:..:'e lunch. The new in~lltutam m g.iven a ::;eat al the table. 1t was not I "The cipher has Talue cn}y as it d

tbn ma:t ·r of diet. Its im· C'Ollege athletics is 1.>eing taken cal'el . . . t l ti with other units. trick pla~·~ on which they 11a1l 11lie ,., not rp··Hzcrl A man <lbilit\- of snC'h action a:J.d mal\e rf'com- r . . deemel neces:mn· that the entire come-; 111 o re a on T)n'l in h Ir t1 e Yl'iror:-; im! 0~,.,ib1E: of i ns good can" ot him!'.\elf 11 •n<lationi~. .'.tr Lult wa~ nametl of by "P.ed'' nderc m i•onUN'l'l•'l sqaud shonld be included ·11 th(-' l!::;t 81 L l· \'.itu .1 c:i.vb r bu lan he_i' g. l':'\l'l:\l,.l''TI hecnn~ of the ~1q1 "'I ::; l C' :o.tock. lf o11I,v a,:: n lmsi·)as a mpmber, the remainder of the \\ith the lunch couute1·. The :;en- ancl ibis together \\llll C:rn f;;lCt tlrnt I.le bas Yalue only as he co:JJeS lnto c-oudirion of the field, the hom1 t: ianl ,~\. T11en t .er"' i~ Ulf· mat t• n mitteP 10 bf> apJ)Ointl:'d at a later mg, howf'ver. is under the direct su~1c1· accomodatio::is for such a large num- counedion with a person who '!las fonght n .,.lorir.111s fight nntl ~eut down .__ "' vision or tJe coach. · I ct · that hai:> t:." The man with date. ber could not be arrangetl resulted a smg e om:nant !Jl'rµuse . lwit.h ilving colors. C\m;:;ider 11b. 'he ""'''"n,_t det11ar1d. Owin~ lo llle numlier of organiza- For many :years ll'i.lbing during atb- in a list being chot-ie11 h~· the conch. burned out all other Pl.irpose::; But tul1ls, it. was a dctolT got. 1 ca.rri<1ge i.s 111 ~· .... - . t1011•. t11at ll'"Ll not ,·et el~cted ll1e1·1· letic seasou ha~ Ueeu c-.onsi<lt?reJ smrn"- 1 k tl l -

• ., n _ "' Tllis list. is subject to change later on tltt- Yalm.'_ of thE' man i ·e 1"" Ta ue ne~p!Tfl 1 colJ. raw drizzle.\' h1 1 at lie ·"' men of the country today in what a~ a joke among the parl!d- I · il d d hicl "id ot ll liui:s of lrnsiness are men of good ohic·~·rs it was lm11os~ible to make a :I as tlJe second string nen mel'it posi- ol t, l' u.m.~ ~11e:i ~ on "" 1 5

e times [_pproad1ed the proport10ns l'f a ,,,.,.,·,n., .. rornplete annoHncement of the corn- iiants in collcg~ athletics. 1 owever. tious witll tile main crew. the one i::, t.Je zei o. •pnl rain. a C'l"O\Hl of more 1ha11 200 ... with the coming of Conch Bennion,. il b

"One of the olJjecrions t•aised a· mittees for the year. 1 k 0 1 1 d rved at I "I( the man is 'lead in ec.•rnest 0 watcl1ed 1he hatlle throue:h. T e aiust the athlete is this lack of goocl was made 'ery eYidcnt that sac: n r two ~iea s a a~ are. se . his vurpose, then and only then, is he wea1her fniled to dam1,en the ~.nl or BOU F

FONS HOLD MEETING I training would not be tolerated. Coach '~enn10ns t.able it beir1g 111:.~ces· worth lO. Otherwise he is valued of the :::id(' lines hosL and the Or~.iii.:.:e· arriagE". Uowe,~er. the trained ath- t f r or rea ns tha::i on that " The first Ilouffon meeting of the First., a definite date was se a ter ~ary or m e so . ·~ . lat • UJ ' And acC'ording to mv maihe· and-Black wa." gi\'en Joyal :mrr1ort ~~;aet ~~sc!.~~~~ :~~~~:;t~11 1 ~ 1 ea ~1~1~n:r )1·0e,~r,'111·:st'.'.~ld a~~n~,~~t:~et:~:;at:::. :l~~~1 d~~~~,~=~:~: .. t,~.!:~c~~ ~:n~~~l~~~~ :.~;u;:~r;:~~;d:~=·~1 ::est~~~:'.n at~ ,~.;'.eir ~:~,~~~·l~·~l:~.:•:0 ~::1,~i~o~::n!.::r ~~: ~~~:d.tlle tap of llle gong to the lnst pquiri11g thC' least f'ffon, resr.'; wl1en- "" i l I Althou~h a new i1m0Yat1011 in col-1

· "on was tli~cllS!>-ed and tl1C' usual iwo ed a7ld fo1· the f TSL irue a a rge num- dlfierence in the two classes is due I W eight T oo Much in Mud . .. \·er an opportunity is afforded but · IJ r Lt d er give a ta~te lege athletics at t his 111ace the traln· .::: ready at an~r moment 1.0 put forth dances "tll hP: gn et1 Unr111!! the school I er o ie squa w e n ' C • h ' 1 d d h' t ·u 'Iartin E. Kell,\' and ell real tr ain111g di.cipliue oac mg table ..ias a rea y ma e a i w1 1 is supreme effort when the occasion year. u ::\lyron


Bennion immediat ely began working those in football circles and Coach c!quir~s. TlJis is due to a lac·J\. of Carr were elee:ted tn the- dub ror a training t a ble and bow W(" li he jnennion is <'011fide~ll that heton" the adiing ruen w c·arr.r themselves lsneceeded tn his efor ts can be seen season is tner 1l \'.11l lla'e \\t>ll iiro,eu

o ~;:;~ .,, ;~~~~ n ~v~~ ~n J ~ ~~\~ :i ~L1 ~ ~~ o I::: ~~~:~~. ~,:;,~~.~ "~.~'.~ 1 ~·:, ~·.:::.~ .. ::::'. ::"~:·:;· • ~· ... UNDER WAY

Interesting Address on t he Peopl e and 1 the Count ry of Nippon Is Gi ver) (

1 'l a ns Are A r ra ng ed for t h e Tr ian gu lar •I De bate At Meetin ] in Mis so u la I

W h ich Prof. Gilruth Attend s

At Meeting of Club .

Re'' DiYine gave t:1e third of his ~erie:->. of let·tures on bi!5 trip around

Uelmtlng activities on the hill start- the world, llefore 1be T ravel Club d iu ParneBt thb JJast week. wit:1 the Saturda~ e\'('ning. 'rbe subject unounc:ement. ot the c1ue.stion for i he of hi~ address was ··Japan." Beauliful· riangular Jnter·eollegiate league, con- ly ha.ntl coh•r~d slides, showing views sting of Gonz(:lg:l Unhersity a l Spo· \or that e:0uutry. were th r o,.,.·n upon the an e, tlw College of ).[i8so11 la, an d lh e screen. Io::i t.ana State college. ).1r. Divine Uegan his talk by saying

A meeting of re}J resentatiYes from t.ba t the five important cities ~f .J,.ana? , I JI t hree schools \\·as Jrnld last. Sal- were, Kobe, Osak a, :-.J"agosalo, Tok10

1rday in Missou la t.o sele<:t the ques- lhe c a pi t a l, and Yokahama, the p rin- l 1un for disc ussion t h is year anti to cipal seaporl. Il e t.hen spok e of the ttend to a n y o th er matte r s tha t mig:1t beauty of the p·icturesque m ountain e presented. Prof. Gil ru t h, delJate F'1.1giyama. Thi s peak r esem bl es a oach represente d Montana S ta l e, great whi t e s ugar con e s uspende d

1 ath-e r Lorenz was t.h e de legate Jro m from the s kY. a nd is vi s ible from onzaga , and P rof H olliday represent- every o:rn of t he sixty is landb of tb e

1~ th e college of l\ I if:.sou la. group. ~ Th e questi on decided u pon is a Jn point or his to r y, Japan is o n f. base o ! th e Monr oe Doctrin e problem of t h€' oldest coun lri e s of the world,

bat. has bec:i rac ing t !1e n ations of fo r da les as far back a s GGO D. C. are nis continent to r a good ma ny years m e nlion ec.1 in t.be a:icien t reco rds Th e ~sl, but whi c h has co me in lo s pecial popul a tion is ;1bou t G2,CI00 ,000.

/romiu en ce onl y re:cen Uy . It is 'l"he is lan ds arc m ount a inous a nd of ,....taled a s fo llow s ··Hesol \'ed 1 tha t an volcanic ori gi n . 'fhi s la tter fac L is

1-Ame n can al11an ce should he subst1- proved by th e r ed soil that is fo un d 1ted fo r l he ~'ronroe Doc t rine." I e ve rywhe re. 'rhe c lima t e, ~I r. Divine The lhree de bates \Yill occur on th e wc':l t on to s ay i s not muc~ d iffe r en t

x·on d Th ur sday of i\larc h, one con- , from tha t or th e United Slates. rrb e ,·st t a k ing pla ce at. e :i c-b scho l This is land s are s trung throu gh thirty de-

~ar .Monta71'1 State h as th e n cgatl\.·e g r ees of latitude, so it is e\•id e nt t hat th Gon za g l a t Snokan e, the affir- a great ran ge or temneraturc a nd

ative with l issoula at Bozeman and c limati c conditions prevail.

crontinued on Page Fou r j I (Continued on Page Two)


The collegians from Bozeman •tsed their superior weight. to excelle11t ad·

I vantage, smashing benvy li ne 11lunges against the lighter Billings tea,.n.


IN rnE SHORT couRsE BoosrERs wILL

tContinued on P~ige Two)

Regis t ra tion E<ceeds T hat of Las t Ye a r by 81 g Ma rgin Already.

Many Old Men Are Back.

ELECT OFFICERS At Meeting T oday the Boosters Wil l

Clect Officers fo r Yea r- Brief H ist or y of t li e Orga niza t ion The reoi::;tra_Lion in the sdt0ol 01 a~­

riculturc re;,u·heU seYent) Tllm·sUay morning :ind a number \YHl' "·aitiug tu be r1:.·gisterC'l1. JuJging trom hist ..\ meeung of the Boosters wilt be year~ iigur+J:c: the total number of stud· hehl tbis morrnng at 11 o'dock ·a~r t·nts will reacll ninety or ont" hm11lred. the purpose of electing O[iieers l'or Lust. ~ears Tl:'gistrntion was six t y- thL' ~car. \'ke·l'rcs icle:1t Bullock . will three. about twt:nty entet'i;ig after t~e prt:~ide iu the absence of P res11len t

· fir!;)t lhrce days. I Harrell H ibba rd . w lw diU not n . t.urn The most no t iceab le fecHnre this · w the college U11s fal l. .

Y('ar is the nnmher oi students rrom T~t.! Boosters club was fuun tl t:11 in l11e \\ cs tern po1·Lio n of t be swte \\"hiC'h the fa ll o r Hill~) with lJ~ yj~l De.:\1'.Hh would. inUica t e an i ne r~a sing interes t as presi dent an d Dave l l1gb1e as v i<·e­in Ft ''Tictt lture in tbat section. 'fh e re 11i re!::ildent. \\'i t h th esC' leaders the a re 1:1tonrleen s tudl?nts from Lb e ex- Boosters made their first ye:1 r a very "_·emc western pa rt, t. wo from Li ncoln \successful one. In the tnll of .1no IC Oln t v in 1 ~1 e north wes te rn co rn er Da ,·e l\ igl>ie \\as chosen p r t>s ld<'ut . ·. - ~ of t be organization anU \\' i\l iam Vl s-of the .. la te. . ( v · p "t' h.H!l\L Othel' s t.ates are represented as well. m l. Yit'e 1ires1den. . ice·

1. s

Th er e ure se vera l from \\' yomin g. o n l \ 'es ial w as electe d president 1:

1 l ~ l l from :"fo rth Da lw ta, on from New and . Roy ~iia~~or was chosen le1~t~~:~ Jersey one from Nonb Cnroli na. one pres1denl. 1 he cus tom. of e ' · · t · ·'s viCf'l'· iJJ" t':'!=:.Ident to t ho from Minnesota, and two from lll1 n01s. t:1e pas ) ea1 · .. - · .· . iqz

Th e assembl ies will be he ld on p residency was aga .11 rollO\\ ecl JU I Thursda y nw rnings at nine o'clock. whe11 Roy l\l al sor was ch osen Jll't:t>i­The place hns not been a nnounced yet dent. La::it fa ll B ar re ll Hib l.iartl wn.s a s lh f' room in the Agricultural lluilcl- elel·tetl to the h elm a L1d l•' red lh.1-i:1 g is too sm:'lll. Jot k wa s ehosen yic.:e-p r es iden t

I No ne w cou rses !rn ve been addetJ T h e µurp ose oi lhc organizhl i•hi '~

th is vcnr but th e old courses ha ve w boost ever .y th ing in genern1 •ntl ' IJcen .<: hanged a.net mnde mor (' pn1t ti- ntble tics in pa rticul a r. 'lh (' ltonsw cal te r s take charge of tb e ae1le t ic t.•o n-

Pro f. J. IT. 1.~l s t will s1)ea k a t the rests . look a ft f? l' the w.e lfnrC' or. t h~ Rural r ire d'lY p rO"'Tam 3t Belgrade I dsi li ug t eams and thelr s u p1Hnh• r s ,

J • • r:- a c s· 1g of th e lon-

l 0 11 .F'r ichl Y. Hnral day was ret"entlr 1.en tl to the a ve.r 1 n • c·reuted by <-1 p roclarna Li on by th e gov· I teRts , arrnnge r:ilhe~. and act, 88 ioot-e rnor. i e r~ a t the gn.rot-s r h emselV~l:l

Page 2: EXT. lll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 ~NO · 2016. 5. 18. · THE WEEKLY EXPONENT THE \"i'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT. l"ll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 Numher :i. OAGH BENNION GIVES AOO RE15 SENA. TE SITS

TITE 'l'"EEKLY EXPO :-: E :'>IT, FHJl>AY. OCTOBt;R 9, 1914

rr-----., .. ___ , o ... ___ lL------'t:tl

Cl A "sheepskin" don't always A T r a. r no and ur..:e u1em to ho pr·"" VP n

THE WEEHLY EXPONEN tleir d:is e, so th" tlie•· m>r have I ir 1 :\ ., t in brl lJ:.1 h omf' he C'1latllJHon-

0 show the brains a man's LJ got, but his brains ma,-

0 show the valAued ofrt~s --- 0

0 Jt r "'h l nt t, ~h to ~· uta ::i. ~l~ll I b '1~ Ja!1 r' l, 1 9J

I' Ol~INt TtlK~ ON HP~N (l "sheepskin." ve is- :\.~£ o

D in' alone can't m~ke k_ x

0 0 quality an' populan~, ·:;~· ',; ' ~ ­but VELVET'S qeali.ty ~~ r

0 docs give us somethrn' ~ 7' o O to advertisc.~y 'i' 0

0 \'FI \'!; , T ~PJ<>J\h,-st S· l<>kiv ' Tob:icco, ;, I~~n- D

UL ~ Rurlc_\J Jr,; /_.uxe. with tl1 t .. c1l 1n-thL·W•>0cl.,. 1cl-tz "' .. i 1 ::.L. n'-·: ~ 1 ~1~nu 1 a ,,s .

~----.,----10~.~~~JJ . '


ll J

l' Il

11 I la s u m n r L I c


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t t~-. / Pocket Kodaks

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men th<" t lt: \1l t ( ,f l l' ('101('·


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RoseDrugCo The Rex:tll Store.

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rm \\:lr. : I\. w1trkr>a~~td u~\1:h,t h:·1~1e l~1111:1!rr~~ c lf~e~h~::P· t iat llfrnt~e re~ ;~~l:~~('l~ife J ic 11

of h ir subj, t:t~. or t C' Ja1 :lih e T'H• ~1 to c. ~im. id I w """'~ esohl

i~ th1 oJ I(' t o1 th.~ t 1n'P that now h u, \\ h etr \\'.t•tgh ' tllP \ :-- • 1l•1min t•" 1h1s land Th1~ h,1s herome 01 ,.. \ert• , nt~· :iliin 10 sCOl't"' thr~e

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I !News of

I ewness I h I fl t

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'\.1n CARI~.

OlLI·...- \.,, ICJ '8 SlL\"FH Tl\ I 'l ·s. '\ll -.:1\'\ l\"clflY

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l 11rkr :\'ll cnal lank of Gallatin


College Students a Specialty.

e r llnw1 t at l\lontilll ~rn.tc .1nJ ho{}t.'s t at th1•y may 1Je<.·0111t~ imbued w 1tb t:.t t s111nt w 1kh sball make tor a li:...,gC'r and l>dtt:r ingt1tutlon.

hOPl'h s , mix· with ht:> rutldhiH , w .. htl•n\ HS

reli!!IOl whlc1 later iuvadt'd the The- lir:'l l\\O 1u11t.:hdm,11s c·ome ID '..--------------~ islands. rh third is the Christian re· th fi "hl'll a st> it·s of l'lll

ligjou w ich has matlt• c·on~ld~·~~l~: r11~ 1;11H~Jll~t~:.::~~ lilll' smc\l'lht•=-- s" C'J)t

Athletes are Bel ow prv!!n·s~ amon~ th~ peo11le. The IOC'al_:;; off tlu•lr t"t•et Once the Xnt1. to add to oth~r troubl~s or irt• at 11r~iwnt nhout 114.00 Bull- flcmr tSl!UlHI rnlliPd on their '.!!l-yar

:\tontana 81nll" sen•ral nwn or the dhist ll'lll}lks or sJui1ws antl abont Jilli:" nnd held thP t·ollPf!P for downs. filotball s11uad arc iallinµ, bt>low in ti~.1111 Shinto shrines in th() island::;. but a blocked punt was l"<.ll'O\"ered by llwir dasH•:.. If things continue as At tl11• i·onl"iui,:;ion of :\tr Ui\"ine's rhe l'OllCL:t' on Billiugs· tin.• yanl liue tht'Y h,1Ye with th('sl' me:l the out- hi:.:hly lnstnH·tiYe ind enterta1:iing ancl thP hall \\as pushed aero~~ thoug-l C"OIHt' is PasiJ~· foretold, tllt' blue and let wre. forty ~tides were shown UilOll

it took I hp t·ollt"~t' tlHt>f' downs to ~old \\ill loo~t· sc\cral 0r it~ most cou- the ~<'n·e;1. sh(rninµ; :-;ome or the heath- makr the eount :-<tst1..~nt rnd dt•iwntlablt: 11laYt>rs 1t 1..11 tt·mph.•s and inHl~t:'S. anti sorne of





Glodowski Studio Tilt~ SP<'Ond quar11._·r was play1~d with.

mii:;ht just a.~ w~ll be und•·rstood now t l' ~t·{'11ery. In tht• le<:ture tomorrow out a ~r·orn. In this 'lll•HtPI' the locals ---------------..., a:-;. an) tlmt• that '.\fonrn1111 State puts ~\.n n;. Rt•\· Uinnl• will give a put up an ('X<'<'llent ddPnse. but ,,ere I NATIONAL PARK LAUNDRY st· wlnr~hiii r ·st in t·\'l·ry t·on~idera· limpsP ll( th~ Ille and charac·ter:slics •tnahlt>

10 gain wh"n the ball "a=- in

•ion and 110 man who bas l'\'t' ~ t>eeu of tht" pt..•oplt~ .;1ud niso tt•Il something- thl~ir JIUSH\·sion. I 011low in his work h~ts pluy ~d on any of t .,e .lapal!l·M• art:-i and craft~. "·hen thP local 11•:tm did gain it \\as • HhlNil' t1·am. F 11 r 1 ' mon· sti•reo1·tH."lll 'it•\\"S illu.~- on 1ritk torma'ion or ran\anl pa,~e~

\\'lwn the !HE" 1 tht·mst•h C'::. do not t ftl lg his 1a K '\ill hf' ;;~own I \l.;i;• ennuc.h 11t1·rt•st in the l• am tc)

ektf'Jl 11 ln Lht.'ir grad• . ..;, is it any COLLEGE CLUB UNION MEETS

Ii l as the 1lar tiro.c;ressNl this sl) le 01 lay ln•<·tullt' impr!tl'lkahle. T 1~

The Laundry of Quality

BORDER-GRAY. Agen t s Phone 269 R .

\ mita~e Taylor

wontl• r lhat tilt• 1;1111lt.Jnt hotly looses <'01 • '-' nntl l'C'S nothing- but d{'ft•at

1·ort1 at lih· Pllri of tJ1e hall stood 141 to 0 '.idlakt!' Duquell<'

uanld st trino thrm m lhl' fare

Tl: ·" t "' tih· C'Oifloge 1 ThP collc•!?;e scor<"d ils third and ln>t I dub t vl\ Jil:lC'(> n tht> ri>orns of the 110uchdown in thr third quarter. Like 1.\1 tchel

fhPr1• .s ah:->ulutt>ly no n•a!;Ou w'l-o~ orµ,.1111zntion in t!w a.:!.rit·11lt•1r11 bnilcl- 1he othPr two, it was gained 011

mas.-:\nl•ll' (l'apt)

t·Pntt·r 1rh couditions shouhl t>Xist Ever~· 111~ last Th111"·•da.\" altcruoon. Tlw ila~::; and hP:ny line smnslu.•s. The 1'~1ckleLl•1T~·

or .. Jrlunit~ i~ lwJil c·tt to the foot· otli<'er:-. who wert:> del'tt:>d to ht·ad the olh·~P Wt>nt through the hl~h ~rhoo t I right g-uard h:l" meu and just a little •·ffurt on duh for thp y.-•ar an• \\·ilson Gray 1

Jine ror e<tins or 1 ~ 11 and l:i '"nrds clur- 1 '.\kLPnn 1hcir pnrt \\oul<l o,;p(·urP Jias:-.i:Jl'!' g-ratlt>:-; 11rt':-<~dt-:it; Flo)d l'rittt·nden. ,·ice-

1 ·n~ the> thin! quartl'r. ThP;e was nol rig-lit tacklt•

l 'hri~tC'n~en



\Ve are cutting some of the finest roses ever grown in Montana


' Langohrs Greenhouses 315 SOUTH TRACY .O.\E..NLE PHONL'. 95


Montana State College of Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts

" s 111 ",ii, ~lee <al 1d ~le ·ha c l Fnt;lnt 1 ri c 1lt r I


. '1 rt~. \g-r: ultare D.l y, 11 ti-1 01 l 1c~. In Js ri.d <. uu1 t \ I u ) 'l :;;c an. Art

... rm nt.ls, l'ommudi01.... bn1ldin s, (' l

!JI ..,d 1r .101 extcn l\ e I hor I(

IU dt ! k (i \ 1 r r s. 'llUsh..: ntl art u














st;>11t lhl• c·olh•ge on the gridiron. ~t'aetar)-trl.l~t11er. About _o mern- 1the pln)f'rs sllJiJietl and tumbled the rl~ht end t~w way he ate the datl's anti imt wns ready to whip any two of then

Ii I

nn1I c>na\Jh• them to honorably r*"tll'e- i:rl~.:::.Hll·ll.~ ·~."~I . Er1.•n•tt '.\lt~Svaddtn 1 furtht>r ~eo. rin~ dnring th~~ ~amt' and I Chapplt..• C'arr

This ;,trtklt:> is not meant as a re-- '\Jers wen.• prest"nt at the meeting which hall fre<iuently O"Donnell Romeley I th{' pits on the aJtar. in a wresttin~ ma tch or any three it hukc ~o thht.> nwn; it::i. purpo~~ is to adJournt~d aftPr a brief busine::-s dis· Clean Game Thro ughout . quartl'r a rough and tumblE'. :-.:one of h1 h · 1. · .... h I · G (Cn t l .. Roubi"de"u x As. a1


1 example of _th_e other tYJle, rmg uetorl" l.1em t e actua ::;tate of cuss10n. The ~ame wns dean throu~hout, I C'Orge • Jl . ... four were willing to meet the propose( i

and time ''as taken out on h · once fo1 right hair 1 the lO man , Mr. \\ aite told the test. Lincoln then challenged an: IL

an injured player. The coill•ge u~ed Gouche r Co,·ert story of an i:lcident in the life of o:ie of them, to lift the keg in the ai ti

you can afford a suit or over­cc:J.t tailcre:!.-to-order by

E d. V. Pr1 ce & Co. Le u.ve your measure-Today !

J r I If Abraham Lincoln . '\\rhen L incoln a diffe ren t formation than the high e t

13 was a young mnn he with four others tiJl l t was possible to drink from th1 J

school In the bal'k field, the backs Branger .Jo ll .r comprised n c rew of n flat boat w1ich bung hole. E a ch one tried and !nilOO ll lining up on a slant, with t h e f111Jbac1' .lohi~u l~~~\i.k Billin gs, rm- was to carry a valuable cargo t o ~ew Lincoln proYed hifl physical prowes Y.

in the center. Jud.~on Covert. last i>i;:e. fe~l~· Gatton. Bozeman. Head Orleans. Before the boat set out the by then stooping down, and lifting Cl J year's captain of the loca l high school keg high uboYe h is bead . buL notwitl: played rear hair for the college linesman, Andy Thorirw , Billings. , o wner hnd e \ (:' r y one of the five sign s tanding their gibes, failing to drin) throughout t he game. Time, four 15-mlnute quarters. '.a ll agreement, promising not to touch "This was the action of n ,

10. man. J.

Coach Roy exp ress<:d himself as - --- I any intoxicating liquors on the trip. \. . d b i ~atisllt•d with the :;hawing madE." by W~IT[ T~lK~ 1

But t h() trip down the Ohio t ook :\{r. \ aite conclude . Y sa.y n •

d :1ec'e<·sar)" for t'. e "i1oln i·otirne)r t o k e.t of 1mblic opi:lion ?" . e11t r_Hllings h lgl_i s<.·hool ca.n linndle ;::. ·1 ~· f b f I I t,,,,·ce as in111·l1 t1·111<> a·.· ,,·as •bought " How much arc you worth m the ma a Billings, H\' <IPclnrnd hp rf'h conft- ... '"' .. I

any hu~h sd1ool 111 tltt.: :-- n1e. Xew Orleans and the rour others ct ~ r~e adllrt·:.::s was ODt:' 0 ~ e meE

Walsh's Ta1'lor1'ng Department Coach Compliments Team. lConti~ned from Pnge OncJ <"iMd to releb ra te at th e first town that ha~ ''"''" been heard "' asse~ am proud of th1• figl1t you fE"I that "as l'Padit·cl 011 tht" ~lissis:siJlpi bly ,md was dee111 Y appri><.·iated

- I,.,· ,.,.,. L1·11<·oi11 ,, .. ,,< i1nsnccessinl in tht· i·11Lre auclienl·e. lliws 11ut lll1 till nftt•rnoon," he told to the differc-uce in n·lation to pur- •

The Best Possible Value In Fountain Pens SELF-Fl L LER. SAFETY TOP. NON-BREAKABLE,

PRICE. $1.50.




the t1·an1. "I don't bt>Jip\·f' anoilwi page." !d~ anem11ts t o dissuade them 1 le hi ... h sf'lwol In 1lil' stat..• l'Ould haq~· ,. arned them hOWt'H~r tbnt LnP l.Joill PROF ATKINSON TO ATTEND dune lwtt*'r Of l'Ollr • \\t' hopt•d y011 '.\tr. \\-aite- illustrntt'f! his poi:lt by \\Ollld E:O on clown 1:1 (' riH'r at ~ DRY FARMING CONGRES ''Onld Ii" nht.- to s1·ort> on lhtl i·oth~gl'. th e s tory of il Roman cili:ll'll who had t·'c·\ock whNher th ey WC'l'C' nhnard or l'nHt>s::;or ..:\tkin::;.on lh»Hl of tl lrn1 co11sirh'ri11i..:- Hw condi1io11 nt' 1lw 1 romised to Sll('l'iri<.'l' one hundred per- not. Knowin~ him t o he trill' tt) his n.~ronomy dt.lpartmC'nt will kavt..• todl fil·ld and !lw orlds a~ainst yo11 no our fl<. t c.·attll:' to .Iupltl'r should his two word they n111ll'ared at th1\ whnrl a ror \\"itC"hi tn , Kanga::;., to attt•nd t1 "ill J,p suq1 rl~t·•l l1t·l'!lllsl• you rlirtn't" 1ew minutl•s bt•for1• ; rolling- a ke~ [lr: Fanning- l'o:\gn•s~. whic'h mee

Sevr•ral 1tlt·n '' t>l'p C'l1am~t·1l 011 C'Hch rithly ladt•n :;.!ups tialdy n•~\('h port. , t lwer lh .. •for11 lh t•m at that plan• Octobt•r l~. l:l. nud l I I 'I hl· 1·nrD11 11nht•d hut tht> merchant I ll•nm t ur ng- t \l' g:amt·. Tht• lin1;•u11 01t The- fou r s1ml.;,• tl1·rls1\l'lY of Lin· Prolt·:o;sor .\tk inson who 1s \'ln .... pre:

which tht· i.:-ame ~tarll'tl \\U . ..; ns fol· l gh't·tt•d his 11romis('. Finall)·, how- < 'ln 3 attit11d1• aud llna Jy l'lrnlknged <h·nt 01 tu1 .Assoc1ation w.ill deli\" lo"~ l"\"t!'r, his small bit or c.·onsclence ldt I s mn:i!l.ootl. l 'nahlt• to ~tnnd it any a \1aJ1t•r ht•fon• tlw tnf't•t nt: nu :\lo

The Lineup. arou:.eti him to :lC'lion and he- s tarted 1 11;.l·r. Lirh:oln nf't'red to pro\·e his duy nll tlh 1l l t t tif drv farm Corn~ O:i~n °ru.c: fvr thl• tt·mplt• of Jupiter with a nauhoocl in i\n,· ,,a~· lhl• lour "lShl·tl,llh· ,,111 pn"'iith' O\'t..•r Tut~sdn) s UH."' '

11uu111] or di.ltt':s as th~ tlacT ifke. On s i~~t.·st ui:: at the sam1,; time that he I in~s. lt•ft t·n.I

Page 3: EXT. lll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 ~NO · 2016. 5. 18. · THE WEEKLY EXPONENT THE \"i'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT. l"ll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 Numher :i. OAGH BENNION GIVES AOO RE15 SENA. TE SITS



Lyric Theater

"One Wonderful


Ensign Films Fit All Roll Film Cameras or Kodaks

Rerncmlicr they a, e imported produC't 11nd a ·c ~qU,ll '" a good or . hettcr thun films or Am<-rkan rnauutacture




igh I' <.r lt ( ,uk 1 "hu l.Jp l -n

a n1l!:i in1i.lr\'

1..lle l t1 e:urn

I I· l·al irlni; F 1 atH .•. Uu hman


r Stllg 'ic torlal



THAN YOU EARN Ii• 1~ be d Fllt1

Ollr ;' \\ !Jo

lass urnishings

r 111 otl1 r io1 . :: . \

' in \ r a ' JI > '°'II' rl ,

================~~! 1i -.· ., l 1 \C l I rk 13. ldL fo1· Big ADM SSIOl'i 10 A '0 20 CENTS

Filh 1l with tht1 poli ·h w tll thP. pleasant ollor. Xo matter what yoi..r ,Jl'I f, r1 nt:u may Le a.,, to hap£'.

coun IJ1 g, --i. to ln­'hi l p 1 ~UrP tn

P::t< l Yf'ar

crease ). J

\,lf. m' 4• interest paid on Savings.


s r <l 'l, ll• lt na

1f'Il JI ... R•'' en.ti


r·u I ('"t" \he f' she "ill rt:"lleYe ~tiss .. h lL Da , 1 ', wllo b 1 l.Jccn ill

tor t H l "L't!k .

l 1 < n:: er t11 0 not£>d hort c' \nu st of LewiRtO\\H, ld!lhn, w ll l;e In ~1 )J'tana I r hrLe " kilo this w 1 'f. ~le wlll attc111l Fanner-' v;eel, nt BOZf·man ,,a ' y ..! 30, .rnJ tht• ~t lte HPrtk 11-tunl mt ·lin· at Hillinf!S.

iZl' 1r 1 ic<', tt1c c i ·1 O"Cedar ).1011 to 1...1 yo11. 6allatin Trust & Savings

d no!

ph rnwcy at the

Small Size, 75c.

\\"1th t 11e 'teat v pa<l ng · o re\. nt rnarr:ng rour r- n 1tun.. it's tlH::

0111~· one to u 1·. ~t..ld


' ~ rl 0

ck Io tu

b c nf t• t..)

"o rooms (

t C C lllPUS

fl! lll I inflPill Dtt :idt·d the )[i!"~ou:a co1 t f0.11" l~t ' ~ h I·~ron ~!ls onla

'\::!. '\ll '1n...; he\\ t 1 'lilli111 ... , whf're h(' ailn s1 cl Owenhouse Hdw Co

I Fran sham n.

li1J • rv for Lb lC ' Cong1. g1t, u l m l· slf't l 11 .. ; \\i:l old ug its rnnual ;---------------.

of 'u.,. 1 ;n 1 et t iC'r(' 1 hunl. -::


'or 1 IJ 4 •; rce 1\'Cll 1 tht"' 1J1 J<' u n 3

n H ~0 \~di~: :);I~ t~~~;rn~:~~- 1

WV C'ATI'\ Tn Tl'l' {'(" Ll:GE TRALI'·~. 12 S. Black. Phone 253. or l 1 01 'l 11d ('t 1 • Flax m 1na eiTJC Lt, by :\1. L. NEVES' BARBER SHOP. t r dt.t <" o! tb ! l'1k I t(l ot ! 1 1 I all:-1 \1: \\ii n1 o t 11e F x11erinwn ~t·llion ,, , e th drill

-· w ll 'J s•1

1. ,,

h n ar

z (' )llD an, f;, r ltd II. ~. Do<ile.). lf!,rOlll)'""'ll t at 1 u1 11r .\I ;-;. l f'' 'enl years lh• :-t !Jahota Expe>ri11H:·ut ~t 1t 1m:

o T'l n n r t..tlfl f ' r . r;.n l -::- Listen! to t'lc ot 11 .e~m '" '11 C' l'{t to l n ''f her bpn~aH" Tl1 '- J' t \\"

u: · ig tr •C'<.: eh \Yorm, by .J. R. ti· •e c;,,rgt' l'arkt r ~si6a1l !?r1111om l' and unt tlJ uew j -:: - Cc rn 1: nwi11g- b~ M. J ... \Yilf;On. A e h ...,_.,rrc , a I l"I' ~ n 1ml er of c• lor~·d poslcr l: n: 1•


\\ r J.r 1ip1 ·ell f' r H.

Commercial, 'ational Bank C'Al'!TAL STOCK $1;;.1,00<l. SURPLrS 'n<I PROFIT:> $2"0.00. CITY DYE WORKS.

llut 11ot lw t nL uut t11r :::e\·cral Pht ne J 'l i1lk. Tfotel Annex.

GEORGE COX, Cashier. all Shoes eX}lt ed a 01 l Ill 1~ 1 on og d1owra hUY!.! been rt•· ) i I Extension N Otes <'<l'C. h " re reach ~r a !in"

==============~ l-5 )Pl DOZE:MA.-, llr \\ .J. llarltuan ntltlr1"..:;. Nl far-

F I' I· o •" e r is

d a r c I d

g) 1t fc.r ('\

'u) h.

3.a 'e · 11 • it 0\ arnlo nnd al ;--------------~

•cou 1. 1. Hiho .-t J·rul•Y au<1 tiat1rdar. I MISSOUl~ Tt~M Bt~TS\ I ( d lb('r 211 lDd ~d

:: t ·rct.l 'It..: Ka 11 rlne .Jr 1 e11 !?<lVtl l lillk

5 FOR YOUR DEN Beautiful College Pen YA<.f A:'.'11 !IAR>


Each ~tiu. x :! .'ltl:'.'CE 'O. ', LOR:'.' 'L.-,

11 Cl'lC.A:\. F-lt \1 ";-in. x :!l 1.



J( you \\o.rn1. ~h 1>L ;t ~ee D. H. BUDD. the "

Ut r~- on "file l'arm Jlorue.' at the anll\l.ll Vi'ASHINrTnM s-1 KT[ utlrn I ma l "' of t Le I' •er L s • ssoc,alion V H IJ U 11 I\

nt 1· air 1Mv !·~rid"',. 0l'tolwr ~<l. Tlw }('f>t ,g; \'\; 18 la e y attended by peo- IN roNTEST

~ PENNANTS. Size 12 x 30 -4 A11) L• tl! g C'1l ,.c-:o cf Your Se-


,_r_P_n_tr_a_I_\_' o_u_o_. __ P_h_o_u_,._300 Red. Yours 'or be•ter sl'ioes.

t_ r.·Tl i"lll 1.il1"' tr m tio·h ~orth llakola and )lon- lJ 1\-A:\TED· ·Roomer; and boarders. La-J. H. Harris & Co. t. J., t .le tow11 L ·1115 011 the boundary . \\ lain Street rt ucl

:nc tlill n~s la~t week on n1.·t:u11nl -::-o tla .. tiid,u('ss an 1 d1·ath of her broth· '.l.f L. \\'1I~on slate lt'adcr o! [arm

IS, ,i,.a:-; n1ll ·d tr h1·r line.

TlH :-;day. lhe colle'!(' at )[i~souht t··a m Jt>featcd the \\',tshin~tou Stal<' af,!hre;!at oa in the first collegiate garne of the season hr a score o[ 10.0 The ).th;soulianl3 used their heavy line to advantage and ~r~ulnall)" wore the \Yashington eleven down.

All our he.,.. 111·oper l:olor. , bl<'IDS.

qua' ty, in \\ Hh color~d


Either n ~:::ortmt·nt, for l'mite<l

c t n, one b1ock from ~Iain street n.ud court ltouse. Two bed rooms on ground floor also usr of parlor and library of 500 volumes. Inquire at titis office.

(ou ~ellows

('1". :\1 s F 1 od ''ill "'lrnhabl~ r ·lnru cl1>n1onstrators. add.n·ssed a meeting: of tu the collt:gp tbt 1 rH of llt'.Xt Wt•C'k. farmers at SaYage 011 September 28th ... a.1tl judc:ed rarm 1roc.lucts at the Fatr-

lime. srnt t•O~lpaid for ~.11 ancl fivr :;tamvs to C'ovcr ping costs.

cent:5 ship-

Th~ .. women'g 1ss;mbly did not mret Yit>w exhibition on OctolJer 2d. Tuesday atternoo:1 on ac:eoun1. of the I -::- ThP followin~ articles from the

'.\lissouli<lll shows :iow the scoring was accomplished:

\Y~ite us for prices befor~ plac­ing orclC'rs for Frlt XoYelties of all kinda.

special ass(·mbly earlier in the day. Dr K H. R.il~y, who has bet•n jud~-T.ht> IH'Xl regular meeting of t'H! young 1 . 11 ~ at some lairs 111 the Judith Dasiu "onwn of the coll<.·~e will he next ~n <:OOJH:ration with C. 11. Peterson, Tuesday at the same hour. )liss 1H attt:nding the Flathead countv fair .Jennlson the new extension worker as Judge of liYe stoC'k October Gth to

THE GEM CITY NOVELTY CO. :103 Dittner Street.

:\[ontana.·s fir~t s<·or<' eame when

Dayton, Ohio. ed a shoe w'1h a metltum weight

; J1>er and a good heaYy sole for is kind of weathC'r and we haYe "nl in a good many different yles. hath button and lace. Come

!will 11robab)) ~tleak. 10th.

- U- -II-13 \\' \\'hitlocl< and Dr. \\'. J Hart­

man have p;one lo Hamilton, Montana, to jud~e grains a:id lh·e stock at the Havilli county fair. Mr. V{bitlock will make an inspection of the Hamil­ton flour and cereal mills during bis slay in that city.

c.;uerin hlo1·ked a ki<'k by UiPL~ on Pullman's '.!II-yard line. :\lontann re· coYered the hall and after Owsley had ~uined a. yard. Bentz., two yards a11 field, )fonlana showing somewhat a forward paS8 had failed, Guerin stronger than Pullman. ).tontaun sur. hooted the hall from the 20-yarrl line fercd two penalties; one of 15 yards st']uarely between the goal posts fr01!.1 for holding; one five yards for otTsirle. placem('nt. Score: ).tontana, 3; Pull- The feature of the remainder or the man. 0. contest was a 70-yard run by Burris,

and look them OYer.




1 The members of the Y ~! C. A. together "it3 other young men of that cabinet were ntertained at a banquet last Tuesday evt>nin.I:!' in the Baptist church giYen by the Feder­ated Young People's society of Boze­man at which :\Ir. H. A. \\'aite, inter­national Y. ;..r. C. A. Boys· secretary gave in inspiring address on the school i;logan "clean athleti<'S, clean s11eech' and a clean life."

Ii Alumni And Ex= Students I rofessor D L. \\"eatberbead, analy- Howard St:inll'y of Great Falls ex

for the st.ate food commbsion 13 Yi8ited his sister Amelia of the instructor i'n chemistrY, resigned junior class last week. position last week and left Sat- - ::-~Y lor Sashvllle, Tennessee where Ludie Brewer 'Otl formerly matron ~dll aC"c·ept. a J}Ol3ition as assistant of \Yoman's Hall, ).lissoula is now at he ~~Le food cornmissio:ier. Pro· her hor1e in Gordon, Nebraska. or "eatherhead is a graduate of rnlversity of Illinois. He has been I Ruth Hinman ·iii -;ft Tuesday a!ter­ember of .the college faculty since ':loon for Three Forks where she has

and during that time h d , If 1

as ma e accepted a posi tion in the high school. c;e popu ar both among his as-'ltes and \11th the students with Ruth Sontag -;e;i-7 Is teaching m he has come in contact p ' ' '.)r ''•eathe rbead' • . . ro- school near Grayling, Montana. S~e .he hill are sorry to bear of hl3 college next year.

5 man) friends I expects to resume her studies at the

irture but wlsJ him the great- - : : -success in his new work. \Vord has been received that Miss

·srors SUMMER COMPLAINT This remedy should be in every bome--not only ior the little ones

ut for tho older mcmber:'l of the family :is well. Tn ca:~c of <'hole!'a norbus, coli(', dianheoa, or any bowel complaint


:;o l'Prtain in its :H·tion and r€:'lip,·es in so ,~)tort a tim('I thar )-ou nnot afford to lJe witho111 11. ;!;, ct"ntti and no C'en1s the hottle at

Drug Store.

:\Iiss Augu1::>ta EYans is spending this week in organizing boys' and girls' clubs in the Bitter Root \'alley and in F'lathl'ad cou:1ty. Next week ~he goes to Lewistown, Ilillin~s and the Hunt­<'Y project.

- ::-Ir'. B. Llnfield will address the Rroacl­

water schools and people on Friday, Oc·lober 9th, at a. rural day program.

- ::-

1-'he remainder of this quarter wa~\ who intercepted a forward pas.-; by a give nnd Lake affair during whi<·h Pullman. He dropped the ball when ~lontana wa8 penalized 13 yard:l fur attempting- to get away from a. tackle I holding and Pullman fiv(' yards [or from· hehind. lt was reCO\'ered bY offside. Captain Owslt:'Y wnR knucked Pullman on her own one-yard tin~. out afler hC' had advanC'e1l the ball Pullman adi,.-anced -the oi,.-al a vard about 10 yanL~ through the P11llma11 when lime was C'alled. . line. !'otontana wns soon after pennl l~ollowing are the players who faced ized for offside. Suchy wa~ sPnt in each other in yestL-rday·~ battle· to re11lare 1'\t;'eran at guard. A for \Ynshin~ton State )1omana ward 11asg, Yanlle to Blarke. netted Tyrer St•herck, Sheridan :\tontana 2S yards. An olf~ide pC'n· 1 Left-~nd Hight alty on ).lontana followed. Tho quar AJ\·ord (Capt.) Bentz ter ended with the ball in )tonlana. s LPft- -Tackle- Hi~ht

H. n. C'annon of Michigan has mo"ed pMsesRion cm Pullman's 2:,.)·nrcl lin". Zimmerman Keeran, Such)' into the ~'arm Management omce In The Touchdown. Loft-Guard RiKht t:1e Experiment Station, which he )!ontana made her touchclown ;,, C'lark C'enler Streit I

shares with Professors ,Whitcomb and the lasl quarter. A [onvard \)ass Currier. I !l s first field ts to be the I work~cl for three yards, another pn • ..:s Steits Gallatin Valier. Followi~g that be was intercepted. Dietz kicked 4,; Right-Guard-Left will carry his "farm efficiency" work yards to Robertson. who came back I Applequist .......... . lo the Judith Basin, the J,'lathead, 13 yards. Burris took a yard: Rob Rigbt-Tackl..-Left ertson seven yards and Vanbe went Heg Right-End-Left



Blarke \Vibaux, and Yellowstone valleys. over for first down. Robertson

-i:- punched the line for four yards, Satterthwaite ... . ..... Vanbe. Claypool

The latest addition to the extension vanbe gol two yards and Burris went s taff is L. M. Hillman o! Minnesota. through for four yards, making an- Bnngs .. Mr. Hillman started to drive to Boze- other flret down !er Montana on less

Dietz .....

Left-Hal! Right . Sheridan. Owsley

Rlgbt-ilal!-Left Durris



man from Min:1esota in his au to on than a yard rrom Pullman's goal line. October 5 and Is due the last of the Robertson advanced the ball a li ttle week. His work is to be in Flathead

1 and Burris went over !or a to11ch-

cou:i ly in co-operation with U1e dairy down. Owsley kicked goal. Sco re: I I division of the United States depart- Montana. JO: Pullman, 0. Sheridan PRESIDENT GIVES ANNUAL ment of agriculture. then replaced Owsley. RECEPTION TO FACULTY - ::- Run by Burris. Pre~ident Hamilton's annual recep-\\~ord has been received that Prof.. Again they battled up ancl down the lion to the raculty took place at Hamil­

ton llnll last Friday eYenlng between] the hours of eight and te:i.



VA:'.'TAGf;S OVl':R AL L OTHER l'fJ;o.:S.

Gallatin Drug Company

About 8:-i faculty members and their wives besic1£'S lhe young la.dies of the hnll attended.

Prt:'sident llamllton. Mr~. Ht•rricl.;:, )tr. nntl )!rs. \\' S. naviclson. )[r. and )! rg, .I D. Hnker, DC'nn and '\[rs. A. "·· Itichtt'r, Dean and :\lrl3. V'. H Lin· fit"ld, an<l Proff'ssor rend ).lrs. Alfred Atkinson wf're in thf" rece\Yin~ llaC'.

Tlw hall wns prNl1ly cleeoratPcl wilh

IJHlims and hothouse> plants. ThC' C'Ol· ll•g-e orehC':o:trn wh1l'h played in the> l'a~t hnll dt .. lightcd the j.,'11ests with mu . .;il' throughout lht."" evenin~. At fl.:rn dainty rcfrl'l!1hmcnts were sern•d in the west hall by lhl' junior home ~C'ii.>nre ~iris. A splendid time

---------------------------- lwas C'njoye<l by all.



You may suffer many physkal and psychiC'al ill!:! attendant urion eye-strain, ~uch as headache . in­somnia. listlessness. depression, etc .. yet your Yision may be per­fel'tly normal. Hernember the im­pro,·ement of \'ision is not the only purpose of gla8se8. Relief of eve­strain is one of their chief 1n11·1;os­ei-. Let us exnmtne your t:-yes at once.


Jeweler & Registered Optometrist. Phone 3SO Rerl.

Coal, Wood and Kindling

320 W . MAIN ST.

Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co.



\ \


41.!1,,,,,, llJ!lJ1\1_1\\\).\'\I

\\"t• arfl ('Xc:h1s1, P ::;elline: a!:!;Pllts for thl .. famOU!--> Trefous:'l' F'rt.•nch n1nck \\:id ~lon~:-1 for womE'n ~our linPs arr 1·om111t'tt· in wh te, lJLWk and C'olor~. both re~ntlation ~nil six· tl•Pn button lt'ngthq. white, black and c·olor:-\. All at thr nme old Jlrit'P.;,

Ask to see the newest ideas.


Page 4: EXT. lll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 ~NO · 2016. 5. 18. · THE WEEKLY EXPONENT THE \"i'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT. l"ll!DAY. OCTOBER 9, 19 14 Numher :i. OAGH BENNION GIVES AOO RE15 SENA. TE SITS


THE WEEKLY EXPOKE1'T F_R_J_D_A_,_-.-:o=C=T=O=B=E=R=9=,=1=9::14=======;=:===:=========================== PAGE FOUR

~~~===========i!======~~=-====~~~. Montana State School of Mines

vs. Montana State College CH ASE &. SANBORN S EAL BRAND COFFEE


5 pound net 3 pound net 2 pound net 1 pound net

.... $2.00 $1.25




Gallatin Laundry Company Thos. H. Rea & Co G. R. MILBURN, College Agent.

PJ(l)XE 79 HEii. Cdled 10r and 111..'iiveretl

Pan=Co=Vesta Shop J lit• fir,.;t ~anw of tlu' :::edgnn n""

~·JltL j In 8

\ tor r lll' L'Ol (•_an l'" It' "f·~l. 11~ t:iat the ~ame wns " :: • ~llfd mari.: 11 !ll"w ., er tlie ntnt·r :-;!°'' nnd that tbe l'lenwnl of

Take a Peek at Our $20 Suits F RENCH CLEANERS. DYERS AND TAILORS. J;.ll1ll' Wl~ wlt1i t t 1 11 ,, high ::;1..1101 l 1cl-.. JJW'.'td .11t important parl in THEY CAN'T BE BEAT

LADIES WORK A SPECIAL TY. ;, ~ 1.. xpt ctul. th1..· ,...;11nt•. The rt>POrts nlso stalt" that Ct;Dt 1 aid Babcock.

OEBHE Pl~NS UNOrn WH GU~GH BEN~llON GIHS ~OORESS (( 01·tiuu1...d fr )m Pc.1~e Orn l

ht t 1111, ti of thL· \\.a$hin~ton :>t.'<

T w . mi· w;i:o; l tt-> hi :-:t vf pr:11..t.t·• 111 ~r '11..:: 11 ('Tl WC'rt' responsible for

11 n. r 0 1 t If ,...ro11nd gamed. by the tor I b 1\ ~- 'J • Sl •lllfl :-;! rill!.. mt- 1

• a Tlfll t L hlunt of tht' li, u 0 u t'h

liack flt.Id. O\\t'\tl'. i11jur1f• pl"C\C'nt 11'.\ f·om par

\lass( U!a tnt·I I 'a) ) our money a~uJ

uu" \t)lll ( lt) {'t-

::-11 a. , Yktory " ·n~ V>




tht th d dd1..,te s t1J lot lt :\lissonla hef\\£'Ltl :ims 0 1 (~ouz l[ l and '.\ftss-

prnpc 1) Th s matt1~r of }lf'f·

nu 1a ·t 1~ 1f :.:r im io1 in t

'''.\f-:rn~· f'OJllt• wonclt'r at the st•H•l'('

n;: l;: tto11 trnd Hm1l>iil1

il'tnat g in LllL gauw. -!! -

Jn :111ot•wr { 1 11rn11

1hr '.\lu: ta'l:1 institutiou and they are

he J-::qioiwnt 1 , l t con~ratulntt>d in winning- oyer

THE HUB Ell. aud LOl HO\YAHD. Props

WALKOVER SHOES 1111'. STETSON HATS Thi~ F··l "' man-:'oi :1011 tll l 1!"1><.1ti11i;

qutsllon will lJe tbt.' --nme J!-' f<1r thl? r1 r 11 U ar ""Ork on lht.• cl:Hb <le­

hnW " ll hl' bugun today. .\ met.•t!Hg of !111• Fn b 11.1 1 d.~ss will be h<:'lc! 1t 11 ~u o"tlock ;.lt \\hic.:11 tlll' Jo\\er

t ,1 nin tht• athlL•lP. This i no nwn mpo1l111! to Thl• athll't1..• tr'.:111

1 b to lht.• fl\'f'fil~P stmh~n1. I i1

11.liu 1~ shoul1l be i·ontintH)\1:::, and tht c\ crn;;l... st 1dt.•n1 "ill th·riH' n~ 1lll' !1

;.!;rod Crom Cl'll 'tan1 ninln-:. as th!?

;i1h1Pte \\ill. Tt'11111~'rn11n' l all thh1 !~

!-' a 1lt-ta.lt•d ow 0 1 of the g,1mc

It "ll lh :-.tPU 1ni111 thi" that Covet ilnd Jol y p1;:iyerl ~t llar a1111.'s fnr thP

1·01\t ,_.(' COYl'rt tila) tl ~"t" t) 0·1 t ;p ch?l"t'Tll't.' :.11nl bis pe:··t)inl::J.111'"

tu•· \\ ·1:-: nothii ~ :-;h1·rt of SPilo,;'lth,n~I. Jn1i) ·s t1P1..•1l ''a~ put to the IH 3l c i 1 l' in his lo ig cntl r rn':'

- ::-~ tw 'l•I' :z h 1t'a C· t~' nl~o p'leil

up t'lghl\-~t'\.tl lllllll:s uu the HutH' Harnblt-r~. This scorl' \\Ith any team

:~.:~~·:,'.ljl~~:l!llh lO,;;l~~:I th~! d:tal ti~~ i THE GALLATIN LUMBER CO. lle:'l<lquarter for tht• Famo11g OWL CREEK and PEERLESS BEAR

CREEK COALS. Your trade wil lie J.llpre1.:1ahd 1 las~11 t r1 \\ I he fl I t 1 w'th tlir• rnd th, ah:,linencf' f 'oPl t .,.an~ttl' is rult S for lhl C.'Ollltst llOd th1 S~' I < f _ .l.it ID1 ll'tllH to ti!• 1('0llth of

''llding- to ent• '' II haud in 11e11 all ·"'t ,tl 1 nt~ Andr1...·w D. \\"hit(', of 'r111~ t·olh ian:-; ll:IH' ror1'1td a good iL: .111on uf th~ Ilil'i ~ t-1• \1 n aNl 1w ..

a re 111 t!lt'11 ttr-..• slow to 1ire<lict a 1um iilH1ship lor t LL' or;rn ... e and blac

~rum two to three ~1111

Phone 20.

J n:1rnt·s. Tryout~ for tl!p da,:::,. te~ms C r idl. 5,,ys: drt•<l 011 tht' lint they are somewhat ltlil\Jtl' tba11 an.' liH1..' 01 <lc·ft:nC(' the lJ 1.:> rend gold can pnt 1 l ti1c f1t•ld.

lo\\ '\tr tn s 1c.iki11g- ot spl:'12tl there

'I I l)Jl llLr • ny YO\lllt' n1.i11 It i~ exp('('ll u thrH: rom r It on fort ~ lioi·l. rn l.llh !:;C' or in 1;. 1 :oft

111,tl't ~ ou thi.: colle....,i::o tt..lll! will be :-1ti:i I ~rnnol, c1. ~Ninusly nd1•t•tL al We Do the Work

111 s1m1 ~ kt1·1 r '1' .1 t ll' nhl ffi('ll m 4 t a 11" dica•1pcd l" t'1t' hnti=t lh1 0 "I::.. \'0P 1 i " tc C'Ohll' in frolll

thP wonderf,

Out> rn 1n lrn--

1-- 1·011!'idc·rable doubt as t.i \\ut.:theo·

t 1 ) ta\ e thL honor~ or IOt.

"- h, n il c·omf's i.o 1"'• lltin~ w(: do every job that comes to 11~ ""e do not BA YE o ~~nd any "ork out 01 town in onl~r to tr} and g•··1 f's good job t.J.1,ne as tht other f(:'Jlow can do. I is on+' of our 1 .. d~ Ill 1o gvnt.1 work. It ·you 'f'.ant ~ iocl printing g \€ 1h: a crill

Jl:(1 t 1' r rnt1.. tt m of

t ·ri lt; t lC' l \OUt-..

R. E. SEITZ, M. D.

n lOlll . )[

T< l '1 n ,-




Ho 11.s 1 a ltl Stan I at k

I hon lti l!k.

th1 I z }~ lp VI n, 'I l ~ l r .lordan rre~!dt· ,,l of \H' ~ilt l le r tea n.

• i J lll ~! ll 11 d \Ill \ t•rc::it\ S:l\ -i on g lin il tweh t pcuntl::. w tle tl'J.iniue tit .llC' :.=1')t'\'f

•'I 111 Ill t 11 11 h 11( .1 ] Ji Ii


' n


rnm hr 11...1 I 11 ho.

d 1 ~ <l t.,

toba to "i.

lJl l ~1

1 ub I

c 10

lk I I'

'' w ori1' ao~t in"d Ha~1n.I ha-.be111

ur:l f J11 ,.t, bti· C• h 1 tJ r 1111

lld 11 t\\O n ent)-llH· l'hcr all 11 to lll' c lll~ wed "it l the. t:.t· ·t

!!· i,. u tl>f• \\·a·

, t: lUlO '1 lL·

1 m .l\1 ~( ul d COr:l-


I\\ llll't s(' 1<11 1~ rq •'f':3f"P L'd Ir l1 fl Rork;.· .l ... 11 r r 1 on 1 rs

-:: 1'11e team j 1 l~ t..'Xt1i l't:; th lo) 11

ppon of l;'\C' ' -:t,1drnt on th1.· hill

111 tb r ~· r au ' l1n\ e a k~d.; to reg Ill)

"' rt In!. ( I•



c n c trip

• ~ tn Y

1 i of

'l t t'lti:. w do1 c


107 West Main Street.


\\ I\ ;


I • Tll1 I '• 0 '\'t HYTllL -t- F0R THE S\IO ~ ~::. :I , > \ (, \ \! l'F ll LI.\" T)S OP POOi ..

Tuxedo Billiard Parlors



J • \. I ~



COAL Flint=Lynn Lumber Co.~ Phone 82~



Eat With Red and May TOP FLOOR AGGIE BUILDING. :"\to tllll C'1)l 1 rc·nn· 1har 1 e non 'in~ \\h 11 t rt f \\ , h 1 re 1, J'i·d

nu li r "··~ r n pf'r cctit It~ t 1 r n nn hi· f • u1.l tma;ini \\hat oi m:on.s or '· W C. DAWES t dll th{' 111 k1.:1 It \\as a~:-o fonn Ol r J> i..;t ln '' ilu i 1111 if hl ~ H nt OS'Jl·OP\Tl~JC F !YS'l'IA l\al the 111,111 who dtd llOL -.t. ~eat a\\•('!\. 'lll t l', 10 l)tW!'> lt lw


mt n1~rnt Oflke n<l rt. itleu<;1• :'lfiirfiu Hlk, ~31 I \\.l ~ll Jlj·r i·en mur(' e lit ient on o ind t"'r • t?r lls sr:i.y icr0

\\. ~Iaiu St., f'boue ~71 Blk. n 11 h)tJlball "11..·ld t ian tht• mnn "J., ll( " r th1 n t hl rh;ll the 1mri ogc

Tut> follv", l dl't le ls takt.>11 1 ·om tht• h.n 11 i ru 1 gl\<" .l · m1111aP of \\ 1a o,; ,i; 111 • 011 111 ,1 r 01ba I ,·r.y in tllP. inst 11t n •c1 ):O:-. <Ji' idi tlt


'lh~!t' ucd only tluri ig tht; "s1 n or 01 th1 t•stitl'tlon wns to obtain knowl-_\J ut~L la. r'1lnini..; 1 o .. t;' l&n. t•lh.:t• ;. nd t 11 n .. ri s•, lf con1rol. lit> _\IiN-onla

The Arcade Billiard Parlor

DR. W. E. DEAr.

OSTEOl A"lllk )lidlig"'n ll iilding.


3117 South Central. I nslntcf ion

P l A N 0-V 0 I C E.


ThrE'l' ~·cars cc· 1111) la Derltn.


(hlll: o:-: )! \XDI:\ ILLF., - Prop.

Cab Service Day and Night.

College Parties a Specialty, 1 ta ... 11• ~;w


l l' TO lL\TF Ll\'EllY "\:'\ll "\L~TQ)Hlfl!LJ-:.

PliOllt' :J7 Biie Bozeman, :"\lont.




'Thf' c are n m<\sr ~1-lH ols f'our ls ol t 11lt.nts. Thi se ar nanH•- "Ol~lt.1 1110:::.t 't' a 11 ~ 1 ' mt 111 11w \Y th th opPll I!i; of llH fnotba l C"!

VIC CLINE. P rop ..

con1..lu!'i1 n lb:n so111C' 01 )ou wee Jy · Th extrt?me aetiYit~- In<ln thf' wastill.l:: your illk $("-":-;(Hl lll )[ llltlna tlu.i!i~ this W(•ek. 1ln,·{r last Ye•r This season thu:-; 18pirit oi the nien on t~E.' squad H a ('Ile> '\ wse \\Ol'I~ ~\lffPl'FI l1t'<'a f tlf th<" !-'llJ• ~ort r~ or the lfniyerl':'1ty of 11'. '< - ,· , . . k . . m11·~1bJ,. ··11tl ~-·,1'h n1a11 u11 1.!011ta1 !us Jiankipai!ou to lhr f'\'.r,. 011 of ··soniL' f(•l\O\\:::; rn his S{'hool arc :.u~~ 01 foiifhall team :nt- anxious]\ far lit· ms ~ 1uwn m:tr ·etl ~igns ol I'll~ .... ... .. _ a'I r<;-;(' in hp ac·~iviti<'s of tile school was :ne.: tiler tllPP :tnd i t 1:.\ do aw.i lin:r the •ir;-;t t·nnllii·t Ill order t~ i;rovt·ment in hi~ t'ormc1 •:n~le uf pla) til:' d t'ati1 mgbt h gt\·ing all he h1 ~Pc-ondl~· . thc> g-rind who ha::: nri tinh• tli y will li,n:1 a ll'iden of remorse ~et sOlllP t<lC'·t t'i what the Bruins ""i11 and will unUoulJll.:'tlly be one of lli t to t•:rnble '.\loutana to \\in the s t.a. whaten·r for any of thP ~whool adiv Ill lftl,r tf! 'Jhc tat' of :\hJ11trurn <lo i:.i the state battle for the c::iam- ~.trouge~t men in tht.• :Olouta::rn e}C:\l.'ll l.'harup1onsn1p anc.I bt."at the kams Jt 1e . Thirtl thn id!Pt', who" rimount::; itb 111<.<tlt• pro\ :-::10u 10 tra n lta<lN~ pinnsh 11• mil w th tlif' he·nr teams this !all. Sb~ri<lau i.s fast and his die l·ul\ LT"iit\' of lUahu. the L t~n .A to riothing- in anylhiog- :-ind <':'Ill usiial· h<·rP ii\ \"tlriw1 li11Ps or \\Ork '\Ye lrom cnllt.::!t•s to lht"" we~t. ta1..·kl11Jg- antl bamllitt~ of tht..• rorwarJ. ,...1-..·~. the G0nzaga UlllYerstl), t

h 1,c. fouud on the siddines at prar han• hear I rhC' ff'llow \\ho ha bN.·n The hec.inll , tif thi• t:.ridiron sea- 1 passes will ma kt- O?l{' of the l>ei:ot all- '.\orth lla!iota .-\.g.t:- 1 '-"~, a ltl the \\' a £

tH·P It lling wl1at 'wt~· arC' going- !o do llrup11~ <1 fnr c·ur int:: tc1 ti I) an I tdl son II tht' instllution w~~s llt"Yer bH- round player:-. on the t\.':.uu. lilt..lC'n :jtatt;cl ccllegt'. The fou1·1h cb•-s in,...ludl'o;; tlH> class us of hlti ri~~·lls i11 t'te math lmt t('I' Enough 0 th. old men plaYl'r:-; Fr.rnk Gault i. lit.'"" t:l.ltt.·d to mal\e Tbp tart that t!ie challllHOll b who h.1H• thPir acth· rii·s nkd.v hal· the ft·IIO\\' w,10 tal\f'S thn st, te·-; llllrn 11,f last )"l<lr and t:w Yt·ar~ lieforc, are au f'THI for the Bru~ns. He, al:w, was th• in the ::::.tate will be a three c1

alllf•d ''ith tnn rC'st 11 f th('ir work t.·Y and ll 1•1't- not giYc ,ifs nl. ('k 10 ~l\"l~ t"oalh Ile !mall anil on tht:' team la:::;t y1;:ar. Vu11.1~ u~t :cr€'<l ~1La1r will lt•tILl muc, mten

T1 \':-Ot arC' wha1 <'Oll··tit11tP thp dl'!iir· hi:::; timf .. ll! r<:'turn has nn Lh ~. ::..; :-;t1n a ._~ri 11 ~ ii c us 11 'Ollnd \\h\L·b :-ummL'r ht.: hn..-.; takl'n on wt-igbt with to t~e outt.·ome.

'11ih t'ln~:; 'n 'lw !;thool. ! "l icli>r onr ~Y•- ll'tn of L1 t year w bu Id a < hampionship llr~anizntio:i.. out, apt rcntly, losing :.rny uf his --- ---

.. \t 1 c:in:. hould only ht" 11 ..,t•tl 0 l·al'l1 •:tiuknt \\as allo\\ed l\\I e as1Tht ltW llH?n WilO lian.· entert~d the s it'{'d 11is \\Ork at g-ettin~ dowu un- .ACK-O·LANTERN CLUB

HOLDS BUSINESS SESS IC hc•nPI"' scJ10larsh1p Athletr•s arr not mam· 'lit:- a..:; tht1 n~ \'"Pre <·n·tli ;-; In t·olh·~t~ t'lls )i·;ir nr a p·om sing- <lC'r punts has nttraut•d attt:'Lllion iru111

~ irt•me. ant.1 \\hen madt• Slll'h 1<':1.rl thi• (Oursi>. IIo\\ t iis work:-; lw-=:t lot. but th(' ha.'l' not l•ci•u at ''"orl\. thC' sidl'lines and the "railbinl,;.." ''ho tn f:i '11rf'., in at't1;.'r life. Rdtool :1.C'· ~hcrnn by 1}1, .. n'pon of last w·nr:~: long cuom.h lO ,_l\l' tht> f"rns an up- w11tLh tlw oranitt~ t>:lt.h Li ; . ..llt l!fi\"t' 1i\ 'ic-'" sh 11lcl he macl1 to lialanc<': AIJSC'lll'l's. porlnnity to jud!!t.~ their <tbility. him down for a "sure lhi:lg · as to .1 1 '!'ht" .1al'l\-t)-L.1nt ·u ~lramath.:. cl

ti worltl h:1s 110 plal'f' for ihr ·itill "\\"1th 33 :-;iudcn':; attPIHlinL?, t'la;.:~es Owsley Working Hard positiun 011 tht.: tl'Ulll, rut:t la. 1 hur~ll. ~ l"Yenm~ ior t It hn lif'1·n snow11 that n~ a ger.~rnl from \\hi<'h rqions alt• mndP. :7 stu- Of tlh' players who J('fi:.,1uled :\[on- Collins Shows Improvement rurpo~t~ ot tli;-;L·ll~s111;: St>veral buE

rile ·ht• f.'intl 1ict suc-c>n.:::f11l i.n of- ll 1·11t~ h;ul no llh~cnu:>8 aKrtinst them. 1;1 111 ·:-; 1i 0111 ,r 011 tht· gi·idiro:i last YL'ar. rn the ~1uart1...~rlitlL"k pusition )1011- e:--::. matters. fhe ~thisut·y bo3rd

ier Ii 1 r1t<~ ~' 1 : Ftlldt>U!!-' rPP(Wlt·c\ h1.1 n tot:t l <'r.pla111 Ow!-'it·) bas shown up b~st t:.ua i:" Wl.'ll fortiOt.'d. Collins. wbo the l 'Illill!!" )ear will consist H ':'II

, \nd now in r{l-gnrd tv thC' matter of :l.2\.\7 ahsl'll<.'f·s au :l\"Prag-(• of 11. tl1b st·a~o11. .\h\ ay8 a dash in~. daring wns sct:lllHl t o h.\.'ll~- last H'U:>c.m. :'>lrC'r~ who holds OYt·r irom the. Lo:: of 1

rng IH•rP. Th(' st11dl•llb must TliP record Df FTlldPnts ha,·in.c 19 or 111,lYl'I'. \loutana'.s LlJH,lin bas put h,\s IJt..cn runnin~ one of tbe t C'ams lof la"t ~ec1r, Ermn ~l's~t'I. "Hid S hat·k t'i~ ff'lJO\\S 11 P· ThP) lian" al niore •lh!-'PllCPs wvre studied nnd it mor1• fi;..;ht i11w Ins \\Ol'k t'11~ t.111 nnd lw1 th o;;nnp and his h.m<lh:i~ of tlw hall m:iu ... , autl .:\.Paul 1homp:-;ou

rpnfi) gh·e 1 th,~ir word tlrn.1 lwy will \\·n~ found that .ii r-tllclt'nts had 1.47ill'b 0 11:-.lau~ht:::; h:nl' IJet.·11 hnnl to :;tup. is good. l'olhn:s gn"'akst d1U\\\.i.lLk I '!ht· pait hook~ 10r tht• pl.Q tha t train t·o •• istl'Dty You stwlr•nts i·an ahsei~~es, an a\·l·ra.~e J11'r stn1l1•111 for Ile b rapidly hl•vomin!!, a strong th'- last season wa:::; hi:; slowness in ~l'l- tu bt• ~iren in nssemlib lll the Ut h. f'l1 1 a grC'at deal in thi::; tn.· r"fr,"·1,1. thP. . ., Of ..,_ q l'l" · I

" : ' ... .i .• · "imtnatin~ !he> fi7 f,,11siY1...• 1ila~cr, a clcpanme:1t of th e ting t~ie player:s started. He ::>1..·erns tu fu ture hnd not n.rrt,1...·ll. so illJ!". from smoking- on th('< :-.idelint•:; ~Host frequ«nt ·rmlt'r:-:: frurn thc list, gamP, to whkh ih"' has n ot hnd 10 pay ha.ye overcome that difficulty anll nut ht>g-tlll u1it111 It tl ... "hile waiching Pl"aC'licP, and hy tnk- It lean~. 22!I :-.tud<.•nt~ l't>J1or1t"d, with llllll'.h attention with '"Baron" Dorn- will put tip a hnrd Ubht for iirst· hopt.~d. 11

.1g. <'a I:<' in. arranging ronr 11artiE>~. a total of l\IO ruts ; an :lYera~e 1e r hlas~r lial'king up the line. ~ow that strin~ qua rter back again:::; t four or ?-.lrs. l lf'rrkk told the mL·mbt.>rs L

'' h1ch .'011 wish tht" foot hall me. t.o .• , •.• ~tudem of 7.9. r. I j "Dorn" is g-ont'. haYing ::;encl! his fi\'e men who are try ing out. !:'he had joint.·d tlw Amt?ril'au Pra

t~·ni' ~IH.".3 f' can he arrangNJ ~o that " In lhe A11ril 3-1th roundup ..,<lG slu rour )·t.~:il'~. thL' state limit on lhe Material P lentiful }('aµ:nc whkh will mahe it 11ossi tlt'I'~ ~' 111

he no rea ~on or tem11rn1ion dt·nts were Jll"e~ent. and tnn ·"~~re re gridiron, lhe conl'bcs loo!\ to Ca1) t.am Thert.." has been n o J.1ck of mntp11al for the club to secure thE' lx.•st I to

3111)one to bre:lk.training. J won·1 porlt.•d . ."io of the .'",7 frl•quc.nt C'Utlers O" s lcy to fill the big fello\\'!) s:1oe~. lancl the :-;c.11mmages lhat have b C'en p lays for 1ir<.1tJuction. Bullt·tin~

\ is 1h1: difi('rr·nt"t' b(.)tWt"'t'n perfect 8<',·era l of t'.1 f""ll'. .. tram.and . 1 ese:it n.nd 29 of thes::r. or 58% His start this scalion mcheates that ltl•ld hare bt.>en full or "pep" n:id nlso SL'nt out by the lea~u1...· w h 1rahiing ls ·n:t tf ~1''

5 _ "1Ii not play if '~t·r'"' n•portNl Eliminating .he~e 50, the hole lC' ft hy Dornbhtsher \\Ill be fight. If it is true that the fight put will bL• •it the sentee of the c

coa.C' 1 a 1t•am 1hat won't · were lr I 1 <'Ind comph,'1e :-oari:-r"a<.·tion :mJ L'om-

1 lort and tlw oppoi:;ite.

Our '.\tatkinaw:-; art' of 3!:! and 34 OUll('t' !abrks madP from all 111?\\ \\OOI

This good ~rade of wool 011...•an~ mnrt;> <.'lt:.in l'lll Jl:'Htern~ and dear colors Than <'an be made from low grad,· mi'.\t>d Wl!Ols.

Tht modPb are tl1P ne\\


Th~ price $\.:iu and $1U.Ol1

The Willson Co

l . .,. · .. 0

O\\t?d I expe-ct toJ t ere• were SO of Lhe remaining- 236 well 11Iu~ged . up b\ the second-stri ng m en make the llll·ntli1..•rs. $e\ernl n ew namC'S w Ht\ e goo1l sa1lmg: if only the - d or 32• r ·· 1 ·

w11J b·lC" me . · srn tints I d c enoi l('d. There fig11reF1 show Other Old Men ltr~ l-string men all that they should brouc.h t up tor membership but no . ' •· up Ill tbis mat1er f a. efinite rel:ltio 1 I · b . . I · . . .· . ·

tn11ning and t ft 0 ' 1 ~l!Jl et\\f'en fre-1 L eonard Daems ha..s th13 \'ear been he on the gridiron, "i'.I outaun \\lll ha\1• 1t1on was lakt•n. tm?ak Pr ini::i«~~e / er. the tralnbg quen~ nUs:enr·es and srholarship. the most ro:isist..ent player ~f th e line no L''.\Cuses lo off r ou that score. Tht:- ---------

mc maklti~ a flo rfommg aro_1111 d to "Life Is lll:ltlf' 11 11 of morning, noon.1mt:-11. In his tlOSition nt guard, he hast ~-----------------------------men on th; ~ea~s~

1 ~r _hh· rPrnsinte nntl night. nnrl the fellow "ho comespln.yect n brilliant !!.<llllC' and has taken

boy~ are bov~ ~,-h _ia~<' fonnd that nJ) ?11 toJJ b tlie fellow who gem l'a<'h!lart in 1he lireakin~ up of forwanl 1 · · PI€"' er YOtl lllC'Pf d:l\' s ·work r·ach 1· · Tl 11e~1 and I am satisfied witii Cie ma- at ·hand must 'be u:;;~·

1 t 1e n~atNial ! Passes and stop1wd encl run s. Duems

ter~al 1f·1'(' and can make a goo~l f • or our res 1

• !;" ... I ZC' t o rellen' us was a :;rnr IH.~rform~r last yenr This of It with the 11roper hat·king fr ean~ our t'mC' ; on. 1bi111~ to the state, and year. how ver, hl' gives Jll'Olllise of b e-!ilurlents. ~Ye are a.fl

1: om ~he 5 Ollr only n~set." mg- bL·tter than L'\ l!r. lie is faster

• er on~ one 1hmi;l l .rnchll nav· 1- · nnd WC' :.lre going t • · . • • H son "a· called on and th an last yea r antl he is heayier. l le thing."

0 get lhat Olll• ~ayfl a ~hon hiF:tory of the student has not rorgo tten whnt he learned in

t'o:it·h Bennion·~ talk was \Cff\· " senate antl It's Jiurpose. He s a id· 1!113 and he uses his cxperie:lce t o rec·eind and h:. . _ . ·. ell ·If !»tutlem control at ~luntana StntP good n.llvn.nta~e.

c \\a:s cnthu~1ast1cnlh C'oll ,g th h 1 <·heered ttt il.s conclusion . -1 l e, · roug l tC> !=w nate, is ever :--:orman Strf'it. for the center posi-At this Point Presi ie t H . going lO a.mouiit to :tn) thin!t" . it must tion is unoppo~ed by an "old" pla\"er.

1 0 amtlton \ bt- b:tcked \lfl lJ)" a.II the classes and Phil Sb('ridnn was rated as n g~od

$2.00 Pressing Tickets $2,00 ---Ha''-' your i'rni; 11n•ssP<l four tillH'S on one ti c h~:t at tht>


T op F loor Ag ) ie Bu 1ld1 ng P hone 603