Explosive Rules 1940 PAKISTAN

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  • 8/18/2019 Explosive Rules 1940 PAKISTAN




    1. Short title and extent.—(1) These rules may be called the ExplosivesRules, 19!.

    (") They extend to ail the #rovinces o$ #a%istan includin& 'aluchistan,the apital o$ the ederation and the *ccedin& States.

    ". Suppressions and Savin&.  The +ndian Explosives Rules, 191, the'erar Explosives Rules, 191 and all rules and noti$ications issued by theocal and #rovincial -overnments, under the +ndian Explosives *ct, 1 (+/ o$1), arc hereby superseded but (i) all licences or duplicates &ranted orrene0ed and all $ees imposed or levied shall be deemed to have beenrespectively &ranted, rene0ed, imposed or levied under these rules and(ii) all approvals &iven, all appointments made and all po0ers con$erred by or

    under any rule or noti$ication so superseded shall so $ar as they are consistent 0ith the *ct and these rules, be deemed to have been &iven, made or by orunder these rules.

    (") *nythin& con$ormity 0ith these rules 0hich 0as permitted to bedole by or under any rule in $orce immediately be$ore the comin& into $orce o$these rules, may, in special cases, be permitted by the hie$ +nspector by orderin 0ritin& to be continued $or such period not exceedin& in the order.

    2. 3e$initions. +n these rules, unless, there is anythin& repu&nant in thesub4ect or context,5

    (a) 6the *ct6 means the Explosives *ct, 1 (+/ o$ 1)

    (b) 6*uthori7ed explosive6 means an explosive published by the hie$inspector $rom lime to time in the -a7ette o$ #a%istan

    (c) 6'oat6 means any vessel other than a ship as de$ined belo0

    (d) 8hie$ +nspector means the hie$ +nspector o$ Explosives in#a%istan

    (e) 6onservator o$ the #ort6 includes any person actin& under the

    *uthority :$ the o$$icer or body o$ persons to be appointedonservator o$ the port under section ; o$ the +ndian #orts *ct,19/ o$ 19!)

    ($) 6detonator

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    District Magistrat !


  • 8/18/2019 Explosive Rules 1940 PAKISTAN


    board any ship in compliance 0ith the provisions o$ the Aerchant Shippin&*cts, 19 to 19!, or o$ any order, rule or re&ulation there under $or the timebein& in $orce provided that such explosives shall not be stored 0ith or nearany explosive carried as car&o in the ship.

    (") +$ the hie$ +nspector is satis$ied that in respect o$ any explosive o$

    the "nd 3ivision o$ the ;th (ire0or%s) lass any o$ the re?uirements o$ theserules may be sa$ely suspended or modi$ied $or such period and under suchconditions as be may thin% $it, and may at any time revo%e such order.


    . #rohibition o$ unauthori7ed explosives.—Co person shall import,transport, manu$acture, possess, use or sell any explosive 0hich is not anauthori7ed explosive.

    ;. Restriction on delivery and dispatch o$ explosives.—(1) Co person shalldeliver or dispatch any explosive to any one in #a%istan other than a person

     0ho (a) is the holder o$ a licence to possess the explosives or the authori7eda&ent o$ a holder o$ such a licence, or (b) is entitled under these, rules topossess the explosives 0ithout a licence.

    (") The explosives so delivered or dispatched shall in no case exceedthe ?uantity 0hich the person to 0hom they are delivered or dispatched isauthori7ed to possess 0ith or 0ithout a licence under these rules.

    . #ac%in& o$ explosives.—

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    1!. Relaxation o$ pac%in& rules.—+$ the hie$ +nspector is satis$ied that inany special case any o$ the re?uirements o$ Rules and y may be sa$elyrelaxed, he may, by order in 0ritin&, authori7e such relaxation under suchconditions as he may thin% $it.

    11. Fei&ht o$ explosives.—(1) The 0ei&ht o$ explosives 0hen re$erred to in

    these rules shall not include the 0ei&ht o$ the pac%in& case or box in 0hich theexplosives arc pac%ed.

    (") +n the case o$ explosives o$ the th  (*mmunition) lass or ;th

    (ire0or%s) lass, the 0ei&ht shall be deemed to be the 0ei&ht o$ the completedarticle inclusive o$ the case or contrivance in 0hich the explosive iscontained.

    1". #recautions to be observed in handlin& explosives,—(1) The $loor o$ anyplace or any carria&e or vessel on 0hich any explosive is or is to be laid andthe &round, &an&0ay des%s and other places over 0hich the explosive is tobe conveyed durin& loadin& or unloadin& shall be (i) care$ully examined to

    ensure that there is nothin& thereon in contravention o$ these rules or li%ely toendan&er the sa$ety o$ the consi&nment and (ii) thorou&hly cleaned and s0eptbe$ore and a$ter use.

    (") The cas%s or pac%a&es containin& the explosives shall not bethro0n or dropped do0n or rolled or pulled alon& the &round or $loor but shallbe passed $rom hand to hand and care$ully deposited and stored.

    (2) Fhere a cas% or pac%a&e is to be slun&, due precautions shall beta%en to slin& it in such a manner as e$$ectually to prevent the possibility o$ a$all.

    () *$ter the handlin& o$ explosives has commenced the operations

    shall proceed 0ith due dili&ence and 0ithout unnecessary stoppa&es.

    12. #rohibition o$ smo%in&, $ires, li&hts, and dan&erous substances.— Coperson shall smo%e, and no tires, li&hts or articles or substances o$ anin$lammable nature or liable to spontaneous i&nition or to cause orcommunicate $ire or explosion, such as sulphuric acid, petroleum, carbide orcalcium or compressed &ases, shall be allo0ed (a) at anytime in proximityto a place 0here an explosive is stored or (b) at any place 0here anexplosive is handled, one hour be$ore and durin& such handlin& D

    #rovided that nothin& in this rule shall apply to the use on a ship o$ (i) anen&ine room $ire, i$ such tire is previously care$ully ban%ed up, or (ii) any arti$icial

    li&ht or ship

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    covered 0ith leather, +ndia5rubber, $elt or other material, in the $orm o$ overshoesor other0ise.

    1B. Spilt explosive to be destroyed.—+$ any explosive escapes $rom thepac%a&e in 0hich it is contained, or is spilt, such explosive shall immediately becare$ully collected and destroyed.

    1. hildren and intoxicated persons.—Co child under 1B years o$ a&e and noperson 0ho is in a state o$ intoxication shall be employed on the loadin&,unloadin& or transport o$ explosives, or be employed in or allo0ed to enter anypremises licensed under these rules.

    1;. ompetent person to be in char&e o$ operations.—Every personholdin& or actin& under a licence &ranted under these rules shall, 0heneverexplosives are loaded, unloaded or handled, depute a competent personexperienced in the handlin& o$ explosives to be present at and to conduct theoperations in accordance 0ith these rules.

    1. #recautions a&ainst dan&er $rom 0ater or exposure to the sun.—(1) +n thecase o$ any explosive 0hich is liable to be dan&erously a$$ected by 0aterdue precautions shall at all times be ta%en to prevent 0ater $rom comin& intocontact 0ith such explosive.

    (") #ac%a&es containin& explosives shall not be allo0ed to remain inthe sun.

    19. Special precautions a&ainst accidents and the exclusion o$unauthori7ed persons.—(1) Co person shall commit any act 0hich may tend tocause a $ive or explosion in or about any place 0here an explosive ismanu$actured, stored, handled or transported D

    #rovided that nothin& in this sub5rule shall apply to any act 0hich isreasonably necessary $or the purpose o$ the manu$acture, stora&e or handlin&durin& transport o$ any explosives or o$ any article present there0ith.

    (") Every person possessin& explosives and every person in char&e o$or en&a&ed in the importation, manu$acture, sale, transport or handlin& o$explosives shall at all times (a) comply 0ith the provisions o$ these rules and thecondition o$ any licence relatin& thereto (b) observe all due precautions $or theprevention o$ the$ts and o$ accidents by $ire or explosion (c) preventunauthori7ed persons $rom havin& access to the explosives id) prevent any otherperson $rom committin& any such act as is prohibited under sub5rule (1).


    "!. *pplication.5—

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    "1. icence and test certi$icate $or import o$ explosives.— (1) Co explosiveshall be imported except under and in accordance 0ith the conditions o$ a licence&ranted under these rules.

    (") Co licence $or the import o$ an explosive shall be. &ranted unless(a) the explosive, i$ o$ the 2rd (Citro5compound) lass, or th (chlorate5mixture)

    lass, is certi$ied in rom * by the testin& o$$icer have passed the test set $orth inSchedule +++ applicable to such explosive and (b) the explosive is certi$ied tohave passed such analysis or examination i$ any, as the hie$ +nspector or theustoms ollector at his discretion by order in 0ritin& may re?uire in order todetermine its composition or condition.


    "". +mportation by sea.—Co explosive shall be imported by sea exceptat the ports o$ Harachi and hitta&on&,I provided that (i) an explosive may beimported at the ports o$ Jhalna and HhulnaI 0ith the previous sanction o$the entral -overnment and sub4ect to such conditions and restrictions as it

    may in any particular case impose "

    (ii) hinese crac%ers may be imported atthe ports o$ 2Jhalna and HhulnaI.

    "2. 3eclaration by master o$ ship or by the ship

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    (2) +$ the ta%in& o$ any samples under sub5rule (1) involves the:penin& o$ any case, such case shall, be$ore it is opened, be removed to anisolated position at a sa$e distance $rom any place 0here consi&nments o$explosives are stored.

    "B. 3ispatch o$ samples to the testin& o$$icer. (1) The o$$icer ta%in& a sample

    o$ any explosive under Rule " Shall a$$ix to it the name o$ the ship, the name o$the consi&neeD and such other distin&uishin& mar% as he may thin% necessaryand shall $or0ard it to the testin& o$$icer 0ithout delay.

    (") +n the case o$ a nitro5compound or a chlorate mixture, the date orsi&n re$erred to in the sub5rule (") o$ Rule 95shall also be a$$ixed to the sample.

    ". Testin& o$ samples.—(1) The testin& o$$icer shall  test, analysis orexamine, as the case may be, the samples and shall 0ithout delay $or0ard to theustoms ollector a report in duplicate under his si&nature certi$yin& 0hetherthe explosive has satis$ied the prescribed test, analysis or examination.

    (") The ustoms ollector shall, as soon as practicable and ordinarily 0ithin t0enty5$our hours a$ter receipt o$ the report o$ the testin& o$$icer, $or0ardone copy o$ it to the licensin& authority.

    ";. #roduction o$ licence $or import.—Every person desirin& to importexplosives shall produce, personally or throu&h his a&ent, be$ore the ustomsollector his licence $or the import o$ such explosives.

    ". #ermission o$ the ustoms ollector to land explosives.—(1) 6Co importedexplosives shall be landed except 0ith the permission o$ the ustoms ollector.

    (") +$ the ustoms ollector, a$ter receivin& the report o$ the testin&o$$icer under Rule " and the licence $or the import o$ such explosive, and a$ter

    ma%in& such $urther in?uiries as he deems necessary, is satis$ied that theexplosive can la0$ully be imported, he shall permit it to be landed.

    (2) Cothin& in this rules shall a$$ect the po0er o$ the ustoms ollectorto detain the explosive under any other la0 $or the time bein& in $orce.

    "9. +mportation by sea in anticipation o$ the report o$ the testin& o$$icer or&rant o$ licence.—(l) Cot0ithstandin& anythin& contained in Rule "1 or

    Rule " 0here the consi&nee $urnishes to the ustoms ollector a 0rittenunderta%in& (0ithout security or 0ith such security as that o$$icer deemssu$$icient) that he 0ill, in the event o$ the explosive $ailin& to pass5 the test,analysis o$ examination re$erred to in Rule "1 comply 0ith such directions as to

    its disposal as the hie$ +nspector, a$ter consultin& the onservator o$ the port, 0here necessary, may issue, the ustoms ollector may permit any authori7edexplosive speci$ied in sub5rule (") to be imported by sea and landed inanticipation o$ the report o$ the testin& o$$icer o$ the &rant o$ a licence to import atany port at 0hich the import o$ such explosive is permitted under Rule "". .

    (") Sub5rule (+) shall not apply unless, the authori7ed explosive—(a) i$o$ 'ritish manu$acture, is certi$ied by the manu$acturer to be o$ 'ritishmanu$acture or (b) i$ not o$ 'ritish manu$acture, (i) is imported $rom the Knited

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    Hin&dom and is covered by a certi$icate &ranted by one o$ Li Aa4esty

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    shall not be transported in the same carria&e or save as provided in Rule 9, inthe same vessel and shall not be conveyed or handled 0ith any explosive not o$the class and division to 0hich it belon&s.

    22. erti$icate o$ sa$ety.555 (1) 'e$ore transportin& or tenderin& $or transportan explosive o$ the 2rd (Citro5compound) or o$ the th (hlorate5mixture) lass

    the consi&nor shall attach to the consi&nment a valid certi$icate in orm* &ranted by an +nspector o$ Explosives, or i$ the certi$icate is &ranted atthe time 0hen the explosive is imported, by the testin& o$$icer or providedthe ori&inal is produced $or veri$ication, a copy o$ such certi$icate certi$ied by theconsi&nor to be a true copy.

    (") The certi$icate re$erred to in sub5rule (1) shall be valid $or a periodo$ t0elve months $rom the date on 0hich it is &rantedD

    #rovided that in case o$ nitro&lycerine compounds 0hich are not used aspropellants such certi$icate shall laps on the 21st  =uly $ollo0in& and a $reshcerti$icate may, at the discretion o$ the Rail0ay *dministration concerned, be

    demanded $or explosives to be transported by rail durin& the period $rom 1st

     *prilto 21st  =uly i$ the ori&inal certi$icate has been &ranted earlier than the 2! th

    September precedin&.

    (2) * $ee o$ Jrupees $iveI shall be payable $or a certi$icate &ranted orrene0ed by an +nspector o$ Explosives under this rule

    #rovided that should the +nspector o$ Explosives issuin& the certi$icatere?uire a $resh test o$ the explosive to be made, a $ee o$ Rs. 1 shall be char&ed$or such test.

    2. Transport in passen&er carria&es and vessel,—Saves as other0iseexpressly provided in these rules no explosive shall be transported in any

    carria&e or vessel plyin& $or or carryin& passen&ers on hire.

    2B. Aaximum consi&nment allo0ed.—The ?uantity o$ explosive transportedshall not exceed—(i) 1!,!!! lbs. in any one rail0ay 0a&on (ii) ,!!! lbs. inany one carria&e other than a rail0ay 0a&on (iii) B!,!!! lbs. in any one boat.

    2. 3ispatch o$ explosive to carrier.—(1) Co person shall dispatch anyexplosive to carrier $or purposes o$ transport unless—

    (a) Le has &iven to the carrier or his duly authori7ed local a&ent or, inthe case o$ Rail0ay *dministration, the Station< Aaster a notice in 0ritin&—(i) o$his intention to $or0ard such explosives (ii) certi$yin& that the explosive has beenpac%ed and mar%ed in accordance 0ith Rules and 9 (iii) statin& the true name,description and ?uantity o$ the explosive to be transported and (iv) &ivin& hiso0n name and address and the name and address o$ the consi&nee and

    (b) he has received in reply an intimation in 0ritin& $rom such carrier,a&ent or Station Aaster that he is prepared to receive the explosive $orimmediate dispatch or $or deposit in an authori7ed ma&a7ine or place at 0hichsome person is licensed or other0ise authori7ed to receive it.

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    covered 0ith $ire5proo$ed cloth, or any other suitable material so as e$$ectually1! protect the explosives $rom communication o$ $ire.

    1. 3elay in transit to be avoided.—+$ the ?uantity o$ explosives transportedin any carria&e or vessel exceeds $ive pounds, the person or persons inchar&e o$ such carria&e or vessel shall not stop or delay at any place $or a lon&er

    time than may be reasonably necessary, nor stop unnecessarily at any place 0here such stoppin& 0ould be attended by public dan&er.

    ". Sa$ety distances bet0een carria&es or boats.— Fhere the explosives int0o or more carria&es or in t0o or more boats travelin& in company exceedsthe maxima prescribed in Rule 2B $or any one carria&e or boat, suchcarria&es or boats shall not approach 0ithin $i$ty yards o$ one another providedthat (a) nothin& in this rule shall apply to the transport o$ explosive by rail ()the onservator o$ the port may 0aive the re?uirement o$ this rule 0ithin thelimits o$ port i$ in his opinion it is impracticable to secure compliance 0ith it.

    2. Repairs to conveyance, any repairs or alterations are commenced to any

    part c6 a carria&e or vessel in 0hich explosives are bein& or hasbeen transported, all due precaution shall be ta%en lo remove all suchexplosives, or any remnants thereo$, and the space in such carria&e or vessel in

     0hich such explosives have been carried shall be thorou&hly 0ashed out toensure that no remnants o$ explosives remain therein.

    . Small ?uantities o$ $ire0or%s exempted.—5Cothin& contained in Rules 2,29 and ! shall apply to the transport o$ manu$actured $ire0or%s in the custody o$a person entitled to possess them 0ithout a licence under Rule 2 (b) D providedthat not more than $ive pounds o$ manu$actured $ire0or%s shall be sotransported in any motor vehicle licensed $or the conveyance o$ more than sixpassen&ers.


    B. Cotice o$ loadin& on or unloadin& $rom ships. — Co explosive shall beloaded on or unloaded $rom a ship 0ithin the limits o$ a port unless hoursnotice in 0ritin& o$ the intended time and place o$ such operation has been &ivento the onservator o$ the port.

    . Responsibility o$ a person inchar&e o$ a vessel.—Fhenever anyexplosive is bein& loaded into or unloaded $rom a vessel, the person inchar&e o$ the vessel, or some responsible person deputed by him $or5thispurpose, shall be present at and shall supervise such loadin& or unloadin&,and shall ta%e all due precautions in re&ard to such explosive until the completiono$ the receipt and sto0a&e or dischar&e thereto.

    ;. Steamer $ires and li&hts.—Co explosive shall be loaded on or unloaded$rom any ship—(a) unless the en&ine5room $ires have been previouslycare$ully ban%ed up, and other $ires and li&hts extin&uished or (b) 0hile theship is attached to or alon& side o$ any steam vessel or steam tu&6, unless theen&ine5room $ires o$ such steam vessel or steam the have previously been

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    care$ully ban%ed up and all other $ires and li&ht have previously beenextin&uishedD

    #rovided that nothin& in this rule shall prevent the employment o$ anyarti$icial li&ht or ship

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    (") Such anchora&e shall in no case be the same as that $or vesselsladen 0ith petroleum (such distance $rom the anchora&e $ox vessels laden 0ithpetroleum as so render it impossible $or a $ire ori&inatin& at the $ormer anchora&eto a$$ect vessels anchored at the latter.

    B". Red $la& or 0arnin& li&ht to be exhibited.—Every vessel havin& explosives

    on board exceedin& 1!! lbs, in 0ei&ht shall, 0hile approachin& leavin& a portand durin& the time, that it remains 0ithin the limits o$ the port or on any inland

     0aters, exhibit conspicuously— (a) bet0een sunrise and sunset, a red $la& notless than three $eet s?uare and () bet0een sunset and sunrise, a si&nal red li&htvisible all round the hori7on.

    B2. /essels to lie sin&ly,—5Every vessel 0holly or partly laden 0ithexplosives shall lie sin&ly and be %ept at a distance o$ at least $i$ty yards $rom anyother vessel except durin& the actual transshipment o$ explosives, 0hen oneboat may tie alon&side on each side o$ a ship, boat or $loatin& ma&a7ine andt0o ships may lie alon&side each other.

    B. Latches to be closed and covered,—The hatches o$ any vessel havin&any explosive on board shall be %ept closed except 0hen the operation o$loadin& or unloadin& is bein& actually per$ormed and, 0hen closed, shall becovered 0ith tarpaulin or ra0 hides, securely battened do0n and loc%ed,

    BB. /essels not to lie alon&side ma&a7ines, 4etties, etc.—Co vessel havin&any explosive on board shall lie alon&side any vessel, $loatin& ma&a7ine, ?uay,

     0har$, 4etty, land or landin& sta&e except $or the purposes o$ loadin& or unloadin&and then only durin& the time necessary $or actual loadin& or unloadin&, o$ suchvessel and shall proceed on its voya&e 0ithout delay except such delay as maybe unavoidable in conse?uence o$ tide or 0eather.

    B. oadin& and unloadin& prohibited 0hile a vessel is under 0ay.—Coexplosives exceedin& 1!!! lbs. in 0ei&ht and no detonators shall be loaded orunloaded 0hile a vessel is under 0ay.

    E(.a*ati)*.—* vessel is 6under 0ay6 0hen she is not at anchor ormoored or made $ast to the shore or a&round.

    B;. #lace o$ loadin& and unloadin& 0ithin a port area.—Explosives shall 0ithinthe limits o$ a port be loaded $rom, landed at, brou&ht into, or deposited upononly such ?uay or other place as the onservator o$ the port may by &eneral orspecial order direct.

    B. ushion to be used.—* cushion, properly stu$$ed 0ith oa%um and covered

     0ith leather and $itted 0ith slin&s, or one o$ such %ind as the onservator o$ theport may $rom time to time approve, shall be used in shippin& an explosive in anyvessel or in landin& it upon any 0har$ or other landin& place 0ithin the limits o$ aport.

    B9. Ships to handle explosives 0ith dispatch.—(1) Ships arrivin& in a port 0ithexplosives intended to be landed at that port shall dischar&e them 0ith allreasonable dispatch, and ships ta%in& explosives onboard shall proceed to 0ithall reasonable dispatch.

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    (") Co ship or boat shall retain on board any car&o o$ explosives andremain in the port $or a period lon&er than three days unless such period is,under special circumstances, extended by the onservator o$ the #ort.

    !. 'oats to he licensed.—(1) Co boat shall be used $or the transport o$explosives exceedin& "!!! +ts in 0ei&ht except under and in accordance 0ith the

    conditions o$ a licence &ranted— (c) by the onservator o$ the port in the case o$a boat plyin&50ithin the Lunts o$ a port, or (b) by an o$$icer appointed by theentral -overnment in his behal$ in the case o$ a boat plyin& in areas outsideport limits,

    (") The licence shall speci$y the maximum ?uantity o$ explosives theboat is authorised to carry, 0hich ?uantity shall be $ixed in consultation 0iththe hie$ +nspector.

    (2) Every licence &ranted under sub5rule (1) shall remain valid $or aperiod o$ (a) $our months in the case o$ a boat plyin& 0ithin the limits o$ a port,and @b) one year hi the case o$ a boat plyin& in areas outside port limits.

    () The licence re$erred to in sub5rule (1) shall be &ranted or rene0edin such $orm and on payment o$ such $ees as may be speci$ied by the entral-overnment,

    (B) Every person in char&e o$ any boat5licensed under sub5rule (1)shall, 0hen re?uired so to do by any o$$icer mentioned in Rule 1!, produce thelicence o$ such boat $or inspection.

    1. 'uoy to be carried.—(1) Every boat carryin& explosives 0ithin the limits o$a port shall carry on dec% a buoy 0ith 1B $athoms o$ 26 rope, one end o$ the ropebein& attached to the buoy and the other end to the boat. The rope shall beattached to such part the boat as is most clear o$ spares, &ear or other

    obstruction and at such point as is approved by the licensin&, authority underRule !.

    (") The buoy shall be a drum painted and measurin& not less than1.96 A+ len&th and 1."6 in diameter, properly strapped 0ith an iron band in themiddle and havin& a rin& attached $or securin& the rope.

    ". Smo%in&, $ire, dan&erous article and other car&o prohibited.—The$ollo0in& shall not be permitted on board any boat 0hich has explosives onboard D (i) $ire or li&ht o$ any description other than the 0arnin& li&ht re$erred toin Rule B" (ii) smo%in&, (iii) any substance o$ an in$lammable nature or liable tospontaneous i&nition (iv) any substance liable to cause or communicate $ire or

    explosion (v) any other car&o, unless the carryin& o$ such other car&o hasbeen specially authorised in 0ritin& by the onservator o$ the port 0ithin portlimits or by the hie$ +nspector in area outside port limit D

    #rovided that nothin& in this rule shall apply to the transport o$ explosivesin a mechanically propelled boat sub4ect to such conditions as may be speci$iedby the hie$ +nspector.

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    2. Streets and public places—(1) Co person shall transport or cause tobe transported any explosive in any street or public place 0ithin the limits o$ amunicipality or cantonment except under and in accordance 0ith the condition o$

    a 0ritten permit &ranted by the 3istrict *uthority.(") Cothin& in sub5rule (1) shall be held to authorise the transport, in


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    vessel or in landin& it upon any 0har$ or other landin& place 0ithin the limits o$ aport.

    B9. Ships to handle explosives 0ith despatch.—(1) Ships arrivin& in a port 0ith explosives intended to be landed at that port shall dischar&e them 0ith allreasonable despatch, and ships ta%in& explosives onboard shall proceed to sta

     0ith all reasonable despatch.

    (") Co ship or boat shall retain on board any car&o o$ explosives andremain in the port $or a period lon&er than three liays unless such period is, underspecial circumstances, extended by the onservator o$ the #ort.

    B!. 'oats to he licensed.—(1) Co boat shall be used $or the transport o$explosives exceedin& "!!! +ts. in 0ei&ht except under and in accordance 0iththe conditions o$ a licence &ranted— (c) by the onservator o$ the port in thecase o$ a boat plyin&50ithin the Lunts o$ a port, or (b) by an o$$icer appointed bythe entral -overnment in his behal$ in the case o$ a boat plyin& in areasoutside port limits,

    (") The licence shall speci$y the maximum ?uantity o$ explosives theboat is authorised to carry, 0hich ?uantity shall be $ixed in consultation 0iththe hie$ +nspector.

    (2) Every licence &ranted under sub5rule (1) shall remain valid $or aperiod o$ (a) $our months in the case o$ a boat plyin& 0ithin the limits o$ a port,and @b) one year hi the case o$ a boat plyin& in areas outside port limits.

    () The licence re$erred to in sub5rule (1) shall be &ranted or rene0edin such $orm and on payment o$ such $ees as may be speci$ied by the entral-overnment,

    (B) Every person in char&e o$ any boat5licensed under sub5rule (1)shall, 0hen re?uired so to do by any o$$icer mentioned in Rule 1!, produce thelicence o$ such boat $or inspection.

    1. 'uoy to be carried.—(1) Every boat carryin& explosives 0ithin the limits o$a port shall carry on dec% a buoy 0ith 1B $athoms o$ 26 rope, one end o$ the ropebein& attached to the buoy and the other end to the boat. The rope shall beattached to such part o$ the boat as is most clear o$ spares, &ear or otherobstruction and at such point as is approved by the licensin&, authority underRule !.

    (") The buoy shall be a drum painted and measurin& not less than1.96 A+ len&th and 1."6 in diameter, properly strapped 0ith an iron band in themiddle and havin& a rin& attached $or securin& the rope.

    ". Smo%in&, $ire, dan&erous article and other car&o prohibited.—The$ollo0in& shall not be permitted on board any boat 0hich has explosives onboard D (i) $ire or li&ht o$ any description other than the 0arnin& li&ht re$erred toin Rule B" (ii) smo%in&, (iii) any substance o$ an in$lammable nature or liable tospontaneous i&nition (iv) any substance liable to cause or communicate $ire orexplosion (v) any other car&o, unless the carryin& o$ such other car&o has

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    been specially authorised in 0ritin& by the onservator o$ the port 0ithin portlimits or by the hie$ +nspector in area outside port limit D

    #rovided that nothin& in this rule shall apply to the transport o$ explosivesin a mechanically propelled boat sub4ect to such conditions as may be speci$iedby the hie$ +nspector.


    2. Streets and public places—(+) Co person shall transport or cause tobe transported any explosive in any street or public place 0ithin the limits o$ amunicipality or cantonment except under and in accordance 0ith the condition o$a 0ritten permit &ranted by the 3istrict *uthority.

    (1) Cothin& in sub5rule (1) shall be held to authorise the transport, insue

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    pac%ed in a stout 0ooden case 0ith a completely spar%5proo$ outer cover o$ tin o$7inc or in a metal case or cylinder o$ a pattern approved by the hie$+nspector, (b) no outer case contains more than "B lbs. o$ explosive and (c)the total consi&nment by one train does not exceed in the a&&re&ate ;B lbs.

    ;. Receipt o$ consi&nment o$ explosives by rail0ays— onsi&nments o$

    explosives intended to be transported by rail shall be received only— (a) by aservant authorised by the Rail0ay *dministration concerned to receivedan&erous &oods and (b) at such times bet0een sunrise and sunset andat such places 0ithin rail0ay premises as the Rail0ay *dministration may speci$yin this behal$.

    ;B. Sto0in& o$ explosives.— (1) *ll pac%a&es containin& explosives shall besto0ed in one layer only and shall be secured in such as to prevent movementdurin& transit 0hen the carria&e. #rovided, that, i$ the pac%a&es o$explosives are rectan&ular in $orm and are properly secured so as to preventpavement Aurin& transit, they may be sto0ed in any number o$ layers notexceedin&.

    (") Lair cloth, hides or other suitable materials shall be spread on the$loor o$ the carria&e and bet0een each layer o$ pac%a&es.

    (2) There shall not be conveyed in (he same carria&e 0ith anyexplosive any matches or $u7es, any appliance $or producin& i&nition or any otherarticle or substance o$ an in$lammable nature or liable to cause $ire := explosion,such as petroleum, carbide, compressed &ases and acids.

    ;. Shuntin&.—Co shuntin& o$ carria&es containin& explosives shall becarried out on any rail0ay save under the superintendence o$ a duly authorisedo$$icer 0ho shall be responsible that5(n) 0hen the train is bein& carria&es

    loaded 0ith explosives shall not be shunted by a locomotive unless they areseparated $rom any en&ine by not less than three carria&es containin& noexplosive or easily in$lammable substance (b) durin& the shuntin& o$ carria&escontainin& explosives the speed o$ all movements shall not exceed $ive miles anhour and (r) no loose shuntin& ta%es place.

    ;;. 3elivery to and $rom rail0ay premises—@P) #ac%a&es containin& anyexplosive shall be removed by the consi&nee $rom the station, 50har$ or depoto$ the rail0ay to 0hich they have been transported, as soon as practicableand 0ith all due dili&ence a$ter arrival.

    (") +$ the pac%a&es are not removed 0ithin t0elve hours o$ dayli&ht$ollo0in& their arrival, the pac%a&es and contents may be $orth0ith returned lothe consi&nor at his ris% and expense.

    (2) Every pac%a&e containin& an explosive shall, until removed,returned or dispatched, be %ept in a sa$e place under the special direction o$ theStation Aaster at a sa$e distance $rom the station buildin&s under a police&uard i$ necessary and shall be completely covered 0ith tarpaulins or othersuitable material.

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    23 P)rs )5 Rai.a A-'i*istrati)* 61% Fhere a Rail0ay *dministrationsuspects that an explosive o$ carria&e or pac%a&e containin& an explosive doesnot comply 0ith any o$ these rules, the *dministration may—(a) prevent the entryo$ such explosive, carria&e or pac%a&e upon their premises or re$use to receiveor transport them or (b) at any time open or re?uire such carria&e or pac%a&e

    to be opened to ascertain the $acts.(") +$ any explosive or any carria&e or pac%a&e containin& explosives is

    $ound not to comply 0ith any o$ these rules, the Rail0ay *dministration mayreturn such explosive, carria&e or pac%a&e to the consi&nor this ris% andexpense.

    (2) Fhere any explosive or any carria&e or pac%a&e containin&explosives not complyin& 0ith these rules cannot in the opinion o$ the Rail0ay*dministration be returned to the consi&nor under sub5rule (") 0ithout undue ris%,the *dministration may, in consultation 0ith the hie$ +nspector and in suchmanner as he may speci$y, destroy al the consi&nor

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    experiment and not $or sale or any other use or () in the case o$ any personauthorised under these rules to possess an explosive 0ho by $illin&cartrid&es, ma%in& char&es or dryin&, shi$tin&, $ittin& or other0ise, adapts orprepares such explosive $or use exclusively $or blastin& purposes in his mine or?uarry or in some excavation or 0or% carried on by him or under his control.

    2. Co licence needed $or possession in certain mves.—Cot0ithstandin&anythin& contained in Rule 1, no licence shall be .necessary $or thepossession—

    (a) o$ any explosive by a carrier or other person $or the purpose o$transport 0hen the same is bein& %ept or transported in accordance 0ith theprovisions o$ hapter +/ re&ulatin& the transport o$ such explosive or

    (b) by any person, o$ manu$actured $ire0or%s in any ?uantity notexceedin& B! lbs., provided that the $ire0or%s—(i) are obtained and intended bysuch person $or immediate use and not $or sale and are possessed by him $or aperiod not exceedin& $ourteen days, (ii) arc %ept in a substantial receptacle 0hich

    is exclusively appropriated to the %eepin& o$ explosives and is closed andsecured so as to prevent unauthori7ed persons $rom havin& access to explosives or

    (c) by any person $or his o0n private use and not $or sale o$ &un5po0der not exceedin& 2! lbs,, or o$ small5arm1  Dtncompound not exceedin& =:lbs., or

    (d) by a Rail0ay *dministration o$ $lare li&hts $or use on rail0ay or

    (e) o$ any explosive, 0hich is not $or sale and is re?uired solely $or thenavi&ation o$ aircra$t, 0hen %ept in an aircra$t $or use

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    . *pplication $or licence.— (i) * person desirin& to obtain or to rene0 alicence under these rules shall sub5mil au application in 0ritin& to the authorityempo0ered to &rant such a licenceD

    #rovided that 0heic the licensin& authority is the entral -overnment theapplication $or the licence shall be submitted throu&h the hie$ +nspector.

    (") The application shall be si&ned by the applicant himsel$ or by aperson authorised by him in 0ritin& in this behal$ and shall, in the latter case,be accompanied by such authorisation.

    (2) livery application $or the &rant or rene0al o$ licence to manu$actureor possess explosive, shall be in orm , and shall be accompanied by a planin duplicate, dra0n to scale, o$ the proposed ma&a7ine or $actory and o$the site, sho0in& the boundaries thereo$ and except in the ease o$ anapplication $or a licence in orm = or H speci$yin& the matters re$erred to in Cote

    (1) belo0 orm .B. -runt o$ licences.—(i) icences may be &runted by the authorities set $orthin Schedule +/ in the $orms, $or the purposes and on payment o$ the $eesspeci$ied therein D #rovided that—@a) no licence shall be &ranted to any personundcrthc a&e o$ 1 years @b) no ne0 licence in orm or under *rticle o$Schedule +/ shall be &ranted unless the provisions o$ Rule have beencomplied 0ith.

    (") * licence in orm may be &ranted $or such period not exceedin&t0elvemonths as the licencin& authority may deem necessary. Evciy otherlicence &ranted or rene0ed under these rules shall remain m $orce until the

    2lsl day o$ Aarch $ollo0in& the dale on 0hich the licence is &rautcd orrene0ed D

    #rovided that every licence in $orce on the 21st 3ecember 19! other thana licence $or the import o$ explosives shall continue to remain in $orce until the21st day o$ Aarch 191

    ("5*) Cot0ithstandin& anythin& contained in sub5rule (", the licensin&authority may, i$ it is satis$ied that a licence is re?uired $or a speci$ic 0or% o$national importance and G period,

    #rovided that an +nspector o$ Explosives shall not &rant such a licence 0ithout the concurrence o$ the hie$ +nspector o$ Explosives, i$ a certi$icate is not

    obtained $rom the 3istrict *uthority under sub5rule (2)I.(2) Fhere the licensin& authority is the hie$ +nspector or an +nspector

    o$ Explosives, an applicant $or a ne0 licence in orm may apply to the 3istrict*uthority $or a certi$icate to the e$$ect that there is no ob4ection to the applicantreceivin& a licence $or the site proposed and the 3istrict *uthority shall, i$ he seesno ob4ection, &rant such certi$icate to the applicant 0ho may $or0ard it to thehie$ +nspector or the +nspector o$ Explosives, as the case may be, 0ith hisapplication in orm . inserted by entral -overnment Coti$ication Co.

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    S.R.:. B12, dated :ctober 19By in Rule 2B, published hi -a7ette, dated 2!th:ctober 199

    () The hie$ +nspector or the +nspector o$ Explosive a, the easemaybe may the application not accompanied by a certi$icate &ranted under sub5rule (2) to the 3istrict *uthority $or his observation.

    (5*) Cothin& in sub5rule (2) or sub5rule () shall be deemed to ?u4rc anapplication $or the &rant o$ a licence $or a site $or 0hich a licence 0as previously&ranted and has expired to be accompanied by a6 certi$icate &ranted under thesaid sub5rule (2).

    (1) +$ the 3istrict *uthority, cither on a re$erence bein& made to him, oro$$ice intim Se to the +nspector o$ may be, that any licence 0hich has beenapplied. Fe Sanct on opinion be &ranted, such licence shall not be issued

     0ithout the sanction

    o$ the entral -overnment.

    () +n the case o$ a licence &ranted $or manu$acture or one copy o$the plan or plans o$ the premises s a&ned m to%en approval by thelicensin& authority shall be and one copy shall be $iled $or record in the o$$iceo$ the authority.

    (;) Co licence shall be &ranted $or the import o$ explosives unless theimporter holds a licence $or the possession o$ such explosive D

    #rovided that this sub5rule shall not apply in cases 0here the explosiveimported—(i) is not intended to be stored at the port o$ import but is intended tobe transported direct to a territory not bein& part o$ 'ritish +ndia or (it) can< bepossessed 0ithout a licence under Rule 2.

    . #rocedure to be observed be$ore a licence $or a $actory or ma&a7ine is&ranted.5(l) The &rant o$ a licence in orm or under *rticle Sot Schedule +/ 0illbe (O) in the case o$ a licence in orm (a) 0here the ?uantity o$ explosive $or

     0hich a licence is proposed to be &ranted docs not exceed "!! lbs. accordin& tothe procedure laid do0n in sub5rule 0 o$ this rule and sub5rules (2), () and (B) o$Rule B, and ( 0here the ?uantity exceeds "!! lbs., accordin& to theprocedure laid do0n in sub5rules (") to (9) (ii), in the case o$ licence under*rticle o$ Schedule +/, accordin& to the procedure laid do0n in sub5rules K) toand (1!).

    (") +$ the application submitted $or a licencc in orm or under *rticle o$ schedule +/ is in proper $orm, the hie$ +nspector shall security the plansaccompanyin& the application and $or0ard to the applicant a statement in orm3 sho0in& the distances 0hich should, in his opinion, be %ept clear in and roundthe $actory or ma&a7ine premises or any part thereo$ and $rom other buildin&sand 0or%s. :n receipt o$ the statement the applicant shall enter therein a&ainsteach item the exact distance 0hich can actually be so %ept clear, shall si&n theand shah return it to&ether 0ith any representation 0hich he may desire toma%e to the hie$ inspector,

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    (12) *$ter considerin& any representation made by the applicant 0henreturnin& the statement, the hie$ +nspector shall re$er the application to the3istrict *uthority concerned to&ether 0ith a dra$t licence and a statement in ormE sho0in& the distances 0hich he considers should be %ept clear in and roundthe $actory or ma&a7ine.

    #rovided that in case o$ a licence under sub5rule ("5*) o$ Rule B, thehie$ +nspector o$ Explosives need not ma%e any such re$erence to the 3istrict*uthority.I

    () Kpon receipt o$ the said application the 3istrict *uthority shall$orth0ith cause notice to be published o$ such application and o$ the time andplace at 0hich he 0ill be prepared to hear it, and callin& upon any personob4ectin& to the establishment o$ the $actory or ma&a7ine on the proposedsite, to &ive notice o$ such ob4ection to him and to the applicant not less thanseven clear days be$ore the day $ixed $or hearin& the application, to&ether 0ithhis name, address and callin& and a short statement o$ the &rounds o$ hisob4ection. The day o$ hearin& the application shall be a day $ollo0in& as soonas practicable a$ter the expiration o$ the period o$ one month re$erred to in sub5rule ().

    (B) Fhere the site o$ the proposed $actory or ma&a7ine lies 0ithin, or 0ithin one mile o$ the limits o$, the 4urisdiction o$ any municipal or port authority,the applicant shall prepare, $or service on such authority, a notice o$ theapplication and o$ the said day o$ hearin&.

    () The notice under sub5rule () shall be published and thenotice under sub5rule (B) served, at the expense o$ the applicant, by the 3istrict*uthority, not less than one month be$ore the said day o$ hearin&.

    (;) :n the day $ixed $or the hearin& or any day to 0hich hearin& maybe ad4ourned $rom time to time, the 3istrict *uthority shall hear any ob4ectionpre$erred in accordance 0ith sub5rule () and by any authority re$erred to in sub5rule (B). and shall ma%e such in?uiry as he may deem necessary.

    () :n completion o$ the in?uiry the 3istrict *uthority shall $or0ardlythe application, statement and plans to the hie$ +nspector to&ether 0ith a reportstatin& 0hether he has any ob4ection (a) to the applicant receivin& a licence atthe site proposed D (b) to the manu$acture or stora&e o$ the explosive in?uestion in his district.

    ('5*) Cothin& in this rule shall be deemed to re?uire an application $or the&rant o$ a licence $or a site $or 0hich a licence 0as previously &ranted and hasexpired to be accompanied by the report o$ the 3istrict *uthority2 and

    (9) Fhere the application is $or a licence in orm and the 3istrict*uthority ob4ects to the &rant o$ the licence on any o$ the &rounds speci$ied insub5rule (), no licence shall be &ranted by the hie$ +nspector except 0ith thUsanction o$ the entral -overnment.

     (1!) Fhere the application is $or a licence under *rticle o$ Schedule+/, the hie$ +nspector shall submit the application, to&ether 0ith the report o$ the

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    3istrict *uthority thereon and a dra$t licence containin& the conditions 0hich thehie$ +nspector considers suitable, to the entral -overnment 0hich may instructthe hie$ +nspector (a) to &rant the licence 0ith such modi$ications or restrictions(i$ any) as it many consider suitable or (*) to re4ect the application.

    ;. #rocedure on &rant o$ licence $or $actory or ma&a7ine.—(1) * copy o$

    every licence &ranted by the hie$ +nspector in orm + or or under *rticle o$Schedule +/ shall he $or0arded to the 3istrict *uthority, and the ori&inal licenceshall be $or0arded to the +nspector o$ explosives in 0hose circle the premisesare situated.

    (") +$ the +nspector o$ Explosives is satis$ied that all the conditionsprescribed in the licence in re&ard to the $actory or ma&a7ine have beencomplied 0ith, he shall $orth0ith endorse the licence, but unless and until soendorsed, the licence shall not come into $orce D

    J#rovided that the hie$ +nspector o$ Explosives may, i$ he is satis$ied thatthe explosives are re?uired $or ur&ent necessity or that in romin& into $orce o$ the

    licence is li%ely to cause substantial loss to the licensee, permit the licence tocome into $orce immediately.I

    (2) +$ an +nspector o$ Explosives decides not to endorse a licence heshall immediately return, the licence to the hie$ +nspector to&ether 0ith astatement o$ his reasons $or not endorsin& it.

    () :n receipt o$ the statement re$erred to in.sub5rule (2) the hie$+nspector shall a$ter ma%in& such en?uiry, i$ any, as he may consider necessary,communicate his decision to the 3istrict *uthority and also, in the case o$ alicence under *rt %le o$ Schedule +/, to the entral -overnment.

    . #articulars o$ licence.—Every licence &ranted under these rulesO shall be

    held sub4ect to the conditions endorsed on it and shall contain r all theparticulars 0hich are contained in $orm prescribed $or it by these< rules..

    9. #o0er o$ licensin& authority to alter conditions.—(+) Cot0ithstandin&anythin& contained in Rule the licensin& authority may omit, alter or add toany o$ ihe conditions speci$ied in the prescribed $orm o$ licence.

    (") The po0er con$erred by sub5rule (1) shall nor be exercised by anylicensin& authority, other thaii the entral -overnment, 0ithout the prior consento$ the hie$ +nspector.

    9!. *mendment o$ licence. —(+5) *ny licence &ranted under these rulesmay be amended by the authority empo0ered to &rant the licence D#rovided that (a) (he pmendmenis sri6PP not be inconsistent 0ith any

    1. +nserted 6by eatral -overnment Coti$ication Co. S. R. V. B12, dated "$th

    :ctober 19B1 in sub5rule (") o$ Rule ;, published in -a7ette 19B2, is thischapter (c) no licence under *rticle o$ Schedule +/ shall be amended except

     0ith sanction o$ the entral -overnment.

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    (") * licensee 0ho desires to have his licence amended shall submit itto the licensin& authority 0ith an application statin& the nature o$ the amendmentand the reasons there$ore.

    (2) The $ee $or the amendment o$ a licence shall be t0o rupees plus theamount (i$ any) by 0hich the $ee that 0ould have been payable i$ the licence

    had ori&inally been issued in the amended $orm exceeds the $ee ori&inally paid$or the licence D

    #rovided that no $ee shall be char&eable in the case o$ amendmentsmade to licences m orm =, issued to cultivators.

    91. Rene0al o$ licence,—(Q) * licence may be rene0ed by the authorityempo0ered to &rant such licence, provided that a licence 0hich has been&ranted by the hie$ +nspector may be rene0ed 0ithout any alteration by an+nspector o$ Explosives duly authorised by the hie$ +nspector in this behal$,

    (") The +nspector o$ Explosives authorised by the hie$ +nspectorunder sub5rule (1). may, and 0hen so re?uired by the hie$ +nspector, 6hallre?uire the licensee to $ollo0 the procedure laid do0n in sub5rule (")

    6Rule be$ore rene0in& a licence in orm or under *rticle o$Schedule +/.

    (2) Every application $or title rene0al o$ a licence shall be made

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    the continuance o$ the licence in the hands o$ the licensee is deemedob4ectionable.

    (") * licensin& authority, other than the entral -overnment,cancellin& a licence shall record its reasons $or so doin& in 0ritin&.

    (2) * copy o$ the order containin& the reasons $or the cancellation o$ alicence shall be &iven to the holder o$ the licence on payment o$ a $ee o$

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    (") * $ee o$ one rupee shall be char&ed $or a ne0 licence $or theunexpired portion o$ an ori&inal licence &ranted to any person applyin& $or itunder this rule D

    #rovided that no $ee shall be char&ed on a ne0 licence in orm = &ranted to acultivator.

    J9;. oss o$ licence—(1) Fhere a licence &ranted under these rules or anauthenticated copy o$ licence &ranted under rule 1!" is lost or accidentallydestroyed and the licensee 0ishes to obtain a duplicate thereo$, he shall—

    (a) immediately a$ter the loss o$ licence, publish a notice in a local dailyne0spaper about such loss and send a copy each o$ such notice to the 3istrictAa&istrate concerned and the hie$ +nspector and

    (b) a$ter $i$teen days o$ the publication o$ the a$oresaid notice, apply tothe 3istrict Aa&istrate $or the issue o$ a no5ob4ection certi$icate $or the &rant o$the duplicate.

    (") The 3istrict Aa&istrate may, a$ter such in?uiry as he may deem $it,issue the no5ob4ection certi$icate.

    (2) *$ter the receipt o$ no5ob4ection certi$icate the licensee shall submitan application alon&0ith the certi$icate to the licensin& authority and thelicensin& authority may &rant the duplicate on payment o$ a $ee o$ threerupees.I

    9. #ermit $or temporary stora&e o$ explosives in a ma&a7ine in excess o$ thelicensed ?uantity.—@Q) Fhen it is proved to the satis$action o$ the hie$ +nspectorthat o0in& to un$orseen circumstances it is necessary to store in a ma&a7inelicensed under orm , a ?uantity o$ explosives in excess o$ that entered in the

    licence, the hie$ +nspector may &rant a permit $or the stora&e in the ma&a7ine o$such excess $or a period not ordinarily exceedin& one month D

    #rovided that (a) the excess ?uantity thus allo0ed to he stored shall in nocase exceed one5third o$ the ?uantity entered in the licence and (b) no conditiono$ the licence ot$ler than that prescribin& the maximum ?uantity to be $ .ed< isin$rin&ed.

    (") The $ee char&eable $or such a permit shall be +ts.

    (i) $or a period not exceedin& one month 1!!

    (ii) $or u period exceedin& one month 1!!!

    per month or portion o$ a month.99. #ermit $or temporary possession o$ manu$actured $ire0or%s in excess o$the licensed ?uantity.—(Q) * permit may be &ranted by the 3istrict *uthority to aholder o$ a licence, in orm + or in orm H to possess, in addition to a ?uantitypermitted by the licence, any ?uantity o$ manu$actured $ire0or%s not exceedin&"B! pounds $or a period not p65 rdin& =B days at a time D

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    #rovided that (a) no permit shall be &ranted under this rul4 to any nerson 0hose licence entitles him to possess not more than B! lbs. o$ :re5 0or% and(b) no condition o$ the licence other than that prescribin& the maximum ?uantityo$ $ire0or%s to be possessed is in$rin&ed.

    (") * $ee o$ >>/+—Aiscellaneous 3epartments (entral), Aiscellaneous, Explosives.6

    (") +$ an application $or the &rant, rene0al or amendment o$ a licence or $orthe &rant o$ a permit is re4ected the $ee paid shall be re$unded by the 3istrict*uthority, or, i$ it has been paid into a Treasury, by that treasury on the

    production o$ a si&ned order $rom the licensin& authority directin& such re$und.(2) ees payable under any other chapter o$ these rules shall be paid in cash

    or by che?ue.

    1!1. #o0er to exempt $rom payment o$ $ees.— The entral -overnment may,by &eneral or special order, &rant exemption $rom or reduction o$ any $ee payableunder these rules.

    1!". #roduction o$ licence or pass on demand. —(1) Every person, holdin& oractin& under a licence &ranted under these rules shall, 0hen called upon todo so by any o$$icer speci$ied in sub5rule (1) o$ Rule 1!, produce it or anauthenticated JsicI o$ it at the place to 0hich the licence relates.

    (") Every person in char&e o$ consi&nment o$ explosives in transit undercover o$ a pass issued under these rules shall produce it 0hen called upon to doso by any o$$icer speci$ied in sub5rule (1) o$ Rule 1!.

    (2) opies o$ any licence may, $or the purposes o$ this rule, beauthenticated $ree o$ char&e by the authority 0hich &ranted the licence.

    1!2. Executive control over authorities authority other than the entral-overnment actin& under this hapter shall be sub4ect to the direction andcontrol o$ the entral -overnmentD

    #rovided that nothin& in this rule shall be deemed to a$$ect the po0ers o$

    executive control o$ the hie$ +nspector over the o$$icer subordinate to him.1!. Empo0erment. under section 1B o$ the *ct,—*ll authorities &rantin&licences under these rules are hereby empo0ered to direct by an order 0ritten onthe licence that it shall have the e$$ect o$ a li%e licence &ranted under the *rms*ct, 1; (>+ o$ 1;).

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    CHAPTER VH"P)rs )5 O55icrs a*- P*a.tis

    1!B. 3an&erous practices.—@I) +$ in any matter 0hich is not provided $or by anyexpress provision o$, or condition o$ a licence &ranted under these rules an

    +nspector o$ Explosives $inds any $actory, ma&a7ine, 0here an explosive isbein& manu$actured, possessed or sold, or any pUrt thereo$, or anythin& orpractice therein or connected there0ith or 0in the handlin& or transport o$explosives, to be unnecessarily dan&erous or de$ective, so as in his opinion totend to endan&er the public sa$ety or the bodily sa$ety o$ any person, such+nspector may by an order in 0ritin& re?uire the occupier o$ such $actory,ma&a7ine or place or the o0ner o$ the explosive, to remedy the same 0ithin suchtime as rnay be speci$ied in the order.

    ("). Fhere the occupier or o0ner ob4ects to an order made under sub5rule(1), he may appeal to the hie$ +nspector 0ithin the time speci$ied in the order $orcompliance 0ith it, and the order o$ the hie$ +nspector on such appeal shall be$inal.

    (2) Every appeal pre$erred under sub5rule (") shall be in 0ritin& andshall be accompanied by a copy o$ the order appealed a&ainst.

    () +$ the occupier or o0ner $ails to comply 0ith an order made undersub5rule (1) 0ithin the time speci$ied in it or, 0here an appeal is pre$erredunder sub5rule ("), $ails to comply 0ith the order o$ the hie$ +nspector thereon

     0ithin the time $ixed in such order, he shall be deemed to have committed abreach o$ this rule.

    1!. #o0ers o$ search and sei7ure5—(i) *ny o$$icer speci$ied in the $irst column

    o$ the table belo0 may 0ithin the areas speci$ied in the correspondin& entry inthe second column o$ that table (a) enter, inspect and examine any place,carria&e or vessel in 0hich an explosive is bein& manu$actured, possessed,used, sold, transported or imported under a licence &ranted under these rules, orin 0hich he has reason to believe that an explosive has been or is bein&manu$actured, possessed, used, sold, transported or imported in contravention o$the *ct or these rules (b) search $or explosive therein (c) ta%e samples o$ anyexplosive $ound therein on payment o$ the value thereo$, i$ such payment isdemanded at the time the samples are ta%en (d) sei7e, detain or remove anyexplosives $ound therein in respect o$ 0hich be has reason to .believe that any o$the provisions o$ the *ct or these rules have been contravened.

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    :$$icers *reas

    1JThe hie$ +nspector, +nspectors and

    *ssistant +nspectors o$

    *ll parts o$ #a%istan,

    *ll district Aa&istrates. Their respective districts.

    *ll stipendiary Aa&istrates subordinateto the 3istrict Aa&istrate.

    Their respective 4urisdictions.

    *ll #olice :$$icers o$ Ran% not belo0that o$ Sub5+nspector.

    The respective areas over 0hichauthority extends.

    (") Fhenever any o$$icer other than the hie$ +nspector sei7es, detainsor removes any explosives under this rule, he shall $orth0ith report the $act bytele&ram to the hie$ +nspector, and 0henever any o$$icer not bein& the 3istrict*uthority sei7es, detains or removes any explosive under this rule he shall$orth0ith report the $act by =ele&ram to the district *uthority concerned.

    1!;. #o0er to destroy illicit explosives.—(i) The hie$ +nspector or an+nspector or W*ssistant +nspectorI o$ Explosives (a) shall destroy any explosive

     0herever $ound (i) the manu$acture, possession or importation o$ 0hich hasbeen prohibited absolutely under section o$ the *ct or in) i$ the explosivebelon&s to the Bth (ulminate) class and is bein& manu$actured, possessed,used, sold, transported or imported ille&ally 0ithout a licence under theserules D (b) may destroy or render harmless any other explosive in respect o$

     0hich the hie$ +nspector or +nspector or"

    J*ssistant +nspectorI has reason tobelieve that any o$ the provisions o$ the *ct or these rules have beencontravened, provided that no explosive shall be destroyed or renderedharmless by an +nspector or 2@*ssistant +nspectorI 0ithout the sanction o$ thehie$ +nspector unless the matter, appears to such +nspector or J*ssistant+nspectorI ur&ent and $rau&ht 0ith serious public dan&er,

    (") Fhenever the hie$ +nspector or an +nspector or BJ*ssistant +ns5pectorI o$ Explosive destroys any explosive or renders it harmless under sub5rule(1), he shall ta%e and %eep a sample thereo$, shall, i$ re?uired, &ive a portion o$the sample to the person o0nin& the explosive or havin& the same under hiscontrol at the time o$ sei7ure, and shall $orth0ith report the circumstances to the

    3istrict *uthority.

    1!. #rocedure on reports o$ in$rin&ements.—Fhenever any report is madeto the 3istrict *uthority by the hie$ +nspector o$ an in$rin&ement o$ the *ct or o$these rules, the 3istrict *uthority shall in due course in$orm the hie$ +nspectoro$ the action ta%en by him on such report.

    1!9. #enalties.—Fhoever in breach o$ these rules manu$actures,possesses, uses, sells, transports or imports any explosive, or other0ise

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    contravenes any o$ these rules shall be punishable 0ith $ine 0hich may extendto—(a) in the case o$ a person so importin& or manu$acturin& an explosive,three thousand rupees, () in the case o$ a person so possessin&, usin& ortransportin& an explosive, one thousand rupees (c) in the case o$ a person sosellin& an explosive, $ive hundred rupees and (d) in any other case, t0o

    hundred rupees.11!. Savin& as to acts done in emer&ency, etc.—Cothin& in these rules shallrender liable to any penalty the o0ner or master o$ any vessel or any carrier orother person havin& char&e o$ any explosives $or any contravention o$ theserules i$, (a) by reason o$ stress o$ 0eather, unavoidable accident, or otheremer&ency, such contravention 0as reasonable and proper, or (b) sucho0ner, master, carrier, or other person 0as prevented $rom complyin& 0ith therules by the 0il$ul act, ne&lect or de$ault o$ the consi&nor or other person, orby the improper re$usal o$ the consi&nee or other person to accept delivery o$any consi&nment.

    111. #o0er to exempt.—The entral -overnment may, on the re5commendation o$ the hie$ +nspector and in exceptional cases, exempt orunconditionally, any person $rom a

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    11. +n?uiry into accidents.—(a) Fhenever a 3istrict Aa&istrate, aommissioner o$ #olice or Aa&istrate subordinate to a 3istrict Aa&istrate holdsan in?uiry under section 9(1) o$ the *ct he shall ad4ourn such an in?uiryunless the hie$ +nspector or an o$$icer nominated by him is present to 0atch theproceedin&s or the Aa&istrate has received 0ritten in$ormation $rom the hie$

    +nspector that that o$$icer does not 0ish to send a representative.(b) The Aa&istrate at least $ourteen days be$ore holdin& the ad4ourned

    in?uiry shall send to the hie$ +nspector notice in 0ritin& o$ the time and place o$holdin& the ad4ourned in?uiry.

    (e) Fhere an accident has been attended 0ith loss o$ human li$e theAa&istrate be$ore the ad4ournment may ta%e evidence to identi$y anybodies andmay order the internment thereo$.

    (4) The hie$ +nspector or his representative shall be at liberty at anysuch in?uiry to examine any 0itness sub4ect to the order o$ the Aa&istrate onpoint o$ la0.

    Fhere evidence is &iven at an in?uiry at 0hich the hie$ +nspector or ano$$icer nominated him is not present, o$ any ne&lect as havin& caused orcontributed tc the explosion or accident, or o$ any de$ect in or or in connection

     0ith any $actory, ma&a7ine, store, or any carria&e, ship or boat carryin& anexplosive appearin& to the Aa&istrate or 4ury to re?uire a remedy, the Aa&istrateshall send to the hie$ +nspector notice in 0ritin& o$ such ne&lect or de$ect. heldunder section 95* c ,,ct the persons holdin& such in?uiry shall hold the same inopen ourt in such manner and under such conditions as they may thin% moste$$ectual $or ascertainin& the causes and circumstances o$ the accident, andenablin& them to ma%e report under this rule D

    #rovided that 0here the entral -overnment so directs the in?uiry maybe held in camera.

    (b) #ersons attendin& as 0itnesses be$ore this ourt shall be allo0edsuch expenses as 0ould be allo0ed to 0itnesses attendin& be$ore a civil ourtsubordinate to the Li&h ourt havin& 4urisdiction in the place 0here the in?uiry isheld and in case o$ dispute as to the amount the local Aa&istrate on re?uest bythe ourt shall ascertain and certi$y the proper amount o$ such expenses.

    (c) *ll expenses incurred in or about an in?uiry or investi&ationunder this rule shall be deemed to be part o$ the expenses o$ the 3epartment o$Explosives in carryin& the Explosives *ct, 1, into execution,

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    lass Co. Came 3e$inition Sub53ivision







    6-un5po0der6 means&un5po0der ordinarilyso5called.

    8Citrate5mixturemeans any preparationother than &un5po0der,

     0hich is $ormed by themechanical mixture o$a nitrate 0ith any $ormo$ carbon or 0ith anycarbonaceoussubstance notpossessed o$ explosive

    properties, 0hethersulphur be or be notadded to suchpreparation, and

     0hether suchpreparation be or benot mechanicallymixed be any non5explosive substance,and incudes anyexplosive containin& a

    perchlorate and notbein& a chlorate5mixture, $ulminate ornitro5compound asde$ined in thisschedule.

    6Citro5compound,6means any chemicalcompound 0hich ispossessed o$

    3ivision 1, comprisin& anychemical compoundin& ormechanically mixedpreparation 0hich consistseither 0holly or partly, o$nitro&lycerine or some otherli?uid nitro5compound that issuch explosives as'allisitite. 'lastin& -elatine.

    ordite, 3ynamite, -elatine3ynamite, -eli&nite, etc.3ivision ", comprisin& anynitro5compound 0hich is notcomprised in 3ivision 1 thatis explosives such as*mmonial, E. . Sportin&#o0der, -uncotton, #icric*cid, Smo%eless 3iamond,Trinitrotoluene (T.C.T.),etc.

    3ivision +, comprisin& anyhlorate5mixture 0hich isnot comprised in 3ivision.

    3ivision 1, comprisin& suchsubstances as the$ulminates o$ silver and o$mercury, and preparation o$those substances such asare used in percussion5caps, and any preparationconsistin& o$ a mixture o$ a

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    cussion5caps or anyother appliances $ordevelopin& detonation,or 0hich, $rom is5extreme sensibility to

    explosion and $rom its&reat instability (that isto say, readiness tounder&o decomposi5tion $rom very sli&htexcitin& causes), isespecially dan&erous.

    8*mmunition 6 meansan explosive o$ any o$the $ore&oin& classes

     0hen the same isenclosed in any caseor contrivance, or isother0ise adapted orprepared so is to $orm(a) a cartrid&e orchar&e $or small arms,cannon or any other

     0eapon, @h) a sa$ety orother $xye $or blastin&prior shells, or (c) a

    tube $or $irin&explosives, or (d) apercussion5cap, de5tonator, $o&5si&nalshel$, torpedo, 0arroc%et, or other con5trivance other than a$ire0or%.

    o0n means o$ i&nition.(Cote.—The expression6ammunition containin& itso0n means o$ i&nition6means ammunition havin&

    an arran&ement, 0hetherattached to or $ormin& parto$ the ammunition, 0hich isadapted to explode or $irethe ammunition by $riction orpercussion. The expression6percussion5cap6 does notinclude a detonator).

    3ivision 1, comprisin&$ire0or%s composition, that

    is to say, any chemicalcompound or mechanicallymixed preparation o$ anexplosive o$ in$lammablenature, 0hich is used $or thepurpose o$ ma%in&manu$actured $ire0or%s, andis not an explosive o$classes 1, ", 2,, B, , anystar, and (except asdeclared in the proviso to

    this entry) any colored $irecomposition.3ivision ", comprisin&manu$actured $ire0or%s, thatis to say, any explosive o$class 1, ", 2, , or and any$ire0or%s composition, 0hensuch explosive orcomposition is enclosed inany case or contrivance, oris other0ise adapted orprepared so as to $orm as?uib, crac%er, includin&hinese crac%ers, toy capor amorce, serpent, roc%et(other than a 0ar roc%et),maroon, lance, 0heel,hinese $ire, Roman candle,or other article specially

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    adapted $or the productiono$ pyrotechnic e$$ects orpyrotechnic si&nals orsound si&nals D#rovided that substantially

    constructed hermeticallyclosed metal case, contain5in& not more than onepound o$ colored $irecomposition o$ such anature as not to be liable tospontaneous i&nition, shallbe deemed to be a