DOI: 10.1126/science.1210554 , 1424 (2011); 334 Science , et al. N. Bharti Nighttime Lights Imagery Explaining Seasonal Fluctuations of Measles in Niger Using This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles ): December 8, 2011 www.sciencemag.org (this infomation is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/334/6061/1424.full.html version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2011/12/07/334.6061.1424.DC1.html http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2011/12/08/334.6061.1424.DC2.html can be found at: Supporting Online Material http://www.sciencemag.org/content/334/6061/1424.full.html#ref-list-1 , 6 of which can be accessed free: cites 32 articles This article http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/epidemiology Epidemiology subject collections: This article appears in the following registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2011 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on December 8, 2011 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from

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tinct from that of GFP (Fig. 4B). At 3 days ofculture, all organoids were LacZ negative, butby 7 days >20% of the organoids expressedb-Gal (Fig. 4, C and D), and by 21 days 100%(47/47) expressed b-Gal (Fig. 4D), demonstrat-ing that Lgr5-positive cells can give rise toHopx-expressing cells in vitro. In vivo, fate mappingof Lgr5 cells with HopxLacZ/+;Lgr5EGFP-ERCre/+;R26mT-mG/+mice, 5 months after a 5-day tamox-ifen pulse, revealed entire crypt-villus structuresthat express membrane-bound GFP, includingcells at the +4 position that simultaneously ex-pressed b-Gal, indicating that they were derivedfrom Lgr5-positive precursors (Fig. 4E). We alsoprepared near single-cell suspensions of cryptsfrom HopxLacZ/+;Lgr5EGFP-ERCre/+;R26tdTomato/+

(HopxLacZ/+;Lgr5EGFP-ERCre/+;R26Tom/+) mice either18 hours, 5 days, or 10 days after a single pulseof tamoxifen and analyzed the cells for LacZ andtdTomato expression. Eighteen hours after induc-tion, we found no LacZ and tdTomato double-positive cells, consistent with Hopx-expressingcells being distinct from Lgr5-positive cells. How-ever, over the ensuing 10 days, double-positivecells emerged, confirming that Lgr5-positivecells can give rise to Hopx-expressing, +4 cells(Fig. 4F).

Our results provide experimental evidence tosupport a proposed model (2) in which slowlycycling ISCs at the +4 position dynamically in-

terconvert with more rapidly cycling ISCs atthe crypt base (CBCs). Both populations displayproperties of self-renewal and are multipotent,consistent with stem cell identity. These findingshelp to reconcile prior controversy in the fieldand suggest that adult organ-specific stem cellsin distinct niches can regenerate one another.Further elucidation of the unique properties ofeach stem cell population and the signals thatregulate interconversion will be likely to informgastrointestinal pathophysiology and stem cellbiology in the future.

References and Notes1. R. G. Vries, M. Huch, H. Clevers, Mol. Oncol. 4, 373

(2010).2. L. Li, H. Clevers, Science 327, 542 (2010).3. C. S. Potten, L. Kovacs, E. Hamilton, Cell Tissue Kinet. 7,

271 (1974).4. E. Sangiorgi, M. R. Capecchi, Nat. Genet. 40, 915

(2008).5. N. Barker et al., Nature 449, 1003 (2007).6. M. Bjerknes, H. Cheng, Gastroenterology 116, 7

(1999).7. H. Cheng, C. P. Leblond, Am. J. Anat. 141, 537

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Cell Tissue Kinet. 10, 557 (1977).9. D. T. Breault et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105,

10420 (2008).10. R. K. Montgomery et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

108, 179 (2011).11. H. Tian et al., Nature 478, 255 (2011).12. F. Chen et al., Cell 110, 713 (2002).

13. C. H. Shin et al., Cell 110, 725 (2002).14. A. De Toni et al., Neural Dev. 3, 13 (2008).15. C. S. Potten, G. Owen, D. Booth, J. Cell Sci. 115, 2381

(2002).16. X. C. He et al., Nat. Genet. 36, 1117 (2004).17. P. Soriano, Nat. Genet. 21, 70 (1999).18. Materials and methods are available as supporting

material on Science Online.19. T. Sato et al., Nature 459, 262 (2009).20. F. Relaix, D. Rocancourt, A. Mansouri, M. Buckingham,

Nature 435, 948 (2005).21. C. S. Potten et al., Differentiation 71, 28 (2003).22. L. G. van der Flier, A. Haegebarth, D. E. Stange,

M. van de Wetering, H. Clevers, Gastroenterology 137,15 (2009).

23. L. G. van der Flier et al., Cell 136, 903 (2009).24. T. Sato et al., Nature 469, 415 (2011).

Acknowledgments: We thank the Epstein laboratory forhelpful discussions; C. J. Lengner, A. Padmanabhan, N. Singh,and K. S. Zaret for critical reading of the manuscript; and thePenn Flow Cytometry core and C. Pletcher for assistance withFACS experiments. This work was supported by an AmericanHeart Association Physician-Scientist/Postdoctoral fellowship toR.J. (AHA 0825548D) and funds from the NIH (R01 HL071546,U01 HL100405), the Spain fund for Regenerative Medicine,and W. W. Smith Endowed Chair to J.A.E.

Supporting Online Materialwww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/science.1213214/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S7References (25–29)

26 August 2011; accepted 28 October 2011Published online 10 November 2011;10.1126/science.1213214

Explaining Seasonal Fluctuations ofMeasles in Niger Using NighttimeLights ImageryN. Bharti,1,2* A. J. Tatem,3,4,10 M. J. Ferrari,5,6 R. F. Grais,7,8 A. Djibo,9 B. T. Grenfell1,2,10

Measles epidemics in West Africa cause a significant proportion of vaccine-preventable childhoodmortality. Epidemics are strongly seasonal, but the drivers of these fluctuations are poorly understood,which limits the predictability of outbreaks and the dynamic response to immunization. We show thatmeasles seasonality can be explained by spatiotemporal changes in population density, which wemeasureby quantifying anthropogenic light from satellite imagery. We find that measles transmission andpopulation density are highly correlated for three cities in Niger. With dynamic epidemic models, wedemonstrate that measures of population density are essential for predicting epidemic progression atthe city level and improving intervention strategies. In addition to epidemiological applications, theability to measure fine-scale changes in population density has implications for public health, crisismanagement, and economic development.

Despite the interruption of endemicmeaslestransmission in some parts of the indus-trialized world, this vaccine-preventable

disease remains a major cause of childhood mor-tality in developing countries. Recurrent out-breaks of measles in low-income nations reflectthe challenges of achieving and maintaining highvaccination levels with limited public health in-frastructure. Major epidemics still occur, oftenwith marked seasonal fluctuations in measlesincidence (1, 2), across a wide range of envi-ronmental conditions (3–5). Seasonal fluctua-

tions in measles transmission rates are generallyhypothesized to be a result of changes in pop-ulation density (1), but it has long been challeng-ing to assess these relations explicitly (6, 7).Deciphering the drivers of epidemic seasonalityis an important prerequisite to predicting thespread of infection and increasing the impact ofimmunization measures (8, 9).

Population density is a major determinant ofcontact rates and transmission of directly trans-mitted infections. Within a spatial unit, density iscommonly presented as a static, uniform quantity,

although it may vary with time and across space.For human populations, stable, long-term popu-lation density is commonly estimated, but short-term and seasonally fluctuating densities areextremely challenging to measure and thereforedifficult to quantify (10). Observations of cyclic(seasonal and multiennial) variations in pathogenincidence can provide an opportunity for evaluat-ing the association between population densityand transmission rates.

Although the dynamic implications of com-plex seasonal patterns have been studied thor-oughly (11, 12), the (biological or demographic)mechanism underlying seasonal fluctuations inincidence is often unknown (6, 7). Here, we focuson biological mechanisms behind the seasonalcycles of measles in Niger. Directly transmitted,strongly immunizing childhood infections, such

1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, PrincetonUniversity, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 2Center for Health andWellbeing, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and InternationalAffairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 3De-partment of Geography, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL32610, USA. 4Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Flor-ida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA. 5Biology Department, PennState University, University Park, PA 16802, USA. 6Center forInfectious Disease Dynamics, Pennsylvania State University,University Park, PA 16802, USA. 7Epicentre, 75011 Paris,France. 8Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Cambridge, MA02138, USA. 9Direction Générale de la Santé Publique (DGSP),Ministère de la Santé, Niamey, Niger. 10Fogarty InternationalCenter, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD20892, USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

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as measles, are the best-studied examples of thelink between population density (e.g., aggrega-tion in schools in industrialized countries) andseasonal disease transmission (3).

Recent measles epidemics in Niger showconsiderably stronger seasonal dynamics than theindustrialized, prevaccination paradigm (2). Al-though the magnitude of outbreaks varies greatlybetween years, the timing is exceptionally con-sistent; outbreaks occur only during the annualdry season (2) (Fig. 1, A to C). Previous work hashypothesized that Niger’s seasonal cycles ofmeasles are caused by fluctuations in populationdensity and contact rates, rather than schooling(2), consistent with the young median age of in-fection (~2 years). The economy and work forceof Niger are largely agricultural, and seasonal re-location to low-density agricultural areas duringthe rainy season and to high-density urban areasduring the dry season is common (13, 14). Sea-sonal migration in this region, and in Niger spe-cifically, has been documented, but sample sizesare often small, and the epidemiological impli-cations of such movements are not fully under-stood (14).

Static estimates of the distribution of averagepopulation density can be obtained from nationalcensuses, household surveys, and satellite imag-ery. One form of satellite imagery from the De-fense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)Operational Linescan System (OLS) detects night-time light, which can be used to map settlementsacross large areas (15). Hundreds of nighttimeimages are composited to identify stable patches

of electrification and domestic fires; bright areason composites represent consistently detectable,relatively dense settlements (15, 16). The serialimages used to build such composites can revealinformation about temporal changes in popula-tions (17). Detecting seasonal changes in urbannighttime brightness allows us to quantify mi-gration and to evaluate relative population den-sity as a determinant of fluctuations in measlestransmission.

Using a time series of DMSP OLS images,we measured serial values of urban brightnessas a proxy for relative population density [detailsin supporting online material (SOM) part 1] inthree cities in Niger. We compared seasonalpatterns of population density, as measured bybrightness, to seasonally varying measles trans-mission parameters, as estimated from 10 yearsof weekly reported measles cases (1). Last, weanalyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of nighttimelights and measles incidence within the largestcity of Niger.

Our analysis focused on three cities in Niger(Fig. 1A): Niamey, Maradi, and Zinder. Weeklymeasles incidence from 1995 to 2004 for thesecities showed strong seasonal fluctuations (2). Foreach city, brightness values were extracted as unit-less, digital numbers from 155 cloud-free, lowlunar illumination images taken during 2000–2004 between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. (fig. S1B).

The qualitative patterns of seasonal changesin brightness for all three cities were similar.Brightness fell below each city’s mean during therainy season and rose above its mean during the

dry season (Fig. 1E and SOM part 1). Relativemeasles transmission rates [for biweekly timesteps, estimated in (1)] and brightnesswere strong-ly positively correlated for all three cities (Fig. 1,D to F; table S1; and fig. S1; Pearson correlation =0.88, 0.88, and 0.78 for Niamey, Maradi, andZinder, respectively, P < 0.01 for all cities). Inaddition, the magnitude of the fluctuations inbrightness and the transmission rates were sim-ilar; Maradi and Zinder had relatively low var-iance in brightness (0.07 and 0.07, respectively)and relatively low variance in transmission rate(0.14 and 0.12, respectively), whereas Niameyhad higher variance in both brightness (0.22) andtransmission rate (0.23).

The high spatial resolution of the images(~1 km) also allowed us to analyze spatial pat-terns of relative brightness within cities (see alsoSOMpart 1).WithinNiamey, measles cases werereported at the commune level during an outbreakin 2003–2004. These data provided an opportunityto test whether local fluctuations in populationdensity correlated with measles incidence. Valuesfor mean and range of brightness varied by com-mune (Fig. 2, A and B, and table S2). Measlesincidence appeared and peaked earliest in com-mune 1, followed closely by commune 2, andconsiderably later in commune 3 (Fig. 2C). Theobserved pattern of brightness tracked the pro-gression of measles through the communes (Fig.2, B and C). Together, communes 1 and 2 expe-rienced more than 90% of the reported cases inthe city, which matched the relative magnitude ofbrightness by commune.

Fig. 1. (A) Map of Africa, Niger in gray. (B) Three cities of Niger included inthis study. (C) Average weekly annual rainfall for Niger (dark gray) and na-tional weekly average of annual measles cases, 1995–2004 (light gray). Shad-ing gives 95% confidence intervals. (D) Relative transmission rates (number ofinfections per product of susceptible and infectious individuals per 2 weeks) forNiamey, Maradi, Zinder by calendar day 1 to 365 (x axis) (1). Gray area in-

dicates rainy season. (E) Relative brightness (cubic smoothing spline, df = 3) bycalendar day 1 to 365 (x axis) for each city. Gray area indicates rainy season;dashed line indicates mean of brightness for each city (table S1). (F) Brightnessagainst relative transmission rate for each city. Box indicates interquartilerange, whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range. Width of boxescorrelates to number of observations.

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On day 161 of the epidemic, the Ministry ofHealth (MoH), the World Health Organization(WHO), and Médecins Sans Frontières began a2-week outbreak response vaccination (ORV)within Niamey. The intervention began after thepeak of themeasles epidemic in communes 1 and2 but before the peak in commune 3 (Fig. 2C).The brightness curves for each commune suggestthat, at the onset of the vaccination campaign,population density was declining in communes1 and 2 and increasing in commune 3 (Fig. 2B).Lags in reporting and stochasticity can compli-cate real-time predictions of epidemics. With thisnew information on changes in population den-sity, we suggest that citywide interventions, bothreactive and preventative, would increase cover-age and impact if conducted during times of risingpopulation density in the largest communes.

To assess the predictive power of brightnessvalues for population density fluctuations withina city, we adapted a standard SEIR (susceptible-

exposed-infectious-recovered) model to fit reporteddaily measles cases (18) using commune-levelbrightness in Niamey as a proxy for migration(details in SOM part 2). Seasonal variations intransmission rates are generally incorporated viaa phenomenological, time-varying transmissionparameter (bt). This approach is implicitly basedon static measures of population density (i.e., thenumber of hosts and the area occupied are as-sumed constant). For directly transmitted infec-tions, bt is a function of the dependence ofcontact rates on population density, and theprobability that a contact between a susceptible(S) and an infected individual (I) will result intransmission (19). Each of these components canvary with time, but it is rarely explicit which con-tributes to time-varying transmission rates, bt. Bycontrast, the SEIR model presented here includesa dynamic relative population size, where migra-tion is modeled as a linear function (with slopeQ,see SOM part 2) of the derivative of brightness,

independently for each commune. We fit two ad-ditional models for each commune: one with nomigration and one with constant migration.Both were fit using the same methodology asthe nighttime lights–informed model; the formerwas restricted toQ = 0, and for the latter, we fit aconstant migration term that was independent ofbrightness.

Parameter values for b, migration rate (eitherQ or nighttime lights–independent), and the ini-tial susceptible population size (S0) were fit simul-taneously using a Bayesian particle filter (detailsin SOM part 2). For all three communes, the mod-el with fluctuations in population size indexedby measurements of nighttime lights brightnessfit the magnitude and actual timing of the ob-served measles epidemic best (Fig. 2D). This wasparticularly apparent in communes 1 and 2, wherethe bulk of the measles cases occurred. Night-time lights–informed model predictions of mea-sles incidence also captured the observed relativetiming of the epidemic (SOM part 2), predictingthat both the start and peak of the epidemic wouldprogress in sequence from commune 1 to com-mune 2 to commune 3. The other two modelsfailed to consistently capture this pattern.

Our results demonstrate that spatiotemporalfluctuations in brightness can explain the sea-sonality of measles outbreaks in urban areas ofNiger, as well as the relative magnitude of season-ality. Within Niamey, explicit SEIR models showthat the estimated fluctuations in population den-sity, based on nighttime light brightness, explainthe initial trajectory and overall magnitude of theepidemic within each commune.Migration has im-portant epidemiological impacts (20, 21), and weare now able to remotely detect the timing, loca-tion, and relative magnitude of these movements,as demonstrated here for three cities in Niger.

Previously developed measurements of pop-ulation density provide high-resolution static es-timates (22, 23) or insight into long-term trendsof changing populations (e.g., censuses). Mobilephone–usage records thoroughly describe short-term, individual movements of frequent mobilephone users (24) but do not necessarily approx-imate population density, especially in regionslacking resources. Although this level of detailwould complement and strengthen population-level measures, its recent introduction, surge insubscribers, and proprietary and sensitive naturelimit the current usability of mobile phone data asa primary resource for measuring changes in pop-ulation density. In contrast, open-source nighttimelight imagery detects decades of relatively high-resolution spatial and temporal changes in pop-ulation density for assessing the fundamentalscaling of disease transmission and density.Mea-surements of nighttime lights are most informa-tive in areas of changing population density thatproduce detectable levels of anthropogenic lightbut are not so developed that brightness valuesare consistently saturated. These characteristics areconsistentwith some of themost disease-burdenedregions of the world.

Fig. 2. (A) Pixels of Niamey designating communes by color, consistent for panels (A) to (C). Blackpolygons outline communes. (B) (Plot) Brightness (cubic smoothing spline, df = 3) for each communefrom calendar day 200 (x axis). Red arrow indicates start of epidemic in commune 1. (Panels above andvertical lines) Colors indicate relative brightness of each pixel in Niamey at the peak of the epidemic incommune 1 (left), the onset of ORV (center), and the peak of rainy season (right). Mean of each pixel isset to zero. Black polygons outline communes. (C) Weekly reported measles cases by commune fromcalendar day 200. Dashed line represents timing of ORV. (Inset) Maximum brightness value of eachcommune against total measles cases. (D) Points show reported measles cases, shading gives central95% of predicted measles incidence from 25000 model simulations from nighttime lights–informedmodel (red), no migration model (blue), and constant migration model (gray). Dashed line indicatestiming of ORV. The x axis spans the duration of the epidemic: day 307 of 2003 to day 153 of 2004; they axis is the number of cases on a natural log scale.

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As with any method, there are limitations tothe use of nighttime satellite imagery; the exactassociation between brightness and populationdensity varies between locations and is affected byenvironmental (15) and economic factors (25–27).Additionally, images must be selected carefullyto avoid contamination from solar and lunar il-lumination and cloud cover (SOM part 1).

Measuring the drivers of seasonal variabilityin transmission rates, particularly in areas withsparse disease surveillance and strong epidemicnonlinearities (2), is critical for improving thedesign of epidemiological control measures. Itis now possible to improve outbreak responsestrategies based on fluctuations in populationdensity and disease transmission, as we haveshown for a recent measles outbreak in Niamey.This would be particularly useful in areas withrepetitive seasonal fluctuations in density wheretargeted campaigns could maximize the numberof individuals present during vaccinations. It isalso possible that this method could be adaptedfor near–real-time analyses, as images are uploadedfrom the satellite within ~48 hours (although theusability of individual images is sensitive to en-vironmental conditions).

The advantages of understanding changes inpopulation density are broadly applicable. This in-formation can aid in estimating population changescaused by large-scale human movements—i.e.,displacement due to conflict (17) or recurringmovements such as the Hajj. Measurements of

fluctuations in population density provide im-portant information to guide decisions on diseasecontrol strategies, international aid and humani-tarian responses, and assessments of economicdevelopment.

References and Notes1. M. J. Ferrari et al., Proc. Biol. Sci. 277, 2775 (2010).2. M. J. Ferrari et al., Nature 451, 679 (2008).3. W. P. London, J. A. Yorke, Am. J. Epidemiol. 98, 468

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Acknowledgments: This study was supported by the Billand Melinda Gates Foundation. A.J.T. is supported by a grantfrom the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (49446).A.J.T., M.J.F., and B.T.G. are also supported by the Researchand Policy for Infectious Disease Dynamics (RAPIDD) programof the Science and Technology Directorate, Department ofHomeland Security and the Fogarty International Center, NIH.All DMSP OLS imagery is available from the Space PhysicsInteractive Data Resource (http://spidr.ngdc.noaa.gov/spidr/).

Supporting Online Materialwww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/334/6061/1424/DC1Materials and MethodsSOM TextFigs. S1 to S3Tables S1 to S4References (28–40)

1 July 2011; accepted 21 October 201110.1126/science.1210554

Empathy and Pro-SocialBehavior in RatsInbal Ben-Ami Bartal,1 Jean Decety,1,2,4 Peggy Mason3,4

Whereas human pro-social behavior is often driven by empathic concern for another, it is unclearwhether nonprimate mammals experience a similar motivational state. To test for empathicallymotivated pro-social behavior in rodents, we placed a free rat in an arena with a cagemate trapped in arestrainer. After several sessions, the free rat learned to intentionally and quickly open the restrainerand free the cagemate. Rats did not open empty or object-containing restrainers. They freed cagemateseven when social contact was prevented. When liberating a cagemate was pitted against chocolatecontained within a second restrainer, rats opened both restrainers and typically shared the chocolate.Thus, rats behave pro-socially in response to a conspecific’s distress, providing strong evidence forbiological roots of empathically motivated helping behavior.

Pro-social behavior refers to actions that areintended to benefit another. One commonmotivator of pro-social behavior in hu-

mans is empathic concern: an other-orientedemotional response elicited by and congruentwith the perceived welfare of an individual in

distress (1, 2). Sharing another’s distress viaemotional contagion can result in overwhelmingfear and immobility unless one’s own distressis down-regulated, thus allowing empathicallydriven pro-social behavior (3, 4). Building onobservations of emotional contagion in rodents(5–10), we sought to determine whether ratsare capable of empathically motivated helpingbehavior. We tested whether the presence of atrapped cagemate induces a pro-social motiva-tional state in rats, leading them to open the re-strainer door and liberate the cagemate.

Rats were housed in pairs for 2 weeks beforethe start of testing. In each session, a rat (the freerat) was placed in an arena with a centrally lo-cated restrainer in which a cagemate was trapped(trapped condition, n = 30 rats, 6 females). Thefree rat could liberate the trapped rat by applyingenough force to tip over the restrainer door (Fig.1A). If a free rat failed to open the door, the ex-perimenter opened it halfway, allowing the trappedrat to escape and preventing learned helplessness.Rats remained in the arena together for the finalthird of the session. Door-opening only countedas such if the free rat opened the door beforethe experimenter opened it halfway. Sessionswere repeated for 12 days. Control conditionsincluded testing a free rat with an empty re-strainer (empty condition, n = 20 rats, 6 females)or toy rat–containing restrainer (object condition,n = 8 males). As an additional control, for thenumber of rats present, we tested a free rat with anempty restrainer and an unrestrained cagematelocated across a perforated divide (2+emptycondition, n = 12 males). Free rats’ heads weremarked and their movements were recorded witha top-mounted camera for offline analysis (11).

Free rats circled the restrainer, digging at it andbiting it, and contacted the trapped rat throughholes in the restrainer (Fig. 1B and movie S1).They learned to open the door and liberate thetrapped cagemate within a mean of 6.9 T 2.9 days.Free rats spent more time near the restrainer in

1Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago,IL, USA. 2Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuro-science, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 3Departmentof Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.4Committee on Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago,IL, USA.

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