Expedition Planning Seminar Alua Suleimenova

Expedition Planning Seminar Alua Suleimenova. Plan your expedition What kind of expedition do you want to do? Where do you want to go? What outcome do

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Expedition Planning Seminar

Alua Suleimenova

Plan your expedition

• What kind of expedition do you want to do?• Where do you want to go?• What outcome do you expect?

Top TipsFailure to prepare is preparing to fail

• Keep it simple and feasible• Be realistic• Try to make it relevant • Start planning early• Be enthusiastic!

Planning: 7 Steps1. Do extensive research! - Share out the planning

2. Build a team - Who are you going with?

3. Set up a timeline - How long are you going for?

4. Plan your expenditures - How much will it cost?

Planning: 7 Steps

5. Do the right courses – be prepared First Aid, Wilderness Medicine, Navigation etc

6. Start fundraising Travel funds, bursaries and grants (UoE, RGS) Sponsorship (e.g. North Face) Fundraising events

7. Fill in your proposal form If you’re applying to be the UoE expedition

UoE Expedition Status

Deadline for proposals: 20th January [email protected]



Internal University Funding

James Rennie BequestBritish Association Travel FundWeir FundDavis Fund

External Funding

Royal Geographical Society


Be Persistent!


• Getting well paid part-time job• Careful budgetting of existing outgoings• Fundraising activities


• Eligibility• Criteria• Clear Aim• Headings• Sound Experimental Procedure• Timeline• Outcome (general & personal)• Expenditure (including visa, insurance etc.)


• Expedition team members (roles)• Expedition courses that you took• Pilot study• Funding (e.g. pending)• Contacts in your host country

Dissemination of Results

• Write an Expedition Report• Set up Web-site / Blog• Participate in the EUSci seminar• Come to the ExpEd “Show & Tell”

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EXPLORE (RGS London)• The annual RGS expedition and fieldwork planning weekend - Logistics (e.g. kayaking, bicycle expeditions) - Fieldwork and skills (e.g. GIS and mapping) - Media (e.g. Photography)

18 November - 20 November (Friday - Sunday)
