Expectancy Violations Theory by Burgoon

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  • 8/12/2019 Expectancy Violations Theory by Burgoon


    Discussion Question: How does the redemption story be played out through EVTEVT: Expectancy Violations Theory*Judee Burgoon

    -->Systematically studied strategic messages*How can these messages with meaning be strategically used?

    -->Objective Socio-psychological Tradition*Hardcore scientist*Wants to predict*Covering laws*Reductionistic

    Explanation?Parsimony?Prediction?Proven Wrong?

    Application?Quantitative Research?

    *Started as NET-->Non-verbal expectations theory

    *Copy Room with people going to close to her*Examined proxemic violations

    *We all have expectations of what will/should happen in any given interaction (Jumping off

    point)*EVT focuses on what happens when our expectations are violated. . . for the good or bad

    -->When is it best to (observe the norms)/(break the rules)?--> Question*When does it play to our benefit?

    -->If it goes as planned then expectations were met-->Turns the emphasis from the message to the messenger

    3 Basic Principles (3 Variables)1. Expectations(expectancy)

    *Patterns of anticipated behaviours-->Baseline prediction

    *What we predict will happen*Based on:

    1. Context*What is going on previous?

    2. Relationship3. Communicator


  • 8/12/2019 Expectancy Violations Theory by Burgoon


    2. Violation valence (the perceived positive or negative value assigned to a breach of

    expectations regardless of who the violator is)*Look at the violation itself

    -How is the unanticipated action received or evaluated?-When someone violates us, was their action a good or bad thing?

    -->Focus on the act, not the actor-->highly ambiguous behaviors means we turn to the actor

    (communicator)3. Communicator valence(the sum of positive or negative attributes brought to the encounter

    plus the potential to reward or punish in the future)*Evaluation of the communicator (AKA reward value)

    -Positive and negative attributes of the violator* What have you done for me lately?*person being violated is the one who determines the communicator

    valence-Prospect of future benefits or harms

    *What does it mean about him?*Example: Punishing/non-rewarding

    *Best hump and benefit is slightly farther away-More space is that they respected your space

    Rewarding person* best hump and benefit is slightly closer than expected distance

    -Closer space is that you are aroused*Violations in the extreme are going to be bad

    -->very unambiguous are going to bad (CLEAR)*Shift from the message to reconsidering my relationship with a person

    -->Strategic message of a violation of expectancy can change our relationshipConclusions*Violations can be positive from a communicator with a positive valence

    -->Might be able to change your reward valence after*Extreme violations are not well received from anyone (unambiguous)*Non-reward communicators are safest when they conform

    -->Do what is expected for those who cant read other people

  • 8/12/2019 Expectancy Violations Theory by Burgoon


    Application:At the end of the football season, the senior class that is graduating goes down the line of

    football players and says goodbye, gives us advice and so forth. One senior and I had a terrible

    relationship. He talked about me behind my back and it was understood by everyone that he

    didnt like me. When he approached me, my expectations was that he would ignore me based on

    our previous relationship but instead he got within two feet of me, told me that He enjoyed

    making fun of me and dicking with me on Thursday survey was the highlight of his week. He

    then gave me a hug. This violation was very ambiguous so I had to look at the communicator

    himself. Since the violator had been a non-rewarding person in the past, because he was closerthan expected the perceived action was negative because not only was he in my face and gave

    me an unexpected hug, but the words that he chose to use signified that he wasnt going to do

    anything for me in the future and would continue this negative behaviour.