Examples of Movements and Role of Muscles

Examples of Movements and Role of Muscles

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Examples of Movements and Role of Muscles

Core/Abdominal Isolated Movements


Start PositionSupine Position (on back), Feet flat on the ground with Knee’s flexed to ≈90˚, hands outstretched over

knees or crossed over shoulders

Finish Position Trunk and Hips Flexed to the full extent the client is capable of

CuesBreathe out during the Concentric phase, maintain muscular engagement through set, finish with

Elbows over knees

Joints & Movements

Hip Flexion & Trunk Flexion (Concentric), Hip Extension & Trunk Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Hip Flexors & Abdominals

Prime Mover Rectus Abdominis

VariationsMachine based, Hand position (if hands placed on head, ensure client does not pull or crane neck),

support on top of feet

Abdominal Crunch

Start PositionSupine Position (on back), Feet off the ground with Hips flexed to ≈100˚, hands outstretched over


Finish Position Same position as starting with additional Trunk Flexion to the maximum extent the client is capable of

CuesBreathe out during the ‘crunch’ (Concentric) phase, maintain muscular engagement through set,

finish with wrists over knees

Joints & Movements

Trunk Flexion (Concentric), Trunk Extension(Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Abdominals (anterior trunk muscles)

Prime Mover Rectus Abdominis

VariationsSwiss Ball under feet, Machine based, Hand position (if hands placed on head, ensure client does not

pull or crane neck)

Oblique DB Crunch

Start PositionStanding, DB in hand at the side opposite to the oblique you would like to work, DB lowered through

lateral trunk extension (of the targeted side) to mid-thigh level (arm straight), free hand by side

Finish Position Standing with DB raised to hip level through lateral flexion (body bends towards targeted side)

Cues Engage trunk, limit forward or backward bending, keep range from hip to mid thigh (DB)

Joints & Movements

Lateral Trunk Flexion (Concentric), Lateral Trunk Extension (Eccentric) (non-targeted side is the opposite)

Muscle Group(s) Abdominals/Obliques (Lateral Trunk muscles)

Prime Mover Obliques

Variations Hanging from feet

Back Extensions - Machine

Start Position Horizontal/Prone – Legs locked in/under ankle supports

Finish Position Hips flexed at 90°. Upper body hanging vertically

Cues Squeeze Gluteal muscles throughout movements

Joints & Movements

Trunk Extension (Eccentric), Trunk Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Hip Extensors

Prime Mover Quadratus Lumborum

VariationsHand Positions; Level 1 – Arms folded across chest, Level 2 – Hands touching temples, Level 3 – Arms

above head. Also can carry/hold weight plates or medicine ball

Back Extensions - Floor

Start Position Lying Horizontal/Prone, facing floor

Finish Position Hips/Trunk extended 10-15° (chest off ground)

Cues Squeeze Gluteal muscles throughout movements

Joints & Movements

Trunk Extension (Eccentric), Trunk Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Back Extensors

Prime Mover Quadratus Lumborum

VariationsHand Positions; Level 1 – Arms folded across chest, Level 2 – Hands touching temples, Level 3 – Arms

above head.

Core/Abdominal Compound Movements

MB Russian Twist

Start PositionLeaning back from a seated position with heels on the ground, maintain a neutral posture of the spine. Hips & Knees should be a ≈120˚. Holding a medicine ball close to the abdomen, rotate the

trunk to one side until the MB is just off the ground

Finish Position Rotate the trunk in the opposite direction until the trunk is on the opposing side

CuesMaintain a neutral curve to spine, control movement, visualise use of core and obliques when

rotating, breathe consistently through movement

Joints & Movements

Trunk Rotation (changes from side to side)

Muscle Group(s) Obliques & Abdominals (Rectus – Isometric, Transverse – Isotonic)

Prime Mover Obliques

Variations Increase Hip flexion angle to increase difficulty

Core/Abdominal Isometric Holds


Start PositionFace down (Prone) supporting body on Elbows positioned under shoulders and Toes create a rigid

‘Plank’ with your body. Shoulders, Hips & Ankles should form a level straight line.

Finish Position As above

Cues Keep hips level (no sagging & no arching), breathe, engage Glutes and core

Joints & Movements

None (Isometric contraction of muscles surrounding the shoulders, hips, trunk & knees)

Muscle Group(s) Core/Abdominals/Trunk

Prime MoverRectus Abdominis, and to a lesser degree Transverse Abdominis (Contracts Isometrically to increase

intra-abdominal pressure)

Variations On knees (creates a shorter, easier to perform plank), on Swiss Ball

Kick (Lower Body) Compound Movements & Core

Squat – Body Weight

Start Position Standing with feet just wider than hip width

Finish Position In ‘Squat’ position hips level with ankles, neutral curve in spine

Cues Lower hips as if sitting down on a low chair

Joints & Movements

Hip Flexion, Knee Flexion, Dorsi Flexion (Eccentric). Hip Extension, Knee Extension, Plantar Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves

Prime Mover Quadriceps

Variations Squat on to bench/chair, Wall Squat with FitBall

Back Squat - Weighted

Start Position Standing upright with bar across posterior shoulders, feet just wider than hip width

Finish Position In ‘Squat’ position hips level with ankles, neutral curve in spine

Cues Lower hips as if sitting down on a low chair

Joints & Movements

Hip Flexion, Knee Flexion, Dorsi Flexion (Eccentric). Hip Extension, Knee Extension, Plantar Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves

Prime Mover Quadriceps

Variations Feet width, toe direction, front squat

Leg Press - Machine

Start Position Seated with legs fully extended (slight bend in knees)

Finish Position Hips and knees flexed to about 90°, or Tibia/Fibula parallel to ground

Cues Always hold hand-grips, be cautious of “locking” legs out during extension

Joints & Movements

Hip Flexion, Knee Flexion, Dorsi Flexion (Eccentric). Hip Extension, Knee Extension, Plantar Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves

Prime Mover Quadriceps

Variations Feet width, feet higher/lower on plate

Lower-body Isolated Movements

Leg Extension

Start Position Knees bent

Finish Position Legs straight

CuesAlways hold hand-grips (when applicable), controlled movements (especially during Eccentric


Joints & Movements

Knee Extension (Concentric). Knee Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Quadriceps

Prime Mover Quadriceps

Variations -

Hamstring/Leg Curl

Start Position Legs straight

Finish Position Knees bent

CuesAlways hold hand-grips (when applicable), controlled movements (especially during Eccentric


Joints & Movements

Knee Flexion (Concentric). Knee Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Hamstrings

Prime Mover Hamstrings

Variations Seated/Supine - depending on machine

Glute Raise

Start Position Lying Supine on ground (facing upwards). Knees at 45°, feet flat on ground

Finish Position Hips neutral (straight). Shoulders and feet still on ground, knees ≈90°

Cues Arms out to the side for support

Joints & Movements

Hip Extension (Concentric). Hip Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Gluteals

Prime Mover Gluteals

Variations Weight plates/bar added to pelvis

Standing Calf Raise

Start Position Standing upright with ankles at 90°, toes on a step of some description

Finish PositionStanding upright with ankles Plantar-Flexed at 180° (or as close as client can), toes on a step of some


Cues Plantar Flex ankles (point toes inferiorly) until ankles at 180°

Joints & Movements

Plantar Flexion (Concentric). Dorsi Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Calves

Prime Mover Calves

Variations Added Dumbbell or Plate/Bar weights. Machine – Shoulder supports/pads

Bent Knee Calf Raise

Start Position Sitting down with knees and ankles at 90°, feet flat on ground

Finish Position Sitting down with ankles Plantar-Flexed at 180° (or as close as client can)

Cues Plantar Flex ankles (point toes inferiorly) until ankles ≈180°

Joints & Movements

Plantar Flexion (Concentric). Dorsi Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Calves

Prime Mover Calves

Variations Added Plate weights to Femurs

Upper-body Pull Compound Movements

Pulling Exercises

Horizontal Pulling Exercises

Vertical Pulling ExercisesUpward Pulling ExercisesDownward Pulling Exercises

Upright Row

Start Position Standing upright, feet shoulder width apart. Hands hanging in front (Anterior) of hips

Finish Position Standing upright, feet shoulder width apart. Hands finish directly below (Inferior) to chin

Cues Body movement (other than shoulders and elbows) kept to an absolute minimum

Joints & Movements

Shoulder Abduction, Elbow Flexion (Concentric). Shoulder Adduction, Elbow Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Shoulders, Biceps

Prime Mover Lateral Deltoid

Variations Barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, Handle types on machine (cable); ropes, straps, solid handle


Start Position Body hanging, arms straight. Hands Supinated

Finish Position Body lifted, chin above (Superior to) hands

Cues Full range of movement, controlled contractions

Joints & Movements

Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion (Concentric). Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lats, Shoulder Extensors, Biceps

Prime Mover Latissimus Dorsi

Variations Hands mid-prone, weight added (belt). “Negatives” (extended Eccentric phase)


Start Position Body hanging, arms straight. Hands Pronated

Finish Position Body lifted, chin above hands/bar

Cues Full range of movement, controlled contractions

Joints & Movements

Shoulder Abduction, Elbow Flexion (Concentric). Shoulder Adduction, Elbow Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lats, Teres Major, Biceps

Prime Mover Latissimus Dorsi

Variations Grip width, weight added (belt). “Negatives” (extended Eccentric phase)

Lat Pull-down

Start Position Elbows fully extended, shoulders completely Abducted/Flexed

Finish Position Shoulder blades fully Adducted

CuesSqueeze shoulder blades together. Don’t let shoulders be pulled up (Elevated) at end of Eccentric


Joints & Movements

Shoulder Abduction, Elbow Flexion (Concentric). Shoulder Adduction, Elbow Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lats, Teres Major, Biceps

Prime Mover Latissimus Dorsi

Variations Grip width, Pronated/Supinated grip

Supine Row (Reverse Push-up)

Start PositionSupine Position (laying flat on ground), facing upwards. Bar at Shoulder “height”. Arms horizontally

flexed at 90°. Hands Pronated

Finish PositionLying down, heels on ground. Hips straight. Arms horizontally extended, Scapulae Adducted, Elbow

Flexed. Bar directly Anterior to Pectoral muscle group.

Cues Keep body rigid at all times. Squeeze shoulder blades together

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion, Scapula Adduction (Concentric). Horizontal Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension, Scapula Abduction (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Rhomboids, Trapezius (lower and upper), Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior Deltoid, Biceps

Prime Mover Traps

Variations Hands Supinated. Feet on bench. Weight added (vest/plate)

Supported Row

Start PositionLying Prone (facing down) on bench. Hands Pronated. Hands shoulder-width apart. Elbows straight,

arms horizontally flexed

Finish PositionLying Prone (facing down) on bench. Hands Pronated. Hands shoulder-width apart. Elbows straight,

arms horizontally extended

Cues Squeeze shoulder blades together

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion, Scapula Adduction (Concentric). Horizontal Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension, Scapula Abduction (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Rhomboids, Trapezius (lower and upper), Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior Deltoid, Biceps

Prime Mover Traps

Variations Supinated/Mid-Prone grip. Angled bench. Grip width

Single-Arm Bent-over Row

Start PositionKneeling on bench, same-side hand on bench for support. Opposite foot on ground, ankle slightly

behind hip, knee straight. Opposite hand holding weight, elbow straight.

Finish PositionKneeling on bench, same-side hand on bench for support. Opposite foot on ground, ankle slightly

behind hip, leg straight. Opposite hand holding weight, elbow flexed.

Cues Keep back, hips and shoulders parallel to ground at all times

Joints & Movements

Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion (Concentric). Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Rhomboids, Trapezius (lower and upper), Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior Deltoid, Biceps

Prime Mover Traps

Variations Barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell. Standing (2 feet on ground). Bilateral bent-over Row

Upper-body Push Compound Movements

• Pushing Exercises• Horizontal Pushing Exercises• Vertical Pushing Exercises

• Upward Pushing Exercises• Downward Pushing Exercises


Start PositionLaying face down on ground. Hands underneath shoulders. Arms Horizontally Extended, elbows


Finish PositionLaying face down on ground. Hands underneath shoulders. Arms Horizontally Flexed, elbows


Cues Keep body rigid at all times.

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension (Concentric). Horizontal Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Pectoral Group, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Prime Mover Pecs

VariationsOn toes/on knees. Hands above body/ground (block/bench). Hands below body (knees/feet on

bench). Tricep/Diamond push-up

Chest Press

Start Position Laying face up on bench. Arms Horizontally Flexed, elbows Extended.

Finish PositionLaying face down on ground. Arms Horizontally Extended, elbows Flexed. Bar across chest at nipple


Cues Keep body rigid at all times. Full flexion and extension of arms and shoulders

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion (Eccentric). Horizontal Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension (Concentric).

Muscle Group(s) Pectoral Group, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Prime Mover Pecs

Variations Grip width, incline press, decline press

DB Chest Press

Start Position Laying face up on bench. Arms Horizontally Flexed, elbows Extended.

Finish PositionLaying face down on ground. Arms Horizontally Extended, elbows Flexed. Dumbbells across chest at

nipple height

Cues Keep body rigid at all times. Full flexion and extension of arms and shoulders

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Extension, Elbow Flexion (Eccentric). Horizontal Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension (Concentric).

Muscle Group(s) Pectoral Group, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Prime Mover Pecs

VariationsGrip width, incline press, decline press. Unilateral, alternating reps. Pronate/Supinate Concentric


Handstand Press-up

Start PositionHands on ground about 15-20cm away from wall, shoulder-width apart. Facing wall. Feet up on wall.

Shoulders fully abducted, elbows straight

Finish PositionHands on ground about 15-20cm away from wall, shoulder-width apart. Facing wall. Feet up on wall.

Shoulders abducted to about 45°. Elbows flexed to about 90°

Cues Feet can either roll or slide up and down wall

Joints & Movements

Adduction, Elbow flexion (Eccentric). Abduction, Elbow extension (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lateral & Anterior Deltoid, Traps, Pec Major & Triceps

Prime Mover Triceps

Variations Single-armed, partner assisted. Palm orientation (pronation/supination)

Shoulder/Military Press

Start PositionStanding upright. Hands/Bar “sitting” on Posterior side of shoulders. Shoulders adducted, elbows

fully flexed.

Finish Position Standing upright. Shoulders fully abducted, elbows fully extended

Cues No body swinging

Joints & Movements

Abduction, Elbow Extension (Concentric). Adduction, Elbow Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lateral Deltoids, Traps, Serratus Anterior, Triceps

Prime Mover Lateral Deltoids

Variations -

DB Shoulder Press

Start PositionStanding upright. Hands “sitting” on Anterior side of shoulders. Shoulders adducted, elbows fully


Finish Position Standing upright. Shoulders fully abducted, elbows fully extended

Cues No body swinging

Joints & Movements

Abduction, Elbow Extension (Concentric). Adduction, Elbow Flexion (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lateral Deltoids, Triceps

Prime Mover Lateral Deltoids

Variations Sitting on Bench. Bar weight

Bench Dips

Start PositionArms by side (shoulder adducted) – slightly Posterior, elbows extended. Heels on ground, ankles at


Finish Position Shoulders extended, elbows flexed to 90°. Heels on ground, ankles at 90°.


Joints & Movements

Shoulder extension, elbow flexion (Eccentric). Shoulder flexion, elbow extension (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Anterior Deltoid, Pec Major, Triceps

Prime Mover Triceps (smaller muscle, but larger range of motion)

Variations Feet out in front of body (elevated) on chair or another bench (hips flexed, knees extended)

Dip Machine

Start Position Arms by side (shoulder adducted), elbows extended. Knees flexed to 90°.

Finish Position Shoulders extended, elbows flexed to 90°. Knees flexed at 90°.

Cues Knees bent or straight – depending on height of machine

Joints & Movements

Shoulder extension, elbow flexion (Eccentric). Shoulder flexion, elbow extension (Concentric)

Muscle Group(s) Anterior Deltoid, Pec Major, Triceps

Prime Mover Triceps (smaller muscle, but larger range of motion)

Variations Added weight (belt)

Upper-body Isolated Movements

DB Lateral Raise

Start Position Standing upright, arms by side holding onto dumbbells. Palms mid-prone (facing hips)

Finish Position Standing upright, hands at shoulder height (abducted), elbows extended.

Cues Always have a very slight bend at elbows

Joints & Movements

Shoulder abduction (Concentric). Shoulder adduction (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lateral Deltoids

Prime Mover Lateral Deltoids

Variations Chain resistance (varies with height of hands). Cable machine

DB Front Raise

Start Position Standing upright, arms by side holding onto dumbbells. Palms pronated

Finish Position Standing upright, hands at shoulder height, elbows extended.

Cues Always have a very slight bend at elbows

Joints & Movements

Shoulder Flexion (Concentric). Shoulder Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Anterior Deltoids

Prime Mover Anterior Deltoids

Variations Chain resistance (varies with height of hands). Hands mid-prone. Cable machine

Overhead Tricep Extension

Start Position Standing up. Shoulders fully abducted. Elbows flexed, hands behind head

Finish Position Standing up. Shoulders fully abducted. Elbows extended, hands above head

Cues Isolate elbows, do not move shoulders where possible

Joints & Movements

Elbow Extension (Concentric). Elbow flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Triceps

Prime Mover Triceps

Variations Supine position – elbows extend anteriorly to forehead

DB Tricep Kickback

Start PositionStanding up. Left knee and right hand on bench, right foot on ground. Left hand holding dumbbell.

Left elbow next to hip, elbow flexed at about 135°

Finish PositionStanding up. Left knee and right hand on bench, right foot on ground. Left hand holding dumbbell.

Left elbow next to hip, elbow straight.

Cues Isolate elbows, do not move shoulders where possible

Joints & Movements

Elbow Extension (Concentric). Elbow flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Triceps

Prime Mover Triceps

Variations Cable machine (same positioning)

Cable Tricep Extensions

Start Position Standing up. Shoulders by side. Elbows flexed in front of chest.

Finish Position Standing up. Elbows extended, hands down by side

Cues Isolate elbows, do not move shoulders where possible

Joints & Movements

Elbow Extension (Concentric). Elbow flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Triceps

Prime Mover Triceps

Variations Rope/bar attachments

Pec Fly

Start Position Lying on bench (Supine). Shoulders horizontally extended slightly, elbows straight

Finish Position Lying on bench (Supine). Shoulders horizontally flexed, elbows straight

Cues Isolate shoulders. Slight bend in elbows

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Flexion (Concentric). Horizontal Shoulder Extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Pec Major, Anterior Deltoid

Prime Mover Pec Major

Variations Cable machine fly

Reverse Fly

Start PositionStanding upright. Brace with one foot in front of other – about 1 metre in front of each other,

shoulder width apart. Shoulders horizontally flexed, hands touching. Elbows straight

Finish PositionStanding upright. Brace with one foot in front of other – about 1 metre in front of each other,

shoulder width apart. Shoulders horizontally extended. Elbows straight

Cues Stand facing twin pulley cables positioned close together and approximately shoulder height

Joints & Movements

Horizontal Shoulder Extension (Concentric). Horizontal Shoulder Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Rhomboids, Traps, Posterior Deltoid

Prime Mover Posterior Deltoid

Variations Prone, reverse cable-fly

DB Hammer Curl

Start Position Arms down by side (shoulders adducted), hands mid-prone, elbows straight

Finish Position Arms down by side (shoulders adducted), hands mid-prone, elbows flexed

Cues Palms stay mid-prone throughout range of movement

Joints & Movements

Elbow flexion (Concentric). Elbow extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Biceps

Prime Mover Biceps

Variations Standing, sitting. Unilateral, bilateral

BB Curl

Start Position Arms down by side (shoulders adducted), hands supinated, elbows straight

Finish Position Arms down by side (shoulders adducted), hands supinated, elbows flexed

Cues Isolate elbows, no body movement

Joints & Movements

Elbow flexion (Concentric). Elbow extension (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Biceps

Prime Mover Biceps

Variations Standing, sitting.

Cable Pullovers

Start PositionLie with upper back on bench. Flex hips slightly, so hips are slightly lower than torso. Shoulders fully

flexed. Knees flexed at 90°. Feet flat on ground

Finish PositionLie with upper back on bench. Flex hips slightly, so hips are slightly lower than torso. Shoulders

slightly flexed (hands anterior to stomach). Knees flexed at 90°. Feet flat on ground

Cues Slight elbow flexion

Joints & Movements

Shoulder Extension (Concentric). Shoulder Flexion (Eccentric)

Muscle Group(s) Lats

Prime Mover Lats

Variations Elbow flexion/extension incorporated into movement