,,a J. ,.- - ,v... : ..c If" 1 I Alfltt 1 i I III II ITSII'l I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY, .11 INK I. ISSU. VOL. IX.---N- O. 130 liATK NKW8 WVm. business Guards. H. N. CAHVLF. J. V AVUFHTON. . P- CAS VI K. W. A, IK)vr.N. l'iV. I. T t'NM'Y, or thk THROUGH STEAMERS or THK OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. ( AS I LK cv COOKK, Sliijiiii;- - and Commission 3lcrclianls, PKAM UH IN- - -- IMIOMI US AN1 O e ih m ;i 1 A I ALSO, AfU drove lUn' h Plant.tfion, H. HlteaiV l'l uitntion. A. H. Smith k (., Knlo. Kunnl, i. F. I'.IaUfi's Stpiiiit PimipR. Union Fire and Marino Im;iir.inco Co., of Ban Francisco. F.tll Firn I nauratirp Co, "f Um fford. The New t r tl itnl Mn1ii.il l,!ff I iinttritirA Co , of Hoolon. . Wcct'in' I' ( I lit i i f 'u; 1 1 Mrifia, 'I ho Nfv Vob nd nnlnii V fepf Lift Tin' Mnrclwnli' Miip, Honolulu n1 n Kmtirloro. !r, Jqynp So (.'plet'ttfd MpiHcIhp, Wilcox &. (iildis. Ii'nniimloii H K W I N (l M II V. KNLEIiS & COAs Griarid Openi iijjj o(" ."Iiii'opo.'i.n Ainoricnn IDry mikI Ii uncy (xoods r tJOT N. I'..-"- od and after May our IircwiriAkiri Wti-iii- t. y "n. : i;r Xi'--f- ' v" - ':t " ABvpiiiiH i1 vopmtotl ( Ih' in ' tdnto of cuniild,o nunvohy. TIum'o ntiiuf(pl it 1 (vvolvo 'uillionu of Houuui (iitlulicB in (bo If loolq if (lo 1mmi'p of (ho rnhiro will lo co!is(ruc(il of iron ami prcotl pappr. AVoik on iho phip rnihvny ovor (ho Hhmus (hat ilivitlon Nova Seolia from Now lhuiiswick, ha Iomi lo- - Capilal in (nkiiifj hohl of a qrhoino (o ciooRofo (h' pof( ( imhor of ( ho Soulh, now UNolof;, nfitl ( phip if nhrtatl. AVhon (lio Waphiufjlon IMonunihl wa coiuplctod and olica(ol fotir yoar N$ro, it wns (ho liilft p(ruc-(ur- o PUH'tod by (ho haml tT man. A Npw Voik hoof oxporfititj (inn lin oiM) rrfail iiipm( php in (Jioat J'ritain. .Ioop)i MaRfman. i! fotin thr, in a nativo of Now llampshiro. A miniaturo typowrif or, a "lilflo ltii't'nr l.lifin ii I'.idli Imn " bill, which can th it work, can l bought for Id Bhillms ana ( ponco, ai'nt s Whipkoy vjq original!' matnifac (iircd xclnpi vtdy in SiMdhunl, (h Innii liitiiitr i hi fi noi I l tlto limiur liptilloil in Iln highlands front oarloy. luiiiiliiii ii ii ... rti ....... nl icl , a ilnui't ..- - ibw , 4hl . ... j, odition of (ho Now York l(niab(, puhlishod in (ho I5ri(ih niohoptili. "a povnn ilayn . papor and (ho .1- - .ii- - inmriopi innitr in inwn. .. 1 1 in .. kIoIoiI ...... ihnf nf lift v pit rlinnpci - - - - - r t tho Hnvinnil Now Toptamont twonty two aro pimply rohirns 1o (ho roiiiionn ot ycmio, wiiopp nans hdion was mado from Iho Latin vor-pio- n of .Joromo. dolivoiod an addrop at littulid iiieiiiillr Hit r ii I iiMi lii I fit idoa of Jlomo Ihilo fir liolaml atal ilcfbtrMl all aignniont in iln favor WW' clap trap, anil oppopa lo tim itd'ropp of (ho (lovrrnmont (lot a km I'ranciq Train ha a now iloa. llo propose (o dhidiph pov- erty and iloafh hy nhowifi a mau can livo on ton confs' worth oT puta-to- o ami cno enp of rufloo daily, pru-vido- d ho (akos a Tnikiph hath. Tho C'ify of l'aii on hor fii( dip Now York ronmmuMl an nvprairo tfns of coal por day. Un?Mv . day whfn ph prorod 4?8 kn'H, it i prohafilft that at. loast 'iToi) torif? of cai wor hnrnod in t'i'o fnrnaco. Afarrisr with n dconpoil wifo's sister t.nsinos is still a vexation in F.r.lar.d. Mis Fdhol Huxloy, dauVitor of th illnsdionn poion(ipt., - fii;;n rd fr( hr pisIit'r XAid wor, fhoFfori. , . Oillior. Tlnu- - can't ho mwrrid in of I'onrfo, po nAxt, rriOTitli tho wlinlo Huxloy fam-- . y hs to fg' ovrr to (llnistiania for iA wedding, vhich in allowed nndov Aftrwpgian law. mU, Trn-- t Jaw of Toxa, which ih? ti .v.v '.'..fircc, i diHol virifi all that State. 'luW iuH ..forrrwd in the Texas Press Associative has controlled the Associate tli. for fivo vears and pre- - venttnl their publication in rival morning papers iu uno a morning paper already exists. "Pobrt Tdr.coln has irrown stout f late and he looks much older than Secretary of War. lie V is extremely fastidious about JLis attire and looks more like a New York man of leisure than a Chicago lawyer. He is pleased at his ap- pointment, but regrets the financial sr.cririce that he must make to accept it. He has a very profitable law business, which tie must now rnrow into other hands and pockets. The rlrst Arbor day was observed in Nebraska seventeen years ago, when llUHXhWU trees were pianieu. There are now growing in the State 605.000,000 trees. In other States manv million of trees nave ueen planted, and at the present time thirty-fou- r States observe an Arbor day. A hundred thonsaud acres of valueless dunes on the Bay of Bis- cay were planted with trees by Bre-montie- r, which now yield France an annual income of 130,000f. P. T. Barnurn. the showman is still as strong a teetotaler as he has been at any time during the past half century. He believes that his i r,.dtii Lbdi t irits. and mental ac tivity are largely the result cf his avoidance of the flowing bowl. His inventive faculties are yet in full play, lie eats and sleeps as Le did in hi- - prime. He takes a keen in-trr.- Lt in nil the ail'nirs of mankind. His step is cpry. In three months he will enter upon the eightieth year of his busy life. The Dominion Parliament has passed a law making trade combiua tions and Trusts illegal. It is said to leave no opening for evasion. If the Canadians make it work in practice, thev will have accomplished some thing that has thus far stumped our T.-- i J:tn res and courts, as well as those of the great European nations. It would be interesting to know how-fa- r the Act reaches regarding "busi ness combinations." That is a large and delicate subject. THE DAILY Commercial 13 PUBLISHED livery Morning Except Sundays, At No. 46 Merchant St. HUBHCKIITIONH : Daily T. C. ADVEHTiaER.one year.. ?3 00 .. six UlOUtbB 3 w . per mouth 60 one year ..... 5 00 Vv kiklt Hawaiian Oazbtxe, . foreign (in-eludi- 6 00 postage) on Iayible Iuvarliibly iu Advance. Addbeks: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 46 Mercba t at., foMtomce Box O. Honolulu. 11. 1. a5tfiS3 Cards. are LEVVERS & COOKE, uu (Successors to Lewers & Mckson) liiior(cr nud 1niIt. In Lumber Kud all Kluds of Buildiu M:tarUls. OUT STIIKET. Honolulu. x4 1'4 JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer ud Dealer lu UE2IERA.L MERCHANDISE. 82 No. J.V-- ai (jueeu Street, Honolulu, ltf r H. HACKFELD & CO., Ue ue ra I (Jummission Agents t.'or. tort A; Queen Sti.. Ilouoluln. ltf BEAVER SxVLOON, vr(!tlrect. Opposite H'lltler A Co.'s, Ii. T. ".;lte. proprietor. (U,l eU' Luuch-- Served wiih Ttw. Coffee. NViter, tilngt Ale or Mtlk. Ueu From '& . i. 10 P- - XJTSa o'ier' IWqmfllte SyecUlty. ltf firoiiAWTA MARKET. A- - . ! n ..,i uto M. RAtPr. . v,! Fort vL Honolulu. rlEEF. MUTTON AND VEAL. -- . Pork. Etc.. ou bind, ssaippiou UOttCa. - HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Mill,. Cooler Br .,,,lr ur . a 1 t not:ce. . THE ROYAL SALOON, tor. anu and Merthant Stret Under the Miniementof E. H. F1. AVolter, , i cents per .. 1 a."??' lit U.VRHY'S LUNCH ROOMS UOTKL STHKKT. Meals at all Hours. Tea and Choco- - K..P. th. .- 5-t Cotref. late to be nati in and Milk eery morning. EVERY DAY I A CHA3GE OF DINNER Walker & Iledwiird, Tit Contractors & Builders Wooden BuiUIn Brtck. Stone n& Eiititnite Otven. Attended to. Jobblns Promptly 76 KING STREET. P. O. Box v:3-Be- ll Telephone No. 2utf Hawaiian Fertilizing Co. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Cane Fertilizers BONE MEALS made to order; STABLE MANURE, rotted and mixed, ON HAND AND FOR SALE In quantities to suit. A. F. COOXE. Manager. Factory, Honolulu, 11. l. - . , : . .. .'4 new usincsis (Cards, Australian Mail Service f OK SAN FRANCISCO. The now and una Al steel Of tliu Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Iloneiulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about June 1st, 1889, And will leave for the abvf port wHh mails and parisenkjera on or about that date. For ireight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOM MODATION s, apply to Will. (t. Irwin & Co., AUKNTH. For Sydney and Auckland. A t he new and tine Al steel steamship "MARIPOSA" Of theOceanic Stansh-.- Compauy, will be dun at Honolulu from an Fraricif.co or or abou t June a, 1889. Aniiwllltiiire prompt rilipaCJii with ma!Js an for the above porw. For fr-'s'- or pas.sae, havini; SUPERIOR riON-!- , apply to Win. (x. Irwin & Co., A (i KN'TK Wns. d. Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO.,! BxlNKERS. HOXOLCLC HAWAIIAN D" Kxchar.se on u ... , o j wtw- - i Will receive deposits oa open account, maie collecUoas aud conduct a general fcauiing and xchai:g business Deposits bearing interest received !a the:r Sav tags Pearuueut aubj-- ct to published rules V. 1 ". v fljSTERPEISf PLANING MILL, ALAKEA, NEA.f Q'JEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 55. U. G- - CRABBE, HAY & GRAIN King Street, Honolulu, Opr. tie oU rolice Station. 32-- 1 m T1IE0. P. SEVERIN Pliotograplier, HJ tiiea the Studio formerly cccuied by A. A. iio-t-i- no, corner of KIX a- -d FORT STS., and Is prepared to take Pictures in any St vie Fi:ntir:i dor--e l:t Am:ite'ar?. "Si Cabinets $6 adoz. Work guaranteed. Entrance on'Fort Street. lT"-t- PIONEER I Steam Candv Factor? AND BAKE R Y j ! FractK-a- l Confectioner, Fr.-tr- Cook an 1 Biker Kick and Delicious Ice Cream ica-i- e by teara. Street. YorwNT all Tiifci The Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe ESTABLISHED 1S36. AnsetH 40,000,000 t Iucwme 9,OTJtOOO Claim Vaid 11S.56,000 Ta Ir Ae P i a tr a orriinar T ran rr Tlo m a rr Jk Vi tt Pi . r t o aa n v A aj j uo a mu ' j Buildings, Machinery, Sug;r Mills, Dwellings and .Furniture, on the most favorable terina. IBisliop fc Co. 1188-6- m FILTER PRESSES. PAAFHAtT PLAKTATION, ) Hawaii. Mrch 9, 1858. j Riedon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran- cisco. Gentlemen We have uat-- two of your 30- - convenient, easily handled and are working entirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend luiiroveiueni gu ir;eiu. Very respectfully your?. (signed; A. Moobk, Manager Paautau PlautaUoO-- high pressurei, occupies a floor sp:tce of 11 it., an-- present-- j a filtering uriace of ) square feet. A limited number in stock in Honolulu and are at very low prices. Klauon Iron A" Loco, orKs, Sn Fraucisco. For rarticulara eniuire of JOHN" Dk'EK Honolala Uo-j- N i. 3 SprecteU' Bloct: 12W Y. O. IinVIX & Co., Ajrent. TTX '" FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. Insurance effecto-"- , n; on. every description of property at current rut..-- a of premium. Total Sum Insured 1 a 13eo .. .32T.3;J3,700 Claim arrand by the Lfx-a- l Agents, and paid with promptitude and libra.lity. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlaiie & Co. lm Agents tor Hawaiian Ialandsi. ,1II1 A'A' Ti U V V. K A' ) r . l 1 . oaj 7 (Liuiltel). GENEKAL MEilCATlLfc. --n COMMISSION AGENTS. UST OF OFFICERS: V::"""? and ry T VC IT 111 dUttiWI DIRECrORS: w..r, r k Pihor. Hen. H. aterccuse S. FOSTER & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS Purchasing Agents. Sole Agents for Simpson's Top-o-Ca- u Brand Diamond Creamery BUTTER. 'PHIS CELEBRATED BUTTER IS 1 of the finest quality, made upon uie r.,u .n,i niprican svstems combined. Tacked in hermtticali'v sealed tins, and warranted to keep m hot euma.ei. J6 and '2S California St, SAN FRANCISCO, : : TAL. 1S t.Vo-l- y FELIX OLLEBT, Artistic Engraver on Wood (Late of Harper Bros.. N. Y.) Contracts Executed on Moderate Terms. (Specimen5 of work at omeeV DIPLOMA. KT 1H-FT- .. IlAF.PFK BR.'S. New York, April. 1 Felix OUertwa f..r several years em-pl.-.ve- d in thi establishment, an-- f.;tmd a conVetent engraver and in rptrtU a reiiaole and upright person. J. G. JVMITHVICK. Harper Bro?.. N. Y. Sapt. Ens. Dept., nSf Orders received at J. E. Brown & o M erciiant st. the iuily Aimm p Zrv Mmi-e- x I tv i x rcl 1 ; m i 1 i sv NTH FOR Kohnla Huji'i' Cc., Haiku Mnsr Co.. I'M lUidtboi, l'pallnj(l Huur Co. and Wljcclcr V Wils mi ACI I I IV ICS. a in loth, MIKS CI.AIIK will loivf chfiruo of ltf Pacific flanhvarc Co., iil Itonol ! H, to of New Styles (d J'lows, fnvnic' .frisir af Hrifl. Apitiiitora! (nfilp.nts. :- -: GOOD. ! i V.t .Ino. I. I'.r'r, Fmtiiii, V and (r. N . Wilrox. Httonti.Tj. j I ' of alcohol in the Malt Extract as Com- - Malt Liquors: NOTT 5 Housekeeping Goods. and Sheet Iron ork a Due. at Honolulu from S;m KriincUro, on or iilxiul.1 Alamedii Mny 11 MariiHsa Jono H Zeal.tndifi Inly AnyrjHt '.I Mariposa August 151 Zealandia September 'JH Alameda October 1M Mariposa November IS I Zealandia Iecember L'l Lfavt! Honolulu for Sun FirimIsco, on or iittouU Zealandia Juno 1 Alameda June L". Maripona July 27 Zealandia Antrim i'4 lameda SepteiriU-- r 21 Mariposa Oetob.V L' Zealandia November Jij Alain da December lVu TI.Mi: TAiiLK OF INTKUMKIHAT K STKAMDllS Umatilla and Australia t San Frarifiro fr Ifonoiiilii at 'i o'c lock noun, on Friday May 21 Friday lime 21 Vniliy July lit Friday Sui.ust. 11 Friday September 13 Friday II l.fave Honolulu for San FrantUotat 12 'cl(. k noon, on Frid; M?y 10 . 7 July 5 Friday A en st 2 Friday A uii ''J Friday . rieptftml-jf-- 27 Fridav ( ictober 2-- " , - , lufij JlnffM s; A aim h v ILLUlk) r.?vifjli III 1 I f Devoted to the Encouragement of AGK1C T LTU HE . 1I0UTIC ULT U RE STOCK RAISING and INDUS- TRIAL PURSUITS GENERALLY, And more especially to the develop- ment I and perfection of Cultivation of Cane and the MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. This p..-pu!a- journal has entered on it eighth volume, and having been Enlarged to 18 Pages Monthly, makes a yearly volume of nearlv oOO pages, devoted to the agricul- tural and commercial prosperity of the Hawaiian Islands. The attention of the business men cf Honolulu and of ail persons engaged in industrial pursuits is called to this per- - i iodical as a medium for Advertising & Information Which can be obtained in no other pub- lication, here or abroad. T"The of subscription is very Two Dot lars and a Half sl'.'O r annum, or ?3.0 when mailed abroad. A few copies oi bound volumes of the yt'.irs Iso and 1SS7 can be obtained : fcJ.oO ea. h. j SSTBack Volumes of the I'lanif.k--- ' L'Nrni.v bound to order. Address : II. M. WHITNEY, Editor Flantkks' Monthly. 4o Merchant St., 16 l'JM-C- m Honolulu, H. I. ryi Hotel ou AV Y E T H ' S t t attttv "r I T rF 17YTP A f!T LlVv'Ull' 11A.JUL UAlllUVJ. Contains all the nutritive virtues of the best Malt Liquors while it is FREE trena all stimulating etl'ects. XOT --A BEVERAGE. The following analvsis the projrtion pared with VVotwi i::cr:u'tive Water. t Matter. j English s:.aUbeer.... I , 94.4 Lager beer (Brootiiyn) s--- 4" Malt extract QVyeins) The Manufacturers. Mkssu. Jno. Wvktu & Bro., Phil., have appointed BEXSOX, SMITH & COMPANY, m SOLE AGENTS FOR THE II AWN ISLANDS. JOHN i j Sioves, Ranges and I pinmbui a Tin. Copper r I

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,,a J. ,.- - ,v...

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I Alfltt 1i IIII II ITSII'l I


liATK NKW8 WVm.business Guards.


W. A, IK)vr.N. l'iV. I. T t'NM'Y,

or thk


OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. ( AS I LK cv COOKK,Sliijiiii;-- and Commission 3lcrclianls,


O e ih m ;i 1 A I


drove lUn' h Plant.tfion,H. HlteaiV l'l uitntion.

A. H. Smith k (., Knlo. Kunnl,i. F. I'.IaUfi's Stpiiiit PimipR.

Union Fire and Marino Im;iir.inco Co., of Ban Francisco.F.tll Firn I nauratirp Co, "f Um fford.

The New t r tl itnl Mn1ii.il l,!ff I iinttritirA Co , of Hoolon.. Wcct'in' I' ( I lit i i f 'u; 1 1 Mrifia,

'I ho Nfv Vob nd nnlnii V fepf LiftTin' Mnrclwnli' Miip, Honolulu n1 n Kmtirloro.

!r, Jqynp So (.'plet'ttfd MpiHcIhp,

Wilcox &. (iildis. Ii'nniimloii

H K W I N (l M


Griarid Openi iijjj o("

."Iiii'opo.'i.n Ainoricnn

IDry mikI Ii uncy (xoodsr

tJOT N. I'..-"- od and after Mayour IircwiriAkiri Wti-iii- t.

y "n.: i;r Xi'--f- ' v" - ':t "

ABvpiiiiH i1 vopmtotl ( Ih' in 'tdnto of cuniild,o nunvohy.

TIum'o ntiiuf(pl it 1 (vvolvo'uillionu of Houuui (iitlulicB in (bo

If loolq if (lo 1mmi'p of (hornhiro will lo co!is(ruc(il of ironami prcotl pappr.

AVoik on iho phip rnihvny ovor (hoHhmus (hat ilivitlon Nova Seoliafrom Now lhuiiswick, ha Iomi lo- -

Capilal in (nkiiifj hohl of a qrhoino(o ciooRofo (h' pof( ( imhor of ( hoSoulh, now UNolof;, nfitl ( phip ifnhrtatl.

AVhon (lio Waphiufjlon IMonunihlwa coiuplctod and olica(ol fotiryoar N$ro, it wns (ho liilft p(ruc-(ur- o

PUH'tod by (ho haml tT man.A Npw Voik hoof oxporfititj (inn

lin oiM) rrfail iiipm( php in (JioatJ'ritain. .Ioop)i MaRfman. i! fotinthr, in a nativo of Now llampshiro.

A miniaturo typowrif or, a "lilfloltii't'nr l.lifin ii I'.idli Imn " bill, whichcan th it work, can l bought forId Bhillms ana ( ponco, ai'nt s

Whipkoy vjq original!' matnifac(iircd xclnpi vtdy in SiMdhunl, (hInnii liitiiitr i hi fi noi I l tlto limiurliptilloil in Iln highlands front

oarloy.luiiiiliiii ii ii...rti.......nl icl, a ilnui't..- -ibw, 4hl. ...j,

odition of (ho Now York l(niab(,puhlishod in (ho I5ri(ih niohoptili.

"a povnn ilayn.

papor and (ho.1- - .ii- -

inmriopi innitr in inwn...1 1 in.. kIoIoiI...... ihnf nf lift v pit rlinnpci- - - - - r t

tho Hnvinnil Now Toptamonttwonty two aro pimply rohirns 1o (horoiiiionn ot ycmio, wiiopp nanshdion was mado from Iho Latin vor-pio- n

of .Joromo.dolivoiod an addrop at

littulid iiieiiiillr Hit r ii I iiMi lii I fitidoa of Jlomo Ihilo fir liolaml atalilcfbtrMl all aignniont in iln favorWW' clap trap, anil oppopa lo timitd'ropp of (ho (lovrrnmont

(lot a km I'ranciq Train ha a nowiloa. llo propose (o dhidiph pov-erty and iloafh hy nhowifi a maucan livo on ton confs' worth oT puta-to- o

ami cno enp of rufloo daily, pru-vido- d

ho (akos a Tnikiph hath.Tho C'ify of l'aii on hor fii( dipNow York ronmmuMl an nvprairo

tfns of coal por day. Un?Mv .

day whfn ph prorod 4?8 kn'H, it i

prohafilft that at. loast 'iToi) torif? ofcai wor hnrnod in t'i'o fnrnaco.

Afarrisr with n dconpoil wifo'ssister t.nsinos is still a vexation inF.r.lar.d. Mis Fdhol Huxloy,dauVitor of th illnsdionn poion(ipt.,- fii;;n rd fr( hr pisIit'r XAid wor,

fhoFfori. , . Oillior. Tlnu- - can't homwrrid in of I'onrfo, ponAxt, rriOTitli tho wlinlo Huxloy fam-- .

y hs to fg' ovrr to (llnistiania foriA wedding, vhich in allowed nndov

Aftrwpgian law.mU, Trn-- t Jaw of Toxa, which

ih? ti .v.v '.'..fircc, i diHol virifi allthat State. 'luW iuH ..forrrwd inthe Texas Press Associativehas controlled the Associate

tli. for fivo vears and pre- -

venttnl their publication in rivalmorning papers iu uno amorning paper already exists.

"Pobrt Tdr.coln has irrown stoutf late and he looks much older than

Secretary of War. lieV

is extremely fastidious about JLisattire and looks more like a NewYork man of leisure than a Chicagolawyer. He is pleased at his ap-

pointment, but regrets the financialsr.cririce that he must make to acceptit. He has a very profitable lawbusiness, which tie must now rnrowinto other hands and pockets.

The rlrst Arbor day was observedin Nebraska seventeen years ago,when llUHXhWU trees were pianieu.There are now growing in the State605.000,000 trees. In other Statesmanv million of trees nave ueenplanted, and at the present timethirty-fou- r States observe an Arborday. A hundred thonsaud acres ofvalueless dunes on the Bay of Bis-

cay were planted with trees by Bre-montie- r,

which now yield France anannual income of 130,000f.

P. T. Barnurn. the showman isstill as strong a teetotaler as he hasbeen at any time during the pasthalf century. He believes that hisi r,.dtii Lbdi t irits. and mental activity are largely the result cf hisavoidance of the flowing bowl. Hisinventive faculties are yet in fullplay, lie eats and sleeps as Le didin hi- - prime. He takes a keen in-trr.- Lt

in nil the ail'nirs of mankind.His step is cpry. In three monthshe will enter upon the eightieth yearof his busy life.

The Dominion Parliament haspassed a law making trade combiuations and Trusts illegal. It is said toleave no opening for evasion. If theCanadians make it work in practice,thev will have accomplished something that has thus far stumped ourT.-- i J:tn res and courts, as well asthose of the great European nations.It would be interesting to know how-fa-r

the Act reaches regarding "business combinations." That is a largeand delicate subject.




livery Morning Except Sundays,

At No. 46 Merchant St.


Daily T. C. ADVEHTiaER.one year.. ?3 00.. six UlOUtbB 3 w. per mouth 60

one year ..... 5 00Vv kiklt Hawaiian Oazbtxe,

. foreign (in-eludi-

6 00postage) on

Iayible Iuvarliibly iu Advance.


46 Mercba t at.,

foMtomce Box O. Honolulu. 11. 1.

a5tfiS3 Cards.



(Successors to Lewers & Mckson)

liiior(cr nud 1niIt. In LumberKud all Kluds of Buildiu M:tarUls.

OUT STIIKET. Honolulu. x41'4


Importer ud Dealer lu


No. J.V-- ai (jueeu Street, Honolulu, ltf


Ue ue ra I (Jummission Agents

t.'or. tort A; Queen Sti.. Ilouoluln. ltf


vr(!tlrect. Opposite H'lltler A Co.'s,Ii. T. ".;lte. proprietor.

(U,l eU' Luuch-- Served wiih Ttw. Coffee.NViter, tilngt Ale or Mtlk.

Ueu From '& . i. 10 P- -

XJTSa o'ier' IWqmfllte SyecUlty. ltf

firoiiAWTA MARKET.A- - . !

n..,iuto M. RAtPr. . v,!

Fort vL Honolulu.

rlEEF. MUTTON AND VEAL.-- . Pork. Etc..

ou bind, ssaippiouUOttCa. -


Mill,. Cooler Br.,,,lr ur .a 1 t

not:ce. .


tor. anu and Merthant StretUnder the Miniementof

E. H. F1. AVolter,

, i cents per .. 1 a."??' lit


Meals at all Hours.Tea and Choco- -

K..P. th. .- 5-t Cotref.late to be nati in

and Milk eery morning.EVERY DAY I


Walker & Iledwiird,


Contractors & BuildersWooden BuiUInBrtck. Stone n&

Eiititnite Otven.

Attended to.Jobblns Promptly

76 KING STREET.P. O. Box v:3-Be- ll

Telephone No. 2utf

Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

Cane FertilizersBONE MEALS made to order;

STABLE MANURE, rotted and mixed,


In quantities to suit.

A. F. COOXE. Manager.

Factory, Honolulu, 11. l.

- . , : . .. .'4 new

usincsis (Cards,

Australian Mail Service


The now and una Al steel

Of tliu Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Iloneiulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

June 1st, 1889,And will leave for the abvf port wHh mails andparisenkjera on or about that date.

For ireight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOM MODATION s, apply to

Will. (t. Irwin & Co.,AUKNTH.

For Sydney and Auckland.A

t he new and tine Al steel steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of theOceanic Stansh-.- Compauy, will be

dun at Honolulu from an Fraricif.coor or abou t

June a, 1889.

Aniiwllltiiire prompt rilipaCJii with ma!Js anfor the above porw.

For fr-'s'- or pas.sae, havini; SUPERIORriON-!- , apply to

Win. (x. Irwin & Co.,A (i KN'TK

Wns. d. Irwin.



D" Kxchar.se on u ... , o j

wtw- - i

Will receive deposits oa open account, maiecollecUoas aud conduct a general fcauiing and

xchai:g business

Deposits bearing interest received !a the:r Sav

tags Pearuueut aubj-- ct to published rules V.1 ". v



174 Telephone 55.



King Street, Honolulu,

Opr. tie oU rolice Station. 32-- 1 m


Pliotograplier,HJ tiiea the Studio formerly cccuied by A. A.

iio-t-i- no, corner of KIX a- -d FORT STS.,

and Is prepared to take

Pictures in any StvieFi:ntir:i dor--e l:t Am:ite'ar?. "Si

Cabinets $6 adoz. Work guaranteed.

Entrance on'Fort Street. lT"-t-

PIONEERI Steam Candv Factor?




FractK-a- l Confectioner, Fr.-tr- Cook an 1 BikerKick and Delicious Ice Cream ica-i-e by teara.


YorwNT all Tiifci

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


AnsetH 40,000,000t Iucwme 9,OTJtOOO

Claim Vaid 11S.56,000

Ta Ir Ae P i a tr a orriinar T ran rr Tlo m a rr Jk Vi tt Pi. rt o a a n v A aj j uo a mu ' jBuildings, Machinery, Sug;r Mills, Dwellingsand .Furniture, on the most favorable terina.

IBisliop fc Co.1188-6- m



Hawaii. Mrch 9, 1858. j

Riedon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-cisco.

Gentlemen We have uat-- two of your 30- -

convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend

luiiroveiueni gu ir;eiu.Very respectfully your?.

(signed; A. Moobk,Manager Paautau PlautaUoO--

high pressurei, occupies a floor sp:tce of 11it., an-- present-- j a filtering uriace of

) square feet. A limited number instock in Honolulu and are at very lowprices.

Klauon Iron A" Loco, orKs,Sn Fraucisco.

For rarticulara eniuire ofJOHN" Dk'EK Honolala

Uo-j- N i. 3 SprecteU' Bloct:12W Y. O. IinVIX & Co., Ajrent.


Established 1710.Insurance effecto-"- , n; on. every description of

property at current rut..--a of premium.

Total Sum Insured 1 a 13eo .. .32T.3;J3,700

Claim arrand by the Lfx-a- l Agents, and paidwith promptitude and libra.lity. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlaiie & Co.lm Agents tor Hawaiian Ialandsi.

,1II1 A'A'Ti U V V. K A' ) r . l 1 .oaj 7






V::"""? and ryT VC IT 111 dUttiWI


w..r, r k Pihor. Hen. H. aterccuse



Purchasing Agents.

Sole Agents for

Simpson's Top-o-Ca- u Brand

Diamond Creamery


1 of the finest quality, made upon uier.,u .n,i niprican svstems combined.Tacked in hermtticali'v sealed tins, andwarranted to keep m hot euma.ei.

J6 and '2S California St,

SAN FRANCISCO, : : TAL.1S t.Vo-l- y


Artistic Engraver on Wood

(Late of Harper Bros.. N. Y.)

Contracts Executed on ModerateTerms.

(Specimen5 of work at omeeV


.. IlAF.PFK BR.'S.New York, April. 1

Felix OUertwa f..r several years em-pl.-.ve- d

in thi establishment, an-- f.;tmd a

conVetent engraver and in rptrtU areiiaole and upright person.

J. G. JVMITHVICK.Harper Bro?.. N. Y.Sapt. Ens. Dept.,

nSf Orders received at J. E. Brown &

o M erciiant st.

the iuily Aimmp

Zrv Mmi-e- x I tv

i x rcl 1 ; m i 1 i svNTH FOR

Kohnla Huji'i' Cc.,Haiku Mnsr Co..

I'M lUidtboi,l'pallnj(l Huur Co.

and Wljcclcr V Wilsmi




loth, MIKS CI.AIIK will loivf chfiruo of


Pacific flanhvarc Co., iilItonol ! H,


New Styles (d J'lows,fnvnic' .frisir af Hrifl.

Apitiiitora! (nfilp.nts.:- -: GOOD. ! i

V.t .Ino. I. I'.r'r, Fmtiiii, V

and (r. N . Wilrox.





of alcohol in the Malt Extract as Com- -

Malt Liquors:


Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron orka

Due. at Honolulu from S;m KriincUro,on or iilxiul.1

Alamedii Mny 11

MariiHsa Jono H

Zeal.tndifi InlyAnyrjHt '.I

Mariposa August 151

Zealandia September 'JH

Alameda October 1M

Mariposa November IS I

Zealandia Iecember L'l

Lfavt! Honolulu for Sun FirimIsco, onor iittouU

Zealandia Juno 1

Alameda June L".

Maripona July 27

Zealandia Antrim i'4

lameda SepteiriU-- r 21

Mariposa Oetob.V L'

Zealandia November JijAlain da December lVu



Umatilla and Australia

t San Frarifiro fr Ifonoiiilii at 'io'c lock noun, on

Friday May 21

Friday lime 21

Vniliy July litFriday Sui.ust. 11

Friday September 13

Friday II

l.fave Honolulu for San FrantUotat 12'cl(. k noon, on

Frid; M?y 10

. 7

July 5

Friday A en st 2

Friday A uii ''J

Friday . rieptftml-jf-- 27

Fridav ( ictober 2--"

, - ,

lufijJlnffM s; A aim h vILLUlk) r.?vifjli III 1 I


Devoted to the Encouragement of





And more especially to the develop-



and perfection of Cultivationof Cane and the


This p..-pu!a- journal has entered on it

eighth volume, and having been

Enlarged to 18 Pages

Monthly, makes a yearly volume of

nearlv oOO pages, devoted to the agricul-

tural and commercial prosperity of the

Hawaiian Islands.

The attention of the business men cf

Honolulu and of ail persons engaged in

industrial pursuits is called to this per- -

i iodical as a medium for

Advertising & Information

Which can be obtained in no other pub-

lication, here or abroad.

T"The of subscription is very

Two Dot lars and a Half sl'.'Or annum, or ?3.0 when mailed abroad.

A few copies oi bound volumes of the

yt'.irs Iso and 1SS7 can be obtained :

fcJ.oO ea. h.

j SSTBack Volumes of the I'lanif.k--- '

L'Nrni.v bound to order.

Address :


Editor Flantkks' Monthly.4o Merchant St.,

16 l'JM-C- m Honolulu, H. I.

ryi Hotel ou

AV Y E T H ' St tattttv "r I T rF 17YTP A f!TLlVv'Ull' 11A.JUL UAlllUVJ.

Contains all the nutritive virtues of the best Malt Liquors while it is FREEtrena all stimulating etl'ects.

XOT --A BEVERAGE.The following analvsis the projrtion

pared with

VVotwi i::cr:u'tive Water. t


English s:.aUbeer.... I , 94.4Lager beer (Brootiiyn)


Malt extract QVyeins)

The Manufacturers. Mkssu. Jno. Wvktu & Bro., Phil., have appointed




j Sioves, Ranges and

I pinmbui a Tin. Copper



1 .

C031MEIIOIAL ADVERTISER, JUNE 1, ISSi).DAILYdrrrlisfnunts.SAN FRANCISCO LETTER.I3n Clutljoritn officer was drowned. A boat

containing the remainder of thecrew and passengers is missing.

The bark Lizzie Williams has OTHERS FOLLOW!LEAD r3W '

Tii EQUITABLE LIFEf the mit?dt .?fi Assurancefc,anasrim amui"b 1 viz:essential particulars,

Outstanding Assurance ".".....'. . . ."

New Business for 1SSSSurplus, (4 per cent. Standard)Total Income " 'Premium IncomeIncrease in Assets in 1SSS

Increase in Outstanding Assurance, l

Increase in Total IncomeIncrease in Premium IncomeIncrease in Surplus '


state.Companies of the World in all

..549 ,216,126 00152,933,535 00

;.. 20,794,715 00. 2o95S'977 00. 22,047,bl3 00

... 10,004,018 00titi,lS0,5(U 003,71S,12S 002,932,038 002,o90,4ti0 00

. . . 2,37bWi4 0078(3,090 00

3.22 per centl'JS per cent

. .-.i,-.i-

. ti1P swornKepori lor i, -






Expenses to New Business. .lWceiit.'i 'e of Assets to laainuiu s.

--Vide New York State Life InsuranceStatements of all Life Companies.

90-t- f(JENEKAL



r (

o MM

IIH7him v n ti



m m



Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


12.-l- m

"G. N.


already in operation ;nJ four miles OUR

iiioro aro awaiting rolJiur-stock- .

Tiif tramway tratlic Las increased at Fita very rapid rate, and the returnsnow foot up to about $1,000 per!week. So heavy a patronage as busboen realized was not expected, andtbe, succes.s warrants all possible ent

haste in construction.There is now only one war vessel

in port the Espiegle, a Uritish sloopof war; but there is no occasion forany, bo far as disturbance is concerned. The population was nevermore peacefully inclined than now.

Tho latest advices from the Volcano were that the crater is unusuallyjictive, and tho now carriage roadfrom Ililo toKilaueais being rapidly

toconstructed. About seven miles ofthis new highway are already graded, and the heaviest cuttings havet.lready been passed.

Memorial or Decoration Day, MayoOth, was kept in Honolulu enthusi

74astically, and tho Hawaiian soldiersjoined the Grand Army veterans mtho celebration. About 5,000 peoplean? naid to have been present at the "ceremonies, and the event has hadunusual success; indeed tho wholepopulation seemed to be Americansduring the celebration.

Tho Hawaiian Government hasinaugurated sales of land as homesteads, and already considerableareas on the principal islands havebeen surveyed and offered for sale ashomes for tho peoplo upon eisyterms of payment and conditions re-

quiring1 residence for live years withspecified improvements. This sys-tem

tohas not yet extended so far as

could be wished, but there is muchreason for hope that people will yetbe settled on all tho waste landsunder Government control.

The road around Punchbowl hillofis already far advanced, and will

soon bo finished. "When completed ofthis road will prove a favorite drive;and the pleasure of cool mountainair, at, an elevation of 500 feetabovosea level, will be attained in fifteenminutes drive from the city.

Tho annual report of the Ministerof Finauce, showing an account ofReceipts and Expenditures, has beenpublished and gives a very favorableshowing. Tho Treasury credit balance on April 1st 1881) was $3S7,- -

505. 1G; and it is probably now about$600,000, and increasing through theujedinm of the Savings Bank.


Uecovery of the limly of I.leut Armsof the V. S. S. Vamlalia.

A letter from Samoa says: The huriicane was a terrible experience. That somany were saved seems miraculousOnce the Ninsic was within twenty feetof the dangerous reef where t he Kherwent dow n, but a lull in the wind camejust at that moment and enabled thevessel to steam away from the reef. TheOlga ran into the Ninsic twice, destroying four boats, the main-yar- d, and partof the funnel. The destruction of thflatter was the indirect cause of runningthe Nipsio on the beach, since with theloss of the funnel steam could not be keptui with pressure sumcient ta manthe ship. The loss, of lives from th05Nipsic was small. A hawser was runover from the bow and held by natives,and thus all reached the shore "in safety.The body of Paymaster Arms was recov-ered, and buried in the yard of CaptainHamilton. Captain Schoonmaker'sbodywas recovered three miles from Apia,ami buried near that place."


San KraiiriActt, May 21, jier Umatilla.Bishop, the mind reader is dead.Queen Mary of Bavaria is dead.The Earl of Malmsburg is dead,

aged 82 years.Numerous labor strikes have taken

place in Germany.Professor Edward D. Lo Fcveur,

lato of Harvard, died from pneumo-nia, aged IU.

Goorgo Bancroft, tho historian, isdying.

While an immense crcwd assem-bled to witness the launching of anew cruiser at Triest three petardswere thrown at the palaco of theStadhalter.

Tho claims for damages arisingout of the Chin-Kian- g riots havebeen settled. The English andAmerican Hags have been rehoisted,the Chinese troops saluting them.

Tacoma, W. T., May 18. O'Con-nor won the race to-da- y in the firstgrand rowing regatta of oarsmenthat ever took place on Puget Sound.Peterson came in second, Hammthird and Lee last. Peterson was ahalf boat's length behind O'Connorat the 1 inish. The stakeboats, wherethe turn was made, had drifted fromtheir place, so that tho course wasbut two and one quarter miles.Time O'Connor, 14 min. 2 sec.;Peterson, 14:4; Hamm, 14:14; Lee'14:15. Fifteen thousand peoplewitnessed the regatta from the bluffsaround the city. The day was per-fect.

In the six day'smatch in San Francisco, the winnerwas Albert with .r:j; miles and 1 lap,Guenoro being second with 525 onmiles and 1 lap.

Joe McAuliff ensily defeated Tom SLees in eight rounds.

1 he alkyne was beaten in hermaiden race. So was the tir-- t yachtto ihe finish by rive minutes. b,u the asoft winds enabled the smalf.ryachts matched against h.-- r to keepwell insidv the time ail .vai ce. She t

is not the bout yachtsman expectedin light winds but it by no meausproves that she is not a fast boat.

monde." Sh ang G in alt. without firstditiicuit v. a inirLK-- r note thau evertouched by 1'atti. Gerster. Nillson.Di Murska and other great singersShe is a daughter of the late JudgeSanderson.

The U. S. S. Adams will be tostationed at Honolulu.

The Australian Steam NavigationCo. s steamer Kockton arrived atMare Island, Mav 20, twenty daysfrom Apia, with ill passengers fromthe Lnited States war ships. Theycomplained bitterly of the discomforts endured on the voyage.

Captain A. Y. Pierce of Honolulu Tdied at Oakland on Mav 20th, aged F.O'J years, ) months and G days. of

Timothy Guy Phelps has com-menced his duties as Collector offhe port of San Francisco.

Commander Hockins of H. 13. M.S. Swiftsure is dead, and was buriedat Fsquimalt with Naval honors.

U. S. Consul General Severancewill leave for Honolulu on July 21st.

Among passengers booked toleave for Honolulu by the Mariposa,on J nne 1st, are: H." A. P. Carterand 'a.nily, Geo. Ashley, S. Loirs-son- ,

Fd. Mulier. Dr. Jno. S.B. Pratt,15. F. Dillingham, Geo. Dillingham,Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Kenegal andchildren.

Chief Engineer Harris, UnitedStates N"vy, of Yallejo, who wastaken ashore from the Charlestonwhile the craiser was at Santa Bar-bara, suffering from deliriumtremens, died at tho Arlington Hotel.The immediate cause of death waspneumonia.

The severest shock of earthquakesince lsj.i was felt in San Franciscoi.ter 8 a. m. on May 19lh. The pe-culiarity of t he shock was its longduration, the violent movementshcting for over tweaiy secoads.The eai 'ihq;al.e was felt in manyplaces within about 150 miles of thecity. Practically no damage re-sulted, and only a few places in theinterior reported trilling losses fromthe shock. The heat in San Fran-cisco on the same day (Sunday) wasfearful, the thermometer registeringninety degrees in tho shade. Severallarge waves swept across tho bay,breaking over vach's that were atanchor.

S.iinoac A Hairs.The sessions of the Saruoan Con

fereuce had continued, with no definite results. Tho London Post'sBerlin correspondent says: iheSanioan protocol in its finalform Yvill contain two chiefpoints. Ihe Inst ot these le-Jate- s

to the Government of Samoa,which will be arranged on a tripartitebasis, England being accorded theposition corresponding in a certainsense to that of. arbitrator. The second deals with the appointment ofa land commission. England is tohave iarge inJlueuce in the selectionof the supreme judicial f uncuonary.

Latest San I'i .imiseo Shipping New .

San Fkancisco, arrivals: May G,

schr. F. E. Sanders, 10 days fromHilo; May 8, bark S. C. Allen, 1G

davs, bktnes. S. G. Wilder, VJ days,Planter, 17.1 days, W. H. Dimond, J

1G.1 days, ail from Honolulu; May10," bark James A. King, 20 days fromKahului; May 12, S. S. Mariposa, s

from Honolulu; May 15, bktne.Discovery, 15 days, and bark AnnieJohnson, 18 days, from Honolulu,btkne. Robert Sudden, 18 days fromKahului, schr. Dora Blnhm, 22i daysfrom Mahukona; May 16, barkNewsboy, 18 days from Honolulu,brio liur hue. 12 davs fronibri CoiK-ueb-,. i UmkGSZ schr.. . . .l i

,wm .ti !

.m i Iv !i hn init i ' ii - - 11 llliUUlllli

Liiran .tv." o. L matiihi, b days fromappearanHonolulu; May 21. S. S. Belgic, 7

days from Honolulu, brig J. D.Sprockels, lfi.V days from Kahului.

Departures: May 5, S. S. Alamedalor Honolulu; May 0, schr. Anna forKahului; May 17, bark Forest Queenfor Honolulu; May 19, bark C. D.Bryant and bktne. W. H. Dimondfor Honolulu: May 21, schr. F. E.Sanders for Hilo- -

Projected Departures: For Hono-lulu, brig Consueio on May 25, S.S.Mariposa on Juno 1; bark S. C.Allen, bktnes. Planter, Discoveryand S. G. Wilder. For Hilo: brigLurline. For Mahukona: schr. DoraBluhm.

Spoken: March 19, lat. 5G S-- , long.G5 W., bark Royal Alice, from Liver-pool for Honolulu.

SvnxiiY May .", S. S. Zealandiafrom Honolulu.

Hongkong May 21, bark FoolingSuey from Honolulu.

New York May 20, bark Minniefor HonoLrlu.

Aia.-K- May 20, S.S. Zealandiafor Ho- - olnlu.

Liverpool April 22, bark Bancafor Honolulu; May 15, ship Eskdalefor Honolulu.

'iriits of 1 lie S.,-i-.

The S. S. City of Paris made thetrip from New York to Queenstownin 5 (hiys 22 hours, beating all pre-vious records for either eastward orwestward voy age-s- .

The new twin screw steamerAugusta Victoria, of the HamburgPticke' line, made the vovage fromSouthampton to New York in 7 days21 hours, tho fastest time on record.

Tiie schooner Addie C liasseltine i

was totally wrecked in the storm of3. larch 10. ut Ebon Island, one of theJUar.-ha- ll group.

Captain Perrvman has taken com- -

maud of the bark C. D. Prvaut inplac, of Cai-tai- Eee

1 lie tn--- t and second othcers of the j

(Jonsiielo have been removed for i

their con unction with the opium discoveivd on that vessel.

Th' Oregon li. ami X. Co.'s side- -

whi'el irm toanu'i1 Alaska was to- -

TiUiV.!-- .. i in i gale on aiM

ih;;n i. in .Ma" l.'lrh, while on thew;iy cm Portland to San Franciscoi' r i' m i- -. Oniy a few of the crewWt'i't' dr oned, somo being suvod j

;itouo sufioring in open btjats,d M !iel'-- v e;ng j 'lcK-'- t

ll up nyi.itiie j

S. (.' ' II! i:i and lv SfU'eckeis' tug') i i . t ! i t .

1 ... -- : i j . Aitni' re. Catain eoks,'

Sv . N . S W.. April Sth. fur.n !:!-- :'. has I't't'ii wreckoil at

.. : ia the South Pacitic.i c'aptaiu and a portion of the ;

crew have landed at Levuka. The '

S. I mat i i la, s.-.i-, ! t iii-i-i i, May

J ,

( From M;r Special 'rre. --- : !

The news forwarded bv the pies- -

opportumtv will lie found of,.i ... ..n l ,..r. I


notwithstanding the fact th t a

good budget was sent by the barkForest Queen sailing from SanFrancisco on May 15th.

The Sjnr Mar' i. j

In the raw sugar market in orehave been several tinctuations but acomparison of quotations -- with theshipping arrivals from the islandswill show that the bulk of the sUirar

hand was paid for on the basis of7.47 cents. Th" first change to berecorded was on Mav b'lh when thebasis was 7 cents. This continueduntil May !th when there was anadvance of ,i cent, making the basis

cents. On May 11th there was ajump to the high quotation of the

t t iprevious moniti, sales having leeneffected in New York at 7.17 cents.

ik i:nn f.ndiimo. till ')covering ten out of the seventeencargoes to hand. On Mav 22d therewas a decline to 7 cents. The Lon-don market is quoted at 22s. (Jd. !oiMay, and 22s. 7M. fjr June deliv-ery.

The American Stiii.Hie argumenr ill the ea.-- o ot tne

People of th State of California .

The American Suj-u- r J?eii;i. ry Com-pany was tiotnmeiiced oji M.";iday,Mav l:0ai, and ye.-terda'- --,

Mav 2':d. The defer dant v, ;ih a- -

lowed twentv stays an 1 the nh'.i'.itiffsten days to tile briefs, and the cause

be submitt'Hl on Juno 2ith.Counsel i'oi plaintiff find defer.

ant made long and able argunjenis,supporting their respective sides byvery numerous citations. Mr. Yv'it-son-

for the Refinery, chavacerizodthe evidence or. Mr. Steele and Mr.Alexander as being scarcely worthy

belief. The former, ho statedhad exceeded his power as President

the Company and had misrepre-sented matters to Mr. Htivemejer:while as to Mr. Alexander he couldnot make out whether he was stupidor devoid of reason, but subse-quently saw from his manner that hewas sick and therefore evaded toquestion him.

Mr. Pearson, for tin plaintiff,made the most of the statements ofMessrs. Steele, Alexander, Dimondand Montague to the effect that,they had sold their stock to theTrust. He also claimed that, bothas directors and as stockholderstheir action was such as to justifythe charter being cancelled.

Notes from Wash i tij;t on.Rear-Admir- al Edward Donaldson,

VJ. S. N., aged seventy eight, died atBaltimore.

Among the callers at the WhiteHouse on May 17th was the Ha-wa:ia- n

Minister, Mr. Henry A. 1'.Carter, who introduced two friends.Justice R. F. Biekerton of the Hawahan Supreme Coart and GeorgeW. Smith of Honolulu.

Secretary Blaine has appointedLouis Dent his private secretary,in place of Thomas H. Sherman, thenew Consul to Liverpool. Mr. Dentis a nephew of Mrs. General Grantand assisted Mr. Biaine in the preparatiou of his "Twenty Years in Coa- -

mi. . a . , t i n. rr. lav- l riijikT'it 1 i:itiiii t

v,e recalledtff?se mission and given

:iiuco in Crenerai J Larrison s uaii- -

inet. The speculation on this poiutis based on Attorney-Genera- l Miller'selevation to the Supreme Bench. Ifthis be done Mr. Swift may succeedhim.

Tho President made the followingappointments:

bolomon Hirsch of Oregon ij beMinister to Turkey.

Clark E. Carr of Illinois to beMinister to Denmark.

John Jarrttt of Pennsylvania tobe Consul tit Birmingham.

Thomas II. Sherman of the Dis-trict of Columbia to be Consul atLiver pool.

Henry W. Severance of Californiawas appointed to be Conspi-Gener- al

at Honolulu. Mr. Several' wasborn in Augusta, M aine. Ue is theeldest son of Luther Severance, whowas tho editor of tiie leading Re-publican journal in Maine and whowas appointed United Slates Minister to Hawaii under PresidentZachary Taylor.

The new appointee went to Califorma in 1810 and e igagod in mer-cantile pursuits until 1858, when, heestablished a business in Honolulu.He was sent from thereto Sari Fran-cisco as Ha-.aiia- Consul in ISiJS.and held. ie position lor eight eeayears.

no Secret arv of State m receipt of a not-.- ' from the HawaiianMinister of Foire!gn Ari'-iir- s dared j

April lorn, c overh'.g a h iter irom i

IT' T .1 t -

tils jutijosty the lung, expressingthe deep felt sympathy of the Ha-waiian Government and people withthose of the Lnited btates in the j

loss of so manv brave and dev tfd !

ollicers and seaman it Tliletter has ben suitablv ncknowl- -

edged by the President.Not.- - fi '.m Snii I' r.im-iNc-

The Pioneer AN 'uihi-- Tillsceae business and di-iii'-c- ran

A bki.--t at rh Union 1 1 m Work'sand m liin-- 1

eleven men.3rs. Peter Donahue v;b

Ah ntg nuery ,' I..

Tv tier cousin .iu-!j.to- i

ne w;i uunijured.Edwin b.. iaton. a pirv ian.

Ftlix O'llr-Mi- . a v U'map. ". ! e-;- "! i iv i

e-t- o w i ; i A.. ; t: i'-- v

.iti a !';!! :' : in- ,v.rvti::i (i .:': Vt :i it i :

r i . .i !! j'l'-'!- ' !?! !

Mi--- w. i S . , ; , i i i i

,ab-r!':l- l nee'-- - at e--

P.irir in tiie now upera of lCiar- -

been wreck near Kudiak; all saved.The steamer Dispatch was burnedthe water's edge at Seattle. j

3Tciu 'Iltincrtisnucnts.

Partnership Notice.TvKOM AM) A FT Kit MAY 1.

the firm of Lewi 'o. ctn-i- t vi H.Lewis, F. M. Lewis and K. L. Lewis, ahHonolulu. LLWIS A: CO.

130-:,- t 127o-:- t


just atIIOLLISTER vv Co's.

Photographic Specialities andChemicals.

Photo Outii from 85 Ui!Io0-3- t

Furnished Room To Let.

NICE FPRMSHEP ROOM ONf- - Nuuaim Avenue in private familv.with or without the use oi stable and carriage house. Enouire at (iazette oltice.

1 l.S-f- )t

4 LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU- -;1 tioned ;i.iini giving creait to personsin mv name vvitliout mv written order.

CHARL: S IJ. MAKEE.Waihee, Maui, May 4. 1SN). 10S-3r- n

vJ rJ ' i 1i"

T HAVE THIS DAY MADE ANDconstituted Joseph O. Carter, of Hono-

lulu, my lawful attorney, hereby revokingall powers of attornev previoulv given.

CHARLES B. MAKEE."Waihee, Maui, May 4, IsS'l. lOS-l- m

Selliiis Off! Selling Off!


On account of CLOSING OUT myBusiness :

MRS. GOOD,Fashionable Milliner

Fort Street, : Honolulu,

Has Received per Steamer Umatilla,oO Dozen Latest Style

Straw Hats and BonnetLADIES' SAILOR HATS Black

and White Straw.

TI13S5 PLUAIESAlso, a large variety of


Latest -- Novelties iii Gauzesand TRIMMINGS,

SZ Personally selected by me forHonolulu and the other islands. 85-ln- i

LOVE'S BAKERYJVo- - 7.' Nuiiieni Street.

"MRS. ROUT. LOVE, - Proprietress

Every Description of Plain and Fancyi

Bread and Crackers,F RES U

Soda CrackersA N D

Saloon BreadAlways on iZaii!.


3HlaMl Oniors Promptly Atleiu'e-.- l to172-3- m


Have Just Received by Late ArrivalsA large and well assorted Stock of

IVORY WARE,Comprising Card Ilexes, Paper Cutters

and Jewelry P.ox-s- . Also aComplete Slock of

Dress Silks and CrepesAll colors and patterns. A New

Lot ot Elegant

PORCELAIN and P.RONZE VASES.Also, ail varieties and Molalities

01 Silk Handkerchiefs.

Sillt & Cutt'Hl HaMlil! Kobe

This Shek is well worth an in-spection, the ioods having ju-- t Vx-e- n re-ceived p.-- r Stmr. Cmatiila. loo-l- v


TUPlllfi UUMaL lIlJA



Have movetl their Farrrv to j

Colburn's Fire -- proof Building.

G STREET,Near Maunakea .Street.


Having JUST RECEIVED ex above vessel a Consign-

ment of

a. EL. MUMM & CO.'s

"Er CHAMPAGNE!We olTt;r the same for pale at

30.00 per Case, ea. 1 doz. qts.;32.00, per Case, oa. 2 doz: pts.


Sealed Tenderill he receive! at the Interior Officer on

NI,AY- - June 3. 1 .:). at 12. cluck noonlor widening tin; lower Nuuanu bridge.Plans and specifications for the work

c.in !; eii ut lht. ,,tVu.eof the Superin-tendent ,,f Pui.ii,, vorks.

The Minister of the Interior .Iocs not..." uiimeji tl, tt.(.(..,t ,lH. i,)Wrent or anvlad.

I. A. TIIKKSTON.Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, May .11, I- -. :v.'2l

TUESDAY, the 11th ,Iav of June, theCommemoration of the hirthdav of

I. will he olerved as' a pubhcliOlnlaV. :in.l ..II I- - .."overnnieni oi.ncesu.rou-liho- t.t the Kingdom will he closedon that day.

I-- A. TH I'lISTON,Minister of the Interior.

Sale of (ivcr ent I.an.lm hDNM.sDAY. .iw. ...

front 'iitranee .f Alii..!.o,i ir..i ......K.K ,,, wiM he sol.l at Public Awe- -

III 111 I ,t v.. .1 i: - ' "iviiij a frontage of wofi'i't m HalekauiJa and .,0 feet on Kokua- -...- .iu.ue.,,1 tne west comer of. oeKauua an.l Kekuanaoa ,trt.t.ts ,

. 'til i ii i.l.i i r i i' - """oiuiu, Ouhu, heiti' Hie premises Heretofore occupied hy Wilson Ihosas a h.'aek smith hop

Tl : i

chaser will erect a tire-proo- f builuin- - towuin en: fit thousand dollars

vw, wuniii one year from date of sale.Cpset price, fi,7 o.

L. A. THCKSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, May 2J, lss).1273-t- d L'S


ISaskuai.l Oahu College and Kameliameha Juniors. ) .,. Kaiulanis and'llonolulus. :i.:n p. m.'Misie 1 1 a i.i. Variety Performance 8 p. inmuiuN frAi.K-Mi- l.se. at L. J. Levey's, 10

v . aim nirnuure at L. .1

i ...vyi' '" ,S, hr- - lJDlow, hvnoon

i.oyai. Hawaiian Bam, --Concert, Kmma' 'I t ..jo p. m.

Cm nunI


On: Siin.?- -- i (f-..- i-- ciniuv .....u vn.in u. Annual Pernio i Uiroreisjn Minions at 7.:J0 p. m.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Bo J .ist aal far not:Lt j.ll the rmls ibou aiiu'at at lie

Thy Country's, thy Uo Is, au.t TrutU'8.



A review of tho past mouth forthe outgoing mail shows that thematerial improvement of Honoluluand many other parts of the Kingdom, has made considerable progressduring that short period.

Thoro seems to be now a fair prospect for tho establishment ofc-W-e

communication between HonoluluamjLJSj1 Francisco at an early uate.

vS" Ion j'n this matter is assum- -

llapo, so as to warrant the hopethat somo piau will bo determinedupou during the next few months.The shadow of Coote has vanished;but other more reliable parties haveresolved to take up and carry outtho scheme to completion, if such bepossible.

The inter island cable was expectod to have arrived in May, butJuno is now upon us, and no cableyet. We now await with patienceto see what June cau boast of in thisinter-islan- d cable business, the im-portance of which is acknowledgedby all parties to be very great.

Improvements and repairs at theLeper Settlement on Molokai, arebeing curried on steadily, as thereport of Mr. Meyer, tho agent ofthe Board of Health in Molokai,published in this paper of lastmonth will testify, and show greatcredit to those in charge. It seemshardly possible that more could bedone for thono unfortunate andhelpless people by any nation thanis being accomplished by the Ha-waiian Government.

The encampment of the HonoluluRifles at Waialae is also worthy ofmention as one of the events of thepast mouth. It was the first timethat an organized body of Islandsoldiers tried the realities of camplife; and, although the time was re-stricted to two days from the 17thto IDth of May yet the experimentproved a success.

The Oahu Railway constructionhas also made great progess duringthe month, and a large portion ofthe ,as r.,0(n Therewill I f. fifteen if not twenty miles ofthis road huik before the end of theyou. ; and the lh will be openedfor traltir in ;; f,.w months.

The tramway lines are also boiti"pushoj vigoruusly-fo- ur miles are



GROCERIES and PROVISIONSNew Goods Received by Late Arrivals.

Buffalo Hams and Bacon. Smoked Herrine, Mild Cala. Cheese, Smoked Beef andSausage Saner Kraut Oreen Corn, Sugar Peas, Table and Pie Fruits, Dried Apples,Prunes, Oat Meal, Cracked V, heat, Corn Meal, Cermea, Etc., Etc


123fl - em

NO. CG KINO STII EETCO., Honolulu, Hauii. Islands

-- o-

Crapes for shipment to the other islandssolicited. 112-2- WOLFE CO.

Manliattan Life

INSUEANCE CO.OfNewVork. Kutablialied I8SO.

This old Company now otTers to the In-

suring Public its new

Survivorship Dividend Flan

Which affords all the advantages of LifeInsurance during the earlier years of life,and at the same time makes a provisionfor old age, as the Policy-holde- r can sur-render Ids Policy at the end of the Sur-vivorship Dividend Period and receiveits Fill Value in Cash thus combin '

ing Investment and Protection. ' 'f

Any information cheei fully fur-nished.

JOHN II. PATY,Hi 12.r6 Airer.t.


Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 1204-l- y



FRESH GRAPES pic ked every day.picked right from the vines. Orders

THERISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Betl and Howard Streets,

San Francisco CaliforniaW. II. TAYLOR. PresidentR. S. MOORE... .Superintendent

Builders f Steam lladiinn vIn all its branches.

Stea aboat. Steamship. Land Fnain's & BoilersHigh Prespire or Coiuj.ound.STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built completewith hulls ot wood, iron or composite. 'ORDINARY ENGINES compoviuded when ad-visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barge and Steam Tub con-structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to he ern, loved. Sreed, tonnage anddratt of water guaranteed.S C"(t A R MILLS and Sucar Making Machinerytnaue after the xriost aj roved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewithWATER PIPE, of Boiler o. heet Iron! of anysize m.ide in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted hvhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork hems far superior to hand workSIWrKih,P?S StTam CllSl. Steam

Airtand 'irculating Pumps, madeafter the approved plans.SOLE Agents and manufacturers

Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. rlneiac,ntct Acting Pumps for irrigation orurB, ouni win, the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

.IOHN I Y K 1ft Honol.,1,,l-- Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckf la' Block

A DVEItTISE YOUR WANTS IN-t-- X Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser




i in ii'i. i. ii . i

-- ' IT)

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER .lUM- - E lSSi.VOriT OF ... - - - T 3kSrf!ftr.tr.ts.

l:.:: x ' J Of Uf I.H( Hf.ii. Tt. f. rrk-- 1 nrc(jr.':-.- 'Ani-iu- ' hue J. t O.i.rfh VJf-A- T Ihr KOK SAI.K. I I

U & M 1011 n wii:i, A I ' v

V. few i- -i5 ti . a. n f f of tlif-Ofii- i I

1 '!- - The l.p.riiv Kstato JejD i: 1 1 i:J.- -. r. c :t:Ti..r. 1'c.ii:; t.-- hi. w

r.as w lid c.h :;.; I . i;

jb v W. 0. Prkt-- .

r-- . s : eo i tot:, e KAllTK l". K A I 11 1 AT1 .' -- V. B.H-- COM.

Jli'..r .:e H.m W. C. Prk- -

rvi..i.:r.r- ..1

N, '.!. a

: o: L-.--Cor.i-taV'.t-- ; a::.! : v the t !.;t-- :


flBf" A v

Cl-ibKIVbVATI- 'il

1X11 1 i l I $00 rruaaci mmi

1)01)1) &

SCVi dO -:- -

For I lie Ihnvaiinii Islamls.


& mill SB F Slrool..

o 50. 000! ills 50,000!WOHTff OF


At VVIioIe-nlf- 1

Canvas, Sporting awl Waf:Kn" Siioe?


'.) In I'oit 1 1 ifi I j 1 1; " I'of t

H 'i M - J. j..-'. .A K- -

A ; '' : j t M ... -- tar. i r nr. j . r'.. ii.i . .

- i'i I ' j.I'.: in i'.,,:i Z'i.'. Ji .";'.' '.

i:i f l.'irJii.". . i'r.t:.' Ji.jj: r i

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Jit W 11 f w i ' : i 1 i'r.iia-i-r- Jinn- - 12 i'

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r. 1 '. r l.:v r j ; . . . . Aii 20 ;

K M M.injxj-.- i ..--.hi 1 r.ni' ir. Juiio 7 I

i: I S -i A l.iiuf'l i .'.l'(ti: . June 2 -

li.i .1 A K in).' . . .-- an r.i!i:i-':- o J line I)l:. (M n J ill v 2")

I :li .l,n I. 1 1 .i rw.i v P.i -- ton . . . . ..An- - isit M -

. 'ii .Ii ic-- i . . ...hiit- - 1

HI. .ImIiii Vort-- Nc.vr.i-- t Ic J line 2III-- ,S IIT-- . .

NfV.-rall- .) 11 lit: 2")- Inn . . l'..M Klakfly . May 'M

.Sifi I'raiei May."51

l'.i t lii- 1 n i;di t . . Ta.iit i May L'sJS 'il y t'l' l'ek ill ran I t a uoi.et .. J u n

". i;i:m.

Atati VAi.s.San !''rani ico, jut S S l.'nia) ilia.

May .11 Mrsi'll Hmwii ami ilauhtor. J1 1 Mid iiiul ilf, .lit'pli Martin and wife,lim Mind. Jiiiuivt llnitl. .1 li it l'arker,M i .t r Hen llollail iy, l'aliiMr WihhIs,t'i; Marline, V. V. Farley, Jtilin IShiT-nui- n

and wle, Mrs K Spaldiii andt itio-li-f ir. Mis, l.aurif.i 1 Pieksen, MPhillips, Jr. Mr-- t II Low. 11 Mrs KM llatehaii'l maid. 'i ('txike, V A J eli nst ne,r U Dit ki v.J M Pit knll. Mrs L.I DevlinIi 11 foster. Miss A PibU y , Miss V. b.,elf,and 1.5 steerage passengers. '

I'H'aki i i;i.s.Ktr windward ports per stmr Kinau.

May :U II K 11 I'rineess l.iliuok.ilani,(iov .1 loi.iinis. Mr K.inehaku ami wife.Miss Kanehaku. Charles Mairuire.I.. I... I.. rl ..r l..l W . . I I.-.- ." 'if I." " 'Al .1

. . :o .. . ., I

Austin. Miss Wodeh.mse. 1." von Temr-k- v i

llor. ' Mi iloy,; Pieknoll. UN Prindiviile. '

I' spencer. M. Koohokulolo and wife, ji

mmm mmm- - - - !

Sl!IlTINi (nt,s. i


The steamers I.ike'ike. I.ehua. and Mo-- j

Koci are vua tins niermnir" trom windwardp'rts.

The ste.tnicr Waimxruilo will commence:;y:"L "" auuae

. . err? I'.ext xxeciv.

llcirks inliivi and P.oval A!:oe wt...

r,c,;ve . -.-.-ar to-i.- iv fro.u the coa-tin- c

'.a.-- rs aa .t s;:x-xt;rs-

i r.- -- car.x: a-- i huprovI type, for

rrf'L t;;:.:0!l-M:i- y oame;

' i c, "T" l

;a:v '..a - t..i-:,r-.o- n rook to Jviv. !

..J. t t-- -.'- .-,-

v- - "h L. 1 - a r -

.'C 'e:i-- ': ir.i-i..- ". "i 0 v i;. i--. i ra-i-ii-


:.. r.. a:, i ii t ' :'r- ra 'A i;ai i

Iok'J to L.ve.T';e : r - a t':: tee'

ar h- - .'jear.ii; S. .s e to .eave

. . . ....r..x' ;.e .ea.a A- ' ' ' A

ti;e I."a-.an'.'.- a .a Fri-la- r.-- x: :

. Zeaiandia W. . Phillips an--v Mis- - M. G;ck. J. Pr. :ty, F.

r-.-- har lt. C. P. Wrll. I. Porter. A.ar.-- ti-- e "eerae pa?eajer.

Ccitiiia-M- is Prt-ssler- , P. Peck,t , r- - . i . i r : . , ' I : . T ilL . v.. i '. r 1 , ' r.u. C J.-i.l..-

. . u. l'l Liu.,M; :V I bnr. Mrs! A. Hopperir,l da:-t- er. H.trer.Keck. wife an--

:. H. U. S. r.ruiat and v::. Mrs. C. ,

L'. Ivenn-dva- ni call 1. Miss M Mcln- -

W. L. I'ac it an-- wife. Miss A .

L- '- .n. liev. W. II. Parr.es. wife and; p. V. M V tioorje Kos.M:rr:-'- n. T. V. Hebron Captain

' r n an i wife, Mi-- s llmma C. Smitti.X W .vrh vw. Sr.. an .1 wife. Hon.

0- -- H. L..le. wife a-- ,i ten children,it .. i . v , !. vo.t- -il ',. A. 'iarv - - -

U . H n. i. P. Pa' i" 'in, M:-s- . IwcediI....:.- - 0 I.

N F. P. I!a.--:r- ,- a-- .-i wife. J. W.Li: - : " d V : Mr--. P. N'

i T-- I? clnl'i. andJ. N. -- ."WhFams.


Fa:r xv. Mav

an 1 re. a m : : fr.ra M ty - He w.i.- -

- I :he ivreme Cour

A -- m. fr : m May .V n:l

i .'t scan i.a-- . witn :r. z- - ...is v,r, i- -d "o Fine .;--

o--.e Irani ri..- -: fo and ti --0

.A'.'-'-r- T. charged with assa.i.t.

v x.s - m b- - 1 to J::::- - ad.oi.ir-- w.tn crno.-- y to an

animal wa ilnl f- -'' tl "s. and sen- -

tr-:- ; :k- to i- nours h.iri la;:r.


Per 1'untm V in The CimorintxIt f Cr i rrtt r.

Ir'rojon lyster. . re-- h -- a.Pin

tj t?i, r-- .o. i white .vnd- t. .... 'A. I. 1 - ' ' ' ' v


Al- -- -m.Mx-xi-'a- iobec. Nave'

ar.-- i f i ,;io ora;-..--.-- . Petatoc i :u vx

K Ie .1 Pi-- .e Apt b-s- . s-- :

J t. vrr me" v '. 'V c- -

tt "lit v Fk: ;: M' xsvr xm- -

F. I"':

T.f ir-'- -. Art. km-:- xm.i.. . r Lv.v.cor::er For:

ard Mc-cl.a- nt street. Ibv- -. . , ., i

. :b:. mves tcrittt- - i't nter. 's .

' : the f.i-'- :'

i.i: f.r i

l..ei ca-e- s -- ..uei . o ...ii.. .i ... HI.1

i . . r it i.r f'..'ai ota to t t ' - ...V-- I Hi

For k-- a 1 o !

S Four Lois, .MK 117 Foci, SiN 1'VbVV M -- V ,

Nint i,i the it -- i.i. moo . f .Ut-tat- ev


Also. I Lots. Ti()l 17 ft..Sltllill1 Oil . I ;3 '.Jltit. ll.ll

vx alet imi the pvoim-:.'-- .

O-T- or full p; 1 1 ioid o y :pp1y to

D. IMVieN,tic

il A iMMS ( a irrvf'att t't fot,t tipt ii'l ofl't'.t'. X.

t ifll.-o- , XIom li'iot St I fit.

Hacks Nns. Ul :7JWJ, 7:. WA)

A NO XV lOt tN f t (l.

t.'r itu i to,. t, ...... ! nt tmi r.i..'I-- tt

.). ALKIHOh MAROON.Atlonioy and (muiselor nf leiw jdhI

Nofnry I'd ll ir.

ome I.' Mertiml Klnit, ...,..l,in, 11.1.2 Im

vx isk; S A I .m x to ac r ret e i y

Wool, Calico and Iiinen KhirK

(llf f fi fiof doftr fo ",, IV 'I lion,:.ui

, f fiporfr r trid f "!' r iff

Oriil', l.n'lli j' wtt'l f Mlilrf-n'-

j , . i C '

100IH, SlKb'H ar.fl r llpp'TS i

i't. '"' V'iT IIOfCi.'iHI.7- I V

Firewood For Sale !

AT (Alii.?r,-- 1 r,-- 0 VOV.'T ST il V. V.'T .


uof ?ilr, W. f .

flrlsf p,,? r!,H,r( p.- - r.l- - ".4.

Always Kept

Fami-- r ar. i Shirmn cri-?r- j Car-rfnll-

Attended, to.

miihd o Vessels a; shcrt

Tplpphnnp Xo. 21 Q


FLOr.IDA 77ATZ?.The Uaiver-a- l rerfne

i n.-- 1 i A : .-i--:2 s?

;..-.;-. i::.n:-- . a t:

'.- -- -

11. i.1.it' 1'.i.vMFLORIDA "WAT EE--

- o . r : Tri '.

Mi.---.. izzr.nt i.s 2. : ana ac ..'

-.- 1 .-t. .5 -- irT- i; ;b ... iri. ; j?t-a.- -i :a--:

a.--i :r.sLANO'AN" KIM?,

1! either b tifkini rjtwi; the article aj spmioi.

DO t.T'I't i: SCHMIDT.f nl

txx Fn'-c'ifl- CaU

v o X:--1

b vv

ti- -' .O


0-- -

11 i ;trti On I rk nrnv'RUPTUREi-- ? ? a -

H. P. I . t . L-- : ar. al. l. l.- -

JTr.- - -- :h.e

j. ,,,. M-.t-

hr.. it.-.- - a Co. vt;. - )


a".:. .X.

T:. Hawu.i-.ir- . A-- ri u'.t'iral Co. are' a i i I n-i on ti.rir st-.H.- at the ;

j.T. - 'jf C. Drawer Co.

Th. br-al- match to-l- ay will bringtli I Io:ioI il!:. an-- Kar.ilani' i

fiaju will he oalltr'l a! II:?,--- j


Captain A. W. IVirce, late of Hono-- i

i- -. ..ai.,onMay-ot- u. i

years, montlist and . days.j

The . S. S. Cmatilla inale the ta?- -sa this trip, inm San l raneico to I

unoliiIu in .six and one-fourt- h da vs. I

The regular monthly meeting ot Hon-olulu Typorraythical Union will be heldat K. of 1. Hall ti.is evening at d p. ni.

There will be a ame of baseball to-day at 'J o'eloek at Makiki between theOaliu College and Kaniehameha Jr.nine.s.

The Minister of Interior advertisessealed tenders to close on Monday nexttor the widening of the lower Nuuanubridge.

Whirlwinds carried the dust in cir-cling columns around the streets yes-terday. A rather unusual visitation inHonolulu.

'fieneral Henrv W. Severance of CaliXIforma, is appointed C. S. Consul-(;ener- al

b Honolulu. He will leave Ur Ins newIost on the 2lst prox.

Mr. II. W. Schmidt requests all per-sons


having claims against him topresent them immediately, as he intendsleaving the Kingdom.

The schooner Uainbow will be sold to- -

- The sale takes place at the oldusttm House wharl at 12 noon. Jas.

F. Morgan is the auctioneer.i


The annual sermon on Foreign Mis- - j

sions, will be preached at the Central i

Fnion Church. Sunday. June I'd, at 7 :00p. in., by liev. A. I. l:s-el- l.


The mineral oil sale, which wus tohave 'taken place vesterdav was post- -

ivr.ed until todav at WiJcmann ware- -- ,

house. There was oruv one haverlro?ent'

Rain clou Is, which dropped con-ide- r-

;ir moisture, passed over the district ofKwa yesterday, ami rata set ia at op.1m. throtuht.-u- : the Kona district, which :

.i T.,-.- -' it ...?,.iM t

Vp to 11 o'clock las: nih'had been arrested. Or.e of these

ir--' ' er wis a s.j.ut:.ree cott.es ;: .a tr.-r- the -- --

llovl Ali,e.

The k-er- -er ot" the Barber's PointI,' ;htho;:.--e eyc:.--- ni in re-rar-

eea a: is lizhtinouse."-- .. a wersw a3. t ?i .... -- a. a

. . .saane tirvj;; c.-a;e- ciass so tnat

The steamer Kinaa wo? detained tinS p. m. yesterday, an 1 tr.e nia;.s L'Ji

winiwari ports were dispatched byThi detention snows tr.e wu.inzness or ;

Wilder Sreart'.shir Co. to obii e the i

public ; althoa.a the detention, :n ta:s f

ease, meant con-i-ra- o.e extra thence

A :arze mm; vovan-.- pam- -

phts j.Uoa-c.e- a ro..-.- x ...

teamsrt'.'. o.. are reaj t.-- m;;by outta steamers to the tutted'tes. ureat Pntatr. an . Ans.raaa;

a few cop:-- s are reservod at the o:oe otthe Company tor distr.r-utie- to mer- -

chants and otaors wao w-.- sa t. at-- :n tr.egenera, renent. o:

niar::i tae ;n more general bvi abroa i. F.v-r- v

seat wLiere it wille read wi-- h a ivar.'aje.

Arriu! of the l"ua3Lill.The '. -- . j. I'm I'llla wa telephoned

od Ua:mana: a: -- .4:3 yestr-- r lay. andarrived in the har'-o- r a'-oa- b p. m. The

i. F. W. Holme:-- , master.San Francisco May Jvh. at

r.otja w--.u .: cab. a and ! straTreasnre. an 1 fvo

Am r'.oan tram oar. ':r tr.-- 1 !Ia-.va:ia-

Iram'avs t.'o. Mav to '" -- tr- r.jN. W. .-b. r.-n-- -- a an-- -- a ell. Mav

Fa.?nif?rs Kipei'tfi Hive Arrived.Ms. F. M. Hatch ani mail. Miss

Lair-- a F. I:ck-- n. Mr--. F.J. -- rani n.

Messr. Palmer Wo.--.i-- . CharlesM.io'r.re. John Park-- r. a;--. 1 J.. ll:.n-la- 1

w-r-e ci Kohala. arrive fro-r- San Fraa-o.-- o

'r-- tiie steamer Umanlia 'he .at-t-- r

rta-r-e- d from tb.eir br-ia- tt'tr.Vlossr-5- . Wood- -. M i - lire ani Parker b--


las: nlh: by the Kinaa.

I'ublU- - Cor.oert

l :a Lo'x'a Uaw iiian Pan t wo., -- ve a

OV'.crt ti- -s .t iav aftern:o"n. atKmrva mare. o

Follow ic : :;;e p

1. M.i-v- h . A: : '

CVt V . V,i.! ; F-o- ti l'.i

- ; v ' v : : : o.'W b W.C b-- h- .

.ti-.- tU- - Ma .'..art

l"t-- ihi' rerforui.xnff.Tb Pa-ti- me N 'v-bt- a:-- Var-'-t-

Na I rc a --i;tc-l ex" -- ir:i'lnb. will z':' c-- : ircxve;; e r. '

xvent at i a Ho at f e v

ti;i- - evetbr. 'ouu'v r of r-- . --


seat I M i I i.lX f d;-:- vd


in7nmcp Manager. Tl.

..:-b- t arc r ar.,. a r;wcs'.of OH Fc-".'.v- tiiO- M.vs.-fr- . :o fr.tt or : 1 :r.c-- : Ivir. in ro-.iii- u. T:;o;".i-i-o.ir!- ;r wore-- ; Hon. J. O. ;.

Hon. H. A. Wiviotviar.ti. iVntor,.Ks i., Hi F.x. .lor.a. A A. .1. Car:- -

wriht. Jr. K.-j.-, His H nor Ci,;o: .l;:s-t;,- o

A. F. .la, i, A. S. Hartuo::, ro.Hon. W. J . S:uith.

Aruor. j thoso vrosot'.t woro sc oral ofthe native meuiLors of .t. a".a ;r,.i-- !

f the I'Tominent white roi ients o! t!;eeitv

the pulpit an.l choir woreaeoko'l witli white liilies anl otiiorflowers that heaatitu!) y o)ntrasteci i!h(the urreon foliage auiont which they!wt-r- o M.-t-

. The ootVm was also oere-l- ;

wan uorai wreaths, the ,,1- - j

m's wore very miprvs.-iv- e. jow !

of the church was lilled, aiiil onlv snohI

scats as were necessarv for thv takin'part in the obsequies were reerv l ; butthese were all tilled upon the arrival ofthe collin containing the remains.

The choir comprised Mesd.imes V. V.Hall ami K. C. lhimm, Misss I.ek-wit- h

and H. Needham. .Messrs. W. W.Hall, W. O. Atwatc r, C M. Cooke, J .

W. Yarndley, and A. 1 K F.issell.Dr. lieekaith tpened the ser.ieos

witli a prayer suited to the invasion, andafterwards read a lesson selected from1st Corinthians and loth chapter. Thechoir then sang the hymn, "Abide byme," and a few minor portions of theservices concluded the ceremonies at thechurch.

On leaving the church, the processionto tht; cemetery was formed by the OddFellows, who led and were followed bythe hearse bearing the remains. In therear were over (ilty carriages in whichwere seated the mourners.

Tho r.outo to iUv cemetery was alongI'retania street t Nuuanu street,

whence up that street, to the grave wle-r-

the last rite was finished, and all that, wasmortal of our deceased brother wan con- -

signed to its last rest.

Vitr tli A merlfaii TTail.

Copies of the D.w.v Aivi:Hiif a ofThursday, Friday and to-da- containingthe late news, and also of the (iyy.rtKof the 2S?h,ean Vie had at our publicationotSce, and also at the news depo.H, tor j

porting hy the Zealandia's mail. i

,.m jI

Much damage has been flor,, !

throughout Austria. At Boskovitzeijrht persons were killed and ;Cnumber of houses destroyed.

An enormous landslide occurredat Spis-djac- k in Switzerland des.troy-- ''

in cattle, villages and forests.


an-- i clainn againstr.'.m before Tnr.e C 1 ,, O -

Pividfciul Notice.

.T.-i.-r'j- ar nrri r v ;j i xr itr.--- : T

r." v'i -iid aa-- tav- -

ao.e a: tn nje ot


, ' i'.-z- . MaT I-- v


T HAVE THIS LA At ;'.'iir.1 V;:::ar.i F. Alien :o a,;: :;- - me nn-ic-

:.-- ' sr ci a:co rviev.WM. ;. PAF.KF..

x r

NOTICE.4 LL F A P. r I F.-- W'lOi aF--F INFFFTFIA ;o "a-- : r.rai o: 51 .an . .'x.. r ir.-- 7'

.rtir;. ' ' . . . .

.Mir L. o.


A NFW ro l a.' . N FL'VCH- -

:e Wi

n. A:;, M F.FW."i-- -f lb'.

Eemoval Notice.

v ii Aa

ETawaiiaiiOPERA HOl'S-l--

Satffday --.tzxinc. Juni 1.

Great Varierv Lomluiiar ion

Pibtie Novelty Company

W.l arrr.ir .liter v-- r -

Al- -


N c:y. ar

IF YOU WANT All. Fiir. Nb- -L rea l be Ibia P. C. Am -- sra

You want all the sews







-- pofrrr.vr fT.-- axt of Evrvy ok- -' hi rrro:;, -- rcn af i opVACunsrr, FdovorF, atot;v' r.v r j.i did.vo, - r.A-r;)- ji,

(ffftV,A i.i., B 'ifA i'.f., H lid N- O-




M) CI).


S'HOJCS--iwl ftai!. -- :

ifi'.-n----.-' r .

: . reoeire prompt ar:i ,..,, .,f,,.J(i

1,.TEPJAL:es.:.r. :tei at

House3t..HONOLULU. H. I.


and raw



r r. UO ,

TiF.P bV.T- -t in wh:e an i

o..:r- - a- - tar.'-- s

W.hL in the r.v-a- r shades.

Lowest in the Kingdom !

.1 -- V


Absolutely PUTC.r, 1 1 .ot ! .t I,, i i; !' k. L m k . 1 (.o-.t--- i ui. n.i uio.o.m. an.t ?,. i,itf..t

1 51 i r. it m 5sjn m u.-vt-

lxiuxi x;;rt. h. ....... miuv.t,., u. thir ... i l . i ; .. .. i . . ..... . ....list rosi n j; I OS ii It a l. ( P til I'M I .1 1 i t.'(o .1 i vati v

r(2.ni'i. It will l,tt )' in r v oUtuntp nithuiO.It-l- i t I.m ti.'ti.

l i nt . U. A, IM.itt. 1'. S . t ..'ViM timrtit Clionttot,:0!'r 0:inil ti nt; iMli.'iaUy tli V m.'l y l V i njiv.l .t s nl 1 In- - .il nl I V. H'l'-'- l t.'il

" l'lit Kov.il Unit; CoxviKu U 1'iIiIpIt V,,r,,for I Ji:i no foil p.i ill ii in in tpu(a ninb !( t

for 1 . 1 t'on i jvii mill t 'i C ii t.'il SI it fa iovft n

n tit." l'.i rillu of tljo f 1 I H .'a I 'l :l I oiii, 1 II V 1 tv V "

for ol ! i i i ii i; i foot y joiro ot n in of t 11 ttr, nmllor ottior to ivoiiH ii oj t inl-- f iijum ttio oi,.( t

Jl oj.orlioTIs il t ho nun tul t ho tnot hint ,.f iopro..-.- i Mion, tlio i,'on liiUitii; Condor la miili'iii'li 'llv Uii !iin i.t iin.l inout lUiiiitrowilo r !.. i 1 li t In. 1 ii 1. io,

I'll, l'l NUV A. MO IT. J'u. t ."I '.'l-l- v I' S I lo vol liMon t ( 'In nilol

Li'UHllonfs Sa I of ( xmI.v' A K I IN P.Y DISTKl'iSM.

vnTici; is iii;i:i:p.v avr.N thaii' !lif iiim)t- - irii'd li.'i'j tel raim l tliot'oods and i liatlcl-- ! ol Knaloloii hiMt innf tersp rili'd , fur noil let vnii'iil of rnt iiielthai (In- - M.iine ha ; lioi oiiio iii arrears, findin ord'-- that t li- - flit may I"' a t ,

'aid rootle and lial li: of tin 'aid Kieil'tkai villi he sold al pnlilir a'K lion.

On Sal in (In v, .iiiio lothAt Hi o' look ft. tii. at Mi" H :ili'?rooMi: ofJao I". Mori'-in- . S I' ,N I,OOK.

JIo,o!i.!n, May '. 'J.f.i-- 't of I'roprrf y : I fi'ir (oi. J trunk. 1'

rock !!'.' f liiir-- . I tat' le r and liam. I i

pot, I iio'vl. I matfro-;-:- , .'; j,j!o' and '!:.,J 'liil'',. pier tire--- . J ' tin rn ' ", z oil a f -fi

j j ?im,,, tj , t I

;iljrrr, j , ,,u,c r.t- - ;:--. s,;, v. I v 1

v;i!i-- ". Ii'iK', II i(,;l:!,iry Int., )),t of i ),,),'. i

..'.t, i !

V?"l?!r'J V,'"i, 1 ;,t,,'!.".'. 1'.,,.';"' ,,..,'! 'j'f'' , ,


J as. K. M OlVfUl ,1 L'V-

Rooms to aiT AT N' (t. stl'F.S STKKKT,;

KOVi ha i;k.A T' i ?. k. K F. fV f,('U :

; ;.--. of -. Jm ? '

llcM Tliis!

T"KP1 FT-r--. FOR ?V


Pianos For Tient.



T'his Fir-it--'.i- 4 Family H.-te- l.

Z -' rf z : v ir-.- i. .; v.'z.r-

zz- - 5a r I" i i'O'i- - u ; v i.-'z-ri,

th-- DaT. VTeaV CT XbathAt K.-n-i.- ahle n.-it--

! '" 770? v TT'i-.r.-- T -"3

t-.- i 1 rv-- r; i. : 0.- 1- . x p . i.: vii:-- ;

: j; ;rti -- t a :iZ ; ;ti.zeti.

FIIIOU-- E, I1?..;



NMi- -

X)entiUo-- .


x - J,

7.- '- "V

- - l A... "V

rJ a " '"----'-- "- .bbb..bb F

Hotel Street.

". frt acayiTr.ft-f- of r'iT''.,v'r ior .Hi c: j :t '.s l.'.' a", s

tar" t rh storA rd :ir rn- - F',VKS'f f'fipf 'f.A P I'b.P .'!.!All kinds ot reliab

tnan same zra.ae or t.rs can t-- toe,-.-;

Orirrs by ma.- - rrom tne other Ii-and-.s

D. J3. SMITH. --A-orent


NEW VASHAre no- ce.r o

Popular Milliuen104 Fort

V. bACil- -. P?. r., : : :

FANCY FIGURE andIn a- - t:.e n-:- -- : a

N r. r ANL i ri' :i.I.Li' t A..r.. i . . - - -


an-- i extra hne .vthty :

NHW-- FNOLlbH an.i A.MEP.ICAN" C.AMSPIo- -; a r- - -


.Z 'c COLb'F.F.P TP.I:'L! a:


PKRIAN 1A. LONV xN- "- HjC in cream, an a r

FLOWK.PFI' atA i: NUNS' Vi-ILIN'- i- b

ALP'jrP.Lo m sr:..:ALL

Pi ke- - GuarantetMl to be tip

The Weekly Gazette aihl Daily P. C. AdvertiserAre the e? Adrlios le tluo In th

tJAOjb'- -



Vomeral 'fcrttscmrnts.

GEO. W. LINCOLN,ni'in as: A rON- -

Com.,hrmfr McCue SlinoU Thlrty-nevf- n Hurk-ho- tat Once from liU Truxty (iun.

Walton, Oct. 'X',. Joseph McCur-o- SulHAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,

Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.

M. R., Minister ReMuVnt: C d'A., Charge d'Affairs; D. A.. Diplomatic Ag-.nt- :

Commissioner: C. G., Consnl General; C. A., Commercial Agent;C, Consul: A. C, Acting Consul; V. C, Vice Consul.

Foreign Legations and Consulates in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Hvan county is a little set in his opinion, but IMU-- : WELL-KNOW- N 1. 1 ILPl.t., i. V .i .,d :l'l k nds ot workL tractor md is ,k.h latter .:v-Mr.-

d iu v . .t lo inwn up iihc a nuiri wru n ne nnus itmi no u

wronp?. Th" other day ho was working in iSS Ol WoiK I'vi'-n-'- ".. . ...hu turnip patch, which w right across the at. AGENr . lroml from Ins limis. Thero aro not many Cocxtuy. ' Name. Rank. Date uf ExtyCA

tuk ok CommissionV A M. 1 - -

neighbors in the part of Sullivan county

the same and xvorkmaniikeexpeiiM-- and Mill retain ,,'enty ot loom to do :u ly ;

M kin onal)letl to dohv2 to the buildin- - trade that may W entiuMe U


n ; , .mi :lt the same timethe same at verv low rates, to suit the extrem Mtll.hoarini: in mind that what is worth doiiij: at all is worth domj,a.ccotjn: taxts andCOLLECTOKS,

whtiro Mr. McCues farm is, which U thelieaverkill country, near tho Ulster countylinn. Mr. had heard a quail whistling

jHis Excellency Geo. W. Merrill. M. R.Major James ii. W'odehonse, Com., C. G.

iSenhor A. de Souza Canavarro, ;Com., C.In hi.s turnip patch, and had taken his shot

United States,Cheat Ui.itain,FoIiTLOAL,


Thanking the iublie for lt favors,I remain respectfully jours.REAL KSTATK, HUK AMI Lirr, LNM.u;LMii 'pun w ith him, thinking that maylx he might

GEO. jiv'.ID. A., C. G.K the quail for his supitcr. As the farmer

:Jnne Vi, 15.June L'l. INU;.C, tsept. 5, 1SS2.Jan. 12, 1S3.Fet.. '25, iSst).

iMrtTvu lt'(. lS.April 4, ISSS.

jAus. --Ji, l?v.Dec. 28, 1S8S.

IJan. 16, 1'..M irch 10. S8.

worked ho was tlnally brought with his faceMr. Taro Ando,Toitchi Takasugi,S. Han,F. Tanco,S. Havakawa.


Departments of .Business :

....i i :.... I

toward tho roml, and he caught a glinip;v? otsomething passing along. Farmer McCuraised himself up. Ah he looked toward th. France, M. G. G. Uosseront d'Anglade, Com. C.

Chan.Hooks ami Accounts accurately kept an i properiy aujutu.road his eyes opened very wide. As thej Leon Uellaquet,a attention uiki returns iwn ri'j ""lllt;r .

!:,VNi-;N.- i AVi.F.riAl.TV. Record searched, and correct Abstracts ol iitle urnheoopened Mr. il Cue exclaimed:Mly jee!" List of Foreign Consuls Resident in the Hawaiian Kingdom.LK(i.i. Doclmknts and I'ai-ki'.- s of every description camuu m h... uan.i.....

engrossed. .... ....,....-.-.i.--

;.wiiattlio farmer kiw waa aiear, and i

Copyino ami Tkanslatino in all languages in general use u. iw,, i COUNTUY. Name. Hank. Date of

Exequatur.llr.u. Kstatk bowtrht and sold. Taxes paid and 1'roperty sal- - i injured.was slouching delilerately almg in the road,Int tho house. There wa nothing but birdphot in Farmer McCue'u gun, hut he felt thathe must get that tear. He seized the gun and

Pioneer Shirt Victory, of Honolulu.jSTo. 17 Emma, Street.

tlof . that "th.The uud.I6n.d beR. to inform .UUnJ. on Vcaffiuieauremeiit. Directions for selfmeiisureiuent

White Shirts, Over Shirts and Xifflit Gowns.A lit eur.Ul,e,l by . ...url. Sblr. to .erj order. I.U4 order, .ollclttd.


Olhces and Land leased and rented, ana rents eonecteu.Fire ami Ufk InsI KANcv eitected in tirst-cias- s insurance ((lui.amw.

C. G.CrsToM lIoufcK IU sinkss transacted witn accuracy ami ui-'.u- United States, J. II. 1'utnam,fired both barrels at bruin. The War stopped,Loans NKtioTiATKi at Favorable Katks.Akvkrtisements ank lhsckiitionh solicited for J ublihers.looked in a deprecatory manner at the

farmer, and then passed, on. The farmer

C. July 10, 1S85.Oct. '23. 15.

April 'G, 18G.Oct. 18. 188(1.Ang. 20, 18.0.Oct. 23, 1882.

SKII.I.KK AM) LaHoK FlKMSIIKI).matched it until it disappeared In a bend of

jV. & Dep. C. G;Cou. Clerk,;Con. Agent,jGon. Agent,Con. Agent,

F. P. Hastinjj3,W. liichardson,

A. F. Hopke,C. Jj. Vizht,C. Furneaux,F. A. tSchaefer,

Any Article FrRciiASEi) or sold on coninnssion.iNTEK-lbLAN- U Orueks will receive particular attention.tho road. Then he examined the hammers of

Kahnlni, Mam,iahuk(na, II.,

Ililo, Hawaii,Italy,

his gun and b.?w into the barrels. Hatched Sept. 22, 1888.

JL. M. MELLIS.:C. (Dean of the May o0, li&'J,that the gun had gone off, he exclaimed:"Missed him, by jee!" Con. Corps.)

X-- r lioll Telephone 4 10.ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUIl CAKE AVILL KECl-'IV- PKOMFT C.Fanner McCue finished hia work in theANI) FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES.turnip field and went to tho house.

Pleu,Netherlands.A U ST ill G A BY,China,

A. J. Cf.rtwright,J. IL Fatv.K. F. Glade,C. Alee..Goo Kim.

'Aug. 20. 1878.Nov. 2J, 1880.iNov. 28, 1882.April 17, 1884.lApril 17, 1884.


iCom. Agent,Asst. C. A.


"If I had gone out loaded for Ijear," said heto his w ife, "I couldn't have seen my way.tho quails would have bet-- so thick. But 'May 28, 18..Sweden & Noewatv H. W. Schmidt,Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in

C. (Original Feb. 24,there I was laying for quail, and what do I R. W. Laine,Mexico,v,.... vv,vL fit,, .itd okpa iitp. we teel competent to attend to au ousiiie ui anflush but a lar an bit; as a yearling colt! If intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and resiectfully

Bolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGhNU .

1881.) Ke-ap- p.

Dec. 2, 18S5.Jan. 22, 1886.that lvir bother me though, I'll STEAM USERS, ATTENTION!.? sorry tor nun, and 1 11 load ine old gun Bell Telephone No. 274. -- y )-u

now. Mother, count mo out thirty-seve- n

jC.c.c.v. c.lActg. V. C.V. c.

II. R. Macfarlane.I. F. Hackfeld,II. F. Glade,R. W. Laine,J. F. Hackfeld,IT. R. Walker.

Denmark,Belgium.German Empire,Spain,Russia,(treat Britain,

buckshot for each barrel!"

; March 14. 1887.Aug. 4. 1887.Feb. 17, 1880.

'.Sept. 24, 188G..Oct. 17, 1888.

"You mean nine, Joseph," said Mrs. Medio.

"Thirty-seven- , mother, for each barrel.""Nine buckshot, Joseph, is a big load for Diplomatic and Consular Representatives of Hawaii.

any gun, and will kill an elephr.it!""Nine buckshot won't hurt a coon, mother,

and I'm after bear. Thirty-seve- n is what 1Date of

Commission.Rank.Name.Country.want, but it isn't enough. I've a notion toput in forty-seve- n, to make sure. No, I'll take

"E-- I. K. Melntyre & Bro.,IMPORTERS AND Ui

Groceries, pi-ovisioo-r- and Feed.EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

thirty-seven- ; but thirty-seve- n ain t enough.

c"H H

'X- m

"it.Bo Farmer McCue put in a double charge En. Ex. and Min. Feb. 9, ISSo.

Flen. !

C G. (July 21, 187.1.of powder and thirty-seve- n buckshot in eachlarreL Mr. McCuo is a good farmer, but his C G. for Facinc'June 2U, lSSr.

His Ex. Hon. II. A. P. Carter,

E. H. Allcu,I). A. McKinley,

Bond,JoLui McCraken,

early education as a hunter was sadly neg States fc lerr.C.lect d. Aug. L--

April 7, lclif)."Now let that Iear trespass on me again, Ooorts received by every packet from the KaKtern states ami Europeby every steamer. All orders faithfully to.a.-.r- l i.cfds dpllvcrcd to any of tVebyioof'said Farmer McCue. July iu, lam.I'rcduce iiiies U. Svvan,. w . : itiRlnml orders Rttlicited. SatiHf.ictiou KUis.rhi.ti t i.



c- -


oot I


fin l.l- -my free of chargerl:liiii. Mo. 'The next day he went to work again in hia

turnip field. His gun, load(i for bear, was c awith him. He had no Idea of seeing tho bear, c.V. C.c.

sept. 21. iss:?.March 14, 17.March 14, 187.

Col. W. J. De Gress,Auast;ttio Obrt yon,Robert James Barney,so that when in making a turn in tho field ho

l Nirt D States.NVashii)tou, D. C.

New York.S:4ii Francisco,

I?osfr,n,r'ortl:nu, O. ,

i'ort 'J'o'.viisend,F!:il 'dtlpLii.i,


M.tiiinilU-- ,

Ckntt.ai. A: Soi.tiiA.MElilC.V.

Vn)ij.rais,i),iA'-.- i

Call.'.o,Colon,(iiiateiii-d:i- ,

Jiipntc Video,Assumption,

G Kl AT Hlill'.MNI HKL AN1.


camo almost face to face with it, evidentlyenjoying itself among tho turnips, from thoway it was pulling them up and inunehmg Sent. i:i, lt58.

Aug. '22. Ih71.


ll' - jT - - - . A

.' sp :A i,v v 1

fecetjlv, p - v .i 1

V;:;1''::;'" ii


-- ,Y;1;:rlB ?

' ". - J

them, the farmer was obliged to open his eyes 7ARCADE,C. d'A. & C G.C. d'A. it C. G.C.c.(J."THEwide again and exclaim, with more vigor than July 2i, 171.

Nov. 1. 1S4.

itivid Thomas,K. H. B.ddy,S Ivanu Crosby,lienrj' E.Cooke,Henry J'olke,Conrad liuyhts,A. ilnrtngu,

before: "Pyjee!" CDJuly 1"5, i'I.Farmer MeCin whs lound to get the bear, Aug. Hi, lhMi.Aug. 21, 185.however, and, backing off a few feet to where c.

P s--wis gun lay, ho picked it up, took good aim attho (tear, and fired. 73 and 77 FORT

STREET.73 mid 77 FORT

STREET. EG AN & CO., C. d'A.St-o- . to Ec'.

July 151, 1885.July 31, 18f.Feb. 15. 1887.

,Abr;ili no llolTnuny;,Sidney li. Francis Holfimng,

uManley Hopkins,tAot. C. d'A.)o- -

C.(Ong. l'Vb.7. 8.rG.)Oct. 14, 185.Julv 10, 1884.

3 p

? 5

C.C.C.xClotliiug Harold Janion,

IMark U'bitwell,jV. Moran,;E. Biesttrfeldt,

Liverpool,Bristol,Hull.Newcastle on

Clotliing:-- :






Sept. 28, lf78.Oct. 12, 182.c.

c. July 10, 1857. CJlc. March 14, 1887.

Jnly 30, 1879.

Tyiie, j

Ftilmonth, S. Broad,Hover and the,F. VV. I'reacott,

Cinque Ports, j

Cardiit ct 8van-dlya- m Goldberg,sea,

Edinburgh and IE. G. Buchanan,$24,000 WORTH OF 0L0T11LN(J FOE

Oct. 18, 1873.


c.Leith,James Dunn,J. G. Zoller,li. J. Murphy,G. B. Dawson,GENT'S, YOUTHS' and k

c.V. c.c.

c.C. G. for the




Can ov.Ottawa,Montreal,'t oroi.to,Boekville, Oat.,


jSITJST be Sold Within the Nli.XTV. A. Ross,

C. Elliot Anderson,Dickson Anderson,

Nov. 18, 1S70.July 25, 1881.Oct. 12, 182.Sept. 10, 1S88.

Feb. 20, 188C.

My i 1885.Aug. 23, 1883-- !

March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 184.March 12, 184.April 28, 1887.viarch 12, 1884.

March 12, 1884.

Jliere are no Seams in the lire to leak.THERE ARE NO LOOSE RIVETS cansed by the continual

expansion and contractions of the plate, the bottom presenting a SMOOTH,EVEN surface) which can be easily cleaned.

The following sizes Kept constantly in Mock:

ICoI. (Jeo. A. Shaw,tnd fired.;J. D. Kuell,Mrs. McCue hoard the report at tl bouso.

V. KJ.V. C.V. C.V. C.

ihtiniiton, Out.,It mnxlo the m indows rattlu, and reverberated Kii)rstoTi f la-.-' Jicn:uauu,lj. N. P)uliot, O. C,30 DfcLys ! -:-- 30 Days Iamong the hill like a Fourth of July salute. c.A. O. Croksh;ink,The fanner's wife ran to the door and lookedIlrtlif:-lX-. N. S.,over into the turnip field. There was a thick V. C.Yarmouth, N. S.,!E. F. Clements,cloud of smoke over by tlw stone wall, where Jan. 14, 187U.

he had last seen her husband at work.c.C. G. for Austra

GO inches diameter by 10 feet length.4S inches diameter by 10 feet length.

JY1 inches diameter by 10 feet length.42 inches diameter by 14 feet length.

"Joseph must have killed the bear," shflasia, etc. Jan. 11, 1885.said.

V. C. Oct. 1, 1888.

Victoria, B. C, K. 1'. liitbet,V;incouver, B. C,

AUSTIiALASIA.Scinev, N.S. W., Ernest O. Smith,Newcastle, " R. E. Stokes,Alelijourne, Vict. 'Captain G.N. Oakley,Brisbane, Q., A. B. Webster,Hobart, Tas., Captain Hon. A. Coete,Jj.iiniceston, I'fts. Geo. Collins,

But there was no bear and no Joseph to I -- a-seen. Mrs. McCue ran down into the field. Feb. 7, 1873.

July 10, 1884.C.c.C.Kho had not gone far before she saw the bodv July 12, 1878. IUSDuN IKON & LOCOMOTIVE W0IIKS,rt lie lpnr rptj-lirt- l out", mnrmc tJii turn JTine Dress and. lancy Goods! V. c. June 3, 1887.

looking further, she saw ;;ZutT4 Auckland, N. Z., D. B. Cruickshank, c.c.

July !, 1878.Feb. 5, 1871. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.Dniiediii, N. Z.,

JC For particulars, apply toEatlies'lie ZZZ J tnxer Hose and his

mem, iiKitchbar, happened to be driving by.Ars. McCue hailed them. They carried Mr.

Sept. 21, 18J.Nov. 17, 1881.

H. Driver,Hon. J. Bell Irving,J. J. Keswick,H. Schott,

C. G.C.C.

Laces, Embroi.lery, Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Trimmings,Underwear, Hosiery, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, etc., etc. Oct. 5, 1882. Koom 3, Spreckelt Block,

Honolulu, liawn. lwl.JOHN DYER,IcCuo into tho house. One side of his face I1271 114-2-



Society Uhocp.

-- O- Alfred HoulS,A. Couve,E. do Boissac,

May 21, 1888.March 1, 1806.March 1. 18(50.

C. d'A. & C. G.C.C.C. July 27, 1874.jC. Schaessler,

J. T. Cognet Aur. 12, 188G. HALL'S SAFE & LOCK Co.

times its natural size. His right shoulderwas dislocated, and his arm was black andblue from the shoulder to the elbow. It wasa good while lx-for- e he could be brought to.Then he oi;ned his left eye, and, looking aVhis wife, said, firmly, but feebly:

"Mother, thirty-soveu'- s enough!"There was a hole through the bear, amid-Rhip- s,

big enough to run a stovepipe iu.Farmer McCue, a little set in his opinion ashe is, but willing to own up like a man whenbo finds he is wrong, is doing as well as cuuldbe expected. New York Bun.

Papeete, TaLiti,Gehmaxy &. Colo-


On account of the death of Mr. Simon Colin, the Entire new and Magnificent


At and Below Cost I

March 25, 187G.July , 1887. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF


Jan. 7, 1883.

E. F. Weber,J. F. Mailer,J. Kopp,

A. V. Raas,H. Mailer,

March 14. 1881.April 28, 1871.C.

--o-Plantation, Jeweler s & House Safes

Of Every Description. Vault Front and Doors.

Hamburg,Bremen,l'rankfort-on- -


Stain it ColoniesMadrid,Barcelona,Cadiz.Valencia,Malaga,Cartagena.


EG AN oc CO., 75 and 77 Fort St.56 R261-3- m Nov. 10, 188.C. G.c.c.

July 21, 1887.July 14. 188.,.

E. Minuez,G. Scham,

IV. Chnst,jF. T. De Navarra,J. Paris,

March 14, 1887.March 14, 187.

Sept. 20, 1885.


c.v. c.v. c.

L. Falcon y Quevcdo,March 14, 1887.

j March 14, 17. Extraordinary Fire Tests.. li. De Liaguna,

Santa Cruz de la B. Mattheu y Battaller,Pal ma, j

Poktuoal & Colo-- !

Would be pleased to ?ee or hear from you.Yours truly,

A. T. Cottox.The above was a Hall's No. 93 DoubleiJoor afe, and was burned in the greattire whirl; destroyed the whole businessportion of the town of Tulare on the nightof August if;, is,;.


A. F. De Serpa,N. T. M. Ferro,T. Hutchison,R. Seeman,C. Martins,

Tulare, Cal., August V.), 180.

April 10, 1888.March '2C. 183.Oct. 25, 1878.Nov. 17, 181.June C, 1884.

Lisbon,Oporto,Madeira,St. Michaels,bt. Vincer.t,

c.v. c. Hall's Save & Lock Co:IS THE- -

Ur'Vr ita-U'(-1.

in aboTe letter, all thein the fire, (and there were'o many ot tnernA preserved their(i ents Doubtless you are ar.juainte! Italy. contentsCream Soda,Ginger Ale, can beC G.


with the facts of the recent tire wind, ,,. i i cVrdVtion tVpktely destroyed the tm-i- n. ,, portion ot I said .f Jrv "ameour town. Ve wish you could the Sate J CahVrnia or elsewhere 'we iut bought of von.

March 0. 180.Aue:. 21, lKi7.July 14. 18G.March 14, 187.

ccurred in

Wits of Ancient Dayn.Sir Nicholas Bacon being once, in the

capacity of judge, about to pass the sentenceof death upon a culprit, tho fellow impor-tuned him to save hfs life, alleging, amongother things, that he htd the honor of beinga relation of his lordship. "How do you provethatr B.ii.1 Sir Nicholas "My lord," repliedthe man, "your name it Bacon and mine isHog, and Hog and Bacon have in all ageslxen reckoned akin." "That is true," answer-c- l

the judge, '"but hog w never bacon till iis hung, and therefore, until you are hung,you can le no relative of mine.

George I, while on a journey to Hanover,stopped at a village inn in Holland, and whilethe horses were getting ready ordered two orthree eggs to be brought to him, for whichthe host charged him '2W Corina "How isthis?" suid the king; "eggs must be verypcarce at this place to bring 100 forms apiece."Tardon me, your majesty," Aajd the host;"eggs are plenty enough, but kings arescarce." The king smiled at the fellow's witand ordered the bill to be paid,

Lonl Norbury, the Irish Judge, was oncedining at a table, and corned beef formingone of the dishes he was aked if he wouldhave a slice. UI would try it" he said, "if itwere hung." Curran, who was present, re-plied: "If you were to trv it, judge, it wouldWo sure to be hung." New York Mail andExpress.

A ruradox.It is utterly useless to try and sell a para-Hiut- e

to a man who is falling down stairs.nd yet probably this the oniy time In his

life when he would like to buy co or whenl tiling would do hiru nv barhy v'VMrii,;" Chi on.ii K

c. Ft u-- a ...,. .1:: i .i . a.- - i it-i- i vt 1 u i iiinuui i , oecause theouter sheets of b.th door were '.. .. 1 , I, , 1 - I . . ..II . -

burning of the Hamilton Building.




J. Clinton Hooker,De Luchi,

iL. Col' mbo,A. Tayliavia,


J. D. van der Made, P. R. z. n.,

Victor Forge,;E. (ippieters,iJ. rianpaiu.E. Vanden Brande,

.in.! im- - uijiL- - unni ii, ,i turn. OutPlain Soda,Lemonade, V. c.

C. G.C.

rne combination is in perfect order, and tv 1'ittseurg, P., August 20 18S7

I!$iiXh 1,e"ea boIt"s by th"u IlAI T''S bAKE 4t LoCK Co- - Cincinnati. O.The m-i- de doors, and cabinet work md i ;t.xTLEME:f,ln , ,h.e recent great tire,

everything inside is in penect order 'd """"J Hamilton Building ofe tIt is a pleasure to see the admiration ex- - i .f ? .,ir llice. one of

pressed hy everyone at seeing it in !. ctlnutl i' contain,ri? ,ir books and ac-iro- od

order. We th;,,!, ... ! and many valuable i,)ri,r,

Brakes.3Iineral Wafers, sweikn t nOF. WAY.Sarsaparilla,II. A. Burger,St..:ckholm,

, , . . , vwii- -S llO ft.ll f,.... .1.t,.wn .i- - Lircin..T..i. I ": . "u n " tracts deeds, etc. Th.

jN'ov. 15. 1G86.

!July 31. 185.lAutz. 27. 10.jSept, 10. 188.April 6, 185.

Mav 20. 170.Mav 31. 18r,.Julv 10. 1870.March 14, 1887.

Dec. 20, 1870.

May 4, 180.'March 30, 1880.Nov. 20, 182.


jc.C. G.C.V. C.

jV. c.

r.C G.

cu iwi. e t K.n.ri. ..ii .i . .xth tloor with doors own If ;.,OF ALL KINDS, MANUFACTURED BY r i'iVr1 ys;ind took eiKlit hou" to kget into it. the

we1o,UndHhn,lt',,Mir tSacti.mKein , J. . V ,Il.t!:ntS in PKRKKCT ORDER.

: '- -ii .in meHi, v afes are in good condition. We aresatihed it would be to your interest tosemi a salesman down at once, as notion.but a Hall .Safe will sell now.I he outer door- - of ours must be repairedand our Safe is again new. The old one'wh we s,,id stood it as well asl,cfor,and better than manv new

was the third lire it has passed throie'h)

L. Sanson.H. IWrgstroni,(. Kraal;,

V. von Schonberger,

J. Holmblad,

Hh Exc.-llenc- y R. W. Irwin,S. Endicott,

I). H. Schmiill.

j Chris'iiania,j Lyskil.j .itherijburfr,



Japan.I Tokio.

Hiouo A-- Osika,South Afi.ican

j llKrfiii.ic.Prt-tori- a.

uji.ii u it'll eiT!ir u- - fLISTER & GoIIOJ The ... , . 1IC ur water.v iiii iv pro in , i .Min. Res. that nf :.,,v V V. aPl' tnanC. Y .1

what similar1'ittsburg .;ue will cost f.o.b.J as. Gakuxkr, Je.!C. G.o--


The Vater used in preparing their Goods being purilied by the


In these dr.ys of convenient photosxraph-in- z

appliances, those who visit in anyofficial capacity scenes of murder,wTeck or riot should apply the camerabefore anything is disturbed, as the evi-dence thus gained, bein ineontroverti-Ue- ,

might possess incalculable value.

The Daily 1'. C. Advertiser and Weekly Gazette T. H. HOBKON,66la operation in tho Hawaiian Islands in their Establishment only

78-t- f Are tii Leading Newspapers In the Kingdom. i 110' 1271-l- ui

lort Street, Honolulu,Agent for the Hawaiian Island.