The Ultimate Everquest Guide - 1 - TRADE SKILLS Your one stop guide into the world of EverQuest. This is what separates the noobs from the experts. All copyrights, trademarks, and other marks belong to their respective holders. All information contained herein is believed to belong in the public domain. No copyright is expressed or implied by the author of this document.

Everquest Guide Trade Skills

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The Ultimate Everquest Guide

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Your one stop guide into the world of EverQuest. This is what separates the noobs from

the experts.

All copyrights, trademarks, and other marks belong to their respective holders. All information contained herein is believed to belong

in the public domain. No copyright is expressed or implied by the author of this document.

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The Ultimate Everquest Guide

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Guide to Trade Skills .......................................................................................................... 4

Introduction..................................................................................................................... 4 Alchemy.......................................................................................................................... 7

The Initial Step:........................................................................................................... 8 The Influence of Stats: ................................................................................................ 8 A Brief History of Alchemy ..................................................................................... 12 Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................... 14 What Do Alchemy Potions Do?................................................................................ 17 Alchemy Trade Supplies........................................................................................... 46

Baking ........................................................................................................................... 54 Guide to Power Baking............................................................................................. 56 Step 1: Batwing Crunchies........................................................................................ 58 Step 2: Fish Filets ..................................................................................................... 59 Step 3: Fish Rolls ...................................................................................................... 59 Step 4: Bat Wing Pie................................................................................................. 61 OPTIONAL Step 1 - 4 variant: Bear fillet................................................................ 62 Step 5: Cakes............................................................................................................. 63 Step 6: Pixie Powdered Cinnesticks ......................................................................... 63 Step 7: Dragon Steaks............................................................................................... 63 The Baking Cannibal's Guide to People Part Drops ................................................. 67 Baking Trade Supplies.............................................................................................. 93

Brewing....................................................................................................................... 110 An Overview of Brewing........................................................................................ 110 EQ Brewing Recipes............................................................................................... 111 Other Quest Recipes ............................................................................................... 125 Brewing Trade Supplies.......................................................................................... 126

Fishing......................................................................................................................... 141 Zone-specific Fishing.............................................................................................. 142

Fletching ..................................................................................................................... 146 Basic bowcraft information..................................................................................... 148 Fletching Trade Supplies ........................................................................................ 151 EQ Fletching Recipes ............................................................................................. 157

Foraging ...................................................................................................................... 166 Jewelcraft .................................................................................................................... 168

Step-By-Step Jewelcraft.......................................................................................... 169 Jewelcraft ................................................................................................................ 179 Jewelcraft Trade Supplies ....................................................................................... 184

Make Poison................................................................................................................ 194 Books on Poison ..................................................................................................... 195 Making Poisons....................................................................................................... 195 Tools of the Trade................................................................................................... 195 Applying your poison ............................................................................................. 196 Poison Table............................................................................................................ 197 Make Poison Trade Supplies .................................................................................. 201

Pottery ......................................................................................................................... 206

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Becoming A Master Potter on 30pp Or Less .......................................................... 208 Pottery Trade Supplies............................................................................................ 209 Pottery Secrets ........................................................................................................ 220

Smithing...................................................................................................................... 241 Notes on Advanced and Cultural Smithing ............................................................ 244 Basic Metalworking - Ore conversions, bits, studs, boning, etc............................. 245 Basic Metalworking - Tools and Implements......................................................... 250 Basic Weaponsmithing ........................................................................................... 252 Armorsmithing (Non-cultural)................................................................................ 261 Other Quest recipes:................................................................................................ 271 Tempers and Tanning Agents ................................................................................. 271 Known locations for temper materials:................................................................... 274 Known locations for tanning materials: .................................................................. 276 Non-Cultural Smithed Armor Stats ........................................................................ 276 Smithed Weapon Stats ............................................................................................ 286 Smithing Trade Supplies......................................................................................... 295 How to Become a Mistress ..................................................................................... 316

Tailoring...................................................................................................................... 319 For patchwork: ........................................................................................................ 319 For silk armor:......................................................................................................... 320 Studded/reinforced leather: ..................................................................................... 321 Bags and other containers: ...................................................................................... 321 How to Become a Mistress Tailor .......................................................................... 321

Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 321 A Non-Tailor's Guide to Getting Tailored Velious Armors ................................... 327 Tailored Armor Recipes.......................................................................................... 332 Pelts......................................................................................................................... 344 SILKS ..................................................................................................................... 345 WOLF PELTS ........................................................................................................ 346 CAT PELTS............................................................................................................ 347 BEAR PELTS ......................................................................................................... 348 Misc......................................................................................................................... 349 Luclin Tradeskill Drop Information........................................................................ 351

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If you've never tried a trade skill before, there are a several things that you should know.

• Remember that training points can only be spent on trade skills early on. Once

you hit a skill of 21 in the standard trade skills, you MUST gain skill increases

through hands-on-practice.

• While tradeskills in EQ increase with practice, trade skills cost you money (in

supplies), regardless of success or failure. For the more expensive skills (such as

jewelcraft), it's wise to not only stockpile some money in advance, but also spend

the training points to get to skill 20 before trying the skill.

• Low-level players: Before you even train in a trade skill, you should check to be

sure that the materials you will need to practice your skill are available nearby. If

they are not easily available, you have to make a hard decision -- do you want to

try the skill anyway or do you want to try another trade skill? For example, if you

want to bake, and the only baking supplies within the nearest several zones are

batwings, you'll realize you're going to be running through a lot of zones to get

some of your more basic supplies. This isn't meant to discourage you, but to make

sure you don't spend a lot of training points before you realize the scope of the

task ahead of you. (Higher level players tend to move around a lot, so this isn't as

much of an issue for them.)

• If you're getting a failure rate that will rapidly bankrupt you, find something that

trivials closer to your current skill to practice on. (i.e., don't try to make a silver

sapphire necklace the first time you try jewelcraft).

• For everything but fishing, sell your goods to other players as opposed to NPC

merchants where possible. If you sell to NPCs, you rarely will be paid what the

raw materials cost you, much less the value of the item. For example, you'd get

slightly over 1 gold for a piece of patchwork armor, when sold to an NPC

merchant. The going rate when selling directly to players is generally 2 gold or so,

depending on supply/demand and individual whimsy.

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• When a recipe calls for two or more of a single item, DO NOT STACK the items.

Have two (or more) single pieces of the item in your forge, brew barrel, etc., not

one pile of two. Stacked items count as a single item! If you put a stack of 20 of

an item in the tradeskill container during a combine, the container will count them

as a single item, and "eat" the extra.

• The main trade skills are not level-capped, meaning that with enough time and

raw materials, you could master the tradeskill at level 1. Other special skills, such

as fishing, make poison, and alchemy are limited based on your level, just like

your combat and other skills.

• When you see mention of a "trivial" on a chart, it means that at that skill level,

you will no longer gain skill increases from making the item. You will, however,

still continue to fail quite a bit when making the item. Just because something is

trivial does not mean you can do it in your sleep. Eventually, as your skill

improves, your chance of failing at making the item will decrease, but there's

generally always a chance of failure. (silk swatches and silk thread are an

exception to this). In addition, there are many spots on the recipes pages where

items are listed as <=X or >Y (or a combination of the two). Please remember

that: "<=" means less than or equal to -- all we know about the trivial is that

someone of X skill attempted the item and it was already trivial. It may be that the

trivial is 1 point below it, or it may be 100 points below. The only way we find

such trivials is by folks reporting in their skill levels and trivial status after they

make combine attempts. Similarly, if you see ">", it means greater than --

someone at Y skill attempted the combine, and it was not trivial. Again, there's no

way to easily tell if the trivial is 1 point or 100 points above that in trivial unless

folks actually report in their results.

• Grandmaster: Grandmaster (GM) in a tradeskill is generally considered someone

with a skill of 200+ in a specific tradeskill. Of the 7 main tradeskills (baking,

brewing, fletching, jewelcraft, pottery, smithing, tailoring) you may only have one

of them above 200 (up to 250), while the rest are capped at 200. Some folks

reserve the grandmaster title only for folks who have obtained skill 250 in their

tradeskill of choice

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• Specialized tradeskills are capped separately. Regardless of whether another skill

is above 200 or not, other specialized tradeskills are as follows: Alchemy 130

before level 51, 180 at 51+; Poison Making 200 pre-51, 250 post-51; Tinkering

250, Fishing 200

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I am a shamaness, a spiritdancer, from the frozen northlands. Over the years, the spirits

have spoken to me of many things, but one of the more interesting and unique things they

have taught me is the magic of herbs and potions.

With the knowledge granted by the spirits, as well as the proper herbs, a shaman of 25

trainings or more can mix powerful potions with the use of a medicine bag. The resultant

potions have a variety of uses, from the popular "Blood of the Wolf" potion which grants

the imbiber the Spirit of the Wolf, to the "Ants Potion" that will shrink the drinker,

regardless of their location. Some grant a fleeting strength, others invisibility to undead,

or a blistering damage shield. The very skilled elder shaman can even create potions that

will gate the drinker to a specific location.

Most of these herbs must be painstakingly collected and prepared in order to retain their

magical properties. Only a few souls have remembered the proper collection and

preparation techniques. Because of this, herbs you find on your own in the wild do not

work. Instead, you must seek out certain skilled herbalists to obtain the wares needed. Be

forewarned, their wares are not cheap, and this skill is not for the faint-of-heart, or the

empty of pocket.

The spirits are also sparing in their knowledge, and limit your rate of skill increase based

on your level of learning (i.e., there is a level cap to this skill). Apparently too much

power in the hands of the untrained can be dangerous, and lead to disastrous side-effects.

Once you have learned how to create potions using your newfound skill, you may find

yourself afloat in potions that do not pack together nicely. Again, the spirits have seen to

our needs. Tailors may make bearskin potion bags from the thick pelts of grizzlies, using

strong silk thread to stich and bind it. These potion bags, can be used to combine 5 or 10

of the same potion together to create a single multiple-charge potion. This currently only

works for potions made by a shaman, not store-purchased potions, but the combining in

the potion bag can be performed by anyone.

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At times, you may find that your alchemical skill will be called upon to create extracts for

armor dyes as well, though you'll find that if your alchemy skill is weak, you'll end up

wasting the components instead of making a colorful extract.

The Initial Step:

Alchemy is a shaman-only skill which shamans of level 25 or higher can learn, gaining

the unique ability to make potions. Unfortunately, unless you like throwing away money,

the skill cap on alchemy is so low at level 25 that you'll likely fail on most attempts to

make potions and lose your platinum very fast.

What is the skill cap on Alchemy? Put simply . . .

(Your character level minus 24) times 5

Hence, at level 25 the maximum alchemy skill you can achieve is 5 or [(25-24)*5]. At

level 26 the maximum skill is 10 or [(26-24)*5], and so on.

Since the easiest potions become trivial at 17 skill, we recommend that you reach level 29

before attempting any Alchemy. The trainer at any shaman guild will allow you to put 21

initial practice points into alchemy skill, but no more. This is true whether or not you

actually put any training points in before 21. Skill above that level must be obtained "in

the field", which means to get further skill increases above 21 you will need to attempt to

make potions. So unless you'd prefer to throw several hundred plat getting there the hard

way, be sure you've saved 21 guild practice points by the time you hit level 29.

The Influence of Stats:

Originally the general consensus was that Intelligence helped you gain skill faster, while

wisdom helped you successfully create items more often. This is incorrect.

When the Ruins of Kunark Guide came out, it explained that Intelligence affects how fast

you learn many skills. For a necromancer, wizard, magician, enchanter, shadow knight

or bard, it also affects maximum mana at each level. Wisdom affects how fast you learn

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specific skills. For a ranger, paladin, cleric, shaman or druid, it also affects maximum

mana at each level.

This is still not terrifically precise. Further clarification on the official message boards

and at various fan faires has led to the current, statistically supported belief:

Whichever attribute is higher, intelligence or wisdom, determines your rate of skill

increases. So, if your wisdom is 200 it does not matter whether your intelligence is 50,

100, or 150. Likewise if your intelligence is 200, any wisdom under that does not matter

as far as alchemy is concerned. However, since wisdom is important for shamans to

increase our mana pool, the logical thing is to focus on getting your wisdom up and

completely ignore intelligence. Your rate of success has nothing to do with stats and

can only be improved by improving your skill in alchemy. This, of course, can only be

done by actually practicing to get it up higher or by acquiring an item that gives a %

bonus to alchemy.

To Make your First "In the Field" Potion:

1) Go to the Herb Vendor of your choice. (Check the Alchemy Vendor List for vendor

names and locations).

2) Choose a potion to make. You will have a better chance of succeeding at one with a

low trivial, so use the Prices Chart sorted by trivial as your guide. Just be sure that your

chosen potion is not trivial below your current skill if you chose to put training points

into alchemy before starting.

3) Check the recipe for the potion you've selected on the Alchemy Recipes page and

purchase 5 or 6 of each of the two required herbs.

4) Purchase a Medicine Bag from the same vendor.

5) With the Medicine Bag in one of your 8 general inventory slots, right click on it to

open it.

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6) Place one of each of the herbs you purchased in step 3 into the Medicine Bag and hit

"Combine". Note: For this level of potions, there should only be two kinds of herbs (for

example, one Lucern herb and one Birthwart herb if you're attempting to make one

Lesser Vigor potion) in your Medicine Bag when you hit "Combine". If you put a stack of

2 or more herbs into the Medicine Bag, it will be treated as one herb when you combine.

So putting in a stack of Lucern and a stack of Birthwart will give you only one potion if

you succeed.

7) After hitting Combine, you will receive one of five possible messages and

success/failure outcome combinations in making a potion as follows:

a) You fail and receive a message indicating you do not have the skill to make that

potion. (Unfortunate, but it happens...a lot.)

b) You will fail and receive a message indicating your skill in alchemy has increased.

(Yay! You are getting better!)

c) You will succeed in making the potion and receive a message indicating you have

created something new, but receive no indication of whether the potion is trivial, which

means it is not trivial yet. (Good work, you are a succesful alchemist!)

d) You will succeed in making the potion and receive a message indicating your skill in

alchemy has increased. (Two rewards, excellent!)

e) You will succeed in making the potion and receive a message indicating that you can

no longer advance in skill from making this item, which means the potion is now trivial

for you to make. (Time to move on to the next harder potion!)

Optional Method #1: Blood of the Wolf

It has been suggested by some shamans that making only the Blood of Wolf potions from

skill 21 through 37 (trivial level for Blood of Wolf) would provide the alchemist with a

more viable product for sale to the public, thereby decreasing their learning costs as they

can recoup their platinum. This is a valid method and you may want to choose this

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method of increasing your alchemy skill. What generally happens when using this method

is your inventory becomes overloaded with Blood of the Wolf potions (commonly referred

to as SoW potions), forcing the shaman to sell quickly to clear up enough space to

continue making more potions and gain more skill increases. Naturally, this tends to

deflate the price charged in zones with the herb vendors. I've often seen shamans selling

SoW potions in Firiona Vie for 8 platinum per potion which, when you consider failure

rates, is very close to actual cost of making the SoW potions. It's all about supply and

demand. SoW is in high demand which tends to push the price up, but by overloading

supply in the SoW zones with herb vendors, the price is pushed down, at least in those

zones. Either method of increasing skill is valid, but as much as I hate to see one of our

best potions get undersold, I too would recommend the Blood of Wolf method to increase

skill from 21 to 37 to save the shaman some money in the learning process. Naturally, if

you're the only shaman in the zone selling SoW at that time, you can still charge a fair

market rate for the potions and will likely recover a greater amount of platinum for

furthering your skill, although it might take a little longer to sell out your inventory.

Optional Method #2: Dye Extracts

High end smiths use dyes to tint fine plate armor any of a variety of colors. Part of the

process of creating a dye requires a shaman using alchemy or a rogue using poison

making to turn the raw material into an extract of the appropriate color. Anyone can then

turn the extract into the appropriate dye. The great thing is that the extracts are trivial at

36 and only cost 2-3 silver pieces for ingredients. The downside is that one of those

ingredients is not standard vendor stock anywhere, so you will have to either do some

Merchant Mining or spend time collecting the ingredients from creatures and ground

spawns. I highly recommend this method to get you from 21 to 36 if you are of the right

level to be hunting in the areas where any extract ingredients are collected, or if you are

really strapped for cash. For recipes see the Alchemy Recipes - Dyes or see the Dye

Information for drop information and other details on use.

What Do I Do With the Potions I Made?:

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You have three basic choices:

1) Sell them to other players. The going rate is typically twice the cost of the component

herbs that go into it. This varies somewhat according to the usefulness and difficulty of

the potion, but is a good rule of thumb. See the Alchemy Prices guide for a handy

reference to actual cost per attempt.

2) Sell them back to the vendor for about one tenth of what you paid for the component


3) Destroy or drink them.

Using the references on this website as a guide to trivial levels, recipes and herbs, and as

you level your shaman up and raise your skill cap, pick the next harder potion to make,

taking into account herb price differences in similar-level potions, and go for it!

A Brief History of Alchemy

In the beginning, there were two kinds of herb vendors. One was found in some shaman

cities and had a set of herbs that each could be combined with a different dropped item,

like a rat ear or undead froglok tongue. The other type of vendor was the gypsy vendors,

found in gypsy camps across Antonica. They had a different, smaller set of herbs that

each also could be combined with a different kind of dropped giant toe to make other


However, shaman guild trainers across Norrath refused to train their pupils in the fine art

of alchemy. It was well nigh a year before they received their instructions from On High

ensuring that they would finally consent to teach us the fundamentals of alchemy. The

herbs and potions at the time also were extremely expensive and of very limited

usefulness. (One of them with an herb cost of more than 30pp and requiring a drop from

the Plane of Hate had the oh-so-powerful effect of Endure Magic.) Therefore, when our

guildmasters were fixed so that we could train, our line of potions available was

completely changed in the revamp.

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All of the old shaman city vendor herbs were removed entirely, effectively removing

access to those potions. Only the gypsy vendors remained and their potions continued to

work. In the cities, the old herb vendors were replaced by a whole new set of herbs that

took up two vendors because there were so many. These are the herbs that are most

familiar to folks nowadays, the ones that can make sow potions and invis to undead

potions. For these potions, no dropped component is required, they are made entirely via

herbs bought from the vendors.

Thus the world remained, with Revamp Alchemy and Gypsy Alchemy composing the

entire line of alchemy available. Until Luclin.

With the advent of Luclin two additional sets of potions were added to a shaman's menu.

First was a whole new set of potions with brand new effects. These include the mana

potions and grow potion. These herbs are available in a few different places, all in Luclin.

The other set of potions...well, shamans exploring Shar Vahl came across these strange

herbs with naggingly familiar names...until it hit them. Old Alchemy. Now available in

Shar Vahl are the herbs used to make potions from the old, original, pre-revamp alchemy.

These are the ones that required the drops like rat ears and undead froglok tongues.

And this is where it stands, with four lines of alchemy potions:

1. Old Alchemy (requires dropped ingredients, herbs only found in Shar Vahl)

2. Gypsy Alchemy (requires dropped ingredients, herbs only found on gypsies)

3. Revamp Alchemy (no dropped ingredients, herbs found in many places)

4. Luclin Alchemy (no dropped ingredients, herbs found only on Luclin)

Bearskin Potion Bag

NOTE: The May 8th, 2002 patch changed the recipe for the bearskin potion bag. Instead

of the "grizzly bear skin" we now need a "thick grizzly bear skin". The "grizzly bear

skin" still drops but is for a Freeport quest and cannot be used to make any kind of potion


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This is the tailored container that allows shamans (or anyone else for that matter) to

combine several of the same potion in quantities of 5 or 10 into a single, multi-charge

potion.If you do not tailor and do not wish to learn, ask your local tailor to make it for

you. It trivials at 68 skill for tailors.

How to Use the Bearskin Potion Bag:

The bag will only combine identical potions into multi-dose potions in sets of 5 or 10.

Dissimilar potions or combining potions in a quantity other than 5 or 10 will not work.

1) Make 5 or 10 of the same kind of potion

2) Place 5 or 10 of those potions you just made into the Bearskin Bag

3) Hit Combine

There is no skill check for combining potions in the Bearskin Bag, so as long as you use

like potions in quantities of 5 or 10, you should never fail.

How to Use Multi-Charge Potions:

Just right-click to use the potion like you normally would. But now, instead of the potion

disappearing, it will have one less charge to it. When you use the final charge, the potion

will disappear. You can left-click a potion at any time to see how many charges remain.

Note: You cannot combine herbs in the Bearskin Bag, only potions. You will

therefore need to keep both your Medicine Bag (to make potions) and your Bearskin

Potion Bag (to combine potions into the 5 or 10 charge varieties).

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can make potions with alchemy?

Alchemy is a shaman-only skill.

When can I start working on alchemy? When should I start working on alchemy?

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You can start once your shaman is level 25. However, many shaman wait until they are

level 29. See our guide on Beginning Alchemy for more information.

Is there a skill cap on alchemy? What is the formula?

Yes. The formula for alchemy skill cap is:

(Your level minus 24) times 5.

See our guide on Beginning Alchemy for more information.

What do the individual herbs cost?

See our Herb Prices guide for detailed prices on herbs throughout Norrath.

Where can I buy herbs?

See our Herb Vendors guide for a complete list of known herb vendors throughout


Where do I find the recipes for known alchemy potions?

See our Recipes and Effects page for detailed recipes and effects.

What are the best potions to make in order to increase my alchemy skill?

Try to find a balance between potion trivial and herb component cost, taking into

consideration those potions that sell best to players (Blood of Wolf, Invisibility to

Undead and Shrink, etc.)

Also, see our guide on Beginning Alchemy for more information.

What attribute has the greatest effect on alchemy success rates and skill increases?


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See our guide on Beginning Alchemy for more information.

Where do I find the various dropped ingredients used for certain alchemy potions?

For the most part, you can figure out what drops a given item by the name of the item

itself. Werewolves drop werewolf pelts and fire giants drop fire giant toes. Some of them

are not as obvious, however, or are downright misleading. Vampire dust is only dropped

by vampires in the Plane of Hate. Consult our guide to Dropped Ingredient Locations if

you're not sure. If you cannot yet kill that kind of creature or cannot easily get to them,

try checking vendors near those creatures to see if players have sold some off.

What the recipe for regular Invisibility potions?

There is currently no known recipe for making regular Invisibility potions in alchemy.

However, they and other non-alchemy potions can be vendor purchased in virtually every

city throughout Norrath at a potion merchant.

What is the best price to charge players for potions?

Market prices for one charge of a potion are typically twice the cost of the component

herbs for one attempt. Some shamans give a discount for customers buying 5 or 10

charged potions, or for potions that are hard to sell. Others increase the price if they are

have plenty of customers or if they are providing some extra service, such as selling the

potions in a remote location.

See our guide to Alchemy Prices for more information.

How do I make five-shot and ten-shot potions?

Combine 5 or 10 of the same type of alchemy potion in a tailored bearskin potion bag.

How do I make extracts and dyes for Fine Steel Plate armor?

See the Dye Recipes

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What Do Alchemy Potions Do?

In order to take full advantage of this intriguing aspect to Everquest, a complete

understanding of exactly what each potion will do is crucial.

When Verant first revamped the old alchemy into the new alchemy, many shamans on

many servers spent untold hours and many thousands of platinum discovering its secrets

by trial and error. Many potions have been discovered, and there are likely others still to

be discovered. For the time being, we do have quite a few potions (59 at last count) to

work with.

The following information will be vital in determining which potions you might need,

and which you do not.

Potion Categories

There are essentially three broad catagories of potions discovered so far:

1) Stat-enhancing potions (adjusts three stats from among Strength, Stamina, Agility,

Dexterity and/or Charisma)

2) Aura-enhancing potions (adjusts two stats from among Strength, Stamina, Agility,

Dexterity and/or Charisma, AND adjusts one stat from among Disease Resist, Poison

Resist, Heat Resist or Cold Resist)

3) Utility potions (provides you with some special, useful ability)

Stat-Enhancing Potions


All Stat-Enhancing Potions adjust two stats upward (favorably) and one stat downward

(unfavorably), and come in six known varieties:

1) Stability (strength, stamina and agility)

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2) Vigor (agility, strength and stamina)

3) Power (dexterity, strength and stamina)

4) Adroitness (agility, stamina and dexterity)

5) Cohesion (stamina, dexterity and agility)

6) Accuracy (agility, dexterity and stamina)

TIP: Pick a stat that you can take a negative "hit" on, and then determine if the two

positive stat "buffs" will be beneficial to you in a given situation.


Each of the above stat-enhancing potions comes in three potency levels:

1) Lesser Stat Potions ( + 5, + 5, - 5 )

2) Regular Stat Potions ( + 10, + 10, - 10 )

3) Greater Stat Potions (+ 15, + 25, - 20)

TIP: The more powerful the stat adjustment means the more expensive the herbs to make

it will be, increasing the likelihood of occasional shaman failure in making (just like gold

or platinum jewelcraft has higher failure rates than silver or electrum jewelry) and

therefore, the higher the end-potion price will be.

Aura-Enhancing Potions


In similar fashion to stat-enhancing potions, aura-enhancing potions come in five known

varieties, each variety adjusting two stats favorably, an one stat unfavorably:

1) Aura of Heat (stamina, cold resist and strength)

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2) Aura of Cold (agility, heat resist and stamina)

3) Aura of Purity (strength, poison resist and chrsm)

4) Aura of Null (dexterity, magic resist and agility)

5) Aura of Antibody (chrsm, disease resist and dexterity)

TIP: Pick a stat you can afford to take a negative "hit" on, then determine if the stat and

aura positive "buffs" will enhance your character in a given situation. Example: Aura of

Purity is great for melee battle since the negative charisma won't effect combat outcome.

If you're fighting a poisoning mob, so much the better Purity becomes.

TIP: Aura's of Cold and Heat might be a "must" before tackling Vox or Naggy. Purity

for deep Splitpaw excursions. Null or Antibody for battles against necromancers or other

disease-riddled mobs. It's all about having an edge. "You gonna draw them potions or just

whistle Dixie?"


Aura-enhancing potions also come in three potency levels:

1) Minor Aura Potions ( + 5, + 5, - 3 )

2) Regular Aura Potions ( + 15, + 15, - 8 )

3) Greater Aura Potions ( + 25, + 25, -15 )

TIP: As with the stat-enhancing potions, the more powerful aura-enhancing potions will

of necessity cost more to make, and will increase the purchase price and margin-over-cost

charged due to higher failure rates.

Utility Potions

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Utility potions are wonderful elixirs that will confer some special ability to your character

for varying lengths of time. They come in a plethora of varieties.


Adrenaline Tap bestows Quickness upon you to increase your attack speed for

approximately 5 minutes. Still an expensive potion at an average price of 100 pp even if

it has a slightly longer duration than Tamed Mercury.

AntiWeight grants you the ability to fly over lava, water, pits or canyons with Levitation

lasting approximately 12 minutes. You must have a batwing in your inventory as a

component before drinking this potion. Despite the necessity of a component, this is a

very popular potion in areas of deep canyons (Dagnor's Cauldron) or for crossing

expanses of water (Ocean of Tears) or lava (Sol A & B, Skyfire). To many players, well

worth the average price of 20 pp.

Ant's Potion will Shrink you to the size of a gnome and will last until you log, die or

zone. This potion will now work INDOORS or OUTDOORS. Very useful to all non-

shaman large races and well worth the average price of 20 pp.

Aquatic Haunting will give you the ability to Breath Underwater for approximately 30

minutes. You must have a fishscale in your inventory as a component before drinking this

potion. This is a "must-have" or "better-have" potion for underwater adventuring in

Kedge Keep or Lake of Ill Omen when your Enduring Breath caster goes link dead or

dies and you start to drown. Very handy for emergencies at an average price of 20 pp.

Blood of the Wolf gives you the benefit of Spirit of the Wolf spell, allowing you to run

much faster than normal in outdoors zones (although can be imbibbed outdoors and will

stay in effect after zoning into a dungeon) for approximately 40 minutes. Probably the

most popular potion in game for the broadest population of players, the long duration and

ability to outrun "most" mobs can save your life and at an average price of 12 to 15 pp

(10 shot multi-dose usually around 120 pp) is well-worth keeping a few around for any

non-sow-casting class.

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Bone Field will instantly Teleport you to location negative 2000 positive 350 in the Field

of Bones on Kunark with exactly a 30 second "casting" time. A crucial potion for non-

gating, non-porting, non-evacing classes and well worth the 375 pp average cost to

escape the planes or other high-level deep dungeons.

Dulsehound bestows + 18 Strength while also reducing Intelligence by - 25 and invoking

a 3 min Regeneration at 3 hp per tick. Drinking time (read: casting time) is virtually

instantaneous and duration is approximately 3 minutes. A nice potion to drink in the heat

of a tough battle if you can afford the average 70 pp price.

Etheria's Poison Antidote will Counteract Poison and works instantly. At an average

price of 12 pp 5 gp, a very handy potion to keep around for mid to high level players.

Stronger poisons may require drinking multiple gulps.

Frost will instantly Teleport you to Everfrost Peaks in the "3 igloos" area with exactly a

30 second "casting" time. A crucial potion for non-gating, non-porting, non-evacing

classes and well worth the pricy 375 pp average cost to escape the planes or other high-

level deep dungeons.

Graveyard Dust will add +27 to Strength, +20 to Agility and increase your attack speed,

the effects gradually wearing off over the course of approximately 1 minute, leaving you

a slightly negative effect of less strength and less agility after it's worn off than before

you drank it. Drinking or casting time is instantaneous.

Kilva's Blistering Flesh invokes a Scorching Skin damage shield lasting approximately

(level of the drinker/4) minutes. Damage is equivalent to the (level of the drinker/4) + 1.

Hence, a level 40 drinker would benefit from an approximate 10 minute (40 / 4) damage

shield doing 11 points of damage ( 40 / 4 + 1). At an average price of 17 pp, this potion is

more popular with higher level drinkers due to the increased damage and duration. Also

note that this damage shield WILL STACK with Mage and Druid damage shields.

Kilva's Skin of Flame invokes a Scorching Skin damage shield lasting approximately

(level of the drinker/4). Damage is equivalent to the (level of the drinker/2) + 1. Hence, a

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level 40 drinker would benefit from a approximate 10 minute (40 / 4) damage shield

doing 21 points of damage ( 40 / 2 + 1). At an average price of 30 pp, this potion is more

popular with higher level drinkers due to the increased damage and duration. Also note

that this damage shield WILL STACK with Mage and Druid damage shields.

Kithor's Disease Treatment will Counteract Disease and works instantly. At an average

price of 12 pp 5 gp, a very handy potion to keep around for mid to high level players.

Stronger diseases may require drinking multiple gulps.

Negation will Cancel Magic by removing the top-most spell effect on your screen

instantly, but then only sometimes. Until Verant fixes this "top most" spell removal to

"last cast" spell removal, this potion is fairly worthless if you have any other buffs cast

upon you at all.

Negation, Greater will Cancel Magic by removing the top two spell effects spell effects

in certain circumstances.

Rejuvenation, Lesser has the same affect as Chloroplast (regenerates your hit points at +

10 per tick for ~ 2 min ) but will reduce your strength and intelligence by - 10 and slow

your attack speed by - 9 while it is in effect. Fairly expensive at 40 pp or more for 200

points of damage healing.

Rejuvenation has the same affect as Chloroplast (regenerates your hit points at + 20 per

tick for ~ 2 min ) but will reduce your strength and intelligence by - 20 and slow your

attack speed while it is in effect. Expensive at 75 pp or more for 400 points of damage


Rejuvenation, Greater has the same affect as Chloroplast (regenerates your hit points at

+ 40 per tick for ~ 2 min ) but will reduce your strength and intelligence by - 40 and slow

your attack speed while it is in effect. Very expensive at 140 pp or more for 800 points of

damage healing.

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Serpent's Conviction grants you the effects of Serpent Sight, also known as Infravision.

A good potion for Barbarians, Humans and Erudites that have no "night-sight" spells and,

to many, worth the 18 pp average price per potion to keep a few around.

Serpent's Drink buffs your armor class by 6 points in the manner of Scale Skin spell and

has a duration of approximately 27 minutes. A fairly worthless potion, you must have a

snakescale in your inventory as a component before drinking this potion.

Spirit Shield buffs your armor class by 18 points in the manner of Shifting Shield spell

and has a duration of approximately 47 minutes. No component is needed, this potion

may prove moderately useful at an average price of 40 pp.

Stinging Wort grants an instantaneous 300 Hit Point boost both to total and current hit

points while adding 17 to Strength. The Strength and Hit Point boosts wear off gradually

in "damage over time" fashion over a 6 minute period. Another nice potion for melee


Swamp will instantly Teleport you to Innothule Swamp with exactly a 30 second

"casting" time. A crucial potion for non-gating, non-porting, non-evacing classes and

well worth the pricy 375 pp average cost to escape the planes or other high-level deep


Tamed Mercury bestows Quickness upon you to increase your attack speed for

approximately 3 minutes. While a very popular effect for melee'ers, a fairly expensive

potion at 55 pp average price considering the short duration.

Unlife Awareness makes you Invisible to Undead creatures. Like most invisible spells,

duration may fluctuate. Very useful in the areas like Lower Guk (dead side), Combine

City (Dreadlands), Keasora, and elsewhere. Worth the 20 pp average price in many

instances when you'd like to enter or leave an area without agro'ing everything in your


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TIP: Whether you need a utility potion for some specific mission or raid, or whether you

just want to keep a few around for emergency purposes (the most likely reason), these

utility potions can give you the edge you need to survive, conquer or escape death and the

xp loss that death conjurs. Ask yourself, "Is it worth a half bubble of lost xp to gobble

down a potion at the right moment?" The answer is academic. A tank walking out of the

Frenzied room in Guk would find an Unlife Awareness potion handy. Being stuck alone

deep in a dungeon or on the planes after going link dead could be disastrous without a

gate potion. There are a thousand different situations where you may find yourself

needing a potion.

You can also find further details beyond recipes over on the Learn Alchemy page.

Stat & Aura

Potions Image Ingredients Trivial Effects

Lesser Stability

Lucern, Sage Leaf 17

+ 5 Stamina

+ 5 Strength

- 5 Agility

Duration ~ 21 min

Lesser Vigor

Lucern, Birthwart 17

+ 5 Agility

+ 5 Strength

- 5 Stamina

Duration ~ 21 min

Lesser Power

Lucern, Fenugreek 22

+ 5 Dexterity

+ 5 Strength

- 5 Stamina

Duration ~ 21 min

Lesser Adroitness

Sage Leaf, Birthwart 22

+ 5 Agility

+ 5 Stamina

- 5 Dexterity

Duration ~ 21 min

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Lesser Cohesion

Sage Leaf, Fenugreek 22

+ 5 Stamina

+ 5 Dexterity

- 5 Agility

Duration ~ 21 min

Lesser Accuracy

Birthwart, Fenugreek 22

+ 5 Agility

+ 5 Dexterity

- 5 Stamina

Duration ~ 21 min

Minor Aura of

Cold Birthwart, Allspice 27

+ 5 Agility

+ 5 Fire Resist

- 3 Stamina

Duration ~ 15 min

Minor Aura of


Maidenhair Fern,

Mullein 27

+ 5 Charisma

+ 5 Disease Resist

- 3 Dexterity

Duration ~15 min

Minor Aura of

Heat Sage Leaf, Benzoin 32

+ 5 Stamina

+ 5 Cold Resist

- 3 Strength

Duration ~ 15 min

Minor Aura of

Purity Lucern, Night Shade 32

+ 5 Strength

+ 5 Poison Resist

- 3 Charisma

Duration ~ 15 min

Minor Aura of


Fenugreek, Mandrake

Root 32

+ 5 Dexterity

+ 5 Magic Resist

- 3 Agility

Duration ~ 15 min

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Lucern, Sage Leaf,

Blue Vervain Bulb 76

+ 10 Stamina

+ 10 Strength

- 10 Agility

Duration ~30 min


Lucern, Birthwart,

Blue Vervain Bulb 76

+ 10 Agility

+ 10 Strength

- 10 Stamina

Duration ~30 min


Sage Leaf, Fenugreek,

Blue Vervain Bulb 76

+ 10 Stamina

+ 10 Dexterity

- 10 Agility

Duration ~30 min


Lucern, Fenugreek,

Blue Vervain Bulb 83

+ 10 Dexterity

+ 10 Strength

- 10 Stamina

Duration ~30 min


Sage Leaf, Birthwart,

Blue Vervain Bulb 83

+ 10 Agility

+ 10 Stamina

- 10 Dexterity

Duration ~30 min


Birthwart, Fenugreek,

Blue Vervain Bulb 83

+ 10 Agility

+ 10 Dexterity

- 10 Stamina

Duration ~30 min

Aura of Null

Fenugreek, Mandrake

Root, Blue Vervain



+ 15 Dexterity

+ 15 Magic Resist

- 8 Agility

Aura of Antibody

Maidenhair Fern,

Mullein, Blue Vervain 90

+ 15 Charisma

+ 15 Disease Resist

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Bulb - 8 Dexterity

Aura of Heat

Sage Leaf, Benzoin,

Blue Vervain Bulb 96

+ 15 Stamina

+ 15 Cold Resist

- 8 Strength

Aura of Cold

Birthwart, Allspice,

Blue Vervain Bulb 96

+ 15 Agility

+ 15 Fire Resist

- 8 Stamina

Aura of Purity

Lucern, Night Shade,

Blue Vervain Bulb 103

+ 15 Strength

+ 15 Poison Resist

- 8 Charisma

Greater Stability

Lucern, Sage Leaf,

Valerian Root 143

+ 15 Stamina

+ 25 Strength

- 20 Agility

Greater Vigor

Lucern, Birthwart,

Valerian Root 143

+ 15 Agility

+ 25 Strength

- 20 Stamina

Greater Cohesion

Sage Leaf, Fenugreek,

Valerian Root 143

+ 15 Stamina

+ 25 Dexterity

- 20 Agility

Greater Power

Lucern, Fenugreek,

Valerian Root 150

+ 15 Dexterity

+ 25 Strength

- 20 Stamina

Greater Adroitness

Sage Leaf, Birthwart,

Valerian Root 150

+ 15 Agility

+ 25 Stamina

- 20 Dexterity

Greater Accuracy

Birthwart, Fenugreek,

Valerian Root 150

+ 15 Agility

+ 25 Dexterity

- 20 Stamina

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Greater Aura of


Birthwart, Allspice,

Valerian Root 156

+ 25 Agility

+ 25 Fire Resist

- 15 Stamina

Greater Aura of


Fenugreek, Mandrake

Root, Valerian Root 156

+ 25 Dexterity

+ 25 Magic Resist

- 15 Agility

Greater Aura of


Maidenhair Fern,

Mullein, Valerian Root156

+ 25 Charisma

+ 25 Disease Resist

- 15 Dexterity

Greater Aura of


Sage Leaf, Benzoin,

Valerian Root 163

+ 25 Stamina

+ 25 Cold Resist

- 15 Strength

Greater Aura of


Lucern, Night Shade,

Valerian Root 163

+ 25 Strength

+ 25 Poison Resist

- 15 Charisma

Utility Potions Image Ingredients Trivial Effects

Adrenaline Tap

Comfrey, Dhea 170

Flurry Quickness


Duration ~ 5 min


Hydrangea, Sumbul 52


(Requires bat wing

component when


Duration ~12 min

Ant's Potion

Sumbul, Celandine

Herb 70


(Useable both indoors and


Duration: until you die,

log or zone

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Aquatic Haunting

Jatamasi, Hydrangea 47

Enduring Breath

(Requires fish scale

component when


Duration ~30 min

Blood of the Wolf

Birthwart, Fenugreek,

Wolf Blood 37

Spirit of the Wolf

Duration ~40 min

Bone Field


Heliotrope 170

Personal teleport to Field

of Bones

(Destination Loc: +340, -

1961, Ruins entrance

archway near Kaesora)

Duration: instant (30 sec

cast time)


Hill Giant Toes, Balm

Leaves 131


(+18 STR, -25 INT, 180

hp Regen at 3/tick)

Duration ~3 min

Etheria's Poison

Antidote Lady's Mantle, Hyssop 57

Counteract Poison

Duration: instant


Heliotrope, Oakmoss 170

Personal teleport to

Everfrost Peaks

Duration: instant (30 sec

cast time)

(Destination Loc: -919,

+114, along mob path in

front of "Three Igloos")

Graveyard Dust

Fire Giant Toes,

Dragonwart >158

Agile Rage

(+27-48 STR [varies by

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level of drinker], +20

AGI, Haste)

Duration: 1 1/2 min dot

decline with reduced STR

& AGI afterwards

Kilva's Blistering

Flesh Jatamasi, Clubmoss 52

Scorching Skin

Damage Shield (Level of

Drinker/4) +1

Duration: Level of

Drinker/4 min

Kilva's Skin of


Jatamasi, Clubmoss,

Clover 136

Scorching Skin

Damage Shield (Level of

Drinker/2) +1

Duration: Level of

Drinker/4 min

Kithor's Disease


Lady's Mantle,

Echinacea 57

Counteract Disease

Duration: instant


Mystic Ash

Mercury 47

Cancel Magic

(Removes the top spell

effect on you)

Duration: instant

Negation, Greater

Mystic Ash, Mystic

Ash, Mercury 122-123

Stronger Cancel Magic

(Removes top two spell

effects on you)

Duration: instant



Lucern, Sage Leaf,

Yarrow 37


(Stacks with casted regen


+ 10 HP/Tick, - 10

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STR/INT, - Attack Speed

Duration ~2 min


Lucern, Sage Leaf,

Figwort 103


(Stacks with casted regen


+ 20 HP/Tick, - 20

STR/INT, - Attack Speed

Duration ~2 min

NOTE: The Figwort from

Shar Vahl will NOT work



Lucern, Sage Leaf,

Agrimony 163


(Stacks with casted regen


+ 40 HP/Tick, - 40

STR/INT, - Attack Speed

Duration ~2 min



Fennel, Eucalyptus

Leaf 63

Night Vision


Serpent's Drink

Sumbul, Clubmoss 63

Scale Skin

+6 AC

(Requires snake skin

component when


Duration ~27 min

Spirit Shield

Sumbul, Clubmoss,

Clover 110

Shifting Shield

+18 AC

(No component needed)

Duration ~47 min

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Stinging Wort

Ice Giant Toes, Balm

Leaves 156

+17 STR, +300 HP

Duration: 6 min dot




Bladderwrack 170

Personal teleport to

Innothule Swamp

(Destination Loc: -483,

+985, inside the

Shadowed Men Camp)

Duration: instant (30 sec


Vial of Tamed

Mercury Comfrey, Mercury 70

Flurry Quickness


Duration ~3 min

Unlife Awareness

Fennel, Elderberry 42 Invisiblity to Undead

Duration: varies

Luclin Potions Image Ingredients Trivial Effects

Titan - Maliak Leaf, Tri-Fern

Leaf 180 Grow

Elixir of Divine

Endurance -

Blade Leaf,

Beltherium Bark >180 +10 to all saves

Greater Mystical

Infusion -

Yerbhimba, Sickle

Leaf >180 +100 to mana pool

Hawk's Eye Tonic - Star Reach Clover, Tri-

Fern Leaf >180

uncertain, possibly + to

archery skill

Elixir of

Concentration -

Yerbhimba, Violet Tri-

tube >180 Regen 2 mana per tick

Greater Elixir of

Concentration -

Duskglow Vine, Violet

Tri-tube >180 Regen 3 mana per tick

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Mystical Aptitude - Duskglow Vine,

Yerhimba >180

Intellectual Advancement

(raises effective casting

level +3,

thereby reducing fizzles)

Old Alchemy

Potions Image Ingredients Trivial Effects

Assailing - Bugbane, Cyclops Eye - BUGGED - no source of

cyclops eyes found


Bugbane, Ice Giant

Toes 92-166

BUGGED - same effect

as Soluan's Vigor

Charming Deceit

Undead Froglok

Tongue, Mugwart <=70

+ Charisma, does NOT

stack with shaman

charisma buff

Copal's Demise

Evil Eye Eyestalk,

Horehound <=102 Cancel Magic

Fleeting Languor - Burdock Root, White

Wolf Skin <=155 Extinguish Fatigue

Frosty Insurgency

Polar Bear Skin,

Bistort <=155 Endure Cold

Gnomish Boils

Bat Fur, Eyebright <=70 Ultravision

Duration ~25 min

Gorging Toxin

Giant Wasp Venom

Sac, Boneset <=155 Cure Poison

Gulon's Impunity - Figwort, Lightstone <102


(does NOT require bat

wing component)

NOTE: Must use Figwort

from vendors in Shar

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Vahl, the kind sold

elsewhere will NOT work

Shumar's Breath

Vampire Dust,

Horehound 101-155 Endure Magic

Skin of Ro - Vox's Dust, Fire Drake

Scale -


fire drake scale

Soluan's Vigor - Werewolf Pelt, Vetiver

Root <=166

Regen +10 HP/tick,

slowed attack speed

Somber Origins - Alkanet, Rat Ear -


regular rat ear or giant rat


Soul of the

Incorporeal -

Aviak Feather,

Stinging Nettle -


aviak feather or just


Spurn Affliction

Zombie Skin, Reucoat

Herb <102 Cure Disease

Troll's Essence - Yebamente, Fairie

Wing -


fairie wing or pixie wing

Undead's Recourse - Warbone Chips,

Damiana <91

+15 STR and +150 HP to

start, -5 HP fade per tick

(duration ~ 5 min)

Vampiric Spirit

Griffon Feathers,

Feverfew 115-127

HpToMana (-180 HP, +60


Vox's Vitality

Froglok Leg, Sea Spirit <102

Enduring Breath

(does NOT require fish

scale component)

Wolves Blood

High Quality Wolf

Skin, Sticklewart <=155

Increased rate of stamina


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Mammoth Meat,

Woundwart 115-127

ManaToHp (+54 HP, -?


Dye Extracts Image Ingredients Trivial Use

For information on extract use and ingredient locations, see the Dye Recipes.

Black Extract - Charcoal, Flask of

Water, Empty Vial 36

Used to make black dye

to tint fine plate armor

Black Extract -

Blue Slumber Fungus,

Flask of Water, Empty


36 Used to make black dye

to tint fine plate armor

Black Extract - Froglok Skin, Flask of

Water, Empty Vial 36

Used to make black dye

to tint fine plate armor

Black Extract -

Green Goblin Skin,

Flask of Water, Empty


36 Used to make black dye

to tint fine plate armor

Black Extract -

Red Cockatrice

Feather, Flask of

Water, Empty Vial

36 Used to make black dye

to tint fine plate armor

Blue Extract -

Permafrost Crystals,

Flask of Water, Empty


36 Used to make blue dye to

tint fine plate armor

Brown Extract - Russet Oxide, Flask of

Water, Empty Vial 36

Used to make brown dye

to tint fine plate armor

Green Extract -

Evergreen Leaves,

Flask of Water, Empty


36 Used to make green dye

to tint fine plate armor

Red Extract -

Sarcoscypha Fungus,

Flask of Water, Empty



Used to make berry red

dye to tint fine plate


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Rust Red Extract - Iron Oxide, Flask of

Water, Empty Vial 36

Used to make rusty red

dye to tint fine plate


Yellow Extract -


Fungus, Flask of

Water, Empty Vial

36 Used to make yellow dye

to tint fine plate armor

Dyes can be used to color the visible pieces of fine steel plate armor. (No

other type of armor in-game can be dyed/colored.) The extracts needed for the

dyes are made by either a shaman or a rogue, using alchemy or make poison,

respectively. These extracts can then be used by anyone (no specific skill

check) to be combined into dyes. There is a smithing skill check when the

smith then applies the dye to the armor. If you still need clarification on the

following, please post to the message boards..

These are the VERY basic steps to creating dyes. See the detailed explanations

below for how to complete these steps

1. Make the extract

2. Make the dye

3. Dye the armor

Step 1. Make the Extract -- Extracts MUST be combined in either an alchemist's

medicine bag, or in a rogue's mortar and pestle. It appears that this may have recently

turned into lower trivial combine (it was trivial 36-ish). (i.e., supposedly non-rogues and

non-shamen can now perform this combine and get a trivial message, but it can still fail.)

The "empty vial" needed is sold by the dye supply merchants - you CANNOT use poison

vials for this recipe.

color main ingredient drop locations other

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extract ingredients

blue Permafrost crystals

many creatures in Permafrost, on

ground in Dire Wolf Pens in

Permafrost, ground spawn on the

golra island in Timorous Deep

empty vial,

flask of water

green Evergreen leaves

found lying on ground in Greater

Faydark, lighter shade of green,

uncommon and hard to see

empty vial,

flask of water


("berry") Sarcoscypha fungus

fungus types in Upper Guk &

Innothule Swamp, on ground in

LFay Faerie camp

empty vial,

flask of water



Russet oxide - there is

ONLY a 1-resin version

various elementals, also some

lying on ground in Steamfont,

elemental warriors in the Hole iron

& stone guardians in Nektulos

empty vial,

flask of water

red rust iron oxide -- there is

ONLY a 1-resin version

various elementals, also some

lying on ground in Steamfont,

elemental warriors in the Hole,

iron & stone guardians in Nektulos

empty vial,

flask of water

yellow jack o' lantern fungus

on ground in LFay Faerie camp,

scarecrow types in WK, Unrest,


empty vial,

flask of water


Charcoal OR blue

slumber fungus OR

green goblin skin OR

froglok skin OR red

cockatrice feather

charcoal: various elementals,

elemental warriors in the Hole,

iron & stone guardians in

Nektulos, golem-types, including

Terror (plane of Fear)

Blue slumber fungus: ground

empty vial,

flask of water

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spawn in LFay Faerie camp, drops

off mushroom folk in Sebilis

green goblin skins and red

cockatrice feathers are a Kunark


The elementals (earth/air/fire/steam) for the oxide/charcoal drops can be found in places

like Steamfont, Lavastorm and Najena. Still stumped on where to find the ground spawn

dyes? Here's some hints on how to Find that Dye!

Step 2. Make the Dye - can be made by anyone, using the above extracts, and combining

them in a medium clay jar (made by a potter, this is a combineable container. You lose

the jar on combine) along with merchant-sold resin

• darker shade - 1 resin, 1 extract -- the LARGE bracer when dyed with 1 resin

black is slate (pale gray) in shade

• base color - 2 resins, 1 extract

• lighter shade - 3 resins, 1 extract

See color samples of the dyes.

Step 3. Dye your armor: Take a completed piece of fine steel plate armor, place it in the

forge along with 1 dye, 1 jar of acid, 1 jar of lacquer and combine. Once dyed, the color

cannot be removed. You CAN fail on this part of the process (it's a skill check versus

your smithing skill - trivial <150), read your combine message carefully. On a

failure, the armor will be returned to you, undyed, and you lose the dye, lacquer and


Alchemy Prices

Alchemy supplies — Alchemy recipes

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Prices listed are using best charisma and faction. They are listed in platinum pieces in

decimal form preceded by a dollar sign: $9.524 would mean 9pp 5gp 2sp 4cp.

NOTE: There are two different herbs both called "Figwort". One is sold in Shar Vahl and

can ONLY be used for the old alchemy potion Gulon's Impunity. The other is sold in

many cities throughout Norrath and is used for the revamp potion Rejuvenation. The two

are NOT interchangeable. Hopefully one of them will get renamed soon.

Recipe Costs

Potion Trivial Cost Other Ingredients

Prices indicated do not include cost of dropped component.

lesser stability 17 $4.200

lesser vigor 17 $4.200

lesser accuracy 22 $4.200

lesser adroitness 22 $4.200

lesser cohesion 22 $4.200

lesser power 22 $4.200

minor aura of antibody 27 $4.200

minor aura of cold 27 $4.200

minor aura of heat 32 $4.200

minor aura of null 32 $4.200

minor aura of purity 32 $4.200

black extract 36 $0.020

charcoal or

blue slumber fungus or

froglok skin or

green goblin skin or

red cockatrice feather

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blue extract 36 $0.020 permafrost crystals

brown extract 36 $0.020 russet oxide

green extract 36 $0.020 evergreen leaves

red extract 36 $0.020 sarcoscypha fungus

rust red extract 36 $0.020 iron oxide

yellow extract 36 $0.020 jack-o-lantern fungus

blood of the wolf 37 $5.250

lesser rejuvenation 37 $30.450

unlife awareness 42 $10.500

aquatic haunting 47 $11.550

negation 47 $18.900

kilva's blistering flesh 52 $9.450

antiweight 52 $11.550

etheria's poison antidote 57 $6.300

kithor's disease treatment 57 $6.300

serpent's conviction 63 $6.300

serpent's drink 63 $9.450

ant's potion 70 $9.450

vial of tamed mercury 70 $32.550

cohesion 76 $8.400

stability 76 $8.400

vigor 76 $8.400

accuracy 83 $8.400

adroitness 83 $8.400

power 83 $8.400

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aura of antibody 90 $8.400

aura of null 90 $8.400

aura of cold 96 $8.400

aura of heat 96 $8.400

aura of purity 103 $8.400

rejuvenation 103 $56.700

spirit shield 110 $27.300

greater negation 122-123 $31.500

dulsehound 131 $33.155 hill giant toes

kilva's skin of flame 136 $27.300

greater cohesion 143 $17.850

greater stability 143 $17.850

greater vigor 143 $17.850

greater accuracy 150 $17.850

greater adroitness 150 $17.850

greater power 150 $17.850

greater aura of antibody 156 $17.850

greater aura of cold 156 $17.850

greater aura of null 156 $17.850

stinging wort 156 $33.155 ice giant toes

graveyard dust >158 $31.675 fire giant toes

greater aura of heat 163 $17.850

greater aura of purity 163 $17.850

greater rejuvenation 163 $109.200

adrenaline tap 170 $57.750

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bone field 170 $168.000

frost 170 $168.000

swamp 170 $168.000

titan 180 $10.500

hawk's eye tonic >180 $18.900

elixir of divine endurance >180 $63.000

greater mystical infusion >180 $67.200

elixir of concentration >180 $71.400

greater elixir of concentration >180 $87.150

mystical aptitude >180 $120.750

Old Alchemy Recipes

These will be put with the rest when we find closer trivials.

Prices indicated do not include cost of dropped component.

assailing (DNC) $30.382 cyclops eye

calimony <=166 $30.382 ice giant toes

charming deceit <=70 $7.350 undead froglok tongue

copal's demise <=102 $20.188 evil eye stalk

fleeting languor <=155 $13.352 white wolf skin

frosty insurgency <=155 $11.866 polar bear skin

gnomish boils <=103 $15.680 bat fur

gorging toxin <=155 $13.047 giant wasp venom sac

gulon's impunity <102 $21.222 lightstone

shumar's breath 101-155 $20.188 vampire dust

skin of ro (DNC) $14.392 fire drake scale

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soluan's vigor <=166 $24.080 werewolf pelt

somber origins (DNC) $0.026 rat ear

soul of the incorporeal (DNC) $16.726 aviak feather

spurn affliction <102 $95.550 zombie skin

troll's essence (DNC) $85.597 fairie wing

undead's recourse <91 $19.300 warbone chips

vampiric spirit 115-127 $27.553 griffon feathers

vox's vitality <102 $17.565 froglok leg

wolves blood <=155 $10.631 high quality wolf skin

wrackbone 115-127 $27.947 mammoth meat

Ingredients Costs

Stat & Utility Herb Cost

agrimony $105.000

allspice $2.100

benzoin $2.100

birthwart $2.100

bladderwrack $84.000

blue vervain bulb $4.200

celandine herb $5.250

clover $17.850

clubmoss $5.250

comfrey $26.250

dhea $31.500

echinacea $4.200

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elderberry $8.400

eucalyptus leaf $4.200

fennel $2.100

fenugreek $2.100

figwort $52.500

heliotrope $84.000

hydrangea $7.350

hyssop $4.200

jatamasi $4.200

lady's mantle $2.100

lucerne $2.100

maidenhair fern $2.100

mandrake root $2.100

mercury $6.300

mullein $2.100

mystic ash $12.600

night shade $2.100

oakmoss $84.000

sage leaf $2.100

sandalwood $84.000

sumbul $4.200

valerian root $13.650

wolf blood $1.050

yarrow $26.250

Gypsy Herb Cost

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balm leaves $33.155

dragonwart $31.675

Luclin Herb Cost

betherium bark $26.250

blade leaf $36.750

duskglow vine $68.250

maliak leaf $4.200

sickle leaf $14.700

star reach clover $12.600

tri-fern leaf $6.300

violet tri-tube $18.900

yerhimba $52.500

Old Alchemy Herb Cost

alkanet $0.026

bistort $11.866

boneset $13.047

bugbane $0.382

burdock root $13.352

damiana $19.300

eyebright $15.680

feverfew $27.553

figwort $21.222

horehound $20.188

mugwart $7.350

reucoat's $95.550

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sea spirit $17.565

sticklewart $10.631

stinging nettle $16.726

vetiver root $24.080

vox's dust $14.392

woundwart $27.947

yebamante $85.597

Alchemy Trade Supplies


• medicine bag - clockwork weaponsmith (1313,-886), clockwork weaponsmith

(1330,-708 (inside metal building))

Cabilis (Kunark)

• medicine bag, Yvonne's Guide to Alchemy, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel,

bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf, clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop,

jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash, elderberry, clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss -

Jaxxtz (West, -37, 518)

• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, nightsharde, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwort, agrimony, celandine herb - Klok Scaleroot (West,

400, 515, near necro guild)

• sandalwood - Jondin (West, -35, 511)

East Commonlands

• bat fur - Katha Firespinner (Erudite in building next to 3rd inn)


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• sandalwood - Merchant Yisasan (shop just inside S. Felwithe zone)

Firiona Vie (docks) (Kunark)

• medicine bag - Shelae Wolfkin (building at -3898, 1663)

• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, nightsharde, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwort, agrimony, celandine herb - Marlyn McMerin

(building at -3898, 1663)


• *sandalwood - Olyna Midel , Torlig Mudel (79, -899, W. Freeport)

• *medicine bag - Klan Smith, Gord Smith (Gord's Smithy, E. Freeport)


• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, nightsharde, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwort, agrimony, celandine herb - Blergagg (Shaman


• medicine bag, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel, bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf,

clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop, jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash,

clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss, sandalwood - Grabah (Shaman guild)

• medicine bag - Zumzal (Shaman's Guild)

• sandalwood - Raztara (loc 448, -396, near shaman guild)

• medicine bag - Hartok (Krungs Clubs & Junk)


• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, nightsharde, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwort, agrimony, celandine herb - Dargon (outside

Shaman guild)

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• medicine bag, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel, bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf,

clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop, jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash,

elderberry, clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss - Spirita (outside Shaman guild)

• medicine bag - Holana O'Leary (Yee Majik)

• sandalwood - Murtog MacYee (Yee Majik)

High Keep

• How to Dye and Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vial, jar of acid - Graham

Embersmith (basement, beside Miner Harton)

Highpass Hold

• medicine bag - Mardon Smith (Greenbane's Weapons)


• sandalwood - Baldoleky Rockfinder (252, -191, S. Kaladim)

Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• medicine bag, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel, bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf,

clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop, jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash,

elderberry, clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss, sandalwood - Margy O'Koyle (233,


• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, night shade, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwart, agrimony, celandine herb - Morfesh O'Koyle (252,


• medicine bag, maliak leaf, tri-fern leaf, star reach clover, sickle leaf, violet tri-

tube sap, betherium bark, yerbhimba, duskglow vine - Sharra O'Koyle (277, -


Kerra Isle

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• lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake root, allspice,

benzoin, night shade, mullein - Melixis (522, 183)

Kithicor Forest

• balm leaves, elf leaf, larkspur, dragonwort - Elsbyth (-768. 3081)

North Karana

• balm leaves, elf leaf, larkspur, dragonwort - Romella (-677, -197, gypsy camp)

Oasis of Marr

• balm leaves, elf leaf, larkspur, dragonwort - Isslana (513, 66, gypsy camp)


• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, madenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, night shade, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwort, agrimony, celandine herb - Garakbar (unlabeled

room with skull floating in the middle of it)

• medicine bag, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel, bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf,

clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop, jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash,

elderberry, clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss - Pordopa (unlabeled room with

skull floating in the middle of it)

• medicine bag, Letters of Jonas (Vol. 1-5)- Rora Dirtstamp (unlabeled room with

skull floating in the middle of it)


• medicine bag, Yvonne's Guide to Alchemy, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel,

bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf, clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop,

jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash, elderberry, clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss -

Yvonne Ani (The Poisoned Petal, upstairs from Superior Supplies)

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Rathe Mountains

• How To Dye And Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vials, jar of acid - Ukla

(ogre/troll camp, 1730, 1300) used to make dye


• sandalwood - Bimble Babbinsbort (-163, -120), Byle Babbinsbort (-146, -115),

Kizzie Mintopp (-231, -211)

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• sandalwood - Kolburn Inglewort (176, 632), Zimloro Jalobottle (-414, 1426)

• Medicine Bag, Lucerne, Sage Leaf, Birthwart, Fenugreek, Maidenhair Fern,

Mandrake Root, Allspice, Benzoin, Night Shade, Mullein, Wolf Blood, Blue

Vervain Bulb, Valerian Root, Yarrow, Figwort, Agrimony, Celandine Herb -

Callowolf MacFuller (122, 1236), Lemsen Frostherb (122, 1216)

• Medicine Bag, Mercury, Comfrey, Sumbul, Fennel, Bladderwrack, Eucalyptus

Leaf, Clubmoss, Echinacea, Lady's Mantle, Hyssop, Jatamasi, Hydrangea, Mystic

Ash, Elderberry, Clover, Dhea, Heliotrope, Oakmoss, Sandalwood - Polson

Medicinal (133, 1196)

• medicine bag, Maliak Leaf, Tri-Fern Leaf, Star Reach Clover, Sickle Leaf, Violet

Tri-Tube Sap, Betherium Bark, Blade Leaf, Yerbhimba, Duskglow Vine - Steaon

Alarenier (272, 1560)

• balm leaf, elf leaf, larkspur, dragon wart - Sneathe (-64, 24)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• Alkanet Root, Mugwart, Yebamante, Reucoat's, Sticklewort, Bistort, Boneset,

Vox's Dust, Eyebright, Sea Spirit, Burdock Root, Stinging Nettle, Damiana,

Figwort, Horehound, Vetiver Root, Bugbane, Feverfew, Woundwart, Medicine

Bag - Spiritist Ragnar (-284, -368), Kanaad (shaman guild), Mydi Darjik (-254, -

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389) note that Mydi's prices are far cheaper than the other two vendors, but you

must wait until she walks to the back right corner to buy and sell with her

• sandalwood - Alchemist Hikal (building at -284, -368)

Steamfont Mountains

• How To Dye And Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vials, jar of acid - Godbin

Strumharp (windmill at /loc 51, -611) used to make dye

Thurgadin (Velious)

• medicine bag, lucerne, sage leaf, birthwart, fenugreek, maidenhair fern, mandrake

root, allspice, benzoin, nightsharde, mullein, wolf blood, blue vervain bulb,

valerian root, yarrow, figwort, agrimony, celandine herb - Hulda (bank)

• medicine bag, mercury, comfrey, sumbul, fennel, bladderwrack, eucalyptus leaf,

clubmoss, echinacea, lady's mantle, hyssop, jatamasi, hydrangea, mystic ash,

elderberry, clover, dhea, heliotrope, oakmoss - Brynjar (bank)

Alchemy Dropped Ingredient Locations

This is a listing of the drop locations for all alchemy ingredients that are not regular

vendor stock (except bat fur, which is listed because it is the only Old Alchemy

ingredient that is vendor stock.) You might still find them on vendors, however, if a

player sold it to that vendor. In fact, some of these are very commonly available on

merchants near the areas where the items drop most often. For example, zombie skin

and lightstones are both plentiful on Erud's Crossing, making that an excellent place

to do some Merchant Mining for those two items. If you have corrections or

additions, please post them on the Alchemy Message Board.

Note also that some of the usual vendor herbs drop from certain sarnaks and their

dogs in Chardok. Look for the sarnak herbalist, chokidai rootdigger, chokidai

herbsniffer, sarnak herbcollector, wizened herbcollector, apprentice herbalist, and

alchemist acolyte. As Chardok is a high level zone that requires a good group to get

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very far, it's probably not going to be enough to fill all of an alchemist's needs. It is,

however, a nice extra bit of loot that could help put the most expensive potions

within reach for the financially challenged among us.

Ingredient Zones Creatures Notes

Aviak Feather Ocean of Tears quest only

sometimes given as reward

for Pirate's Earring quest -

Recipe currently broken

Bat Fur Antonica, Faydwer,

and Odus Bats

NOT "Giant Bat Fur"

Also available from

numerous vendors around


Cyclops Eye unknown unknown possibly broken and not


Evil Eye


Beholder, Runnyeye,

East Karana Evil Eyes

Fairie Wing Greater & Lesser

Faydarks various Fairies Recipe currently broken

Fire Drake

Scale Lavastorm Fire Drakes Recipe currently broken

Froglok Leg Upper & Lower Guk various


Giant Wasp

Venom Sack

Misty Thicket, Greater

& Lesser Faydarks various Wasps



North & East Karanas,

East & West


Griffons and

Griffins NOT Griffenne Feathers

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High Quality

Wolf Skin

Antonica, Greater




Ice Giant Toes Everfrost, Permafrost,

Ocean of Tears

Ice Giants,


NOT Frost Giant or Storm

Giant Toes


Antonica, Erud's

Crossing, Greater


Willowisps NOT Burned Out or

Greater Lightstones



Eastern Wastes,




Polar Bear

Skin Everfrost

various Polar


Rat Ear Antonica and Faydwer various Rats Recipe currently broken,

NOT Giant Rat Ears




Innothule, Upper &

Lower Guk, Sebilis



Vampire Dust Plane of Hate various



Chips Unrest



Werewolf Pelt West Karana, West

Commonlands Werewolves

White Wolf

Skin Everfrost White Wolves

Zombie Skin Antonica, Faydwer and

Odus Zombies

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Baking is the art of turning various items into edible food. Many of you may be thinking

"but why not just buy food from the vendors?"

There are several reasons to pursue baked foods:

stats - several player-baked foods now grant statistics (gained when the item is the first

food item in your inventory). These stat bonuses stack with all buffs, and can be a boon

to those trying to eke out every point in a stat (or resist) that they can get

weight - this is especially true for monks, since most baked goods weigh less (0.1) than

most purchased foods

duration/yield - you can make long-lasting foods (hearty meals, banquets, etc.), as well

as make several of some items at a time

price - since many of the items are scrounged from mob drops, relying on baked goods

can save you money in the long run

satisfaction - now, truly, which would you rather bite into, an iron ration, or a nice juicy

steak off that mammoth you just killed?

A wee halfling lady stands atop an overturned vegetable crate, lecturing to a small

cooking class. She wields a large wooden meat tenderizer as if it was a weapon,

occasionally waving it at a student for emphasis.

"So, ye want tae be cooks, lads and lasses? Cooks are the unsung heroes of any great war,

as without food and drink, those brawny warriors cannae keep up their fighting strength."

She smiles impishly up at a large barbarian warrior as she says this, her brown eyes

glinting with merriment.

"What do ye need to bake? For the simplest of recipes, nothing more than body parts off

a couple critters that are found in many low-level hunting areas ... and an oven. (Most

every city has one or two ovens, if not more.) For more complex things, you'll actually

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need to buy some added ingredients, invest in some cookbooks, and mayhaps some

cooking pans."

"I warn ye now, lads and lasses, that cooking is nae a fast road to riches." She waggles

the meat tenderizer at a daydreaming student. "Rather, your rewards come in more

intangible ways. Ye can feed yourselves, your family, and your friends off items that,

without your expert touch, would be totally inedible. Ye can also add some extra flair to

events such as weddings and the like with some sweet treat they'd be unable tae find in

any shop ... and guarantee it's freshness as well. Most importantly, ye can rescue folks

from the dire tedium of eating rations day in and day out." She shudders expressively at

this last.

"Until I can be certain if certain foods are better for ye, and therefore last longer, than

other foods, I cannae give ye proper recommendations on marketing. Such wonders as

'edible goo' sell for less to a normal (NPC) merchant than that same merchant would pay

for the individual components. Other foods, such as 'fish rolls', can be sold to that

merchant for more than ye'd pay for a normal food ration, and as such, ye can make a

small profit. I've nae found the rhyme nor reason tae it ... yet."

"Now, ye bought yourself a cookbook, did ye lass?" Niami peers quizzically at a young

elf holding a large cookbook in her arms. "I hope ye study that well and take careful

notes on it. Once ye've scribed the recipes contained in it (4 recipes - 8 pages - per book,

at the current time), ye no longer need the book. Ye can locker it, sell it back, or whatever

ye wish with it."

"Mind ye, there are a LOT of recipe books available, and ye'll rapidly eat away at your

savings ... no pun intended ... if ye buy all the books yuirself. Find a couple other would-

be cooks and share the expense of the books, and the recipes! But if ye're not one of those

large folks (ogres, trolls) who eat other (player) races for dinner, then stay away from any

recipe books written by that 'Ghumin' feller." Niami mutters something nearly inaudible

and incomprehensible about programmers and Hot & Spicy Toelings and then continues

the lesson. (Note also that some of the recipes contained in the books have errors.

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Attempts have been made to make sure that this site's recipes page contains working

recipes, not just reprints of the recipe book information.)

"The main things to remember with the recipes are the ingredients and the cooking

implements needed. When in doubt, use an oven, but if it says to do it over a roasting

spit, mayhaps ye'll hae better luck than I at finding one."

"Ye do know how tae use an oven, don't ye?" One timid student shakes their head and

blushes. "Good grief, were ye orphaned at birth?" At the small affirmative nod, the tiny

halfling turns on the motherly charm. "Ye poor lad, I be sorry. Forgive me runaway

tongue. Ye'll see brick ovens, with windows in the front door of them and flames dancing

inside of them hiding in odd spots in town. But for the untrained, it is sometimes hard tae

tell an oven from a kiln . When in doubt, open it (stand in front of it and left click on the

flames) and inhale. Ye'll be able tae tell verra quickly if it be used for baking food, clay

or metals. Then ye just put the proper ingredients inside, pray tae your favorite deity, and

bake. (press that 'combine' button.) Ye'll also find spits being sold in various spots, an'

they can be used tae bake as well. Think of them as yuir own personal portable oven."

"Oh, and make sure that when they ask for a flask of water that ye use an actual flask of

water, not one of those magical globes of water."

"That's all for this class, but feel free tae contact me if ye need extra tutoring."

She notes one student lagging behind. "What, ye want me tae give ye all the recipes, too?

Pshaw, lad, any good cook can tell ye that experimentation is necessary. But I'll take pity

on ye this much -- yuir early attempts should be something simple. Why don't ye try

combining a fire beetle eye and a rat ear in that oven of yuirs and see what comes of it?"

Guide to Power Baking

This is a quick and dirty guide to getting your baking skill up as high as possible, as fast

as possible. This is definitely a spoiler; so if you want to figure things out for yourself,

stop reading now. It is a very step-by-step, hold your hand guide to mastering baking in

the shortest possible time.

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First a few general things for all trade skills

Gather Space: Empty all your bag slots into the bank, so you are carrying no bags. Go

to the gnome camp in Iceclad Ocean (get a port or take the boat from North Ro). Buy 8

deluxe toolboxes (10 giant slot, wt 4, perfect bank boxes, cost less than 2pp each). Go

back to your bank and switch the toolboxes for your normal bags. You now have 80 giant

slots in your bank, instead of 64 if you used all backpacks.

Boost Stats: Trade skills go up based on the higher of your int or wis. You may have

heard rumors that one affects skill and the other affects success. Let me squash that right

now. The ONLY thing that affects success rate is your skill level. Stats make NO

difference of any kind. For skill up purposes the engine looks at either your wis or your

int, whichever is higher. The other can be 0 for all you care.

Based on your class and race, decide which is easier for you to raise.

• For Magicians, Enchanters, Wizards, Necromancers, Shadow Knights and Bards

it is usually easier to boost int.

• For Clerics, Shamans, Druids, Rangers, Beastlords, and Paladins it is usually

easier to boost wis.

• For Warriors, Monks, and Rogues ... both stats will be low, pick whichever one

is easier for you to raise and boost it

You will see much faster skill ups with higher stats. Get a “training suit” with the most

int/wis you can afford that you can keep in the bank, and put it on when you are working

on trade skills.

Ok, on to the baking.

For all races except Iksar, the best place to power bake is the East Commonlands area.

For Iksar you have 2 choices: stay in the Cabilis area, or do a ton of faction work in

Freeport or Neriak. Due to the lack of fresh fish on vendors near Cabilis, I recommend

going to Freeport and getting faction or hiring a newbie/using a mule

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Step 1: Batwing Crunchies

If good

1. Go to East Commonlands

2. Katha Firespinner (inn 3): buy 10 stacks of Bat Wings

3. Parthar (inn 1): buy 10 stacks of frosting

If evil

1. Go to East Commonlands

2. Katha Firespinner (inn 3): buy 10 stacks of Bat Wings

3. Go to Neriak Commons

4. Niz L'Crit (refined palate, next to bank): buy 10 stacks of frosting

If Iksar

1. Go to Field of Bone

2. Klok Acet (near entrance to Cabilis): buy 10 stacks of Bat Wings

3. Go to East Cabilis

4. Klok Sweetie (near bank): buy 10 stacks of frosting


1. Go to your favorite oven (or use a spit if you want to lug one around)

2. Make Batwing Crunchies till skill 46: 1 Bat Wing, 1 Frosting.

3. Sell leftover frosting and crunchies.

4. Keep extra wings

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Step 2: Fish Filets

If good

1. Go to East Commonlands

2. Parthar (inn 1): buy 30 stacks of jug of sauces

3. Go to East Freeport

4. Tanlok Harson (port authority at dock): buy 30 stacks of fish

If evil

1. Go to Neriak Commons

2. Niz L'Crit (refined palate, next to bank): buy 30 stacks of jug of sauces

3. Mariz Ixtaz (near Toadstool): buy 30 stacks of fish

If Iksar

1. Go to East Cabilis

2. Klok Sweetie (near bank): buy 30 stacks of jug of sauces

3. Check all vendors, and try to buy as much fresh fish as you can find.

4. Then grab a pole and hit the fishing button till you have 30 stacks. (I told you to

go to Freeport)


1. Go to your favorite oven (or use a spit if you want to lug one around)

2. Make Fish Filets till skill 82: 1 Fresh Fish, 1 Jug of sauces

3. Sell extra sauces and filets.

4. Keep extra fish

Step 3: Fish Rolls

If good

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1. Go to East Commonlands

2. Katha Firespinner (inn 3): buy 20 stacks of Bat Wings (including leftovers from

step 1)

3. Go to E Freeport

4. Tanlok Harson (port authority at dock): buy 20 stacks of fish (including leftovers

from step 2)

If evil

1. Go to East Commonlands

2. Katha Firespinner (inn 2): buy 20 stacks of Bat Wings (including leftovers from

step 1)

3. Go to Neriak Commons

4. Mariz Ixtaz (near Toadstool): buy 20 stacks of fish (including leftovers from step


If Iksar

1. Go to Field of Bone

2. Klok Acet (near entrance to Cabilis): buy 20 stacks of Bat Wings (including

leftovers from step 1)

3. Check all vendors, and try to buy as much fresh fish as you can find.

4. Then grab a pole and hit the fishing button till you have 20 stacks of fish

(including leftovers from step 2). (I told you to go to Freeport)


1. Go to your favorite oven (or use a spit if you want to lug one around)

2. Make Fish Rolls till skill 135: 1 Bat Wing, 1 Fresh Fish

3. Sell all leftover Fish

4. Keep extra Batwings

5. Use Fish Rolls (these are very popular items, especially among monks)

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Step 4: Bat Wing Pie

If good

1. Go to Lavastorm

2. Kill lava basilisks till you get 15 eggs

3. Go to West Freeport

4. Pincia Brownloe (unlabeled building next to monk's guild, W Freeport): buy a

mixing bowl

5. Go to East Commonlands

6. Parthar (inn 1): buy 15 milk and 15 cups of flour, 10 stacks of spices

7. Go to East Commonlands

8. Katha Firespinner (inn 3): buy 10 stacks of Bat Wings (including leftovers from

step 3)

9. Acquire a pie tin (see smithing or pottery recipes for more info. Personally, I

recommend pottery. It is far easier and cheaper)

If evil

1. Go to Lavastorm

2. Kill lava basilisks till you get 15 eggs

3. Go to Neriak Foreign Quarter

4. Sal Drana (human side): buy a mixing bowl

5. Go to Neriak Commons

6. Niz L'Crit (refined palate, next to bank): buy 15 milk and 15 cups of flour, 10

stacks of spices

7. Go to East Commonlands

8. Katha Firespinner (inn 3): buy 10 stacks of Bat Wings (including leftovers from

step 3)

9. Acquire a pie tin (see smithing or pottery recipes for more info. Personally, I

recommend pottery. It is far easier and cheaper).

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If Iksar

1. Just go to Freeport. There are no eggs in Kunark. Sorry


1. Make clumps of dough. They are long since trivial for you: 1 basilisk egg, 1 cup

of flour, 1 milk (yields 15 clumps of dough)

2. Make Bat Wing Pie till skill 142: 1 Bat Wing, 1 Clump of Dough, 1 Spices, 1 Pie

Tin (you get the tin back).

3. Sell extra wings and pies.

4. Keep extra dough.

OPTIONAL Step 1 - 4 variant: Bear fillet

Since the patch of May 8, 2002, a new skill up route has become available for bakers

all races:

1. Get a filleting knife (see smithing recipes for more info)

2. Go to Thurgadin (you didn't blow your Thurgadin faction yet, did you?)

3. Mordin Frostcleaver (Mordin's Meats): buy bear meat

(if your Thurgadin faction is bad, then go to Shadowhaven and buy bear meat from one

of the vendors that sells it)


1. 1. Make Bear Fillet till skill 143: Bear meat, filleting knife

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Step 5: Cakes

All people

1. Go to Greater or Lesser Feydark

2. Hunt Brownies for their parts.

3. Make White Chocolate: 2 frosting, 1 spices, 1 brownie parts (in a mixing bowl)

4. And/or Make Winter Chocolate: 2 frosting, 1 brownie parts (in a mixing bowl)


1. Make Birthday cakes till 162: 1 White Chocolate, 1 Frosting, 1 Clump of Dough

2. And/or Make Wedding cakes till 162: 1 Winter Chocolate, 1 Frosting, 1 Clump of


Step 6: Pixie Powdered Cinnesticks

All people

1. Go to Greater or Lesser Feydark

2. Buy or Forage Cinnamon Sticks

3. Hunt Pixies for Pixie dust

4. Make Pixie Powder Cinnesticks till trivial (>200): 3 Pixie Dust, 1 Cinnamon Stick

(in a mixing bowl)

Step 7: Dragon Steaks

All people

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1. Get Dragon meat however you can (it is a rare drop off Velious dragons), and

make Dragon Steaks till trivial.

2. Then come back and tell us what the trivial is: 1 Dragon Meat, 1 Jug of Sauces,

1 Spices.

Meadowflower's Method

Hi, I've just gotten my baking to 191 in a few days, and thought I would share the method

I used.

I am a Wood Elf Druid, and my main skill will be Fletching, but I am working on baking,

brewing, pottery, smithing, tailor, and fletching. Jewelcraft I think I will leave alone for

now =)

When I bake, my wisdom is 215, and when I sell my charisma is 132.

Preparation for any trade skill:

1) Find yourself as many 10 slot bags / boxes as you can, A good method is to go to

Iceclad and get the Deluxe tool boxes from the gnome camp there. they are 3.5 wt 10

giant slot containers for less than 1.2p and make great bank boxes, because unlike the

bazaar bags, they are light, and tradeable. Bear skin potion bags would work well too, if

you have a tailor friend or can make them yourself.

2) Get Smarter! Go to the bazaar and get some wisdom gear! Well this depends on your

class =) the highest of wisdom or intelligence applies to baking, so do what you need for

your class. Wisdom might be easier for the non-caster classes. Put your race/class and

wisdom(or int) as the stat to look for in the bazaar window, and shop to your hearts

content. you should be able to get 3-5 wis in every slot you have without much trouble,

Int, I don't know much about.

3) Brain food! Buy a few Misty thicket picnic's (str sta wis int 5) and a few Qeynos

afternoon tea (dex agi wis int 5), each one provides 5 wis or int, whichever you need. To

gain the benefit from these foods, they need to be the topmost food/drink in your gear.

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What I do is keep a giant-slot bag in the top left slot and keep my brain food in the top

two slots, below them I keep a stack of food and water. Why the food and water you ask

? As you work, occasionally force feed yourself food and water, to keep yourself full.

(place REGULAR food and drink in main inventory slot and right click to force feed) this

keeps you full, and you wont eat your brain food ! no need to buy stacks of it!.

3) Dress nice for the merchants! A pair of the opal encrusted steins will run you from

25pp to 100pp each, and at +25 charisma each, even the merchants that don't like

dwarves and halflings start to think they are really cute and ask for phone numbers =) I

have heard with indifferent faction, you only need about 107 charisma for best price. One

way is to keep a gem, that you know the best price for, the one I keep is peridot, best

possible price is 9p524c, Even if you start with a really low charisma, say 45, a pair of

opal steins and a pair of 7 charisma gold cats eye bracelets would take you to 109


OK! down to cookin' !

4) Now we need something to cook with! You need to decide if you are going to run back

and forth to an oven (around 30 seconds from the meat merchant in shadowhaven) or take

a spit with you and sit at the merchant. Other items you will need are a fillet knife, and a

frying pan, both made by smithing, and can be found over on the smithing recipes page if

you can make them, or find a friend who can. Raising your smithing to 74 isn't too hard,

or expensive, at 74 smithing i made 5 out of 6 non-stick frying pans and got 3 skill

increases =)

5) Down to business, clean out all your bags as much as you can, bank too. Can prolly get

this down to 2-3 trips from Norrath to Luclin, including the trip to buy brain gear =).

6) Production line ready to go! Lets get some supplies. Count all the slots you have open,

divide by 2, then subtract 2. So if you have 100 slots open total this gives you the number

48 (I had half as many slots open when I did it) Go to town and buy 48 stacks of bread,

then go to Jaggedpine and get 48 stacks of cheese, this leaves you with 4 open slots to

move stuff around, and buy the meat, and stack finished products. Now, head up to

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Luclin, go find the Soulbinder in ShadowHaven, If you have gate, or can get translocated,

its faster than waiting for the port back to Luclin, if you need to get more supplies from


Across the pond from the Soulbinder are 2 halfling merchants, the cute one on the right

sells unlimited supplies of lion and bear meat, being a druid, I only used lion meat, so I

wouldn't support the killing of bears =)

skill 1 to 143:

Buy lion meat. Make lion fillet. recipe: lion meat, fillet knife, in spit or oven.

This is not for the faint of heart (or wrist)

Got that done ? that was the easy part =)

skill 143 to 191:

Buy lion meat. Make patty melts. recipe: lion meat, cheese, bread, non-stick frying pan,

in spit or oven.

Hopefully your bank was near empty and you got lots of bread and cheese and won't have

to make a trip back down to Norrath. If you do, try to figure out how many skill gains

you got on average per stack of attempts, then buy enough meat (or more) to get your to

191, and go back to Norrath, get more bread and cheese, and get back to work. I chose to

just go buy more bread and cheese, then gate back to Shadowhaven for meat because I

am working on pottery there right now too. Whichever works for you.

skill 191 to ???:

What comes after? For you I am not sure. I am only taking my baking to 200, so I have a

ranger out killing pixies and foraging cinnamon sticks (and morning dew) to make pixie

powdered cinnisticks ( 3 pixie dusts, 1 cinnamon sticks(foraged) in a mixing bowl trivial

202 skill. Others are using the Ohabah Truffles, which take foraged mushrooms, frosting,

and dark chocolate creme(cream, frosting, brown algae, eucalyptus) to make, same trivial

202. As you can see the Truffles require less chasing critters.

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After that its pretty much what you can get to cook with, ranging from brownie parts for

holy cake, to Tae Ew, Dragon, Anaconda, and griffon meat.

The Baking Cannibal's Guide to People Part Drops

This is not a complete list of every single being in Norrath who drops racial meat. It is

intended rather as a guide to some of the best places where racial meats can be found.

Keep in mind that most of the named folk listed are not necessarily up all the time. Some

of the parts listed here cannot yet be baked into anything but are included here in case

they should ever be added. Other races, like barbarians, fight far to fiercely to ever get

anything usable in the unlikely event that they should succumb. So, if a race is not listed

here at all, you can safely assume that you'll never get meat off of them. There may also

be some inconsistencies in the name of the parts. For some races it may be called meat or

flesh. I tried to use the right name here but could not verify all of them first, so do not be

alarmed if you find yourself looting Gnome Meat or some such. Whether flesh, meat, or

parts, it should still work.

If you have corrections or know of additional drop locations, please report them in the

Baking Forum. Please only report drops that you can personally confirm because not

every creature of a given race will drop parts. For example, the halflings in Nektulos

Forest do NOT drop halfling parts. Also, this list does not include brownie parts (or frost

giant or siren, etc.) because they are not one of the playable races and therefore don't

make you a cannibal. You can still discuss how to find them in the Baking Forum. Be

sure to scan the last few pages of posts first, however, as you're probably not the first

person who wants to know.

As a last tip, just because they taste good doesn't mean that they might not be generally

nice and useful people, right? So if you want to stay in the good graces of the race that's

on your menu, it is important to be selective in which of their kin you go after. Do a little

research, you can often find rebels and bandits who have been outcast by their home city.

Sometimes you will even become better liked in their home city for having taken out

these embarrassments to society. Likewise, if you have no desire to enter the city but

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would like to be able to associate freely with the outcasts, center your hunting efforts on

the more respectable members of that race. And of course, don't forget to check vendors

in the area of the creatures that drop the meat you want in case another hunter sold some.

For example, vendors in East Karana almost always have some halfling parts off of the

spiders, while wood elf vendors in Kelethin often have wood elf parts from the bandits


Dark Elf Parts

• Dark elf casters in Najena

• Kizdean Gix in West Commons

• Dragoon Zytl in West Commons

• Coerced dark elves in Dalnir

• Dark elf pirates in Ocean of Tears

• Tempus in Upper Guk

• Giz Dintree in East Freeport

• Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis

• Ambassador Dvinn in Crushbone

• Dark elves in Befallen

Dwarf Meat

• Butcherblock bandits

• Crushbone dwarven slaves

• Dwarven bandit in Highpass

• Bunk Odun in Innothule Swamp

• Coerced dwarves in Dalnir

• Dwarves on Sister Island in Ocean of Tears

• Dwarven pirate in Firiona Vie

Gnome Parts

• Retlon Brenclog in Crushbone

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• Gnome gnecromancer camp in Rathe Mountains

• Coerced gnomes in Dalnir

• Gnome pirates in the Ocean of Tears

• Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis

• Gnomes in their Solusek A fortress

• Gnomish spelunker in Unrest

• Gnomes in Befallen

Halfling Parts

• Carrion Spiders in East Karana (also check area vendors for player-sold stock)

• Halfling pirates in Ocean of Tears

• Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis

High Elf Flesh

• High elf slaves in Crushbone

• High elf paladins in Innothule

Human Parts (currently cannot be baked)

• Human paladins in Innothule

• Human pirates in Ocean of Tears

• Humans on shipwreck in Timorous

Ogre Flesh (currently cannot be baked)

• Boog and Goob Mudtoe in the Ocean of Tears

Troll Meat

• Troll Slayers and Lynuga in Innothule

• Troll prisoners in Upper Guk

• Rungupp in Toxxulia Forest

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• Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis

• Bugglegupp in Steamfont Mountains

• Nerbilik in Ocean of Tears

Wood Elf Parts

• Wood Elf bandits in Greater and Lesser Faydarks

• Wood Elf slaves in Crushbone

• Rangers at station in Lesser Faydark

• Wood Elves on Sister Island in Ocean of Tears

• Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis

EQ Baking Recipes

As with ALL trade skills, be very sure that a) you do NOT stack any items when

combining, and, b) you use water flasks (from a merchant), not summoned or foraged

water. Remember to use ALL items listed in the implements column for that particular

recipe. Except where noted, implements such as skewers, cake rounds, pie tins, etc. are

returned, regardless of success or failure of the recipe. Pie tins, skewers, muffin tins, pots,

cake rounds and cookie cutters are player-made (pottery and/or smithing). You will not

find the items sold on a merchant unless a player has made the item and sold it to the

merchant. Spits, on the other hand, are merchant-sold, and you will find merchant

information in the baking section of the Trade Supplies pages.

Foods have varying durations based on classification. The type/stats section will list if it

is known to be a snack, meal, hearty meal, or banquet. It will also note when the item has

any stat attributes assigned to it. Unless otherwise noted, all baked goods have a weight

of 0.1

Any recipe that requires any ingredient found only on Velious, Luclin, or the new

Cazic-Thule will be listed below the main recipes. Quest-related recipes are listed

below that. May 8 recipes are included in the below listings.

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Item Ingredients Implements Type/stats Yield Trivial



anaconda meat, loaf of

bread, cheese



frying pan

feast; wt 0.1 1 >250

Anaconda stir

fry NEW

anaconda meat,

(foraged) vegetables,

(foraged) plant shoots



frying pan

banquet; STR

3, AGI 3 1




marmalade 3 frosting, foraged fruit spit/oven

meal, wt 0.1,



6 99


crunchies Batwings, frosting spit/oven meal 1 46

Batwing Pie clump of dough,

batwings, spices

pie tin,

spit/oven meal 4 142


sandwich Bear meat, bread spit/oven meal 1 31

Bear steak bear meat, spices, jug of

sauce spit/oven

hearty meal;

STR 1 1 41

Beer braised


bear meat, short beer,

spices spit/oven

meal; STR 2,

INT -1 2 68

Beer braised


Alligator meat, spices,

short beer spit/oven

meal, STR 2,

INT -1 2 68

Beer braised


Mammoth meat, spices,

1 short beer spit/oven

banquet; STR

3, INT -1 2 68

Beer braised


Lion meat, spices, short

beer spit/oven

meal; AGI 2,

INT -1 2 68

Beer braised


Rat meat,spices, short

beer spit/oven

meal, DEX 2,

INT -1 2 68

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Beer braised


wolf meat, spices, short

beer spit/oven

meal; STA 2.

INT -1 2 68

Beetle eye pie Clump of dough, fire

beetle eye, spices

pie tin,

spit/oven meal 5 142

Berry pie Clump of dough,

(foraged) berries

pie tin,

spit/oven hearty meal 2 142

Birthday cake

Winter Chocolate,

Frosting, Clump of


cake round,

spit/oven meal; wt 1.0 2 162

Birthday cake


birthday cake (you can

use 2 birthday cakes,

unstacked, to receive a

yield of 20 slices)

spit/oven snack; wt1.0 10 15


crunchies Bixie parts, frosting spit/oven meal 1 46



dark elf meat, spices,

garnish spit/oven

meal; DEX 1,

INT 2, AGI 12 62


clump dough (weight

0.5), random chance of

ending up with a burnt

loaf of bread and losing

your bread tin

bread tin,

spit/oven meal 1 115

Bug Bites

wasp wings, bixie parts,

spider legs, fire beetle


spit/oven meal 12 <=63



Spider legs, frosting,

spices spit/oven snack 8 88

Canyar Nut trout ("any type" - but spit/oven banquet; STA 2 >94 <=143

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Stuffed Trout Rivervale trout does not

work), (foraged) bag of

Canyar nuts, garnish,


2, sv disease






cheese, noodles,

anaconda meat




feast, STA 4,

STR 4, wt 0.11 >250





cheese, noodles, griffon





feast. STA 4,

WIS 4, wt 0.11 >250





plant shoots, cheese,





feast, STA 4,

INT 4, wt 0.11 >250



clump of dough, spices,

frosting, winter


spit/oven snack 2 148


Marr Cherries

3 (foraged) Marr

cherries, winter

chocolate (Cherries for

Miranda Quest)

mixing bowl snack; CHA

3; wt 0.6 6





clump of dough,

(foraged) fruit, winter


muffin tin,

spit/oven snack 2 155

Clump of


flour, milk, egg*

• snake - yield 1 mixing bowl snack varies 17

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• aviak (looted

yield 7, foraged

yield 5)

• alligator (looted

yield 10,

foraged yield 5)

• cockatrice -

yield 5

• griffon - yield 7

• basilisk eggs

(looted yield 15,

foraged yields 5)

• dragon eggs,

milk, flour, in

mixing bowl =

yield 20

• drake eggs,

milk, flour, in

mixing bowl =

yield 12

• wurm eggs,

milk, flour, in

mixing bowl =

yield 14


2 milk, benzoin

(alchemy supply), dairy


mixing bowl meal 8 83

creamy fennel


cream, fennel (alchemy

supply), flour mixing bowl meal 6 75

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Clump dough, spices,

frosting (shaped cookie

cutter optional) - with

shaped cookies, all

yield 5 other than troll,

which yields 1

spit/oven snack 5/1*

102 normal,

115 for


Cupcakes Clump of dough, spices,


muffin tin,

spit/oven snack 6 135



snake meat, wasp

wings, fire beetle eye spit/oven

meal; sv

poison 3 2 <=63

*Dwarf chops dwarf meat, spices,

garnish spit/oven

meal; STR 2,

STA 2 2 36

Dryad pate dryad parts, brandy,

plant shoot, spices spit/oven

banquet; WIS

4 1 >161

Edible goo Rat ears, fire beetle eye spit/oven meal 1 21

*Elven veal high elf parts, spices,

garnish spit/oven

meal; DEX 1,


1, INT 1

2 >104

fillet of ___

• wolf meat,

filleting knife -

yield 10

• bear meat,

filleting knife -

yield 1

• lion meat,

filleting knife -

yield 1

• mammoth meat,

filleting knife -

spit/oven meal varies 143

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yield 10

note new yield on fillet

of bear & lion

(Fish) Fillets

• Fish fillet: fish,

jug of sauces

• Carp fillet: Boar

carp, jug of


• Chub fillet:

Despair Chub,

jug of sauce

• Chub fillet:

Rujarkian chub,

jug of sauce

• Pike fillet:

Highland pike,

jug of sauce

• Pike fillet:

Hound pike, jug

of sauce

• Salmon fillet:


salmon, jug of


• Salmon fillet:

Thunder salmon,

jug of sauce

• Trout fillet:

Bloodfin trout,

jug of sauce

spit/oven meal 2 82

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• Trout fillet:

Cauldron trout,

jug of sauce

• Trout fillet:

Fogwater trout,

jug of sauce

___ fillet in



mammoth fillet, creamy

fennel sauce


hearty meal;

bear: STR 3,

INT -1; lion:

AGI 3; wolf:

STA 3;



1 152

Fish head


fish, jug of sauce, flask



spit/oven hearty meal 1 68

fish in cream


creamy fennel sauce,

prepared fish spit/oven

banquet, wt

0.1, small,


2 151 (147?)

Fish rolls Fish, batwings spit/oven banquet 1 135

Fruit pie Clump dough, (foraged)


pie tin,

spit/oven meal 3 142

Gator rolls gator meat, wasp wings spit/oven banquet 1 135

Gator steaks Alligator meat, jug of

sauce, spices spit/oven meal, STR 1 1 41

Gnoll chops gnoll parts, spices,

garnish spit/oven

hearty meal,

STA 4, small,

wt 0.1

1 >179


*Gnome Gnome meat, spices, skewers, meal, DEX 2, 2 56

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kabob jug of sauce spit/oven INT 2

Green Gill


Greengill bones, flask

of water spit/oven

not edible, wt

0.1, small,


(used in

Fizzy Odus


1 151

griffon melt griffon meat, loaf of

bread, cheese



frying pan

feast; wt 0.1 1 >216

griffon stir fry


griffon meat, (foraged)

vegetables, (foraged)

plant shoots



frying pan

banquet, INT

3, AGI 3; wt

0.1, small

1 >188

Grilled cheese

sandwich loaf of bread, cheese



frying pan

meal 4 >55 <=60

Halas 10 lb

meat pie

2 clumps dough, wolf

fillet in cream, bear

fillet in cream, lion

fillet in cream,

mammoth fillet in

cream, sage leaf

oven, pie tin


meal, wt 7.2,

size GIANT,


5, AGI 5, HP


6 226

hearty meat


anaconda meat, spices,

jug of sauces spit/oven meal, wt 0.3 1 <=135

holy cake

clump of dough, winter

chocolate, frosting,

eucalyptus, 3 celestial

essence, cake round



meal, 5 to all

saves, size


6 242

*Hot & spicy Halfling, spices, garnish spit/oven meal; DEX 2, 2 56

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toelings AGI 2

Hot cross


(foraged) fruit, clump

dough, frosting


muffin tin snack 8 142

jumjum cake

jumjum stalk, frosting,

clump of dough, winter



cake round hearty meal 20 166

jumjum cake

slice jumjum cake spit/oven meal 10 27

jumjum salad

lettuce, fennel, jumjum

stalk, foraged


mixing bowl

hearty meal;

wt 0.1, small,


10 142

Kobold steaks kobold meat, spices, jug

of sauces spit/oven

meal; STR 1,

STA 1 1 41

kunzar glue water, kunzar bones spit/oven not edible 1 <=135




wrass in cream sauce,

clump of dough, heavy

pie crock

(crock is consumed on




4, CHA 4,



2 >156

Lion steaks Lion meat, spices, jug

of sauces spit/oven

hearty meal;

AGI 1 1 41


____ (meats)

gator meat, rat meat, or

snake meat, mandrake

root, jar of acid

mixing bowl

drink; wt 0.1,



1 70

Lizard on a


Lizard meat, spices, jug



spit/oven meal 2 56

lotus pie thick lotus paste, clump spit/oven, miraculous 6 236

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of dough pie tin meal, CHA 9

lucky cabbage wild cabbage, blessed

dust of karana mixing bowl

meal, CHA

10 1 182


sandwich Mammoth meat, bread spit/oven meal 5 31



Mammoth meat, spices,

jug of sauce spit/oven

hearty meal;

STR 2 5 41



Rathe muskie, vinegar,

spices, snake egg oil,

fish wine


feast; STR 1,

sv poison 2,

sv disease 2

2 142



loaf of bread, apricot

marmalade mixing bowl

meal, wt 0.6,



12 99

mature cheese 2 milk, rennet, dairy

spoon mixing bowl meal 10 84

Meat pie Clump of dough, chunk

of meat

pie tin,

spit/oven meal 3 142

misty thicket


mature cheese, royal

mints, jumjum salad,

jumjum spiced beer,

marmalade sandwich,

picnic basket, 2 slices

jumjum cake



meal, STR 5,


5, INT 5, HP

20, mana 30;

wt 0.1,



4 >250


Clump of dough,

(foraged) fruit, muffin


muffin tin,

spit/oven snack 6 135

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cup of flour, water, egg

• snake egg -

yield 1

• rockhopper egg

- yield 1

• (foraged)

alligator egg -

yield 2

• (foraged?) aviak

egg - yield 2

• (looted) basilisk

egg - yield 2

• (foraged)

basilisk egg -

yield 2

• (foraged)

owlbear egg -

yield 3

• (foraged) silt

spider egg -

yield 3

• (foraged) drake

egg - yield 3

• (foraged)

cockatrice -

yield 3

• (foraged) griffon

egg - yield 4

• (foraged) wurm

egg - yield 4

spit/oven snack; wt 0.1,

tiny, all/all varies <=41

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• shissar egg (NO

DROP) - yield 6

• (foraged) dragon

egg - yield 8

Omelette du


egg, cheese

• snake egg -

yield 1

• (looted) basilisk

egg - yield 8

• (foraged)

basilisk egg -

yield 3

• (foraged)

alligator egg -

yield 3

• (foraged) aviak

egg - yield 3

DNC: dragon egg,

drake egg, wurm egg



frying pan

hearty meal;

wt 0.1, all/all,


varies <=141

Pasta with

cheese NEW

noodles, cheese, spices,

jug of sauce spit/oven

hearty meal;

wt 0.1, tiny 1



Pasta with

meat sauce


noodles, hearty meat

sauce, spices spit/oven

hearty meal,

STR 3; wt

0.1, tiny

1 >188


Patty melt

bear meat OR lion meat

OR wolf meat, loaf of

bread, cheese



frying pan

banquet 1 191

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Pickled bixie Bixie parts, vinegar, jug

of sauces spit/oven meal 2 51

Pickled dryad dryad parts, vinegar, jug

of sauces spit/oven meal 1



Froglok, vinegar, jug of

sauces spit/oven meal 1 51

Pickled gator Alligator meat, vinegar,

jug of sauces spit/oven meal 2 51

Pickled gnoll


gnoll parts, vinegar, jug

of sauces spit/oven ? ? ?

Pickled lizard Lizard meat, vinegar,

jug of sauces spit/oven meal 2 51

*Pickled troll troll meat, vinegar, jug

of sauces spit/oven meal 2


pasta NEW

noodles, jug of sauce,

spices spit/oven

hearty meal,

wt 0.1, tiny 1 191

Pixie Powder


3 pixie dust, 1

cinnamon stick mixing bowl

snack; AGI 2,

sv magic 2 6 202

Potemied pate brandy, potemied parts,

plant shoot, spices spit/oven meal; INT 4 1



Pound cake Clump of dough, berry

pie, spices spit/oven meal 4 135

Rabbit stew Rabbit, flask of water pot,

spit/oven hearty meal 1 68



egg, cheese, plant shoot

• {foraged} aviak

egg - yield 3



frying pan

hearty meal,

DEX 2 varies <=105

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• (foraged) griffon

egg - yield 4

• (looted) basilisk

egg - yield 8

(awaiting word on

various egg yields)

Rat ear

turnover Clump dough, rat ears

pie tin,

spit/oven hearty meal 2 142

Rat ear


rat ears, jug of sauces,

bread spit/oven meal 1 36

Rat kabobs Rat meat, spices, jug of




meal; DEX 1,

AGI 1 1 26

Rat sandwich Rat meat, bread spit/oven meal 1 26

royal mints frosting, eucalyptus leaf mixing bowl

meal; CHA 3,

wt 0.1, small,


10 76


sandwich Scorpion meat, bread spit/oven

meal; sv

poison 1 1 26

Shark fillet Shark meat, spices, jug

of sauce spit/oven hearty meal 2 82

Shark rolls shark meat, batwings spit/oven banquet 1 135


seaside salad

arctic mussels, small

clams, arctic king crab,

cobalt abalone, arctic

scallops, cobalt rock

crab, vegetables,

snapper oil


feast; DEX 5,

CHA 5, sv

cold 5,

6 180

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(all but the snapper oil

can be foraged)

Smoked shark shark meat, spices smoker,

spit/oven hearty meal 2 95


wood elf wood elf parts, spices



meal; WIS 2,

AGI 2 2 95

Snake pickles snake meat, jug of

sauce, vinegar spit/oven

meal; AGI 1,

sv poison 1 2 51

Snake steak snake meat, jug of

sauce, spices spit/oven

meal; sv

poison 2 1 41

thick lotus


sweet lotus sap*,

allspice, flour, cream

*(can also use sticky

lotus sap, soft lotus

petals, black lotus stem)

spit/oven meal; CHA 9 1 >101



salmon glue

water, thunder salmon

bones spit/oven not edible 1 <=142


salmon in


creamy fennel sauce,

prepared salmon fillet spit/oven

banquet; wt

0.1, size


2 147


pasta NEW

plant shoots, jug of

sauce, spices, noodles spit/oven

hearty meal,

sv disease 3;

wt 0.1, size

small, all/all

1 >105


Vegetable pie Clump of dough,

(foraged) vegetables

pie tin,

spit/oven meal 6 142



(foraged) vegetables,

jug of sauces, flask of


spit/oven hearty meal 1 68

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Wedding cake

white chocolate,

frosting, clump of


cake round,

spit/oven meal; wt 1.0 2 157?

Wedding cake

slices wedding cake spit/oven snack; wt 1.0 10 15



2 frosting, brownie

parts, spices mixing bowl snack 1 95




clump of dough, spices,

frosting, white


spit/oven snack 2 148




clump of dough,

(foraged) fruit, white


muffin tin,

spit/oven snack 2 155



2 frosting, brownie

parts mixing bowl snack 1 95


sandwich Wolf meat, bread spit/oven meal 1 31

Wolf steak wolf meat, spices, jug

of sauce spit/oven meal; STA 1 1 41

Woolie spider


spider legs, frosting (no

need to chase woolie

spiders, any stackable

spider legs will do)

spit/oven meal; sv fire -

1, sv cold 2 1 46

wrass in

cream sauce

creamy fennel sauce,

prepared weary wrass spit/oven banquet 2 <=156

Velious Recipes (requires ingredients available only on Velious)

Beer braised mammoth meat, othmir spit/oven banquet; STR 2 ?

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mammoth algae ale, algae spices 3, INT -1

Beer braised


wolf meat, othmir algae

ale, algae spices spit/oven

meal; STA 2.

INT -1 2 ?



panther meat (from

black panthers in

Wakening Lands),

spices, garnish

spit/oven meal; AGI 2,

STA 1 2 62

Cobalt cup


clump of dough, algae

spices, plankton


muffin tin,


meal; sv

poison 3, sv

disease 3

4 135

dark chocolate


cream, frosting, brown

algae, eucalyptus mixing bowl

meal; wt 0.1,



6 138

Dragon steak dragon meat, spices, jug

of sauce spit/oven

hearty meal;


4, STA 4,


4, INT 4,


5 >235


Frost giant


Frost giant meat, spices,

jug of sauces


Frost giant meat, algae

spices, oyster sauces

(yields 5)

spit/oven banquet; STR

4, STA 1 1/5* 142



Mammoth meat, algae

spices, oyster sauces spit/oven

hearty meal;

STR 2 5 <=125

Ohabah dark chocolate cream, spit/oven miraculous 4 202

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truffles mushroom, frosting meal, DEX 6,

AGI 6, WIS -

1, INT -1, wt

0.1, small,



flavored cod

cobalt cod, oyster

sauces, kelp garnish,

emerald orange



meal; sv

disease 2, sv

poison 1

2 <=142



dragon meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegar spit/oven

meal; STR 3,


3, CHA 3,


3, AGI 3

2 <=135

Pickled drake drake meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegar spit/oven

meal; WIS 2,

INT 2 2 >70 <=81

Pickled faun faun meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegarspit/oven

meal; STA 3,



2 >=86

Pickled frost


frost giant meat,

seaweed vinegar, oyster


spit/oven meal, STR 3,

STA 3 2 88

Pickled siren siren meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegarspit/oven meal; CHA 4 2 <=90

Pickled storm


storm giant meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegarspit/oven

meal; STR 3,

STA 3 2 88



unicorn meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed



meal; CHA 3,

WIS 2, sv

magic 2

2 <=142

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Pickled wurm wurm meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegarspit/oven

meal; STR 1,


1, WIS 1,


1, AGI 1

2 <=85



wyvern meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegar spit/oven

meal; sv

magic 3 2 75

Raptor steaks raptor meat, jug of

sauce, spices spit/oven

meal; STR 2,

STA 1 1 <=70



Iceclad cutlassfish,

batwing spit/oven meal 1 142


whitefish fillet

Salty whitefish, jug of

oyster sauce spit/oven meal 2 88

Sea green


algae spices, plankton

frosting, clump of



meal; sv

disease 2, sv

poison 2

1 102?

Shark fillet shark meat, algae

spices, oyster sauces spit/oven hearty meal 2 82

Sifaye Pickles sifaye meat, oyster

sauces, seaweed vinegarspit/oven

meal; DEX 2,

WIS 1, sv

magic 2

2 <=82

Storm giant


Storm giant meat,

spices, jug of sauces


Storm giant meat, algae

spices, oyster sauces

(*yields 5)

spit/oven banquet; STR

4, STA 1 1/5* 142

Vegetable red roughy, vegetables spit/oven banquet; sv 2 <=137

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Roughy (foraged), jug of oyster

sauces, kelp garnish

disease 2, sv

poison 2



yakman meat (from

tizmaks), jug of sauce,



yakman meat, jug of

oyster sauce, algae

spices (*yields 5)


hearty meal;



1/5* 75

Luclin Recipes (requires ingredients available only in Luclin)


sandwich owlbear meat, bread spit/oven meal 1 31

sonic wolf

sandwich sonic wolf meat, bread spit/oven meal 1 31

owlbear steak owlbear meat, spices,

jug of sauce spit/oven

hearty meal;

STR 1 1 41

sonic wolf


sonic wolf meat, spices,

jug of sauce spit/oven meal; STA 1 1 41




flask of water, rock

hopper egg (no drop),


used in Vah Shir rogue


spit/oven snack; STR 1

NO DROP 1 46

spicy fish


flask of water, jug of

sauces, packet of spices,

2 wetfang steaks (mob



large stewing

pot (no drop)


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used in Vah Shir rogue


centi steaks centi meat, jug of sauce,

spices spit/oven

feast; STR 5,

HP 10; wt 1.02 188

centi toe stew centi toes, milk, spices spit/oven feast; STR 3,

HP 30; wt 1.02 188

mind worm


mind worm meat,

spices, jug of sauce spit/oven

feast; STA 5,

mana 30 2 188

Cazic Thule Recipes

Tae Ew


chunk of Tae Ew meat,

spices, jug of sauce



hearty meal,

weight 1.0 2 <=162

Tae Ew Roll chunk of Tae Ew meat,

bat wing spit/oven


meal, weight


1 >203


Tae Ew


chunk of Tae Ew meat,

bread spit/oven

feast, weight

1.0 1



Candied Tae


chunk of Tae Ew meat,

frosting, spice spit/oven


meal, weight


8 250

Tae Ew Soup

chunk of Tae Ew meat,

water flask, jug of





meal, weight


1 >233


Tae Ew Pie chunk of Tae Ew meat,

clump of dough

spit/oven, pie



meal, weight

1.0 (cookie

cutter icon

for the baked


2 >250

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Quest recipes


Marr Cherries

3 (foraged) Marr

cherries, winter

chocolate (Cherries for

Miranda Quest)

mixing bowl snack; CHA

3; wt 0.6 6



unfinished rat

ear pie

giant rat ear or 2 regular

rat ears, flour (from S

Qeynos merchant),

baking spirits (found in

S Qeynos) (for the Paw

of Oppalla quest -- must

then be baked in a spit

or oven)

mixing bowl 1

trivial 28



142 to bake


HEHE meat

human ("chunk of"?)

meat, erudite meat, high

elf meat, flaming

Pungla (for Grobb

Cleaver quest - no

known source of erudite


spit/oven 1


poison extract

gray ice (ground spawn

in Frontier Mts), 2

pondfish spines (off

pond sturgeon in Lake

of Ill Omen) (for iksar

warrior quest)


spit/oven 1 >21, <45

panther pate

(no drop)

panther liver (no drop),

finewine family brandy

(no drop), plant shoots


not edible,

lore, no drop,

wt 0.1, small,

1 <=136

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(foraged), spices -

Jaggedpine quest


Thurgadin Prayer Shawl Baking Quests (more details here)

tundra bear


step 1: combine kodiak

meat and sauce in a

spit/oven (trivial <=63)

step 2: combine the results plus bread in a

mixing bowl

trivial: <=63

snow bunny


step 1: combine 2

bunny meat and sauce

in a mixing bowl (trivial


step 2: combine the results, plus spices, 2 flasks

of water and a pot in a spit/oven. NOTE: pot

lost during baking process

trivial: 68?

ulthork meat


step 1: combine 2

ulthork meat, vinegar

and spices in a mixing

bowl (trivial 82)

step 2: combine the results, plus dough and a pie

tin in a spit/oven

NOTE: pie tin lost during baking process

trivial: 95

snow griffon


step 1: combine 4 snow

griffon eggs (no drop

loot off snow griffons)

plus spices in a


step 2: there is no step 2 to this recipe :)

trivial: <=127

* = cannibalistic food - click here for drop information

Baking Trade Supplies


• oven - inside palace (723, -116)

• short beer - 2 clockwork barkeeps (inside bar at 1258, -901)

• fresh fish - clockwork merchant (726, 152)

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• fresh fish, water flask - clockwork grocer (2nd floor of tower at 903, -285)

• milk, water flask- clockwork merchant near Priest of Discord (482, -111), 2

clockwork merchants by Forge of Defiance, clockwork merchant (1290, -917)

Bazaar (Luclin)

• oven - loc -610, 104

• bat wing - Dashelo Dalroshan (-744, 10)

• water flask - Gliblixl Rocktok (-685, -33), Gaelsori Heriseron, Tontoal Heriseron

(upstairs, loc -660, -18)


• 13 recipe books, vinegar, spices, jug of sauce, garnish, frosting, flour, milk -

Urazun Thranon (2794, -883, 2nd shop on left out from Kaladim)

• spit - Nalda Gristbone (2716, -962, 3rd shop on left out from Kaladim)

Cabilis (Kunark)

• vinegar, spices, jug of sauce, frosting, flour, milk, 13 cookbooks - Klok Sweetie

(East, 547, 149)

• spit - Klok Gritchit (East, 592, 150)

• bread, water - Lybar (West, 290, 531)

• mixing bowl, 5 recipe books - Klok Unlar (East, 535, 157)

• oven - East (529, 154)

• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Jaxxtz (West, -37, 518)

• allspice, benzoin - Klok Scaleroot (West, 400, 515, near necro guild)

Cobalt Scar (Velious)

• otter milk, algae spices, kelp garnish, oyster sauces, seaweed vinegar, plankton

frosting - Bloogy Shellcracker (othmir vendor, 183, -1512)

• brown algae - Blumblum Swigwater (othmir vendor, 235, -1481)

• oven at 151, -1527

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Crystal Caverns (Velious)

• milk, water - Grabble Coldheart (dwarven outpost, -262, 172), Milace Gemshard

(dwarven outpost, -260, 235)

• short beer - Gilliad Coldheart, Hardat Gemshard (dwarven outpost, -241, 185)

• 13 recipe books, vinegar, spices, jug of sauce, garnish, frosting, flour, milk - Praps

Gemshard (dwarven outpost, -260, 367)

East Commonlands

• bread, short beer, water - Innkeep Blaise (3rd inn, loc 330, 4846), Innkeep

Dolman ("orc camp inn", loc 1027, 3683), Innkeep Juna (2nd inn, loc -323, 3029),

Innkeep Harold (1st Inn, loc -181, 116)

• spices, vinegar, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, 13 recipe books -

Parthar (next to Inn 1, loc -118, 236)

• bat wings, rat ears, fire beetle eyes - Katha Firespinner (next to Inn 3, loc 233,


East Karana

• bread - Lucetta & Balthazar (shop at 1311, -2704) and Iago & Paulina (shop at -

731, -186)

• fish - Sharna (barbarian fishing village, -3784, -2394)

Echo Caverns (Luclin)

• spit, bear meat, scorpion meat, lion meat, gator meat, snake meat, rat meat, bottle

of milk - Echo Tradesman (1601, -886)

• water flask - Echo Tradesman (1385, -609)


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• bread, mixing bowl, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2,

Binelen's Quick Treats, Binelen's Succulence, Delivered Note - Beth Breadmaker

(street merchant near docks), Helia BlueHawk (Blue Hawks)

• oven - outside Blue Hawks, outside bldg next to Erudin Surplus

• short beer - Geoard Bluehawk (Blue Hawks)

• fire beetle eye, bat wings - Jeliala Glimmercharm (Enchanter's guild),

• bat wings - Tika Shockstep (Wizard's guild)

• milk - Teria Finleather, Borge Finleather (Erudin Surplus)

Erud's Crossing

• fish, water - Renna (Kerra Isle, near dock)


• bread, short beer - Innkeep Morga (1139, -134), Innkeep Gub (1140, 1435)

• spices, vinegar, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, recipe books - Bup

(1171, 122)

• fresh fish - Kogg (1048, 1463)


• oven - next to Bait & Tackle (N. Felwithe, loc 239, -603)

• water flask - Merchant Sorintal (Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe)

• spices, garnish, jug of sauces, vinegar, frosting, flour, milk, spit, mixing bowl,

loaf of bread - Serenica Greenfinger (Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe)

• water flask, fresh fish - Fishmonger Issa (Felwithe Fish House, N. Felwithe)

Field of Bone (Kunark)

• bat wings - Klok Acet (-2460, 2993)

Firiona Vie (docks) (Kunark)

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• bread, water, mixing bowl, 5 recipe books - Glinya Sweetpie (building at -2778,


• oven - loc -2859, 2682

• fish - Dorg McMerin (building at -3898, 1663)

• allspice, benzoin - Marlyn McMerin (building at -3898, 1663)


• chunk of meat, short beer - Nesin Tapper (Chops & Hops, E. Freeport, loc -276,-


• oven - in empty shop near Torligs Herbs & Medicines (W. Freeport, loc -50, -

1011), inside Grub & Grog Tavern (E. Freeport, loc 68, -750, tall folk will need to

circle the building and enter from the back), inside Traders Holiday (E. Freeport,

loc 98, -242), inside Chops & Hops (E. Freeport, loc -297, -187) inside unlabeled

inn near bank (N. Freeport, loc -145, -33), outside empty building diagonal from

Tassel's Tavern (N. Freeport, -66, -41)

• spices, garnish, jug of sauces, vinegar, frosting, cup of flour, milk, spit, mixing

bowl, bread - Pincia Brownloe (unlabled building next to monk's guild, W.

Freeport, loc -274, -699)

• Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2, Binelen's Quick Treats,

Binelen's Succulence, Xectia's Favored Flavors, Xectia's Hot Pie, Vaashar's Sweet

Treats, Vaashar's Sweet Revenge, Ghumim's Delights, Ghumim's Classical

Dishes, Rohand's Sea Treats, Rohand's Edibles, Sorin's Treats on the Go, Sorin's

Tasty Kills - Ran Brownloe (unlabled building next to monk's guild, W. Freeport,

loc -243, -710)

• bread, mixing bowl, water flask, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies

Vol 2, Binelin's Quick Treats, Binelin's Succlence, Delivered Note - Roshinda

Elore (2nd floor, Office of Landholders, N. Freeport, loc 289, 300)

• bread, water flask, short beer - Innkeep Evelona & Innkeep Rille (Jade Tigers

Den, N. Freeport, loc 70, 67), Gern Tassel (upstairs, Tassels Tavern, N. Freeport,

loc 67, -56), Innkeep Paola (-175, -58, N. Freeport)

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• water, bread - Innkeep Palola (unlabeled inn near bank, N. Freeport, loc -175, -

58), Innkeep Nasumi (Freeport Inn, E. Freeport loc -76, -716) , Innkeep Hunter

(Freeport Inn, E. Freeport, loc -76, -693); Innkeep Rastle (Condemned building,

E. Freeport, loc -20, -287), Innkeep Paggie (Condemned building, E. Freeport, loc

-5, -230), Winda Lylil (Grub N Grog, E. Freeport, loc 45, -729)

• spit - Tislan (Traders Holiday, E. Freeport, loc 136, -296)

• short beer - Nesin Tapper, Lynda Tapper (upstairs in Chops N Hops, E. Freeport,

loc -295,-214), Cloud Alemaker (3rd floor Trader's Holiday, loc 121, -259), River

Alemaker (Traders Holiday, E. Freeport, loc 127, -266), Sun Alemaker (Traders

Holiday, E. Freeport, loc 125,-251)

• bat wings, fire beetle eyes - Lysa Truegreen (2nd floor, Academy of Arcane

Sciences, W. Freeport, loc 119, -718)

• bat wings - Zasrin Blueflame (3rd floor, Academy of Arcane Sciences, W.

Freeport, loc 148, -764)

• fish - Tanlok Harson (upstairs in Port Authority, E. Freeport, loc 85, -847), Iseba

Gargurd & Tarker Gargurd (Port Authority, E. Freeport, loc 58, -892)

• milk, water flask - Yellus Gravien & Gibbon Morfield (Office of Landholders, N.

Freeport, loc 291, 272), Alec Greenglade (blue building next to bank, N. Freeport,

loc -92, -128), Ran Greenglade (blue building next to bank, N. Freeport, loc -111,


• short beer - Swin Blackeye (Hog Caller's Inn, W. Freeport, loc -116, -472), Drona

Whystlethin (Hog Caller's Inn, W. Freeport, loc -154, -526); Judicia Riverfield &

Shonia Tassel (Tassel's Tavern, N. Freeport, loc 77, -33)

• water flask, short beer - Gregor Nasin (Seafarer's Roost, loc -235, -833)

Fungus Grove (Luclin)

• bottle of milk, water flask, rennet , Snoworb's Dairy Diary - Cen Snoworb (-1216,


• mixing bowl, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2, Binelen's

Quick Treats, Binelen's Succulence, Delivered Note - Rebecca Cabbageleaf (-

1450, -799)

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• bat wings - Esti Elvenblood (-1497, -954), Samfort Ruggen (-1668, -918)

Grimling Forest (Luclin)

• water flask - Merchant Hammar (-482, -1197)


• milk, water- Ootok (street vendor near warrior's guild), Bimuk (outside Krungs

Clubs & Junk)

• oven - 200, 180 (alcove with a pair of Bouncers), loc 534, -398

• spices, garnish, jug of sauces, vinegar, frosting, cup of flour, milk, spit, mixing

bowl, loaf of bread - Chopper Blerga (outside Gunthak's Bench)

• spit - Garklog (outside Krungs Clubs & Junk)

• allspice, benzoin - Blergagg (Shaman guild)

• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Grabah (Shaman guild)


• water flask, bread, mixing bowl, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies

Vol 2, Binelin's Quick Treats, Binelin's Succulence, Delivered Note - Teria

O'Danos, next to dock

• oven - outside McDaniels Smokes & Spirits

• vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, 13 cookbooks - Sissia

(McDaniels Smokes and Spirits)

• spit - Jill McDaniel (McDaniel's Smokes and Spirits)

• bread, water flask, short beer - Hetie McDonald (McDonalds Fine Cider)

• short beer - Brandyn McDonald (Mcdonalds Fine Cider), Donald McQuaid

(McQuaids Fine Cider) , Scon McDaniel (McDaniels Smokes and Spirits)

• fish - Quillion O'Zinn (The Found Mermaid)

• milk, water flask - Doc (Doc's Cigars), Greta Terillon (outside McDaniels Smokes

& Spirits)

• allspice, benzoin - Dargon (Shaman's guild)

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• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Spirita (Shaman's guild)

High Keep

• bread, mixing bowl, 4 recipe books, Delivered Note - Baker Jena (2nd floor, 42, -


• oven (2nd floor, 31, -216)

Highpass Hold

• oven - inside Tigers Roar, inside The Lumber Yard (upstairs), 2 in smuggler area

(41, 143 and 53, 322)

• bread - Gornolin (2nd floor, Golden Rooster)

• milk - Maign Greyeagle (shop at /loc 202, 507)

• water flask - Sernn Rosook (Serpent Supply), Maign Greyeagle (shop at /loc 202,


Hollowshade Moor (Luclin)

• flask of water - Tokk Smippah (1058, 1997), Rittuh Purrik (1069, 2027)

Jaggedpine Forest

• bat wings - Selia Wetstone (1115, 2045), Quartermaster Garucks (-1100, 3236,

Brell gnoll temple)

• vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, cup of flour, bottle of milk,

Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2, Binelin's Quick Treats,

Binelin's Succulence, Ghumim's Delights, Ghumim's Classical Dishes, Xectia's

Favored Flavors, Xectia's Hot Pie, Vaashar's Sweet Treats, Vaashar's Sweet

Revenge, Rohand's Sea Treats, Rohand's Edibles, Sorin's Treats on the Go -

Nerdala Darkcloud (1082, 2088)

• water flask, loaf of bread, fresh fish, cheese - Pergan Darkcloud (1070, 2085),

Chef Brargus (-1100, 3500)

• spit - Tallien Brightflash (1089, 2022), Dunari (-1048, 3454, Brell gnoll temple)

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Kael Drakkel (Velious)

• batwings - Ymik (-1738, 1925 ... behind King Tormax)


• oven - outside Gurtha's Ware (S. Kaladim), outside Greybloom Farm (N.


• mixing bowl - Tissin Greybloom & Serenk Greybloom (Greybloom Farm, N.


• short beer - Dura Darkfoam, Hanamaf Darkfoam (Pub Kal, S. Kaladim)

• bread - Greta Mottle (Irontoe's Eats, S. Kaladim))

• water flask, milk - Doranafi Ratsbone (street merchant near cleric guild, N.


Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• spit - Mahri Matuya (230, -1276)

• vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, cup of flour, bottle of milk,

mixing bowl - Yolanda Honeyjar (232, -1375)

• water flask - Kitty Barleou (225, -1115)

• oven - loc 290, -1313

• batwings - Wendel Starshiner (-704, 253, third floor of caster guild)

• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Margy O'Koyle (233, -1163)

• allspice, benzoin - Morfesh O'Koyle (252, -1147)


• bread - Merchant Kanoldar (749, 358), Innkeep Anisyla (Inn, -249, -427), Innkeep

Wuleran (Inn, -336, 135), Innkeep Linen (Sleepy Willow Inn), Innkeep Larya

(Inn near orc lift, 942, 309)

• oven (391, 343)

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• milk - Merchant Iiudarae (newbie lift platform, -34, -143), Merchant Aianya

(Goods shop, 242, 608), Merchant Kwein (PoD lift platform, 155, 340)

• spit - Merchant Uaylain (near Packwearers Goods)

Kerra Isle

• bottle of milk, water flask, fresh fish - Melixis (522, 183)

Kithicor Forest

• bread, short beer - Innkeep Lynnie (-303, 3797), Innkeep Darvon (1137, -676),

Innkeep Jurn (-289, 3822), Innkeep Min (1457, 2381), Innkeep Morgan (1447,

2385), Innkeep Grace (1100, -680)

• bat wings, fire beetle eyes - Jeena Firechaser (-215, 3820)

Lake of Ill Omen (Kunark)

• bat wings - Klok Gnask (6398, -6348)

Lake Rathe

• milk - Turga (ogre camp, NE corner of zone)

Lesser Faydark

• bread, short beer, water - Anelia Thrywiel (-318, 1248)

Misty Thicket

• spices, vinegar, frosting, jug of sauces, garnish, milk, flour and cookbooks - Bim

Buskin, /loc 905.00, -2344.00


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• oven - outside Drana's Bread and Butcher NFQ, outside Bites 'n Pieces SFQ,

outside The Refined Palate COM, outside Cuisine Excelsior 3G, COM loc 62, -


• bread, mixing bowl, numerous cookbooks - Sal Drana & Tal Drana (Drana's

Bread & Butcher NFQ)

• spices, vinegar, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, 13 recipe books - Niz

L'Crit (The Refined Palate, Neriak Down Under COM)

• Mixxy's Delicacies Volume I - Bronk (shop at bottom of entrance ramp SFQ)

• bread - Volkoon D'Dbth (House of D'Dbth COM), Dunred M'Trik (Refined Palate

COM), Bull Crusher (Warrior Guild SFQ)

• milk - Smaka & The Gobbler (Bites & Pieces SFQ), Yala Thiss, Sera Buelle,

Dran 'slug' Rembo & Vala Tambor (Slug's Tavern SFQ)

• short ale - Tenso H'Rugla & Rista S'Ion (Toadstool COM), Rysva To'Biath &

Marenkor To'Biath (The Blind Fish COM), Grazis L'Crit & Katrara L'Crit

(Cuisine Excelsior 3G), Cecile KJartan (Maidens Fancy 3G), Tala & Darin Felton

(Smuggler's Inn NFQ), Damar Nislan, Tanai Tambor, Uawn Betell (Slug's Tavern

NFQ), Slunga (Warrior's guild SFQ)

• fish - Mariz Ixtaz (near Toadstool COM)

North Karana

• bread, short beer - Innkeep James, Innkeep Disda (building at 110, 1418)

• short beer - Romi (gypsy camp)

• bread, short ale, water - Bilbis Briar (stone bridge tower)

Northern Desert of Ro

• fresh fish - Tia Sandfisher, Juni Sandfisher (edge of ocean)

Ocean of Tears

• bread, water - Cleonae Kalen (Erollisi Isle)

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• milk, water - Endan Halson (inn, Zachariah Reigh's Island - first stop from

Kaladim to Freeport)


• bread, fish - Chef Dooga (Meet and Drink Tew Bie) - note that Dooga will KOS

non-ogres, so beware

• bread, water, short beer - Crunga & Erung (unmarked shop down hall from armor

merchants, 529, -190)

• oven - next to Crunga & Erung in unmarked shop down hall from armor

merchants (529, -190)

• bat wings - Hrak (shaman guild)

• short beer - Clurg (255, -247)

• allspice, benzoin - Garakbar (unlabeled room with skull floating in the middle of


• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Pordopa (unlabeled room with skull floating in the

middle of it)

The Overthere (Kunark)

• Vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, cup of flour, milk, 13 recipe

books - Tin Merchant XI, 2652, 2542

• oven - 2697, 2367


• bread, mixing bowl, 4 recipe books, A Delivered Note - Iva Tersala, Gorng

Alusnein (Good Iva's Tasty Treats)

• short beer - Taralani Rahnta (Shackled Spirits)

• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Yvonne Ani (The Poisoned Petal, upstairs from Superior



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• flour, mixing bowl, bread, baking spirits - Karn Tassen, Voleen Tassen (Voleen's

Fine Baked Goods, S. Qeynos)

• oven - inside Voleen's Fine Baked Goods (S. Qeynos)

• milk - Sneed & Tanlyn Galliway (Galliways Trading Post, N. Qeynos)

Qeynos Hills

• spit - Mira Sayer (cottage)

Rathe Mountains

• short beer, water, bread - Innkeep Serge & Innkeep Troy (4295, 840), Sven Drinn

& Philicia Drinn (inns near paladin camp, 3985, -1376. Note that the Drinn's are

badly overpriced on selling and don't pay well on buying)


• oven - /loc -188, -157; /loc -75, -420 (druid area)

• milk, water flask - Wibble Bramblebush (next to dock)

• fresh fish - Fiddy Bobbick (next to dock), dock merchant (214, -223)

• recipe books (Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1 & 2, Binelin's Quick Treats, Binelin's

Succulence, Xectia's Favored Flavors, Xectia's Hot Pies, Vaashar's Sweet Treats,

Vaashar's Sweet Revenge, Ghumim's Delights, Ghumim's Classical Dishes,

Rohand's Sea Treats, Rohand's Edibles, Sorin's Treats on the Go, Sorin's Tasty

Kills) - Uma Sweetcookie (-180, -145)

• spit - Yola Sweetcookie (-218, -131)

• spices, garnish, jug of sauces, vinegar, frosting, cup of flour, bottle of milk, spit,

mixing bowl, bread - Bartle Barnick (druid area, -138, -350)

• water flask, jumjum stalk, lettuce - Daleen Leafsway (druid area , loc -95, -345)

Runnyeye (sneak is generally needed to shop here)

• bread, mixing bowl, 4 recipe books, a Delivered Note - goblin merchant (74, 90)

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Sanctus Seru (Luclin)

• spices, garnish, jug of sauces, vinegar, frosting, cup of flour, bottle of milk, spit,

mixing bowl - Milner McHazlo (298, -529)

• bat wings - Gaston Facetmaker (-53, 1018)

Shadeweaver's Thicket (Luclin)

• Spit, Spices, Jug of Sauces, Garnish, Frosting, Cup of Flour, Bottle of Milk,

Vinegar - Saren Kaja (hut at -1427, -2790)

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• oven - loc 262, 1085, in the Lost Turnip (-341, 1627), loc -460, 250

• spit, meat (scorpion, bear, lion, gator, rat, snake), bottle of milk - Nicoela (144,

101), Daliea Saeiersa (54, 1709), Samotal Sedmians (1150, 0)

• meat (scorpion, bear, lion, gator, rat, snake), water flask, bread - Eiles (163, -46)

• spit - Eustace Dakes (445, 1991), Jolan (136, 175)

• vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, cup of flour, frosting, bottle of milk,

Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2, Binelen's Quick Treats,

Binelen's Succulence, Ghumim's Delights, Ghumim's Classical Dishes, Xectia's

Favored Flavors, Xectia's Hot Pie, Vaashar's Sweet Treats, Vaashar's Sweet

Revenge, Rohand's Sea Treats, Rohand's Edibles, Sorin's Treats on the Go -

Akeral (204, -23)

• water flask - Adept Delf (28, -250), Merchant: Sanderson (-78, 31), Innkeep

Alviva (25, 431), Henriala Hobialon (232, 1786), Innkeep Zara (33, 1741), Hintol

Balkortak (-436, 1385), Fitonas Galaofon (1215, -239), Healian (1213, 0),

Sneathe (-65, 12), Sanderson (-78, 37)

• water flask, bottle of milk, rennet, Snoworb's Dairy Diary, Brother Dreymoon's

Meditations - Granger Kenforth (16, 1166)

• loaf of bread, water flask - Talida Furrytoes (-437, 1756)

• bat wings - Bargain Merchant (212, 287), Sedaitan Cournsian (318, -82)

• water flask, jumjum stalk, lettuce - Alorob Bolrodo (Lost Turnip)

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• allpspice, benzoin - Callowolf MacFuller (122, 1236), Lemsen Frostherb (122,


• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Polson Medicinal (133, 1196)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1, Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2, Binelen's Quick Treats,

Binelen's Succulence, Xectia's Favored Flavors, Xectia's Hot Pie, Vaashar's Sweet

Treats, Vaashar's Sweet Revenge, Ghumim's Delights, Ghumim's Classical

Dishes, Rohand's Sea Treats, Rohand's Edibles, Sorin's Treats on the Go, Sorin's

Tasty Kills - Trade Historian Hajika (-111, 66), Cook Mylis (castle, 460, -163)

• mixing bowl - Merchant Gamouz (building at 249, -254)

• mixing bowl, water flask, lettuce - Brokh (building at 249, -254)

• bat wings - Alchemist Hikal (building at -284, -368)

• bottle of milk, water flask - Jheral Alezya (-456, -33), Ulman Talmil (370, -20)

• oven - loc -476, 1, loc -139, 433, loc -201, -178, 2 at loc 382, 29

• water flask - Ahahd Tolm (-405, 217), Gawra (-347, 313), Dharr Nadim (-350,

125), Mahj Hujara (443, -53)

• Spices, Garnish, Jug of Sauces, Vinegar, Frosting, Cup of Flour, Bottle of Milk,

Spit, Mixing Bowl - Cook Yalkiin (castle, 460, -163), Supply Master Guresh

(451, 118)

• loaf of bread, water flask - Jharia Talmil (370, -20)

Skyshrine (Velious)

• bread, water, mixing bowl, 4 recipe books, A Delivered Note - Grudash the

Baker, RuRu the Cook (-170, -475)

• bread, water, scorpion meat, bear meat, lion meat, gator meat, rat meat, snake

meat - Raelrik (358, -627)

Southern Desert of Ro

• bread, water - Rathmana Allin (1208,1400)

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Steamfont Mountains

• spices, vinegar, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, recipe books - Finkel

Rardobaen (-1517, -1843)

• spit - Oren Furdenbline (2nd building from right of entrance to Ak'Anon)

• milk - Glen Garginbur (1st building on right from entrance to Ak'Anon, -1788,


Stonebrunt Mountains

• vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, 13 cookbooks - Chef

Stead (1347, -491)

• oven - 1343, -497

Surefall Glade

• spit - Frannie (just inside entrance)

Swamp of No Hope (Kunark)

• bat wings - Klok Migo (2472, 2920)

Thurgadin (Velious)

• short beer - Durgan Bottlenip, Fogerty Bottlenip (Broken Glacier), Adia

Coldbeard and Karey (The Icy Mug), Doogle McBanik (Doogles Drinks), Bixx &

Klarp Bartleby and Celtir Gronback (Vellium keg)

• spit - Wevil Doughbeard (bank)

• 13 recipe books, vinegar, spices, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk -

Perkins Doughbeard (bank)

• water, bread, meat (bear, scorpion, lion, gator, rat, snake) - Mordin Frostcleaver

(Mordin's Meats)

• oven - Mordin's Meats (-226, -205)

• allspice, benzoin - Hulda (bank)

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• fennel, eucalyptus leaf - Brynjar (bank)

Timorous Deep (Kunark)

• milk - Seloris Windweaver (-4870, -3440)

Toxxulia Forest

• 13 cookbooks, spices, seasoning, garnish, frosting, vinegar, jug of sauces, flour -

Quana Rainsparkle (shop to left of entrance to hunting area)

Warslik Woods

• bat wings - Klok Gragin (-1651, -712)

West Commonlands

• bread - Innkeep Roster (inn near toll gate), Innkeep Olissa (inn near lake)

West Karana

• bread - Innkeep Danin (-1514, -12998), Innkeep Rislarn (327, -4419)

• spices, vinegar, jug of sauces, garnish, frosting, flour, milk, 13 recipe books -

Chrislin Baker (1036, -1990)

• fish - Misla McManus (barbarian fishing village, near -4021, -2224)

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An Overview of Brewing

Brewing has been updated in the last year. The following is intended as a guide for those

interested in advancing brewing skills with a minimum of begging for foraged items and

running around gathering things that don't stack (like fire beetle eyes). I can recommend

Qeynos as a town to learn in, but others are similar in their suitability. With decent INT.,

one can advance in this skill relatively quickly, just don't drink while you're brewing!

(Ed: Drinking does not affect Wisdom, if your wisdom is higher than your Intelligence

then that is the stat your skill increases will be based off of, so feel free to sample the

goods! (Ed. Ed.: Drinking has been updated to affect Wisdom now, so don't touch until

you're done brewing!))

Don't train any points in this skill unless you just have some to spare (I never did). Snake

scales are too easy to come by, and Bog Juice will take you to skill 21. Here's the

progression (non-bold steps can be skipped if you are willing to fail a bit more often to

avoid collecting items or dealing with casks that don't stack):

• Bog Juice to 21

• Short Beer to 31 (requires casks)

• Heady Kiola to 46 (Sell this to Tailors for use in making Cured Silk Armor)

• Short Ale to 51 (requires casks)

• Fish Wine to 62

• Gnomish Spirits to 101 (requires spider legs & rat ears)

• Ol' Tujim's Fierce Brew to 135

• Faydwer Shaker to 188 (Elven Wine & Gnomish Spirits are available in various

locations, requires casks)

• Minotaur Hero's Brew to > 200 (requires casks)

Note that you can easily acquire the snakes scales and fish while leveling early on. If you

work Tailoring while you level, and fish during healing/medding time (yes, you can fish

while medding), you can easily get to the point where your tailoring skill is just

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beginning to need the Heady Kiolas when you're at the skill level to start making them.

Of course, if you save a stack of whatever you're brewing lately, you can keep your

alcohol tolerance maxed as well. Cheers!

EQ Brewing Recipes

As with ALL trade skills, be very sure that a) do NOT stack any items when combining,

and, b) you use water flasks (from a merchant), not summoned or foraged water. Trivial

levels listed are player-provided. Please post to the message boards any trivial

levels/yields that you are aware of.

Alcoholic Drinks - Non-Alchoholic Drinks - Nondrinkable brewing - Luclin Brewing

Recipes - Other stray brewing recipes

Brewing Supply Locations - Temper & Tanning Recipes for Smithing & Tailoring

Zone-specific foraged item information (good for finding info on morning dew, etc.)

Please remember to add the proper item from the "Container" column below to

your recipe, if there is one mentioned.

Alcoholic Drinks

Item Ingredients Container Yield trivial

Ale barley, malt, water cask 3 68

Armadillo simmer


Armadillo meat, ogre swill, vinegar,

malt, yeast


husk 1 148

Bleeding brain vodka, spices, fire beetle eye shotglass 2 168

Bog juice water, snake scale bottle 1 21

Boot beer

large leather boot, swamp vegetables

(ground spawn on ground in

Innothule swamp), innothule

(none - the

boot is the


2 >158,


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mushrooms (ground spawn in

Innothule swamp in the water), malt,

water, milk (failure returns the boot)

Brandy 2 red wine, (foraged) vegetables,

spices shotglass 3 122


• sec champagne: 1 grapes,

wine yeast, soda water

• demi-sec champagne: 2

grapes, wine yeast, soda


• brut champagne: 3 grapes,

wine yeast, soda water

magnum is NOT returned on success

or failure


magnum 1

250 for

sec &


brut >250

Double brewed

double stout

dwarven ale

2 dwarven ale, 2 short beer cask 2 142

Egg Nog XXX

1 egg nog (recipe below in

nonalcoholic drinks section), 1


bottle 2 55

Elven wine morning dew, (foraged) berries,

wine yeast bottle 1 115

Emerald orange

schnapps NEW

steamfont springwater, 2 emerald

oranges, wine yeast bottle 2 <=168

Faydwer schnapps


steamfont springwater, 2 sylvan

berries, wine yeast bottle 2



Faydwer shaker elven wine, gnomish spirits,

dwarven ale, mead (failure yields cask 1 188

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cask + 4 bottles, success yields 1

shaker and 4 bottles)

Faydwer stinger giant wasp stinger, elven wine,

gnomish spirits bottle 1



Faydwer port

2 elven wine, red wine, white wine

(failure yields cask + 4 bottles,

success yields 1 porter and 4 bottles)

cask 1 68

Fish wine water, grapes, fish bottle 3 62

Ginesh foraged vegetables, water, short beer shotglass 2 168

"Gnomish cleaning

fluid" (yields

superior lichen

spirits & a pot of

cleaning paste)

moss covered drake scale (ground

spawn in Steamfont), water, pot

the spirits are drinkable, the paste is

non-drinkable, non-stackable -- pot

is lost on combine (success or fail)

bottle 1/1 >136

Gnomish spirits rice, spider legs, rat ears bottle 2 102

Gruppa's poppin


2 bottles fizzlepop, 2 bottles

gnomish spirits, infected rat liver,

pixie dust

cask 2 160

Gypsy porter 4 gypsy wine (failure returns 4

bottles and a cask) cask 1 68

Gypsy wine grapes, wine yeast, fire beetle eye bottle 2 68

Halas Heater spider legs, vodka cask 3 135

Halfling stouter vodka, spices, berries shotglass 3 135

Heady kiola 2 packets of kiola sap, water (used

for tailoring) bottle 1 46

Honey mead hops, royal jelly, water cask 1 40

Hulgarsh 2 vodka, water, fishing bait cask 3 155

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jumjum spiced


barley, hops, spices, jumjum stalk,

water bottle 10 162

Khalish foraged fruit, foraged vegetables,

water bottle 1 30

Mead yeast, hops, malt cask 1 41

Minotaur Hero's


3 malt, yeast, 2 flask water, 2 short

beer (success yields 1 brew and 2

empty bottles, failure yields 1 cask

and 2 empty bottles)

cask 1 248

Ogre swill malt, yeast, froglok meat cask 1 51

Ol' Tujim's Fierce

Brew barley, hops, yeast, malt cask 2 135

Othmir Algae Ale white algae, ochre algae, azure algae

(ingredients sold in Cobalt Scar) cask 1 31

Red port 4 bottles red wine (success yields 1

port, 4 empty bottles) cask 1 68

Red wine grapes, wine yeast, (foraged) berries bottle 1 95

Ro port

2 bottles red wine, 2 bottles elven

wine (success yields 1 port, 4 empty


cask 1 68

Short ale barley, hops, water cask 1 51

Short beer barley, hops, malt cask 1 31

Skull ale vinegar, spices, short beer, cyclops

skull (returned on success or failure)(none) 2 151

Skunk breath ale

2 skunk glands, gnomish spirits,

short beer, malt, yeast (returns the

ale plus 2 empty bottles on success)

(Skunk glands were obtained from

cask 1 155

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large skunks in Butcherblock)

Tail kicker lager 2 lizard tail, vinegar, malt, yeast, 2

flasks water (none) 2 142

Thubr's Darkened


A strange dark fungus (ground

spawn at Greybloom Farms, North

Kaladim), malt, barley, yeast

cask 1 102

Tumpy's tonic kiola nut, water (none) 1 135

Underfoot Brown

4 underfoot mushroom (ground

spawn in North Kaladim), flask

water, malt, short beer (look for blue

mushrooms in the area next to

Greybloom Farms) Also returns an

empty bottle on success, as well as

the brew

cask 1 168

Vodka 2 short beers, water, foraged

vegetables bottle 1 135

White wine grapes, wine yeast, foraged fruit bottle 1 82

**granite powder: 2 bone chips, 1 granite pebble, 1 forging hammer (sold in Cabilis) -

combined in a forge

Nonalcoholic drinks (can be used in place of water)

Item Ingredients Container Type/stats Yield Trivial

Egg Nog

spices, malted

milk (recipe

below), 2

aviak eggs

bottle drink 2 55

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soda water,

fruit juice


chance of

recieving back

a fruit juice

on a failure)

bottle drink 2 142

Fizzy Odus


soda water,

sea horse roe,


essence, green

gill juice





flowing drink,

AGI 4, DEX 4,


2 >179 <=207

Flask of


4 foraged

pods of water bottle drink 1 21




soda water,




liquidised rat,



cask, cork,




drink, STR 6,

STA 6, WIS -1,

INT -1, wt 0.1,



6 216


Triple Bile

putrid bile,


bile, skyash

bile, Lothran's




vial, cork,



drink type not

provided, sv

magic 5

6 >179

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juices and

teas from



• berry




, 1



• fruit


2 fruit,

1 flask


• Karana


tea: 2


d tea




• orange






s, flask


• rathe



all are "drink"

• Karana


tea: +1 sv


• Sylvan




• orange

juice +1




• berry


• fruit


• sylvan



• karana


tea 29

• orange


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2 rathe


, flask


• sylvan








, flask





essence, soda








spawn), a

strange dark










drink, STA 5, 5

to all saves

4 >250

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Malted milk

malt, milk



bottle whistle wetter 1 26




tea leaves,

cream, water,








drink, DEX 5,

WIS 5, INT 5,

AGI 5,


level 1, wt 0.1,



6 226

Root beer



root beer,


chunk of ice

(off golras in



(none) drink 1 <=101


root beer

2 (foraged)

roots, spices,

yeast, water

bottle drink 1 24

soda water soda, water

flask (none)

drink, wt 0.1,

small, none/none1 58


Ranger's Trail


air sealed


surefall sap,


essence -

arador is



drink, DEX 4,

STA 4, WIS 4

2 >202 <=205

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NOT returned

on a



Nondrinkable Brewing

Item Ingredients Container Notes Yield Trivial



griffon feather, water,

king's thorn (none)

used in


Afternoon Tea

12 >146



egg oil dragon egg, water flask (none)

used to make

treated silk


1 150


yarrow yarrow, water (none)

used in



6 <=81

Fish oils

(see the zone-specific

fish listing for sources of

the various fish)

• cod oil: cobalt

cod, water (trivial

68 - used in

Velious tailoring)

• snapper oil:

dragon bay

snapper, water

(trivial 150, used

(none) not drinkable 1 varies

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in Shellcrackers

Seaside Salad)



• Everfrost

Essence: frost

turnip (foraged),

water flask, triv


• Cabilis essence:

deadbone barley

(foraged), water

flask, triv >180


• Vale essence:

black root

(foraged), water

flask, triv 122

• Vital essence:

surefall sap

(foraged), water

flask, triv >102


• Spiteful essence:

cactus pulp

(foraged), flask

of water, trivial


• Faydark essence:

cinnamon stick

(foraged), flask

of water 122


used for

pottery spirit


1 varies

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• Marr essence:

bag of sea salt

(foraged), flask

of water <=122

• Nektulos essence:

glow lichen

(foraged), flask

of water, triv


• Fetid essence:

fishing grub

(foraged), flask

of water, triv 122

• Butcherblock


stonefish, water,

trivial 122

• Clockwork


clockwork koi,

water, trivial 122

• Paineel Essence:

hatch dace, water,

trivial <=124

• Thunder essence:

Thunder salmon,

water, trivial 122

• Innothule



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mushroom or



(ground spawn,

Innothule), water,

trivial 186

• Erud's essence:

barren flounder,

water, trivial





wormwood, brandy,


wt 0.1, size small,



used in


Triple Bile

4 143

Snake egg

oil snake egg, water (none)

used in






foraged vegetables,

water (none) no known use 1 102

Luclin Brewing Recipes

item ingredients container trivial/notes

heady paeala 2 packets paeala sap,

flask of water bottle 46; used in tailoring

sweetwater (no


xakra bile (no drop),

scorpion blood (no drop),

>38 <=45; used in Vah Shir

shaman quest

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flask of water

paeala bark


paeala bark, flask of


102; used in tailoring (bark


zelniak oil zelniak fat, flask of water bottle

trivial >92 <=106; Katta

Castellum quest recipe; wt 0.1,

small, all/all


soothing tonic

2 muck digger hearts,

flask of water

trivial 68; used in Vah Shir

shaman quest

murky liquid

dulfis mushroom (no

drop ground spawn,

Pauldal caverns), flask of


trivial 88; used in Vah Shir

shaman quest

crystal clear

water (no drop)

bottle of fresh water (no

drop), acrylia sand filter

(no drop)

trivial 36; used in Vah Shir

brewing quest

gravel pit tea

(no drop)

crystal clear water (no

drop), gravel pit leaves

(no drop)

trivial >107 <=110; used in Vah

Shir brewing quest

hollow palm

tea (no drop)

hollow palm root, crystal

clear water (no drop),

metal strainer (no drop)

trivial >142; used in Vah Shir

brewing quest

spiced hollow

palm tea (no


hollow palm root, spices,

crystal clear water, runed

metal strainer (no drop)


hollow palm root, spices,

water flask, acrylia

trivial 162; whistle wetter, WIS 2,

sv disease 10 (when equipped in

ranged slot); part of the Vah Shir

brewing quest

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handled strainer

spiced grimroot

tea (no drop)

grim root, crystal clear

water (no drop), spices,

runed metal strainer (no



grimroot, spices, water

flask, acrylia handled


trivial 162 whistle wetter, WIS 2,

sv poison 10 (when equipped in

ranged slot); used in Vah Shir

brewing quest

Other Quest Recipes

Item Ingredients Container Yield Trivial

Legion Lager

giant blood sac (no drop off giant leeches in

Swamp of No Hope), bloodwater (sold in

Cabilis), dead bone barley (foraged in Field

of Bones)

bottle 1 36

Embalming fluid

(no drop)

rubbing alcohol (sold in Cabilis), 2 bog

juice, granite powder** (used for the 3rd

rank necro skullcap quest in Cabilis)

(none) 1 21


avalanche ale

(for a Coldain

ring quest)

iceball (off snow dervishes in EW), ice

wyvern stinger (no drop off arctic wyverns

in CS), arctic mussels (ground spawn in

Cobalt Scar), seahorse scales, runed seashell

(drops in Siren's Grotto), vial of mind melt

(rogue-made poison)

bottle >247

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Brewing Trade Supplies


• cask, bottle - clockwork merchant at 1264, -773

• brew barrel - inside bar at 1258, -901

• cask, shotglass, short beer, mead, brandy, gnomish spirits - clockwork barkeeps

(inside bar at 1258, -901)

• water flask, bottle, mead - clockwork merchant near Priest of Discord (482, -111),

2 clockwork merchants by Forge of Defiance, clockwork merchant (1290, -917)

• flask of water - clockwork grocer (2nd floor of tower at 903, -285)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Natures Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - clockwork brewmaster (1261, -918)


• water flask - Gliblixl Rocktok (-685, -33), Gaelsori Heriseron, Tontoal Heriseron

(upstairs, loc -660, -18)


• barley, hops, malt, rice yeast, wine yeast, Nature's Beverages - Indudul Dumirgun

(2839, -648, 1st shop on left out from Kaladim)

• Pages from Brodders Diary I, III, IV, V, VI - Iglan Thranon (2801, -900, 2nd shop

out on left from Kaladim entrance)

Cabilis (Kunark)

• Bottle, cask - Klok Vednir (East, 61, -12)

• short ale, grapes, shotglass, bottle, keg, kiola sap - Klok Sass (East, 663, -32)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - Brewer Prixal (East, 671, 30)

• brew barrel - East, 678, -14; Side room in Tink N Babble (East, 915, -66)

• water - Lybar (West, 290, 531)

• shotglass, cask, bottle - Klok Poklan (East, Tink N Babble, 908, -73)

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• mistletoe - Jondin (West, -35, 511)

• allspice, yarrow - Klok Scaleroot (West, 400, 515, near necro guild)

Cobalt Scar (Velious)

• Cask, bottle, fish wine, 4 types of algae (azure, ochre, brown, white) - Blumblum

Swigwater (othmir vendor, 235, -1481)

• brew barrel 259, -1500

Crystal Caverns (Velious)

• water, bottle - Grabble Coldheart (dwarven outpost, -262, 172), Milace Gemshard

(dwarven outpost, -260, 235)

• cask, shotglass, brewers limericks, short beer, dwarven ale, gnomish spirits -

Hardat Gemshard (dwarven outpost, -241, 185)

• short beer, shotglass, grapes, packet of kiola sap, cask -Gilliad Coldheart

(dwarven outpost)

Dawnshroud Peaks (Luclin)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, packet of paeala sap, bottle, shotglass,

cask, paeala bark - Tharzia Spiritis (-900, 1357)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Natures Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - Yharrv Valorus (-953, 1356)

East Commonlands

• water, mead, short beer - Innkeep Blaise (3rd inn, loc 330, 4846), Innkeep

Dolman ("orc camp inn", loc 1027, 3683), Innkeep Juna (2nd inn, loc -323, 3029),

Innkeep Harold (1st Inn, loc -181, 116)

• grapes, bottle, cask, kiola sap, short beer, mead, fish wine, red wine white wine,

brandy, shotglass - Innkeep Calen (3rd inn, loc 315, 488), Innkeep Fenia ("orc

camp inn", loc 1020, 3725), Innkeep Leo (2nd inn, loc -318, 2979), Innkeep Elora

(1st Inn, loc -188, 67)

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• rat ears, fire beetle eyes - Katha Firespinner (next to Inn 3, loc 233, 4734)

East Karana

• bottle - Bradly & Julie (shop at -833, -109)

Echo Caverns (Luclin)

• water flask - Echo Tradesman (1385, -609)


• bottle, cask - Nerth Sailwind (street merchant near docks), Reihan Wilhemson

(bldg next to Erudin Surplus), Luren Renthalis (Vasty Deep Inn), Kisrin

Breezeshadow & Reko Saltamer (Erudin Port Authority), Tan & Judge Monosty,

Vall Stonewisp (Erudin City Office)

• brew barrel - inside Blue Hawks, upstairs inside bldg next to Erudin Surplus

• bottle - Borge Finleather & Teria Finleather (Erudin Surplus), Rem Knarjon

(Temple of Divine Light)


• cask, bottle - Merchant Issynal (Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe)

• brew barrel - basement of Tovaniks Venom (N. Felwithe)

• white wine, red wine, elven wine, shotglass, cask - Wela Muselender & Tyle

Songwhisper (Tovaniks Venom, N. Felwithe)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Nature's Beverages, bottle, cask,

shotglass, grapes - Feraniel Leafsway (Tovaniks Venom, N. Felwithe)

• water flask, mead - Merchant Sorintal (Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe)

• cask - Fishmonger Jassa (Bait & Tackle, N. Felwithe)

• mistletoe - Merchant Yisasan (shop just inside S. Felwithe zone)

Field of Bone (Kunark)

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• snake scales - Klok Acet (-2460, 2993)

Firiona Vie (docks) (Kunark)

• bottle, cask - Broawn Gosheart (building at -3898, 1663), Dom Pathfinder

(building at -2817, 2656)

• shotglass, grapes, bottle, cask, kiola sap, short beer - Samson (building at -3037,


• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - Frothy (building at -3037, 2984)

• brew barrel - inside building at -3037, 2984

• yarrow, allspice - Marlyn McMerin (building at -3898, 1663)


• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Natures Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - Krystin Charcoal (between West Gate and zone to North Freeport)

• brew barrel - outside Hog Callers Inn (W. Freeport, loc -175, -483), inside

Seafarers Roost (E. Freeport, loc -206, -856), inside Grub & Grog Tavern (E.

Freeport, loc 19, -722), inside Traders Holiday (E. Freeport, loc 140, -328), inside

Tassel's Tavern (N. Freeport, loc 65, 6), inside unlabeled inn near bank (N.

Freeport, loc -202, -59)

• grapes, bottle, cask, shot glass, packet of kiola sap, red wine, short beer, short ale,

mead, red wine, white wine, brandy, fish wine - Cloud Alemaker (3rd floor

Trader's Holiday, loc 121, -259), River Alemaker (Traders Holiday, E. Freeport,

loc 127, -266), Sun Alemaker (Traders Holiday, E. Freeport, loc 125,-251) ;

Judicia Riverfield (Tassel's Tavern, N. Freeport, loc 67, -23), Shonia Tassel

(Tassel's Tavern, N. Freeport, loc 86, -25); Swin Blackeye & Drona Whystlethin

(Hog Caller's Inn, W. Freeport); Lynda Tapper (Chops N Hops, E. Freeport)

• bottle, water flask, mead - Tradesman Lyna, Tradesman Tulan (Coalition of

Tradesfolk, N. Freeport),Yellus Gravien & Gibbon Morfield (Office of

Landholders, N. Freeport), Alec & Ran Greenglade (blue building next to bank,

N. Freeport)

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• bottle, cask, short beer, mead - Jaleel Hoglomp (Grub N Grog - East Freeport, loc

32, -741)

• white wine, gnomish spirits, dwarven ale, elven wine, ogre swill - Myrissa

O'Donner (Velithe & Bardo's Imported Goods, E. Freeport, loc 91, -437), Ston

O'Donner (upstairs Velithe & Bardo's Imported Goods, E. Freeport, loc 95, -416),

Monita O'Donner (Velithe & Bardo's Imported Goods, E. Freeport, loc 104, -387)

• water flask, short beer - Innkeep Evelona, Innkeep Rille (Jade Tigers Den, N.

Freeport), Innkeep Paola (-175, -58, N. Freeport)

• water flask, short beer, mead - Gern Tassel (upstairs, Tassels Tavern, N. Freeport,

loc 67, -56)

• bottle, shotglass, mead - Galio (-177, -36, N. Freeport)

• short beer, red wine, white wine, mead, brandy, fish wine - Nesin Tapper (Chops

& Hops, E. Freeport, loc -276, -213), Lunce Nasin (upstairs Seafarer's Roost, loc -

243, -862)

• keg - Tanlok Harson, Iseba Gargurd, Tarker Gargurd (Port Authority, E. Freeport)

• mistletoe - Olyna Midel , Torlig Mudel (79, -899, W. Freeport)

• fish wine - Tanlok Harson (upstairs Port Authority, E. Freeport, loc 87, -846),

Iseba Gargurd (Port Authority, E. Freeport, loc 62, -883), Tarker Gargurd (Port

Authority, E. Freeport, loc 64, -888)

• water flask, mead, red wine, white wine, short beer, brandy, elven wine, dwarven

ale, gnomish spirits, ogre swill, fish wine - Gregor Nasin (Seafarer's Roost, loc -

228, -835)

Fungus Grove (Luclin)

• ogre swill, dwarven ale, gnomish spirits, elven wine - Jolly Arval (-1193, -548)

• bottle, water flask, Wandering Drogard's Brew Book (vol 1 & 2) - Cen Snoworb

(-1216, -988), Thar Anson (-1339, -800)

• snake scales - Samfort Ruggen (-1668, -918)

Grimling Forest (Luclin)

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• water flask - Merchant Hammar (-482, -1197)


• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Nature's Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - Gartonka (Gunthaks Bench)

• bottle, water, mead - Ootok (street vendor near warrior's guild), Bimuk (outside

Krungs Clubs & Junk)

• bottle, cask - Graktak (Gunthaks Bench)

• mead, ogre swill, ale, water flask - Zatok & Wista (Gunthak's Bench)

• brew barrel - inside Gunthak's Bench (95, -334)

• mistletoe - Raztara (loc 448, -396, near shaman guild)

• allspice, yarrow - Blergagg (Shaman guild)


• brew barrels - in McDonald's Fine Cider (225, -142) and in McQuaid's Dark &

Stout (117, -260)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Natures Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - Becka McGuzzlin (McDonald's Fine Cider, loc 225, -142)

• cask, shotglass, short beer, mead, fish wine, brandy - Brandyn McDonald

(McDonald's Cider, loc 179, -153), Scon McDaniel (McDaniel's Smokes, loc 343,

-343), Brin McQuaid (McQuaid's Dark & Stout, loc 93, -218), Donald McQuaid

(McQuaid's Dark & Stout, loc 89, -207)

• cask, bottle - Rose McDowell (loc 397, 165, between wolf pens & shaman's


• empty bottles - Dok (Dok's Cigars, loc 211, 271), Greta Terrilon (outside

McDaniels Smokes, loc 282, -324)

• allspice, yarrow - Dargon (Shaman's guild, loc 350, 353)

Hidden Thicket (Luclin)

• brew barrel - near loc -2684, 950

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High Keep

• bottle, cask - Merchant Dominik (outside building)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - a clerk (1st floor, -73, -185), dealers

(2nd floor, -94, -321 and -68, -354)

• brew barrel (2nd floor, 54, -216, across from the gambling area)

Highpass Hold

• bottle, cask, grapes, short beer, shotglass, kiola sap - bartenders (Golden

Roosters), bartender (Tigers Roar)

• bottle, cask, grapes, shotglass, kiola sap - Bartholemew & Paulina (The Lumber


• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - dealers (Golden Roosters),

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Nature's Beverages - Lyn Tarburner

(Tigers Roar)

• brew barrel - inside Tigers Roar, inside The Lumber Yard (2 - upstairs and down),

in smuggler area (58, 316)

• ogre swill (ogre temper ingredient), dwarven ale (dwarven temper ingredient),

white wine, gnomish spirits, dwarven ale, elven wine - Dyn Tarburner (2nd floor,

Tigers Roar)

• bottle, water flask - Maign Greyeagle (shop at /loc 202, 507)

• water flask - Sernn Rossook (Serpent Supply)

Hollowshade Moor (Luclin)

• flask of water - Tokk Smippah (1058, 1997), Rittuh Purrik (1069, 2027)

Jaggedpine Forest

• mead - Selia Wetstone (1115, 2045), Quartermaster Garucks (-1100, 3236, Brell

gnoll temple)


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• Brewers Limericks (book), cask, shot glass, short beer, gnomish spirits, brandy -

Dura Darkfoam, Hanamaf Darkfoam (Pub Kal, S. Kaladim)

• bottle, cask, grapes, kiola sap, shot glass, brandy, mead, red wine, white wine -

Tumpy Irontoe (Irontoe's Eats, S. Kaladim)

• bottle, cask - Aarina Ratsbone (unmarked bldg., S. Kaladim at 181, -146))

• brew barrel (Pub Kal, S. Kaladim), inside Greybloom Farm (N. Kaladim)

• grapes - Tisin Greybloom, Serenk Greybloom (Greybloom Farm, N. Kaladim)

• dwarven ale (for earth temper) - Dura Darkfoam, Hanamaf Darkfoam (Pub Kal, S.


• water flask, mead, bottle - Doranafi Ratsbone (street merchant near cleric guild,

N. Kaladim)

• underfoot mushroom (blue mushroom ground spawn icon), a strange dark fungus

(red mushroom ground spawn icon) - ground spawn next to Greybloom Farm (N.


• mistletoe - Baldoleky Rockfinder (252, -191, S. Kaladim)

Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, packet of paeala sap, bottle, shotglass,

cask, paeala bark - Gaerock Rednose (247, -1370)

• bottle, cask - Nannette Farcloud (245, -1115)

• water flask - Kitty Barleou (225, -1115)

• brew barrel at loc -290, -878

• allspice, yarrow - Morfesh O'Koyle (252, -1147)

• cork - Blaylock Geerlock (-810, -223)


• cask, bottle - Merchant Tilluen(Packwearers Goods, -81, 269), Merchant Aluuvila

(Packwearers Goods, -91, 224), Merchant Aildien (-492, -133)

• bottle - Merchant Iludarae (next to first lift), Merchant Kwein (155, 332)

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• shotglass, bottle, cask - Barkeep Lysslan (Tavern, 130, 800), Merchant Malawen

(Heartwood Tavern, 332, 540), Merchant Ulianu (Heartwood Tavern, 288, 520)

• grapes, shotglass, bottle, cask, kiola sap- Barkeep Tuviena (Tavern, 130, 800)

• cask, shotglass - Barkeep Sissya (-559, -556), Barkeep Myrisa (400, 677),

Barkeep Syntan (872, 93)

• brew barrel - near Soldiers of Tunare, -525, 199

• gnomish spirits - Barkeep Aanlawen ("Tavern", 603, 688)

Kerra Isle

• short beer, mead, short ale, red wine, white wine, brandy, shotglass, grapes,

bottle, keg, packet of kiola sap - Raarrk (110, 126)

Kithicor Forest

• bottle, cask - Eithne Walker (loc 1429, -828)

• short beer - Innkeep Lynnie (-303, 3797), Innkeep Darvon (1137, -676), Innkeep

Jurn (-289, 3822), Innkeep Min (1457, 2381), Innkeep Morgan (1447, 2385)

Lake of Ill Omen (Kunark)

• snake scales - Klok Gnask (6398, -6348)

Lake Rathe

• bottle, cask - Srynda (gypsy camp, -502, 635)

• bottle - Turga (ogre camp, NE corner of zone)


• brew barrel - outside Slugs Tavern NFQ, inside basement of The Blind Fish

COM, inside Maidens Fancy 3G

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - Wiska (Smuggler's Inn, balcony


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• grapes, shot glass, bottle, cask, kiola sap - Tenso H'Rugla & Rista S'Ion

(Toadstool COM), Rysva To'Biath & Marenkor To'Biath (The Blind Fish COM),

Grazis L'Crit & Katrara L'Crit (Cuisine Excelsior 3G), Cecile KJartan (Maidens

Fancy 3G), Tala & Darin Felton (Smuggler's Inn NFQ), Damar Nislan, Tanai

Tambor, Uawn Betell (Slug's Tavern NFQ), Slunga (Warrior's guild SFQ)

• bottle - Yala Thiss, Sera Buelle, Dran 'slug' Rembo, Vala Tambor (Slug's Tavern

NFQ), Slunga (Warrior's guild SFQ)

• bottle, cask - Palais Derekor (outside Smuggler's Inn NFQ)

North Karana

• grapes, shot glass, bottle, cask, kiola sap- Barkeep Milo & Barkeep Jeny (building

at 459, 2233)

• bottle, cask - Mrysila (gypsy camp)

Northern Desert of Ro

• grapes, bottle, cask - Innkeep Tozie (Inn south of Freeport)

Oasis of Marr

• Bottle, cask - Synthan (gypsy encampment)

Ocean of Tears

• kiola nut - Cleonae Kalen (Erollisi Isle)


• cask, bottle - Brokk Boxtripper (near Priest of Discord)

• bottle - Angrog (next to tunnel leading to Feerott)

• brew barrel - next to Clurg (Meet and Drink Tew Bie)

• snake scales - Hrak (shaman guild)

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• ogre swill (needed for smithing temper), elven wine, brandy, red wine, white

wine, short beer - Clurg (255, -247)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Nature's Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - Korgag Swillchugger (180, -240)

• water, mead, short beer - Crunga & Erung (unmarked shop down hall from armor

merchants, 529, -190)

• allspice, yarrow - Garakbar (unlabeled room with skull floating in the middle of


The Overthere (Kunark)

• bottle, cask - Tin Merchant II, 2682, 2578

• brew barrel - 2700, 2384

• cork - Tin Merchant V, 2615, 2537


• brew barrel - shackled Spirits

• grapes, bottle, cask, shot glass, kiola sap - Taralani Rahnta (Shackled Spirits)


• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - Heidi Grainsifter (Voleen's Fine Baked

Goods, S. Qeynos)

• bottle, cask - Fellesha Varshen & Raheim Varshen (Bag N Barrel, S, Qeynos),

Basanio Weekin & Gahna Salbeen (street vendors south of Fire Prides, S.


• bottle, grapes, shot glass, cask, kiola sap - Nug Rellash. Earron Huntlan, Tasya

Huntlan (Lions Mane Tavern & Inn, S. Qeynos), Sunsa Jocub, Fish Ranamer

(Fish's Ale, S. Qeynos), Sabnie Blagard (Crow's Pub, N. Qeynos)

• brew barrel - Lions Mane Tavern (S. Qeynos), Crow's Pub (N. Qeynos), Fish's

Ale (S. Qeynos)

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• water - Karn Tassen, Voleen Tassen (Voleen's Fine Baked Goods, S. Qeynos),

Tanlyn Galliway, Sneed Galliway (Galliway's Trading Post, N. Qeynos)

Rathe Mountains

• bottle, cask - Roshmael Tandre (gypsy camp near Feerrott, 1560, -883)


• brew barrel - next to Meeka Diggs (near Fools Gold), on second floor of Fools


• bottle, mead, water flask - Wibble Bramblebush (next to dock)

• bottle, cask - bag merchant (across river from dock, 214, -223)

• mead, red wine, white wine, packet of kiola sap, bottle, cask, shot glass, grapes -

Mac Deeppockets & Flyndia Deeppockets (Fools Gold)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Nature's Beverages, bottle, shotglass,

cask, grapes - Burtle Barrelbelly (2nd floor, Fools Gold)

• water flask - Daleen Leafsway - druid area

• mistletoe - Bimble Babbinsbort (-163, -120), Byle Babbinsbort (-146, -115),

Kizzie Mintopp (-231, -211)

Runnyeye Citadel

• short beer, shotglass, grapes, bottle, cask, kiola sap - goblin bartender

Sanctus Seru (Luclin)

• bottle, cask, grapes, brandy, shotglass, white wine, red wine, fish wine, ale, short

ale, short beer, mead - Top McCallto (loc not available)

• brew barrels at loc -671,-1476; loc 803,-788 ; and loc -673, 992

• Brewer's Limericks, short beer, short ale, gnomish spirits, brandy, dwarven ale,

cask, shotglass - Jaeger Mort (loc not available)

• bottle, cask, grapes, brandy, shotglass, white wine, red wine, fish wine, ale, short

ale, short beer, mead, packet of kiola sap - Miklos Tiost (-673, 992)

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Shadeweaver's Thicket (Luclin)

• brew barrel at loc -2195, 1423 (in Gor Taku caves, be wary of faction)

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• water flask - Adept Delf (28, -250), Merchant: Sanderson (-78, 31), Innkeep

Alviva (25, 431), Henriala Hobialon (232, 1786), Innkeep Zara (33, 1741), Hintol

Balkortak (-436, 1385), Fitonas Galaofon (1215, -239), Healian (1213, 0),

Sneathe (-65, 12), Sanderson (-78, 37), Eiles (163, -46)

• brew barrel - upstairs at loc 71, 408, upstairs at loc -22, 317, at loc 419, 1418

• Barley, Hops, Rice, Malt, Yeast Wine, Yeast, Packet of Paeala Sap, Bottle, Cask,

Shotglass, Paeala Bark - Lander Furthers (172, 330)

• water flask, bottle, Wandering Drogard's Brew Book, Vol (2 volumes, neither

numbered) - Granger Kenforth (16, 1166)

• water flask, short ale - Talida Furrytoes (-437, 1756)

• soda - River Mudhands (-424, 1378)

• mistletoe - Kolburn Inglewort (176, 632), Zimloro Jalobottle (-414, 1426)

• short beer, mead, fish wine, short ale, gnomish spirits, brandy, cask, shotglass -

Bilkel Biddinight (188, 915)

• allspice, yarrow - Callowolf MacFuller (122, 1236), Lemsen Frostherb (122,


• cork - Marchap Biddinight (116, 1042)

• grapes - Lesia Furthers (157, 310)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• Brewer's Limericks, Garsen's Brewing List, Garsen's Notes, Garsen's Secret

Brews - Librarian Almasa (125, 67)

• grapes - Merchant Gamouz (building at 249, -254)

• Barley, Hops, Rice, Malt, Yeast, Wine Yeast, Natures Beverages - Salla (building

at 249, -254), Brewmaster Hizier (-205, -223), Brewer Mikkis (-205, -223)

• bottle, cask - Arrin Murij (building at 249, -254), Kojik (-497, 44)

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• snake scales - Alchemist Hikal (building at -284, -368)

• water flask - Brokh (building at 249, -254), Jheral Alezya (-456, -33), Ahahd

Tolm (-405, 217), Gawra (-347, 313), Dharr Nadim (-350, 125), Mahj Hujara

(443, -53)

• brew barrel - 3 at loc -201, -178

• short beer, water flask - Jharia Talmil (370, -20)

• water flask, bottle - Ulman Talmil (370, -20)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, packet of paeala sap, bottle, shotglass,

cask, paeala bark - Brewer Mikkis (-196, -177), Brewmaster Hizier (-208, -228)

• mistletoe - Alchemist Hikal (building at -284, -368)

Steamfont Mountains

• bottle - Glen Garginbur (1st building on right from entrance to Ak'Anon, -1788,


• bundle of wormwood, brimstone - Ennixi Fennor (1371, -835)

• cork - Bom Knotwood (windmill at /loc 165, -881)

• king's thorn - Ennixi Fennor (1371, -835)

Swamp of No Hope (Kunark)

• snake scales - Klok Migo (2472, 2920)

Thurgadin (Velious)

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast, Natures Beverages - Tobart Dirkins

(Broken Glacier)

• shot glass, bottle, keg - Durgan Bottlenip, Fogerty Bottlenip (Broken Glacier),

Adia Coldbeard (The Icy Mug), Loremaster Fronden (Holy Harbinger), Bixx &

Klarp Bartleby and Celtir Gronback (Vellium keg), Karey (The Icy Mug)

• short beer, mead, short ale, fish wine, brandy, cask, shotglass, bottle, keg - Doogle

McBanik (Doogles Drinks)

• brew barrel - Vellium Keg (96, -389)

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• bottle, cask - Agar (Agar's Adventurin' Supplies)

• short beer, brandy - Bixx & Klarp Bartleby (the Velium Keg)

• allspice, yarrow - Hulda (bank)

• Adia Coldbeard (loc -51, 107), also Karey (loc -36, 85)

Timorous Deep (Kunark)

• short beer, shot glass, grapes, bottle, cask, packet of kiola sap, mead, fish wine,

red wine, white wine, brandy, - Micus Vloren (-5195, -4330)

• bottle, water flask, mead - Seloris Windweaver (-4870, -3440)

Toxxulia Forest

• bottle, cask - Emil Parsini, Stylla Parsini (shop to right of entrance to hunting


Warslik Woods (Kunark)

• snake scales - Klok Gragin (-1651, -712)

West Commonlands

• bottle, grapes, cask, shot glass, kiola sap - Innkeep Seke (inn near toll gate),

Innkeep Redthorn (inn near lake)

West Karana

• barley, hops, rice, malt, yeast, wine yeast - Cleet Miller (-2252, -4118 ... but he

wanders off his farm a lot, so it may be hard to find him)

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Fishing is the easiest trade skill to master and the quickest one to turn a profit. It also has

the added benefit of being a cheap trade skill you can avoid spending training points on,

and still keep your profit margin in the manageable ranges.

Fishing can keep you fed. At low levels, fishing can earn you coins enough to buy those

spells or supplies you need in order to practice your more difficult/costly trade skills. For

those who don't like /gems, it also gives you something to do when you're recovering

mana/health, practicing spell skills, etc. Later in life, fishing will also have a better

chance of netting you special items that are needed in other tradeskills (such as tanning

and temper agents for tailoring and smithing, special fish for baking exotic dishes, fish

that can be turned into eggs and scales for a quest, etc.).

What do you need in order to fish? A fishing pole, some bait, some open inventory spots

in order to transport your booty to the nearest shopkeeper, and a stream/river/lake or

ocean to fish in. The pole will cost you over 2 gold, and it can/will break on you at some

point, so be prepared for the need to replace it. The bait will cost you a few copper per

bait, and you'll need at least one bait per fish you hope to catch. You can also use fishing

lures to catch fish, but while they enhance your ability to catch fish, they will cost you

added money.

As mentioned briefly above, you can net yourself some special fish. As with real life

fishing, however, you have to know where to find those special fish, as they each have

their favorite spots to swim. The fish by zone listing can help you know which zones

have special fish in them. Some of these fish will be worth more coin than fresh fish,

others will be sought after by tradesfolk for various reasons.

Make sure when you are trying to fish that your pole is held in your primary weapon

hand, that you're standing/sitting at the edge of the water, and facing the water. (You can

also meditate while fishing, as long as you've equipped the pole in advance, and are

sitting on the shoreline.) Then just cast your line and wait for the fish to bite. Cast. Wait.

Cast. Wait. Eventually, you should catch... something. Yep, that's right. There's more

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than just fish available in the water. You can sometimes find fish scales and other

oddities snagged on your hook. Don't throw them away, as you can sell them to any

(NPC) merchant to add to your slowly growing profits. (The most common nonfish items

you will catch are tattered sandals, rusty daggers, and fish scales.) As you continue to

fish, your fishing skill should improve... to a point. The fishing skill is level capped (level

times 5 plus 5), so there's only so far it will improve, especially if you're low level.

When I had a couple hours of fishing under my belt, and about 20 ranks in fishing, I

made a profit of over 6 gold in half an hour. It's still a very slow way to make money, but

it's relaxing and if you're truly a broke newbie, it's a great way to earn some money.

When you're a spellcaster just learning how to meditate, it can be relaxing and profitable

to plant yourself next to a safe body of water, spellcast your mana down to 0, and fish

while meditating.

When you're done fishing for the day, stow that fishing pole and some bait (or some extra

coins) in the bank. You never know when you're going to end up with your corpse on one

continent, and yourself on another continent with no gear, and no way to get to your

corpse without food and money. Being able to run to the bank and fish your way into

food and coins can make all the difference in the world. (On more developed servers,

fishing for your food gives you something to do while you're waiting for your res, tp back

to your corpse, etc.)

Just DO remember to stow that fishing pole and re-equip your weapon before you go

wandering. As I can attest, from personal experience, trying to attack a monster with a

fishing pole does little... other than cause folks to laugh at you. I know of no monster yet

that has been clubbed to death with a fishing pole...

Zone-specific Fishing

When fishing in various zones, you will find a wide variety of items being reeled in on

your line. Post to the fishing message boards with any new fish that should be added to

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this list. (Several zones still have fresh fish as their main fishing items, so bakers need not

despair that they'll run out of normal fish for baking anytime soon.)

Also note that there are several fish that you have to kill to get. They are not fished - you

have to jump in the water and give them a chance to bite you back if you want them.

These include: Rivervale Trout (Rivervale), Pirahnas (N. Freeport Hall of Truth?),

Cabilis Barracuda (Cabilis), and the infamous koalindl (N. Qeynos). Unsurprisingly,

since the koalindl is a sacred fish, certain residents of Qeynos take offense if you kill it,

so beware of faction hits, and guards that will try to kill you if you attack one of these

little fish.

Zone items reeled in

Ak'Anon Clockwork Koi (can be brewed into an essence)

Blackburrow Hound Pike (can be baked into a fillet)

Butcherblock Stonefish (can be brewed into an essence)

Cabilis Fetid Bass (varying sizes), Gigantic Fetid Bass (no

drop), Large Fetid Bass, Sewer Catfish

Chardok Chokai Bass (from a pool at the base of the waterfall

on the way to the royals area)

City of Mist Fogwater Trout (can be baked into a fillet), Ikfish

Cobalt Scar

Cobalt Cod (can be used for cod oil or baked into

Orange Flavored Cod), Dragon Bay Snapper (can be

brewed into Snapper Oil)

Crystal Caverns Crystallized Cave Fish

Crushbone Boar Carp (can be baked into a fillet)

Dagnor's Cauldron Cauldron Trout (can be baked into a fillet)

Eastern Wastes Rygorrian Toothfish

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Erud's Crossing Barren Flounder

Feerrott Thulian Mudskipper

Felwithe Koada Cichlid

Firiona Vie Fetid Bass (varying sizes), Gigantic Fetid Bass (no

drop), Sewer Catfish

Highhold Pass Highland Pike (can be baked into a fillet)

Hole, The Hatch Dace (can be brewed into an essence)

Iceclad Ocean

Iceclad Cutlassfish (can be used for 7th Coldain

Prayer Shawl or baked into Rolled Cutlassfish), Salty

Whitefish (can be baked into a fillet)

Innothule Rujarkian Chub (can be baked into a fillet), Thulian


Jaggedpine Forest

Thunder Salmon (can be baked into a fillet, converted

into fish eggs and fish scales, turned into Prepared

Salmon Fillet and Thunder Bones, or brewed into an


Karnor's Keep Wulf Fish

Kael Drakkel Frosty Cave Trout

Kedge Keep Kedge Carp (apparently there are spots in the zone

that you can fish from if you are levitating <boggle>)

Kerra Ridge Kerra Catfish

Lake of Ill Omen none (Bloodfin Trout used to be available in this zone,

but now appear to be extinct)

Lake Rathe Rathe Muskie (can be baked into Marinated Muskie)

Mines of Nurga Cave Guppy, Sponge Mushroom

North Karana, South

Karana, West Karana,

Thunder Salmon (can be baked into a fillet, converted

into fish eggs and fish scales, turned into Prepared

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East Karana Salmon Fillet and Thunder Bones, or brewed into an


Ocean of Tears Gunthak Mackerel (can be turned into bait), Saltwater

Seaweed (no drop, used for Sea Temper)

Overthere, The Danak Grouper

Sebilis Kunzar Koi (can be turned into Prepared Kunzar Fillet

and Kunzar Bones)

Siren's Grotto Grotto Bluegill

Sleepers Tomb Weary Wrass

Surefall Glade Pine Cichlid

Swamp of No Hope Despair Chub (can be baked into a fillet), Krup Guppy

Timorous Deep Saltwater Seaweed (no drop, used for Sea Temper),

Timorous Tuna

Tower of Frozen

Shadow Grotto Bluegill

Toxxulia Forest

Green Gill Salmon (can be baked into a fillet,

converted into fish eggs and fish scales, or turned into

Prepared Greengill Fillet & Greengill Bones)

Warslik Woods Evergreen Salmon

Western Wastes Red Roughy (can be baked into Vegetable Roughy)

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Using the fletching skill, a player may make bows and arrows of better quality, range and

damage than what can be purchased from a merchant.

I have good news for fletchers. I have designed a clockwork fletching kit, which will not

only make bows and arrows for you but actually go out and gather the necessary raw

materials based on how you have set a series of selection levers. Sadly, ever since an

unfortunate incident in which my first prototype suffered a malfunction involving King

Ak'anon, his favorite feather duster, two score drunk dwarves, and a rather large clump of

dough, I have been unable to find a patron willing to fund my research. Until that blessed

day arrives, it will continue to be necessary to craft one's bows and arrows by hand. To

that end I have come here to provide you with instruction.

The first thing every fletcher should know is that arrows are for learning and bows are for

selling. As arrows are much cheaper to make than a bow of similar difficulty level, you

can make many more arrows, and thus have many more chances to improve your skill at

fletching, than bows for the same amount of money. Thus, when trying to improve your

skill, you should always work on arrows instead of bows.

Fletching is a very easy skill to learn in terms of time spent on it. Everything you need to

master the skill is available from a merchant so that you don't have to run around hunting

creatures that no longer provide you experience in order to gather needed components.

There are really only two recipes to learn, one for arrows and the other for bows, so you

don't have to keep a lot of different recipes straight. Difficulty levels for crafting items

rises in a logical progression removing a certain degree of guesswork in deciding what to

work on next after mastering a particular item. The more expensive the components used

to make a particular arrow or bow, the more difficult that item is to make. At present we

don't even need any items crafted by another trade skill.

Arrows are composed of four parts; tip, shaft, feathers, and nock. To make an arrow,

simply place one of each component type in your fletching kit and press the combine

button. For each successful attempt you will receive five arrows back. Each component

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has a specific effect on the arrows. The more expensive the tip and/or shaft used, the

more damage the arrow will do. Furthermore, silver tips will make the arrows magical in

nature so that they can hit willowisps and similar creatures. The smaller the nock, the

greater the range of the arrow. Feathers affect both range and damage with parabolic

feathers increasing the range and shield cut feathers increasing the damage. Vanes take

the place of feathers in the higher end arrows and increase both range and damage.

Bows, at their most basic, are composed of a bow staff and a string. The more expensive

the staff is, the greater the bow's base damage, range, and delay will be. The more

expensive the string is the lower the bow's damage and delay. There are several other

items such as whittling knives, planing tools, and cams that are completely optional. Each

of these optional items has the effect of further lowering the bow's damage and delay.

Note that you can't use both a whittling knife and a planing tool on a bow. It has to be one

or the other. Also note that you can't use one of the optional items on a bow staff that is

cheaper than the optional item. You cannot, for example, use a whittling knife on a

hickory bow staff.

With that knowledge under your belt, you are now ready to begin practicing fletching.

The very first arrow you should begin with is with a field tip, wood shaft, round feathers,

and large nocks. This is the easiest and cheapest arrow to make and all subsequent arrows

that you make will be variations upon it. Once you've mastered this particular arrow, visit

your arrow merchant, make a list of the remaining components, and order it by price.

This is the order in which you will work on mastering the remaining components. The

difficulty of making an arrow is based on the single most expensive component of the

arrow, not the sum of the components. Thus a field tip, steel shaft, round feather, large

nock arrow is the same difficulty as a hooked tip, steel shaft, parabolic feather, small

nock arrow. Therefore you should only swap out one component from the basic arrow

recipe at a time when trying to learn. When mastering small nocks, make field-wood-

round-small. When mastering bone vanes, make field-wood-bone vane-large. If you

practice in this manner, you will maximize your skill at the least cost.

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To repeat what I said earlier, do not practice with bows to raise your skills. Bows are very

expensive relative to arrows. If you practice with bows you're just throwing your money

away and if you've got that much money to waste you ought to be giving it to me instead

so that I can complete my clockwork fletching kit research.

Basic bowcraft information

Each bow consists of:

• Bow Staff (Hickory, Elm, Ashwood, Oak, Darkwood)

• String (Hemp, Twine, Silk)


• Tool (Whittling Knife or Planing Tool)

- Whittling knives can only be used on Elm or better bows

- Planing tools can only be used on Ashwood or better bows

- Tools are returned to you on combine failure, but not on success.

• One or more Bow Cams

- One cam may be used on Oak or better bows

- Two cams may be used on Darkwood bows

The base statistics on a Rough bow using hemp string of each type are:

Hickory: 10/50/50 (trivial ~35)

Elm: 13/51/75 (trivial ~80)

Ashwood: 16/58/100 (trivial 126)

Oak: 21/65/125 (trivial ~185)

Darkwood: 25/68/150 (trivial >202)

-Component effects-

Each possible component included is additional modifier to the bow, reducing

the damage and delay (but not affecting range, which is only determined by

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which staff you use)


Hemp: -0 / -0

Twine: -1 / -4

Silk: -2 / -8

Strings do not seem to affect bow difficulty


Whittling Knife: -1 / -4

Planing Tool: -2 / -9

These seem to only affect bow difficulty on elm and ashwood bows

respectively; I believe it works similar to arrows in that the most

difficult staff/tool determines the difficulty of the combine attempt. So

making a shaped oak is no more difficult than making a rough oak. I haven't

fully tested this however, so I could be wrong.

Cams are -1 / -5

Cams give the best bonus but are also the most expensive and add

significantly to the difficulty of the bow. I recommend finding a tinker

you like and having them supply you with cams, as you can get them

significantly cheaper than store-bought in this way. These seem to always

add to bow difficulty, however, again, I haven't fully tested this.


A bow is named "<tool type> <staff type> <cam type> Bow"

Tool types:

None: Rough

Whittling Knife: Carved

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Planing Tool: Shaped

Staff types:

Hickory, Elm, Ashwood, Oak, Darkwood

Cam types:

None: Recurve

One: 1-Cam

Two: Compound

The string used has no effect on the bow name.


I find I usually am only able to sell the most damaging and the best bow of

each type--nobody seems to want one in between. These are listed here:

Hickory + Hemp: 10/50 range 50

Hickory is an exception in that nobody wants fast hickory; the ratio is

actually worse than the slower one. I usually keep a couple of these in the

bank to give away/sell cheap to newbies.

Elm + Hemp: 13/51 range 75

Elm + Silk + Whittling Knife: 10/39 range 75 - these sell well to people

looking to improve their archery skill as they are very fast and relatively

inexpensive. I usually keep 2-4 of these in the bank.

Ashwood + Hemp: 16/58 range 100 - these seem to be somewhat popular, and I

keep 2 in the bank on the chance someone wants one.

Ashwood + Silk + Planing Tool: 12/41 range 100

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Oak + Hemp: 21/65 range 125

Oak + Silk + Planing Tool + Cam: 16/43 range 125

Darkwood + Hemp: 25/68 range 150

Darkwood + Silk + Planing Tool + Cam + Cam: 19/41 range 150

Fletching Trade Supplies


• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - clockwork

bowyer inside 1245, -895

Cabilis (Kunark)

• groove nocks (3), bow staff (5), whittling blade, planing tool, standard bow cam,

twine (3), fletching kit, A Bowyer's Guide - Klok Gogon (East, 132, -200)

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3), fletching kit -

Zotalz (West, 351, 538)

East Commonlands

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Joryd Longarms

(next to inn between orc camps, /loc 985, 3760)

East Karana

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Bryan (-840, -



• groove nocks (3), bow staff (5), whittling blade, planing tool, standard bow

cam, twine, string (2), fletching kit, A Bowyers Guide - Fugla (964, 1256)

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• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Merchant

Longarrow (Faydark's Bane, N. Felwithe)

Firiona Vie (docks)

• groove nocks (3), bow staff (5), whittling blade, planing tool, standard bow cam,

twine (3), fletching kit - Jessica Winter (building at -3381, 3320)

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3), fletching kit,

Fletching book - Fleceal Summer (building at -3381, 3320)


• * bow staff (hickory, elm, ashwood, oak, darkwood, shadewood), whittling blade,

planing tool, standard bow cam, hemp twine, linen string, silk string, fletching kit,

A Bowyers Guide - Timor Strongbranch (-98, -55, N. Freeport)

• *arrowheads (field point, hooked, silver tipped), bundled arrow shafts (wooden,

bone, ceramic, steel), fletchings (shield cut, round cut, parabolic cut), arrow vanes

(wooden, bone, ceramic), Fletching, groove nocks (small, medium, large),

fletching kit - Valla Strongbranch (-79, -41, N. Freeport)


• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Zazhar (outside

Krungs Clubs & Junk)


• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Rain

(McPherson's Bloody Blades)


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• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Alanury

Stormhammer (Staff & Spear, S. Kaladim)

Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• Field Point Arrowheads, Hooked Arrowheads, Tipped Arrowheads, Bundled

Wooden Arrow Shafts, Bundled Bone Arrow Shafts, Bundled Ceramic Arrow

Shafts, Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts, Several Round Cut Fletchings, Several

Parabolic Cut Fletchings, Several Shield Cut Fletchings, Set of Wooden Arrow

Vanes, Set of Bone Arrow Vanes, Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes, Fletching

(Book), Large Groove Nocks, Medium Groove Nocks, Small Groove Nocks,

Fletching Kit, Tailoring Quivers (book), Arrow Shaft Mold - Marko Wolfeye (-

140, -670)

• Hickory Bow Staff, Elm Bow Staff, Ashwood Bow Staff, Oak Bow Staf,

Darkwood Bow Staff, Whittling Blade, Planing Tool, Standard Bow Cam, Hemp

Twine, Linen String, Silk String, Fletching Kit, A Bowyers Guide - Rebecca

Wolfeye (-138, -679)


• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Merchant

Tiladnya (Trueshot Bows, -361, -610)

• groove nocks (3), bow staff (5), whittling blade, planing tool, standard bow

cam, hemp twine, linen & silk string, A Bowyers Guide, fletching kit -

Merchant Sylnis (-411, -520)

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3), Fletching book -

Merchant Lanin (412, 328)

Kithicor Forest

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Krile

Arrowsmith (-325, 3879)

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• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Dianax C'Luzz

(The Bleek Fletcher COM)


• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Praak (Bouncer


The Overthere (Kunark)

• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3), fletching kit,

Fletching book - Tin Merchant X, 2704, 2611


• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Danon Fletcher

(behind Nestiff's Wooden Weapons, S. Qeynos)


• bow staff (hickory, elm, ashwood, oak, darkwood, shadewood), whittling blade,

planing tool, standard bow cam, hemp twine, linen string, silk string, fletching kit,

A Bowyers Guide - Gerb Jinklebelly (-211, -80)

• arrowheads (filed point, hooked, silver tipped), bundled arrow shafts (wooden,

bone, ceramic, steel), fletchings (round cut, parabolic, shield cut), arrow vanes

(wooden, bone, ceramic), Fletching, groove nocks (small, medium, large),

fletching kit - Joana Jinklebelly (-229, -79)

Sanctus Seru (Luclin)

• field point arrowheads, hooked arrowheads, silver tipped arrowheads, bundled

wooden arrow shafts, bundled bone arrow shafts, bundled ceramic arrow shafts,

bundled steel arrow shafts, several round cut fletchings, several parabolic cut

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fletchings, several shield cut fletchings, set of wooden arrow vanes, set of bone

arrow vanes, set of ceramic arrow vanes, Fletching, groove nocks (small, medium,

large), fletching kit , Tailoring Quivers - Fareye Yewback (-121, 485)

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• Shadewood Bow Staff, Hickory Bow Staff, Elm Bow Staff, Ashwood Bow Staff,

Oak Bow Staff, Darkwood Bow Staff, Whittling Blade, Planing Tool, Standard

Bow Cam, Hemp Twine, Linen String, Silk String, Fletching Kit, A Bowyers

Guide - Junun Rawkins (260, 955), Narmase Flecher (246, 1194)

• Field Point Arrowheads, Hooked Arrowheads, Silver Tipped Arrowheads,

Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts, Bundled Bone Arrow Shafts, Bundled Ceramic

Arrow Shafts, Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts, Several Round Cut Fletchings,

Several Parabolic Cut Fletchings, Several Shield Cut Fletchings, Set of Wooden

Arrow Vanes, Set of Bone Arrow Vanes, Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes, Fletching,

Large Groove Nocks, Medium Groove Nocks, Small Groove Nocks, Fletching

Kit, Tailoring Quivers - Tabart Tailforth (263, 976), Sroj Arrowsmith (219, 1182)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• A Bowyers Guide, Fletching - Librarian Almasa (125, 67)

• Field Point Arrowheads, Hooked Arrowheads, Silver Tipped Arrowheads,

Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts, Bundled Bone Arrow Shafts, Bundled Ceramic

Arrow Shafts, Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts, Several Round Cut Fletchings,

Several Parabolic Cut Fletchings, Several Shield Cut Fletchings, Set of Wooden

Arrow Vanes, Set of Bone Arrow Vanes, Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes, Fletching,

Large Groove Nocks, Medium Groove Nocks, Small Groove Nocks, Fletching

Kit, Tailoring Quivers - Rytan (-403, 410)

• Hickory Bow Staff, Elm Bow Staff, Ashwood Bow Staff, Oak Bow Staff,

Darkwood Bow Staff, Whittling Blade, Planing Tool, Standard Bow Cam, Hemp

Twine, Linen String, Silk String, Fletching Kit, A Bowyers Guide - Hokar (-384,


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South Karana

• groove nock (3), bow staff (5), whittling blade, planing tool, standard bow

cam, twine, string (2), fletching kit, A Bowyer's Guide - Ulan Meadowgreen

(123, -2185) - this is a centaur merchant in the middle of the centaur village

Steamfont Mountains

• field point arrowheads, hooked arrowheads, silver tipped arrowheads, bundled

arrowshafts (wooden, bone, ceramic, steel), fletchings (shield cut, round cut,

parabolic cut), arrow vanes (wooden, bone, ceramic). Fletching, groove nocks

(small, medium, large), arrow shaft mold - a clockwork fletcher (second windmill,

loc 76, -656)

• bow staff (hickory, elm, ashwood, oak, darkwood, shadewood), whittling blade,

planing tool, standard bow cam, hemp twine, linen string, silk string, fletching kit,

A Bowyer's Guide - a clockwork bowyer (2nd windmill, loc 97, -659)

Surefall Glade

• bow staff (6), whittling blade, planing tools, standard bow cam, hemp twine, linen

string, silk string, fletching kit, Bowyers Guide - Tonsia (inside Ranger guild)

• arrowheads (3), arrow shafts (4), fletches (3), arrow vanes (3), "Fletching" book,

groove nocks (3), fletching kit - Jarse Kedison (Archery Range), Livam T'Lant

(inside Druid guild)

Thurgadin (Velious)

• A Bowyer's Guide, groove nocks (3), Bow staff (5), whittling blade, planing tool,

bow cam, hemp twine, linen string, silk string, fletching kit, Tailoring Quivers -

Argash (Argash's House of Carpentry)

• fletching kit, Tailoring Quivers, groove nock (3), vanes (3), fletchings (3), arrow

shafts (4), arrowheads (3), fletching (book) - Tavir (Argash's House of Carpentry)

West Karana

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• arrowheads (3), shafts (4), fletch (3), vane (3), groove nock (3) - Brenzl

McMannus (-1965, -8964) ALSO located at (-3685, -2000)

EQ Fletching Recipes

Arrows — Bows — Darts — Quest Recipes —

Learn to Fletch — Fletching Prices — Wood Elven Cultural (including fletching)



Old world arrows are named by three of their components, in order that they appear in

the name, fletch, shaft, and arrowhead. For instance, an arrow made with wooden vanes,

ceramic shafts, and hooked tips would be called a CLASS 4 Ceramic Hooked Arrow.

The new Luclin arrows, on the other hand, are simply called Condensed Substance

Acrylia Arrows, where Substance is one of Shadow, Flame, or Ice.

The nock never changes the name of an arrow.

Class Shaft Tip


Name Component


Name Component


Name Component

CLASS 1 Several Round Cut

Fletchings Wood

Bundled Wooden

Arrow Shafts Point

Field Point


CLASS 2 Several Parabolic

Cut Fletchings Bone

Bundled Bone

Arrow Shafts Hooked



CLASS 3 Several Shield Cut

Fletchings Ceramic

Bundled Ceramic

Arrow Shafts Silver

Silver Tipped


CLASS 4 Set of Wooden Steel Bundled Steel

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Arrow Vanes Arrow Shafts

CLASS 5 Set of Bone Arrow


CLASS 6 Set of Ceramic

Arrow Vanes


Arrows are assembled from four components, one each of arrowhead, arrow shaft, fletch,

and nock. Each of these components contributes some combination of damage and range

to the arrow produced. To find the stats any combination will produce, simply add up the

stats from each of the components in the table below, and add to the "base arrow", of

damage 1 and range 50. For instance, using the above example of CLASS 4 Ceramic

Hooked Arrows with Small Grooved Nocks, you would have +1 dmg from Hooked

Arrowheads, +2 dmg from Ceramic Arrow Shafts, +1 dmg and -25 range from Wooden

Arrow Vanes, and +50 range from Small Grooved Nocks, for a total of +4 damage and

+25 range. Add to 1 dmg and 50 range, and you have an arrow of 5 damage and 75


The trivial to make an arrow is the highest trivial value of the four components. For

instance, to make the CLASS 4 Ceramic Hooked Arrow with Small Groove Nocks, the

trivial of each component would be 102 for Hooked, 135 for Ceramic Arrow Shafts, 122

for Wooden Arrow Vanes (the CLASS 4), and 56 for the Small Groove Nocks. Since 135

is the highest of these, that would be the trival value of the arrow.

Most arrow combinations return 5 arrows upon success. However, arrows with silver

tips, and condensed substance acrylia arrows, return 10 arrows instead. Additionally,

these arrows are magic, and can hit targets only affected by magic weapons.

Note that acrylia arrow shafts and condensed substance arrowheads only combine with

each other, a shield cut fletching, and a small nock. The "Condensed Substance" can be

one of Condensed Shadow, Condensed Flame, or Condensed Ice, which result in an

arrow that does an additional 4 damage if the target fails to save against magic, fire, or

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cold, respectively. These shafts and arrowheads are made by Smithing.

All arrows have a weight of 0.1.

Arrowhead Damage Magic Damage Range Trivial

Field Point +0 - - 16

Hooked +1 - - 102

Silver Tipped +2 - - 182

Condensed Substance +3 4 - >250

Arrow Shaft Damage Magic Damage Range Trivial

Wooden +0 - - 16

Bone +1 - - 68

Ceramic +2 - - 135

Steel +3 - - 202

Acrylia +5 - +75 >250

Fletch Damage Magic Damage Range Trivial

Round Cut +0 - +0 16

Parabolic Cut +0 - +50 46

Shield Cut +1 - -50 82

Wooden Vanes +1 - -25 122

Bone Vanes +1 - +25 162

Ceramic Vanes +2 - +0 202

Nock Damage Magic Damage Range Trivial

Large Groove - - +0 16

Medium Groove - - +25 36

Small Groove - - +50 56

Base Arrow Damage Magic Damage Range Trivial

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1 - 50 16



A bow is named by the tool with which it was made (if any), the material from which it

was made, and the cams included or lack thereof. Much like the nocks of arrows, the

string is not reflected in the name of a bow. For instance, a bow made with an Oak Bow

Staff, Whittling Blade, one Standard Bow Cam, and any string would be called a Carved

Oak 1-Cam Bow.

Again, a table of components and the resulting names:

Tool Staff Cam(s)


Name Component Bow Name Component


Name Component

Rough (no tool) Hickory Hickory Bow

Staff Recurve (no cam)

Carved Whittling

Blade Elm Elm Bow Staff 1-Cam

Standard Bow


Shaped Planing Tool Ashwood Ashwood Bow

Staff Compound

2 Standard Bow


Oak Oak Bow Staff

Darkwood Darkwood Bow


ShadewoodShadewood Bow



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Bows are made by combining from two to five components in your fletching kit. All bows

include a bow staff and a string; additionally, you may be able to add a tool and one or

two cams, depending on the bow staff material. If your bow staff is made of elm or better,

you may use a Whittling Blade. If your staff is ashwood or better, you may use a Planing

Tool. If your staff is oak or better, you may use a single cam, and if it's darkwood or

shadewood, you can use two cams to produce a compound bow. Unlike all other bow

components, a tool is returned on failure, but consumed on success.

Much like arrows, you can take the values for the individual bow components from the

table below and add or subtract them to figure the stats of the resulting bow. Note that,

although all the "extras" actually reduce damage, they also reduce delay, usually enough

that the overall damage/delay ratio is improved. And, again, the trivial of the bow is the

highest trivial of its components (with the complication that two cam compound bows

have a different trivial than single cam bows). For instance, making the Carved Oak 1-

Cam Bow mentioned above, with a Silk String, would have a base 21 dmg, 65 delay, 125

range from the Oak Bow Staff, minus 2 dmg 8 dly for the Silk String, minus 1 dmg 4 dly

for the Whittling Tool, minus 1 dmg 5 dly for the Standard Bow Cam, for a total of 17

dmg, 48 dly, 125 range. Trivial would be 192, the single cam trivial being higher than the


All player made bows have a weight of 4.0, excepting the quested Trueshot.

Staff Damage Delay Range Trivial

Hickory 10 50 50 16

Elm 13 51 75 68

Ashwood 16 58 100 129

Oak 21 65 125 168

Darkwood 25 68 150 215

Shadewood 27 66 200* 250

String Damage Delay Range Trivial

Hemp 0 0 - 16

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Linen -1 -4 - 32

Silk -2 -8 - 46

Tool Damage Delay Range Trivial

Whittling Blade -1 -4 - 102

Planing Tool -2 -9 - 148

Cam(s) Damage Delay Range Trivial

Single -1 -5 - 192

Compound (2) -2 -10 - 235

* Note that the range of a shadewood bow depends also on the number of cams. A

shadewood bow with no cams has a range of 150, with one cam has a range of 175, and

with two cams a range of 200.


Bows can be restrung for a slight modification to damage and delay. Just combine the

bow and the new string in your fletching kit. The string must be a different type than the

bow is already strung with, and the combine never fails. Trivial is thought to be 16.


item ingredients trivial/comments



fish bone dart tool,

fish bones

throwing: 2/20, wt 0.1, range 225, size small, rec

level 1; WAR, PAL, RNG, SHD, MNK, BRD, ROG,

BST; ALL, trivial 162, yield 5




high quality fish

bones, fishbone dart


throwing: 3/20, wt 0.1, range 250, size small, rec

level 1; WAR, PAL, RNG, SHD, MNK, BRD, ROG,

BST; ALL, trivial 182, yield 5

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Quest Recipes:

Trueshot Longbow

To obtain a Treant Bow Staff (note that this is LORE, but not NO DROP), you must speak

with Maesyn Trueshot in Faydark's Champions, the Rangers' Guild in Kelethin. Get a

components bag from him, and combine a Spiderling Silk, Micro Servo, Wooden Shards,

and Dwarven Wire.

• Spiderling Silk is obtained by killing spiderlings anywhere, naturally.

Spiderling Silks are stackable and tradeable. You will need one per Trueshot


• Micro Servos are dropped by Rogue Clockworks in the Steamfont Mountains.

Micro Servos are stackable but NO DROP. You will need two for every Trueshot


• Get Wooden Shards by giving a small lantern to Hyle Windshots in Hogcaller's

Inn in West Freeport—don't be fooled by the Jyle in East Freeport! There is a

chance (perhaps 1 in 20) that Jyle may give you a Wooden Heart instead of

Wooden Shards. If you're a ranger yourself, hold on to this; it's used in the

Raincaller upgrade of the Trueshot. If you aren't, you might as well destroy it

because it's NO DROP.

If you're evil, you can also get Wooden Shards by killing treants, but this can

make it hard to pay Maesyn a visit later. But you can often find them on

merchants in areas where players kill treants, if you find your warm welcome in

Freeport is a little bit uncomfortable due to one faction or another.

Wooden Shards are stackable and tradeable. You will need one for each Trueshot


• Getting the Dwarven Wire is a small quest itself. It's easiest to do this on the way

back from getting the Wooden Shards in Freeport. Get off the ship at Erollisi Isle

in the Ocean of Tears, run into the nearest hut, and buy Kiola Nuts. You will need

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four Kiola Nuts per Trueshot attempt; these cost at least 1gp 7sp 3cp each.

Hopefully you can do this quickly enough to run back to the ship before it leaves;

if not, wait around and catch the next one.

When you get to Butcherblock, go to South Kaladim and give Tumpy Irontoe in

Irontoe Eats one Kiola Nut and one Flask of Water at a time. He will give you

back one Tumpy Tonic for each of these. Now go to North Kaladim, and locate

Trantor Everhot. He wanders, so you might have to search or track a bit. Give

him two Tumpy Tonics at a time, and he'll give you one Dwarven Wire for every

two tonics.

Dwarven Wire is stackable, but NO DROP. Get two Dwarven Wire for each

Trueshot attempt.

When you have combined these in the bag, give it to Maesyn (make SURE you've

combined it first!) and he will return to you a Treant Bow Staff (LORE, but not NO


Now, in your fletching kit combine this Treant Bow Staff, another Micro Servo, another

Dwarven Wire, and a Planing Tool (bought from bowyer vendors, costs at least 10pp 7gp

1sp). If you're either very skilled or very lucky, you'll have your new Trueshot Longbow!

The combine is trivial at 235.

Trueshot Longbow: LORE, DMG: 20, Delay: 45, Range: 100, weight 3.0, Class: RNG,


Luclin Quest Recipes

All these quests start with Merchant Rytan in Shar Vahl, on the southwest side of town at

loc -403, 410. Full writeup on this quest can be found here

Item Ingredients Trivial

Grimling Bone Shaft (NO


produces 3 shafts

Skeletal Grimling Femur (NO DROP),

Xakra Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO DROP) or

Grimling Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO DROP)


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Xakra tooth dart

(dmg 5, dly 26, range 75)

Grimling Bone Shaft (NO DROP), xakra tooth


Xakra Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO DROP)


Grimling Dart Crafting


Xakra Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO DROP),

Crafting Tool Shaft Attachment <=48

Grimling Fang Dart (NO


(dmg 7, range 85, Archery)

Grimling Bone Shaft, grimling fang (NO DROP),

Grimling Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO DROP) >54

Rockhopper Dart Crafting


Grimling Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO DROP),

Crafting Tool Hook Attachment (LORE, NO



Rockhopper Talon Dart


(dmg 10, dly 0, range 95)

Rockhopper Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO

DROP), Rockhopper Foot (LORE, NO DROP) <=110

Owlbear Dart Crafting Tool


Rockhopper Dart Crafting Tool (LORE, NO

DROP), Crafting Tool Handle Attachment



Owlbear Feather Dart

(dmg 12, dly 0, range 120)

Owlbear Feather, Owlbear Dart Crafting Tool




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Foraging is not really a tradeskill. However, since foraged items are used for several

tradeskills, I felt it wise to finally say something about it here.

Foraging is an ability that is granted to three character classes (ranger, druid, bard), and

two races (wood elf, iksar). Some of these races/classes can forage "zone specials" (see

below) and others cannot.

If you have gained the ability to forage only due to your race, you will never see a skill

increase in your forage ability. (I believe racial forage is at a skill level of 50 for both

iksar and wood elves, though I may be wrong.) If you are a ranger, druid or bard, you will

be able to increase your foraging by practice, with 5 added points gained per level until

you reach your maximum ability. (Bards have a very low forage cap, while druids and

rangers have a higher forage ability.)

There are several basic items that can be foraged from almost any zone in the game: pod

of water, vegetables, fruit, berries, rabbit meat, fishing grubs. Other than the fishing

grubs, these items cannot be sold to merchants, but can be used as drink and food, as well

as used in various other recipes. (The pods of water can be brewed into water flasks for

use in other tradeskills. The veggies, fruit, berries and rabbit meat can all be cooked, and

the veggies, fruit and berries can also be brewed into drinks.)

Many non-city zones have one or more specific items that can be foraged from that zone,

but not from any other zone. In order to have a chance to randomly forage these items,

you must have a forage skill of over 100 or be an iksar. Some of the foraged items can be

eaten, some can be sold to merchants for cash, some are for quests, some are used for

tradeskills (brewing, tailoring, smithing), and some just plain ... perplex ... me. (Like the

iksar phalange [dagger] foraged in Field of Bone)

While having a character that can forage is NOT a requirement for practicing tradeskills,

it makes several of them, especially baking and brewing, much easier and cheaper to


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Of course, those of us who can forage, such as my ranger, tend to run out of pack space

quickly, as I tend to press the forage button every time it pops, whether I need more food

and drink or not. Others tend to leave "druid" droppings all over the place, foraging an

item and instantly dropping it on the ground if they don't like/want the item. ... this leads

to an interesting way for a non-tracker to find a druid or ranger ... just follow the trail of

foraged goodies on the ground. ;)

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Jewelry making is not for the faint of heart, or the empty of pocket. Rather, it is a skill

that will take a lot of time, training, patience and financial resources before you can excel

in it. However, once you excel in it, you will find that your wares will command a high

price indeed.

At first glance, it may seem that much jewelry is "just fluff". In many cases it is.

However, this is a role playing environment, and I'd be willing to bet that moon-eyed

fellow in the corner would love an engagement ring to present to his beloved. And what

about wedding rings for that big ceremony if she says yes? And what about a lovely

gaudy show of wealth for that vain elf over there?

If that were all there were to it, however, it would not be that popular a trade skill. Like

tailoring, greater skill and better materials allow you to make more valuable items...

including enchanted jewelry. By enchanted jewelry, I mean jewelry that will enhance

stats when worn. (e.g., +5 mana, +4 save vs. poison, +4 strength, to name a few.) You

must use enchanted metals to make enchanted jewelry (you will need to hire an enchanter

that can cast the proper enchant spell, if you're not an enchanter yourself).

Now that I've got you drooling and mentally counting the riches that could be yours, let

me inject more reality into the picture. There are 5 basic metals to use in jewelry making:

silver, electrum, gold, platinum and velium. These are listed in order of cost and in order

of difficulty. If you have problems making a simple silver bar and a cheap piece of

malachite combine into a ring, don't even think of trying out electrum or the others.

Cheap gems are also easier to work with than the really expensive ones.

However, with a lot of training in the skill before you start trying to make anything, and a

careful squirreling away of any pretty stones you find along the way, you should be able

to progress well.

By the time I had a jewelry skill of 30, I was able to make a (very) few different electrum

pieces, and a good chunk of silver and gem combinations. I'd made some very lovely

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pieces of jewelry that took my breath away, and whimpered when I destroyed a gem that

cost over a platinum on a failure.

How did I do it? Start small, with silver and lesser stones, and work your way up to more

expensive stones before you try the same thing with electrum. Keep good notes of what

combinations of stone and metal bar make what. My recommendation is to just work with

plain silver and gems for the first little while, to get your skill up. Once you have relative

ease with making a certain item, then get a piece of enchanted silver and try the magical

version of the item. Find other folks working in jewelry and compare notes. You can both

save yourselves some costly experiments if you share your knowledge.

The basics: You need a jeweler's kit (sold where the silver/electrum/gold/platinum metal

bars are sold -- it looks like a small sack), a metal bar (start with silver) and a gemstone

(start with the cheapest - malachite). Put the single metal bar, and a single stone, in your

jeweler's kit, close your eyes, pray to your chosen deity, and press combine. I'd

recommend training yourself up to 20 ranks in the skill, or as close as you can, before

you start trying anything (to save yourself coin). Malachite and silver will become trivial

at skill rank 21, at which time you start using another cheap gem, such as lapis or

turquoise for practice.

Step-By-Step Jewelcraft

When I started jewelcraft I wanted a guide that would take me step by step through the

process. While there are many guides which are helpful, none were as detailed as what I

was looking for. In this guide I walk a new jeweler step by step from a skill of zero to

191, when it is too expensive to make jewelry for practice. I specifically tell you what to

make and why, how much things cost, and how much they sell for.

A couple of warnings to start. First, I do not recommend jewelcraft for anyone except

enchanters. Only enchanters can enchant metal bars. Only jewelry made with enchanted

metal bars has any magical properties. Only jewelry with magical properties is worth

wearing. If you cannot enchant the metals yourself you face the added expense and

difficulty of having bars enchanted. Don't let the ease of obtaining enchanted silver fool

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you, players at that level are often poor and willing to sit and cast for a few platinum. By

the time an enchanter can handle electrum bars, it is not worth his time. My advice is

phrased as though you are an enchanter. The second warning is that, whether you are an

enchanter or not, you should be a character who possesses a high intelligence, since

jewelcraft is very expensive. Intelligence determines how often you get skill increases,

and so how much it costs to improve. Be sure to wear the best intelligence gear you can

when jewelcrafting, which, you being a jeweler and all, should be pretty good. Some time

back Verant authoritatively said that Wisdom did not affect the chance of success in

skills, squashing an old rumor. In September of 2000 they said that the higher of Int or

Wis will help you succeed. I suggest you check here or the message boards for the latest.

Getting your enchant metal spells is tricky if you are not a Dark Elf. The spells are only

sold in Neriak in the Library in Neriak Third gate. (Ed: The spells are now sold in

Felwithe as well.) If you worship a good god (enchanters should be agnostic anyway) you

should not enter Neriak. If you are new to Neriak I suggest making a newbie Dark Elf to

learn your way around the city before taking your enchanter in. You have to zone three

times, and your illusion drops when you zone. So you have to invis, zone, check for

guards, and re-illusion yourself each time. Illusion Dark Elf is good in Neriak, but

illusion Gnome works also. You should have a steady source of income before you start

jewelcraft. I do not mean to be negative, and if you are extremely patient you can make

jewelcraft pay from the start. However, it is best to be realistic, and recognize that

although huge profits await you later, it will cost more than you make for a long time. It

will cost around 1500 to 2000 platinum in failures to get to 191.

I give advice in this guide on prices. Prices vary from server to server, older servers have

more jewelers and more older jewelry and lower prices, new servers are the opposite. The

prices I list are average. I tend to price things so that I will sell many items at a modest

profit, rather than a few items at a large profit. I want people who bought silver jewelry

from me to come back to me for platinum jewelry, not regret having dealt with me

because they found out later that they overpaid. For this reason I spend most of my time

selling things that are well below my skill level, so that I seldom fail and can make

money with low prices. Remember when auctioning stats or prices to put a space between

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any number and a letter. If you don't, some numbers will be dropped, even though the

message looks fine to you. So say "WTS 2 Int rings 4 p" NOT "WTS 2int rings 4p"

which people will often see as "WTS int rings p."

Start by spending 21 practice points on jewelcraft with your guildmaster, the maximum.

If you start jewelcraft late enough in life to have so much money that twenty or thirty

platinum does not mean much, then make silver malachite until it becomes trivial at 16.

Verant no longer uses the phrase "This item is trivial for someone of your skill to make",

but we still refer to the point when a combination cannot increase your skill as the trivial,

or triv, level. Remember, you get one item from a stack by holding down control when

you click on the stack. The most important factor to recognize in any trade skill is that the

closer your current skill level is to the trivial level of the item you are working on, the

less likely you are to fail, and the more likely you are to get skill increases. If your skill

level is only three or four points below the triv level of the item you are making, then

your failures will be fewer, and your skill increases more likely than if you were ten or

twenty skill levels below the item you are working on. It is critical to understand this, it's

the key to all you will be doing. In jewelcraft it is best to make many items which you

will never use, and which no sensible player is ever going to want. Jewelcraft has a very

nice progression of trivial levels, since there are so many gems, so you can always be

working on items that triv a few levels from your current skill. The only exceptions are

jumping from one metal to the next.

Merchants will pay you roughly what the components cost when you successfully make

an item, assuming decent faction and good charisma (above 100). So you lose nothing on

a success sold to a merchant. Failure destroys the gem and the metal bar. Merchants pay a

little extra for enchanted items, but not enough to justify enchanting bars for items you

will sell to the merchants.

Start your real jewelcraft career by making silver cats eye agate necklaces. These cost

about seven gold per attempt, five for the bar and two for the gem, and yield a +3

charisma necklace. I suggest enchanting some of the bars for the cat's eye agate

necklaces. There is not as much of a market among players for these as there should be,

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but these can be sold for 2p each. The trouble these days is that Splitpaw necklaces are +5

charisma and are lore, so they tend to be cheap. Silver cat's eye agate triv out at jewelcraft

skill of 24. Make bloodstone silver next, which trivs at 26. With luck you will only need

to make a few bloodstone and sell your successes back to the merchant.

Next make a few onyx bracelets, which triv at 28, cost over a plat per attempt, and are

also not worth selling to players. Then make silver Jasper, a +2 Wisdom ring, which trivs

at 30 and makes your first truly useful bit of jewelry. These cost about a plat and a

quarter to attempt, and sell for about three plat each. Next make Silver Carnelian, which

is a +2 Agility ring, trivs at 32. You can sell some now and then for about 3p. Next go to

star rose quartz, which makes a +2 Intelligence ring, and costs a plat and a half per

attempt, and trivs at 34. These sell for about four plat each. Both the wisdom and

intelligence rings have a good market if you travel around selling your wares. Up to this

point, with decent success and patience selling what you create, you can break even on

jewelcraft. You can either be patient and sell lots of rings, or get an outside source of

funds (I was extremely lucky, can you say "toolboxes"?).

Selling is easier if you make the items only when you have a buyer. When I travel I carry

stacks of enchanted metal bars, and partial stacks of gems, and I only make the items

when I need them. Jewelry never stacks, so each item you make takes up a slot, whereas

all your gems and metal take eight or ten slots total. Just keep enough extra gems and

bars for failures. The exceptions are the more expensive items. Also, enchant all of the

bars you carry, or none. Having two sets means that you will accidentally sell someone

an unenchanted item at some point, which is very tough to explain.

Now you can go to Silver Amber Rings, which are +2 strength, cost over three platinum

per attempt, and trivs out at 36. These are tough to sell because the players who could use

just two strength can seldom afford the five or six plat you need to charge for these rings,

counting failures. The next step up is Jade. Later in your career, Jade will make really

nice bracelets when combined with electrum which will pay for much of your jewelry

making. However, with silver all you get is a 5 mana 5 hitpoint, 1 AC ring that there is

not much demand for. Your wis/int rings provide the same mana to casters, and it is

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difficult to justify twelve to fifteen plat a pair for the extra ten hitpoints and 2 AC. The

mana of a 2 int or wis ring increases as the players level, but jade rings stay at 5 mana

forever. On the other hand, hybrids (Rangers, Paladins, ShadowKnights), who get a

whopping 20 mana at level 9 (Ed: Huh? Even at base stats, more like 135.), could use the

mana, the hitpoints and the AC the rings give. Jade can be purchased in Highhold Keep,

from Merchant Edina who is on your right just before you turn left to go down the stairs

to the bank (she also is the closest place to Freeport that I found Topaz, Emeralds, Opals

or Rubies). These rings triv out at 40, and cost more than four platinum per attempt. In

my first stab at these I tried ten Silver Jaded rings, failed on seven and got no skill

increases (my int was around 135). In other words I spent 41 plat to get 12 plat worth of

rings and gained nothing for my loss of 29 platinum. Ouch.

At level 40 you face a choice. You can continue with silver and expensive gems, or

switch to electrum and cheap gems. Electrum Malachite costs under three plat per

attempt. Silver pearl costs over five plat per attempt, but it trivs out at 42, only two levels

above your current skill. I got lucky with pearl, I failed four times out of five, but got two

skill increases, and trived the combo out for a cost of 20 platinum. Then you can make

silver topaz, which cost nearly six plat per attempt, but which triv out at 44. I tried

seventeen times, failed on seven, got one skill up. So I lost 37 plat for one skill increase.

Later I ran across a Topaz someone had sold to Pardor the Blessed, took it as an omen,

and bought the only one he had. I succeeded and got a skill increase. The move from 43

to skill level 44 netted me a profit of a quarter of a platinum selling the enchanted item to

a merchant.

To review up to this point, the main thing we learn is that luck plays a huge part if you

look at only a few skill increases. With decent luck and sales you can get to a skill of 34

for free, or nearly so. The increase from 34 to 44 cost me about one hundred platinum, 10

plat per increase. Another bit of advice on practicing: although the Freeport area is better

than Qeynos for selling, with all the high levels around the bank, and the constant bazaar

in East Commonlands, Qeynos is better for practicing. The Jewelbox inside Ironforges in

North Qeynos has a merchant with most of the gems you need and a merchant with metal

bars a few feet apart, whereas in Freeport you have to zone, North Freeport has metal

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bars and West Freeport has gems. Also in Freeport many gems must be bought either in

East Commonlands (Katha Firespinner) or even Highkeep.

The next step, whenever you stop using silver, is electrum malachite, which cost two and

three quarters plat per attempt, but which trivs out at 74. Since this is 30 points above

your current skill, it will therefore fail a lot and give few skill increases. Silver items triv

out every few skill levels, peridot (ten plat) 46, emerald (13 plat) 48, but the cost of the

gems is too high to make it worthwhile. Silver ruby makes a very nice veil, 4 strength and

4 wisdom, and it trivs out at around 75 or 80, but costs 132 plat per attempt. Do not try

silver Ruby until you have mastered jewelcraft, or you will never make money on them,

as they sell for 175-200 plat. In fact, a skill of 150 is best working with silver and

expensive gems. So you take your money from the bank, bite the bullet, and make

Electrum malachite bracelets, which triv at 74. Lapis lazuli trivs at 76, turquoise 79,

hematite 82, cat's eye agate (4 charisma bracelets which can sell for 10p a pair) 84,

bloodstone 87, onyx 90 all will get you the few points of skill for each gem with

relatively few attempts.

Jasper electrum makes a +2 wisdom earring, which costs three and a half plat per attempt,

and should fetch 6 or 7p each on a fairly regular basis. Electrum star rose quartz, on the

other hand, trivs at 98, costs under 4 plat to try, but produces a 2 int necklace which will

not sell because blackened iron medallions (+3 Int +3 wis) sell for 20p or less.

When I Mastered jewelcraft and started work on Jaded Electrum Bracelets I had an

epiphany, a revelation. I had always known that the random number generator in EQ was

very streaky: I once failed ten consecutive times on an item that was trivial to me.

However, I experienced success with the first few bracelets, and got good skill ups, so I

kept at it. I went ten for twelve, with skill increases on both failures and five skill ups

total. So for 75 plat I got five skill increases and five pairs of bracelets I easily sold for

125 plat. More importantly I learned a valuable lesson - when the rolls are with you keep

rolling, use up your gems til the tide turns. If you start at another time and fail, say two of

your first three, stop. Wait a few minutes, make jewelry later and see how the random

number generator is feeling. Shortly after this I heard a jeweler shout that at skill of 198

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he had just blown 2000 plat trying to make platinum ruby veils (235 plat per attempt). I

know why, and I know that this will not be happening to me. You can stop it happening

to you.

Through all my enchanting to skill 150 I made most of my money on one item - Jaded

Electrum Bracelets, 10 Mana 10 Hitpoints, 2 Armor Class wrist item, which any player

can wear. They cost about 6 and a quarter plat per attempt and sell for 25 plat a pair

easily. I auction the stats, not the name, and sell these constantly. Electrum Jade trivs at

106, then go to Pearl 108, Topaz 111, Peridot 113, Emerald 116, and maybe Opal 119,

which costs 20 plat a pop. At this point you are switching to a more expensive metal,

again, and cheap gems. Gold Malachite costs ten and a half plat per attempt. I tried 100

times in one sitting. I failed 25 times but went from 125 to 138 in skill. So it was around

20 p per skill increase. When you near 150 in skill you can think about Silver Ruby Veils,

and other expensive gems combined with silver. This is the phase of your career that

causes other players to think all enchanters are rich. You will enjoy it. In fact, it will

probably change your idea of "rich" so much that you'll feel poor with 1k in the bank and

another k in merchandise in your backpacks.

Silver Ruby Veils are a 4 Wisdom 4 Strength item that Clerics, Druids and Shaman all

love, and that Rangers and Paladins find useful as well. These cost 132 platinum to

attempt, but are tough to sell for more than 180 platinum each, though 200 is possible.

You should just make these and carry the finished product around with you. With a price

of 180 you need a success rate of 75% just to break even. At a skill of 139 I failed one of

two attempts. At around 145 I was on a good random number streak and made one with

no problem. Once I hit 150 my failures were few and far between (better than 90%

success). That's why you wait so long to make these. Remember, it is still worth it for the

very best jewelers to make Silver Ruby, so you're competing with people who can't

remember the last time they failed. Plus, there are a lot of these around, almost everyone

who buys a Platinum Ruby veil sells a silver ruby veil, so many of your customers will

remember someone trying to dump silver ruby for 150 plat (merchants pay 137).

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Silver Star Ruby costs 70 plat and makes a 5 charisma 5 dexterity veil that you are

probably wearing. So you can always sell yours for 100 or 110 plat and make a new one

later. Silver Sapphire costs 105 plat and makes a 4 intelligence 4 strength necklace that

has a decent market at around 150 plat. In Gold the progression is the same as for

Electrum and will take you to 191 in skill. Gold Malachite trivs at 146, Lapis Lazuli 148,

Turquoise 151, Hematite 156, Cats Eye (7 CHA bracelets, sell for around 35p a pair) 156,

Bloodstone 159, Onyx 162, Jasper 164. The Jasper make a 3 Wisdom Earring that sells

well for around 20p each or 35p a pair. Gold carnelian trivs at 167 (5 Agility ring, 35p a

pair). Star Rose Quartz makes a 4 Int necklace and trivs at 170. Caster's realm lists Gold

Star Rose Quartz as bugged, with far more fails that normal and I have had so many

problems that I stopped selling them more than once. Because of failures you can get 25p

or even 30p for these necklaces, few jewelers sell them. Do not make these for practice,

save yourself some aggravation. I switched to Amber (3 Strength earring 40 to 45 p a

pair) which trived at 172. Next comes Jade (15 HP 15 Mana 2 AC Bracelet 45 p a pair)

178, Pearl 180, Topaz 183 (3 AC earring 45p a pair), Peridot (21p per attempt)186,

Emerald (24 p per attempt) 188, and Opal (28 p per attempt) 191.

When you get above 180 in skill you can start thinking about electrum and expensive

gems. Star Ruby makes a great enchanter ring, 7 Charisma 5 Dexterity which sells for

around 100-120. Sapphire makes a 4 Strength 2 Intelligence earring, but these are not that

great because golden ear studs (a quest reward, I think) give 3 int for around 30 plat, and

electrum sapphire has to sell for 150 to 175. Likewise electrum ruby is not that great, 4

str 2 wis, 200p or so. Your real money at this point is still silver and expensive gems, or

many common gold items.

You will notice as you get to around 175 it takes more and more attempts to get a skill

up. I tried 100 gold jade at skill 176 without an increase! An odd thing is that as you work

with harder and harder combinations you fail less because your skill is so high. On those

100 gold jade tries I failed only once. On gold emerald on the other hand I was 28 of 28

with three skill ups. These were all with an int of 157. You should expect a skill up for

about every two or three stacks. Platinum currently never trivs, so each skill increase past

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191 will be a lucky bonus to making jewelry because the higher gold combos, and all

platinum combos, are too expensive to be used just for practice.

Gold and expensive gems are also fairly disappointing, and should only be made when

you have a buyer. Gold Sapphire earrings, 4 Int 2 Str are the only exception (wear them

and sell yours), they sell for 180-200p. Gold Star Ruby makes a 5 Cha 7 Dex ring, nice

for rogues, and sells for around 120-140. Gold Ruby makes a 2 Str 4 Wis ring that is

strictly special order, around 200-220. Gold Fire Emerald makes a 5 Str 3 Dex bracelet,

selling for around 150-175. Platinum is where you make your real money, and a

sympathetic enchanter might enchant a few bars for 10p a piece so you can make these in

the long wait from level 24 to 34. These are where the money truly lies, and the failure

rate will show you why. An experienced jeweler I know says that even near skill 200

Platinum Ruby fails 60% of the time. Treat platinum like gambling, only use money you

can afford to lose. I failed my first two platinum ruby at skill 191 and it made a big dent

in my bank account. Platinum Jasper, 6 Wisdom ring, sells for around 200, though I have

seen 300 a pair. Platinum Star Rose, 4 Intelligence ring, sells for 200 or 225. Platinum

Sapphire Necklace, 7 Int 7 Str, sells for around 700. Platinum Star Ruby Veil, 9 Cha 9

Dex veil, sells for 650, but not often, I saw one at a vendor in East Commons <cries>.

Platinum Ruby veils, 7 Wis 7 Str sell for around 800, and is the most demanded of the

high end items.

The trade skill patch is very recent as I write this. It will have a varied effect on most

jewelers, though buyers of jewelry will be happy. Since skill can now go to 250, the

failure rate for high end jewelers will be reduced dramatically. On the other hand, only a

few very rich jewelers can afford to spend the money to practice with platinum bars, so

the rest of us will be taking price cuts even though our success rate is the same. We may

well be priced out of all the better platinum items, and left making only things that the

best jewelers don't bother with. I will update this when the prices have stabilized in a few


There are more exotic gems that generally don't get made with silver or electrum that you

can attempt when your skill reaches 180 to 190. The trouble is that most are so rare that

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they really should be combined with Platinum. These are not sold by any gem merchant,

they are dropped by fairly high level mobs. The lowest of these is Black Pearl, and it sells

for 40 to 50 plat as I write this. I sold the first one I ever looted for 200p. Black Pearl

makes a dexterity/agility item, gold is 7/7 necklace, platinum is 6/6 ring. Fire Opals are

nice in that they can be bought. They cost 55 plat (NPC says gold only, it does NOT have

to be in gold!) from Genni in the Temple of Solusek Ro (right side, third level) and can

be used to make rings, 2AC 30HP for silver, electrum 3/35, gold 4/45 or platinum 5/55.

The plat rings seem to sell for 1k a pair, the gold 250-300 a pair. Black sapphire is a drop

and makes HP mana necklace (silver and platinum) and earrings. I have seen Platinum

Black Sapphire necklaces, 55 HP 55 Mana, auctioned for 2k, but I am not sure of their

true value. There are also Jacinth (AC/save magic) and Diamond (all saves) drops. These

you will have to learn more about on your own.

I hope this walk through helps in your jewelcraft career. The main thing about being a

jeweler is to remember that you are a merchant as well as an player. Avoid getting into

arguments. Never try to rip off your customers. Be prepared for people to try to rip you

off, however: you advertise 180, player says "I'll take it", then he says"How about 170?",

then he says "All I have is 165" after you've been waiting where he said to meet you for

ten minutes. I try to insist on not getting ripped without turning it into an argument. It's

tough to do when someone in an Oracle Robe is jerking your chain for a few plat, or five

gold (I have had it happen). Still, it does not pay to do anything more than walk away. I

always advertise my price, so that people don't feel like they might be getting ripped off.

If your price were way out of line you'd get shouts about that fact. Auctioning your prices

shows confidence in your prices, reduces silly tells, and allows potential buyers to

compare your price to others. If someone gives you grief about not knocking 30% off

your price, it will happen, just say "Sorry, I have to cover failures" and leave it at that.

Help people whenever you can. Give often to newbies but never to beggars.

Clarity/Breeze people as you pass, and all your customers who can use it. No sense

running around with full mana. You'll be passing through many zones, and a good deed

now and then is rewarding on its own and will help you become known. When you're rich

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and powerful remember when you were poor and weak. Finally, remember to go out and

play some.


Please excuse the short-term clutter on this page. We'll work on making it prettier as time

and resources permit

Standard Jewelry Combinations -- Special Jewelcraft from May 8, 2002 patch

-- Imbued Jewelry -- Cazic Thule Jewelry

Standard Jewelry Combinations

The gems are sorted in order of difficulty per metal, so it's easier to see where you are on

the skill scale. However, due to printability issues, trivials are not listed here. Until such

time as we can get FTP access to the site sorted out, the most accurate trivial list can be

found on Gumkak's site. I won't include it here, as it will make this page pretty

unprintable for most folks.

Gem &












Malachite, sv.

vs poison +2, ring +3, bracelet +5, bracelet +7, ring +8, ring

Lapis Lazuli,

sv. vs disease


necklace +3, earring +5, earring +7, necklace +8, necklace

Turquoise, sv.

vs cold +2, bracelet +3, ring +5, ring +7, bracelet +8, bracelet

Hematite, sv. vs

fire +2, ring +4, necklace +7, necklace +7, ring +9, ring

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Agate - cat's

eye, CHA


necklace +4, bracelet +7, bracelet +9, necklace +10, necklace


STA +2, earring +3, necklace +5, necklace +6, earring +7, earring

Onyx, DEX +2, bracelet +3, necklace +5, necklace +6, bracelet +7, bracelet

Jasper, WIS +2, ring +2, earring +3, earring +6, ring +7, ring

Carnelian, AGI




+3, wedding


+5, wedding


+7, wedding

ring +8, ring

Star rose

quartz, INT




+2, necklace +4, necklace




+5, ring

Amber, STR +2, ring +1 earring +3, earring +4, ring +5, ring

Agate - wolf's

eye, sv. vs



necklace +4, bracelet +7, bracelet +9, necklace +10, necklace










ring +30/+30/5, ring

Pearl, sv vs

poison/AC +4/2, ring




necklace +10/4, ring +11/5, ring

Topaz, sv vs



necklace +5/2, earring +8/3, earring


necklace +14/6necklace

Peridot, sv vs

cold/AC +5/2, ring




bracelet +10/4, ring +11/5, ring

Emerald, sv vs

fire/AC +5/2, ring




bracelet +10/4, ring 11/5, ring

Opal, AGI/STA +2/+3







engagement +6/+8, ring

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ring ring

Black pearl,

DEX/AGI +3/+3, ring




necklace +6/+6, ring +7/+7, ring

Fire opal,



ring +3/+35, ring +4/+45, ring +5/+55, ring +6/+65. ring

Star ruby,

CHA/DEX +5/+5, veil +7+/5, ring +5/+7, ring +9/+9, veil +10/+10, veil

Fire emerald,

STR/DEX +3/+3, ring




bracelet +5/+5, ring +6/+6, ring










necklace +8/+8, necklace


STR/WIS +4/+4, veil +4/+2, ring +2/+4, ring +7/+7, veil +8/+8, veil

Jacinth, AC/Sv-

Magic +10/-7, ring +7/-3, ring +3/+7, ring +0/+13, ring 0/+14, ring

Black sapphire,












Diamond, Sv-

M/F/C/D/P +3 all, ring




veil +7 all, ring +8 all, ring

blue diamond,

mana, Sv


ring, +10,

+4 all


earring, +15,





tiara, +25,

+8 all resists

bracelet, +30,


Stones that do NOT make jewelry include: dufrenite, star of Odus, aquamarine, flawless

aquamarine, fulgurating stone of Innoruuk, and any of the Velious-only, or Luclin-only

"gem" drops

May 8 - Special Jewelcraft Recipes

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The May 8, 2002 patch introduced several new specialized jewelcraft recipes into the


item ingredients trivial/comments


magnum enchanted gold, opal, bottle - in jeweler's kit 196, used in brewing

imbued royal

velium armor

• Bracer = Royal Velium Bracer + Faceted

Sapphire + Etching Tools = AC 10, WIS

5, INT 3, sv cold 3

• Boots = Royal Velium Boots + Faceted

Emerald + Etching Tools = AC 19, sv

magic 5, sv cold 5

• Vambraces= Royal Velium Vambraces +

Faceted Sapphire + Etching Tools = AC

18 Sta 3 Agi 3 SvC 5 SvP 2

• Gauntlets = Royal Velium Gauntlets +

Faceted Emerald + Etching Tools = AC

15 STA 5 HP 25 sv cold 5

• Helm = Royal Velium Helm + Faceted

Emerald + Etching Tools = AC17 STR 2

sv dis 3, sv cold 3

• Breastplate = Royal Velium Breastplate +

Faceted Diamond + Etching Tools =

AC32 STR7 DEX5 STA5 sv cold 5 10 sv

magic 4

• Greaves = Royal Velium Greaves +

Faceted Diamond + Etching Tools =

AC19 STR7 HP 30, sv cold 5

177-182, lore (other

than bracer), NO

DROP, plate classes


This is part of the 8th

Coldain Prayer Shawl


Yes, you combine it in a

jeweler's kit. :)

engraved imbued royal velium armor piece (no drop) + trivial:

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royal velium


etching tool

this is tradeable versions of the imbued royal

velium armor (same stats as imbued royal velium

listed directly above). This version cannot be

used for the shawl quest. It is a dark blue in color

• <=195?




faceted gems

unrefined diamond/emerald/sapphire (no drop),

etching tools

(this is part of the 8th Coldain Prayer Shawl



• diamond: 182-


• emerald <=171

• sapphire: 173-




2 bars of velium, [1 gem] (diamond, blue

diamond, black sapphire, jacinth)

trivial <=151 (diamond

<=128) used for

tradeskill trophies

Jewelcraft Recipes for the PoTC Quest



jar of lacquer, gem (verified: pearl, peridot, opal,

star ruby, emerald, fire opal)

used in pottery steins &

ceramic bands


• pearl 110

• peridot 115

• opal 120

• star ruby 128

• emerald > 73

gem studded

chain worked silver chain, sapphire, ruby, emerald trivial >250

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Jewelcraft Trade Supplies

Note that anywhere it mentions "18 gems", the following gems will be found on the

merchant: malachite, lapis, turquoise, hematite, cats eye agate, bloodstone, onyx, jasper,

carnelian, star rose quartz, amber, jade, pearl, topaz, peridot, emerald, opal, ruby.

Also note that the following jewelcraft gems are loot drop only, and will not be found on

normal vendors (unless they were sold to the vendor by a player): ivory, diamond, blue

diamond, black sapphire, jacinth, black pearl


• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit, star ruby,

fire emerald, sapphire - two clockwork jewelers inside 1340, -906

• malachite, lapis, turquoise, hematite, cats eye agate, bloodstone, onyx, jasper,

carnelian, star rose quartz, amber, jade, pearl, topaz, peridot, emerald, opal, ruby,

jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - clockwork jeweler in bank (1352, -883)

• cats eye agate, hematite, jasper, peridot - clockwork merchant next to Useah

Harnbock (Library Mechanamagica)

• peridot, wolfs eye agate - clockwork merchant near Tergon Brenclog (Library


• scroll of imbue ruby [cleric: Brell Sirilis], scroll of imbue peridot [cleric:

Bristlebane] - a clockwork merchant (1221,-187 in Abbey of Deep Musing (cleric

guild hall)

Bazaar (Luclin)

• malachite, cat's eye agate, bloodstone, pearl, jasper, peridot, emerald - Dashelo

Dalroshan (-744, 10)

• jar of lacquer - Sateal Deirosap (-670, -35)

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Cabilis (Kunark)

• 17 gems, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Klok Ixmid (East, 655, 147)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit, fire

emerald, carnelian, turquoise - Klok Oxmod (East, 641, 152)

• scroll of imbue: amber [Shaman: Cazic-Thule] - Vessel Grymm (shaman guild)

East Commonlands

• peridot, hematite, jasper - Pardor the Blessed (one of the first buildings out from

Freeport, loc -120, -781)

• carnelian, malachite, peridot, lapis, turquoise, hematite, bloodstone, jasper, star

rose quartz, amber, pearl, cats eye agate, onyx - Katha Firespinner (next to Inn 3,

loc 233, 4734)

• peridot, wolf's eye agate - Lyth Spellstar (next to Inn 3, loc 269, 4906)

Echo Caverns (Luclin)

• Legacy of Jewelcraft, Jeweller's kit, silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars - Echo

Tradesman (1336, -799)

• malachite - Echo Tradesman 1596, -767)

• Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Hematite, Turquoise, Cat's Eye Agate, Bloodstone,

Jasper, Onyx, Carnelian, Star Rose Quartz, Jade, Amber, Jeweller's Kit, Legacy of

Jewel Craft, Ruby, Opal, Peridot, Emerald, Topaz, Pearl - Echo Tradesman (1318,



• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit, star ruby,

fire emerald, sapphire - Sothure Gemcutter (Sothure's Fine Gems, Erudin Palace)

• 16 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Anite Gemcutter (Sothure's Fine

Gems, Erudin Palace), Elbsin Denuen & Myrcin Denuen (Vials of Vitality,

Erudin Palace)

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• cat's eye agate, bloodstone, jasper, peridot, star rose quartz- Gwynora Armista

(Enchanters Guild, Erudin Palace)

• cat's eye agate, bloodstone, jasper, peridot - Andane Starinen (Wizard's Guild,

Erudin Palace)

• peridot, lapis lazuli, hematite, bloodstone, jasper, amber - Tika Shockstep

(Wizard's Guild, Erudin Palace)

• peridot, wolf's eye agate, aquamarine, malachite - Harbon Ranflash (Mage Guild,

Erudin Palace)

• carnelian, malachite, peridot, lapis lazuli, turquoise, bloodstone, rose quartz,

amber, cat's eye agate, wolf's eye agate, aquamarine - Frena Runeflash (Mage

Guild, Erudin Palace)

• peridot, star rose quartz - Jeliala Glimmercharm (Enchanters Guild, Erudin


• imbue topaz [cleric: Quellious] spell, imbue black pearl spell [cleric: Prexus] -

Stolace Printell (balcony of temple of Quellious)


• malachite, lapis, turquoise, hematite, cats eye agate, bloodstone, onyx, jasper,

carnelian, star rose quartz, amber, jade, pearl, topaz, peridot, emerald, opal, ruby,

jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Merchant Tyslin (Shop of All Holds, N.

Felwithe -- also same exact merchant located in building just inside entrance to S.


• metal bars (silver, electrum, gold, platinum), Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit,

star ruby, fire emerald, sapphire - Merchant Silspin (next to Bait & Tackle, N.


• cats eye agate, bloodstone, jasper, peridot, star rose quartz - Merchant Lyssia

(Enchanters Guild, S. Felwithe)

• peridot, wolfs eye agate, malachite - Merchant Jewyln (outside mage guild, S.


• enchant silver, enchant electrum, enchant gold, enchant platinum - Alicia

Starshimmer (Enchanters Guild, S. Felwithe)

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• imbue: emerald spell [cleric/druid: Tunare] - Allia Moondancer (cleric guild, N.


Firiona Vie (docks) (Kunark)

• 18 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Drake Mountainstorm (building at -

3622, 2431)

• fire emerald,stary ruby, sapphire, silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, jewelers kit

- Brisla Fyrestone (building at -3622, 2431)


• carnelian, malachite, peridot, lapis lazuli, turquoise, bloodstone, star rose quartz,

amber, cats eye agate, wolf's eye agate, aquamarine - Lysin Smokkan (Academy

of Arcane Sciences, W. Freeport)

• peridot, star rose quartz - Lysa Truegreen (Academy of Arcane Sciences, W.


• peridot, wolf's eye agate, malachite, aquamarine - Mekoma Buma (Academy of

Arcane Sciences, W. Freeport)

• peridot, lapis, hematite, bloodstone, jasper, carneliam - Zasrin Blueflame

(Academy of Arcane Sciences, W. Freeport)

• cats eye agate, bloodstone, jasper, peridot, star rose quartz - Dulia Jestes

• cats eye agate, bloodstone, jasper, peridot - Voglan Dransed (Academy of Arcane

Sciences, W. Freeport)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewellers kit, star ruby,

fire opal, fire emerald- Amber (upstairs in unlabeled blue building just outside the

Freeport Market, N. Freeport, loc -167, 195)

• imbue diamond spell [cleric: Mithaniel Marr], imbue rose quartz spell [cleric:

Erollisi Marr] - Locarme Zennix (Cleric/pally guild, N. Freeport)

• carneliam, malachite, lapis lazuli, turquoise, hematite, bloodstone, jasper, star rose

quartz, amber, jade, pearl, topaz, cat's eye agate, onyx, peridot, emerald, opal, fire

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opal, sapphire, ruby - Jade (unlabeled blue building just outside the Freeport

Market, N. Freeport, loc -167, 195, Aimie Moonspin (bank, N. Freeport)

• jar of lacquer - Trudie Steelbone (Groflah's Forge, N. Freeport)

Fungus Grove (Luclin)

• malachite, cat's eye agate, bloodstone, jasper, peridot, pearl, emerald - Esti

Elvenblood (-1497, -954)


• carnelian, malachite, lapis, turquoise, hematite, bloodstone, jasper, star rose

quartz, carnelian, jade, pearl, topaz, cats eye agate, onyx, peridot, emerald, opal,

fire opal, sapphire, ruby, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Rezslog (outside

Krungs Clubs & Junk), Uzak (loc 553, -318)

• imbue: amber spell [Cazic-Thule] - Barsk (shaman guild)


• Imbue Ivory spell [shaman: The Tribunal] - Boraskor (shaman guild)

High Keep

• 18 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Merchant Edina (1st floor, -91, -


• jar of lacquer - Graham Embersmith (basement)

Icewell Keep (Velious)

• 18 gems, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelry kit - Coldain Outcast (under keep, 53,



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• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit, star ruby,

fire emerald, sapphire - Aanina Rockfinder (Everhot Forge, N. Kaladim)

• malachite, lapis lazuli, turquoise, hematite, cats eye agate, bloodstone, onyx,

jasper, carnelian, star rose quartz, amber, jade, pearl, topaz, peridot, emerald,

opal, ruby, jeweler's kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Bonaf Norkhitter (inside mine, N.


• Imbue Ruby spell [Brell Serilis] - Duppa Pickstone (cleric guild)

Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jeweller's kit, fire opal,

star ruby, fire emerald - Monika Helsin (601, -168)

• malachite, cat's eye agate, bloodstone, pearl, jasper, peridot, emerald - Wendel

Starshiner (-704, 253, third floor of caster guild)

• jar of lacquer - Bole Bricktop (52, -1530)


• metal bars (silver, electrum, gold, platinum),, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit,

star ruby, fire emerald, sapphire - Merchant Kweilli (Sparkling Glass, 414, 293)

• 18 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Merchant Laedar (610, 537)

Kithicor Forest

• Peridot, bloodstone - Jeena Firechaser (-215, 3820)


• carnelian , amber - Tanai Tambor (Slug's Tavern NFQ)

• star rose quartz - Ungia (bottom of entrance ramp SFQ), Bull Crusher (Warrior's

guild SFQ), Canarie (Shinie Tings SFQ)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit, star ruby,

fire emerald, sapphire - Canarie (Shinie Tings SFQ), Zartox Ru'Sae (upstairs,

Forge House, COM)

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• 18 gems, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit - Telnor D'Unnar (The Bauble 3G),

Nekola N'Ryt (upstairs, Forge House, COM)

• enchant silver, enchant electrum, enchant gold, enchant platinum - Mizr

N'Mar (Library, 3G)

• imbue sapphire spell (cleric: Innoruuk) - Svlia C'Luzz (next to Cleric

Guildmaster, 3G)

• Jar of lacquer - Treven Rue'Soe (45, -902, COM)

North Karana

• imbue plains pebble spell [druid/cleric: Karana], imbue emerald [druid/cleric:

Tunare] - Tak Whistler (druid circle)


• peridot - Hrak (entry to shaman guild)

• imbue jade spell [shaman: Rallos Zek] spell - Barsk (shaman guild)

The Overthere (Kunark)

• 18 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Tin Merchant IV, 2634, 2525

• Legacy of Jewelcraft, silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, jewelers kit, star ruby,

fire emerald, sapphire - Tin Merchant III, 2671, 2557


• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit, star ruby,

fire emerald, sapphire - Dannis Faleet (Fortune's Fancy)

• Pearl, Cats Eye Agate, Bloodstone, Jasper, and Peridot - Keletha Nightweaver &

Linnlue Brackmar (the Abbatoir, 735, 845)


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• metal bars (silver, electrum, gold, platinum), Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit,

star ruby, fire emerald, sapphire - Ziska Ironforge (The Jewel Box, N. Qeynos)

• peridot, wolfs eye agate - Hanlore Escaval (The Herb Jar, S. Qeynos)

• 18 gemstones, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Svena Ironforge (The Jewel

Box, N. Qeynos)

• imbue: opal spell [cleric: Rodcet Nife] - Balhallia (cleric guild "saucer", N.


• imbue: black sapphire spell [cleric: Bertoxxulous] - Tessia Sowtsui (temple of

Bertoxx, sewers, 340, -433)

Rathe Mountains

• 18 gems, jeweler's kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Darfumpel Zirubbel (side building

next to inns, 4100, 900)


• Imbue Peridot spell [cleric: Bristlebane] - Blippo Stumbletoe (Cleric guild)

Sanctus Seru (Luclin)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jeweller's kit, fire opal,

star ruby, fire emerald - Asotha Balais (-934, -944)

• malachite, cat's eye agate, bloodstone, pearl, jasper, peridot, emerald - Gaston

Facetmaker (-53, 1018)

• jar of lacquer - Wulan Goldsmith (7, 1016), Melda Goldsmith

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, jeweller's kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Garn

Allonode (-12, 652)

• malachite, lapis lazuli, turquoise, hematite, cat's eye agate, bloodstone, onyx,

jasper, carnelian, star rose quartz, amber, jade, pearl, topaz, peridot, emerald,

opal, ruby, jeweller's kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Adinson Allonode (-11, 634),

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Pilop Stolarix (-715, 1581), Eriska Malosona (1169, 45, second floor, caster


• malachite, cat's eye agate, bloodstone, pearl, jasper, peridot, emerald - Bargain

Merchant (212, 287), Sedaitan Cournsian (318, -82)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, Legacy of Jewelcraft, star ruby, fire emerald,

sapphire - Aeksola Faerlonifer (1195, 46)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• silver/electrum/gold/platinum bars, jeweller's kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft, fire opal,

star ruby, fire emerald - Jhimis Khadwi (300, -367), Katja (-215, -27)

• Carnelian, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Hematite, Bloodstone, Jasper, Star

Rose Quartz, Amber, Jade, Pearl, Topaz, Cat's Eye Agate, Onyx, Peridot,

Emerald, Opal, Fire Opal, Sapphire, Ruby - Uhlma Mareesh (219, -367)


• 18 gems, Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers Kit - Tulgadin (380, -626)

Solusek B

• imbue fire opal spell [Solusek Ro] Zordak Ragefire (merchant that spawns in

Nagafen's spot after Nagafen dies)

Steamfont Mountains

• 18 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Torodrane Frompwaddle (-1599, -


• jar of lacquer - Godbin Strumharp (windmill at /loc 51, -611)

• imbue plains pebble [druid/cleric spell: Karana] - merchant at druid ring (name?)

Temple of Solusek Ro

• fire opal - Genni (quest-based, she will sell one to you for 550 gold)

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Thurgadin (Velious)

• 18 gems, jewelers kit, Legacy of Jewelcraft - Meg Tucter (-348, -59)

• metal bars (silver, electrum, gold, platinum, velium), Legacy of Jewelcraft, star

ruby, fire emerald, sapphire - Talem Tucter (-337, -59)

• enchant velium (spell) - Nimren Stonecutter (46, -113)

Toxxulia Forest

• cats eye agate, jasper, bloodstone, peridot - Islan Hetstan (shop near ocean),

• cats eye agate, jasper, bloodstone, peridot, star rose quartz - Xylania Rainsparkle

(shop to left of entrance to hunting area)

West Commonlands

• metal bars (silver, electrum, gold, platinum), Legacy of Jewelcraft, jewelers kit,

star ruby, fire emerald - Naresa Sparkle (building near entrance to Befallen) - I've

not yet figured out her faction, but she is different than the other merchants in the

area, and is seriously overpriced.

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Make Poison

Poisons are a rogue's toy for death. They come in 16 different flavors.

Berserker Madness - Target bonus STR and AC, does small Direct Damage and good


Blind - minus to ATK.

Brittle Haste - bonus to ATK Speed, lowers AC and STR.

Contact - Direct Damage.

Dizzy - lowers AGI, lowers AC.

Feeble Mind - Reduces targets Mana.

Flesh Rot - small Direct Damage, Long term DoT (more like a disease).

Injected - small Direct Damage, 30 second DoT.

Liquid Silver - Heavy damage Contact poison for UNDEAD only.

Lower Resist - just what it says, lowers resist except for poison.

Muscle Lock - Slows Movement (snare).

Paralyzing Root - Lowers Attack Speed (like shaman/enchanter slows).

Poison Animal - Heavy damage contact spell, for animal type monsters ONLY.

Poison Summoned - Heavy damage contact spell for summoned ONLY.

System Shock - good Direct Damage, pushes target back, and stuns/interrupts spells.

Weaken - Reduces target strength.

Poisons have an interesting way of deciding how much damage/results you will get with

the actual poison you have. First off, is the level of the poison. We will use Contact

poisons as an example. Contact Poisons currently have 4 levels of strength. Contact I, II,

III, and IV. The amount of damage is decided by the level of player, and the TOP end of

that is decided by the poisons level. Below is an example.

Contact I - DD for 5 to 141 damage, Level 35

Contact II - DD for 5 to 177 damage, Level 44

Contact III - DD for 13 to 221 damage, Level 55

Contact IV - DD for 13 to 445 damage, Level 55

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The difference? The top end of the poison. Contact one tops out at 141 for a level 35

Rogue. Any level above 35 will still do 141 damage. Now, a Contact II will also do 141

for a level 35 rogue, BUT at level 36 the contact II poison will do more damage. The

Contact II poison tops out at level 44, where you will have to use a Contact II to do more

damage. Notice that Contact III and IV both top out at level 55. The difference in these

two is how much damage they do at what level. At level 35, Contact IV WILL do more

damage than Contact II, even though the Rogue has not topped out either poison, this is

due to the damage range of the poison.

Listing of Poison Effects

Books on Poison

As far as I know (this is a guide not a definitive writing) There are 11 different books on

poisons. Most of them are straight forward on how to make the poison but do not hint at

how hard they are to make, or what level of poison they will be. (Note: these books are

not all written in Common)

Making Poisons

First and foremost, poison making is not something you do with a few spare plat, because

you want to be badass in combat. Poisons will make you more effective, but you MUST

realize the penalty for using them. First, Poisons are expensive and time consuming. You

WILL blow a lot of money on em even if you make your own vials. Most components are

dropped off monsters so you will have to go out and 'farm' if you wanna keep any kind of

supply on you. You have to SIT and apply the poison, you must remain seated while it is

applying. (this checks your apply poison skill... you rarely fail to apply a poison you can

make, but the higher your apply poison skill the faster you can get the poison on your

blade and stand back up.) Now if you still aren't shying away from poison making, You

are ready to roll.

Tools of the Trade

To actually make the poison, you will combine 3 (or more) things in a Mortar and Pestle.

You can pick one of these up in 3 places. Dagnors Cauldron, Firiona Vie, and West

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Karanas. You will combine a poison vial (Regular, Lined, or Sealed), a Suspension

(Regular, Constrict, Larent, or Ethereal), and finally the actual component that you

farmed or bought. The first poison that you should try just to get used to it is known as

"Spider Venom" this is a Weaken I type poison, and is fairly useless, but it is cheap to

make, easy to farm the items, and helps bring up your apply skill if you haven't used

poisons before.

In your Mortar and Pestle, put one suspension, one poison vial, and 2 UNSTACKED

spider venom sacs. (gotten off almost any spider larger than a spiderling.) Then press

Combine. One of two things will happen. This poison trivials out at 20, so it should be

pretty much trivial to you already. If you succeed, then you now have an unstackable

poison bottle, if you failed you will be given your vial back, and the rest of the items


Applying your poison

Once you have your poison, to apply your poison to your blade, just right click the

poison. Unlike drinking you can also do this from inside bags. You will get either a "you

have successfully applied" or "you have failed to apply" message. If you fail, your blade

is not poisoned, and your poison is GONE. If you are standing when you try to apply, you

will automaticaly sit down and start applying.


1. Once your poison is applied to your weapon, the poison is gone, you can not

retrieve it.

2. Poisoned blades do not last through zoning. (if you zone, the poison on the blade

is GONE)

3. Poisons are uninterruptable, and will fire off on the first successful hit, that is not

a backstab.

4. The way the game works is to apply the poison to your primary hand slot, you can

not poison one blade, move it to secondary and then poison another blade. The

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game is not actually poisoning the weapon, just the weapon slot. You can prove

this by poisoning with a contact poison then removing your weapons.

5. Injected poisons MUST have a piercing weapon to proc.

6. Poisons CAN be resisted, and the resists are based off of the level you are to the

monster, and its resist to POISON, even flesh rot is a POISON.

Poison Table The codes for the vials are: V=Poison Vial, L=Lined Vial, S=Sealed Vial. The codes for

suspensions are: S=Regular Suspension, C=Constrict Suspension, L=Larent Suspension,

E=Etheral Suspension. The prices are given for indifferent with charisma 95 in coppers

(and will be reviewed soon). If you have missing informations or corrections please post

it on the poison-board. The make and apply are the skill where working with that poison

becomes trivial. They are not perfectly accurate and will be updated as soon as any

mistakes will show up.

Poisons Tier I

Poison Type Make Vial/Susp Price Ingredients

Spider Venom Weaken 20 V/S 528 2x Spider Venom Sac

Giant Wasp

Venom Contact 20 V/S 528 3x Giant Wasp Venom Sac

Regalis Poison Weaken 22 V/S 528 Froglok Poison Gland,

Uriticating Hairs

Snake Venom Injected 23 V/S 528 2x Snake Venom Sac

Asp Poison Contact 24 V/S 528 2x Asp Poison Sac


Deactivator Blind 24 L/S 1053 Asp Poison Sac, Coyote Tail

Spine Break Paralyze 32 L/C 2520 Delphinium, Thorny Egot

Basilisk Poison Muscle Lock >40 L/S 528 2x Basilisk Eyestalk

Solvent Gangrene Flesh Rot 40 V/S 528 2x Grave Mold

Crystal Eritus System Shock <43 L/S 528 2x Crystallized Marrows

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Cyclan Butil Feeble Mind 48 L/S 528 2x Cyclamine Corms, Snake

Venom Sac

Putrid Bane Injected 56 L/S 528 2x Putrid Bile


Swiftness Brittle Haste >58 V/S 528

Giant Wasp Venom Sac, 2x

Vampirebat Saliva

Sweet Lathyris Dizzy 68 L/S 528 Giant Wasp Venom Sac, 2x


Rancid Wolf

Killer Animal 77 L/S 2210 2x Dogbane, Chunk of Meat

Anti-Elemental Summoned 77 L/S 2963 Ground Garlic, Red Hellbore

Lixt Wing Dust Liquid Silver 84 L/S 528 2x Embalming Dust

Maddening Sap Berserker

Madness 89 L/S 528 2x Succulent Sap

Festering Nettle Lower Resist 95 L/S 528 2x Ashroot

Poisons Tier II

Poison Type Make Vial/Susp Price Ingredients

Athropic Sap Weaken 98 L/C 3150 2x Alocassia Root

Aching Blood Contact 108 L/C 5252 2x Lactera

Eyeburn Solution Blind 108 L/C 2100 2x Coyote Tail, Muddite Mud


Suppressent Paralyze 117 L/C 2940

2x Delphinium, Basilisk


Lethargic Bliss Muscle Lock 117 L/C 1050 2x Whore's Bane

Leprous Puss Flesh Rot 109-

129 L/C 2268

Bundle of Wormwood,

Darkbone Marrow, Grave


Brain Freeze System Shock 131 S/C 6132 2x Gelsenium Root


Banality Feeble Mind 140 S/C 9237 3x Gelsenium Petals

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Choking Asmag Injected 150 S/C 1050 2x Asmag Weed

Xegony's Curse Brittle Haste 162 L/C 1050 Ash Hornet Venom, Cinder

Hornet Pollen


Stalker</A< td> Animal


172 S/C 3374

Castorbean, Hounds Tongue,

Chunk of Meat

Corrosive Solvent Summoned 168 S/C 3485 Putrid Bile, Ground Garlic,

Red Hellbore

Languid Lixtwing Dizzy 169 S/C 1050 2x Lixt Wing Stalks

Calcium Rot Liquid Silver 172 S/C 3485 2x Kings Thorn

Dilapidating Ash Lower Resist 181 S/C 1050 2x Sooth Hemlock

Zek Frost Berserker

Madness 183 S/C 4074

2x Crystal Nightshade,

Succulent Sap

Poisons Tier III

Poison Type Make Vial/Susp Price Ingredients


Hemlock Blind


201 S/L 2626

Sooth Hemlock, Coyotetail,

Burnt out Lightstone

Monk's Hood

Aconite Weaken


194 S/L 3150 2x Wolve's Bane

Visionistic Pain Contact 199-

204 S/L 2101 2x White Hellbore

Stiffening Ergot Paralyze 204 S/L 2101 2x Heartsting Venom Sac


Whisper Muscle Lock


217 S/C 4116

Gelsenium Root, Thorny

Ergot, Wolve's Bane

Metallic Alkaloid System Shock213-

218 S/L 7109

Lead Peroxide, Quicksilver,

White Lead


Cryofreeze Feeble Mind


226 S/L 2101 3x Frosty Datura

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Visceral Rot Flesh Rot 231-

236 S/L 6303

Darkbone Marrow, Grave

Mold, Woodrose

Amnesic Lolium Injected 233-

236 S/L 2101

2x Tare's Lichen, Snowfall


Essence of Rallos Berserker

Madness >243 S/L 2101

2x Amanita Phalloidae, Pixie


Crippling Peptide Dizzy >245 S/L 2101 2x Death Cap, Black Henbane

Acidic Dissolver Summoned >245 S/L 3887 Putrid Bile, Red Hellbore,

Sooth Hemlock

Temporal Rot Liquid Silver >245 S/L 7658 Wood Rose, Embalming Dust,

King's Thorn

Cyclic Vertigo Lower Resist >245 S/L 162132x Snowcap Amanita, Crystal


Carnivore Mortis Animal >245 S/L 4940 Black Henbane, Snake Head

Iris, Chunk of Meat


Peptide Brittle Haste >250 S/C 1050

Chromadrac Wing, Skyash


Poisons Tier IV

Poison Type Make Vial/Susp Price Ingredients

Iron Dimethy System Shock >216 S/L 7678 2x Quicksilver, Iron Sulphide

Soul Burn Contact >250 S/E ? 2x Scorpico Venom Sac

Spirit of Sloth Muscle Lock >250 S/E ? 2x Creeper Ivy


Swiftness Brittle Haste >250 S/E ?

2x Spiroc Bonedust, Skyash


Mages Bane Feeble Mind >250 S/E ? 2x Ivory Poppy, Frosty Datura

Warlords Rage Berserker

Madness >250 S/E ?

2x Crystallized Sulfur,

Succulent Sap

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Lower Resist

IV >250 S/E ?

2x Nohope Moss, Snowcap



Disorientation Dizzy IV >250 S/E ?

Crystal Nightshade, Black

Henbane, Death Cap


Atrophy Weaken IV >250 S/E ? 2x Shriveled flesh


Cyanide Injected >250 S/E ? 2x Emeraldberry Cyanide

Poisons Tier V

Poison Type Make Vial/Susp Price Ingredients

Mind Melt System Shock >250 S/E ? 2x Mount Death Salts,


Inferno Blood Injected >250 S/E ? 2x Blood Thorn Extract,

Emeraldberry Cyanide

Make Poison Trade Supplies


• scent of marr - Clockwork Merchant (Library Mechanamagica, 1075, -1040, near

Tergon Brenclog) used for celestial essence

Bazaar (Luclin)

• celestial solvent - Dashelo Dalroshan (-744, 10)

Dagnor's Cauldron

• An Old Delivered Book, suspension, mortar/pestle, constrict suspension, larent

suspension, poison vial, lined poison vial, sealed poison vial, Conium's Notebook

Parts 1 & 2 - Conium Darkblade (dwarf on island)

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East Commonlands

• scent of marr - Lyth Spellstar (building next to Inn 3, loc 269, 4906), used for

celestial essence

Echo Caverns (Luclin)

• An Old Delivered Book, Suspension, Constrict Suspension, Mortar and Pestle,

Larent Suspension, Poison Vial, Sealed Poison Vial, Lined Poison Vial - Olowakn

Telrok (1409, -855)

Firiona Vie (docks) (Kunark)

• old delivered book, suspension, mortar & pestle, constrict suspension, larent

suspension, poison vial, lined poison vial, sealed poison vial - Brak Daggermist

(building at -3560, 2350)


• mortar/pestle, suspension, constrict suspension, larent suspension, poison vial,

lined poison vial, sealed poison vial - Toxdil (In Sewers in W. Freeport - head out

the gate, hug the right wall until you find the secret sewer entrance)

Fungus Grove(Luclin)

• celestial solvent - Esti Elvenblood


• Secrets of the White Rose, gelsemium petals, gelsemium root, snowfall algae -

Elona McMahon (above the bank)

High Keep

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• How to Dye and Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vial, jar of acid - Graham

Embersmith (basement, beside Miner Harton) - used by rogues to make dye


• Miner's Guide to Toxicology, limestone, lead sulphide, cinnabar - Myre (near

bank, North Kaladim)

Katta Catellum (Luclin)

• celestial solvent - Wendel Starshiner (3rd floor, caster guild)

Lake of Ill Omen (Kunark)

• poison vial (3), suspension, larent suspension, constrict suspension, Poisons of the

Lost Continent, crystal nightshade, snowcap amanita, ethereal suspension - Nubs

Blackgranite (Windmill, -2542, -2941) -- this is a dwarf merchant, unsure of

faction, con carefully as there is also an erudite within this windmill.

Lesser Faydark

• dogbane, castorbean, hounds tongue, snake head iris, Scouts Poisons - Anelia

Thrywiel (-318, 1248)


• Weapons of the Black Mask, ground garlic, red hellebore - Jerris W'Selo, Kanthu

M'Rekkor (rogue's guild, 3G)


• Renux's Translations - Pleshia Thuxpire (rogue's guild, NQ)

• scent of Marr - Hanlore Escaval, (Herb Jar, S. Qeynos, 305, -570) used in celestial


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Rathe Mountains

• How To Dye And Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vials, jar of acid - Ukla

(ogre/troll camp, 1730, 1300) used by rogues to make dye

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• An Old Delivered Book, Suspension, Mortar and Pestle, Constrict Suspension,

Larent Suspension, Poison Vial, Lined Poison Vial, Sealed Poison Vial - Ferusal

(206, -44)

• celestial solvent - Bargain Merchant, Sedaitam Cournsian (318, -82)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• Miners Guide to Toxicology, Poisons of the Lost Continent, Renux's Translations,

Scouts Poisons, Secrets of the White Rose, Study of Ethereal Suspension -

Toxicologist Tariid (-85, 54)

• An Old Delivered Book, suspension, mortar and pestle, constrict suspension,

larent suspension, poison vial, lined poison vial, sealed poison vial - Mugdah (-

348, 503)

Steamfont Mountains

• king's thorn, blood rose, bundle of wormwood, brimstone, Cobals Cures of the

Undeath, Kaxon's Beauty Tips - Ennixi Frennor (1371, -835)

• How To Dye And Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vials, jar of acid - Godbin

Strumharp (windmill at /loc 51, -611) used to make dye


• Ethereal Suspension, suspension, constrict suspension, larent suspension, Study

of Ethereal Suspension - Clara (shop at 47, -118)

West Karana

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• old delivered book, suspension, mortar/pestle, constrict suspension, larent

suspension, poison vial (3), coyotetail, thorny ergot, alocasia root, lactera,

delphinium - Gindlin Toxfodder (-2989 , -13399)

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Pottery is a unique trade skill in a number of ways. First of all, pottery seems to be the

only trade skill aimed at enhancing another trade skill. Most of the goods you'll

manufacture with this skill will only be of interest to bakers. Second of all, it is the only

trade skill, to the best of my knowledge, that requires you to make two skill attempts in

order to manufacture goods. Third, it’s incredibly easy to raise. Finally, you can make a

good profit off this skill just selling goods to vendors though you'll have to have a high

skill level before this is possible.

To start with, first verify that everything you need to practice pottery is readily available.

That means you'll need to find a pottery wheel, kiln, and vendors to buy sketches, clay,

and firing sheets from. When I first started practicing pottery I was using a pottery wheel

and kiln in South Qeynos, buying my clay and firing sheets in West Karana, and was

getting my sketches from a barbarian shaman who was making frequent trips between

Halas and Qeynos. Trust me when I say it was a very frustrating period for me and I

eventually just relocated to Halas, where I paid higher prices for raw materials and

received lower prices for finished goods, just to have all of my pottery needs met in one

small area. You'll eventually also want glass shards and bits of metal for more advanced

pottery but you can worry about that when the time comes.

Next you'll want to spend a practice point on pottery just to get it started. Once you start

practicing you'll find that pottery raises fairly easily and I certainly wouldn't spend more

than 1 practice point on it. Certainly not before trying it a few times just to see what sort

of raises you get on your own. Buy the basic pottery book for the instructions and


The actual practice of pottery is a two-stage process. First you place a sketch, a flask of

water, don't use the globes of water some casters can summon or the pods of water that

woodsy types can forage for, the appropriate amount of clay, and any necessary extras

like glass shards on a pottery wheel and click combine. If you're successful you'll be

rewarded with an unfired product that you can then place in a kiln with the appropriate

type of firing sheet(s) and combine to get your end product. When practicing keep

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working with an item until the pottery wheel returns the message that the item is trivial

for someone of your skill level to make but ignore the kiln if it tells you that an item is

trivial. It is harder to turn something out on the pottery wheel than it is to put it in the kiln

to harden. The kiln will tell you something is trivial to make long before it’s trivial to

make on the pottery wheel.

Clay, firing sheets, and some sketches don't stack so when buying trade supplies you may

find yourself pressed for space. Because of this I recommend that you don't buy firing

sheets until you actually have unfired products ready to put in the kiln. Otherwise you'll

probably wind up dragging around excess firing sheets that are filling inventory slots that

could be better used carrying clay.

What to make? The first few items in the pottery book, skewers, ceramic linings, and clay

jars, are good starts. After those, however, there's a sharp increase in prices. I've never

made a pot because I can't find a pot sketch but it also calls for metal bits and a smith

friend has told me that they cost around 7 gp to make. Smoker and cookie cutter sketches

are expensive as well, running in the 5 to 6 gp range. As you can see, at this point failures

become very costly and you may want to jump ahead to more difficult but cheaper items.

As of this writing, the recipe for small bowls appears to be broken. At least I get the

message that "those items don't appear to combine in those quantities" when I try it.

However, the next recipe, pie tins, works just fine and, even better news, actually turns a

tidy profit when successful. It costs me slightly under 2 gp to make a pie tin and I can sell

it to a merchant for slightly over 5 gp for a profit of 3 gp and mind you I'm dealing with

merchants who give me bad prices because they don't like me. Cake rounds are slightly

more expensive to make since they require glass shards but they also return a profit.

Beyond that, I don't know the profit potential of the larger bowls because I haven't tried

them yet and probably won't until pie tins and cake rounds become trivial. I suspect some

of them will be quite profitable too, especially mixing bowls which may actually have a

player market now that the baker's recipe for clump of dough has been fixed.

Now if you'll excuse me, my cookies are about ready and they're always best straight out

of the oven. (I like to bite the heads off the troll shaped ones.)

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Since the writing of this pottery guide, Verant has implemented a patch which has

effectively made pottery non-viable as a trade skill. NPC merchants now pay below cost,

in some cases as much as 1 to 2 pp below, on all items listed in the basic pottery book.

NPC merchants also sell some pottery goods, primarily those that other players would be

interested in buying, for less than a potter can make them. Which means that you will

lose significant amounts of money practicing pottery, even when you successfully make

whatever item it you're attempting, and then be unable to sell your goods to anyone but

NPCs because players will prefer buying pottery goods at the lower NPC prices.

If you choose to be a potter then I urge you not to sell any of your more saleable goods

(skewers, pie tins, cake rounds, muffin tins, mixing bowls, vials, etc.) to NPC merchants.

They don't normally stock pottery goods so if we don't sell to them then they won't be

able to undercut the prices we're now forced to charge in order to make a profit. When

you generate excess stock of these items through practice, bank what you can to sell later

and destroy the rest. I know that sounds bad but when you reach my skill level and are

looking at expending 40-60 pp just to master large bowls, which are not a saleable item,

you'll be thankful for the existence of a player market for your wares and that market can

only exist if the merchants aren't undercutting us. Hopefully Verant will make pottery

more viable some day but in the meantime this is what we have to do if we're to pay for

our craft.

Becoming A Master Potter on 30pp Or Less

Would you like to become a Master Potter in just over 4 hours, for less than 30 platinum?

Here’s how I did it.

Since your Pottery books tell you how to make the items, let's skip to the good stuff. (If

you need more information on that, just visit the main Pottery page.) All prices are with

apprehensive faction with the merchants and a charisma of 45.

What I Bought

50 Medium JAR sketches

200 Medium BOWL sketches

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1 water flask per sketch (summoned and foraged items don't work...grrr)

1 Medium block of clay per sketch

Don't worry about the firing sheets at this time. (Will explain shortly.)

What I Did

Start on the pottery wheel with the med JARS, continue till it becomes a trivial thing for

you (You can't make med BOWLS till then). Next move to the med BOWLS and

continue till you become a Master Potter. At this point you can move to the more

profitable and nifty items.

Why No Firing Sheets?

Sheets are pricey, and you just never fail at the kiln. It’s best to destroy your successes

since you’ll loose money if you fire up and sell the med JARS and BOWLS (at least I


My cost thus far has been:

50 med JAR sketches at 1s8c each

200 med BOWL sketches at 3s7c each

250 water flasks at 1s5c each

250 med block of clays at 6s each

For a grand total of: 27p5s.

But if I had bought a high quality firing sheet at 5g1c apiece for each success, the price

would have shot through the roof.

Just learn the lay of the land, find your supplies and have fun.

Pottery Trade Supplies


• pottery wheel, kiln - clockwork merchant inside Akanon's castle (727, -148)

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• scroll of imbue ruby [cleric: Brell Sirilis], scroll of imbue peridot [cleric:

Bristlebane] - a clockwork merchant (1221,-187 in Abbey of Deep Musing (cleric

guild hall)

• sketches (skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small deity, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining,

barbarian template, gnome template, troll template, animal template, idol) -

clockwork sketcher (756, -145)

• clay (small block, block, large block), firing sheets (firing, quality firing, high

quality firing), glass shard, Basic Pottery, sketches (small deity, vial, lined vial,

sealed vial, ceramic lining), sculpting tools, glaze mortar - Clockwork Potter (754,


• clay (small block, block, large block) - clockwork miner (756, -145)

Bazaar (Luclin)

• pottery wheel - loc -638, -94

• kiln - loc -637, -191

• water flask - Gliblixl Rocktok (-685, -33), Gaelsori Heriseron, Tontoal Heriseron

(upstairs, loc -660, -18)

• jar of acid - Sateal Deirosap (-670, -35)


• block of clay (3), firing sheet (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery book, vial sketches

(3) - Izbal Brightblade (-1281, -1967)

Cabilis (Kunark)

• blocks of clay (3) - Klok Toren (East, 198, -300)

• kiln - East, 256, -224

• pottery wheel - East, 237, -197

• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches -

Klok Hoga (East, 250, -200)

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• water - Lybar (West, 290, 531)

• sketches - Klok Grots (East, 240, -273)

• scroll of imbue: amber [Shaman: Cazic-Thule] - Vessel Grymm (shaman guild)

East Commonlands

• clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery book, vial sketches (3) -

Merra Clayfinger (1st Inn, loc -136, 25)

Echo Caverns (Luclin)

• water flask - Echo Tradesman (1385, -609)


• pottery wheel, kiln - beside Erudin Surplus

• blocks of clay (3) - Shinan Orefinder (outside City Armory)

• imbue topaz [cleric: Quellious] spell, imbue black pearl spell [cleric: Prexus] -

Stolace Printell (balcony of temple of Quellious)


• pottery wheel, kiln - behind Faydark's Bane

• enchant clay spell - Alicia Starshimmer (Enchanters Guild, S. Felwithe)

• imbue: emerald spell [cleric/druid: Tunare] - Allia Moondancer (cleric guild, N.


• sketches (skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small diety, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining,

barbarian template, gnome template, troll template, animal template, idol) -

Alladria Skyetcher (Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe)

• clay (small block, block, large block) - Bedida Claygrinder (upstairs, Shop of All

Holds, N. Felwithe)


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• blocks of clay (sm/med/lg) - Kyrin Steelbone (Groflah's Forge, N. Freeport, loc -

21, 474)

• kiln - near monk's guild (W. Freeport, loc -214, -670), across from Hogcaller's Inn

(W. Freeport, loc -241, -348), outside unlabeled inn near bank (N. Freeport, loc -

171, 35), outside condemned building (E. Freeport, -112, -214)

• pottery wheel - near monk's guild (W. Freeport, loc -220, -671), inside unlabeled

weapon shop (W. Freeport, across from Hogcaller's Inn, loc -223, -339), outside

unlabeled inn near bank (N. Freeport, loc -148, 39), outside condemned building

(E. Freeport, -122, -231)

• imbue diamond spell [cleric: Mithaniel Marr], imbue rose quartz spell [cleric:

Erollisi Marr] - Locarme Zennix (Temple of Marr, N. Freeport, loc 105, 287)

• sketches: skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small diety, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining,

barbarian template, gnome template, troll template, animal template, idol sketch -

Jynsa Smithson (W. Freeport, -172, -338), Winoyn (inside unmarked building to

south of bank, N Freeport)

• clay (small block, block, large block), firing sheets (firing, quality firing, high

quality firing), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches (vial, lined vial, sealed

vial), sculpting tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic lining sketch, small deity

sketch - Gurb Smithson (W. Freeport, -178, -329)

• enchant steel [enchanter] spell - Voglan Dransed (Academy of Arcane Sciences,

W. Freeport)

• jar of acid - Trudie Steelbone (Groflah's Forge, N. Freeport, loc -31, 472)

Fungus Grove (Luclin)

• water flask - Cen Snoworb (-1216, -988), Thar Anson (-1339, -800)

Grimling Forest (Luclin)

• water flask - Merchant Hammar (-482, -1197)


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• clay (block, small block, large block)) - Okun (outside Night Keep)

• imbue: amber spell [Cazic-Thule] - Barsk (shaman guild)

• pottery wheel at loc 447, -140 (near Krungs Clubs & Junk)

• kiln at loc 484, -150 (near Krungs Clubs & Junk)

• sketches (skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small deity, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining, idol),

cookie templates (barbarian, troll, gnome, animal) - Vynugga (outside Krungs

Clubs & Junk)


• sketches - Skoni (next to dock)

• kiln - behind Golden Torc

• pottery wheel - inside the Golden Torc

• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery book, vial sketches

(3), sculpting tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic lining sketch, small deity

sketch - Merin (Dok's Cigars)

• Imbue Ivory spell [shaman: The Tribunal] - Boraskor (shaman guild)

• clay (small block, block, large block) - Greta O'Reilly (70, -245)

High Keep

• blocks of clay (3) - Miner Harton (basement, 43, -274)

• jar of acid - Graham Embersmith (basement)

Highpass Hold

• pottery wheel, kiln - outside Serpent Supply, in smuggler area (58, 316)

• kiln (/loc 198, 515)

• pottery sketches, cookie cutter templates - Min Greyeagle (shop at /loc 202, 507)

• pottery wheel - inside shop at /loc 202, 507

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• clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches (3), sculpting

tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting - Winn Greenbane (Greenbane's


• water flask - Sernn Rosook (Serpent Supply), Maign Greyeagle (shop at /loc 202,


Hollowshade Moor (Luclin)

• flask of water - Tokk Smippah (1058, 1997), Rittuh Purrik (1069, 2027)

Jaggedpine Forest

• sketches (large bowl, bowl, skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, pot, small

deity, smoker, pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic

lining, barbarian template, gnome template, troll template, animal template,

casserole dish) - Morgan Wetstone (2209, 2022), Karka (-1122, 3269, Brell gnoll



• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery book, vial sketches

(3), sculpting tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting - Dooni (Gurtha's Ware, S.


• pottery wheel, kiln - beside bridge, east section of S. Kaladim; near mine

entrance, N. Kaladim

• kiln - near bank, N. Kaladim

• Imbue Ruby spell [Brell Serilis] - Duppa Pickstone (cleric guild)

• water flask - Doranafi Ratsbone (street merchant near cleric guild, N. Kaladim)

Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• Kiln - loc -332, -679

• Pottery wheel - loc -310, -663

• water flask - Kitty Barleou (225, -1115)

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• clay (small block, block, large block) - Gundal Bronzebrow (-404, -662)

• clay (small block, block, large block), firing sheets (firing, quality firing, high

quality firing), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketch, lined vial sketch, sealed vial

sketch, scultping tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic lining sketch, small

deity sketch - Arabella Augustleaf (-403, -676)

• sketches: skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small deity, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining, idol;

barbarian template, gnome template, troll template, animal template - Dianna

Dilsm (-368, -680)

• jar of acid - Bole Bricktop (52, -1530)


• pottery wheel (-189, -540)

• kiln (-179, -547)

• blocks of clay (3), firing sheet (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches (3),

sculpting tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting- Merchant Legweie (418, 373)

• pottery sketches - Merchant Nildar (near orc lift, 860, 199)

Misty Thicket

• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), Basic Pottery book, glass shard, vial sketches

(3) - Topper Drodo, /loc 585.00, -2356.00


• kiln & pottery wheel - outside Smuggler's Inn NFQ

• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery , vial sketches (3),

sculpting tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting - Chon Chon (Smuggler's Inn


• blocks of clay (3) - Glazin D'Unnar (Blind Fish, Neriak Down Under COM)

• Enchant: Clay (spell) - - Mizr N'Mar (Library, 3G)

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• imbue sapphire spell (cleric: Innoruuk) - Svlia C'Luzz (next to Cleric

Guildmaster, 3G)

• Jar of Acid - Treven Rue'Soe (45, -902, COM)

North Karana

• imbue plains pebble spell [druid/cleric: Karana], imbue emerald [druid/cleric:

Tunare] - Tak Whistler (druid circle)


• pottery wheel, kiln - inside first tunnel on left (facing the wall of tunnels)

• imbue jade spell [shaman: Rallos Zek] spell - Barsk (shaman guild)

• clay (small block, block, large block) - Blergerda (195, 910, near the Oggok

cultural forge)

• sketch, sealed vial sketch, sculpting tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic

lining sketch, small diety sketch - Helgara Dirtcarver (230, 740)

• sketches (skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small diety, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining,

barbarian template, gnome template, troll template, idol) - Kerplooe Dirtcarver

(245, 750)

The Overthere (Kunark)

• clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches (3) - Tin

Merchant VI, 2612, 2568

• pottery wheel - 2873, 2399

• kiln - 2870, 2373


• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, vial sketches, Basic Pottery,

sculpting tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting - Tara Clayspinner, Evus

Dovcamal (False Idols)

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• blocks of clay (3) - Tentus Brackmar (False Idols)

• kiln - False Idols


• kiln, pottery wheel - inside Bag N Barrel, (S. Qeynos)

• imbue: opal spell [cleric: Rodcet Nife] - Balhallia (cleric guild "saucer", N.


• imbue: black sapphire spell [cleric: Bertoxxulous] - Tessia Sowtsui (temple of

Bertoxx, sewers, 340, -433)


• pottery wheel - /loc -159.08, -77.75

• pottery wheel & kiln - /loc 391.65, -468.49 (near deputy Shelmy)

• Imbue Peridot spell [Bristlebane] - Blippo Stumbletoe (Cleric guild)

• sketches (skewers, small jar, medium jar, large jar, bowl, pot, small deity, smoker,

pie tin, cake round, muffin tin, medium bowl, large bowl, ceramic lining, idol)

and cookie cutter templates (barbarian, gnome, troll, animal) - Marta Claytoe (-

160. -84)

• water flask - Daleen Leafsway - druid area, Wibble Bramblebush (next to dock)

• clay (small block, block, large block) - Bodbin Gimple (druid guild, -87, -367)

• spell: lesser succor - Staria Longhair (druid guild, -65, -403)

Sanctus Seru (Luclin)

• Skewers Sketch, Small Jar Sketch, Medium Jar Sketch, Large Jar Sketch, Bowl

Sketch, Pot Sketch, Small Deity Sketch, Smoker Sketch, Pie Tin Sketch, Cake

Round Sketch, Muffin Tin Sketch, Medium Bowl Sketch, Large Bowl Sketch,

Ceramic Lining Sketch, Barbarian Template, Gnome Template, Troll Template,

Animal Template, Idol Sketch - Rhowick Dragur (loc not available)

• clay (small block, block, large block), firing sheets (firing, quality firing, high

quality firing), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches (vial, lined vial, sealed

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vial), sculpting tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic lining sketch, small diety

sketch - Thecia Sulter (-748, -953)

• pottery wheel at loc -672, -985

• kiln at loc -681, -926

• jar of acid - Wulan Goldsmith (7, 1016), Melda Goldsmith

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• water flask - Adept Delf (28, -250), Merchant: Sanderson (-78, 31), Innkeep

Alviva (25, 431), Granger Kenforth (16, 1166), Henriala Hobialon (232, 1786),

Innkeep Zara (33, 1741), Hintol Balkortak (-436, 1385), Talida Furrytoes (-437,

1756), Fitonas Galaofon (1215, -239), Healian (1213, 0), Sneathe (-65, 12),

Sanderson (-78, 37), Eiles (163, -46)

• Small Jar Sketch, Skewers Sketch, Medium Jar Sketch, Large Jar Sketch, Bowl

Sketch, Pot Sketch, Small Deity Sketch, Smoker Sketch, Pie Tin Sketch, Cake

Round Sketch, Muffin Tin Sketch, Medium Bowl Sketch, Large Bowl Sketch,

Ceramic Lining Sketch, Barbarian Template, Gnome Template, Troll Template,

Animal Template, Idol Sketch - Oxon Essencebinder (199, 629)

• clay (small block, block, large block), - Smithy Firehand (33, 1306), Hardam

Stonegrinder (-314, 1460)

• kiln at loc -392, 1405

• pottery wheel at loc -404, 1371

• clay (small block, block, large block), firing sheets (firing, quality firing, high

quality firing), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketches (vial, lined vial, sealed

vial), sculpting tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic lining sketch, small diety

sketch - Wayke Mudhands (-415, 1584)

• Skewers Sketch, Small Jar Sketch, Medium Jar Sketch, Large Jar Sketch, Bowl

Sketch, Pot Sketch, Small Deity Sketch, Smoker Sketch, Pie Tin Sketch, Cake

Round Sketch, Muffin Tin Sketch, Medium Bowl Sketch, Large Bowl Sketch,

Ceramic Lining Sketch, Barbarian Template, Gnome Template, Troll Template,

Animal Template, Idol Sketch, River's Hastily Scribbled Note - River Mudhands

(-424, 1378)

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Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• Basic Pottery - Librarian Almasa (125, 67)

• water flask - Brokh (building at 249, -254), Jheral Alezya (-456, -33), Ahahd

Tolm (-405, 217), Gawra (-347, 313), Dharr Nadim (-350, 125), Jharia & Ulman

Talmil (370, -20), Mahj Hujara (443, -53)

• Skewers Sketch, Small Jar Sketch, Medium Jar Sketch, Large Jar Sketch, Bowl

Sketch, Pot Sketch, Small Deity Sketch, Smoker Sketch, Pie Tin Sketch, Cake

Round Sketch, Muffin Tin Sketch, Medium Bowl Sketch, Large Bowl Sketch,

Ceramic Lining Sketch, Barbarian Template, Gnome Template, Troll Template,

Animal Template, Idol Sketch - Larken (building at 273, -455)

• clay (block, small block, large block) - Nocia (building at 273, -455)

• clay (small block, block, large block), firing sheets (firing, quality firing, high

quality firing), Glass Shard, Basic Pottery, Vial Sketch, Lined Vial Sketch, Sealed

Vial Sketch, Sculpting Tools, Glaze Mortar, Idol Sketch, Ceramic Lining Sketch,

Small Deity Sketch - Gherick Alarhun (building at 273, -455), Chogar (-483, -


• 3 pottery wheels, 3 kilns - building at 273, -455

• pottery wheel - loc -488, -312

• Vah Shir model sketch - Merchant Ayyad (240, -187)

Solusek B

• imbue fire opal spell [Solusek Ro] Zordak Ragefire (merchant that spawns in

Nagafen's spot after Nagafen dies)

Southern Desert of Ro

• clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard. Basic Pottery book, vial sketches (3),

sculpting tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting - Merchant Ulyssa (128, 478)

[dark elf, but humans have no problems dealing with her]

• pottery sketches - Artist Kassia (141, 443) [dark elf, but humans have no

problems dealing with her]

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Steamfont Mountains

• block of clay (3), jar of acid - Godbin Strumharp (windmill at /loc 51, -611)

• imbue plains pebble [druid/cleric spell: Karana] - merchant at druid ring (name?)

Stonebrunt Mountains

• block of clay (3) - Kevar Claypaws (1386, -578)

• block of clay (3), vial sketch (3), glass shard, firing sheet (3), sculpting tool, Basic

Pottery, sculpting tools, glaze mortar, idol sketch, ceramic lining sketch, small

deity sketch - Jaimou Claypaws (1391, -540)

• kiln - 1360, -531

• pottery wheel - 1390, -564

Thurgadin (Velious)

• Pottery wheel - bank (-267, 192)

• Kiln - bank (-265, 171)

• all pottery sketches other than vials - Brina Snowfox (bank)

• block of clay (3), firing sheet (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery, vial sketch (3),

sculpting tools, glaze mortar, Art of Idol Sculpting - Gilthan Brittleblade (bank)

• block of clay (3) - Nimren Stonecutter (shop at 41, -111)

• water - Mordin Frostcleaver (Mordin's Meats)

West Karana

• blocks of clay (3), firing sheets (3), glass shard, Basic Pottery book, vial sketches

(3) - Tarnar (1002, -2079)

Pottery Secrets

Pottery is generally produced in two stages. In the first stage you combine the appropriate

sketch and a flask of water with clay and other materials on a pottery wheel. You then

take the result and combine it with firing sheets in the kiln to make a finished product.

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As with ALL trade skills, be very sure that a) you do NOT stack any items when

combining, and, b) you use water flasks (from a merchant), not summoned or foraged


Trivial levels listed are player-provided. Please post to the message boards with any

trivial updates. All trivials listed are for the combination on the pottery wheel, unless

otherwise specified. The actual firing of the piece always has a much lower trivial level.

item clay sketch extra items firing

sheet(s) trivial / notes

skewers block skewer

sketch water flask








(none) (none)

4 dragon

crystals (4




foraged in


combine in



<=31; imbued gem for

Veeshan, Used in human

cultural smithing








water flask





clay jar block jar sketch water flask




31(S), 36(M), 41(L)

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pot large

block pot sketch

water flask,

metal bits

(made by a










block deity


water flask,


(AC3, CLR,


- equips in

ranged or




sheet 68

smoker large



sketch water flask

2 high








(none) (none)


diamond, jar

of acid:

combine in


(none) <=93

small bowl small



sketch water flask













water flask






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dust of


(none) (none)





pebble, jar of


combine in


(none) 103


dust of


(none) (none)




emerald, jar

of acid:

combine in


(none) 103








water flask,

wolfs eye






SHM) -

equips in

ranged or








pie tin 2 blocks pie tin

sketch water flask





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cake round block cake round


water flask,

glass shard









block (none)










jacinth, vial

of purified

mana, water






<=117, used for tradeskill



powder (none) (none)

combine in

kiln: 1 opal,

1 jar of acid

(none) <=122


bowl block




water flask

2 high





muffin tin block muffin tin


water flask,

metal bits

(made by a







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2 large





water flask firing

sheet 128








water flask,

sands of Ro

(+2 WIS,


equips in







large bowl large


large bowl


water flask,

glass shards






poison vial small

block vial sketch

water flask,

<old world

pelt or skin

other than

ruined or

low quality,










poison vial



lined vial


water flask,

<old world

pelt or skin

other than

ruined or

low quality,




quality 168

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Air sealed





jar sketch

water, metal



salmon glue



182; yield 6; used in

Surefall Ranger's Trail


heavy pie




pie tin


water, heavy

clay (rare

drop off

muddites in

the Gorge of

King Xorbb)



<=188; used in slumberfish



poison vial



sealed vial


water flask,

<old world

pelt or skin

other than

ruined or

low quality,





quality 188


dish NEW




dish sketch

water flask,




quality 199




block of

magic clay

idol sketch

vial of clear




imbued gem







>210; Stats can be found


one report of <=190 on

July 26, awaiting


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block of

magic clay




water flask,











steins can go in primary or

secondary slot, and are not


• pearl: CHA 3, INT

1, WIS 1, triv


• peridot: CHA 5,

INT 3, WIS 3, triv


• opal: CHA 25,

mana 10, triv 222

• star ruby: CHA 5,

mana 20, 10 all

saves, triv >250




block (none)

water flask,




essence, vial

of mana

(based on

ring type),


gem (based

on ring type)

• blue




recommended level 20,

finger slot, can be

activated from inventory.

Note: green band

currently lists no

recommended level, but

cannot be equipped until

level 20

• blue band: ENC,

effect: Shallow

Breath, trivial 202

• black band: NEC,

effect: Lifetap,

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• black










• green











• white


trivial 211

• green band: CLR,

effect: Strike,

trivial 222

• white band:


effect: Burst of

Flame, trivial 231

• red band: WIz,

effect: Shock of

Frost (cast time

3.0), trivial 242

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• red












glazing (none) (none)

combine in


mortar: 2

opal powder,



kunzar glue

(none) >201** (may be a no-fail


crucible of


heavy clay

(rare drop





tools, scroll

of lesser




WIZ/DRU, recommended

level 20, effect: Lesser

succor, can be activated

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glazing from inventory, trivial 236





block of

magic clay

idol sketch

flask of

water, vial of








zone essence



Vale, Vital,



Hate etc.)

HQ firing





All are recommended level

51. Spiritstones (shaman)

are weight 20.0 and fit

primary, secondary and

ranged. Faithstones (cleric)

are weight 0.1, and fit

primary and secondary

only. Both can also be

activated from inventory.

Cast time is 30.0 Trivial

appears to be >250 for all

• Spiritstone of

Everfrost: Effect:

Frost Port,


(Everfrost essence)

• Faithstone of

Deep Musing:

Effect: Prayer to

the Deep Muses;




• Faithstone of

Nature: Effect:

Prayer of Tunare;

HIE/CLR (Faydark

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• Faithstone of

Hate: Effect:

Prayer to Innoruuk,

wt 0.1, DEF/CLR

(Nektulos Essence)

• Faithstone of

Underfoot: Effect:

Prayer to Brell,




• Faithstone of

Decay: Effect

Prayer to Bertoxx,

HUM, CLR (uses

fetid essence)

• Faithstone of

Courage: Effect:

Prayer to Marr,

HUM, CLR (marr


• Faithstone of Life:

Effect: Prayer to

Rodcet Nife, HUM,

CLR (vital essence)

• Faithstone of

Fear: Effect:

Prayer to Cazic-

Thule, ERU, CLR,

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(Paineel essence)

• Faithstone of

Spite: Effect:

Prayer to Darkness,


Innoruuk (spiteful


• Faithstone of

Thunder: Effect:

Prayer to Karana.


Karana (thunder


• Spiritstone of

Cabilis: Effect:

Field of Bone port,


• Spiritstone of

Innothule: Swamp

Port, SHM; TRL,


• Faithstone of

Mischief: Effect:

Prayer to

Bristlebane, HFL,

CLR (Vale


• Faithstone of the

Learned: Effect:

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Prayer to Odus,

ERU, CLR (uses

Erud's essence)




block of

magic clay

idol sketch



water flask,

imbued gem,

vial distilled



tools, bar of


HQ firing





All are


no verification yet that all

have the same

recommended level (20).

All are ALL/ALL,

restricted to the specific

deity listed. The full name

of these is "Golden Idol of

___" (fill in the blank with

the deity name). Wt is 1.1,

they are small items.

• Bertoxxulous

(black sapphire):

AC 4, WIS 5, INT

5, mana 40, sv

disease 9, trivial


• Bristlebane

(peridot): AC 7,

STR 9, DEX 5,

AGI 5, trivial >240

• Brell (ruby): AC 7,

STR 7, STA 7,

WIS 4, trivial >250

• Cazic Thule

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(amber): AC 5,


5, mana 30, trivial


• Erollisi Marr (star

rose quartz): AC 8,

CHA 5, WIS 5, sv

disease 9, mana 40,

trivial >240

• Innoruuk

(sapphire): AC 4,

INT 5, sv magic 9,

mana 40, trivial


• Karana (plains

pebble): AC 4,

STA 4, WIS 5,

mana 40, trivial


• Mithaniel Marr

(diamond): AC 9,

STA 10, WIS 4,

HP 30, trivial >250

• Prexus (black

pearl): AC 4, INT

5, mana 40, sv cold

9, trivial >250

• Quellious (topaz):

AC 6, STR 7, DEX

6, AGI 6, HP 20 ,

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trivial >250

• Rallos Zek (jade):

AC 10, STR 9,

STA 5, HP 20

• Rodcet Nife (opal):

AC 9, STA 5, WIS

5, mana 40, trivial


• Solusek Ro (fire

opal): AC 4, INT 6,

mana 40, sv fire 9,

trivial >250

• Tunare(emerald):

AC 4, WIS 5, mana

40, sv disease 6, sv

poison 6, trivial


• Tribunal (ivory):

AC 5, WIS 5, HP

10, mana 40,

recommended level

20, trivial >240

• A large block of magic clay is made by an enchanter using the level 8 Enchant

Clay spell. It requires a large block of clay as a material component

• Mana vials (more details can be found here):

o The vial of cloudy mana is made by an enchanter using the level 20

Crysallize Mana spell. It requires a poison vial and a peridot as material


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o The vial of clear mana is made by an enchanter using the level 29 Clarify

Mana spell. It requires a poison vial and an emerald as material


o The vial of distilled mana is made by an enchanter using the level 39

Distill Mana spell. It requires a poison vial and 2 sapphires as material


o The vial of purified mana is made by an enchanter using the level 49

Purify Mana spell. It requires a poison vial and 4 rubies as material


• The divine crystalline glaze is made by mixing white lead, flask of water, iron

oxide, and permafrost crystals in a glaze mortar, and is a no-fail combine

• White lead is rmade by combining lead sulfide and limestone in a mortar and

pestle, and is a no-fail combine

• celestial essence is made by combining celestial solvent with a high-end research

component in a mortar & pestle

• **The following pelts have been found to NOT work for the poison vials: low

quality cat pelt, catman skin, large Snake skin, ruined lion skin, shadow wolf pelt,

shark skin, froglok skin, kobold hides, cougar pelts, dire wolf skins, scaled

curskin, scaled wolf hide, ulthork hide, giant rat pelt, giant snake skin, kerra guard

skin, arctic wyvern hide, tiger mane, tiger hides (any type), walrus skin (it appears

that no Velious or Kunark skins or pelts work for this recipe, but many of the "old

world" pelts and skins don't work either)

Special Quest items

item ingredients in/on pottery

wheel notes



small block of clay, flask of


trivial 26, used in the Spirit of Garzicor


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blank rune

enchanted velium powder,

water; fire results in kiln with

a high quality firing sheet and

a flask of water

This is part of the Coldain Prayer Shawl


velium vial

small brick of velium, 3

crystalline silks, 2 glass

shards; fire results in kiln with

a high quality firing sheet

once you have created the vial, combine it

with two small pieces of velium in a

special quest jar from Frundle Frenkler to

make a vial of velium vapors (magic, lore,

no drop, effect: Thurgadin Gate.

Intermediary stages, including the unfired

vial, are also no drop)

trivial 122

This is part of the Coldain Prayer Shawl


bowl of the


1. 4 grimling femurs,

combined in special

(no drop) mortar =

grimling femur powder

2. grimling femur

powder, water flask,

xakra bile (no drop),

combined in special no

drop mortar = glowing

bile clay

3. glowing bile clay, flask

of water, special bowl

sketch - combined on

pottery wheel

• step 2 > 83

• step 3 <=83

• firing <=22

Vah Shir bard quest

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block of clay, flask of water,

vase sketch (no drop?) -

combine on pottery wheel,

then fire result with quality

firing sheet

trivial >85 <=95

firing <=85

Vah Shir bard quest

grey jar

• 2 grey mud, xakra bile

(no drop), flask of

water, combine in

Ayyad's clay bowl =

clay ball

• clay ball, water flask,

grey jar sketch,

combine on pottery

wheel = unfired jar

(sketch returned)

• unfired jar, firing sheet,

combine in kiln = grey


trivial 41 for unfired portion

Vah Shir progressive pottery quest

runed grey jar

gray jar, basic runequill set

(can also use novice or finely

crafted runequill sets) , xakra

bile (no drop) - combine in


6 slot, weight 4.0, medium,


trivial >105 <=108

Vah Shir progressive pottery quest

xakra runed

jar (lore)

grey jar, novice runequill set

(or finely crafted runequill

set), xakra blood (no drop) -

trivial 188

Vah Shir progressive pottery quest

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combine in kiln (6 slot,

medium, weight 4.0, 10%

weight reduction)

fine xakra

runed jar

grey jar, finely crafted

runequill set, sonic wolf blood

- combine in kiln

6 slot, large, weight 4.0, 35%

weight reduction

trivial >188

Vah Shir progressive pottery quest

Vah Shir


1. grey clay, rockhopper

blood, combine on

pottery wheel = block

of reddish clay

2. block of reddish clay,

Vah Shir model sketch,

combine on pottery

wheel = (unfired) Vah

Shir figurine

3. (unfired) Vah Shir

figurine, high quality

firing sheet, combine in

kiln = finished Vah

Shir Figurine

4. finished Vah Shir

figurine, finely crafted

runequill set, grimling

blood, water flask,

combine in a kiln =

Vah Shir Figurine

failure in the final combine

• reddish clay <=101

• unfired figurine >122

• figurine >129 <=148

Vah Shir progressive pottery quest

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will cause loss of the finely

crafted runequill set, as of the

Feb 13 patch

the figurine is a CHA 5 ranged

item. BAR, TRL, OGR, VAH;


Clay conversions

end result ingredients trivial

block of clay 3 small blocks clay, flask of water 21

large block of clay 3 blocks of clay, flask of water 21

3 small blocks of clay 1 block of clay, flask of water 21

2 blocks of clay 1 large block of clay, flask of water 21

block of magic clay 3 small blocks of magic clay, flask of water <=148

2 blocks of magic clay large block of magic clay, flask of water <=148

3 small blocks of magic clay block of magic clay, flask of water <=148

A good "free" source of varying sizes of clay is the Gorge of King Xorbb (aka

"Beholder") and the muddites that roam through it.

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Since June 5th, 2002, pretty much all smithing trivials were altered in some way. As a

result, this guide takes the new trivial levels into consideration, as well as cost of

supplies. Each of the steps outlined below are suggested based on cheap cost and readily-

available supplies. These steps are designed for the beginner in smithing, who wishes to

increase his or her skill at a relatively cheap cost to themselves. This guide suggests steps

to a smithing skill of about 110.

First things first: increase your stats! If you are a caster, raise your intelligence/wisdom

(whichever is your primary stat) as high as you can before attempting to smith. Melees

can do this, but strength may substitute for wisdom/intelligence. So get either wisdom,

intelligence, or strength as high as you possibly can. There is no need to max out all three

stats; just pick one that should be easy to increase. Recall that spells may also alter stats,

not just armor and weapons.

Why do you want to increase your stats? As your stat increases, so does your chance of

getting a skill-up in smithing. This is not to be confused with the actual creation of a new

item. Whether or not you succeed when trying to create a new item depends on your

smithing skill level. If your smithing skill is 25, you have the exact same chance of

creating a steel boning whether your intelligence is 120 or 180. However, with a 180

intelligence, you will be more likely to improve your smithing skill to 26.

The following is what I have done in order to master smithing. My charisma (affects

prices from merchants) has fluctuated between 75 and 92, and my wisdom (primary stat)

fluctuated between the 120's and 160's. Most merchants I dealt with were indifferent to


(Begin Steps in Guide)

Sharpen rusty weapons (sharpening stone + rusty weapon) until the mid-20's. The first

rusty weapons begin to trivial at a skill level of 18, but you can take your skill up to 24

with a rusty longsword. Sharpening stones may be bought in a few locations, including

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Erudin, Ak'Anon, Felwithe, and Freeport to name a few. You can sharpen some rusty

weapons all the way to 26, but I think it's ok to move on to steel boning at 24. You can

sell tarnished weapons and recover the cheap cost of the sharpening stones; you find

enough rusty weapons at low levels off of enemies so you shouldn't have to buy any.

Alternately you can make metal bits (2 small pieces of ore, flask of water) to 18, but if so,

you will need to buy the ore. Rusty weapons are free.

Create steel boning (small brick ore, file, flask of water) until 37. If you don't see a file

for sale, you can make one (1 metal bits, file mold, flask of water; trivial at 21). If you are

also interested in tailoring, you may alternately make studs (3 metal bits, file, flask of

water) until 35 and then boning until 37. However, I tried this, and for whatever reason I

got skill-ups with almost every boning attempt, while studs took more time to prepare

and gave me fewer skill-ups. Steel boning may be saved if you are a tailor, or sold back

to recover some of the cost of the ore.

Create lanterns (1 metal bits, lantern casing mold, bottle, flask water) until 68. This is

surprisingly cheap. It will take you a while to make a few stacks of metal bits, but

otherwise this is not too costly (several plat). The lantern casing molds are not stackable,

so have a few empty backpacks/containers with you. The only nuisance here is that

lanterns do not give you much money when you sell them back to a merchant.

Create dairy spoons (2 metal bits, scalar mold, flask of water) until 74. Same as before;

these sell back for even less than the lanterns. However, they, too, are fairly cheap to


Create banded gorgets (1 sheet metal, gorget mold, flask of water) until 92. Finally, you

can make something that you may actually be able to sell; banded armor! I suggest

making banded gorgets (these are cheapest) until your skill hits in the mid-80's. At that

point, try auctioning your smith skills to other people. Offer to make custom banded

armor for whoever wants some and is willing to pay. (Check with some people to find out

what is a standard price for banded armor on your server; the price varies.) Be fair; do not

ask for more money than what is fair. Why? No matter what, you're going to get more

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money from players than from merchants, so why be greedy? So not only are your

customers gaining banded armor, you may continue to get skill-ups while filling orders

and you recover more of your lost money than you would selling back to merchants. It's a

win-win situation. I have found that when your smithing skill is in the mid-80's, you are

able to make most banded pieces within three attempts, so buy three molds per order and

sell back any unused molds to merchants.

Continue with banded helmets (2 sheet metal, helm mold, flask of water) until 106, or

continue to fill orders for banded armor until you trivial it. The only two banded pieces

that trivial above 106 are the leggings (108) and the mail (110), but these take 3 sheets of

metal and their molds are more expensive than most. Sheets of metal can be made (2

small bricks of ore, flask of water) and are stackable; molds are not stackable. Sheets of

metal can sometimes be bought from merchants (Freeport, for example). I am planning

on stopping at 106 when the helmets trivial and moving on to more expensive armor,

rather than spending more money on leggings and mail.

(End Steps in Guide)

Congratulations! At this point you have become a master smith! I have bought most of

my supplies from merchants and have probably spent 200pp so far (my skill is 104 as of

July 2nd). However, I have been making a profit on banded armor, so I've only lost about

100pp total to get my skill up to master level. At this point you can offer to make banded

armor to people, studs and boning to tailors, and tools such as skinning knives and filet

knives to others. On my particular server, a full suit of banded armor costs 92pp, and

considering I am out almost 100pp but now able to make banded armor for profit, I am

really surprised more people don't take the extra time to smith.

In general, you won't often see a profit as a smith. You certainly will lose money up until

the point that you can make armor, and even now I don't see people wanting to buy

banded very often. However, smithing, like all tradeskills, is a fun way to take a break

from the normal routine of raids and soloing.

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Notes on Advanced and Cultural Smithing

There has been a lot of excitement, and even more confusion, over cultural smithing.

Hopefully this guide will help to clarify some of the more commonly asked questions.

What is cultural smithing? Cultural smithing is race-specific smithing. It must be

performed at a specific cultural forge, by a smith of that same race. Enchanters cannot

fool cultural forges by using illusion. (Cultural smithing recipes can be found here.)

I heard someone mention dyes - can I dye my banded/cultural/etc. armor? Currently,

only fine steel plate armor (shortened to "fine steel" by many) can be dyed. Some of the

cultural armors have colors of their own, but this is not done by dyeing process. Dye

making for fine steel is a multi-step process that adds significant time and expense to the

smithing process. (More information on dyes can be found here. Recipes for fine steel

plate can be found here.)

What about this imbue and enchant thing? Any race that has cultural smithing also

have some "normal" cultural recipes, and then either imbued versions of the recipes OR

enchanted and enchanted/imbued versions of the recipes.

Imbuing is the process of calling the blessings of a specific god down upon an item,

limiting it to use by followers of only that deity. While we originally thought that there

would be imbued armor for pretty much every race/deity combination, this is not turning

out to be the case. Imbuing is performed by a cleric/shaman/druid on the specific gem for

that deity. (See the imbued gems list for information on the gem for each deity.) The

imbued gem can then be used by a smith of any religious background, provided that

the recipe in question accepts that gem as a valid recipe. The end result will only be

able to be worn by a person who meets the race/class AND deity restrictions of the end

result. (Exception to the above info is the Solusek Ro imbue, which is performed by

wizards of Solusek Ro.) Races that have non-enchanted imbued items include:

barbarians, iksar, ogres and wood elves, plus some Freeport human recipes. These groups

have no enchanted versions of their armor/weapons.

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Enchanting is the process of granting magical bonuses to an item without deity

restrictions. Several races have enchanted versions of their armor and sometimes

weapons. These items can often also be imbued, though, again, seem to have some odd

limits to what gems will work, leaving many gaps in that race's armor for different valid

deities. Each enchanted ore requires a level 49 enchanter to cast the spell as well as a

large brick of the proper type of ore. If an enchanted folded sheet is needed, then all three

large bricks that go into the making of the block must be enchanted.

Basic Metalworking - Ore conversions, bits, studs, boning, etc

All recipes must be combined in a normal forge (cultural forges will not work for these

recipes) Note: many trivials changed with the June 5 patch. Understandably, it's going to

take time for updated information to be put in place.

The Basics

item ingredients old

trivial new trivial

metal bits 2 small pieces of ore (stackable), flask water 21 18

velium bits 2 small pieces of velium (stackable, not the

foraged stuff), coldain velium temper 47

high quality metal bits

2 small pieces of high quality ore

(stackable), flask water (only known use is

for halfling cultural tailoring)


acrylia bits 2 small pieces of acrylia, flask of water trivial


small pieces of ___ ore

small brick of ___ ore, smithing chisel

(works with ore, medium quality ore, high

quality ore, acrylia ore, velium) Yield 2


small brick of ___ ore large brick of ____ ore, smithing chisel

or 27

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3 small pieces of ___ ore, water

(works with ore, medium quality ore, high

quality ore, acrylia ore)

small brick of velium

large brick of velium ore, smithing chisel


3 small pieces of velium, coldain velium



large brick of ___ ore

3 small bricks of ____ ore, flask water


block of ____ ore, smithing chisel

(works with ore, medium quality ore, high

quality ore, acrylia ore)

21 27

large brick of velium

3 small bricks of velium, coldain velium



block of velium , smithing chisel

<=88 expected 27

block of ___ ore

3 large bricks of ____ore, flask water (works

with ore, medium quality ore, high quality

ore, acrylia ore)

<=31 <=27

block of velium 3 large bricks of velium, coldain velium

temper <=88

studs (stackable) 3 metal bits, file, flask water (yield 2) 41 35

velium studs


3 velium bits, file, coldain velium temper

(yield 2) 51 expected 35

acrylia studs

(stackable) 3 acrylia bits, flask of water, file (yield 2)


<=56 45

steel boning

(stackable) small brick ore, file, flask water 41 37

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velium boning


small brick of velium, file, coldain velium







acrylia boning

(stackable) small brick acrylia, flask water, file


50 or


expected 37

small enchanted brick

of HQ ore

1 brick of enchanted ore, water (NOTE: this

does NOT work with nonenchanted ore)

brick is made by casting the level 49 enchant

steel spell on a large brick of high quality



enchanted block of ore 3 bricks of enchanted ore, water <=150

sheet of metal 2 small bricks of ore, flask water (stackable) 56 31

sheet of velium 2 small bricks of velium, coldain velium

temper <=101

sheet of acrylia 2 small bricks of acrylia, flask water

(stackable) <=79

sheet of deathsteel

NEW 2 bricks of deathsteel ore, goblin temper n/a <=95

firey sheet of metal

NEW 2 bricks of firey ore, firey temper n/a

sheet of black acrylia

NEW 2 bricks black acrylia, black acrylia temper n/a <=171

enchanted sheet of


2 small enchanted bricks of high quality ore,

water (use with enchanted small bricks,

above, in silvered weapons)

>52 <=181

folded sheet of metal block of ore, flask water, smithy hammer >=51 <=41

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medium quality folded


1 block of medium quality ore, water,

smithy hammer 68 <=73

high quality folded


1 block of high quality ore, water, smithy

hammer <=115 <=87

enchanted folded sheet

of metal

enchanted block of ore, water, smithy


folded sheet of acrylia 1 block of acrylia, water, smithy hammer

(stackable) <=130

folded sheet of velium 1 block of velium, coldain velium temper,

smithy hammer <=88

metal rings

flask of water, large brick of ore, file

(enchanted rings are created by having the

enchanter enchant the ore before forging)

(yield 2, stackable)

82 40

medium quality rings flask of water, large brick of medium quality

ore, file (yield 2, stackable) 82 60

high quality rings flask of water, large brick of high quality

ore, file (yield 2, stackable) 82

velium rings large brick of velium, file, coldain velium

temper (yield 2, stackable) <=88

acrylia rings large brick of acrylia, flask of water, file

(yield 2, stackable) <=102 <=116

Enchanted HQ ring brick of enchanted ore, file, flask water <=115

chain jointing

flask of water, metal rings, smithy hammer,


NOTE: both smithy hammer AND file are

returned, success or failure

95 95

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acrylia chain jointing


acrylia rings, water, combine smithy

hammer, file <=123

medium quality chain

jointing NEW

flask of water, medium quality ring, smithy

hammer, file

(used in barbarian & Freeport human

cultural smithing, but can be made in a

normal forge)


Enchanted chain


enchanted HQ ring, file, smithy hammer,

flask water

fine steel weapon

conversion NEW

fine steel weapon, water flask

• fine steel warhammer, or fine steel

spear, or fine steel short sword =

small piece high quality ore, small

brick high quality ore

• fine steel morningstar, or fine steel

great staff, or fine steel rapier, or fine

steel scimitar, or fine steel long

sword, or fine steel dagger = small

brick high quality ore

• fine steel two-handed sword = small

brick high quality ore + small piece

high quality ore

appears to

be 21 on all

tarnished weapon

conversions NEW

tarnished weapon, water flask

• tarnished short sword, or tarnished

dagger, or tarnished axe, or tarnished

shortened spear, or tarnished rapier =

small piece of ore



Some state

21 for all,

some state


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• tarnished battleaxe, or tarnished

mace, or tarnished scimitar, or

tarnished long sword, or tarnished

sheer blade, or tarnished

morningstar, or tarnished

warhammer, or tarnished broadsword

= small brick of ore

• tarnished scythe = 2 small pieces ore

• tarnish 2-handed sword = large brick

of ore


Basic Metalworking - Tools and Implements

All items must be combined in a normal forge (they will not work in a cultural forge).

New smithing trivials were added with the June 5 patch. Understandably, it will take time

to get complete updated stats. Please post to the smithing trivials thread if you have

further information.

item ingredients old




file metal bits, file mold, flask water 21 21

metal containers

metal bits, hinge mold, appropriate container

mold, appropriate container lid mold, flask






large 46

muffin tin metal bits, muffin tin mold, ceramic lining

(made by a potter), flask water 115 35

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pie tin metal bits, pie tin mold, ceramic lining (made

by a potter), flask water 115 35

skewers metal bits, skewer mold, flask water 115 38

cake round metal bits, cake round mold, ceramic lining

(made by a potter), flask water 115 <=41

skinning knife dagger blade mold, hilt mold, small brick of

ore, water (used in tailoring) 41 <=41

bread tin metal bits, bread tin mold, ceramic lining,

flask water 135 <=41

scaler metal bits, scaler mold, flask water (beats us

what it's used for, though ;D) 41 41

shaped cookie cutters appropriately shaped mold, metal bits, flask

water 56 40

smoker metal bits, skewers, smoker base mold,

smoker support mold, flask water 115 50

pot metal bits, pot mold, standing legs mold, flask

water 122 50

sewing kit metal bits, needle mold, thimble mold, flask

water 135 51

tool box metal bits, small brick of ore, toolbox mold,

flask water 51



lantern metal bits, lantern casing mold, bottle, flask

water 68 68

dairy spoon 2 metal bits, scaler mold, flask water 86 74

filleting knife 3 metal bits, scaler mold, water 87 76

nonstick frying pan


metal bits, frying pan mold, flask water,

ceramic lining 91

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lockpicks metal bits, lockpick mold, flask water 88 75

embroidering needle needle mold, metal bits, celestial essence,

flask water


<=175 122

fishbone dart tool 2 velium bits, scaler mold, coldain velium

temper <=178



Smithing Recipes for the PoTC Quest

blessed sickle blade

sheet metal, smithy hammer, celestial essence,

blessed dust of tunare, emerald, mistletoe

temper, curved blade mold


blessed sickle pommel

sheet metal, smithy hammer, celestial essence,

sapphire, blessed dust of tunare, mistletoe

temper, pommel mold


blessed sickle hilt

sheet metal, smithy hammer, celestial essence,

ruby, blessed dust of tunare, mistletoe temper,

hilt mold


Mistletoe cutting sickle

blessed sickle blade, blessed sickle hilt,

blessed sickle pommel, smithy hammer

1HS, 8/22, WIS 5, mana 20, sv magic 5, wt

5.4, DRU/ALL, recommended level 20


spool 2 velium bits, sandalwood (alchemy supply) trivial


worked silver chain enchanted silver bar, metal bits, water 111

Basic Weaponsmithing

All items must be combined in a normal forge.

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Trivials have changed due to the June 5 patch. It will take time for updated information to

become available here. It will also take time for all the new weapons (firey, forged

deathsteel, acrylia) to be sorted out here, and on the weapons stats page. Please have


item ingredients old trivial new trivial



rusty weapon, sharpening


(rusty halberd and rusty

two handed hammer

unable to be sharpened at

last check, trivials not

available for rusy Kunark

weapons. One note to

Kunark smiths: Half the

weapons you loot of Kunark

skeletons and the like will

already be tarnished, NOT

rusty. You cannot sharpen a

tarnished weapon further)

On a skill fail, you lose the

sharpening stone, the

weapon is returned to you.

tarnished weapons grant a

weapon speed increase of 1

over the rusty version of the

same weapon, and sell back

to the vendor for slightly

more coin

• 21: Axe,









• 26: Bastard


Battle Axe,

Long Sword,




Spear, Spear

• 31: Two



• dagger 18

• mace 21

• spear >20 <=23

• shortened spear


• longsword 23

• broadsword,

rapier, short




• scimitar <=24

• morning star


• bastard sword


• battle axe >24

• two-handed

sword 25

• scythe 26

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field point


metal bits, water, file

(yields 20, stackable) 41 41




chunk of condensed

shadow, flask of water, file

(yield 2, magic)

trivial 135 116




chunk of condensed flame,

water flask, file (yield 2,


trivial 135 116




chunk of condensed ice,

water flask, file (yield 2,


trivial <=140




arrow shafts

arrow shaft mold, flask of

water, small brick of acrylia

ore (yield 2)

trivial 108 <=105



3 small bricks of ore, file,

water (yields 5, stackable) 68 <=44



file, 2 large bricks of

medium quality ore, water

(yields 5)

135 <=52

silver tipped


silver bar, file, block of

medium quality ore, water

(yields 5)

168 >53 <=91




throwing knife mold, sheet

metal, flask water, (yields

10, stackable)

62 53



dagger mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet metal,

flask water


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dagger mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet of

velium, coldain velium



forged spear spear head mold, oak shaft,

sheet metal, flask water >=49, <=63 >57 <=63


throwing axe


throwing axe mold, sheet

metal, flask water (yields 5)75 56



throwing axe


throwing axe mold, sheet of

velium, coldain velium

temper (yields 15)




javelin mold, sheet metal,

flask water (yields 2) 82 60






javelin mold, sheet of

velium, coldain velium

temper (yields 15)

>102 <=133 <=106



shiruken mold, sheet metal,

flask water (yields 10) 82 58





shuriken mold, sheet of

velium, coldain velium

temper (yields 20)




water, sheet metal, pommel

mold, hilt mold, dual edged 82 68

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sword blade mold

forged pick pick head mold, oak shaft,

sheet metal, flask water 82 <=52

forged short


short blade mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet metal,

flask water



velium short


short blade mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet of

velium, coldain velium



morning star

water, hilt mold, sheet

metal, spiked ball mold 95 68



morning star

hilt mold, spiked ball mold,

sheet of velium, coldain

velium temper

<=162 <=73

forged 2-



water, sheet metal, pommel

mold, hilt mold, heavy steel

blade mold

95 >73 <=76


velium 2-



pommel mold, hilt mold,

heavy steel blade mold,

sheet of velium, coldain

velium temper




curved blade mold, hilt

mold, pommel mold, sheet

metal, flask water

<=95 <=73




curved blade mold, hilt

mold, pommel mold, sheet

of velium, coldain velium


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forged battle


axe head mold, oak shaft,

sheet metal, flask water 95 <=73



halberd head mold, oak

shaft, sheet metal, flask


114 <=87

forged mace mace head mold, oak shaft,

sheet metal, flask water >65 <=82 <=68

forged long


long blade mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet metal,

flask water

<=95 68


velium long


long blade mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet of

velium, coldain velium


forged rapier

thin blade mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, sheet metal,

flask water

>88 <=95 <=73

forged war


hammer head mold, oak

shaft, sheet metal, flask


>90 <=95 >52 <=68



appropriate molds,

enchanted sheet of metal

(from HQ ore), enchanted

bar of silver, flask of water

(use forged weapon recipes

above to determine which

molds to use)

• <=175 on


• >187 <=189

on scimitar

• <=189 on


mace, rapier,


• all <=115

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(recipe orginally required

that enchanted sheets of

metal be forged only by

human smiths in a human

cultural forge. This was

reported to have been fixed

in June 5)

The following are NOT

valid silvered weapons: two

handed sword, bastard

sword, morning star





axe, pick,





• >192






deathsteel sheet, goblin

temper, appropriate weapon

molds (as per forged

weapon recipes above with

the following exceptions:

rapier and dagger do NOT

use a pommel mold)


• dagger 131

• short sword 143

• spear 147

• long sword 150

• scimitar 150

• bastard sword


• two-handed

sword 156

• morning star

>152 <=157

• pick <=151

• mace >146


• halberd 163


firebrand /

firey forged

firey sheet of metal, firey

temper, appropriate weapon

molds (as per forged


• longsword


• battle axe <=168

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weapon recipes above, with

the following exceptions:

rapier & dagger recipes do

NOT use a pommel mold)

• two-handed

sword <=175

• bastard sword

>119 <=152

• dagger 121

• halberd <=175

• mace <=136

• rapier <=136

• scimitar >105


• spear <=136

• pick <=136

• warhammer 121





combine acrylia temper,

sheet of acrylia, appropriate

weapon molds (as per

forged weapon recipes

above with the following

exception: rapier recipe

does NOT use a pommel



• shortsword >177


• longsword >185


• bastard sword


• battleaxe 191

• rapier 182

• halberd 202

• warhammer


• mace <=226

• morning star


• two-handed

sword >196

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trivial information not

provided for scimitar or


black acrylia



black acrylia temper, sheet

of black acrylia, appropriate

weapon molds (as per

forged weapon recipes

above with the following

exceptions: rapier and

dagger recipes do NOT use

a pommel mold)


• dagger >244

• bastard sword


• scimitar >242

• longsword >235

• morning star


• halberd >250

• spear >250

• battle axe >250

• battlehammer


• pick >242

• rapier >242


• short sword


trivial information not

provided for, dagger,

mace, warhammer or 2-

handed sword

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Armorsmithing (Non-cultural)

All recipes must be combined in a normal forge. (Cultural forges do not work for these


Armor stats for these pieces are listed on the armor stats page

item ingredients OLD trivial NEW trivial



flask of water, smithy

hammer, buckler mold

(S/M/L), sheet of metal

82 62

round shield

flask of water, smithy

hammer, round shield mold

(S/M/L), 2 sheets of metal

115 68

targ shield

flask of water, smithy

hammer, targ shield mold

(S/M/L), folded sheet of metal

135 79

kite shield

flask of water, smithy

hammer, kite shield mold

(S/M/L), 2 medium quality

sheets of metal

155 82

tower shield

flask of water, smithy

hammer, tower shield mold

(S/M/L), 1 medium quality

folded sheet of metal

175 88

Banded armor




1 sheet of metal, proper mold

(i.e., "bracer mold", "large

boot mold", etc), flask water

bracer 102, gorget

102, boot 135

• gorget 92

• bracers 95

• boots 95

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belt, cloak,

helm, mask,




2 sheets of metal, proper mold

(i.e., "bracer mold", "large

boot mold", etc), flask water

belt 135, sleeves,

helm 135, mask 135,

cloak 175, mantle

168, gauntlets 168

• belt 95

• cloak 102

• gauntlets


• helm 106

• mask 90

• mantle 95

• sleeves 102

leggings &

mail (tunic)

3 sheets of metal, proper mold

(i.e., "bracer mold", "large

boot mold", etc), flask water

mail 135, leggings


• leggings 108

• mail 115

Ornate Chain (there is no velium version of this armor)

ornate chain



appropriate chainmail pattern,

smithy hammer, silver bar,

flask water, high quality rings

in varying quantities:

• gorget, bracers, mask:

1 high quality ring

• belt, helm, mantle,

sleeves, gauntlets,

boots: 2 high quality


• leggings, cloak, mail:

3 high quality rings

• gorget,

bracers, mask


• belt, sleeves >

165 <=168

• coif 170

• boots, gloves,

mantle 182

• leggings >166


• tunic 195

• cloak 222

• veil 116

• gorget 119

• bracer 122

• gauntlets


• mantle 122

• cloak 128

• sleeves 122

• boots 122

• coif 132

• leggings 135

• skirt 122

• tunic 142

• all other



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ornate chain

appropriate chainmail pattern,

smithy hammer, electrum bar,

flask water, high quality rings

in varying quantities:

• gorget, bracers, mask:

1 high quality ring

• belt, helm, mantle,

sleeves, gauntlets,

boots: 2 high quality


• leggings, cloak, mail:

3 high quality rings


• veil 123

• gorget 126

• bracer 128

• sleeves

>124 <=128

• gloves 135

• mantle


• leggings 142

• boots 128

• skirt 128

• coif 139

• mail 146

gold ornate


appropriate chainmail pattern,

smithy hammer, gold bar,

flask water, high quality rings

in varying quantities:

• gorget, bracers, mask:

1 high quality ring

• belt, helm, mantle,

sleeves, gauntlets,

boots: 2 high quality


• leggings, cloak, mail:

3 high quality rings


• mask 130

• gorget 132

• mantle >131


• bracer 135

• boots 135

• gloves 142

or 143

• skirt >131


• coif 146

• sleeves 142

• leggings 148

• cloak >139


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• mail 155


ornate chain

appropriate chainmail pattern,

smithy hammer, platinum bar,

flask water, high quality rings

in varying quantities:

• gorget, bracers, veil: 1

high quality ring

• belt, helm, mantle,

sleeves, gauntlets,

boots: 2 high quality


• leggings, cloak, mail:

3 high quality rings


• bracer 142

• mask <=142

• boots<=142

• belt <=142

• mantle


• gloves 148

• coif 152

• sleeves 148

• cloak <=152

• leggings 155

• mail 162

• all other



Fine (Steel) Plate


bracer, visor


smithy hammer, leather

padding, flask of water,

appropriate plate mold, and 1

medium quality folded sheet

of metal

• collar 182

• visor 195

• bracer 208

• bracer 168

• gorget 166

• visor 163







smithy hammer, leather

padding, flask of water,

appropriate plate mold, and 2

medium quality folded sheets

of metal

• helm 188

• pauldron 222

• boots,


belt 228

• gauntlets 235

• boots 167-


• gauntlets


• pauldron


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• helm 179

• vambraces


• girdle 167-





smithy hammer, leather

padding, flask of water,

appropriate plate mold, and 3

medium quality folded sheets

of metal

• breastplate,

greaves 228

• cloak 242

• greaves 182

• cloak 175

• breastplate


Please make sure you are using medium quality folded sheets, from the recipe listed here.

Normal ore made into folded sheets will not work, it must be medium quality ore made

into folded MQ sheets.

Acrylia Armor


Chain Armor


combine smithing hammer,

combine acrylia temper,

appropriate chain pattern,

appropriate number of acrylia


• veil, bracelet, gorget: 1


• sleeves, skirt, boots,

gloves, coif, mantle: 2

acrylia rings

• leggings, tunic, cloak:

3 acrylia rings


• bracelet


• boots >190


• gorget >189


• veil >189


• mantle >189

• sleeves

>202 <=208

• cloak >196


• skirt >187

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• leggings 208

• gloves >198

• tunic 215

Acrylia Plate

Armor NEW

combine smithing hammer,

combine acrylia temper,

acrylia chain jointing, leather

padding, appropriate plate

mold, appropriate number of

folded acrylia sheets

• bracer, collar, visor: 1

folded acrylia sheet

• vambraces, helm,

girdle, gauntlets,

boots, pauldrons: 2

folded acrylia sheets

• breastplate, greaves,

cloak: 3 folded acrylia



• bracer >204


• visor >213

• girdle >203

• collar >183


• gauntlets

>221 <=247

• vambraces


• pauldrons

>221 <=226

• boots >221


• greaves 235

• cloak >213


• helm >221


• breastplate


royal velium


This is part of the 8th Coldain

Prayer Shawl Quest. All

pieces are lore (other than

bracer), no drop, wearable by

• boots 176

• vambraces,


bracer: 178

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plate and chain classes only

• Bracer = Velium Rings

+ 1 Folded Sheet of

Velium + Soft Fur

Padding + Velium

Smithing Hammer +

Plate Bracer Mold

7ac 1int wis

• Boots = Velium Rings

+ 1 Folded Sheet of

Velium + Soft Fur

Padding + Velium

Smithing Hammer +

Plate Boot Mold

12ac 3sv cold magic

• Vambraces = Velium

Rings + 2 Folded

Sheets of Velium +

Soft Fur Padding +

Velium Smithing

Hammer + Plate

Armplate Mold

12ac 1sta agi sv poison

• Gauntlets = Velium

Rings + 2 Folded

Sheets of Velium +

Soft Fur Padding +

Velium Smithing

Hammer + Plate

Gauntlet Mold

• gauntlets

>181 <=188

• BP 187

• greaves: 187

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10ac 2sta 10hp 2sv


• Helm = Velium Rings

+ 2 Folded Sheets of

Velium + Soft Fur

Padding + Velium

Smithing Hammer +

Plate Helm Mold

• Breastplate = Velium

Rings + 3 Folded

Sheets of Velium +

Soft Fur Padding +

Velium Smithing

Hammer + Plate

Breastplate Mold

25ac 3str 2dex sta 5sv


• Greaves = Velium

Rings + 3 Folded

Sheets of Velium +

Soft Fur Padding +

Velium Smithing

Hammer + Plate

Greaves Mold

12ac 3str 15hp 3sv


Other Luclin Recipes


plate armor

appropriate banded armor

mold, nepeta oil extract, 31

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proper number of bloodling

carapace plates

• 1 plate: mask, helm,

gorget, gauntlet, boots,

mantle, sleeves, bracer

• 2 plates: cloak,

leggings, tunic

plates are made by combining

8 bloodling carapaces inside a

carapace shield frame (sold in

Shar Vahl) to make a shield.

Then return the shield to

Master Barkhem (who sold

you the shield frame) for the

bloodling carapace plate.


scream steel


swirling shadows, humming

luclinite mallet (no drop), vah

shir anvil (no drop), humming

orbs (recipe below), (medium)

banded armor mold, water


• mask (1 humming orb,

3 swirling shadows)

• bracer (1 humming

orb, 2 swirling


• belt (1 humming orb, 3

swirling shadows)


• bracers, collar


• belt, helm,

mask, sleeves,

tunic, boots -


• cloak >249

• gauntlets,


mantle >250

• gorget 206

• helm >208

• belt >202

• bracer >224


• boots >237

• mantle >238

• leggings


• tunic >224

• sleeves


• cloak >229

• gauntlets

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• collar (1 humming orb,

2 swirling shadows)

• boots (1 humming orb,

2 swirling shadows)

• mantle (1 humming

orb, 3 swirling


• gloves (1 humming

orb, 2 swirling


• sleeves (1 humming

orb, 3 swirling


• cloak (1 humming orb,

3 swirling shadows)

• leggings (2 humming

orbs, 2 swirling


• helm (1 humming orb,

3 swirling shadows)

• tunic (2 humming

orbs, 2 swirling



shadow disk

swirling shadows (no rent),

metal bits, vah shir apprentice

mallet (no drop), vah shir

anvil (no drop)

trivial 108

Vah Shir smithing


humming orb wailing substance (no drop), trivial 168

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shrieking substance, vah shir

anvil (no drop), luclinite

mallet OR humming luclinite

mallet (no drop), metal rings

orbs carry 1 charge of "sonic

feedback" (15 point damage


Vah Shir smithing


Other Quest recipes:

Cabilis, Shestar's Scaled Coif - combine unfinished coif (from Trooper Shestar in East

Cabilis for 3 loose scales and 5gp) and 3 loose scales in a forge to get a Shestar's Coif.

(trivial 23)

Tempers and Tanning Agents

Cultural smithing, racial tailoring and Velious tailoring require several brewed tempers

and tanning agents. Note that ALL smithing tempers can be brewed by brewers of ALL

races. Race restrictions are only for the smith working on the appropriate racial smithing

item. These items are all combined in a brew barrel.

Please post any corrections/changes on the message boards.

June 5 tempers recipes are included below

Smithing Tempers

item ingredients trivial

shadow temper (dark

elven) elf blood, neriak nectar, 2 essence of shadows 135

earthen temper (dwarven) dwarven ale, lava rock, 2 drops of mercury 135

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royal temper (human -

Qeynos) rain water, griffene's blood, 2 essence of sunlight 135

scale temper (iksar) sarnak blood, froglok blood, iksar blood,

bloodwater 135

frost temper (barbarian) brandy, ice goblin blood, 2 essence of winter 135

moonlight temper (high


morning dew, swirling mist, 2 essence of

moonlight 135

blood temper (ogre) ogre swill, elf blood, human blood, dwarf blood 135

sea temper (human -


2 mugs of sea foam, saltwater seaweed (no

drop), bottle of fish wine 135

Broog's Old peculiar water, undead froglok tongue, malt, cask 158

Bile temper (troll)

Broog's Old Peculiar, swamp vegetables (ground

spawn, Innothule), innothule mushrooms



lizard blood temper (Cazic

Thule smithing)

Thul Tae Ew Blood (no stack), scale temper

(recipe above) <=153

coldain heater water, allspice, brown algae, shotglass 158

coldain velium temper

(velium metalworking) coldain heater, 4 celestial essence 136

goblin temper (forged

deathsteel weapons)

grinning goblin brew, mountain death minerals

salts <=101

firey temper (firey


essence of fire, crushed flame agate, imp blood

(2 flame agates are first crushed by combining in

a mortar & pestle)

>85 <=114

combine acrylia temper

(acrylia armor/weapons)

essence of wind, crushed windstone, vial of clear

mana (2 windstones are first crushed by

combing in a mortar & pestle)


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black acrylia temper

(black acrylia weapons)

essence of darkness, akheva blood, vial of

distilled mana



purified water 2 water flasks, celestial essence <=117

celestial temper purified water, blue diamond powder* 136

mistletoe temper

(mistletoe cutting sickle) elven wine, celestial essence, mistletoe 136

Tanning Agents (Tailoring)

item ingredients trivial

heady kiola (cured silk) 2 packets of kiola sap (vendor sold), water 46

heady paeala (cured shade

silk) 2 paeala sap (vendor sold), water 46

cod oil (velium leathers) cobalt cod, flask water 68

yew leaf tannin (velium

leathers) yew leaf, flask water 68

drake egg oil (velium

leathers) drake egg, flask water <=86

dragon egg oil (treated silk

fibres) dragon egg, water flask 150

acorn oil (halfling) misty acorn, flask water 102

oak bark tannin (wood elf) oak bark, flask water 102

aviak egg oil (fleeting

quiver) aviak egg, water flask 102

paeala bark tannin (acrylia

leathers) paeala bark (vendor sold), water 102

*blue diamond powder = blue diamond, jar of acid (combine in kiln, trivial <=93)

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Known locations for temper materials:

• akheva blood: drops off Xin Thal Centians in Maiden's Eye, off "bleeding"

undead in Akheva, Shadow Masters in Grieg's End

• blood water: merchant sold, also given out in some iksar newbie quests

• coldain velium temper - on top of the recipe above, it is also merchant sold

• drops of mercury: drops off various elementals (Steamfont, Najena, the Hole,

etc.), eart elementals in Twilight Sea

• dwarf blood: if you guessed from dwarves, you'd be correct! For the faction

conscious, try the dvarven bandits in Butcherblock

• dwarven ale: sold at various alcohol vendors

• elf blood: off a variety of elves (Sister Isle in OOT, Wood elves in Timorous

Deep, etc., are commonly "farmed" for blood)

• essence of darkness: Dark Assassins & Dark Masters in Umbral, Centi Dators &

Transients in Akheva, Greater Spire Spirits in Mons Letalis

• essence of fire: guardian elementals in Solusek A, fire elementals in Lavastorm &

Najena, lava elementals in Sol B

• essence of moonlight: many mobs in the castle of Mistmoore (no longer just the

vampires), dread wolves in Kithicor Forest

• essence of shadows: shadowed men (any zone that has them: EC, Lavastorm, SK


• essence of sunlight: found on Sand Giants in South Ro, the Squire in Upper Guk,

chromadracs in Skyfire, fairy dragons in Wakening Lands

• essence of wind: drops off air elementals in Twilight Sea, crag li & meeda hune in

in Tenebrous Mountains, crag li in Scarlet Desert

• essence of winter: ice giants (Permafrost and Everfrost), tundra yeti (Dreadlands)

• fish wine: sold at various alcohol vendors, can also be brewed

• flame agate: drops off various goblins in Solusek A, ice giants in Everfrost,

pandas in Stonebrunt, mobs in Mistmoore, various mobs in Lower Guk, aviaks in

South Karana ... and many others

• froglok blood: found off frogloks in Upper Guk, some frogoloks in Kunark

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• griffene blood: rare drop off griffenes and griffons in North Karana, as well as

timber griffawns and griffons in Jaggedpine Forest. Also reported as dropping off

the sphinx on isle 6 (drake isle), plane of air

• grinning goblin brew:- drops in Temple of Droga off backbiters

• human blood: found on humans. For the faction conscious, try bandits, dervish

cutthroats, raiders, etc.

• ice goblin blood: from various ice gobbies in Permafrost/Everfrost

• iksar blood: various iksar, with spellcasting ones seeming more likely to drop it

(i.e., iksar necromancers in Sebilis jail)

• imp blood: fire imps in Lavastorm (hint: fire elementals will kill fire imps if they

find the imps before you do, so be sure to go on killing sprees), imp protectors in

Sol B (Nagafen's Lair)

• lava rock - fire elementals (Lavastorm, Najena, etc.), Fire Giants (Solusek B),

wyverns in Skyfire, fire elementals in Twilight Sea

• morning dew: foraged in Greater and Lesser Faydark at any time of the day, also

some ground spawns in LFay

• mt death mineral salts: drops in Temple of Droga

• mug of sea foam: found on seafury cyclops in OOT, isle goblin chieftan in OOT

• neriak nectar: sold at various alcohol vendors

• ogre swill: sold at some booze merchants in Oggok and Freeport, possibly other

locations as well

• rain water: gnolls in South Karana, Lake Rathe, and East Karana

• saltwater seaweed: fished in OOT - this is a NO DROP item, whomever is doing

the brewing for this must do the fishing for it as well. This has also been reported

as fished in Timorous Deep.

• sarnak blood: found on various sarnaks in Kunark

• swirling mist: found off steam elementals in Steamfont (extremely rare), mist

elementals in Najena, "Huge Water Elemental" in LGuk; A Crystalline Cloud and

A Gust of Wind on Gorgolosk Island in Plane of Air, Water Elementals in

Twilight Sea

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• Tae Ew blood: NO DROP item from the "new" Cazic Thule zone, extremely,

extremely rare drop

• windstone: grimlings in grimling mines in Tenebrous Mountains, Moktar

Tribesmen in Umbral Plains

Known locations for tanning materials:

• aviak eggs - foraged in Butcherblock Mountains

• cobalt cod - fished in Cobalt Scar

• drake eggs - foraged in Skyshrine, Western Wastes, Temple of Veeshan, also rare

drop off named drakes in Skyshrine

• misty acorn - ground spawn in Misty Thicket, also can be foraged in Misty


• oak bark - foraged in Kithicor Forest, Warslik's Woods, ground spawn in


• paeala bark - sold by merchants

• yew leaves - ground spawn in Wakening Lands; rare forage in Wakening Lands

Non-Cultural Smithed Armor Stats

Please feel free to submit feedback on the smithing board for all smithed armor pieces

that are currently missing stats. (Recipes for the below items can be found on the Smithed

Armor Recipes page) Any stats in bold on the below listings are changes from the June

12, 2002 patch

Cultural armor stats can be found via the nav buttons to the left.

Item Stats Restrictions

banded armor

(Weights are listed in

small/medium/large order)

• Mask AC 4, wt 0.8/1.0/1.3, size

• Small fits HFL,



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• Gorget AC 5, wt 1.5/2.0/2.5, size


• Belt AC 6, wt 1.9/2.5/3.1, size


• Bracer AC 6, wt 1.5/2.0/2.5, size


• Boots AC 6, wt 3.8/5.0/6.2, size


• Mantle AC 6, wt 2.6/3.5/4.4, size


• Cloak AC 7, wt 3.0/4.0/5.0, size


• Gauntlets AC 7, wt 3.0/4.0/5.0,

size small

• Sleeves AC 7, wt 2.6/3.5/4.4,

size small

• Helm AC 8, wt 3.4/4.5/5.6, size


• Leggings AC 8, wt 4.1/5.5/6.9,

size medium

• Mail (tunic) AC 15, wt

5.6/7.5/9.4, size medium

• Med fits HUM, HEF,



• Large fits BAR,


classes: WAR, ROG, RNG,



ornate (silver)


weights are: (small), medium, [large]

• veil AC 5, wt (0.3), 0.5, [0.8]

• gorget AC 6, wt (1.0), 1.5, [2.0]

• boots AC 7, wt (3.3), 4.5, [5.8]

• mantle AC 7, wt (2.1), 3.0, [3.9]



• small fits: ELF HIE



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• skirt (belt) AC 7, wt (1.4), 2.0,


• bracelet AC 7, wt (1.0), 1.5,


• gloves AC 8, wt (2.5), 3.5, [4.5]

• sleeves AC 8, wt (2.1), 3.0. [3.9]

• cloak AC 8, wt (2.5), 3.5, [4.5]

• coif AC 9, wt (2.9), 4.0, [5.1]

• leggings AC 9, wt (3.6), 5.0,


• mail AC 16, wt (5.1), 7.0, [8.9]

• med fits: HUM,




• large fits: BAR TRL


ornate electrum

chain NEW

weights are: (small), medium, [large]

• veil AC 5, CHA 1, wt (0.3), 0.5,

[0.8], size small

• gorget AC 6, CHA 1, wt (1.0),

1.5, [2.0], size small

• bracelet AC 7, CHA 1, wt (1.0),

1.5, [2.0], size small

• boots AC 7, CHA 1, wt (3.3),

4.5, [5.8], size med

• mantle AC 7, CHA 1, wt (2.1),

3.0, [3.9], size small

• skirt (belt) AC 7, CHA 1, wt

(1.4), 2.0, [2.6], size small

• cloak AC 8, CHA 2, wt (2.5),

3.5, [4.5], size large

• gloves AC 8, CHA 3, wt (2.5),

3.5, [4.5], size small

• sleeves AC 8, CHA 2, wt (2.1),



• small fits: ELF HIE



• med fits: HUM,




• large fits: BAR TRL


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3.0. [3.9], size small

• coif AC 9, CHA 3, wt (2.9), 4.0,

[5.1], size small

• leggings AC 9, CHA 2, wt (3.6),

5.0, [6.4], size med

• mail (tunic) AC 16, CHA 5, wt

(5.1), 7.0, [8.9], size med

tinted a "light shade of green"

ornate gold chain


weights are: (small), medium, [large]

• veil AC 6, CHA 2, wt (0.3), 0.5,

[0.8], size small

• gorget AC 7, CHA 2, wt (1.0),

1.5, [2.0], size small

• bracelet AC 8, CHA 2, wt (1.0),

1.5, [2.0], size small

• boots AC 8, CHA 3, wt (3.3),

4.5, [5.8], size med

• skirt AC 8, CHA 2, wt (1.4), 2.0,

[2.6], size small

• mantle AC 8, CHA 2, wt (2.1),

3.0, [3.9], size small

• gloves AC 9, CHA 4, wt (2.5),

3.5, [4.5], size small

• sleeves AC 9, CHA 3, wt (2.1),

3.0. [3.9], size small

• cloak AC 9, CHA 3, wt (2.5),

3.5, [4.5], size large

• leggings AC 10, CHA3, wt (3.6),

5.0, [6.4], size med



• small fits: ELF HIE



• med fits: HUM,




• large fits: BAR TRL


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• coif AC 10, CHA 4, wt (2.9),

4.0, [5.1], size small

• mail (tunic) AC 17, CHA 6, wt

(5.1), 7.0, [8.9], size med

tinted gold

ornate platinum

chain NEW

weights are: (small), medium, [large]

• veil AC 6, CHA 3, wt (0.3), 0.5,

[0.8], size small

• gorget AC 7, CHA 3, wt (1.0),

1.5, [2.0], size small

• bracelet AC 8, CHA 3, wt (1.0),

1.5, [2.0], size small

• boots AC 8, CHA 3, wt (3.3),

4.5, [5.8], size med

• skirt AC 8, CHA 3, wt (1.4), 2.0,

[2.6], size small

• mantle AC 8, CHA 3, wt (2.1),

3.0, [3.9], size small

• sleeves AC 9, CHA 4, wt (2.1),

3.0. [3.9], size small

• cloak AC 9, CHA 4, wt (2.5),

3.5, [4.5], size large

• gloves AC 9, CHA 5, sv magic

1, wt (2.5), 3.5, [4.5], size small

• coif AC 10, CHA 5, sv magic 1,

wt (2.9), 4.0, [5.1], size small

• leggings AC 10, CHA 4, wt

(3.6), 5.0, [6.4], size med

• mail AC 17, CHA 7, sv magic 2,



• small fits: ELF HIE



• med fits: HUM,




• large fits: BAR TRL


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wt (5.1), 7.0, [8.9], size med

tinted a light blue/purple

fine plate armor

(Weights are listed in

small/medium/large order)

• Visor (mask) AC 7, wt

1.1/1.5/1.9, size small

• Collar AC 8, wt 3.0/4.0/5.0, size


• Bracer AC 9, wt 3.0/4.0/5.0, size


• Girdle (belt) AC 9, wt

3.0/4.0/5.0, size small

• Boots AC 10, wt 4.9/6.5/8.1, size


• Vambraces (sleeves) AC 10, wt

4.9/6.5/8.1, size small

• Pauldron (shoulder) AC 10, wt

3.4/4.5/5.6, size small

• Cloak AC 10, wt 4.1/5.5/6.9,

size large (named "fine splinted


• Gauntlets AC 11, wt 3.8/5.0/6.2,

size small

• Greaves AC 12 (legs), wt

5.6/7.5/9.4, size large

• Helm AC 12, wt 4.5/6.0/7.5, size


• Breastplate AC 19, wt



• Small fits HFL,



• Med fits HUM, HEF,



• Large fits BAR,


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7.5/10.0/12.5, size large

acrylia chain

armor NEW

weights are: (small), medium, [large]

• veil AC 9, sv fire 2, sv cold 2, wt

(0.3), 0.5, [0.8], size small

• gorget AC 10, sv poison 4, wt

(1.0), 1.5, [2.0], size small

• bracelet AC 11, sv magic 2, wt

(1.0), 1.5, [2.0], size small

• mantle AC 11, sv fire 2, sv cold

2,(2.1), 3.0, [3.9], size small

• skirt AC 11, sv poison 2, sv dis 2

wt (1.4), 2.0, [2.6], size small

• cloak AC 12, INT 2, WIS 2, HP

10, sv fire 5, sv cold 5, wt (2.5),

3.5, [4.5], size large

• boots AC 12, STR 2, sv cold 2,

sv magic 2, wt (3.3), 4.5, [5.8],

size medium

• gloves AC 12, STR 2, HP 5, sv

fire 2, sv cold 2, wt (2.5), 3.5,

[4.5], size small

• sleeves AC 12, STR 2, AGI 2,

HP 10, sv fire 2, sv cold 2, sv

magic 2, wt (2.1), 3.0. [3.0], size


• coif AC 14, INT 2, HP 5, sv

magic 5, wt (2.9), 4.0, [5.1], size




magic items

• small fits ELF, HIE,



• medium fits HUM,




• large fits BAR, TRL,


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• leggings AC 14, AGI 4, HP 10,

sv fire 2, sv cold 2, sv disease 2,

wt (3.6), 5.0, [6.4], size medium

• mail (tunic) AC 22, STR 5, HP

15, sv magic 10, wt (5.1), 7.0,

[8.9], size medium

acrylia plate

armor NEW

(weights are listed in

small/medium/large order)

• Visor AC 10, sv cold 2, sv fire 2,

wt 1.1/1.5/1.9, size small

• Collar AC 10, sv poison 4, wt

3.0/4.0/5.0, size small

• Girdle AC 12, sv dis 2, sv pois 2,

wt 3.0/4.0/5.0, size small

• Boots AC 15, STR 2, sv cold 2,

sv magic 2, wt 4.9/6.5/8.1, size


• Bracer AC 14, sv magic 2, wt

3.0/4.0/5.0, size small

• Pauldron AC 15, sv fire 2, sv

cold 2, wt 3.4/4.5/?, size small

• Gauntlets AC 16, STR 2, HP 5,

sv fire 2, sv cold 2, wt

3.8/5.0/6.2, size small

• Vambraces AC 16, STR 2, AGI

2, HP 10, sv fire 2, sv cold 2, sv

magic 2, wt 4.9/6.5/8.1, size


• acrylia plate splinted cloak AC


BRD; magic items

• small fits ELF, HIE,



• medium fits HUM,




• large fits BAR, TRL,


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16, WIS 2, INT 2, HP 10, sv fire

5, sv cold 5, wt 4.1/5.5/6.9, size


• Helm AC 17, INT 2, HP 5, sv

magic 5, wt 4.5/6.0/7.5, size


• Greaves AC 20, AGI 4, HP 10,

sv fire 2, sv dis 2, sv cold 2, wt

5.6/7.5/9.4, size large

• Breastplate AC 30, STR 5, HP

15, sv magic 10, wt




• veil: AC 6, sv disease 3, sv

magic 5, sv poison 2, wt 0.5, size


• bracer: AC 7, DEX 2, AGI 1, sv

magic 2, wt 0.7, size small

• belt: AC 7, DEX 1, STA 2, sv

disease 5, sv magic 3, wt 0.3,

size small

• collar: AC 7, DEX 1, AGI 1, sv

magic 4, wt 0.5, size small

• boots: AC 8, DEX 1, AGI 3, sv

magic 2, wt 2.0, size medium

• mantle: AC 8, STR 2, DEX 2,

AGI 1, sv magic 3, wt 1.5, size


• gloves: AC 9, STR 1, DEX 3, sv

magic 3, wt 1.0, size small

• sleeves: AC 9, STR 1 DEX 2,




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AGI 1, sv magic 3, wt 1.5, size


• cloak: AC 9, STA 2, AGI 3,

DEX 2, sv magic 5, wt 1.5, size


• leggings: AC 12, DEX 2, STA 1,

AGI 2, sv magic 3, wt 2.5, size


• helm: AC 9, AGI 1, sv magic 6,

wt 1.0; 5 charges of obscure,

size medium

• tunic: AC 18, STR 3, STA 3, sv

magic 4, wt 3.0, size large

forged shields

(weights are listed in

small/medium/large order)

• buckler AC 5, wt: 2.2/3.0/3.8,

size small

• round shield AC 7, wt:

3.7/5.0/6.2, size medium

• targ shield AC 8, wt: 5.6/7.5/9.3,

size medium

• kite shield AC 10, wt:

7.5/10.0/12.5, size large

• tower shield AC 11, wt:

11.2/15.0/18.7, size large




• Small fits HFL,



• Med fits DEF, HUM,



• Large fits BAR,


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Smithed Weapon Stats

Please make sure to post corrections/updates/additions to the smithing message board.

This list now includes only non-cultural weapon stats. For cultural weapon stats, use the

links on the left.

Item Statistics Restrictions/notes

forged scimitar 1HS: damage 5, delay 24, wt 7.5, size




forged velium


1HS: damage 6, delay 24, effect: velium

shards, weight 4.5, size medium



forged bastard


1HS: damage 7, delay 33, wt 6.5, size




forged battle


1HS: damage 7, delay 34, wt 8.5, range 40,

size medium



forged short


1HS: damage 4, delay 24, wt 5, size




forged velium

short sword

1HS: damage 5, delay 23, wt 3.5, effect:

velium shards, size medium



forged long


1HS: damage 6, delay 28, wt 7.5, size




forged velium

long sword

1HS: damage 7, delay 28, wt 4.5, effect:

velium shards, size medium



forged pick 1HS: damage 6, delay 35, wt 6.5, size




forged mace 1HB: damage 7, delay 36, wt 8, range 40,

size medium




forged 1HB: damage 8, delay 38, wt 9, size WAR CLR PAL RNG

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morning star medium SHD DRU MNK BRD


forged velium

morning star

1HB: damage 9, delay 38, wt 9.5, effect:

velium shards, size medium






1HB: damage 6, delay 30, wt 7.5, range 40,

size medium




forged dagger piercing: damage 3, delay 21, range 40, wt

2.5, size small




forged velium


piercing: damage 3, delay 18, wt 3.9, , range

40, effect: velium shards




forged spear piercing: damage 6, delay 28, wt 7, range

55, size large



forged rapier piercing: damage 5, delay 26, wt 5, size




forged two

handed sword 2HS: damage 12, delay 44, wt 11, size large



forged velium



2HS: damage 13, delay 43, effect: velium

shards, size large



forged halberd 2HS: damage 14, delay 48, wt 14, size giantWAR PAL RNG SHD /


forged javelin throwing: damage 7, delay 33, range 205,

weight 2.0, size large



forged velium throwing: (magic) damage 8, delay 32, WAR, RNG, MNK, BRD,

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throwing spear range 215, wt 1.5, size large ROG; ALL


throwing axe

throwing: damage 6, delay 29, wt 1, range

125, size medium




forged velium

throwing axe

thowing: (magic) damage 7, delay 28, range

135, size medium






throwing: damage 4, delay 25, wt 0.5, range

65, size small, stackable




forged velium


throwing: (magic) damage 5, delay 24,

range 75, size small, stackable





throwing knife

throwing: damage 5, delay 35, range 60, wt

0.5, size small




silvered mace 1HB: damage 8, delay 34, magic, wt 8.0,

range 40, size medium






1HB: damage 7, delay 29, magic, wt 7.5,

range 40, size medium




silvered spear piercing: damage 7, delay 27, range 55, wt

7.0, size large, magic



silvered rapier piercing: damage 6, delay 24, magic, wt 5.0,

size medium



silvered dagger piercing: damage 4, delay 19, wt 2.5, range

40, magic, size small



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silvered pick 1HS: damage 7, delay 33, magic, wt 6.5,

size medium



silvered long


1HS: damage 7, delay 27, magic, wt 7.5,

size medium





1HS: damage 6, delay 23, magic, wt 7.5,

size medium, magic



silvered short


1HS: damage 5, delay 23, magic, wt 5.0,

size medium



silvered battle


1HS: damage 8, delay 32, magic, wt 8.5,

size medium




throwing axe

throwing: damage 7, delay27, magic, wt

1.0, range 125, NOT stackable




silvered javelin

throwing: damage 8, delay 31, magic, wt

2.0, range 205, size large, magic, NOT






throwing: damage 5, delay 23, magic, wt

0.5, range 65, stackable (yield 10), size






throwing knife

throwing: damage 6, delay 33, magic, wt

0.5 range 20 (yield 10), size small






2HS: damage 15, delay 46, magic, wt 14.0,

size giant




deathsteel 2-

handed sword

2HS: damage 15, delay 42, wt 11.0, size

medium (primary)



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deathsteel long


1HS: damage 9, delay 26, wt 7.5, size

medium (primary/secondary)





short sword

1HS: damage 7, delay 22, wt 5.0, size

medium (primary/secondary)





morning star

1HB: damage 11, delay 36, wt 9.0, size

medium (primary/secondary)





deathsteel pick

1HS: damage 10, delay 34, wt 6.5, size

medium (primary/secondary)






Piercing: damage 7, delay 25, wt 7.0, size

medium (primary/secondary)




forged death

steel dagger

piercing: damage 6, delay 18, wt 1.0,

(primary/secondary), size medium







piercing: damage 7, delay 22, wt 5.0.

(primary/secondary), size medium



forged steel


2 HB: damage 12, delay 37, wt 7.5

(primary, size not provided)





deathsteel axe

1HS: damage 10, delay 32, wt 8.5

(primary/secondary, size not provided)






1HS: damage 8, delay 23, wt 7.5

(primary/secondary), size not provided)



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bastard sword

1HS: damage 9, delay 30, wt 6.5

(primary/secondary, size not provided -

name is listed by the submitting smith as

"forged bastard sword", unable to verify

proper name)






1HS: damage 7, delay 26, fire damage 2, wt

7.5 (primary/secondary), size medium,





firebrand 2-

handed sword

2HS: damage 12, delay 42, fire damage 3

(primary), wt 11, size medium, magic



fiery forged

battle axe

1HS: damage 8, delay 32, fire damage 2, wt

8.5 (primary/secondary), size not provided,




fire forged

bastard sword

1HS: damage 7, delay 32, fire damage 3,

weight 6.5, magic, size not provided



forged fireband


1HB: damage 8, delay 35, fire damage 2,

weight 8.0, size medium (primary,

secondary), magic







2HS: damage 14, delay 48, fire damage 4,

wt 14.0, size medium (primary), magic






piercing: damage 6, delay 23, fire damage 1,

wt 5.0, size medium (primary, secondary),







1HS: damage 6, delay 23, fire damage 1, wt

7.5, size medium (primary, secondary),




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firebrand spear

piercing: damage 7, delay 27, fire damage 1,

wt 7.0, magic, (primary, secondary), size

not provided





firebrand pick

1HS: damage 8, delay 34, fire damage 1, wt

7.5, magic, (primary, secondary), size not




forged fireband


2HB: damage 7, delay 30, fire damage 2, wt

7.5, magic, (primary, secondary), size not








piercing: damage 3, delay 18, fire damage 1,

wt 1, size medium, magic





acrylia short

sword NEW

1HS: damage 9, delay 20, wt 5.0, magic,

size medium (primary/secondary)




acrylia long


1HS: damage 10, delay 22, wt 7.5, magic,

size medium (primary/secondary)




acrylia scimitar

1HS: damage 10, delay 23, wt 7.5, magic

size medium





morning star

1HB: damage 9, delay 24, wt 9.0, magic,

size medium (primary/secondary)





acrylia halberd

2HS: damage 30, delay 48, primary, size

large, wt 14, magic




acrylia spear

Piercing: damage 10, delay 25, primary,

secondary, magic, size medium, wt 7.0



combine 1HS: damage 12, delay 30, magic, primary, WAR PAL RNG SHD

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acrylia bastard


secondary ... size/weight not provided DRU BRD ROG / ALL


acrylia battle


1HS: damage 14, delay 32, magic, wt 8.5,

size medium




acrylia rapier

piercing: damage 8, delay 22, wt 5.0, magic,

size medium (primary/secondary)






2HB: damage 18, delay 36, wt 7.5, magic,

size large (primary)





acrylia mace

1HB: damage 14, delay 35, wt 8.0, magic,

size medium (primary/secondary)





acrylia 2-

handed sword

2HS: damage 25, delay 42, wt 11, magic,

size medium, (primary)



black acrylia

bastard sword

1HS: damage 14, delay 30, magic damage

2, effect: lifedraw (combat), wt 6.5, size

medium, magic, lore, recommended level




black acrylia


1HS: damage10, delay 22, magic damage 1,

effect: lifedraw (combat), wt 7.5, size

medium, magic, lore, primary/secondary,

recommended level 45



black acrylia


2HB: damage 23, delay 35, magic damage

4, effect: lifedraw (combat), wt 7.5, magic,

lore, primary, size medium, recommended

level 45




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black acrylia


1HS: damage 12, delay 25, magic damage

2, effect: lifedraw (combat), wt ?, lore,

primary/secondary, recommended level 45,

size ?



black acrylia

short sword

1HS: damage 8, delay 20, magic damage 2,

effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

primary, secondary, recommended level 45,

weight and size not provided



black acrylia


piercing: damage 11, delay 25, magic

damage 1, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic,

lore, primary, secondary, recommended

level 45, weight and size not provided




black acrylia



2HS: damage 31, delay 42, magic damage

4, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

recommended level 45, weight 11, primary,

size ??



black acrylia

morning star

1HB: damage 9, delay 21, magic damage 2,

effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

recommended level 45, weight 9.0, size:





black acrylia


2HS: damage 40, delay 48, magic damage

4, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

recommended level 45, weight 14, size:




black acrylia


piercing: damage 10, delay 22, magic

damage 1, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic,

lore, recommended level 45, weight 7.0,

size medium




black acrylia 1HS: damage 14, delay 32, magic damage WAR, PAL, RNG, SHD,

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battle axe 3, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

recommended level 45, weight 8.5, size



black acrylia


1HS: damage 12, delay 32, magic damage

3, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

recommended level 45, weight 6.5, size




black acrylia


1HB: damage 15, delay 35, magic damage

2, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic, lore,

recommended level 45, weight 8.0, size





black acrylia


piercing: damage 9, delay 20, magic

damage 2, effect: lifedraw (combat), magic,

lore, recommended level 45, weight 5.0,

size medium



Smithing Trade Supplies


• Ak'Anon Forge - outside Forge of Defiance

• flask of water - clockwork merchant near Priest of Discord (482, -111), 2

clockwork merchants by Forge of Defiance, clockwork grocer (2nd floor of tower

at 903, -285)

• scroll of imbue ruby [cleric: Brell Sirilis], scroll of imbue peridot [cleric:

Bristlebane] - a clockwork merchant (1221,-187 in Abbey of Deep Musing (cleric

guild hall))

• enchant brellium - clockwork merchant (enchanter's guild)

• forge at loc 1254, -705

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• ore (small piece, small brick, large brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, oak

shaft - clockwork miner (756, -145)

• weapon molds (spiked ball, dual-edged blade, heavy steel blade, hilt, pommel,

dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head, curved blade, mace

head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long blade, hammer head,

spear head, pick head) - clockwork smith (2163, -544)

• molds (file, hinge, container base, container lid, small container base, small

container lid, large container base, large container lid, lantern casing, needle,

thimble) - clockwork merchant (1176, -742)

• small plate armor molds, small shield molds (buckler, round, targ, kite, tower),

hilt mold - clockwork merchant (1217, -710)

• small chainmail patterns - clockwork armorer (1329, -733)

Bazaar (Luclin)

• forge - loc -514, 206, loc -348, -120, loc -691, -116

• medium quality sheet metal, block medium quality ore, large & small bricks

medium quality ore, smithy hammer, How to Dye and Stain, jar of lacquer, resin,

empty vial, jar of acid - Sateal Deirosap (-670, -35)

• small plate armor molds, small buckler mold, small round shield mold, small targ

shield mold, small kite shield mold, small tower shield mold, Ikthars Fine Steel

Skin, Fireprides Guide to Shield Craft, Rings, Chains, and Arrowheads - Stinak

Goldknuckle (-686, 10)

• (medium) plate armor molds, Ikthars Fine Steel Skin - Alabaer Escorioan (-670,


• large plate armor molds - Galarono McHalorsos (-649, 10)

• high quality ore (small brick, large brick, block), medium quality ore (small

brick, large brick, block), smithy hammer, water flask - Gliblixl Rocktok (-685, -

33) (Note: only has 75 blocks, 150 large bricks, and 300 small bricks of HQ ore

when spawned - to restock, do the Unrefined Ore quest

• water flask - Gaelsori Heriseron, Tontoal Heriseron (upstairs, loc -660, -18)

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Butcherblock Mountains

• container molds, Armor & Weapons Guide, Basic Blacksmithing, weapon molds

(pommel, hilt, dual-edged blade, heavy steel blade, spiked ball), Dirge of

Forgefire, lantern casing mold - Kaila Rucksack (2797, -694, 1st shop on left out

from Kaladim)

• small (banded) armor molds, lantern casing mold - Ayen Rindlor (2821, -677, 1st

shop on left out from Kaladim)

• cooking molds, Basic Blacksmithing, lantern casing mold, scaler mold - Nalda

Gristbone (2716, -962, 3rd shop on left out from Kaladim)

• needle & thimble molds - Alga Bruntbuckler (-1183, -1951)

Cabilis (Kunark)

• (banded) armor molds, sheet metal, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor & Weapons

Guide - Klok Nalgoz (East, 230, -294)

• forge - (East) 224, -301, (East, near warrior guild) -371, -44

• ore (3), sharpening stones - Klok Toren (East, 198, -300)

• needle mold, thimble mold - Klok Stitch (East, 125, -15)

• baking molds, Basic Blacksmithing - Klok Gritchit (East, 592, 150)

• water - Lybar (West, 290, 531)

• (quest items - iron rod, steel rod, titanium rod, pike head, mancatcher crown, Of

Pike and Mancatcher), forging hammer - Weaponsmith Grugal (East - near

warrior guild, -422, -35)

• weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head, shan'tok blade, fer'esh blade, sheer

blade), oak shaft - Smithy Krikt (East, warrior guild, -428, -202)

• small/large bricks of skyiron, small block of skyiron, skyiron sheet - Smithy

Xzatik (East, 2nd floor, warrior guild, -533, 21)

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• shield molds (buckler, round shield, targ shield, kite shield, tower shield),

Firepride's Guide to Shield Craft - Smithy Zern (East, 2nd floor of warrior guild, -

516, 13)

• lantern casing mold, file mold, weapon molds (dual edged blade, heavy steel

blade, spiked ball, hilt, pommel), Dirge of the Fireforge - Smithy Vyx (East,

warrior guild, -433, -205)

• scroll of imbue: amber [Shaman: Cazic-Thule] - Vessel Grymm (shaman guild)

• Cabilis forge - East, 2nd floor of warrior guild, loc -530, -15

Dawnshroud Peaks (Luclin)

• (medium) chainmail patterns - Mikhal Young (1340, -1282)

• small chainmail patterns - David Dextor (1404, -1375)

Echo Caverns (Luclin)

• water flask - Echo Tradesman (1385, -609)


• forge - behind Deepwater Knights

• Erud forge - outside City Armory (-740, -268) (racial forge, cannnot be used for

normal smithing)

• bricks of ore (3), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, smithing chisel, forging

hammer, - Shinan Orefinder (outside City Armory)

• imbue topaz spell [cleric: Quellious] spell, imbue black pearl spell [cleric:

Prexus] - Stolace Printell (balcony of temple of Quellious)

• needle & thimble molds - Gayle Weaven (street vendor near Port Authority)


• large banded armor molds - Dansie McVicker (in cave between Everfrost and


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• needle & thimble molds - Murga (1139, -134)

• large banded armor molds, lantern mold - Mugu (974, 1239)

• weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head), oak shaft - Murg (1001, 1236)


• mithril bricks (small/large) mithril blocks, small piece of mithril, sheets of

mithril, elven smithy hammer, (medium) chainmail patterns - Tanalin Silverkale

(upstairs, Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe) (also hail him for information on

mithril chainmail)

• shield molds - Mearchant Tearlin (Emerald Armor, N. Felwithe)

• weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head), oak shaft - Opal Leganyn (Emerald

Armor, N. Felwithe)

• plate armor molds, Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin, Firepride's Guide to Shieldcraft -

Nerisia Irontree (upstairs, Emerald Armor, N. Felwithe)

• imbue: emerald spell [cleric/druid: Tunare] - Allia Moondancer (cleric guild, N.


• enchant: mithril [enchanter] - Merchant Lyssia (enchanter guild, S. Felwithe)

• koada'dal forge - inside Emerald Armor

• ore (small piece, small block, large brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, oak

shaft - Bedida Claygrinder (upstairs, Shop of All Holds, N. Felwithe)

• sandalwood - Merchant Yisasan (shop just inside S. Felwithe zone)

Firiona Vie (docks)

• needle & thimble molds -Dionin Needlespin (building at -3644, 2054)

• forge - -2784, 2883

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• molds (container base & lids in small, {medium} and large, file, lantern, needle,

thimble, toolbox) - Jilian Dayson (Vilithe & Bardo's Imported Goods, E. Freeport,

loc 153, -373)

• cooking molds (cookie, muffin tin, cake round, skewer, pot, bread tin, smoker

support, standing legs, smoker base, hinge, scaler, pie tin), lantern casing mold,

Basic Blacksmithing - Tislan (Traders Holiday, E. Freeport, loc 136, -296)

• (medium) banded armor molds, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor & Weapons Guide,

sheet metal - Issilyn Ristan (Armor by Ithkar, E. Freeport)

• ore (sm & lg bricks, small pieces), sharpening stone, smithy hammer,

smithing chisel, forging hammer - Kyrin Steelbone (Groflah's Forge, N.

Freeport, loc -21, 474)

• medium quality sheet metal, medium quality ore (small piece, small brick, large

brick, block), smithy hammer, How to Dye and Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty

vial, jar of acid (Trudie Steelbone, Groflah's Forge, N. Freeport, loc -31, 472)

• forge - outside Groflah's Forge (N. Freeport, loc -53, 534), outside Armor by

Ithkar (E. Freeport), outside The Emporium (N. Freeport), 2nd floor of Freeport

Militia (W. Freeport), behind the Warrior's Guild (W. Freeport), outside Gord's

Smithy (E. Freeport)

• Freeport (cultural) forge - on a platform behind the Warrior's Guild (W.


• Shield molds (buckler, round, targ, kite, tower) in large, medium and small sizes,

Firepride's Guide to Shield Craft, "Rings, Chains & Arrowheads" - Kif (Armor by

Ithkar, East Freeport, loc 52, -182)

• weapon molds (Dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, throwing knife, mace head, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head, hilt) and oak shaft - Jenna Smith

(upstairs, Gord's Smithy, E. Freeport, loc -169, -168)

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• (medium) Plate armor molds, Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin, Fireprides Guide to

Shieldcraft - Valentin Fireheart (2nd floor of Ikthar's Forge, E. Freeport, loc 56, -


• imbue diamond spell [cleric: Mithaniel Marr], imbue rose quartz spell [cleric:

Erollisi Marr] - Locarme Zennix (Cleric/pally guild, N. Freeport)

• information on Seafarers' weapons and Seafarers' Buckler [hail him] - Gord Smith

(Gord's Smithy, E. Freeport, loc -175, -137)

• arrow shaft mold - Valla Strongbranch (-79, -41, N. Freeport)

• (medium) chainmail patterns - Daria Smith (2nd floor of Ikthar's Forge, E.

Freeport, loc 48, -219)

• rusty weapons - Tohsan Hallard (Hallard's Resales, E. Freeport, loc -79, -455),

Harg Tonicka (Hallard's Resales, E. Freeport, loc -41, -489), Rolfic Gohar

(Slums, E. Freeport, loc -185, -279)

• sandalwood - Olyna Midel , Torlig Mudel (Torligs Herbs & Medicines, loc 79, -

899, W. Freeport)

• (medium) leather armor for seafarer's armor (skullcap, mask, gorget, tunic,

shoulderpads, cloak, belt, sleeves, wristbands, gloves, leggings) - Winlar Tanner

(Leather & Hide, E. Freeport, loc 42, -562), Winsa Tanner (Leather & Hide, E.

Freeport, loc 40, -542), Sanhan Tanner (Leather & Hide, E. Freeport, loc 69, -


Fungus Grove (Luclin)

• flask of bloodwater (for iksar cultural) - Thom the Fish (-942, -470)

• ogre swill (for ogre cultural) - Jolly Arval (-1193, -548)

• water flask - Cen Snoworb (-1216, -988), Thar Anson (-1339, -800)

• lockpick mold - Jasan Fiay (-1470, -991)

Grimling Forest (Luclin)

• water flask - Merchant Hammar (-482, -1197)


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• ores (small piece, small brick, large brick), sharpening stone, smithy

hammer, forging hammer, smithing chisel - Okun (outside Knight Keep)

• imbue: amber spell [Cazic-Thule] - Barsk (shaman guild)

• Grobb forge - 539, -225 (no known use at this time ... really!)

• molds (barbarian, troll, gnome & animal cookie, muffin tin, pie tin, cake round,

skewer, bread tin, pot, smoker base, standing legs, smoker support, hinge, scaler,

lantern casing), Basic Blacksmithing - Garklog (outside Krungs Clubs & Junk)

• forge - Krungs Clubs & Junk

• sandalwood - Grabah (Shaman guild)


• forge - 2 outside McPherson's Bloody Blades (loc 238, -291 plus loc 182, -255)

• Northman Forge (barbarian only) - outside McPherson's Bloody Blades (loc 232,


• cooking molds, lantern/hinge molds, Basic Blacksmithing - Jil McDaniel (2nd

floor McDaniel's Smokes and Spirits, loc 364, -290)

• Imbue Ivory [The Tribunal] - Boraskor (shaman guild)

• 12 large plate armor molds, 5 large shield molds, Fireprides Guide to Shieldcraft,

Ikthars Fine Steel Skin, smithy hammer, hilt mold - Ambril McRohrer (2nd floor

McDaniel's Smokes and Spirits, loc 319, -305)

• large chainmail patterns - Lynda McDobbs (McDaniel's Smokes and Spirits, 2nd

floor, loc 364, -290)

• Weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head, oak shaft, hilt) - April (McPherson's

Bloody Blades)

• ore (small pieces, small bricks, large bricks), sharpening stone, smithy hammer,

file mold - Greta O'Reilly (70, -245)

• sandalwood - Spirita (Shaman's guild, loc 346, 34)

• large leather armor for barbarian cultural (skullcap, mask, tunic, shoulderpads,

cloak, belt, sleeves, wristbands, gloves, boots) - Cindl (Macs Kilts, loc 273, -171)

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Hidden Thicket (Luclin)

• forge - near loc -2684, 950

High Keep

• ore (3), sharpening stone, smithy hammer - Miner Harton (basement, 43, -274)

• medium quality sheet metal, block/brick/small brick medium quality ore,

smithy hammer, How to Dye and Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vial, jar of

acid - Graham Embersmith (basement, beside Miner Harton)

• high quality ore: loot drop off goblins

Highpass Hold

• forge - inside Serpent Supply (next to Dyona Rossook), outside Greenbane's


• needle & thimble mold - Dyona Rossook (Serpent Supply)

• water flask - Sernn Rosook (Serpent Supply), Maign Greyeagle (shop at /loc 202,


Hollowshade Moor (Luclin)

• flask of water - Tokk Smippah (1058, 1997), Rittuh Purrik (1069, 2027)

Icewell Keep (Velious)

• small banded armor molds, lantern casing mold - Coldain Oucast (under keep, 12,


• forge - 20, 888 (under keep)

Jaggedpine Forest

• molds (barbarian cookie, gnome cookies, troll cookie, animal cookie, muffin tin,

pie tin, cake round, skewer, bread tin, pot, smoker base, standing legs, smoker

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support, hinge, scaler, lantern casing, frying pan), Basic Blacksmithing - Tallien

Brightflash (1089, 2022), Dunari (-1048, 3454, Brell gnoll temple)


• forge - outside Redfists Metal (S. Kaladim), outside Everhot Forge (N. Kaladim)

• Dwarven forge - outside Redfists Metal

• small plate armor molds, small shield molds, Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin, Firepride's

Guide to Shield Craft, "Rings, Chains & Arrowheads" (book) - Tortuk Everhot

(Everhot Forge, N. Kaladim)

• weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head, oak shaft) - Bndainy Everhot (second

floor, Everhot Forge, N. Kaladim)

• Imbue Ruby spell [Brell Serilis] - Duppa Pickstone (cleric guild)

• bricks, blocks, and sheets of Brellium, Dwarven Smithy Hammer, small piece

of ore, small/large bricks of ore, sharpening stone - Bloarn Norkhitter (inside

mine, N. Kaladim)

• high quality ore (small brick, large brick, block), medium quality ore (small

brick, large brick, block), water flask, smithy hammer - Harnoff Splitrock (inside

mine, N. Kaladim) (Note: only has 75 blocks, 150 large bricks, and 300 small

bricks of HQ ore when spawned - to restock, do the Unrefined Ore quest

• sandalwood - Baldoleky Rockfinder (252, -191, S. Kaladim)

• water flask - Doranafi Ratsbone (street merchant near cleric guild, N. Kaladim)

Katta Castellum (Luclin)

• Forge - loc 19, -1538; loc -42, -1541

• container molds, file mold, needle mold, thimble mold, lantern casing mold -

Tsuia Matuya (229, -1210)

• cookie molds (barbarian, gnome, troll, animal), muffin tin mold, pie tin mold,

cake round mold, skewer mold, bread tin mold, pot mold, smoker base mold,

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standing legs mold, smoker support mold, hinge mold, scaler mold, lantern casing

mold, Basic Blacksmithing - Mahri Matuya (230, -1276)

• water flask - Kitty Barleou (225, -1115)

• medium quality sheet metal, block of medium quality ore, large brick of medium

quality ore, small brick of medium quality ore, smithy hammer, How to Dye and

Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vial, jar of acid - Bole Bricktop (52, -1530)

• dual-edged blade mold, heavy steel blade mold, spiked ball mold, hilt mold,

pommel mold, dagger blade mold, thin blade mold, short blade mold, axe head

mold, halberd head mold, curved blade mold, mace head mold, throwing knife

mold, javelin mold, shuriken mold, throwing axe mold, long blade mold, hammer

head mold, spear head mold, pick head mold - Berda Granitefist (16, -1502)

• (medium) banded armor molds - Harvin Talbson (-75, -1533)

• Basic Blacksmithing, Armor and Weapons Guide, Dirge of the ForgeFire, Ikthars

Fine Steel Skin, Fireprides Guide to Shield Craft, Rings, Chains, and Arrowheads

- Yanni Talbson (Lightening Blades Smithy: -103, -1503)

• (medium) chainmail patterns - Mercusius Farcloud ( -109, -1475)

• (medium) plate molds - Marda Granitefist (-144, -1489)

• ore (small piece, small brick, large brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, oak

shaft, smithing chisel - Gundal Bronzebrow (-404, -662)

• combine smithy hammer - Granic Malicus (100, -1480)

• sandalwood - Margy O'Koyle (233, -1163)

• toolbox mold - Tsuia Mataya (226, -1198)


• thimble & needle mold - Merchant Gaeadin (-116, -130)

• container, lantern, hinge & file molds, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor & Weapons

Guide, weapon molds (pommel, hilt, dual-edged blade, heavy steel blade, spiked

ball), Dirge of Forgefire - Merchant Nluolian (-107, -563)

• forge (-249, 62)

• Fier'dal forge (-480, 79)

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• cookie molds, other cooking molds, skewer mold, Basic Blacksmithing -

Merchant Uaylain (near Packwearers Goods, -25, 114)

• (medium banded) armor molds, lantern casing mold, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor

& Weapon Guide, sheet metal - Merchant Linolyen (108, 343)

• small chainmail patterns - Merchant Ninwiny (-191, 133)

• arrow shaft mold - Merchant Lanin (412, 328)

Kithicor Forest

• leather boots - Clomen Walker (1438, -840)

Lesser Faydark

• thicken mana, crystalize mana, distill mana, purify mana, clarify mana spells

(enchanter) - brownie merchant in brownie village (these spells needed by

enchanters to enchant your armor - be aware that brownies hate most everyone

and that extreme caution should be used shopping here)

Misty Thicket

• small banded armor molds - Hanga Wiskin, /loc 332.00, -2270.00

• needle & thimble molds - Tipa Lighten, /loc 581.00, -2201.00


• forge - outside Pig Sticker SFQ, outside shop at bottom of entrance ramp SFQ,

near Adamant Armor COM

• molds (hinges, container (3), lid (3), file, lantern casing, toolbox) - Ungia (bottom

of entrance ramp SFQ)

• ore (3), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, chisel - Glazin D'Unnar (Blind Fish,

Neriak Down Under COM)

• small banded armor molds, lantern casing mold - Halvn B'Doph (Toadstool,


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• large chainmail patterns, About Ogre Splintmail (written in ogre) - Putad (ramp, -

214, -293 NFQ)

• Weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head, oak shaft) - Sivy G'Noir (basement of

Blind Fish, Neriak Down Under COM)

• information on Adamantite Armor and Dragoon Shields [hail him] - Felok N'Tan

(Adamant Armor COM)

• information on Indigo Sabres [hail him]- Zanotix Ixtaz (BF- the weapons shop


• small plate armor molds, shield molds, Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin, Firepride's Guide

to Shield Craft, "Rings, Chains & Arrowheads" - Kristianna N'Ryt (860, neg

1505, 3G)

• Tier'Dal Forge (835, neg 1570, 3G)

• imbue sapphire spell (cleric: Innoruuk) - Svlia C'Luzz (next to Cleric

Guildmaster, 3G)

• Enchant Adamantite spell (enchanter: lvl 49) - Mizr N'Mar(Bottom floor of

Library, 3G)

• small and large bricks of adamantite ore, block of admantite ore, sheet of

adamantite, Teir`Dal smithy hammer, 12 chainmail patterns - Draan N'Ryt

(700, -1750, 3G)

• neriak nectar (for smithing temper) - Cecile KJartan (Maidens Fancy, upstairs,

3G), Belyea Kjartan (Maidens Fancy, downstairs, 3G)

• medium quality sheet metal, medium quality ore (block, large brick, small brick),

smithy hammer, How to Dye and Stain, Jar of Lacquer, Resin, Empty Vial, Jar of

Acid - Treven Rue'Soe (45, -902, COM)

• small plate armor molds, small shield molds (tower shield, buckler, round shield,

targ shield, kite shield), hilt mold - Trista N'Ryt (66, -855, COM)

North Karana

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• imbue plains pebble spell [druid/cleric: Karana], imbue emerald [druid/cleric:

Tunare] - Tak Whistler (druid circle)

Northern Desert of Ro

• thimble mold, needle mold - Spoolie Gee (Inn south of Freeport)

Ocean of Tears

• About Seafarer Ringmail - Sanian Shearsin (Zachariah Reigh's Island, building at

-2103, 7796) and Craven Jonsbrow (Zachariah Reigh's Island, on the beach by the

dock -2256, 7596)


• forge - inside Metil Armer

• imbue jade spell [shaman: Rallos Zek] spell - Barsk (shaman guild)

• Oggok Forge (cultural forge) - 141, 931 ("end of let of 3 tunnels" or so says the

ogre who sent this in)

• large chainmail patterns - Pugla (98, 849)

• information on ogre cultural weapons [hail him] - Varrok Neckchopper (321, -


• information on ogre armor and shields [hail him] - Zarg Knightbane (245, -194)

• large plate molds, large shield molds, smithy hammer, Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin,

Firepride's Guide to Shieldcraft - Bubbgrib (291, -206)

• ore (small piece, small and large block), smithy hammer, sharpening stone, oak

shaft - Blergerda (195, 910, near the still-useless Oggok cultural forge)

The Overthere (Kunark)

• needle & thimble molds - Tin Merchant IX, 2673, 2613

• forge at 2498, 3247


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• forge - Shadowknight guild (933, 425)

• Erud forge - Shadowknight guild, beside the normal forge

• ore (3), sharpening stone - Tentus Brackmar (False Idols)


• high quality ore: loot drop off goblins


• forge - outside Tin Soldier (S. Qeynos), outside Fire Prides (S. Qeynos), behind

Ironforge's (N. Qeynos)

• Royal Forge - near clock tower, S. Qeynos

• shield molds - Ton Firepride (Firepride's, S. Qeynos)

• weapon molds (Dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halbard head,

curved blade, throwing knife, mace head, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head) and oak shaft - Dren Ironforge

(Ironforge's, N. Qeynos)

• chainmail patterns (med)- Connie Link (street vendor across from Ironforge's, N.


• plate armor molds, Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin - Liln Sedder (upstairs, Tin Soldier, S.


• full plate armor mold, The Legend of Full Plate - Mar Sedder (downstairs, Tin

Soldier, S. Qeynos)

• imbue: opal spell [cleric: Rodcet Nife] - Balhallia (cleric guild "saucer", N.


• imbue: black sapphire spell [cleric: Bertoxxulous] - Tessia Sowtsui (temple of

Bertoxx, sewers, 340, -433)

• enchant: steel [enchanter] - Moreo O'Meek (behind caster's guild, S. Qeynos)

• water - Karn Tassen, Voleen Tassen (Voleen's Fine Baked Goods, S. Qeynos),

Tanlyn Galliway, Sneed Galliway (Galliway's Trading Post, N. Qeynos)

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• high quality ore (small brick, large brick, block), medium quality ore (small

brick, large brick, block), smithy hammer, flask of water - Yakum Oreslinger

(Tin Soldier, S. Qeynos) (Note: only has 75 blocks, 150 large bricks, and 300

small bricks of HQ ore when spawned - to restock, do the Unrefined Ore quest

Qeynos Hills

• banded armor molds, sheet metal - Marton Sayer (cottage)

• baking molds - Mira Sayer (cottage)

Rathe Mountains

• small/large bricks of medium quality ore, blocks of medium quality ore, smithing

hammer, empty vials, resin, lacquer, acid, How to Dye and Stain - Ukla (ogre/troll

camp, 1730, 1300)


• forge - next to druid's guild

• Imbue Peridot spell [Bristlebane] - Blippo Stumbletoe (Cleric guild)

• small chainmail patterns - Charlotte Diggs (-180, -230, near Kevlin Diggs)

• books: Basic Blacksmithing, Armor and Weapons Guide, Dirge of the Forgefire,

Ikthar's Fine Steel Skin, Firepride's Guide to Shieldcraft; Rings, Chains and

Arrowheads - Frankle Ironhair (-250, -109)

• small plate armor molds - Jimji Bottletoe (-258, -116)

• molds (barbarian cookie, gnome cookie, troll cookie, animal cookie, muffin tin,

pie tin, cake round, skewer, bread tin, pot, standing legs, smoker base, smoker

support, hinge, scaler, lantern casing), Basic Blacksmithing - Yola Sweetcookie (-

218, -131)

• molds (hinge, container base, small container base, small container lid, large

container base, large container lid, lantern casing, file, thimble, needle, thimble) -

Betty Brickbaker (-280, -122)

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• molds (dual-edged blade, heavy steel blade, spiked ball, hilt, pommel, dagger

blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head, curved blade, mace head,

throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long blade, hammer head, spear

head, pick head) - Bipdo Hargin (-218, -70)

• arrow shaft mold - Joana Jinklebelly (-229, -79)

• water flask - Daleen Leafsway - druid area, Wibble Bramblebush (next to dock)

• Vale forge - 178, -176 (near bard)

• ore (small piece, small brick, large brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, oak

shaft, smithing chisel - Bodbin Gimple (druid guild, -87, -367)

• sandalwood - Bimble Babbinsbort (-163, -120), Byle Babbinsbort (-146, -115),

Kizzie Mintopp (-231, -211)


• high quality ore: loot drop off goblins

Sanctus Seru (Luclin)

• Dual-Edged Blade Mold, Heavy Steel Blade Mold, Spiked Ball Mold, Hilt Mold,

Pommel Mold, Dagger Blade Mold, Thin Blade Mold, Short Blade Mold, Axe

Head Mold, Halberd Head Mold, Curved Blade Mold, Mace Head Mold,

Throwing Knife Mold, Javelin Mold, Shuriken Mold, Throwing Axe Mold, Long

Blade Mold, Hammer Head Mold, Spear Head Mold, Pick Head Mold - Boloth

Daeron (298, -742)

• forge at loc -985, 542

• (medium) chainmail patterns (boot, coif, veil, neckguard, tunic, mantle, cloak,

skirt, sleeve, bracelet, glove, pant) - Faber Hintoa (87, -937)

• arrow shaft mold - Fareye Yewback (loc not available)

• Basic Blacksmithing, Armor and Weapons Guide, Dirge of the ForgeFire, Ikthars

Fine Steel Skin, Fireprides Guide to Shield Craft, Rings Chains and Arrowheads -

Armorer Caedus (84, 500)

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• (medium) plate armor molds (gorget, bracer, boot, helm, visor, pauldron, belt,

vambrace, greaves, breastplate, gauntlet, cloak), buckler mold, targ shield mold,

kite shield mold, tower shield mold - Dolus Rical (137, 535)

• Medium Quality Sheet Metal, Block of Medium Quality Ore, Large Brick of

Medium Quality Ore, Small Brick of Medium Quality Ore, Smithy Hammer, How

to Dye and Stain, Jar of Lacquer, Resin, Empty Vial, Jar of Acid - Wulan

Goldsmith (7, 1016), Melda Goldsmith

Shadeweaver's Thicket

• brew barrel at loc -2195, 1423 (in Gor Taku caves, be wary of faction)

Shadow Haven (Luclin)

• weapon molds: dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear, pick head, oak shaft - Galoran Precon (25, -318)

• water flask - Adept Delf (28, -250), Merchant: Sanderson (-78, 31), Innkeep

Alviva (25, 431), Granger Kenforth (16, 1166), Henriala Hobialon (232, 1786),

Innkeep Zara (33, 1741), Hintol Balkortak (-436, 1385), Talida Furrytoes (-437,

1756), Fitonas Galaofon (1215, -239), Healian (1213, 0), Sneathe (-65, 12),

Sanderson (-78, 37), Eiles (163, -46)

• arrow shaft mold - Tabart Tailforth (263, 976), Sroj Arrowsmith (219, 1182)

• ore (small piece, small brick, large brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer,

small brick of medium quality ore, large brick of medium quality ore, medium

quality sheet metal, How to Dye and Stain, jar of lacquer, resin, empty vial, jar of

acid, smithing chisel, forging hammer - Smithy Firehand (33, 1306), Hardam

Stonegrinder (-314, 1460), Smithy Edcar (128, 136)

• forge - loc 31, 1308, loc -336, 1465, loc 124, 143

• Fireprides Guide to Shieldcraft, Rings Chains and Arrowheads (book), shield

molds in all three sizes (small, medium, large): buckler mold, round shield mold,

targ shield mold, kite shield mold, tower shield mold - Jiovfer Precon (312, 1425)

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• small banded armor molds, lantern casing mold - Bronklad Stoneshaper (-334,


• needle mold, thimble mold - Gelson (154, -48)

• molds (hinge, container base, container lid, small container base, small container

lid, large container base, large container lid, lantern casing, file, dual-edged blade,

heavy steel blade, spiked ball, hilt, pommel, toolbox), Dirge of the Forgefire -

Kelly Blackhand (163, 177)

• sheet metal, large banded armor molds, Armor and Weapons Guide, lantern

casing mold, Basic Blacksmithing - Robert Blackhand (179, 115)

• sheet metal, (medium) banded armor molds, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor and

Weapons Guide - Rusty Blackhand (194, 118)

• molds (barbarian cookie, gnome cookie, troll cookie, animal cookie, muffin tin,

pie tin, cake round, skewer, bread tin, pot, smoker base, standing legs, smoker

support, hinge, scaler, lantern casing), Basic Blacksmithing - Jolan (136, 175)

• sandalwood - Kolburn Inglewort (176, 632), Zimloro Jalobottle (-414, 1426),

Polson Medicinal (133, 1196)

• imbue plains pebble spell [druid/cleric: Karana] - Ealerel Tidebringer (druid

guild, loc 281, 1250)

Shar Vahl (Luclin)

• Armor and Weapons Guide - Librarian Almasa (125, 67)

• Basic Blacksmithing; Armor and Weapons Guide; Dirge of the ForgeFire; Ikthars

Fine Steel Skin; Fireprides Guide to Shield; Craft Rings, Chains, and Arrowheads

- Trade Historian Hajika (-111, 66)

• Wolf Bane Lore: Volume. I, Wolf Bane Lore: Volume. II, Wolf Bane Lore:

Volume. III, Weapon Assembly Kit - Arms Historian Qua (-177, 51)

• Hinge Mold, Container Base Mold, Container Lid Mold, Small Container Lid

Mold, Small Container Base Mold, Large Container Base Mold, Large Container

Lid Mold, Lantern Casing Mold, File Mold, Dual-Edged Blade Mold, Heavy

Steel Blade Mold, Spiked Ball Mold, Hilt Mold, Pommel Mold, Dirge of the

ForgeFire - Master Barkhem (building at 179, -156)

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• Barbarian Cookie Mold, Gnome Cookie Mold, Troll Cookie Mold, Animal

Cookie Mold, Muffin Tin Mold, Pie Tin Mold, Cake Round Mold, Skewer Mold,

Bread Tin Mold, Pot Mold, Smoker Base Mold, Standing Legs Mold, Smoker

Support Mold, Hinge Mold, Scaler Mold, Lantern Casing Mold, Basic

Blacksmithing, Spit - Apprentice Kafy (building at 179, -156)

• sheet metal, (medium) banded armor molds, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor and

Weapons Guide - Apprentice Garr (building at 179, -156)

• water flask - Brokh (building at 249, -254), Jheral Alezya (-456, -33), Ahahd

Tolm (-405, 217), Gawra (-347, 313), Dharr Nadim (-350, 125), Jharia & Ulman

Talmil (370, -20),

• needle mold, thimble mold - Jala (upstairs, -302, -367)

• ore (small piece, small & large brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, smithing

chisel, forging hammer, sheet metal - Nocia (building at 273, -455), Supply

Sergean Ker'Far (417, 396)

• nepeta oil extract - Chialle (-501, 116), Jolod Amulek (461, 217)

• forge - loc 284, -201, 2 at loc 413, 403

• sandalwood - Alchemist Hikal (building at -284, -368)

Solusek A

• high quality ore: loot drop off goblins

Solusek B

• imbue fire opal spell [Solusek Ro] Zordak Ragefire (merchant that spawns in

Nagafen's spot after Nagafen dies)

Steamfont Mountains

• thimble & needle molds - Freed Fimplefur (2nd building from left of entrance to


• small banded armor molds, lantern mold - Fodin Frugrin (1st building from left of

entrance to Ak'Anon)

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• cooking molds, Basic Blacksmithing - Oren Furdenbline (2nd building from right

of entrance to Ak'Anon)

• ore (3), sharpening stone, smithy hammer, small/large bricks of medium

quality ore, medium quality sheet metal, book:How To Dye And Stain, jar of

lacquer, resin, empty vials, jar of acid, steel wire(?) - Godbin Strumharp

(windmill at /loc 51, -611)

• imbue plains pebble [druid/cleric spell: Karana] - merchant at druid ring (name?)

Stonebrunt Mountains

• forge - 1352, -592

• weapon molds (dagger blade, thin blade, short blade, axe head, halberd head,

curved blade, mace head, throwing knife, javelin, shuriken, throwing axe, long

blade, hammer head, spear head, pick head), oak shaft- Kalaarno Steelclaws

(1375, -586)

• ore (3), sharpening stones, smithy hammer, smithing chisel, forging hammer -

Kevar Claypaws (1386, -578 )

Surefall Glade

• baking molds, scaler mold, Basic Blacksmithing - Frannie (just inside entrance)

Thurgadin (Velious)

• forge - Underbelly's Arms (-430, -111)

• small (banded) armor molds - Brimgald Brightsteel (Scars Edge)

• cooking molds, Basic Blacksmithing, lantern casing mold, scaler mold - Wevil

Doughbeard (bank)

• needle mold, thimble mold - Rexx Frostweaver (bank)

• ore (piece, small block, large block, brick), sharpening stone, smithy hammer,

velium smithy hammer, coldain velium temper - Nimren Stonecutter (shop at 41,


• water - Mordin Frostcleaver (Mordin's Meats)

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Toxxulia Forest

• banded armor molds, sheet metal, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor & Weapon Guide,

lantern casing mold - Win Karnam (shop near ocean)

West Karana

• large banded armor molds, lantern casing mold, Armor & Weapons Guide, Basic

Blacksmithing, About Northman Ringmail - Sera McMannus (-4021, -2224)

• file mold, container molds, lantern mold, Armor & Weapons Guide, Basic

Blacksmithing, weapon molds (pommel, hilt, dual-edged blade, heavy steel blade,

spiked ball), Dirge of Forgefire - Spinner (-1454, -12841)

• needle & thimble molds - Alysa (425, -4362)

How to Become a Mistress

Ah, smithing. The forging of weapons and armor to protect ones body, or to fatten one’s

bank account. A trade that many a warrior, cleric, or paladin undertakes. One that takes

strength and stamina.

So, what chance in hell does a Dark Elven Necromancer, like me, have to succeed in


Logic aside, I’ve found smithing to be a rewarding trade by far, and wish to share my

knowledge with the rest of Norrath, and guide others onto the path of smithing mastery.


So, you want to smith, do ya? Well, before you can make that full suit of enchanted

imbued cultural armor, you’ve got to do the grunt work first, young apprentice. Most take

two paths in approaching their first 21 points in smithing. The least expensive is to

sharpen weapons. This takes 1 sharpening stone and a rusty weapon; both placed inside

of the forge. Click the ‘combine’ button: on a success, you lose the sharpening stone, and

get a tarnished weapon in return, which has a delay that’s 2 less than its original (faster);

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a failure costs you the sharpening stone and returns the rusty weapon. The drawbacks to

this method are that it’s time consuming, especially if you need to zone multiple times to

get the stones, and rusty weapons are heavy. The other way is to dump points into

smithing until it won’t let you anymore… crude and more expensive than sharpening, but

effective nonetheless. (You can sharpen long swords up to 26 and two handed swords up

to 31 - Ed.)


Now begins the hand cramping stages, as you need to start making metal bits. To make a

metal bit, put 2 small pieces of ore, not stacked, into the forge along with one flask of

water. Click ‘combine’.On a failure, you get laughed at by the gods of fate, on a success

you get a metal bit. Better make room in your schedule, as for my guide you’ll need at

least a 10-slot backpack full of metal bits. After you’ve made these, and they’ll be trivial

long before 51, you will make toolboxes. Toolboxes are very easy, as they take 1 flask of

water and 1 metal bit. The problem is, they are containers, and they don’t sell for very

much, so you’ll either waste time selling the boxes or money tossing them aside.

Toolboxes become trivial at 51.


Big jump, isn’t it? That’s because there are two paths for this leg of your journey. If you

have faction in a good aligned city (Qeynos faction is VERY easy, I’m dubious with the

Clerics and Corrupt Guards in N Qey, warmly with everyone else), then skewers will be

what takes you to 115. You will fail a lot early on, but it’s not as costly or annoying as

the alternative listed below. To make skewers, it takes a metal bit, a flask of water, and a

skewer mold in the forge. The molds don’t stack, by the way, and are used up on a

success or fail. Skewers are trivial at 115.

For those of you that don’t have faction in a good city, your next step is lanterns.

Lanterns take 1 metal bit, 1 flask of water, 1 bottle, and a lantern mold. These are trivial

at 68. At this point, you’ll sorely wish you had faction in a good city, as the next step is

banded, which takes sheets of metal. To make a sheet of metal, put two small bricks of

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ore and 1 flask of water into the forge and click combine. They will be trivial long before

68, but failures are all too common. Make either banded gorgets (easier and cheaper,

fewer raises), boots (costly and more difficult, faster raises), or bracers (in between), each

taking 1 sheet of metal, the appropriate mold, and a flask of water.


This is the money-wasting step, as there is no other reasonable way to make it to 175.

Make metal sheets, or buy ‘em from vendors in Qeynos Hills, among other places, and

make Banded Cloaks. They take 2 sheets of metal, a flask of water, and a banded cloak

mold. You’ll get some failures, but can counteract them by selling easier to make pieces

to other PCs.

175 and beyond

Get a fairly large monetary base before attempting this. Fine Plate will be the best path to

reach the 200’s, as most of the materials can be purchased easily. First, smith a Skinning

Knife (a large brick of ore, 1 flask of water, a dagger mold, and a hilt mold), then make

your way to Everfrost with a sewing kit of any size. You will need to make leather

backings first, as Fine Plate and some cultural armors require them. Leather Backings

take a Silk Thread (2 spiderling silks in a sewing kit, trivial at Tailoring (15), never fails)

and a Low Quality wolf/bear/cat pelt. Everfrost has both spiderlings and wolves/bears,

just wandering around saying ‘skin me!’, so oblige! The Skinning Knife is used to lower

the quality of a pelt. Put a Skinning Knife and a pelt of any quality other than ruined into

the kit and click ‘combine’: to my knowledge, this never fails. You can easily get 4 or 5

stacks of leather padding (trivial in the 30’s, but lots of failures until the 50s in Tailoring)

killing these yourself, or buying them from newbies. Fine Steel plate takes Medium

Quality Ore, sold in only 3 places in the world: Steamfont, Highpass, and Rathe

Mountains. Smelt the ore into Folded Medium Quality Sheet Metal by combining in a

forge 1 Block (20pp) of MQ ore, 1 smithy hammer (not the cultural one), and a flask of

water. For each piece of FS Plate, you need a plate mold (sold in every city save Cabilis

and Surefall), 1 leather backing, the smithy hammer (which is always returned unless you

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botch the recipe), 1 flask of water, and MQ Folded metal sheets (1 for bracers and

gorgets, 3 for breastplates, greaves, and cloaks, and 2 for everything else). Lighter than

bronze and similar to the class specific quest armors as far as AC is concerned, FS plate

is a good alternative to those that can’t afford the various Crafted or Lambent or what

have you. In addition, it can be dyed, but I have not attempted to do so as of yet.



Tailoring is the art of working with pelts, hides, and silks in order to make armor and

various containers. It is one of the easier skills to get started, but one of the hardest

tradeskills in which to grandmaster. Three races (halflings, wood elves and erudites) also

have tailoring as their cultural specialty.

If you wish to make non-metal armor for yourself and others, tailoring is the skill you

need to learn. Your first finished products will be patchwork armor for the non-casters,

and silk swatches and raw silk armor for the pure spellcasters and monks.

While some folks have expressed an interest in learning simply to make themselves some

armor, in order to develop enough skill to make yourself armor, you might as well

continue working on the skill enough to pay for all those pelts and patterns you ruined in

the process.

I'm not going to tell you everything there is to know about tailoring, but here's some basic

information to save you a lot of mis-spent money.

For patchwork:

First, lets clear some misconceptions and confusions: a) Small sewing kits can be used to

make armor for all size folks. The size of the sewing kit does NOT affect the size of the

armor being made. (I've seen a lot of humans running around looking for "medium

sewing kits" to no avail.) b) Somewhere along the way, the powers that be did a name

change on things, so some pelts will be called pelts, others will be called "skins". As long

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as the other part of the description matches the pelt you need, it's the one you want. (e.g.,

ruined bear pelt, high quality bear skin, etc.)

The pelt or skin determines the size of the armor made. (Wolf for the wee folks, cat for

the medium folks, and bear for the large folks.) Ruined pelts are for patchwork, which

makes sense, since patchwork is bits and pieces, and you mangled the pelt while skinning

it. Better pelts/skin, plus the large sewing kit mix with patterns and certain metal objects,

to make studded leather and reinforced leather armor. Of course, these sorts of things are

a lot more difficult to make, and so on, so forget about it for now. Just focus on the basics

— patchwork. By the time you have mastered that, and have a tailoring skill of 26, then

you can start asking around to find someone willing to teach you the tricks to the better

leather armors. Until that time, you'll waste a lot of materials, and frustrate yourself


For silk armor: The first thing you're going to need is spider silk, and lots of it. Now,

we're not talking of mugging spiderlings here, as their silk is too small to do any good for

armor (there are tailoring uses for spiderling silk, and this guide WILL be rewritten with

that information once the DenMother is back from vacation). You need the bigger spiders

to pull this off: large spiders, giant spiders, carrion spiders, crag spiders, wooly spiders,

etc. You can get your skill in tailoring from 0 to somewhere in the teens by just taking

two pieces of spider silk and combining them in either size sewing kit. Set the resulting

silk swatch aside — you're going to need lots of it. Once your sewing skill is in the teens

(or sooner if you want to risk ruining more silk swatches and patterns), you combine silk

swatches and patterns in the large kit to produce raw silk armor that spellcasters and

monks can wear. The number of swatches you need varies with the item being made, but

always, always, with any trade skill, remember that if something needs 2 or more of an

item, that those items must be unstacked in your kit before you combine. Once raw silk

armor is trivial for you, then you can start teaming up with a brewer to make cured silk

armor, and with an enchanter to make Wu's Fighting Gauntlets for the monks (the only

piece of "glowing silk" armor in the game so far), but definitely don't even think of trying

to learn how to tailor on the more advanced items unless you have a lot of money you're

willing to waste as you ruin things.

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Studded/reinforced leather: At one point, studded and reinforced leather armor were

the main tailored armor upgrade for druids. With the addition of halfling and wood elf

cultural tailoring, especially the imbued versions which cover the druidic deities, this is

no longer the case. While these items are good for skill increases, it's unlikely you'll find

much of a market for them.

Bags and other containers: There are several containers that you can make via

tailoring. Some, such as handmade (10-slot) backpacks and bearskin potion bags (for

combining several single-charge alchemy potions into one multiple-charge potion) will

have a market.

What's next?: There's still a LOT more you can make with tailoring from this point

onwards, but it will be expensive to your pocketbook as well as eat a lot of your time. If

you're looking for the "cheapest" path to mastery after cured silk, your best bet is likely to

work on quivers until they go trivial at 115, and then work on the crystalline silks from

Velious until skill 131. There is no cheap and easy way to grandmaster level tailoring

from 131 onwards at this time. All other "advanced" tailoring from this point onwards

requires serious amounts of time spent collecting components and serious amounts of

cash investments... plus high failure rates. There are many nice items that can be made by

highly-skilled tailors, and you may be one of the treasured few who works their way to

becoming a grandmaster (200+) tailor, but please, don't say you weren't warned that it

would be a difficult and expensive path. :)

How to Become a Mistress Tailor

Tailoring is the fine art of skinning helpless and not so helpless animals of their pelts and

sewing them into garments to provide warmth, protection, or glamor. Fortunately for us

Norrathians, Greenpeace doesn’t exist to stop us professional furriers, so I’ve taken it

upon myself to guide the future fashion experts on this fine art.


• Arctic Wyvern—Shaman-only armor made from arctic wyvern hides. Studded.

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• Black Pantherskin—Monk- and Beastlord-only armor made from Black

Pantherskins. Reinforced.

• Cobalt Drake—made from cobalt drake hides. Can be worn by all except

intelligence-based casters.

• Fizzle—failing the creation of a trivial item. Regardless of skill, there is always

a 5% fail rate on any given item, even if it is trivial, unless it is no-fail.

• Fur—see Pelt.

• Haze Pantherskin—Rogue-only armor made from haze pantherskins.


• Hide—see Pelt.

• Ice Silk—Caster-only armor made from the silk from Ice Burrowers. Silk.

• Imbued—to bless a piece of armor or a weapon with a diety’s power. This is

usually accomplished by putting an imbued gem with the rest of the items when

doing the combine.

• Infused—the most powerful version of a cultural armor. Requires much more

expensive components.

• Leather—armor designed from hides, pelts, skins and furs, designed for monks,

druids, and other leather-wearing classes.

• Leatherfoot Bags—made by Halflings. These bags come in various sizes, and

are all 100% weight reduction.

• Mana Vial—always entitled ‘vial of [adjective] mana’, these are made by

enchanters. They require a poison vial and an appropriate gem:

o Viscous: pearl, Thicken Mana (level 12)

o Clear: emerald, Clarify Mana (level 29)

o Distilled: 2 sapphires, Distill Mana (level 39)

o Purified: 4 rubies, Purify Mana (level 49)

• Mithril Leather—also known as wood elven cultural. Can be studded or

reinforced, made from sabretooth tiger hides. Made by wood elves, humans,

wood elves, and high elves can wear. Can be imbued with Tunare’s power only.

• No-fail—regardless of skill, no fail items will always result in successful

combines. Currently, only silk swatches and silk threads are no fail.

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• Oil—see Tannin.

• Pelt—the skin, hide, or fur used in the construction of the leather-class of tailored


• Random Number Generator—or RNG, it is the bane of all tradeskillers. It is

the last word on the success or failure of any combine.

• Reinforced—armor made from regular, velium, or acrylia bonings.

• Silk—armor designed from silk, designed for monks, beastlords, and intelligence-

based casters.

• Skin—see Pelt.

• Steelsilk—also known as Erudite Cultural. Made from Terrorantula Silks. Can

be worn only by Erudites, and can be imbued with Prexus’, Quellious’, or Cazic-

Thule’s power. Plate and chain classes only.

• Steelweave—the infused version of Erudite cultural. Same restrictions as

Steelsilk, but humans may wear as well.

• Stormreapers—the infused halfling cultural armor. Available in reinforced for

druids, chain-type for rangers and plate-type for paladins. Halfling, human, and

half elf wearable, it can only be imbued with Karana’s power.

• Studded—armor made from regular, acrylia, or velium studs.

• Swatch—two silks of the same types combined together.

• Tannin—the ‘temper’ used in some leatherworking.

• Thread—two lesser silks (usually has the suffix –ling in its name) combined


• Trivial—when you can no longer raise skill through the manufacture of a given


• Tunarean Soldier—a special armor made by wood elves. It is the upgrade to

reinforced mithril leather.

• Vale Leather—also known as Halfling Cultural. Available in studded and

reinforced, and made with brute hides. Halflings, humans, wood and half elves

can wear, and it can be imbued with Karana’s power.

• Woven Platinum—infused Erudite Cultural armor that can be worn only by

intelligence casters. Same restrictions as Steelsilk.

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So, you want to be a Tailor, do ya?

For the beginning tailor, you will require at the very least a small sewing kit. These are

sold in most cities on Norrath, but I recommend upgrading to a large kit asap, as most of

the advanced recipies require them. Large kits are located in the inn in North Ro, the

Feerrott, Qeynos Hills, Thurgadin, and many other locales that one should easily be able

to access.

Here, kitty, wolfie, teddy, spidery…(0-36)

At this point, you are given several options. If you have the points to spare, you can

simply train your way to 26, and proceed to the next step. If you wish to save your

training points, however, you will have to make raw silken materials or patchwork. The

raw silken materials, silk threads and silk swatches, are made by combining 2 spiderling

silks for silk thread, or 2 spider silks for a silk swatch, in a sewing kit. This never fails,

and becomes trivial at 15 skill. These will both be used for important items later on, so

you may wish to stockpile them. Patchwork/tattered armor is made by combining a

ruined cat, bear, or wolf pelt and a clothing pattern in a sewing kit. These all trivial at

26. The type of pelt will determine the size of the garment: cat for medium, bear for

large, wolf for small.

After patchwork becomes trivial, you’ll be putting those silk swatches to good use with

the manufacture of raw silk garments. To make these, combine a clothing pattern and 2

non-stacked silk swatches for tunics and leggings in a sewing kit. For every other raw

silk piece, only 1 silk swatch is needed. These become trivial at 36, and at that point,

you’ll be ready to move on.

Uh…what’s this metaly thing? (37-84)

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For this step, you may want to make friends with a brewer and a smith, or if you’re a

perfectionist like me, become one yourself, as this step requires items from both of those

trades. Also, you will learn quickly that the mask pattern is your best friend…

From 37 to 56, you will want to make studded masks, which take a mask pattern, a

medium quality wolf, cat, or bear pelt, and 1 stud, which is made through smithing. I

suggested masks, as they require the fewest studs. Studded masks become trivial at 56.

From 57 to 84, you’ll want to sell off your remaining studs, and buy or make heady

koila, which is brewed. You’ll now be making cured silk masks, which require 1 silk

swatch, 1 heady koila, and a mask pattern. Again, I suggested the mask pattern, as they

require the fewest koilas and the fewest swatches.

Side note: Once you reach 84 skill, hand made backpacks (backpack patteren and high

quality bearskin) and Wu’s Fighting Gauntlets (glove pattern, greater lightstone, silk

swatch, 4 heady koilas, vial of viscous mana) become trivial. These items, especially the

10 slot backpack are highly prized and popular, and will sell well.

Redirect all my mail to the Karanas (85-115)

Load up on quiver patterns and get to East Karana, you’re going to be there a while. This

is the step that seperates the men from the non-men, as you’ll be making quivers from

now until 115. (Note: make certain that you purchase the Quiver Pattern, not Fleeting

Quiver Pattern.) Combine in a sewing kit, a quiver pattern and a high quality cat pelt.

Quivers are containers that will only hold arrows (bah!), so you’ll have to decide on

wether or not to resale them to merchants or drop them to the ground. These become

trivial at 115.

As an alternate to making quivers, you can make reinforced armor. Once again, mask

patterns are the absolute best: combine 1 mask pattern, a high quality wolf/cat/bear pelt,

and a steel boning (made by a smith) in the sewing kit. These will also take you to 115,

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but are a hassle to make, and considering that high quality cat pelts would be better suited

for quivers (fewer ingredients needed) and high quality bear pelts make better and more

profitable backpacks, and high quality wolfskins are so rare…

S-so C-c-cold (100-131)

With the addition of Scars of Velious™, new sets of tailoring recipies were introduced.

Over the course of several patches, it became painfully clear that unless you were a wood

elf or halfling, you’d never be able to make the darn things with a reasonable success rate

without spending lots of platinum. Finally, a new product was added to attempt to bridge

the gap; unfortunately, it only goes a third of the way. Still, we take what we can get,

like the trained harbor seals we are. Ranting aside, I now present to you Crystalline Silk


Crystalline Silk is harvested off of various crystal spiders in Thurgadin’s mines,

Velktor’s Labyrinth, and Crystal Caverns. It’s stackable, but cant be used in this form;

you must make it into swatches. Combine 2 crystalline silks, not stacked, mind you, in a

sewing kit. This never fails, and becomes trivial at 26. To make the garments, combine

in a sewing kit a clothing pattern, 1 silver thread (purchased in Thurgadin, possibly

Erudin?) and 1-3 crystalline swatches (1 for caps, masks, gorgets, shoulders, and

wristbands, 2 for sashes, sleeves, gloves, and slippers, 3 for tunics, cloaks, and legs). The

best way to get the most skill for your silk is to make mantles (1 swatch) until 118, then

sleeves (2 swatches) until 124, and finally tunics (3 swatches) until 131.

Koila’s bite! (128-158)

The elusive Master Wu, after years of silence and mystery, has finally released the

remainder of his ensamble…or, more importantly, the recipes on how to make them. To

create Wu’s Fighting Armor, you need a recipe similar to the already existing gloves;

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combine in a tailor’s kit a pattern, a vial of viscous mana (enchanter made), 4 bottles of

heady koila (brewed), and silk swatches. For best results, follow the same progression

you did with Crystalline Silks.

Not that forge thing again! (159-242)

Shadows of Luclin™ added a new set of tailoring recipies to make it slightly easier to

bridge the gap on the road to grand mastery; Acrylia Studded (trivial 188 on all pieces)

and acrylia reinforced (trivial 242 on all pieces). Acrylia studded armor is made by

combining together a superb rockhopper hide, the appropriate pattern, a paeala bark

tannin (brewed), and 1 to 5 acrylia studs. Acrylia reinforced armor is made much in the

same manner, except a flawless rockhopper hide is used instead of a superb one, and 1-4

acrylia bonings (instead of studs) are used in it’s creation. Once again, the mask pattern

will become your constant companion (if you are going for skill alone), as each mask

type takes only one stud or boning.

A Non-Tailor's Guide to Getting Tailored Velious Armors

For those non-tailors who are interested in Velious items, some advice - some of the

components needed are relatively easy to get and others represent the real gating factor in

getting that super item you want. Having 25 Tigeraptor hides doesn't help a tailor when

the holdup is gathering 300 small pieces of velium (and buying the 200 coldain tempers

at 27 pp each) for the 25 studded Tigeraptor hide cloaks you'd like attempted.

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Here is a list of velious armors and the relative difficulties in acquiring components for

them. If you are intent upon collecting components so that your local tailor can make

attempts at a specific piece of armor, focus on getting the tough stuff first.

1. Tigeraptor Armor: Tigeraptor Hides (easy), Drake Eggs (hard), Velium


2. Wyvern Hide: Wyvern Hides (easy), Codfish Oil (easy), Velium Studs (hard)

3. Cobalt Drake Armor: Cobalt Drake Hides (hard), Drake Eggs (hard), Velium

Boning (easy)

4. Black Panther Armor: Panther Skins (easy), Yew Leaves (VERY hard), Velium

Boning (easy)

5. Haze Panther Armor: Haze Panther Skins (very hard), Yew Leaves (VERY hard),

Velium Boning (easy)

6. Othmir Fur Items: Othmir Fur (hard), Clear Vials of Mana (Easy), Silver Thread

(Very Easy)

7. Holgresh Fur Items: Holgresh Pelts (hard), Distilled Vials of Mana (hard), Gold

Thread (easy)

8. Velium Hound Items: Velium Hound Furs (hard), Purified mana (hard), Platinum

Thread (easy - but expensive!)

9. Ice Silk Armor: Ice Burrower Silk (very hard), Purified mana (hard), Platinum

Thread (easy - but expensive!)

Velium Boning is easy because small velium bricks drop fairly frequently off of miners

in Crystal Caverns and each brick makes one boning and requires only one coldain


Velium Studs are hard because small velium pieces drop slightly less frequently than the

bricks do and it take 6 pieces and four coldain tempers to make two studs. (They can only

be made two at a time.) Therefore they are more than three times harder to acquire than

boning and cost twice as much.

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Othmir pelts should be easier to get, but few people choose to hunt the cute little fez

wearing bipeds, seeing as they are the only merchants in Cobalt Scar and they give out

nice quests to people friendly to them

If you focus on gathering, buying or stealing the hard components for your friendly high

level tailor, they will be able to make more attempts at the armor you're after. If you

collect the easy components, then you're just asking to have your bank, mule and friends

characters all filled with hides for months while said tailor scrounges for the hard items

they need to use your pelts...

The Basics

item ingredients trivial

silk thread 2 spiderling silks 15

*shade silk thread 2 shadeling silks 15

silk swatch 2 spider silk 15

*shade silk swatch 2 shade silk <=35

pelt conversion

Convert HQ pelts to MQ,

MQ to LQ, and/or LQ to

ruined. Works ONLY on

bear, wolf, cat pelts and


quality bear, wolf, cat or *rockhopper pelt (high,

medium or low quality), skinning knife

(smithed). Skinning knife returned on valid



silk bandages 2 silk threads 21

*shade silk bandage 2 shade silk threads 21

silk cord 3 silk threads 26

*shade silk cord 3 shade silk threads 26

leather padding silk thread, low quality cat/bear/wolf skin

*NO recipe has been found to turn Velious pelts 31

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into padding

handmade whip whip pattern, medium quality wolf or cat pelt, 4

heady kiolas (damage 7, delay 33) 36

*thin leather straps HQ rockhopper hide, small stone blade (no drop

Vah Shir beastmaster quest item)


Vah Shir



bearskin potion bag thick grizzly bear skin, silk cord (used in

alchemy) (note pelt name change as of May 8!!) 68

quiver quiver pattern, high quality cat pelt (6 slots, holds

only arrows, wt 0.4) 115

fleeting quiver fleeting quiver pattern, aviak egg oil, high quality

lion skin, vial of distilled mana, griffon feather 222

Containers (10% weight reduction on all but Rallic pack)

item ingredients trivial

*Rallic pack

rallic pack pattern, shade silk cord, shade silk

thread, perfect owlbear pelt

10 slot container, holds Giant items, 85% weight

reduction, wt 1.0

>7 <=15

tailored wrist pouch (4 tiny

slots, weight 0.3)

silk cord, ruined wolf pelt


*shade silk cord, ruined rockhopper hide


tailored small bag (4

medium slots, weight 0.4)

silk cord, low quality wolf pelt


*shade silk cord, low quality rockhopper hide


tailored large belt pouch (6

medium slots, weight 0.6)

silk cord, low quality cat skin

or 36

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*shade silk cord, medium quality rockhopper


large tailored bag (6 slots,

weight 0.8)

silk cord, low quality bear skin


*shade silk cord, high quality hopper hide


handmade backpack (10

large slots, weight 3.0)

backpack pattern, high quality bear skin


*backpack pattern, high quality hopper hide


Quest Tailoring

quest/item ingredients trivial

8th prayer shawl: soft fur

padding (NO DROP) velium hound fur, silver thread 176

shadow-bound armor, robe

of the lost circle: shadow


shadow wolf pelt, silk swatch, spell: gather

shadows (NEC) <=38

shadow-bound armor: large

shadow silk

2 shadow wolf pelts, silk swatch, spell: gather

shadows (NEC)

shadow-bound armor: inky


shadow wolf pelt, silk swatch, 2 copies spell:

gather shadows (NEC) 39?

Cabilis necro 2nd rank

skullcap: mended tapestry

(lore, no drop)

torn tapestry, ripped tapestry (drop off sarnak

hatchlings, Lake of Ill Omen) 23

Cabilis: monk training

bag 3 granite pebbles, prepared leech husk 1 or 2

Cabilis: monk training

bag (added details)

prepared leech husk - Get a leech husk bag from

Master Bain (Court of Pain), fill with 4 leech

husks, combine, return to Klok Mugruk; get the

granite pebbles from the Toilmaster by returning

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2 broken froglok shackles for a pile of granite


Coldain ring 1: blanket 2 HQ tundra kodiak hides, 2 HQ snow cougar

pelts >40

gnoll fur patch 4 patches of gnoll fur 21

gnoll fur patch quarter 4 gnoll fur patches <=28

patched gnoll fur bundle 4 gnoll fur patch quarters; AC 4, sv cold 5, wt

4.0, back slot >31 <=33

Tailoring Recipes for the PoTC Quest

treated silk fibres dragon egg oil, silk cord 150

sacred Tunare silk silk swatch, celestial essence, blessed dust of

tunare 135

ceremonial solstice robe

3 sacred Tunarean silk, tunic pattern, gemmed

studded chain, embroidery needle. Needle

returned on success, gem studded chain and

needle returned on failure. CHA 5, DRU/HUM


woven mandrake 2 mandrake roots (alchemy supply) 66

picnic basket (snack) woven mandrake, boning (yield 10) 76

Tailored Armor Recipes

(See the Velious Recipes section for Velious tailored armors - due to the number of

special instructions that go with those armors, they get their own sections.)

Note that in many places, I mention HQ and MQ "pelts", but some of them may be named

"skins" or "hide" instead. Please do not let Verant's naming process confuse you. If the

rest of the name is correct (high quality cat, ruined wolf, etc.), then it is the correct item.

(For example, it's an HQ bear skin, not an HQ bear pelt, but it works properly in the


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Any item in the below list with an asterisk (*) before the listing requires items that are

found only in Luclin.

item ingredients trivial



1 ruined wolf/cat/bear pelt (wolf = small, cat =

medium, bear = large - pelts other than those

listed do not work) plus appropriate pattern





1 damaged hopper hide plus appropriate pattern

belt AC 2, wt 1.0; skullcap AC 3; sleeves AC

3; pants AC 4; tunic AC 6; all medium/large

races; all leather-wearing classes


raw silk armor

pants and tunic: 2 silk swatches + pattern; all

other pieces 1 silk swatch + pattern [wearable

by pure casters and monks]


*raw shade silk


pants and tunic: 2 shade silk swatches +

pattern; all other pieces 1 silk swatch + pattern

stats (ALL/ALL, wt 0.4):

• gorget - AC 2, CHA 1

• wristband - AC 2, DEX 1

• mantle - AC 2, WIS 1

• mask AC 2, CHA 1

• sash AC 2, STR 1

• cloak AC 3, AGI 1

• headband AC 3, INT 1

• sleeves AC 3, STR 1

• gloves AC 3, DEX 1

• sandals AC 3. STA 1

• leggings AC 4, STA 1


(gorget confirmed at


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• tunic - AC 6, AGI 1

*shaded hopper


tattered hopper armor (tailored), claw needle,

matching xakra kel armor piece (no rent, piece

must match the tattered armor piece - pants

with pants, etc.)

• mask AC 2, sv magic, wt 0.3

• belt AC 2, sv magic 1, wt 0.9

• gorget AC 2, sv magic 1, wt 0.4

• bracer AC 2, sv magic 1, wt 0.9

• shoulderpads AC 2, sv magic 1, wt 1.4

• skullcap AC 4, sv magic 1, wt 0.5

• cloak AC 4, sv magic 1, wt 1.9

• gloves AC 4, sv magic 1, wt 1.4

• sleeves AC 4, sv magic 1, wt 1.4

• boots AC 4, sv magic 1, magic, wt 2.4

• pants AC 6, sv magic 1, wt 3.9

• tunic AC 8, sv magic 1, wt 3.4

wearable by all medium- and large-sized races,

ALL classes


studded leather


medium quality wolf/cat/bear pelt, pattern,

varying numbers of metal studs

• mask - 1 stud

• belt, bracer, gorget - 2 studs

• cap, shoulderpad, sleeves - 3 studs

• boots, cloak, gloves, pants - 4 studs

• tunic - 5 studs


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medium quality hopper hide, pattern, varying

numbers of metal studs

• mask - 1 stud

• belt, bracer, gorget - 2 studs

• cap, shoulderpad, sleeves - 3 studs

• boots, cloak, gloves, pants - 4 studs

• tunic - 5 studs


cured silk armor

(monk and

beastlord only


pattern, varying numbers of silk swatches &

heady kiolas

• cap (AC 4) - 1 silk swatch, 3 heady

kiolas, pattern

• cloak (AC 4) - 2 silk swatches, 2 heady

kiolas, pattern

• gi [tunic] (AC 8) - 3 silk swatches, 2

heady kiolas, pattern

• gorget (AC 3) - 1 silk swatch, 2 heady

kiolas, pattern

• handwraps [glove] (AC 4) - 2 silk

swatches, 2 heady kiolas, pattern

• mantle [shoulderpad] (AC 3) - 2 silk

swatches, 2 heady kiolas, pattern

• mask (AC 2) - 1 silk swatch, 1 heady

kiola, pattern

• pants (AC 5) - 2 silk swatches, 3 heady

kiolas, pattern

• sandals [boot] (AC 4) - 1 silk swatch, 2

heady kiolas, pattern

• sash [belt] (AC 3) - 1 silk swatch, 2


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heady kiolas, pattern

• sleeves (AC 4) - 2 silk swatches, 2

heady kiolas, pattern

• wristbands (AC 3) - 1 silk swatches, 2

heady kiolas, pattern

*cured shade

silk armor

pattern, varying numbers of shade silk

swatches & heady paeala

• cap - 1 silk swatch, 3 heady payalas,


• cloak - 2 silk swatches, 2 heady

payalas, pattern

• gi [tunic] - 3 silk swatches, 2 heady

payalas, pattern

• gorget - 1 silk swatch, 2 heady payalas,


• handwraps [glove] - 2 silk swatches, 2

heady payalas, pattern

• mantle [shoulderpad] - 2 silk swatches,

2 heady payalas, pattern

• mask - 1 silk swatch, 1 heady payala,


• pants - 2 silk swatches, 3 heady payalas,


• sandals [boot] - 1 silk swatch, 2 heady

payalas, pattern

• sash [belt] - 1 silk swatch, 2 heady

payalas, pattern

• sleeves - 2 silk swatches, 2 heady

payalas, pattern


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• wristbands - 1 silk swatches, 2 heady

payalas, pattern

stats (MNK, BST; HUM, BAR, TRL, OGR,

IKS, VAH; wt 0.1):

• gorget - AC 3

• boots - AC 4

• cloak - AC 4

• sleeves - AC 4

• gloves - AC 4

• legs - AC 5

• robe - AC 8



• 1 greyhopper hide plus pattern for

mask, gorget, wristband, sleeve, gloves,

belt, boot, shoulderpad, helmet, cloak

• 2 greyhopper hides plus pattern for

tunic, pants



• mask AC 5, wt 0.5

• gorget AC 5, wt 0.5

• wristband AC 5, wt 0.5

• belt AC 6, wt 0.8

• gloves AC 6, wt 0.5

• helmet AC 6, wt 0.8

• boots AC 6, wt 1.0 (2% to safe fall)

• cape AC 6, wt 1.0

• sleeves AC 7, wt 1.0

• mask, gorget,

wristband, belt,

gloves, cape,




• helmet >86


• pants, tunic,

boots 95

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• shoulderpads AC 8, wt 0.2

• pants AC 8. wt 1.5

• tunic AC 12, wt 2.0

Wu's fighting

armor (monk

and BST armor)

vial of viscous mana, appropriate pattern, 4

heady kiolas (brewed), appropriate number of

silk swatches:

• gorget, cap, mask, bracer, mantle - 1


• belt, boots, sleeves - 2 swatches

• tunic, pants, cloak - 3 swatches

All are weight 0.1, and magic items: mask AC

3, AGI 1; mantle AC 4, AGI 3; sash AC 4, AGI

2; wristband AC 4, AGI 1; gorget AC 4, AGI 2;

slippers AC 5, AGI 2; cap AC 5, AGI 3; cloak

AC 5, AGI 4; sleeves AC 5, AGI 3; pantaloons

AC 6, AGI 4; shirt AC 9, AGI 4

• gorget 128

• belt 128

• mask 135

• bracer 135

• cloak 135

• cap 142

• boots 142

• shoulder 144

• sleeves 151

• legs 155

• tunic 158

wu's fighting


4 heady kiolas, 1 greater lightstone, 1 silk

swatch, 1 glove pattern, 1 vial viscous mana

monk and beastlord only gloves, magic, also

act as weak light source; AC 4, weight 0.1



leather armor

high quality wolf/cat/bear pelt, pattern, varying

numbers of steel boning

• bracer, gorget, mask - 1boning

• belt, cap, cloak, gloves, shoulderpads,

sleeves - 2 boning

• boots, pants - 3 boning


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• tunic - 4 boning




high quality hopper hide, pattern, varying

amounts of steel boning

• bracer, gorget, mask - 1boning

• belt, cap, cloak, gloves, shoulderpads,

sleeves - 2 boning

• boots, pants - 3 boning

• tunic - 4 boning




• mask AC 4, wt 0.4

• gorget AC 5, wt 0.5

• wristbands AC 5, wt 1.0

• belt AC 5, wt 1.0

• shoulderpads AC 5, wt 1.5

• gloves AC 6, wt 1.5

• sleeves AC 6, wt 1.5

• cloak AC 6, wt 2.0

• boots AC 6, wt 2.5

• pants AC 7, wt 4.0

• tunic AC11, wt 3.5

trivial: 108

*studded acrylia


superb rockhopper hide, paeala bark tannin

(brewed), pattern, acrylia studs in the following

amounts: 188 for all

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• mask - 1 stud

• belt, bracer, gorget - 2 studs

• cap, shoulderpad, sleeves - 3 studs

• boots, cloak, gloves, pants - 4 studs

• tunic - 5 studs



• mask: AC 5, WIS 5, CHA 5, wt 0.1

• gorget: AC 6, STR 5, WIS 3, 0.2

• bracer: AC 6, DEX 4, sv magic 2, wt


• belt: AC 6, STR 2, STA 2, AGI 5, wt


• shoulderpads AC 6, STA 5, AGI 3, wt


• boots AC 7, STR 4, DEX 6, STA 9, wt


• gloves AC 7, STR 6, DEX 6, wt 0.4

• cloak AC 7, STR 3, DEX 5, WIS 10, wt


• cap AC 7, DEX 4, AGI 4, sv magic 4,

wt 0.2

• sleeves AC 7, STR 4, STA 5, WIS 4, wt


• leggings AC 8, STA 6, WIS 4, DEX 4,

wt 0.9

• tunic AC 11, STR 8, DEX 12, WIS 8,

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wt 0.7




flawless rockhopper hide, paeala bark tannin

(brewed), pattern, acrylia boning in the

following amounts:

• 1 boning: mask, bracer, gorget

• 2 boning: belt, cap, cloak, gloves,

shoulderpads, sleeves

• 3 boning: boots, pants

• 4 boning: tunic



• mask AC 7, CHA 4, WIS 3, HP 6, wt


• gorget AC 8, STR 2, WIS 2, HP 8, wt


• bracer AC 8, STR 3, sv magic 3, wt 0.3

• shoulderpads AC 8, STA 5, HP 10, wt


• belt AC 8, STR 3, STA 3, AGI 3, wt 0.3

• gloves AC 9, STR 7, DEX 4, wt 0.4

• sleeves AC 9, STR 5,STA 5, WIS 2, wt


• boots AC 9, STR 6, STA 6, wt 0.7

• cloak AC 9, STR 3, STA 5, WIS 5, sv

magic 2, wt 0.5

• cap AC 9, STR 4, STA 4, sv magic 4,

wt 0.2

trivial: 242 for all

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• leggings AC 10, STR 4, STA 5, WIS 2,

wt 0.9

• tunic AC 14, STR 10, STA 10, WIS 6,

wt 0.7

*shaded hide


appropriate piece of shaded armor (no drop), 1-

2-3(?) mind worm hides, shade silk thread

• gorget (1 hide, 1 thread) AC 6, STR 3,

mana 30, sv cold 7, wt 0.5

• belt (1 hide, 1 thread) AC 7, CHA 10,

HP 20, sv poison 5, wt 0.6

• amice [shoulders] (1 hide, 1 thread) AC

7, INT 4, sv disease 5, wt 0.5

• mask (1 hide, 1 thread) AC 8, INT 3,

STA 6, sv cold 5, wt 1.5

• gloves (2 hides, 1 thread) AC 8, DEX 5,

STA 5, HP 30, sv poison 7, wt 1.5

• cap (2 hides, 1 thread) AC 8, INT 4,

mana 10, sv magic 5, wt 0.5

• cloak (1 hide, 1 thread) AC 10, STA 5,

INT 4, mana 20, sv fire 5, wt 1.5

• boots (2 hides, 1 thread) AC 10, STR 3,

CHA 5, INT 4, sv disease 7, wt 1.5

• leggings (3 hides, 1 thread) AC 10, INT

4, STR 3, sv fire 7, wt 1.5

• sleeves (2 hides, 1 thread) AC 12, STR

4, STA 3, AGI 5, HP 10, sv magic 7, wt


• wristband (1 hide, 1 thread) AC 12,

• all pieces >182


• mask >204

• tunic >210

• sleeves >210

report received that

gloves <=160,

awaiting confirmation

on this conflicting


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STR 3, INT 3, sv fire 3, sv disease 3, sv

cold 3, sv poison 3, sv magic 3, wt 0.5

• tunic (3 hides, 1 thread) AC 22, STR

10, STA 7, CHA 5, INT 8, HP 20, mana

20, all saves +5, wt 0.7

pieces are magic, lore (wristband NOT lore),

ALL/ALL and have a recommended level of 40

*rough belt


MQ rockhopper hide, Vah Shir skinning knife

(no drop)

AC 3, wt 0.6, ALL/ALL


*black chitin

belt (lore, no


rough belt strap, scorpion shell (no drop, Shar

Vahl pit), shade silk thread, Vah Shir needle set

(you can also use the acrylia needle, or the

acrylia thimble & needle set in place of the Vah

Shir needle set)

AC 3, STR 3, wt 0.7; WAR, BRD, ROG, SHM,



*bone beaded

belt (lore, no


rough belt strap (recipe above), grimling

fingerbone, silk thread, Vah Shir needle set

(you can also use the acrylia needle, or the

acrylia thimble & needle set in place of the Vah

Shir needle set)

AC 4, STA 3, sv magic 3), wt 0.8; WAR, BRD,



>64 <=68



owlbear feather, sonic wolf pelt, 2 shade silk

threads, acrylia needle (you can also use the 95

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leggings (lore,

no drop)

acrylia thimble & needle set in place of the

acrylia needle)

AC 6, STR 2, STA 2, sv magic 5, wt 0.3;



*owlbear tunic

(no drop)

2 owlbear pelts, 2 shade silk threads, tunic

pattern, acrylia thimble & needle set

AC 6, STR 2, STA 2, CHA 10, sv magic 5, wt



>135 <=144


This is a list of various different dropped skins, silks, pelts, hides, flesh, items that

sort of sound like they could be used for tailoring or already have tailoring uses, and

where they are found and what they are for that I know of. It is kind of a list to check if

you find a pelt you aren't familiar with and want to know if you can combine it in your

sewing kit, or turn it in for faction, or experiment with it a little. A couple disclaimers:

this isn't a complete tell all list, I didn't spend 3 months checking every EverQuest link

and hundreds of hours killing every monster to see if they drop pelts. Its fairly large

though, and somewhat organized by type, with info on if its from an expansion, a general

idea of what zone(s) (if I know) it drops in. If its only off one type of mob, I might

mention that if the mob's name isn't on the pelt (i.e., LQ, MQ, and HQ lion skins would

get mentioned that they come off highland lions, Scrounge's pelt would just say named

coyote since its name is Scrounge) Not all quests are listed, not all recipes are listed. For

more recipe info and trivials check the tailoring pages. Not all info is verified by me, I

might misspell a few words and put hide instead of skin or pelt in place of hide or

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whatever. Anyway hopefully this will help some of the tailoring community on some of

the more unique pelts and less seen items.

Some abbreviations-

• K = found in the Ruins of Kunark expansion

• V = found in the Scars of Velious expansion

• OE = Old EverQuest (Odus, Antonica, and Faydwer)

• TOSRo = temple of solusek ro

• QH = Qeynos hills

• QA = Qeynos aquaducts/sewers

• ICO = Iceclad Ocean

• LQ/MQ/HQ = Low/medium/high quality

• Sm = small

• Med = Medium

• Lg = Large

• St = Stackable

• ND = No drop

• PV = can be used to make a poison vial

• LP = can be used to make leather padding


• spiderling silk - makes silk thread (which in turn makes silk bandages, silk cords,

and leather padding) also, for research training runes. drops off various level 2-6

ish spiderlings in OE

• Spider silk - makes silk swatches (for Wu's fighting armor, raw silk, cured silk,

necro TOSRo quest silks including inky silk, lg shadow silk and shadow silk) can

be found off level 9-40 ish spiders in DL, FV, Kaesora, Nurga/Droga (not

confirmed), EK, WK, QA, Najena, NK, Upper Guk, Lower Guk, EC, WC, N Ro,

S Ro, Oasis, Misty Thicket, lots of places

• Drachnid silk (ND) K, foraged in DL and FV, for iksar quest

• Drachnid silk (tradeable) K, foraged in DL and FV, no known use

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• Crystalline silk - V, St, makes crystalline silk swatches for crystalline silk armor,

can be found in Thurgadin mines, Velketors lab, Crystal Caverns, maybe off the

invis spiders in Skyshrine havent seen one yet off them though

• Crystalline silk threads - V, off crystalline hunters/devourers/watchers in

Velketors lab, for 5th Coldain prayer shawl quest- makes silk fiber (ND) which

make glowing silk things which make shawl

• Crystalline silk net- off spiders in CC, 2 charges of ensnaring roots, no other

known uses

• Cryosilk swatches- drop in Plane of Fear, no known uses

• Strathbone healer silk (ND)- K, Kaesora, for druid's charm plant spell quest, has a

charge of lt healing on it I think, no other known uses

• Ice burrower silk- for making ice silk swatches for ice silk armor, drops off level

60-62 mobs in Western Wastes


• Ruined wolf pelts- for Sm. patchwork armor, tailored bag, (ruined-HQ wolf pelts

drop off all sorts of wolves in OE)

• LQ wolf pelt- LP, PV, QH quest, Tailored bag

• MQ wolf pelt- PV, QH quest, tailored whip, sm. studded

• HQ wolf pelt- PV, QH quest, sm. reinforced, QA quest

• White wolf pelt- PV, drops in Everfrost off winter wolves

• Mist wolf pelt- off mist wolf types in Karanas, PV

• Shadow wolf pelt- EC, nek forest, for making the 3 different shadow silks for the

necro TOSRo quests

• Black wolf pelt- Greater Fay, Commons, Misty Thicket, PV, for Felwithe quest,

Rivervale cleric quest

• Superb wolf pelt- Off named wolf (Ashenpaw) in NK no known uses

• Giant dire wolf pelt- Permafrost bear caves, no known uses

• Diseased wolf pelt (ND) drops off rabid wolves in QH for Qeynos cleric quest

• Dire wolf pelt (or black dire wolf pelt) ND, for shaman epic quest sow booties,

drops off level 45ish Black dire wolf in Mistmoore

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• Tuft of dire wolf fur- V, St, foraged in many velious zones, halfling cultural bags

• Ruined dire wolf pelt- V, no known uses, (dire wolves are found in a few velious

zones, including ICO, EW, GD and Kael drakkal)

• LQ dire wolf pelt- V, ICO gnoll quest

• MQ dire wolf pelt- V, ICO gnoll quest, fishing lure

• HQ dire wolf pelt- V, ICO chain quest

• Werewolf skin- ND, for everfrost quest, may drop off werewolves in kithicor,

MM, WK and NK

• Velium hound fur- V, Western wastes, makes Velium hound fur cap/cloak/boots

• Scrounge's pelt- off named coyote in S Ro, no known use

• Curscale skin- K, for Cabilis quest

• Scaled wolf skin- K, for Cabilis quest


• Ruined cat pelts- Med. patchwork armor (ruined- HQ cat pelts are found on

various pumas, lions, and tiger types in OE and kunark. quality pelts found on

felines in Stonebrunt Mountains)

• LQ cat pelts- LP, tailored bag

• MQ cat pelts- PV, Sm. studded, tailored whip

• HQ cat pelts- PV, Sm. reinforced, tailored quivers

• Ruined Lion skin- lions in NK/SK/EK no known use

• LQ lion skin- off highland lions in NK, no known use

• MQ lion skin - off highland lions in NK, PV

• HQ lion skin- off highland lions in NK, PV, for Kithicor quest and for tailoring

fleeting quivers

• Puma skin- PV, off cougars, pumas

• Superb Lion skin- off named lion in NK, no known uses

• Ruined snow cougar pelt- V, no known uses (snow cougars are found in Velious,

particularly in EW and ICO)

• LQ snow cougar pelt- V, ICO gnoll quest

• MQ snow cougar pelt- V, ICO gnoll quest

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• HQ snow cougar pelt- V, ICO gnoll quest, for tailoring the 1st coldain ring quest

• Black panther skin- V, Wakening lands, for making monk velious leather

• Haze panther skin - V, Wakening lands, for making rogue velious leather

• Corrupted panther skin- V, Wakening Lands, for PoGrowth quest

• Tiger skin- for Kerra Ridge quest, found in ak'anon zoo and on tigers in Kerra


• Sabertooth tiger mane - K, for illusion iksar quest

• Sabertooth tiger hide- K, for wood elf studded armor

• Excellent sabertooth tiger hide- K, for wood elf reinforced armor

• Manticore mane- V, EW, for 6th coldain prayer shawl quest (tailoring)

• Catman skin- wisp island in Eruds Crossing for qeynos fighter quest i think

• Ruined catman skin- wisp island in Eruds Crossing, no known uses

• Kerra guard skin- Kerra Ridge, no known uses


• Ruined bear pelt- LG patchwork, (ruined - HQ bear pelts are found on bears all

over antonica; everfrost, rathe mts, ec/wc kithicor, misty thicket, NK/WK etc etc)

• LQ bear pelt- QH quest, LP, PV, tailored bag

• MQ bear pelt- QH quest, PV, Lg. studded

• HQ bear pelt- QH quest, PV, Lg. reinforced, QA quest, handmade backpacks,

Kithicor quest

• HQ bear skin (ND) off Mammoth, named bear in Surefall Glade, for Bayless list

quest for Qeynos/Surefall, I think

• Superb bear hide- off named bear in NK, no known uses

• Giant polar bear skin- permafrost bear caves, no known use

• Polar bear skin- Everfrost, for 3 quests, one in EF, one in Halas, and Leatherfoot

Raiders skullcap, PV

• thick grizzly bear skin- tailored potion bag, PV

• Rabid Grizzly skin (ND) off rabid grizzlies in QH for qeynos cleric quest

• Glacier bear skin (ND) off bear in caves under ice in everfrost for totemic helm


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• Kodiak pelt- V, GD, no known uses

• Ruined Tundra Kodiak- V, no known uses, (ruined - HQ kodiak pelts come off

tundra kodiaks in Eastern wastes)

• LQ Tundra Kodiak pelt- no known uses

• MQ tundra kodiak pelt- no known uses

• HQ tundra kodiak pelt- tailored into 1st coldain ring quest item

• Rabid Kodiak pelt- (ND) V, off rabid kodiak for 2nd coldain ring quest


• **various LQ, MQ, HQ wolf/cat/bear pelts reported as dropping off

poachers in Jaggedpine Forest

• Cobalt Drake hide- V, Cobalt Scar, for tailored (multiclass) cobalt drake armor

• Tigeraptor hide- V, Wakening Lands, for tailored ranger armor

• Arctic Wyvern hide- V, Cobalt Scar, for tailored shaman armor

• Ruined walrus pelt- V, EW, No known use

• LQ walrus pelt- V, EW, no known use

• MQ walrus pelt- V, EW, no known use

• HQ walrus pelt- V, EW, smithed for 3rd Coldain ring quest

• Ulthork pelt- V, EW, maybe Sirens Grotto too, no known use

• Bulthor hide- V, Cobalt Scar, maybe Sirens Grotto too, no known use

• Molokor hide- V, Sirens grotto, Thurgadin 7th shawl quest

• Snow bunny pelt- V, EW, no known use

• Wooly Rhino hide- V, EW, no known use

• Bearpaw's pelt- Warrens, maybe for Paineel quest

• Dunedigger's pelt- named armadillo in N Ro, no known use

• Mammoth calf hide- Everfrost, for rogue quest in Halas

• Armadillo husk - Oggok, N Ro, used in brewing, no other known uses

• Kobold Hide- various kobolds in Odus not sure if ones in Steamfont drop these or

not too, for Qeynos warrior quest

• Brute hide- K, for studded Vale (halfling) armor

• HQ Brute hide - K, for reinforced Vale armor

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• Giant rat pelt- for Kaladim, Qeynos, and Kithicor quests

• Ruined black burrow pelt- no known use, off gnolls in Blackburrow

• Blackburrow gnoll pelt- bb, for 3rd (?) monk headband quest

• Blackburrow gnoll skin- bb off elites, for 3rd monk headband quest, rogue

Burning Rapier quest

• Patch of gnoll fur- St, for tailoring (eventually need 64 furs if no failures) a cloak

that can be turned in for a rogue dagger in Halas, fishing lure

• alligator skin- off bull alligators in Innothule for Rivervale quest

• white spider fur- V, Velketors Lab, St, no known uses

• Holgresh fur- V, Wakening Lands, for holgresh fur cap/cloak/boots

• Othmir fur- V, Cobalt Scar, for othmir fur cap/cloak/boots

• Golra skin (ND?) K, off golras on glacier in Timorous Deep, for iksar SK quest

• Gorilla hair- Cazic Thule, for Raincaller bow quest

• Leech husk- K, for iksar monk quest

• Skin of the Garou- V, drop off rare mob in ICO for nice 1hblunt quest

• Sphinx hide - plane of sky? not sure

• Nightmare hide- Lavastorm, worn as a cloak

• Green goblin skin- K (and maybe OE) goblins, can be used to make black dye.

• Green froglok skin- K and OE frogloks, can be used to make black dye

• Shark skin- St, Research Magi Runes, Freeport paladin quest, Leatherfoot Raider

skullcap quest

• Zombie skin- St, PV, Research Training runes, Erudin Deepwater Knights quest

• Water logged flesh- Rivervale anklet quest

• Algae covered flesh- Rivervale anklet quest

• Swollen flesh- Rivervale anklet quest

• Tanned splitpaw skin- more of a letter than a hide, from gnolls in SK and infected

paw, maybe bb too

• Piece of dried leather- not sure

• Ogreskin chamois (ND) from Cazic Thule, for totemic helm quest

• Lock of widowmistress hair- (ND?) from Najena for rogue dagger i think

• Lock of mermaid hair- Kedge Keep, for Raincaller (bow) quest

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• Clump of gorilla hair - Kerra Ridge, I think not sure

• Lg snake skin- no known uses

• Giant snake skin- no known uses

• Rat fur- St, minor caster guild quest in Qeynos I think, fishing lure

• Bat fur- St, minor quests in Qeynos Ithink, also for Research journeyman runes,

fishing lure

• Giant bat fur- St, fishing lure

• Corrupted Faun skin- Wakening lands, PoGrowth quest

• Corrupted Unicorn skin- WL, PoG quest

• Fetid skin- Dark elf necro quest

• Froglok tadpole fleshies- 2 newbie quests in Grobb/Oggok no other known uses

(troll racial tailoring? *smirk*) St

• Gnoll pup scalp- 1st monk head band quest in Qeynos, St

• Gnoll scalp (ND) - St, High Hold quest

• Orc Scalp (ND) - St, High Hold quest

• Deathfist pawn scalp- St, Freeport monk quest

• Ry'gorr scalp - V, EW, no known use yet

• Ice paw scalp- V, Velketors lab, St, Kael quest?

• A very large pelt- OE, off named kobold in Innothule Swamp, Felwithe paladin

shield quest

• fire goblin skin- OE, Solusek A, TOSRo mage robe quest

• frost goblin skin- OE, Permafrost, TOSRo mage robe quest

• Terrorantula silk- OE, S Ro, used for Erudite cultural tailoring

Luclin Tradeskill Drop Information

List collated by Caell. Updates and corrections can be made in this thread

Item Use(s) Locations Stacks?No

Drop? Notes

Acrylia, Small




• Grol Baku,

Grimlings, other

Yes No

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weapons, and

supplies for

Tailoring &


tribes, Tenebrous


• Underbulks and

Outcasts, The


• Grimlings,

Grimling Forest


• Gorangas,

Maiden's Eye

• Bloodtribes,

Scarlet Desert

• grimlings in



Acrylia: Small

brick, large

brick, block




weapons, and

supplies for

Tailoring &


• Grol Baku,

Grimlings, other

tribes, Tenebrous


• Underbulks and

Outcasts, The


• Grimlings,

Grimling Forest


• Gorangas,

Maiden's Eye

• Bloodtribes,

Scarlet Desert

• "tribal types",

No No

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• grimlings in



Akheva Blood smithing


• Xin Thall


Maiden's Eye

• Shadow Masters,

Grieg's End

Ashes of Dark


Sonic Wolf






Grimling Mystics,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes

Bag of White


Sonic Wolf






Grimling Fishermen,

Mystics, Chieftan,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes

Belt of


Fungus Flesh

Tinkering Plerg Phlarg Fiends,

Paludal Cavern

No No

Black Acrylia Smithed


grimlings in Acrylia


No No

Black Silt Clay Sonic Wolf Ground spawn under Yes Yes

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lake, Hollowshade Moor

Blackened Salt


Sonic Wolf






Grimling Mystics,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes



Vah Shir

Warrior quest

Ground spawn, Shar

Vahl pit

No Yes Lore

Centi meat Baking Umbrous Toilers,

Maiden's Eye & Akheva

Yes No



Tinkering Chitterlings,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

Shik Nar Hatchlings,

Mons Letalis

No No

Chunk of



Smithing to

make supplies

for Fletching

Centi, Akheva

Umbrous Toilers,

Maiden's Eye & Akheva

Shak Dratha,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

Yes No

Chunk of



Smithing to

make supplies

for Fletching

Tro Jeg, Scarlet Desert? Yes No

Chunk of

Condensed Ice

Smithing to

make supplies

Vas Ren, Twilight Sea

Vas Ren & other

Yes No

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for Fletching tribesmen, Tenebrous


Chunk of

Porous Ore

Sonic Wolf






Ground spawn,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes


Ygri Root

Sonic Wolf






Ground spawn near

Sonic Wolf caves,

Hollowshade moor

Yes Yes



Tinkering Saurek Darkclaws,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

No No

Digested Night


Sonic Wolf






Owlbear Cubs,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes


Salass Moss

Sonic Wolf






Owlbears, Hollowshade


Yes Yes

Dulfis Vah Shir Ground spawn, Paludal Yes Yes

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Mushroom Shaman Quest Caverns (approx. -3450,


Essence of




• Xi Vius, Maidens


• "some named

warlord", Umbral


• Centi Dators &



• Greater Spire

Spirits, Mons


Yes No

Essence of




• air elementals,

Twilight Sea

• Crag Li & Meeda

Hune Soldiers,


Tenebrous Mts

• Crag Li, Scarlet


Yes No

Fatty Owlbear


Vah Shir

Rogue Quest

Owlbears Cubs,

Hollowshade Moor

No Yes

Fish Oil

Soaked Rags

Sonic Wolf





Grimling Fishermen &

Chieftan, Hollowshade


Yes Yes

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Flame Agate smithing


• grol baku,

Tenebrous Mts

• crag lis,

Tenebrous Mts

• as well as too

many old word

locations to list

them all.

Apparently has

been added to the


gem drop table

Glowing Heart


Vah Shir



Glowing Muckdigger,

Paludal Caverns

No Yes Lore

Gravel Tea


Shar Vahl


Brewing Quest

Young Rockhoppers,

Shar Vahl pits

Yes Yes

Gray Mud Shar Vahl


Pottery Quest

Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Rhinobeetle Hatchlings,

Shar Vahl pits

Ground spawns, Shar

Vahl pits

No Yes



Tailoring Greyhoppers, Marus


Yes No



Shar Vahl


Pottery Quest

Grimlings, Tenebrous


Grimling Runts, Shar

Yes Yes Grimling



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Vahl pit spawn

Grimling Fang Shar Vahl

fletching dart


Grimling Runts, Shar

Vahl pit

unknown Yes? Grimling






Shar Vahl




Grimlings, Hollowshade

Moor, Grimling Forest

No Yes

Grimroot Shar Vahl


Brewing Quest

Ground spawn in

Grimling huts,

Hollowshade Moor

unknown unknown


Hopper Hides

Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Needle Clawed Hoppers,

Shar Vahl pits

No? Yes?

Hollow Palm


Shar Vahl


Brewing Quest

Hollowshade Moor


Yes Yes



Shar Vahl




Owlbears, Pauldal

Caverns & Hollowshade


Yes Yes

Kelp Salts Sonic Wolf






Moor Tortoises,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes

Mind Worm


Baking Mind Worms, Akheva &

Maidens Eye

Yes No

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Mind Worm


Tailoring Mind Worms, Akheva Yes No

Muck Digger


Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Muckdiggers, Paludal


No Yes

Needle Thin


Claw Needle

for making

shaded hopper


Needle Clawed Hoppers,

Shadeweaver's Thicket,

Shar Vahl Pit

No No

Nepeta Oil


Shar Vahl




Merchant Sold Yes No



Shar Vahl

fletching dart


Shar Vahl




Vah Shir Bard


Owlbears, various zones Yes No

Owlbear Guts Vah Shir Bard


Owlbear Cubs,

Hollowshade Moor

No Yes

Owlbear Meat Baking Owlbears, various zones Yes No



Sonic Wolf





Owlbears, Hollowshade

Moor, other zones?

Yes Yes

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Owlbear Pelt Shar Vahl




Owlbears, Hollowshade


Other zones?

Yes No

Owlbear Pelt,


Rallic Pack Owlbears in Grimling

Forest, Hollowshade

Moor, Paludal Caverns

(named bears

confirmed), other zones?

Yes No

Paeala Bark Brewing to

make supplies

for Tailoring

Vendor-sold Yes No

Pinch of

Scarlet Moss

Vah Shir

Warrior quest

Ground spawn, Shar

Vahl pit

No Yes Lore

Poison Dart


Sonic Wolf






Grimling Spiritists,

Overseers, Mystics,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes


Mineral Block

Tinkering ?, Netherbian Lair No No


Wolf Claws

Sonic Wolf






Sonic Wolves,

Hollowshade Moor,

other zones?

Yes Yes

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Vah Shir

Warrior quest

Ground spawn, Shar

Vahl pit

No Yes Lore



Shar Vahl


Pottery Quest

Greyhoppers, Marus


Various Hoppers,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

Yes Yes



Vah Shir



Young Rockhoppers,

Shar Vahl pit

No Yes



Vah Shir

Rogue Quest

Young Rockhoppers,

Shar Vahl pit

Greyhoppers, Marus


Yes Yes A Snack



Shar Vahl

fletching dart



Hollowshade Moor

No Yes Lore





Medium- and



HQ Hides for

Vah Shir



MQ Hides for

Shar Vahl




Various Hoppers in

Shadeweaver's Thicket,

Dawnshroud Peaks,

Mons Letalis,

Hollowshade Moor,

Scarlet Desert

Low Quality also drop

from Greyhoppers in

Marus Seru

Yes No


Hides, Superb

and Flawless



Rockhoppers in

Dawnshroud Peaks

Adult and Mature

Yes No

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Rockhoppers in Mons


Scarlet Hoppers in

Scarlet Desert



Vah Shir



Rockhoppers in

Hollowshade Moor

No Yes



Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Scorpions and Whiptail

Scorpions, Shar Vahl Pit

Yes Yes

Scorpion Legs Vah Shir



Scorpions, Shar Vahl pit No Yes

Scorpion Shell Shar Vahl




Scorpions, Shar Vahl pit No Yes

Sensate Reishi


Tinkering Sensate Reishis, Paludal


No No

Shaded Armor Tailoring "spectre-types", Akheva,

Maiden's Eye (Xi Vius,


No Yes

Shade Silks Tailoring Shake Dratha,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

Yes No




Vah Shir



Rallic Pack

Xakra Larvae, Shar Vahl


Xakra Silkworms, Lesser

Shades, Shadeweaver's


Yes No

Shak Dratha Vah Shir Shak Dratha Senthiens, No? Yes?

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Skulls Rogue Quest Shadeweaver's Thicket


Substance (no


Shar Vahl







• Dire Sonic




• Sonic wolves,

Katta Castellum

• likely other sonic

wolves as well

Yes Yes




Shar Vahl

fletching dart


Vah Shir Bard


Vah Shir

Warrior dquest

Grimling Skeletons, Shar

Vahl pit

No Yes







Shar Vahl




Cht'Thk Bloodlings,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

No No

Small Owlbear


Vah Shir



Owlbear Cubs,

Hollowshade Moor

No Yes Very


Soft Chitin

Shell (name?)

Vah Shir

Rogue Quest

Rhinobeetle Hatchlings,

Shar Vahl pit

No Yes?

Sonic Wolf Shar Vahl Sonic Wolves, Yes Yes

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Blood Progressive

Pottery Quest

Sonic Wolf

Bane Weapons

Tenebrous Mountains,

Hollowshade Moor

Sonic Wolf


Sonic Wolf






Sonic Wolves,

Hollowshade Moor,

other zones?

Yes Yes

Sonic Wolf


Vah Shir Bard


Sonic Wolves,

Hollowshade Moor,

other zones?

No Yes

Sonic Wolf


Baking Sonic Wolves, various


Yes No

Sonic Wolf


Vah Shir



Sonic Wolflings,

Hollowshade Moor

No Yes

Sonic Wolf


Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Sonic Wolves,

Tenebrous Mountains,

Hollowshade Moor

Other zones?

Yes No

Sonic Wolf


Shar Vahl




Sonic Wolves,

Tenebrous Mountains,

Hollowshade Moor

Other zones?

Yes No

Sonic Wolf


Sonic Wolf



Sonic Wolves,

Hollowshade Moor,

other zones?

Yes Yes

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Sonic Wolf


Vah Shir

Rogue Quest

Sonic Wolves,

Hollowshade Moor,

other zones?

No Yes

Sweet Lotus

Sap, sticky

lotus sap, Soft

lotus petals,

black lotus


Baking Deep Cavern Lotus,

Fungus Grove

Yes No used to







Shar Vahl




Lesser Shades,

Shadeweaver's Thicket

Yes No No Rent

Tortoise Saliva Sonic Wolf






Moor Tortoises,

Hollowshade Moor

Yes Yes



brewing recipe Underbulks and

Crinthea, Echo Caverns

Yes No

Vial of

Owlbear Bile

Sonic Wolf





Owlbears, Hollowshade


Yes Yes

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Shar Vahl




Grimy Owlbears,

Yelloweyes, Paludal


Owlbears in

Hollowshade Moor


Yes Yes

Wetfang Eyes Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Large Wetfangs, Paludal


No Yes



Vah Shir

Rogue Quest

Large Wetfangs, Paludal


No? Yes?

Windstone smithing


• Grimlings, Crag

Li & Meeda

Hune Soldiers

and Warlords,

Tenebrous Mts

• Moktar


Umbral Plains

Xakra Bile Vah Shir

Shaman Quest

Shar Vahl


Pottery Quest

Vah Shir Bard


Xakra Larvae, Shar Vahl


Yes Yes

Xakra Blood Shar Vahl


Pottery Quest

Xakra Larvae, Shar Vahl


Yes Yes

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Xakra Teeth Vah Shir

Rogue Quest

Shar Vahl

fletching dart


Xakra Larvae, Shar Vahl


Yes Yes




Shar Vahl




Vah Shir Bard


Young Rockhoppers,

Shar Vahl pit

No Yes

Zelniak Fat Katta


brewing quest

Zelniaks, Dawnshroud


Yes No

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