Original research or treatment paper Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases using reflectance transformation imaging and three-dimensional laser scanning confocal microscopy Paula Artal-Isbrand, Philip Klausmeyer Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA, USA The relief and contour lines on a group of ancient Greek red-figure vases and vase fragments in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums and the Worcester Art Museum were examined using two surface examination methods reflectance transformation imaging and three-dimensional laser scanning confocal microscopy. These methods helped characterize the lines and answer questions regarding tools, techniques, and production sequence used by Greek vase painters. This research also incorporated fabricated mock-ups to gain a better understanding of the ancient technology and in so doing confirmed that the relief lines were not produced by an extruded method, but with a brush made with only a few hairs, termed linierhaar as first proposed by Gérard Seiterle in 1976. Furthermore, it was discovered that not one but two distinct types of relief lines exist on these ancient vases: the laid line (proposed by Seiterle) which has a characteristic ridged profile, and the pulled line (proposed in a previous publication by the authors) which has a furrowed profile. It was also determined that the relief line used to outline figures was applied prior to the contour line in Attic vase decoration, although variations in this sequence occur in vases from South Italy. Based on observations made during this research, the authors propose a likely evolution for the techniques used to produce decorative features throughout the period of red-figure vase production. Keywords: Red-figure vase, Vase painting, Attic pottery, Greek vase, Relief line, Contour line, Magna Graecia, Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI), 3D laser scanning confocal microscopy Introduction Greek Attic pottery production began around the first half of the sixth century BCE and lasted until about 331 BCE (Boardman, 2001, pp. 48 and 105). The black-figure technique defines the first part of the Attic pottery production period, which later gives way to the red-figure technique around 525 BCE with an overlap of about 30 years (Boardman, 2001, p. 66). The main periods of red-figure Attic ware production are the Late Archaic (500-480 BCE), the Classical (480-430 BCE), and Late Classical (430-360 BCE) periods (Oakley, 2001). The technical knowledge for producing red-figure vases traveled from Greece to the Greek colonies in South Italy (Magna Graecia), with Attic emigrants leaving Greece in the late fifth century (Mayo, 1982, p. 10; Giuliani, 1995, p. 13). The South Italian production of vases developed into its own unique style and lasted to the early third century BCE. The ingenious method used to produce the distinctive red and black color of ancient Greek vases is a mile- stone in the history of ceramic technology. According to this ceramic tradition, the black sections on the vessels are painted. The paintused is technically a glaze (also referred to as glossy black glaze, ’‘black glaze, or black gloss), which consists of dilute clay containing silicon, iron, oxygen, aluminium, potassium, and lesser amounts of sodium, magnesium, calcium, and titanium (Aloupi-Siotis, 2008; Newman, 2008, p. 106). The unpainted portions of the vessels reveal the red color of the fired clay body. Once decorated, the vessels undergo a firing process involving a sequence of three firing environments - first oxidation, then reduction, and finally re-oxidation - to achieve the dis- tinctive red and black colors. This process was Correspondence to: Paula Artal-Isbrand, 1 Otsego Road, Worcester, MA 01609, USA. Email: [email protected] © The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 2013 Received July 2012; revised paper accepted December 2012 DOI 10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000077 Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4 338

Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on ... · Keywords: Red-figure vase, Vase painting, Attic pottery, Greek vase, Relief line, Contour line, Magna Graecia, Reflectance

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Page 1: Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on ... · Keywords: Red-figure vase, Vase painting, Attic pottery, Greek vase, Relief line, Contour line, Magna Graecia, Reflectance

Original research or treatment paper

Evaluation of the relief line and the contourline on Greek red-figure vases usingreflectance transformation imagingand three-dimensional laser scanningconfocal microscopyPaula Artal-Isbrand, Philip Klausmeyer

Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA, USA

The relief and contour lines on a group of ancient Greek red-figure vases and vase fragments in the collectionof the Harvard Art Museums and the Worcester Art Museum were examined using two surface examinationmethods – reflectance transformation imaging and three-dimensional laser scanning confocal microscopy.These methods helped characterize the lines and answer questions regarding tools, techniques, andproduction sequence used by Greek vase painters. This research also incorporated fabricated mock-upsto gain a better understanding of the ancient technology and in so doing confirmed that the relief lineswere not produced by an extruded method, but with a brush made with only a few hairs, termed linierhaaras first proposed by Gérard Seiterle in 1976. Furthermore, it was discovered that not one but two distincttypes of relief lines exist on these ancient vases: the laid line (proposed by Seiterle) which has acharacteristic ridged profile, and the pulled line (proposed in a previous publication by the authors) whichhas a furrowed profile. It was also determined that the relief line used to outline figures was applied priorto the contour line in Attic vase decoration, although variations in this sequence occur in vases from SouthItaly. Based on observations made during this research, the authors propose a likely evolution for thetechniques used to produce decorative features throughout the period of red-figure vase production.

Keywords: Red-figure vase, Vase painting, Attic pottery, Greek vase, Relief line, Contour line, Magna Graecia, Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI),3D laser scanning confocal microscopy

IntroductionGreek Attic pottery production began around the firsthalf of the sixth century BCE and lasted until about331 BCE (Boardman, 2001, pp. 48 and 105). Theblack-figure technique defines the first part of theAttic pottery production period, which later gives wayto the red-figure technique around 525 BCE with anoverlap of about 30 years (Boardman, 2001, p. 66).The main periods of red-figure Attic ware productionare the Late Archaic (500-480 BCE), the Classical(480-430 BCE), and Late Classical (430-360 BCE)periods (Oakley, 2001). The technical knowledge forproducing red-figure vases traveled from Greece to theGreek colonies in South Italy (Magna Graecia), withAttic emigrants leaving Greece in the late fifthcentury (Mayo, 1982, p. 10; Giuliani, 1995, p. 13).

The South Italian production of vases developed intoits own unique style and lasted to the early thirdcentury BCE.

The ingenious method used to produce the distinctivered and black color of ancient Greek vases is a mile-stone in the history of ceramic technology. Accordingto this ceramic tradition, the black sections on thevessels are painted. The ‘paint’ used is technically aglaze (also referred to as ‘glossy black glaze,’ ‘blackglaze,’ or ‘black gloss’), which consists of dilute claycontaining silicon, iron, oxygen, aluminium, potassium,and lesser amounts of sodium, magnesium, calcium,and titanium (Aloupi-Siotis, 2008; Newman, 2008,p. 106). The unpainted portions of the vessels revealthe red color of the fired clay body. Once decorated,the vessels undergo a firing process involving a sequenceof three firing environments− first oxidation, thenreduction, and finally re-oxidation− to achieve the dis-tinctive red and black colors. This process was

Correspondence to: Paula Artal-Isbrand, 1 Otsego Road, Worcester, MA01609, USA. Email: [email protected]

© The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 2013Received July 2012; revised paper accepted December 2012DOI 10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000077 Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4338

Page 2: Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on ... · Keywords: Red-figure vase, Vase painting, Attic pottery, Greek vase, Relief line, Contour line, Magna Graecia, Reflectance

replicated and described in detail in 1942 by theGerman chemist Theodor Schumann (Schumann,1942). Today scholars agree that the vessels were firedin three different firing environments to produce the dis-tinct red and black colors, although some scholars likeAloupi-Siotis who oversees a modern workshop thatproduces Greek vase replicas propose that the vaseswere possibly subject to a pre-firing or multiple firingsrather than just one as proposed by Schumann.Aloupi-Siotis (2008, pp. 121–5) writes that since break-age of green ware is so common, vases were possiblypre-fired before they were decorated to make theproduction of pots more cost efficient.Debates continue among scholars over multiple

aspects relating to the production of Greek vases.One such debate centers on what tools and methodswere used to create certain decorative features suchas the relief lines on the red-figure ware. There arealso conflicting opinions as to the sequence of theapplied decoration, in particular which came first−the relief line or the contour line surrounding the redfigures. In 2011, the authors published an articledescribing their research on a stamnos by theTyszkiewicz Painter that depicts the sea goddessThetis and her female companions struggling againstthe advances of Peleus in the collection of theWorcester Art Museum (Fig. 1) (Artal-Isbrand et al.,2011). A step-by-step description was given of the dec-orative process on this vessel, followed by a topo-graphic study of the relief lines on the stamnos usingreflectance transformation imaging (RTI) and athree-dimensional (3D) measuring laser microscope.These examination methods allowed for the lines tobe characterized more fully and ultimately helpeddetermine what tools and techniques were used toproduce them. Since then, further investigations havetested if the findings made regarding the Worcesterstamnos are applicable to Greek red-figure vases

more broadly. An overview of these investigations ispresented here.Ten vases or fragments thereof were examined with

RTI and a 3D measuring laser microscope as part ofthis research. These works were carefully selected tocover as broad a time span of the red-figure productionperiod as possible using only dated works (c. 510 to c.330 BCE). Although none of the works are signed, allof them except two have been attributed by scholars.Among them are eight fragments generously madeavailable from the collection of the Harvard ArtMuseums and the remainder are in the collection ofthe Worcester Art Museum. In addition, a black-figure vessel from the late sixth century BCE and ared-figure vessel from South Italy also fromWorcester were examined, and visual examinationswere made of two vessels from South Italy on displayat the British Museum.An integral part of this research was the fabrication

of mock-ups to test the tools that Greek painters mayhave used to produce the relief line and to betterunderstand application techniques. The working prop-erties for each method were assessed and the mor-phology of the fabricated lines were compared andevaluated against relief lines on ancient works.

InstrumentationTwo complimentary surface examination methods,both relatively new in the field of art conservation,were used for this research: RTI (Malzbender et al.,2001; Padfield et al., 2005; Mudge et al., 2006)and 3D laser scanning confocal microscopy (Artal-Isbrand et al., 2011).The RTI instrument used for this project includes 40

fixed lights arrayed in a dome-like configuration and ahigh-resolution Canon EOS-1 Mark III digital cameramounted on an adjustable stand (Fig. 2). To generatean RTI file, 40 individual digital images are taken ofthe same surface detail as it appears under thevarious angles of illumination provided by the fixedlight array. Fitting software combines the 40 imagesinto one interactive file, resulting in a high-resolution,2D representation of an object’s intricate 3D surface.The method enables viewers to control the angle ofillumination through the computer mouse to optimizethe conditions for viewing surface topography. Inaddition, various transformation algorithms can beapplied in order to visualize features otherwise difficultto see. For example, the specular enhancement featureof the viewing software determines the surface normalfor each pixel in the image and generates an interactiveview of the surface as it would appear if completelyreflective. Relevant still-captures from RTI investi-gations are included throughout this publication.Fig. 3 illustrates how topographical features – suchas preliminary sketch lines, the broad contour line

Figure 1 Stamnos attributed to the Tyszkiewicz Painter, c.480 BCE (Worcester Art Museum 1953.92).

Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

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surrounding the figures, and relief lines used to outlinethe figures and to describe shapes like ears and eyes –are more readily discerned using RTI.In addition to RTI, a LEXT OLS4000 3D measur-

ing laser microscope manufactured by Olympus wasused for nanometer-level imaging and 3D topographi-cal measurements of the surfaces examined (Fig. 4).The instrument, which features a dual confocalsystem and utilizes a 405-nm laser, is capable of a mag-nification range of ×108– ×17 280. The surface

measurements can be presented in a number ofmodes including real-color 3D dual confocal imagesand 3D elevation maps. In its standard configuration,the microscope is equipped with ×20, ×50, and ×100objectives with stand-off distances of 1.0, 0.35, and0.35 mm, respectively. The instrument can also beused with a long working distance ×50 objective,which has a fixed working distance of 10.6 mm. Themicroscope is integrated to a remote-controlled stagethat allows for precise positioning; however, the man-ufacturer’s standard stage configuration limits the sizeof the object that can be examined and for this reasonmostly pottery fragments were chosen for this study.

Terminology, techniques, and observationsThe relief lineThe type of line used for outlining figures and forpainting details like eyes, mouths, hair, body parts,and folds in garments is called a relief line. Theselines consist of black glaze material, which – as theirname suggests – exist in relief and have a 3D quality.They occur in a relatively wide range of lengths.While longer lines like those typically used in garmentsare continuous, dynamic, and fluid, shorter lines areless fluid, can be quite thick, and are typically inhigher relief. During examination of the Tyszkiewiczstamnos it was noticed that some relief lines have aprofile characterized by a single peaked ridge,

Figure 3 Split-image detail of Thetis’ head depicted on thestamnos in Fig. 1. The image shows RTI still-captures of thedetail, one with specular enhancement (upper left) and theother under normal illumination (lower right).

Figure 2 The Worcester Art Museum’s portable fixed-lightarray RTI dome (photo by Marlin Lum, Cultural HeritageImaging).

Figure 4 LEXT OLS4000 3D measuring laser microscopemanufactured by Olympus. Pictured on the instrument stageis the lid from the Pyxis by the Eretria Painter, c. 430 BCE(WAM 1935.148), which was part of this research.

Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4340

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whereas other relief lines have a distinctly furrowedprofile (Fig. 5).Debate remains as to what tools were used to

produce the relief lines. Tools that have been suggestedinclude a reed pen (Winter, 1978, p. 58) or a metal pen,a quill (Winter, 1978, p. 58), the tip of a feather(Hartwig, 1887), a thin brush (Boardman, 2001,p. 286), a brush with only a few hairs (Seiterle, 1976,p. 6; Giuliani, 1995, p. 67; Boix, 2010, p. 31), and asyringe-like instrument made from a feather quilland animal intestine or bladder used to extrudethe glaze (Adams, 1849, p. 819; Noble, 1988,pp. 119–20). Today there is consensus that reed ormetal pens could not have produced the relief linebecause the thick glaze material cannot travelthrough the narrow pen channel, which functions bycapillary action (Seiterle, 1976, p. 4).Mock-ups were prepared using the proposed tools

and techniques to determine if they could indeedcreate relief lines with the same topographical featuresobserved on the ancient stamnos. For the mock-ups anextra-fine clay-based gilding bole with a thick andpasty consistency was used as the painting mediumin order to create relief lines that retained their shapesimilar to that of ancient relief lines. Mock-ups werenot fired, as the extent of alteration to the generalshape of the line upon firing is considered insignificantfor this investigation. The substrate for the mock-upswas hard-press cardboard or Masonite®.

To test the extrusion theory a tin tube was filled withclay bole and lines were drawn by extruding the bolethrough a plastic tip to replicate an ancient syringe(Fig. 6). This method could produce thin lines buttypically made a disproportionally large deposit ofmedium at the beginning of each line that was notobserved on the ancient vases. In addition, none ofthe modern extruded lines displayed the characteristicfeatures that were observed on the ancient works.Topographic examination of these extruded lineswith the confocal microscope confirmed that they dif-fered fundamentally from the lines observed on thestamnos (Fig. 7). The extrusion method did notproduce lines with the ridged or furrowed profilesobserved in the ancient works.When testing a feather tip and fine conventional

brushes it was found that the clay bole did notflow or easily transfer to the substrate when used atthe consistency necessary to produce relief lines, andwhen the fluidity of the bole was increased the linelacked the unique relief quality. Furthermore, whenusing a feather or brush it was not possible to createthe type of short lines with sharp turns present onthe ancient vase.The type of brush first proposed by scholar of Greek

art Gérard Seiterle in 1976 was tested next. Referred toas a linierhaar, such a brush consists of very few hairs.Linierhaar translates from the German as ‘hair thatproduces lines’. For this research, a series of brusheswith two or more hairs of different lengths, thicknesses,and consistencies were constructed using cat whiskers,horse mane hair, horse tail hair, pig bristles, andhuman hair. Empirical evidence showed that a singlehair brush lacked the necessary capillary action topick up enough glaze to produce a line. According toSeiterle, the linierhaar was dipped into the glaze, laiddown onto the surface of the vessel, and then liftedstraight up to create a relief line (Fig. 8). This techniqueallows for a range of line lengths, but none longer thanthe length of the brush hair. A distinctive feature of

Figure 5 RTI still-capture of a detail of the stamnos inFig. 1. Examples of ridged lines are indicated with orangearrows, and furrowed lines with white arrows.

Figure 6 Modern tin tube with a plastic tip simulating anancient syringe was used to make extruded lines on aMasonite® substrate.

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lines produced in this fashion is a raised ridge in themiddle of the line created by the action of liftingaway the brush hair. The term laid line has been pro-posed by the authors to describe this line type andderives from Seiterle’s description of the brush actionthat produces such a line ‘die Linien wurden aufgelegt’(the lines were laid) (Seiterle, 1976, p. 6; Artal-Isbrandet al., 2011).

Lines with similar profiles are evident on theWorcester stamnos. For example, the eye consists oflines with a central ridged profile like that producedusing the laid line technique (Fig. 9). The lines thatdefine the outline of the eye were painted first, followedby those that outline the iris. Both the real-color confo-cal image and the 3D elevation map clearly show anadditive effect where the lines overlap. In contrast, thepupil was painted with a more dilute application, prob-ably with a conventional brush. A preliminary sketch ofthe eye inscribed into the surface with a hard tool is alsodiscernible just above the eye.

An especially soft and short brush is needed tocreate small loop-shaped lines such as the ones in theheaddress of Thetis (Fig. 10). Ancient and modernloops (Fig. 11) were examined with the confocalmicroscope, and their close resemblance suggests thatSeiterle’s proposed tool and technique for producingthese curved lines with tight turns is correct. Thelaying-down and lifting-up motion creates the result-ing ridged topography of the laid line. Both ancientand modern loops are characterized by a curved linewith a central ridge running the length of the linethat is narrow and pointed at the beginning wherethe brush hair first touches the substrate, and thenbecomes wider and higher at the end. There is also acharacteristic widening that occurs in the area wherethe line turns, likely resulting from a slight shift ofthe hairs across the surface during application.

In contrast to the laid lines described above, theauthors proposed that long fluid lines with a distinctive

Figure 8 A linierhaar loaded with clay bole (A) and used to produce a laid relief line (B); detail view of the resulting laid relief linewith characteristic central ridge (C).

Figure 7 3D confocal image of modern extruded line (left)and as a 3D elevation mapwith the threshold setting adjustedto remove measurements associated with the Masonite®

substrate (right). The large deposit at the beginning of the lineis obvious and a rounded profile is maintained down thelength of the line. The elevation map indicates that the heightof the line at the beginning is close to 150 μm, whereas theheight of the rest of the line averages around 60 μm. Thelength of the line is 7.5 mm.

Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4342

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furrow running down the middle were produced bysetting down the tip of the linierhaar and – whileleaving all or some of the hair in contact with thevessel – pulling the brush across the surface (Artal-Isbrand et al., 2011). The action of the brush hair asit is pulled through the medium across the surface pro-duces the characteristic furrowed profile of the line

which the authors termed pulled line (Fig. 12).Although Seiterle mentions that some ancient lineshave a bifurcation in the beginning of the line (heincludes an illustration of such lines in his article) andthat sometimes a furrow can be observed in themiddle of a line instead of a ridge, he asserts that allrelief lines were made with the laid line technique and‘not by pulling the brush along the surface as onewould with a traditional brush’ (Seiterle, 1976, p. 6).He writes that ‘the occasional bifurcation at the begin-ning of the line is due to the action of the brushtouching down onto the surface of the vase. A furrowhalf way in the middle of the line can be explainedby the lack of glaze medium in the brush’ (Seiterle,1976, p. 6).However, research conducted at the Worcester Art

Museum found that such lines were indeed producedin the same fashion as a line formed with a traditionalbrush. This pulled method also enables the maker toproduce lines that are longer than the length of thebrush hair. Profile comparisons of ancient andmodern pulled lines were made using the OLS40003D measuring laser microscope, and the resemblancewas striking (Fig. 13).Averaged profiles of the two proposed line types

were generated from topography maps of representa-tive sections of ancient relief lines and compared.Despite the wear from almost 2500 years of age, theline measurements still produced distinctly differentprofiles (Fig. 14).It is important to mention that not all lines on Greek

vessels strictly exhibit the characteristic features ofeither the pulled or laid lines. For instance, hybrid lineswere observed with both characteristic furrowed andpeaked profiles, whereas other lines lack either features.Empirical evidence from mock-up preparation indicatesthat hybrid lines result when a line started as a pulled line

Figure 9 Real-color confocal image (left) and the corresponding 3D elevationmap (right) of Thetis’ proper left eye in Fig. 3 on theWorcester stamnos. The relief lines exhibit the central ridged profile characteristic of laid lines. Evidence of a preliminaryinscribed sketch is visible in the surface directly above the eye. The dimensions of each image are 3.45 × 2.35 mmand the imageswere stitched from 32 individual area scans taken with a ×50 objective. The distance from the substrate surface to the highestelevation on the lines is 40 μm.

Figure 10 Confocal image of a looped line in the headdressof Thetis. The field of view is about 4.0 × 2.2 mm and theimage was stitched from eight individual area scans takenwith a 5x objective.

Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

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is then lifted up in the midst of the action. Whereas fea-tureless lines may result when the medium is toowet sub-sequently causing the line profile to level out. In addition,a line with more than one furrow can result when thebrush hairs are too stiff, or when inclusions in the glazematerial are dragged along with the brush hair.The Museum of Fine Arts Boston has in its collection

a fragmentary kylix attributed to the Antiphon Painterfrom c. 480 BCE and a favorite among scholars inter-ested in understanding the fabrication process of Atticpottery (Fig. 15). The fragment depicts a male figureseated on a chair holding a kylix in his left hand and astylus-like tool in his right. When examined under mag-nification with raking light, a single relief line connectingthe tool and the surface of the vessel is discernible andcan convincingly be argued to depict a linierhaar, asSeiterle observed (Seiterle, 1976, p. 9). The figure onthe fragment also holds a small pointy implement

between his left thumb and index finger, which theauthors believe could be a reservoir of glaze.

The contour lineIn addition to the relief line, another decorative featureof interest in this research is the study of the contourline, a wide line forming part of the black backgroundthat often surrounds the figures on red-figure vases(Fig. 16). The black background was painted in twostages with glaze more dilute than that of the relieflines, using a wider, more traditional type of brush.The contour line was applied with the purpose of creat-ing a safe margin around the silhouettes of the figures toprotect them from being disrupted by the broadlyapplied brush strokes of the background glaze, anaction probably executed at a relatively fast pace.

One question considered in this study is which camefirst, the relief line or the contour line. Scholars

Figure 12 A linierhaar being used to produce a pulled line (left) and the characteristic furrowed profile produced as the brush ispulled across the surface (right).

Figure 11 A linierhaarmade of human hair is used to produce looped laid lines similar to that seen in Fig. 10 (left) (photo by KariKipper). A 3D elevation map of one such fabricated looped line displays topographical features distinctly similar to the ancientlooped line (right). The threshold setting in the elevation map was adjusted to remove the majority of measurements associatedwith the cardboard substrate. The dimensions of the elevation map are 1.73 × 2.9 mm. The elevation scale bar is in μm.

Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4344

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have conflicting opinions regarding the applicationsequence of these two line types. While Greek vasescholars Norbert Kunisch (1994, pp. 84–90) and BethCohen (2006, p. 151) suggest that the relief lines outlin-ing the figures preceded the application of the contourline, other vase experts like Joseph V. Noble (1988,pp. 105–7) and Alexander Boix (2010, p. 30) propose

a reverse sequence, though Boix claims that there areexceptions. The sequence proposed by Kunisch andCohen was observed on Worcester’s Tyszkiewiczstamnos where the overlap of the contour line on therelief lines extending into the background at the napeof the figure’s neck, results in a softer, more roundedappearance of the otherwise crisp lines (Fig. 16). In

Figure 14 Profile measurements for selected sections of ancient relief lines. The red line in each graph represents the meanextracted profile from 766 profile measurements along the length of the line (17.38 mm) used for the left graph and 1724measurements of the line (30.17 mm) used for the right graph. The left graph clearly illustrates the ridged profile of a laid line, andthe right graph illustrates the furrowed profile of a pulled line.

Figure 13 3D elevation maps of three ancient pulled lines from the stammos (see photo inset for location) (left) and a modernpulled line (right). The map on the left was stitched from six scans and the map on the right from 16 scans, each using a ×20objective. The average length of the ancient lines is about 2.7 mm, the length shown of the mock-up line is 3.1 mm. The furrowedprofile of the ancient and modern lines are clearly similar. The threshold setting in both images was adjusted to remove themajority of measurements associated with the substrate.

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his research on South Italian vases Giuliani (1995, p.68) asserts that the application sequence entailed aninitial placement of a dilute contour line, followed bya thicker overall glaze to the background that alsocovers the contour line, and finally the application ofthe relief line decoration.

Study samples and observationsIn order to determine whether the observationsfirst made on Worcester’s Tyszkiewicz stamnos wereconsistent for a broader range of red-figure vases, agroup of nine Attic vases or fragments of vases span-ning the red-figure period (c. 510 to c. 330 BCE),

were studied using RTI and the LEXT OLS4000 3Dmeasuring laser microscope. Of this group, eightwere lent by the Harvard Art Museums (HAM). Inaddition, three fourth-century South Italian vases,two on view at the British Museum, were also partof this research. The latter two were examined visuallyonly. Finally, an Attic black-figure vessel from the latesixth century BCE surprisingly featuring relief lineswas also studied. The vessels and fragments aredated, and all except two are attributed to specificpainters. The observations made during thisstudy are presented in Table 1 and summarized inTable 2.

Figure 15 Kylix fragment attributed to the Antiphon Painter, c. 480 BCE (left) (MFA 01.8073) and a detail (right) of the fragmentshowing what is likely a linierhaar in the painter’s right hand and possibly a reservoir for the glaze in his left (photos by AbigailHykin).

Figure 16 RTI still-capture with specular enhancement showing the use of a wide contour line around the head of a femaleattendant depicted on the stamnos in Fig. 1 and the broadly applied background glaze. The white circle in the more magnifieddetail on the right illustrates how the contour line overlaps the ends of the relief lines that extend into the background area,indicating that the application of the relief lines preceded the contour line.

Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4346

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Table 1 Observations regarding the decorative features on vases and vase fragments, with an emphasis on relief and contourlines. The works are listed in chronological order. Overall images of each object are normal illumination photographs, and alldetail images are RTI still-captures unless otherwise noted.

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

Black-figure kylix,unattributed,Attic, last quarterof the sixthcentury BCE(WAM 1912.37)

The exterior sides of the vessel depictmen mounted on mules. A repeatingpattern of looped lines, possiblydepicting grape vines, are betweenthe horses and riders. Traces of awhite colorant are visible in selectedareas.

The looped lines appear to be laid relieflines (white arrow) with thecharacteristic ridge running throughthe middle. The technique used toproduce these lines may be an earlyprecursor of the laid relief linetechnique later used in red-figureware.

Kylix fragment(interior),NicosthenicPainter, Attic,510–500 BCE(HAM 1995.18.9,Fragment B)

The fragment depicts a bearded malefigure (left) and a youth playing adouble flute (right). The youth’swreath is painted with a red colorant.The figures are surrounded by reliefand contour lines.

The painter used the pulled linetechnique not only for the longstraight lines of the flutes and thedrapery, but also for the shorter linesof the cheek, eye, and face profile.There is however a difference in thequality of the lines: the long ones arevery regular in width and heightwhereas the short ones are quiteirregular, suggesting a less fluidexecution. The detail outlined in whiteis shown as an elevation map (right)depicting the distinctive furrowedprofile of a pulled line. The areashown in the elevation map is0.634 × 2.94 mm. The distance fromthe substrate surface to the highestelevation on the line is about 30 μm.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

The contour line goes over the ends ofthe relief lines that extend into thebackground (white arrows), softeningtheir otherwise crisp appearance,and providing additional evidencethat the contour line was applied afterthe figures were fully drawn with therelief lines.

Kylix fragment(interior),TriptolemosPainter, Attic, 500BCE (HAM1995.18.103)

The fragment depicts a bearded malefigure, wearing a wreath and ahimation, to the right is a staff, on thetop right a partial border, and on thebottom right a section of anotherwreath. A partial inscription visible inthe black background reads HOP.The wreaths and inscription arepainted with a red colorant. Thefigure, the second wreath and thestaff are surrounded by relief andcontour lines, with the exception ofthe hair, which is not surrounded by arelief line.

All relief lines on this fragment arepulled, including the short ones in theface making up the eyebrow and eye.There are no laid lines.

The contour line goes over the ends ofthe relief lines that extend into thebackground, thereby softening theirappearance. Furthermore, the reliefline at the bottom right (orange arrow)is entirely covered by the contourline. The line on the far left (whitearrow) displays multiple furrows. Thiseffect may be the result of either abrush with several stiff hairs orinclusions in the glaze medium thatcreate the furrows when draggedacross the surface.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

Kylix fragment(interior),unattributed,Attic, c. 490 BCE(HAM 1995.839)

The fragment depicts the lower part of amale figure wearing a himation andleaning on a staff. On the right is asmall section of another figure and onthe left the leg of a stool. The red-figure portions are surrounded withrelief and contour lines.

Both pulled and laid lines are present.The pulled line technique was usedfor long lines (black arrow). The laidline technique was used for short andrelatively straight lines (white arrows)and possibly for longer curved lineson the bottom borders of thegarment, though it was not clear fromthe images. The lines with tightcurves that make up the tips andbottom contour of the fingers showboth profiles and therefore areexamples of hybrid lines (red arrows).

The contour line overlaps sections ofthe outlining relief line (black arrows).

Kylix fragment(interior), BrygosPainter, Attic, 480BCE (HAM1995.18.53)

The fragment depicts the lower part of ahimation. Wherever the blackbackground is visible a relief outlineis present. While the backgroundarea showing in the upper left corneris too small to detect the entire widthof a contour line, a contour line isvisible on the bottom right corner ofthe fragment.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

All relief lines on this fragment arepulled lines. The very short lines thatbridge the long lines near the bottomof the garment were produced by adash-like touch of the brush to thesurface of the vessel.

This elevation map corresponds withthe lines within the yellow box aboveand shows the characteristicfurrowed profiles of long pulled lines.The area of the elevation map is2.90 mm2. The distance from thesubstrate surface to the highestelevation on the lines ranges fromabout 15–20 μm.

The Brygos painter also produced theshort, curved lines using the pulledline technique shown in this confocalimage that corresponds with the areaoutlined above in white showing amagnified view of a short curved linewith a furrow running through the lineindicative of the pulled technique.


Artal-Isbrand and Klausmeyer Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases

Studies in Conservation 2013 VOL. 58 NO. 4350

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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

The contour line overlaps the outliningrelief line (white arrow) indicating thatit was applied after the relief lineswere painted.

Kylix fragment(interior),Antiphon, Attic,480 BCE (HAM1995.18.145)

The fragment depicts the torso of abearded male partially covered in ahimation with the proper right armextended. The figure is surroundedwith relief (except for the beard) andcontour lines.

Both pulled (black arrows) and laidlines (white arrow) are visible.

A clear overlap of the contour line onthe relief line is visible on the figure’sshoulder.

Kylix fragment(interior), Makron,Attic, c. 480 BCE(HAM1995.18.88)

The fragment depicts parts of both legsof a male figure wearing a himation.The figure is outlined with relief andcontour lines.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

This RTI still capture detail withspecular enhancement clearly showsboth pulled (black arrow) and laidlines (white arrow).

The contour line overlaps the outliningrelief lines (black arrow).

Kylix fragment(interior),AkestoridesPainter, Attic,470–460 BCE(HAM 1995.18.4)

This fragment depicts a woman wearinga chiton, and a second figure to theright holding out her arms. To the leftis a section of a chair with a cushionlying on it. The red-figure portions areonly partially outlined with the reliefline, whereas the contour line isvisible throughout.

Pulled lines (black arrows) and laidlines (white box) are visiblethroughout. The white arrow points atan area where the contour lineoverlaps the outlining relief line.

The elevation map of the detail outlinedin white in the preceding imagedepicts two laid lines with thecharacteristic ridged profile. The areashown is 0.637 mm × 2.94 mm. Thedistance from the substrate surface tothe highest elevation on the line isabout 20 μm.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

The contour line overlaps the relief linesthat extend into the backgroundindicating that the contour line wasapplied after the relief lines. Theglaze contains inclusions, which areclearly visible next to the relief linesextending into the background (whitearrows). This detail also providesinformation regarding directionality ofthe application of the glaze. The twoinclusions were stopped by the reliefline when the painter’s brush wentover it from left to right.

Skyphos fragment(exterior), nearthe PenthesileaPainter, Attic,460–450 BCE(HAM1995.18.12)

This fragment depicts a partial headand torso of a bearded male figure.On the right is an unidentifiedcompositional element. Relief lineoutlines are visible on the bodyportion but not around the head or onthe element to the right, whereas thecontour line is visible around all red-figure portions on this fragment.

This RTI still capture detail withspecular enhancement shows bothpulled (black arrows) and laid (whitearrow) lines. The contour lineoverlaps portions of the outliningrelief line (circled).

Pyxis, EretriaPainter, Attic, c.430 BCE (WAM1935.148)

This cosmetics container depicts threewomen with their servants, and onthe lid (knob handle is lost) two pairsof erotes are shown with roosters andrabbits. The underside of the liddepicts myrtle berries painted inwhite. The red-figure portions are onlypartially outlined with relief lines. Thecontour lines are partial as well.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

An RTI still capture with specularenhancement showing a detail of arabbit with an area outlined in whitethat corresponds to the elevationmap below. In addition to detailsdone with relief lines like eyes, ears,and feet, the rabbit’s fur was paintedwith a dilute glaze most likely using aconventional brush.

An elevation map of the rabbit’s rearfoot shows both pulled (black arrow)and laid (red arrow) lines. The areashown is 3.5 mm × 2.3 mm. Thedistance from the substrate surface tothe highest elevation on the line isabout 30 μm. The pulled line is anexample of a line with multiplefurrows.

An elevation map of other relief lines onthe lid that show multiple furrows. Inthis case the cause of the multi-furrowed profile appears to beinclusions in the glaze medium thatwere dragged across the surface asthe lines were drawn. The area shownis 0.96 mm2. The distance from thesubstrate surface to the highestelevation on the line is about 15 μm.

This detail of the back of one eroteshows the absence of contour linesand how the background glazeoverlaps the relief line on the figure’sback (white circle). The absence ofboth contour and relief lines aroundthe wing results in an irregular flowline of the glaze at the end of thefeathers. Here the glaze not onlyfunctions to fill in the background butto help describe the compositionalelements as well.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

Pelike, Brooklyn-Budapest Painter,Lucania, SouthItaly 390–370BCE (BritishMuseum1814,0704.553).Size: 32.8 cm ×24.3 cm

(photo: ©Trustees of the British Museum)

This vessel depicts two women and ayouth. A white colorant was used fordecorative elements such as jewelry.A full contour line is visible. Relieflines occur mostly within the figuralsections to depict facial features anddetails in garments, but are alsopresent as partial outlines of thefigures.

This detail (outlined in yellow in theoverall image above) is not an RTIstill capture, but a photograph takenthrough a gallery case. The ability toobserve topography was thereforelimited; however, visual inspectionsuggests that the relief lines are laidlines. The relief line describing thebottom edge of the arm (white arrow)appears to be overlapped by theshiny contour line.

Hydria, South Italy(Apulia),unattributed,350–320 BCE(WAM 1941.70)

This water vessel depicts a seatedfemale figure dressed in a chitonholding a large box with her righthand and a wreath with her left.Some parts of the design are paintedin white. No outlining relief lines butpartial contour lines are present.


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Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

This image is a detail of the sitter’swaist outlined in yellow above. Bothrelief line techniques were used onthis vessel. The laid line was used toproduce the looped line with anexceptionally high ridge (whitearrow). The pulled line (red arrows)was used for long fluid lines and forrelatively short lines in the area of thewaist in the garment.

This detail (outlined in white in theoverall image above) shows that arelief line passing through the blackbackground area (black arrow)remains crisp, suggesting that it goesover the background.

Amphora, PateraPainter, NorthApulia, SouthItaly, c. 340–330BCE (BritishMuseum 1867,0508.1334).Dimensions:89 cm × 40 cm

(photo: ©Trustees of the British Museum)

This elaborate and highly decoratedvessel depicts in the central tier ascene in Hades with a seated Plutoholding out a phiale and a scepter(detail below). A bejeweledPersephone stands in front of Pluto.On the tier below is a busy toiletscene. Many parts of this vessel arepainted in white.


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Summary of observationsThe following observations were made during the exam-inationwithRTIand laser scanning confocalmicroscopyof the group of Greek vases and vase fragments:• A series of long, looped laid lines were observed on a

black-figure kylix dating to the last quarter of the sixthcentury BCE. Not typical for black figure ware, asalready noted by Kunisch (1994, p. 84) and Boix(2010, p. 31), this can be seen as a precursor of the

laid line technique which is used later by red-figurevase painters in a wide variety of lengths and shapes.

• There is evidence of the pulled line technique on everyred-figure item examined during this research excepton one South Italian pelike from the BritishMuseum, which was only viewed in an exhibitioncase without magnification. In the early red-figureperiod, which seems to coincide with the ArchaicPeriod, painters appear to have used the pulled line

Table 1 Continued

Object-relatedinformation Overall and detail images Observations

The red-figure portions are partiallyoutlined with the relief line. Nocontour line surrounds the red-figureportions. Both relief line types, pulledand laid, are used for decorativeelements, folds in the garments, andfor eyes, mouths, and fingers. Theyare applied boldly so that they areclearly discernible with the unaidedeye. This image is not an RTI stillcapture but a photograph takenthrough a gallery case.

Table 2 Observations made in this study (includes Tyszkiewicz stamnos published in 2011) and techniques encountered

Object (where not specified the origin is Attic)Pulledlines Laid lines

Outlining relief line(not including hairand beard portions)


Overlap of reliefline by contour

line or background

Unattributed, last quarter of the sixth centuryBCE (WAM 1912.37)

No Yes (earlyprecursor)

n/a n/a n/a

Nicosthenic, 510–500 BCE (HAM 1995.18.9) Yes No Full Full YesTriptolemos, 500 BCE (HAM 995.18.103) Yes No Full Full YesUnattributed, c. 490 BCE (HAM 1995.839) Yes Yes (for short

straight linesonly)

Full Full Yes

Brygos Painter, 480 BCE (HAM 1995.18.53) Yes No Full Full YesAntiphon, 480 BCE (HAM 1995.18.145) Yes Yes Full Full YesMakron, c. 480 BCE (HAM 1995.18.88) Yes Yes Full Full YesTyszkiewicz Painter, 480 BCE (WAM 1953.92) Yes Yes Full Full YesAkestorides Painter, 470–460 BCE (HAM

1995.19.4)Yes Yes Partial Full Yes

Near Penthesilea Painter, 460–450 BCE (HAM1995.18.12)

Yes n/a Partial Full Yes

Eretria Painter, 430–425 BCE (WAM1935.148) Yes Yes Partial Partial YesBrooklyn-Budapest Painter, South Italy

(Lucania), 390–370 BCE, (BM1814,0704.553)

No Yes Partial Full Yes

Unattributed, South Italy (Apulia), 350–320BCE (WAM 1941.70)

Yes Yes No Partial No (relief line overbackground)

Patera Painter, South Italy (North Apulia),340–330 BCE (BM 1867,0508.1334)


Yes Partial No Could not bedetermined

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technique exclusively. The sole reliance on the pulledline method limited the painter’s ability to producecontinuous lines with intricate turns. This is evidentin the irregular and discontinuous quality of thelines that painters such as the Nicosthenic Painter pro-duced for the flute player’s cheek line and profile onthe Harvard kylix fragment. However, the BrygosPainter, for example, was skilled at producing cleanand even pulled lines with turns in them, apparentlyusing a brush well charged with glaze material.

• The laid line technique appears later during theClassicalPeriod, when the painters seem to be familiar with bothline types and intentionally choose one over the otherdepending on the shape of line they want to produce.

• On every Attic piece examined in this study, overlapsof the contour line or background glaze were observedon the relief lines outlining the figures and those thatextend into the background, which means that thefigures were first outlined and features within thered-figure portions were drawn with the relief linesprior to the background application.

• During the Archaic Period the relief line appears toconsistently define the outline of the figures with theexception of hair and beard portions. Later duringthe Classical Period it seems to become increasinglycommon not to fully outline the red-figures on Atticvessels with relief lines, but rather to use the contourline or the background glaze to help define theedges of the figural composition. Kunisch (1994, p.89) also makes this observation.

• Vase painters in South Italy used both relief line types,the pulled and the laid lines, supporting the idea thatAttic vase painting techniques were indeed brought bythe Greeks to their colonies on the Italian peninsula.In fourth-century South Italian vase painting thelines are applied boldly, with a high reliance on thelaid line technique. The authors assert that ratherthan being an example of the extrusion theory asmaintained by Noble (1988, p. 121), the face andhair on the Apulian krater fragment in his book isinstead an excellent example of the mastery of thelaid line technique by the painters of South Italy.

• On South Italian vases the relief line is used only par-tially or not at all to outline the figures. The contourline was observed as a full or a partial line on somevases, and on others it was non-existent.

• On the South Italian vases that were examined, twoscenarios were observed, rather than just one asdescribed by Giuliani; on one vase the relief lines reach-ing into the background seem to be overlapped by thecontour line, and on another they were painted overthe background (no contour line present). In addition,a contour line was observed fully on one vase, partiallyon the second, and there was none on the third.

ConclusionsThe use of RTI and 3D laser scanning confocalmicroscopy, two complementary surface examinationmethods not previously used together in the study of cer-amics, led to new insights in the study of Greek vases.

These non-destructive, non-invasive methods enableresearchers to examine surface topography more indepth by providing qualitative (RTI) and quantitative(3D laser scanning confocal microscopy) data. This com-bination will likely prove useful in future investigationswhere surfaceexamination is central,notonly todeterminefabricationmethodsbutalso toevaluate the impactof con-servation treatments, as well as to examine and documentsurface degradation, and much more.

In this research, two types of relief lines identified bythe authors in an earlier publication were observedthroughout: the laid line – characterized by a ridgedprofile, and the pulled line – characterized by a furrowedprofile. Both line types were reproduced with brushesmade with only a few hairs, as first proposed bySeiterle. Two different application techniques wereused to produce the two types of lines. As the name indi-cates, laid lines are produced by laying the glaze-dippedhairs of the linierhaar down onto the surface of the vesselfollowed by lifting the brush straight up, creating the dis-tinctive ridged profile of the line. The resulting line istypically no longer than the length of the brush hair.In contrast, the pulled line is created by setting downall or part of the brush, and while leaving the hair incontact with the vessel, the brush is pulled across thesurface creating a characteristic furrowed profile as thetip of the brush drags through the medium producinglines that are longer than the length of the brush hair.

While thepulled line techniquewasusedonallAttic red-figure vases, the laid line technique seems to becomemoreprevalent as a second line type later during the ClassicalPeriod. Before then the painters – probably unaware ofthe laid line technique – made short lines with turns inthem using the pulled line technique. The result is thatthese lines are often truncated and of varying thicknesscompared with the more even and controlled lines pro-duced later with the laid line technique. Vase painters ofSouth Italy (c. 390–320 BCE) used both line types intheir red-figure pottery production, further linking themigration of Attic vase painting techniques to the Italiancolonies. The unique painting style of South Italian red-figure ware can be characterized by bolder, moredynamic brush strokes. This makes it easier for theviewer to discern each line type, sometimes even withoutthe need of magnification. This is especially true for thelaid line technique, which was predominantly used andmastered by the South Italian painters. These lines havepronounced profiles and stand well above the surface.

This study also gives insight into the productionsequence used by red-figure painters. During theprocess of surface decoration by Attic painters, relieflines were applied first to describe the general outline ofthe red-figure portions of the composition as well as fea-tures like the arms, legs, eyes, ears, and folds and otherdetails in the garments. The next step consisted of paint-ing in the background using contour lines around the

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figures to create a safe margin and prevent the broadlyapplied background glaze from disrupting the edges ofthe figures. RTI examination of the areas where reliefand contour lines meet revealed that on every Atticpiece in this study the contour line overlaps the relieflines confirming that the contour line was painted afterthe relief line as Kunisch and Cohen propose. On theother hand, the three South Italian ceramics examinedshowed variation in the application sequence of therelief line: in one instance it overlaps the background, inanother it is overlapped by the background.This research also suggests a general transition from

an uninterrupted relief outline during the ArchaicPeriod in Attic red-figure painting (with the exceptionof hair and beard portions) to a partial relief outlinestarting in the Classical Period, confirming what scho-lars like Kunisch had observed. In South Italy the pres-ence of the relief outline and contour line on vases is notconsistent. This observation as well as the variationin the application sequence, suggest that the SouthItalian painters worked more freely, without rigidadherence to established rules of production.As a final note, the authors acknowledge that this

study is based on the examination of a limitednumber of works. The hope behind this study is thatas a greater number of works are examined the findingspresented here will inform future research and will leadto a clearer understanding of the materials, techniques,and development of ancient red-figure ceramics.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Susanne Ebbinghaus andAmyBrauerat theHarvardArtMuseumsforgrantingper-mission for the loanof theHarvardAttic vase fragments totheWorcesterArtMuseum for studyand imaging. Thanksalso to Christine Kondoleon, Phoebe Segal, and AbigailHykin at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston for making itpossible to examine and photograph the kylix fragmentby Antiphon depicting a vase painter. The authors’ grati-tude goes to Professor Christopher A. Brown from theWorcester Polytechnic Institute’s Surface MetrologyLaboratory and Doug Kennedy from Olympus AmericaInc. formaking the 3D laser scanning confocalmicroscopeavailable for this research. Additional thanks go to DavidActon at the Worcester Art Museum for providing maneand tail hair from his horse Lisby to fabricate linierhaarbrushes used in some of the mock-ups. The authors alsowant to acknowledge the support and input from their col-leagues in the conservation department of the WorcesterArt Museum — Rita Albertson, Matthew Cushman,Kari Kipper, and Birgit Strähle.

List of suppliersCharbonnel yellow extra-fine gilder’s clay base – Talas,330 Morgan Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA, http://www.talasonline.com/

Tin tubes – Unipac Supply Co., PO Box 98026,Pittsburgh, PA 15227, USA (no longer in business).‘Sta-Wet Handy Palette’ with acrylic paper –

Masterson Art Products, Inc., PO Box 10775,Glendale, AZ 85318, USA.Windsor &Newton brushes –C.C. Lowell, 258 Park

Avenue, Worcester, MA 01609-1927, USA.

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