Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A Primal System Approach Subal C. Kumbhakar Department of Economics State University of New York - Binghamton Binghamton, NY 13902 [email protected] Hung-Jen Wang Institute of Economics Academia Sinica Taipei 115, Taiwan [email protected] February 8, 2004 Abstract The estimation of technical and allocative inefficiency using a flexible (translog) cost system is found to be quite difficult (not yet solved satisfactorily), especially when both inefficiencies are random. In this paper we use the alternative primal system consisting of the production function (translog) and the first-order conditions of cost minimization. The estimation of the primal system is more straightforward and it enables us to estimate observation-specific technical and allocative inefficiency. The impact of technical and allocative inefficiency on input demand and cost are also computed. We use panel data on steam-electric generating plants from the U.S. to estimate the model using both Cobb-Douglas and translog production functions. Keywords: Cost and Production Functions; Cost and Production Systems; Technical Change; Returns to Scale. JEL Classification No.: C31, D21

Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

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Page 1: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A Primal System


Subal C. Kumbhakar

Department of Economics

State University of New York - Binghamton

Binghamton, NY 13902

[email protected]

Hung-Jen Wang

Institute of Economics

Academia Sinica

Taipei 115, Taiwan

[email protected]

February 8, 2004


The estimation of technical and allocative inefficiency using a flexible (translog) cost system

is found to be quite difficult (not yet solved satisfactorily), especially when both inefficiencies are

random. In this paper we use the alternative primal system consisting of the production function

(translog) and the first-order conditions of cost minimization. The estimation of the primal system

is more straightforward and it enables us to estimate observation-specific technical and allocative

inefficiency. The impact of technical and allocative inefficiency on input demand and cost are also

computed. We use panel data on steam-electric generating plants from the U.S. to estimate the

model using both Cobb-Douglas and translog production functions.

Keywords: Cost and Production Functions; Cost and Production Systems; Technical Change;

Returns to Scale.

JEL Classification No.: C31, D21

Page 2: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

1 Introduction

A quarter of a century ago Peter Schmidt and Knox Lovell (1979) (SL hereafter), in a seminal paper,

proposed estimating technical and allocative inefficiency jointly using a Cobb-Douglas production

function and a cost minimizing behavioral assumption. The system of equations they used consisted

of the production function and the first-order conditions of cost minimization. The estimation of such

a primal system can produce observation-specific estimates of technical and allocative inefficiency.

For a Cobb-Douglas production function (which is self-dual), the cost of technical and allocative

inefficiency (observation-specific) can also be derived analytically.

An alternative to this primal approach is to use a cost system consisting of a cost function and

the cost share equations, and also rely on duality results, especially when a flexible functional form

is used. Although widely used in productivity and efficiency studies, the cost system approach has

several limitations, especially when both technical and allocative inefficiency are introduced into the

model. Since both technical and allocative inefficiency increase cost, it is necessary to estimate the

increased cost associated with each type of inefficiency. To do so we need additional information

coming from either the cost share equations or the input demand functions. From a modeling point

of view, the main problem is: How to link allocative inefficiency (usually the errors in the cost

share equations) with cost of allocative inefficiency (in the cost function) in a theoretically consistent

manner?1 Establishing the linkage is necessary in order to formulate the econometric model based

on the cost system. The second problem is: What are the justifications and interpretations of the

noise/error terms (that are routinely appended before estimation) in the cost function and cost

share equations?2 Finally, is it possible to estimate the cost system (using the maximum likelihood

technique with cross-sectional data) assuming that both technical and allocative inefficiency are


Some of the above-mentioned problems (outlined in details in section 2) are too difficult to address

in a cost system. Because of these difficulties, either strong assumptions are made regarding the

link between allocative inefficiency and increase in cost therefrom (Bauer (1985), Melfi (1984)), or

1Joint estimation of technical and allocative inefficiency in a translog cost function presents a difficult problem (Greene

(1980)). This problem is later labeled as the Greene (1980) problem by Bauer (1990). Recently Kumbhakar (1997) proposed

a solution for the Greene problem using a translog cost system, but empirical estimation of this model has been restricted

to panel data models in which technical and allocative inefficiency are either assumed to be fixed parameters or parametric

functions of the data and unknown parameters. Kumbhakar and Tsionas (2003), who used a Bayesian approach, is an

exception.2Note that the error/noise term in the production function does not always get transmitted to the cost function (in

log) in a linear fashion. It depends on the functional form used to represent the production technology.


Page 3: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

producers are assumed to be allocatively efficient. We avoid these difficulties by using the primal

approach of SL (1979). We extend their approach and use a flexible (translog) production function.

In this approach (observation-specific) estimates of technical and allocative inefficiency can be easily

obtained after the model is estimated. Since the cost function associated with the translog production

function cannot be analytically derived, algebraic expressions for the cost of technical and allocative

inefficiency cannot be derived. To compute the impact of technical and allocative inefficiency on input

demand, we solve the primal production system numerically for input quantities (with and without

inefficiency). These results are then used to compute the effect of technical and allocative inefficiency

on cost. Thus, we obtain observation-specific estimates of technical and allocative inefficiency as well

as the increased cost associated with each of these inefficiency components.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe the cost system approach that

accommodates both technical and allocative inefficiency and point out the difficulties in estimating

such a system. The primal production system with both technical and allocative inefficiency is

developed in section 3. Data is described in section 4. Section 5 discusses the results and Section 6

contains our conclusions.

2 Cost system approach with technical and allocative ineffi-


The production function for a typical producer (i) with output-oriented technical inefficiency (Aigner

et al. (1977), and Meeusen and van den Broeck (1977)) can be represented as

yi = f(xi) · e(vi−ui), i = 1, 2, ..., n, (1)

where f(·) is the production frontier, x is the vector of inputs, v is production uncertainty (noise),

and u ≥ 0 is output-oriented technical inefficiency, which can be interpreted as the percent loss of

output, ceteris paribus, due to technical inefficiency. The cost minimization problem for a typical

producer is (omitting the subscript i)

min w · x s.t. y = f(x)ev−u (2)

where w is the vector of input prices. The first-order conditions of the above problem can be expressed

implicitly as




w1eξj =


w1, j = 2, · · · , J, (3)

where wsj = wje

ξj and ξj �= 0 is allocative inefficiency for the input pair (j, 1). This definition of

allocative inefficiency, used by SL (1979), is appropriate, because a producer is allocatively inefficient


Page 4: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

when it fails to allocate inputs in a way that equates the marginal rate of technical substitution

(MRTS) with the ratio of respective input prices.

The above minimization problem can be written as a standard neoclassical cost minimization

problem, viz.,

min ws · x s.t. yeu−v = f(x), (4)

in which the first-order conditions (given y, v, u and ξj) are exactly the same as above. The advantage

of positing the problem in the above format is that stochastic noise, as well as technical and allocative

inefficiency are already built-in to the above optimization problem, and there is no need to append

any extra terms in an ad hoc fashion at the estimation stage. Moreover, all the standard duality

results go through, although the model we consider here allows for the presence of statistical noise,

and technical and allocative inefficiency. For example, the solution of xj (the conditional input

demand functions) can be expressed as xj = xj(ws, yeu−v), j = 1, · · · , J . Furthermore, the cost

function, defined as cs(·) = ws · x(·), can be expressed as

cs(·) = c(ws, yeu−v). (5)

Note that cs(·) is neither the actual cost nor the minimum cost function. The former is the cost

of inputs used at the observed prices, while the latter is the cost of producing a given level of output

without any inefficiency. The cost function cs(·) is an artificial construct that is useful for exploiting

the duality results. Since cs(·) is derived from the neoclassical optimization problem in which the

relevant input prices are ws and output is yev−u, it can be viewed as the cost function when prices

are ws and output is yev−u. Thus, if one starts from the cs(·) function, Shephard’s lemma can be

used to obtain the conditional input demand functions (i.e., ∂cs(·)∂ws

j= xj(·)). Equivalently,

∂ ln cs(·)∂ ln ws



j xj(·)cs(·) ⇒ xj(·) =




where ssj(·) =

∂ ln cs(·)∂ ln ws




The actual cost ca is now expressed as

ca =∑


wjxj(·) =∑


wsj xj(·)



)= cs(·)






⇒ ln ca = ln cs(·) + ln


1 +J∑





The above equation relates actual/observed cost with the unobserved cost function cs(·), and the

formulation is complete once a functional form on cs(·) is chosen. For example, if cs(·) is assumed to


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be Cobb-Douglas, then the above relationship becomes

ln ca = α0 +∑


αj lnwsj + αy ln


)+ ln

α1 +



= α0 +J∑


αj ln wj + αy ln y + αy (u − v) +J∑


αjξj + ln

α1 +





Furthermore, the actual cost share equations are

saj =

wj xj




ca= αje


{α1 +




= αj +



α1 +∑J

k=2 αk e−ξk

− 1


⇒ saj ≡ αj + ηj(ξ), j = 2, . . . , J,


where the cost function errors (ηj) are functions of allocative errors (ξ), and they are therefore related

to the cost of allocative inefficiency defined below. The above relationship can also be directly derived

from the Cobb-Douglas production function along with the first-order conditions of cost minimization.

The cost function in (8) can be written as

ln ca = ln c0(·) + ln cu + ln cv + ln cξ, (10)

where ln c0 = α0+ln[∑J

j=1 αj


j=1 αj ln wj +αy ln y is the minimum (neo-classical) cost function

(frontier). The percentage increase in cost due to technical inefficiency is ln cu×100 = αy u×100 ≥ 0.

Similarly, the percentage increase in cost due to allocative inefficiency ln cξ (when multiplied by 100)



αjξj + ln

[α1 +



]− ln

[∑Jj=1 αj

]. Production uncertainty can either increase or

decrease cost since ln cv = −αy v > (<)0 , depending on v < 0(> 0).

It is clear from equations (8) and (9) that the error components in the above system are quite

complex. The allocative inefficiency term (ξj) appears in a highly non-linear fashion in both the cost

function and cost share equations. Consequently, an estimation of the model (the cost function and

the cost share equations specified above) based on distributional assumptions on ξj , u, and v is quite

difficult. The main problem in deriving the likelihood function is that elements of ξ appear in the

above system in a highly non-linear fashion. Alternatively, if one makes a distributional assumption

on the cost share errors ηj (which are also non-linear functions of the elements of ξ), then to derive

the likelihood function one has to express ξj in terms of η , because ξjs appear in the cost function.

Thus, even if one starts from a Cobb-Douglas production function, the estimation of the cost system

is difficult (a closed-form expression of the likelihood function is not possible).


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Similar results are obtained if one uses a translog function for ln cs(·). The actual cost function is

ln ca = ln cs(·) +


1 +∑


ssj(·) e−ξj

, (11)


ln cs(·) = α0 +∑

αj ln wsj + αy ln






αjk ln wsj ln ws

k +12αyy





αjy ln wsj ln





ssj(·) = αj +


αjk ln wsk + αjy ln


). (13)

The cost function in (11) can be written as

ln ca = ln c0 +∑

αjξj + αy (u − v) +∑



αjk ln wjξk +12



αjk ξjξk +∑


αjy ξj ln y



αjy ξj(u − v) + αyy ln y(u − v) +12αyy(u − v)2 + {ss

1 +∑




where the frontier (minimum) cost function (c0(·)) is given by

ln c0(·) = α0 +∑

αj ln wj + αy ln y +12



αjk ln wj lnwk +12αyy ln y2



αjy ln wj ln y.


Finally, the actual cost share equations are

saj =






ss1 +



, j = 2, · · · , J (16)

≡ s0j (·) +



ss1 +



− s0j (·)

= s0

j (·) + ηj (ξ, u, v, and data) , (17)

where ssj(·) is written as

ssj(·) = s0

j +∑


αjkξk + αjy(u − v), (18)


s0j (·) = αj +


αjk ln wk + αjy ln y. (19)


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It is clear from the above algebraic expressions that the translog cost function cannot be expressed


ln ca = ln c0(·) + ln cu + ln cv + ln cξ, (20)

which decomposes actual cost (in log) into the minimum (frontier) cost (ln c0(·)), an increase in

cost (log) due to technical (ln cu) and allocative inefficiency (ln cξ), and an increase/decrease in cost

(log) due to uncertainty in the production process (v). The terms u, v, and ξj term interact among

themselves in the cost function, which makes it impossible to decompose the log cost into the above

four components. In other words, an increase in cost due to technical (allocative) inefficiency will, in

general, depend on allocative (technical) inefficiency and the noise components.

The translog cost system is hence more complex than the Cobb-Douglas cost system, because

technical inefficiency (u) and the noise term (v) enter non-linearly in the cost system, and they also

interact with the allocative inefficiency components (ξj) as well as output and input prices. In other

words, it is impossible to estimate the translog cost system starting from distributional assumptions

on u, v and ξj . Note that none of the error terms in the present model is ad hoc.

If the underlying production function is homogenous, then it satisfies the following parametric

restrictions, viz., αyy = 0, αjy = 0 ∀ j. Consequently, the cost function is linear in u and v (as in

the Cobb-Douglas case), but the non-linearity in ξ is not eliminated. Therefore, the observed cost

can be expressed as ln ca = ln c0(·) + ln cu + ln cv + ln cξ. That is, the cost function (in log) can

be expressed as the sum of frontier cost plus a percentage change in costs (when multiplied by 100)

due to technical and allocative inefficiency and production uncertainty. An estimation of the model

is still difficult, if not impossible, because of the non-linearities in ξ. Unless the parameters of the

cost system are estimated consistently, the costs of technical and allocative inefficiency cannot be

computed (although algebraic expressions for an increase in cost due to technical and allocative

inefficiency are known). In other words, in the case of a homogeneous production function, the cost

system formulation has the advantage of obtaining analytical solutions of ln cu, ln cv, ln cξ, but an

econometric estimation of the model is still difficult (if not impossible).

We now consider the alternative modeling strategy, viz., the primal approach. Compared to

the cost system approach, the primal system is easier to estimate, although analytical expressions

for ln cu, ln cv, and ln cξ are not available. We compute them numerically by solving a system of

non-linear equations for each observation.


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3 The primal system

It is possible to avoid the estimation problem discussed in the preceding section if one starts from

the production function and uses a system consisting of the production function and the first-order

conditions of cost minimization. Note that this system is algebraically equivalent to the cost system

for self-dual production functions. The only difference is that one starts from a parametric production

function, instead of a cost function. We start from the production function (either a Cobb-Douglas

or a translog)

ln y = ln f(x) + v − u, (21)

and write down the first-order conditions of cost minimization, viz.,




w1eξj ⇒ ∂ ln f

∂ ln xj÷ ∂ ln f

∂ ln x1≡ sj



w1x1eξj ,

⇒ ln sj − ln s1 − ln(wjxj) + ln(w1x1) = ξj ; j = 2, ..J.


We interpret ξj(>=< 0) as allocative inefficiency for the input pair (j, 1). Thus, for example, if

ξ2 < 0 ⇒ w2eξ2 < w2, then input x2, relative to input x1, is over-used. The following figure shows it

graphically for two inputs.








w eξ






Figure 1: Allocative inefficiency without technical inefficiency

Assume that there is no technical inefficiency. The input quantities given by point A are used

to produce output level y0. However, the optimal input quantities are given by point B which is


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the tangency point between the isoquant and the isocost line, i.e., MRTS = f1f2

= w1w2

. At point

A the equality f1f2

= w1w2

is not satisfied. The dotted isocost line is tangent to the observed input

combination (point A). That is, the observed input quantities are optimal with respect to the input

price ratio w1w2eξ2

. Departure from the optimality condition (MRTS = w1w2

) is shown by the difference

in slopes of the dotted and the solid isocost line. Failure on the part of the producer to allocate

inputs optimally by equating MRTS with the respective price ratios (given by point B) is viewed as

allocative inefficiency.3

Now assume that the producer is technically inefficient, i.e., y = f(x)e−u (ignoring the presence

of the stochastic noise component, v). Point A in Figure 2 shows an observed input combination

where the output produced is y0. We write the production function as yeu = f(x), which shows a

neutral shift of the isoquant from y0 to y0eu > y0.













Figure 2: Allocative inefficiency with technical inefficiency

Allocative inefficiency can then be defined in terms of the new isoquant (y0eu). Given the prices,

the allocatively efficient input combination is shown by point B, whereas, the actual input combi-

nation is given by point A (which is made technically efficient by shifting the isoquant). Allocative

inefficiency is shown by the difference in the slope of the (y0eu) isoquant between points A and B.

Since technical inefficiency shifts the production function neutrally, the slope of the isoquant will

be unchanged. Thus, one can define allocative inefficiency with respect to the y0 isoquant by dropping

3It is worth mentioning that such failures may not be a mistake, especially if producers face other constraints in input

allocations (e.g., regulatory constraints).


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down radially from points A to A′ and B to B′. Allocative inefficiency can then be represented by

the difference in the slopes of the y0 isoquant between points A′ and B′.4

The error structure of the primal system described in (21) and (22) is simple enough to derive the

joint probability density function of the error vector. The joint pdf is required to estimate the above

system using the maximum likelihood (ML) method, and it requires distributional assumptions to be

made on the error components. Here, we make the following assumptions (some of which are relaxed


v ∼ N(0, σ2v), (23)

u ∼ N+(0, σ2), (truncated at zero from below) (24)

ξ ∼ MV N(0,Σ), (25)

ξj are independent of v and u. (26)

The assumptions on v and u are standard in the efficiency literature, although other distributions

such as exponential and truncated normal can be used for u (see, e.g., Kumbhakar and Lovell 2000).

Since ξj can take both positive and negative values (meaning that inputs can be over- or under-

used), it is natural to assume normal distributions on allocative errors.5 The final assumption of

independence is for simplicity.6

With the above distributional assumptions, the joint probability distribution of v − u and ξ is

f(v − u, ξ) = g(v − u) · h(ξ), (27)


g(v − u) =2σ


{(v − u)


}Φ{−(v − u)σu


}, (28)

and φ(·) and Φ(·) are the pdf and cdf of a standard normal variable, respectively, and σ =√

σ2u + σ2

v .

The multi-variable normal pdf for ξ is given by h(ξ).

The likelihood function for the system in (21) and (22) is

L = g(v − u) · h(ξ) · |J |, (29)

where |J | is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix, viz.,

|J | =∣∣∣∣ ∂(v − u, ξ2, ξ3, ..., ξJ )∂(ln x1, ln x2, ..., ln xJ)

∣∣∣∣ . (30)

4Note that slopes of the isoquants at A and A′ (B and B′) are the same.5Note that the cost shares appear in logs in the first-order conditions and are in difference form. Thus, although the

shares are limited between 0 and 1, ln sj − ln s1 will not be constrained to take only positive or negative values.6Schmidt and Lovell (1980) allowed a positive correlation between u and |ξj |, j = 2, · · · , J .


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The log-likelihood function, for a single observation, is

ln Li = constant − 12

ln σ2 + lnφ

((vi − ui)


)+ ln Φ

(− (vi − ui)σu



− 12

ln |Σ| − 12ξ′

iΣ−1ξi + ln |J |.


The likelihood function can be concentrated with respect to Σ. The elements of Σ, σjk, can be

obtained from

σjk =1N


ξjiξki, j, k = 2, · · · , J,

⇒ Σ =1N


ξiξ′i. (32)

Substituting (32) into the above log-likelihood function gives the concentrated log-likelihood function.

The observation sum of this concentrated log-likelihood function can be maximized to obtain the ML

estimate of the parameters.

After estimating the parameters, one would like to obtain (observation-specific) estimates of

technical and allocative inefficiency. Technical inefficiency u (for each observation) can be estimated

using the Jondrow et al. (1982) formula, viz., E{u|(v − u)}, which for the present model is

E{u|(v − u)} = µ∗ + σ∗ φ(µ∗/σ∗)Φ(µ∗/σ∗)

, (33)

where µ∗ = − (v−u) σ2u

σ2 and σ∗ = σuσv

σ . The estimates of u show the percent by which output falls

short of the frontier (maximum possible) output due to technical inefficiency.

Allocative inefficiency ξj for the input pair (j, 1) can be obtained from the residuals of the first

order conditions. The sign of ξj shows whether input j is over- or under-used relative to input 1. If

ξj > 0 , then input j is under-used relative to input 1. Unfortunately, the extent of over-use (under-

use) of inputs cannot be inferred from the values of ξj alone. For this we need to derive the input

demand function, which is not possible (analytically) for the translog production function. However,

one can compute the extent of over-use (under-use) of inputs numerically (discussed later).

While the estimates of technical and allocative inefficiency are useful economically, one might be

interested in computing the effect of technical and allocative inefficiency on cost. This is because

what matters most to cost-minimizing producers is by how much is cost increased due to inefficiency.

To address this issue, first we compute (numerically) the impact of u and ξ on lnxj . These results

are then used to compute the impact of u and ξ on cost.


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4 Data

We use data on fossil fuel fired steam electric power generation plants (investor-owned utilities) in the

United States.7 A panel data (1986-1996) on 72 electric utilities are used in this study. The sources

of the data are: Energy Information Administration, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,

and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The output is net steam electric power generation in megawatt-hours which is defined as the

amount of power produced using fossil-fuel fired boilers to produce steam for turbine generators in a

given period of time. The variable inputs are: labor and maintenance (L), fuel (F), and capital (K).

The price of labor and maintenance (wL) is a cost-share weighted price for labor and maintenance.

Quantities of labor and maintenance are obtained from the cost of labor and maintenance divided

by its price. The price of fuel (wF ) is the average price of fuels (coal, oil and gas) in dollars per

BTUs. The fuel quantity (F ) is obtained from dividing the fuel cost by the fuel price. The price

of capital (wK) is calculated using the Christensen and Jorgenson (1970) cost of capital formula.

Finally, capital stock is measured using the estimates of capital cost discussed in Considine (2000).

We also use the time trend (t) to capture technical change.

5 Empirical results

5.1 Econometric model and results

Appending the time trend variable (t) as a regressor and introducing the firm subscript i, the translog

production function can be expressed as

ln yit = α0 +∑


αj ln xjit + αt t +12



αjk ln xjit ln xkit + αtt t2



αjt ln xjit t

+ vit − uit, j = labor, fuel and capital.


The corresponding first-order conditions (using labor as the numeraire) are

ln sjit − ln s1it − ln(wjitxjit) + ln(w1itx1it) = ξjit, j = fuel and capital. (35)


sjit = αj +∑


ajk ln xkit + αjt t, j = fuel and capital.

7We thank Spiro Stefanou for providing the data to us. Details on the construction of the data set can be found in

Rungsuriyawiboon and Stefanou (2003).


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The likelihood function of the model, which consists of the production function in (34) and the

first-order conditions in (35), is obtained from (31). We concentrated the likelihood function to get

rid of the parameters associated with Σ. The remaining parameters of the model are estimated by

maximizing the concentrated log-likelihood function. We estimate both the Cobb-Douglas and the

translog production functions. The parameter estimates are presented in Table 1. All the parameters

(except 6 out of 15 in the translog case) are statistically significant. The model with a Cobb-Douglas

production function can be obtained by imposing parameter restrictions (e.g., αjk = 0, αjt = 0,

and αtt = 0) on the model of (34) and (35). Such restrictions are overwhelmingly rejected by the

likelihood ratio test. Thus, the translog model (although it has some insignificant parameters) is

supported by the data.

Based on the estimated parameters we compute several statistics that are of interest to economists.

First, we estimate the returns to scale (RTS) from

RTS =∑


∂ ln y

∂ ln xj≡∑


sj(·), (36)

which is a constant (∑

j αj) for the Cobb-Douglas case, but is observation-specific for the translog

model. The Cobb-Douglas model predicts constant (unitary) returns to scale, while a slightly de-

creasing returns to scale (although not statistically different from unity) is observed at the mean

of the data for the translog model. Estimates of RTS in the translog model range from 0.89 to

1.12. These results suggest that most of the electric utilities in our sample are operating at their

efficient scale (minimum point of the average cost curve), and therefore are not likely to benefit from

increasing their size.

We also compute and report (in Table 2) technical change (TC) from

TC =∂ ln y

∂t≡ αt +


αjt ln xj + αtt t, (37)

which is a constant (∑

j αt) for the Cobb-Douglas case but is observation-specific for the translog

model. Both the Cobb-Douglas and the translog model predict technical progress at the rate of

about 2% per year. Large variations in TC are observed in the translog model (ranging from 0.86%

to 3.42% with a standard deviation of .57%). A 2% technical progress per year means that output

can be increased on average by 2% per year, holding everything constant.

To obtain an observation-specific estimate of technical inefficiency (u), we use the Jondrow et

al. (1982) result; that is, estimate u from u = E(u|v−u) in which (v−u) is replaced by the residuals

of the production function. To save space we report the mean values of u in Table 2 for both the

Cobb-Douglas and the translog functions. Both the Cobb-Douglas and translog functions show that,

on average, the electric utilities are producing 30% less than their maximum potential output due to


Page 14: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

technical inefficiency. Given that electric utilities mostly operate with excess capacity (to meet peak

demand), the presence of a somewhat large technical inefficiency might not be surprising.

We next examine allocative inefficiency ξ for fuel and capital (relative to labor). Since the mean

values of ξF and ξK are negative (-0.01 and -0.013 for the Cobb-Douglas, and -0.006 and -0.016 for

the translog), this means that exp(ξF ) < 1 and exp(ξK) < 1, and labor/fuel and labor/capital ratios

are on average lower than the cost minimizing ratios. This result shows that capital is over-used

relative to both labor and fuel (the Averch-Johnson hypothesis). An over-use of capital (relative to

fuel and labor) follows from the fact that wK


exp(ξK)exp(ξF ) < wK

wFand wK exp(ξK)

wL< wK

wLevaluated at the

mean values of ξF and ξF .

As mentioned before, the estimates of ξ for each pair of inputs tell us whether an input is over- or

under-used (relative to another input). However, the degree of over- (under-) use cannot be inferred

from the estimates of ξj . To do so, we need to derive the input demand functions, which for the

Cobb-Douglas model, are:

ln xj = aj +1r


αk ln wk − ln wj +1r

ln y +1r


αkξk − ξj − 1r

(v − u) , j = 2, ..., J

ln x1 = a1 +1r


αk ln wk − ln w1 +1r

ln y +1r


αkξk − 1r

(v − u)

where r =J∑


αk, aj = lnαj − 1r

[α0 +


αk ln αk

], j = 1, · · · , J.


Thus, for example, due to allocative inefficiency demand, xj is increased or decreased by [ln xj |ξ =

ξ]− [lnxj |ξ = 0] = 1r


αk ξk− ξj percent for j = 2, · · · , J , while for input x1 it is 1r


αk ξk percent.

Since ξj can be positive or negative, the presence of allocative inefficiency can either increase or

decrease demand for an input. Note that ξj are residuals of the first-order conditions in (35).

The effect of technical inefficiency on input demand is obtained from [ln xj |u] − [lnxj |u = 0] =

(1/r)u ≥ 0 for j = 1, · · · , J . Thus, demand for each input is increased by (1/r)u 100 percent due to

technical inefficiency.

For the translog model an analytical solution of lnxj is not possible. We can, however, compute

the effects of technical and allocative inefficiency on input demand numerically. To do so, first we

solve for ln xj from the production function and the first-order conditions in (21) and (22) using the

estimated parameters and setting u = 0 and ξj = 0 ∀ j. We label the solution as lnxoj . We then

solve the system again setting u = u and ξj = 0 ∀ j, and label the solution as ln xj . Finally, we solve

the system setting u = 0, and ξj = ξj , and label the solution as ln xj . Using these solutions of lnx,

the impact of allocative inefficiency on xj is computed from ln xj − ln x0j for j = 1, · · · J . Similarly,

the effect of technical inefficiency on the demand for xj can be computed from ln xj − ln x0j .


Page 15: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

5.2 Computing the cost of technical inefficiency and allocative inefficiency

Since both technical and allocative inefficiencies increase cost, it is desirable to compute the increase

in cost due to each of them. Such a cost difference can be obtained from the cost function with

and without inefficiency. Since the cost function has an analytical solution for the Cobb-Douglas

model, it is possible to get analytical solutions for the cost of technical inefficiency (ln cu) and cost

of allocative inefficiency ln cξ. For this we write the cost function as

ln ca = a0 +1r

ln y +1r


αi ln wi − 1r

(v − u) + E − ln r

where a0 = ln r − α0

r− 1



αi ln αi

), and

E =1r


αjξj + ln

α1 +



− ln r.


Thus ln cu ≡ ln ca− [ln ca|u = 0] = u/r ≥ 0. Similarly, ln cξ = ln ca− [ln ca|ξj = 0 ∀ j] = E− ln r ≥ 0.

For a translog production function the corresponding cost function cannot be derived analytically.

Consequently, it is not possible to get analytical expressions for ln cu and ln cξ. We use numerical

solutions of x with and without inefficiency to compute ln cu and ln cξ. That is, the percentage

increase in cost due to technical inefficiency, ctech, is

ctech = (w′x)/(w′xo) − 1. (40)

Similarly, the percentage increase in cost due to allocative inefficiency, callo, is

callo = (w′x)/(w′xo) − 1. (41)

5.3 Technical and systematic allocative inefficiency

Given that the electric utilities are subject to rate of return regulation which leads to a system-

atic over-utilization of capital relative to any other input (the Averch-Johnson hypothesis), we now

allow non-zero means for allocative inefficiency (ξj). The basic model is the same, except that

ξ ∼ MV N(ρ,Σ). Thus, the only change in the likelihood function will be in h(ξ). Now the likeli-

hood function can be concentrated with respect to both ρ and Σ, i.e.,

ρj = ξj =1N


ξji, j = 2, · · · , J, (42)


σjk =1N


(ξji − ξj)(ξki − ξk), j, k = 2, · · · , J, (43)


Page 16: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

where the subscript i = 1, · · · , N indicates observation. Substituting these expressions for ρ and Σ

into the log-likelihood function gives the concentrated log-likelihood function that is maximized to

obtain the remaining parameters of the model.

Results from this model (reported in Tables 3 a nd 4) are very similar to those of the previous

model. Mean allocative inefficiency is found to be not different from zero at the 5% level of signifi-

cance. This result is not surprising given that the means of ξF and ξK of the previous model were

close to zero. Returns to scale in the Cobb-Douglas model are found to be 1.005 (not different from

unity at any reasonable level of significance). Technical change is found to have taken place at the

rate of 2.3% per year. Mean technical inefficiency is found to be 31.3%. On average, an increase in

cost due to technical inefficiency is 39.6%, while allocative inefficiency increased cost (on average)

by 3.5%. The results for the translog model (at the mean of the data) come very close to the Cobb-

Douglas model (RTS = 0.998, TC = 2.3%, mean u = 31.6%). Again these are very similar to those

from the previous model.

6 Conclusion

In this paper we demonstrate how one can use a flexible functional form to estimate technical and

allocative inefficiency in a cost minimization framework. Instead of using the cost function and the

associated cost share functions (which turn out to be difficult to estimate), we follow the primal ap-

proach used by Schmidt and Lovell (1979) for the Cobb-Douglas production system. The production

system consists of the production function and the first-order conditions of cost minimization. We

consider both systematic and non-systematic allocative inefficiency.

In formulating the model we have taken into account production uncertainty as well as technical

and allocative inefficiency in a consistent and coherent manner. None of the error terms in the model

is ad hoc. This is in contrast to the cost system approach in which (at least for flexible functional

form) the noise term (production uncertainty) is added at the very end (for both the cost function

and cost share equations). This approach is quite ad hoc (lacks economic meaning) and is criticized

by McElroy (1987) and others. The main advantage of the production approach is that every error

term has a clear meaning and nothing is added at the end either to simplify the derivation of some

results or to make the estimation simpler.

Using the production system, we derive observation-specific estimates of technical and allocative

inefficiency (for each pair of inputs). These estimates (together with the estimated parameters of

the production system) are then used to obtain estimates of a cost increase (for each observation)

due to technical and allocative inefficiency. We used a panel of U.S. stem-electric generating plants


Page 17: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

to estimate both the Cobb-Douglas and translog production systems. Our results (based on both

functional forms) show that, potential output on average is reduced by about 30% due to technical

inefficiency alone. This pushes actual cost up on average by about 39%. On the other hand, allocative

inefficiency results in an over-use of capital (relative to both labor and fuel), which increases actual

cost on average by 3.5% (for the Cobb-Douglas model) to 5.0% (for the translog model).


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Page 19: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency: A ... · Estimation of Technical and Allocative ... system consisting of the production function ... of technical and allocative

Table 1: Estimated Production Function Parameters

Cobb-Douglas Translog

var. coef. (std.err.) var. coef. (std.err.) var. coef. (std.err.)

cons 4.899*** (0.112) cons 1.786** (0.863)

l 0.167*** (0.003) l 0.272*** (0.049) lf 0.022** (0.011)

f 0.569*** (0.007) f 0.441*** (0.105) lk 0.004 (0.010)

k 0.269*** (0.004) k 0.794*** (0.089) lt 0.001 (0.001)

t 0.021*** (0.003) t 0.049* (0.029) fk 0.098*** (0.008)

ll -0.055*** (0.009) ft -0.002 (0.002)

ff -0.119*** (0.015) kt -0.0001 (0.001)

σ2u 0.154*** (0.012) kk -0.126*** (0.013) σ2

u 0.147*** (0.011)

σ2v 0.012*** (0.002) tt -0.002 (0.002) σ2

v 0.012*** (0.002)

log likelihood -933.985 log likelihood -840.597

Note: l = ln L, lf = ln L ln F , etc.; Significance: ***: 1% level, **: 5% level; *: 10% level.

Table 2: Summary statistics of inefficiency, RTS and TC

Cobb-Douglas Translog

mean (std.dev.) mean (std.dev.)

RTS 1.005 RTS 0.988

TC 0.021 TC 0.020

E(u) 0.307 (0.225) E(u) 0.301 (0.219)

ξF -0.010 (0.504) ξF -0.006 (0.661)

ξK -0.013 (0.509) ξK -0.016 (0.687)

Ctech Calloc Ctech Calloc

mean 0.396 0.035 mean 0.389 0.050

25% 0.146 0.006 25% 0.155 0.005

50% 0.263 0.016 50% 0.266 0.022

75% 0.486 0.035 75% 0.488 0.050

Note: Ctech = (w′x)/(w′xo) − 1, Callo = (w′x)/(w′xo) − 1.


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Table 3: Estimated Production Function Parameters with Systematic Errors in Allocation


var. coef. (std. err.) var. coef. (std. err.) var. coef. (std. err.)

cons 5.319*** (0.121) cons 5.249*** (0.863)

l 0.252*** (0.016) l 0.164** (0.075) lf 0.027** (0.013)

f 0.569*** (0.025) f 0.543*** (0.120) lk 0.027** (0.011)

k 0.188*** (0.024) k 0.319** (0.130) lt 0.004*** (0.002)

t 0.023*** (0.002) t -0.004 (0.027) fk 0.013** (0.006)

ll -0.077*** (0.013) ft -0.001 (0.002)

ff -0.020 (0.013) kt 0.001* (0.0001)

σ2u 0.160*** (0.012) kk -0.047** (0.020) σ2

u 0.162*** (0.012)

σ2v 0.009*** (0.002) tt -0.001 (0.002) σ2

v 0.010*** (0.002)

log likelihood -916.344 log likelihood -819.023

Note: Significance: ***: 1% level, **: 5% level; *: 10% level.

Table 4: Model Statistics: with Systematic Errors in Al-



mean (std. dev.) mean (std. dev.)

RTS 1.009 RTS 0.998

TC 0.023 TC 0.023

E(u) 0.313 (0.235) E(u) 0.316 (0.233)

ξF -0.419 (0.504) ξF -0.257 (0.615)

ξK -0.777 (0.508) ξK -2.210 (0.939)

Ctech Calloc Ctech Calloc

mean 0.406 0.070 mean 0.410 0.184

25% 0.152 0.029 25% 0.150 0.087

50% 0.273 0.050 50% 0.283 0.151

75% 0.502 0.090 75% 0.530 0.233

Note: Ctech = (w′x)/(w′xo) − 1, Callo. = (w′x)/(w′xo) − 1.