www.theinternationaljournal.org > RJSITM: Volume: 04, Number: 10, August-2015 Page 1 Establishment of Pavement Maintenance Management System In Industrial Area Vivek S. Hokam PhD Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur, Maharashtra, India & Dr. V. S. Landge Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Abstract MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation) is one statutory body responsible for providing infrastructure for industrial units. MIDC have elaborate road network of 2826 Kms of length. MIDC has spent Rs. 18820 Millions on development and maintenance of road network, which is @ 32% of total development expenditure. Pavement is one of the major infrastructures of Corporation. The maintenance system used for preserving road network is insufficient to assist in decision making during the design life of pavements. A system has been presented to facilitate the decision maker for prioritizing maintenance strategy for the industrial pavements in order to reduce the deterioration. The Concept of Pavement Management System is already established for National Highway and State highway network in India. However it‟s relatively new for small establishments. Pavement is one of the prime infrastructural elements for MIDC area. This paper embodies the effort done for establishing Pavement Maintenance Priority Index (MPI). Key Words: PMMS, Overloading, Deterioration, MPI, 1. Introduction: A pavement management system is a planning tool that is able to model pavement and surface deterioration due to the effects of traffic and environmental ageing. PMS contains a series of decision units used to determine how and when repair should be done. The prioritization of maintenance activities is commonly applied in pavement maintenance planning. As a result of overuse, overloading and aging, deterioration of roads occurs. The cost of restoring such roads to the required standard escalates the total cost, with a consequent effect on cost of goods and services. A good pavement management system is therefore necessary to reduce the rate of deterioration in order to maintain the pavement in serviceable manner. A widely adopted practice is to express maintenance priority in the form of a priority index, computed by means of an empirical mathematical expression (the priority model) which is convenient to use. A number of pavement condition prediction models which simulate the deterioration process of road pavements and forecast their condition over time have been developed for use by road maintenance agencies in various countries. They include Defect Rating Index, Present Serviceability Rating (PSR) and Surface Rating (SR). Traditionally, ranking of road sections for maintenance operations in industrial areas have been based wholly on the experience and judgement of pavement engineers and maintenance personnel. However, due to the randomness and complex interactions of the factors involved in pavement deterioration mechanism, this approach is inefficient, prone to errors and may lead to improperly scheduled maintenance activities. This paper presents the methodology for developing model for prioritizing road pavement maintenance in industrial areas and putting into consideration all possible factors that affect pavement deterioration process. 1.2 Model Parameters: In other to determine the model parameters, data on the road under study was collected to obtain a broad picture of pavement conditions under various climatic and traffic situations. The Information on pavement distresses such as length of cracks, rut depths and area of potholes was

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www.theinternationaljournal.org > RJSITM: Volume: 04, Number: 10, August-2015 Page 1

Establishment of Pavement Maintenance Management System

In Industrial Area

Vivek S. Hokam

PhD Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of

Technology Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Dr. V. S. Landge

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology

Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation) is one statutory body responsible for

providing infrastructure for industrial units. MIDC have elaborate road network of 2826 Kms of

length. MIDC has spent Rs. 18820 Millions on development and maintenance of road network, which

is @ 32% of total development expenditure. Pavement is one of the major infrastructures of

Corporation. The maintenance system used for preserving road network is insufficient to assist in

decision making during the design life of pavements. A system has been presented to facilitate the

decision maker for prioritizing maintenance strategy for the industrial pavements in order to reduce the

deterioration. The Concept of Pavement Management System is already established for National

Highway and State highway network in India. However it‟s relatively new for small establishments.

Pavement is one of the prime infrastructural elements for MIDC area. This paper embodies the effort

done for establishing Pavement Maintenance Priority Index (MPI).

Key Words: PMMS, Overloading, Deterioration, MPI,

1. Introduction: A pavement management system is a planning tool that is able to model

pavement and surface deterioration due to the effects of traffic and environmental ageing. PMS

contains a series of decision units used to determine how and when repair should be done. The

prioritization of maintenance activities is commonly applied in pavement maintenance planning. As a

result of overuse, overloading and aging, deterioration of roads occurs. The cost of restoring such

roads to the required standard escalates the total cost, with a consequent effect on cost of goods and

services. A good pavement management system is therefore necessary to reduce the rate of

deterioration in order to maintain the pavement in serviceable manner. A widely adopted practice is to

express maintenance priority in the form of a priority index, computed by means of an empirical

mathematical expression (the priority model) which is convenient to use.

A number of pavement condition prediction models which simulate the deterioration process of road

pavements and forecast their condition over time have been developed for use by road maintenance

agencies in various countries. They include Defect Rating Index, Present Serviceability Rating (PSR)

and Surface Rating (SR). Traditionally, ranking of road sections for maintenance operations in

industrial areas have been based wholly on the experience and judgement of pavement engineers and

maintenance personnel. However, due to the randomness and complex interactions of the factors

involved in pavement deterioration mechanism, this approach is inefficient, prone to errors and may

lead to improperly scheduled maintenance activities.

This paper presents the methodology for developing model for prioritizing road pavement maintenance

in industrial areas and putting into consideration all possible factors that affect pavement deterioration


1.2 Model Parameters: In other to determine the model parameters, data on the road under study was

collected to obtain a broad picture of pavement conditions under various climatic and traffic situations.

The Information on pavement distresses such as length of cracks, rut depths and area of potholes was

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obtained through field survey and measurement. The implementation procedure that involves the

following tasks:

1. Defining the roadway network by breaking it into segments and creating an inventory for each


2. Gathering and inspecting the pavement condition and maintenance data of each segment.

3. Calculating the pavement condition assessment by selecting an evaluation criteria.

4. Determining the treatment strategy and cost for each segment based on pavement condition.

5. Developing a method of prioritizing segments when funding constraints exists in a pavement

maintenance program.

6. Documenting and reporting results.

2. Methodology for maintenance prioritization at network level:

A simplified procedure for determining the maintenance priorities of industrial road at network level

are suggested in this study. The study aims at developing a structured approach to evaluate and

prioritize industrial road sections in the existing industrial road network, which will help in making

efficient use of the available limited maintenance budgetary provisions.

There are number of factors that influence the performance of industrial roads. Five deterioration

parameters namely cracking, ravelling, rutting, potholes and edge-break are considered for suggesting

maintenance index for the industrial roads.

2.1 Cracking Area: Sum of rectangular areas circumscribing manifest distress, expressed in square

meter area as shown in Fig. No. 1 and 2.

Fig. No. 1 Fig. No. 2

2.2 Ravelling Area: Area of loss of material from wearing surface, expressed in square meter area as

shown in Fig. No. 3 and 4.

Fig. No. 3 Fig. No. 4

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2.3 Rutting: Permanent traffic-associated deformation within pavement layers which, if channelized

into wheel paths, accumulates over time and becomes manifested as a rut, expressed as the maximum

depth under 2 m straightedge placed transversely across a wheel path as shown in Fig. No. 5 and 6.

Fig. No. 5 Fig. No. 6

2.4 Number of Potholes: A pothole is defined as an open cavity in road surface with at least 150 mm

diameter and at least 25 mm depth as shown in Fig. No. 7 and 8. Number of potholes per kilometer

expressed in terms of the number of „standard‟ sized potholes of area 0.1 m2. The World Bank

describes one pothole means accommodating 10 liters of water.

Fig. No. 7 Fig. No.8

2.5 Edge Break Area: Loss of bituminous surface material (and possibly base materials) from the

edge of the pavement as shown in Fig. No. 9 and 10, expressed in square meters.

Fig. No 9 Fig. No. 10

2.6 Surface Distress Measurements: The surface distress measurements are carried out periodically

in various cycles as before monsoon, after monsoon and during winter season for each selected in-

service industrial road section as shown in Fig. No. 11 and 12. The type and extent of distress

developed at the surface i.e. cracking, ravelling, patch work, potholes, rut depth, depressions etc. are

observed based on the visual condition survey. The extent and type of distress developed in

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quantitative terms are also measured, in addition to the visual recording of the pavement surface

condition. The information on shoulder type, width, and condition, and drainage conditions is also


Fig. No. 11 Fig. No. 12

2.7 Measurement of cracking area – A representative test section of 100 m length was randomly

selected from selected km of in-service industrial pavement section for cracking measurements.

The affected area is marked in the form of regular geometric shapes such as rectangles, in case of

interconnected and alligator cracks and is subsequently expressed as the percentage of total

pavement area. In case of single longitudinal and transverse cracks, the crack length is measured

and affected width of the pavement surface across the length of crack is taken as 50 cm. Thus,

crack area is expressed as percentage of total pavement area. Separate measurements are taken for

cracks of width up to 3 mm (narrow cracks) and width more than 3 mm (wide cracks). It is

observed that in majority of the cases, the percentages of wide crack areas are found to be

approximately one-third of the total crack area.

2.8 Measurement of ravelling area - The affected area is measured by taking into account area

enclosed in regular geometric shapes such as rectangles, and is expressed subsequently as the

percentage of total pavement area.

2.9 Rut depth measurements - The rut depth measurements are made with a 2 m straight edge, at all

deflection points under the wheel path i.e. at a distance of 1.0 m from the pavement edge for four

lane and double lane carriageway. The maximum value of rut depth is noted down at each

observation point. The severity of rut depth is determined by visual inspections by measuring the

length affected by rutting and subsequently converted into the percentage of length affected by


2.10 Measurement of pothole area - The pothole area is measured in sq. m, and the depth of each

pothole is also measured to calculate the volume of potholes. Potholing is expressed in terms of the

number of pothole units of area of 0.1 m2. The volume is then converted into number of standard

pothole units of ten-litre volume each.

2.11 Edge break area measurements - The affected edge break area is measured by taking into

account area enclosed in regular geometric shapes such as rectangles, and then it is expressed as

percentage of total pavement area.

3. Development of model:

3.1 Road condition Evaluation : The road condition evaluation includes two parameters, which are

considered as “Grade (G)” and “Point (P)”.

Grade is the level to which the road is affected, i.e. severe or mild and point is the frequency of

occurrence of a particular factor i.e. extensive or seldom. Each factor is assigned a particular value of

grade as well as point. This is ranging from A to E and suggested definitions of grade and point for

each factor for industrial roads are given in Tables 1 and 2 respectively and these are decided after

discussion with the actual users of the industrial roads.

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Table 1 Suggested definition of grade for each factor

Factor Description

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Ravelling Area (%)

< 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 > 40

Rutting (mm) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 25 > 25

Potholes Area (%) < 5 5 - 15 15 - 25 25 - 30 > 30

Cracking Area (%) < 5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 25 > 25

Edge-Break Area (sq.m.) < 5 5 - 10 10-15 15-20 > 20 sq.m

Table 2 Suggested point and its description

Point Description

1 Isolated occurrence, i.e. less than 5% of road affected

2 Intermittent occurrence, i.e. between 5% and 20% of road affected

3 Regular occurrence, i.e. between 20% and 30% of road affected

4 Frequent occurrence, i.e. between 30% and 50% of road affected

5 Extensive occurrence, i.e. more than 50% of the road affected

3.2 Urgency Index (UI): Grade or Point alone cannot give a clear picture of the urgency requirements

of the road. Hence a parameter Urgency Index (UI) is required to take into account the combined effect

of grade and point. UI values are evaluated for each of the five factors by multiplying respective grade

and point values.

UI = Grade X Point

Urgency Index gives indication of the road condition, i.e. higher the value of UI means that road is

badly affected by that factor and urgent attention is required. As the grade and point vary from 1 to 5

values, UI values range from 1 to 25.

3.3 Weightages : All the five factors do not influence the road condition equally. Hence to take into

account their individual effect, different weightages are assigned to each factor. The values for

weightage range from 1 to 5. These relative weightages for different factors are decided based on the

field survey and discussion with the actual users of the industrial roads. The users suggested highest

weightage to ravelling factors, while lowest to edge-break factors for the industrial roads. Table 3

gives the details of adopted weightages for different factors considered in the study.

Table 3 Suggested relative weightages for various factors

Factor Suggested Weightage

Ravelling 5

Cracking 4

Potholes 3

Rutting 2

Edge Break 1

3.4 Road Condition Index (RCI): Road condition index is a number indicating the overall

condition of the industrial road link. It is the weighted averages of all UI‟s.

RCI = (𝑈𝐼𝑖∗𝑤𝑖 )


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RCI values range from 1 to 25. Suggested ranges of RCI values and its implication are given in Table

4 and these are decided based upon the discussion with the actual users of the industrial roads.

Table no. 4. Suggested condition of the road as indicated by RCI

RCI Condition

1 to 5 Road is in very good condition.

Between 5-

10 Road is in good condition, although there are few isolated problems.

Between 10-

15 Road condition is inacceptable level but notable short out-comings are present.

Between 15-

20 Road is deteriorated to such an extent that fairly urgent attention is required.

More than 20 Road is very badly affected and urgent attention is required.

Table no. 5. Condition of the road as per RCI

Roads in Butibori Indl. Area Road ID RCI

Main road A A 12

Main road B B 12

Roads in R & C Zone RC 10

Road B1 B1 9

Road B2 B2 9

Road B3 B3 8

Road B4 B4 8

Road B5 B5 8

Road B6 B6 9

Road B7 B7 9

Roads in Food Park FP 2

Roads in Apparel Park AP 7

Roads in I T Park IT 1

HTC road HT 7

BPCL Road BP 8

Road Condition Index (RCI) at study area

Figure No. 13

From figure no 13, it is interpreted that roads in Food Park and in IT Park are in good condition and

the main road A and B needs immediate attention for maintenance and rehabilitation.









A B RC B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 FP AP IT HT BP



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3.5 Traffic Volume (TV) and Traffic Composition (TC): The priority given for the maintenance of

the industrial road does not depend only on the condition of the road. It also depends on number and

type of vehicles using the road. Hence two parameters, Traffic Volume (TV) and Traffic Composition

(TC) are incorporated into the model. Traffic Volume (TV) indicates the number of vehicles passing

on the particular link in a day. Different ranges for these parameters as suggested in present study are

given in Table 6. The values of TV and TC are restricted to 5.

Table 6 Suggested ranges of parameters for TV/TC values


Values 1 2 3 4 5

Vehicles/day <

100 100-200 200-300 300-400 >400

Composition Cars Cars, Jeeps,


Cars, Jeeps,

tractors, trucks

Cars, Jeeps,

tractors, trucks,


Cars, Jeeps, tractors,

trucks, buses, trailers

3.6 Road User Factor (RUF)

A road user factor (RUF) is calculated by taking into consideration the combined effect of TV and TC.

RUF is defined as follows:


A higher value of RUF indicates that the particular road in industrial area is being used extensively and

is more important amongst the industrial road network.

3.7 Maintenance Priority Index (MPI)

This is the final index, indicating the overall priority associated with the industrial road link. MPI is

defined as follows:


Higher value of MPI suggests that the industrial road link is in bad condition and should be given

higher maintenance priority while considering the maintenance for industrial road network.

Table no. 7. Condition of the road as per RCI

Roads in Butibori Indl. Area Road ID RCI TV/TC value MPI

Main road A A 12 5 60

Main road B B 12 5 60

Roads in R & C Zone RC 10 4 40

Road B1 B1 9 3 27

Road B2 B2 9 3 27

Road B3 B3 8 3 24

Road B4 B4 8 3 24

Road B5 B5 8 3 24

Road B6 B6 9 4 36

Road B7 B7 9 4 36

Roads in Food Park FP 2 2 4

Roads in Apparel Park AP 7 4 28

Roads in I T Park IT 1 4 4

HTC road HT 7 4 28

BPCL Road BP 8 5 40

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Fig 14 Maintenance Priority Index (MPI)

4. Conclusion : The details of calculated MPI values for selected industrial road sections in Butibori

Industrial Area based on Sept / Oct 2013 field study data are shown in table no. 7 and the graph is

plotted as shown in Fig. 14. It is observed that industrial road section main road A, main road B, roads

in R & C zone and BPCL road are having the highest maintenance priority amongst the selected

industrial road sections in Butibori of the study area from Fig 14. With reference to this suggested

simple approach in present study, the maintenance authority of industrial roads, has given priority

amongst the industrial road network. Accordingly roads having highest MPI i.e. main road A, main

road B has given maintenance treatments with reference to severity and now the roads are in excellent

condition. The another road network namely roads in R & C zone and BPCL road has given next

priority and accordingly the maintenance work has started from Oct. 2014.

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