~ . ^BH mm _ ..... r-f* ... ESS TV BOOK LIST. 1907-08. ivIUc Public Schools. . , .• -: ii.*.-.joj..s U> be iij».J i.4 •-.». Grad< d School during the comip- year Pnpils who hold promo tjoncmda will please ptirchasi the ! oka for their i sp v: graft - : . Pupils who ' pn i ti< n c irds will please i fen «ec i next Saturdav or next Mi ;.''•>• ihat theymaj bo assign- el' ' of the gi.1 .' s. Tl : - does m ; ai ply to begii i - II. B. Smith, Supt. h' ..-; CuADE (advanced). 1. '.'.'.. i J's Rational First >oo . ' ' - R\ ' 0 1 re 2. P. !«'. Double-ruled tablet ;5. A - - : i TJ r First Read- er. E A. D . ' i-.il : .; !!.!,: tal let I." : ' i l: . er. F !••' i E I Pi II Si .:: :.i < ,: . ' r 3 to Li i '. r No. 3 :";:!• ;'..,..- 'a Edi n--y :: . ••.-. ilarrii =r i n's : lib Book Mi '- Pr :• r Arithme- tic. B| 1 Bv 1 !•'•• '.' Copy-bo ' :. No 3. Sp '. is tal -. P r.eil. FOURTH GSA >E Mi'nt'a Prcgressive Arithme- tic. Bk. 1. Evans. Harrington's Spelling Rook- Allen's N C- History Storiec. Slinrt -. Stepping S'onts to Literature JJk. 4. Evans. Maury's Elementary Geogra- phy. Revis'd. Hyde's Grammar, Bk. 1. Heath's Copv-boak, N >. 4. <3„,."•..„ ..,>.i.^ n.,„,,ji t...->- >t ,••-,»-.,-• fC*,w»f.| - ) Milne's Progressive Arithm - tic. Bk. 1. Evans. Harrington's Spelling Book. Maury's Elementary Geogra- phy, Revised. Hyd«*s Grammar. Bk. I. "' Famous men of Rome. Evanr- Heath's Copv-hook, No. 5. "' FIFTH GRADE.(Section A.I Little NelI.'(U. P. Edition! "Evans. Pnlaw and Duke's Arithmetic, Tr - nnd McMurry's N. Amer- ica. Evans. Steis in English, Bk. 1. El- iogton. Harrington's Spelling Rook Broiling tnblet> Pencil. Heath's Copy hook. No. 5, SIXTH GRADE. Step-; in En -li-.il. Bk. _' you-- p npIesHisrcryofN. C. I> Ardi n, EHint' m. Col< ' and FHwood s Ad- wanced Arithmetic. Maury's Manual of Geography, "Revised. Harrington'* Speliinjr Hook. Spelling tablet. Pencil. SEVENTH PRADI . Montgomery's History of Eng- land, revi •"!. Evans. Steps in English, bk. 1 Elling- ton. Evai ine. Co'a.v and Ellwood's adv. arithmetic. Maur\' : . Manual of georgraphy. revised. Harrin-.rton's spelling book. Spelling tablet EIGHTH GRADE. Montgomery's History of Env- land. Evans. Maxwell and Smith's Writing in English. Evans. Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Evans- Gunnison and Harley's First year of 1 atin. Ellin>rton. Colaw and Ellwood's adv. .Arithmetic Maury's Manual of Geography. TENTH GRADE. Elem°nts of English Composi- tion. Ellington. Dickens's Christmas Caral. (U. P. Co. Edition). Myers's General History, Re- vise I. van--. Wentworth's Plane Geometry. . . .*.' .- , . - ! Ellington. Chardenal's Complete French Cours\ Ellington. Note], Ml books listed above . ' rn U ted in the school , .,. ore except Famoua Men i i; me, young Peoples's History f N. ft. and the principal tenth trade texts Practically no tenth if- I oks have yet been used ;•: thCFCty ol. N e2 Drawing wfllbetaugl i -ystemati?allyby an experienced •: cher in all the grades this y. ar. After the opening of school, announcement will be mad ! as to the noeessary draw- : ' materials. No e -• V\ebs:er's dictionar i s .•.' had at a smv! c ast, ai d it is ej >. .. that all children bo\ the fourth grade be sup- ; L.-Itn these I - !;-. Note ;. Exc ; ! ic ti nth g.\ d ' . on!. : ' w \' '.: a on he H : ; . ir. !'. fore bu ing books, •.' sure that y ' do not already possi : : s them. ' ite 5., Tiiis list is not com- j; . to for tha i itirj year. Toward jilv? middh ; the season a few' ad ; ' ..1 bo K.'.V, .1! !-e •uco.--s::ry for s :re of he grades. No'.e ( ; . The name following 'h :'.'«.; .:.Ji ites the d>- tier who has been asked to buy the book-. iVIiera no name occurs, '.he book may he bad from either of the dealers mentioned, Note 7, tiO looks are listed for bhildftn in the beginning si ction of the first grr.. ; o CONDENSED STORIES. 700 bushels of good corn for sde. F. Y. Johnston. 192d lw % Quick as a Wink 1 it < . i i r»*w»lt .'uiit n* quicfclf UOt (MM |'»Ckj;;<- of mImi-rffl li. \. I I ri THK DAINTY DESSERT -. j.'i «..! li.i\o nro. i iiirpriituAiHldvlltfhl IUIM Imonnw cohl n »> :. For a Bum tkkwmgi Bnnaaa Cream. i . .-, i l!' With flVr I .if .- 1 < iv cn|l iw« : ,10c il in.' pu L.l: i ' ..'. ".•: !inoru RIIII i.m-: .•[ o~ !.-..'> ' l'i |i ' ill I : •• I. twV-V. l.-.-i. -', |* •. ., »> !• KUI^IMd V'.; & iirn:' W* ;':u-tr.'- >- :.V<:r "- «:•*• ' |. book ia«. \Mm » «' :r.- i .IFK. C.i , Ir Ruj. H,V« tillBM An £fjphr.nt'c Tooth. " " !.i- Innkod insiilo an >•' i I moi ,; i ha soen ;i ntrunj{o :. - '. IVO !1" l'l-inil to i.. in l •. never •-.\t \\v>h or any food ;! il n'i,uiros tearing ... In teeth are nil they litno, tw.i ••* mill In-low on each side, .. i\v IIKI .ir- us wide iia n i d nli nit two inches thii k. (i !u . . or fodder i< I u :,;i -l l-lfw Senal.'r Bcveric'ge WJ$ SawocJ Pnblication of unmor.i. Northearolina. Pitt county a tha nperioreourt. Aucosl t»rm 1907 .1. I . KlnnHnml wifcM. A Bland. \. FARMVILLE DEPARTMENT " ,r : n| i| w t ^'"'' ' T> "'''** '' '"* '" , "'-''" " f ,v - W. P"-Vo- who is ni.thorired to it »!••• I ' - : : ICili _\ v ..! > .1 I . wild by ill he :1th and overwork at his law Sttldier. One ilav in n small town he hnttrti ill ami broke up a lynching party. A "stage dri\ r had oeeus'i'd man he was kn< n to dislike "i having vtolen ii n le. Iteveridge thought it was a put up icb and with all the i'iitl;:i-iasm if a budding lawyer or- guiil lh:it . idenoe wnn ins cienl to co: , ict, it i>. ina .'. i ase ol eroukci* anil the UanKOI Lauoviuate, ill the above entitled action will tako noti that on action baa been commenced in the superior court of Pitt county entit- led n:> above, which said action is Sroupht liy tlio plaintigsto canel a cer- tain Mortirac- which will be apecillcally BOtotK'iiiiddvicribed in thu coroplaine tobofiU^u : ....iaction. on real estatt situate in l he state ef North Carolina Ami the.-..i.i defendants ixill further lake notice tliut they are requested to appear at the 4ie.\t term of the superior court of Pitt county, to in- held on tlu 2nd Monday before the 1st Monica) in September, it beinfc the 19th 'ayoiAu- irustl90T, at the court House in laid county, in Greenville, North Carolina, ai J am weror del . n i" i 1 con plaint m said Action, or the plaintiff Mill ap- ply in the court t'oi the. relief demand eii in Ktid romplaint. ThisiIn ill. da) of Julv 1907. U. c, Uoore, clerk superior court, l'i; I'ount DOINGS AROUND FARMVILLE. AX1> mm / BEVCIIIDOE ci'l Nlli Mis 1 l"s. one man'.- word ..... in ither's. When he pointed mil, moreover. that the evidence of the accuser was prej'.idiccd liecniise of his dis- like lor the nccused the crowd .-aw the [mint, and lite lynching was call i r. The : !:_.• di ii er deterin ned on r n ige and started to ; i '. a quar- rel i nh lleverid re. Finally tlio singe driver pulletl lus gun. nud tlio ful re -i' ml >r i li nil his eyes, wait- ing fur the bullet that Mould e:ii down In- fair young life. But for some reason the weti|joii was nol disi harced. I'uriosin finally led Heveridgo to open hi- e.i-. and lie discovered that tue would he murderer had pnusi-d '',., in-,, another man ha 1 the drop on him. A miirdi rer, cut- throat and ::!l round bad man wlioin Iti-wi'iik'c Innl nursed through a serious illiu-- bad inter! 'red jusi in t me M) provonl the I'liited S ales senate from ' > ing deprived ol one of iis [iitiire ornaments. NOT1CK OY SEIZURE SALE, Internal Re^ i i ue Sen ice 4tn District ol North t'arolina. ! II . ui. ColWti r's niiVe. Littleton. N. C. Aug. ItHhlli i By virtue of a warranl of diatr inl ii'.aui-i \\. .!. alitnniuc for taxes a* scaredilKnfrtt him under il' Inlernnl Iteveuue laws, i have .-e; < : the fol li>uin>: pcrsoi..4 property in 1 .:":; to said Ma t in Viz, ll i ii.i> horse, fi Muli t ai il . - ho i his -. ropei tj will !'i sold in del . ii n ..rrar.l. til i he fai in of said Manning nem Ureeiiville N, C en Thursday tea? l^iduyof Si, i r.'oT at 12 o'clork m. to the highest bidder for Cash 1!. .1. Lev is. Dcruty Col NOTH'l OF SEIZURE S5ALE- AND Internal Revenue Service -1th District of North Carolina Littleton, N- C , Sept, 3rd 1907. By vlrtueof authority itiven in sec- tion " I'JIIKS and acting under warrant of distraint issued thereunder againal John Thompson for taxes a.-:os;ed against him under tha Internal Revennc l.-iws l have seized Two and om half town lots I'J 1-2) in tile town of (irifto* N. C. beingthc same 'els or paicel of land upon which is situated a store house occupied by Taompson and Bro and in which thoy conduct a merchan- dise business. This lot or parcel of land will be offered for *Hlo to Ihn highest bidder for cash on Tin s.la.- the 1st daj of October HOT at 12 o'clock m at the Court house doorin tlio lown of Green- ville N. C. It. •!. Lewis Deputy Collector NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in B certain deed of mortgage frwm Mack Man- ning and wife, Mnntha Alannin I a 1 :u t limal king- di m, n I il - liti ral : hung .,'. both . i !• ing i '"i ver or inovi i : i In, middle, win re t hift- ' . '. innl forth from -ai to -: le, an li cruinst the I roof of i no itli like on im- r. .. Aruii I pink Ferpent. Frosf PotitlVO. Mrs. I'cr-y thoiighi nlly regarded the |HI o I ho id iuid iu»l l'i" i and then remarked to hat die bad meant to l>uv II i I\I roehe. "V. "..t lid . 'i get?" he asked. "Pink loui inc." Her Im ban could not unite con- ceal 'i signilicant smile, and Mrs. Perry M nl on hurriedly: "I know irhu i: ire thinking, Joe—that I dot ' my own mind. But I can prove thai I do. "I> -i you -i-r know me to go ton grocery and bring nwny a can of pencil' instead of a bar of soa|>? Certain!v no ihe concluded tri- umphantly.— mill's Companion. Figure! Won't Lie. Denjy came home from school one nay with "1776" pinned across Ins si rt front. "What Iocs that mean, Benjy?" his mother asked. "You don't know- no more 'n I The Retort Courteous, Paul Morton, iho president of the Equitable Life Assurance society, was talkiiifi on l.a Snvoic about tlio London i aliln. "A lian.-oin or a four v, : i eler is siij'j I in b. 1 i IM .ji in London,' 1 Mr. Morton -aid. "la" let the nver- o re Ann ra in In ii'i-l go drii ing about 'ii one of tin in dai alter day, and at the week'- ad the size of his expenditure w ill -i-o, k Kim. "in course, it i- in imssihle to rido. in a I. 'inl ib ntiil |my only the lej of . -\ miii -. Try '.. : ' rid ap « Ulioul liberal I ;. - ping, and tl e cabman will a- ail you with tl i most brilliant and witty far...-. "1 know a lawyer who. through ignorance, rode from the llriiisb museum to tlio l: : i h del in l'ie- cadilly nnd only •• bis driver tho hilling rci|iiiroi| U\ law. ••Tlio di I at this ihilling and bit hi lip. Tin n, in lie most co irtc •;:• munii : , lie n ol ioned to the I ' ' : to gel n again. "•(!o .' lie i I. '!>•! step in i, sir. 1 i on d ha' drew ye a yard or two fnrt' .• f .r tii.. 'ere.'" dated 15th day of October 1906, ami d'llv rec irded in I he office 1 of the Register n.' Deeds lor Pitt county in boi't P, 7 at page 1-T. we will on Monday Mtli. day uf I »eto' er. 19 >7. ai the Court house door of Put county at twelve o'clock noMi, offer for sale at public auction tne following de- scribed land: Adjoining the lands of L. D McLawhorn, Jn . Griilin, Ben Alien .louts and others and hounded ;\s follows: on the north by L. I). McLawhi rn, on the oact by J. A. Griffin, on the south by L. D. McLawhorn, on the west by Ben Allen Jonep; containing twenty one ('.!! i acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. This Cth day of September, IMI? K. R. Crooker, 11 lin Dennis, I). 0- Moore Mortgages. Famiville. N. C. Sept 17. On last Saturday and Sunday the Primitive Baptists hold their yearly meeting'at the eld Tyson's church about four and a hall miles from Farmville. The ser- vices were conducted by Elder < riap and Corbet. There was much business attended to on Saturdav, and Sunday the com- munion services wore held after the usual preaching, both eldera speaking a short while. The audience ms large and quite attentive. There were many present from adjoining counties, Wilson. Greene, Bdgccombc, Lenoir and ("raven, being well represented. Also Greenville and Farmville and yet 1 have heard of some complaint among the neighbors of having barbe- cue and beef hash for breakfast Moi day morning. The Methodists held i heir quar- terly meeting in Farmville Sat urday and Sunday, the presid in.o; elder Conducting services, ]ttl ° assisted by Elder Forbes, pastor in charge P. T. Atkinson, U. L. Joyner, Miss Nicey Carr, Mrs Elias Turnage and Miss Ellen Tyson left lor the exposition today. Mrs, L. C. King returned last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J E. King. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris returned Saturday from Norfoik. Gl*a led school opened yester- day morning with 150 pupils. The 'ittle folks seem to be as cheerful and happy as when they left last spring. Miss Olive Morrili. of Snow Hil. is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. S- K. Morrili. Alonzo Dail is quite sick with fever. John Carpenter, engieer for the East Carolina railroad, was taken sick Saturday with mala- rial fever Miss K.lla Watson, of Balti- more, has accepted a position with Mr J. F. Joyiwr again and will be glad to see her old pat- rons. Mr. Worsley, former conductor for the East Carolina railroad, is slightly improving from a three week, attack of plouro, pneumonia and jaundice. Kecrd breaker for Monda) sales of tobacco i.ver 7I»."00 pounds, aveiaginghb tut IScents. Firwt new Dale of cott n was brought in Satin day ana sob! for 13i cents. J. P. TAYLOR. WILSON STBEET. Kiirinvill,. N. C. Piioroorapiier al)d Fancy Groceries. COOL DRINKS AND REFRESH MENTS. 25 years exqerience in Photog- raqhy. Artistic work guaranteed Enlarging < speciality. Tonsorial imporium. Staton Clark, Proprietor. Farmville. X. ('. Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict- ly Hygenie. Rxp rieneed Bar- bers, Sharp l,'a;:i.|-.. (*| Pn n 'low- els. (iortsClotl.in »i-oiciired, clean- ed ami pressed. ! G. NORKIS ,I NOTICE. Valuiblr Farm For Ren!. On account of ill health I shall rent or lease for a term of live VOHI-R mv farm containing lit) acres of cleared land with, all lacissary out houses, in good state ot Cultivatii n. Pro- duces corn, cotton, tobacco and all other crops itn wn in this county. Man with team prefer- red. Apply to F. M, Smith. teacher," he prunblod. "That's jus' 'cli.it she wanted to know." "Bnt what doM it mean, son?" rqiette'l his mother. TTlOM ticuriM," ansnrrei! the lit- tle man proudly, "stand for the 'Declaration ef Appendicitw P "— Lippmcett'i. Strcnuoul Huntmij. "Dr. Sewanl \\ ebb," »nid an editor. "oi ,-lio.n .1 me over S iclburna I u inn, In- ;>!i tulidl; I ked estate in Vermont. 1 coinpliniented him on tho abundance of tame at Shel- Imrne and he tolil me an appropri- ate stor\. "It wn-, a story about a young clubman. He looked up from bis mail one morning and murmured: f*Bea*tlv, Simply licastly.' "'What is I lie mailer':' aom< one asked. "'Here is an invitation,' aaid the younj: man. 'front a chap who OWIH 10,000 aire- ia N'ew Hampshire. lie wants me to go wild boar shoot* inc. there.' "'Wetl, why don't you gof said lus fricinl. "'Ah—er--I ilon't know.' the young mun hesitated. 'I—er— haven't got the 1 ire. tor one thing, and—er—you hare to find your own bears for another. So perlir^i I havan't mused much."" By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain deed of mortgage from ('. A. Fair and Nellie E. Fair, his wife, to E. It. Crooker and D, 0. Moore, dated 18th day of October, 1906, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Pitt county j raa l n tain a department of n in book PR page 129, Iwill o.i instril mental and vocal, ths Monday, trc Mth day of October. 1907, at the court house door of Pitt county at twelve o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auction the following describrd land. Music at the Graded School The board of trustees of tho Greenville Graded schools will music, year- Miss tioston, thu teacher, is a graduate of lb" school of music of Syracuse University. Now fork, and conies to us very high- ly recommcndi d. We shall bo in position to give (At Parker's Old Stand.) WILSON STREET. Farmville, N. C. All kinds of repairing of Cans and Wairons. In fact any kind of work in WiHul and iron. All Work "uaranteed. N0INSURANE Company will insure any on hav ing any Irace of Kidney Trouble Every trace of kidney trouble is eliminated bv UVA SOL $100 will he paid by lh«> Inter- state Chemical Co., of Baltimore, Mil., for any ease of kidney trouble UVA SOL will not help. A word * i the wise. For sale by JN0. T. THR0N Farmville \ C. NOTICE. Ilavinrr qualified "s Executor of the estate of L-.ma A. Me- gown, deceased, late of Pitt county, this is tn notify all per- sons having claims against the estate ot said deceaaetl to exhibit 'hem to the undersigned within twelvemonths from '';is date or this notice will hi plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in- debtcd to said estate will please make immediate payment. This th- 22nd day of July. 1!H>7 F. G. lame?. ,i. I, Sugg, Atty. Executor. For Sale One Ponv, three year; old, kind and gentle. Any Lady can drive Apply to J. L. Flanagan, :> td l tw Farmville, N- C. Beginning at JofephuS Cox s the people the best of advantages, southwest corner on Academy Rates oftuition will be the some M., and runs easterly with Jose-; as those usually charged in uhus (ox s lir.o to Jus other cor- Ci'«'cnville n.T thence southwardly parallel | ' enrolling music with Academy St 35 yards.. JK } tf80 ns inwestei would thence parallel with Josephosj^ £ g H R gmith cox.s me to Academy St, thence i u " ' _ Ant ,, ' r, o».u with Academy St. to the begin- at an early date. 5 8wKS nmg, containing ore-half acre more or less. Terms of sale cash. this Oth. day of September, 1907. E. R. Crooker, D- O. Moore, Mortga-tes Eye Troable. It matters not the failure of others to relieve your eye trou- bles. A visit to Dr. Taylor, of Greensboro, at his old office in If you are going to guess m^Ayden this week, will convence the Parker Fountain Pen .contest I you of his efficiency. If you at Reflector Book Store you I want expert service at a mini- should do so before the close of mum price, relief or no pay, the 20th. No guessing after that don't fail to see him. This week date. only. d tf « tw - 100,000, thou, and well burned slop brick at my factory now ready for sale at reasonable prices, R, E Belcher Farmville N C I have just returned from the northern markets, where I pur- chased a superb and complete lino of millinery, notions, sick wear, dress trimmings, cloks and furs. Am prepared to suit all both in quality and price. Will have my same milliner, Miss Ella Watson: who can trim to suit tho mosi fastiduous. The public arecordirlly invited to call and inspect my store. Mrs. J. F Joyner Opposite R. L. Davis and Bros store. NOTICE. My son, James Mewborn, colored, having run away from home, 1 hereby warn any person from employing or harboring him in any way, under penalty of the law. He is 17 years old, height about 5 feet 5 inches, weijrht about 140 pounds. This Sept. 10th. 1907. John Mewborn, R. F. D. No, 4. Grifton, N. a 10 1 td. 3 tw ilH2 REFLECTOR r. J W^fCfUHD, F.ditorand Owner. Truth in Preference to Fiction. ONE DOLLAR PER YE til VOL. No. XXV GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 SUPERIOR COURT. September T<rm iu Settioa.. Branch Holmes. larceny, pleads guilty judgment suspend ed- W. A- Blount, contempt of Robert Hanrahan, assault wi th court, respondent files alfidaiat deadly weapon, guilty, jiidg-ldiscuiming any intent, adjudged ment suspended upon payment guilty, fined $10 and costs. of cost. i Poss Cannon, false pretense. David Sharpe, carrying con-{not guilty. cealed weapon, t-'tiilty in one | Silas Williams and. Abram charged, not guiltv in another. {Newton, affray, guilty: David Shorpe, assault with THE BONDS ARE VALID. DIDNT EVEN JAR HIM. F0UMDINTHE WOOD?. Judge Lyon to Holds and D'nies Ihe White Man Strikes Negro and Loses Uatble to Talk or Make Her ideaitr | Injunction. Tktee Fingers. J D dce 1 < £- C - V 0 " fc £ 8 T,° rninE I "h 's no joke about a negro's rendered his judgment in tliecas-' CARtIL'!.. HO 2 EF rORF jddge- deadly weapon, guilty. ment suspended up >n payment of cost Ernest Young and vV.lVie Young, larceny and house break- ing, guilty, sentenced two years to work on roads. Ed Fleming, assauit «Hth dead- ly weapon, not guilty. T. A. Manning, assault, guilty Mack Briley, assault with deadly weapon, p'.eiils gwil'y, fined $10 and cost. James White, carrying conceal- ed weapon, pleads guiity, sen- tenced three months to work roads. Cornelius Joyner, assault with deadly weapon, pleads guilty. Abram Pitt, assult with deadly weapon, pleads guilty, lined $50 and costs. Thomas I.itto, larency, pleads guilty, Judgmei t suspended upon payment of costs. Leon Patrick and Redmond Price, gamblin'-', plead guilty, Patrick fined $10 and costs judg- ment suspended as to P. ice. Richard Str.ckland, carrying concealed weapon, rot guilty Henry Vandeford, resisting office!, not guilty. Frank Jenkins, larency, not guilty Claud WillOUghby, failing to work public ro.-ds, guilty, judg-J ment suspended. Zcb Davis, attempt to wreck train, 'he jury found that Davis was insane at the time of com- mitting the act, and the court ordered that hebecon6nod in tl e State hospital for dangerous in sane Henry Leggett and J. J. Gray, affray, Leggett, guilty judgment suspended upon payment of half costs. Gray not guilty- Guilford McGowan, false pre- tense, enters plea of nolo conten- der, judgment suspended upen payment of costs- The grand jury returned a true bill for murder against Ben Peebles and Anderson Peebles, charged with killing Dillard Cope- land in 1905. The defendants were arraigned in court and the case set for Tuesday, 24th, a special venire of twenty five being ordered summoned. The following cases have be* n disposed of sincelasl report. Walter Smith, larceny, pleads guilty in two cases, judgment suspended. Branch Holmes, larceny, guilty sentenced three years to work roads- OWillie Langley, larceny, pleads guilty, sentenced eight months to work roads Allen Gray, larceny, guilty, sentence two years to work- roads. Willie Sarnhill, larceny, guilty. William Johnson, larceny, guilty, sentenced six months, to work roads. Carter Carneil, burning stables, guilty, sentenced ten years in State prison. Arthur Price, larcency, guilty, sentenced four months to work roads. Daniel James, abandonment, pleads guilty, judgment suspend- / ed upon payment of costs- Cos Avery and Thos. C. Con non, indecent exposure, guilty. Two .ivorce cis v ' red people were in divorces given. Glenn T.il. Per. Delphia Teel. Rosa Way, Annie May, gious congregation. Peter Atkinson judgment Buspendd in" 1 !!: of COSC9 as to Peter Atkinson. coaled weapon, p ii.ie.l 3_'.) and cost." S.iai Brown, carryn a oi >:i' colo- ] and the r Atkinson, reel. Maybell uisturb reli- pi ad guilty ine i $20, i up ai pay- roll ITS- rrying con* leads gu'lty. z conceal* of A. D. Cox and others against the board of county commission ers in which they were seeking to restrain the board fiom issu- ing and* selling the $50,000 in bonds voted for by a majority of th-e qualified voters of the county at an election held on the 14th day of May, last. Judge Lyon holds that the act of the General Assembly authorizing the issu- ing of the bonds and under which Known. Elizabeth City, N- C. Sept. 2:}. head being hard." said a man,- News from Camden County from a neighboring village. has just b"en receivd in this "Why?" asked the reporter. I city of the finding on Sunday ir. '"Well that was tested in my! in ihe section of that coun'y town the other day. when a mer-i known a* "Thoroughfare" chant flew into a passion at a'Island, a young white woman iy Sb-ulti Noi Marry Posca* Wlo negro, picked up a two-pound, round weight, gripped it in his fingers and struck the darky on who, on account of starvation ar.d exposure, is now in a most pitiable plight, having so lost tie top of the head. Everybody her mind that she i looked to see the African fall but instead the ends of tiiree of the either talk or make her known. The s'ery of herfinding the election was held, is consti- white mn ' i fl " 8tn dropped t0 »«« brousht to this place today. Shew Evioencit cf Ffciag U.ruittd tc Ectli Ot or. It wili be generally conceded bv fair-mindi d people that the idivoi; laws in many ff t!ic t States f the Federal Union are bad, ai : . what i tvenworse, are j often badiy admii.utered. It I cannot be doubted that easy di- vorce is a menace to -.lie family, unaole Jo and that it threatens the dhrup- •] tity i4.j on u: r lfte home, say--, ihe 1' lin- eatcr for Ot I »o< r. It will, more- er ed weapon, pleads guilty, p for judgment continued. The following cases have b.-en disposed of since last report: B.P. WiUoughby. false pre- tense, not guiltv. Prosecuting witness taxed wi'.h cost. Tip Person, assault with de: lly weapon, pleads guilty, fined $25 and costs. Richard Smith and Billy Mc- Qowan, affray, not guilty. The case against Ben Peebles and Anderson Peebles tor murder was started Tuesday afternoon and is still in progress at this writing. tu'.ional and valid. Tine the election held on the 14th of May was regularly and lawfully held, and that said election was in all respects according to law. That tne imiids when issued under said acc will be valid obligations of the ounty of Pitt. That the motion for injunction restraining the board is denied and tho ac- tion dismissed. The plaintiffs gave notice of appeal and it is udersto >d that the case will immediately be sent up to the Supreme court for final adjudication. the ground. You never saw a fellow so taken back. The blow never even jarred the negro,who folded up his fist to strike back, when the merchant broke out crying with pain from ids mash- ed hand."— Charlotte Observer. ad j over.be generally agreed that something would be done toward as l checking the evil if young people were more scrupulously trained During the ast severs cays in rcJ . pm to tho ,„,,,,,,,, 3 residing near this ls- bya reliable person wiio been in that coun'y, ar.d is follows: sibilities lv of married IIK Bid Debt Ollectioa Agencies Needed in Every County. There ought to bs more "bad bedt collection agencies" estab- lished. There should be at least orw in every county to get after the dead beats and give them the publicity that their "business deserves. There isn't a dead beat on earth who wants his busi- n-ss advertise 1. To give him publicity hurts his business, bu'- when you hurt his business you benefit in the same proportion legitimate business interests and help to bring about conditions under which no margin is needed for lossontho "slick ducks" known as dead beats, and the honest man who pays his debts would therefore not bo required to pay profit enough on his purchases to pay the accounts of the dead bests. Bad debts should be col- lected, if possible, but if they can't be collected they should be sold at public auction, after be- ing advertised in such a way as to give the deadb'ats the kind of publicity that they deserve. We are glad to note that the press and. business men of this State are getting right square in be- hind the deadbeats and are mak- ing them squirm as the light is turned on and their "busircss" exposed.—Marshville Home. Kansis iicspitiiliiy. Only forty five persons sat down to dinner at John Arm- strong's home near Doniphan Sunday. There was no special attraction or occasion, and noth ing unusual about it. r.nd that as high as sixty persons have been to the Armstrong home for din- ner at one table. There are fif- teen persons at the Armstrong home who are there all the time —Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, (lev en children and two hired bauds. Tiie re«t of those that were present Sunday at dinner were kin who dropped in without no tice to spend the day. Nothing was said about the large crowd and to those present it seemed as ordinary as a family gathering of a uozen or less. Mrs. Armstrong has a great reputation as a cook and it is said that anyone eats if her cooking is never satisfied until be is backagain —Wathena Times. Music and Silvr After the rehearsal last night the members of th Second Regi- ment Band marched <.o the corner of Queen and rVashington.stree's and serenaded Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Jordan. Mr. Jordan has been a member of the band sine? its organization and to express their appreciation for his zealous work in the interest of the band the members decided to give him a little surprise last night. After playing for a while they called for Mr. Jordan and his bride and presented them a set of silver knives, fo.-ks and spoons- Mr. H. W. Cummings, Jr., presented he silver on behalf of the band in a cleverly prepared speech, which was accented by a charac teristic response from Mr. Jor- dan.—Kinston Free Press, 24'h. This is the couple who came over to Greenville last Friday afternoon and were ;rarried here. residents residing near land have been hearing a pet u- liar cry, wi ' m resembled tht.t of a panthAioi o than a humar,! t out! lul not to lend their assistancei 'he formation of i"y regard as eds ro argument to show th .t many of tne infelicities of rar- Marriage Licenses Three Campaigns for Prsident. Mr. Bryan, it is reported, will in a few days announce his will irgneSS to be the Democratic candidate for President in 1908. If Mr. Bryan takes such a stand, his hold upon the parly i.. most of the sections of the country will be such us to make it exceed- ingly diiiieult to organize a suc- cessful movement aga nst him. I f M r Bryan ru as for President in 1908, it will be his third con- test for tint ofiice. Hfl will then be the fourth man to make three campaigns for toe presidency. His predecessors in that distinc- tion were Jackson, who ran three times, being elected twice and once defeated; Van Buren who ran three times, was elected once Register of Deeds R Williams has issued the following license- since last rep rt. WHCTB Andrew Shackelford and Bes- sie «'ox. John < -arris and Tinsie Tripp. Winnie A- Jordan and Kit" A. Chadwick. COLORED This. Copland and Martha .1. wannon. Alonzo Corey and Lettia House Henry Edwards and Ella Wood ard. Herbert Moore and Annie Bill son. Benj Moore and Allabert Staton. Charles Gooden and Ltila Lang- ley Fair in west, showers 'n east pirtion tonight. Cooler Tuosday- and Sundal if ,»arty start ed to investigate. Armed with guns and axes the men icarched the entire territory, which is about six acres in size, but nothing v.8" seen of the "thi' g" which i ad had been making the peculiar "oi ••. About this time someone suggested to set up a yell, whic'i suggestion was acted upon, an ! i P. few s.'conds a response w... heard i the distance. The me-i then divided themselves so as to form a circle and the spot fiom which the "oise came was closed in. Preparing to Are upon the ob jeet, which all hands thought to be a panther, the men dashed upon the poor demented creatur lying upon the ground, with only a scant supply of clothing. An attempt was m.'.Je to hold a con- versation with her, but only a few moments sufficed to impress upon the men that reason Did •vanished. The woman was t'r-n carried to the home of a physi- cian residing at Indiancown, ne u the woods from which she had been rescued, where everything is being done to restore her min Those who have seen are U' able to identity who she is. The noise which caused the search had lj •{•!. heard about ten days- Some are of the opinion that the woman had been c irried to this lo ely spot for the purpos of doing away with her. It ir reported that she appears to be about eighteen years old and is rather good-lookiug. respon- so that nasty and ill-advised unions might be avoided; and if minis* re of religion were ir, ire care- unions which improper. It ried life would be patiently borne the way to an annulment of. the marriage were not k sown to b so easy, and that 1c would be hotter for society tha; a few should lead unhappy lives than thai th s icredness of the family should be undermined by making 1 V'niative prpvi.-ion fwa Quick s.r d i :ng of th mai i ia're 're r.d. GRACED .C!1C0L Or. JMI.J -a-.! .' crjj BcUtce. ifawsi Fo:i The Greenville graded sc'.ioii f »r the white ra-- opened this morning for the fail session with an attendance tiat made all hearts glad TIM i were 84 ' pu- pils present at tie opening, -vhich was fully ten percent more .am at my former session, and '•vy are n t all in yet. The only .\:>rk of the first d iy ivas assign- ing the pupila t »t loirclassi *»n*l .riving tn«.m less HU to begin .-og alar work Thursday- The faculty is a Btron:* onaand is made up as foii nvs: Prof, tl B. S.ni.n. superinten- d snr# Miss Annie L. Irvine, first •rale Fitzgerald is a town in Geor- gia settled chiefly by Northern Carolina Day. State Superintendent Joyner has arranged part of the pro- gramme for North Carolina day in tho public schools of the state. The subject this year will be the Scotch-Irish settlements in North Carolina, these includ ing Meck- lenburg, Guilford, Orange, Rowan and various other counties in that part of the State. The date fixed by law is October 12, but it is always varied to suit the con- venience of the schools. Private schools observe the day to quite a large extent. Buy a lot in Greenville Height or. a saving of lGji cents per day. Office 321 Fourth street. Green ville, N. C. d tf "Ths Girl of the Saaay South" As sweet as Magnolia blossoms and as pure as driven snow is the story of the latest of successful romances "The Girl of the Sunny South." There is a breczinoss that is moat refreshing to •:•. Ijflde'i paiateof the theatre go-ji in witnessing a parformaucc of such intensic merit. The play is interspersed with many new and up-to-date specialties and th..' I plantation revels by the fumous I Cotton Blossom Quartette are a feature iu themselves. The scenery is most adaquite and very picturesque. At tho Opera House Friday, Sept. 27. Misj I3j«ii II ir ia f, l,i )T r-;. gr. Miss i, rill/, ib 111 W »d •. S"'...ll trade. M'sa hirdg Mi-«s c: it i ad •. Etith ri ic B. P M yne eEne-y, in u-i'.i rralo. M 58 Ltlh Be; lett lic'th grade. Miss i> 't ; e W i-'r . sixt'.i <rad. Mini Bertie McKi .iijy rcvei.th rr i le Mi.-s Suli( ox, e.. ..- i grades Mbi Harri tt. Par cer I [ankina, dr iwii g and asdsl mt ia tnird rait uux'w ii,..-, waactctuuuui/i. -— ----- * , and defeated twice; and, Clove- people, most ot whom an cx-.so - land, who ran three times, was dier-s.ot tne_L'V. ,n ?.rmy «lnn\ n.g elected twice and defeated once, pensions. They were Mnetod Clay ran twice, being defeated thoro by the salulinty oi the el - both times, and was a candidate mate And yet. strange to say. hefor.' nominating conventions in. they do not fav«»r any colored peo- other mars, and Blaine made two: plo reaiding in their tn'nil or three unsuccessful efforts for . Last.W'vc they made an organ- toe nomination, but only one ked effort to drive out of the acttmi campaign before the P-jt^-'l^- ««*»fe -J If Mr Bryan should be ^OSffX SSSM W nated next year be would be tne | ", ' _ ,i„.-'i only person in the political his- j «al posse. So great was the feel- tory of the country to have been > ing against the col red people nominated for President for the! that the local militia was held in third time atter having been | rea dincss to aid the civil officers, if necessary, and the Governor of the State was notified that the militia might be needed. Lost- Gold medal with mon- This reminds us that Southern ogram on bangle "C. L. on pin, j Pines, in this State, a town set- . "Scholarship" on back of bangle tied almost exclusively by North-' ; resign because of ins campaign *^ ... I . . , , . fiivtH QattfintiAfl m lilUl. Mr. grade. ::.:-:;". : im. --•:•. There is every indication of food work during the session, and Greenville has cau.se to be proud of :': scnool. Our cit zens shouh 'ivo it their ed support. div id- defeated in two elections. -Wall Street Journal. Strayi Tak-.n Up. I have at my home on Pitt st.-. et, 3 cattle that strayed into mv lot on the night; of Friday Aug. 161907 which I've had ad- vertised since that time. The owner having not called for them I shall oiler them at public auc- tion at the court house door on Wednesday, Oct. yth, 1907, own- ers ca.i recover same by calling for them and paying feeding expenses, etc II. C Foreman- Sept 18, 1007. The New York World insists that Secretary Cortelyou should name Pattie Langley. Finder will j ern people, be liberally rewarded by return- j very ing to this office. I Pittsboro Record. has no, or at ta*;&Ld^^L t,JXL& Piciur? of liuii.l.n,- Ex-G' vernorT. J. Jarfis has a large picture representing the buildings for tho Eastern Train- ing School. If the trustees adopt the plans represented in this pittu" the buildings arc going to be beautie3, INSURANCE THA.T INSURES. Protection ihat Protects, If you decide to insure your life demand the best, and be content wi ; i nothing but the best, The Standard Policy prescribed by the New state law issued by the Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety of the United States. Paul Morton, President. For full particularr, apply to the uod 'r- signed- Ollen Warren. Jr Lin opte, nasno, or at ,edSt . Cortel u is too bu3V thinking tnct Agent, Greenville, K. 0. few, colored residents.— , about contr jbutions next year to Wm. A. Danner, General Agent, I be disturbed by ancient scandals ' Richmond, JCV I '* ' i.


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• . , .• -:
ii.*.-.joj..s U> be iij».J i.4 •-.». • Grad< d School during the comip- year Pnpils who hold promo tjoncmda will please ptirchasi the ! oka for their i sp v: graft -:. Pupils who • ' pn i ti< n c irds will please i fen «ec i • next Saturdav or next Mi ;.''•>• ihat theymaj bo assign- el' ' of the gi.1 .' s. Tl:- does m ; ai ply to begii i -
II. B. Smith, Supt. h' ..-; CuADE (advanced).
1. '.'.'.. i J's Rational First
>oo . ' '
- R\ ' 0
1 • re
2. P. !«'. Double-ruled tablet ;5. A - -: i TJ • r First Read-
er. E A. D . ' i-.il : .; !!.!,: tal
;'..,..- 'a Edi n--y :: .••.-.
ilarrii =r i n's : lib Book Mi • '- Pr :• r Arithme-
tic. B| 1 Bv 1 !•'•• '.' Copy-bo ':. No 3. Sp '. is tal -. P r.eil.
FOURTH GSA >E Mi'nt'a Prcgressive Arithme-
tic. Bk. 1. Evans. Harrington's Spelling Rook- Allen's N C- History Storiec.
Slinrt -. Stepping S'onts to Literature
JJk. 4. Evans. Maury's Elementary Geogra-
phy. Revis'd. Hyde's Grammar, Bk. 1. Heath's Copv-boak, N >. 4. <3„,."•..„ ..,>.i.^ n.,„,,ji
t...->- >t ,••-,»-.,-• fC*,w»f.| - '» )
Milne's Progressive Arithm - tic. Bk. 1. Evans.
Harrington's Spelling Book. Maury's Elementary Geogra-
phy, Revised.
Famous men of Rome. Evanr- Heath's Copv-hook, No. 5.
"' FIFTH GRADE.(Section A.I Little NelI.'(U. P. Edition!
ica. Evans. Steis in English, Bk. 1. El-
iogton. Harrington's Spelling Rook Broiling tnblet> Pencil. Heath's Copy hook. No. 5,
SIXTH GRADE. Step-; in En -li-.il. Bk. _' you-- p npIesHisrcryofN. C. I> Ardi n, EHint' m.
Col< ' and FHwood s Ad- wanced Arithmetic.
Maury's Manual of Geography, "Revised.
Harrington'* Speliinjr Hook. Spelling tablet. Pencil.
SEVENTH PRADI . Montgomery's History of Eng-
land, revi •"!. Evans. Steps in English, bk. 1 Elling-
ton. Evai ine. Co'a.v and Ellwood's adv.
arithmetic. Maur\':. Manual of georgraphy.
EIGHTH GRADE. Montgomery's History of Env-
land. Evans.
Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Evans-
Gunnison and Harley's First year of 1 atin. Ellin>rton.
Colaw and Ellwood's adv. .Arithmetic
Maury's Manual of Geography. TENTH GRADE.
Elem°nts of English Composi- tion. Ellington.
Dickens's Christmas Caral. (U. P. Co. Edition).
Myers's General History, Re-
. . .*.' .-
, . - ! •
Cours\ Ellington. Note], Ml books listed above
. ' rn U ted in the school , .,. ore except Famoua Men i i; me, young Peoples's History f N. ft. and the principal tenth
trade texts Practically no tenth if- I oks have yet been used
;•: thCFCty ol. N e2 Drawing wfllbetaugl i
-ystemati?allyby an experienced •: cher in all the grades this
y. ar. After the opening of school, announcement will be mad ! as to the noeessary draw- : •' materials.
No e -• V\ebs:er's dictionar i s .•.' • had at a smv! c ast, ai d
it is ej >. .. that all children bo\ the fourth grade be sup-
; L.-Itn these I -!;-. Note ;. Exc ; ! — ic ti nth
g.\ d • ' . on!. : ' w \' '.: a on he H : ;. ir. !'. fore bu ing books, •.' sure that
y ' do not already possi ::s them. ' ite 5., Tiiis list is not com-
j; . to for tha i itirj year. Toward jilv? middh ; the season a few' ad ; ' ..1 bo K.'.V, .1! !-e •uco.--s::ry for s :re of he grades.
No'.e (;. The name following 'h • :'.'«.; .:.Ji ites the d>- tier who has been asked to buy the book-. iVIiera no name occurs, '.he book may he bad from either of the dealers mentioned,
Note 7, tiO looks are listed for bhildftn in the beginning si ction of the first grr..;o
700 bushels of good corn for sde. F. Y. Johnston. 192d lw
% Quick as a Wink 1 it < . i i r»*w»lt .'uiit n* quicfclf
UOt (MM |'»Ckj;;<- of
-. j.'i «..! li.i\o nro. i iiirpriituAiHldvlltfhl
IUIM Imonnw cohl n »> :. For a Bum
tkkwmgi Bnnaaa Cream.
i . .-, i l!' With flVr I .if .- 1 < iv cn|l iw« :
,10c il in.' pu L.l: i ' ..'.".•: !inoru RIIII i.m-: .•[
o~ !.-..'> ' l'i |i ' ill I : •• I. twV-V. l.-.-i. -',
|* •. ., »>!• KUI^IMd
\Mm » «' :r.- i .IFK. C.i , Ir Ruj. H,V« tillBM
An £fjphr.nt'c Tooth.
" " !.i- Innkod insiilo an >•'• i I moi ,;i ha soen ;i ntrunj{o

Pnblication of unmor.i. Northearolina. Pitt county
FARMVILLE DEPARTMENT " ,r : n| i|wt ^'"'' ' T> "'''** '' '"* '","'-''" "f ,v- W. P"-Vo- who is ni.thorired to
it »!••• I ' - ••:: • ICili _\ v ..! > .1 I .
wild by ill he :1th and overwork at his law Sttldier. One ilav in n small town he hnttrti ill ami broke up a lynching party.
A "stage dri\ r had oeeus'i'd man he was kn< n to dislike "i having vtolen ii n le. Iteveridge thought it was a put up icb and with all the i'iitl;:i-iasm if a budding lawyer or- guiil lh:it • • . idenoe wnn ins cienl to co: , ict, it i>. ina .'. i ase ol
eroukci* anil the UanKOI Lauoviuate, ill the above entitled action will tako noti that on action baa been commenced in the superior court of Pitt county entit- led n:> above, which said action is Sroupht liy tlio plaintigsto canel a cer- tain Mortirac- which will be apecillcally BOtotK'iiiiddvicribed in thu coroplaine tobofiU^u : ....iaction. on real estatt situate in l he state ef North Carolina Ami the.-..i.i defendants ixill further lake notice tliut they are requested to appear at the 4ie.\t term of the superior court of Pitt county, to in- held on tlu 2nd Monday before the 1st Monica) in September, it beinfc the 19th 'ayoiAu- irustl90T, at the court House in laid county, in Greenville, North Carolina, ai J am weror del . n i" i1 • con plaint m said Action, or the plaintiff Mill ap- ply in the court t'oi the. relief demand eii in Ktid romplaint.
ThisiIn ill. da) of Julv 1907. U. c, Uoore,
clerk superior court, l'i; I'ount
BEVCIIIDOE ci'l Nlli Mis 1 l"s.
one man'.- word .....• in ither's. When he pointed mil, moreover. that the evidence of the accuser was prej'.idiccd liecniise of his dis- like lor the nccused the crowd .-aw the [mint, and lite lynching was call i r.
The :!:_.• di ii er deterin ned on r n ige and started to ; i '. a quar- rel i nh lleverid re. Finally tlio singe driver pulletl lus gun. nud tlio ful re -i' ml >r i li nil his eyes, wait- ing fur the bullet that Mould e:ii down In- fair young life. But for some reason the weti|joii was nol disi harced.
I'uriosin finally led Heveridgo to open hi- e.i-. and lie discovered that tue would he murderer had pnusi-d '',., in-,, another man ha 1 the drop on him. A miirdi rer, cut- throat and ::!l round bad man wlioin Iti-wi'iik'c Innl nursed through a serious illiu-- bad inter! 'red jusi in t me M) provonl the I'liited S ales senate from '> ing deprived ol one of iis [iitiire ornaments.
Internal Re^ i i ue Sen ice 4tn District ol North t'arolina.
! II . ui. ColWti r's niiVe. Littleton. N. C. Aug. ItHhlli i
By virtue of a warranl of diatr inl ii'.aui-i \\. .!. alitnniuc for taxes a* scaredilKnfrtt him under il' Inlernnl Iteveuue laws, i have .-e; < : the fol li>uin>: pcrsoi..4 property in1.:":; to said Ma t in Viz, ll i ii.i> horse, fi Muli t ai il . - ho i his -. ropei tj will !'i sold in del . ii n ..rrar.l. til i he fai in of said Manning nem Ureeiiville N, C en Thursday tea? l^iduyof Si, i r.'oT at 12 o'clork m. to the highest bidder for Cash
1!. .1. Lev is. Dcruty Col
Littleton, N- C , Sept, 3rd 1907.
By vlrtueof authority itiven in sec- tion " I'JIIKS and acting under warrant of distraint issued thereunder againal John Thompson for taxes a.-:os;ed against him under tha Internal Revennc l.-iws l have seized Two and om half town lots I'J 1-2) in tile town of (irifto* N. C. beingthc same 'els or paicel of land upon which is situated a store house occupied by Taompson and Bro and in which thoy conduct a merchan- dise business. This lot or parcel of land will be offered for *Hlo to Ihn highest bidder for cash on Tin s.la.- the 1st daj of October HOT at 12 o'clock m at the Court house doorin tlio lown of Green- ville N. C. It. •!. Lewis
Deputy Collector
By virtue of a power of sale contained in B certain deed of mortgage frwm Mack Man- ning and wife, Mnntha Alannin
• I • a1 :u t limal king- di m, n I il - liti ral : hung .,'. both . i !• ing i • '"i ver or inovi i :• i • In, middle, win re t hift- ' . '. innl forth from -ai • to -: le, an li cruinst the I roof of i no itli like on im- r. .. Aruii I pink Ferpent.
Frosf PotitlVO. Mrs. I'cr-y thoiighi nlly regarded
the |HI o I ho id iuid iu»l l'i" i and then remarked to
hat die bad meant to l>uv II i I\I roehe.
"V. "..t lid . 'i get?" he asked. "Pink loui inc." Her Im ban could not unite con-
ceal 'i signilicant smile, and Mrs. Perry M nl on hurriedly: "I know irhu i: ire thinking, Joe—that I dot ' my own mind. But I can prove thai I do.
"I> -i you -i-r know me to go ton grocery and bring nwny a can of pencil' instead of a bar of soa|>? Certain!v no ihe concluded tri- umphantly.— mill's Companion.
Figure! Won't Lie. Denjy came home from school
one nay with "1776" pinned across Ins si rt front.
"What Iocs that mean, Benjy?" his mother asked.
"You don't know- no more 'n I
The Retort Courteous,
Paul Morton, iho president of the Equitable Life Assurance society, was talkiiifi on l.a Snvoic about tlio London i aliln.
"A lian.-oin or a four v, :i eler is siij'j I in b.1 i IM .ji in London,'1
Mr. Morton -aid. "la" let the nver- o re Ann ra in In ii'i-l go drii ing about 'ii one of tin in dai alter day, and at the week'- ad the size of his expenditure w ill -i-o, k Kim.
"in course, it i- in imssihle to rido. in a I. 'inl ib ntiil |my only the lej of . -\ miii -. Try '..:' rid ap « Ulioul liberal I ;.- ping, and tl e cabman will a- ail you with tl i most brilliant and witty far...-.
"1 know a lawyer who. through ignorance, rode from the llriiisb museum to tlio l: : i h del in l'ie- cadilly nnd only •• bis driver tho hilling rci|iiiroi| U\ law.
••Tlio di I at this ihilling and bit hi lip. Tin n, in lie most co irtc •;:• munii :, lie n ol ioned to the I ' ': to gel n again.
"•(!o .' lie i I. '!>•! step in i, sir. 1 i on d ha' drew ye a
yard or two fnrt' • .• f .r tii.. 'ere.'"
dated 15th day of October 1906, ami d'llv rec irded in I he office1 of the Register n.' Deeds lor Pitt county in boi't P, 7 at page 1-T. we will on Monday Mtli. day uf I »eto' er. 19 >7. ai the Court house door of Put county at twelve o'clock noMi, offer for sale at public auction tne following de- scribed land:
Adjoining the lands of L. D McLawhorn, Jn . Griilin, Ben Alien .louts and others and hounded ;\s follows: on the north by L. I). McLawhi rn, on the oact by J. A. Griffin, on the south by L. D. McLawhorn, on the west by Ben Allen Jonep; containing twenty one ('.!! i acres more or less.
Terms of sale cash. This Cth day of September, IMI?
K. R. Crooker, 11 lin Dennis, I). 0- Moore
Famiville. N. C. Sept 17.
On last Saturday and Sunday the Primitive Baptists hold their yearly meeting'at the eld Tyson's church about four and a hall miles from Farmville. The ser- vices were conducted by Elder < riap and Corbet. There was much business attended to on Saturdav, and Sunday the com- munion services wore held after the usual preaching, both eldera speaking a short while. The audience ms large and quite attentive. There were many present from adjoining counties, Wilson. Greene, Bdgccombc, Lenoir and ("raven, being well represented. Also Greenville and Farmville and yet 1 have heard of some complaint among the neighbors of having barbe- cue and beef hash for breakfast Moi day morning. The Methodists held i heir quar-
terly meeting in Farmville Sat urday and Sunday, the presid in.o; elder Conducting services,
]ttl° assisted by Elder Forbes, pastor in charge
P. T. Atkinson, U. L. Joyner, Miss Nicey Carr, Mrs Elias Turnage and Miss Ellen Tyson left lor the exposition today.
Mrs, L. C. King returned last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J E. King. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris returned Saturday from Norfoik.
Gl*a led school opened yester- day morning with 150 pupils. The 'ittle folks seem to be as cheerful and happy as when they left last spring.
Miss Olive Morrili. of Snow Hil. is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. S- K. Morrili.
Alonzo Dail is quite sick with fever.
John Carpenter, engieer for the East Carolina railroad, was taken sick Saturday with mala- rial fever
Miss K.lla Watson, of Balti- more, has accepted a position with Mr J. F. Joyiwr again and will be glad to see her old pat- rons.
Mr. Worsley, former conductor for the East Carolina railroad, is slightly improving from a three week, attack of plouro, pneumonia and jaundice.
Kecrd breaker for Monda) sales of tobacco i.ver 7I»."00 pounds, aveiaginghb tut IScents.
Firwt new Dale of cott n was brought in Satin day ana sob! for 13i cents.
J. P. TAYLOR. WILSON STBEET. Kiirinvill,. N. C.
Piioroorapiier al)d Fancy Groceries.
25 years exqerience in Photog- raqhy. Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging < speciality.
Farmville. X. ('.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict- ly Hygenie. Rxp rieneed Bar- bers, Sharp l,'a;:i.|-.. (*|Pnn 'low- els.
(iortsClotl.in »i-oiciired, clean- ed ami pressed.
Valuiblr Farm For Ren!.
On account of ill health I shall rent or lease for a term of live VOHI-R mv farm containing lit) acres of cleared land with, all lacissary out houses, in good state ot Cultivatii n. Pro- duces corn, cotton, tobacco and all other crops itn wn in this county. Man with team prefer- red. Apply to F. M, Smith.
teacher," he prunblod. "That's jus' 'cli.it she wanted to know."
"Bnt what doM it mean, son?" rqiette'l his mother.
TTlOM ticuriM," ansnrrei! the lit- tle man proudly, "stand for the 'Declaration ef Appendicitw P "— Lippmcett'i.
Strcnuoul Huntmij.
"Dr. Sewanl \\ ebb," »nid an editor. "oi ,-lio.n .1 me over S iclburna I u inn, In- ;>!i tulidl; I ked estate in Vermont. 1 coinpliniented him on tho abundance of tame at Shel- Imrne and he tolil me an appropri- ate stor\.
"It wn-, a story about a young clubman. He looked up from bis mail one morning and murmured:
f*Bea*tlv, Simply licastly.' "'What is I lie mailer':' aom< one
asked. "'Here is an invitation,' aaid the
younj: man. 'front a chap who OWIH 10,000 aire- ia N'ew Hampshire. lie wants me to go wild boar shoot* inc. there.'
"'Wetl, why don't you gof said lus fricinl.
"'Ah—er--I ilon't know.' the young mun hesitated. 'I—er— haven't got the 1 ire. tor one thing, and—er—you hare to find your own bears for another. So perlir^i I havan't mused much.""
By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain deed of mortgage from ('. A. Fair and Nellie E. Fair, his wife, to E. It. Crooker and D, 0. Moore, dated 18th day of October, 1906, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Pitt county j raalntain a department of n in book PR page 129, Iwill o.i instrilmental and vocal, ths Monday, trc Mth day of October. 1907, at the court house door of Pitt county at twelve o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auction the following describrd land.
Music at the Graded School
The board of trustees of tho Greenville Graded schools will
music, year-
Miss tioston, thu teacher, is a graduate of lb" school of music of Syracuse University. Now fork, and conies to us very high- ly recommcndi d.
We shall bo in position to give
(At Parker's Old Stand.) WILSON STREET.
Farmville, N. C. All kinds of repairing of Cans
and Wairons.
In fact any kind of work in WiHul and iron.
All Work "uaranteed.
N0INSURANE Company will insure any on hav ing any Irace of
Kidney Trouble Every trace of kidney trouble is eliminated bv
UVA SOL $100 will he paid by lh«> Inter- state Chemical Co., of Baltimore, Mil., for any ease of kidney trouble UVA SOL will not help.
A word * i the wise.
For sale by
Ilavinrr qualified "s Executor of the estate of L-.ma A. Me- gown, deceased, late of Pitt county, this is tn notify all per- sons having claims against the estate ot said deceaaetl to exhibit 'hem to the undersigned within twelvemonths from '';is date or this notice will hi plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in- debtcd to said estate will please make immediate payment.
This th- 22nd day of July. 1!H>7 F. G. lame?. ,i. I, Sugg,
Atty. Executor.
For Sale One Ponv, three year; old, kind and gentle. Any Lady can drive Apply to
J. L. Flanagan, :> td l tw Farmville, N- C.
Beginning at JofephuS Cox s the people the best of advantages, southwest corner on Academy Rates oftuition will be the some M., and runs easterly with Jose-;as those usually charged in uhus (ox s lir.o to Jus other cor- Ci'«'cnville n.T thence southwardly parallel | ' enrolling music with Academy St 35 yards.. JK™}tf80ns inwestei would thence parallel with Josephosj^ £ g H R gmith
cox.s me to Academy St, thence iu" ' _„ Ant,, ' r, o».u with Academy St. to the begin- at an early date. 5 8wKS
nmg, containing ore-half acre more or less. Terms of sale cash. this Oth. day of September, 1907.
E. R. Crooker, D- O. Moore,
Eye Troable.
It matters not the failure of others to relieve your eye trou- bles. A visit to Dr. Taylor, of Greensboro, at his old office in
If you are going to guess m^Ayden this week, will convence
the Parker Fountain Pen .contest I you of his efficiency. If you at Reflector Book Store you I want expert service at a mini- should do so before the close of mum price, relief or no pay, the 20th. No guessing after that don't fail to see him. This week
date. only. d tf«tw-
100,000, thou, and well burned slop brick at my factory now ready for sale at reasonable prices, R, E Belcher
Farmville N C I have just returned from the
northern markets, where I pur- chased a superb and complete lino of millinery, notions, sick wear, dress trimmings, cloks and furs. Am prepared to suit all both in quality and price. Will have my same milliner, Miss Ella Watson: who can trim to suit tho mosi fastiduous. The public arecordirlly invited to call and inspect my store.
Mrs. J. F Joyner Opposite R. L. Davis and Bros store.
My son, James Mewborn, colored, having run away from home, 1 hereby warn any person from employing or harboring him in any way, under penalty of the law. He is 17 years old, height about 5 feet 5 inches, weijrht about 140 pounds.
This Sept. 10th. 1907. John Mewborn,
R. F. D. No, 4. Grifton, N. a 10 1 td. 3 tw
ilH2 REFLECTOR r. J W^fCfUHD, F.ditorand Owner. Truth in Preference to Fiction. ONE DOLLAR PER YE til
Branch Holmes. larceny, pleads guilty judgment suspend ed-
W. A- Blount, contempt of Robert Hanrahan, assault wi th court, respondent files alfidaiat
deadly weapon, guilty, jiidg-ldiscuiming any intent, adjudged ment suspended upon payment guilty, fined $10 and costs. of cost. i Poss Cannon, false pretense.
David Sharpe, carrying con-{not guilty. cealed weapon, t-'tiilty in one | Silas Williams and. Abram charged, not guiltv in another. {Newton, affray, guilty:
David Shorpe, assault with
Judge Lyon to Holds and D'nies Ihe White Man Strikes Negro and Loses Uatble to Talk or Make Her ideaitr | Injunction. Tktee Fingers.
JDdce 1 <£- C- V0" fc£8 T,°rninE I "h 's no joke about a negro's rendered his judgment in tliecas-'
HO 2
jddge- deadly weapon, guilty. ment suspended up >n payment of cost
Ernest Young and vV.lVie Young, larceny and house break- ing, guilty, sentenced two years to work on roads.
Ed Fleming, assauit «Hth dead- ly weapon, not guilty.
T. A. Manning, assault, guilty Mack Briley, assault with
deadly weapon, p'.eiils gwil'y,
fined $10 and cost. James White, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads guiity, sen- tenced three months to work roads.
Cornelius Joyner, assault with deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Abram Pitt, assult with deadly weapon, pleads guilty, lined $50 and costs.
Thomas I.itto, larency, pleads guilty, Judgmei t suspended upon payment of costs.
Leon Patrick and Redmond Price, gamblin'-', plead guilty, Patrick fined $10 and costs judg- ment suspended as to P. ice.
Richard Str.ckland, carrying concealed weapon, rot guilty
Henry Vandeford, resisting office!, not guilty.
Frank Jenkins, larency, not
work public ro.-ds, guilty, judg-J ment suspended.
Zcb Davis, attempt to wreck train, 'he jury found that Davis was insane at the time of com- mitting the act, and the court ordered that hebecon6nod in tl e
State hospital for dangerous in sane
Henry Leggett and J. J. Gray,
affray, Leggett, guilty judgment
costs. Gray not guilty-
Guilford McGowan, false pre-
der, judgment suspended upen
bill for murder against Ben
Peebles and Anderson Peebles,
were arraigned in court and the
case set for Tuesday, 24th, a special venire of twenty five
being ordered summoned.
disposed of sincelasl report.
Walter Smith, larceny, pleads
guilty in two cases, judgment suspended.
Branch Holmes, larceny, guilty sentenced three years to work roads- OWillie Langley, larceny, pleads guilty, sentenced eight months to work roads
Allen Gray, larceny, guilty, sentence two years to work- roads.
Willie Sarnhill, larceny, guilty. William Johnson, larceny,
guilty, sentenced six months, to work roads.
Carter Carneil, burning stables, guilty, sentenced ten years in State prison.
Arthur Price, larcency, guilty, sentenced four months to work roads.
Daniel James, abandonment, pleads guilty, judgment suspend-
/ ed upon payment of costs- Cos Avery and Thos. C. Con
non, indecent exposure, guilty.
Two .ivorce cis v' red people were in divorces given.
Glenn T.il. Per. Delphia Teel. Rosa Way, Annie May, gious congregation. Peter Atkinson judgment Buspendd in"1!!: of COSC9 as to
Peter Atkinson. • coaled weapon, p ii.ie.l 3_'.) and cost."
S.iai Brown, carryn
r Atkinson, reel. Maybell uisturb reli- pi ad guilty
ine i $20, i up ai pay- roll ITS-
rrying con* leads gu'lty.
z conceal*
of A. D. Cox and others against the board of county commission ers in which they were seeking to restrain the board fiom issu- ing and* selling the $50,000 in bonds voted for by a majority of th-e qualified voters of the county at an election held on the 14th day of May, last. Judge Lyon holds that the act of the General Assembly authorizing the issu- ing of the bonds and under which
Elizabeth City, N- C. Sept. 2:}. head being hard." said a man,- News from Camden County from a neighboring village. has just b"en receivd in this
"Why?" asked the reporter. I city of the finding on Sunday ir. '"Well that was tested in my! in ihe section of that coun'y
town the other day. when a mer-i known a* "Thoroughfare" chant flew into a passion at a'Island, a young white woman
iy Sb-ulti Noi Marry Posca* Wlo
negro, picked up a two-pound, round weight, gripped it in his fingers and struck the darky on
who, on account of starvation ar.d exposure, is now in a most pitiable plight, having so lost
tie top of the head. Everybody her mind that she i looked to see the African fall but instead the ends of tiiree of the
either talk or make her known. The s'ery of herfinding
the election was held, is consti- white mn'i fl"8tn dropped t0 »«« brousht to this place today.
• Shew Evioencit cf Ffciag U.ruittd tc Ectli Ot or.
It wili be generally conceded bv fair-mindi d people that the
idivoi; laws in many ff t!ic t States f the Federal Union are bad, ai :. what i tvenworse, are
j often badiy admii.utered. It I cannot be doubted that easy di- vorce is a menace to -.lie family,
unaole Jo and that it threatens the dhrup- • •] tity i4.jon u:r lfte home, say--, ihe 1' lin-
eatcr for Ot I »o< r. It will, more-
er ed weapon, pleads guilty, p for judgment continued.
The following cases have b.-en disposed of since last report:
B.P. WiUoughby. false pre- tense, not guiltv. Prosecuting witness taxed wi'.h cost.
Tip Person, assault with de: lly weapon, pleads guilty, fined $25 and costs.
Richard Smith and Billy Mc- Qowan, affray, not guilty.
The case against Ben Peebles and Anderson Peebles tor murder was started Tuesday afternoon and is still in progress at this
tu'.ional and valid. Tine the election held on the 14th of May was regularly and lawfully held, and that said election was in all respects according to law. That tne imiids when issued under said acc will be valid obligations of the ounty of Pitt. That the motion for injunction restraining the board is denied and tho ac- tion dismissed.
The plaintiffs gave notice of appeal and it is udersto >d that the case will immediately be sent up to the Supreme court for final adjudication.
the ground. You never saw a fellow so taken back. The blow never even jarred the negro,who folded up his fist to strike back, when the merchant broke out crying with pain from ids mash- ed hand."— Charlotte Observer.
ad j over.be generally agreed that something would be done toward
as l checking the evil if young people were more scrupulously trained
During the ast severs cays in rcJ.pm to tho ,„,,,,,,,, 3 residing near this ls-
bya reliable person wiio been in that coun'y, ar.d is follows:
sibilities lv
There ought to bs more "bad
bedt collection agencies" estab-
lished. There should be at least
orw in every county to get after the dead beats and give them the publicity that their "business deserves. There isn't a dead beat on earth who wants his busi- n-ss advertise 1. To give him publicity hurts his business, bu'- when you hurt his business you benefit in the same proportion legitimate business interests and help to bring about conditions under which no margin is needed for lossontho "slick ducks" known as dead beats, and the honest man who pays his debts would therefore not bo required to pay profit enough on his purchases to pay the accounts of the dead bests. Bad debts should be col- lected, if possible, but if they can't be collected they should be sold at public auction, after be- ing advertised in such a way as to give the deadb'ats the kind of publicity that they deserve. We are glad to note that the press and. business men of this State are getting right square in be- hind the deadbeats and are mak- ing them squirm as the light is turned on and their "busircss" exposed.— Marshville Home.
Kansis iicspitiiliiy.
Only forty five persons sat down to dinner at John Arm- strong's home near Doniphan Sunday. There was no special attraction or occasion, and noth ing unusual about it. r.nd that as high as sixty persons have been to the Armstrong home for din- ner at one table. There are fif- teen persons at the Armstrong home who are there all the time —Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, (lev en children and two hired bauds.
Tiie re«t of those that were present Sunday at dinner were kin who dropped in without no tice to spend the day. Nothing was said about the large crowd and to those present it seemed as ordinary as a family gathering of a uozen or less. Mrs. Armstrong has a great reputation as a cook and it is said that anyone eats if her cooking is never satisfied until be is backagain —Wathena Times.
Music and Silvr
After the rehearsal last night the members of th Second Regi- ment Band marched <.o the corner
of Queen and rVashington.stree's and serenaded Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Jordan. Mr. Jordan has been a member of the band sine? its organization and to express their appreciation for his zealous work in the interest of the band the members decided to give him a little surprise last night. After playing for a while they called for Mr. Jordan and his bride and presented them a set of silver knives, fo.-ks and spoons- Mr. H. W. Cummings, Jr., presented he silver on behalf of the band
in a cleverly prepared speech, which was accented by a charac teristic response from Mr. Jor- dan.—Kinston Free Press, 24'h.
This is the couple who came over to Greenville last Friday afternoon and were ;rarried here.
residents residing near land have been hearing a pet u- liar cry, wi ' m resembled tht.t of a panthAioi o than a humar,! t
out! lul not to lend their assistancei 'he formation of
i"y regard as eds ro argument to show th .t
many of tne infelicities of rar-
Marriage Licenses
Three Campaigns for Prsident.
Mr. Bryan, it is reported, will in a few days announce his will irgneSS to be the Democratic candidate for President in 1908. If Mr. Bryan takes such a stand, his hold upon the parly i.. most of the sections of the country will be such us to make it exceed- ingly diiiieult to organize a suc- cessful movement aga nst him.
I f M r Bryan ru as for President in 1908, it will be his third con- test for tint ofiice. Hfl will then be the fourth man to make three campaigns for toe presidency. His predecessors in that distinc- tion were Jackson, who ran three times, being elected twice and once defeated; Van Buren who ran three times, was elected once
Register of Deeds R Williams has issued the following license-
since last rep rt.
WHCTB Andrew Shackelford and Bes-
sie «'ox. John < -arris and Tinsie Tripp. Winnie A- Jordan and Kit" A.
Chad wick. COLORED
This. Copland and Martha .1.
wannon. Alonzo Corey and Lettia House Henry Edwards and Ella Wood
ard. Herbert Moore and Annie Bill
son. Benj Moore and Allabert
Staton. Charles Gooden and Ltila Lang-
ley Fair in west, showers 'n east
pirtion tonight. Cooler Tuosday-
and Sundal if ,»arty start ed to investigate. Armed with guns and axes the men icarched the entire territory, which is about six acres in size, but nothing v.8" seen of the "thi' g" which i ad had been making the peculiar • "oi ••. About this time someone suggested to set up a yell, whic'i suggestion was acted upon, an ! i P. few s.'conds a response w... heard i the distance. The me-i then divided themselves so as to form a circle and the spot fiom which the "oise came was closed in.
Preparing to Are upon the ob jeet, which all hands thought to be a panther, the men dashed upon the poor demented creatur lying upon the ground, with only a scant supply of clothing. An attempt was m.'.Je to hold a con- versation with her, but only a few moments sufficed to impress upon the men that reason Did •vanished. The woman was t'r-n carried to the home of a physi- cian residing at Indiancown, ne u the woods from which she had been rescued, where everything is being done to restore her min Those who have seen are U' able to identity who she is. The noise which caused the search had lj •{•!. heard about ten days-
Some are of the opinion that the woman had been c irried to this lo ely spot for the purpos of doing away with her. It ir reported that she appears to be about eighteen years old and is rather good-lookiug.
respon- so that
nasty and ill-advised unions might be avoided; and if minis*
re of religion were ir, ire care-
unions which improper. It
ried life would be patiently borne the way to an annulment of.
the marriage were not k sown to b • so easy, and that 1c would be hotter for society tha; a few should lead unhappy lives than thai th • s icredness of the family should be undermined by making 1 V'niative prpvi.-ion fwa Quick s.r d i :ng of th mai i ia're 're r.d.
JMI.J -a-.! .' crjj BcUtce. ifawsi Fo:i
The Greenville graded sc'.ioii f »r the white ra-- opened this morning for the fail session with an attendance tiat made all hearts glad TIM i were 84 ' pu- pils present at tie opening, -vhich was fully ten percent more .am at my former session, and '•vy are n t all in yet. The only .\:>rk of the first d iy ivas assign- ing the pupila t »t loirclassi *»n*l .riving tn«.m less HU to begin .-og alar work Thursday-
The faculty is a Btron:* onaand is made up as foii nvs:
Prof, tl B. S.ni.n. superinten- d snr#
Miss Annie L. Irvine, first •rale
Fitzgerald is a town in Geor- gia settled chiefly by Northern
Carolina Day.
State Superintendent Joyner has arranged part of the pro- gramme for North Carolina day in tho public schools of the state. The subject this year will be the Scotch-Irish settlements in North Carolina, these includ ing Meck- lenburg, Guilford, Orange, Rowan and various other counties in that part of the State. The date fixed by law is October 12, but it is always varied to suit the con- venience of the schools. Private schools observe the day to quite a large extent.
Buy a lot in Greenville Height or. a saving of lGji cents per day. Office 321 Fourth street. Green ville, N. C. d tf
"Ths Girl of the Saaay South"
As sweet as Magnolia blossoms and as pure as driven snow is the story of the latest of successful romances "The Girl of the Sunny South." There is a breczinoss that is moat refreshing to •:•.
Ijflde'i paiateof the theatre go-ji in witnessing a parformaucc of such intensic merit. The play is interspersed with many new and up-to-date specialties and th..'
I plantation revels by the fumous I Cotton Blossom Quartette are a feature iu themselves. The scenery is most adaquite and very picturesque. At tho Opera House Friday, Sept. 27.
Misj I3j«ii II ir ia f, l,i )T r-;. gr.
Miss i,
M'sa hirdg
ri ic
B. P
grade. Miss i> 't; e W i-'r . sixt'.i
<rad. Mini Bertie McKi .iijy rcvei.th
rr i le Mi.-s Suli( ox, e.. ..- i
grades Mbi Harri tt. Par cer I [ankina,
dr iwii g and asdsl mt ia tnird
rait uux'w ii,..-, waactctuuuui/i. -— ----- • * , and defeated twice; and, Clove- people, most ot whom an cx-.so - land, who ran three times, was dier-s.ot tne_L'V. ,n ?.rmy «lnn\ n.g elected twice and defeated once, pensions. They were Mnetod Clay ran twice, being defeated thoro by the salulinty oi the el - both times, and was a candidate mate And yet. strange to say. hefor.' nominating conventions in. they do not fav«»r any colored peo- other mars, and Blaine made two: plo reaiding in their tn'nil or three unsuccessful efforts for . Last.W'vc they made an organ- toe nomination, but only one ked effort to drive out of the acttmi campaign before the P-jt^-'l^- ««*»fe -J
If Mr Bryan should be ^OSffX SSSM W nated next year be would be tne | ", ' _ ,i„.-'i only person in the political his- j «al posse. So great was the feel- tory of the country to have been > ing against the col red people nominated for President for the! that the local militia was held in third time atter having been |readincss to aid the civil officers,
if necessary, and the Governor of the State was notified that the militia might be needed.
Lost- Gold medal with mon- This reminds us that Southern ogram on bangle "C. L. on pin, j Pines, in this State, a town set- . "Scholarship" on back of bangle tied almost exclusively by North-'; resign because of ins campaign
*^ ... I . . , , . fiivtH QattfintiAfl m lilUl. Mr.
grade. ::.:-:;". : •im. •--•:•.
There is every indication of food work during the session, and Greenville has cau.se to be proud of :':• scnool. Our cit zens shouh 'ivo it their ed support.
div id-
Strayi Tak-.n Up.
I have at my home on Pitt st.-. et, 3 cattle that strayed into mv lot on the night; of Friday Aug. 161907 which I've had ad- vertised since that time. The owner having not called for them I shall oiler them at public auc- tion at the court house door on Wednesday, Oct. yth, 1907, own- ers ca.i recover same by calling for them and paying feeding expenses, etc II. C Foreman-
Sept 18, 1007.
The New York World insists that Secretary Cortelyou should
name Pattie Langley. Finder will j ern people, be liberally rewarded by return- j very ing to this office. I Pittsboro Record.
has no, or at ta*;&Ld^^L t,JXL&
Piciur? of liuii.l.n,- Ex-G' vernorT. J. Jarfis has a
large picture representing the buildings for tho Eastern Train- ing School. If the trustees adopt the plans represented in this pittu" the buildings arc going to be beautie3,
Protection ihat Protects, If you decide to insure your life
demand the best, and be content wi ;i nothing but the best, The Standard Policy prescribed by the New state law issued by the Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety of the United States. Paul Morton, President. For full particularr, apply to the uod 'r- signed- Ollen Warren. Jr Lin
opte, nasno, or at ,edSt. Cortel u is too bu3V thinking tnct Agent, Greenville, K. 0. few, colored residents.— ,about contrjbutions next year to Wm. A. Danner, General Agent,
I be disturbed by ancient scandals ' Richmond,
'*' i.
Jamestown Tercentennial Expo- sition Complete In A.. Details.
ell of its. - wit.. <> •A :
•I I . . '.
- .y - -r ••>•
we. • tant . - coast. nio.it
OS.!!'. - >ts l!)
man.v ...h. - give J.-ii'i"-' iwu i ; oratiN • • I'- of Hie ii log • IOI|K ri i cm r i
Owli town Ti • ' Won •• ' : co*.in*t" 11!' I)
tae! ' n.o
At'.. Bear run Ha: glvl'l! nmi • - Heel I wl be
T! • rcji .'.:::. Cnlti • : Leo-. U--I • try. S: nt i i\.
Tl . .
" r ,, VII ' I '." \i !i ". Ilie old ruins of Uu
i .vinerlra, .'•:-• acroRf :: ; • 11 Ron |i< are i nut-
c ifort ami Port M ' • ..:: ! IIIOHl lltip
• • lion ."i tlie Atlantic • trli'i wall - ami winding
: e .•( (he I'm t plctur- . iiintrr, Tbese an'
- .if IN! "•!(• Interest • • wtt'iig t.. the
- v liii h eonitnom • ... ;r...i:'i ninlreraarj • :• ml Hi'irHi-h -•-a:.
1 iei Ie •. ilie moMi In r > ht» .-• of moil
Delegates Requested to Mett in Raleigh OD the 16th of Octob.r.
Headquarters North Carolina Hivision. United Confederate Veterans, Durham. N. C, Sept. 16, 1!H>7.
General Orders No. 33. Paragraph 1. It having been
mpracticabie to tiold s reunion this year of the North Carolina Division of the prate Veterans K- dt:'v
ai not want to do inn o£
division is heieliv called to meet1 I h ,' rntlior nil on the branch of a he city of Rnl»igh at eight tree and scold." 'dock p. m. on Wednesday, the '"Well," said the paiia squirrel,
"if yoii mnsl do that whenever von
FOR THE UTTLK ONES. " Story of Squirrel and What Hap-
pened to Hirr..
Once there was a squirrel that did not like In.- home, and he used to scold and Qad fault with every- thing. The papa squirrel had long gray whisker*, and .••• was wis<—1H-- si-.lcs which he could .-hake his whiskers quickly. He said to the squirrel. "Sly dear, as von ilo not like your home there are three sen- sible :; iu - v.iu could do— .
'I Leave II Or ehajiB* li
It youn United Confed- a convention of I Any one of tluw
accredited delegates' i-0"1' •'•;;""'• . ., ., . I I'tit tlio little siiiiirrel from the camps, composing this, i j0
I., it
would help yon in
Mkny Prominanl Officals to Atteid the Meeting in Raleigh Next Week
liileiirh, N. C. Wednesday. 18 -Postmaster Willis 3. Brinjrs returned this morning from Washington, where h
O 1 MR CLOSE >"-.USIVESS. AH1. 22. ,t>«>7
»"«*"««= UAHILMIKS: ie extended U»nsand Discounts S4t.58l46fl«ni»o! «i„.t. i »,„ „^„ „
invitations to a number of offi- °-drafts Secured iJ&SSSSSS Fu d ^ 'n ^JffiS cials of tv.e Poatoffic-e Depart- fcf"^ p. , m,,ni.„,t^„.i n.. M,.,WL. ij-urmtureandhixtuns
: "Oh, those.
: 'i < Am -l a lui - Tli •; •• Xor '..
!.. mm] of |i I' .-.-. Ki|iirlil
• • i. ' ; • ' rn
' ' 111 rH M
-,,'. lu
16th day of October. 1907, for the purpose of hav'ng the annual i lection of the division and bri-
commanders and transact- ing such other business as may hen be deemed proper. The
camps of this division will be en-jst. Ki< titled to the same number of de- legates at this convention as they were entitled to at the recent innual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans at Rich- mond as reported by the com- mittee on credentials. It is hop ••<; that there will be a full atten dance and that every camp will be represented. —
Bv order of ^p' , Ma.i. Gen. .!•• S'arr.
H- A. London Adit.^^ and] Chief of Staff.
want to si aid just go out on a branch and scold away at some one you do not know."
ment to attend the North Caro-, Due from Banks lina Postmaster.-' convention to Cash Items be held in Raleigh October 15-l«,*JnW C°'ri The invitations were acceptid vri*w"i9i*n« and the following officials waijMatl Bk"& "S-Notes at lend: Postmaster General Meyer, First Assistant Hitch- cock. Fourth Assistant T. B. UcGraw, W. R. Spiiman. super intcndintofrur.il free delivery routes, ami Chief Postodice in- k spector W. J. \icUory. The hist
much that he became a red squirrel, and you »'ll notice thai to this day red squirrclt< do just that thing.—
How to Play Wonderment.
It i- uxccssarv that two only of the partj should have a knowledge of the game, and then wonderment is sure to lie the result.
The two plovers ugrec that a cer- tain word snail be regarded as a sig- nal word. As an illustration, imag- ine this word to be "and."
Cue of the players asserts his be-
i s
, |,r~
f l»rr. ( ss = I'-i v;~, I ';i.|tior i,' [,„ ., hm •b»' uttofH ,>';,(. Ill t 'lell-f
K';.:-:' R'l'spavable 3. ;6.:.0Time cr u,rf ^^ ^
llf ny s ;
little squirrel blushed so named has issued an order to all postoffice inspectors in the State reouiringthem to attend.
A general official call has been issued to all postmasters in thei State to be present. There are! •vor 2,100 postmasters in North j
C.i-olina. While in Washington Pos
mater Briggs secured an appro-1 priation for two additional car-; Hers in Rileigh and an appropru • | (ion of $225 for carriers to use in buying street car tie!;et?.
be- H" -An»i Aug. t
I. V. JOHNSTON'. Notary Public.
R. L. Davis F. M. Davis
..:. . in
^hohrly Cu-it.-derate Officer ia Aimshoii '.
Strange fortunes have follow, d some of the men of the Confede- racy. It has just been discover- ed that B. F. Grant, secretary U» Judah F. Benjamin. Attorney' General of the Confederate States, is an inmate of the poor- house at Montgomery, Ala. Tin matter gained publicity through the application of Grant to the mayor for money enough to huj aGreekBib'e He is famous as a scholar, and the interesting part is that he U a nati»e of N'orth Carolina, having iv- e. born in Newborn, in 1835. Men whom faje serves triii way gun-
lief that he sight and stale.- that he is able. through n closed door, to name any article touched by any |Hirgon in rvtrpat'iy with lii'ii notwithstanding that said person ma> attempt to mystift Itini by mentioning a lot of other artii les. He then , hoo.es his onfe lernte u> being one «ith whom he mat Lie in sympathy and goes OUt-illi .
Tl par I net in the room then In call mil perhaps ju this
." "lietirlli rug." "l'i- " iin.l "Chair, .I'll." eie. He then
ha: d on the hack of a "V. hat am I touch-
r e an-., r will of r." lie. a lie the -ig-
i .;• .' iinniediately
GOO D EYESIGHT is a blessing. Hive you ant ii? [f no:, you should w«-ar iflassca
i. Ui : ' ; .
i! - overed for trick long
>rally haei q leer ideas, am! p .- >"-!.• Grant would resist an i (fori to take li'm awnv from "he po»r hi in . bu< it niighl i ol be amiss for ilie North C rol i a veterans to scewha1 they could do for his
mfort.—Charlotte ( hronicle
A Trusltd Uoiaes.ic. oneot' the most remarkable
: r.ai rial Iran tion i rec irded in rs in this i r probably in any
i r city took p'ace on Tl.ur- .; !:;.-'.. An elderly colored
.. iman, poorly dressed, entered on of the large banks in the li- ,, tncial district and insisted upon seeing the president himself. No one e 1-o- would do and the attend- ant was i • n lally i bligi >1 to
duct her into that i facial's |i-ivate i rtice. Arrivii! there, the old woman, with much sim- plicity of man; the financial
i , • sked whether disturbance was
past, and was amilin Lhat it was Th. amazement of "•' drew from the ;' bunk book and l i eh of the di .-'!.'0" and asK .1
placed to the i
v. i. . •
assun .i eupjn to tlic I'mmier, ah •< '.-. of her dress re .. six bills. on ination of thu they be ulii >f her
"marster's account ' The Look was i the in one of the
1 :. i and w ,;" custom ra of the hank, > ' "ed and super- amiated m •• • . ., LO now.. '!-i, : rarel] h'ti •- r,'<; 1 use, bi who had e\ .-ry confide ce in bis
di mtat c. i'iiila. Record
Kot'e* toOtditori, li ii '!;• .i ,. .,.!..: I ill ir • th
: of I'itl ntya :• tor 'if I hi mil rn ..
' '.' eai ed, persons , lehl il ',.
. in . ' i • ' i ;. i : : l
i . I I ' r, h on ui
•• iril il l i i I ill .. i
' llUlu
" :
Sw.ip;:ing P.~rty. A •' i] iu; |Nii ly" is oae of the
..' tor ol iiniusemi :it at a |M?I •'• . .:.i Iiering.
• I is aske i to bring a rlu II H :• of art eles with
ii "i ' o i- willing to pan. i'beiii re ti iing in rail • and the
or I are li,,- i lore :' in ii will 1 for MII ubudy i Iso'a well
uorn iii Ol I . ilenl lie . M!- of In-ie-
a-bn . '•:..: ui ribbons or . . . ii c prc-
itil a li in In i! oi..- nie d.n ivill s iggest
iheui.-elvi ling in the ..... t if tl.e ir. T!w one v lio I •. , .1, .1 in swapping for
irt ' In die time the i • irded i modest prize
Thr i .. Eg ithall. Si ' rective lit-
'.i.- ' ued with tin previous- 1'. h • n soaki d i ill and water. Tli • I-I . ibe thruad Wl lliriliil li'..;.:; lo
sup . i. ich as mi . I, pr-nided there is
Ilie i-lii lu to « Inch i. I ..:• . . I,
I' led an egg by a i '- i can bo ap] ' I the thread burnud right tliroii-.'li without the egg falling to the ;round.
How to £.?,: a Ccon.
Ilo I'I To' I Hi An oti .II b Ifoi m l
- Waablr
i '. ,.m "imks ami >tank<>-s
•a-1. it.... a
AT BttTHBU N. 0.
f2fj 576 87
5 09 •'"spital ntnek Rnrrtlus fun-l Undivided prontti Bll, p i-bl- I i ill o ceilitica'os -
deposit Dap*
standing :«Vi-tffl-,| i-.,,..,.
S.T8.154 88 T, . .
SSred ™iiefUreyea ^ "Vethe Sta,e °" N"rth Caro!i"'' °°ua" "f SK-: l. W H Wo-dard «'.is».-ei- of thr. above
statoraent la
Graduate Philadelphia College of Horology :nd Optics
. .f-pvi-s—
lam.>i IS t:->!<> t.. il,..
Internal Revenue Serv'ce. 4th, District of North Carolina.
Deputv Collector's Otlice. Littleton, N, C. Aug. Kith 1907.
itv virtue of authority iriven in sec- tion 8490 K. S. and acting under w r- rant of diatraint isaued thereunder ajfiins W. .1. Mann'nt; tor taxesaaseas- etlafrainst him under the Internal Rev- enue law.-. I have seii.-.l one tract of land belonging to sii.l Uanning anil known as the Busk truet and ing^nS acres more or less, beiuU t ..•inn' tract of bind w ieh !i foriuely [ , sii!. t. ami upon which he is now cuf- '
*.i atuur a crop.Thist-aet of iand will o.'.'i-r. il fol sale to tli - hiirlicst liirliler I
foreasli on lion tat Sep. . '->. IU07 at l2o'elockm. I ihe t'.iurl House door intho.town of Grconville N. C
I!. .1. Lewis. Deputy Collector, i
Bnhoeribed and sworn to be-
fo.-e mo, this27th day .-' May 8. T.ra.so„
Notary Public/.
FRES To sufferers of Kiuney Liver or Bladder roubles. Other manu ftu'tures say "buy a bottle and if it imseii t cure
.ml contain your money. beiiiH the I'. ,, . „ '.
till *l.llO M/.r
LAN1) SALE, By virtue ol a ilecieeul theSiipi rin '
Court ol* I'itl county i Special Proceed ' i:i'r\.> I:-.,, entb ,u.l. it. Dunting va! HoU'i-i Siat.HI. I he undersianed eom- mi -ioner mill sell for cash la-fure ilie ••ni house door '.i Grit'iiville on Mon-1 ay Se l. £1, 1907, the f llowing de-l
str bed real estate. One lot in the Sown of Beth' 1 being the store lot now iccupiedbyJ. ••'. Bunting and the! buildings on said lol said lot bouncied I
Hi--north by itailroad -t.. on the eaal bj the l"' owue.l by M .1 tirimes & Co., on tin south ly ft'ael: <! Rogers ami nlounl *V Bros, auii on thi weal bi Hlount & Bros, store and hotel, tieing the sumo pro|ie ty thai wa conveyed to Stuton, cherry & bunting by two deed . one- from V I. T Davis and the
tin r dcodfi'om tilount& :eo One other lot in Bethel bounded on
forth by Railroad i treet. on en t hy Mrs W II Bullocks, on south by the lotown-
d by Knox &co a.iit Mack ti risers and on west by .11: Nelson |*roi ertv-
Also one i iece or piireel of u ,x<\ l.i.uuiled on the north by Railroad itreet
I the Nelson property, on tin-east by t'..- Nelson property, on south bv the uPdsof in- l'i-.laiii'-.i. W (1 can on, Mack
ordand sTcarson, and on the west by Mai • street, contuining I3ueres more or ess, F. G James, commissioner
we Will
We say-
free bottle
!-• I'VA SOL until
Tillsadviiiis.iii ent entitles yo
to alulile DVASOL t:
PAUAMOUfi \X!> KICK-*- Only a limited number »f in Mies givon away. Uoc't rr'ss this «> portniiity to test
By vi-t'ie of « mortgnge executed I ilRliverod to .1. ii. Smith i
, (" It. Willams un th., -i.,. Mi
of and Slivered t„ j. „. g^jg; fjonTp"™ by C n Wiltamson the 2nd i!.,v ot
rch Hm?. which mort^ajre was re- rorded inithe office of the register of rti-edsof Pitt county m book k-.-i paon 213. the undersiirnod will sell for cash in the town of Ayden on Saturday th-s l itini iv of September 1 «i7 the follow- ine articles of personal property, to- wit.llrreebny naras. two dray waironi on eart. four seUofharneas, one -ur- rv itwo horse), one top bumy being the -ame profw rty purehaaed of r. W Man; also one s-nsll hay mare bouffh. ofW. .). Bovd, one other bay maro ant aniy mare, two open buggies, one ton bUKxy. ""-• dray wagon, five seta of ii;:i-n- ,-.-.. t ho last lot I h- s imo liouirht of •'• ''- e»:alaoHllthestable manure BOB mine rti lilen rented bv thu laid • •i:- '' isfr m Ureiiito Mclr.whom BIWB. :.. 11. uiirl mu \„ to satisfy saidmortg. .. ThisSei.tomlKtr2nd l!Hi7,
•I. ii Smith Co. By I', t;. James Atty.
You will find in.' ready to supply ail your needs in
CjrJEv (
My itock is new and fresh at all times and I handle the best brands. Anything wanted in staple Groceries, Canned Goods, i'ickk-s, Confectionaries, etc. can be found at my store, and prices are right. All kinds of Fruits in season,
J. B. JOHNSTON, Greenville N. C.
ly for the Big State. Fair...
•Richnnoi d} October 7? S, % 10, ! 1

8 , g forward to it The wonderful succeas of last year has led to
itor Fair this year. Nothing like it. The best in all departmental LIVE •"•
I ! EVER '
x,«sWii -.«. W.-T-
— -r-~v*m">

I will r*n ion I"'-. t« S*!?. ",'J" samples of my Dr. Jihoni.'s Restorative, and mv Bo. k on ei he- byfpei*'"' / ™' Heart or Tl.e Kidn, ,«• "Troubles of the Stomach. Hcau-t •- fidm-vs, are tr-eri- ,.. „.„.„,„,„„ „,- B rteercr a i ment. Dw t
i ... r n' treating »».. ,1. I..- • : ) "I « •' is treating the reauit of yuur -;""""1-/ «rd not the cause. Weak Stomach Mrvcs—the inside nerves- -mean S* mach weaknt-hs, »lwa.v». Aiai the Heart, and Kidney.. as»' ». have the.r controlling or inside nei"-'v«- weasen these nerves, and v«u ta«etittbly nave weak vital orttai a. Hire 's where- l>r. Shoop'S Rertorat ve has itiadc Us lain.-. No other r< mc.lv . vni ela-mi" t0 .V , the ••inside nerves". A<-» ,,r ,""ll,' rp. biUonmesa, 'ad br<ejh "* ^ln' lexion, mr Dr. Shoop'l l-nioiativc.
Write to-dav f<- nni leai n -j ' '"",', Ur. Shoop, kacine. Wis. 'the K«*<» •tlv,. i. told i- Bryana Urn.-' ^'"r
The wise man lo ' ed no' at the thennometer duri ;; Jul.v :1TI(I
August. i
Wliinyou feeHbeneedof pi*'**' '• Riser. Smli - DeWitt's Little Ear
Wl, safe pill, sure pi>l. ,:,sy (tO t.-„ p-pleasant anil effective. Drivi S«wu^ ncadachea. Sold by John U W ""'•; •- Drug store
You can never mal<»» at1"''101
noise with the cracker thr»t has been explodi il.
A pront|it. plivis an*, vr wdrc couch- and colds, in Kenned - . t.iv i--.nrh Svrnp. It i- •••,'.•,,"'."'
i- i.-nded f.e- ••' - Bndehi!*; |"it knv»lfnr piscry menilvr of t''C tairn 't oon' mins no opiates an.i doM ""i eoi Hajifltf Contama honey and tai a . sti-i i .-arl> aa goo.! as maple syrup CMMivuHkett. Md byJo.L. Woten'i
FREAKS OF SPORT. How the Geeie B««( the Turkeys In a
Ten Mile Race. The history of sport ia made fas-
rm-itjnip i.v man* strature incidents. i'1-i..i UM >••..! -" oi' Mytt" • areepted a rlare to liunl over frozen fields in his nightelothes at mid- Bight ui. to the last, election the an- nuls of wagers arc full "f the most extraordinary incident*.
So more eiirio is examples of one of these aide issues ot sport can be found thau i- ottered by a match made when George 1\'. was still Prince of 'A'alcs. The mutch was n fain"!: one in il- day from its ex- reptional naturoi the parties engag- ed .n i! end tli" unbx|K"cted denoue- ment The Hm.. George Manger, afterward l.oril Coleruine, was one of the celebrated and eccentric per- sonages of the dav. At oue "f the gay parties at Uarleton House Mr. |fu i : .•...- led, in the course of the convei ation. to •! «hire thnl n tur- key could travel f '' u n ] iwise, Tlie Prince •'' Waii » I great C01l''-lc!ICl ill lli- jl C'll :.s lo 111! mat er of '" ind ! d peeeV iigre.-d wiiii him in lur.ition. ." ":. lierk'-lcy dilferr ! from them, and : iiiatel: was r! • • nrr in " '
THE WISE MERCHA To keep abreast with the times must
.. : .; t -ii i.
va- for C.V*0, deiti iii • ' • thai od ' and taken—tJ ul I win. The prince ui to have tv >ntv of
Some bartr?.itis are exponsiv.
f»rta free sa" nte of Dr. Shoop'i "Kealtli t'olTr-e ' at Our store. If roal colT.-e disturbs your Stotnaeh. your Hpi-rt or Kidnoya, then try this cl ver CotTee imitation. Pr. Sb.Miphas close- ly n ati-lied Old Java and Mocha (Vilfc In flavor and taste', yet il has not. H aingle -rain of real t'olfoe i-: it. Dr. Sheep's Hirallh Coil'ee [mitntion is made from pure toasted (Trains or cereal-i. with Malt. Nuts. etc. Made in a rain etc. No tedious wait. You will sur.- Iv l>ke it. Fold by T. E. Hooker & <:
Politics sometime make- strange cellmates.
All stomach trouble an- nirkly re- leaved by taking a hrt'e Kolol after each mca'. Kouol goea di petty to th. seat of the trouble. <trenr/thenfl the digestive organs, aupplles the rmtura digestive i'liees and (!i-_'e.-.ts what yo- eat. It is s simple, clean, pure, harm leaaremedy. Ilon't natclect .our stom- aeh. Take a htt'e Kiy|--I :i.u-r ea h meal and Bee how gmvl it .i„.l<,-^ yon feel. Money back if it (ail., sold by John I.. Wooten
Worry never completed a task worth whfip.
Pert Barrier of Rlton, Wis.. says "I have only taken four doaea r.f your Kidrev and Bladder Pills and they nave done for me mote than anv rither m«-i- acinc h-is i-ver done. I am ti 111 taJCMie the pills as 1 wai't n nerfect cur,-."' Mr. Itrirlmr refer- to D»V itt's Kidn. y and t'.la.fder Pills, vrhich 8M unequalev1
for n-o-Kache, weak kldnevs, InrlarBiMi- tion of thr» bladder and all orir.arv trr.i.'- I.le-i. A wi-.'Ns t.roatmerri for 2.V Solilbv J. I. Woctefs nmu Store.
The vacation earned i*. the va cation enjoyed-
Then-is no OOHOOf indiiri'Slion, no matter how irritable or how "bstinale thai will not lie speedily reiieVod by the of Kodol. The main factor in curinc thi-stomach of any disorder Is rest, and theorily way toffetrvtt is to oetuaPy dit'Csi the fiahl for the .-toiiaeh itself. Kodol will do it. It. is a sci.-ntivic pro- paratioi'of vegetal.!'-' acids .-o-'tainin Iheierv ill , i II : ti I.III' ii )*- illhy
tto'ii.icli. It conform i to the Pure V o*| and Drugfl Law. Sold by Ilion L. VV j ti-n
Tile pies are just as good a" ever-—your "tasier" is out of whack.
For scratches, buriH. i-ci. Inter* bites ami the many little hurts comma i to everv family, DeWirr'i I'arboliw! Witch Hazel Salve is the ia-si remedy. It is soothing, Coolinff, clean and heal ing. He sure you get DeWitt'.i. Sold by J. I.. Wooten's Drug Store.
The vacation vie miss is the one we would have enjoyed th< most.
Drafiir-ss Canrot be Cured ,by local applications, nri they "cannot
reach the diseased port on of thu ear. There is only one way tocuredeafness, I iind that is by constitutional remedies. Oeafness is eaused by uu Inflamad con- •lition of the mucous lining iif the Eus- tachlsn Tube. When this tub.- Is In- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closi-d, Deafness is the re. ult, and unless the Inflammation can be ta- ken out and this tube restored lo its ni.ru. ii condition, hearing will be de- stroyed forever; :in" caeii out of ten are caused hy Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces
We will give One hundred Dollars Tor any case of Deal in ss (caused b: en- tarrh) that cannot lie cured bv Hall's Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, <). Sold bv Drugvriats, 7".c. Take Hall's r amily Pills for eonstlpa*
• "'i
arris would . rn p arr uigi .- finest am
liltelhe Bill For It Carries Your Announcerneiit Direct
games) turkeys collected. At the time anil place appointed he nut, Mr. Berkeley with his entries nfi ceese. Thr rare bogtlll. !-*ioin thei start there was everv indication that i the turke.i would conic in winners) "hand* down" or wings down. They] trio-.-il oinuiril at a brisk pace.! which Hie |.'e"se, uilli tin ir heavier waddle, wen- not able to equal. In- deed, at the eml of three hours the lurkevs wm^ lending bv two miles. Put n'i-'l.l was falling, '.\s Hie lighl grew li i s Ibe turkeys displayed signs of uneasiness, Thev l« mn to look nt the tni-s that appoanil by the wayside and edged toward them.
The prince, with i\ pole to which was fastened a pie if red cloth, did what he could to ur;:- them for- ward. First one ocrypi I and, rais- ing it-elf to a pendant limb, .settled its. If down comfortably. This one iva- no sooner diplodgial than nn- otlnr established itself in n like manner. Parley scattered along the road did ni'l aid in the least. The turkeys had concluded that it was time to turn in. and turn in or turn out they did. In a few minutes ail of the twenty were roosting in trees, from which it was impossible t"> drive them. Meanwhile the geese came lumbering on. Thev slowly passed their slumbering competitors. 'I'll" race finished with the gee.se first find the turkeys "nowhere."— (Jcorgn milliard in Metropolitan Magazine.
to People and brings the best R- suits
The Nose Lasts Lorgast. Pone and cartilage enter so large-
ly into fiie structure of the nose mid determine ii~ characteristics thai if utidi rgocs little iierccptible l-huilge, Us II rule, nilh Ilie lapse of yours. The brow IKVOMHN wrinkled, and crow's fi-el -jiilier round the u\vr:. which Ibetiiselres gradually grow dim as lime rolls on. Checks lose the bloom which eosniclics can- not replace and lips iIn- r fullness ami color. The chin, dimpled in youth, develops angularities or globularitics, as the care may be, and the eyebrows be -nine heavy with the crop of many years' growth. The nose shows no marl; coTiij'aralili- lo these familiar facial indication!; of the approach of old nge and practically enjoys immuni- ty from tl.- ravages which time makes on the other features of thei face. X'r.U to the nose, probably the ears, us a rule, slum the fewest and least obvious signs of old age.
Cough Caution Nevar. poiHlvel7neTr,rpol5t>nyourlun*n. If you
':,-—.',.. from >«: 11 coin only—yon ihoiild always hral, r.«»r»t he, .<• ' - ivi IrrlUivad bror.. r!iinl Uir«». l>ua't blludly - .l',r-.,. it with a *t«ll>ef>-i:.-: ; ' - HI. U .-.-.. K" :.'• ft -__( r. llnnlly cnm«*nbout. For twenty yrum T>r Shoup hii-t i-orjiiUiiitly wartini i- i. .- n- - t.- in- : ,:Ii •.•'.-.i— or i !'•' i .' » OHUtiling Oiilum, Chloroform. < r *'••: r.-.r: ..!* And now—it ..• Into UUMigir—CoogrOcM m \t "lMitltoo thelrtln-1. If colons in in your Cnqffe Mixturo " r.o<^l
niifl others, should lnnltrt on having I>r. :..;-'• .*:i Cun. No i- •<>:: marks oa Dr. Hhooii'i Inr^ls—nud nonvlnthc ru-tdU:lno. else It tiiu»e ty Isw bo on the Uhel. And It's not ooly -'<• but II it -ni-1 to be by those tltst k now It beet, a truly rev inurkahle cough remfly. Take no chance nan, rnrtlcutmiy with your chlMr-n. laslrton hiving IT H hoop's Conni Cure, t'ompare carefully the Dr. .-!. -D puckag* with othsrs and r. :, the
;' •-. i No pols>.:i arki there! You oao alway« be oo the aafe side by deiuaudlng
Dr. SJaoop's Cougli Cure
-^jiaraBEMBU»-«-«sKtj-- >-
Watsrf of tlie Ccc.ins. The oceans occupy llireo-fourths
of the surface of the earth. A mile down in the sea the Wilier has a ]irei-.".i''e of a ton to ev. r> square inch. If ii ho\- six foel deep was filled with sea water, which was then allowed lo evaporate, there would b" two inches of sail left in the bottom of ihe box. Taking tin- average tl ptli of I he ncei i to be three miles, there would lie a layer of will -I 'II feel thick covering the hii' un ;n case nil Iho water liould ra '.:''. I" mini) phii e , espe- cial I; in tli - far north, tl a water free. fr • i Ihe Iwt toui upward.
Reason Tor Hiz Absence. "T nei i•• Proi kul down here
any inure," said the artist as he took u -i t in the in ml poi i lor table chair. "Why i It? It use 1 to bo that 1 never ramo down bill Crocket was here. If he wti n'l actually here, a knock at the door, and Crocl .'i."
"Ho came doi -n iv»' I .ng a?o," she ewlaimcd, '"."• ' rid hi wn ntvfiill) liar! up. I n" . ! him e live, mid he took it. That's win.' —New i'orje Pre s,
pepu ]i y:-.i .-.re too fat it Is bSClUOS your foot
'irr.s ta (at instoad of muscle-- itrsngth El you era t-io lean the fitproitucinj; f-oil •.h -.: you »»t «ra not yroptriy dlgtetsd and utimilaUd.
Lson, thin, strintry peopla on ret ?:.vv: tnoujch Pep >:n m tli* stomach, wh.ls fat pai ile li.t tiir. ma-.h Pectin anj run snougri PanerMlint,
K Dyspepsia Curfl
:-n*-«). > ail th« diffntWi j'.it.-.e^ Lh*t /« ':'.'. \n * h8"ltr-> itoinuhi *nd ( .•.city tl.-i o profcrtioni n«c«»ftty to
,a"Ia *.he «',..T.IC:I an^ difftstivtl cr.-ani d'^ottand &^tifniIgtt«is»!I?oodsthatmay
R, lt:ii. Ko-i:'' is not only >i pcrf*ot [Cttxnti but ic :> a rMOnstructiv*. tis-
ua bui'dir./r tcnic RA woil. Kcdcl curea nd'?Mtion, Dyipapttaf Sour Stofnaob. "-iriiiurn, Palpitatioil cf th« K«art and
'. jnttfpation. Vou will UUt it
Oldests What You £at Kuats the stom ch. r«b i Ulhm Usiuta and fi-ir a firm t'^tn*
i"6flUriailea«Uall4 UB>«1 • n -i. ; M tk«
i, ITrTli TH V *TTI UMi
A M STATIONS I' M l'..V. I.v Norfolk A r I.I.-, 21 23 " E. City " 3.15 a'"" " Hertford " :'..n
A 41 A M i2.L"i '• tjlenton " 2.20 I' M P M bun 6(0 |8.66 "Mack Kerry" 12.45 1140 6 05 Hi". 6 40 4.2:1 •• 'I'lyn.outli " 1217 10 5H !."i
1 L., 9 2p r, in "Washington" 1100 '848 2 lu 12_n> ;T I.". •• NVw Bern " 9 15 6 00
" t H ''" " Kinston " - in i; 'J "" Ar ii. _.I-I i.rn I.v V no
l l M " A :.t I'. 7 Is l.v Now Bern Ar 9 20
I" '• M. I ity •• 7 17 ' 8 52 '• All. Moid •• 7 40 ;t> 10 Ar llenufort I.v 7 -'". A M P M 10 25 1,1 Wasliinglon Ar 5 20 lo '.a •- t'hocowinity " i". 05 12 Sn " i ivillu " :'. IH
I :o Ar I'uimville I.v •_• 40 P. M f M
Trains daily oxcept Sunday; other than between Goldsboro bind IBeaufort which'are daily.
If- &. I.. 1:1 NCHJL [M. W. McCI li;i.. n. c. HUDGINS, I Trafflc.Manosbr Geieral Supt Gen. Pass. Agent
|Boad one amons a hundreds of such testimnnnials. "I have suffered witnNERVOUS Dyopppria for i»tst 10 yearn
and have received nion bi neficlal and lasting results from the use o' PANACEA MINERAL WATER than from any other remedy of the many I have had prehcribed fol* me. It gives me great pleas- ure to testify to Its marvelous results in my own case and man) others 1 have personally observed
Mrs. Martha P. Taylor. Newport News, Va
Sendo*dcrstoGco. fc". Priehmd, Greenville, N. (.'.
,1 ., In, Lt&- r.rcc .i.ei-.i
John L, Wooten
Yorl i ne day of a piece of .-as- pic i i :- i del
"It i ei idem e that 1 n becR bran- i» • : » li. i i>l »n I. Il i- like [tli Indt'.- i". ;" 'ii ni r j ."]:.- :- ' '
" \ In ' u ii da hi July visiu'il her p! in. The ! 1:111 e .amitied her ' -•aid:
" "M.-ul, m, . rn. ie-• only a little r: • . i nt hath"
ly of 'I ilvlfe in the eoole.-t, ntost
coiufnri i ulliinj Ftid in loi
!_-.( Imi lier hiisl irl I i'-l e,l |< r u .it | i n IH-I! illid. i •• ' ;• .! :
: i i-i (hi Hen i-i i I-I d il.mi ol miti di ei and . . : . !., i '" ,
Ger Hd ths C linaman, III ' •• old tin i li \il i|ji • i |
torn nut n '.Vhere rise in Maul li, tho'Mew Yn,. f th ......... hi "-.•».-
I be fun:ul :::- n! I Noi • [j|
| Tl I hi II uu n II i.- |!iv|ii' . ; .i :. . in d thai
j it •' ;' : i ly ' nig '' I i ' or Toy <rr •!»••. I r to I mirons tl tl '..•;. -. :'., or si inc to tli :!:- "mil ihe el k." .''ri;. " 'ii' .- in il j ii |J
lil ti.'lllldori the e price lists - S'ow
Y' rl !'• :.
!<.- w His Fate. Pro M ii how i tlie
'•- i umd uith mi .:n i dote Si! • .i II at. : I , ' i Vow York.
"A : ..' i .. :'." I I'i"- i. . '• . i ,11.
her i. " 'V. ..i., I.i i in [ nm |
in ' II i In tin r or r.oi he ' : Ie '•'-.'
"YT .. i JeJ, ".'Al - ' -1 nc there,' he
HI Mistaken Idas,
Tli : I .' ". i ii nn j.n the. i ' . I ill ; : - i..'.i i !'i- inuli- lence hy sfilclterlng itndililj whijftltlie •gifted BCtrucJ WUI j.::ivii'.:: Ihe part of Jiaw, queen nt Scots, attaTtht hi._' policeman was leading him oul
"bv Ih* Ml "i\t ioejiu on
tonal the young PULLEY & BOWEBSJ ™ rthe hisaott ho that jvei WUJ Dub-
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C. . ^^'•^frhi;'^°}x,^fM;
-J it, anvpi". pint- inani -< :;-'J h
t'and the world laugh« willi-l viiW il

Entered i * . M 'I ** matter Jan. 4, 1907 at the postoffice at Greenville. 1* C, under Act of CnngTCM of March 3. 1*79
v h in SRrrf. mn to jftftbn Guilford county are preparing to (give W. J. Bryan a big banquet
GREENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. SEP. 27, L907 ^n he comes to sprak at the fair there. Xothing is intimated
When tne president flips ov. r Notice the improvements the country and unloads those j around school houses and grounds ix speeches, ha flan than settle ' throughout the country. Child-
i down tchij Thanksgiving proc- Jren trained amid such surround- lamatiom lings will carry the idea of im-
- provement into their homes when Democrats of Gr.fnsboro aid the* come to make one >t their
own. ImDrovc"' condi' >ns and higher citfzensh |) shoul'! be the ambition of every one.
CO? LI l) IC HIP* H»1 E CAf CAM. | It m .y not I* e<H»ntiiMr, but will !i;.v> to p;.v higher prices
i your coal tiiia winter.
• .j <>.. •,,_.:",.••..,,;.-;, |nt of things,, ti..-t. Wadesboroonca htfl* can pel
of i'. |hut'n» Chamber of Commerce is-rid >»f tar iwtm1, W.lmingtf-n .. •- '<:.: ... ,,..„•,.. v r,"ota!"-i't them.
, ..•'...» ' .'"lue c- v cas" WflsreHledi • t- n t F ' '• v. w"
bat I "! only v pr ival • I nueh dim i A'i ioi BJJMWS crinm
nr:-<! »«d thwe P-uihy of itl ava Buffi nd much. Most of those participating in it might have and?' -vd!y »aki«v an qftjr wyt. keen th'HicrtlPW in the r.ct. not vVnHc. haabee-i sorted on a street -.v.:. . ,<.. enormity of the car tine in that «ity.
yet -tbent seals fr the "conservj. Tiie Charlotte Obs. ver ex- ativr force ' |pre sss the bdhf th: t. if the
• " "~" coun i ry hud known Judgo Parker i \l* place wfta the reputation M Wt.i| three years W.Q as ii
There are farmers that are w> suspicious and so easily influ ne- ed, that th •>• will not tak» a step that is directy in their interest.
If this were not so tney would long ago have united and been the most powerful organization in the world. Their suspicions and gullibitiy, if we may so cnl! it. keeps many of them from uniting with the Southern Cottor,
Embarrastmrii 0f a Bashful Young h'.an I] a sleeping Car.
A certain benevolent old laJy was noted for her taoughtfulnoBs to oth- er*, loinetimM t<> the extent oi mukiu;-' thejn (eel cmbarreMOBt She was traveling once in a sleeping car, iu winch aiie was obliged to sleep in • lower l„.rth instead of having a whole section, u *ai her custom. As bedtime came she became con-
shoiliH rot cl^r-ai'-. Polks ;:. that city are al.iady siting up
\-]-\< erring forward ;u (i lu;,;n.^notie.» of what bad
places saloon < are.
. fktvaditiga mar e hom«> . i hour* of the night it '.ingt»chastise him
•• whatever conditi -t- irw at-t may have reer.
.,.. it lias taught the lesson they shot id
off. 0
in tiii and an But i ol mi i eomnv '•'-. particip nts a never forget.
U r. \v J Teel, the man upon orbwn the attach was nude, has
cerlair.ly w > «>« gratitude of the nubl'c by his persiM n' energ} I P™ >",;'-r his assail- ants. I h«s been the meais of br^a'i irui.gieat'.-vHsthatexist-
ed inn cr mumty, and r*sl ired peace ami ordsr. A man of less
cour ir " irfht have ubamloned the mattL-r rather than have taken the rbk«f further dange- lo
bimstl", ' •• >"k tUe coi;rs' than.- '• ' itestbenefit to
the pubi.C •ih-.y win ?n wn i rore ir«
defendants in the caf t tfbe ...... . . ,1 I f • ;• C '0 - • tl ' >'
took incoirini ' .to c urt ar.d makb-e'h -j-'-i ''" >' •'•:'1- fcnd
s'-.ouldcring the burden of the entire, ,.- that I nd iri*fl ^
to man-: incinl*** wrnng. « they hli'irri not^i ti.i.'i'-l ••• it' bumilu "( ^t.if.'^ir att, .. Vsr,.H W. V. -ed- beeand I L bVming, aie to be eomir.jndedir.so wisely counsel
Hnv 'heir c'it-nts H»d hoping th >ni nthia conclUBionof it-
Xhep-.-pleof t*ie entire county
will approve the action of Solici-
We never believed it of Meek- lonhurg. but that county his I',P-
feated » proportion t« iss'i» '><>n'Is to build more good roads.
If the Standard Oil Trust to able to pay a lawyer SI. 000 per day
'or his services, it should not be raising such a kick about that
$29,000,000 fine.
Carrie Nation overworked her - reec "peaking burinepa in Wash- ington City, and got a 80-day M ntence in the work house.
The New York thief who hat a mania for stealing clicks and watches, ou^t.t to be doing time
Thereishope f..rSouth Cera ''" i ;.s long us i jury can b< f.-t" d who wi!l gay 'Vuilty" evi n ii the defendant is a beauti* fu" woman.
Owinjftothe a<lvancc * price
in the coat of making a news- paper, the Washington St* an- nounce? -i -"hang.?::! Bubjjq^piion price frowls *« *> beginAitig October tjrst. Th r< is no enter arise harder hit in the advance of material than th » ».wspaper.
When Use Standaai. OiUom- pany and tl.e rai'Toada come down to htriet bonctty and*fair
dealing with the p*'Ple, tnert will be aeother epoeli in our hw- tory- But they are not coming down to that until they are mad-
Cassie v hadwick has come be-
fore tii' |itiUic <?ye again, but this time inVitiable plight. It is st»ted tliat since :oni'mement in the Columbus prison she has be- j me totally Kind and a physical wreck. Too;- Cassi ! "I^htofl that is without sin Brat cast a
stone at N r."
1 n^w~ him row h* vri'ld have '•'•n dected pr '.•ii-*. It is mother ;•; re of the cour try see- ing its nvstake. but whether it vill profit by it is entirely an
other question. Judgu Parker has proven himself soond and right en all public questions, a claim that can never be truthfully made for the msn'wno defeated him for the presidency
There is ai old ssying that i ft Ta Btormtl (Mflomesaealm.
As it is a poor rulfl th it will not w r- bot'o ways, this might be reversed to sayi-TB after a culm then *in»eiime« enn •
Groenvi has ') f"
a sto'.'1'.i .-• '11 '" ii'
cerned l«ir the comfort of the yonng i ivb'o was lo occupy the uuiK;r
A sociation that is seeking te berth. .\„ -.lock came, and the -ontrol the price of ott»i, and '''' ''"!> f(''' ~1*','1,>"» l,ut the young ., , . I ''•" n .i.liin: ••iio.-ite her gbowed no the very same reasons keep tnem out of the Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Company that wants to do the ^ame thing with the to- bacco crop. Perhaps some djiy the farmers will see what is best for them.
ynipt^iaia of drowsiDeis, to she sat patiently ratcliiag bertlii being made/along llio line. Half an houi latcri the porter paated beside her and/said, '"Like to have yo' berth miei,. up, la.lv':"
-ilrs. X. gave a gratcfnl gla»ce •""I then referred courteously t« "ef young man. "I beg psrdfla, bus—nli—are you ready to #> to
AGED W0HAN TELLS OF rVORLt)', '^ILs — »tarU.d. red-lc EflD. . '.. • ,.„ r,, .. urjtii a bow \ ad dissv
pe ir.il. lie '..;..- a i-!i,v yonng inn: Vesnsi rf Peculiar Settlement Fisri an2l *«"> cmbarraMcd.
OttoWrZI ZJ Pate For th. Judg- n,1*1" ',"'rt1 l'r ;"'! "1
l"'ut !','s dut,eL ^ ,mwim UUUR Prcjfently he asked another i|iJ»
K.a;i.i-.ptr^. ^y.,;, ...,,. ions and wetrd signs, th^solenfw .--;^ J";- ' ;' "P '.( ' " '« striking •* a lonjr silent clock, itiiti I the oiu-...w>j^t |(nov*bsfl' thetriublodltohtBoftheneavens «"f"'< ''"' . ' '!:;.,,^!i0:;''n llu
at night, theflittirgofawhi-e ^y, ^{X --^^^ I ive at midnight Wiese and h r „},,,,, v,:,\ v.,„r feet or your head u e.vn propheMe ineniration I •• tl nsine?" Aicient Sophia Smoke, the West The young man gave her a scared Seating wresa, to hobble abou! look H« "r-.-d and ran It h
ealmor^inth*wavofpromH „.„../ ,„.,. . ,.op,. ;, . „„ n ^Jf^^J^HlftoH
ing enlerprises, and we '• •;' ,: j them to prepare for the end of ..,,,,.,.,.,. „f the smoker. — Lipph* new storm of industrial activity the world. She fixea the ume of cmiV.
t ie October full mooa—tho 2ls:
'•'• nen a lawyer is out mere!) foi a fee, !e has to put up ll.c Iggest i nisi po.<s:bi-. to make I is
clknt thi: It he is earning bis fee.
We doubt if anybody sup ;'.-!•- Wellm: n will ever find the
Nonii pdo, but his project UI again ucrvin : as a goul advertisement ciiu thus fulf'lling its purpose.
J. M Barr, oi.--:ctor-general of tho Jam' Btown exposition, has nev. r b.conie satisfied over th. iate unpleasant relations between himself and President Tucker,