Enviroment Notes

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  • 8/8/2019 Enviroment Notes


  • 8/8/2019 Enviroment Notes


    Table 1.1Science As a Way of Knowing

    Scientists collaborate Many people often work on different aspects of a problem. Creativity, insight, aesthetics and even luck play roles in

    scientific research.Scientific Design

    Reproducibility Experiments must be designed and recorded so they can be

    reproduced exactly by other researchers. Controlled Studies

    Comparisons are made between experimental and control

    populations.- Every variable except the one being studied is held

    constant.Scientific Design

    Blind Experiment Conducted so investigators do not know which is the control

    and which is the experimental group, until after data havebeen gathered and analyzed.

    Double-Blind Neither the subject nor the investigators know which

    participants are receiving an experimental treatment.Reasoning

    Deductive Reasoned conclusion Starting with a general principle and deriving a testable predication

    about a specific case. Premise: All dogs have four legs. Premise: Rover is a dog, Conclusion: Rover has four legs.

    Reasoning Inductive

    Specific examples are examined to locate patterns and derive generalexplanations from collected observations.

    Reasoning from particular instances to a general conclusion

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    if all the people you've ever met from a particular town have been very strange, you might then say "all theresidents of this town are strange"

    Hypotheses and Theories Hypothesis

    Conditional explanation that can be tested by further

    observation or experiment.- Logically, an hypothesis is based on inductive reasoning,

    can be shown to be wrong, but can almost never be shownto be unquestionably true.Evidence is always provisional.

    Scientific TheoryScientific Method

    Modeling and Natural Experiments

    In some areas, historic evidence can be examined for supportor contradiction of an idea.

    Another method of investigation is using a model simulating thephenomenon under study. Models represents researchers assumptions about how a

    system works.- Can produce contradictory results.

    Statistics and Probability

    Probability An attempt to measure and predict the likelihood of an event.

    Sample Size A critical experimental variable is the number of observations

    necessary in order to have a reliable representation of apopulation.

    Paradigms and Scientific Consensus Paradigms

    Overarching model of the world that guides ourinterpretations of events.

    - Tend to guide the types of questions asked byinvestigators.

    Paradigm shifts occur when a majority of scientists agree theolder general explanations no longer fit the observations.

    Approaches to Knowledge and Thinking

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    Analytical Thinking How can I break this problem into parts ?

    Creative Thinking How can I approach this differently ?

    Logical Thinking How can deductive reasoning help ?

    Critical Thinking What am I trying to do ?

    Reflective Thinking What does it all mean ?

    Steps in Critical Thinking Identify and evaluate premises and conclusions in an argument.

    Acknowledge and clarify uncertainties, vagueness,equivocation, and contradictions.

    Distinguish between facts and values. Recognize and assess assumptions. Distinguish source reliability or unreliability. Recognize and understand conceptual frameworks.

    History of Conservation and Environmentalism Four Distinct Stages:

    Pragmatic Resource Conservation Moral and Aesthetic Nature Preservation Modern Environmentalism Global Environmental Citizenship

    Pragmatic Resource Conservation President Theodore Roosevelt and his chief conservation

    advisor, Gifford Pinchot, believed in utilitarian conservation. Forests should be saved so they can be used to provide

    homes and jobs.- Should be used for the greatest good for the greatest

    number, for the longest time.Moral and Aesthetic Nature Preservation

    John Muir, first president of the Sierra Club, opposed Pinchotsutilitarian policies. Biocentric Preservation

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    - Emphasizes the fundamental right of all organisms topursue their own interests.

    Modern Environmentalism Rachel Carson, Silent Spring.

    Awakened the public to threats of pollution and toxicchemicals to humans as well as other species.

    - Modern environmentalism extends concerns to includeboth natural resources and environmental pollution.

    Global Concerns Increased travel and communication enables people to know

    about daily events in places unknown in previous generations. Common environment shared on a global scale.


    Causes of Environmental Degradation More than 6 billion people now occupy the earth, and we add

    about 85 million more each year.- Most growth will be in poorer countries where present

    populations already strain resources and services.Human Dimensions of Environmental Science

    A small fraction of the worlds population live in increasingluxury, while a more than 1.3 billion people live in acute poverty. Seventy percent are women and children. Often meet short-term survival needs at the cost of long-term

    sustainability. Cycle of poverty, illness and limited opportunities become

    cyclic.Fig. 1.15

    Rich and Poor Countries About 20% of the worlds population lives in the twenty richest

    countries. Average per capita income above $25,000.

    Other 80% live in middle or low-income countries. Ten poorest countries each have average per capita income

    of less than $200.00.

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    Richest 200 people in the world have have a combined wealthof $1 trillion. More than total owned by poorest half of the world population

    (3 billion).

    Table 1.4

    Sustainability Sustainable Development

    Meeting the needs of the present without compromising theability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples are generally among the least powerful,

    most neglected groups. In many countries, traditional caste systems, discriminatory

    laws, economics, or prejudices repress indigenous peoples. In many places, indigenous people in traditional homelands

    guard undisturbed habitats and rare species.- Recognizing native land rights may safeguard ecological


    Summary: Environmental Science Science As a Way of Knowing

    Scientific Design Reasoning Scientific Theory

    Approaches to Thinking History of Environmentalism Human Dimensions

    Rich and Poor Countries

    Energy, Matter and LifeChapter 2


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    Matter Conservation of Matter

    Atoms Sub-atomic particles

    Atomic number Atomic mass


    Chemical Bonding Covalent




    Compounds Inorganic

    CO2, O2, N2, H2O


    Chemical Reactions Oxidation Reduction


    Reaction with Acid or base



    Kinetic Heat

    Specific Heat amount of heat to warm 1 kg 1oC.

    Energy Transfers =Thermodynamics First Law of Thermodynamics = energy is conserved, neither created

    or destroyed, transferred or transformed Second Law of Thermodynamics = with each successive energy

    transfer or transformation in a system, less energy is available to do


    Life Cell

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    Organelles Metabolism- enzymatic reactions

    Cell Wall

    Water of Life 60 to 70 of organisms by weight

    Salt and other compounds dissolve easily Electrolytes

    Water molecules are cohesive Capillary action Surface tension

    Exists as liquid over a wide temperature range

    Expands when crystallizes = solid

    Has high specific heat absorbs or loses a great deal of energy as it changestemperature.

    Energy of Life The Sun

    Electromagnetic Spectrum

    Metabolism Chemistry Photosynthesis - captures

    6 H2O + 6 CO2+ solar energyC6H12O6+ 6 O2

    Cellular respiration releasesC6H12O6+ 6 O26 H2O + 6 CO2+energy released

    Biogeochemical Cycles Hydrologic cycle = Water Cycle

    Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle

    Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

    Nitrites NO2-1

    Nitrates NO3-1

    Ammonia NH3 Ammonium NH4


    Denitrifying bacteria

    Mineral cycles Phosphorus

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    Ecosystem Ecological System

    Biological Community



    Energy of an ecosystem Open system exchange of energy, matter across boundaries

    Closed system

    Trophic Level Primary producers


    Herbivores Carnivores




    Food Chain

    Food Web

    Energy exchange in Ecosystems

    Ecological pyramidsEnergy pyramid related to biomass period

    Populations, Communities and Species InteractionChapter 3

    Principle of Limiting Factors Tolerance limits

    Minimum limits

    Maximum limits Limiting factors in Mineral cycles



    Evolution Natural Selection

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    Selection pressure Physiological stress

    Predation Competition




    Modes of Evolution Divergent evolution

    Convergent evolution

    Speciation Geographic isolation

    Reproductive isolation - divergence

    Naming of things Kingdom







    Ecological Niche A species way of life or functional role in the ecosystem = occupation

    Range of tolerance

    Types of resources used

    How it interacts in the ecosystem

    How it affects the flow of energy

    Habitat = location where a species lives

    Generalist species = Eurytopic species Specialist species = Stenotopic species

    Resource Partitioning

    Species interactions

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    Interspecific competition = competition among species overlap of

    fundamental niches

    Predator Prey Relationship

    Native Species Non-native species

    Exotic species Alien species

    Killer bees

    Zebra mussels


    Indicator species

    Early warning that ecosystem is being damaged Keystone species

    Role of species is important for ecosystem health. Sea otters

    Symbiosis Sym = together

    Bios = life

    An intimate and mutually advantageous partnership of dissimilar



    Benefits one species

    Neither harms or helps the other species Epiphyte plants Air plants

    Defensive Mechanisms Batesian mimicry look like a dangerous predator

    Mullerian mimicry two dangerous organisms look alike so bothbenefit

    Exponential Growth

    Carrying Capacity (K) The number of individuals of a given species that can be sustained indefinitely

    in a given space (area or volume)

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    Often in populations it is the number of organisms that the environment will sustain.

    When will a population of 5 million organisms reach its carrying capacity if the

    population doubles every 10 years, the environmental increase of food

    production is 1 million individuals able to be feed per year, and the initial

    environment can sustain a population of 10 million?

    Logistic Growth

    Fig. 3.18

    Logistic growth

    Fig. 3.19

    Population density controls Density-independent population controls

    Floods, hurricanes, severe drought Not dependent on the density of the population

    Density-dependent population controls Competition for resources, predation, parasitism or disease. Density plays a part in how these affect the population

    Potential epidemics, Bubonic plague

    Environmental resistance

    Reproductive Strategies

    Table 3.2

    Primary Productivity The rate of biomass production or the conversion of solar energy into

    chemical energy stored in living (or once-living) organisms.

    Net primary productivity = after respiration

    Fig. 3.21

    Fig. 3.22

    Boundaries of communities

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    Ecotones boundary between adjacent communities

    Edge effect environmental and biotic conditions on the edges

    Fig. 3.26

    Fig. 3.23Primary Succession

    Secondary Succession

    Fig. 3.28

    Climax community End of succession?

    Old age forests?

    Stable climax

    Environmental Science

    Test 1 Review Sheet

    This Review sheet is produced as a study aid. This sheet may or may not be all inclusive of thematerial you are held responsible for the test. If the material was covered in class and/or it is in

    your textbook you should know it.Chapter 1

    Terms to know:

    Environment, Environmental Science, science, hypothesis, theory, controlled study, deductivereasoning, inductive reasoning, blind experiment, significant numbers, reproducibility, model,

    probability, paradigm, analytical thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, reflective thinking,

    environmentalism, utilitarian conservation, biocentric preservation, modern environmentalism,global environmentalism, environmental degradation, sustainability, resources, indigenous


    Concepts and questions to know:

    1. What is the problems with rich and poor countries as they deal with environmental


    2. Why do we need to live sustainable as well as have sustainable development?3. Who are these people of Environmental Science? Rachel Carson, John Muir, Gifford

    Pinchot, Pierre Poivre, Theodore Roosevelt, David Brower, Barry Commoner, and

    Marshall McLuhan.

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    4. What are the steps in critical thinking?

    5. How can you detect the Baloney of science?

    6. What advantages does modeling have for environmental science?7. Within a scientific investigation a scientist will follow what series of logical steps to

    investigate a problem?

    8. Compare and contrast deductive reasoning from inductive reasoning.9. Why is it important that scientific studies be reproducible?

    10. Compare and contrast controlled studies to blind experiments to double-blind design.

    11. What is the interaction of the various disciplines that are involved in environmentalscience?

    12. What is environmental science?

    Chapter 2

    Terms to know:

    Ecology, matter, energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, heat, thermodynamics, atom, atomic

    number, atomic mass, proton, neutron, electron, ion, cation, anion, isotope, metal, nonmetal,metalloid, molecule, compound, ionic bond, covalent bond, chemical reaction, acid, base, pH,

    organic compound, inorganic compound, cell, metabolism, wavelength, photosynthesis, cellularrespiration, population, biological community, ecosystem, productivity, biomass, autotrophs,

    primary producers, consumers, heterotrophs, food web, trophic level, herbivores, carnivores,

    omnivores, detritivores, decomposers, ecological pyramid, biogeochemical cycle, chemical

    cycle, carbon sink, nitrogen fixing, nitrite, nitrate, de-nitrification, ammonia, ammonium ion,

    Concepts and questions to know:

    1. What is the conservation of matter?2. Compare and contrast kinetic and potential energy.

    3. How is heat involved in the two laws of thermodynamics studied in class?

    4. Explain the first law of thermodynamics.5. Explain the second law of thermodynamics.

    6. Compare and contrast oxidation and reduction chemical reactions.

    7. What is the miracle of water?8. What are the four major classes of biologically important organic compounds?

    9. What is the source of energy for life?

    10. Explain the various types of electromagnetic radiation or spectrum.

    11. Compare and contrast photosynthesis to cellular respiration.12. Compare and contrast a closed system versus an open system.

    13. What are the basic components needed for a functioning ecosystem?

    14. What are the various ways of observing the various ecological pyramids?15. Explain the hydrologic cycle

    16. Explain the carbon cycle

    17. Explain the nitrogen cycle.18. Explain the phosphorus cycle

    19. Explain the sulfur cycle.

    Chapter 3

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    Terms to know:

    Evolution, critical factors, tolerance limits, natural selection, adaptation, adapt, selectionpressure, habitat, ecological niche, competition, predation, predator, symbiosis, commensalisms,

    mutualism, Batesian mimicry, Mullerian mimicry, keystone species, exponential growth, biotic

    potential, carrying capacity, overhoots, dieback, primary productivity, diversity, resilience,stability, community structure, edge effect, ecotones, pioneer species, ecological development,

    climax communities, community change

    Concepts and questions to know:

    1. Explain what the tolerance limits for species.

    2. What are the factors that cause selection pressure?

    3. Compare and contrast divergent evolution from convergent evolution.4. What are the major taxonomic categories naming organisms?

    5. What is resource partitioning for organisms?

    6. What are the types of species interactions?

    7. What are the various types of defensive mechanisms for organisms?8. What is the function of keystone species?

    9. What is the shape of an exponential growth curve versus logistical growth curve?10. What are some of the limiting factors for populations? How does environmental

    resistance relate to limiting factors?

    11. What are the characteristics of a r-adapted species?

    12. What are the characteristics of a k-adapted species?13. What is the edge effects for environmental and biotic communities?

    14. Explain primary succession for a community?

    15. Explain secondary succession for a community?

    Human PopulationBomb or Bust?

    Chapter 4

    Population Growth 4 to 5 children born every second

    2 people die every second

    Net growth 2.5 children per second 150 per minute

    9000 per hour (11,250 in a class period)

    Overpopulation? Resource depletion

    Environmental degradation

    World Population Growth and Doubling Times

    What type of Growth?

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    Logistic or Exponential?

    Doubling Time Rule of 70

    70 = doubling time in years

    Percent growth

    World Population and History

    Malthusian Principle Reverend Thomas Malthus, 1798

    An Essay on the Principle of Population Refute egalitarian principle of utopia (believing in human equality in a place of

    ideal perfection)

    Human population increasing at exponential or compound rate, food production

    remained stable or increases only slowly. Human population will out strip food supply, collapse into starvation, crime,

    and misery

    Malthus vs. Karl MarxNeo-Malthusians

    Malthusian view = we have reached the carrying capacity of the earth

    David Pimentel 2100, 12 billion people, sick and dying

    optimum 2 billion population at the beginning of WWII

    Mohandas Gandhi There is enough for everyones need, but not enough for anyones greed

    Can Technology save us? Advances in Agriculture has increase food production

    Famines now are not natural but political

    Availability of food based on easily acquired natural resources, cheap

    fossil fuels. Alternative fuels or starvation?

    Human Demography Demography Greekdemos= peopleandgraphein= to write or tomeasure

    Vital Statistics Birth


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    Where people live

    World population distribution

    World population distribution 2

    Population Measures Crude birth rate = number of births in a year per 1000 persons

    Crude because it is not adjusted for the number of women of reproductive age

    Total fertility rate = the number of children born to an average woman

    in the population during her entire reproductive life.

    Zero population growth ZPG Chinas one-child-per-family policy

    Fertility rate 1970 = 6

    Fertility rate 1990 = 1.8

    Human rights violation? Forced abortions

    Forced sterilizations

    Infanticide boys for the Family name sake Social/Cultural shift for China

    Dr. As prediction = China will be transformed as Chinese women shortage brings back the

    unwanted Chinese girls.

    Adoption of Chinese girls to parents in other countries.

    Crude death rate crude mortality rate = number of deaths per 1000 persons

    Net population growth the difference between the crude birth rate and the

    crude death rate.

    What is the net population growth of country X which has a crude birth rate of

    40/1000 and the crude death rate of 25/1000?

    What is the percent growth rate for this population?

    What is the doubling time for this population?

    What is the net population growth of country X which has a crude birth

    rate of 40/1000 and the crude death rate of 25/1000?

    40 25 = 15/1000

    What is the percent growth rate for this population?

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    15/1000 = 0.015 x 100 = 1.5%

    What is the doubling time for this population?

    70/1.5 = 46.7 years

    Life span = the oldest age to which a species is known to survive.

    Life expectancy = the average age that a newborn infant can expect to attain in any givensociety. The average age at death.

    Early societies = 35 to 40 years

    U.S. Life Expectancy

    Income and life expectancy

    Age Structure

    More population measures Dependency ratio = the number of non-working compared to working

    individuals in a population Developing countries workers are supporting high numbers of children

    Developed countries workers are supporting higher numbers of retired

    persons If you retire at age 65, you will be retired 35 to 40 years.

    Changing age structure of the world

    Population Growth Opposing factors Pronatalist pressures factors that increase peoples desires to havebabies Joy of babies

    Support for elderly parents

    Children help the family, tend livestock, etc.

    High infant mortality

    Male pride big families (11 to 12 children)

    Birth reduction pressure

    Higher education

    Personal freedom

    Spend time, goods, money than children

    Education and socioeconomic status inversely related to fertility in rich


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    Education and socioeconomic status in developing countries can increase

    fertility because they can afford to have more children

    U.S. Demographic Transition

    Demographic Transition Optimistic View

    Demographic transition already has occurred in developing countries. Population controls already happening

    Factors to help stabilize populations Growing prosperity and social reforms


    History of developed countries teach developing countries

    Modern communications

    Pessimistic View

    Lester Brown, Worldwatch Institute Demographic trap prevents developing countries from escaping the middle phase of

    transition Human demands exceed the sustainable yield of resources

    Environmental deterioration, economic decline, political instability prevent

    modernization Population grows until catastrophe intervenes

    Need for birth control education and national encouragement for lower birth rates

    Social Justice View

    Fair share of social benefits for everyone

    Enough resources for all, maldistribution of resources right now

    Stressing overpopulation encourages racism and hatred of the poor

    1994 International Conference on Population and


    180 participating countries To slow population growth

    Responsible economic development

    Education and empowerment of women

    High-quality health care (including family-planning services) must be

    accessible to everyone (this will lower infant mortality rate)

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    Family planning Couples determine the number and spacing of their children, plan

    when children are born.

    Birth Control become essential part of family planning

    Fertility Controls Traditional controls

    Breast feeding 3 to 4 years suppresses ovulation, (does not suppress in well

    fed women)

    Taboos against intercourse while breast-feeding




    Current Fertility controls

    Avoidance of intercourse during fertile periods Celibacy, rhythm method, body temperature, etc.

    Mechanical barriers Condoms, spermicides, diaphragms, cervical caps, vaginal sponges

    Surgical methods to prevent sperm and/or egg release Tubal ligation in females, vasectomies in males

    Chemicals that prevent maturation or release of sperm or egg or prevent embryo

    implantation in the uterus Estrogen plus progesterone for females, gossypol for males

    Birth control pills RU486

    The Patch progesterone released through the skin

    What is being used?The future of the Human population

    So do you even care? Should we be worried about population growth?

    Show the human population be controlled?

    How does human population affect the worlds environments?The effect

    If every person in the U.S. produced 1 cup of urine each day that

    would have been on January 1, 2003 (U.S. population on Jan. 1 was

    281,489,436 persons) a total of 17,593,090 gallons. This would be

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    equivalent to filling a swimming pool the size of a football field to the

    depth of 104 feet deep each day. This urine would weigh 281,489 tons

    Biomes and BiodiversityChapter 5

    Biome Life zones, environments with similar climatic, topographic, and soil

    conditions, roughly comparable biological communities

    Biomes and Climate conditions

    Temperature vs. PrecipitationLatitude and Altitude on Climate/Biomes

    DesertsGrasslands Tropical grasslands




    Temperate grasslands



    Short-grass Pampas



    Polar Grasslands

    Arctic tundra


    Climate and Plants Deserts succulent plants

    Rain Forest Broadleaf Evergreen plants Areas with winter Broadleaf Deciduous plants

    Areas with short summer Coniferous or Evergreen plants

    Forests Tropical Rain Forest

    Tropical Deciduous Forest

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    Tropical monsoon forest

    Tropical seasonal forest

    Tropical Scrub forests Temperate Deciduous forests

    Evergreen Coniferous Forests

    Boreal Forests


    Evergreen Scrub Mediterranean

    Chaparral thicket, California

    Thorn scrub - Africa

    Ocean life zones

    Coastal Wetlands

    Salt Marsh

    BeachesSandy Beach Barrier Island


    Freshwater Lakes

    Freshwater Streams

    Wetlands Ecosystem in which the land surface is saturated or covered with standing water

    at least part of the year.



    Biodiversity Genetic diversity measure of the variety of genes in a species

    Species diversity number of different kinds of organisms

    Ecological diversity richness and complexity of community

    How many species are there?Biodiversity Hot Spots

    How do we benefit from biodiversity? Food

    Drugs and Medicines

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    Ecological Benefits

    Aesthetic and Cultural Benefits

    Threat to Biodiversity Extinction

    Causes of: Continental drift

    Climate change


    Background extinction

    Mass extinction Adaptive radiation

    Human-caused reduction in Biodiversity

    Habitat Destruction Fragmentation

    Island Biogeography R.H. MacArthur

    E.O. Wilson

    Hunting and Fishing Passenger Pigeons

    Commercial Products and Live Specimens Economic value

    Predator and Pest Control Introduction of Exotic Species


    Zebra mussels

    Diseases Fungal blight American chestnut


    Genetic Assimilation Crossbreeding

    Protecting Biodiversity Hunting and Fishing laws

    Endangered Species Act World Conservation Union

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    Endangered species

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    Threatened species

    Vulnerable species

    Threatened Species of the world 34% of worlds fish

    25% of amphibians 25% of mammals

    20% of reptiles

    13% of plants

    11% of birds

    Protecting Biodiversity Recovery plans

    Reintroductions Minimum Viable population

    Founder effect genetic diversity may not be viable

    Demographic bottleneck genetic problems

    Genetic drift

    Inbreeding genetic diseases

    Private land and Critical Habitat

    Food and AgricultureWill there be enough nutritious food for everyone?

    Chapter 7

    Golden Rice Genetically modified organisms

    Frankenfoods? Unnatural creations?

    Overweight Overfed = Underweight - Underfed Lower life expectancy

    Increased susceptibility to disease and illness Reduced productivity and life quality

    Terms of nutrition Undernutrition = people who cannot grow or buy enough food to meet their

    basic energy needs Proper amount of calories

    Proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals

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    Chronically undernourished less than 90% of minimum Caloric intake needed for

    normal growth and development

    Malnutrition nutritional imbalance, enough calories, lack of specific dietary


    Nutrient-deficiency diseases mainly protein Marasmus to waste away, low calories and proteins

    Thin and shriveled, tiny starving people

    Kwashiorkor displaced child, protein deficiency, weaned children, enough calories, not

    enough proteins Reddish-orange hair, puffy discolored skin, bloated belly

    Overnutrition food energy intake exceeds energy use. Second leading cause of

    premature death Obesity 30 lbs. Above normal weight

    Poverty CycleSystems that provide us with food.

    Croplands produce grain

    Rangelands produce meat, livestock

    Oceanic fisheries

    What feeds us? 15 plants species

    Main grain crops = wheat, rice, corn Annual species

    8 terrestrial animal species Developed countries beef, pork, and chicken, eggs, milk, and cheese

    domestic livestock

    90% of our food.

    Major types of food productionHigh-input agriculture

    Industrialized agriculture

    Large amounts of fossil fuels, water, commercial fertilizers, and pesticides Monoculture 25% of croplands Plantation agriculture

    Bananas, coffee, cacao

    Livestock farming feedlots


    Traditional subsistence agriculture Produce enough food for their own family

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    Very little surplus

    Traditional intensive agriculture More human and animal power input, more water and fertilizers

    Farm to have surplus, mainly women labor

    Food Production

    Food Production

    Food production - 2

    Food outlooks We can provide the basic nutritional needs of every person on the

    earth today. If distributed equally. Meatless subsistence

    Principle cause of hunger is poverty

    SoilsSoil Profile

    Factors of Soils Soil porosity space between grains

    Soil permeability ability of fluid to flow through it

    Soil structure how soil particles are organized and clumped

    Soil Types

    Soil Erosion

    Mechanical Erosion Sheet erosion

    Rill erosion

    Gully erosion

    Soil erosion reduction

    Gully reclamation Windbreaks


    PAM polyacrylamide, added to irrigation water to reduce soil



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    DeforestationSurface mining without reclamation

    Irrigation techniques

    Farming marginal soilsSoil compaction


    FamineDeclining living standards

    Increased refugees

    Salt build up salinization waterlogging

    Soil Conservation

    Conventional-tillage farming Conservation-tillage farming Minimum-tillage

    No-till farming


    Contour farming

    Strip cropping

    Ally cropping

    Agrodiversity - interplanting Growing several crops on the same plot of land

    Polyvarietal cultivation several varieties of the same crop

    Intercropping two or more different crops grown

    Agroforestry ally cropping crops and trees grow together, fruit trees and grains,fuelwood and other crops

    Polyculture different plants which mature at different times are grown together. Year-

    round plant cover to the soil

    Soil Fertility Organic fertilizer

    Animal manure

    Green manure Compost

    Commercial Inorganic fertilizers

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    Crop Rotation

    Agriculture Environmental impact Agriculture has a greater harmful impact on air, soil, water and

    biodiversity resources than any other human activity.Not included in the cost of food

    Major environmental effects from food production

    Green Revolution Farm more land

    Get higher yields per unit area Developing and planting monocultures, selectively breed or genetically

    engineered 3 grains

    Heavy fertilizer, pesticides, and water use

    Increase intensity and frequency of cropping

    Green Revolutions

    Effects from the Green Revolution Soil erosion

    Loss of fertility of the soil

    Salination and waterlogging

    Depletion of water resources groundwater and surface water

    Increase of rapidly breeding pests, develop immunity to pesticides

    Increasing crop yields Gene Revolution Crops that:

    Are more resistant to insects and disease

    Thrive on less fertilizer

    Make their own nitrogen fertilizer

    Do well in slightly salty soils

    Can withstand drought

    Use solar energy more efficiently during photosynthesis

    Are you willing to eat? Genetically modified organisms?

    New forms of vegetables?

    Insects? Microlivestock

    Mopani anyone? Emperor moth catepillars

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    Sustainable approaches Sustainable Agriculture

    Regenerative farming

    Low-Input sustainable agriculture Less mechanized farming