El Miracle by Mariscal

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Old Vines Garnacha Tintorera

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No matter what color their

skins, the great majority of wine

grapes have clear juice. Although

they may appear red on the

outside, their insides remain clear

and pure. Garnacha Tintorera is

the only grape in the world with

red-pigmented pulp. In Spanish,

we call these types of grapes,

Tintoreras, literally “dyers”.

Page 3: El Miracle by Mariscal

GARNACHA ... Spain’s fastest growing varietal

- Easy to drink

- Fruity structure & concentration

- Less oak age

- Deep & attractive color

- Great sipping wine (No food matching needed)

- Indigenous varietal (Away from the Cabernet path)

Possible reasons why

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Wine style

- Old world meets new world; fleshy & fruity yet subtle

- Elaborated from Old Vines, hence its concentration

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DENOMINACIÓN DE ORIGEN: ValenciaTIPO DE VINO: Varietal Garnacha TintoreraVARIEDAD DE UVA: 100% Garnacha TintoreraGRADO ALCOHÓLICO: 13,5%GASTRONOMÍA: Paella, asados y quesos semicurados.CRIANZA: 8 meses en roble francés de segundo llenadoETIQUETA: muestra la etiqueta pintada para Bodegas Vicente Gandía por Javier Mariscal, uno de los grandes diseñadores españoles, nacido en Valencia.TEMPERATURA DE SERVICIO: 16º C

ELABORACIÓN: Procede de una selección de uvas vendimiadas a mano de garnacha tintorera procedentes de viñas de 35 años en vaso, situadas en la zona vinícola “Valentino”. La vendimia se realizó con una cuidadosa recogida para conseguir madurez fenólica y equilibrio frutal. Para su elaboración se desarrolla una maceración y fermentación alcoholica muy lentamente hasta el final de la fermentación maloláctica, que es cuando se introduce en barricas de roble francés de 2º llenado, que garantizan el perfecto ensam-blaje entre la carga frutal de la Garnacha tintorera y la madera.

NOTAS DE CATA: Es de color cereza intenso, borde púrpura muy luminoso y con capa gruesa. Su aroma es intenso, posee una nariz expresiva y perfu-mada, con predominio de la fruta roja envuelta en notas de humo y un carácter mineral. La nariz está domada por la madera con notas de cedro. En boca es untuoso, con gran acidez y unos taninos bien marcados y carnosos que nos recuerdan la ciruela madura, las aceitunas negras y un final largo y persistente con frutas rojas. Un gran vino con carácter mediterráneo.

APPELLATION OF ORIGIN: ValenciaTYPE OF WINE: Grenache Tintorera Varietal GRAPE VARIETY: 100% Grenache TintoreraALCOHOL CONTENT: 13,5%GOES WELL WITH: Paella, roast meats and semi-mature cheesesAGEING: 8 months in second fill French oak casksLABEL: shows the cask painted for Vicente Gandía Winery by Javier Mariscal, one of Spain’s leading designers born in Valencia.SERVE AT: 16ºC

WINE-MAKING PROCESS: El Miracle By Mariscal is produced from a selec-tion of hand-harvested Grenache Tintorera grapes grown on gobelet-trained 35 year-old vines, located in the "Valentino" wine production area. The wine is produced using very slow maceration and alcoholic fermentation until the malolactic fermentation is complete, when the wine is poured into second fill French oak casks. This guarantees perfect blending between the Grenache Tintorera varietal's fruity character and the wood.

TASTING NOTES: Bright cherry with a deep robe and very luminous purple edge. It has an intense bouquet, an expressive and fragrant nose, dominant red fruit wrapped in smoky notes and mineral flavours. The nose is tamed by the wood, with hints of cedar. Smooth on the palate, good acidity and meaty, defined tannins that bring to mind ripe plums and black olives, with a long berry-laden finish. A fine wine with a Mediterranean character.


Tasting Notes

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Packaging El Miracle, an international name recognizable in French, English and Spanish

by Javier Mariscal, Spain’s number one designer and creator of Barcelona 92’ Olympic Games logo

Front label Outer Case

Packaging adapted to the new consumers’ trends, looking for fresher communication

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Customized barrel painted by

Javier Mariscal

Design by Javier Mariscal, one of the best Spanish creatives, designer of Barcelona 92 Olympics

logos and the movie “Chico y Rita” candidate to win the in Oscar 2012 for the best animated film.

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• Garnacha given its modern appeal far more intuned

to current customers’ needs than Tempranillo

• Quality with contemporary style

• Fruity and easy to drink but very appreciated by


• Very suited for Millennials

• Designed by Javier Mariscal, top Spanish designer

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