1й рубежный контроль для группы Е515, физ.воспитание Раздел 1 Find the correct form of the article if necessary: They are going to…cinema on …Sunday. A. the/0 B. 0/0 C. a /the D. an/the E. 0/the Find the correct form of the article: I won’t drink … lemonade. There is… fly in it. A. 0/a B. 0/the C. The/the D. The/a E. An/a Find the correct form of the article: … Kazakh like … milk. A. The/0 B. 0/a C. a/the D. The/an E. A/ an Find the correct form of the article: … 1st of … May is a great holiday A. The/0 B. An/the C. a/the D. 0/a

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Раздел 1Find the correct form of the article if necessary: They are going to…cinema on …Sunday.A. the/0 B. 0/0C. a /theD. an/the E. 0/the

Find the correct form of the article: I won’t drink … lemonade. There is… fly in it.A. 0/aB. 0/theC. The/theD. The/aE. An/a

Find the correct form of the article: … Kazakh like … milk.A. The/0B. 0/aC. a/theD. The/anE. A/ an

Find the correct form of the article: … 1st of … May is a great holidayA. The/0B. An/theC. a/theD. 0/aE. a/0

Find the correct form of the article: M. Auezov is … well-known Kazakh poet.A. aB. 0C. anD. theE. at

Find the correct form of the article: … Doctor James is away.

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A. 0B. theC. anD. aE. on

Find the correct form of the article. Please, cut … grass in the gardenA. theB. aC. anD. inE. 0.

Find the correct form of the article: There is … apple on the plate.A. anB. theC. aD. sheE. 0.

Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: … he … swimming?A. Does … likeB. Do … likeC. Do … likedD. Are … likeE. Did … liked

Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: What’s the matter? You … very happy.A. lookB. looksC. lookedD. were lookingE. was looking

Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: She … generous.A. isB. doC. does

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D. areE. am

Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: How many books … they…?A. do … wantB. are … wantC. does … wantD. is … wantE. did … wanted

Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: We … glad to see you. How … you?A. are … areB. is … areC. am … doesD. am … isE. am … are

Insert the sentence in “Present Simple” Where …Mary live?A. doesB. doC. shallD. willE. 0.

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: I ... … next week.A am arrivingB. was arrivingC. were arrivingD. are arrivingE. is arriving

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: She … … a party tomorrow.A. is havingB. were havingC. haveD. are havingE. was having

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Father (still/work) in the garden.A. is still working

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B. still worksC. workD. are still workingE. am still working

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: What … she … now?A. is doingB. are doingC. was doingD. doesE. do

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain) now.A. is not rainingB. were not rainingC. rainsD. was not rainingE. are raining

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Don’t make so much noise. I (to work) now.A. am workingB. are workingC. workedD. is workingE. works

Use the right form of Present Continuous: Listen! They… a lovely song.A. are singingB. am singingC. is singingD. singsE. was singing

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: They … … football in the garden now.A. are playingB. is playingC. am playingD. were playing

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E. was playing

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Tom … a shower at the moment.A. is havingB. hasC. hadD. are havingE. have

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: She already (paint) a picture.A. has painted B. have paintedC. paintedD. was painingE. paints

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: He (write) a letter to his parents.A. has writtenB. have writtenC. was writingD. writeE. writes

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: … you … this task?A. have/finishB. has/finishedC. did/finishedD. finishedE. finish

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: He (buy) an English book today.A. has boughtB. have buyC. have boughtD. buyE. has buy

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: The teacher (discuss) the problem with children.

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A. has discussedB. discussC. discussingD. shall discussE. would discuss

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: What task … she … yet?A. has… doneB. did… doC. will… doD. have …doneE. does…0

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: … you ever … to Africa?A. have … beenB. do … beC. are … beingD. has … beenE. had … be

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: Alan … in the bank for a year.A. has workedB. is workingC. have workedD. worksE. worked

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: He is the most handsome man I … ever ….A. have … knownB. knowsC. am … knowingD. knowE. am … known

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: My friend … in the USA many times.

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A. has beenB. have beC. are beingD. beE. have been

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: … you … painting yet?A. have … stoppedB. has … stoppedC. is … stopD. does … stopE. did … stop

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: We … them … this week.A. have not seenB. did not sawC. did not seeD. are not seeE. have not see

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: … you … him last week?A. did/ seeB. do/ seeC. will/seeD. shall/seeE. does/see

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: Dinosaurs … millions years ago.A. died outB. had died outC. will dieD. wouldE. shalldie

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: I (phone) them last week.A. phonedB. will phone

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C. would phoneD. shall phoneE. phone

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: Mike (send) a letter to his close friend last month.A. sentB. will send C. shall sendD. sendedE. Sends

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: We (pass) examinations last winter.A. passedB. will passC. w ill be passingD. passingE. pass

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: … you … him at the theatre last night?A. did/seeB. will/seeC. shall/seeD. does/seeE. do/see

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: She … at my age.A. wasB. areC. isD. wereE. been

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: Vacations … last week.A. beganB. was beginningC. begunD. beginE. will begin

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Choose the right verb: John (work) over that problem last year.A. workedB. worksC. workingD. is workingE. shall work

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: The delegations (arrive) last Sunday.A. arrivedB. is arrivingC. would arrive D. arrivesE. shall arrive

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: My dresses … in the wardrobe.A. wereB. wasC. isD. doesE. do

Choose the right verb: My friend … all the teacher’s questions last week.A. answeredB. is answeringC. answerD. answersE. was answering

Choose the right verb: Ten minutes ago I … a strange noise.A. heardB. hearC. was hearD. hearingE. hears

Use the right negative form”: We …have a holiday last year.A. didn’tB. hadn’t C. have

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D. don’t E. haven’t

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: When … Jill finish school?A. didB. wouldC. doD. shallE. had

Choose the right verb: My friend isn’t at home. He … to work an hour ago.A. wentB. goC. goneD. goesE. going

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: I (talk) over the phone when they brought me a letter.A. was talkingB. had talkedC. had been talkingD. talkedE. would be talking

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.A. Were sittingB. SatC. Had been sittingD. Was sittingE. Sit

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: I (translate) the text at 5 o’clock yesterday.A. was translatingB. were translatingC. translatedD. translatingE. will translate

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Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: Ann … in the park with Emma.A. was walkingB. walkedC. have walkedD. were walkingE. are walking

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: They … … from the garden when I saw him.A. were comingB. cameC. comesD. was comingE. would come

Choose the right verb: At 6 o’clock yesterday he … for Jennie at the station.A. was waitingB. waitC. waitedD. am waitingE. were waiting

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: What … you … at 11:30 yesterday?A. were … doingB. did … doC. was … doingD. do … doE. are … doing

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: The whole day yesterday they … in the garden.A. were workingB. is workingC. worksD. workedE. was working

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: What … Tim … when you saw him?A. was … doing

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B. will … doC. did… doD. were … doingE. is … doing

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: At this time yesterday they … TV. A. were watchingB. was watchingC. am watchingD. will watchE. watch

Insert the sentence in “Past Continuous”: At 4 o’clock yesterday they … tennis.A. were playingB. is playingC. was playingD. playedE. play

Choose the right variant: If there is a good program on TV they … it.A. will watchB. will be watchingC. watchesD. watchedE. shall watch

Find the right variant: They will … tidy up the house before their parents get back.A. Have toB. GoC. Shall D. CanE. Be

Choose the correct variant: You _______thirsty after having carried those heavy boxes. Shall I make some tea?A. must beB. could beC. could have doneD. can beE. must have had

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Choose the correct answer. When you open the door you ________ that everything is in its usual place.A. will discoverB. will be discoveringC. would discoverD. will have discoveredE. Discovered

Choose the right variant: Don’t tell me… has happened to you.A. WhatB. WhenC. That D. ThisE. Which

Complete the sentence: How many fish … today?A. Have you caughtB. Has you caughtC. Would you catchD. Has you catchE. Did you caught

Indicate the correct answer: I ... you for ages.A. Haven’t seenB. Has seenC. Didn’t seeD. Had seenE. Saw

Use the passive sentence: People advised us not to go out alone.A. We were advised not to go out aloneB. People are advising us not to go out aloneC. We were not advised not to go out aloneD. We advised people not to go out aloneE. We are advised not to go out alone

Use the passive sentence: They cancelled all flights because of fog.A. All flights were cancelled because of fog.B. All flights was cancelled because of fog.

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C. They are canceling all flights because of fog.D. All flights are cancelled because of fog. E All flights are being cancelled because of fog

Fill in the gap with modal verb: You’re going on holiday next week. You ______ be looking forward to it.A. mustB. had toC. will mustD. has toE. are must

Use the suitable preposition: Could you add this up for me? I’m not very quick _____ calculating.A. AtB. OnC. To D. With E. In

Choose the correct variant: When I came home my parents ...A. Were watching TVB. Watched TVC. Are watching TVD. Watch TVE. Will watch TV

Choose the correct variant. Will she continue to work if she … married? A. getsB. getC. will getD. gotE. gots

Choose the correct variant: … it rains very hard, the streets flood.A. ifB. alwaysC. unlessD. beforeE. during

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Rewrite the sentence in the passive: Your written test surprises us.A. We are surprised at your written test.B. We are being surprised at your written test.C. We were surprised at your written test.D. You surprised us with your written test.E. You surprise us with your written test.

Find the right variant: We turned the house upside down but we couldn’t find your ring ... . A. AnywhereB. NothingC. EverywhereD. NowhereE. Somewhere

Choose the right variant: If you see the movie, you … it.A. will enjoyB. would enjoyC. have enjoyedD. enjoyE. enjoys

Rewrite the sentence in the passive: How do people learn languages?A. How are languages learnt?B. How is languages learn?C. How do people learn languages?D. How was languages learnt?E. How were languages learnt?

Choose the right passive: How much milk … for the cake?A. is neededB. are neededC. am neededD. needE. to be needed

Use Past Simple Passive: The boy … to come to school on time.A. was orderedB. were ordered

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C. to be orderedD. is orderedE. are ordered

Choose the right variant: At this very moment it …A. is being discussedB. was being discussedC. are being discussedD. had been discussedE. were being discussed

Find the right variant: You can do it when you ... time.A. HaveB. HasC. will haveD. HadE. don’t have

Choose the correct word: Summer brings strong western ________ to most regions.A. WindsB. WeatherC. SunshineD. RainsE. Hurricanes

Choose the correct variant: By the end of his university course he ___1.200 lectures.A. Will have attendedB. Will be attendingC. AttendedD. Will attendE. Attend

Choose the correct variant: This school … next year.A. will be builtB. shall be builtC. has be builtD. have be builtE. will built

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Choose the right variant: Most of Earth‘s surface … by water. A. is coveredB. CoveredC. are covered D. covers E. covering

Choose the right variant. He … when I saw him.A. was not workingB. is not workingC. am not workedD. did not worked E were not working

Choose the correct variant. This film ... by about thirty million people now.A. is being watchedB. has been watched C. will be watched D. is watchedE. was being watched

Choose the correct answer. Hadn't you better … in with that cold? A. stayB. to stay C. to be stayed D. stayed E. staying

Choose the right variant. I am sorry ___ the students who failed and I'm also sorry _____being late. A. for / forB. about / about C. about / to D. with / about E. for / about

Choose the correct variant. "I haven't got any money," he'll tell you. A. He'll tell you that he hasn't got any money.B He'll tell you he hadn't got any money.

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C. He'll tell you he wouldn't have got any money.D. He'll tell you that he had hadn't got any money. E. He'll tell you he hasn't got some money.

Choose the right variant: Robert ... ill for three weeks. He's still in hospital. A. Has beenB. Have beenC. IsD. WillE. Was

Choose the correct answer: You don't need to vacuum the carpet. I've ... done it. A. already B. rather C. yet D. often E. still

Find the correct answer: “Are you busy?” .... A. Yes, I am.B. I haven't got any money. C. That's nothing. D. Yes, please. E. Not at all.

Find the right variant: I'm looking for ... job: A. AB. AnC. These D. OfE. O

Choose the right variant: The library ____this year. A. has been builtB. is buildingC. was built D. builds E. building

Choose the correct variant. Mr. Snowdon ... at the moment.

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A. is being interviewedB. is interviewed C. was interviewedD. has been interviewed E. to be interviewed

Find the right variant: I (to do) all my homework yesterday. A. didB. shall have done C. shall do D. doE. have done

Раздел 2 Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb: There_________ a meeting on Friday because the director is ill.A. will not be B. was C. areD. is beingE. will

Choose the correct answer. We had…time at the disco yesterday.A. a really niceB. the really niceC. really niceD really a niceE. an really nice

Express in one word: Betty’s father and mother are in Canada.A. parentsB. brotherC. sisterD. сlassmatesE. friends

Write the sentence in passive: Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.

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A. Janet was given a present by her colleagues when she was retiredB. Janet were given a present by her colleagues when she was retiredC. Janet is given a present by her colleagues when she is retiedD. Janet isn't given a present by her colleagues when she was retiredE. Janet will-be given a present by her colleagues when she is retired

Use the sentence in passive: I didn't realize that somebody was recording our conversation. A. I didn't realize that our conversation was being recordedB. I don't realize that our conversation is being recordedC. I didn't realize that somebody recorded our conversationD. I didn't recorded our conversationE. I didn't realize that our conversation were being recorded

Fill in the gap with the correct answer. She said that she __ keen on drawing.A. WasB. AmC. WereD. IsE. has been

Find the right transformation of the sentence: "Go home", said the teacher to us.A. The teacher told us to go homeB. The teacher told us will go homeC. The teacher told us went homeD. The teacher told us gone homeE. The teacher told us go home

Choose the right variant: Grammar ... by our teacher.A. Is explainedB. ExplainsC. Are explainedD. Will explainE. Explained

Choose the correct variant. “I can't stand modern music”, Mary tells me. A. Mary tells me that she can't stand modern musicB. Mary tells me she couldn't stand modern musicC. Mary tells me she couldn't stood modern musicD. Mary tells me she couldn't stands modern music

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E. Mary tells me she can't standing modern music

Find the right variant: It (to rain) now. A. Is rainingB. Is not rainC. Do rainD. Was rainingE. Rains

Define the right form of Passive Voice. The table usually (to make) of wood.A. Is madeB. Were madeC. Are makenD. Was madeE. Was maked

Identify the right form of the verb in passive voice: Many books … in Kazakhstan every year.A. Are publishedB. Was publishedC. PublishD. Are publishingE. Will published

Choose the right variant: I asked him whether he … to stay here long. A. Was goingB. GoesC. Is goingD. Were goingE. Has gone

Identify the right form of the verb: I’ll tell Ann all the news when … her. A. I seeB. I sawC. I’m going to seeD. I’ll seeE. I shall see

Find correct answer: If I (to be) responsible for the matter, I (make) final arrangements.

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A. Am/will makeB. are not/would have madeC. are/would makeD. To be/would makeE. Am/ was

Complete the sentence: Last week Justin said “I’ll do it tomorrow”. He said he would do it … A. The following dayB. TodayC. The previous dayD. YesterdayE. Tomorrow

Identify the right variant: Will it make her … to us more often?A. comeB. cameC. to comeD. comingE. become

Choose the right variant: When I … in London, I hope to visit a friend of mine.A. amB. wasC. have beenD. will beE. is

Find the appropriate variant: I don’t know when I … free next week.A. amB. will beC. beD. would beE. is

Find the appropriate variant: Mother didn’t let the child … TV.A. watchB. watchingC. watchedD. to watch

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E. have watched

Show the appropriate variant: I asked Ann if she … chess.A. playedB. playsC. is playingD. will playE. play

Find the appropriate variant: When Tom was a child he … an ice-cream, but he doesn’t like it now.A. use to eatB. used eatC. use eatD. used to eatE. eating

Find the appropriate variant: It was raining when Kate … the bus.A. waitsB. was expectingC. expectedD. waited forE. waiting for

Choose the right variant: They were supposed … with us till Monday.A. stayedB. stayC. to stayD. had stayedE. have to stay

Show the appropriate variant: I will give you my address when I … somewhere to live.A. findB. will foundC. foundD. have foundE. has found

Find the right variant: We don’t know … about car engines.

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A. nothingB. somethingC. anything D. everythingE. anyone

Find the appropriate variant: I like… the film nor the novel it’s based on.A. BothB. neitherC. soD. Either E. ether

Find the appropriate variant: I didn’t know about the concert … told me. A. nobodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. somebodyE. someone

Find the appropriate variant: His parents were worried because they … from him for a long time.A. hadn’t heardB. haven’t heardC. don’t hearD. don’t heardE. hear

Choose the right variant: What made you … your mind?A. Change B. To changeC. ChangedD. ChangingE. Changeable

Find the appropriate variant: I … free next week.A. shall beB. AmC. be

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D. would beE. is

Find the appropriate variant: Steve asked Pete whether he … skating.A. would goB. will goC. is goingD. has goneE. shall go

Find the appropriate variant: The film wasn’t worth …A. seeingB. seeC. sawD. be seenE. seen

Identify the right variant: The theatre … built here next year.A. will beB. wereC. wasD. isE. are

Find the appropriate variant: I’d prefer us … to the cinema.A. to goB. wentC. goD. goingE. will go

Find the appropriate variant of the verb in the passive voice: My shirt … in Thailand.A. was madeB. are madeC. had been madeD. madeE. making

Show the right variant: The teacher asked the student if he … a grammar test.

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A. had doneB. has done C. has got doneD. will have done E. would had done

Find the appropriate variant: If you … in time you will miss the train.A. don’t comeB. didn’t comeC. hadn’t comeD. will not comeE. hasn’t come

Choose the right variant: If I … the book I would have known the answer.A. had readB. have readC. readD. would readE. will read

Find the appropriate variant: I don’t agree … capital punishment.A. WithB. AtC. ToD. OnE. Under

Identify the appropriate variant of the verb in the passive voice: The English language… to Britain by the Anglo-Saxon who came from Germany. A. was introducedB. introducedC. had introduceD. has introducedE. had be introduced

Find the appropriate variant: If Alice had not gone to bed late last night, she…a headache this morning.A. wouldn`t have hadB. won`t haveC. wouldn`t have

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D. didn`t haveE. isn`t have

Show the right variant: Tom drove … along the narrow street.A. slowlyB. badlyC. oftenD. earlyE. happy

Find the appropriate variant: Ann told her friend that she … the competition.A. Had wonB. WonC. WinD. Will winE. Winning

Choose the right variant: The manager asked the worker … A. not to smokeB. don’t smokeC. not smokeD. no smokingE. doesn’t smoke

Show the right variant: Ann asked, “Can I borrow your pen, please, Robert”.A. Ann asked Robert if she could borrow his penB. Ann asked Robert if she can borrow his penC. Ann asked Robert if can she borrow his penD. Ann asked Robert if could she borrow his penE. Ann asked Robert can she borrow his pen

Show the right variant: America was named after an explorer … was born in Italy.A. WhoB. WhichC. WhomD. SuchE. That

Find the appropriate variant: In winter the water … and people can walk across the ice and snow.

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A. FreezesB. Is freezingC. FreezeD. Was freezingE. Froze

Show the right variant: … boys and girls enjoy skating.A. BothB. AndC. OrD. NoE. Either

Choose the right variant: Some car engines work … than other.A. more efficientlyB. more efficientC. most efficientlyD. most efficientE. Efficiently

Show the right variant: Sue asked her brother…while she was on the phone.A. not to talkB. don’t talkC. to not talkD. not talkE. don’t to talk

Show the right variant in “Present Simple”: … he … swimming?A. Does … likeB. Do … likeC. Do … likedD. Are … likeE. Did … liked

Show the right variant: Our boss works very … for the factory.A. hardB. hardlyC.The hardestD. harderE. hardest

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Find the appropriate variant: Kate was tired because she … the whole evening.A. was studyingB. StudiedC. has studiedD. had studyingE. being studying

Find the appropriate variant: What do you think we ought … with people who drop litter?A. To doB. DoC. DoingD. DidE. Be doing

Show the right variant of the verb: Last night … a terrible thunder-storm.A. there wasB. it isC. wereD. there isE. was there

Show the right variant: I’m really interested in fashion. … I.A. So amB. NeitherC. So doD. Neither amE. Am

Choose the right variant: – I wouldn’t like to go to Scotland. – I wouldn’t like to go there ….A. EitherB. TooC. Neither D. BothE. Also

Show the right variant of the verb: Do … the students in your class learn English?

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A. allB. everyC. someD. anyE. no

Identify the right variant: If I … a vacation next summer, I will probably go to Britain.A. TakeB. Will takeC. TakingD. TookE. Takes

Show the right variant of the verb: Wood is used … furniture.A. To makeB. MadeC. MakingD. MakeE. Been made

Identify the right variant: Alice told Robert … his music so loud.A. not to playB. don’t playC. to not playD. not playE. didn’t play

Show the right variant: Simon asked, “Ann, did you study English at school?”A. Simon asked Ann if she had studied English at schoolB. Simon asked Ann if did she study English at schoolC. Simon asked Ann if she studies English at schoolD. Simon asked Ann if she had studies English at schoolE. Simon asked Ann if he studying English at school

Show the right variant of the verb: If he were here, he … him.A. would helpB. not help

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C. will helpD. shall helpE. help

Show the right variant of the verb: Mail is … to one’s house by a postman.A. DeliveredB. BunchedC. PostedD. SoldE. Bought

Show the right variant of the verb: If Ken hadn’t eaten too much ice-cream, he … sick.A. wouldn’t have feltB. didn’t feel C. won’t feelD. hadn’t feltE. will feel

Choose the right variant: My sister said: “I am upset today”A. My sister said that she was upset that day.B. My sister said that she is upset todayC. My sister says she was upset todayD. My sister told that she is upset todayE. My sister says that she is upset that day

Show the right variant of the verb: Steve asked me if I … him my skates.A. would lendB. willC. lendD. have lendE. lens

Identify the right variant of the verb: If I had gone to the party, I … Ann.A. would have metB. will meetC. metD. would meetE. would be meeting

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Choose the right variant of the verb: When I arrived at work I realized that I … my watch at home.A. had leftB. left C. leaveD. was leavingE. will leaving

Find the right variant of the verb: By the time I got to the library, she … A. had already leftB. has already leftC. had been leavingD. have already leftE. is leaving

Show the right variant of the verb: I am going to the hairdresser’s … A. to have my hair cutB. have my hair cutC. cutting my hairD. cut my hairE. my hair cut

Find the right variant of the verb: You and I enjoy skating, …?A. don’t weB. don’t IC. do weD. don’t youE. do I

Show the right variant of the verb: British people … to drink tea all the time. A. are saidB. sayC. are sayingD. saidE. says

Choose the right variant: Jane will pass the exam if she …hard.A. studiesB. will study

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C. studiedD. would studyE. study

Choose the right variant: If you had phoned earlier, I would … able to help you.A. have beenB. have beC. has beenD. had beenE. been

Choose the right variant: What … yesterday from 6 till 7?A. were you doingB. did you doC. have you doneD. will you doE. would do

Show the right variant: Tomorrow at 6 o’clock our ship … to Great Britain.A. will be approachingB. will approachC. will have approachedD. approachE. have approaceFind the right variant: She … her work by Monday.A. will have finishedB. will be finishingC. will finishD. finishE. would finish

Choose the right variant: Mary … TV since 5 o’clock.A. has been watchingB. is watchingC. watchD. have watchedE. have been watching

Find the appropriate variant: She said: “Please, help me”.A. She asked to help her.

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B. She said help her.C. She asked her to help.D. She said helping her.E. She told to help her.

Identify the right variant: Mr. White asked the boy: “Can you read or write?”A. Mr. White asked the boy if he could read or write.B. Mr. White asked boy can he read or write.C. Mr. White asked boy to read or write.D. Mr. White said boy can he read or write.E. Mr. White told the boy to read or write.

Identify the right variant: If you … ice in an oven, it … into water.A. put/turnsB. put/turnC. puts/turnsD. will put/turnsE. put/ will turns

Identify the right variant: I … to the new director yesterday.A. was introducedB. was introducingC. have been introducedD. amintroducedE. is introduced

Make up the question: 1.brother\ 2. got\ 3.blue\ 4.has\ 5.eyes\ 6.your\?A. 461235B. 261435C. 412365D. 26354E. 416587

Find the appropriate variant: You don’t mind if I stay here, …?A. do youB. do IC. are youD. am IE. shall I

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Find the right variant of the indirect speech: She said, «My husband is a Custom’s Officer».A. She said that her husband was a Custom’s Officer.B. She said that her husband had a Custom’s Officer.C. She said that her husband is a Custom’s Officer.D. She said that her husband had been a custom’s Officer.E. She said that her husband will be a Custom’s Officer.

Choose the right variant: If it … they will not go to the beach.A. RainsB. RainC. Will rainD. Shall rainE. Rained

Find the right variant: Ann … an interesting book last week.A. Was givenB. Are givenC. Were givenD. Is givenE. Give

Find the right variant: When we … our work we shall go home.A. FinishB. Will be finishedC. Shall finishD. Would finishE. Will finish

Choose the right variant of the verb: When … the first spring flowers appear on the ground?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. AreE. Would

Choose the appropriate preposition: I haven’t seen my friend … September.A. SinceB. After

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C. FromD. TillE. Untill

Choose the right form of the verb: Did he … home late yesterday?A. ReturnB. ReturndC. ReturnsD. ReturnesE. Returned

Choose the right form of the verb: Boris often … to the library.A. GoesB. Go C. Doesn’t goesD. Did not goE. Do not go

Choose the right form of the verb: … she speak English well?A. DoesB. DoC. Do notD. Has notE. Is

Choose the right form of the verb: We … an exercise now.A. Are writingB. Is writing C. Am not writingD. WriteE. Do not write

Identify the right form of the verb: He ... twenty-two years old.A. IsB. HasC. AreD. Are notE. Have got

Find the right form of the verb: My mother always … the flat in the morning.

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A. CleansB. CleanC. CleanedD. CleantE. Is cleaning

Choose the right form of the verb: … she usually get up at seven o’clock ?A. DoesB. DoC. Do notD. IsE. Are

Choose the right form of the verb: They …their hands every day.A. WashB. WashesC. Is washD. Are washingE. Is not washing

Раздел 3 Choose the right form of the verb: Your sister … a letter at the moment.A. Is writingB. Are writingC. Am writing D. WriteE. Wrote

Choose the right variant: Do you usually … mistakes in your exercises?A. MakeB. Is makesC. MakesD. Made E. Maked

Choose the right variant of the verb: Where do you … every day?A. GoB. WentC. gone

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D. Goes E. are going

Choose the right variant: … your sister …to school every day?A. Does \goB. Are\goC. Is \goes D. Is\-E. Does\goes

Choose the right preposition: What’s the difference … football and soccer?A. betweenB. amongC. ofD. fromE. for

Complete the sentence: I don’t know … they’re talking about.A.whatB. whyC. whereD. ThatE. which

Choose the right answer: Are you enjoying yourself?A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I havingC. Yes, it isD. Yes, you areE. Yes, I have

Choose the right pronoun: She was so bored being alone that she wanted … to talk to her.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nothingD. anywhere E. no one

Finish the proverb: Actions speak louder than….

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A. wordsB. mouthC. microphoneD. loudspeakers E. deeds

Translate this word: Безработица, жұмыссыздық.A. unemploymentB. employmentC. nonemploymentD. ploymentE. inemployment

Choose the right antonym: Always.A. neverB. ever C. sometimesD. oftenE. seldom

Compose compound word: NoteA. bookB. roomC. day D. yardE. time

Compose adjective using right suffix: RainA. yB. lyC. ingD. ableE. ful

Choose relative word to the word: School.A. pupilB. raceC. parkD. rainE. storm

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Find the synonym: Limit.A. restrictionB. stopC. endlessD. SpiritE. dissalow

Translate the word: жұмысіздеу, искатьработу.A. to look for a job B. to be looking on jobC. to look out on jobD. to look in jobE. to look down on job

Translate the word: салыстырмалы, сравнительный.A. comparativeB. superlativeC. comparablyD. comperediveE. comparativeness

Finish the expression: Time is… .A.moneyB. knowledge C. powerD. News E. advise

Find the missed letter: H…nestA. oB. u C. e D. yE. i

Choose right antonym: Silence.A. noiseB. fearC. wealth

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D. quiteE. action

Make compound word: Railway.A. stationB. airportC. stateD. ShopE. Terminal

Make compound word: HairA. dresserB. washerC. drillerD. blondeE. cutter

Translate the word: Өшіру, выключать.A. turn offB. turn fromC. turn intoD. turn up E. turn down

People take it if they are in a hurry. It is… .A. a taxiB. a ticket C. a childD. a dallE. a ball

We use it to drink tea. It is … .A. a cupB. a tableC. a knifeD. a saucerE. a spoon

Finish the proverb: Wear the old coat … A. and buy the new book

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B. it pours C. should be few but good D. so you must lie on it E. too late to learn

Translatetheword: спортпенайналысу, увлекатьсяспортом.A. to go in for sportB. to be keep on sportC. to enjoy sportD. to have sport lessonE. to be sport

Finish the expression: All that glitters is not … .A.goldB. SilverC. beautifulD. ironE. tooth

Choose the synonym: Outgoing.A. friendlyB. crazyC. generouseD. kindE. cute

Choose the antonym: Enemy.A. FriendB. GirlC. BoyD. SisterE. Brother

Complete the proverb: Bees … sleep.A. neverB. alwaysC. oftenD. usuallyE. reguallary

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Finish the proverb: When the cat is away … .A. the mice will playB. the mice are inC. the mice will relax D. the mice go out E. the mice enjoy

Choose the word in the mean of profession.A. teacherB. digger C. loiterD. calmerE. sleeper

Finish the proverb: No sweet without some … A. SweatB. WorkC. NeedD. SpeakE. Patience

Translate the word: сауатсыздық, безграмотность.A. Illiteracy B. ImliterasyC. InliterasyD. UnliterasyE. Irliterasy

Choose irrelative word to the word: Weather.A. sweetB. coldC. cloudyD. frostyE. hail

Make compound word: Fire … A. placeB. craftC. SitD. boy

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E. board

Choose compound word to the word: sister A. sister-in-law B. low-with-sisterC. low-sisterD. sister-for-lawE. sister`s-law

A place where people eat. It is…. .A. a kitchen B. a hallC. a bedroomD. a studyE. a nursery

Choose irrelative word to the theme: character.A. cleanB. sincereC. attractiveD. honestE. good humored

Make compound word: Under … A. groundB. speak C. sleep D. ballE. take

A place where criminals are kept is … A. a prisonB. a caveC. a cellarD. a caféE. a cinema

Make the word: u, s, i, f, o, r, u.A. furious B. sufirow

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C. sirioufD. rufirousE. farious

Complete the proverb: Experience is …. .A. the mother of wisdomB. never to late to learnC. good in its seasonsD. never found again E. better than riches

The main room for guests in the house. It is …. .A. a living roomB. a hallC. a bedroomD. a kitchenE. a study

The passage inside the entrance of a house, from which the rooms open. It is ….A. a hallB. a bedroom C. a kitchenD. a studyE. a bathroom

The meal that you eat in the middle of the day is … A. LunchB. SupperC. TeaD. Coca-colaE. Breakfast

The meal that you eat in the evening is … A. SupperB. Lunch C. Kitchen D. WaterE. Breakfast

The meal that you eat in the morning is …

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A. BreakfastB. SupperC. WaterD. Kitchen E. Pepsi

Answer the question: Where can you buy a bunch of roses?A. at the florist’sB. at the second-hand shopC. at the dairyD. at the bookshopE. at the cosmetics

Answer the question: Where can you buy a bar of chocolate?A. at the confectioner’sB. at the hat departmentC. at the fishmonger’sD. at the butcher’sE. at the bookshop

The footwear that you wear on your feet when you are at home are … A. slippers B. SandalsC. platformsD. moccasinsE. Boots

Answer the question: Where can you buy a medicine?A. at the chemist’sB. at the cosmetics C. at the butcher’s D. at the pet shopE. at the market

The frozen raindrops falling from the sky is … A. HailB. rainbowC. SnowD. GaleE. white frost

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The arch containing the colors of the spectrum formed in the sky opposite the sun in the rain is …. .A. RainbowB. SnowC. SleetD. SlushE. Fog

Vapors suspended in the atmosphere, thicker than mist and difficult to see through is called … A. fogB. slushC. hailD. airE. snow

Type of crossing which has black and white stripes painted on the road is called … A. zebra crossingB. vehicle C. codeD. road junctionE. way

Red, yellow and green lights which tell traffic when to stop and when to go is called … A. Traffic lightB. Pedestrian C. CodeD. WayE. Road

A person who drives a car is called … A. a driver B. a translatorC. a speakerD. a teacherE. a pedestrian

Country is Japan, nationality is …

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A. Japanese B. ArabicC. JapandedD. Dutch E. Chilean

Country is India, nationality is … A. IndianB. HungarianC. HebrewD. HindyE. Italy

A travelling show with animals, clowns is called … A. a circusB. a thrillerC. a matineeD. a westernE. a singer

A factual film about a real subject is called … A. a documentaryB. a thrillerC. a rehearsalD. a cartoon E. a serial

TV or radio program where people are asked questions is called … A. an interviewB. a documentaryC. a advertisementD. News E. a circus

A person who treats people is … A. a doctorB. a composerC. a designer D. a driverE. a businessman

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A person who writes novels is … A. a writerB. a workerC. a sailorD. an editorE. a painter

A person who takes an interview is… A. a journalist B. a poetC. a lawyerD. an editor E. a typist

What do people usually do to lose weight?A. follow a dietB. follow to eat sweetsC. drink coca-colaD. follow to do nothingE. sit in front of the TV

Find the right translation of the word: әдемі/красивая.A. BeautifulB. Graceful C. PlumpD. Slim E. Fresh

Children use it to play.A. a dollB. a bookC. a radio D. a penE. a vocabulary

Choose the word in the meaning of profession.A. a lawyerB. an eaterC. a drinker

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D. a callerE. a baler

Place where people sleep. It is…. .A. a bedroomB. a kitchenC. a studyD. a bathroomE. a sitting room

Compose compound word: Inter …. .A. nationalB. championC. offerD. shortE. cinema

Compose the adjective using right suffix: Differ ...A. entB. antC. domD. hoodE. ure

Compose compound word: Mother … A. landB. ultraC. postD. domE. ment

Compose compound word: Bed … A. roomB. iceC. paperD. classE. away

Compose compound word: School … .A. boy

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B. falseC. сharacterD. сristalE. hot

Compose compound word: House … A. wifeB. openC. passerD. hairE. fruit

Find the right translation: кеден, таможня.(бекет)A. a custom-houseB. a man-houseC. a hot-houseD. a hotel-houseE. a passer-house

Find the right translation: жетістік, успех.A. progressB. adviceC. knowledge D. newsE. wonder

Complete the sentences using names of professions: A person who has studied law and can advise people on legal matters is … .A. a lawyerB. a brokerC. a journalistD. a managerE. a research worker

Complete the sentence using names of professions: One who designs buildings isA. an architect B. a locksmith C. a mechanic D. a sculptor E. an engineer

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Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who directs an orchestra is …A. a conductor B. a designerC. a pilotD. an editorE. a manager

Complete the sentences using names of professions:: A person in a position of command in the armed forces is … A. an officerB. a soldierC. a bakerD. a turnerE. a clerk

Complete the sentence using names of professions: A doctor who performs operations is …A. a surgeonB. a chemistC. a dentistD. a gynecologistE. an internist

Complete the sentence using names of professions: One whose job is to look after people’s health is …A. a doctorB. a chemistC. a physicist D. a teacherE. an accountant

Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who writes for newspapers or magazines is …A. a journalistB. a conductorC. an officerD. a painterE. a secretary

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Complete the sentence using names of professions: One who specializes in the treatment of the teeth is …A. a dentistB. a surgeonC. a chemistD. a gynecologistE. an internist

Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who makes sculptures is …A. a sculptorB. a soldierC. a nurseD. a designerE. a writer

Complete the sentence using names of professions: One who does research work is … A. a research worker B. a medical workmanC. an officerD. a playwright E. a politician worker

Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who plays a musical instrument is … A. a musicianB. a music C. a singerD. a painterE. a lawyer

Complete the sentence using names of professions: One who does business is ..A. a businessman B. a composerC. a clerk D. a computer specialistE. a typist

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Complete the sentence using names of professions: A man who flies an airplane is … A. a pilotB. a poetC. a physicistD. a painter E. a postman

Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who studies pedagogic is … A. a teacherB. an actorC. a writerD. a doctorE. an editor

Give synonym: afraidA. frightenedB. depressedC. bored D. excitedE. interested

Give synonym: angryA. annoyedB. depressedC. frightenedD. excitedE. interested

Give synonym: pleasedA. happyB. depressedC. frightenedD. excitedE. interested

Give synonym: immenseA. hugeB. quiet

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C. pollutedD. busyE. noisy

Give synonym: to go on footA. to walkB. to jumpC. to comeD. to rideE. to drive

Give synonym: a pavementA. a footpathB. a subwayC. a crossing D. a traffic jamE. an accident

Всего в разделе

Выборка Вес

Tenses 100 20 2

Grammar 100 20 2

Vocabulary 100 20 2Итого 300 60