ECGS-501 Management of environmental problems in aquatic ecosystems LECTURE 1 Kari Hyytiäinen Picture: Janne Artell

ECGS-501 Management of environmental problems in aquatic ... · 11. Thursday 7.12, 14-16; Kari Hyytiäinen: Invasive species, plastics, industrial pollution, role of the sea in energy

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Page 1: ECGS-501 Management of environmental problems in aquatic ... · 11. Thursday 7.12, 14-16; Kari Hyytiäinen: Invasive species, plastics, industrial pollution, role of the sea in energy

ECGS-501Management ofenvironmental

problems in aquaticecosystems

LECTURE 1 KariHyytiäinen

Picture: Janne Artell

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Framework for understanding, analyzing and solving regionalenvironmental problems - Baltic Sea serves as a case study

Causal interactions between the human and natural system:• multiple anthropogenic and natural drivers and pressures that

affect the marine ecosystem• contribution of marine ecosystem services to human welfare• role of mitigation and adaptation measures, national and

international policies and marine governance

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Serves as a thematic module in two Masterprogrammes:



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Courses (5 credits each)

1. Diagnosis of environmental problems in aquatic ecosystems (ECGS-014)Timing: 1st period, coordination: Sakari Kuikka

2. Management of environmental problems in aquatic ecosystems (ECGS501)Timing: 2nd period, coordination: Kari Hyytiäinen

3. Governance of environmental problems of the Baltic Sea – a projectcourse (ECGS-0031), timing: 3rd period, coordination: Jaanika Blomster

4. International environmental agreements related to marine areas andresources (AGERE-E012), timing: 4th period, coordination: MarkoLindroos

The two first courses are compulsory. The ”diagnosis” course is advised to be taken first and the”management” course thereafter

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Learning objectives:• understand the role of marine ecosystem on our wellbeing• be able to design cost-effective programmes of measures to

mitigate existing problems (such as eutrophication) andprevent environmental hazards (such as oil spills)

• learn the spectrum of national policy instruments andinternational environmental policies necessary for successfulmarine protection

13 x 2 hours of lectures + group work

Management of environmental problems inaquatic ecosystems (ECGS 501)

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Systemic approach to management of aquatic ecosystems

o anthropogenic and natural driverso multiple human pressures (consumptive & extractive uses

of the sea)o marine and coastal ecosystem serviceso human wellbeing, use and non-use valueso cost-effective mitigation of eutrophication and reducing

the risk of environmental hazardso environmental policieso international environmental agreementso marine governance

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1. Wednesday 1.11, 12-14; Kari Hyytiäinen: Introduction to the course, learning diary, DPSIRframework

2. Thursday 2.11, 14-16; Minna Koivikko: The history of human impact on the Baltic Sea3. Wednesday 8.11, 12-14; Kari Hyytiäinen: Environmental agreements and institutions relevant

for the management of the environmental problems in the Baltic Sea4. Thursday 9.11, 14-16; Kari Hyytiäinen: Policy instruments, group work5. Wednesday 15.11, 12-14; Antti Iho: Implementation of the EU directives in Finland6. Thursday 16.11, 14-16; Heini Ahtiainen: Benefits of protecting the Baltic Sea, ecosystem

services, HELCOM assessments7. Wednesday 22.11, 12-14; Kari Hyytiäinen: Cost-benefit analysis of nutrient abatement,

socioeconomic scenarios, long term environmental outlooks8. Thursday 23.11, 14-16; Inari Helle: Oil risk and damages9. Wednesday 29.11, 12-14; Marko Lindroos: Fisheries management and policies10. Thursday 30.11, 14-16; Soile Oinonen: Multiple pressures and descriptors11. Thursday 7.12, 14-16; Kari Hyytiäinen: Invasive species, plastics, industrial pollution, role of

the sea in energy production12. Wednesday 13.12, 12-14; Paula Schönach: political process guiding environmental policies

and planning of policy instruments13. Thursday 14.12, 12-16 seminar (4 hours)

Schedule for adventure

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1. Lecture presentations (available at the course web-page) and givenliterature

2. The Baltic Sea - Our Common Treasure. Economics of saving the Sea.Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Report 2013:4,ISBN: 978-91-87025-28-0.

3. OECD. 2010. Guidelines for cost-effective agri-environmental policymeasures. http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/agriculture-and-food/guidelines-for-cost-effective-agri-environmental-policy-measures_9789264086845-en

4. The lectures given in Diagnosis of environmental problems in aquaticecosystems –coure are available and can be used as a reference

5. Relevant research articles6. Finnish speakers: Hyytiäinen & Ollikainen. 2012. Taloudellinen

näkökulma Itämeren suojeluun. 2012 Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 22

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Contents of lecture

1. Learning objectives & programme2. Learning diary3. Group work4. Conceptsü Marine ecosystem servicesü DPSIRü Ecosystem-based management

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2. Learning diary

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• Purpose: ensure the process of understanding• Critically comment and analyze the issues presented in lectures• Ask yourselv: What did I learn? What was new? What use may I have for the new

knowledge?• Develop the questions/issues presented in lectures further.• Justify if you disagree with lecturer• Diary can be subjective• Associate the issues taught with any theories, frameworks, tools that you have

learned in other courses.• Material:

- lecture materials- discussions held during the lecture- literature given- any other relevant literature

• Style: scientific writing, references & list of references• Make sure that a reader understands from the context whether the ideas/view

presented in essay are yours, lectures or from literature (add reference)• Length: 1-2 pages (line spacing 1.5; 12 font size)

Learning diary

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Assessment criteria• Relevance• Minimum requirement: essays of adequate quality from at minimum 9

lectures (the best grades require essays from all lectures)• Setting the themes logically in relevant context (e.g. use the concepts such

as ecosystem services or DPSIR)• Depth of analysis, e.g.

– Connections between different lectures– Well jusfied views about the relative importance and ranking of different environmental

problems of the Baltic Sea– Aquatic environments and the Baltic Sea as parts of larger entities (drainage basins)

• Clarity & quality of scientific writing

In case of absense from the lecture: mention it at the beginning of the entry andmore on literature

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• Lecture materials: https://courses.helsinki.fi/fi/ECGS-501/121539412

• Returning of the diaries:– At latest Thursday 21.12.2017– Word-document (not pdf!)– Include all essays in the same word-document (not pdf).

Add title and number of the lecture at the beginning ofeach essay

– Send the document to:[email protected]

add heading:ECGS501 Diary / your name

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3. Group work

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The themes of group work in 2017 will focus on policyinstruments (i.e. interventions of government or publicauthorities intended to achieve the outcomes of publicpolicies)

The students prepare a group work (3-4 participants ineach group, 7 groups) on given topic

4th lecture: team give suggestion for the specific theme

13th lecture: a seminar (2 x 2h): presentation of the groupwork & discussion

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Potential themes for the group work:

• Policy instruments for point source nutrient loading• Policy instrument for non-point source nutrient loading• Policy instruments to control atmospheric deposition of

nutrient loads• Marine Spatial Planning; see: Michael Gilek’s book, Malawi

principles https://www.cbd.int/ecosystem/principles.shtml• Policy instruments to control fisheries• Policy instruments to control hazardous substances• Policy instruments to manage the risk of oil damages• Policy instruments to manage the risk of invasive species

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Essay writing instructions

1. Choose the topic2. Find litarature and read3. Elaborate your point of view by elaborating questions that

the essay seeks to answer -> working title4. Prepare outlay for the essay5. Start answering to your own questions6. Finish other parts, refer to the literatare, add list of literature

at the end of the article

Preferred length: 6-8 pages (1.5 lines & 12 font size)

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Grades 1-5, based ono Diary (70%)o Group work (30%)

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4 Some central concepts

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Ecosystem services

”functions and processes through which ecosystems, and thespecies that they support, sustain and fulfil human life” (Swedish EPA, 2008)

Products and services (both tangible and intangible) provided by thenature for human consumption and enjoyment


The concept has evolved much during the last 20 years

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Ylläpitopalvelutsupporting services

Säätelyregulating services

TuotantopalvelutProvisioning services

Kulttuuriset palvelutCultural services

Intermediate ecosystem servicesFinal ecosystem services

UK NEA 2011: division into intermediate and final ecosystem services

Provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ecosystems services(Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, 2000)

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Ecosystem services from marine ecosystems

Source: BalticSTERN 2013

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Supporting services (ylläpito):1. maintenance of biogeochemical

cycling2. primary production3. maintenance of food web dynamics4. maintenance of biodiversity5. maintenance of habitat6. maintenance of resilience

Regulating services (säätely)1. climate and atmospheric regulation2. sediment retention3. mitigation of eutrophication4. biological regulation5. regulation of hazardous substances

Provisioning services (tuotanto)1. provision of food fit for consumption2. provision of inedible goods3. provision of genetic resources4. provision of marine resources for the

pharmaceutical, chemical and5. biotechnological industry6. provision of ornamental resources7. provision of energy8. provision of space and waterways

Cultural services (kulttuuriset palvelut)1. enjoyment of recreational activities2. enjoyment of scenery3. contribution to science and education4. maintenance of cultural heritage5. inspiration for art and advertisement6. the legacy of the sea

ECOSYSTEM SERVICES FROM THE BALTIC SEANaturvårdsverket, 2008, Ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak. Report 5873.

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Common International Classification of Ecosystem

Services (CICES):

• Combines supporting and regulating ecosystem services• Gives more detailed description of the process

The latest development: 2012 -

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- things that people create or derivefrom final ecosystem services.

- products or experiences that are notfunctionally connected to thesystems from which they werederived.


Ecosystemgoods andbenefits

Ecosystembenefit: Humanwellbeing


contributions that ecosystems make to humanwell-being.

• Human well-being: adequate access to thebasic materials for a good life needed tosustain freedom of choice and action,health, good social relations and security.

• dependent on the aggregated output ofecosystem goods and benefits

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Interactions between society & environment:DPSIR-FRAMEWORK (EEA, OECD)

Intended for:• Understanding the causal interactions that drive environmental change (positive)• studying mitigation and adaptation strategies to environmental problems


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Consumptive and/orpollutive uses of theecosystem

Current state of theecosystem and thefundamental processes(e.g. biogeochemicalcycles, fauna & flora)

Benefits/costs caused todifferent groups in society,changes inwelfare/wellbeing

Anthropogenic drivers:Economic sectors(industries), consumerbehaviour

Naturaldrivers: e.g.land uplifting

Governance & policies

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Example: eutrophication

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Source: Baltic Sea EnvironmentalProceedings 122

Eutrophication status ofthe Baltic SeaHELCOM/HEAT

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Source: Baltic Sea EnvironmentalProceedings 122

Eutrophication status ofthe Baltic SeaHELCOM/HEAT

nutrientpollution(N & P),organicmatter

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1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000













1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000









Source: Savchuk et al 2012

History of nutrient loading to the Baltic sea(annual loads are 3-year averages)



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Lähde: HELCOM: Baltic Sea Environmental Proceedings No. 122, 2010

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Source: Baltic Sea EnvironmentalProceedings 122

Eutrophication status ofthe Baltic SeaHELCOM/HEAT

nutrientpollution (N & P)

Natural drivers:Anthropogenicdrivers:AgricultureWWTP, traffic

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Lähde: HELCOM: Baltic Sea Environmental Proceedings No. 122, 2010

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• Total population: 85 million• Drainage basin is shared with 12

sovereign countries• 8 riparian countires of which 7

belong to the EU• Many ecosystem services are

public goods• ”Tragedy of the commons” (Hardin

1968), Baltic sea as a free carbagebin

• Competing uses of the sea: e.g.waste water treatment &recreation

Socioeconomic drivers: Population density in the Baltic Sea drainage basin

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Natural drivers /characteristics:

• Shallow (average depth 52 m)

• Slow exchange of water (about 30years)

• Young sea

• Post-glacial rebound

• Low salt concentration + lowtemperature => challengingenvironmental for many species

• Small number of species,

• Strong halocline at 50-80 m depth

• Irregular salt pulses (possibly affectedby the changing climate)

Ø Ecosystems under constant changedue to natural drivers

Ø Fragile ecosystem

Source: EEA

Post-glacial rebound in Qvark

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Source: HELCOM

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nutrientpollution (N& P)

E.g.- Value added of

fisheries sector- Value of coastal

and off-shorerecreation

State of the ecosystemdecribed in some metrics• Water clarity (secchi

depth)• Algae biomass

(bluegreen and others)• Oxygen• Food web

Natural drivers:Anthropogenicdrivers:AgricultureWWTP, traffic

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Recreation in riparian countries(Ahtiainen ym. 2013)

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nutrientpollution (N & P)

E.g.- Value added of

fisheries sector- Value of coastal

and off-shorerecreation

International, nationaland local legislation &policy instruments

State of the ecosystemdecribed in some metrics• Water clarity (secchi

depth)• Algae biomass

(bluegreen and others)• Oxygen• Food web

Natural driversAnthropogenicdrivers:AgricultureWWTP, traffic

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Question: where does the concept of ’ecosystem services’ belong toin the DPSIR framework?