easypay Web Service Integration (Revision 13 – 20101222)

Easypay Web Service Integration

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 easypay  Web  Service  Integration  

 (Revision  13  –  2010-­‐12-­‐22)                              

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Table  of  Contents    


TABLE  OF  CONTENTS  ...................................................................................................................................  2  

ABOUT  THE  API  ............................................................................................................................................  3  BASE  URL  ...................................................................................................................................................  3  HTTP  AND  HTTPS  ........................................................................................................................................  3  SSL  CERTIFICATE  ...........................................................................................................................................  3  METHOD  .....................................................................................................................................................  3  IMPORTANT:  XML  RETURNS  ........................................................................................................................  3  TESTING  PURPOSES  ........................................................................................................................................  3  PAYMENT  IDENTIFIER  .....................................................................................................................................  4  WEB  SERVICE  INFORMATION  FLOW  ...................................................................................................................  4  REDIRECTION  TO  OUR  PAYMENT  GATEWAY  ..........................................................................................................  4  

1.    REQUEST  A  PAYMENT  IDENTIFIER  OR  REFERENCE  .................................................................................  5  

2.    PAYMENT  NOTIFICATION  ........................................................................................................................  9  2.1.  REQUEST  FOR  A  NOTIFICATION  KEY  ...........................................................................................................  10  2.2.  REQUEST  FOR  THE  DETAILED  PAYMENT  INFORMATION  ...................................................................................  12  

EASYPAY  IN  5  MINUTES  .......................................................................  ERROR!  BOOKMARK  NOT  DEFINED.    


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About  the  API    WARNING:  Before  you  start  testing  your  API  system,  you  need  to  contact  easypay  on  [email protected].                                            We  need  to  change  the  configuration  of  your  account  to  be  ready  to  receive  notifications  via  API.                                            If  you  do  not  have  a  Free  Plan,  you  may  request  the  “Test”  environment  as  well.                                              In  all  communications  with  easypay,  please  send  us  your  CIN  (0000)  and  your  USER  ID  (XXXX000000).    If  you  are  in  a  rush  to  have  the  payment  gateway  working,  please  refer  to  “easypay  in  5  Minutes”  crash  course  at  the  very  end  of  this  document.    The  easypay  API  allows  you  to  query  payment  meta-­‐data,   receive  payment  notifications  and  generate  payment  references.    Since  the  API  is  based  on  REST  principles,  it's  very  easy  to  write  and  test  applications.  You  can  use  your  browser  to  access  URLs,  and  you  can  use  pretty  much  any  http-­‐client  in  any  programming  language  to  interact  with  the  API.  


Base  URL  All  URLs  referenced  in  this  document  have  the  following  base:    


HTTP  and  HTTPS  The  easypay  API  is  served  in  over  HTTPS.  HTTP  is  not  support.    

SSL  Certificate  You  don’t  need  to  subscribe  to  a  SSL  Certificate  of  any  kind,  since  all  information  about  your  clients  Credit  Card  is  hosted  and  received  on  our  Payments  Gateway.    

Method  Most  of  the  easypay  API’s  use  POST  or  GET  request  method.    

IMPORTANT:  XML  Returns  All  XML  returns  to  easypay  need  to  be  set  as  header  type  plain/text.  XML  header  content  type  will  not  work.  A  good  way  to  know  this  is  to  type  your  URL  in  a  browser  window  and  see  the  return.      

Testing  purposes  

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For   testing   purposes   we   will   assign   an   invalid   client   identification   number   (ep_cin)   and   easypay   username  (ep_user)  for  the  requests  we  will  be  simulating  in  the  examples.  DO  NOT  USE  THESE  TO  TEST  YOUR  API,  USE  THE  ONES  WE  HAVE  SENT  YOU.  ep_cin  =  8889  ep_user  =  EASYTEST9    PHP  and  MySQL  will  be  the  programming  language  and  the  database  engine  used  by  our  examples,  as  well  since  is  the  most  common  used  language  by  our  clients.  But  our  API  supports  any  language  and  database.    

Payment  Identifier  Also  Known  As:  payment  reference  

easypay  uses  a  payment   identifier   for  every   requested  payment.  This  payment   identifier   is  always  9  digits   long  and  always  starts  with  your  CIN  Number  (Client  Information  Number).    The  Payment  Identifier  usually  looks  like  the  following  number:  If  your  CIN  Number  would  be  1525  the  payment  identifier  would  be:    


This   payment   identifier   can  be   reused   for   as  many  different   payments   as   you  would   like,   since   you   can   lock   a  specific  payment  identifier  it  to  a  unique  payment  key  (referred  as  t_key)  sent  to  our  web  service  when  you  ask  for  a  reference.    

Web  Service  Information  Flow  In  most  cases  it  is  possible  to  build  an  implementation  in  a  couple  of  hours.  

1. Your  application  asks  for  a  payment  identifier  or  reference.  

2. Once  we  receive  a  payment,  we  will  notify  your  payment  notification  URL.  

3. Your  web  service  will  ask  easypay  for  the  detailed  information  about  a  specific  payment  notification.    

Redirection  to  our  payment  gateway  Our  payment  gateway  can  not  be  shown  on  any  kind  of  iframe  or  ajax  loaded  window.  For  the  credit  card  payments  you  need  to  redirect  your  client  to  our  payments  gateway  page.  The  costumer  needs  to  know  that  he  is  on  easypay.pt  website  processing  a  secure  transaction  of  his  credit  card  data.  




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Before  you  start  At  easypay  you  have  two  different  ways  of  knowing  if  a  payment  identifier  has  been  definitely  paid.  The  following  method  is  suitable  for  most  of  the  implementations  when  you  are  dealing  with  accounting  software  or  non  real-­‐time  orders:    API  01BG  +  API  040BG1  Wich  translates  in  the  following  topics:  01.  Request  a  payment  identifier  or  reference  (page  7)  04.  Get  payment  listings  (page  13)    

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The  real-­‐time  method  in  this  manual  is  defined  using  the  following  topics  API  01BG  +  STEP  02  +  API  03AG  01.  Request  a  payment  identifier  or  reference  (page  7)  02.  Get  payment  listings  (page  9)  03.  Get  payment  listings  (page  11)  

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1.    Request  a  payment  identifier  or  reference  API:  01BG  Method:  GET,  POST    Request  Data:  

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ep_cin  Data  type:  int(11)  

Your  Client  Identification  Number  

ep_user  Data  type:  varchar(15)  

Your  Client  Username  

ep_ref_type  Data  type:  enum(auto)  

The  type  of  identifier  being  generated  Use  ep_ref_type=auto    

ep_entity  Data  type:  enum(21098,  10611)  

The  entity  in  use  by  your  account.  Please  refer  to  our  commercial  department  for  more  information.    

t_key  Data  type:  varchar(50)  

Transaction   key,   usually   you   send   the   unique   transaction   ID   or   the  order  ID  for  the  current  request.  This  key  will  be  send  back  once  the  payment   is  completed  so  you  can  identify  which  order  id  was  paid.    

t_value  Data  type:  double(11,2)  

The  amount  this  identifier  is  being  generated  for.  The  value  must  be  sent  in  €  (Euros)  since  is  the  currency  supported  by  easypay  at  the  moment.  You   are   responsible   to   make   your   own   conversion   rate   if   you   are  accepting  other  currencies.  

ep_country  Data  type:  enum(PT)  

Country,  set  always  to  PT  

ep_language  Data  type:  enum(PT)  

Language. Please   refer   to   our   section   of   EXTRA   API’S   to  programmatically  all  our  available  languages.  

o_name  Data  type:  varchar(255)  

Your   client   Name.   It   will   be   filled   automatically   in   the   Credit   card  Gateway.    

o_description  Data  type:  varchar(100)  

Usually   you   can   send   the   client   name,   but   virtually   can   be   set   to  whatever  you  would  like.    

o_obs  Data  type:  varchar(100)  

Additional  observations  you  would  like  to  associate  with  this  request.      

o_mobile  Data  type:  varchar(15)  

Your  client  Mobile  or  Phone.  It  will  be  filled  automatically  in  the  Credit  card  Gateway.    

o_email  Data  type:  varchar(70)  

Your   client   E-­‐Mail.   It   will   be   filled   automatically   in   the   Credit   card  Gateway.  

Parameters  in  BOLD  are  mandatory.  Example:    https://www.easypay.pt/_s/api_easypay_01BG.php?ep_cin=8889&ep_user=EASYTEST9&ep_entity=10611&ep_r



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In  response  to  your  request,  easypay  will  send  you  back  the  following:    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <getautoMB>  <ep_status>ok0</ep_status>  <ep_message>id and cin ok - ip ok - automatic reference generated - 888912458</ep_message>  <ep_cin>1525</ep_cin>  <ep_user>EASYTEST9</ep_user> <ep_entity>10611</ep_entity> <ep_reference>888912458</ep_reference> <ep_value>504.03</ep_value> <ep_key>{ORDER_ID}</ep_key> <ep_link>  https://www.easypay.pt/_s/c11.php?e=10611&r=888912458&v=504.03c=PT&l=PT</ep_link>  </getautoMB>  

 The  ep_link  variable  in  the  response  XML  is  the  link  to  the  Credit  Card  payment  gateway.  It  accepts  the  following  variables:    e  Data  type:  enum(21098,  10611)  

The  entity  in  use  by  your  account.  

r  Data  type:  int(9)  

The  reference  or  payment  identifier  to  be  paid  by  credit  card.  

v  Data  type:  double(11,2)  

The  amount  to  be  paid.  

c  Data  type:  ISO  3166-­‐1-­‐alpha-­‐2  code  

The  country.  2  Digit  country  code  in  ISO  3166-­‐1-­‐alpha-­‐2  code.  Currently  our  Payment  gateway  supports  PT,  EN  and  ES    

l  Data  type:  ISO  3166-­‐1-­‐alpha-­‐2  code  

Language  to  be  shown.  2  Digit  country  code  in  ISO  3166-­‐1-­‐alpha-­‐2  code.  Currently  our  Payment  gateway  supports  PT,  EN  and  ES  

Parameters  in  BOLD  are  mandatory.    By  this  time  the  payment  identifier  has  been  generated  and  you  can  print  the  result  on  your  webpage,  shopping  cart  or  software.  




2.    Payment  notification    

easypay  will  notify  you  by  email  for  every  payment  that  is  processed  by  our  gateway.  

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In  your  back  office,  under  the  “URL  Configuration”  sub-­‐menu,  you  will  be  able  to  configure  the  Notification  URL  (also  known  as  “URL  de  notificação”)  


This  “payment  notification”  process  is  composed  by  2  different  requests:  

1.1. easypay  requests  for  a  notification  key  

1.1.1. In  this  process  easypay  will  call  your  “notification  URL”  with  extra  GET  parameters  and  request  an  XML  with  a  transaction  key;  

1.1.2. easypay   will   continue   to   notify   you   about   a   payment   until   our   system   will   receive   a   valid  transaction  key  until  the  limit  of  10  requests  (~10  minutes).  

1.2. Your  application  will  request  for  the  detailed  information  about  a  specific  payment.  

1.2.1. You  will   send   the   extra  GET   parameters   referred   in   the   previous   step   plus   the   key   you   sent   to  easypay  when  you  were  notified  about  a  specific  payment;  

1.2.2. easypay  will  respond  with  an  XML  containing  all  the  data  assigned  to  that  specific  payment;  


2.1.  Request  for  a  notification  key    

easypay  will  call  your  “notification  URL”:  


The  extra  GET  parameters  will  go  as  follows:  

ep_cin  Data  type:  int(9)  

Your  Client  Identification  Number  

ep_user  Data  type:  int(9)  

Your  Client  Username  

ep_doc  Data  type:  varchar(50)  

Unique  payment  number.  

 Parameters  in  BOLD  are  mandatory.    By  this  time,  when  your  notification  URL  will  receive  this  request,  you  will  save  the  values  in  a  database  hosted  in  your  side:  

CREATE TABLE `easypay_autoMB_key` ( `ep_key` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ep_doc` varchar(50) default NULL,

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`ep_cin` varchar(20) default NULL, `ep_user` varchar(20) default NULL, `ep_date_stamp` timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `ep_status` varchar(20) default 'pending', `ep_entity` varchar(10) default NULL, `ep_reference` varchar(9) default NULL, `ep_value` double default NULL, `ep_payment_type` varchar(6) default NULL, `ep_value_fixed` double default NULL, `ep_value_var` double default NULL, `ep_value_tax` double default NULL, `ep_value_transf` double default NULL, `ep_date_transf` date default NULL, `ep_date_read` date default NULL, `ep_status_read` varchar(20) default NULL, `ep_invoice_number` varchar(30) default NULL, `ep_transf_number` varchar(20) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ep_key`), UNIQUE KEY `ep_doc` (`ep_doc`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;


Note  that  the  ep_doc  field  is  UNIQUE.  Once  we  have  inserted  the  data  into  the  database,  you  will  build  and  return  the  following  XML  as  a  response:    

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <getautoMB_key> <ep_status>ok0</ep_status> <ep_message>doc gerado</ep_message> <ep_cin>8889</ep_cin> <ep_user>EASYTEST9</ep_user> <ep_doc> EASYTEST92008091256378290408</ep_doc> <ep_key>1</ep_key>


QUESTION:  Where  did  the  ep_key  in  the  XML  I  have  generated  came  from?  This  ep_key  is  the  one  corresponding  to  the  insert  ID  in  the  previous  database  table.  First  you  will  insert  the  ep_doc  in  the  table,  and  then  you  will  query  it  again  to  know  which  ep_key  corresponds  to  

the  ep_doc  you  just  saved.    QUESTION:  What  is  this  for?  By  this  time,  you  still  don’t  know  which  payment  identifier  or  reference  has  been  paid.  But  with  your  response  XML,  easypay  knows  that  the  ep_doc  we  sent  you,  is  assigned  to  the  ep_key  you  sent  us.  The  databases  are  ready  to  be  synced.    QUESTION:  What  is  the  datatype  of  this  ep_key  variable  that  I  send  in  the  response  XML?  The  datatype  is  varchar(20)  but  we  recommend,  for  your  convenience,  that  you  set  it  to  be  an  auto  incremented  integer.  (the  one  defined  in  the  MySQL  table)    

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At  this  time,  you  know  that  one  or  more  payments  have  been  notified.  easypay  assigned  your  database  ep_key  to  our  ep_doc  in  our  servers  and  you  are  ready  to  request  the  details.  But  you  don’t  know  which  payment  identifier  has  been  paid.    Lets  request  our  API  to  get  the  detail.    API:  03AG  Method:  GET  ONLY  Request  Data:  ep_cin   Your  Client  Identification  Number  

 ep_user   Your  Client  Username  

 ep_key   The  key  you  sent  to  easypay  

 ep_doc   The  ep_doc  in  your  payments  table  

Parameters  in  BOLD  are  mandatory.    QUESTION:  So  what  I  need  to  do  for  this  action  to  work?  You   will   create   a   cron   job   in   your   application   server   that   will   be   ready   to   run   every   minute,   querying   your  “easypay_autoMB_key”  table  for  “pending”  payment  notifications.    Query  the  table  using  the  following  SQL:    

SELECT  *  FROM  easypay_autoMB_key  WHERE  ep_status  =  ‘pending’  

This  will  show  you  a  list  of  payment  notifications  that  your  system  still  did  not  ask  for  the  detail.  Now,  for  each  line  of  the  result,  you  will  query  our  03AG  API:    Example:    https://www.easypay.pt/_s/api_easypay_03AG.php?ep_cin=8889&ep_user=EASYTEST9&ep_key={mysql.row.ep_


Every  time  you  will  request  this  API,  easypay  will  return  the  following  XML:    

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <getautoMB_detail> <ep_status>ok0</ep_status> <ep_message>id e cin ok;ip ok;doc EASYTEST92008091256378290408 and key 1

ok;</ep_message> <ep_cin>8889</ep_cin> <ep_user>EASYTEST9</ep_user> <ep_key>1</ep_key> <t_key>{ORDER_ID}</t_key> <ep_doc>EASYTEST92008091256378290408</ep_doc> <ep_payment_type>MB</ep_payment_type> <ep_entity>10611</ep_entity> <ep_reference>888900174</ep_reference> <ep_value>10.00</ep_value> <ep_value_fixed>0.35</ep_value_fixed> <ep_value_var>0.18</ep_value_var> <ep_value_tax>0.11</ep_value_tax> <ep_value_transf>9.36</ep_value_transf> <ep_date_transf>2008-01-29</ep_date_transf> <ep_date_read>2008-04-11 20:19:42</ep_date_read> <ep_status_read>verified</ep_status_read>


With  this  response  you  will  be  able  to  update  the  “easypay_autoMB_key”  table  with  all  the  data.  The  {ORDER_ID}  in  the  t_key  parameter  is  exactly  the  one  you  sent  to  easypay  when  your  system  as  requested  a  payment  identifier  trough  API  01BG.  By   this   time,   when   updating   the   MySQL   table,   you   will   be   able   to   perform   the   rest   of   the   actions   for   the  associated  with  the  {ORDER_ID},  and  this  {ORDER_ID}  was  previously  in  your  system  associated  to  a  client.  

4.  Get  payment  listings    IMPORTANT:  Please  keep  in  mind  that  you  have  a  limit  of  four  (4)  requests  per  day  to  this  API.  

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If  you  reach  that  limit,  all  extra  requests  will  be  charged  0.50€  /  request  in  your  account.      This  API  can  be  used  to  request  all  payment  details  done  on  your  account.  It  will  return  a  list  on  XML  or  JSON  format  for  your  convenience.    API:  040BG1  Method:  GET,  POST    Request  Data:  ep_cin  Data  type:  int(9)  

Your  Client  Identification  Number  

ep_user  Data  type:  int(9)  

Your  Client  Username  

ep_entity  Data  type:  enum(21098,  10611)  

Unique  payment  number.  

o_list_type  Data  type:  enum(week,last,date)  

Can  be:    week.  last,  date,  null      

o_ini  Data  type:  varchar()  

These  are  mutant  parameters.  They  change  according  to  the  selection  made  in  o_list_type.    Case:  o_list_type  =  week  o_ini  =  10/45  Meaning  week  45  of  2010.    Case:  o_list_type  =  last  o_ini  =  enum(10,  50,  100)  Meaning  the  last  100,  50  or  10.    ase:  o_list_type  =  date  o_ini  =  YYYYMMDD  o_last  =  YYYYMMDD  Meaning  the  date  range.  

o_last  Data  type:  varchar()  

type  Data  type:  enum(xml,  json)  

Defines  the  return  format.  XML  or  JSON.  This  value  must  be  set  in  lower  case.  Defaults  to  XML  if  no  set.    

Parameters  in  BOLD  are  mandatory.        Example  XML:    https://www.easypay.pt/_s/api_easypay_040BG1.php?ep_entity=10611&ep_user=EASYTEST9&ep_cin=8889&o_l


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In  response  to  your  request,  easypay  will  send  you  back  the  following  XML  string:    <get_ref>


<ep_message>ep_country and ep_entity and ep_user and ep_cin ok and validation by ip;

query with 1 record</ep_message>



















<ep_date_read>2010-11-09 00:00:00</ep_date_read>





<ep_payment_date>2010-11-08 00:00:00</ep_payment_date>










 Example  JSON:    https://www.easypay.pt/_s/api_easypay_040BG1.php?ep_entity=10611&ep_user=EASYTEST9&ep_cin=8889&o_l


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 In  response  to  your  request,  easypay  will  send  you  back  the  following  JSON  string:    {"get_ref":{"ep_status":"ok0","ep_message":"ep_country and ep_entity and ep_user and ep_cin ok and validation by ip; query with 1 record","ep_num_records":1,"ref_detail":{"ref":{"ep_cin":"8889","ep_user":" EASYTEST9","ep_entity":"10611","ep_reference":"400000268","ep_value":"20","ep_key":"2","t_key":"","ep_doc":"EASYTEST90011888920101108212500","ep_payment_type":"MB","ep_value_fixed":"0.83","ep_value_var":"0","ep_value_tax":"0.174","ep_value_transf":"19","ep_date_transf":"2010-11-16","ep_key_read":"2","ep_date_read":"2010-11-09 16:36:52","ep_status_read":"verified","ep_status":"pago","ep_batch_transf":null,"ep_invoice_number":null,"ep_payment_date":"2010-11-08 21:25:00"}}}}