Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

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Page 1: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded
Page 2: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

Lord’s Day Mass Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sunday: *8:00 & 10:00 a.m. *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the month.

Daily Mass Tuesday—Saturday: 8:00 a.m.

Adoration Chapel Hours Sunday 4:00 p.m.—Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday—Friday: 7:35—7:50 a.m. Wednesday: 4:45– 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:35 a.m. & 3:30—4:40 p.m. or by appointment

Sacrament of Baptism: Pre-baptism meetings are held with Father Barnes. Please call for an appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements must be made a minimum of six (6) months in advance.

Communion Call: If you or someone you care for must receive communion at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office.

Care Fund: Help is available for emergency situations & special needs. Please contact the parish office.

Prayer Line: This group is designed to help pray for specific concerns or special intentions. To add someone to the prayer line or if you are interested in becoming one of 45+ who pray, please contact Mary Zweber at 952-461-2366 or George Rhein at 952-461-4230.

St. Nicholas Catholic Church 51 Church Street Elko New Market, MN 55054 952-461-2403

Parish Office Hours Monday: Closed

Tuesday—Friday: 7:45 a.m.—4:15 p.m.

Pastor Fr. Patrick Barnes, [email protected]

Parish Administrative Assistant Jackie Berry, [email protected]

Music Coordinator/Choir Director MaryKatherine Deschamp, [email protected]

Director, LNMV Religious Education Kathy Chlan, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant, LNMV RE Lenae Addabbo, [email protected]

Maintenance/Custodian Jerry Bedeaux, 952-461-2403 Meghan Lannon, 952-461-2403

Communication & Mission Coordinator Karen Johnson, [email protected]

Bulletin Deadline: Tuesdays by 4:00 p.m. In writing to the parish office or email to [email protected]

General Information From the desk of Father Barnes

Website: stncc.net Twitter.com/Stnccnet Instagram.com/stnccnet Facebook.com/stncc.net

Welcome to St. Nicholas Catholic Church!


Joyful. Faithful. Successful.

Holy Cross Catholic School 6100 37th Street West Webster, MN 55088

Dr. Constance Krocak, Principal 952-652-6100


Happy Easter my dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Jesus Christ is Risen indeed!

I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. They responded that every day is special, including other days of the week. I would agree, but we need these holy times and seasons to focus even more on the sacred events of Jesus suffering, death, and Resurrection, so they can become a lived reality for us. We enter more deeply into these sacred mysteries as they enter more deeply into us!

The celebration of Holy Week takes work, it takes time, convenience is not our focus! We allocate this extra time and energy because we need this remembrance, we need this huge week that rocks us out of the ordinary, so that each year we can be changed more and more, conformed more and more to Jesus Christ. Not just remembering, but uniting our suffering with Jesus on the Cross, and uniting our joys with Him in the Resurrection.

One lived example of this reality, of a person being transformed by Christ, is Abby Johnson, the author of the book Unplanned, which was recently made into a movie.

This incredibly intense movie depicts her story, and it is a story that goes from death to resurrection. Abby worked for the abortion wielding Planned Parenthood for eight years. But after witnessing an ultra sound guided abortion, she had a change of heart.

She is now a pro-life champion, and a great and much needed hero for our times. Her story shows that with God’s grace, we can go from death to life.

Whatever our sins may be, we can repent, and we can be made new in Christ as we turn away from sin and turn to Him. And on this great feast day we focus on Jesus rising from the dead, trusting that we can rise to new life. He has opened up the gates for us to make it to paradise, reversing the curse of Adam which closed us out of Heaven.

Yet that new life of Heaven isn’t just for after we die, it is to be shared in now. Like Abby Johnson, would that we put behind our former self and put on Christ. He is the source of life, both earthly life, and eternal life, the source of Resurrected life!

God bless you and your families this special day and season! -Fr. Barnes

Page 3: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

Lord, Let it be You who lives in me today,

Sun Apr 21 Easter Sunday 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass: For the Parish 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass: Joyce and John Anderson

Mon Apr 22 Mass is not scheduled on this day.

Tue Apr 23 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:30am Rosary 7:30am Confessions 8:00am Mass: Gabriel Hernandez 8:30am Fatima Rosary Group, All are welcome 8:30am Adoration Chapel Opens after Mass

Wed Apr 24 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:30am Rosary 7:30am Confessions 8:00am Mass: Sarah Berglof 4:45pm Confessions 6:30pm LNMV Religion Classes at Holy Cross 6:30pm CORE Group at Holy Cross 7:00pm Choir Practice - Adult

Thu Apr 25 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:30am Rosary 7:30am Confessions 8:00am Mass: Esther Hennes+ 6:00pm KC Meeting 6:30pm Catholic Watchmen 7:00pm RCIA Class at Holy Cross

Fri Apr 26 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:30am Rosary 7:30am Confessions 8:00am Mass: Cindy Johnson 1:00pm Mass at Holy Cross, Grandparents Day 5:00pm Priest vs. Seminarian Basketball Game


Apr 27 7:35am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 8:00am Mass: Scott and Adrian Fischer 8:35am Rosary 8:35am Confessions 3:30pm Confessions 5:00pm Mass: Stuart & Joyce Russell+

Sun Apr 28 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass: David Friedges+ 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass: For the Parish 2 - 3:30pm Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Nick’s

St. Nicholas News & Events This week at St. Nicholas

April 21, 2019 Easter Sunday

Readings for the Week Readings for the week of April 21, 2019 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 [1]/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22 [5b]/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [3b]/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [2ab]/Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Ps 118: 1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-27a [22]/Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1 and 14-15ab, 16-18, 19-21 [21a]/Mk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1]/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31


ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE Can you imagine that moment? Can you imagine the stomach drop with dizzying realization: "It's all true. All of it is true! The past three years weren't a dream that ended horribly wrong." Can you imagine all the doubts and despair of the past days chased away like smoke on the wind by a rolled up burial cloth? By an empty tomb? It didn't start that way, of course. "'They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where they put him.'" This frantic news from Mary Magdalene would have been another unexpected blow. After all that happened, now his body has been stolen? The love and devotion in Peter and John is apparent. They don't wait to collect more infor-mation or stop by the tomb when they have a chance. They run to the site. When is the last time you ran for something? This isn't a run for exercise, but a huffing and puffing bolt fueled by desperation. Can you imagine that moment? The fear pounding in their temples, matching their accelerated heart rate. Can you imagine the impatient affection of John, who outruns Peter but refuses to enter the tomb alone? And then, upon entry, "He saw and believed." This is the drama of our great feast! The promise that seemed lost has been found. The dead are raised. Long before the Easter eggs and ham, we are invited to meditate on this divine reality. We are invited to feel the desperation and joy of that first Easter Sunday deep in our bones. Because it is not just Mary's story. It's not Peter and John's story. It's our story. From the greatest defeat can come the most awe-inspiring victory, and this is true not just for our God, but for each one of us. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Page 4: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

St. Nicholas News & Events

St. Nicholas Catholic Church Elko New Market, MN

Website: stncc.net Twitter.com/Stnccnet Instagram.com/stnccnet Facebook.com/stncc.net


CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED Question: Why does the date of Easter change every year, while most other celebrations are celebrated on the same day? Answer: Every feast is celebrated at a certain time for a reason. Saints feast days are commonly the day of their death. While we don't know Jesus' exact birthday, we celebrate the "light of the world" around the time of winter solstice, as dark, wintery days begin to lengthen again. We have a historical clue, however, to when the Easter events occurred. We know that Jesus was crucified the day before Passover. The Jews calculated the date for Passover based on both the solar and lunar calendars. It corresponds to the first full moon after the spring equinox. The early Christians maintained this connection in their celebrations of Easter on the first Sunday after the paschal full moon. We don't re-calculate the full moon every year. As astronomy developed, so too did the forecasts of when Easter would occur in future years. The Church has created a table of calculated dates, projecting the date of Easter decades in advance. The date of Easter also determines the date of Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, as well as the feast days following in the Easter season, including Pentecost. So these feasts move, too! This tradition may seem complicated, but it connects our Christian faith now to what has come before - our Jewish roots and the real, historical reality of Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection.


RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS This Easter, in churches all over the world, people will be fully initiated in the Catholic Church. Those who have come from another Christian denomination have already begun their journey with Jesus Christ. But for those who are baptized at the Easter Vigil, a new reality has come to pass. Each newly baptized man, woman, and child have become new creations in Jesus Christ. They have died and risen with the one who rose on the third day and whose empty tomb we celebrate every Easter. Easter Sunday morning, they awake after many months of RCIA and all have the same question before them: "Now what?" When one finds themselves having journeyed through various thresholds of conversion and now they bear the name of Christian, the time comes to chart the course of life as a disciple. Stewardship is that course of life. How one lives out their life from now on is the life of stewardship. The less one understands true stewardship and the value of their gifts and talents to the Body of Christ, the harder the journey. Those of us who were baptized many years ago can easily fall into a false sense of comfort. We forget that sense of excitement those coming into the Church experience at the Easter Vigil. However, the story of that empty tomb reminds us of the power behind our baptism. Today, we, too, are called to discipleship and a stewardship way of life. Jesus continues to provide the answer to our, "Now what?"


THANK YOU! Thank you to all who joined us for the Holy Hour for Life! Thank you also to everyone who joined us for the movie: ‘Unplanned’!

For the movie, we started out by reserving the smallest auditorium with 52 seats. We received such a tremendous response and moved quickly to reserving 121 seats and then 195 seats and ended up with the monster screen auditorium with 270 seats. Thanks be to God!


DID YOU KNOW? The second Saturday of every month St. Nicholas goes to whole women’s abortion clinic in Minneapolis and prays for the unborn and the end to abortion. We start out with prayer at St. Nicholas at 7 a.m. and continue to the abortion clinic from 8 - 10 a.m. It is not a pleasant place to be - Witnessing grandmothers taking their granddaughters inside for an abortion or watching husbands taking their wives inside for an abortion and catching of glimpse of a car seat in their back seat. So very sad… To add to this sadness is the lack of support we receive when we invite others to join us every month. The majority of time it is just two of us who go. We understand that not all are able to join us but we can’t do this alone and ask that you prayerfully consider joining us. Our prayers do make a difference!

THE INVITATION We invite you to join us every second Saturday of the month to pray for the unborn and the end to abortion at whole woman's abortion clinic at 825 South 8th Street in Minneapolis. We begin with prayer at St. Nicholas at 7:00 a.m. and then continue on our journey to the whole woman’s abortion clinic where we are scheduled from 8 - 10 a.m.

Page 5: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

Jesus, I trust in You!

St. Nicholas News & Events

April 21, 2019 Easter Sunday

LNMV Religious Education More information at www.lnmvre.net Classes run from 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. and are held

at Holy Cross Catholic School Wed., April 24, 2019 Regular Class Night Wed., May 1, 2019 Last night of Classes Penny Power Lenten Project: Please bring back your penny power cans to RE on Wed. night, April 24th. First Communion Interviews: Classroom interviews for RE and

Home school families will be during RE class time on Wed.

night April 24th. Holy Cross students will also have interviews

in the classroom that same week during the school day.

First Communion: Practice for First Communion will be at

6:00pm on Friday, May 3rd. First Communion Mass will be on

Saturday, May 4th, at the 5:00pm Mass.

Formed Pick of the Week:

Focuses on what we know of God’s mercy, our response to his love, and how we can become merciful to others, and more. For kids:

Brother Francis is an excellent way for children to learn the about the power of God’s love for us through the Resurrection. FORMED is a free gift for everyone from our Religious Education Program . Sign up by going to https://lnmv.formed.org or to www.lnmvre.net and click the link to sign up for a free subscription.

On Wednesday, April 24, the Golden Hearts will be meeting to take a tour of Leo's South in Lakeville (16375 Kenrick Ave.). After the tour we will have lunch at the Cracker Barrel in Lakeville (17189 Kenyon Ave.). All parishioners 55 and older are welcome to join us for fun, food, and

fellowship! For questions please call Joyce Hanke (952-461-1963) or Mary Hilpisch (952-894-9272).

R.C.I.A. Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, many are baptized into the Catholic Church and join the baptized seeking full communion with the Church. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This year we congratulate Johnathan Winkels, who is being welcomed into full communion with the church with the sacraments of the Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation and Maggie Schumacher who is receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. We also congratulate Noriel and Benny Sanchez who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil and will also receive the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Please welcome and support Johnathan, Noriel, and Benny in your prayers as a new members of the Catholic Church and the parish community as well as Maggie who has become more deeply rooted in her Catholic faith through Confirmation. Their journey began in September with RCIA classes in which they have diligently participated. Please continue to support them in prayer as our RCIA faith formation classes continue into the period known as mystagogy, which means “interpretation of mystery”, or “to lead through the mysteries”. Mystagogy is the time of post-baptismal catechesis and a time to reflect on receiving the sacraments as well as ongoing formation of the faith. As the formal catechesis draws to a close in the next couple of weeks, there is still much to learn as our spiritual life is a life-long faith journey. We are all called to greater participation in the life of the Church, which can help us grow in holiness. Easter is the spring time of new life and growth in the Church as we welcome new Catholics across the universal church. Let this be a time for each of us to plant the seeds of faith in our work environments, in our families and community and invite others to consider the Catholic Church. May the seeds you plant grow and become a new life in the church at future Easter Vigils! If you know of anyone wanting to know more about becoming Catholic and our R.C.I.A. classes or interested in becoming a sponsor and walk the journey with a candidate, please contact Kathy Chlan or the parish office.

Page 6: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

Area News & Events

St. Nicholas Catholic Church Elko New Market, MN

Website: stncc.net Twitter.com/Stnccnet Instagram.com/stnccnet Facebook.com/stncc.net

RELEVANT RADIO® TO HONOR ARCHBISHOP BERNARD HEBDA AT THE CHRIST BRINGS HOPE BANQUET Friday, April 26 at JW Marriott – Mall of America, Bloomington. 6 p.m. Social Hour, 7 p.m. Dinner. All are cordially invited to join Relevant Radio Executive Director Father Francis Hoffman (“Father Rocky”) and show hosts Patrick Madrid and Father Richard Simon, along with special guest Bishop Andrew Cozzens, as we honor Archbishop Bernard Hebda at the Eighth Annual Christ Brings Hope Banquet. This festive evening will benefit the mission of Relevant Radio here in the Archdiocese as well as in other markets across the country. Matching funds are also available for Twin Cities Catholic schools (K-12), thanks to an anonymous benefactor. To register, visit https://relevantradio.com/events/minnesota/christ-brings-hope-twin-cities/ or call Mary May at 612-643-4117. 87TH ACCW CONVENTION: MISSIONARY DISCIPLES REFLECTING GODS JOY May 3-4, 2019, St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Eagan Join the Saint Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) for their annual convention. The event includes Mass with Archbishop Hebda, silent auction, marketplace, Friday evening banquet, awards, orientation, entertainment and more! For more information visit archspm.org. CATHOLIC WATCHMEN RALLY Thursday, May 2, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Robbinsdale Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation and dinner. Bishop Andrew Cozzens will present on the soon to be canonized Blessed John Henry Newman, “Christ calls men to be perfect. Is it possible?” Cost is FREE ($10 suggested donation). Questions? Contact Enzo Randazzo at [email protected] or 651-291-4483.

Page 7: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

Liturgical Stewardship Apr. 27, 5:00pm Lectors: Gail Mathews

Ministers: Chuck Mathews, Mary Kay Forland

Ushers: Ron Chlan, Jan Freeman Apr. 28, 8:00am Lector: Vicky Chlan

Ministers: Leander Wagner, Margo Theisen

Ushers: Todd Hertaus, Scott Steele

Apr. 28, 10:00am Lectors: Julie Nelson

Ministers: Jackie Devine, Angie Nicolai Ushers: Steve Addabbo, Lenae Addabbo

April 21, 2019 Have a great week! Easter Sunday

St. Nicholas, Pray for us!

Our Parish School News

Measure of Our Treasure to the Lord April 7, 2019 - Week 41 in Fiscal Year

Budget Weekly Sunday Giving $7,586

Budget Year-to-Date Sunday Giving $311,026

Sunday Plate & Envelope $5,595

Bread and Wine $25

Grounds $280

Fuel $0

Easter Flowers $975

ACH (Received monthly) $0

Collection Received Year-to-Date $280,880


Endowment: $0

Bell Tower Maintenance Project Total: $23,200 Capital Improvements: $185 Current; -$6,450 Remaining Balance

Contributors this week 164 (estimated) out of 422

HOLIDAY ADORATION SCHEDULE: The Adoration Chapel will close

on Thursday, April 18, at 6 pm and re-open on Tuesday, April 23,

after morning Mass.

CAN YOU SPEND JUST ONE HOUR WITH THE LORD? Adorers are needed. If you would like to spend time with our Lord in adoration, please contact our lead coordinator, Mary Rose Rynda at [email protected] or sign up online at http://www.stncc.net/available-adoration-hours. OPEN ADORATION HOURS: Friday, 6 pm and Saturday, 1 am

Eucharistic Adoration

LIVE THE LITURGY INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Alleluia! Christ is risen! We are called, by how we live our lives, to celebrate the risen Christ. How do we do that? Our faith in the resurrection gathers us here today to celebrate this incredible event. The good news is that the doors of eternity are open! We can now understand that the fullness of who we are will be discovered when we one day meet God face-to-face in heaven. Our faith in the truth of who God is and who we are affects how we live our lives and the decisions we make. We are called to love our neighbor...to love those who hurt us...to work on behalf of the poor and the weak...to be people of justice, integrity, and hope... to practice compassion and mercy above anything else. Our lives are meant to be oriented around the axis of the Gospel. Are they?

At Holy Cross we don’t spend time “teaching to test”. We spend our time teaching to learn, explore, challenge and inspire. Our challenging curriculum and dedicated faculty in combination set our students up for success and it shows in these fantastic scores! What is the Norm RIT Value? The Norm RIT Value is what is expected at a given grade level. As you can see, every grade level exceeded the Norm RIT value. If you would like to read more about these tests, you can go to www.nwea.org/parenttoolkit It’s time to consider Holy Cross Catholic School! Learn more at https://holycrossschool.net/


Page 8: Easter Sunday · 21.04.2019  · *Mass with parts in Latin first Sunday of the I was recently out and about and invited a person to the special Holy Week Liturgies. month. They responded

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