Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USA

Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

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Page 2: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

30 weeks Term

(38 weeks) 25 weeks

Rapid and extensive folding during 3rd trimester

Cortical Folding in the NICU

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 3: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

28 weeks 31 weeks 34 weeks 39 weeks

Page 4: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 5: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine


25 week

30 week

33 week

Term equivalent (37 weeks)

Term control

Cortical folding

Page 6: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Inder TE et al J Peds 2003;143:171-9

More than Injury Diffuse Encephalopathy of Prematurity

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 7: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Surface reconstructions from Images obtained at term equivalent

Term infant

Page 8: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Deeper Sulci in VPT Deeper Sulci in TC

39 weeks

-4.0 1.5/1.5 4.0

7 years

Comparison of sulcal depth maps

Zhang, Neil, Inder, van Essen Neuroimage 2014 In Press

Page 9: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Alterations in Brain Development in VPT infants

Page 10: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine


Adapted from Raichle and Snyder, Neuroimage 37, 1083 (2007).

• Correlations are found during quiet rest, sleep, activation, and light anesthesia (medetomidine for rodents).

• Ideal for studying infants.

Page 12: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 2 Grade 1




Page 13: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine


Score (SD)


No. (%)


Score (SD)


No. (%)

Cerebral palsy

No. (%)


Grade 4

Grade 3

Grade 2

Grade 1


Grade 4

Grade 3

Grade 2

Grade 1


Grade 4

Grade 3

Grade 2

Grade 1

No injury 220 86.4(17.9) 28(13.5) 89.4(15.3) 21(10.1) 10(4.5)

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 14: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine


Score (SD)


No. (%)


Score (SD)


No. (%)

Cerebral palsy

No. (%)

PVL 34

Grade 4 4 49.3(18.5) 3(75.0) 49.3(18.5) 3(75.0) 4(100)

Grade 3 5 61.2(20.4) 3(60.0) 55.6(29.4) 4(80.0) 4(80.0)

Grade 2 14c 82.6(13.5) 3(21.4) 85.1(11.5) 1(7.1) 3(21.4)

Grade 1 11d 85.7(20.5) 2(18.2) 86.2(18.3) 1(9.1) 1(9.1)

IVH 53

Grade 4 13 76.1(22.6) 4(30.8) 72.3(16.2) 4(30.8) 6(46.2)

Grade 3 2 72.5(5.0) 2(100) 75.5(12.0) 1(50.0) 1(50.0)

Grade 2 16 85.6(15.4) 1(6.3) 89.7(11.8) 0 1(6.3)

Grade 1 20 88.1(14.1) 3(15.0) 90.9(12.4) 2(10.0) 1(5.0)

CH 22

Grade 4 1e 84 0 84 0 0

Grade 3 2f 75.5(10.6) 1(50) 77.0(1.4) 0 1(50.0)

Grade 2 4a 88.8(6.7) 0 95.3(12.2) 0 1(25.0)

Grade 1 15b 84.3(15.6) 4(26.7) 87.4(17.6) 3(20.0) 2(13.3)

No injury 220 86.4(17.9) 28(13.5) 89.4(15.3) 21(10.1) 10(4.5)

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 15: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Evaluating Brain Growth at Term

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 16: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Small or hypoplastic brain

<-1.5, --.5, N 0.5 -1.5 >1.5

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 17: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

White Matter Scoring Kidokoro AJNR 2013

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 18: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Grey matter and Cerebellum

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 19: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

New scoring system at TEQ – more global nature




WMA - mod/sev

WMA - mild

Global - mod/sev

Global - mild




-20 -10 0 10Estimate and 95% CI

IQ Reading

Spelling Maths

Motor SDQ

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 20: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Relationship of Reduced Volume to Impaired Function – Anderson, Doyle

Page 22: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Neonatal Stress Average daily Neonatal Infant Stressor Scale score

First 14 days (mean±SD) 106±13

First 28 days (mean±SD) 102±18

Admission until term equivalent/discharge (mean±SD) 80±12

Average daily number of procedures

First 14 days (mean±SD) 11±4

First 28 days (mean±SD) 10±5

Admission until term equivalent/discharge (mean±SD) 7±3

Increased stress associated with decreased frontal lobe width, Abnormal temporal lobe diffusion and neural networks (after adjusting for confounders of immaturity, length of ventilation, CRIB score, sepsis +). Smith G. et al Annals of Neurology 2011

Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 23: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Page 24: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

The Developmental Effects of the NICU Single Patient Room

Page 25: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Study NICU

• ½ single patient rooms • 168 square feet

• 3 walls; 4th wall is a sliding glass door

• Individualized lighting

• Parents can visit 24 hours a day

• Lounger at the bedside for parents to sleep on

• ½ open bay beds • Approx 10-12 beds in 1100 square feet of space

• General lighting

• Screens can be pulled to bedside for privacy

• Parents can visit 24 hours a day

• Sleep rooms available just outside the NICU

Page 26: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Single Patient Room: Maternal Effects

• Effects on the mother and family

• More parent visitation (p=.02)

• On average, 8.5 hours more per week

• Parents report more feelings of stress (p=.04)

Page 27: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Room Type aEEG

• No difference at birth, 30 and 34 weeks gestation

• Lower Burdjalov (brain maturation) scores at term equivalent for infants in the SPR (p= 0.01)

Figure 1.Typical Birth aEEG

Figure 2. Typical Term aEEG






Page 28: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Follow up at age 2 years

• 86 infants (83%) returned for developmental follow-up

• Mean (SD): 27.4 (2.1) months

• Associations between room type and cognitive,

language and motor outcome were explored, while

controlling for:

• CRIB score

• Cerebral injury

• Social risk score

• Family functioning

Page 29: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

*p=0.006 β= - 8 (-14, -2)

*Linear regression; controlling CRIB, cerebral injury, social risk and family functioning

Language outcome

Page 30: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Language Asymmetries in the Brain

Page 31: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Language Asymmetries in the Brain

Page 32: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Hemispheric Asymmetries

Single Patient Room Open Bay

Page 33: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Open Bay vs Single Room Infants

Page 34: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine


Page 35: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Harry Harlow Rhesus Monkey Work

Page 36: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

• 73 premature infants and 73 matched controls

• 1 hour of Kangaroo Care each day for 14 days

• Improved autonomic control at term and improved

• Improved cognitive development throughout the first 10 years associated with better parent-infant interaction

• Biological Psychiatry 2014

Parental Nurturing resulted in 10% larger hippocampi. Luby JL, Barch DM, Belden A, et al Maternal support in early childhood predicts larger hippocampal volumes at school age. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition, Jan. 30, 2012

Page 37: Early Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and … Sensory Experience and Brain Structure and Function Terrie Inder Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, USADepartment

Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine Department of Pediatrics Newborn Medicine

Summary • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Experience and Exposure matters

during critical period of brain development

• Stress and sensory isolation appears to adversely influence brain structure and outcome

• Nutrition is also important and impaired in the NICU

• The period to term equivalency is CRITICAL in brain development and worthy of greater focus during pregnancy and in infants born early

• Parental mental health, empowerment and attachment are also powerful for outcomes

• Imaging can be a powerful biomarker

• We look forward to the Baby Connectome with MGH/BWH/BCH/Wash U