Head Teachers News The Easter holidays begin tomorrow. We have certainly had some lovely weather this week and hope that it may continue so we can enjoy more time outside over the Easter break. We have cer- tainly been busy this week starting off with a welcome assembly from George and Penny (Olton Baptist Church) via Teams, on Monday. It was lovely to see them again. We have had book week running all week with the children bringing in their favourite books on Tuesday, some amazing book characters arriving Wednesday and a whole school story written by our classes starting with FS1 and working its way up to Year 6 today. Each of the classes has contin- ued the story, including a mystery object that the teachers brought in for their class that they had to incorporate. We have read this out in our celebration assembly today and have attached a copy for you to read yourselves, please enjoy! Parents Evenings We will be holding virtual parentsevenings the first week back after Easter. The booking system has been open since 7pm Friday 19 th March 2021. If you have still to book you will need to go the following website, kinetongreen.schoolcloud.co.uk You will need your current email address and your childs date of birth in order to make an appointment. Parentsevenings will be held remotely or by phone on Tuesday 20 th April, Wednesday 21 st April and Thursday 22 nd April from 4pm – 7pm. Once again please make sure the email address we have for you is current otherwise you will not be able to book an appointment. Nursery parentsevenings will be held Tuesday 20 th , Wednesday 21 st and Thursday 22 nd April in the afternoons. The office email will be monitored over the holiday but we will only be responding to urgent matters and will not be able to help with bookings until we return. Inclusion Plans Inclusion plans with an academic focus have now been sent out. You will have an opportunity to discuss these with your child's class teacher at the upcoming parent's evening. Inclusion plans where there is a focus on other areas of need will be reviewed aſter Easter- date to be agreed. Multiplication Tables Check In 2020, the government were set to introduce a new multiplication check for Year 4 children. This has now been cancelled, due to COVID19, but an optional non-statutory test has been made available. The aim of this test is to check each child's fluency when recalling their times tables up to 12 x12. The check is online and consists of 25 questions. Pupils have 6 seconds to answer each question, with a 3-second pause between questions. We are looking to complete this optional test this year within a 3- week period starting on June 6th, with our current Year 4 pupils. More information on this will follow soon. Going over times tables regularly and using Times Tables Rockstars, will support the children with this. Kineton Green Primary School Spring 2021 —Issue 13 (01.04.2021) DATES FOR THE DIARY Thurs 1st April—Last day of term Mon 19th April—Return to school Tues 20th April—Parents Evening Weds 21st April—Parents Evening Thurs 22nd April—Parents Evening Thurs 6th May—Inset Day 9th June—14th July—Yr4 & Yr5 Chance to Shine Cricket

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Page 1: ead Teacher s News

Head Teacher’s News The Easter holidays begin tomorrow. We have certainly had some lovely weather this week and hope that it may continue so we can enjoy more time outside over the Easter break. We have cer-tainly been busy this week starting off with a welcome assembly from George and Penny (Olton Baptist Church) via Teams, on Monday. It was lovely to see them again.

We have had book week running all week with the children bringing in their favourite books on Tuesday, some amazing book characters arriving Wednesday and a whole school story written by our classes starting with FS1 and working its way up to Year 6 today. Each of the classes has contin-ued the story, including a mystery object that the teachers brought in for their class that they had to incorporate. We have read this out in our celebration assembly today and have attached a copy for you to read yourselves, please enjoy!

Parents Evenings We will be holding virtual parents’ evenings the first week back after Easter. The booking system has been open since 7pm Friday 19th March 2021. If you have still to book you will need to go the following website, kinetongreen.schoolcloud.co.uk

You will need your current email address and your child’s date of birth in order to make an appointment. Parents’ evenings will be held remotely or by phone on Tuesday 20th April, Wednesday 21st April and Thursday 22nd April from 4pm – 7pm. Once again please make sure the email address we have for you is current otherwise you will not be able to book an appointment.

Nursery parents’ evenings will be held Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd April in the afternoons.

The office email will be monitored over the holiday but we will only be responding to urgent matters and will not be able to help with bookings until we return.

Inclusion Plans Inclusion plans with an academic focus have now been sent out. You will have an opportunity to discuss these with your child's class teacher at the upcoming parent's evening.

Inclusion plans where there is a focus on other areas of need will be reviewed after Easter- date to be agreed.

Multiplication Tables Check In 2020, the government were set to introduce a new multiplication check for Year 4 children. This has now been cancelled, due to COVID19, but an optional non-statutory test has been made available. The aim of this test is to check each child's fluency when recalling their times tables up to 12 x12. The check is online and consists of 25 questions. Pupils have 6 seconds to answer each question, with a 3-second pause between questions. We are looking to complete this optional test this year within a 3-week period starting on June 6th, with our current Year 4 pupils. More information on this will follow soon. Going over times tables regularly and using Times Tables Rockstars, will support the children with this.

Kineton Green Primary School Spring 2021—Issue 13 (01.04.2021)


Thurs 1st April—Last day of term

Mon 19th April—Return to school

Tues 20th April—Parents Evening

Weds 21st April—Parents Evening

Thurs 22nd April—Parents Evening

Thurs 6th May—Inset Day

9th June—14th July—Yr4 & Yr5

Chance to Shine Cricket

Page 2: ead Teacher s News

National Lockdown Restrictions Please can I ask some parents of pupils in FS2 and Year 2, in particular, to check their bubble start times. It is very difficult for the staff if you’re child arrives late and we may well have to ask you to wait with your child until other bubbles have gone in. You can arrive 5 minutes before your childs start time hand to avoid this happening.


Please can I also remind you that one adult only should accompany pupils on pick up and drop off and that you should wear a face covering.

When queueing please use the yellow markings and do not gather in a group when dropping off or collecting children.

Please refrain from using your mobile phone whilst on school premises.

We are still expecting adults to wear face coverings in order to protect others in our school community. School can provide these if needed.

Use appropriate language in front of our children. Offensive language will be challenged.

Please keep your children with you at all times and off the banks at the side of the vehicular driveway.

Dogs are not allowed on school grounds (even if carried).

Thank you to the vast majority of our community who do respect others and abide by these requests.

Car Parking Please can I ask parents who travel by car to park their cars legally and with respect to our neighbours. We have received two complaints this week which take the office staff’s valuable time to reply to. It is technically not the responsibility of school to po-lice parental parking. We will be taking photographs and vehicle registration numbers and passing these onto the police which may result in a fine.

Staffing Update


Today will be the last day for Mrs Pradeep as she is moving on to pastures new! One of longest serving lunchtime supervisors, Mrs Pradeep has been at Kineton Green for 10 years. All the staff and pupils will miss her greatly but we do wish her all our very best and hope that we will still see her at the school gate to drop off and pick up her daughter.

I am pleased to say that we will be welcoming two ladies who will be completing their teaching assistant qualifications with us over the summer term, Mrs Bates in the Year 4 bubble and Mrs Shamas in the Year 2 bubble.

Break the Rules for April Fools! The PTA held their eggstraordinary dress up day last Friday. There were some amazingly creative outfits. Thank you to everyone who took part. Winners and runners up were chosen from each class.

Bubble Clubs Bubble clubs have been a big hit since we opened in March. We will be running them again after Easter and have asked the clas-ses for their input on what sport/sports they would like us to offer. A new letter has gone out for the before and after school clubs run by Miss Hale, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. If you would like your child to join theirs, please make payment via Parentpay. It’s a great way for your child to stay fit and healthy and to spend more time with their friends after such a long time at home.

Head Teacher’s News—Continued

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Actions Required for Reporting Covid-19 Cases During the Easter Holiday

Confirmed Covid-19 cases must be reported to the school office during the Easter holiday. If your child becomes symptomatic for Covid-19 or tests positive within 48 hours of last being in school we need to know immediately. Any cases that prevent your child from attending on the 19th April should be reported by 9am the first morning back or by email to the school office during the Easter break. Following the return after the Easter holiday, confirmed Covid-19 cases in pupils and staff should be reported in the normal way. Your help with this is extremely important and appreciated.

COVID19 It is still vitally important that you inform school if you or one of your family members (who lives with you) tests positive for COVID-19. If you or your child have symptoms of Coronavirus we would ask that you and your children isolate as soon as you have any of the publicised symptoms, let the school know, book a test and self-isolate until the results come back and let school know the outcome, via the school email. If the test is positive school will send information to the bubble and staff it may affect and who may need to isolate.

Parents and carers should refrain from sending your child into school if they have one or more symptoms of the virus;

A new or continuous cough

Loss or change of taste or smell

A fever/high temperature

If your child has one or more of these symptoms, please ring 119 or go to the government website to book a test. Please inform school with the result of the test. If negative your child can return to school straight away.

Free School Meals Over Easter The free school meal voucher scheme for eligible children will be running through the Easter holidays.

Eligible families will receive a £30 voucher (£15 per week) per child to provide support during the Easter holidays similar to the scheme we ran at Christmas. Vouchers will be emailed this week to ensure families can redeem them in time for Easter.

Virtual Book Fayre As you know as part of book week and to be COVID 19 friendly we opened a virtual book fayre with communications going through the PTA Facebook page. We must apologise for the extraordinary number of messages that came through that proba-bly set your phone pinging more often than you would have liked. We have spoken to the rep and will have a rethink about al-ternative ways to host such an event if we chose to go virtual in the future. We hope that those parents who left the group due to this will feel happy to re-join us soon.

SENCo Surgery Mrs. Markham (out Special Needs Coordinator) will be offering telephone consultations every Thursday afternoon . Please con-tact the school office if you would like an appointment.

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter and that we all get a visit from the Easter bunny.

Head Teacher’s News—Continued

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World Book Week

For everyone’s enjoyment please see below the amazing story created by the children of Kineton Green school, including a mystery object the teachers brought in which they had to incorporate.

Lily’s Magical Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lily. On Saturday, Lily went for a walk on the beach, with her

mum and found a shell. She ran home, as quick as she could, to tell her dad what they had found. Dad said

“Oh Lil, that’s just a silly old shell” and he threw it outside.

Lily was so upset. She knew it wasn’t just a shell. So, she ran outside to try and find it. She looked everywhere

but the shell was nowhere to be found. She sat down and began to cry. All of a sudden, she heard a strange

ringing noise. She pulled back the bushes and there was a dusty, old bell and lying next to it was the shell.

Lily was so excited that she had found the shell, she picked it up and popped it into her pocket! “I wonder

where that bell has come from” Lily said out loud. She bent down and picked up the bell and she rang it

twice. The bell began ringing and as it rang it glowed as bright as the sun. The bell grew bigger and bigger

until eventually it went high up into the clouds. So Lily decided to climb up the bell. She went higher and

higher, through the big, fluffy, white clouds until she reached a massive orange castle. As she walked to the

castle she felt something in her pocket, she thought it was the shell, but when she pulled it out it was a

bright, shiny key. She put the key in the lock of the door and opened the huge door. Creeeeeak, went the door. There, sat at the

table was a humungous giant. Lily felt a little bit scared but the giant smiled at Lily. “Do you want to be my friend” said the giant.

“Oh yes please” said Lily “My name is Lily. What’s your name? “. “My name is Friendly Fred” said the giant. “What is that, is it

some kind of book?” said Lily. “It’s a dictionary” said Friendly Fred “I’m looking for a magic word – abracadabra, because I want to

be a wizard and write lots of spells”.

Lily helped Friendly Fred look for the word ‘abracadabra’ in the dictionary. It took them half an hour to find

the word because it wasn’t just a normal dictionary, it was a magical dictionary with hundreds of spells in it!

Friendly Fred told Lily on the count of three to say abracadabra, whilst running on the spot. “One, two,

three…. ABRACADABRA!” The massive, orange castle filled with green smoke, pink glitter and blue tinsel.

Lily could not believe her eyes. The spell had made millions of Mrs Knight’s famous chocolate chip hot cross

buns. “Wow” said Lily excitedly, I have always wanted to try one of these! The buns were everywhere! They were in the bath, in

the sink, in the fridge, in the oven, on the window sills, in the giant’s bed… they were everywhere! Lily ate

one of the scrumptious buns and they were truly delicious! The giant ate twenty in one gulp

All of the sudden, Lily noticed a shimmer in the corner of the room. Crackle, crunch! Fred was still happily

munching his was through the millions of chocolate chip hot cross buns completely oblivious. Curiously, Lily

began to tip toe across the room battling her way through blue tinsel and pink glitter. Lily was puzzled as she

knew this shimmer was not from the glitter at all. Suddenly, the shimmer began to dance and Lily’s mouth

widened in shock. Silence fell and the shimmer stopped still to reveal a fairy, as tiny as a speck dust. “Keep

this, it’s my magical fairy dust to use when you are in need,” she whispered kindly. With a wave of her powerful wand Lily was

transported. Whoosh! She opened her eyes slowly and before her was a kingdom like nothing she had ever

seen before.

As she looked up, Lily saw grand, golden gates that were glistening in the scorching sun. She thought to

herself “how am I going to get through these gates? They’re locked!” Suddenly, she remembered a spell

from Friendly Fred’s magical dictionary. She ran on the spot and whispered gently “incendio!” The gates

were unlocked. She strode full of pride through the gates and stared up in awe at a tall tower. In front of

the tower stood a flowing fountain. Inside the fountain she could see a sparkling diamond which lay on a vibrant velvet pillow,

inside a glass box. Without a thought, she snatched the diamond from its case and ran...

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Lily’s Magical Adventure—Continued

Unbeknownst to Lily, the diamond, which she had surreptitiously snatched from the fountain, was actually a

magical object which opened portals into the ancient past. Spinning through time, Lily caught glimpses of many

different historical periods, vicious Vikings, rotten Romans and cut-throat Celts which lasted just a few moments

then vanished from sight. At last, she plummeted to the ground! With her heart escaping from her chest, and her

head spinning like a top, Lily landed breathless, right in front of the gargantuan Sphinx. The Sphinx slowly

opened its eyes and its soulless stare burnt into her mind. Lily felt the Sphinx’s power taking over her mind and

she dropped silently to her knees…

Lily stared into the distance wondering what her future would behold. A sudden gust of wind began to lift the

sand off the ground, twirling and spinning, it emerged from the sandy depths. It grew, it grew bigger, it grew

bigger towering over the sphinx while it inhaled every grain of sand in its path. As a tall dark shadow appeared

in the eye of the sandstorm, Lily’s eyelids slowly closed. The shadow walked towards her, playing a soft melody

on its magical flute. The smooth sleepy melody entranced the Sphinx and sent it into a deep slumber. Lily, who

was now slumped on the sand, was awoken by the vibrations of the musical rhythm and opened her drowsy

eyes. Friendly Fred walked towards her with a smile and exclaimed, “Follow me, let’s go!” while reaching for her

hand. Lily grabbed his hand and carefully rose to her feet. Together, they walked towards the Sphinx wondering

what to do now. Lily pulled the fairy dust out of her pocket. Simultaneously, they ran on the spot and chanted, “Slumbersleeps”

while blowing the fairy dust on the Sphinx.“The Sphinx should never wake up, now,” Lily reassured Friendly Fred.Glinting on the

sand, after falling out of Lily’s pocket, the diamond was lifted up by Lily. “It is time to go home,” said Fred. She threw the diamond

into the air and an unearthly portal appeared. As the sun set over the forever slumbering Sphinx, Lily and Fred stood side by side.

Cautiously, they stepped through and the portal closed behind them. Leaving the diamond behind ...



Seamus B for such fantastic

progress in Science, English

and Maths

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Gold Book Class w/c 22nd March 2021 w/c 29th March 2021

FS1 Gold Award—Emilia T Gold Award—Mia C

Gold Award—Harper-Rose M Gold Award—Charlie L

Bee Award—Rumaisa H Bee Award—Yusuf H

Bees Knees Award—Hermione M

Fs2 Gold Award—Aria M Gold Award—Luca D

Gold Award—Elisah B-K Gold Award—Megan C

Bee Award—Arlo N Bee Award—Noah C

Bees Knees Award—Elsie Q

Year 1 Gold Award—Teddy-Hugo A Gold Award—Kyle C

Gold Award—Kadey-Mae H Gold Award—Matthew B

Bee Award—Liyana B Bee Award—Frankie S

Bees Knees Award—Lily-Mae B

Year 2 Gold Award—Owais H Gold Award—Charlie G

Gold Award—Lucy A Gold Award—Sundheep R

Bee Award—Izaac B-K Bee Award—Beatrice R

Bees Knees Award—Mia B

Year 3 Gold Award—Jasmin M Gold Award—Omar M

Gold Award—Sher U Gold Award—Harley-Joel G

Bee Award—Lucy M Bee Award—Jessica H

Bees Knees Award—Amber P

Year 4 Gold Award—Lewis T Gold Award—Harley-Jai T

Gold Award—Lara P Gold Award—Amelia C

Bee Award—Jannat S Bee Award—Riley W

Bees Knees Award—Charlie W

Year 5 Gold Award—Arel Y Gold Award—Ahmed A

Gold Award—Rucha S Gold Award—Summer J

Bee Award—Lucie W Bee Award—Khadiga E

Bees Knees Award—Rucha S

Year 6 Gold Award—Deviah K Gold Award—Umar K

Gold Award—Dominic C Gold Award—Finley R

Bee Award—Anvit M Bee Award—Ronnie O’R

Bees Knees Award—Layla B