Digis - Web Mail Page 1 of2 ([email protected]) - Wed, 10/09/13 13:43:38 -0600 Show Full Headers I Print I Close Printer View From: <[email protected]> To: "scott gurney" <[email protected]> Date: Thu 03/28/13 02:41 AM Chief Howard and Chief Gurney, This is Sherri Watson in Genola. I was driving home yesterday. I was on the back road in front of Keegly Quary, I was on the road going toward home. I was in front of the stop sign when Chad Blacks truck came barreling out towards me, he almost hit me and I had to swerve off the road to avoid a wreck. I almost lost control of my vehicle. As I could see a male behind the wheel and as I looked in my rearview mirror I could see their Suburban was at the stop sign, both of their vehicles were on the road. I know their vehicles like the back of my hand. And I would bet money that they know mine.If I see their vehicle at the store I go shop somewhere else.I was very shooken up as you can imagine Chad just tried to commit the murder of me. I was not going to stick around and see if it was chad or his son driving as that would be going against the stalking injunction. I am 100% sure of the vehicles and therefor one of them was driving. I am also sure that it would not be too difficult for you to find out if you wanted to. I am also 100% sure that Chad Black wants me locked up or DEAD! I called the Ut County Sheriff I knew it would not go anywhere but I wanted some kind of record/report. The sheriff not sure of his name he mumbled it. He said he called Chad and chad said he was at work at 5:30 AM. Like the sheriff really thought Chad was going to come out and say "Ya, I tried to kill her. Give me a break of course he is going to say he was a work at 5:30 AM. Who cares what time he was at work? My husband Tom was coming home for lunch and drove that way, he says that Chad's cop car, the Suburban, and the truck was there when he drove past. Chad and Toni were outside talking. They had not even gotten into their house yet. So I know he was home. I am 100% sure that it was him. His vehicles including the cop car was their the next day at the same time also. Just because he was at work at 5:30 makes no difference the incident happened just before 12:00 PM. Did the Sheriff call him at home? Chief Gurney, I am sure this would not be difficult for you to verify. If it was not him that tried to kill me then it was his son. He said I should call you. He also said that chad said he was not a Santaquin P/0 that he had not worked for you for over a year. As I recall you told us that he does work for you and that was why you could not do an investigation into his corruption. If it is ok I would like to make a report with Santaquin P/D. I would like Santaquin P/D to find out which of the Black's tried to kill me. Do you have the backbone to do that Chief Howard and Chief Larson? or do I have to be dead for the Santaquin P/D, or Orem P/D t o care about some middle aged woman being harassed and stalked by a Santaquin ? Orem cop? Mayor you know we went to you for help before Santaquin started in on me. We begged you for help telling you we felt Stalked and Harassed by Chad. You were there when Chad committed perjury. You know all sides of this. Will you please stand up for your people and demand an investigation. Please before he kills me. Chief Howard you admitted to us that Chad was indeed harassing me, will you Please stand up for what is Right and Just. How is it ok for a cop to harass anyone? We teach our children to stand up to bully's though none of you have shown a backbone to stand up to the adult bully Chad Black and now he used a vehicle to try to kill me, how is this ok??? In my last letter of complaint I said I would continue to write as long as I am still being threatened. He is upping the antae and he is now trying to kill me. I am sending this to everyone I can think of including mayors and all over the internet. And I will continue to scream out for help and protection as long as I need to. If you read this, I would like to thank you for your time. I do not expect you to have that backbone I spoke of. Thanks Sherri Chief Gurney, your police officer Chad Black has been harassing/ stalking me for over 3 years. I beg you to meet with me so I can tell you the whole story from start to finish and I beg for you to look into the Utah county Police report records and speak to Sheriff Packer and many, many others. Also my neighbor Jenna Taylor who is now willing to tell her side that she has Never gotten to tell. We tried to complain to Chief http://digisnet.mail.everyone.net/email/scripts/view.pl?fullHeaders=&mid=89&folder=Sen... 10/9/2013

E-mail Complaints Sent After Chad Tried to Kill Me

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([email protected]) - Wed, 10/09/13 13:43:38 -0600

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From: <[email protected]> To: "scott gurney" <[email protected]> Date: Thu 03/28/13 02:41 AM Chief Howard and Chief Gurney, This is Sherri Watson in Genola. I was driving home yesterday. I was on the back road in front of Keegly Quary, I was on the road going toward home. I was in front of the stop sign when Chad Blacks truck came barreling out towards me, he almost hit me and I had to swerve off the road to avoid a wreck. I almost lost control of my vehicle. As I could see a male behind the wheel and as I looked in my rearview mirror I could see their Suburban was at the stop sign, both of their vehicles were on the road. I know their vehicles like the back of my hand. And I would bet money that they know mine.If I see their vehicle at the store I go shop somewhere else.I was very shooken up as you can imagine Chad just tried to commit the murder of me. I was not going to stick around and see if it was chad or his son driving as that would be going against the stalking injunction. I am 100% sure of the vehicles and therefor one of them was driving. I am also sure that it would not be too difficult for you to find out if you wanted to. I am also 100% sure that Chad Black wants me locked up or DEAD! I called the Ut County Sheriff I knew it would not go anywhere but I wanted some kind of record/report. The sheriff not sure of his name he mumbled it. He said he called Chad and chad said he was at work at 5:30 AM. Like the sheriff really thought Chad was going to come out and say "Ya, I tried to kill her. Give me a break of course he is going to say he was a work at 5:30 AM. Who cares what t ime he was at work? My husband Tom was coming home for lunch and drove that way, he says that Chad's cop car, the Suburban, and the truck was there when he drove past. Chad and Toni were outside talking. They had not even gotten into their house yet. So I know he was home. I am 100% sure that it was him. His vehicles including the cop car was their the next day at the same time also. Just because he was at work at 5:30 makes no difference the incident happened just before 12:00 PM. Did the Sheriff call him at home? Chief Gurney, I am sure this would not be difficult for you to verify. I f it was not him that tried to kill me then it was his son. He said I should call you. He also said that chad said he was not a Santaquin P/0 that he had not worked for you for over a year. As I recall you told us that he does work for you and that was why you could not do an investigation into his corruption. I f it is ok I would like to make a report with Santaquin P/D. I would like Santaquin P/D to find out which of the Black's tried to kill me. Do you have the backbone to do that Chief Howard and Chief Larson? or do I have to be dead for the Santaquin P/D, or Orem P/D to care about some middle aged woman being harassed and stalked by a Santaquin ? Orem cop? Mayor you know we went to you for help before Santaquin started in on me. We begged you for help telling you we felt Stalked and Harassed by Chad. You were there when Chad committed perjury. You know all sides of this. Will you please stand up for your people and demand an investigation. Please before he kills me. Chief Howard you admitted to us that Chad was indeed harassing me, will you Please stand up for what is Right and Just. How is it ok for a cop to harass anyone? We teach our children to stand up to bully's though none of you have shown a backbone to stand up to the adult bully Chad Black and now he used a vehicle to t ry to kill me, how is this ok??? In my last letter of complaint I said I would continue to write as long as I am still being threatened. He is upping the antae and he is now trying to kill me. I am sending this to everyone I can think of including mayors and all over the internet. And I will continue to scream out for help and protection as long as I need to.

I f you read this, I would like to thank you for your t ime. I do not expect you to have that backbone I spoke of. Thanks Sherri

Chief Gurney, your police officer Chad Black has been harassing/ stalking me for over 3 years. I beg you to meet with me so I can tell you the whole story from start to finish and I beg for you to look into the Utah county Police report records and speak to Sheriff Packer and many, many others. Also my neighbor Jenna Taylor who is now willing to tell her side that she has Never gotten to tell. We tried to complain to Chief

http://digisnet.mail.everyone.net/email/scripts/view.pl?fullHeaders=&mid=89&folder=Sen... 10/9/2013

Page 2: E-mail Complaints Sent After Chad Tried to Kill Me

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Larson and some cop forgot name would not let us, so we spoke to him instead of the chief. .To no avail am sure If you look into Chad Black's record you will see the many complaints from me against him.

([email protected]) - Wed, 10/09/13 13:43:38 -0600

http://digisnet.mail.everyone.net/email/scripts/view.pl?fullHeaders=&mid=89&foldei^Sen^ 10/9/2013