2015-04- DRDC-R Produce Scientifi Neutr Projec Purpos The purp the proje project p Disposal deliverab (TSWG ) Backg Disruptor a range o objective and dispe collection powerful in less tim Since the largest d charge a relatively more sen high-velo Choosing penetrate make this disruptor of charts containin and the c -28 RDDC-2015- ed for: Kevin c Letter alization ct Synops se pose of this S ect leadershi lan (Annex A (EOD) Field bles and sch ) funding and round rs are tools u of military, co e of a disrupt erse its cont n. The disrup to penetrate me than a de e contents o imension of t some poin y insensitive nsitive to sho ocity projecti g the right di e and disrup s choice, the r systems. W or a field m ng a certain t characteristic L075 n Russell, M n of Hom sis and Pl Scientific Let p. This repo A), and a dra d Reference eduling to a d support thr used by EOD ommercial, a tor is to inter tents to prec ptor projectil e the case o etonator req f an IED are the case. A t in the disru and are sim ock and frict le. isruptor ther pt the IED, bu e operator n What is requi anual) that w type of explo cs of the dis anADO PD, me Made lan tter is to del rt contains a aft framewor Tool (Annex ccount for th rough the sig D operators and improvis rrupt the firin clude detona le (e.g., wate f the IED an uires to func e often not kn s a result, it uption. While mply scattere tion than con refore becom ut not too m eeds inform red is an EO will inform w osive. This w sruptor proje and Ed Bun e Explos iver informat a brief synop rk for the ma x B). This re he addition o gned Task P to neutralize sed or Home ng chain of a ation and allo er jet, steel s nd disconnec ction (i.e., th nown, the pr may end up e most milita ed by the pro nventional ex mes a balanc uch power s ation about OD HME field what disrupto will take into ctile. ndy, Program sives (H tion on 02DA psis of the st ain deliverab eport provide of US Techn Plan EX-408 e explosive e Made Exp an Improvise ow for inspe slug, gel, etc ct or destroy e committal rojectile is u p going throu ary explosive ojectile, some xplosives, a ce between so as to set o how various d reference or system sh account the m Manager, ME) Haz A02.11 (Man tate of the re ble, the Expl es an update nical Support 83-7 [1]. devices, wh losives (HM ed Explosive ection and ev c.) has to be y the firing ch time). sually direct ugh the main es, such as T e HME mixt nd may be d having enou off the charg s explosives (likely in the ould be use e sensitivity o IDDEC TSW zards nADO 02.11 esearch, a osive Ordna ed list of t Working G hich can cont E). The e Device (IED vidence e sufficiently hain compon ted through t n explosive TNT and C4 ures are mu detonated by ugh power to ge. In order t react to diff e form of a s d against an of the explos 1 WG 1) to ance roup tain D) nents the 4, are uch y a o to erent eries n IED sives

e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna

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Page 1: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna








The purpthe projeproject pDisposal deliverab(TSWG )


Disruptora range oobjectiveand dispecollectionpowerful in less tim

Since thelargest dcharge arelativelymore senhigh-velo

Choosingpenetratemake thisdisruptorof charts containinand the c



ed for: Kevin

c Letter


ct Synops


pose of this Sect leadershilan (Annex A(EOD) Field

bles and sch) funding and


rs are tools uof military, co

e of a disrupterse its contn. The disrupto penetrate

me than a de

e contents oimension of t some poin

y insensitive nsitive to shoocity projecti

g the right die and disrups choice, ther systems. W

or a field mng a certain tcharacteristic


n Russell, M

n of Hom

sis and Pl

Scientific Letp. This repoA), and a drad Referenceeduling to ad support thr

used by EODommercial, ator is to intertents to precptor projectile the case oetonator req

f an IED arethe case. At in the disruand are sim

ock and frictle.

isruptor therpt the IED, bue operator n

What is requianual) that wtype of explocs of the dis


me Made


tter is to delrt contains aaft framewor Tool (Annexccount for through the sig

D operators and improvisrrupt the firinclude detonale (e.g., watef the IED anuires to func

e often not kns a result, it

uption. Whilemply scatteretion than con

refore becomut not too meeds informred is an EOwill inform wosive. This wsruptor proje

and Ed Bun

e Explos

iver informata brief synoprk for the max B). This rehe addition ogned Task P

to neutralizesed or Homeng chain of aation and alloer jet, steel s

nd disconnecction (i.e., th

nown, the prmay end up

e most militaed by the pronventional ex

mes a balancuch power sation about

OD HME fieldwhat disruptowill take into ctile.

ndy, Program

sives (H

tion on 02DApsis of the stain deliverabeport provideof US TechnPlan EX-408

e explosive e Made Expan Improviseow for inspeslug, gel, etcct or destroye committal

rojectile is up going throuary explosiveojectile, somexplosives, a

ce between so as to set ohow variousd reference

or system shaccount the

m Manager,

ME) Haz

A02.11 (Mantate of the reble, the Exples an updatenical Support83-7 [1].

devices, whlosives (HM

ed Explosiveection and evc.) has to bey the firing ch


sually directugh the maines, such as Te HME mixtnd may be d

having enouoff the chargs explosives (likely in theould be use

e sensitivity o



nADO 02.11esearch, a osive Ordnaed list of t Working G

hich can contE). The

e Device (IEDvidence e sufficiently hain compon

ted through tn explosive TNT and C4ures are mudetonated by

ugh power toge. In order treact to diff

e form of a sd against anof the explos



1) to







4, are uch y a

o to ferent eries n IED sives

Page 2: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna



Joint Courequiremof Improvdisruptorsecurity owill help system tooperator of eviden



This projof an EO


DRDC - S(e.g., [3-6formulaticompletedetonatinPigstick) August 2Technoloto collectconsiderework wasResearchmore in-dmixturescompleteReferencefforts in activitiesactivities

The initiarequired next phaHME field2) investelectronic


unter Explosments [2], whvised Explosrs and their porganizationin doctrine foo use againsand/or the p

nce, and/or c

on of HME intional exploare being fo

on Statem

ect aims to pOD field refer

nt and Ex

Suffield Res6]). Characteons, which p

ed in 2008 ang conventiowere tested

2010, work bogy Initiativet water jet veed to be a gs continued h Centre. Thdepth analys. More recened. Data fromce (Annex B

HME respo, is expectedunder this 0

al work condto develop ase of 02.11,d reference igating the pc media.

sive Threat Tich included

sive Device Dprojectiles isns. EOD staformulation, tst a particulapublic througcollateral dam

nitiation alsoosive initiatioound in thea


provide the Crence tool.

xisting Wo

search Centrerization andprovide a band 2009 in o

onal explosivd against Powbegan under e (CRTI) (PCelocity data aeneral repreunder a Mas

his thesis prosis of water jntly, under Mm this series). Additional

onse to wated by the end02.11 projec

ucted at Sufa framework augmentedtool and exp

potential for a

Task Force (d a specific reDefeat (IED

s essential toff officers, instraining, andar threat. A lgh unintendemage to CA

o presents oon and charater, and sho

CAF with inf


re has condud sensitivity

asis for ManAorder to deteves. In-servicwerfrac DynChemical, B

C206-0204RDand sensitivesentative ofster of Scienoject expandjets, and the

ManADO 02.s was used toly, a contracr jets, along

d of FY 14/15ct.

ffield under k for the EODd with fundingpand on the a predictive

(JCET TF) pequest to adD). Informato the Canadistructors andd will inform ack of informed detonatioF and public


ould be teste

formation ab

ucted severatests have b

ADO 02.11 termine the suce CAF disru

namite, TNT,Biological RaD) using theity against 1f the current nce (MSc) thded on previe interaction 11, the origio create a dcted literaturwith a road

5. These act

previous proD field refereg from TSWbaseline damodel, and

previously ideddress “neuttion about thian Armed Fd operators on the decis

mation couldon of the threc assets.

s to further thtechniques.

ed for sensiti

bout neutraliz

al related acbeen conducto build on. Susceptibility uptors (e.g.,, ANFO, andadiological a

e Minimod, S0 different Hdisruptor/th

hesis study [6ous experimbetween wainal trial matraft framewo

re review of map of pote

tivities form

ojects, providence tool an

WG [1], will filata by: 1) fillin

3) providing

entified theirtralization of

he sensitivityForces (CAFrequire this

sion of whichd pose a daneat, unintent

he science bA number ovity to projec

zing HME th

ctivities on thcted on seveScoping testof several d

, Spike, Minid C4 chargesand Nuclear Stingray, SpiHME mixes (hreat environ6] within DR

mental trials ater jets andtrix set forth ork for the Ecurrent and ential future the basis fo

des the based is the basil in the framng gaps in th

g the field ref

r priority S&Tf HME” in suy of explosiveF) and public

informationh disruptor nger to the Eional destruc

behind of novel HMEctiles.

hreats in the

his topic eral HME ts were disruptors to imod, and s. In Research ake, and Pigs(a matrix thanment). This RDC - Suffielby including three HME in 2010 was

EOD Field past modellmodelling r the upcom

eline data is for 02.11. ework of thehe data, ference as

T pport es to

c , as it

EOD ction



and stick at is ld




The e

Page 3: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna

Other medisruptorimportaninformatiparticulaproject toHEL projanalysis

Allied Nacurrently tools. All


The centEOD opeinformati

With the Europeaneutralizathe tool.

The obje

1. Deveproje

2. Exchexplo

3. Invespossi

4. CreatEOD

5. Expa

High L

A high-leAnnex A

ethods of HMr technologietly, leverageon exchanger DRDC – Vo determine ect is schedfrom this pro

ations have ainterested ihave expres

tives and

tral goal of therators. Thison about the

additional Tn Union (andation (see F

ectives of the

elop and expct timeline; ange inform

osives; stigate the poible within thte an electrocommunity

and the know

Level Proj

evel overview. The projec


ME neutralizes, and doese for other toe from this palcartier Resthe effect an

duled to receoject would a

also conductn HME neutssed interes


his project iss project prope reaction of

TSWG fundind others, meigure 1) that

e project are

pand an EOD

mation with pa

otential for dhe constraintonic version within the co

wledge of HM

ject Plan

w of the projet has four ph

1: Leverage

zation exist (es not explicitopics and areproject that wsearch Centnd use of Higeive funding augment the

ted researchtralization, ast in obtainin


s to develop poses three f various HM

ng, the projeechanisms yt will further


D HME field

artners that

developmentts of the proj(mobile apponstraints of

ME neutraliza

ect flow is rehases (plan,

e of Internati

e.g., chemicly explore oteas of interewould augmetre is currentgh Energy Lfrom 02.11 (

e water jet ba

h in this areand the modeg access to

a HME neutphases of re

ME threats to

ect will be abyet to be deteadd to the d

reference to

is relevant t

t of a predictject timeline

plication / e-bf the project ation for the

epresented i experiment

ional Efforts

cal [7]), howether technol

est could be ent this projetly in the exp

Lasers (HEL(with TSWGased resear

a. Australia, elling of HMEthe data an

tralization fieesearch to p

o various dis

ble to leveragermined) in tdepth of the

ool capability

to the disrup

tive HME inie; book / searctimeline; an

e broader alli

n Figure 2, wt, analyse, a

s on HME Ne

ever this proogies in-depexercised thects contribuperimentatio) against HM

G funds) and rch from 02.

UK, and SinE response d analysis fr

eld referenceprovide the Csruptor syste

ge larger effothe area of Hinformation

y within the c

ption of impro

itiation mode

chable mediand ied research

with more dend report) a


oject focusespth. More hrough ution. In

on phase of aMEs [8]. This

results and 11.

ngapore are to neutralizarom this proj

e for use by CAF with ems.

orts in the HME and capabil


constraints o


el, and deve

a) for use by

h community

etails providnd two main



s on

a s

ation ject.

ity of

of the

elop if

y the


ed in n

Page 4: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna



The criticDev in Fiensure daspects o


The fundis $600K

Minor Proc




Supp. to DR


: the develog Capability.ental data fro

cal path for tigure 2), withelivery of theof the projec

ng Plan

ding plan for K, and was m



s (Student)


pment of the. Iterations bom field trial

his project ish a projectede main objec

ct will continu

upcoming fimade availab


02.11 $17





e Field Refebetween anas will be use

Figure 2: P

s the EOD Fd end in FY ctive (Field Rue while viab

scal years isble FY 14/15

Table 1

FY 15/16 O


5K $150K $

$0 $60

$0 $50

0K $260

rence Tool,alysis and plaed to validate

Project Flow

Field Referen17/18. FocuReference Tble.

s provided in.

1: Funding P

Funding forF


02.1$0 $2

0K $3$0 $0K


0K $6

and the devanning will oe the modell

w Chart.

nce Tool actus will be appTool), while e

n Table 1. Th


r Year andFY 16/17 DO 1 TSW20K

35K $10$5K $

$0 $6

$0 $5

60K $21

velopment ofoccur for botling efforts.

tivity (Activityplied to this exploration o

he funding le

d Source


02. $

00K $$5K60K


15K $

f a Predictiveth activities,

y A–Field Toactivity to

of the model

evel from TS

FY 17/18ADO 11 TSW$20K

$35K $$5K

$0 $


$60K $1

e and








Page 5: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna


This Scieneutralizaforward, Field Refare provi(EOD) Fi

Ultimateland supp



[1] DepaDepa

[2] L. P. Meet

[3] M. CeTarge

[4] M. CeEquip

[5] T. JoDRD

[6] P. K. DisruMinin

[7] TechRefer

[8] D. PuDefen


entific Letter ation, a highwith the impference Tooded in both ield Referen

y, the projecport from JC

d by: Matthe


artment of Deartment of De

Peril, DComthe Evolving

eh and M. Dets," DRDC

eh, M. Dunnpment: Sma

sey, "Long RC – Suffield

Lambert, "Tuption Technng and Tech

nical Supporence," Com

udo, "HIGH Ence R&D Ca

report provih-level projecpact from incl for the CAFAnnex A – Pce Tool Fram

ct advanced ET TF and T

ew WJ Ceh

efence, "Disefence, ed.,

md CF CIED g Enduring T

Dunning, "Th– Suffield TR

ning, C. Polloll Targets," D

Range CapaTR 2012-15

The Sensitiviniques," Depnology, Soc

rt Working Gmbating Terro


ides a brief sct plan with creased fundF EOD commProject Plan mework.

research plTSWG.

(DRDC – Su

srupter Neutr2014.

TF, "IdentifyThreat," 27 M

e Test & EvR-2010-288

ock, and T. MDRDC – Suf

ability of Disr55, 2012.

ity Of Selectpartment of Mcoro, NM, 20

Group, "Deseorism Techn

AND LASERC – Valcartie

summary of projected fu

ding levels, imunity in geand Annex

an (delivery

uffield Resea

ralization of

ying and FillMarch 2013

aluation of I, 2010.

Macleod, "Thffield TR-201

ruptors - Pre

ted HomemaMechanical E013.

ensitization nical Support

R OPERATIOer, 22 Octob

previous wonding levelsn achieving

eneral. More B – Explosiv


arch Centre

HME Threa

ing CIED/EO.

ED Disrupte

he Test & Ev11-120, 201

eliminary Inv

ade ExplosivEngineering

of Homemat Office 2014

ON (HELLO)ber 2014. (In

ork in the ares, and a sum

the developdetails on thve Ordnance

2015) will re


ts - Task Pla

OD Capabili

er Equipmen

valuation of 1.


ves (HMEs) , New Mexic

de Explosive4.

) II TRIAL - Tn-progress).

ea of HME mmary of the pment of an he way forwe Disposal

equire buy-in

an EX-4083-

ty Gaps and

nt: Large

IED Disrupt

To Water-Jeco Institute o

es - Technic

Target plan,


way EOD ard



d to


et of



Page 6: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna



Annex A

Annex B

This Scientifany opinionsopinion or po © Her Majes © Sa Majest


: Research P

: Explosive O

fic Letter is a pubs expressed therosition of the Ca

sty the Queen in

té la Reine (en d


Ordnance D

blication of Defenrein, remain thosnadian Armed Fo

Right of Canada

roit du Canada),

isposal (EO

nce Research ane of the authors orces (CAF), De

a, as represented

telle que représ

D) Field Ref

nd Development and do not necepartment of Nati

d by the Minister

sentée par le min

ference Too

Canada. The repessarily represenonal Defence (D

r of National Defe

nistre de la Défen

l Framework

ported results, thnt, or otherwise reDND), or the Gov

ence, 2015

nse nationale, 20


heir interpretationeflect, any officiaernment of Cana


n, and al ada.

Page 7: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna


This resepredictiveeffort curmodellingwill asses


Field R

The objeof the EOand assewill be co

1. An ap(i.e.,

2. Literameth




3. Explo4. Explo

The main

Item Synopsis



The follo

1. Validvaria

x A Rese

earch plan he model toolrrently has ug contractor ss the plaus



ective of the fOD HME Fieessed, and gonducted un

ppropriate Hre-evaluate

ature reviewodologies an) The react) The proje

organizat) The energ

distances) The energ) The sensoring additiooring the effe

n deliverable

s Report

d Research

ctive Mod

wing activitie

ating the cobles?); and

earch Pla

as two mainl. The main encertain val(expected d

sibility of a pr

e Tool De

first phase oeld Referencgaps in existder the first

HME threat athe previouss along withnd experimetion of variou

ectile velocityions; gy delivered

s); gy/velocity/imitivity of varinal disruptoects of stand

es of this pha

DescripDraft a sresearccurrent b) PropoHME an(IEDD) tDevelopcompreChart.

el Tool D

es will be co

ncept of a p


n themes, theeffort in this ue, and is w

delivery end redictive mo


of this projece Tool. Mething researchphase of the

and neutralizs matrix to b field experi

ental setups us HME/projy of a variety

to a target a

mpulse thresous HME mr systems and-off, barriers

ase of the pr

ption synopsis onh that will: astudy, ose measurend Improvisetool developp an advanchensive EO


onducted und

redictive mo

e developmeproject will f

waiting for deFY 14/15, adel.


ct is to develohods and tesh will need toe project:

zation tool mbring it up to ments will bthat will deteectile veloci

y of disrupto

at a variety o

shold for detixes to shocnd HME mixs, and other

roject are:

the current a) Highlight g

es to addresed Explosivepment. ed researchD HME Field


der the mod

odel (i.e., wh

ent of a fieldfocus on the

elivery of a sand publishe

op a researcst procedureo be address

matrix must fidate with ree conductedermine: ity combinatrs used by t

of distances

tonation of ack, friction, axes; and r factors on t

state of the gaps in the

ss future trene Device Def

h plan for a md Reference

elling aspec

hat are the lim

d reference te former, sincoping repo

ed by end Ju

ch plan for thes will need tsed. The fol

rst be defineecent informad to explore

ions; he CAF and

s (e.g., for dif

a variety of eand temperat

the reactions


nds in feat


more e Tool


ct of the proje

mitations an

tool, and a ce the mode

ort from the ne 2015), w

he developmto be reviewlowing activi

ed ation); and validate

d public secu

fferent stand

explosives; ature.

s of HME.

te ne 30, 2015

ptember 30,


nd sensitive




ment wed ities

e the





Page 8: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna


2. Explodisrumean

The main

Item Contract Report ModellingPlan


The secofurther deefforts w

Field R


1. Supp2. Supp


3. Investhrou


The follodependin

1. Nume2. Inves

a mo

The main

Item Status R


The thirdframewo

oring differenptor projectins to create

n deliverable


g Research


ond phase oevelop the frill be based


possible ac

plementing inplementing inrent Standartions dictatestigating the gh field trial

ctive Mod

wing possibng on the pla

erical modelstigating/devre comprehe

n deliverable



d phase of thrk to produc

nt techniqueles. Modellina predictive

es of this pha


f the projectramework foon the mode

e Tool De

ctivities unde

nformation onformation od Operating ; and effects of bas.

el Tool D

le activities an in develop

lling of the inveloping a fraensive EOD

es of this pha

DescA stareseaframe

his project wice the EOD H

es for numering will help tcapability w

ase of the pr

cription ractor reportptors, and th

elop a researonse to wate

t will action tor the EOD Helling resear


er this phase

on other HMEon the effect


arriers on the


may be condpment:

nteraction ofamework fortool that wil

ase of the pr

cription atus report tharch, and deework.

ill compile thHME field re

ical modellinto validate ex

within the fiel

roject are:

t on the statehe interactiorch plan for er jets.

he researchHME field refrch plan dev


e are:

E mixes not of various s(SOP) (from

e sensitivity


ducted unde

f HME mixesr a predictivel provide an

roject are:

hat summariescribes the

he collected eference.

ng of the intexperimental ld reference

e of modellinon of the twomodelling of

h plan develoference. The

veloped in th

included in standoff distam different dis

results for t

er the model

s and disrupe initiation mn enduring ca

zes the comEOD HME f

data and co

eraction of H results and .

ng of HME, o. f HME

oped in the fe level and te previous p

the initial phances, to acsruptor man

he various H

lling aspect o

tor projectilemodel that coapability for

mpleted field referenc

ombine it wit

HME mixes aprovide a

DateJune 2015June 2015

first phase, atype of modephase.

hase; count for

nufacturers) a

HME mixes

of the projec

es; and ould be usedthe CAF.


ce March2016

h the develo




and elling



d as

h 31,


Page 9: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna

Field R


1. Comb2. Asse

comp3. Deve




1. Valid2. Impro3. Deter4. Deter

The mainresearchthe “off ra

Item Status R


This phafinal vers

The main

Item EOD HMReferencFinal Rep


s under this p

bine and synss any gaps

plete the fieldelop a plan tocation, etc.).

ctive Mod

s under this p

ate the modove the modrmine what trmine if furth

n deliverable, and descriamp” point fo



se of the prosion of the F

n deliverable

ME Field ce Tool Charport

e Tool De

phase are:

nthesize dats in the resead reference o make an e.

el Tool D

phase are:

del with expedel if possiblethe gaps areher effort in m

e of this phasbes the progor modelling

DescA stareseathe Emodeongo

oject is the eield Referen

es for this ph


rt A repEOD A repprese A plaif dee


a into the fiearch and pretool with the

electronic ve


erimental fiele; e and presenmodelling is

se of the progress made g efforts if the

cription atus report tharch, and pre

EOD HME fieelling efforts oing effort.

electronic toonce Tool is p

hase are:

cription port that pres

HME field rport that suments the elec

an is presentemed releva


eld referenceesent a plan e available drsion of the f


d trials;

nt solutions; viable with t

oject will be ain developinere is no val

hat summariesent any iseld referenceare discuss

ol developmpresented in

sents the noreference toommarizes thectronic EOD

ted to incorpnt.

e tool; to address ata; and field referen

and the available

a report thatng the EOD lue in contin

zes the comssues in the e tool. Statused, with a “g

ent phase apaper form

on-electronicol. e completed HME field r

porate the m

them, or exi

nce (e.g., e-b

e resources.

t summarizeHME field re


mpleted developmens of the go/no go” fo

and reportingand electron

c version of t

research, areference too

odelling effo

it the phase

book, mobile


es the compleference. Th


nt of


Dece31, 20

g phase. Thenic form.

Datethe March

2017and ol.


July 32017




leted his is

mber 016


h 30,


Page 10: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna



The prop



Work E

This FY wan estimaHME mixpreparatiand repo

Effort in tField tria


The fundefforts, a

Minor Pr

Trial supand cons


Travel toDirector the projepromote expendit


posed timelin


eld eference ev.





edictive odel ev.



Effort for

will encompaate of four toxes, and chaion and clea


the modellinls will be use

rces Req

ding will be dnd hired sup


plies. Purchsumables. E

meet with tLand Requir

ect, exchangeand exchanure: $8K.

ne for the fou

able A.1: Ga




eporting t ev./Plan odel xec. nalysis


FY 2015/

ass two phao six weeks aracterizationan up). Effort

g of HME reed to suppor


divided up intpport (studen


ase and repstimated exp

he end userrements (DLe informatioge ideas ab

ur phases is

antt Chart fo


Phase 1

Phase 1


ses of the pof trials invon of IEDD tot will also be

eactions will rt validation

to minor pronts). Details

plenishment penditure: $

r (Counter ImLR-7), EOD, n on SOP, aout the proje

s provided in

or Neutraliza





roject, plannolving the tesools and HMe required to

be requiredand develop

ocurement, trare provide

of DRDC – S17K.

mprovised ExTSWG) abo

and gain endect with US c

the Gantt c

ation of HME


Phase 2


Phase 2

Phase 3

ning and expst of IEDD eE sensitivitycomplete da

, with most opment of the

ravel, contraed below.

Suffield sup

xplosive Devout the requid user buy-incounterparts

chart below.

E Hazards.


se 3

Phase 4

Phase 4

perimentatioquipment ag

y (not includiata reductio

of this effort e modelling f

acting, suppo

plies of disru

vice Task Foirements andn. Travel to ts. Estimated


n. It will requgainst varioung trial n and analys

contracted. framework.

ort to other l

uptor equipm

orce (CIED Td deliverablethe US to d

uire us




TF), es of

Page 11: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna


Contracteare requi


Project S

Support wproject. E

Hired Su

Support wEstimate


ed services ired. Estimat

ed services are required


will be providEstimated ex


will be requid expenditu

from third-pted expendit

from third-pd. Estimated

ded to DRDxpenditure: $

red from a thre: $60K.

arty assistanture: $35K.

arty assistan expenditure

C – Valcartie$50K.

hird-year 16

nce in trial s

nce in modee: $150K.

er Research

-month inter

upport and d

elling suppor

h Centre from

rnship Mech

data reductio

rt and data re

m TSWG fun

hanical Engin

on and analy

eduction and

nds for the H

neering stud






Page 12: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna


AnnexTool F

This sectprovides

The y-axtested disvelocity isince it isdisruptor

A colour disruptorrepresenrepresenbetween

x B Draframewor

tion presentsa graphical

xis lists the Hsruptors. Ven the x-axis.s deemed sers used.

scheme is urs. Green repnts an observnts a high-ord

the reaction


ft Explosirk

s the draft frrepresentat

HME mixtureertical dotted. The figure ensitive data

used to reprepresents no ved reactionder detonatin zones (i.e.

ure B.1: Draf

ive Ordna

ramework fotion of the fra

es tested, whd red lines inexcludes the

a. Labels are

esent the reareaction, wi

n, such as a on of the mix, green to ye

ft Framewor

ance Disp

r the EOD Famework at

hile the x-axidicate the de mixture type used, with

action of theth a resultingdeflagrationxture. Hasheellow, yellow

rk for the EO

posal (EO

Field Referenthe time of p

is is the veloisruptor systpe, velocitiesgeneric nam

e HME mixesg dispersal o or low-graded lines repr

w to red, and

OD Field Ref

OD) Field

nce Tool. Figpublication o

ocity of the wtem that cors, and disru

mes to repres

s to the correof the HME

de exothermresent a tran green to red

ference Tool


gure B.1 on this repor

water jets frorresponds toptor names sent the

esponding mixture. Yelic reaction. Rnsition area d).




om o the

llow Red

Page 13: e Made Explosives (HME) Hazards · e HME mixt nd may be d having enou ff the charg explosives (likely in the ould be use sensitivity o IDDEC TSW ards ADO 02.11 search, a osive Ordna

The HMEPC206-0chosen foPC206-0refining ttools and

Some ge

1. The cformu

2. Therevariet

3. The uintera

4. HMErepea

The obsecampaigSeptemb

E mixtures te0204RD, andor testing ar

0204RD, andhe choice of

d mixtures us

eneral observ

chosen mixtuulations. e are large aty of water jeuse of velociaction. consistencyatability of ex

ervations pren that will be

ber 30, 2015

ested are bad represent are also basedd represent lf the threat tsed can be o

vations abou

ures represe

areas of tranet velocities)ity as an ind

y (i.e., densixperiments a

esented aboe elaborated.

ased on preva cross sectd on previouow to high wto tool matrixobtained fro

ut Figure B.1

ent a good c

nsition zones). icator may n

ty, ratio, voidand sensitiv

ove will be thd on in the ne

vious work coion of mixturus work comwater jet velox presented m the autho

1 and the res


s that will req

not be fully r

ds, particle sity of HME to

he basis for text deliverab

ompleted unres observed

mpleted undeocities. Furthhere. Furthe


sults are tha

of sensitive

quire further


size) likely po mechanica

the more advble, the Adva

nder the CRTd in theatre.

er the CRTI pher study wier informatio


and insensi

r exploration

ve of disrupt

plays a largeal insult.

vanced expeanced Rese

TI project The disruptproject ll be focused

on on the act

tive HME

(use a high


role in the

erimental arch Plan du



d on tual

