Drugs and Brain

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  • 8/13/2019 Drugs and Brain



    Hello. Welcome to Coursera. Welcome to the California Institute of Technology, Cal

    Tech. My name is Henry Lester. I'll serve as the instructor for this course on drugs

    and the brain. We're going to start with two modules, each about six minutes long.

    These are introductions, and so there won't be, there will be no assessments

    after these two. Introductory modules. I'll show you the kinds of images that

    we'll, we'll be using, the kinds of concepts we'll be using, and the kind of

    pace that we will be using. we'll be learning some pharmacology, of course, a

    bit of neuroscience, not so much as I would like to teach you, but there will be

    other courses on that. Some biochemistry, some biophysics, and of course, a little

    bit of disease orientation. So let's get started with this first module. An overview like some

    basic science. First we'll ask what is a drug, and we'll give four examples. We'll give as an

    example nicotine, the addictive drug from tobacco. We'll be coming back to nicotine and the

    nicotine system fairly often in this course, because it is the research of my laboratory. And I'm

    interested both in nicotine as an addictive drug and also in the fact that people who use.

    Tobacco for many years seemed to have a lower, not a

    higher, but a lower incidence of

    Parkinson's disease. Then we'll talk about

    protein. during our first, introduction to

    what's a drug, a local anaesthetic, a

    synthetic one. We'll discuss more theme. a

    pain reliever which is also addictive

    during our first module on what's a drug.

    And during our module on what's a drug

    we'll also talk about botulinum toxin.

    Botulinum toxin may be one of the first of

    the protein drugs that can be used on the

    nervous system and we'll discuss its

    advantages and its many uses these days.

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    Of course, drugs in the brain also

    requires us to talk about the brain. as we

    mentioned, I'll introduce just a bit of

    neuroscience. for instance the

    relationship between the brain and the

    spinal cord, in the central nervous

    system. Some of the terms we use to

    discuss the brain, and some of the basic

    concepts. We'll talk about large scale

    circuits of neurons, small scale circuits

    of neurons, nerve cells. The contact

    between individual neurons. The little

    chemical hop from a pre-synaptic neuron to

    a post-synpatic neuron. We talk this

    little chemical hop the synapse, of

    course. I'll remind you that an adult

    brain contains about ten to the eleventh

    neurons, 100 billion neurons, and each of

    these might receive about 1000 synapses a

    piece, for a total of about ten to the

    fourteen synapses. Nearly all of these

    form during the first two years of life.

    And so a fetus and an infant is very busy

    making about a million synapses per

    second. No wonder they get so tired. Then

    of course we, we'll talk about drug

    receptors. I'll remind you that most drug

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    receptors are membrane proteins. Here is

    our example. the nicotenic acetone coleine

    receptor. It has a region where drugs

    bind, a region that goes through a

    membrane, and a region that has a, that

    expands into the plas, into the cytosome.

    Down here at the bottom of the slide is a

    length to a database at the NIH, the

    National Institutes of Health, which will

    give you a three dimensional structure

    that you can manipulate yourself to

    understand the basic. Parts of a protein

    and the basic structural themes. we'll be

    posting slides that have URLs on them on

    the course website, so that you can follow

    these URLs yourself without any further

    work. in terms of drug receptors being

    membrane proteins, and again here the

    nicotine receptor. Here is actually the

    best resolution we have of the binding a

    nuclear molecule binding to its receptor.

    And then we'll go on to talk about the

    link between binding to a receptor and

    activating another part of the receptor.

    Here, we will talk about activating a

    channel. Of course we'll do this for

    receptors in addition to this example, the

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    nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. An

    important other aspect of drug action on

    ion channels is the fact that drugs block

    ion channels, in many cases literally,

    like a plug in a drain. Here is a .

    To skim cartoon of these single channel

    recording. We'll mention single channel

    recording briefly. And we'll discuss the

    fact that when the plug is in the ion

    channel it doesn't conduct, but when the

    plug is out the ion channel conducts as

    usual. We'll talk about how sometimes

    these plugs get stuck in ion channels, and

    that's the basis for anti-epileptic drugs

    and for anti-arrhythmic drugs in the

    heart. Having talked about IN channels,

    we'll, and a little bit of electricity,

    we'll then go to an important part where

    we discuss drugs acting on G protein

    pathways. The G protein coupled receptor

    is a bit more complex as a. Pathway than

    IN channels. We have the receptor itself,

    with seven transmembrane helices. We have

    the G protein. We have the effector for

    the G protein. We'll spend some time

    discussing several aspects of this

    pathway, because it has several different

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    types of, of the action in the brain. And

    then we'll talk about how to measure the

    intracellular effects of G protein coupled

    receptors, and of the ion channels. We can

    measure some intracellular effects using

    advanced microscopy, live cell imaging,

    usually with fluoroscence. And we can

    measure other effects using biochemistry.

    I'll stop here and let you absorb this

    material. I do want to remind you to see

    two items on the course website. The first

    is my sources of research funding. A

    professional would call this my

    disclaimers. and the second disclaimer is

    about medical advice. You should not take

    medical advice from me or infer that I'm

    giving you medical advice, and you should

    not use this course to give medical advice

    to any friend or family member. See you in

    a little while when we go to the second

    introductory module.

    Hello. Welcome back to drugs and the brain

    at Caltech and Coursera. This is Henry

    Lester at Caltech and, just to prove it,

    here is my Cal-tech pocket protector. and

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    I'll just stick it right back here in my

    pocket for the rest of today's session.

    And it will be there most times, most

    days. We're going to talk mostly about

    diseases in this brief introductory

    module. Reminder that there will be no

    assessments after this module, but from

    the next one on there will be assessments.

    The first topic is, that drugs act on

    transporters. In particular,

    neurotransmitter transporters. Two often

    used classes of drugs these days, are

    first of all drugs that act on the sodium

    coupled citoplasma membrane or cell

    membrane: serotonin transporters. Drugs

    that act on the serotonin transporters are

    both drugs of therapy and of abuse, the

    therapeutic drugs or the serotonin

    selective reuptake inhibitors or SSRI's.

    They are antidepressants, and they have

    trademarks that we are all, familiar with.

    And they block the uptake of serotonin,

    mostly into presynaptic nerve endings.

    Another class of neurotransmitter

    transporter blockers, also have uses both

    in therapy and in abuse. These are

    the Dopamine transporter blockers. Here is

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    Dopamine. These transporters

    are also expressed on pre synaptic nerve

    terminals. They are also sodium coupled.

    They have trademarks that are familiar to

    us and there are other drugs that work

    on these Dopamine transporters that are drugs

    of abuse,such as Cocaine and Amphetamine.

    this will put us in a position to

    understand all of the major classes of

    recreational drugs. Now the recreational

    drugs are not necessarily drugs of abuse.

    a very familiar recreational drug is

    caffeine, and I may be partaking

    of this recreational drug from time to

    time during our course. I'll have a little

    sip now. in addition we'll be talking

    about LSD, morphine and heroin,

    tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, cocaine, PCP or

    phencyclidine and of course nicotine, the

    topic of my research. So this will be our

    constellation of recreational drugs and

    we'll spend a couple of modules talking

    about how they work on each of their

    target molecules : their receptors. We'll

    move to the topic of drug dependence or

    addiction, and we will use those terms

    more or less independently. We'll talk

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    about the major components of addiction


    dependence. First tolerance and then

    dependence, and goal seeking behavior.

    Tolerance means that an organism becomes

    less sensitive to the drug as time

    goes on, and dependence means that an organism cannot

    function normally without that drug, and

    goal seeking behavior means that the

    organism tries to get that drug. we'll

    discuss the metabolic and cellular

    mechanisms of tolerance. again using as an

    example nicotine addiction we will talk

    about the various components of an

    addiction. The fact for instance that

    nicotine gives a sense of well being but

    also some nicotine addicts believe that

    they think better when they smoke and

    that's called cognitive sensitization.

    Some people smoke for stress relief, some

    people smoke because they are fairly sure

    that if they stop smoking, they're going

    to gain ten to fifteen pounds in the first

    year. And some people smoke and get

    nicotine in order to self-medicate. So the

    question becomes in every case of drug

    abuse and dependence : what are the changes

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    in the brain during chronic exposure to

    that drug? And we'll try to address some

    of those questions during this course. in

    order to address these questions we have

    to go all the way from genes, through gene

    expression RNA, through proteins, through

    the differences between the exogenous

    drugs (the ones that come from outside)

    versus the indigenous (the natural

    neurotransmitters), how the drugs bind to

    their receptors, the intercellular events

    that occur after cells bind repeatedly,

    for days or weeks. Effects on neurons.

    Effects on the junction between neurons,

    the synapses. Effects on circuits of

    neurons and finally effects on behavior.

    so this is a complex topic. We'll t ry to

    touch upon all of these topics during the

    course. in particular we'll talk about how

    activation of a G Protein coupled pathway

    for prolonged periods of time, can lead to

    changes at the level of genes and how

    this can be hijacked by nicotine

    receptors and by other receptors, that can

    introduce intra-cellular messengers on

    their own. This is thought to be a major

    component of drug addiction. So here is a

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    graph, schematic, of a pathway of the sort

    I just told you about. Nicotine receptors

    leading to intra-cellular transmitters,

    and leading to gene activation. Now the

    course is not going to emphasize nicotine

    addiction to the extent that this

    introduction does, but it's a convenient

    way of tying the introduction together. So

    then, we will be in a position to talk

    about drugs for neural diseases and a

    classical drug in that respect in use for

    just about 40 years now is L-dopa or

    levodopa. And we'll discuss how levodopa

    gets converted by an enzyme. An enzyme is

    a protein that's a catalyst from the

    Greek, to leaven, as in, and the enzyme

    that levels bread from yeast. We'll talk

    about how this enzyme converts L-dopa to

    dopamine itself. L-dopa does enter the

    brain but dopamine does not. And so this

    will give us an opportunity to

    re-emphasize the important aspects of

    blood brain barrier, and drug entry into

    the brain. indeed parkinson's disease,

    which is treated with L-Dopa, will be an

    example for neuro-degeneration, and we'll

    talk about that more than we talk about

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    Alzheimers, or ALS. Parkinson's disease

    involves degeneration of neurons that make

    dopamine in a particular region of the

    brain, the Substantia Nigra. We'll then

    move on to drugs for psychiatric diseases.

    We'll treat them as chemicals. We'll talk

    about their permeation through membranes

    and of course their targets. A major

    question for psychiatric drugs is what

    happens during the two to three weeks

    that it takes between the time a person

    starts taking a psychiatric drug and the

    time he feels completely better. This is a

    topic that is of great interest to me in

    my present research and to all psychiatric

    researchers as well. The answers are not

    known. An exception is the novel

    antidepressant ketamine, called on the

    street Special K. Ketamine exerts it's

    antidepressant effects within about two

    hours. However, when used at higher doses,

    Ketamine also causes hallucinations, and

    many other kinds of unpleasant

    behavior, so, this is an active field of

    research for drug companies. Another

    classical by now anti-depressant, is

    fluoxetine, also known as prozac. This one

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    is one of the psychiatric drugs that takes

    two to three weeks to act. We'll also talk

    about the anti-psychotic drugs, those that

    are used primarily for schizophrenia as

    well as for bi-polar disease. We'll

    discuss the classical anti-psychotic drug

    chlorpromazine. And its benefits and its

    side effects and some newer classes of

    psychotic drugs. The so called

    atypical antipsychotics such as clozapine

    whose trademark is clozaril. And of course

    we'll be coming back to nicotine from time

    to time too which is used by

    schizophrenics to self medicate. A good

    example of a patient with probable bipolar

    disease was the painter van Gogh who had a

    meteoric unfortunately short career and at

    the end of that career, he did kill

    himself. So, this will be our exemplar

    bipolar patient. And one of our exemplar

    schizophrenia cases will be David

    Helfgott, the subject of the movie "Shine",

    the great pianist, we'll talk about

    his life and about his psychotic

    episodes, all based on the book by his

    wife, and we'll discuss the medications

    that he now takes, again, according to the

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    biography by his wife. We may also have

    the chance to talk about another famous

    psychiatric patient John Nash, who was the

    topic of the movie "A beautiful mind".

    Then, toward the end of the course we're

    going to come back to this mystery about

    what happens during the two to three weeks

    that constitute the therapeutic lag: the

    time that a patient takes before he feels

    completely better. We'll talk about the

    fact that contemporary ideas about

    psychiatric drugs emphasized binding to

    classical targets, but that an idea that

    I'm very fond of called 'inside-out drug

    action', emphasizes binding to the same

    targets but actually within the cell, in

    the endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi's system. Then we'll turn to this

    interesting topic of developing new drugs

    for the brain. And we'll talk about

    Eroom's law, note that Eroom is moore

    spelled backwards. Moore's law applies to

    semiconductors and to computers, and

    Moore's law basically says that it gets

    cheaper by a factor of two every eighteen

    months, a factor of ten every five years,

    to do data processing. Well just the

    opposite applies to drugs these days, and

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    has applied to drugs for the last sixty

    years. You can develop fewer and fewer

    drugs per billion dollars spent on R&D

    spending. This is a particular problem

    with neural drugs. We'll talk about the

    prospects for changing this process, and

    perhaps one of you students, as a result

    of this course, will be motivated to. Get

    a new idea that changes the course of

    Eroom's Law. So, I'll just remind you to

    look at the disclosures on the course web

    page and the disclaimer about medical

    advice and, next time we'll talk about

    what is a drug. Thank you so much.

    Hello. In this session, we'll discuss more

    about the nature of drugs as chemicals. In

    particular, we'll talk about their

    permeation, their entry into the nervous

    system and into the brain, and then we'll

    spend a few minutes talking about a

    particular protein drug, botulinum toxin.

    First routes into the nervous system.

    Nicotine enters the nervous system, and

    then the brain, via one of several routes.

    It can be smoked, which is the way about a

    billion people around the world get

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    nicotine. it can be chewed, either as

    tobacco leaves or as nicotine gum. And it

    can enter through skin patches as well.

    Many people use nicotine patches. As a way

    to stop smoking which is an important

    goal. Procaine and other local anesthetics

    are generally injected into the sites

    where one wants to dull pain. Dentists use

    procaine a great deal, so do other

    physicians. Some local anesthetics related

    to procaine can also be put into creams,

    for instance for sunburn relief, and in

    the creams they can diffuse into the skin

    and cause local pain relief. Morphine can

    be smoked from the opium poppy. It can be

    injected by the physician or by the drug

    abuser. And, it is also fairly copen,

    common to bring morphine into the body by

    a suppository. So, each of these ways is

    appropriate for morphine. And, finally

    botulinum toxin. When used

    therapeutically, it's usually injected

    when one gets botulism, botulinum

    poisoning. That's because one typically

    eats food that's contaminated with

    botulinum toxin. So, there are various

    routes into the nervous system. Let's

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    discuss permeation through membranes and

    through lipid barriers. This is a key

    concept in drugs in the brain. When eh,

    we're going to treat a general drug, an

    alkaloid, as having an R group and these

    Rs can be many groups as we saw in

    previously. so R is a general group and

    we'll concentrate on the amine group. This

    is a primary amine. NH2 group contained

    within the drug. This is a neutral form of

    the drug and we get the neutral form of

    the drug by taking it in through the mouth

    or the stomach o r the lungs as in this

    picture here. Neutral forms of drugs are

    quite permeable through lipids, through

    fats, especially through the membranes.

    And, so, typically neutral forms of drugs

    go through membranes quite easily.

    However, it is the active charged form,

    which is usually the form that interacts

    with the drug receptor. So the neutral

    form takes up the proton, becomes

    protonated, charged and this is the form

    that interacts with the receptor. This

    protonation deprotonation takes only a

    millisecond or so and it can occur either

    in the blood or the brain or it can occur

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    outside the blood and the brain, in the

    lungs, or the stomach, or the mouth. So,

    that's a general statement about alkaloid

    drugs and about synthetic drugs as well

    that contain amines. And in general when

    we have higher pH this tends to take the

    proton off the charged form of the drug.

    So, we have the neutral form of the drug.

    And, so in general, higher pH at a site in

    the mouth or the stomachs or the lungs. A

    more basic solution gives us more of the

    drug in the neutral form, which is able to

    permeate through membranes. Let's take as

    an example, nicotine's path from the lungs

    to the blood and the brain. Nic-, tobacco

    leaves are roughly five percent nicotine

    by weight. So the vaporized nicotine for

    instance from smoking is a neutral form,

    it has the N, now has the CH3. So it's a

    tertiary amine. it gets through a total of

    three cells and six membranes in going

    from the lungs to the blood, and then the

    brain. Two membranes in the alveolar

    epithelium, and four membranes in the

    capillary from the blood to the brain. And

    again, we have the neutral form of

    nicotine, permeating as smokers know

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    within just a few seconds from the lungs

    to the brain. A very important process

    that takes place roughly 150 billion times

    around the world everyday when a smoker

    takes a puff. In the brain the nicotine

    molecule is a weak base, and so it can

    easily gain or lose a proton, again, in

    milliseconds. Its pK is, pKa is eight,

    that is, at pK eight it is roughly half

    protonated and h alf deprotonated. And it

    is again the protonated, charged form of

    nicotine that interacts with nicotine

    receptors. The same kind of equilibrium.

    Occurs in the lungs as well, and the

    cigarette manufacturers know this. And, so

    they put ammonium hydroxide in their

    cigarettes to maintain neutral pH, or to

    make it basic. The result is that the

    proton leaves. The nicotine, and that

    nicotine is able to be able to be more in

    its permanent form and permeates through

    the cell membranes. So that is the path

    from the lungs to the blood and the brain

    taken by nicotine in just a few seconds.

    And it obviously depends very importantly

    on having a neutral permeant form of

    nicotine, even though the charged form is

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    what interacts later on with the

    receptors. So if we look at the

    concentrations of nicotine in the blood

    during and after a cigarette, nicotine

    enters the blood and from the end eh. It's

    probably even faster than shown on this

    slide although, it's difficult to measure

    it terribly fast. But, within a minute or

    so, Nicotine appears in the blood and in

    the brain. And, then it rapidly gets

    metabolized, gets broken down. We'll talk

    about. enzymes and other processes that

    break down drugs in the body in a later

    session. Here's another example of neutral

    drug permeation. It has to do with

    Parkinson's Disease. In Parkinson's

    Disease, most of the neurons that make

    dopamine degenerate, and so the challenge

    is to replace the dopamine in the brain.

    Dopamine, however, does not enter the

    brain. It's charged. As a result,

    therapists physicians use levodopa or

    L-dopa, which is zwitterionic. It has no

    net charge and easily permeates through

    membranes, gets into the gets into the

    brain where it is decarboxylated by an

    enzyme. Remember that an enzyme is a

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    catalytic protein. So this decarboxylase

    gives us dopamine which can then, in the

    brain, which can then be taken up by

    neurons. So this is a pro-drug, if you

    like. A molecule that is not itself a

    drug, but is a precursor to a drug, and is

    made into a drug by the body's own

    enzymes. Now , the blood-brain barrier is

    a special structure. Made by cells lining

    the capillary wall called endothelial

    cells. the capillaries, the smallest blood

    vessels come in two forms. In the

    periphery, outside the brain, the

    capillaries have spaces in between the

    endothelial cells. Leave this space here

    through which a large number of molecules

    can diffuse. Proteins, non-polar

    molecules, polar molecules such as

    glucose. But in the brain, as we'll see,

    there are tight junctions. seals between

    the endothelial cells and as a result

    molecules cannot leave the capillary and

    go into the brain unless they're small

    non-polar molecules. So only small

    non-polar molecules can diffuse out of the

    capillary. Here's another view of the

    endothelial cells forming the blood brain

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    barrier. We have a capillary surrounded by

    endothelial cells with the tight

    junctions, and here are the red blood

    cells in the capillary. It used to be

    thought that the glial cells formed the

    blood brain barrier. They have feet, these

    are glial cells, astrocytes, which extend

    end feets or end to feet around the

    capillary. It used to be thought that

    glial cells are the basis of the

    blood-brain barrier, but now we know it's

    in the filial cells. The structural basis

    of tight junctions is a structure called.

    sorry the structural basis of the blood

    brain barrier is a set of proteins called

    tight junctions. So here are two

    epithelial cells, one is here. One is

    here. They each have double-layered

    membranes. In these double-layered

    membranes are proteins that make up these

    so-called tight junctions. And, you can

    think of them as zippers that zip together

    the two cells that make up an epithelium

    or an endothelio, endothelium. So, we have

    one extracellular solution up here,

    perhaps the blood. Another extracellular

    solution, down here, perhaps the brain.

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    And, the tight junctions occur only in the

    brain capillaries and prevent molecules

    from diffusing through. Drugs in the body

    and in cells are an important topic in

    drugs in the brain and in new development

    for medicatio n.

    There is acid-based equilibrium and

    permeability which we discussed

    protonation and deprotonation. We've

    discussed uptake from the stomach, uptake

    from smoke crossing the cell membrane.

    There's another topic, short-circuiting of

    synaptic vesicles. We'll discuss that

    topic later in. in later sessions. And

    likewise we'll discuss neurotransmitter

    transport inhibitors. In, later sessions.

    We've discussed the blood-brain barrier.

    And, a bit about its molecular base, basis

    clearly the fact that the blood-brain

    barrier allows molecules to work in the

    periphery but not in the brain is an

    opportunity for drug specificity, and many

    drugs utilize that opportunity. But it's

    also a problem for drug delivery, and how

    to get around the blood-brain barrier is

    going to be a very interesting problem

    over the next few years as we try to

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    develop better drugs for the brain. We'll

    stop here and go on to botulinum toxin in

    another session.