Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town October 2013

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town

October 2013

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1. Problem Statement 1

1.1 Parking provision and issues 1

1.2 Mechanisms adopted to address parking matters 3

2. Desired Outcomes 3

3. Strategic Intent 3

4 Policy Parameters 5

4.1 Parking categories 5

4.2 Broader impact of parking on transport and land use 5

4.3 Parking policy principles 6

5 Role players and stakeholders 7

6. Regulatory Context 8

6.1 Legislation and by-laws 8

6.2 Strategies and policies 8

7. Parking Policy Directives 8

8. Implementation Framework 16

8.1 Potential risks that may impede policy implementation 20

9. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review 21

List of Figures:

Figure 1: Strategic intent of the Draft Parking Policy 4

List of Tables:

Table 1: Overview of main parking categories 5

Table 2: Parking policy principles 6

Table 3: Role of the City in the parking system 7

Table 4: City stakeholders in addressing parking matters 7

List of Annexures:

Annexure A: Guidelines for implementation of managed parking 22

Annexure B: Performance parking pricing principles 24

Annexure C: Criteria for the demarcation of PT1 and PT2 areas 26

Annexure D: Example of parking permit for disabled people 27

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Document Control

Policy title

Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town

Reference code

Code to be provided by Executive Committee Support Services

Line Department and Director

Planning Department, Director: M Mazaza


October 2013

Document status

Draft document

Next review date

Five years from approval.

Contact details

Director, Planning Department

M Mazaza

Tel: 021-400 5309

Email: [email protected]

Manager, Transport Planning Branch

D Cupido

Tel: 021-400 5198

Email: [email protected]


T Kok

Tel: 021-400 3262

Email: [email protected]

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BRT Bus Rapid Transit

CITP Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan

CTZS Cape Town Zoning Scheme

DFA Development Facilitation Act (Act No 12 of 2007)

IDP Integrated Development Plan

IPTN Integrated Public Transport Network

IRPTN Integrated Rapid Public Transport Networks

ITP Integrated Transport Plan

LEA’s Law Enforcement Agencies (Law Enforcement, Metro Police and Traffic


LOS Level of Service

LUPO Land Use Planning Ordinance (15 of 1985)

PBDM Planning and Building Development Management Department

MCCM Marketing, Communications and Change Management

MFPFA Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (Act No 12 of 2007)

MSA Municipal Systems Act (Act No 21 of 2000)

NATMAP National Transport Master Plan

NLTA National Land Transport Act (Act 5 of 2009)

NLTSF National Land Transport Strategic Framework

NMT Non-Motorised Transport

PLTF Provincial Land Transport Framework

PMT Project Management Team

PRASA Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa

PSDF Provincial Spatial Development Framework

PT Public Transport

SDF Spatial Development Framework

SPUD Spatial Planning and Urban Design Department

SRA Special Rates Area

TCT Transport for Cape Town

TDM Travel Demand Management

TIS Transport Impact Study

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


1. Problem Statement

During the past few years a number of key transport trends have emerged in the City of Cape

Town which have direct and indirect influence on the development of the Draft Parking Policy.

These trends include the following:

Growth in ownership and use of private vehicles and motorcycles.

Increase in peak period traffic congestion and all day traffic volumes.

Increase in road based freight movement and delivery activities.

Deterioration of Metrorail and bus services.

Gradual roll-out of improved public transport.

Change in nature and activity of commercial nodes and centres (such as Cape Town CBD,

Wynberg, Claremont, Bellville, Kuilsrivier, Durbanville and Somerset-West).

Decentralisation in the form of regional shopping centres.

Urban growth and sprawl.

As a result, the availability and management of road space and parking in particular, has

become an increasingly complex and controversial issue for residents, commuters, visitors and


1.1 Parking provision and issues

While parking is provided in different forms (categories) City-wide, each of these categories

experience specific issues which needs to be addressed.

Overview of on-street parking and issues

In the City there are managed parking bays (priced parking with time limits), parking bays with

time limits only and unmanaged parking bays. Issues being experienced include:

Time limits are ignored on a large scale in the City due to limited enforcement capacity by

Traffic Services.

High level of non-payment in managed parking areas due to the limited enforcement

capacity by Traffic Services.

Negative perception created by the informal parking attendants in the public street space.

Overview of off-street parking and issues

While public on-street parking exists as managed parking (priced parking with time limits) and

unmanaged parking, off-street parking is generally privately owned and reserved for private use,

except for City owned managed parking areas. Off-street parking is provided according to the

minimum parking requirements for respective land use types as determined in the CTZS

regulations. Issues being experienced include:

No disincentives exist for parking provision in excess of the minimum requirements. The

CTZS regulations set minimum parking requirements and no instruments have been

implemented to set maximum parking standards.

New developments in close proximity (walkable distance) of public transport are required to

comply with the parking requirements for Standard Areas (CTZS) with a reduction subject to

a Departure Application.

Off-street parking is generally reserved for use by a single user and therefore not available

for casual parking users. This result in an inefficient use of space.

The conversion of current parking garage space to other uses is hampered by structural and

design aspects such as floor to roof height.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


Overview of Park & Ride facilities and issues

During the 1980’s a number of Park & Ride facilities were provided at commuter rail stations

throughout the City. Most of the rail Park & Ride facilities are located close to residential areas

and facilitate the use of rail public transport. Park & Ride facilities associated with the BRT

stations and stops are also developed with the implementation of the BRT network and stations.

Issues being experienced include:

Demand for parking exceeding the supply at a number of rail stations (eg Eersterivier,

Meltonrose, Kuilsrivier and Bellville Stations).

Lack of integrated management plans at Park & Ride facilities associated with rail stations.

High operational cost of security and maintenance services.

Overview of loading bays and issues

Off-street loading bays are provided in accordance with the requirements of the CTZS

regulations. On-street loading bays is demarcated by the City in public street space subject to

requirements for loading operations. Issues experienced include:

On-street congestion of freight vehicles due to demand for loading activities.

Loading bays are frequently used by short stay parking users in order to avoid parking tariffs

which impacts negatively on loading operations.

Enforcement of loading bays has proven to be difficult due to limited enforcement capacity

by Traffic Services.

Informal “parking areas” on road verges where freight vehicles park and stay overnight.

Overview of bus bays and issues

The Parking By-law makes provision for the reservation of parking bays for minibus taxis, public

transport vehicles and tour busses. The availability of bus bays at stops and stations enable the

safe loading of passengers and therefore support the efficient operations of road based public

transport. Issues being experienced include:

Bus bays are used by short stay parking users in order to avoid parking tariffs which impacts

negatively on bus operations.

Lack of facilities for long distance city to city bus services have resulted in informal “stops”

for the collection and drop-off of passengers at the road side.

Overview of parking permits and reserved parking and issues

The Parking By-law makes provision for the following parking permits: Medical Parking

Permit, Residents Parking Permit, Temporary Parking Permit, Work Zone Permit and Municipal

Work Parking Permit. Special Events Permits have been introduced in Green Point area and

are only valid on event days at the Cape Town Stadium. The Parking By-law makes provision

for reserved parking for the disabled, diplomatic corps and SAPS. Issues experienced include:

Reserved parking bays are often illegally used by short term parking users due to a lack of

clear policy guidance and the limited enforcement capacity by Traffic Services.

The parking disc for the disabled is a general permit for a disabled person and not allocated

to a specific person or vehicle and valid for an indefinite period.

Overview of motorcycle and bicycle parking and issues

In terms of the CTZS the City may require that off-street parking be provided for motorcycles

and bicycles at new developments. New developments do not make adequate provision for on-

street motorcycle parking with the result that motorcycles are often parked in open areas and

sidewalks. Issues being experienced include:

Limited availability of motorcycle and bicycle parking both on-street and off-street.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


1.2 Mechanisms adopted to address parking matters

In the absence of a city-wide parking policy, the following mechanisms have been adopted to

address a range of parking matters: Cape Town Zoning Scheme (CTZS), managed parking

practice, Park & Ride facilities, Parking By-law, and the Interim Policy Framework and Strategy

for the Pricing of Parking in the City of Cape Town.

The CTZS currently sets out the minimum off-street parking standards required for different

land uses and includes the mechanism to identify PT1 and PT2 areas.

Managed parking management practice in the City consists of time limits, priced parking and

reserved parking bays. Time limits and tariffs promotes high turnover of parking bays,

resulting in more availability of parking bays for short term parking users in high parking

demand areas. Strict time limits and high tariffs improve turnover, but may cause users to

park elsewhere, resulting in undesired parking demand in other areas directly outside

parking management areas (spill-over parking).

During the 1980‘s a number of Park & Ride facilities were provided at commuter rail stations

throughout the city. Most of these Park & Ride facilities are located close to residential

areas and are orientated to facilitate an increase in public transport use to the CBD.

The Parking By-law regulates public parking within the City’s area; facilitates the

enforcement of parking regulations; and addresses impermissible conduct related to

parking. It also covers parking permits, payment for parking, where people may park

(including controlled parking grounds) and regulates taxi and bus parking.

Parking tariffs and the alignment between on-street and off-street parking tariffs influence

where people park (car parking). Higher off-street tariffs promote the use of on-street

parking and vice versa. Parking tariffs may also determine the accepted walking distance to

destinations as parking on the fringe of urban nodes may be more affordable than parking in

high parking demand areas such as commercial streets.

2. Desired Outcomes

The desired outcome is the development of a comprehensive Parking Policy that is a guiding

and supporting component of the City’s overarching policy framework, provides principles,

policies and actions to guide parking provision, management, regulation, enforcement and

pricing and adequately address issues related on-street parking, off-street parking, park-and-

ride facilities, loading bays, bus bays and reserved parking.

3. Strategic Intent

The strategic intent of the Policy is to address private car dependency proactively through

Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies and support public transport use where possible.

The conventional response to high demand for parking is to provide additional parking to

accommodate increasing private car use. Abundant parking supply, especially at travel

destinations, promotes increasing private car use which results in the need for more parking.

This is referred to as the cycle of private car dependency. Proactive use of TDM strategies can

break the cycle of private car dependency and assist with establishing more sustainable travel

patterns eg use of public transport (bus and rail services).

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


The strategic significance of the draft Policy is that it will be both a guiding and supporting

component of the City’s overarching policy framework. The draft Policy provides integration

between the higher order strategies and policies and the parking mechanisms (CTZS, managed

parking practice, Park & Ride facilities, Parking By-law and pricing strategies).

The strategic significance of supporting higher order strategies and policies and guiding the

parking mechanisms is reflected in the Figure 1.

Figure 1: Strategic intent of the Draft Parking Policy

The draft Policy is in strategic alignment the following higher order strategies and policies:

One Cape 2040 Agenda

Economic Growth and Social Development Strategies

Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2012 - 2017

Cape Town Spatial Development Framework (SDF) 2012

Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan (CITP) 2013 – 2018

The City’s statutory CITP sets the long term vision, goals and objectives for transport and

provides a five year plan for transport. The draft Policy has been incorporated as a sector

plan in the City’s draft CITP 2013-2018.

Travel Demand Management (TDM) Strategy

Transport for Cape Town (TCT)

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


The draft Policy is aligned with the IDP and its five Strategic Focus Areas (SFA’s), is through

the following actions:

Opportunity City: Support turnover of parking bays in high parking demand areas areas.

Safe City: Support for non-motorised transport (NMT).

Caring City: Support new system to address reserved parking for the disabled.

Inclusive City: Provides a comprehensive approach to parking for the City’s area.

Well-run City: Provides direction for consistent decision making.

4. Policy Parameters

The draft Policy is a comprehensive parking policy to guide parking provision, management,

regulation, enforcement and pricing City-wide. The draft Policy aims to influence travel

behaviour - when and where people travel by car and other transport modes and therefore

affects a wide range of people, organisations and locations.

4.1 Parking categories

The draft Policy is structured along the following six main parking categories: on-street parking,

off-street parking, Park & Ride facilities, loading bays, bus bays and parking permits and

reserved parking. .

Table 1: Overview of main parking categories

Theme Description

On-street parking • Kerb side parking (marked and un-marked).

• Priced parking with time limits in managed parking areas.

Off-street parking • Predominantly linked to new developments and privately owned.

• Consists of open parking, shaded parking or parking garages.

• Can be reserved for single use or be accessible for causal users.

Park & Ride facilities • Dedicated off-street parking in close proximity to public transport.

Loading bays • Allows for loading and unloading of goods.

• Can be located both on-street and off-street.

Bus bays • Provided for road based public transport at stations and stops.

Parking permits • Medical Parking Permit, Residents Parking Permit, Resident Parking Permits, Temporary Parking Permit, Work Zone Permit and Municipal Work Parking Permit.

Reserved parking • Reserved Parking for the disabled, diplomatic corps, South African Police Services and other identified groups.

Motorcycle and bicycle parking

• Located on-street and off-street.

4.2 Broader impact of parking on transport and land use

Integrating transport planning requires the coherent planning of the transport modes and

acknowledging the impact that interventions may have on other components of the transport

system. Travel demand and mode choice is influenced by the three inter-related aspects of

transport quality, land use and chain mobility. Transport policies should note the

interrelationship between these elements and consider the short, medium and long term impact

as a result of a change to any of these aspects.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


4.3 Parking policy principles

Based on the direction provided by the existing regulatory context and the direction set out by

the One Cape 2040 Agenda, Economic Growth and Social Development Strategies, IDP, SDF,

CITP, TDM Strategy, the following policy principles have been drafted to inform and guide the

draft Policy.

Table 2: Parking policy principles

Policy Principles Policy Elements

1. Public parking is part

of the public right of


• Public street space is part of the public space and must be

shared equitably between different users.

Different demands on public street space must be resolved

ito the following ranking:

o Pedestrian facilities.

o Public transport access during peak periods.

o Private car access during peak periods.

o Short-term parking (≤1 hours).

o Reserved bays (public transport, loading, disabled, etc).

o Public transport access outside peak hours.

o Medium-term parking (1≤2 hours).

o Private car access outside peak hours.

o Long term parking. (>2 hours).

2. Parking demand and

supply must be

managed in terms of

location, duration

and allocation.

In areas with high parking demand for short term parking, the

City may introduce managed parking to achieve a parking

bay occupancy of 85 per cent, with the intent of leaving 15

per cent of bays available for use by new users.

Long-stay users (more than 2 hours) must be encouraged to

park on the fringe of urban nodes and CBD areas or use

alternative modes of transport.

Designated parking bays (loading bays, bus bays, permit

and reserved bays) must only be used by the designated


3. Parking provision

and management

must support the

TDM Strategy.

The provision of Park & Ride facilities, enforcement of illegal

use of loading bays and bus bays, support the TDM


PT1 and PT2 parking standards support development and

encourage higher densities to support public transport


4. Parking management

must support local

economic activity.

Parking in commercial areas such as CBD areas, must be

prioritised for short term parking users (≤ 1 hour).

Loading bays must only be used for loading purposes.

5. Parking decision

making must be

consistently applied.

Parking decision making and standards must be applied

consistently and uniformly in the City’s area and ad hoc

decision making avoided.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


5. Role Players and Stakeholders

Parking includes on-street parking, off-street parking, park & ride facilities, loading bays, bus

bays, parking permits, reserved parking and motorcycle and bicycle parking and parking policies

therefore affects a wide range of role players and stakeholders.

The City is the most significant role player in the parking system as it influences parking from a

number of different roles as indicated in Table 3.

Table 3: Role of the City in the parking system

City’s Role Functions


• Provide on-street parking space as part of the integrated transport network.

• City owned off-street parking areas and Park & Ride facilities.


• Manage road space for various purposes, including the allocation of space for parking and setting the tariffs for the use thereof.

• Manage City-owned off-street parking areas and Park and Ride facilities.

Regulator • Requirements in the Zoning Scheme regulate the provision of off-street

parking as part of new developments and enhanced land use rights.

Facilitator • The City may support shared parking and reduced parking requirements.

Enforcer • The City is responsible for the drafting, updating and enforcement of the

Parking By-law.

These roles and responsibilities are located in different departments and therefore require

different role players in addressing parking matters (see Table 4).

Table 4: City role players in addressing parking matters

Stakeholder Functions

Transport for Cape Town

• Assessment of development applications ito transport and parking requirements (parking provision).

• Managed parking in high parking demand areas.

• Allocation of reserved parking bays.

• Development of Park & Ride facilities.

Traffic Services • Enforcement of the Parking By-law

Planning and Building Development Management

• Regulation.

• Assessment of development application ito the CTZS requirements and provisions.

Spatial Planning and Urban Design

• Guide City’s spatial restructuring, densification and land use and transport integration.

• Guide urban design at local area level.

Economic and Human Development

• Support City-wide and local area economic development.

As the draft Policy aims to influence travel behaviour - when and where people travel by car and

other transport modes and therefore affects a wide range of stakeholders, which includes

parking users, user groups such as the physically disabled, the business sector and high

parking demand locations.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


6. Regulatory Context

Parking is extensively addressed in legislation, by-laws, strategies and policies with principles

and instruments provided to address both on-street and off-street parking. The current

legislation, frameworks, policies, strategies and guidelines has been taken into account and

utilised as strategic informants to inform the development of appropriate policy principles, policy

directives and actions.

6.1 Legislation and by-laws

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act No. 108 of 1996)

National Land Transport Act (NLTA) (Act No. 5 of 2009)

National Road Traffic Act (Act No. 93 of 1996)

Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (MFPFA) (Act No. 12 of 2007)

Municipal Systems Act (MSA) (Act No. 21 of 2000)

Municipal Finance Management Act (Act No. 56 of 2003)

Municipal Property Rates Act (Act No. 6 of 2004)

Development Facilitation Act (DFA) (Act No. 67 of 1995)

Land Use Planning Ordinance (15 of 1985)

Cape Town’s Parking By-law (18 February 2011)

Cape Town Zoning Scheme (1 March 2013)

6.2 Strategies and policies

National Transport Master Plan 2050

National Land Transport Strategic Framework 2006 – 2011

Public Transport Strategy 2006

Road Access Management Guidelines 2002

Provincial Spatial Development Framework 2009

Provincial Land Transport Framework 2011 – 2016

Cape Town Spatial Development Framework 2010

Towards a Travel Demand Strategy 2006

Cape Town Densification Policy 2012

Policies to manage parking and loading and unloading in the Central City Area 1991

Interim policy and strategy for the pricing of parking in the City of Cape Town 2001

Historic policies and strategies that applied to the City or part thereof, such as the Policies to

Manage Parking and Loading in the Central City Area (1991) and the Interim Pricing Strategy

and Policy Framework (2001) were already informed by international practice and already

addressed parking in a comprehensive manner, with a number of “progressive” parking

measures that are also reflected in the Draft Parking Policy.

7. Parking Policy Directives

The Policy Directives provides policies and actions to address on-street parking, off-street

parking, Park-and-Ride facilities, loading bays, bus bays, parking permits, reserved parking and

motorcycle and bicycle parking. The policies have been derived from the issues that were

highlighted in the problem statement and support the policy principles.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


On-street parking policy directives

Policy 1: Improve enforcement of non-payment and exceeding time limits in

managed parking areas.

Parking pricing and time limits are important parking management mechanisms in order to

enhance turnover of parking bays and ensure access to limited on-street parking in high parking

demand areas. Non-payment and exceeding the time limits should be the exception rather than

the practice.

Action 1.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods, including wheel

clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement in managed parking areas.

Action 1.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management areas with the

inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 1.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement campaigns by Law

Enforcement Agencies.

Policy 2: Introduce payment with EMV compliant smart cards in priced parking


Electronic payment options in priced parking areas will make payment easier for parking users.

The introduction of a TCT smart card, which can be used for multiple services such as public

transport and parking, will allow for easy payment when parking.

Action 2.1 Introduce a TCT EMV compliant smart card as payment method.

Action 2.2 Introduce EMV compliant bank issued cards as a payment method.

Policy 3: Engage with the public on the benefits of managed parking.

The low payment rate and the high occurrence of exceeding time limits may be partly caused by

public resistance to time limits and paid parking. Public support can be increased when the

benefits of these measures to the public are clearly defined and communicated. Increased

public support may assist to avoid objections when enforcement is improved and pricing and

time limits are more strictly enforced. Public support should be established by engagement with

the public through the provision of information on the benefits of managed parking.

Action 3.1 Engage with the public and stakeholders on the benefits of managed


Action 3.2 Provide information on the benefits of managed parking available on the

City’s web page.

Policy 4: Expand managed parking operations.

Managed parking consists of parking pricing and time limits and is an important mechanism for

increasing the availability of parking bays for short term parking users in high parking demand

areas. Managed parking is not only a travel demand management (TDM) mechanism but also

provides a benefit as parking marshals, regulated via parking management contracts by the

City, provide a visible presence and contributes positively to the sense of security. The

introduction of managed parking areas should be considered where regular demand for parking

is high during specific periods. Annexure A provides guidelines for the implementation of

managed parking.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


Action 4.1 Expand the number and footprint of managed parking areas to include

additional areas experiencing medium to high parking demand.

Action 4.2 Introduce after hours and weekend managed parking in areas with medium

to high parking demand.

Action 4.3 Introduce on-street and off-street managed parking in proximity to road

based public transport stations and stops.

Action 4.4 Allocate income generated from managed parking to the Municipal Land

Transport Fund.

Action 4.5 Introduce managed parking of off-street parking areas by the local SRA’s

subject to the SRA providing security staff in the area 24/7 and subject to

approval by the Commissioner: Transport for Cape Town.

Policy 5: Implement performance based pricing as a new pricing strategy.

On-street parking is generally the most convenient form of parking as short term parking users

can park in close proximity to their destination. Parking tariffs is an important element in

managed parking areas as the number of on-street parking bays are limited and demand may

exceed the supply. The best practice in the field of parking pricing is the concept of

performance based pricing (see Annexure B) which ensures that the tariffs in an area are

informed by the actual demand. This allows for variable tariffs in a managed parking area and

supports the optimal use of parking bays. The concept of performance based pricing was

introduced in the Interim Parking Pricing Strategy, 2001.

Action 5.1 Apply performance based pricing in managed parking areas to achieve an

average occupancy rate of 85% during peak demand periods.

Off-street parking policy directives

Policy 6: Discourage excess car parking provision on-site.

The current minimum parking requirements provide no disincentive for excess car parking

provision (more than the minimum requirements). The introduction of maximum parking

standards effectively prevents excess parking provision. A departure is still possible from these

parking requirements, but this should be discouraged through the introduction of parking bay

levies for parking provision that exceeds the maximum standard. It should be noted that the

impact of providing of too much parking is as negative as the provision of too little.

Action 6.1: Introduce maximum parking standards in addition to the existing minimum

parking requirements.

Action 6.2 Introduce parking bay levies for parking provision that exceeds maximum

parking standards.

Policy 7: Support lower parking requirements in line with the CTZS.

Lower off-street parking requirements should be applied in areas where demand is lower due to

limited vehicle ownership and use, and where quality public transport is available. As parking

provision comes at a financial and land cost, lowering the minimum parking requirements in

specific situations will support the development. Where developers agree to invest in

interventions to offset some of the parking demand, the application for lower parking provision

may be supported. The City should also support applications for shared parking, as the

combination of multiple different land uses results in the requirements of fewer parking bays.

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The CTZS allows for reduced off-street parking requirements where PT1 and PT2 areas have

been identified and where land uses are combined. The CTZS states that:

“(b) ... ‘Standard areas’ refers to requirements that apply to areas with standard parking

needs, or where public transport is not specifically promoted or available. The column

headed ‘PT1 areas’ refers to areas where the use of public transport is promoted, but where

Council considers the provision of public transport inadequate or where the use of motor

vehicles is limited. The column headed ‘PT2 areas’ refers to areas where the use of public

transport is promoted and Council considers the provision of public transport good, or where

the use of motor vehicles is very limited”

Where two or more land uses combine to share a common parking area, Council may

approve parking requirements that are less than the sum of the parking required for

individual uses.

Criteria for the demarcation of PT1 and PT2 areas are provided in Annexure C.

Action 7.1 Identify PT1 and PT2 areas in proximity to public transport stations in

terms of transport services, land use quality and socio-economic


Action 7.2 Support minimum off-street parking requirements for subsidy housing and

gap housing developments in accordance with PT1 and PT2 requirements

whereby the required socio economic criteria are met.

Action 7.3 Support Departure Applications for reduced parking requirements when

transport, station and precinct criteria identified for the demarcation of PT1

and PT2 areas (Annexure C) has been satisfactorily addressed in the

Transport Impact Study (TIS).

Action 7.4 Support shared parking at integrated land use developments.

Action 7.5 Review and update the minimum off-street parking requirements contained

in the CTZS.

Action 7.6 Instate the minimum off-street parking requirements for PT1 and PT2 areas

contained in the CTZS as maximum parking requirements for PT 1 and PT2

areas respectively.

Action 7.7 Review the area of the Cape Town CBD Local Area Overlay Zone.

Policy 8: Support remote parking in proximity of urban nodes.

The limited availability of off-street private parking results in increased use of on-street parking.

Parking provided as part of developments is usually reserved for a single user, resulting in

insufficient use of space. The provision of remote parking on the fringe of urban nodes with

high parking demand provides the opportunity to increase unreserved parking and share

parking with other uses. This keeps high demand areas accessible for short stay users and can

also limit vehicular traffic and spill over parking.

Action 8.1 Incorporate municipal parking areas leased to private sector into managed

parking areas.

Action 8.2 Establish City owned and managed unreserved off-street parking in

proximity of major urban nodes.

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Policy 9: Enable the conversion of on-site parking provision into other uses.

The City must introduce design standards that require a part of the parking floors to be

convertible to other uses. This provides the flexibility to convert valuable floor space used for

parking when high quality public transport is widely available.

Action 9.1 Amend the guidelines for parking design to enable post development

conversion of parking bays.

Park & Ride policy directives

Park & Ride facilities were provided at commuter rail stations throughout the City. Park & Ride

facilities associated with the MyCiTi stations and stops are now also developed with the

implementation of the MyCiTi network and stations.

Policy 10: Improve the customer experience of Park & Ride facilities.

The following areas need to be addressed to improve the customer experience of Park & Ride

facilities: integrated management, area maintenance, security, expanded train operations and

use of the business express trains to connect key Park & Ride facilities and major destinations.

To improve Park & Ride facilities, the introduction of a user charge must be considered.

Action 10.1 Provide security guards at Park & Ride facilities for the duration of the

public transport services.

Action 10.2 Support the extended operational hours of public transport services.

Action 10.3 Support the expansion of business express train operations.

Action 10.4 Support developments at Park & Ride facilities that will provide value

added services.

Action 10.5 Improve the management and maintanance of Park & Ride facilities.

Action 10.6 Introduce a user charge for the use of Park & Ride facilities.

Policy 11: Provide for growth at highly utilised Park & Ride facilities.

It is important that car users are encouraged to make use of public transport. Car users

searching for Park & Ride parking should be able to park on a regular day. When there is no

parking available at Park & Ride facilities, new users will not be attracted and existing users

may not be retained.es. High parking demand at Park & Ride facilities could indicate a

deficiency in suitable feeder services. An investigation into the expansion of Park & Ride

facilities should include the provision of alternative modes.

Action 11.1 Expand high parking demand Park & Ride facilities.

Action 11.2 Investigate the introduction of feeder services to high demand Park & Ride


Policy 12: Reserve Park & Ride facilities for public transport users.

Private car users should be encouraged to use Park & Ride facilities. In areas where Park &

Ride facilities are located next to business opportunities or other activities, the access to Park &

Ride facilities should be restricted to public transport ticket holders only.

Action 12.1 Limit sharing of Park & Ride facilities where other demands could result in

a shortage of parking for public transport users.

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Loading bay policy directives

Policy 13: Improve enforcement to illiminate illegal use of loading bays.

On-street loading bays are often illegally used by short term parking users, hampering efficient

loading operations. This practice is common in high parking demand areas and areas where

priced parking have been established. A new enforcement approach is necessary to address

the illegal use of loading bays.

Action 13.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods, including wheel

clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement of loading bays.

Action 13.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management areas with the

inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 13.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement campaigns by Law

Enforcement Agencies.

Policy 14: Improve the availability and efficient use of loading bays.

Sufficient loading bays are required in order to support efficient loading operations. The City

must improve the availability of on-street loading bays, address off-street loading capacity and

implement loading management plans where necessary.

Action 14.1 Require on-site loading bays and/ or a loading management plan with a

change of land use or when an existing building is retrofitted for retail


Action 14.2 Implement loading management plans which may restrict hours of loading


Action 14.3 Provide appropriately located facilities which includes ablution and

security where freight vehicles may park and stay overnight.

Bus bay policy directives

Policy 15: Improve enforcement to eliminate illegal use of bus bays.

On-street bus bays are often illegally used by short term parking users, hampering efficient

public transport operations. This practice is common in high parking demand areas and areas

where priced parking have been established. A new enforcement approach is necessary to

address the illegal use of bus bays.

Action 15.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods, including wheel

clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement of bus bays.

Action 15.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management areas with the

inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 15.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement campaigns by Law

Enforcement Agencies.

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Policy 16: Provide facilities for long distance bus services.

Long distance services connecting to all major cities in South Africa are provided by a number

of operators. Facilities which are appropriately located on the road network and which includes

a waiting room, ablution, security and bus bays for long distance transport must be provided.

Action 16.1 Provide appropriately located facilities which includes a waiting room,

ablution, security and bus bays for long distance city to city services.

Parking permits and reserved parking policy directives

Policy 17: Ensure appropriate use of reserved parking bays.

Reserved parking are often illegally used by short term parking users, preventing permit holders

use of designated bays. This practice is common in high parking demand areas and areas

where priced parking have been established. A new enforcement approach is necessary to

address the illegal use of reserved parking bays. In addition, the location and quantity of

reserved parking bays should be investigated.

Action 17.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods, including wheel

clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement of reserved parking bays.

Action 17.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management areas with the

inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 17.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement campaigns by Law

Enforcement Agencies.

Action 17.4 Amend the provision of reserved parking bays according to the demand.

Policy 18: Address abuse of reserved parking for the disabled.

Abuse of reserved parking bays for the disabled should be addressed through an improved

administrative system, priced parking in managed parking areas and enforcement. Currently

parking for the disabled is abused by non-disabled users, including use of invalid discs for the

disabled. A new parking permit, as a temporary permit (biannually renewable), is proposed that

will contain the persons name, surname, ID no, ID photo, date issued and expiry date.

To qualify for a parking permit for the disabled, a person will require a letter from a medical

practitioner (doctor with MBChB) degree or equivalent) that is registered with the Health

Professions Council of South Africa confirming that:

A person’s mobility is severely impaired by an on-going physical or mental condition, or

A person’s mobility is temporarily, but severely impaired.

Action 18.1 Introduce parking permits for the disabled to be renewed biannually and

with new permit design to contain name, surname, ID no, ID photo, date

issued and expiry date. A permit designed to address abuse of parking for

the disabled is attached as Annexure D.

Action 18.2 Introduce parking pricing for the use of parking permits for the disabled in

managed parking areas. On payment of the applicable parking fee, permit

holders may park in any parking bay for twice the specified time.

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Policy 19: Introduce Resident Parking Permit system in managed parking areas

and where access and parking is restricted during major events.

Resident Parking Permits may be issued to residents that do not have sufficient access to off-

street parking where parking immediately adjacent to the residence is regulated or where

access and parking is restricted during major events. The parking permit will be set at a fee to

cover administration and enforcement costs and to compensate for on-street parking. In areas

where access and parking is restricted during major events, Resident Parking Permits will only

be valid on event days (maximum of 1 per household).

Action 19.1 Establish an administrative system for Resident Parking Permits.

Action 19.2 Set appropriate tariffs for Resident Parking Permits.

Action19.3. Set quota for the number of resident parking permits per area. Initially this

should not exceed 5% of the total parking bays managed.

Policy 20: Hiring out of parking bays

TCT may hire out demarcated and non-demarcated bays (including loading bays and other

reserved parking bays) at the applicable tariff or events and construction purposes.

Action 20.1 Apply the hire out tariff for the rental use of parking for filming, events and

construction purposes.

Motorcycle and bicycle parking policy directives

Policy 21: Provide motorcycle and bicycle parking at appropriate locations.

Motorcycle and bicycle parking must be promoted to encourage more environmentally friendly

and space efficient modes. In addition, additional bicycles facilities support the City’s

improvement in NMT facilities.

Action 21.1 Implement bicycle parking facilities in areas where NMT network has been


Action 21.2 Demarcate motorcycle parking bays at intersections through the

conversion of parking bays in areas with high demand for motorcycle


Action 21.3 Introduce parking pricing for parking of motorcycles in managed parking

areas in terms of the tariff schedule.

Monitoring and evaluation policy directives

Policy 22: Undertake data collection of parking supply and monitoring of parking


Monitoring and evaluation is an essential element for the operation of efficient parking

management and ensuring that the Parking Policy is effective. Systematic data collection of

parking supply and demand allows trends to be observed and assist with the development of

appropriate policy responses and actions to address operational problems.

Action 22.1 Undertake the collection of parking supply data through the transport data

capturing tender.

Action 22.2 Monitor parking supply and demand related to land use types.

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8. Implementation Framework

The Implementation Framework provides an overview as to how the policy directives and

actions will be implemented by the relevant line departments. For the purposes of this

Implementation Framework, the following must be noted:

The implementation tasks are referred to as Actions.

Implementation of the Actions will be by the following Departments:

-TCT Directorate: Network Management, Planning, Financial Management, Infrastructure,

Marketing, Communications and change Management Branch.

-Law Enforcement Agencies: Law Enforcement, Metro Police and Traffic Services

-Spatial Planning and Urban Design

-Planning and Building Development Management

The timeframe refers to when the Action should be implemented over the short term (0 to 2

years) medium term (3 to 4 years) and long term (5 years and beyond.

The powers and instruments to implement the policy directives and Actions are contained in

the Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan (CITP) 2013-2018, Cape Town Zoning

Scheme, Managed parking practice and the Parking By-law.

The table below provides an overview of the policy directives and actions, implementation over

the short, medium to long term and responsible line departments.

Policy Directives and Actions Time frame Dept

On-street Parking Policy Directives

Policy 1: Improve enforcement of non-payment and exceeding time limits in managed parking areas. Action 1.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods,

including wheel clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement in managed parking areas.

Action 1.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management

areas with the inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 1.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement

campaigns by Law Enforcement Agencies.

Short term Short term Short term

LEA’s * Network Management LEA’s

Policy 2: Introduce payment with EMV compliant smart cards in priced parking areas. Action 2.1 Introduce a TCT EMV compliant smart card as payment

method. Action 2.2 Introduce EMV compliant bank issued cards as a payment


Short term Short term

Network Management Network Management

Policy 3: Engage with the public on the benefits of managed parking. Action 3.1 Engage with the public and stakeholders on the benefits of

managed parking. Action 3.2 Provide information on the benefits of managed parking

available on the City’s web page.

Short term Short term


*LEA’s: Law Enforcement Agencies

**MCCM: Marketing, Communication and Change Management

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Policy Directives and Actions Time frame Dept Policy 4: Expand managed parking operations. Action 4.1 Expand the number and footprint of managed parking

areas to include additional areas experiencing medium to high parking demand.

Action 4.2 Introduce after hours and weekend managed parking in

areas with medium to high parking demand. Action 4.3 Introduce on-street and off-street managed parking in

proximity to road based public transport stations and stops. Action 4.4 Allocate income generated from managed parking to the

Municipal Land Transport Fund (MLTF). Action 4.5 Introduce managed parking of off-street parking areas by

the local SRA’s subject to the SRA providing security staff in the area 24/7 and subject to approval by the Commisioner: Transport for Cape Town.

Short term Short term Short term Short term Short term

Network Management Network Management Network Management Financial Management Network Management

Policy 5: Implement performance based pricing as a new parking pricing strategy. Action 5.1 Apply performance based pricing in managed parking

areas to achieve an average occupancy rate of 85% during peak demand periods.

Medium term

Network Management

Off-street Parking Policy Directives

Policy 6: Discourage excess car parking provision on-site. Action 6.1 Introduce maximum parking standards in addition to the

existing minimum parking requirements. Action 6.2 Introduce parking bay levies for parking provision that

exceeds maximum parking standards.

Medium term Medium term

Transport Planning Transport Planning

Policy 7: Support lower parking requirements in line with the provisions of the CTZS. Action 7.1 Identify PT1 and PT2 areas in proximity to public transport

stations in terms of transport services, land use quality and socio-economic conditions.

Action 7.2 Support minimum off-street parking requirements for

subsidy housing and gap housing developments in accordance with PT1 and PT2 requirements whereby the required socio economic criteria are met.

Action 7.3 Support Departure Applications for reduced parking

requirements when transport, station and precinct criteria identified for the demarcation of PT1 and PT2 areas (Annexure C) has been satisfactorily addressed in the Transport Impact Study (TIS).

Action 7.4 Support shared parking at integrated land use

developments. Action 7.5 Review and update the minimum off-parking requirements

contained in the CTZS. Action 7.6 Instate the minimum off-street parking requirements for

PT1 and PT2 areas contained in the CTZS as maximum parking requirements for PT1 and PT2 areas respectively.

Short term Short term Short term Short term Medium term Short term

Transport Planning/ SPUD Transport Planning Transport Planning Transport Planning Transport Planning PBDM

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Policy Directives and Actions Time frame Dept

Action 7.7 Review the area of the Cape Town CBD Local Area Overlay Zone.

Medium term


Policy 8: Support remote parking in proximity of urban nodes. Action 8.1 Incorporate municipal parking areas leased to private

sector into managed parking areas. Action 8.2 Establish City owned and managed unreserved off-street

parking in proximity of major urban nodes.

Medium term Long term

Network Management Network Management

Policy 9: Enable the conversion of on-site parking provision into other uses. Action 9.1 Amend the guidelines for parking design to enable post

development conversion of parking bays.

Short term


Park & Ride Policy Directives

Policy 10: Improve the customer experience of Park & Ride facilities. Action 10.1 Provide security guards at Park & Ride facilities for the

duration of the public transport services. Action 10.2 Support the extended operational hours of public transport

services. Action 10.3 Support the expansion of business express train

operations. Action 10.4 Support developments at Park & Ride facilities that will

provide value added services. Action 10.5 Improve the management and maintanance of Park & Ride

facilities. Action 10.6 Introduce a user charge for use of Park & Ride facilities.

Short term Short term Short term Medium term Short term Medium term

Infrastructure Transport Planning Transport Planning PBDM/ SPUD Infrastructure Network Management

Policy 11: Provide for growth at highly utilised Park & Ride facilities. Action 11.1 Expand high parking demand Park & Ride facilities. Action 11.2 Investigate the introduction of feeder services to high

demand Park & Ride facilities.

Short term Short term

Infrastructure MyCiTi Operations

Policy 12: Reserve Park & Ride for public transport users.

Action 12.1 Limit sharing of Park & Ride facilities where other demands

could result in a shortage of parking for public transport users.



Loading Bay Policy Directives

Policy 13: Improve enforcement to illiminate illegal use of loading bays. Action 13.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods,

including wheel clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement of loading bays.

Action 13.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management

areas with the inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 13.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement

campaigns by Law Enforcement Agencies.

Short term Short term Short term

LEA’s Network Management LEA’s

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Policy Directives and Actions Time frame Dept Policy 14: Improve the availability and efficient use of loading bays. Action 14.1 Require on-site loading bays and/ or a loading

management plan with a change of land use or when an existing building is retrofitted for retail tenants,

Action 14.2 Implement loading management plans which may restrict

hours of loading operations. Action 14.3 Provide appropriately located facilities which includes

ablution and security where freight vehicles may park and stay overnight.

Medium term Short term Medium term

Network Management Transport Planning/ PBDM Network Management

Bus Bay Policy Directives

Policy 15: Improve enforcement to illiminate illegal use of bus bays. Action 15.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods,

including wheel clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement of bus bays.

Action 15.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management

areas with the inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 15.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement

campaigns by Law Enforcement Agencies.

Short term Short term Short term

LEA’s Network Management LEA’s

Policy 16: Provide facilities for long distance bus services. Action 16.1 Provide appropriately located facilities which includes a

waiting room, ablution, security and bus bays for long distance city to city services.

Short term


Parking Permits and Reserved Parking Policy Directives

Policy 17: Ensure appropriate use of reserved parking bays. Action 17.1 Introduce new technologies and enforcement methods,

including wheel clamping and towing away, to aid enforcement of reserved parking bays.

Action 17.2 Expand enforcement capacity in parking management

areas with the inclusion of Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements as a requirement in parking management contracts.

Action 17.3 Improve enforcement with periodical enforcement

campaigns by Law Enforcement Agencies. Action 17.4 Amend the provision of reserved parking bays according to


Short term Short term Short term Medium term

LEA’s Network Management LEA’s Network Management

Policy 18: Address abuse of reserved parking for the disabled. Action 18.1 Introduce parking permits for the disabled to be renewed

biannually and with new permit design to contain name, surname, ID no, ID photo, date issued and expiry date. A permit designed to address abuse of parking for the disabled is attached as Annexure D.

Action 18.2 Introduce parking pricing for the use of parking permits for

the disabled in managed parking areas. On payment of the applicable parking fee, permit holders may park in any parking bay for twice the specified time.

Short term Short term

Traffic Services Network Management

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Policy Directives and Actions Time frame Dept Policy 19: Introduce Resident Parking Permit system in managed parking areas and in restricted parking areas. Action 19.1 Establish an administrative system for Resident Parking

Permits. Action 19.2 Set appropriate tariffs for Resident Parking Permits. Action19.3 Set quota for the number of resident parking permits per

area. Initially this should not exceed 5% of the total parking bays managed.

Short term Short term Short term

Network Management Network Management Network Management

Policy 20: Hiring out of parking bays. Action 20.1 Apply the hire out tariff for the rental use of parking for

filming, events and construction purposes.

Short term

Network Management

Motorcycle and Bicycle Parking Policy Directives

Policy 21: Provide motorcycle and bicycle parking at appropriate locations. Action 21.1 Implement bicycle parking facilities in areas where NMT

network has been upgraded. Action 21.2 Demarcate motorcycle parking bays at intersections

through the conversion of parking bays in areas with high demand for motorcycle parking.

Action 21.3 Introduce parking pricing for parking of motorcycles in

managed parking areas in terms of the tariff schedule.

Short term Short term Short term

Infrastructure Network Management Network Management

Monitoring of Parking Demand and Supply Policy Directives

Policy 22: Undertake data collection of parking supply and monitoring of parking demand. Action 22.1 Undertake the collection of parking supply data through the

transport data capturing tender. Action 22.2 Monitor parking supply and demand related to land use


Short term Short term

Network Management Transport Planning

8.1 Potential risks that may impede policy implementation

The following potential risks have been identified that may impede the implementation process:

Lack of staff capacity, specifically in the Traffic Services, Transport Planning and Network

Management Departments will impede implementation of the Actions and the ability to

address current parking issues.

Lack of improvements to public transport services (rail and road) and station precincts will

prevent modal shift to public transport with continues car dependency.

Lack of improvements to public transport services (rail and road) and station precincts will

prevent implementation of PT1 and PT2 areas.

Lack of monitoring and parking supply and demand lack of parking supply data impede

informed decision making on parking requirements.

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9. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

Monitoring and evaluation is an essential element for the operation of efficient parking

management and ensuring that the Parking Policy is effective. Systematic and robust data

collection allows trends to be observed and assist with the development of appropriate

responses. This in turn means that interventions can be justified and the outputs of any policy

or other operational changes can be monitored and assessed.

The City has access to data generated from the CBD managed parking contract from which

information regarding car park occupancy and lenghts of stay can be gained. However,

information regarding the use of on-street parkking and private off-street parking across the City

is limited. As a result there is a deficit of available data on parking supply and demand across

the City.

The collection of information on parking supply and demand at the local area level is essential

and informs parking management decisions (eg the identification of high demand parking areas

and appropriate parking standards) data on parking supply and demand across the City must be

included in the transport data management system. This must include all the parking

categories: on-street parking, off-street parking, park-and-ride-facilities, loading bays, bus bays

and parking permits and reserved parking.

The development of a Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town will evolve over time and will be

reviewed periodically to appropriately guide and set the framework for parking provision,

management, regulation, enforcement and pricing.

The policy working group will undertake a review of the Policy after 5 years or as directed by the

Portfolio Committee.

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Annexure A

Guidelines for implementation of managed parking

1. Levels of Service for on-street parking

Table A shows the Levels of Service experienced by potential visitors related to the parking bay

occupancy. The higher the occupation levels the lower the likelihood of a visitor to find a

suitable parking bay. A Level of Service below C will result in private cars searching for parking

– known as cruising for parking – and will add to congestion of the local road network. Surveys

abroad have shown that the private cars in search for parking can consist up to 30% of the total

traffic in commercial streets.

Table A1: Levels of Service for parking

Level of Service

Parking occupation

Parking bays available User experience

A ≤77.49% ≥1 on every four bays free. Parking is widely available.

B 77.5 -82.49% 1 on every 5 bays free. Parking is very easy to find.

C 82.5 – 87.49% 1 on every 7 bays free. Parking is easy to find.

D 87.5 – 92.49% 1 on every 10 bays free. It is difficult to find parking.

E 92.5 – 97.49% 1 on 20 bays free. It is very difficult to find parking.

F ≥97.50% ≤1 on 40 bays free. It is almost impossible to find parking.

Source: Interim Policy and Strategy for the Pricing of Parking in the CCT, 2001

The expansion of managed parking areas should be guided by the demonstrated demand.

2. Implementation of managed parking

The introduction of managed parking should be guided by the following guidelines:

2.1 Managed parking in new areas

New managed parking areas should consist of:

Streets, blocks or areas where normal parking demand results in Level of Service below

level C during four hours or more on an average day.

Streets, blocks of areas where as a result of the introduction of priced parking in the

neighbourhood occupancy is expected to result in a Level of Service lower than C during

four hours or more on an average day.

Selected streets and blocks that are logically grouped into one area.

Priority areas for introduction of new priced managed parking areas are:

Areas where informal parking attendants have a negative impact on the attractiveness of the


Areas where short and long stay users compete for parking.

Areas that are selected for urban regeneration in the Spatial District Plans.

Areas where Level of Service F is observed during more than four hours on an average day.

Proper signage should be provided that indicates where:

The operating hours during which managed parking is applicable.

A parking management area starts and ends, and;

Alternative parking for long stay users is located.

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2.2 Expansion of existing managed parking areas

Managed parking areas can be expanded to include additional streets/blocks where

performance is lower than Level of Service C during four hours or more on an average day.

Amendment of boundaries should not result in unclear managed parking boundaries to the


2.3 Parking management by the Special Rating Areas (SRA)

Existing managed parking areas can be expanded through introducing management of off-

street parking areas (parking squares) by the local SRA’s subject to approval by the

Commissioner: Transport for Cape Town.

The income generated by the SRA is to be used for 24/7 security staff to monitor and

improve security in the area as agreed to with the City.

3. Expansion of managed parking operation hours

The expansion of parking management operation hours should be guided by the following guidelines:

3.1 Afterhours

Afterhours operations should be considered in existing managed parking areas or a part

thereof, when there are:

Streets with a cluster of evening activities such as restaurants and bars, where performance

is lower than Level of Service C.

Streets with a cluster of night activities such as bars, clubs, et cetera, where performance is

lower than Level of Service C.

A sufficient number of parking bays to introduce viable parking management operations.

No afterhours operations should be provided in areas where no parking management

applies during working days due to clarity to users.

3.2 Weekend parking operations

Weekend parking operations may be introduced in existing parking management areas

or part thereof, when there are:

Streets, blocks or areas where normal parking demand results in Level of Service lower than

C during four hours or more on an average day.

Streets, blocks of areas where as a result of the introduction of priced parking in the

neighbourhood occupancy is expected to result in a Level of Service lower than C during

four hours or more on an average day.

A sufficient number of parking bays to introduce viable parking management operations.

No weekend operations should be provided in areas where no parking management applies

during working days due to clarity to users.

4. Mapping of managed parking areas

Maps need to be made available that indicate parking management areas and, when

applicable, indicate differences in time limits, tariffs regimes, and parking alternatives in close

proximity of the management area.

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Annexure B

Performance parking pricing and principles

The basic elements of performance pricing were introduced in Cape Town’s Interim Parking

Pricing Strategy 2001. The concept of performance-based pricing ensures that the tariffs are

informed by the actual demand in the area, which supports optimal use of existing parking bays

and avoids unfair competition between areas. This pricing approach supports the policy

principles as discussed earlier. The following principles have been identified to guide the

implementation of performance based pricing.

1. Parking tariffs should be set in order to ensure Level of Service C will be

experienced by short term parking users.

This approach will ensure that:

Parking is priced at a fair level compared to the service it provides;

Unreasonable competition between localities within the area of jurisdiction of the City

of Cape Town is not created by means of parking tariffs.

The private sector provide off-street parking where it is viable.

2. As the demand and supply of parking is different in different areas of the City,

parking tariffs will also differ.

In general, demand for parking is different in each managed parking area and thus

requires a different parking tariff to achieve Level of Service C. The demand in different

subareas of parking management areas may also vary and will require different tariffs to

manage the demand.

3. As the demand for parking and supply of parking is different during certain time

periods, parking tariffs will be different during specified time periods.

Different tariffs can be applied during parts of the day, morning, afternoon, afterhours,

weekend parking depending on demonstrated demand. Practical time periods can be

introduced to respond to different demand periods.

4. Parking tariffs structure should be applied consistently for all on-street parking.

In areas with a similar nature the same time increments and time structure should be

applied for all on-street parking. This means that in all commercial areas, 15 minutes

and 30 minutes increments should be applied.

5. Parking tariffs for each area and period should be changed incrementally

according to the measured Level of Service.

As there is no formula that can be applied to estimate the appropriate tariffs for each

area, the correct levels will be approached by incrementally increasing current parking

tariffs in areas where parking Level of Service equals or is below C. The resulting tariffs

will be rounded to the nearest 50- cents per hour. Parking tariffs in areas where parking

Level of Service is A or B should not be changed, as the level of demand indicates that

parking tariff currently exceeds the marginal cost of parking.

6. Parking tariffs should be adjusted periodically.

Parking tariffs should be adjusted periodically in order to respond to change in demand


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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


7. All parking users should pay in managed parking areas.

All users should pay for the use of parking bays, except for exempted permit holders.

Permit holders are exempted when the conditions of the specific parking permit

allows for it. It should be noted that permit application fees should be appropriate

and consider the cost associated with the use of public street space.

8. Parking bays of alternative dimensions should have parking tariffs that are

appropriate for their size.

Motorcycle parking generally requires less public street space. Therefore the cost of

using a motorcycle parking bay should be lower. For example, when three motorcycle

bays fit into one parking bay, the 1/3 of the parking tariffs for a normal parking bay

should apply.

9. Practical approach to the implementation of performance pricing

Assuming a conservative price elasticity of -2 (i.e. a 1 % change in tariff results in a 2%

decrease in demand) a proposal for tariff changes have been drafted (Table B.3). The

used price elasticity should be refined in further updates of the pricing strategy as more

data becomes available.

Table B.1: Demand correction and proposed tariff response

Level of











Theoretical tariff


Practical tariff


A ≤77.49% 75% 10% -5% Inflation -5% 0%

B 77.5 - 82.49% 80% +5% -2,5% Inflation -2,5% 0%

C 82.5 - 87.49% 85% 0% 0% Inflation CPIX

D 87.5 - 92.49% 90% -5% +2,5% Inflation +2,5% CPIX + 2,5%

E 92.5 - 97.49% 95% -10% +5% Inflation+ 5 % CPIX + 5 %

F ≥97.50% 100% -15% +7,5% Inflation+ 7,5 % CPIX + 7,5 %

It should be noted that these tariff changes do not take latent demand into account

(people that already avoid areas as result of low Levels of Service but may prefer to park

there) and therefore multiple tariff adjustments may be required in order to balance

demand with supply.

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Draft Parking Policy for the City of Cape Town, October 2013


Annexure C

Criteria for the demarcation of PT1 and PT2 areas

Minimum criteria for the demarcation of PT1 and PT2 areas

Minimum criteria Public transport service

PT1 Standard Maximum of 400m from station

PT2 Standard Maximum of 400m from station

Connectivity provided by Trunk and Feeder Services.

Minimum: Station with either a single T1 service or multiple T2 services.

Minimum: Station with multiple T1 services or a combination of T1 and T2 services.

Capacity provided by the public transport service

Minimum: Station can accommodate a passenger throughput of not less than 20 000 passengers per hour during peak periods.

Minimum: Station can accommodate a passenger throughput of not less than 40 000 passengers per hour during peak periods.

Frequency of the public transport service

Minimum: Number of vehicle stops at station is not less than 20 vehicles per hour during peak periods. OR Minimum: Headways to be a minimum of 12 mins in peak hour.

Minimum: Number of vehicle stops at station is not less than 40 vehicles per hour during peak periods. OR Minimum: Headways to be a minimum of 8 mins in peak hour.

Rolling stock quality Minimum: Rolling stock clean (including no graffiti) and un-vandalised.

Minimum: Rolling stock clean (including no graffiti) and un-vandalised.

Stations quality Minimum: Stations clean, maintained and un-vandalised. Minimum: Safety and Security: Lighting within station area with visible security staff present

Minimum: Stations clean, maintained and un-vandalised. Minimum: Safety and Security: Lighting within station area with visible security staff present and with CCTV surveillance.

Additional minimum criteria to the above for extension of PT1 and PT2 areas

Minimum criteria Precinct Level of Service

PT1 Standard Maximum of 800m from station

PT2 Standard Maximum of 500m from station

Area precincts: Quality and Level of Service (LOS)


Safety and Security: Area lighting with visible security present.

NMT: NMT facilities provide access, including road crossings, to stations and stops.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance undertaken of area.


Safety and Security: Area lighting with visible security present with CCTV surveillance of precinct.

NMT: NMT facilities provide access, including road crossings, to stations and stops.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance undertaken of area.

CID Management: The precinct is included in the area managed by the CID.

T1 Services: High frequency rail passenger services

T2 Services: Low frequency rail passenger services and BRT services along trunk routes Low frequency rails services: Monte Vista rail line, Cape Flats rail line, Sarepta rail line, Phillippi Station to Kapteinsklip Station rail line and Phillippi Station to Chris Hani Station rail line.

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Annexure D Example of parking permit for disabled people

Front and back of the new parking permit for the disabled implemented in the UK to address abuse of parking for the disabled.