District 3 Al-Anon Minutes September 13, 2014 Present: Ann M., Language of the Heart AFG (Al-Anon Family Group) and Literature Distribution Center Chair Toni C., Tuesday Morning AFG, Where and When Chair Roxanne A., Jacksonville Beach Thursday Morning AFG Group Representative (GR) Julia S., Arlington Tuesday Night AFG GR Elaine J., Serenity Seekers AFG GR and Speaker Keeper Chair Sheryl P., Tuesday Arlington AFG Alternate GR Rhonda D, Saturday Morning New Beginnings Jane ? Mary Anne D., Orange Park Adult Child Sat AM AFG GR and Raffle Chair Tina D, SOS Fernandina AFG GR and Outreach to the Public/Media and 2015 Area Service Workshop Chair Curt S, One Thursday at a Time AFG GR Misty W., Beaches Saturday Morning Adult Child and Group Records Chair Carolyn H., Arlington Tuesday Nite AFG, visitor Sally O., Spiritual Awakenings AFG GR and Alternate District Representative Charlene S., One Thursday at a Time AFG, District Representative (DR) and Al-Anon Members in Alateen Service (AMIAS) Trainer Kathy C., Tuesday Morning AFG GR and Secretary Jerry B., Jacksonville Beach Thursday Morning AFG and Treasurer Mark F., San Marco AFG, Alternate Area Information Service Liaison (AISL) Freddie S., New Beginnings Adult Child AFG, Alternate Secretary and Web Master Harriet W., Afternoon Serenity AFG GR Susan N., One Thursday at a Time AFG Maddy P, Past Delegate Diane G., Beaches Monday Morning and Welcome Hostess Susan H., Hope for Today AFG Alternate GR and Telephone Answering Service E-mail Risa G., Hope for Today AFG and Sharings Newsletter Chair Judy H., Hope for Today AFG, Alternate GR Gage M., San Marco AFG GR and Spanish Liaison Chair 9-13-2014 Minutes Page of 1 10 District 3 Al-Anon Business Meeting

District 3 Al-Anon Minutes September 13, 2014members2.jaxafg.org/District_3_Minutes_9_13_14_with_revisions.pdfJulia S., Arlington Tuesday Night AFG GR Elaine J., Serenity Seekers AFG

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Page 1: District 3 Al-Anon Minutes September 13, 2014members2.jaxafg.org/District_3_Minutes_9_13_14_with_revisions.pdfJulia S., Arlington Tuesday Night AFG GR Elaine J., Serenity Seekers AFG

!!District 3 Al-Anon Minutes

September 13, 2014 !Present: Ann M., Language of the Heart AFG (Al-Anon Family Group) and Literature Distribution Center Chair Toni C., Tuesday Morning AFG, Where and When Chair Roxanne A., Jacksonville Beach Thursday Morning AFG Group Representative (GR) Julia S., Arlington Tuesday Night AFG GR Elaine J., Serenity Seekers AFG GR and Speaker Keeper Chair Sheryl P., Tuesday Arlington AFG Alternate GR Rhonda D, Saturday Morning New Beginnings Jane ? Mary Anne D., Orange Park Adult Child Sat AM AFG GR and Raffle Chair Tina D, SOS Fernandina AFG GR and Outreach to the Public/Media and 2015 Area Service Workshop Chair Curt S, One Thursday at a Time AFG GR Misty W., Beaches Saturday Morning Adult Child and Group Records Chair Carolyn H., Arlington Tuesday Nite AFG, visitor Sally O., Spiritual Awakenings AFG GR and Alternate District Representative Charlene S., One Thursday at a Time AFG, District Representative (DR) and Al-Anon Members in Alateen Service (AMIAS) Trainer Kathy C., Tuesday Morning AFG GR and Secretary Jerry B., Jacksonville Beach Thursday Morning AFG and Treasurer Mark F., San Marco AFG, Alternate Area Information Service Liaison (AISL) Freddie S., New Beginnings Adult Child AFG, Alternate Secretary and Web Master Harriet W., Afternoon Serenity AFG GR Susan N., One Thursday at a Time AFG Maddy P, Past Delegate Diane G., Beaches Monday Morning and Welcome Hostess Susan H., Hope for Today AFG Alternate GR and Telephone Answering Service E-mail Risa G., Hope for Today AFG and Sharings Newsletter Chair Judy H., Hope for Today AFG, Alternate GR Gage M., San Marco AFG GR and Spanish Liaison Chair

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Janie, New Beginnings Adult Child Sat AM AFG, Host Group
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Monday Beaches PM,
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, CPC Chair
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, Institutions Chair
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, Incoming GR
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Phyllis D., Monday Night Mandarin AFG GR Kathleen L., Tuesday Morning AFG,Incoming GR Jessica H., Special Committee Chair Phillis Y, OK Ortega AFG GR Jim L, Thursday Morning Beaches AFG GR Lisa P, AM Thursday !Opening Charlene opened the meeting at 9:50 a.m. The Serenity Prayer, Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service and Warranties were read aloud. Everyone introduced themselves. Charlene thanked the hosts from New Beginnings AFG and reminded the members of Beaches Monday Morning AFG, hosts for the next business meeting, to take the coffee pots and supplies with them after the meeting. She also thanked Diane G. for serving as the greeter. !District Representative’s (DR) Message Charlene asserted that Concept 9, the Concept of the month, explains that we should not judge by what we see but should judge by what should be. She explained that it implied leadership is inherent in all of us. She also said that members have a responsibility to evaluate candidate traits, and that each member is a world servant. She added that Step 10 is a personal inventory and that Concept 9 suggests to review traits that make good leaders. !Secretary’s Report There being no corrections to the minutes, Roxanne moved to accept the minutes of the last meeting, and Elaine seconded the motion. The motion carried. !Treasurer’s Report Jerry B. provided a copy of the Treasurer’s report, pointing out that it was for the period ending August 31, 2014. The report shows that cash on hand amounts to $13,042.06. A Budget meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 19 at 2:00 pm and will be held at the Clay County Clubhouse, 1835 Smith Street, Orange Park. !Literature Distribution Center (LDC) Report Ann M. reported that she had spent $3,709.03 to restock inventory. The account balance stands at $4,006.60. The random drawing produced an award for July to go to Spiritual Awakenings AFG, and it was accepted by Roxanne. The winner of the August drawing went to Phyllis for Mandarin Monday Night AFG.

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AM Tuesday, Past Delegate
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Charlene assigned the Alternate DR a new duty: to remind the DR when it's time to start.
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Sally O.
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WS Happy Hour was drawn for July, however their GR was not present to win, so another Group was drawn.
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MigrationConfirmed set by Freddie
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MigrationNone set by Freddie
with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. The Steps were read by Phyllis Y, the Traditions were read by Curt S, the Concepts were read by Maddy P and the Warranties were read by Jim L.
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read from P-57, "The Concepts," and
in service
Further, Jerry reported income of $5,636.16 and expenses of $6,986.09.
Any group that purchases literature from our District LDC during the month is entered in a drawing for a gift certificate from the LDC. The drawing takes place at the District meeting and the Group's GR must be present to win. The LDC
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!Alternate District Representative Sally O., announced that a new piece of literature for parents and grandparents of drinkers is in the works. The WSO is interested in receiving members’ thoughts, strengths and experiences to contribute to the pamphlet. She also pointed out that a literature order form is in the Forum, although our LDC also carries literature and proceeds of sales provide funds to the District. In addition, Sally encouraged members to send writing contributions to the WSO for the new Al-Anon Facing Alcoholism edition and noted that writing guidelines can be found in the Forum. !Service Workshop 2015 Report Tina reported on Panel 55’s North Florida AFG Area Service Workshop to be hosted by District 3 on Saturday, March 14, 2015. The event, Weeds to Seeds, will be held in Fellowship Hall at United Methodist Church from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will include breakfast and lunch. An option for out-of-town attendees to stay in the homes of local Al-Anon members will be offered. The hospitality chair is looking for members who would like to serve as hosts. Tina said that her committee is ready for the other committees to give their committee ideas, which she calls a business plan. The committees are food, decorations, program/agenda, registration/greeters, setup/cleanup, raffle/love gifts, and hospitality/accommodations. Diane G volunteered to handle decorations. Tina asked that people contact the following committee chairs to volunteer; program/signage, Charlene S and Freddy; registration/greeters, Mel F., hospitality/accommodations, Elaine; Food, Ann M., set-up/clean-up, Kathryn C., and raffle/love gifts Roxanne and Gage. !Area World Service Conference Report Charlene reported on the AWSC (Area World Service Conference) that was held to prepare for the Assembly to be held on October 3, 4, and 5. She informed us that “work goes on there,” and that a couple of people went to the last AWSC. She asked Freddie to report on her experience at the conference. !Freddie said that it was a couple of weeks ago and she doesn’t remember what happened. She took the opportunity to announce that she has the website back. At the conference she talked with the web coordinator for the Area and got great insight, adding that it was wonderful. !Charlene offered that two Growth Investment Persons (GIPs) attended the AWSC, Carolyn I and Freddie; that there wasn’t a budget item to cover GIPs this year but that there are times when they will be needed.

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Charlene explained her concerns when she met with Tina and started loading Tina's stuff in her car to go to AWSC. There were boots and gloves and gardening tools. Then sure enough - that's the way Tina was dressed the next morning. Thanks to Tina for dressing the part to report on Weeds to Seeds.
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This reminded her that her purpose in attending AWSC as a GIP was to connect with the Area Website Coordinator.
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Charlene expressed her opinion that our District should budget for and send GIPs to Assembly as well as AWSC. She believes this will help to encourage service above the group level.
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!Referring to the agenda, Charlene pointed out the highlights that GRs need to know for the Assembly. She explained that the Legacy covers Area information and Sharings covers local district information. The budget, which was sent out a couple of weeks ago, has to be approved. !A recommendation regarding magnetic signs will be considered. The first ones fell apart, and the manufacturer offered to replace the 500 with a better version. The recommendation is to order one thousand more signs. Another recommendation will be to make the spanish coordinator position a permanent position. !Charlene pointed out that the Red Light Green Light happens on Sunday morning; that three questions are chosen by the AWSC from those submitted by members; and that they can be found printed in the Legacy on page 14. She also indicated that the Area’s job descriptions are contained in the Legacy. !Charlene announced that our district has been assigned the spiritual meeting that happens on Sunday morning and stated that a chair was needed for the meeting. Gage volunteered. Finally, she asked for a count of people who would be attending the conference in October and 18 people stood up. !December Fun Day Report Carolyn stated that all the outgoing GRs are doing the Fun Day and that she would chair it. She asked that anyone interested in helping fill out a copy of the available form. !Outreach Spending Committee Gage reported on the committee’s decisions for outreach, which include a Mini Tailgate on November 15 through February 15 with three routes crisscrossing the city at a cost of $1,630; the contract has been signed and installments begin on November 15. A billboard will be rented from January 5th through 9th, which is between Emerson & University, and will cost $1487 of the $1500 budget; contract has been signed. We have a proposal to consider reallocating $1402 and $13 savings from billboard from the WSO fund to send out to all 17 zones, to arrive approximately December 12. The original idea was for $965 but they would like to have the entire 17 zones covered at a cost of $2,380. !

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xxxxxx confirmed plans to attend.
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new paragraph please
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(this is an ad on the back of a bus)
from our funds which are allocated to send to WSO
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the outread project in order that we be able to send the ValPak ad
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in our area
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MOTION Mary Ann moved that we reallocate $1,402 of the $2,000 set aside to send WSO to the outreach budget to fund ValPak for all 17 zones in our area. Phyllis seconded the motion. Following a discussion, including questions and answers, the motion was put to vote and it passed. !Al-Anon Information Service Liaison(AISL) Mark, who is the alternate AISL, reported that during the August AWSC meetings, he learned that Al-Anon has been invited to participate in the UF Primary Care, Pain and Addiction Conference that will take place at the Sawgrass Marriott on November 1. Al-Anon volunteers will staff a booth and can interact with the medical professionals. The cost would be paid by the Area, should it be approved at the October Assembly. If approved, District has agreed to staff the booth during the Conference. Due to the short time period between Assembly and the Conference, a task force was formed, which includes Mark, Carolyn, Roxanne, Rhonda and Tina, and this task force will be ready to move if it is approved. Carolyn has arranged for a special luncheon with friends with experience in the medical field to educate the task force on how to share Al-Anon with medical professionals most effectively. !Alateen Report Charlene reported that she is the only AMIAS . One newly trained person is waiting for the WSC confirmation. All records are confidential and are only given to the AMIAS trainer and chair of Alateen and the DR. Charlene has both sets of records. There can be no identification of any sort, where the groups meet, who is in them, and it cannot be published anywhere for the safety of the Alateen and AMIAS. !Gage asked if it was acceptable to have meetings posted in the Where and When, and Charlene stated that she didn’t know the answer. !Susan H asked for clarification, that people answering for the Telephone Answering Service could not tell them where an Alateen meeting is but the name of a Al-Anon meeting could be given as a source to find out where? Charlene answered affirmatively. Julia asked about to whom a person should refer people when someone in a meeting asks about the location of an Alateen meeting. Charlene suggested that they should contact her. !Archives/Historian Report Carolyn stated that she had volunteered to be the historian and will work with Archives. !

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Our past Delegate, Lisa P. reminded us that we use knowledge based decision making. She encouraged us to have discussion prior to making motions.
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from October 30 through
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Jim reported that the Penman Road Al-Anon House Committee gave approval for District 3 to rent part of a closet at the facility in which to store the District’s archives. He said it is a locked building with access only provided by an AA custodian for Al-Anon use primarily, though AA does store some items in the building, and the closet is shared with the Al-Anon groups at Penman. He noted that the LDC pays thirty dollars a month for the closet at San Marco. !MOTION Roxanne moved to pay twenty-five dollars per month to store archives at Penman Road. Sally seconded the motion. Following a discussion the motion passed. !Group Records Report Misty reported that a new group records form was needed from each group to reflect the new GRs. She said she preferred that it be emailed to her at [email protected], and that she would email the form to the current GRs to forward to the new ones. !Sharings Report Risa pointed out that the new newsletter was present for GRs to pick up to take to their groups, and that it is available on the website. She reminded the new incoming GRs that meeting news and special events can be published in the newsletter, and they were reminded to encourage their members to contribute personal shadings to the newsletter by submitting them to [email protected]. !Telephone Answering Service Report Susan pointed out that the report can be found in the Sharings. She also reported that the name of the church where Hope for Today AFG meets has been changed to the Encounter Christian Church. !Webmaster Freddie informed the group that she has a new lap top with the District website software and files on it. She also reported that a suggestion to improve the website had been made, to possibly add another page, and that a committee has been formed to discuss possible changes; further, that others are welcome to join. She has asked permission to publish the Area’s Legacy on the site. Regarding Alateen information, she said that she will remove it as soon as she can figure out how to do that. !Where & When Report

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MOTION Roxanne moved that the District Archives be moved to the Penman Road closet. Gage seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The closet cannot be locked because there is an electrical panel inside. It was also noted that the closet is not climate controlled. There are shelves in the closet which will make access to the archives easier. There are also tables where they can be moved when someone is working on them.
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WSO for
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Al-Anon Legacies
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She is waiting to hear back from them. Freddie confirmed all Alateen meeting information will be removed from the website. Freddie also announced that someone is working on recreating the image of the girl in the bottle so we can use that artwork. Freddie also handed out a sheet showing usage stats for the website.
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Toni reported on the new edition of the Where and When, noting several changes that include the following: Alateen meetings were removed; Laugh Out Loud is under Tuesday’s meetings; Cove Life was removed temporarily; Spiritual Awakenings is now listed as a closed meeting and Hope for Today’s location was changed to reflect the church’s new name. !Raffle Report Mary Anne reported that she has made two baskets. Further, she asked that anyone with material to contribute to baskets call her at 403-3640. !Outreach to the Public/Media Tina (Written report not submitted for the minutes. Email requesting it sent.) !Outreach to Professionals Roxanne (Written report not submitted for the minutes. Secretary requested report via text message sent on Friday, 9/19.) !Outreach to Institutions Rhonda reported on introductory Al-Anon meetings at Stepping Stones treatment center and District 3’s participation in them on Wednesdays from 4-5:00 p.m. This introductory meeting is not a registered meeting. Misty is checking to see how to register as an introductory meeting. All Al-Anon members are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Most Wednesdays there are twelve to fourteen in attendance. Outreach is hoping to enlist a group per month whose members can chair the meetings, and that November and December are open. The format is out of Groups at Work. !Charlene called for a break at 12:20 p.m. !Submitted by Kathy C., Secretary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Minutes Continued by Freddie: !FOCUS (ELECTIONS) Charlene provided copies of the District 3 Election Procedures and the Job Descriptions for everyone to look over. Paper bags marked for Chairperson positions were available for anyone wanting to put their name in the bag for the drawing for that position. !

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Where & When Report Toni reported that it's great to be back in District 3. "They don't do it like we do here."
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She asked WSO for and received permission from them to include the Steps on our Where & When.
Afternoon Serenity at 1:30 p.m. is active again. Their paperwok has been given to Misty. They will be added on the W&W.
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but nothing to put in them.
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Roxanne had nothing further to report as Outreach to Professionals was covered in the reports from Tina D and Mark. She stated she will bring the 2015 AFA's to the November District meeting. She also provided her phonre number and email so anyone wanting to participate in the Area Outreach Project October 30 - November 1 at Sawgrass could contact her.
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Tina's report was on the table with the Agendas. I'm sending you a copy so you can add it.
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Break !Charlene called the meeting back to order and gave everyone paper towels. She read from Discovering Choices, page 264 and reminded everyone of Concept 4. She then explained that the paper towels were crying towels for when they weren't chosen for the position they really wanted. She also passed around chocolates. Charlene explained that in an effort to follow the guidelines in the new Service Manual, the Election Procedures were rewritten by the Steering Committee. The Job Descriptions were updated to include the Spanish Chairperson. Charlene explained that we were mimicking the Area Assembly Election Procedures and would use ballots to vote for officers and the LDC Chairperson. Chair positions will be draw from paper bags. We had two past delegates present to count the votes. They were Lisa P and Maddy P. !FOCUS (ELECTIONS) Charlene called for discussion of the rewritten District Election Procedures. Most of the discussion concerned the requirements for District Representative. Although the Service Manual was cited, the wording did not mirror the Service Manual. The Service Manual wording included the word "active". Discussion questioned the meaning of "active past". It was determined "active" can be attends meeting. It does not have mean an individual has to be recently active at the district level. It is up to each individual to determine for themselves if they are "active". Keep it Simple. A motion came to the floor. Charlene explained who would vote and a count of current District Representatives was taken. Current Group Representatives (Panel 52) will vote on the Election Procedures. Incoming Group Representatives (Panel 55) will vote on the new panel. Lisa P explained that a successful candidate would require 2/3's majority for the votes cast. A count of incoming and current Group Representative showed 13 of each. We were again reminded that 2/3's majority would be determined by votes cast, not voters present. !MOTION Julia made a motion to delete the reference to the Service Manual following the District Representative requirements and accept the District Election Procedures as presented with that change. Phyllis Y seconded the motion. Motion failed. !MOTION Gage made a motion to add the word active in front of past in the District Representative requirements and accept the District Election Procedures as presented with that change. Sally O seconded the motion.

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This idea was inspired by our AISL, Kathryn.
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Motion passed unanimously. !Elections commenced, however - it was determined that our newly passed Election Procedures lacked a solution to repeated draws. !MOTION Phyllis Y made a motion to add to the end of the section for Election Procedures: If a 2/3's majority is not reached after ballots are cast three times - simple majority (50% plus 1) will be necessary to be elected on the fourth time ballots are cast. Curt seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. !The following individuals were elected to the positions indicated: !District Representative Sally O Alternate District Representative Gage Secretary Curt S Treasurer Maddy Al-Anon Information Services Liaison Mark Alternate Al-Anon Information Services Liaison Julia LDC Chairperson Roxanne Alateen Chairperson Beth Speaker Keeper Susan H Newsletter Editor Risa Web Chairperson Freddie Greeter Charlene !The following positions are vacant: Archives Group Records Telephone Answering Service Telephone Answering Service E-Mail Raffle Where and When AA Liaison Spanish Liaison Outreach to professionals Outreach to Institutions Outreach to Public Media !

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!FOCUS CONCERNS None received. !Drawing Janie took home the new Group Representative first aid kit. Roxanne took home the Serenity Prayer. !Closing Charlene closed the meeting at 1:50 PM with the Lord’s Prayer and our Al-Anon/Alateen Declaration. !Submitted by Freddie S. !!!!!!!

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Kathy - can you please add a page with all the motions listed on it? Thanks for all your hard work. Hugs, Freddie