Development of Various Movements in 19th Century

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  • 7/24/2019 Development of Various Movements in 19th Century


  • 7/24/2019 Development of Various Movements in 19th Century


    The 19th century was a period in historymarked by the collapse ofthe Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Holy omanand !ughal empires" This pa#ed the way forthe growing in$uence of the %ritish &mpire,

    the 'erman &mpire, the (nited States and the&mpire of )apan, spurring military con$icts butalso ad#ances in science and e*ploration"

    The 19th century was an era of in#ention anddisco#ery, with signi+cant de#elopments in the

    +elds of mathematics, physics, chemistry,biology, electricity, and metallurgy that lay thegroundwork for the technological ad#ances ofthe -th century"

  • 7/24/2019 Development of Various Movements in 19th Century



    /rts 0 Crafts mo#ement /rt .ou#eau

    iterary mo#ements


    .ationalist Social mo#ement


    Pre2 raphaelitism

    Transcendentalism 3ark romanticism




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    .eoclassicism is the name gi#en to4uite distinct mo#ements inthe decorati#e and #isualarts, literature, theatre, music,and architecture that draw upon5estern classical art and culture"These mo#ements were dominant in

    northern &urope during the mid216th to the end of the 19th century"

    .eoclassicism, in a cultural, artistic,and architectural sense, grew as aresponse against ococo, which wasseen as o#er2the2top and shallow"

    /rchitecturally, it was characteri7edby similarities to classical structuresas well as the enaissance,including order and simplicity, andartistically, it was also modelled onworks from the classical world,often containing political themes

    including bra#ery and war"

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    /rts and Crafts was an internationaldesign philosophy that originated in&nglandand $ourished between 168-and 191- especially the second half ofthat period:, continuing its in$uenceuntil the 19;-s"

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    /rts and Crafts ob=ects were simple in form,without super$uous decoration, and how theywere constructed was often still #isible" Theytended to emphasi7e the 4ualities of the materialsused >truth to material>:" They often hadpatterns inspired by %ritish $ora and fauna andused the #ernacular, or domestic, traditions of the%ritish countryside" Se#eral designer2makersestablished workshops in rural areas and re#i#edold techni4ues" They were in$uenced bythe 'othic e#i#al 16;-?166-: and wereinterested in medie#al styles, using bold formsand strong colors based on medie#al designs"They claimed to belie#e in the moral purpose ofart"

    %y the end of the nineteenth century, /rts andCrafts ideals had in$uenced architecture,painting, sculpture, graphics, illustration, bookmaking and photography, domestic design and thedecorati#e arts, including furniture andwoodwork, stained glass, leatherwork,lacemaking, embroidery, rug making and wea#ing,

    =ewelry and metalwork, enameling and ceramics"

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    /rt .ou#eau is an international philosophy and style of art,architecture and applied art@especially the decorati#e arts@that were most popular during 169-?191-" The name >/rt

    .ou#eau> is Arench for Bnew art" / reaction to academicart of the 19th century, it was inspired by natural forms andstructures, not only in $owers and plants, but also in cur#edlines" /rchitects tried to harmoni7e with the naturalen#ironment" the +nest collectionof art nou#eau buildings in &urope>, was included on the listduring 199D in part because of the >4uality and the 4uantityof its /rt .ou#eau architecture>, and four %russels townhouses by Eictor Horta were included during --- as >works

    of human creati#e genius> that are >outstanding e*amplesof /rt .ou#eau architecture brilliantly illustrating thetransition from the 19th to the -th century in art, thought,and society>"

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    !o#ements after the enaissance" Theseterms, helpfulfor curricula or anthologies, e#ol#ed o#ertime to group writers who are oftenloosely related" Some of thesemo#ements such as 3ada and %eat: werede+ned by the members themsel#es,while other terms the metaphysicalpoets, for e*ample: emerged decades orcenturies after the periods in 4uestion"

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    %efore the ad#ent of go#ernment2funded publicschools, the primary mode of education for those ofthe lower classes was the charity school, pioneeredduring the 19th century by Protestant organi7ationsand adapted for use by the oman CatholicChurch and go#ernmental bodies" %ecause theseschools operated on #ery small budgets andattempted to ser#e as many needy children aspossible, economic factors were prominent in theirdesign"

    The basic program was to de#elop >grammar>schools" These taught only grammar

    and bookkeeping" This program permits people tostart businesses to make money, and gi#es them theskills to continue their education ine*pensi#ely frombooks" >'rammar> was the +rst third of the then2pre#alent system of Classical &ducation"

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    .ationalism is a political ideology that in#ol#esa strong identi+cation of a group of indi#idualswith a political entity de+ned in national terms,i"e" a nation"

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    Social mo#ements are a type of group action" They are largeinformal groupings of indi#iduals andor organi7ations focusedon speci+c political or social issues, in other words, on carryingout, resisting or undoing a social change"

    !odern 5estern social mo#ements became possible througheducation, and increased mobility of labor due tothe industriali7ation and urbani7ation of 19th centurysocieties"

  • 7/24/2019 Development of Various Movements in 19th Century


    omanticism or the omantic &ra or the

    >Fomantic Period>F: was an artistic, literaryand intellectual mo#ement that originatedin the second half of the 16th century in&urope, and gained strength in reaction tothe

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    The Pre2aphaelite %rotherhood a group

    of &nglish painters, poets, and critics, founded in 16K6by 5illiam Holman Hunt, )ohn erett !illais and 3ante'abriel ossetti" The three founders were soon =oinedby 5illiam !ichael ossetti,)ames Collinson, Arederic 'eorgeStephens and Thomas 5oolner to form a se#en2member>brotherhood>"

    The groupFs intention was to reform art by re=ecting what

    they considered to be the mechanistic approach +rstadopted by the !annerist artists whosucceeded aphael and !ichelangelo" They belie#ed thatthe Classical poses and elegant compositions

    of aphael in particular had been a corrupting in$uence onthe academic teaching of art"

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    Transcendentalism is a group of ideas in literatureand philosophy that de#eloped in the 16;-s and16K-s as a protest against the general state ofculture and society, and in particular, the stateof intellectualism at Har#ard (ni#ersity and thedoctrine of the (nitarianmchurch taughtat Har#ard 3i#inity School" /mong thetranscendentalistsF core beliefs was the belief inan ideal spirituality that >transcends>the physical and empirical and is reali7ed onlythrough the indi#idualFs intuition, rather thanthrough the doctrines of established religions"

    The ma=or +gures in the mo#ement were &mily3ickinson, alph 5aldo &merson, Henry 3a#id

    Thoreau, !argaret Auller, and /mos %ronson/lcott"

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    3ark omanticism often con$ated with

    'othicism or called /merican omanticism:is a literary subgenre"

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    iterary realism most often refers to the

    trend, beginning with certain worksof nineteenth2century Arenchliterature and e*tending to late2nineteenth2 and early2twentieth2centuryauthors in #arious countries, towardsdepictions of contemporary life andsociety >as they were"> realism,> ealist authors optedfor depictions of e#eryday and banalacti#ities and e*periences, instead of aromantici7ed or similarly styli7edpresentation" )orge uis %orges, in anessay entitled >The Scandina#ian3estiny>, attributed the earliest

    disco#ery of ealism in literature to the.orthmen in the

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    .aturalism was a literary mo#ement taking place from the166-s to 19K-s that used detailed realism to suggest that

    social conditions, heredity, and en#ironment hadinescapable force in shaping human character" scienti+cally> the underlying forces e"g" the

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    Symbolism was a late nineteenth2century style of Arench, ussian and %elgian origin inpoetry and other arts" symbolist>itself was +rst applied by the critic )ean !oras, who

    in#ented the term to distinguish the symbolists from therelated decadents of literature and art" 3istinct from, but related to, the style of literature,

    symbolism of art is related to the gothic componentof omanticism"

  • 7/24/2019 Development of Various Movements in 19th Century


    The 'othic e#i#al also referred to as Eictorian'othic or .eo2'othic: is an architecturalmo#ement that began in the 1DK-s in&ngland"

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    Notable Neo-Gothic edifices:

    top: Palace of

    Westminster, London;

    left: Cathedral of

    Learning, Pittsburgh;

    right: Sint-Petrus-en-

    Pauluskerk, stend!

    Parliament "ill, tta#a

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  • 7/24/2019 Development of Various Movements in 19th Century


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