Develop Human Capital Through Education  Date: Tuesday, March 06 @ 11:58:31 GMT +8 Topic: Columnists HasnahHussin  Budget 2007 provides for the development of large human capital of 21 percent of total spending . Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawiannounced, the provision of RM33.4 billion, RM6.7 billion allocated to pri mary education, secondary education (RM6.2 billion), higher education (RM10.4 billion) and tr aining (RM10.1 billion). Education and human capital are t he two things are interdependent with one another. This is because the pendidikanlah to produce human ca pital and human capital will not be born without any education. The question is now how our educational system to achieve the objective of human capital for national development in the futur e? What would peel here are some strategies that thought should be studied and reviewed for the education system in this country and to meet the needs of relevant countries in the future. Among the few things that need t o be addressed in the education system in Ma laysia today is how to prevent unemployment, to ensure curriculum is relevant to current needs a nd avoid wastage of human resources. At the same time the student issued able to meet the quota / job opportunities available. The first step should be done by institutions of higher learning, especially in these days is that they need to make some research with releva nt parties such as the example for the industry to know what the industry needs in terms of manpower. What skills are required, specialization, and future plans. The information gathered will help develop the curriculum of higher education institutions in line with the requirements of industry and labor market. Thus, higher education institutions and industry need to have close cooperation to prevent wastage of human resources occur in the future. The second step should be taken into acc ount the educational system in t his country should focus on increasing knowledge and skills in various fields for students. Knowledge and skills are part of human c apital and without it harder for Muslims to achieve any goal.

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Develop Human Capital Through Education  

Date: Tuesday, March 06 @ 11:58:31 GMT +8

Topic: Columnists


Budget 2007 provides for the development of large human capital of 21 percent of total

spending. Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawiannounced, the provision of RM33.4 billion,

RM6.7 billion allocated to primary education, secondary education (RM6.2 billion), higher 

education (RM10.4 billion) and training (RM10.1 billion).

Education and human capital are the two things are interdependent with one another. This is

because the pendidikanlah to produce human capital and human capital will not be born

without any education.

The question is now how our educational system to achieve the objective of human capital

for national development in the future?

What would peel here are some strategies that thought should be studied and reviewed for the education system in this country and to meet the needs of relevant countries in the future.

Among the few things that need to be addressed in the education system in Malaysia today is

how to prevent unemployment, to ensure curriculum is relevant to current needs and avoid

wastage of human resources.

At the same time the student issued able to meet the quota / job opportunities available.

The first step should be done by institutions of higher learning, especially in these days isthat they need to make some research with relevant parties such as the example for the

industry to know what the industry needs in terms of manpower.

What skills are required, specialization, and future plans.

The information gathered will help develop the curriculum of higher education institutions inline with the requirements of industry and labor market.

Thus, higher education institutions and industry need to have close cooperation to prevent

wastage of human resources occur in the future.

The second step should be taken into account the educational system in this country should

focus on increasing knowledge and skills in various fields for students.

Knowledge and skills are part of human capital and without it harder for Muslims to achieveany goal.

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To become a respected nation in the world, we need to add value to whatever we do. In an

era of globalization today, found itself the subject of globalization should be covered in each


This case has been made in the study by one of Professor at the UPM, where he found the

subject of globalization must be embedded in the curriculum or making it a great subject.

This effort to expose the present generation to issues of globalization and indirectly to form acreative and "up to date" among the graduates of institutions of higher learning.

This is one example of added value that we can do in the curriculum of institutions of higher 

learning today.

The second core of the five national missions outlined the government is to increase the

capacity for knowledge, creativity and innovation and nurture first class mentality among thepeople.

The government believes the country's future success depends on the quality of human

capital, not only in terms of intellect but also character.

In line with this thrust, the authorities should undertake efforts to improve our educationalsystem as a whole, from preschool to tertiary and vocational education.

At the primary level and found the government had announced in Mandarin will be taught as

a full subject in 150 national schools, while the Tamil language is taught in 70 primary

school is one commendable step in developing a national unity since school days.

This effort should not be taken lightly as the issue of racial unity is a big agenda of the

country where national unity remains an important agenda in the development of the countrysince independence to date.

Educational institutions in the country as well, especially at the tertiary level must provide anenvironment that encourages or generate more research and development (R & D).

Undeniably the research is not an uncommon practice at universities in other countries and

they have proved popular and successful universities are carrying out many research


Hence, expected in the education system in Malaysia, R & D carried out continuously and

used for national development and not to be kept in the library.

This string of educational institutions in the country is expected to conduct research and

development efforts not only to the physical development of the country alone but researchshould also focus on how to create an effective human capital development, problems or 

constraints in human development, and solution etc..

The next problem to consider the educational institutions today is the challenge of creating

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first class citizens.

In this case, it is not an easy task but not impossible to achieve if each party is responsible to

know their roles and determine the focus to achieving these goals.

Fertilization first class will only have the quality of human existence in all aspects of life interms of education, behaviour (moral), jobs, ways of thinking and acting, high civic

awareness and know what their benefit to religion, society and nation.

People who lack civic consciousness, shallow thoughts and prioritize entertainment alone iscertainly not able to have a first class mind as a desirable state of knowledge (intellectual),

and noble.

Thus, in the context of today's global world, high-quality human capital is a necessity, no

longer a privilege. How institutions of higher learning (IPT) can plays a role in this?

IPT is considered today to be entered into a renewal of technical knowledge and proficiencyare placed together without burdensome technical knowledge alone.

Human capital development, as highlighted by the Prime Minister is not directly linked to

product quality issues resulting in alleged dumping of IPT to graduates who do not have ajob.

Why does it happen in our education system today? If seen in the history of education, this

was not going to be the era of the 70s and 80 '.

Its cause is currently due to graduate are not competent and do not have the skills, especially

as the soft skills demanded by employers, in addition to the competitive job market.

IPT to generate graduates who have balanced and comprehensive skills either in quality or intellectual skills which include aspects of human behaviour, morality and so forth.

To address this issue, the Ministry of Higher Education has introduced a comprehensive

approach to the introduction of soft skills (KI) (soft skills) which was launched by

DatukMustapa Mohamed recently.

KI covers aspects of generic skills that involve cognitive elements associated with non-

academic skills such as positive values, leadership, teamwork, communication and

continuous learning.

The question is how to implement these skills in the education system in our institutions of higher learning? What each IPT to provide coordination in the implementation?

Whatever the question each IPT to the establishment of effective human capital is not only

used for national development, but also human capital in shaping a society that is peaceful,

loving and free spirit of social ills.

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On this day every day serving the news media about the brutal murder, theft, abuse,

prostitution, corruption, mat rempit, drug abuse and so forth.

Is this a way of life that is civilized and independent? How are we going to admit that our 

country is supposed to be free and independent nation out of the house alone without a friend

is not even safe?

This is what we need to think together. What business needs to be done to curb this problem?

Thus the education system in this country should also think about how to do research andhow this could have happened and find a solution.

What we need to think together is what our education system today is still not enough toeducate the community to become a caring society?

Not enough with the introduction of subjects such as Civics and Moral? Or there should be

additional subjects?

In addition, in this era of globalization demands that human capital is born will be self-reliantand not dependent on other people.

Education systems today need to provide an infrastructure that allows an individual to

possess and develop the science of making knowledge not held as an asset in the library or 


Chinese saying goes, give a man a fish and you have been supplying food for the day, but if 

berinyaajarnya hook and how to fish and you have helped provide food for ever.

One of the lack of attention and are considered trivial by some quarters is that the role of co-curricular activities in the education system.

Not to be denied extra-curricular activities to produce students who physically sound,

mentally and physically. But have we investigated the role or contribution in co-curricular 

activities in human capital formation?

This needs to be given due attention, particularly in institutions of higher learning for this

activity is beneficial and at the same time, human capital can be generated by activities

carried out.

Formation of such teams PALAPES to generate teamwork, "decision making", discipline

and leadership among students.

Similarly, activities such as silat, athletics, kompang, art, etc. should be ensured so as to

contribute towards human capital formation and not merely to satisfy the required credits.

The author is Lecturer Centre for Modern Languages & Human Sciences Universiti

Malaysia Pahang. 

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This article comes from UMNO Youth Websitehttp://www.pemuda.com.my 

The URL for this story is:


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