DEMOORATICGIANTSAT WAR \ Mir.IHV STItt*GOLE ON IIETWEEN CLEVE LANli \N'f MI"1J1*HY. >fUK XHR TROT BTATRSMAN l!V> RTLT/8 PROMIRE OF THE RE^ATORSHIP TWO YEATIS AOO-THR LOVTEST \\H.!. BR A DE5PKRATB <>\'l.. .)'f,e eeho*N nf !!.¦¦ PxplortoJi ii. the IVmocraiir jnr'.v whteh Mr. » leveland a <!.¦' iration <>; liostil- !tv tf> M" Murphj h pandidacy for L'liited State* sti<r eanaed were bmrd in every Knappoi nnd H^rwuup nmi yeaterday. Maay ol the politiciana cf imtli ridee, who il !'"' Hrat Murt ol the *ii- Boaateavuit expreMed their satisfaotloi al the p - ,; ., j .1 * ii.- rifiilt withlll the part.V. bofran to U'ok frightenad uk the riw> ol tlic nonfliol looine ,.., pefore theai \ nunibei ol tirnid jiaiii-ir, p.,tii nttcman: itea and An J-Snapptrn, ran :t»><>nt fi,* K>wn yeaterday aaeuriug Intereated liatenera that "the ,! tnan didn't bmbu l*i thal he rea'ly c*r*d little who waa Nenatorj that he had m> per- Mnal lialike for Murphy, and thal he had haued hi* prooui'1'..ii"!! "U Uio aabjeet onl.v to aquare hlniv.f with rvrf»iu 'f hia aiiBportera." Theae w.'iiU brethraa wera meal alariwd ubont thaoffloe* whieh they «aw mnwhtni from thelr araap j;.it *lifc level-iieaded aad clear«lahted 'n.>n of the p.»r;v eaw plaifl thal Ihe ""l min" dW nica:i h tad that hia trutnpet»blae1 ol oYflanee to the Saapper maehine will ba followed i>v tli.- raoat aerioui >T<-.i<h thal tha Demoeratic partjr ot the hmpiio State h:i« priii"ibly ever knowa. i.e frue Btory of ^b. Mnrphva oaadiaVy fw the Saaat« haa bbtw .*.« loW. 't begitn m r«'- »lity BMm tbaa >wa yaam aajat, nif«>r the Dfm> mta fouu-J tiifit ihey had a n.uority r>t two 'ti the LefhUalan <>f I8«l. >Tr. afarffcjr waated the Boadaation th«, -in-l 1t wh^ od the poiat »f bfinc -.">!.¦¦¦-'..¦.1 to hlrn wheB Gbt»i«ot Hili tad- dealy gaw* ' ;1'^ '!l'" !t ":,s 1l"' wi" on'1 ****** uf \].>- DeB»«rB«y of tbB Sfat*> that should ^^.p fr.;il tte OowBrnart chaii to tbt plaet un lo vaaaal by tl.^! r.iti n ol S.*nator fvarta'ater»a llill'a aaiadate raa a!l-pow*rftt1 witli tbe State mtwiiiT.a whi.ii lN> had ..<>. st .tr.l ff.r liis« owa iipo, aild IhBIB WM BB OBB BtTOnfl oii.in/h t> fCT- LW Ms raph of t^i> offiee, hut Edward Ifurphy, Jr.| l>1,,» a" no'* obalnuan of of tha DeBioofatlfl Btate Comndtaae, w.u* dtwply dkajppaiaBMl aad |Th?ved. Tte plaoata him Mr Hill tu:ide biiu '^^ praaiiae rhat tli<> no%t Seaate raaaaaf «" «M ^o bo him. Lvor sin.v> th.n thia haa baaa ¦¦ opea a»a el anaong >fr. hill»B oo»«fhs cf (wnlt-)»T..t'v*. Om w«-ek bffore tiia oii'ouon, whon tlio D«m- 0".ra!« klt bbib ot the Suite, rh«? BBaapan began t0 aei theii BBachln«7 ln ¦BtleB. Mr. rakef callad «.n LleatBBast-flavarBat SlieeJiaa at Deta- r.rjatio Btate hcaiyu rfara, Jn W«*t Tw-mty- fourth Ht., and amid to hiua: " In fhc ovent «.f tho Suito taiaf bot waar who ara you fa» u*« Saamtor ? "WalL Mr- OtokBTt'1 lapiiad the Lteutonaat- r>Tareor, "1 thlnk that jrao li.^ve in youi miud the samo niua that I hav*." -Who'l that?' a.«kwl Mr. Crakav, "ti Miirphr-" ... .That'i right," wjm Crokcrs aBBWBT. Wf »rc.- fot him.'' The electirm raine off urid tvarythlllg WB111 to iait Mr. Croket aad Mr. BbaehaiL Tha day Bltai thB eleotiaa, the Ueatenaat-GaTBTaor tete- phaaai rroiu Huftaln to Ttoy BoagiataUtlBg Mr M.rpl.y bb the aiabability al hia being a l Bttad M itcs Secatoi froui Sew-Tatk. Nothiag waa »M to Mr. (l-vrlmd aboat thli candidarv untll Mr. Murphy'i vlait to New-York iu the weBk altef the deatiaa, when Mr. Marphy aad IieateaaBVOowTBOi Sbeehaa calkd bb tha prasidBBVekot. Tht BBbyeot waa thea broaehed bj Mr. Bheahaa Mr Clevclaod aaid Iha1 he t! ougbt it a littk «-ar!v t briau eat epBdidatea f,,r Sraatar, aad ahowed other aymptoaai of want ol ayaapaths In Mr. Mu'P' '";"'' bu1 rheJ were Bat Ttoteat. Mr. Marphy aad Mr. Sheaban told th<-ir friaadi abaat tha way Mr. Chyreland had reoalTtd Ihe aotke whleh they had sorvod aa hjui. »nd wJ.iit» Uui bappara » » BaaaBwhai dlBqaleted they hoped that Mr. Cleveland's dh> iaehaation to eathuae ortt Mr. Maiphy waald blow o\»r bafore the eaccua waa heW. \ week a_-'i Ooloael Lamoat ealled aa Mr. rroker aad ezpiaaaed surpnx- al tha pertlBacity with whieh Mi. Murphya frienda w«re puahlni hia i"r the Seaate, iu »pi*a af fheir oogaiaaaoe ..( the facl that Mr. Clerdwid waa n"t 1b aaeord- i ,. with the Bcheme. Mr. Croker refuoed to diacBBi the wbje I with OoIbbbI Laaaoat Thto wm the flral j; aitlve iakllag givea t.. th<> Hill- Tannnany faBtian that Mr. Claveland had made np hia niad to fight Mflrphy'a candldaBy. ft»t tt b.rmn i'.ave had llttlc Bffcet u\»>n tliem. Mr. Croket aaid yeBterday *»« h"1 th,,'n heart aad wal for Mr. Marphy from ti«- Brat, and that he woald rcaaafB ao nu raatt..r what Blighl happea. i I '. Oa^eraof Bhaahan bbb4 ward alt-:r Mr. CterehMid'a deHTeraaoB of Wadneada3 that iiA aoald be eoaated sn to 6tl«.k to Mr. Marpiiy. Sraator \h\\ had oot beaa eonaalted at, Ihe tiiue tLe aaooaaBBBMOt of th<» purpose to ran Marphy was eprun/ at the Hoffaian Haagc a few nJfhti aftat tlio alaetion, bat he h-^ »ow (j<;oiar<"i hia loteattan to fulfu! hoit pV-rl^ of t\.-<> yBBia Bg« aad holp eleet Mhrphy. Tha Baaappara ar^ lu u oompartt nhape, nud were BDBBBiaglBg BBoh otl^r yaatarday to pru-Mit aa unbrokon frorit to Mr. ChPHdanrtn eil«wt to atanrpeda theai. Whila nono of thom wata raady to g^va th.ur yie^-n tol pubhBBtiBB. tt waa endMit t):at BBoh meu M Baaatar Hill, Oovernor Flowaa, Mr. Wadtaiy, Mr. GaekraB, Mr. Craker, Mr. Sheeliaa and otlior m- fl-iontaal I>moerat« r>oliovcd thdt it WBB tjie b<' -innina of a fljjtit wkaah waaM not aad fn tha next BBBBfaBjoaV Mr. WbitJi«»y wae quated ye.-tei-flay as aaylnj) ttu.i Mr. CtnrBhaad La. lakeo hia preaeBt eoarae withoot oanaiilrlrg liuii, aad that ba helteved It it (rmatt mlittaJi.-. Mr. Whitaey hiaawlf deciiaed to say anythiag tor print. It ia weii aadentood aiaong Mr. ClewlaBda nele"t Boaapaay of Mogwump and Aati-Snappet frienda thal -he Praaideat-«lect wbbI iBto the Senat* cont/*t with a fall kaowladge ol tli<- ao- lidlty af tha Hlll-TaBaBfcaBjr-SBapper oombiBati n on Marphy, and they eay he oourta the Bghl bbbbbbb it wiU b.^ ¦ t>k BBJB. It U hinted that Mr. riesvland will Bag that this is do battie o-; hk aonaJBg, >^ the oppoaitioa arrayed itaelf a^aiust him aft»r they had been iafonaed h » ilaatrr*-1 Mr. Marphya caBdidacy waa to him, and. at* thag went ahead with the Marphy eaa- vaai aft.T batBg waraed bj Mr. Ctevelaad, tbere waa BBthiaf iBft for him to do exe*p« to Baanrl hlinwelf. Sp»w4ter t'risp, s.-riiit..r ftorman, ScBBtor Mf'- Pberaaa, Bfld iwne otbei repreacBtatlve Demoeratx .aJled on Mi .v.-'ui,,: .t hia law offtca In the Milh) BalkUni yeatarday. Speaker riap al«> ed on Mr. Craker and had a long eoafld>ntlal lalk wtth him. In rhnr af tha battie whieh i- NUBioj on in Nflw-Yerh Btate, the Speaker waa feel- Idj deekied ¦.. i ¦-!¦ aboat hia owb ohaaoei f«t raalaatioa. begao tadoabt yeatenaay wbetlier he had aol gaaa too fM Ib kolarlBg biiruwH ao IhBfaagbly (a v-ovi with Mr. ClevelaBd'a poll %* li«>di<i on Tharaday. Mr, < *ii«;> won hiaele^tlon in [rnQBoiitar. i-'.'f. by the aid of the HiH-TBBv ltm,i.\ eoatingei t apd Iti alliea Ib the Hoaae of K,.|,ie-en:ntiv.*. Uat avealBs Mr. < '.-i^P and S n a ,,r Gonaati tiiaad with Mr. WhltBejr. lln^h UaLaughlin naaiatalBi h.> aeeoatotned lile^<.,. reapeetlns ihe ptogramoae of tha Klog< founty Detnocracy In tlu? Leghdatare. He de cliii.-* to aay whether »ie wlll aapport Marphy or tl..-. i .i.l in -I... ooiniBg oonteat, or whethtr he Will allow liirtiiine'e .: nieli.i-iN t., gu luto ¦¦v.' Whac aeen laai ai«hl bj a rribun. t^fotU* Mi Malanghlifl waa willrag to laih aboat nli.i *iiv-bin bal pditira Vi.n that aubject aa* huataaH he roroarkad tha hc had nothiag to ray. Ue wauld not ev« t#j whethar oi not the reaaarka aaoteni !n tiewapaprra aa naiiai freaa bim to the eflajl that the Klapj Caaaty rhjeaaerat* wtw alwaye " tegalara' were Irae. There eaa ^ bb dtoabt, bawaver, l at the pro graninM la *<> hara the laeaibera Iraai Kiag« " bato the eaaana and ahade by itB deeiaion. Haa they vi.'I vot* In r..<* «aaeBB U proljlomatie..! .Ubm woll-known Demacrata favor the preaiaita- ion (.f Bome Kingx ountj mt toi t ¦.* rot 01 li.' delegation Othera ai inclined ;<> i.,.. 'e ui' that McLaughlin will \ >id -r.w,. a .¦n- o Mr. Cleveland by refraining froai rotitu at all ii the eaueua, ani l<y Ib- nnit .h-t keep in larmony wlth Hill, Sheehan and Murphy, '. rhoae favor lie dependa for the i«> letta'ation \ llii'll iabll ¦...;. [, ;.¦¦'< vho t;t!;c tr,i- view belbve that, .. w.tIih' d Ite (belaration ol Ji Im Dflinar, thal t .. Kln !ounty Demorruf) doea no1 look writ-li la'" up»»*i >iurph.\, \l I. giilm ntirt ¦¦ '¦!'"- cares lililc aboui iov<.' and <1 Irii i. 'i 1" _¦>¦.¦ open ntU- *.. tu hlm S ». oi l.i- Kiiitaa Countj people ai- Ineli ed to thin dr. 'veland foolhardy tu Interferc ln the qu iriel :t all. Aaw n b!j man Thonai F. Byrnea aaid: "While ani ugainri Mnrphy ror Senator, I tbluk ii was inw *6 fol 'Iu- Pi't- :-l<-iit- ¦:.¦« t to ntt'i '..].<.. Seuator John McCarty, tba mosl Influeotial nember of tihe Kinga County delegation, bowever akea tbe oppoaitc vi.-v. ;tn(i Kiya: '1 thl .. thal ilr. Clevebind did rigbt, and I ani perfectly will- lij; t>> hav »." "The Brooklyn < ;ti/-n" reeterday ln an adv orial aaid Thf D.ii r*',~ uf K'.nc- '<.>,::>. nr- OltpOMd i" f«c- tlonalhou, Mid etaoa ¦. Uito u. a .rlll tio abM Baey un ... ]ir>\"ui Uie aandtaa, if »n\- man to <ii" Uiiltod ¦!»i|.s s natr nlm vc.vi'l t*k« h!> » M' '¦¦''. <.'>¦ :ti»n- lm at dlvldtof ;'..¦ party la Hm BUt« ol Kew-To:* ntn AdiiiinMntloM oii 1 ¦nU-AdintnUtrntloii nim. \-< <> -.vi :m ":t .rlll i>'..ii- tiie Klnn County ni«a do rth.-.i Um i'ur:\ raiicnt la n .. .1 ot AltaoT OBlnkMn alll .. difl>r. On «'.!¦ ;.o!iii, nui ¦vw, arre will tw no diiur-in-.. of i)i>iniou. k> f.ir a>- tlM runni ntatl^ n .t tin» conntj arc coocotnad, an<l Uw< tr^<r tu ir doir bi the N'iit.on ln U.% BUU>, h- arell «- ka nwB t uf it h'iv ul iio'i e, la to l I ¦¦.. vwti aoltiroatt ii. ana la ahuli '<j:i'.-ni ban mm aiai raca U»j obj etMaa arMtti attarli .. Mr. Mnnaai « |.. i <1 w ijl. u. iierii baj h givefl notiuc, howevfrt to the Mugwumpa, A'huiii ;t obaraotvriiea to ui^et opprobriooi Imn*, thal t!i<'}' ¦..,! expecl n<jthlng IrraaTulai Crom h<' Klnipj L'ounty po>'iplf>. This m< ina t'ual buw- i-vor liin-T t,.. doac may be Mel^iu^hiia w II iwallow it ;u* li'- liaa awalkiwed many iach doses 'M-t'^i". Ko .vt-iit to tbe Stata < DDventioo ¦ jr< ia and tii'-l tu nowinato (*hapin f»i Uovrrnor. !!<. w n latigltrnl at, ai \>.'.''!i Floww wran ::it-'«i, nottwitbstandino tbo Mtternca? whi> li ahoirod Itaoll ia worda, Ktnga Countj rollod up a large majurity fot Pkiwer. It protvated aa vigoroualy »< did Taoitnany ngalnal l*veh»nd-j uomin.v- tii>i:, b'it It wu.» pronpl Io auc^pt tta d.I i'i good part. John Dvlinar, \\!.':i tba Knijis Countj Demoorani were w poa«x«- ful undvr blowa, ^ul<l 'iiaf it was bvt .1 :.-<. t!i<y believed ln tbe true prinetplea ol tka Dama- aratic part.y, aod ware particuJarly detarnjint"*] t<i inalntain Iheir auprauaoy, ili»-ir ambitiou iva." 10 be dt»l»> \\ii"!i .iyiu,. to t<?li tbait childron tliai tlK»y j-. li b\-iii iaitliiul to Ptmocracy. !.,.. UrmooratU m«iut>eni ol tne Legialatare of ifc>y.<, from Kiin,^ t aunty, wbo uun >ei pavent^on lawemblyaien and two Srnatora, triU bold a cau' Uiis evcoinj ht the rhomaa Jedaraon Uuiiding ui Uourt Squaic. Phey aic to deoidc arbetbet they wili entc! the cani ui i«i nominota a Sauatat »r iH.t, aud tK- u is Uttle doubt Utat thej will dc- "i'l.> to enter it. That tlioy will abn> deol ¦. abide bj tbe deolalon of tuat oaaoui id ueyoud lueatioo. They will t<i-!u,iLt uecide arhethat my oandldate ior tbe Sanatarthlp from Kiugi L'ounty shnll It; preaented. J'mc Aaariublyiucii will nl*o this eveulng iicUTinli.c tbeix eourae .i-> to the Speakarahip. Adaemblraan Ouiglej 1..^ I'fon a candldate i"i tbc }»linv, t>ut arttb ch na u : latlo Bodestd;. bllQga County wlU probably w tu- dxaw ins naioe, aud lupport Wiiinuu Suuer, tiie man wheu ti* maohuie deairea lo have foi Speaker. Mr. Qnlgley wiJl try to i** [ea ler ol the majority ln the Aaaembh' and chalrman >>r thi < ommittea of Waya aiv! Meana Whetbai .... will lia..' aa.v iK-tt<T aucueaa tban the ruu of Klnga County candidatea ia opan t-> queation. Sniith M. \\'<-'d, ol Plattaburg, to whani Darid B. Hiii protuiaed the L'nited >tatea S»-uator»hip at tL>«- tlnie when u<' atcpaetl in uial tooh it bim- M-lt. «m at the Fifth Avenue IfiAvl jneaterdaj ifternoon. Mr. Weod, ln :i <jnlt>* way. la now a candidata for tru- S»»nate, and hefore tlw oleetlun ie apeut Iil- mouej litierally iu the pauipuign, it 1- aaid, with the idea ol UuaUj H>-ciiriiig tho plaoe, tor whicfa ht' ii.»«* bc'ti lonfinu foi mntij ¦«m lt w j.s tJiuiiuiit yeaterdaVi to be pe» .uliar that Mr. We« ahould f.ru up 1 tinie w-hfii Mr. Cleveland ijo*J hiat annount-ad luni- (...if a* I'l-iiitf oppoaod to the aleetlon <>i Mr. M ir- phv, iiii<l it hm sf»i<i that there mii lit t^ wme trutli 111 the report that Mr. Wood waa the man witii whoo the Prwidenteleot wotild tr\ t" ¦!.- reat Mt. Murphr. >fr. Wced denied yeaterday, howe' or, ti u ttila v.;..> the i..if«'. - Whafj <l" yoa -vant t() aay abont Mr. kyve- land'ftoppoaitiou t., \!r. Murphy?" Mr. Weed arai taked , . .. 1 ,io n d eare to sa,r iniytlniit' nist naw, waa bki reply. , , . ., ¦. \ic yon atlU a candldate be waa *fked. In reply to thia Mr. weed almply imlled and *ai<l nothing. , John Keaaan. (>f I'ii<\a, who preaided ojrcr th<- Anti-Snappei Obnvantion in Syracuao in M;v laH, aaid to a reiwrtex: "As I umk-rataiid the rituation, Mr. Cleveland haatlmplT .xprvraH pu bcly tbe oplnlon tjr.it lio liaa beld privatelv Imito- lofore. He la opposed to Mr. Murphj und be to".! Litii <*<>. Uv hewvia thal Mt. Murphy, nelther l»y tralniag noi education, la lltted tfl luooeed auen man ad Conkllng and F.vatt.-, and doea nol beaitata U> aay bo, ITrta declaratlon 011 the part ,,f Mr Cleveland doea n<>t ni«»n toat th«*e wil* be any eoneert««i pffiirt V> oontrol the againal Murphy. TlwuiBwida of aond Hemw-raU %- thia State belleve tJiat Mr. Murphy s eleetinn wi'J K- :v mlatake and will »i"P" ,1,:" '". ''.'",,'" nontro] of the iJoniocratlo niaehln«! will take Mr. '- '"¦ II* '^' ''" ,, ,,. ,. ^aidaUnt FJlatriot-Attornay llenry w. I tiu«--- Kiiid It i« abaurd nil-v- any TJ'~-'!r"i Mr Mnrphy'o paraonal qualiricafioni I eoffice: bja (rreat politiral oxperi.1 peonllArlj nt- hlm to r^i.r.nt and proteol the InUvesta of thla Stnt« i.i the liiit.-l Sfaitea Senate Mr. Murphv, in mt dcment poHaeaaea all thoae ex«4h»nl qualiti^a wbleh roeeial \ marlc.'l Daniej S. Maanlna a puMic wtvioe. li id v.y !<>r''! "' ffc- I*"..i-J.-r.t .,.. t to dhuvow any peraonal hoatillty t" Mr. Murphy, hul hia attitude fl.rcibly remlnd. nne of the r m litl »n uf affairn whl^h prompt*d tlu- Imrd toexelairu: It'a all v ry »'":1 t" dlin*nibl« yoar is it, pray *iy <" fou kl'h liaaaaiaiit Watrlct-Attorn«y Townaend aahl: ¦. I -.ui viiv poaitlve in 11.v oplnlon thal Mr. Murphy ahould .he n*\t Sj>nat«ii He b ln ,.v.t' wav qiialifled to f»ke the plaea, and >t> mt.-s it at the handx -I hia party. \a Mie heml ., jt .. ha« won : rc :il i< t«i "¦- .' the noll* m thi« State II" b a nollejre gradnate. I thin : thal li- will be r.ominated alni by a/jelamation. .._ ? MURPH Y MA SA GEK8 HU8TLING. ORDBBS SESPI 10 MAOHINE LEADCIW TO WORK ITPESTHITSIASM FORTUEIBMAN DEMOORATTf I f>« tATOIW MJETTEU TO nttWHY IM TUEIR PWIOOl H TO VOTE TOR TIIK 'jr.ui.w -( on .^.^'-^I\^. TRACET'S l'l.Mv TAI<K ABOUT TIIK W ''l.i' BE -.' v ATOn ;iiV TKI.l-.IiAril ro THB TKIBCalti) Athaoy, Dee. 2 Dr.nM lal* abad W." aa-t Ib njotto of |b- A rti-Mevehnd H.-ra md iv iu r la ,. n rebnd'a <!. lai rti n Ihat Kd uard Mnrphy. Jr.. ¦'. "". '. ":" '"' ' """' j ¦.:.. IHH II lliei did ia ran- ,,.l ,nv aritti the corresponditrt. aboui Mr. :¦¦ ,... k ,.,!.. Mr. Murphy. M«7 " 'r!> ''.' ||twly ...,. .ti..: of Uhal nttaM t»j ud n- ., ..-,.¦ ,1 4 Ired l-"-i memt« l|ir] ( |, -.,];, ai .i*lne. hwqdHng lb*ni Ut cret ,,.., , poi latiroiH tmlhur f ol p p m m ..¦.-.,... Added to Uib, .ii m '!. l"ii kwbUc s.ji.,:. r \ .,..'tvM,. ,.!.;. «Mn dli -. .!"' :' .¦¦.'¦ '¦¦"¦ M M -,.-. v.;.,. Wh« ¦' fl'',m ,l''"" .,. ,.,,,,.- , I he n... ra,. -I .¦: Ui" number of .;..-.. M MuerbV. Mr Murpby'i Intimato friendi we mylng ' ntai thal -wi.-taatl.liv ,,11 Ibe l>oifl tv ln th^ -i laUn ,,..,, ,r Klnp Connty. rer. alnmd, |. ,. ,.],i ti hlm for Benator. aad thal Ihe r,)lin1v .,,. wooM .l-. be peranaded te rotcfor bJLm ..f,,r,. ,i.naturbl .¦'' "" «b «« be ba». »r. Murphv. it *a« add.-d. .M granl l,.f '.'- '.i'.\M-r- of .!..>" McljiugUltn, .f BrooaJm. proh ,',,,', jamea P. Otdgl'V. ,|'" .' "r i'""""^'1'' '":"|,r iM ti,.- AaaeanM) and thto ¦ M bring "\<-r MeLangti Mi, t the aapporl of Murphj foi Senattrr. Tb« Cle»> ,.,,., j),.,.rai are ainnlug 11 apeaa oal ln approval ")( Mr nevebnd'a abtemenl lhal be bi oppoa. Mr. Mni'i'liV- ebeUon u Benator. One of Ihelr m -' Influrntbl leadew In tbe State li Cbartea Trarey. «. ,,., frooi ihla dbtHcl. Bn«ildiig abool IB* Clerebad uit*rvt>a to-nlght. Mr. rtwej Mid: v ci.-v.-lami aeted ri»:iii ln aaftag vhal be dM ,boat Mr. Mmahy. II *.* »-'"-' f""**** (h,.t Mr. (levrland r-allv aaaaofad of the UM i" V |J\!:,I . I' 1l. . ^ I ;iiii'»". .. Mr vt:- I ravor of Mr. Murp " to ia> that "....¦ '"' .,«. .-. .¦.¦... tho -<¦<, ior< from hi« ¦.. -i..i.- Ii he « r-l ...!. I ULe Mr. Mu ''. ,f ' ....;¦>' .-. '"¦ It i notoiln it Mr. >fm liy' '. I' -r .;.. > I H< *«*"' bl) in ravoi ol 11- i»wn ''. A" Mr" -.-v. .. (mi » .. ,. tl v were [rtt ini lo the l».ni<K itii nf thi ¦»( Mi. Murp .«. . ;-.. ;' k.-ii tor Ibat :..¦ irne Into MI ) C a tj mi * ,, rmbb whu ..!;.,. i-pp se 1* i" way l.. i i \ n ...... v. r ¦.! the Hit'li Mr. ,vi nd ii iW ave n ved I lh* eonnty. l hll p Ti. n .. 1. in j.r.. . liy, UlMl I.. ii'- been . \.. ,1 by lr tSeneral C.mml .. stlll ¦¦! ...:..' Mabenty, >-:- riiitenaVnt -..' ubll (athei In law ol Mr. Murphy. rb* '»ei n lee reqiimted Mayor Mannlnj and my*'M to »l befang Govemor Oower aad Rnm h.-m ol lu* trearhery to Mr. Clevelai the other aa>inorratlr nindldate«, «nd we >d n plnlg Uilk wttli xtr. Plowar oii ihjert. Mr. Murphy'* fBther-lB-law, Mr, Delahani?. atlll retaln i;., |. ..,..-. however, »nd wc ihn ,e<- tr.-., .. rj t'> Mr. I'leerlend and otb r rc In -..'.. »l o Mr. M ..,. 0f U|x | oan ol the XHti n ulttei ruli 'l >ut v lni'l umB who were raadldatn for VwemWyaien Bnd larored meii who would mpp n Btm for Benator. (I n«t tt-ftn lo n.. !..; inder theae etrcamstaa s ,..- Bll-d vdtti praUtude. H* »l ,. .- , .,-.- Iloi thal he lavoni al Mr. Murph] m sei ,. .,, .. | \ m iv. QBBM |.i \ nnd ¦!.' m< -. ' « band Hwara, i.: ¦¦::.:b> would lalk Bi-oin >v i- r*lund nrvksw. ..;,-;! ... *l -j. k r II :.. Mr. leVtJaad . ipn¦* < bla p BaJ nnlal Mr, M i r. and not . .' ..:. Severttk l- '.¦ ¦< '; d |l Mr x. -.. v sunK.r; ii"''. i»f - U .' ¦¦ \r ...; .,v .i Mt he worti loyalh for Mr. :.laud, I I '"j ¦,.¦ rei. 8p< il BniJ Irtil Mr. > u P"J '>.'"» to he loyal. U '. ' the Den .:..... M'.- >"'rp!l woul.1 !.. lu now l< rnland had l<. : >< w- for we Bll hnt>w that l'';l ,71 YorU. l: that n uW '"'v" ''.'' "" whatevci f pali . \i ui ij-w .. ','¦ ;. ¦ men b«-r ol tb< !. '.*?{. .. tuonr. Murphj mati. ,.f the I levfland Inti '' . - '' MiirnhvS purpnv, 11 ..¦. ted lo (.. t nlt.d Watej «.enate wai lo BiHii :o \\t thi- AAmlnl iratl <n, I not voto ' B«t I i.;v too Mfh, an ,. ,,f Mr. Murp lo he convtnoed of tbllitf by » fPW p-d-tl ... 1 BHIete Mr. Mnrahv deSen-e' rmn ..l ihe ir.-dll fw lh. ,- ffpJr^ntt. .....¦ Th. I^tatnrel . ocratlc hoth i Bd I u-U-ye -i.- m )¦. \ tbthk Ibej owe o Mr. Mttrphj ITj ,,.,{ stati r he aaai II he re.l di n hS[.h,Kn«i"tf...v.-rno: -«*»n arrl.-d ¦. uii h hai ti« '¦¦ 5SV,i Mnrphy." Mr. 0,1 lo » ruli .';.! Bb< ,'. ,,. R ,ii s imt.ir Hill ai nt A C08TLY STEVOGLE AHEAD. demochats iv wrA'inwntw thtke mr CLEVELANP* l>EFEAT rKBVITAIIUv STRf.-'lT.t-; WMTi n DOM '- T ROW) fat rataoBAm to thb rarnt ai | Wa.hlniton, gu rhe liem.-r.tli *»««. bere aave aa rommant- el Vew-York b) Mr. (We l'i ';' * "' u.r . araavefl n '"J'v "" t!'' pnrt) hai they wen Leniger.ni (Weltind Int-nlew. n .. ... nare i.v - I uovem..«.,'.¦¦ fi,t.., . s' '""' ..,¦'¦:;'. dv In the 1 the f. Ilng | tl»1 ' « ««..* 'l "' prninpilnR 4 lil N' . ;'""' ''I'V-'' m n ¦.! ri-tlj rtragalfl alth the tftate nuv hine, wl ¦.. and tha al ' the j.imv he lead Ij In '* .,,;,, bad it repn- eatatl the Ni w Vort i.- I ,, |n hel '¦-.'. I, :" ull .> an oppo lUoa to raudkM U.'¦''' ''¦ '¦'¦ " u ihe antl Conhl :,r,, u i. c >nt< ; ol i-~- ... ttt.pt hi '.' .' BBMllel "' I irflVId onbMnc Ktmrale. Bui the i i- ip Bolal »nd ii "; ' itl-Mni pni ¦'¦¦ non pn ¦..¦ llj .'¦ '. wblle tl.r ¦ l BiMahle lo numbeni and powerl UiBu. in eaw Mi Mn : J""- Ml- Itll] rn oppi..4li U idn Inl traU<Mi ou aw-Yni ¦ppdntnu m .. parl 'ii with "i- Kliuai ,,:' '!"' ;"1'1 .'''' ..;.,:. thi Ml ..¦ Ad mlnlBtraUoii will flnd .. iraw it ¦ deadloeh with ti.,. !¦,. -. ¦¦.. on ".¦ Vorh aatl .. i he hli difl ..!.. oM anti il and tl..- new one,' :i II -a\ Ing io-i:. >. ih-it Mi. Hill «lli nol foUow ii,,. |ead <<¦ onfcllng ii< JumplDg uut of tha wtodow, rha wa« ii .li'iiit'. . t, l.ui II wa nol war. Mr. Hill ni ;., i. ui h. will I.. for war Iroia ii.i, Ume "N." Repreketitatlv« Joha Wltt Warnar and other Cleveland Ueiiioerai h.-re w 'ui i¦¦. draw'ng irreii mnforl from r tellliia nf Mi. ant i.l Ul ,1 I. ,,l it. denl -i Jl reiii Ii-i i- I'ln.Un '...I I. .11 I... u,il he Meiitlral will remeiii i ner '" daj I'lilllphiri-ll. llddn ill a i" ll happciied ni -i 1." Bkll i. ... j.. fipli ... .¦¦<¦ 'i oi i. ¦¦ re noi ¦) mpatli) .¦' llli Ui al lhal tlnv x .-.<!i\ i Ii mn« i" i|tn -'"'ii ol ||i i.. hel ii .i 1 i'" "! 'Ol "I U .. niii d Mtni tlu >ph 'i wlta lh« Pmldent. li j- nol Ihe n. 'ii i.poilon > mi and i quMilol i. H l. 1... j.. uple In thi ij and b] aa] aad ol ii i, ¦,¦¦ r< ii .m Alban) in ili. mi .: i' l< .ii. i.'i i ¦¦ ii IYi di :.. i;ni' Id iii! Mr. f.ml IIna »¦.> to Ihi "ii Inu lUre nf thi l"T|| ii '.¦niiiii Ii iiuti *\) dei ,i!"i. Il fltb the mn Lhal lr. ind Iun iii- :. uii '.. iv.,- ii ih S" i. i'. -iau- mai ln< »nd li denl -I" t '!¦ l.iiil. ii '. Ill be llie in.h lilil lhal Will r. hurt." I lu nntl Cleveland ... l!»i ol hei i. I. a a mn :. .-:.". .. Iniiu ulo. frleii .>i uiie eadlng T niiiii in. i' iiiilves, - Mr. t'leveland.^ ii,- ,:.,(!, I-1 ugn ibat Mi. Mn |>ny'< i ..'i is lii rrtu l»l< i a fatht-i oi .i unrnlj rlilld. ||e Ii-.ii i Ibal wltl lioil Vork >Si nati rnj il iifcaln him, .n d tlu iv-nui 11., .. -i ih irgln '.:¦ II Lh ¦.¦ In u lerge <i- ur.-.' ib^oluiel) lo contnd H|i|M>lntnn lo ofltcet In Sea Vorh State by pn ie nllrmatiou ol nomlBeek d«i not ultopeth^r nill iheni.' An average K.-i ibllcan e|ew ol tfi luatlon wa* pipreased lo li. preai n'a Ive I ¦ I iM\i Mi.- Rmpln ," bi iild. '11 Mr. lei ,!' itate- ni. ni ni'ii!:- unytlilng, li u, ..:> lhal he pr po he abaolule dlcta ... >l bl parij. ll" w; n onlf i,.- PreaMent "l the ( nii.il Htatea, hai be will ep Ini Ihe vnrlii i- -i.i a-. ¦." It tl "' Senal n i h .m ii who ulll b" lefpoindvo lo bi. wlalu* It l- thi neareat thluK lo Impei lall<m fhl< eountrj haa i er -..ii. it woakt i.o bi ;>.. .,i,;.- In ih* Ri ubil .u ,, .. i..i i. ". pub .ii. mi at '. ,i ;, .it.. ,i ominp ,i. ul M nial.i- ami u nlted Mai '.¦.' .' a nd re pili!" Hu lr bo i>I...-^ ntallve j .n.rk- ocki iB i* i*i i, bl to be lu iiiin. i.i. .li In i- idln.i '.¦!. li ..¦''' l uae Mr. Murpby'a randldarj provee loo unpupular be f.-ri .<! tbroafb bj ihe hill mai Ine. He *r for Sew-York tbl* m nln-..- ror n vlall of h '.'.¦ 1 f* ,,.! n. re '.¦ llttha doabf ibat bl Irip lu n im- iHir.anl iKiUtleal *limln>jiire. roiwl himiidng bii '.«,lroKo peeeb. Mr. Co ' ini a- Ui- i I.-v'1hii.i Hrmoeratu, n ih^j would n ¦Bad lo areept m. proaioLoii lo tn< ...>¦ «»* J' t .,.i.oiii.- of iii- in.io ItuaUon. "| "' h«a*»a , hai no aaalre t.> apea Ihe iooi ¦( laa Benana to " \j.. ,. n'a a! I'ltj and attah '.,.!.; .,., ... .::..i,' oratori - rtl. n ..... Mr. orkrnn t..- o » !; ¦' apau-t .rfiil'J Mtll ,,u- n il e. c.\\ 7///-V DOWN MUBPHYt rHE MCSS IVII1 ii MR CLEVELAND BA« Kl M'i' ' »'¦ pRKBB COMM1 vr <.v t:i .".' -I i.iri H P%RTI< IPATUW in tate pomth ». i I SYntTb'rSS partj M «ertl aa bte peapb. CNDERTAK1VO A HATHB8 BIC JOB. ..... i¦¦. N.--.1 ',.¦: M, Miiruhi la u man ol «dv/atu>n, ..\p.-rion.v. DMIt T^-r. II- I- B .. »! ',;'''' Z"" V ;'Md part) BtuJ IU pollrb* al ."' »!"'." lnil...e l>(! Kmpln .-«...iid ti-t hyanei> PP* ,,..:...,.., ... ,.,..d ,. *tdc injudlcbiu wia*b**. - ol ,|a ., t, .!-, .ii.ii aa :,|. ll* ItBi t.a IU *dVl d. WTILL JfMPIXtJ o.\ TIIK WICKED TROJAJt tYi.ni I m Se« Vori World. M-. Mnrphy hn« no almrki qaallfleatton [ee tte gwat ,,ni ,i ti I,.- (nki. II 1- i, MulT, hale f«JIi»w aaitn .. .. ,.¦ b . ...i-.r and huc* a i>*i II. |. i; - laite. AMEMI tVOtrtO !f0 iisr, KI.SK OET BTRTI p> -,.,.;,.!',.n . il Ilean. Mr. Murplu'i ehetbn aill «"*!» be the slgni r w\t b t» en lb- I..vehar3 and lllll I l. n, ih< n II "ll ".''. ...rh :ii. !¦¦ llon ..f th- praaeat n ,tl ,\ sKRKH BRR« H ">' " n''v' VT I r. u .. Bvenlng N'e ll ...,«. rvgretted lhai Mr. t'la ¦¦!.» d rlance nltli |h.; pirt) oiganUall .. I .¦¦--... a aini ¦.¦ no rai ,. tlw '. :: .,...'.. loa i a ¦¦ ,.. kampb, " of Mr. IU ":.. r»t dism 1, t!i i>.¦t'-i I'" .,,... j,|r. ¦. lly »iti »iii .. h.l r '' .""'' .: |o '. l.,. |l I II l.v iciiir.' < ll! >l " ';' , ahout hlm Heiiii ; '..'' .. It ..:. llbl ... ,,. |,,. n n, irrailr 11 d «n I. .., I ri a> M HrVfJand la ";l talCMti u iiMhniK ui « '[ l«W . M' ... ,.| \,\ .. i..i:. ¦. '!. - ., J '.a..-!i i. r nrni wh tux\<f '.'¦'¦. I"*'. |. ..v I, Htl nl vli wa, bav«- .!.. :.:.<! !¦¦..:... .! n '¦- tb»ni ijrh V and 1 .. !...:. .'. ptV d ..'... )'.. w t h M,r. \|.iri. ;. d>al «f hlm ... ,., d< ..... II.- ... » lon The diffi n ¦» ..r Mr. M i-i l; ii ... Mi M irp »' ,. -. , . ...... ,. i . -..I.,.. .' ¦. al hiri r ah DH, THOSR BAT», BAB POLITB I \\s P ... Vorl n II . putltlrU ' ..,.]¦¦ .; .: li) Mr. -.1 '. :i - .1 ¦¦.,.- illHHK-trl llj ¦.;. ,. ,4i i ..< "¦.¦ '''. ;,: ¦' ¦' d ... all '..'¦ r HT.MrVnAWlTlU. ItRSF.TP fXTH MRODI tv. FYrm 1 ri ll alrul i' I t.> i!.. m irc harm t,, Mr. (li d tl >in Io Mi r, I >r ,i.. i.. ' late i'l rwtm llj n r.-nrr '\.- are -.,'.'...., ,,i Mr. n. v l.ind '., l< .r :'; n ati tor lb- rltflil ol Ihe Iti* \ \ ntr.iNi tN \ ii w '.i iiik \-i: Prim 1 Mi.rp'iy I b .. er, mi ilaf, <l h lai :. In t ., h< '.|i Ihi l>."ii «Mti |. vrt\ ii. i- , ..I...I \ it \- \ liOOD npisrp »J* f>p IT'RPHV. Prom TI \ " "¦¦¦'!' I". .(¦,, . lon of Mr M M||| ¦!! of Ui li I a l i it.- nor .".¦>. ln ¦.¦- ¦' a i..\ i»Ri;i vorH rx< tk DAVin n. Rpirll tiacette. ...... },,.. a ¦¦ .' i'i. li ii ... Mr. Illll « I ' '. . rimtlnit .... >| i. thi rai ,,f i i, ilrman '": " :.'¦. fl i: '' itor I|>. inr. r.i. i.vr... googii ixv thk wjunt n.r-; \.- ,ii, .. rltle, M rti. || Hrj ui. '''¦' r.i-"i- 'i inetiter of (he ,, ., ¦¦¦ .1 'n ihr ni ......'!¦ Ilhlen I'i ' frnm li'-r fatbf - ut If. Ivn. To hooV ».'M« addrtl ai.. M p-imnhh ¦'¦ '".¦l> " :i' ':'''"! . iiIIm-I. ln "-I'I- "i tli.'lr i*> "''i H Mirttitf thl donntlon, '!-. .. a ii, MI iwli - I- ti r fn>m MUj ||| ,,.,. ; Jl, ll d M'lill- -.«! 10 t iioh iilm UI .¦'"' i»r '¦'. "' af the 1 ....'.¦;¦ |vtn ¦-¦ ite .'.!. roui ¦! ii ? .. r p> .. lh« - i i,,. .i -, '-,..¦ iu... i.i-i fi* iny i n.. ii it N Indi i«d a aonr.f pl || -.:.'¦¦. i.. .. [> inlh v-¦!,... r ai In B m .' l»n of n, ..,¦, i dvlvn: thin >h. y *lll ¦. «r«*|| iii,.« »-|il i "i to an Inatltut'o 1- ,^ rri -. WIH hl i ni«. bt«'r !". ahb io inv rifi ,k« :...! ai i.'i- IUtI b "iv fitlii r and II, i| ii it .-. M lldeti, w li. wa lil |.v ii ii iii.i-i Irii ti fr.' ui.I i.n .; i.,iv Im ioi . d ...¦. I.:. nanie .. ..', vi ii iu U.I- i.!. »»i, «ll!i Mr. TUdrti' jn ii n n uierprl"*." iiTr7>; V',. ;. i- ivfi r < OMB U -.. || || R .'." 'j. dai r of Br. I. It. r ¦,. wa manii d Io Rh Iwrl ll. Reed ,t the .., ii,.,i.,. 11 i v mln ii- Rev. Br. Joli li. .., rtt d, h i.i ., -ivn awaj hy her ¦!. i. blde .Id an no a»l mun. i.'i- w. Von niahn i , .. Itneaai .! b ,,..m ui l|ve I iwepilon '"I!iW '. .¦. in j uf mi w.n ', i uybr, of flaftUnore, |, :.¦!.¦ * " * i'.... pluxj in Load ri, .1 miar) i.i Mlrni., B«. -':. -:- lal " Ebai .\ oWi d r ri r of I ..!¦ !.!¦:. \v. yi lii.lllniialr.. '.I . Rev. W li. |i. |. -. Itet .: -1 l.i .. v. > ... :¦. marrlod al rba : ... |ty tn-day. 1 !:¦ Illll, .>!' i | i -.:'! iinllv and a II ... ii.. .:.! i re "i'- Ol. Mr mi .Mr- Illll a i. re i'i'.- p h .. «MPT.irx wrgiM ujb i »Kr,sji wnn "i/d." ;..¦.. _.'.».. Viiji.t n;t ,.. n-iai nilUama -Lai n idi (.«¦.al Mi i'" -k. al I. id || Captaln Myera, llth ln- Itb Kld band derd ... :. f .. ml north of son t ailoa. .\:l'., and raptiiml .. daugiwor and one borae, bul ,..,.|.-- a-caped Iu lh» daHtnea*. l*rn?ra! |..iv ,i\, iiiii f.mi- dt-tarbmenU ..; troopi an on Ihr irall it "Kld." uad thal all panidbla tepa am iki ¦. for hl« oaptnre. i.1/1,7: >r.l7\'i:i: nr BUVG01ED OPIVM. -mi Pranelara, Dee. ¦_".».-Tln- larpaBt aebare af Ird ..piiim la fean aa»i maie bara veaterday. ¦ .: mabllng of I,d00 holf ponnd aaoa, ralued il 12,000, waa dbeoTered Inrtd* of tbe diHUhliia 'n i.' "f ""' daamahlp 0 «nle, froaa ¦tona Kong. lae Uuiy ea tbe estaa amoiinftd '" t^.ixio. MAMIATTANATHLKTKS'PLAX I SYNDICATE TO I'.IY T1II.IU CLCBH0U8E tT wirt, !,EA8E THE ini!.i»i\»: TO TMF. OB0AX1- BA1 OS TERJI or THK tOREEMKMT. it ucw loeki a* if the neanbeni of the Manhattan Ahi-tir Clnb woald "tijny a bappy Hew Year, frea from .ir- ali'l WOTry, at l.-l-l *> hW as ttlclr rlub I, roncemed. An enlhnidaataD neetlag waa beM in the theotre "f the rlabhooae lu.t nlplit. It waa pra- I.i to I rra ¦ utoeli eoaipaay In th" <J'iti to par- ,:i,.,. the houre and thea haue It to the Bnanbera. Ai ¦ rec.'Bl in. tlne of ihe club. Oeorge W. <'nrr. ... preetdent; Walton Btona, tiic lecretary, and ex- Uovernor Waller, were rapolnted « coaualttee to hm l: Baenbal a. nben aad io nscertaln the beat neaaa of tiiiin;.- the <)uo over it-> preaent Bnaadal ilhtoilty. Thbi rotntnltUe nported tha retalta laal ntght. The aareement la aa foRnwe: We, the unaVrelfaed, aeverally asrre to and with eaeh other, and i" and wlUi all other paraona waa Ma» B copj of thia agiormeiit, to n»rm ¦ ayadleate Ir «»» ol pnrebaaloa ihe elabhoaaa ani pret -rty ui tha Manhattao Athletle Cleb, at Pie ramer .>t paity.ataVa*. aad Madlaavave.. In tae nty "f Kew-Yet*. for the aaa at WOO.OOO, of whkh BaSO.OOO u to be paM lu eaeh »nd BB&O.OOu i* to t* paM by uhiwt the praperty, aubjeet ui raertiata to thal aanouat, aad u> eaheerthe aaa \»r lewatd aarh parehaaa tha au« aet eppoahn »ur raaaecUvc aoiea wtth ihe anaeeaaaadauj anJ agfeeaiaat tnai eaaa Mth pnrehaae iuch ayadleaie -iioui. thraaah BB rtmraaentatlve or traatee, *t 0""" ¦''¦**" "aia urouert* to aakl olub r..r ¦« faara at !.,i, reatal aa will pay 8 m e«al aet n WoB.OOO, atter paylaa b>t !¦¦¦. on aald edSO.OOi.rtaaaee, ataee, a*. MMBtcnla and Crotoa wat rcbergee; and wlta Uw further underatendlui and lajreeawnl 'hat aald kwae ahaO c.ba »n upttea to aald elab to repuruheaa aikl property at aay tiui- wlthhi -ani Bvejn ira apoa paymeal loaaW ayndlcaw, oi it- repreaeatatlve or tmate. ol tha aam ol tW.OOt) In teah, a/m with 0ta imi-ii^i uadcHcaodlni aad agia meol that -aid ilab ^ii«n p«v all Um axpeaaea, leaal '"' etber. ¦rlaa, ..; »uoh t.-.m-f-r. trn-t an1 ratraaaBrr [aaaaedlBtelT that *2«0.000 lu'.- b"-i, thua aabaeHbed, » n«etlna o( all tha aubacrlber* Uall be iwlled bv av Bvo .i, r«ol of "hl.-h al lea«t thtee dara1 BoUce b\ B»ll >Im;! ba aiven t., oaca »ub* r l-t. and «t aunh .iii u- U*a h-t- aen lu Hhune oame Uie>UUe lo aald proparti aball be 'j«"i aa iri't-- f..r ihe baneBi ol all ahall b* BawrBdaad tli- v.r ,i aaajorlty ta arooanl ..f »aeh aabaeriber* caH rithei per»on«llr oi bt proiy, aad. :<t Pm aaaaa tlma unl ln uaa :... in - lh rorm ol eertlBcati to -. UaaH br .' \m<-- tu -."li auba ¦'- -h>"' *'r '"' r .* in ,i,,d arndlrata m .'»- and propen* -.UaM ba d- r.nnitiid aml we ihereupaa aat* wllhln Bva daya aft-r notlre bi maU of ihe cleetloa at neh irwrfeo, to oar lha ..-.... ,f Mr aabeerintloa lo mcb tru-tao to be bl blm i«id ovei i.i Ui aluh upea reeelpt tr""1 It ' ;l 'r'V .j..i and bUI of aale of aaM proaanr. :u"l aimo tha d«>. Itven br aaeb iraatee m aakl elah «f ¦ aneft, eoatainiaB tba nrevlalona i.'.Ini efora 'taod. i,, ^. . -., i, bandau aafl Fhtraarr 1 i -»*;i and the coneld ratlan . , »ubaerltjMoet la tha ,u rtpi ,., .- ., u and dl lha atk ra, bat U la »ub- ipttoe i- .. to '. Mi II i" ii rearuarr 1. IBM nor on U.ii <ut 'i i"-« lha ol tfKO.OW la oubwrib .1 ;... mimbers Kot to arorli H aee and g&l.tOO whs (iibMrtbed witbln an bour. TWa amounl will In all prohaMUty belncreaaed lo ftOOjuOO before tha preaent \..M-k |a . did. SuaaerlpUoaa will be made on Ihe baala that lliere hall i." a cbanae In the Bvaeral manasemeni of the ,.|.:, x ., .... of offieen will be eleeted u.«l radienl ehnnaaa will b- made all aronnd. Iho atldetfo .xp«naea "f the rlnh thla year were 140,000. Thl« wlU .... redneed at leaal one half. Hao.cpensea ,111 :,]-" b- enrtalled »o that ¦ lavlni of Mliv -- <*»> u i-xneeiid f'.r iii" romliiK year. n,.-inl«i" «.¦¦¦¦ al- wkel i" P»y thHr annual ...'. i. ndvanee, and there will probablj l- f«-a d|<- ,,,," y,Ve* ThU will ejre tbe elub another PIOU.OOO lor Immedlate nae. OWWER A\n JOCKEY srsvr.vr.r.n. n\.v. .«¦; ..,.,. rv-. j'.'.-'iin naek waa atlll hearr b> ,,. ¦;.,. ....,.. araa tood all f. way throo b. a id .-,-,- hook« |, -. ,¦,, ,r ihe ooulde - w»ra -,, itaumi at "' i'. »¦ thal h 1* l." r ..' Mlaa .»»«<*. tba .,, been r hi«»at d br the tloirl "f "nfol. In ,.,h aid n.i rv I. ran a dei 1 il .lu-. In .!.. run^ft Ha'n U woa -. j ,..,;. |toln| ..f i..-itn.: ....... ..¦«!) nded i. v i:r and .1- ¦.,-.!¦.' ,, .i ., ¦.: deal ol .:. '<-';;; ,1, .,.,., the ron-otl * ¦: .!¦ i- i In ihe llfth .!.. rodi Btllte Dunraa. «a. Bn !lV t1 ..-.: '"' '' '4 ,;' '"M"1' 1 ;.' m__^__ THE BOARD OP ONTROf, MEETUTO. T. |;,,, f ......I mn j rdar. Oalr i mtln. i..]-i- .-,. « .- !. in ortid N .... ., i'I'im: POR TROTTRRS 1...m ... D at II nUnrhai ,;.. ,i .:..... -i .i'. dlvW '! ."' 000. fJ '.¦" ., n.(.ii to all tiol atalllon* i>l lha ;, ... || '¦. |rtl :.' II Is-' NO PEAR POR THEIR K''.' LAR TICKET. . U, of tli" reaular ttekal al thi NVw-York v, . ...,..¦ uw DlftU Jt prartl al routliir of UV oppoal lon Mllla i. mi coromlM ¦..¦ M, MIIIk i- alwjya dl].an and reeerved yel nbal li.- -il ii" ; worklnpa ol Uw irlvlal lual - II . '. .¦¦ that the leidern ul ;....! j. ne-cUng .' t*e Kl loud Hoifi laai i" ht. aud pei* I theli plana for a lifl ,. .,.,; ti Uia i..i. t alaht h .: ii "i iken ula s Aihl !,¦ bhouie1 'li ulletla board nnn.d foi ti"' i»>' lettaro." but ,.,., II. Itavktu', on haa b< m of itovernam Mi. II, r t| ¦! it il wili ti"t I. d : . , tba r buUi i.) ,av thal I"' I* '"''¦. |. - " I-'¦¦' '¦"' I. »i ,.,.. ,., aleet hlai if v -IM" It »'¦ ¦".".¦'' ... ., not run "ii Ihe ill- M....I mr Ihe ilce pre-ld u ¦' Barl 8 Weeka fi" ... IIOI.rt. ii an 11 tarner wid Prank II. Dairo ha« beea tion-d a, laaaara la ti.upoettton. Waen aeea at Uw ,luldiou« ..-I ilfht U»eJ eapewatd aurprta that thelr oijnea iihould hBVa baea aaad In an^ aach eoaneeWoo. M. Turnei -a!.: thal ba kn"« ut aa arrteua oppoaitioa to the regutar , .. , -i i. ,;.,, ,.,...i oa "f Jennary io I* eon»equentlr llkeiy to b- .in .¦. Thera elii !>.¦ tha wa Sa -Yair'a cele- Lratloa aud alanar m tae clab oa Konday. T.i (,i ,-. mIII in lab.irui.'. MORE AKXOYAKCE KOR BERKELEY ATilll, li >. Th, troublaa ol tha B rkelei l«* '.- k<to latkai and Ita a.- Ktjunrt, ar. larlaaa W. K. Malhew. ii |j r,,.,,;, and other* wlthdHia from Uii Herkele» ^'tbletla lub It wa-.' - » ;~ "».. hnd -f .,,. ,.| b vi... devrtuve dld In e-alltr atlll tho rlub al- |, or* Bevei been roimallj d »band d I. K Wird t,. prealdent. it I* a.l b) ihu« Intereated lhal the ., b i.k. i...rat Bllvi f- tho.purpoau ol paylai ofl IW ,.,t.btedn-.. The preae, I ¦- -m «» ««¦ |- '; trle ran i.-ed the llei..). uni, ani otb.Ktrl !pi.. «. v-.-... ..,,,... ';"'"-.;, com aeta wera algued bj .E.Ma ,, al.he. p-e-dent ol Ihe club Tho hHI. wera .ald and Mr. Kldliti bt-aaa .ult agah.»l >.r. I .n.-.- .. w ,, .. nt la»t Jm.i". It waa .. thal Mr. MuUiea on Waa no lon«ei iwaldent, uud a mouth lafr mi, ..,.. b '.'"' E WBrtl T.:':; l(i( ,,..,:,:... in fai.I tha plalntlffa, bat tho Sherid couhl 1lM,i oothlun apon whlek to i"vv. U"N. . oa, N.., .-.ii aaalnrt Dr. Joha B. Whlte, \v,i v haiupuey, raaila Ward Dr. K»ere« h. *' ,, A sand ta, Jehn be Baatllllei .1. Clark Kead John McK.Cawo How.rd t. C. tmorj "«*Char|pa ,., ,, ,.i,,, m. Bowata, the attornej uf Dr. Whlte. . , .. th,. ,;,, reaierday. Charlea E Manlerre, Bu ,, itroadway. He aatd that.had nothti. Ld, with the ladebted.of tha club. -n,., i.,t n, n,- (M «d »e ualaa It, that la all.' aald Maaleria. «. . TM.K iROftT A NIIW PRIZE-FIOITTIXn il.tll. |{ ,., tf. pHahlUhmeol of anoth t prlte. ,, ,.,.,,,-it.,,, to ii.- ;-- nt Ooaay lalaad ... ,,, , .i,. -ii,. htti r haa made m araeh awaey al i-i.,,d thal mi oppa-UUon rlub waa aaaj an ,-,, ¦, aa that Ue nea flnb will uat ba ull',\,.ri to rh i»''i" prlM »«hU la tala ettjr. Thera u ... ccney lalaad and one Jotm v MeKan _ ,,..,-, lr,i|,. j. ai ni nt haa alrtadi aaawed Ita I "'d Bl B prirc Bphtt wore attempted »t Madlaoo Square ,.,.. i. Tha plea by H'"-' laotaweted In th neai lab , mai 'ii" Manbattaa ond » w-Yarfc Madetl plaba (<i . p ,,, ,.,..... i-h^. rlaba, bawaaar, an- laaBthaata ',''.',, urcautxatlooa, and they aell Uekata to ti. ir .-x- tot tournan al to BMaabera oalr and no-. la haa eaaaaal piii.ilc. It .''*' add ttial tha ptaanaa< aew elah wlU b aU .- I wa Kdlataly. *'"1 Uiat btda WUI at or\>- b>- aaad t., teeur tha MeAuBBa-Baraa bn-.ti-. ,,.. - i. - nieattaaad f«r the n.-«r elah am Car- bett'n r.nt. pueeaaaa Bi Jeiaaaa ava.. aaa In Baarttaa. .. t,.. i.uiih eatata. aaaaaad bf J. ¦». Caaaaa wd tka li.hin caahaa «t ou-.iiu'i.tr d <m<: iiftv-nttu-*t. aad Oat |.,,irt. Traom "'!". athlera aad theti frtaada an aa- Ihrhtrd ai tha praaa*ela Thej awattea tha aaaaaa ¦/ mt- .,',. « ti-to- lo bmm aa aataa ?«ck af tha araaa aaaaetalrr. bat mi. . llaaa aaa aaaad akaai tha aaa .mb HV, arav nap) ttan ka«a aay eaoaaeBaa wiUi lha aehaaav aaapire aaata Kapfna rrta Maa^YB* OmMbbI - PMteat tmlu lu tha world. Jioe tliiie-toble. TBE DUEL 1)IT>S'T COME OFt. MR. OEtSCBEBOrat, nr.WKVER. i-aVS ¦¦ W1LJ KIl.l, MR, WI.'lMANN on MollT. A diicl wiis t.> h«v- beea BBBghl at nn -nrly hour Utii aiiialni m tbe aaaaataa af bataj i«ianii iietw-en taro weil-liiuivn ii" 11 pronirm-nt Io o-iman rirc'.ea of t!ie Aiixfrii Dtatriei of BfOOtJya, oot owtajg » iin' |)iiaW<it> tfivm io the .-itrnir eae of Iha BrR*d> ixiis, fur f>ar of arreat, refaaed M Baaot Mi aaap. Iho daeUbfTvera laeab BbbU Oetaeaergar, aa uichit.ct, aad Batgaaa Rhbbbbb, aeth BaBaBbeta «f tbe dwfai Mii.'t,i,»-r<lioi- lUsgbag BOfiety. The nii-u Imv.- b»eB frMids bjc a BBBaber of y-urs, and w-r>- ataaaaBta lo- getibtr at tbe I Btverelty «-t Earira in (M-rmatiy. Attar roiiipletltiK thelr Miidlea they nalled for Am-rloa. They frvqueatty aaat eeeh otber. and Hnnlly upi.liedl for nuiiit,.i-iiip to the iwlea .Maentwrehor s-.iicty. tverytbtng betwaen abeai was hajBaeeaaae aatt) ru«* aay rvenlng, whea tbe Bectoty nu-t Ht r»ne of th-b' n gular w.kly D e-llius. fVaBBBBBa, who Is flnaii' laJ 0-C- rHarj of tbe aoetety, »as aaderaaaBwBaltea mr certala Irregubrittea io the anqr «'f m* Kt^r**" ¦: Beeewate. It waa eaperted taat Geteeaergar waaM aefead hlm, i)ii utataaa, was <>tw of bti Baeat Baveeahrt a.rua-r*. liut aaraa paaeed batwaao tho rmn aad wagaaaaaj In- Miitro Qetaeaaeaar. Uateeaarget fnaakai mid left the liai. Tbe aexl aay the dirermr. Baafaae i-iooer, of tlu' iuging aoetety, a tri-nd of Itegaaaaa, reeatved a Bote from fMBeaetfa*, Baklni Ura to rhiillenge W'egmann to a dm-i. Ueber leah tbe aaaaaage to aregmann. P/egaaaoB aeaaptod Ifeo <-haiieiia" *n« uuiih-1 Adolpb Zund-l. a «l«-rb: lo a book s'ore oa Hroadway, a> Ma aeeuad. Pbtehi were tae weapone ehoara. Uetavbargar ut oaae aaaie all pretuimMnm br tha aotlet. H- i>ad- ..i; ui* frtooda ef tbe stuaiug ho<i-ty s-ooda>. a jit- aaaaraaea paHey of #u.ji*j aa awa.nl d u> hU aregabter. tae Oaae aet Bar th<> Baaaahag «f ike aeeooda and prinoipab aoa ? o'eloei i«Ht eaaa> lag ii n... 'J»i i-.i; k.iii ave. All appaared wlth the ...v-Lti i. ui aeguatnu. rt'aen be mi.-u la amta i.vi^-N-rK-i awora Ui.r he «'.uui kIH Ij.u on atgaL ana kUrted oul '-I ui blm. At m Ut.- lioor la.it atgad Wof> inana bad w beao fmiod. ii,.|K..|,.r_'..i h .-njili.wsl hs Mii »rrh1ta<-t ln tae t'DlOll Itoti W< r^i* Iu araeupotot. A reportor of Tba Tribane >aw Bugeoa Lbber, tbo niuii.... duaater ol tlio aorlety, laat rvt-nlng, and be <jid tl.ut if tne inun did ii. t aieet befare moralng .i mmat oaay jf I*. t,|K.i ameat of tbe daet, wi.l.ii woaU sur»>lv oooaa off. A Sh.ir BBOOKLTN TBdCTlOM COMPANY. IT WASTS TO UtA»R 'i'HK LfltM 09 THK CITV i < n p »inr. \t a meeting of the eaeeattta eeeaaatttae of the burd ..'. dlrectora of the RroofelyB RNf Hailr.«d I'oaira y jrraterday, a propoaitloa waa pyeaaaaai 1*tr ha«;ng the lin .. iruachb*, tirn of Ike rompany to the lx»ng laland Trartloa ('oateaay, arUot ooa> pe«ed "i .."iiie "f the h-adlog n.-n tiow Baaataadad ln Ibe company, wln> will operate tlu- roud ln «on- Junetlon wiu, tunte otber i"ad> ln tha oHf. Th» company la ¦ dlfferrni n- fraaj the aWoahlyB ir.i. inii Oanpany, wbteb baa beea OBaWaaaaf to :. mt. ibe Mlaotk Arenue Compaay*a Baa* Tne lona laland t'ompany atll ruaraataa laa p»-r oeaf* .ihiii.b apon lb M*..,",,l of ataati the Etrooklyn ' i:> f^Hnpaaj \- aatbataad t<> baaja, and aill abo iKrinit the rtoelthntdan of the leatef t<> have an apaortuntty t.i purebaw*- tra<*tam eoaaaaagr ataoh on tne aame faotlng aa tb> m-u who btc aigaalalng tha roataaay. Ihere are proxba repreaamtlag 4**>.<»*) of the noo.oon nharea ..t the Pioohtya Hty tJeaapaay In ih- banda of tln oflarera fi.r u-- at the annual n.tinjr ,,f th- ttorkhoMera ou Janaory a, aa it ¦ iitalii thal aiiy |.pip..¦.i'inii approAed bv ih.- <h r.-rtun "il! be appmvid i.j tln- sioekhohtara. Tbe urganlaatlin of u - u-u Iraetlon r«>mpaa) will tej i,. i'.. ;. .1 iu a ba <la: a. ofler of ni" Hrooklyn Tra.-h n fompant for Ibe Ln.f the Hnea of ih- ,:r.v oatpany w»n ii ,i hilil l.-fiTi- Ibe atochhiildiTs M the dlreetora, FIUK ,.V IMonKlYS riraSN ( jo-s- OW gaaVaWO. \v^n\ thvuut-n.d tn be onothee htrge flm Bear 'he Brooklyn arater from boke >>at laat eveakag ¦ Ibe lop of the big att-atory bdkttng at Paarl and Fr«»nt ,ts. ii,»> watehoaan Lu the ln n foaodry of waUbaai Taylor & Kona, adbtnlog, beerd an exptoataa in Kba ;..|i Hoor, .. ;¦¦ -.1 bj John Rortwek, a aVeoeaoa? -f linware and llth< erapb r. ll- bbvi1 an abi n aiid .>,ini- ;.i.. ".! ili> iu tiiii ng i'ngla<« and iria m, aad a aea> ..i»i d thlrd abtniH A.r. -.nn udea. 'I'he UyJraintx *«<* /., und hed .¦.,!. fBd ^"-n ..' r ;...--,;r. u;,v qoI if) :. at .> ktCO -ipalis io l.l>.. i;.;, i.r ihe bttMang unell tha bo»o wus dragged up to the roofi af aij-m» |i .' BtruetareB. Th- tir.- araa ronaaad, ...¦<¦ ever, io ih- top of tbe befhttag, the tblra. fourtu and Hfth Boon being raeaat. Tho banatfag is a hric* atructure -..\.tit\-ft\.¦ i.-> i aqnere, aad waaeraeted la-t yaar. The Bnd i"'«i aeeond Bdoia are .ipled Uv ., ri j) -. j'oh|i a <-.. iiiiiiiiifaiiiir.1 - uf -t'.itn aad hoi wabr beatera. Th.- baaement bj oeeopted i»y ihe Naii'nai Barrow and Trueh nompaBTi pmken f »teel wheelbarrowa and tra. «. The bAWing l- oarne-l l»j ihe Katon, tob d Burnham t'ompeny, atean*- |.«atlng ii'iiiiiif.'iftui-.rs, at t.ili! mii rai "ii ita., N-w- Vorlt. The loaa on lb> bulkhng will pivbabli iiot i-xreod Bio,0(Ki. li,.- daBuuce '. Roebnei waa Bgured ut $15,000. The :..-- (o '. ollier teuallta ulllpr...- nbly umount to ei".'«Hi. froiu water ohlegy. An t«xj lo-lon in the UitamoMibb uate.luU Iu tln» <i. tai >:-. i- lleved to .<¦-,. a-, ihe for tho ,i, ,,f ihe 'ir.-. ll wa- under ceotral in no hour aml a half ufter 't brofce oat. nR jesx!xo*'s t/,7ii, rrxttmKD. The luqulry Into th- cbargea of dmnhenBei l lylng preferred agalnat tbe Rev. J. I). Jnanlnga, recl r ,.; liraee Proteatanl Eplscopal Chareh, P/eatleld, N. .'., v a namber ol bia parbMoneiN wa* lintabd hud BJght. Uean Rodman, lb- Rev. br. Talbr. <>f llobaeai, and the Rev. II. II. Oberly, of BBaabetb, who eou* atltute Uie ..ii'ini-; m app int.il l.y Bbbop *. ir- .u. h '.. h ur Ihe i--i,;a ny. were pi ;i t eial ,, u-o.-d i. i.'i" ..nn.----. Wie ateetlna wai heM ba> tiliid rkxed .!'.:.-. und UVWa|:Uper ni«Mi w-.« .. ..' ¦.« ..i lanre fwm the l, n-e. i>r. Jenning* de led au the chargc*. The r. ^-rt of tho tomml>*loti .vlll i-o ii narded to M bop irarbtirougli next weeh aad u «t .,,..,. publli niitl iianaed npon i.y l.lai. pifra /.v MthWirxEE pnuofgy st;ji. Mllwauhee, Bee. 8»..Two !:'indred or mor. w*l- d.-in- attended Ihe ma«i awedag '--id In Uie heaa- i..r .if L'tmmerre lo-daj J-r tha pitrpi->'' of tullng rtcilmi ln the niatt-r of the maiiy alaawtrniN Irea «-i,i b bave recentlj ofraired ln Mi w.mi.. .-. The meeUng r.->.ilr.il In a defeat "f the p«ii|»le erbi -nt'i-- tain Ihe tbeory thal all tbe Irea were of Ineandtory origln. Rvaolutlooa eoaaaBandtng the eoan* "( Ihe miborlUea and pbdglng tbeaa tbe eoepeaattoa of tae meet'na n- «-ll '.> raUUig "!>"" al g«ad rlthaana bj .',,vt. i',,. mo»l rareful preeaudona to preveni t..e lireaktng out ot any awre «roi were adoptid. A lommlttee, ronMallng ol ex-Mayor rhunuu II. Iirown, I'atrirh Cudahy and Augoal rhb. wa* app.^iind u ',v..r wlth Ihe rlty autborlliea .ii.i to caB another ..,,. meeting it ii.r.-s.iry. There are u«> new de- vebpmeiita lai regard lo Ibe liaa. II. C. Pajrne, o| ... i'lllard ayndlcate, l- now of the oplnlon ihal the ,;i:-i.iirn rtre wa« ie reaa >.f aa exptoaoB af goa Iu a ttl h.-.i'-r. irviiF.H CT1 /v M/.v\'f>'ori iriioiii. Minii.. 'D.t. 80. thamyof Qeaeral /\*h roinpbted bb oflbtal Bgarea of tbe huaber mi la the i nlnth .ilitrht the laal year, rhe oat of th year io Inrrvaaad by l,fli7,Tao feel along the aaaateni Mla- iiHMita road and !.\ 4.700.000 f. oa UtUe and nig i-'ork iti^-r-. TI. oBVtal ttgurea iboa ibe cut iu UiS dtatrlil .lorliu the \ ar Ju-t rlow tn bave Leen 3ie.4«R.OO0 <--t of lumber, ir.-».-«». <.i» huh jnd Ba\a»4,000 ablnglaa. WJ.TOK HATXK*'* I'KTO Ttisurt; IK! Kl> Mayaf Bhyaaa <-f Rewarb jiaaerday bmm \to to .., Mid ./ w.ak^ ut ttia ordaaanea reaatatg lawaataaioB to the N.<»-.i..r«-y Tiactlea Caaaaaay t.i .-xteud Um aver all naafi -tr-1 rallraada bi Rewarh. ih* X.-,, naiaaagiT waa a leag aae. Tha lf-irt anealaaaaaly paaaed Bm otdbieaaa avar taa re*e. Tha Mayaf and Bm .hi.i baaid aia Baaaeriato. i BKIMMA* VUit IX nXMOtm OBTMCB. Tha n-iiiiK-r* and hrfaaata <-f Plyaawah Chatrb Baaaday* cli.Kil H-iH.klyn. «<-r. Baahatad al un*l imin'i. r. in ih.-lr OOBM Ufl .\<iilii" 'or BM umi'ial t liri-tr-»i»~ (Bti "...nii.. at. taere were ChrbBaaa rarab aaag aad Prol aaat Raaatki \v. Rajraaaad read aa artghaal atary. Baaai Claaa ap- uaai il ."i I BBaii m-rrv thu lirart.-, ot tli ahttdfaB wltb «irt-. _^_ pPSCT/gaTOV HFFORF. THK TTMUGHT CUTB. Tha TwtUgbt ri"h ifid Ba ?1lth Bhaaet M th.> st. ii«ui» ll a*t ln-t avaadat, Caaaaad J. »¦ ¦rilBaaaaaa BfealaV l- ih.. watc of Bte aaaeaeatea naa *^Rai Chatrb ol tn« i'i.ii:-'." abmbb tho»i' uiio aaaaa waai i»r. Bateta k. I-i^'.-kio- llnl!»th, th<« R«rv. Mr. Kortt l)r. ¦gBaBg naeraaay, Ur. R. Kln^*li.y oul Hh> K.-i l»r. I.. i.«a Abbott._ Kvt-r BBMi tht etthRM i>f Afrlran Ilraage lllBf jn Aluikast. awaheBed to th<- fm-t that BBere was to inUbUahed aaaong them a rolbga -^itienH-ut. wher>> nedieal atuaVnta wouid llv.% u IweHng of vagae aawaat 'iu> domloated thtiu. That davetoprf, arhaa they mw tbciae Inrtpteat profaeaon of the Aeacabplan art ex- ualnlng Ihe premihe* wlth a rlew to poaaaMBoa, Into loiiiiiik' >.hi>n of eoBateraaaton. and « geBeral oaaeaav |0B of Afrlran ihimlril. s on that s.|iair- .ii-.ird. Tho anqael ln Id ln the rolloKe »et.tlenn-ut rooti.h la^t Krl- lav nlirlit sealed the aaaurance that th.- daadly eae ale Of tk* negtoea ware there to <taj, and BOBJ lait wa darky babttaOOaa remaJn oa Abaka^C, h.-tween »ixth nnd BeveBth. The diiidiy l-rethivn («iiiiot he i. r^imilnl thitt the new-comer-. ar- 'h^-r*. fn nthar xirpoHea thali to ' make imili,¦Iu- mi'Vn »!«. callod blka."-irMladclphla Rey<>rd.


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    LANli \N'f MI"1J1*HY.




    .)'f,e eeho*N nf !!.¦¦ PxplortoJi ii. the IVmocraiirjnr'.v whteh Mr. » leveland a

    stiv tli.-raoat aerioui >T!.¦¦¦-'..¦.1 to hlrn wheB Gbt»i«ot Hili tad-dealy gaw* ' ;1'^ '!l'" !t ":,s 1l"' wi" on'1 ******uf \].>- DeB»«rB«y of tbB Sfat*> that .» should^^.p fr.;il tte OowBrnart chaii to tbt plaet un lovaaaal by tl.^! r.iti n ol S.*nator fvarta'ater»allill'a aaiadate raa a!l-pow*rftt1 witli tbe StatemtwiiiT.a whi.ii lN> had ... st .tr.l ff.r liis« owaiipo, aild IhBIB WM BB OBB BtTOnfl oii.in/h t> fCT-LW Ms raph of t^i> offiee, hut EdwardIfurphy, Jr.| l>1,,» a" no'* obalnuan ofof tha DeBioofatlfl Btate Comndtaae, w.u* dtwplydkajppaiaBMl aad |Th?ved. Tte plaoata him MrHill tu:ide biiu '^^ praaiiae rhat tli no%t Seaateraaaaaf «" «M ^o bo him. Lvor sin.v> th.n thiahaa baaa ¦¦ opea a»a el anaong >fr. hill»B oo»«fhscf (wnlt-)»T..t'v*.Om w«-ek bffore tiia oii'ouon, whon tlio D«m-

    0".ra!« klt bbib ot the Suite, rh«? BBaapan begant0 aei theii BBachln«7 ln ¦BtleB. Mr. rakefcallad «.n LleatBBast-flavarBat SlieeJiaa at Deta-r.rjatio Btate hcaiyu rfara, Jn W«*t Tw-mty-fourth Ht., and amid to hiua:

    " In fhc ovent «.f thoSuito taiaf bot waar who ara you fa» u*« Saamtor ?"WalL Mr- OtokBTt'1 lapiiad the Lteutonaat-

    r>Tareor, "1 thlnk that jrao li.^ve in youi miudthe samo niua that I hav*."-Who'l that?' a.«kwl Mr. Crakav,"ti Miirphr-" ....That'i right," wjm Crokcrs aBBWBT. Wf

    »rc.- fot him.''The electirm raine off urid tvarythlllg WB111 to

    iait Mr. Croket aad Mr. BbaehaiL Tha dayBltai thB eleotiaa, the Ueatenaat-GaTBTaor tete-phaaai rroiu Huftaln to Ttoy BoagiataUtlBg MrM.rpl.y bb the aiabability al hia being a l BttadM itcs Secatoi froui Sew-Tatk.

    Nothiag waa »M to Mr. (l-vrlmd aboat thlicandidarv untll Mr. Murphy'i vlait to New-Yorkiu the weBk altef the deatiaa, when Mr. Marphyaad IieateaaBVOowTBOi Sbeehaa calkd bb thaprasidBBVekot. Tht BBbyeot waa thea broaehedbj Mr. Bheahaa Mr Clevclaod aaid Iha1 het! ougbt it a littk «-ar!v t briau eat epBdidateaf,,r Sraatar, aad ahowed other aymptoaai of wantol ayaapaths In Mr. Mu'P' '¦ '";"'' bu1 rheJwere Bat Ttoteat. Mr. Marphy aad Mr. Sheabantold thn tliem.

    Mr. Croket aaid yeBterday *»« h« h"1 th,,'nheart aad wal for Mr. Marphy from ti«- Brat, andthat he woald rcaaafB ao nu raatt..r what Blighlhappea. i I '. Oa^eraof Bhaahan bbb4 wardalt-:r Mr. CterehMid'a deHTeraaoB of Wadneada3that iiA aoald be eoaated sn to 6tl«.k to Mr.Marpiiy. Sraator \h\\ had oot beaa eonaalted at,Ihe tiiue tLe aaooaaBBBMOt of th^ the oppoaitioa arrayed itaelfa^aiust him aft»r they had been iafonaed h »ilaatrr*-1 Mr. Marphya caBdidacy waa to him,and. at* thag went ahead with the Marphy eaa-vaai aft.T batBg waraed bj Mr. Ctevelaad, tberewaa BBthiaf iBft for him to do exe*p« to Baanrlhlinwelf.

    Sp»w4ter t'risp, s.-riiit..r ftorman, ScBBtor Mf'-Pberaaa, Bfld iwne otbei repreacBtatlve Demoeratx.aJled on Mi .v.-'ui,,: .t hia law offtca In theMilh) BalkUni yeatarday. Speaker riap al«>

    ed on Mr. Craker and had a long eoafld>ntlallalk wtth him. In rhnr af tha battie whieh i-

    NUBioj on in Nflw-Yerh Btate, the Speaker waa feel-Idj deekied ¦.. i ¦-!¦ aboat hia owb ohaaoei f«traalaatioa. H« begao tadoabt yeatenaay wbetlierhe had aol gaaa too fM Ib kolarlBg biiruwH aoIhBfaagbly (a v-ovi with Mr. ClevelaBd'a poll%* li«>di won hiaele^tlonin [rnQBoiitar. i-'.'f. by the aid of the HiH-TBBvltm,i.\ eoatingei t apd Iti alliea Ib the Hoaae ofK,.|,ie-en:ntiv.*. Uat avealBs Mr. < '.-i^P and S na ,,r Gonaati tiiaad with Mr. WhltBejr.

    lln^h UaLaughlin naaiatalBi h.> aeeoatotnedlile^id -r.w,. a .¦n-o Mr. Cleveland by refraining froai rotitu at allii the eaueua, ani l. nr- OltpOMd i" f«c-

    tlonalhou, Mid etaoa ¦. Uito u. a .rlll tio abM Baeyun ... ]ir>\"ui Uie aandtaa, if »n\- man to '..ii- tiie Klnn County ni«a .¦ dorth.-.i Um i'ur:\ raiicnt la n .. .1 ot AltaoT OBlnkMn alll

    .. difl>r. On «'.!¦ ;.o!iii, nui ¦vw, arre willtw no diiur-in-.. of i)i>iniou. k> f.ir a>- tlM runni ntatl^ n.t tin» conntj arc coocotnad, ani:, b'it It wu.» pronpl Io auc^pt tta d.Ii'i good part. John Dvlinar, \\!.':itba Knijis Countj Demoorani were w poa«x«-ful undvr blowa, ^ul