
    LANli \N'f MI"1J1*HY.




    .)'f,e eeho*N nf !!.¦¦ PxplortoJi ii. the IVmocraiirjnr'.v whteh Mr. » leveland a

    stiv tli.-raoat aerioui >T!.¦¦¦-'..¦.1 to hlrn wheB Gbt»i«ot Hili tad-dealy gaw* ' ;1'^ '!l'" !t ":,s 1l"' wi" on'1 ******uf \].>- DeB»«rB«y of tbB Sfat*> that .» should^^.p fr.;il tte OowBrnart chaii to tbt plaet un lovaaaal by tl.^! r.iti n ol S.*nator fvarta'ater»allill'a aaiadate raa a!l-pow*rftt1 witli tbe StatemtwiiiT.a whi.ii lN> had ... st .tr.l ff.r liis« owaiipo, aild IhBIB WM BB OBB BtTOnfl t> fCT-LW Ms raph of t^i> offiee, hut EdwardIfurphy, Jr.| l>1,,» a" no'* obalnuan ofof tha DeBioofatlfl Btate Comndtaae, w.u* dtwplydkajppaiaBMl aad |Th?ved. Tte plaoata him MrHill tu:ide biiu '^^ praaiiae rhat tli no%t Seaateraaaaaf «" «M ^o bo him. Lvor sin.v> th.n thiahaa baaa ¦¦ opea a»a el anaong >fr. hill»B oo»«fhscf (wnlt-)»T..t'v*.Om w«-ek bffore tiia oii'ouon, whon tlio D«m-

    0".ra!« klt bbib ot the Suite, rh«? BBaapan begant0 aei theii BBachln«7 ln ¦BtleB. Mr. rakefcallad «.n LleatBBast-flavarBat SlieeJiaa at Deta-r.rjatio Btate hcaiyu rfara, Jn W«*t Tw-mty-fourth Ht., and amid to hiua:

    " In fhc ovent «.f thoSuito taiaf bot waar who ara you fa» u*« Saamtor ?"WalL Mr- OtokBTt'1 lapiiad the Lteutonaat-

    r>Tareor, "1 thlnk that jrao li.^ve in youi miudthe samo niua that I hav*."-Who'l that?' a.«kwl Mr. Crakav,"ti Miirphr-" ....That'i right," wjm Crokcrs aBBWBT. Wf

    »rc.- fot him.''The electirm raine off urid tvarythlllg WB111 to

    iait Mr. Croket aad Mr. BbaehaiL Tha dayBltai thB eleotiaa, the Ueatenaat-GaTBTaor tete-phaaai rroiu Huftaln to Ttoy BoagiataUtlBg MrM.rpl.y bb the aiabability al hia being a l BttadM itcs Secatoi froui Sew-Tatk.

    Nothiag waa »M to Mr. (l-vrlmd aboat thlicandidarv untll Mr. Murphy'i vlait to New-Yorkiu the weBk altef the deatiaa, when Mr. Marphyaad IieateaaBVOowTBOi Sbeehaa calkd bb thaprasidBBVekot. Tht BBbyeot waa thea broaehedbj Mr. Bheahaa Mr Clevclaod aaid Iha1 het! ougbt it a littk «-ar!v t briau eat epBdidateaf,,r Sraatar, aad ahowed other aymptoaai of wantol ayaapaths In Mr. Mu'P' '¦ '";"'' bu1 rheJwere Bat Ttoteat. Mr. Marphy aad Mr. Sheabantold thn tliem.

    Mr. Croket aaid yeBterday *»« h« h"1 th,,'nheart aad wal for Mr. Marphy from ti«- Brat, andthat he woald rcaaafB ao nu raatt..r what Blighlhappea. i I '. Oa^eraof Bhaahan bbb4 wardalt-:r Mr. CterehMid'a deHTeraaoB of Wadneada3that iiA aoald be eoaated sn to 6tl«.k to Mr.Marpiiy. Sraator \h\\ had oot beaa eonaalted at,Ihe tiiue tLe aaooaaBBBMOt of th^ the oppoaitioa arrayed itaelfa^aiust him aft»r they had been iafonaed h »ilaatrr*-1 Mr. Marphya caBdidacy waa to him,and. at* thag went ahead with the Marphy eaa-vaai aft.T batBg waraed bj Mr. Ctevelaad, tberewaa BBthiaf iBft for him to do exe*p« to Baanrlhlinwelf.

    Sp»w4ter t'risp, s.-riiit..r ftorman, ScBBtor Mf'-Pberaaa, Bfld iwne otbei repreacBtatlve Demoeratx.aJled on Mi .v.-'ui,,: .t hia law offtca In theMilh) BalkUni yeatarday. Speaker riap al«>

    ed on Mr. Craker and had a long eoafld>ntlallalk wtth him. In rhnr af tha battie whieh i-

    NUBioj on in Nflw-Yerh Btate, the Speaker waa feel-Idj deekied ¦.. i ¦-!¦ aboat hia owb ohaaoei f«traalaatioa. H« begao tadoabt yeatenaay wbetlierhe had aol gaaa too fM Ib kolarlBg biiruwH aoIhBfaagbly (a v-ovi with Mr. ClevelaBd'a poll%* li«>di won hiaele^tlonin [rnQBoiitar. i-'.'f. by the aid of the HiH-TBBvltm,i.\ eoatingei t apd Iti alliea Ib the Hoaae ofK,.|,ie-en:ntiv.*. Uat avealBs Mr. < '.-i^P and S na ,,r Gonaati tiiaad with Mr. WhltBejr.

    lln^h UaLaughlin naaiatalBi h.> aeeoatotnedlile^id -r.w,. a .¦n-o Mr. Cleveland by refraining froai rotitu at allii the eaueua, ani l. nr- OltpOMd i" f«c-

    tlonalhou, Mid etaoa ¦. Uito u. a .rlll tio abM Baeyun ... ]ir>\"ui Uie aandtaa, if »n\- man to '..ii- tiie Klnn County ni«a .¦ dorth.-.i Um i'ur:\ raiicnt la n .. .1 ot AltaoT OBlnkMn alll

    .. difl>r. On «'.!¦ ;.o!iii, nui ¦vw, arre willtw no diiur-in-.. of i)i>iniou. k> a>- tlM runni ntatl^ n.t tin» conntj arc coocotnad, ani:, b'it It wu.» pronpl Io auc^pt tta d.Ii'i good part. John Dvlinar, \\!.':itba Knijis Countj Demoorani were w poa«x«-ful undvr blowa, ^ul
