Decomposition of Leaf Litter of Four Tree Species in A

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  • 8/2/2019 Decomposition of Leaf Litter of Four Tree Species in A


    Decomposition of leaf litter of four tree species in a subtropicalevergreen broad-leaved forest, Okinawa Island, Japan

    Laode Alhamd, Syoko Arakaki, Akio Hagihara*

    Laboratory of Ecology and Systematics, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan

    Received 13 January 2003; received in revised form 16 September 2003; accepted 20 February 2004


    The leaf litter decomposition of four indigenous tree species, such as Castanopsis sieboldii, Schima wallichii, Elaeocarpus

    japonicus, and Daphniphyllum teijsmannii, was monthly monitored using the litterbag technique over a 12-month period in a

    subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of Okinawa Island, Japan. The decomposition rate constant (k) was 1.19 0.19 for D.teijsmannii, 1.09 0.07 for C. sieboldii, 0.94 0.05 for E. japonicus, and 0.66 0.05 (S.E.) yr1 for S. wallichii. Thedecomposition rate constant was significantly lower in S. wallichii than the other three species (P < 0.01). It might be attributed

    to the low number of micro-fauna. The fastest rate of decomposition of the leaf litter of D. teijsmannii can be attributed to

    collembola whose number was almost twice compared to the number of collembola observed in the other species leaf litters. The

    remaining carbon of leaf litter decreased with increasing incubation time and its concentration was ca. 50% over one year. The

    remaining nitrogen ofC. sieboldii, E. Japonicus, and D. teijsmannii showed three phases: leaching, net gain, and net loss, while

    S. wallichii showed two phases without net loss phase. The leaf litter of D. teijsmannii, which had the highest initial N

    concentration of 0.97%, showed the highest decomposition rate constant. Concerning the other species of leaf litters, however,

    their initial N concentration did not reflect on their decomposition rate constant. The critical value of C/N ratio ranged from 31

    for D. teijsmannii to 33 for C. sieboldii.

    # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Decomposition rate constant; Leaf litter decomposition; Litterbag; Micro-fauna; Subtropical rain forest

    1. Introduction

    Decomposition of leaf litter, by which organicmatter and nutrients are returned to the forest soils,

    is a primary mechanism and has received considerable

    attention for sustainable soil fertility (Moretto et al.,

    2001; Xuluc-Tolosa et al., 2003). The rate of litter

    decomposition has been associated with the carbon

    and nitrogen content (Fog, 1988; Kemp et al., 2003;

    Meentemeyer, 1978; Swift et al., 1979). Complexes of

    bacteria, fungi, and soil organisms have also an

    important role in decomposing leaf litter. Themicro-fauna, which can move freely through the

    litterbag net, have been shown to cause an increase

    in weight loss (Berg et al., 1980; Berg and Staaf,

    1981). The successional changes of soil organisms

    have been demonstrated during the decomposition

    process of various litters using the litterbag method

    (Berg and Soderstrom, 1979). The roles of soil organ-

    isms on nutrient cycle may be changed during decom-

    position processes of litter (Hasegawa and Takeda,

    1995; Warren and Zou, 2002).

    Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 81-98-895-8546;fax: 81-98-895-8546.E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Hagihara).

    0378-1127/$ see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2004.02.062

  • 8/2/2019 Decomposition of Leaf Litter of Four Tree Species in A


    Okinawan forests that are identified as subtropical

    evergreen broad-leaved forests have high woody species

    diversity including Castanopsis sieboldii (Makino)

    Hatusima ex Yamazaki et Mashiba (Ito, 1997). InOkinawa, temperature and precipitation are high and

    strong winds commonly occur together with a heavy

    rain. These factors potentially contribute to the high

    degree of nutrient supply through decomposition of

    litters. However, studies on leaf litter decomposition

    in subtropical rain forests in Okinawa, which are sub-

    stantial to be performed for comprehending ecological

    processes in the forests, have not yet been conducted.

    The aims of this study were to determine the

    remaining mass of leaf litter after decomposition, to

    examine monthly changes in carbon (C), nitrogen (N),

    and C/N ratio in decomposing leaves after the incuba-

    tion, and to observe the number of micro-fauna in

    process of the decomposition over one year.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Study site

    This study was carried out in a subtropical ever-

    green broad-leaved forest in the northern part of

    Okinawa Island, Japan (2684503000N and12880500000E). A general map of the study site is

    shown in Fig. 1. Tanaka (1999) reported that trees

    having DBH ! 4.5 cm in this area were mostlyoccupied by C. sieboldii (Makino) Hatusima ex Yama-

    zaki et Mashiba, Elaeocarpus japonicus Sieb. et

    Zucc., and Schima wallichii (DC.) Korthals, whose

    percentages in number were 40%, 14%, and 10%,

    respectively, and the other species were less than 6%.

    Altitude and terrain-slope of the study area were

    250 m above sea level and 24.58, respectively. The pH

    of the soil was 4.35. Air moisture just above the forestfloor was approximately 90%. Monthly temperature

    and rainfall distribution during the study period are

    presented in Fig. 2. Mean monthly temperature ranged

    from 16.4 8C to 28.2 8C and mean annual air tem-

    perature was 22.9 8C. Annual rainfall was 2197 mm.

    2.2. Litter decomposition

    The leaf litter decomposition experiment was car-

    ried out during a 12-month period from May 1999 to

    May 2000. Four tree species were used in the experi-

    ment: C. sieboldii, S. wallichii, E. japonicus, and

    Daphniphyllum teijsmannii Zoll. ex Kurz. The decom-

    position rates were evaluated using 25 cm 28 cmlitterbags with 2-mm mesh size constructed from

    nylon net with 2-mm mesh size.

    From March to April 1999, leaf litters were col-

    lected in the study site by applying litterfall traps.

    Collected leaf litter samples were immediately trans-

    ported to the Laboratory of the University of the

    Ryukyus, separated according to species, selected

    in a wide range of leaf size, shape, and texture,

    cleaned, and then air-dried to a constant weight at

    a room temperature. Ten grams (12 replicates) of

    each leaf litter type was weighed. All samples of leaf

    litter were placed in litterbags. The top of the filled

    litterbags was sealed and a plastic tag with an ID

    number was wired to each litterbag. A total of 48

    leaf litterbags were placed on the flat surface area in

    May 1999 by utilizing metal pins to prevent move-

    ment and to ensure a suitable contact between litter-

    bags and organic soil layers. One litterbag from each

    of theleaf littertypeswas retainedin the laboratoryto

    determine the initial weight and chemical composi-


    At monthly intervals from June 1999 to May 2000,

    one litterbag was randomly retrieved from each leaflitter type. Each bag was placed into a separate poly-

    ethylene bag and directly transferred to the laboratory.

    Extraneous materials, including roots, were carefully

    brushed off from the litterbags. Leaf residues were

    oven-dried at 85 8C for 24 h and then weighed.

    2.3. Chemical analysis

    The leaf litter samples of each bag were milled to

    determine the chemical contents (Janke & Kunkel

    Gmbh & Co. KG, Type A 10 S11). A sample of10 mg was analyzed with an automatic gas chromato-

    graph N.C.-Analyzer (Sumigraph, Model NC-80) to

    determine the total concentration of carbon (C) and

    nitrogen (N). Four replicates of each litterbag were


    Remaining C and N after a given month incubation

    were calculated by the following formula:

    Remaining % LtCt

    L0C0 100; (1)

    2 L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111

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    where Lt is the mass of dry matter after a given

    month, L0 is the initial mass of dry matter, Ct is the

    concentration of C or N after a given month incuba-

    tion, and C0 is the initial concentration of C or N in


    2.4. Micro-fauna abundance

    The abundance of micro-fauna in each litterbag

    was extracted at a constant temperature (358

    C)for three days by a modified Tullgren funnel and

    collected in 90% ethanol. Then identification and

    counting of these micro-fauna were performed

    under a binocular microscope with a magnification

    of 20.

    2.5. Exponential decay model

    The process of decomposing mass of leaf litter was

    described using a single exponential decay model

    (Olson, 1963), as follows:


    L0 expkt; (2)

    where L0 is the initial mass of dry matter,Lt is the mass

    of dry matter after a given month incubation t, and kis

    the decomposition rate constant.

    2.6. Statistical analysis

    The t-test was used for detecting a significantdifference in the decomposition rate constant among

    the different species of leaf litter.

    3. Results

    3.1. Remaining mass

    The loss of mass from decomposing leaf litter in

    litterbags is described in Fig. 3. The remaining mass

    Fig. 1. Map showing the study site (closed circle) in the northern part of Okinawa Island, Japan.

    L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111 3

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    after 12 months incubation on the forest floor was

    54%, 46%, 59%, and 61% to the initial mass for C.

    sieboldii, S. wallichii, E. japonicus, and D. teijsman-

    nii, respectively. The decay process was well-approxi-

    mated by the exponential decay model given by

    Eq. (2). As given in Table 1, the values of the decom-

    position rate constant (k) were 1.19 0.19 for D.teijsmannii, 1.09 0.07 for C. sieboldii, 0.94 0.05for E. japonicus, and 0.66 0.05 (S.E.) yr1 for S.wallichii. The k-value for S. wallichii was significantly

    low, as compared with the other species (P < 0.01).

    3.2. Remaining C and N

    The changes of remaining carbon followed a similar

    pattern in all species, declining with increasing incu-

    bation time during the process of decomposition, as

    shown in Fig. 4. The carbon sharply decreased in the

    first 2 months, reaching 3.2 g (71%) of C. sieboldii,

    3.7 g (72%) of S. wallichii, 2.9 g (57%) ofE. japoni-

    cus, and 2.8 g (54% of the initial C content) of D.

    teijsmannii. During the later months, the decreasing

    rate of carbon was comparatively low.

    The remaining nitrogen decreased more slowly thancarbon during this study (Fig. 4). The nitrogen change

    ofC. sieboldii showed a three-phase pattern: leaching

    from the 1st to the 2nd month, net gain from the 3rd to

    the 9th month, and net loss from the 10th to the 12th

    month. On the other hand, the nitrogen change of S.

    wallichii showed two phases: leaching from the 1st to

    the 2nd month and net gain from the 3rd up to the 12th

    month. The nitrogen change ofE. japonicus had three

    phases: leaching in the first two months, net gain from

    the 3rd to the 9th month, and net loss from the 10th to

    Fig. 2. Monthly temperature and rainfall at the study site, from January 1999 to December 2000. The data were collected from the weather

    station (Nago City, Okinawa) nearest to the study area.

    Table 1

    Annual decomposition rate constant (k) and 95% breakdown period of the four selected tree species during a 12-month period

    Tree species k S.E. (yr1) n r2 95% breakdownperiod (year)

    Castanopsis sieboldii 1.09 0.07 a,b 13 0.76 2.7Schima wallichii 0.66 0.05 c 13 0.86 4.5Elaeocarpus japonicus 0.94 0.05 b 13 0.84 3.2

    Daphniphyllum teijsmannii 1.19 0.19 a 13 0.87 2.5

    Values followed by different letters (a and b) in the same column are signi ficantly different (P < 0.01).

    4 L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111

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    the end of this study. The nitrogen change of D. teijs-

    mannii had also three phases: leaching in the first one

    month, net gain from the 2nd to the 7th month, and net

    loss starting in the 8th and continuing to the 12th month.

    3.3. Changes in C/N ratio

    Fig. 5 shows the changes of C/N ratio in decom-

    posing leaves of four tree species. The four species

    showed a similar trend of C/N ratio, which decreased

    progressively to the end of experiment. The C/N ratio

    ofC. sieboldii sharply decreased with increasing N in

    the 1st month (Fig. 4), gradually decreased until the

    9th month, and then tended to 29 at the 12th month

    incubation. The C/N ratio of S. wallichii decreased in

    the first month and then slowly decreased to 29 at the

    12th month. The C/N ratio of E. japonicus abruptly

    decreased in the first three months, slowly decreaseduntil the 9th month, tended to increase until the 10th

    month, and decreased again to 25. The C/N ratio ofD.

    teijsmannii sharply decreased from the 1st to the 3rd

    month and then slowly decreased down to 26.

    3.4. Changes in faunal abundance

    The number of micro-fauna in all litterbags was

    counted. Both acari and collembola were the predo-

    minant orders among 21 orders observed in the

    Fig. 3. Percentage of remaining mass to initial mass in process of decomposition from May 1999 to May 2000. (a) C. sieboldii; (b) S.

    wallichii; (c) E. japonicus; (d) D. teijsmannii. For the decomposition rate constant (k), see Table 1.

    L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111 5

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    litterbags. They contributed 82% and 14% of the total

    micro-fauna for C. sieboldii, 67% and 28% for S.

    wallichii, 73% and 21% for E.japonicus, and 59% and

    35% for D. teijsmannii, respectively.

    The densities of micro-fauna, in terms of the num-ber of individuals per gram of leaf litter residue, are

    summarized in Table 2. The density of micro-fauna for

    C. sieboldii had three peaks at 4, 7, and 11 months

    after the incubation. The maximum value appeared in

    the third peak with 72 individuals per gram of leaf

    litter residue. On the other hand, the density for S.

    wallichii showed a short-fluctuation pattern, in which

    the peak of micro-fauna was reached at 5 months after

    the incubation (37 individuals per gram of the residue

    of leaf litter). The density for E. japonicus peaked at

    11 months after the incubation with 138 individuals

    per gram of the residue of leaf litter, which was

    especially larger than those for the other three species.

    The abundance of micro-fauna for D. teijsmannii

    showed a similar trend to C. sieboldii and had threepeaks concentrating at 4, 7, and 10 months after the

    incubation. The highest abundance arose at 10 months

    after the incubation (113 individuals per gram of the

    residue of leaf litter).

    4. Discussion

    The remaining mass of leaf litter decreased with

    increasing incubation time (Fig. 3). It seems that

    Fig. 4. Changes of the remaining carbon (*) and remaining nitrogen (*) of decomposing leaf litter after the incubation from May 1999 to

    May 2000. Values are represented as mean S.E. (n 4). (a) C. sieboldii; (b) S. wallichii; (c) E. japonicus; (d), D. teijsmannii.

    6 L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111

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    there exist two stages in decomposition during this

    study. Therate of decreasein all species was higherin

    the first half than in the second half of decomposition

    phase. Berg (1986) and Takeda (1995) also con-

    cluded that the decomposition of leaf litter was

    divided into two phases. In the first phase, the solublesubstances and non-lignified carbohydrates, e.g.

    cellulose and hemicellulose, are decomposed by

    saprotrophic fungi, while in the second decomposi-

    tion phase, primarily lignin and lignified cellulose

    remain. In addition, decomposing leaf litter is influ-

    enced by the internal physicochemical properties of

    the substrate and by the environmental factors under

    which decomposition takes place (Gillon et al.,

    1994). The estimated leaf decomposition of 95%

    was faster in D. teijsmanii (2.5 years) than in C.

    sieboldii (2.7 years), E. japonicus (3.2 years), and S.

    wallichii (4.5 years) (Table 1). Since the full decom-

    position of the leaf litters was longer than one year,

    there is still a great need of conducting this investiga-

    tion more than one year in this area. Kira and Shidei

    (1967) reported that the duration for the 95% break-down of leaf litterwas 0.3 year afterdecomposition in

    a tropical rain forest and 23.3 years in a subalpine

    spruce forest.

    Several studies have demonstrated that there are

    significant contributions of soil micro-fauna on the

    decomposition processes (Singh and Shekhar, 1989;

    Tian et al., 1992). In the present study, the decom-

    position rate constant k was significantly lower in S.

    wallichii than the other three species (P < 0.01)

    (Table 1). It may be attributed to the low number of

    Fig. 5. Changes of the C/N ratio of decomposing leaf litter after the incubation from May 1999 to May 2000. Values are represented as mean

    S.E. (n 4). (a) C. sieboldii; (b) S. wallichii; (c) E. japonicus; (d) D. teijsmannii.

    L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111 7

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    micro-fauna. The fastest rate of decomposition of the

    leaf litter of D. teijsmannii can be attributed to col-

    lembola whose number was almost twice compared to

    the number of collembola observed in the other spe-cies leaf litters (Table 2). The highest k-value D.

    teijsmannii was not significantly different from the

    k-value of C. siebolldii. The result of both species

    could be related to the similar abundance of micro-

    fauna, which most likely influenced the decomposi-

    tion of the leaf litters. The values of the decomposition

    rate constant (Table 1), except the value ofS. wallichii,

    were rather comparable to the mean value of 0.93 yr1

    in temperate forests, but were much lower than the

    mean value of 1.85 yr1 in tropical forests summar-

    ized by Takeda (1996).

    The remaining carbon of each species showed a

    similar trend to the remaining mass, which decreased

    with increasing incubation time (Fig. 4). It is sug-

    gested that carbon content after monthly incubation

    may be a factor in decomposition rate of leaf litter. In

    addition, the mean C concentration of each leaf litter

    type was ca. 50% over one year (Fig. 6).

    The nutrient content of the leaves also affects therate of decomposition. Generally high levels of nutri-

    ents, notably nitrogen, are expected to be able to

    accelerate the decomposition process. Several studies

    have shown a positive correlation between initial N

    concentration and the decomposition rate constant

    (Melillo et al., 1982; Vogt et al., 1991; Corteaux

    et al., 1995; Mfilinge et al., 2002). In this study, the

    leaf litter of D. teijsmannii, which had the highest

    initial N concentration of 0.97% (Fig. 6), showed the

    highest decomposition rate constant. Concerning the

    other species, however, their initial N concentration

    did not reflect on their decomposition rate constant

    (Table 1).

    Gosz et al. (1973) and Staff and Berg (1982) noticed

    that nitrogen dynamics in decomposing leaf litter

    Table 2

    Numbers of micro-fauna colonizing in the residual of leaf litter of the four selected tree species in process of decomposition

    Micro-fauna (g1

    ) Incubation time (month) Total (%)

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Castanopsis sieboldiiAcari 19 28 52 44 34 61 26 24 57 66 33 444 (82)

    Collembola 3 11 10 9 2 4 3 2 8 5 18 75 (14)

    Others 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 22 (4)

    Total 23 41 65 55 38 67 31 27 67 72 55 541

    Schima wallichii

    Acari 10 11 25 24 15 23 22 17 21 14 15 197 (67)

    Collembola 3 4 7 12 4 4 6 6 11 13 13 83 (28)

    Others 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 (5)

    Total 16 19 33 37 20 28 29 24 33 28 29 296

    Elaeocarpus japonicus

    Acari 16 24 23 19 34 30 9 16 23 124 12 330 (73)Collembola 1 6 3 4 5 3 8 4 14 13 34 95 (21)

    Others 7 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 2 1 1 26 (6)

    Total 24 31 27 24 41 39 19 22 39 138 47 451

    Daphniphyllum teijsmannii

    Acari 8 2 27 23 1 38 2 21 69 40 42 273 (59)

    Collembola 1 1 8 7 0 6 0 11 39 41 51 165 (35)

    Others 1 2 3 3 0 2 1 0 5 2 8 27 (6)

    Total 10 5 38 33 1 46 3 32 113 83 101 465

    8 L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111

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    showed three sequential phases: firstly, the initial

    release phase in which leaching predominates; sec-

    ondly, the net gain phase in which nitrogen is imported

    into the residual material through the activity of

    microorganisms, and thirdly, the net loss phase in

    which an absolute decrease in the nutrient mass of

    decomposing leaf litter occurs. In this study, nitrogenchanges of leaf litter after monthly incubation showed

    two or three phases, such as leaching, net gain, and net

    loss, in all species. Only two phases, i.e. without net

    loss, were found in S. wallichii, but three phases

    were observed in C. sieboldii, E. japonicus, and

    D. teijsmannii (Fig. 4).

    The C/N ratio of C. sieboldii was initially 57 and

    then decreased to 52 by the end of the leaching phase

    (second month) (Fig. 5). During the net gain phase, the

    ratio further decreased from 52 to 33 (sixth month),

    which might be recognized as a critical value of C/N

    ratio for C. sieboldii. As shown in Fig. 7, the critical

    value of S. wallichii reached 32 at 9 months after the

    incubation, while those of E. japonicus and D. teijs-

    mannii were 32 at 6 months and 31 at 9 months after

    the incubation, respectively. The critical values

    obtained in all species were achieved when the rangeof N concentration was 1.41.7% (Fig. 6). The present

    critical values were a little bit lower than the respec-

    tive values of 38 and 34 of Dipterocarpus baudii

    leaves reported by Yamashita and Takeda (1998) in

    two types of litterbags, 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm in mesh


    Acari and collembola were more dominant than the

    other orders (Table 2). The number of acari of C.

    sieboldii leaf litter was greater than those of the other

    leaf litters for a 11-month collection, suggesting that a

    Fig. 6. Changes of carbon (*) and nitrogen (*) concentrations after the incubation from May 1999 to May 2000. Values are represented as

    mean S.E. (n 4). (a) C. sieboldii; (b) S. wallichii; (c) E. japonicus; (d) D. teijsmannii.

    L. Alhamd et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 111 9

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    rapid weight loss in C. sieboldii leaves might be

    attributed to the presence of acari. On the other hand,

    the low density of micro-fauna might not enhance the

    decomposing rate of S. wallichii leaves (Table 1).


    We are thankful to Prof. T. Shinzato and Dr. T.

    Enoki, Subtropical Field Science Center at Yona,

    University of the Ryukyus, for their help. We also

    thank Prof. M. Tsuchiya for his suggestion in operat-

    ing the N.C.-Analyzer. Thanks are due to Mr. B.

    Tanaka for their invaluable cooperation in the field

    works and Mr. B. Ranjeet for his correction of English.

    We also thank two anonymous reviewers provided

    many helpful comments on the manuscript. This study

    was supported in part by Nippon Life Insurance

    Foundation and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    (No. 12794001) from the Japanese Ministry of Educa-

    tion, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


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