.. , .. ......... +--l:- ... - .:•:.. .. DECLASSIFIED SECRET :Jf. . . .. ·:_..: .. __ ;;.-·.;,:- :. •. , .. - ...... " ·· : ..... .. .. '_', .. ; :r .:._;; r.•,. . ,.._ . .......... ..... :: '- •. F. i>· ·.- J- .. .. : ./ ·:· --:· . , ·- <." 4 : ADMIRAL C • . W • ·N t Ml TZ :J USN ZES THE - FORCES UNDER HIS COMMAND JO PREVENT'- .. ·: cAPTURE AND Ml SSJ O_N ANNEXES: AND 8 L1STE_D :: ON PAGE 10 'ANI) 11 · . .:- ....... ,. _ ··.;.. .' r


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Cincpac f~le AlG-3/(lG)

Serial 0114

mTITED STATBS PACiriC FLEET, PD\RL ru':.RBOR, T • R. , 18001 27 ;,!:i,y 1942 •

-- . -- -·-

• I \/

~\ \··

REG. -- !TO.·· .-:.. l I _;--v\

Operatior: Plan No. 29-~2


(a) Strik!.nll Forces - Senior striking .force commander in HID'.VAY Area. ·

Task ?orce SIXTEEN' - Rec-"r .\.cL.:Ural Spruance

EN:-E.R?RISE, H ORI:ET NC?.:'HAI.!PTOU J VI~7CE!·i:-TES I PENSA~OLA, l:I:::m:i.POLIS, :IE'.'/ ORIDu;s ri. TL·1.:!T..:~ Desron Ono, less HULL, 1-.IcDOliOUGH, FAR~:~G'L'"T, D.:-.LE, plus CO!~YNGH.-\H Desron Six, less CR.:~VIDT, GRIDLEY, UcC..:\ .. LL, ou:;r..:~P, ?.h.17HIHG ::;:>1 us G~IN, l!ONSSEN

Task ?orce SEv--elTTEEN - Rear Adrt.iral Fletcher

YCP.KTO~:l-! .:.S70RL\, PO!l~L.-.. HD De sron T\1o, lc s s o' BRIIm, ,v .. :~Lim

Task ?orcc ELE~T - Rear Admir~l Fitch

s:.?--i.1' OGA CEESTER s,·.r DIEGO

2 cv

5 CA 1 CL

1 DL 1 5 DD

1 DL 1 5 DD

1 cv 2 C .. '\. 6 DD

DALE, F:"NNnm, .: .. .:...Ron :-1.:.RD, DUNL."P, an.:~ VEN, U~o.FFEY

1 cv 1 CA 1 CL 6 DD


?uTTE, CII.~\.P..RO!-T

(b) Subr~rinc Force, Tcsk Foree SE\~i -Captain English



2 AO

12 ss



-~--- ----- - ---- .. -- -rrr--- -· ... - ------ -- ---A--· ----·----. . .;;...._~-------· - ----· ------------~.::: . __ . ___ ,....,

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----r--· ----.\.16-3/ ( 16) Serial 0114'7.

- -ri.., ,... .---.. r' r l r-0 ~~ mn.tlT ,. _.l . 0 1 r c.. '-" "-- 1_,- ~ J ~ '--"'

Operation Plan 1~o. 29-42


li bcliovcd that the enemy '.'lili e:r:1ploy appro~ina tely the

j, follov:ing: 2-4 fast DE; 4-5 CV; 8-9 CA.; 16-24 DD; 8-12 SS; a landing force rri th soaplane tender.s. . The attack on i:!D'.'!AY me.y be preceded cr followed by an 9.. t tack on OA:-ru. .\ special in tc:!.ligence annex is being sup:_> lied to Tasl~ .!•'orce Cc:':ll:landcPs cnly. The Conmander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Plcet \'fill !-:eep Tasl::: Force Cor.1r1.a::1dcrs inforMed of all ::_Jertincnt in.for::1Ltion before and curing tllc operations, inclu~i~~ com~letc weather broadcast.

(b) It is c s t::.na ted t:1a t enemy action a~ains t l.IID'.VAY •trill co1:1;_::>risc a full scale attack for its .capture and its quick occupation and us~ acainst the HaTiaiian Area. Operations beginr!in3 proba'.Jly as soon as thirty !•.·!ay, are visualized as follm·rs:

(1) Prcliminz.ry reconnaissance b:r submarines,

(2) Possibly .-·.i vcrsionary bombing of positions including OAHU by :patrol planc.s f,1clcd by submarines.

(3) High speed approach by carriers.

(4) ?reli!:"..inary attacks by carrier aircraft begin­ning at daylight or during noonlight and con­tin~ing for about two days or until dofc~ding -:.i:-:' fo:r·ce s l1.a ve bcun climina ted. It is thought the. t one or norc carriers ::'..D..Y tal~e up close -in dE~:rlight posj_ tiona for this IJurpose. It is cstima ted a northwcstcrlj· bearing r:ill be favored. l'l~e attacl: ~.-roti.ld be dcsit;ncd to be so incessant as to pre vcn t refueling and rearning I.iiD:V.~>.Y aircra.f't. T!1is attc:r:1;>t r:1o.y be continued by ;,1cans of bombard­ncnt n.t ni;ht.

(5) Covoring of attacking carriers against our surface forces by additional carrier gr6u9s, and fast bnttlcships.


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.\.16-3/{16 r Serial ('11~'.7

~E'l' l '"· (" ("' I r:' 11 D UL \-' .-> -~ ._;; .;,., i l I C. Operation ?lan

Ho. 29-42.

(6) L~nding attack, ~robn~ly at night, fc~turcd by usual attempts at infiltration and cx-crc:r.!c reso­lution on th~ )art or the individual cncny soldier.

(7) Bnplo:mcnt of incendiary ~o~bs and possibl7 gas.

(8) If l~nding attack is successful, in~ediato occu:J.!!. ticn of the. isl2-nd '!'i th full base equipment 1

aircrc.ft, E~Bs, etc.

(9) Cove;ring with concentrc.tions of aubrnarines designed te i:ttcrcopt O'....lr sup:_Jortingsurface forc6s both in the ~ -~ID''.'.AY area and O!l. some such line e..s about t•:ro hundrcC: r:ilc s nc s t of O.~HU.

( 10 :; :tt is probable th£~ t if· our carriers arc sigh ted early ir1 the opcrc~tion, thc~r r:ill become the priiT'3.r:r ob j cc t of the er.OL1Y carriers.

(c) '~ask Force ELI:VEK ~:.rill be ready to depart from '.7cs t Coast ports on five June, and ~.,ill be directed to arrive in th~ llan~ii~n Area as soon as pos~ible. The evailability of ':'a sl::: Force S:CVE!JTEEK E'..S a unit is dependent on the· con­di ticn 0f the "!OR:~':(O~:n~. If YORI:TO'".Ili is not 9.vn.ila-olc, in­struc tioY"!:J -::!il:!. be :tssucd ~s to om;)lcyr,!cnt of remainder of fort:.c. G·:rr~r c..nd I.iuSTIH ~rc ~oi-.r en3o.ccd ~.n escorting betr10en PEnP.L a.n.r! r.:m·:;;.y ~nd ,:.,ill join their Tasl~· Forces wb.cn rol:n :~ofl .. ,

(d) rc.J:·_ Perce EIGHT COY:lposed of 2 C.-'i., 3 CL I 4 DD from the Floc-: .!=·:·_ '.l: cc- eto..in force 3 norY:1E'.lly under the Con:.s.!:lder North­'1:7e.s"'~c ('r! Scs. ?ror~tisr :and certain .h.rny :· .. L~.sr::~.n .:dr Forces o.re opcra:ing j_::;l ~:l:c r:orth Pacific .:~rca ac_:ni.::'lst an EXp6ctcd at tc.c ~ in the ,~.LEUTI.:.HS.

(c) '2hc dcfc!l.sc s at I:ID'"'I4\ Y h0.ve rcccn tly been reenforced to th) totc.ls indicc.tcd:

~arc raft Rccnfcrcc;::on t Total ----

16 VP; 7 VF; 18 VSB 16 V?, 27 VF; 36 VSB


--- -----rrr ---

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0-oeration Plan No. 29-42.


4 - 60nnn f.ior tar; 8 - 37mn AA;

12 3 11 :\. .-. •

• • •• • w•·- ~- ~ -·~-·- • _ _ ____ ,,,.. _ - --~ 0 • ·-~ ... .-• " ' ' r • •· ·~•



8 - 60mm Mortars 8 - 37mm AA

24 3"- AA - .. , 4- 3 11

, 4- 7 11, G - 5 11


nce:lforcc:lcnt - of 670 r:cn bringing the total, including air pers0nr:.cl, to:

Officers Enlist(;d

6th Defense :Sattalion 52 1357 3d Dcf~nse Eat tali on 13 379 Raider Companies 9 269 ?.!arine Air Squadron 45 470 1:aval Air Squadron 22 372 Net Depot 12 Cable Station 25 Pan American Air __g

Total • 141 2886

(f) Additional comcunication and air operations personnel are being made available to the Cor.rr:1anding Officer, HID'VAY.

(g) Some of the initial cispositions such as that of the subr1ar-incs have been directed by separate directives but are bein.c_: repeated lJere in in order to I!'.B.kc this plan of operations complete.

{h) This Plan deals :prinarily ,.,i th tho expected attack on r.1ID'.7AY - but the dc~loy::1cnt herein r.1B.de is also believed to pror.tote the security of 0.\HU.



--N. / .

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• '

....::;. __ ~-: - -!' - !\ (' c·" r::-' Eo· I·. . ' I . '. . - . . . -

-':'_(:":::1. ?1~ ::

2 • The:.~ fo:::-ces -;7ill hold )HD'."/AY and will inflicct r.1aximum d9.n£.:~ on the enemy by strong attrition tactics.

3. (a) 3trildng Forces.

~1) Inflict ~~ximum darr~}c on enemy by employing strong attrition tactics. Do ~ot accept such decisive action as would be likely to inctir heavy losses i~ o~r carriers and cruisers. A _ letter of instructio~s is bein~ furnished separately. to s ~l'ikinG fo:::'cc cc:_r:·,.anders;.

~2) Operate ~ith Task Forces available initially to t ~1o northca.st of ::ID .. !AY cor.L":1er~cin~ thirty !:lay, ~n crG.cr to seize O:!J)ortunity to obtain initial ad vs.n tagc a:3ains t carriers ''Ihich are er.1ploying t"' · i · t · ·rn .. r · Y L~C:L:::' a r groups ag::..:Lns •-• ... -1. •

(3) Initially establish nir search in the northeast sector .from I.Ti)'"!AY to cast\·Jard of bearing twenty

·degrees true from t~t place.

( 4) Task Force SIXTEEN depart PE..\IlL on t ·wenty-oight r.:ay; other forces join Task Force SIX.TEEli as directed by Commandc~-in-Chief, u.9. Pacific Fleet.

(5) Oilers depart :!..n co:npany with Task Force SIXTEEN and operate as directed by Senior Striking Force Cc:i:l.":landcr in area of operations.

(b) 3u'::ln.3.rinc Force.

.. _rrr- ----

(1) Inflict mnximun dama~c to enemy~ Priority of targets ~ carriers, btittloshi)s, transports, cruisers, c.u.-v:tl:!.arics.

!.iiD'.7AY Patrol

::2) .\s soon as av£~..ilablc, subrnc.riries talcc stations as shmm on d.i2..gram in .. nncjc 11 .-\


(3) "n~cn infornation is ~eccivcd proceed to attack - objectives without regard for area assi$[1.r.1cnt.

-6-- •• __ __ ,_ -··--.... ---·- • -- --- -- - --·--·---··poO ______ _ ..__~ - ---.L-·--· ···-- --- ------------ ·-

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. . ..... ·-- ------ ---··--·--... __.. . ___ ·- ... - --·-... -·----~--.-~ .... ...... . -~-· ·· ·-··-~·--........ -

Oe c r1. tion Pl ~n

· 111

(4:) Transmit .31~ch infor:·1ation £..5 doc~ :1ot ~ntcrfero . ~·.·ith ::->r5.r.:3.!'"'J tc:.:::l: of attack.

SuTJ-::>crt ::'c.trol

(5) '!'a1cc stn.t:.or1 c::-1 patrol li!!c 045°-225° ,.,it!1. center o.t Lc.titudc 30-00 1I, Long. 169-30 ·:r, dist3.nce thirt:-- niles.

( 6) Sup1)ort st:-iki!16 .forces ''1:1ich :·,my be f'orced to rc tire ovc r :pa trollinc • .

(c) P&trol ~i~gs

( 1 ) Des pa tch :_:>.::::. t rol p 1 ana s to I .:ID\~.i. Y and J OHN3 'I' ON. as f:l.::..y be ciirccted; to opcr2.tc unclcr Cor;• .. "!l2-nding O.fficcrs of Air Stations of those places.

(2) Station ;>atrol pl:Zne tcndcr_a.t FREI-:CH FRIGATE SHOAL.

(d) I-Iawa.iian Sea Frontier.

f.iiD'~.r.:.y Local De.fensc s.

(1) l:old I.an·.·:.:~Y.

( 2} :.ircra.f't obtc.in !:'.nd report c£>.rly in.forMB. t ion o.f cnc~y ~dv~ncc ~7 searches tn n~xi~um practicn.blc r-acl.ius .fro:-1 l.~I::::r-:.·~y coverinz G.!:'. ily the grca tc st arc ~ossiblc ;.":'i th tl'le nur.1ber of pl!lnes av~ilable bctvtccn true ".Jco..rir..gs fran MID"UY clockv:isc t'.70 hundred rlcgrc c s d.('..sh t'.'lCnty degrees. Ini'lict na:;.:imum d.:- . r:J.S.~c on enemy, p~.rticulo.::-ly co..I·ricrs, be.. ttlcships, and trc.nsports.

(3) T!ll:c e very prcc~ution 2-.~ainst being destroyed on th£. ~rm.md or ''~ tcr. Lons ro.ngc o.ircre.i't retire to o;·.HU r;hcn r.eccssetr:; to nvoid such destruction. Po. trol plc.ncs fuel fror:1 :. VD c. t FREUCH FRIG .. ~TE SHQ;~L if necessary.


Page 8: DECLASSIFIED SECRET - ibiblio.org


C'tr.le~~ ·--.,.. .. -----·--~------------......... ----:o---~---.-o!----v I I. 6" . S .. : IPWF» Zlu:t ¢; ;;:a;;.., U¥. l 19#4S_ 1 M

.• 1(-~/(1·~)

01"Jcr::ticn ~l:-.n

:io. 20-42


(4) ?~trol cr~ft )2trol ~p,ro~chcs; exploit r~vorablc opportuni~ics to att~c~ c~rricrs, bottleshi?s, tr!l!'ls,:-;orts and :.u;:ilic.rics. Ob:Jcrvc IiL'RE c.nd PE.-~RL end :::::c;R:.LS 2El1.~. Gi vc p:r-o~pt vrarning of np~roO!.chi!'lg cncr.1:r fo:::-ce s.

(5) Keep Co~~ander-tn-Chicf, U.S. ?~cific Fleet and CoYTJandcr Hs.v!aiian Sea Frontier fully informed or of ~ir s£archcs and other air operations; nlso of w: ~ther enc~!ntcrcd by sc~rch planes.

Joh.."lston I.slnnd

Maintain e~ily searches ~ith patrol pl~nc s in sector nith ncdi~n 295°.

Isln.nd P~trols

SU'!J':Jl""~' ~::soline ·:.nd. other assistnnce to nircr::ft as • - J ~

n~.a:r be rc~uircd.

(1) Provide, QS directed, 2 striking force of long range bombers ~nd torpedo carrying nircrcft to oper:. tc under Conr:1a.nding ·Officer, !:IID'."I:-..y.

(2) Hold spcci~l~ns range bo~bcrs in rca.dincss nt o .. ·~:r:--J-r..-~u: .. r Ar cc. tc strike enemy f orcc s at tncking I :ID'."!..: .. ~.

{x) (1) Encm-; subm..!1.rines arc not impcrtant obj(.ctivcs o.nd their identific~tion r.rust be positive before thoy ~.rc 2.ttc.c!cc.d. Do not c.ttr>.ck subr.w.rincs in the ~.:-cas shm·m in : .. nnc:x 11 .-~ 11 •

(2) Rcco -ni tion of own forces is vi to.l •. ;o.s one prccc..u­tion !:. · ~inst !lttc.ck on our striking forces by own ~ir forces, Coormndcr-in-Chicf, U.S. Pacific Fleet v:ill ~nforn T'"ls!{ Force Co!!ll:mndcrs of n.ll air n.tt~cl:s ordered for shorc-bnscd eircraft.


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---------~---- ----· --~-- ........ ~-----~---..... __ , __ ~-.. .::;'-r1n.l 011~:1

1-... -:-,.~r "' ,., "1 r \EO :e~ ,··. ' ·-·. \ -.. t I ' . ' I ) ! .. _;-·- - - ·

· 6pcr; tion Pl,.n No. 2S-42.

. ~-4.

( 3) Insure th." t con t ~ c t reports 'lrc cccur:J te, cor.1plc to ~nd ~r~ J:i,t.

(4) This Opcr2.tion Plc.n effective 1830 GCT twcnty­cit;ht I!.:-.y.

Go.solinc for n.ircrc..ft ~.:.d lir.i ted fuel for CAs 3-::.d sMaller vessels E'.V.r.ilc.blc at ::ID'.'l.\.Y. One :~VD n.t FREHCH FRIGi~TE s;:o.:· .. L. Fuel oil o. t P.:: .. P.L and in n tt-!:i.ched oilt;rS.

5. (e.) Cof.1l"'lunic2tions :.~cording to P: .. c SEitill:TY czcept as follm7s:

Radio ?rcgucncy ?lans

Task Forces EL::\:T:~, S IXTEEH, and SEVEI·:TEEr usc radio .frequency plan four. ·

Oilers gu~rd 4205 Kcs. series. 7c..sk Forces Sm.T:C! and Patrol Planes bc.scd 11IDWAY and

JOillTSTO!T guard 4255 kcs • .from 0730 to 1830 GCT; 12795 kcs. 1830 to 0730 GCT, prirn.o.ry: 4385 kcs 0730 to 1830 GCT; nnd 13155 kcs. 1830 to 0730 GCT, secondary.

4 · .. rrny aircro.f't assigned defense tan~:~ Y usc 4265 primary, 4385 secondary without shift to higher hnrmonics. Naval .:~ir Stc. tion JJUD"I;~y nrus t guard this. MID1'/~:..Y locnl defense ns c.ssigned by Conll!le.ndcr. ::.11 Units: In view of lmovrn Jape.ne; sc pr~c tico or

jamming radio frequencies c~librnte transmitters and receivers for secondc.ry frequencies. The usc of KPU prir."L:'l.ry Fox is !1V~il~ble for relay through UPH or Com.":l~ndcr-in- Chief, u.s. Pe.cific Fleet, vtho guards 4205 kcs. sc rics primc.ry nnd 4295 kcs. series sccondo..ry •

• \uthen tieD. tion

The J~p~ncsc ~rc ~dept ~t th0 practice of deception. H.:>..ve ~uthcntico.tors rco..d.~ fer usc ~'~hen needed. Small cr~ft Qnd aircr~ft except ~~trol planes usc two alter­nate letters frc~ the expression:

11 Fc.rmcr i:1 the de:ll 11

EX.'.!.lPLE : RE or EL or lTH


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~~r. ~c: ~r-!cD L~ ~-; \ _, ".,_/ ' I ~

Opcr~~ tion ?1::!1 No. 29--!2.


t:~: of C.'.~LE to :.:ro··::.y

C:.:::-nndcr-in-Chicf 1 U.S. P.:J.cific Fleet, Radio .NPH, ::::.:n;. Y ~rc c un:-.cc ted by cc..blc. Usc of !)lain :.~-r-.. ~U~GC; over t:1G c~bl!..· is Eluthorizcd ~7rj,cn :1pocd

:..:: csscr:tifll. C0rnCLnd[:nt, Fourteenth llt'..V:'.l District :.=.c. iinv8.l :.ir St::.tticn triD':bY plL:.co U.S. 1:2..vc.1 · ~rsonncl ~t teroin~1s to supervise opcr~tion, nne :.: ~UD'7"· .. y to co:t:~.r:'!Unicate 'Nith Hnvn.l L.ir Str'.tion :~er~tional center.

E:-.·:.3.1 :~ir 3ta tions r.rrv·r;~y, .rom~s ·:rorr, c:-.nd P .. -:..Lr.IYR.·~ hold .f:llo·'!ing c:rypto-channcls: 104, 105, 106, 107, 135, 136, 143, 144, 145~ 171, 176, 180, ~nd 184.

\ (b) D~ -: chart 4000-Y extended wC;stwnT'd to Longitude

c.:lwr.n 01.

(c) c~~nder-in-Chicf, U.S. Pacific Fleet c.t Subonrinc ~.3c, PL.. .. RL H..'-..REOR, will coordinate o?erc.. tions of fc~ccs - ~ss~Gncd · in this Pl~n for the defense of ~.:::r7. . .'!a y.

C • ''!. HIUITZ, .:~clr.1.ir~l,


.~ .. - D1etgrg_~ of I.:ID'·! •. !.Y Sub:no.rinC Positions. B - Spcc12.: Intelligence :~nncx .~ NE'il fr:y:;.~J




\.. ' ') "'1-. I

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Oner~. t1c-n ?l~n



(a.) (a) (b) (b) (a ) (b) (b) (b) (b) .



File Rcscrv6 (a)

Cm:lir.ch Opnc..v

. · .. ddress

Comtaskfor 16 for distribution Corntaskfor 17 fer distribution Contaskfor 11 for distribution PL.' .. TTE CDLRROU Contaskfor 7 Cc~taskfor 9 (plus 30 copies

.:~nncx il_:,_u) Cont~skfor 4, (2 for delivery to

Ln:!::r7.\.Y L~cal De­fenses)

Co:::1Gcn. Hcwr~Dopt (plus 30 copies \nn"''""'u'") .l. ~,... • ...

CO JOIINS'::'ON (o.) C1ippE:;r lock 'box tir nail. (b) Officer nesscnger.


4 2

22 11 11

1 1 2



2 3

20 1

Reg. llos •

1,2,3,4 5,6 7-28 incl. 29-39 incl. 40-50 incl. 51 52• 53,54


57-60 incl.

61• 62. I

63,64,65 66-85 incl. 86

NOTE: :~:-me;: 11 E11 furnished ~ask Force eor:mandcrs only, c., with copies Nos.7, 29, 40, 53, 55, 57 & 61.

THIS PL.\.N !.:UST 1W'I ? ... LL IHTO TI~ rL'i.NDS



\ (


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... . ~

. Hote z/1.

!Tote :;f2.


Initial Subnuri~e Patrol ~rea~.

\ \ \

\ I I

' ! ;

i I


. . i I

i I l r l


i I


Subnarines underlined in red are on station rron dayli~!1t I.:ay 2G, 1942. Other stations rrill be tal:en us soon as t!1e subnarines becor.1e available.

In the area outlined in blue aircraft approach 9.nd bor.tbinr, of submarinesis forbidden. (See Operation Plan No. 29-42, para. 3(1)).
