July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 1 HOLY CHILD & ST. MARTIN EPISCOPAL CHURCH In Communion with the Philippine Independent Church (PIC) 777 Southgate Avenue Daly City, California, 94015 Telephone (650) 991-1560 Website: www.holychildandstmartin.org The Rev. Leonard B. Oakes, Vicar The Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, Associate Priest The Rev. Tricia Rosso, Deacon December 2016 Issue 2 Vicars Corner…………………………………………………….Page 2-3 Associate Vicars Corner………………...………....………. Page 4 Learn a Greek word…………………………….……………...Page 5 Episcopal Church Lifts lives.………………………………...Page 6 Time to Laugh…….………………………………..…………….Page 7 Photo Archives…………...…………………………...………...Page 8 Health and Wellness Corner………………………………….Page 9 Youth Corner……………...……………………………………...Page 10 Church Calendar of activities…...…………………………..Page 11 Church Leadership……………………………………………….Page 12

December 2016 Issue 2 - Holy Child and St. Martinholychildandstmartin.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Newsletter... · December 2016 Issue 2 ... Ilocano, Malissa Mitchell, ... self-possession,

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July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 1

HOLY CHILD & ST. MARTIN EPISCOPAL CHURCH In Communion with the Philippine Independent Church (PIC)

777 Southgate Avenue Daly City, California, 94015

Telephone (650) 991-1560

Website: www.holychildandstmartin.org

The Rev. Leonard B. Oakes, Vicar

The Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, Associate Priest

The Rev. Tricia Rosso, Deacon

December 2016

Issue 2

Vicar’s Corner…………………………………………………….Page 2-3

Associate Vicar’s Corner………………...………....………. Page 4

Learn a Greek word…………………………….……………...Page 5

Episcopal Church Lifts lives.………………………………...Page 6

Time to Laugh…….………………………………..…………….Page 7

Photo Archives…………...…………………………...………...Page 8

Health and Wellness Corner………………………………….Page 9

Youth Corner……………...……………………………………...Page 10

Church Calendar of activities…...…………………………..Page 11

Church Leadership……………………………………………….Page 12

Page 2 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org July 2016

Vicar’s Corner

The beautiful and colorful leaves are falling from the trees. We are preparing ourselves for the change of season. I can’t believe it’s already November! And it’s already been 8th years since you elected me as Vicar of Holy Child and St Martin! Thanks be to God!

I know it is not about me that brought us all here and in this time. I know that it is not about what I have contributed to bring us to where we are now. It is about us, it is about every member, friends and partners of this Church that brought us all here. It is about God being with us from the beginning, and God, just like He promised to Israel, will be with us for as long as we seek justice, to Love, to have mercy and walk humbly with God all the days of our lives here on earth.

Allow me to rekindle the memories we had together in this blessed church of God. Together, we walked humbly with God with the vision to reach in to our members through worship and pastoral care, and to reach out to others as we share the outward visible signs of our being blessed that we may also bless others.

We have established the spirit of a loving community, a merciful and mindful heart and serving justice by creating avenues for all, especially the poor, the needy and home-less. Our health and wellness was born, providing free vital signs checks, referrals to doctors for those who are low income, underinsured and uninsured individuals and families in the community. With such, we also created opportunities for all to volunteer as part of their prayers and thanksgiving in life by the mere service we give where we also receive- such is living the biblical saying, “Do unto others what you want others do unto you.” With the Health and Wellness Center, come the Arthritis exercises where seniors and those who are suffering from pain are being gently moved for muscle strengthening, fall and pain prevention. Then God called us to feed the hungry. God gave us the opportunity to expand our community programs through our partnership and volunteerism. Every third Sunday of the month, we cook warm meals for our brothers and sisters at SSF Harbor Shelter Inn feeding 130 people. We also feed the homeless in the streets and under the bridges in SF every 3rd Monday of the month. Thanks to St Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church in San Francisco, The Asian Commission in the Diocese of California and our individual members who contribute for the cost of the food we serve. For 8 years now, we maintained good partnership with Panera Bakery, Starbucks, Safeway and Devin Prasad family by sharing their blessings to those who need them in our neighborhood. God expanded our horizons by partnering us with our neighboring communities as well as Diocesan Churches. We have opened our space for seminarians to experience our way of worship and life. We have invited others to preach and celebrate with us. We have allowed other community partners to use our space for community forums and gatherings. It is safe to say that we have marketed and put our Church name on the map of interconnection and partnership locally as well as Diocesan wide.

But with an honest assessment, my dear friends, we have failed in some ways, to empower most of us in the leadership and in our effort to call everyone to have a part

Vicar’s reflection on his 8th year anniversary as Vicar of Holy Child and St Martin

July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 3

in this endeavor. I said that because I see only few and the same people following the invitation of God to serve and be part of the change. It is therefore my prayer and advocacy to never cease believing that we will all feel the call to duty and to serve, not only in your other extracurricular or other organizational groups, but most especially to the Church we all call home, a home that God constantly calls us at the beginning of the day, or at the end of each day to gather and be a community of the resurrection. I ask you all therefore to constantly renew your commitment to the tasks given to us by God in this place and community.

On a more positive note, God never fails to place in our hands blessings and opportuni-

ties to grow this community and the services we are called to pursue:

We have just received a $10,000 grant from Seton Medical Center/Part of Verity Health

in support to our shelter and senior programs.

Another $5,000 grant was received by this Church from The Darby Betts Foundation/

Episcopal Church Senior Communities in support to our Health and Wellness program/

Shelter and Arthritis program.

We have also previously received $5,000 matching donations from Mr. Eric Menge to

the various contributions of our members amounting to $5,000 to a total all in all

amount to $10,000 for our Glass window project.

On top of the dollar amount, individual members like Bernard Dayrit, the Samahang

Ilocano, Malissa Mitchell, Marlene Ferrer, Aldwin Pailano, Somebang family and all the

member families who volunteer to vacuum the church, clean the surrounding, provide

office supplies, bathroom supplies and other supplies, and all others who have uncondi-

tionally given their time and talents to support our Church knowingly and unknowingly,

are proofs that God works in many mysterious ways. With these manifestations before

our very eyes, may we all see the opportunity to share the responsibility to spread the

Love of God to all.

Finally, I thank all who are committed to our pledging campaign in many different

forms. I thank the Choir, the Youth, the Altar Guild, the Acolytes, ECW, the Bishop

Committee and all the various ministries of this Church. I thank also the Diocese and

our Clergy members: The Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, The Rev. Jureck Fernandez, The Rev.

Tricia Rosso and the many ordained who come before us.

May God bless us all as we journey from this place, to that all perfect home where God

calls us all to be in the end of time. To God be all the Glory forever!

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all.

The Rev. Leonard B. Oakes, Vicar

December 2016

Page 4 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org July 2016

From the Associate Vicar

The Rev. Rebecca Goldberg

Ministries of Empowerment and Service at HCSM

So many of you in our church community share the abundance of God’s love in ministries of service and compassion. I wanted to highlight two of these many ministries in this month’s edition of Grace Notes.

As you know, this past April we hosted a meeting of the ALLICE Alliance for Community Empowerment, an organization which works to prevent domestic violence. Their work supports and provides healing for victims of abuse, and helps empower them to prevent this abuse in their own lives and in the lives of others. Fr Leonard serves as a kumpare, a companion and supporter, for the group. On October 11, 2016, our vicar and the community of Holy Child and St. Martin Episcopal Church were presented with the Tanging Kaakbay (Outstanding Ally) award for the work of sup-porting and empowering the ministry of ALLICE. A group of about 10 of us were honored to be present at Seton Hospital to receive this award on behalf of Fr. Leonard and Holy Child and St. Martin. We were all moved by ALLICE’s commitment to compassion, healing, and reconciliation, and by the courage of domestic violence survivors who shared their stories. Thanks to Fr. Leonard for raising our awareness and helping us to be advocates in this important work!

Every third Sunday of the month, faithful homeless shelter volunteers meet to plan and cook a hot meal to bring to the residents of the Safe Harbor Homeless Shelter in South San Francisco. It brings us a lot of joy to provide food for hungry people, and to share a smile and a conversation. We find that the people we serve bless us with their thanks, their love, and their openness. And be-sides being able to serve Christ in our neighbors, working together, preparing food and serving it has become a sacrament for us, and we have grown to love each other as we work together in the kitchen, laughing, joking, and listening to each other. We welcome anyone to join us to help pur-chase food, prepare it, serve it, or just come along with us to support this ministry. Please see Rev.Rebecca or Malissa Mitchell if you are interested.

The kitchen is the center of our outreach ministries, and needs some major repair work. The stove needs an overhaul, and the floor and counters need to be replaced. Last month, we were blessed with a $10,000 grant from Seton Medical Center! Thanks to Fr. Leonard, who is on the board of Seton, for securing this for us. In addition, we have been awarded an additional Grant from Darby Betts, a branch of Episcopal Charities. We should find out the amount of that grant shortly.

Jesus said that when we serve those in need, we are serving him. I give thanks to God for the love and compassion that overflow from your lives into our world!

In God’s love,

Rev Rebecca+

(Photo courtesy of The Rev. Jay Watan)

July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 5


By Ruth Hoppin


Pronounced so-FROH-nee-uh

Sophronia is a noun meaning wisdom, self-possession, sound judgment. The verb is sophroneo,

pronounced so-fron-EH-o, meaning to be in one’s right mind, to exercise self-control. Sophronia

has an interesting derivation, being a composite of soos meaning “sound, safe” and phren meaning

“inner outlook.”

We encounter a form of this word ten times in the New Testament.

In the gospels, we encounter the word in two accounts of a demon-possessed man who was re-

stored to his right mind (Mark 5:15 and Luke 8:35).

In Romans 12:3 Paul enjoins believers to sober-mindedness, or reasonableness. In 2 Corinthians

5:13, he declares “If we are crazy, it’s for God’s sake. If we are rational, it’s for your sake.”

A form of this word appears five times in the epistle of Titus, which addresses specific groups of

people. Rulers are to be sensible (Titus 1:8). Aged men are to be sensible (Titus 2:2). Young women

are to be sensible (Titus 2:5). Everyone is to have this quality (Titus 2:6).

Finally, in 1 Peter 4:7, All believers are admonished to be self-controlled and clearheaded so they

can pray.

What are some other synonyms for sophronia? This important Greek word connotes dignity, com-

posure, seriousness, discretion – traits that are worthy of emulation.

Philippine Association of University Women USA (PAUW) Acolytes and Crucifers

Page 6 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org July 2016

Episcopal church lifts lives By Cherie M. Querol Moreno

Editor at Large

DALY CITY, Calif. - This Thanksgiving will be doubly momentous for Rev. Leonard Oakes, who this month marks his eighth year as Pastor of Holy Child and St. Martin Episcopal Church. After one year, Oakes led his faith community in inaugurating the eleva-tor at their house of worship and fellowship on 777 Southgate Avenue. "We are grateful to our major sponsor Episcopal Charities and community partners for making this day possible," Oakes said at morning rites Nov. 5 here. HCSMEC Associate Pastor Rebecca Goldberg and Episcopal Charities Executive Director Kathleen Piraino joined Daly City

Vice Mayor David Canepa, Council Member Mike Guingona and Seton Medical Center Vice President Tina Ahn in stressing the significance of the event: access for all. The elderly, frail and disabled may now fully participate in church activities, nurture their minds and bodies along with their spirit according to the church vision, the guests of honor emphasized. Since 1956, HCSMEC has been serving the diverse needs of the congregation. Volunteers fuel its programs, from the health clinic to the feeding program for the homeless. On Nov. 8, the site will be a polling precinct in the national elections. Every fall for these past handful years, the church hosts its Annual Health and Wellness Fair uniting civic and health care organizations, service and family resource providers. The programs got a big boost last week from Seton, part of Verity Health System, when Ahn handed Oakes a check for $10,000. Oakes, among FilAms on the Seton Medical Center citizens advisory board when the insti-tution was administered by the Daughters of Charity, currently sits on the governing board under the new ownership that took over in September. Groundbreaking for the elevator took place 12 months ago. Between then and today, the church has been con-ducting 9 a.m. English and 10:30 a.m. English, Tagalog, and Spanish service every Sunday, bread distribution with support from Panera every Monday, and music ministry every Friday, baptism, marriage and other sacra-ments by appointment. In the spring the church for the second time hosted Alliance for Community Empowerment in presenting the nonprofit's program and health fair to promote elder care and prevent the leer abuse. ALLICE's 10th Our Family, Our Future commemorated Oakes' entry as the all-volunteer community education team's newest member or "Kumpare." The church later hosted a resource fair for WWII veterans. Oakes has a particular affinity for health matters: He is a licensed vocational nurse and his wife, Haidee Oak-es, is an RN. He has a soft spot for the elderly. He was in the Philippines for the 80th birthday of his mother, arriving on the eve of the fair, momentarily forgetting names of key partners at the ribbon-cutting. The 10 am to 3:30 pm event began with a bountiful brunch of fruit, cheese and sandwiches and Kalinga java from the pastor's home province. A brawny crew from Ang Samahang Ilocano churned out hot lunch of soup, pancit and longganisa that energized volunteers, providers and attendees. This year's fair co-sponsored by S.F. Host Lions brought together HICAP Health Insurance Counseling & Ad-vocacy Program, Daly City HART, Second Harvest Food Bank, San Mateo Rota-Care to talk to area residents about their services and programs. Skin specialist Dr. Jose Reyes trekked from San Jose to address dermatology concerns. Attendees availed themselves of free flu shots and plenty of goodwill to start the holiday season. *** Cherie M. Querol Moreno is Editor at Large for Phiippine News, Asian Journal, GMA Online News and Various news media. She is also San Mateo County Commissioner for aging and elderly. She is very much involved in many community civic leaderships. She also volunteers for HCSM bread for the world program.

July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 7

Arthritis Exercises Program

HCSM Choir

Latino Ministry

A time to laugh

Wrong email address: A couple were going on vacation to Florida but his wife was on a business trip so he went to the destination first and his wife would meet him the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when typing her address, he mistyped a letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a pierc-ing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint. At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

My Dearest Wife, Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P.S. Sure is hot down here. Biblical Jokes: Q. How do you make Holy Water? A. Get regular water and boil the devil out of it.

Q. When was meat first mentioned in the Bible? A. When Noah took Ham into the ark.

Q. Why did God create man before woman? A. Because He didn’t want any advice on how to do it.

Q. Where is the first math homework problem mentioned in the Bible? A. When God told Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply.

Q: Where is medicine first mentioned in the Bible? A: When God gave Moses two tablets.

Q: How do we know that cars are in the New Testament? A: Because Jesus was a car-painter (carpenter)!

Q: How do we know that a lot of people in the Bible used fertilizer? A: Because they always said, “Lettuce spray.” (Let us pray).

Q. What do they call pastors in Germany ? A. German Shepherds.

Q. Which servant of God was the biggest lawbreaker (sinner) in the Bible? A. Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once. (throwing the stone tablets).

Q. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? A. David. He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep.

Q. Which Bible character had no earthly parents besides Adam and Eve? A. Joshua, son of Nun. (None)

Quotes from biblicaljokes.com

Page 8 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org July 2016

Photo Archives

July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 9

Church Various Community Programs


Every 3rd Sunday and 3rd Monday of the month. We

feed at the Harbor Inn Shelter and the streets of San

Francisco. We need volunteer cooks and servers.

Make it your thanksgiving offering for all the blessing

received; For it is also in giving that we receive. We

welcome donations for food purchases. Call The

Rev. Rebecca Goldberg at 650-291-5289. Or call the

Church phone at 650-991-1560,

Thanks to our service partners such as St Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church of San Francisco for their continued love and support to this program.

Opens on Sundays at 1 PM to 3 PM, and Mondays

from 7:30 am to 10 AM. We provide the following:

1. Free Blood Pressure, Heart rate, Lung and Weight

assessments and monitoring.

2. We refer those with no insurance , unemployed and

low income individuals to health professionals and

health partners for follow up and assistance.

3. We provide Free health education, nutrition and

physical exercises every Last Sunday of the month

from 1 PM to 2 PM, Medical Doctors and other

health educators are invited for a forum on specific


4. Arthritis exercises are offered every Monday at 8:30

AM to 9 AM with Dr. Ronald Mitchell, Chiropractor.

5. We are partners with ALLICE Alliance against

Domestic Violence.

6. We provide spiritual assistance to complete our

goal for Body, Mind and Spirit. Contact us at 650-


Thanks to Episcopal Charities of the Diocese of

California , Bishop Marc Andrus and Kathleen Piraino

for their continued support to this program.

Health and Wellness volunteers

Dr. Jeffrey Gee, MD

HCSM Youth


We are in partnership with Panera Bakery of Daly City

and Millbrae. We pick up bags and boxes of bread and

pastries every Sunday evening and distribute them

every Monday at 7:30 A.M. to 10 A.M. at the Church

Hall. Church and Community volunteers have devel-

oped good community service environment through-

out the years.

On every 3rd Monday of the month, we also distribute

bags of sandwiches , water bottles and fruits to the

homeless of San Francisco.

Feeding the homeless volunteers

Page 10 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org July 2016

Youth Corner

The Asian Commission in the Diocese of California will have her Annual Christmas Party on Thursday.

December 22, 2016 at 8 P.M to 9:30 P.M. at the Korean Restaurant in Japan Town San Francisco.

Member congregations are from Holy Child and St Martin Daly City, True Sunshine SF, Church of Our Sav-

iour Oakland, Christ Church Sei Ko Kai SF, and St Ambrose Foster City.

The Rev. Merry Chan-Ong and The Rev. Leonard Oakes are co-chair of ACDC.


We are reviving our musical lessons starting January 2017. Every Friday night at 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. Learn basic chords and patterns, strumming, plucking and picking. Learn Basic Ukelele chords. Learn percussion and Indigenous instruments. Learn group musical coordination. Recital to be determined. Opportunity to a California Musical Tour is possible. Call Fr. Leonard at 650-534-5831 or email [email protected] Free for all!

The Asian Commission Youth in the Diocese of California is in partnership with St Mary the Virgin Episcopal

Church in San Francisco in tending to the needs of the least of our brothers and sisters in the shelter

homes. Come December 22, 2016– Thursday from 5 PM to 7 PM at the Catholic Cathedral of Mary the

Assumption in SF, between Gough and Geary to feed about 120 shelter residents. Let Love prevail.

July 2016 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org Page 11

Church Calendar for December 2016—February 2017

December 3 (Saturday) General ordination at Grace Cathedral

December 18 (Sunday) HCSM Christmas Party

December 22 (Thursday) Asian Commission Youth feeding at the Shelter (St Mark’s Lutheran Church

SF) at 5 PM

- Asian Commission Youth Christmas Party Dinner at 7:30 PM (Banana Island)

December 24 (Saturday) - Christmas Eve Carols and Eucharist

December 25 (Sunday) - Christmas Day Eucharist at 9 A.M and 10:30 A.M services

January 1, 2017 (Sunday) - New Year’s Day Eucharist at 9 A.M and 10:30 A.M.

January 8, 2017 (Sunday) - Eucharist with Baptism at 10:30 A.M.

January 15, 2017 (Sunday) - Feast of the Holy Child Jesus

February 11, 2017 (Saturday)- Equipping the Beloved Community at Grace Cathedral

February 19, 2017 (Sunday) - HCSM Annual Meeting and election of BC officers

and Diocesan /Deanery Representatives

February 26, 2017 (Sunday) - Visit of Bishop Marc H. Andrus, Diocesan Bishop— Feast of Our Lady

of Manaoag (10:30 A.M. One service only)

February 28, 2017 (Tuesday) - Shrove Tuesday / Mardi Gras

March 1, 2017 (Wednesday) - Ash Wednesday. Lent begins

Please submit articles to Fr. Leonard or Ruth Hoppin for March - May 2017

Please inform Fr. Leonard if you want to receive your quarterly newsletter by email or by

regular mail.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Fr. Leonard Oakes

Bishop Committee Members

And Quarterly Newsletter editors:

(Ruth Hoppin, Elizabeth Reece, Jane Tronoff, Lois Downs, Alona Garcia, Richard Lagunte,

The Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, The Rev. Leonard Oakes)

Page 12 Holy Child and St. Martin www.holychildandstmartin.org July 2016

Holy Child and St. Martin Leadership

The Rt. Rev. Marc H. Andrus, Bishop of California The Rev. Leonard B. Oakes, Vicar The Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, Associate Priest The Rev. Deacon Tricia Rosso, Deacon The Rev. Jurek Fernandez, Men’s and Acolytes Richard Lagunte, Senior Warden Dr. Ronald Mitchell, Junior Warden Ms. Elizabeth Cudiamat, Treasurer

Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, Secretary Kevin Hass, BC member Fr. Jureck Fernandez, BC member Marlene Ferrer, BC member Malissa Mitchell, BC member Mario Dayrit, BC member Sobrena Somebang, BC member Joyce Pailano, BC member Martha Geronimo BC member Aiko Francisco BC member, Youth Liaison Aldwin Pailano, Building and Grounds Malissa Mitchell, Hall Reservation Ruth Hoppin, Adult Education Sadjie Guillermo, Music Director Alona Garcia, Inter im Youth Director

Haidee Oakes, Sunday School Director Romy and Amy Mijares, Bread for the World Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, Shelter Feeding

Diocesan and Deanery Representatives:

Lydia Sawachi, Sheri Rubi, Lois Downs


Malissa Mitchell, Marlene Ferrer, Nina Browne

Asian Commission representatives: Richard Lagunte, The Rev. Leonard Oakes Latino Commission Representatives: Mirella Pumacayo, Patricia Lara, Javier Pumacayo