December, 2014

December, 2014 - Clover Sites

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December, 2014

Page 2: December, 2014 - Clover Sites

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14”Glory to God in

the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”(Luke 2:13-14) NKJV

Though it can be a stressful and even sad time for some, Christmas is a joyous time for most of us. We open our heart, and

our pocket book, to share with others. We spend valuable time searching for the right gift for loved ones, and if you’re like

me, you may even imagine what the response will be, when the receiver opens your gift. Now, their response might be

totally the opposite of what I expected it to be, but it still gives me pleasure to give.

As I read Luke 2, there really wasn’t a lot of hoopla at the birth of Christ. I sure might expect more at the birth of our Lord and Savior. How-

ever, other than the angel proclaiming to the nearby shepherds that Jesus had been born and how to find him, and the heavenly host praising

God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” it seems to have been a pretty quiet event. It was

such a humble entrance for such a priceless gift from God, but His ways are certainly not our ways.

Christmas time is a busy time, but there are a few opportunities to get involved if you’d like. The Sunday School Children will be working on

a few songs for their Christmas program, and our Christmas Eve service. I am looking for some of our youth to join me in a song, and if

there’s enough interest, I’d like to organize a youth instrumental. I’ve also asked Eileen Damme to assist with some adult groups. Let me

know of any interest you might have.

From our family to yours, have a very Merry Christ-mas!

In His service, John Grimes

John Grimes, Worship Leader

Pastor Ed Felgate, Jr., Associate Pastor, Rescue & Benevolence

“Merciful Rescue”

Josh, Hector, Eric Keith , Ray, Mark, Ben, Don, Derek, Brandon, James, Tom, Shawn, Jeff, Abe,

Eric, Tony, Branden, Clint, Josh, Adam, Robert, Michael, Mitch, Maurice, Mark, Kalin……………

and many more!

The above list include just some of the names out of my records of thousands of the guys the

jail ministry team has talked to over the years. Some of the men we ministered to more than once--some three or four

times. There are many women in the same situation that the ministry team females counsel.

Where do these people find themselves? They are in the “Horrible Pit” the “Miry Clay” (Psalm 40:2). They are

in great travail thinking of the “woulda- coulda- shouldas” and beating themselves with the sledge hammer of

hopelessness. David said in Psalm’s 40:1 that he “waited patiently for the LORD” but most men and women don’t

even think about the Lord because they do not know Him. Their god is meth, alcohol or other things. Robert who I

highlighted above. He is presently in prison. The following are his words written in a letter:

“Thank you for being a part of my journey back to redemption, serenity and my metamorphosis--reminding

me of the grace of God through your love and sanctification. God bless you, God blessed me through you.”

In Psalm 40 David wrote, “He inclined to me and heard my cry”(v1) God heard the cry of travail from

Robert and now his feet are “set upon a rock” and is “establishing

his steps”. He has written letters similar to this to other guys on the

jail ministry team!

God has put a “new song in his mouth---Praise be to our

God; Many will see it and fear; And will trust in the


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We will have our Christmas service on December 20th. We ask that you pray

for this Service. It is going to be a great time to invite relatives, friends, and neighbors to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Hispanic Christmas Traditions

We need to connect with the people just as Jesus connected us to God! Traditions also help us to connect with our people: country, community, family and friends. It is sort of like glue; it keeps us together. There are several Hispanic traditions – too many to list here. But just to give you a taste, here are a few of the most popular customs that are practiced in Latin America as well as in the United States during christmas.


*Bible studies in Norfolk and Madison.

*Start a Sunday service in Madison soon.

*That we can reach more people with the love of Christ.

*Three ladies in our congregation, Rachel, Jessica and Karla 3 who are

expecting babies.

Las posadas and las pastorelas – Posadas are reenactments of the time when Mary and Joseph were looking for a place to stay before Jesus was born. Las pastorelas are plays that retell the story of Christmas. These two Hispanic traditions are particularly popular in Mexico.

La cena de nochebuena (Christmas Eve’s family dinner) – A special night celebrated with family and close friends. Food plays an important role during this celebration and each country has its own dish. La quema de polvora y luces de navidad (fireworks and sparklers) – Fireworks of every kind are very popular during this time of year. Los villancicos de navidad (Christmas carols) – Different countries have special folk songs to celebrate Christmas. In Puerto Rico such Christmas songs are called "aguinaldos". La carta al niño Dios (Christmas letter to Baby Je-sus) – some latino children write letters to el niño and some others Santa Claus that is growing more and more popular with each generation. El nacimiento (The Nativity Scene) – The nativity scene plays a prominent role during Christmas. It is usually placed below the Christmas tree and it can get quite elaborate. Los reyes magos (The Three Kings) – Even though the day of the Three Kings falls in January 6th, they are important players during Christmas celebrations.

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Intergenerational Prayer Partners

We just wrapped up another great Mom to Mom year with a fabulous banquet on

November 15th. Marie Arduser was our guest speaker and our Titus 2 moms

served a delicious brunch. It was a year of “Growing Together” and we praise

God for growing us deeper in His word and in our love for each other! Thank

you to all the women who serve in this ministry tirelessly.


Our next Parent Connect is coming up on December 7th and you DON’T WANT TO MISS IT.

All Sunday School parents are invited to join their children for a game of “Matching Mania”!

Come to the NHBC fellowship hall from 8:40-9:00 am as the children portray the Biblical

characters we will be studying in the coming quarter from the Old Testament. Our

chronological walk through the Bible has been great and we look forward to sharing with you

what is coming up in the winter months in our Children’s Sunday School department.

Parent Connect

Dear Prayer Partner,

You are invited to our Intergenerational Prayer Partners CHRISTMAS PARTY on Sunday, December 7th,

from 5:30-7:30 pm. The event will be hosted in the NHBC fellowship hall. We will be enjoying a light supper

together, a time to pray with our partners, and a fun activity, as well as Christmas caroling in the church’s

neighborhood (weather permitting). We would like to encourage all of our partners to attend and please dress

warmly! What a wonderful way to celebrate the season of our Saviors birth.

Please RSVP to Marilyn Meier (402-329-4245 or [email protected]) if you will NOT be able to attend.

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power

and produces wonderful results. James 5:16

Las posadas and las pastorelas – Posadas are reenactments of the time when Mary and

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Many Thanks

Northern Heights Baptist Church family

donated 107 Shoeboxes this year to

Operation Christmas Child. Thank you

to everyone who made these donations.

Thanks to those who prayed. A special

thank you to Elwood & Marilyn Meier

and Carolyn Apland for prepping and

loading the boxes for delivery to the

drop-off site.

“Let my prayer be counted as incense

before you and the lifting up of my

hands as the evening sacrifice”

Psalm 141:2 ESV

From the Awana Commanders

Wow, we are well on our way to a very successful Awana year. We average around 80 clubbers a night

and 40+ volunteers. This is very encouraging. We are still in need of a few men or women to come and

listen to Bible verses, sit with clubbers during counsel time or run races at game time. If this opportunity

sounds like you want to get on board, please come and check us out. Even one Wednesday a month can

make all the difference.

Our Awana pledge is recited every week and it is said with honor and pride by leaders and clubbers.

“I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag, which stands for the Awana clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and

girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.”

As Awana commanders we covet your prayers and support as we all work together to serve in this

ministry. We have an exciting opportunity to share the love of Jesus and present the Gospel to all the

clubbers and their parents.

We are so thankful for all of you and as we march on to another quarter, we feel so very blessed by an

incredible team at NHBC.

In Christ Name,

George and Roxann Fox

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JANUARY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE All information for the December newsletter should be submitted to the church office by: Thurs December 18th, 2014.


Capital Campaign details on our relocation to new church building.

CD Ministry: If you would like a copy of the sermon messages, please fill out a request form at the

Welcome Center. Cost is $1.00.

Get Connected small group ministry details at Welcome Center.

Northern Heights “Pathway” newsletter available at Welcome Center.

Intergenerational Prayer Partner sign-up forms.


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Christmas Shopping Trip Saturday, December 6th

Ladies of NHBC. There will be a Christmas Shopping Trip to Southern Hills Mall in Sioux City

on Saturday, December 6th. Please meet at NHBC at 8:30am. Also, please contact the office

if you plan on going.

Intergenerational Prayer Partners Christmas Party December 7th, 2014 You are invited to our Intergenerational Prayer Partners Christmas Party on Sunday, December 7th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. The event will be hosted in the NHBC fellowship hall. Please RSVP to Marilyn Meier (402)329-4254 or [email protected] if you will NOT be able to attend.

Parent Connect December 7th, 2014

Our next Parent Connect is coming up on December 7th and you DON”T WANT TO MISS IT. All

Sunday School parents are invited to join their children for a game of “Matching Mania!” Come to the

NHBC fellowship hall from 8:40am-9:00am as the children portray the Biblical characters we will be

studying in the coming quarter from the Old Testament. Our chronological walk through the Bible has

been great and we look forward to sharing with you what is coming up in the winter months in our

Children’s Sunday School department.

Celebration of Advent: November 30th, December 7th, 14th and 21st

Look for ways you and your family can Celebrate the birth of our Savior every week. Check your

weekly bulletin for the Advent insert.

Christmas Decorating Monday, December 1st at 6:00pm

You are invited to help decorate NHBC for Christmas. This is a joyous time of fellowship while

preparing our church for this Blessed season. It is a great opportunity to get connected with fellow

believers. If you have a 20ft ladder, please bring it to the church that evening with the “will” to climb it.

NHBC Van Fundraiser December 7th, 2014 The first NHBC van fundraiser event, “Tamales-To-Go” will take place on Sunday, December 7th following worship service. The Hispanic Ministry will be making tamales and need help in knowing approx. how many to make. There is a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center. There will be extras! This will be a free will offering.

Joseph were looking for a place to stay before Jesus was born. Las pastorelas are plays that retell

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DECEMBER CELEBRATIONS 2nd Brian Swartz 4th Jason Anderson 5th Samuel Fisher Jeremiah Fox Danielle Kubes Matt Meier 6th Chuck Boerngen Gary Vogt Andrea Weich 9th Laura Fraser Jon Hall Nancy Meier 11th Deb Sohl 12th Brook Anderson

Elijah Rezac 13th Lisa Allen

14th Micah Gilmore Andrew Ravenscroft Deividas Smith Monica Wisby 15th Curtis Mass Michele Yosten 16th Nate Krueger 17th Dennis Meader 18th Ann Bergerson 20th Doris Felgate 22nd Roxann Fox Phyillis Hays Bethany Marksmeier Cheyenne Walker 25th Elijah Rittscher 27th Jaid DeWitt 29th Ruth Haller 30th Ralph Johnson 31th Todd Felgate

8th Leroy & Eileen Damme 14th Terry & Marlene Cleveland 21st Ralph & Karen Krueger 31st Noah & Julie Daniel


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We would like to thank everyone for the

thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement

during the loss of not only my mother but also

the loss of Ed’s dad a month ago. Thank you for

the flowers, they were beautiful. We have such

a wonderful church family.

Carrie and Ed Taulbee and Family

Dear Church Family,

Thank you for all the prayers, cards and

food. We are truly blessed to be

worshipping the Lord with all of you.

Love In Christ,

JoAnn & Ron Rudloff

Thank you for your contribution to the Halloween Evangelism Outreach held on October 31st. Despite

frigid temperatures, 135 Bibles were handed out to families that evening who had their own walk through

the Bible encounters with Abraham, Noah & his wife, Moses, Jonah, Esther, Mary and Paul. Please take a

moment to celebrate this victory for Jesus by viewing the “Halloween Evangelism” picture slide show on

the NHBC website.

The Perrigan Family

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Dec. 7 Matt & Dawson Meier, Ron Rudloff,

Chuck Wilken

Dec.14 Larry, Josh, & Jarod Pochop, Bill

Kingsbury, George Fox

Dec. 21 Leroy Damme, Andrew Ravenscroft,

Chuck & Tanner Boerngen,

Dec. 28 Bruce and Cale Strong, Gary Vogt,

Jeff Stark


Dec. 7 Harold & Doris Blair

Dec. 14 Deb Sohl & Cathy Underwood

Dec. 21 Jeanie Sellars

Dec. 28 Michelle Yosten & Cheri Wichman

ACCOMPANISTS Dec. 7 Doris Kingsbury & Julie Daniel

Dec. 14 Doris Kingsbury & Julie Daniel

Dec. 21 Eileen Damme & Kris Heimes

Dec. 28 Eileen Damme & Becky Sours

CARE PACKAGE TEAM Dec. 7 Neil & Kris Heimes

Dec. 14 Deb Sohl & Cathy Underwood

Dec. 21 Chuck & Dawn Boerngen

Dec. 28 Jeff & Latrice Stark


Sunday Nursery Sunday Preschool

Dec. 7 Albert, Irene, & Grace Frewing, Elwood & Marilyn Meier

Dec. 14 Bob & Mary Talsma, Bonnie Vogt Neil & Kris Heimes, Debra Carlson

Dec. 21 Levi & Liz Baber, Doris Felgate Karen Pochop, Brenna Anderson

Dec. 28 George & Susan Gleckler, Connie Geary Dan & Deb Sohl


Dec. 7 Neil, Kris and Alissa Heimes, Auni Strong

Dec. 14 Kevin & Cheryl Johnson, Auni Strong, Latrice Stark

Dec. 21 Mark Bejot, Becky Sours, Lisa Kerber, Irene Frewing

Dec. 28 Julie Daniel, Gina Ohnesorg, Jeff Sours, Liz Baber

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Yet give attention to your

servant's prayer and his plea for mercy,

O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your

servant is praying in your presence this day.

I Kings 8:28 (NIV)







**Please be sure to update the church office on prayer requests so that we can keep the list current. If you have a

request, please update the church office monthly, If no update is received, the request will be removed.

*Praise for the church family’s contribution to the Halloween Evangelism Outreach held on October 31st held at the


*Pray for Kenny Kava as he applies for a different work shift with his employer.

*Pray for Joyce Dvorak and family as they mourn the loss of their loved one, Ed Dvorak.

*Praise for Jenny Brungardt, a friend of Teri Yover’s. Her tests for cancer came back negative.

*Pray for Joy Ahlman’s daughter, Gidget Ahlman and daughter-in-law, Summer Ahlman. Gidget has lost her job, and her

friend Nate, lost his job and was in a car accident. Summer has lost her job and she and Grant Ahlman are in need of


*Pray for reduction of Ebola and opportunities for outreach in Liberia.

*Pray for Florence Sohl who is gaining strength while in the Heritage of BelAir. Florence’s room number is #416.

*Pray for Pastor Ed Felgate Jr. as he continues treatments for cancer.

*Thank God in prayer that He is always at work accomplishing His will.

*Pray for our Building/Construction process.

Long term prayer requests –Jane Zechmann, Pat Prather, Cassi Priester, Marie Armstrong, Cory Armstrong and Jane

Jenkins. Cancer: Carol Glaser, Jim Moore, Kay Gilfert, Judy Beckman, Paul Hingten, Roger Moody, Brendan Anderson,

Ilene Jones, Jodi Cowling and Shea Wood.

Military Service –Joseph Mollenkamp(son-in-law of Mark and Patti Bejot); Josh Hofmann (son of Gary & Bonnie Vogt);

Britney Dahlkoetter (daughter of George & Roxann Fox); Steven Rueschenberg (Connie & Kenny Kava’s son-in-law);

Derek Stoll & Kolton Weber (Meader’s grandson); Andrew Howard (Blair’s grandson).

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Men’s Prayer Time 8:30am

Sunday School 9:00am

Worship 10:15am

Hispanic Ministry 3:00pm


Hispanic Ministry

Prayer Meeting 6:00pm


Merge 6:30pm

Awana 6:30pm

Community Groups meet in homes

throughout the week. Contact the

church office to get connected.


Church Office


Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:00am-3:00pm

After Hours Emergency Contact: 402-841-2039 PASTORS & STAFF:

Pastor Matthew Gilmore, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Pastor Jeff Sours, Youth Pastor

[email protected]

Pastor Ed Felgate, Jr., Assoc. Pastor of Rescue & Benevolence

[email protected]

Pastor David Martinez, Assoc. Pastor of Hispanic Ministries

[email protected]

John Grimes, Worship Leader

[email protected]

Jami Brosh, Secretary

[email protected]

For Information contact:

[email protected]


Mark Bejot, Terry Cleveland, Justin Fisher, George Fox, Neil Heimes,

Lloyd Spangler, Bruce Strong, Bob Talsma

w w w . n o r t h e r n h e i g h t s b c . c o m