December 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

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  • 8/8/2019 December 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom


    Whats Inside:Page 2 Annual Music Benefit

    Page 3 Circle of Giving

    Page 4-5 Ansin Religious


    Bnai Mitzvah Judaism in Motion

    Page 6 Sisterhood Brotherhood

    Page 7 Tot Shabbat Annual Gift Drive

    Page 8 Shabbat Rishon

    Torah Study Choirs & Musicians Green Committee

    Page 9 Mitzvah Day

    Thank Yous

    Page 10 Challah Days Pastoral Committee Grade 7 Thank Yous

    Page 11 Tributes

    Page 12-13 Yizkor Elohim

    Progressive in attitude yet traditional in practice, Temple Ohabei Shalom is an inclusive Reform Jewishcommunity committed to nurturing, sustaining, and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, lifelong-learning, and repair of the world in word and deed.

    December 2009/5770

    TidingsTemple Ohabei Shalom - Judaism in Motion

    Annual Winter KallahFriday, January 29 - Sunday, January 31 at the John Carver Inn, Plymouth, MA

    Psalms: Prayer, Purpose and Presence

    with Rabbi Judy Weiss, Ph.D.

    Please join us for a great weekend of study, prayer, friendship, laughter, delicious food, singing,recreation and games. The Kallah weekend is a wonderful way to celebrate Shabbat and to really getto know your clergy and fellow congregants. We return to a favorite venue, the John Carver Inn inPlymouth, located approximately 45 minutes from Ohabei Shalom, and offering wonderful facilities,including our own dining room, a fitness center, an indoor pool and a cozy tavern.

    Our weekend study focuses on the Book of Psalms, from which some of the most beautiful andmeaningful Jewish liturgy is derived. We will begin with basics about the Book of Psalms: where tofind it, the various genres of psalms, who wrote these poems, and when. We will study severalpsalms in-depth, drawing on teachings from the modern academic study of Psalms, medievalrabbinic explanations, midrashic interpretations and modern spiritual understandings of the book. Inorder to appreciate the place of psalms in our siddur, we will consider what is the Divine, what is thepurpose of prayer and what is the role of praise in our daily lives.

    Session 1: Changes Praise CausesAfter an introduction to the Book of Psalms, we will do a close reading of Psalm 150, a psalm ofpraise, and will examine its place in our siddur.

    Session 2: Prayer and Magic NumbersFollowing an introduction to topics from ancient near east mythology that are found in the Bible, wewill study Psalm 29 and will consider its place in our siddur.

    Session 3: Praying for Reversals of FortuneAfter an introduction to psalms of lament, we will study one lament. Then we will read the psalmsknown as Hallel, focusing primarily on Psalms 113 and 114, analyzing their place in our Haggadah.

    Rabbi Judy Weiss was ordained by the Academy of Jewish Religion (2000), and earned a doctoratein Bible from The Jewish Theological Seminary (2009). She has taught in a variety of settingsincluding adult education groups, women's study groups, junior congregation, high holiday services,undergraduate and rabbinical school courses at JTS and, for ten years, at a weekly Kabbalat Shabbat

    service for developmentally disabled adults. She has also published a resource book for Jewisheducators, Teaching Haftarah, and a series of study guides for Women's League of ConservativeJudaism that gives direction to synagogue groups as they study the megillot and psalms. She and herhusband Alan reside in Brookline.

    Kallah Reservations required by December 31, 2009 - Need-based scholarship funds are availablefrom the TOS Fund For Lifelong Learning. Contact the synagogue office for an application &registration form (forms are also available online).

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    Cantor Schloss' Third Annual Music and Worship BenefitJanuary 23, 2010

    Please join our entire community at 7:30 PM on Saturdayevening, January 23, 2010, for the Third Annual Musicand Worship Benefit Concert and Reception atTemple Ohabei Shalom.

    The concert will feature our beloved Cantor, joinedby his talented wife, Leah Schloss (a highlyacclaimed operatic soprano,) our wonderfulMusical Director, David Sparr, and additionalguest artists. Last year's concert was completelySOLD OUT, so don't be left out! Be a part of thiscelebration as we raise funds to support themusical and spiritual life of Temple Ohabei Shalom.Your invitation will arrive the first week in December.

    For sponsorship listings, ad placements in ourProgram Book, and tickets, please return your reservationform to the Temple Office upon receipt of your invitation.

    If you have questions regarding sponsorships and ads,please leave a message for Mark Lipof at the Temple Office(617) 277-6610 x 24, and he will return your call.

    We hope to see you on January 23rd and thank youfor your support!

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    Circle of Giving 5770Co-Chairs: Spencer Gould & Cathryn Stein

    Leadership GiftsWe wish to honor the generous benefactors who have provided Leadership Giftsto fund specific initiatives and to promote The Circle of Giving:

    $25,000: Mike & Christina GordonDoug & Toni Gordon

    $20,000: Richard Leibovitch & Cindy Roseman

    Annual AppealWe are grateful to the valuable donors who have contributed to our annual appeal,The Circle of Giving: (gifts received through November 12th)

    We offer warm and loving thanks to the Congregants, Trustees, TOS Officers and Brotherhood Officers who have made callon behalf of the Circle of Giving:

    Jonathan Atkins, Mindy Berman, Cherise Bransfield, Jesse Cochin, Len Davidson, Louis Goldman, Doug Gordon, Barbara HowardEd Kahn, Jonathan Kaufman, Dan Krueger, Bob Loeb, Diane Rosen, David Seldin, Chip Shore, Shirley Spero, Ronny Sydney,Cassandra Warshowsky, and Michael Weintraub

    Add your name to our growing list of generous givers. The Circle of Giving provides for consistency in our funding and giveseveryone the opportunity to join in supporting our community above and beyond the annual membership commitment. Join us this yearwe strive for 100% congregant participation in our annual appeal.Gifts can be sent to Circle of Giving, 1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446.

    Pillars ($ 5000+)Dick & Carol Daynard

    Rabbi John FrankenCantor Randall Schloss

    Shirley SperoAlexander & Brenda R. Tanger

    Benefactors ($2500 $4999)David G. Kanter

    Steven & Janet Kouroubacalis

    Patrons ($1200 - $2499)Cherise & Bob Bransfield

    John & Beth GamelSpence & Betsy Gould

    Ed & Betsy JacobsAllison & Eric Rimm

    Adrienne Shishko & Joel SklarTOS Sisterhood Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund

    in Loving Memory of Betsy Gould

    Guardians ($1000 - $1199)Daniel & Eva Deykin

    Bill & Marcia Harris

    Ed & Margie KahnDiane Trust

    Sustainers ($360 - $999)Danit Ben-Ari & Tom Marton

    Leonard Davidson & Laurie KatzmanEllen Harder & Edward Bloom

    Jonathan Kaufman & Barbara HowardThe Kaufman-Howard Family in memory of George

    KaufmanHana Kolton-Patsouris & Peter Patsouris

    Louise LevingstonAlan Litchman & Laura Trust

    R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz

    Cathryn Stein & David Seldin

    Friends (up to $359)Anonymous (2)Marilyn BarronHubert & "Ray" Caplan

    in memory of Betsy Gould andin honor of Spencer Gould

    Jesse Cochin & Alice NewtonSteven Davis

    Jason DubeyLeona EstridgeSaul & Doris FeldmanCorinne E. GilbertBeth GlaskyLouis GoldmanArnie & Tracy GreenfieldSam & Anne JacobsDan & Priscilla KarnovskyStan KeizerRabbi Paul & Marilyn LevensonNathan LevineMarc Linderman

    Joan & Jay MeltzerSherry Michelson

    Ellen Mosner & Howard KoorJosh & Tanya ParisStephen & Roberta Paris

    William Price & Arlene SchererDavid Rogovin & Susan LibermanSheldon & Hilde RotenbergEvelyn RubyZita SamuelsAndrew Schloss & Nancy BloomSimon Singer & Elena BrachtelPhyllis Sisson in memory of Louise Parker JamesRonny SydneyKatherine & Josh ShmiklerMichael Weintraub & Diane Rosen

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    Ansin Religious SchoolSaturday, December 5, 9:30 amShabbat B'Yachad9:30 am Family Shabbat Celebration with

    Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss

    10:15 am Tfilah Olympics - For STUDENTS only

    12:15 pm Community Kiddush for Families~ Everyone Welcome~

    Saturday, December 12-13, 2009TOSTY Shul In - see below for detailsFriday, December 11- Monday December 14, 2009Confirmation Trip to Washington DCFriday, December 18Judaism in Motion Service & Community Hanukkah CelebrationSee Page 5!

    Important ARS Dates: Mark Your Calendars!

    TOSTY Shul-inSaturday, December 12 - Sunday, December 13, 2009Join your ARS friends as your travel the yellow brick road anddiscover the many meanings of Shalom.

    We invite the members of Tiny TOSTY (Kindergarten) to join us forthe evening's festivities. TOSTYites (students in grades 1 & 2) and aparent will spend the night and wake up under the dome. Parentswill take a trip into the dome to get a birds-eye view of their sleepingchild(ren) and drop off a letter that their child will read after his/herBar/Bat Mitzvah. This promises to be a magical evening, not to bemissed. Register today!

    Mazel Tov!

    Mazel Tov to Josh and Sara Penn on the birth of theirdaughter, Chloe Deanna Penn, born October 30th!Do you have a wedding, birth or other simcha you would liketo share with the community? Please e-mail it [email protected]!

    Mazel Tov To Our Bnei Mitzvah!Benjamin PowellDecember 5, 2009For my Mitzvah Project, I am building on my love of reading bycollecting books for two organizations. I hope to bring 1,500 booksto a group called More Than Words. More Than Words runs a usedbookstore, internet business, cafe, and art gallery in Waltham. Atthis venue, More than Words offers job training and support toteenagers and young adults ages 16-22 who are involved with fostercare, DCF, or other challenging circumstances. I would like to useanother 300 books to raise money for Cradles to Crayons, where Iam also volunteering my time. Information about these organizationscan be found at and I am collecting books at severallocations including Ohabei Shalom.

    Samantha GordonDecember 12, 2009For my Mitzvah Project, I am going to be making blankets for ProjectLinus. I am going to be making blankets out of donated fabric andold blankets. I am hoping to make at least 20 blankets to donate.Project Linus is an organization that accepts new and homemadeblankets and gives them to seriously ill and traumatized children,ages 0-18. I think that this is a great cause because I am helping kidsthat are close to my own age. I am recruiting most of my friends tosew the blankets with me one weekend in January. If you have anygently used blankets or left-over fabric, please email me at

    [email protected] and I will arrange a time to pickthem up. Thank you for your help!

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    Don t m iss out, ma ke your reservation tod ay!

    Na me:___________________________________

    ____ Ad ult Dinne rs a t $12 $_______

    ____ Child Dinners a t $8 $_______

    Donation to defray expenses $_______

    TOTAL AMOUNT $_______

    Please RSVP to the Tem ple Ohabei Sha lom officeby Monday, Dec ember 14 by returning this

    c oupon to TOS 1187 Bea c on St., Brookline, MA02446 or visit ww

    Ma ke chec ks payab le to TOS or you c an c a ll theoffice to pa y by credit ca rd.

    Questions? Please ca ll the synagog ue office(617) 277-6610.

    Celebrate the last night of Hanukkahwith your TOS familyBring a menorah and nine candles to light.5:45 pm

    Snac ks and Meet & GreetCha pel Foyer

    6:00 pmErev Shabbat Service

    Montag ue Chapel

    7:15 pm

    Shabba t DinnerLa tkes, Sufganiot a nd Mo re$12 pe r Ad ult & $8 per Child

    (under the ag e of 12)

    Please bring an unwrapped gift for the TOS toy drive and/or a donation toFamily Table (tuna/salmon or graham crackers). Join us! Theres no better way tofulfill your ARS service attendance requirements.

    Judaism In MotionHanukkah ShabbatFriday, December 18 5:45 pm

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    AuxiliariesBrotherhood News

    Jonathan Atkins & Louis Goldman

    The Brotherhood Executive Board wishes to thank Steven Davis, our

    outgoing Executive Director, for all his efforts on our behalf. Wealso wish David Brody, the synagogues new Acting Administrator, allthe best as he begins his new role at Ohabei Shalom.

    Our November event took place on Tuesday, November 17, 2009,at 6:30 PM. It was the Annual Sisterhood Pot Luck Supper andMovie Night with Brotherhood. The Sisterhood provided the maincourses, while the Brotherhood brought drinks, desserts, andpopcorn. The movie was entitledArranged, and concerned arrangedmarriages. The movie night was well attended and proved to be anenjoyable night for Sisterhood and Brotherhood attendees. It wasthought provoking, informative, and well received by al l.

    The Brotherhoods Penn Trust is pleased to announce that it made a$500.00 grant available to the synagogue for this years MitzvahDay, which took place on Sunday, November 8, 2009. Jonathan

    Atkins, Brotherhood Co-President, hosted the Clean-Up the Shulevent on Mitzvah Day, and we wish to thank all who donated theirtime and efforts for this remarkable day of service to the community.

    Please reserve Saturday, December 19, 2009, for the nextBrotherhood event. The Brotherhood will be sponsoring theShabbat Luncheon, immediately following the Shabbat Services, andwill be the Brotherhoods Hanukkah Gift to the Ohabei ShalomFamily. We hope that the members of the congregation come by andjoin the Brotherhood on this last day of Hanukklah.

    In the coming months, we will be bringing new and innovativeprogramming based on Doug Bardens newest publication, MakingTime for Sacred Fellowship, the Annual Temple Ohabei ShalomSpring Breakfast with the Brotherhood, the 2nd Annual Ben AdlerMemorial Blood Drive and the 2nd Annual Ben Adler Health

    Awareness program. Some possible programs include acongregational discussion and conversation about gender, and theart of developing, marketing, and facilitating mens programming.We are also looking forward to submitting a Brotherhood Charter w/By-Laws for adoption, and creating a Brotherhood LeadershipDevelopment Program!

    As always, the Brotherhood wishes to thank everyone who hasremembered to bring in or mail in their stamped Butcherie receipts.Please continue to support this vital program.

    Sisterhood NewsZita Samuels

    The Sisterhood is planning a Hanukkah lunch and Yankee swap at

    TOS at noontime, on Wednesday, December 16. Please bring awrapped gift (approximately $10 value) to exchange in the Yankeeswap. Please RSVP by Dec. 11 to Zita Samuels, 617-277-3653, ore-mail [email protected] so that we know how many to expect forthis fun and festive holiday event. There will be a $5 charge forlunch that will include potato latkes.

    The Mitzvah Committee will visit those who have difficulty gettingout on Saturday, December 12 after Shabbat services. Pleasecontact Diane Rosen (617-851-1205, e-mail [email protected]) orMargie Kahn (617-277-7936, e-mail [email protected]) if

    you would like to be a visitor or to suggest folks who wouldappreciate a home visit.

    The Toy Drive (coordinated by Dottie Berman) remains open untilDecember 18 as the synagogue continues its tradition of serving atrisk children at the Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center. Pleasebring unwrapped new toys to the collection cribs outside the officeand chapel. We suggest puppets, checkers, stuffed animals, dolls,books and games (no guns, GI Joe figures, war games, etc.). Alsoconsider donating a bottle or two of Sesame Street Complete

    Vitamins (no other brand) or writing a check payable to OhabeiShalom - Grow Clinic.

    At this writing, the Book Group had not set a next meeting date.

    Please contact Amy Hozid (617-566-1939 or [email protected])for further information. The Judaic Studies Group, led by Ita N.Wiener, is studying the Book of Joshua. This engaged and motivatedgroup meets on Wednesday evenings. If interested, please contact Ita(617-734-7137 or [email protected]). Rhonda Solomon iscoordinating the Sisterhood Readers for the preschool. If you wantto read to the children, please contact Rhonda (617-773-3549 [email protected]).

    The Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund is still accepting donations to supportthe continuation of Betsy's work on Mitzvah Projects (twice yearlymitzvah visits to shut-ins, Pesach and Hanukkah packages to college

    students, and the Toy Drive for the Grow Clinic). Please mail anydonations c/o Sisterhood, TOS, 1187 Beacon St. Brookline, MA02446. Make checks payable to Sisterhood and mark Betsy GouldMitzvah Fund in the memo. We thank all those who have so kindlyand generously donated to date. We have been able to make adonation to the Circle of Giving in Betsy's memory we also made adonation to help fund Mitzvah Day on November 8.

    For your advance calendar, the Sisterhood meeting on Tuesday,January 19, 7 PM, will include a talk on nutrition by our ownSisterhood member nutritionist Dr. Judy Mabel and a Tu B'ShvatSeder coordinated by Amy Hozid.

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    TOY DRIVE: Thru December 18, 2009

    The synagogue is continuing its tradition of supporting

    The Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Centerin its efforts to serve malnourished, at risk children.

    You can help by:

    Bringing unwrapped new toysto the collection bins located in the Synagogue office

    and outside of the Montague Chapel.

    Puppets, Checkers, Stuffed Animals, Dolls, Books, Games

    Absolutely no guns, GI Joe figures, war games, etc.

    Donating a bottle or twoof unwrapped Sesame Street Complete Vitamins.

    Please do not substitute any other brand.

    Writing a check

    payable to Ohabei Shalom - Grow Clinicand sending it to Temple Ohabei Shalom,

    1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446.

    Thank you!ANNU




    Friday, December 45:45 pm

    Ac tivities & Servic eMontague Chape l

    6:30 pmShabbat Dinner

    $10, Adult, $6 Child

    Rabb i Franken and Canto r Sc hloss b ringthe Shabbat expe rienc e a live for the

    young est p artic ipants in our c om munity.Join us for ac tivities, music , danc ing a nd

    dinner for all! RSVP to 617-277-6610.

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    Shabbat Torah Study

    Twice a month(2nd and 4th Saturdays)9:00 am 10:15 am

    Join us as we read (in English), discuss, debate and learntogether in a warm and welcoming environment. The

    sessions will be facilitated by Rabbi Franken or by a layvolunteer who has prepared topics for discussion. Torahstudy is always come as you are, and no preparation isrequired (or expected). Dress comfortably, and perhaps

    bring a spouse or friend. We meet in the BerensonLibrary. Coffee and tea are provided. No experience

    necessary! All opinions welcome.

    Shabbat RishonOur next Shabbat Rishon will be December 4 at 7:30 PMfeaturing congregant Richard Daynard who will speak onTikkun Olam and the Campaign Against Big Tobacco.

    Richard A. Daynardholds a J.D. fromthe Harvard LawSchool, an M.A. inSociology fromColumbia University,and a Ph.D. fromM.I.T. in UrbanStudies and Planning(specializing in Law and Social Policy). He is a Professorof Law at the Northeastern University School of Law,where he has been teaching since 1969. Professor

    Daynard has been involved in a number or organizationsdevoted to combating the epidemics caused by tobaccoand, more recently, obesity. He has published over 80articles, appeared in or been interviewed by majorinternational media programs, and spoken on these issuesin over 30 countries. Join us at 7pm for wine, cheeseand crackers before the service!

    Calling all Singers & Musicians!Musicians:Are you a musician? Come share your talent with yourcommunity!

    TOS Choir: From novices to experienced singers, all arewelcome! Rehearsals are usually held on Monday evenings at 7:00p.m. in the Chapel.

    Mahkelah: Mahkelah offers students who love to sing an opportunityto learn and perform both new and traditional music in Hebrew andEnglish. Cantor Randall Schloss leads the choir in weekly rehearsalsand a variety of performances at religious services, concerts, choralfestivals, school events, nursing homes, and more. All students(grades 3-6) are encouraged to join.

    If you would like to participate or would like more information,contact Cantor Schloss at [email protected].

    Join the TOS Group on Facebook!Search Temple Ohabei Shalom and clickJoin this group. See photos from recentevents, connect with other members, past andpresent, get notices on TOS programs, andmore! See you online!

    Giving at Year EndEven in todays economy, you can create a lasting tributefor Temple Ohabei Shalom through a gift annuity or othercharitable gift. Remember that gifts made by December31 can help reduce the amount of taxes you owe nextApril. For more information on deciding what to give(such as checks, securities, real estate, life insurance,retirement plans, etc.) or how to go about giving it,please contact our Acting Administrator, David Brody at617-277-6610, ext. 22.

    TOS Green Committee Seeks ChairWe are looking for a self motivated, environmentallyconscious leader to work with other committee membersand community groups to develop and implement anenvironmental action plan for our Synagogue and ourCongregants. Please contact Michael Weintraub at 617-232-9036 for information.

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    Mitzvah Day By the Numbers . . .177: total number of Mitzvah Day PARTICIPANTS96: the number of EGGS needed to bake ten corn breads,nine zucchini breads, nine pumpkin pies for Womens LunchPlace50: BIRTHDAY GIFT BAGS for the clients of Womens lunchplace each containing a pair of gloves, mothwash, Germ-X,headband, hair clip, hari scrunchie, bracelet and homemadebirthday card5426: the total number of knots tied on the 34 BLANKETSto be donated to Project Linus288: ounces of TOMATO SAUCE used to make ten lasagnasfor Bread and Jams43: bags of LEAVES raked at TOS and Finex House9: SONGS sang and played by Mahkalah at Coolidge HouseInfinite: the numbers of lives touched and helped by you, ourTOS congregation on Mitzvah day.

    A hearty Thank You to the following people for yourgenerous donations of money, resources and time that madeMitzvah day such a success:

    Co Chairs: Debbie Klein, Milly Krakow, Susan Zeiger

    TOS Sisterhood Betsy Gould Memorial Fund

    Penn Trust of the TOS BrotherhoodJason Kriger

    Registration Volunteers: David Pemstein, Gitta Kahn

    Project Captains:

    Thank you to all who donated to helpdefray the costs of Mitzvah Day:Zita SamuelsCathryn Stein & David SeldinDebbie & Abram KleinSisterhood (Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund)Dan & Priscilla KarnovskyMarcia LevineJoanna & Robert GilmanPam AbramsRoberta BruckerEmily Fuchs & Stuart BlitzAlan Fine & Carol RosenbergIgor Tepermeister & Diane LevyDorothy LebachAlan Litchman & Laura TrustShari Lisann & Chip ShoreBarbara Helfgott HyettSharon & Craig SenderEric, Allison, Hannah & Isaac RimmMara & Bob GoldsteinPascal & Irina Aguirre

    Lisa Irvings & Michael BrillIlene & Greg MogaveroMilly Krakow & Marty PlovnickLisa Pemstein & David KrantzSpencer GouldBeth Greenspan & Jeff HurwitJeffrey Katz & Susan ZeigerArthur & Susan FlashmanHana Kolton & Peter PatsourisBeth & Mark KatesPenn Trust of TOS Brotherhood

    ARS Grade 7 ClassMindy BermanDina Brownstein5770 Confirmation ClassKeith CarsonKaren GlansbergBarbara HowardJeff KatzJonathan KaufmanAbram Klein

    Hana KoltonJoe KriesbergEllen MosnerJosh ParisTanya ParisZita SamuelsCantor Randall SchlossAdrienne ShishkoAmanda SingerBritta Wierich

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    Diane K. Trust Center Challah Days!The Diane K. Trust Center for Early Education ofTemple Ohabei Shalom is pleased to announce thebeginning of its Challah Days program. Familiesenrolled in the Center and congregants will have theopportunity to preorder a delicious challah, freshlybaked by Jason Kriger, and have it labeled and waitingfor them on Friday mornings in the synagogue foyer orat the Center. The proceeds of this program providechallah for the Centers special Shabbat celebrations andsupport and enhance the programs of the Center as well.Order forms are available in both the Temple and EarlyChildhood Center offices and delivery has already begun.Thank you for your participation and beteavon!

    Pastoral CommitteeIllness? Hospitalization?Birth? Engagement? Wedding?Major life event?

    We want to be there for you, so please let us know!

    Please call us at 617-277-6610 or e-mail us [email protected]!

    Pictured above are members of ourgrade 7 and 11 classes with residentsof Hearth. On two consecutiveMondays, members of our BnaiTELEM and TELEM classes visitedHearth to participate in games, craftsand lively conversation. To the left isa note of thanks they received fromJennifer Hartwell, the volunteercoordinator.

    If youre interested in learning moreabout Hearth, visit their website

    -Kate MikeshDirector of Informal Education

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    Tributes (through September 30)Rabbis Discretionary FundJerry KravitzStuart Blitz & Emily FuchsRichard Leibovitch & Cindy RosemanBarbara and Gerry Katz

    Cantors Discretionary FundSpencer & Eddie Gould

    Gerald & Barbara Katz

    Stuart BlitzShirley SperoJerry Kravitz

    Adult Learning FundSpencer & Eddie Gould

    Ansin Religious School FundNina & Don Berk

    General FundSylvia & Harold Koritz

    Shari Lisann & Chip ShorePam LevyBarbara, Arthur, Jeff & Jim RomeGail EllisHu & Ray Caplan

    R.K. (Shelley) Schwartz

    Hu & Ray CaplanEd & Margie KahnDavid Nager

    High Holy Day Food DriveStella LeviRoberta Brucker

    Minyan FundWilliam PricePhyllis NussmanBernice LevinsonSylvia and Harold KoritzSidney & Jerry Gordon

    Bernard KlimanCorinne GilbertLouis LaskeyBeth BrainsteinHilda HoffmanDiane SchertzerLouise LevingstonRoberta RadkayFlorence & Donald HootsteinPhyllis SissonJudy HalperGerald & Toby PennNancy NelsonShellee RobbinsSy GottliebLouis BurkeSpencer GouldPhyllis SissonSidney GordonBeth Glasky

    In Honor ofHigh Holy Day honorsEmilys ConversionZoes Bat MitzvahWedding of Emily Katz and MarkLaufgraben

    In Memory ofBetsy GouldIn Honor ofWedding of Emily Katz and MarkLaufgrabenEmilys ConversionCantor Randall M. SchlossHigh Holy Day honors

    In Memory ofAlfred Maleson

    In Memory ofBetsy Gould

    In Memory ofBetsy Gould

    Alfred MalesonBetsy Gould

    Betsy Gould

    Betsy GouldAlfred MalesonSamuel Klain

    In Honor ofMark LipofHigh Holy Day honors

    In Memory ofJane Bandler PriceRuth TirkMorris DiamondKaren Koritz EstockNathaniel GordonBruce GordonLillian RicePhilmore GilbertEleanor LaskeyDorothy Braunstein

    Paul HoffmanHarry SchertzerJacob GoldmanRichard M. LevineStephen M. HootsteinJoseph SilinSamuel HalperDavid MelnickIda BrooksNat AronowitzDavid GottliebBelle BurkeSana GouldDorothy SilinGertrude Gordon

    Harry Gold

    Roberta & Stephen ParisGerald & Toby PennJanice AdlerBetty MorningstarWendy GordonFrank & Lillian ZabarskyCarl Ostroff

    Audrey GoldbergMildred BarronMarilyn BarronDiane SchertzerCorinne GilbertElliot CommentizRhonda Solomon & Harvey SolomonIda Nemchenok

    Alexander TangerOsa KampRoberta ParisHarold and Sylvia KoritzKathy Killick

    Mitzvah Day DonationsDavid Seldin & Cathryn SteinDebra & Abram Klein

    Adi & Gitta KahnPam Abrams

    Alan Fine and Carol RosenbergEmily Fuchs & Stuart BlitzDorothy LebachDorothy Lebach

    Alan Litchman & Laura TrustChip Shore & Shari LisannBarbara Helfgott HyettRoberta BruckerMara & Robert Goldstein

    Anne FormanThe Rimm Family

    SisterhoodMarcia LevineMilly Krakow & Marty PlovnickZita SamuelsDan & Priscilla KarnovskyRobert and Joanna GilmanThe Aguirre FamilyGreg & Ilene MogaveroBrotherhood Penn Trust

    Music and Worship FundR.K. (Shelley) Schwartz

    Pulpit Flower FundLouise Levingston

    Betsy Gould Mitzvah FundDiane Rosen & Michael WeintraubBetsy SchaefferCheryl A. Ryan & Mark A. BantaShellee L. RobbinsDavid Leifer & Marla EngelJodi & Bob SiltonMaya KrigsgaberI. George GouldLynda N. HoffmanWilliam & Marcia HarrisBetsy & Ed JacobsHerbert & Hanna ZeigerJack & Diana GouldDorothy Gould

    Paula HonzikPaula Bress

    Jessie ParisMorris PennSidney AdlerDavid MorningstarSam PostbriefKalman FinerS. Eunice Gosian

    Lena F. RosenbergArnold M. BarronAlfred MalesonHyman SmithHelen Gilbert StillmanBarbara CohenChana Leah SolomonHannah Sima KirzonGertrude Haft TangerRichard Von BargenIda BernsteinBertha KoritzMaori Killick

    In Memory ofEric LebachIda Weilheimer

    Betsy Gould

    In Honor ofCantor Randall M. Schloss

    In Memory ofJacob Goldman

    Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund (Contd)Ronna S. SavageJanet P. RomeR. K. (Shelley) SchwartzStanley P.LevineCristy J. HirshJudith Rothbard Tate

    Adele L. McRae-StevensSylvia RomeKathleen M. DaleyMelanie UrdangBeverly S. KargirJim & Joyce RyanLois R. NathanRobert & Nora Levine.

    Amy S.P. Hozid

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    Yizkor Elohim - We lovingly remember

    Arnold H. BlochRose Wexler CaplanSadie L. DangelAmelia GreenbaumEsther Gittel KatzLynn Katz

    Mary Joel PhillipsMatilda RosenfieldTillie SchwartzSadie R. ShutzerAbraham BermanBenjamin BernsteinDr. Abraham Nathan CaplanNorman S. ColerSayde GlogovskyEsther MyerbergMiriam OshryMary PivnickSuzanna RadoHerbert David SidmanRose SpinozaIsidore ZeigerPauline CohenElaine GarnickGoldie D. GreenRoslyn GrossmanBenjamin LemchenFanny MarzynskiFred Andelman

    Mark Brent DolinskyMamie GershonHelen Morse HymanCohen JoelRuth JoffeFannie KatzFlorence MuskatMitchell E. NussmanLibby RoginskyNat WeinerLouis Zwick

    December 8-15Sarah BarberBetty BelloAugusta BensonLena DruckerHarry GellerJoseph GrodbergIrving KrichmanMyra MerrillRuth NamiotRubin SorkinDr. Joseph L. BerkeleyGertrude L. BlackLouis I. GlaskerSidney B. GoldsteinIsaac GreenCyrus L. JacobsPearl KorsunDavone Jonath KruegerRachel LeviCarole Y. MarcusAlma Grossman MendelsohnMildred Ullian NollmanJay Hersh OstrowerBertha Rachel ScheinfeldtFannie L. SniderSamuel TartakoffIsaac ToochinskyYetta Winig

    Edward DanielsDavid L. DorfmanFrances GrossmanEleanor KatzRenee Levine AugustMark MasonFrank MillerRuth B. ShankmanDavid L. BarronBetsy CarpenterJulius GershonIrene Gorman

    Miriam KatzShirley KatzGeorge KritzerAlexander LeviEdward LevinMarcus Myers

    Marylin RodensteinErnestine O. SternRachel Miriam StoneE. Harold StonemanSarah WillisHerbert Jerome WolfElizabeth L. AltmanMichael G. BarronJosiah GrossmanMitchell HalperinJoseph Jacobson

    Bennett L. KarttMartha LivingstonMinnie R. MyersonMolly NessenWilliam RosnoskySarah SagerAbraham SulzburyHelene Goldkrand SymondsJoseph WolfAlan BarsonHenry A. GinsburgHyman GoldEsther S. KnopfMichael Brian NadelmanEdward A. NathansonJesse ZofnassDavid AbelsonLouisa BarrowsEdward Z. CohenHarry GineskyNathan MatfessLouis I. RosenfieldRacher Stoller

    December 1-7Richard AltmanMarie AnconaBeatrice R. AnsinEdward AnsinEdward Anthony

    Adelaide BealManuel BlackDavid DallalLena H. EllisMarilyn T. FeuerRobert FuchsEthel HurwitzEsther LissnerNaomi MashalMartha F. SagoffSamuel SiffJaneth G. SternMuriel E. TannerRobbie DeitchRichard FinkelBarbara FriedmanBetsy GoldBruce F. GoodmanBertha HanningtonAnnie HymanEva KlineSamuel KotzenEmily R. ShoolmanJacob A. SimonsBeatrice SmithMarilyn FeigenbaumRobert M. GoldmanJerome HertzRose Berk KaplanElizabeth KritzerIsrael LevinJuliette A. SobellHarry I. WassermanEugene WintersRuby Yassinger

    We extend our deepest sympathy to their families. Those listed below are recorded in our Book of Remembrance,windows, or on memorial plaques.A bolded name indicates that the plaque will be illuminated during the Shabbat of yahrzeit.

    Former TOS Librarian, Mary RosenMiriam Weinberg, Aunt of Zita Samuels

  • 8/8/2019 December 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom



    Yahrzeits, continuedGertrude Burkhardt WolfsonAnna Lillian ZitterMargot W. BarronGertrude BurroughsHenry FinchLouis I. FleischmanMaurice J. FreedmanHy GoldsteinCelia GordonEugene JusterMarie Gryzmish TishlerJulian B. TobiasLouis WadmanErnest Wasser

    December 16-23Henry Cohen

    S. Charles KahnJoseph LevineSamuel NessonMarvin ZarlinEli BaronHarold BrownSarah CohenDora FeinsteynMax FratkinBlanche GamelPhilip MabelBenjamin MorseNathan NeedlemanGrace NewmanMeyer RubanovichHilda Tobias TeplitzMary ZordanKaren J. BermanMaurice Jacob BernsteinBertha ClarkJeanne CohnIrwin KaufmanDavid LilienthalRobert LubetsEdith MontagueArthur Mitchell RosenbushSamuel M. SalnyAbe StangerHarold E. ZarlingMelvin E. BergerMarcelle CohenLouis J. DanielsRose FineJoanne Katz

    Sandi KuppermanJoseph ScheinfeldtGeorge SmallJackie SpringerWalter TromblySamuel WasserCarl BrackmanLena DinnerSteven Eric FayAlan HonigMichael KofmanBessie NathansonReba SchlakmanLouis AbrahamsCandy BloombergDora K. GordonSara I. GordonRose KeezerStanley MaisnerA. Fred PragerSol RosenfeldRobert SlosbergMorris SwartzHannah WaxmanWarren F. AbramsJames BehrJulian BehrJacob BresnickLeah B. ClineRuth Green MannAnna MazerAbraham StoneJulius BeckerSondra HazanSarah KatzmanClara B. PomerantzJames I. RobertsSadie Lipner ShulmanDecember 24-31Nathan B. BaschRose HazanVivian KardarisSolomon LewenbergAmy Sara NaparstekRose RavechBerthal Mitchell RosenbushBruna RosengardBeartrice SaldingerRuth Masters TraubCarol Zalkind

    Sofia BelenkiEvelyn BerensonSybil E. BerkHerman BloomEve DeliceanuBenjamin G. EtcoffSolomon GoldbergHarvey Alan InnerfeldNorman MintzEsther G. MoskowMildred NagerEdith PlanonEsther SulzburyJacob SwartzPhilip E. ZichSarah G. EllisMary Ellen GlaskerMax Lewis KatesBeatrice L. WadmanAlbert WeissLillian ZimmermanHelen K. GlenHyman GreenJulie M KravetAlbert KravitzHelen KrugSamuel LipskySophie Rosenbush PennAddison Simmons

    Rebecca SimonsMeyer SternMartin WeilheimerKatherine BoyneWilliam CarmenAbraham G. DanielsManuel DruckerSamuel FosterCharles LandayIsadore SalomonHesta L. SkirballHerman C. TangerLevin J. WyzanskiHodel ZabarskyWilhelmina M. AbrahamsMargot CohenAaron DolinskyTheresa FreedmanJennie GilmanEsther HillsonAlfred KatzGertrude Krichman

    Herbert KutnickHerman L. MarlinElias T. PomerantzHarry RidemanRose Bloom RosengardVita Y. SalehJacob SmithDavid TanfilyevAaron A. AlbertsLouis BergerGladys K. LevyBessie MirichSamuel ParisAbraham RabinowitzOscar RavechEdward I. RivitzDeborah Rubanovich

    Theodore T. SchoenfeldLillian SorkinMyer CoganHarry FiremanRose IsaacsonManya KirsteinMeyer L. MillerMeyer PappRae Baker PeakeRebecca SidellShirley SolomonEva Sorkin

    Mike SumbergFannie D. WeinbergerMeyer Yavner

  • 8/8/2019 December 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom




  • 8/8/2019 December 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom



  • 8/8/2019 December 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom


    December Calendar

    Leadership Staff and Executive BoardJohn A. Franken, Rabbi

    Randall M. Schloss, CantorEmily G. Lipof, Rabbi Emerita

    David Brody, Acting AdministratorShari A. Churwin, Education Director

    Karen Glansberg, Director of Early EducationKate Mikesh, Dir. Informal Education

    David Sparr, Music Director

    Jesse Cochin, PresidentArnie Greenfield, Vice President

    Cathryn Stein, Vice PresidentMichael Weintraub, Vice President

    Ronny Sydney, Vice PresidentMartin Shore, Assistant Treasurer

    Daniel W. Krueger, Recording Secretary

    Daily Worship Service ScheduleMonday - Thursday: 8 am & 6pmFriday: 8 amSunday and legal holidays: 9:00 am & 6pmPlease note there is no Saturday Daily Worship Service at 6pm.Daily Worship Services are now being held in the library.There are openings for new leaders. If this interests you, contactIta N. Wiener at 617-734-7137 or Spencer Gould at 781-329-7439. Thank you!

    December Candle Lighting Times4 - 3:54 p.m.11 - 3:54 p.m. 18 - 3:55 p.m.25 - 3:59 p.m.

    1 3:30pm Ansin Religious School4 5:45pm Tot Shabbat

    6:30pm Shabbat Dinner7:00pm Wine and Cheese in Chapel Foyer7:30pm Shabbat Rishon: Tikkun Olam and the Campaign

    Against Big Tobaccowith Prof. Richard Daynard5 9:00am Torah Study

    9:30am Shabbat BYachad (Grades K-7)10:30am Shabbat Service - Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Powell

    7 6:00pm Junior Chai & High School

    8 3:30pm Ansin Religious School11 6:00pm Shabbat Service

    Hanukkah Begins11 10:30am Shabbat Service - Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Gordon

    12:30pm Mitzvah Visits4:00pm TOSTY Shul-In (K-2)

    14 5:00pm Bnai TELEM Field Trip6:00pm High School

    14 3:30pm Ansin Religious School15 12:00pm Sisterhood Lunch and Yankee Swap18 6:00pm Judaism in Motion Erev Shabbat Service

    7:15pm Shabbat Dinner, see page 5 for RSVP information

    19 9:30am Shabbat School10:30am Shabbat Service12:30pm Brotherhood Sponsored Hanukkah Kiddush

    20 11:30am Sisterhood Book Group4:00pm Rosh Hodesh: Its a Girl Thing!

    Congregational Trip to Israel Departs21 6:00pm Junior Chai & High School22 3:30pm Ansin Religious School24 Trust Center for Early Education Closed25 Center and Temple Office Closed

    6:00pm Shabbat Service26 9:00am Torah Study

    10:30am Shabbat ServiceNo Shabbat School, Winter Break

    28 No Junior Chai & High School, Winter Break29 No Ansin Religious School, Winter Break

    January1 Office Closed - New Years Day

    6:00pm Shabbat Service2 10:30am Shabbat Service