Addendum No. 6 to the Request for proposal Date: 18.01.2017 Public Works Department ADDENDUM NO.6 TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR RSHIP Package 01: Independent Engineer Services for Development and maintenance of Kanwas-aklera (74.80Km.), Deoli-kanwas (14.85Km), Alot!MP)-Gandhar-Suwansara(MP) (24.55Km.) and Kherli-Pahari (61.16 Km) in the state of Rajasthan-Package-l of ADB Tranche-I under Design, Build, OperateiMaintain and Transfer (DBOT) On PPP(Annuity) Mode. (RFP NIT No.12/2016-17 Dated 24.10.2016)

Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

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Page 1: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

Date: 18.01.2017

Public Works Department




RSHIP Package 01: Independent Engineer Services for Developmentand maintenance of Kanwas-aklera (74.80Km.), Deoli-kanwas(14.85Km), Alot!MP)-Gandhar-Suwansara(MP) (24.55Km.) andKherli-Pahari (61.16 Km) in the state of Rajasthan-Package-l of ADBTranche-I under Design, Build, OperateiMaintain and Transfer (DBOT)On PPP(Annuity) Mode.

(RFP NIT No.12/2016-17 Dated 24.10.2016)

Page 2: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Date 18.01.2017

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

The following is the addition/deletion in the RFP for RSHIP Package 01: IndependentEngineer Services for Development and maintenance of Kanwas-aklera (74.80Km.), Deoli­kanwas (14.85Km), Alot(MP)-Gandhar-Suwansara (MP) (24.55Km.) and Kherli-Pahari(61.16Km) in the state of Rajasthan-Package-l of ADB Tranche-I under Design, Build,Operate/Maintain and Transfer (DBOT) On PPP(Annuity) Mode.

The deletions from the earlier text of the RFP are indicated as strikethroughs andadditions from the earlier text of the RFP are indicated as underlined.

S. Clause NoNo

1 Section-l


Provision of the Request for Proposal

Experience of the firm in last 7 years

The firm should haveminimum experience ofpreparation of DetailedProject Report of 2/4-laning project ofaggregate length equalto 350Km or more of

1 (a). project length of similarcategory for which RFPis invited

S.No. Preparation of DPR


Annual Turnover***



The firm should Annualhaveminimum (updatedexperience of average of last 5Project years or in each ofSupervision/IC of the preceding two2/4-laning project years) of the firm fromof consultancy businessaggregate length should beequal to orequal to more than 6.12 Cr.530 km. or more of OfTPC.project length of


similarcategory for whichRFP IS


Page 3: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

4 Section-2 For each such substitution up to 2 replacements. In case during negotiations, more thanClause 3.4 two replacements are sought by the HI ef-b-l- consultant, his proposal shall be(ix) Page-13 considered as Non-Responsive. In such case the combined score of next five top firms,

meeting the non-conflict condition shall be evaluated to arrive at new HI or L1. Incase when less than five firms are available, the next highest scoring firm shall beconsidered as HI er-b+.

5 Section-2 The technical proposal must not include any financial information.Clause 3.S PllFt ~! Financial Proposaland 3.6 Page

14 Your Financial Proposal must be strictly usmg the formats attached on. h ., . § fRcPwww.eQroc.raJast an.gov.m.m seetlofl: - 0- -.:.- ............

6 Section-2 Consultants should express the price of their services in the Local currencyClause 3.8 (Indian Rupees) only. +lte Gliefl:tmay reE}l::lireeOfl:sl::lltafl:tsto state tlte portiofl: of tlteirPage 14 priee represefl:tifl:gloeal eest ifl:tlte fl:atiofl:alel::lrrefl:eyif so ifl:aieatea is tlte gata 8lteet.

7 Section-2 You must submit one 'ORIGINAL' proposal only in accordance with "procedureClause 4.3 under e-tendering" defined in the RFP. The Technical Proposal (Hard Bound) shouldPage-IS be enclosed in an envelope which should be marked as "Part 1 Technical

Proposal"and be submitted as mentioned in Section-I Qara 18. The cOQYin electronicform must also be uQloaded on www.eQroc.rajasthan.gov.in. The Financial Proposalshould be submitted only in Electronic Form. No hard copy of the Financial Proposal isto be submitted.

8 Section-2 More than two replacements are sought by the H-l er-b-l- consultant, his proposal shallClause 6.6 be considered as Non-Responsive. In such case the combined score of next five topPage-17 firms, meeting the non-conflict condition shall be evaluated to arrive at new H-l er-6-

+. In case less than five firms are available, the next highest scoring firm shall beconsidered as H-I er-b-l-.

9 Section-2 DSC should be in the name of the authorized signatory as arnltorizea is Appesaix IIIClause oftltis R...cp.It should be in corporate capacity (that is in Bidder capacity / in case of IV

8.1.2Page-18 in the Lead Member capacity, as applicable). The Bidder shall submit document insupport of the class III DSC.

10 Section-2 Financial proposal as per format prescribed atwww.eQroc.rajasthan.gov.in8EG+ION §Clause 8.2.1 OF RFP (only electronic form).

A (b)Page 18

11 Section-2 The Applicant shall submit the original documents specified above in pointClause 8.2.1 no.~(ii)Btogether with their respective enclosures and seal it in an envelope and mark(iii)Page-19 the envelope as "Technical Proposal" for the Project for which proposal is submitted

and name and address of the Applicant. The envelope must be clearly marked "DONOT OPEN, EXCEPT IN THE PRESENCE OF THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE".


Page 4: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

Section-2Clause 3.1


You are requested to submit your proposal in Two Parts strictly using the formatsenclosed herewith (refer section 3, @Q 4 -aRd-§)in h¥o separate envelopes/package andput together in OResingle outer envelopes/package The two parts shall be:

The Technical Proposal (Hard Bound) should be enclosed in an envelope whichshould be marked as "Part 1 Technical Proposal"and be submitted as mentioned insection-! para 18. The copy of Technical proposal must also be uploaded on eproc inelectronic form. The Financial Proposal should be submitted only in Electronic Form.No hard copy of the Financial Proposal is to be submitted. Please also refer"procedure under e-tendering" defined in the RFP in this regard.

The proposal shall be written in the English language as specified in the Data Sheet.All pages of the Proposal shall be signed by an authorized representative. Therepresentative's authorization shall be confirmed by written Power of Attorney dulynotarized to be submitted with the proposal. In case of JV a MoU indicating thespecific Projects, input and role of each Partner etc. shall be submitted with theproposal.

prepared DPR!Feasibility Study cumPreliminary DesignReport for at least oneproject ofsimilar category of 2/4laning of 70 Km ofproject length

Firm shouldhave


Firm should also

ofexpenenceProjectSupervision/IC ofat leastone project ofsimilarcategory of 2/4laning70 Km of project




3 Section-2Clause 3.1Page-l1

Part 1: Teehnieal Prapasal and

Part 2: Finaneial Prapasal.

Part-l : Technical Proposal

Page 5: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

15 Appendix­EC

Page 24 to37

Evaluation Criteria for Assessment of Experience of the Firm.

(Refer para 5.3(i) of Section 2, Data Sheet of RFP)

1.5 marks

assessed bythe bidder


Description Maximum Reference/Det Marks self

I. Year of Establishment of the Firm (In case of 2JV year of establishment of Lead Member shallbe considered)Up to 5yearsMore than 5 years 2 marks

2. Average Annual Turnover (last 5 years or in 2each of the preceding two years) fromconsultancy business<Rs 6. 12crore - 0 marksRs 6. 12crore - 1.5 marksAdd for additional turnover 0.25 (Zero pointtwo five) marks for every Rs3.0crore above Rs6.0 crore subject to maximum 0.5 marks.

3. Numbers of key personnel with the firm morethan one year with the firm. 2

:s 20 personnel - 0 marks21 to 30 - Linearly varying from


I> 30 personnel-2 marks4 Experience as Independent 12

Engineer/Construction Supervision in Numberof Highway Projects of 2/ 4/6-laning of length70 km or more in last 7 years.

1 project - 9 marks

Add 1(one) mark extra for completedassignment of Independent Engineer and add0.5 (Zero point five) marks extra for completedassignment of supervisionconsultancy subject to maximum 3 (three)marks.

5 Experience in DPR preparation for Number of 4Highway Projects of 2/ 4/6-laning of length 70km or more in last 7 years.

1 project 3 marks

ails ofprojects

Claimed forself


Page 6: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No.6 to theRequest for proposal

, In addition, the Application due date should be indicated on the right hand corner of theenvelope. The original documents should be submitted before 11:00 hours IndianStandard Time on the Application due date at the below mentioned address mentionedat section-1 para 18in the manner and form as detailed in the RFP. A receipt thereofshottld be obtained Hom the bela,,,,,mentioned flerson.

12 Scction-2 The Applicant shall upload scanned copies of the documents as specified in point nos. ~Clause 8.2.1 Oi) (A) & (8) above on the httfls:ll.eflroc.inwww.eproc.rajasthan.gov.inbefore 11:00(iv)Page-19 hours Indian Standard Time on the Application due date. No hard copy of the

documents as specified in point nos. ~ (ii) (A) (b) above is required to be submitted. Inthe event of any discrepancy between the original and the copy (in electronic form), theoriginal shall prevail.

13 DATA ...........SHEET

5.3The points assigned to Technical Evaluation criteria are: .....................subclause4.6


14 DATA Sub criteria for Relevant Experience of the firm for the assignmentSHEET Year of Establishment of the Firm (In case of JV year of establishment 2

subclauseof Lead Member shall be considered)

I 5.3 (i)Average Annual Turnover (last 5 years) from consultancy 2

Page-21 business

Nos. of key personnel with the firm 2

Experience as Independent Engineer/Construction Supervision inNumber of HighwayProjects of length equal to W-km70 km of project

12length of 2/4- laning or more in last 7 years*

Experience in OPR preparation forNumber of Highway Projects of 4lengthequal toW-km. 70 kmof project length of2/4-laning or more inlast 7 years *

Experience in Construction Supervision/OPR /Oesign Review of 3Majorstructures having length of more than 100 metre in last 7 years.

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

(iii) Very Good 1.00Total Marks 5

3 Evaluation Criteria for assessment of score of Key Stafffor adequacy of the Assignment.

(Refer Para 5.3(iii) of Section 2, Data Sheet ofRFP)

3.1 Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer

S. Description Max. Referencel Marks

No. Points Details of selfl1rojects assessedClaimed by thefor self bidder

assessmsnt1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21

lJ) Post Graduation in Highway Engineering 03III) DegreelDiploma/Certificate in ProjectManagement 01

2 Adequacy for theProject 70

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects:

i) Total Professional Experience 10< 15 years -015 years -8Add 0.5 marks extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 2 (two) marks.

ii) Experience in Highway Development Projects 15< 5 years -05 years -13

Add 0.5 marks extra for each additional year ofexperience subject tomaximum 2 (two) marks.

iii) Experience in Highway Development projects on PPP 51 projects -3 marks

add I mark extra for additional projects subject tomaximum 2 (two) marks

b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project 15Preparation of major highway Project of two I fourlsix-laning/expressway costing more than

Page 8: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Add 0.25 (Zero point two five) marks extra foreach additional project subject to maximum 1marks.

6. ExperienceinConstructionSupervision/DPRIDesign Review of Majorstructures having lengthof more than 60 metre 100 m in last 7 years.

1 project - 2.0 marks

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal


Note I: In case of JV the turnover and experience details of Lead and JV partners to be added.

Note 2: Employer's certificate/ certificate from Statutory Auditor should be submittedsubstantiating the experience/turnover claimed by the firm.

Note 3: Experience of2 lane will not be considered for 4/6 lane project

Add 0.5 (Zero point five) marks extra for eachadditional project subject tomaximum 1.0 marks.

2 Criteria for Adequacy of the Proposed Work Plan and Methodology

Criteria for Adequacy of The Proposed Work Plan and Methodology (Refer Para 5.3 (ii)of Section 2, Data Sheet of RFP)

(i)Average 0.50(ii) Good 0.75(iii) Very Good 1.00

I Quality of Approach and Methodology 3jI

(Review of scope of work and design


Understanding the objective, scope of 1assignment and Comments/suggestions onTOR

review, construction supervisionmethodology, contract managementapproach, quality control and qualityassurance, safety review/audit and O&Mstage to be judged).(i)Average 1.00(ii) Good 2.00(iii) Very Good 3.00Work Programme and ManningSchedule 1(i)Average 0.50(ii) Good 0.75

Reference/Details Marks selfof projects assessed by

Claimed for self the bidderassessment

Page 9: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

3.2 Senior Bridge Design Engineer

S. Description Max. Reference/ MarksNo. Points Details of self

~roiects assessedClaimed for by the

self bidderassessment

1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21 25II) Post Graduation in Structural 04Engineering

2 Adequacy for the Project 70a) Professional Experience in Bridge Projects:i) Experience in Bridge Design 25

< 15 years - 015 yrs - 22Add 1 mark extra for each additional year subjectto maximum 3 (three) marks.

ii) Experience in Design of major highway Bridges 20in similar capacity.< 10 years -010 years - 17Add 1 mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 3(three)marks.

iii) Design experience of major highway bridges 19< 4 bridges - 04 bridges - 15Add 1 mark extra for each additional bridgedesign subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.

b) Design experience of major highway bridges of 2length 6Gm 100m or more. (Excludingapproaches ).

1 mark for each bridge design subject tomaximum 2 (two) marks.

c) Experience m innovative bridges/structures 2(Pre-cast Segmental, CantileverConstruction, etc.) bridge design with useof computer aided software1 mark for each bridge design subject tomaximum 2 (two) marks.

d) Experience of Bridge work in other countries 21 mark for each complete year of experiencesubject to maximum 2 (two) marks.

3 Employment with the Firm 5< 1year -0

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

Total: 100

Rs.600 million! 000 million or of at least 30 kmlength.

< 2 projects2 Projects


Note: 1 Similar Capacity includes the following positions

(i) On behalf of Consultant: Team Leader/Resident Engineer (ConstructionSupervision/IE/OPR).

(ii) On behalf of Contractor: Project Manager (Construction/Construction Supervision)(iii) In Government Organizations: Superintending Engineer (or equivalent) and above

2. Only those projects will be considered for evaluation at S. No. 2(b), 2(c) and 2(d)above, where the input of the personnel is not < 6 months, one year and 6 monthsrespectively.

c) Experience in position of TeamLeader/Project Manager 20or similar capacity in Construction Supervision/ICinvolving 21 4/6-laningl Expressway of minimum 30 kmlength OR 2/ 4/6-laning of Highway/ ExpresswayProjects costing more than Rs600 ffiillion 1000 million

d) Experience III Operation and Maintenance of Major 5Highway.1 project - 3 marksAdd 1 mark extra for each additional project subject tomaximum 2 (two) marks

3 Employment with theFirm 5< I year -01 year -3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marks

Add 1 mark for each additional project subject tomaximum 2 marks.

< 2 projects- 0

2 Projects- 17

Add 1mark extra for each additional project subject tomaximum 3 (three) marks

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

Note: Only those projects will be considered where at least 6 months input has been claimed.

Total: 100

3 Employment with the Firm

< I year - 0

1 year - 3

Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marks

3.4 Highway Design Engineer

Max. Referencel Marks selfPoints Details of assessed

urojects by theClaimed bidderfor self


21 25




1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil EngineeringII) Post Graduation HighwayEngineering

2 Adequacy for the ProjectProfessional Experience

i) Total Experience in Highway Works 20< 15 years -015 years -16Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.

ii) Experience in Highway Designing works 20< 5 years -05 years -17Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 3 (three) marks.

iii) Experience as Highway Design Engineer In 20DPR/Supervision of major 2/4/6 laneimprovement projects

< 2 nos -02 nos -17

Add one mark extra for each additional oneproject subject to maximum 3 (three) marks.


Page 12: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

I year -3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subjectto maximum 2 marksTotal: 100

Note: (I) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

(i) On behalf of Consultant: Sf. Bridge Design Engineer/Sr. Bridge Engineer (Design only)

I(ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer (or equivalent) and above

3.3 Resident cum Highway Engineer

S. Description Max. Reference/ MarksNo. Points Details of self

(!rojects assessedClaimed by thefor self bidder

assessment1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21 25I) Post Graduation in Civil Engineering 04


2 Adequacy for the Project 70Professional Experience

i)Experience in supervision of Highway projects 40< 15 years- 0

15 years- 32

Add two marks extra for each additional completedyear of experience subject to maximum 8 (eight)marks.

ii) No. of major2/ 4/6-laning projects handled 25< 2 nos -02 nos -22

I Add one mark extra for each additional project subjectto maximum 3(three) marks.

iii) Experience of Highway Project of 5Construction/Construction Supervision/IC on PPPMode2.5 marks for each project subject to maximum 5 (five)marks

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal


iii) Experience in similar capacity in supervision of Major 20Highway Bridges< 2 Bridges -002 Bridge -17Add 1 (one) mark extra for each additional bridgesubject to maximum 3(three) mark.

iv) Experience in supervision of Rehabilitation and 10repair of Major Bridges .<2 -02 nos -083 or more -10

v) Experience in International best practices of modern 5bridge construction technology viz., PrecastSegmental, Balanced Cantilever Construction,Extradosed BridgeFull Span Launching, Incremental Launching.Experience in I project - 4More than one project - 5 marks

3 Employment with the Firm 5< I year -0lyeM ~Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marksTotal: 100

Note: (1) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

(i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Bridge Engineer/Project Manager(Bridges)

(ii) On behalf of Government: Executive Engineer

(2) Only those projects will be considered where at least 6 months input has been claimed.

3.6 Senior Pavement Specialist

Reference/Details of



projects assessedClaimed for self by the

assessment bidder1 GeneralQualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering I 21 25

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

iv) Experience oncomputer aided design methods 5for civil/Highway Engineering with particular

I reference to CAD application to geometric designfor Highway rehabilitation and/or upgradingprojects

1 Project -42 or more -5

v) Experience on major Highway projects on PPP 5mode

1 Project -42 or more -5

3 Employment with the Firm 5< I year -01 year -3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marksTotal: 100

3.5 Bridge/Structural Engineer

S. Description Max. Reference/ MarksNo. Points Details of self

I!rojects assessedClaimed by thefor self bidder

assessment1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21 25

II) Post Graduation in Structural Engineering 04I

2 Adequacy for the Project 70


i) Total Professional Experience 15< 15 years -015 years -12Add one mark extra for each additional 2 yearsubject to maximum3(three) marks.

ii) Experience in Construction/Construction Supervision 20of Bridges/Interchanges/any other such structures< 10 years -010 years -17Add I (one) mark extra for each additional completedyear of experience subject to maximum 3 (three)

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

(i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Senior Pavement Specialist/SeniorPavement Engineer/ Senior Pavement Expert

(ii) On behalf of Government: Executive Engineer

2. Only those projects will be considered where at least 6 months input has beenclaimed.

Senior Quality/Material Expert3.7


assessedby thebidder

Max. Reference/Points Details of

projectsClaimed for



25General Qualification1

2521I) Graduate in Civil EngineeringII) Post Graduation in GeotechnicalEngineering/FoundationEngineering/Soil Mechanics/RockMechanics


70Adequacy for the Project2Professional Experience

i) Total Professional Experience 15I< 15 years-O15 years-13Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 2 (two) marks.

ii) Experience in similar capacity in 25Construction/Construction Supervision of majorHighway Projects (2/4/6-laning projects)< 5 years-O5 years-21Add 2.0 (two) marks extra for each additional yearof experience subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.

25iii) Similar Highway projects (2/4/6-laning )handled in similar capacity< 2 nos-O2 nos-20

Add 2.5 marks extra for each additional projectsubject to maximum 5(five) marks.

iv) Experience in latest Quality management 5techniques in Highway Projects using moderntechnology.

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II) Post Graduation in HighwayEngineering/Pavement Design 04

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

2 Adequacy for the ProjectProfessional Experience

i) Professional Experience of Pavement 20Design/Construction and Maintenance ofHighways/Roads/Air Field Runway< 15 years-O15 years-16Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 4 (four)marks.

ii) Experience In Similar capacity In 20Construction/Construction Supervision Of2/4/6-laning of major Highway Projects< 5 years-O5 years-17Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 3 (three)marks.

iii) Experience as Pavement/Geo-technical 25Engineer In construction/ constructionsupervision of Major Highway projects (2/4/6-laning)< 2 nos-O2 nos-21

Add 2.0 (two) marks extra for eachadditional project subject to maximum 4(four) marks.

iv) International Experience Indesign/construction and maintenance offlexible/rigid pavement including latest codalprovision/specifications.Experience in 1 project- 1More than one project - 2 marks

v) Experience In similar capacity onPPP Projects1.5 marks for each project subject tomaximum 3 (three) marks

3 Employment with the Firm< 1 year -0I year -3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent yearsubject to maximum 2 marksTotal:

Note: 1. Similar Capacity includes the following positions






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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

5 years-30Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 10 (ten) marks.

iii) Experience in Road Safety aspects during various 10phases of Highway Project

Preconstruction Design & Development Stage-2

Construction stage-4

One Safety Audit-I(each additional gets 0.5 marks subject tomaximum I)-ISafety Study of sub-urban/Highway Project-I(each additional gets 0.5 marks subject to maximum1)-1

3 Employment with the Firm 5-

< I year 0-

I year 3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marksTotal: 100

3.9 Road Safety Expert

S. Description Max. Reference/ MarksNo. Points Details of self

I2rojects assessedClaimed by thefor self bidder

assessmentGeneral Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21 25II)Post Graduation in


2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experience

i) Total Highway Works Experience 15< 15 years-O15 years-12 ...-


Page 18: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

1 project-3

Add 0.5 (zero point five) marks extra for eachadditional project subject to maximum 2 (two)marks.

3 Employment with the Firm 5< I year- 0I year- 3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marksTotal: 100

Note: (I) Similar Capacity includes the following positions

(i) On behalf of Consultant/Contractor: Senior Quality Expert/Senior MaterialEngineer/Senior Material Expert/Senior Quality Engineer

(ii) On behalf of Government: Executive Engineer

(2) Only those projects will be considered where at least 6 months input hasbeen claimed.

3.8 Traffic and Transportation Expert

S. No. Description Max. Reference/ MarksPoints Details of self

I!rojects assessedClaimed by thefor self bidder

assessment1 General Qualification 25

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21 25II) Post Graduation in Traffic

04Engineering/Transportation Enggor planning

2 Adequacy for the Project 70Professional Experience

i) Total Professional Experience 20< 15 years-O15 years-I 6Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 4 (four) marks.

ii) Similar Experience as Traffic & Transportation 40Expert/Traffic Engineer! Transportation Expert on atleast one Major Highway Project (2/4/6-laning)< 5 years-O

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Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experiencei) Total Experience as a Financial Advisor 60

particularly in the field of project financing

< 8 years- 08 years- 50

Add I (one) mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 10 (ten) marks.

ii) Advisory experience in the field of transportation 10project.< I year -0Add I (one) mark extra for each year of experiencesubject to maximum I0 (ten) marks.

3 Employment with the Firm 5 I

< I year-OI year-3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marksTotal: 100

3.11 Legal Expert

S. Description Max. Reference/ Marks selfNo Points Details of assessed

(!rojects by theClaimed for bidder


1 General Qualification 25

Law Graduate with Registered Lawyer in Bar 25Council

2 Adequacy for the Project 70

Professional Experience

i) Total Experience In contracts and financial 40documentation related to project financing.

< 8 years -08 years - 33

Add I (one) mark extra for each additional year of

Page 20: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 3 (three) marks.

ii) Experience in Road Safety works on Major Highway 15(2/4/6-laning) Project.< 10 years-O10 years-I 3Add one mark extra for each additional year ofexperience subject to maximum 2 (two) marks.

iii) Experience in Road Safety Audits of 2/ 4/6-laning 30Highway projects at different stages including at least oneat design stage< 2 nos-O2 nos-25

Add I (one) mark extra for each additional project subjectto maximum 5(five) marks.

iv) Involvement in Preparation of Road Safety Policy of 2Nation /State/City.One mark for each project subject to maximum2 (two) marks.

v) Experience of preparing Road Safety Management Plans 3for Inter Urban Highway on PPP Mode

I project -2 marks2 or more-3 marks

vi) International Exposure in field of Road Safety 5Management Plan

1 project -4 marks2 or more-S marks

3 Employment with the Firm 5< 1 year -01 year - 3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marks

I Total: 100

3.10 Financial Expert

S. Description Max. Reference/ Marks selfNo. Points Details of assessed

Qrojects by theClaimed for bidder


1 General Qualification 25MBA(Finance )/Chartered Accountant 25

Page 21: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

Team Leader Cum Senior Highway12I. Engineer 24

2. Senior Bridge Design Engineer 3 I

3. Resident cum Highway Engineer (2 nos.) M48 612

4. Highway Design Engineer 4 2

5. Bridge/Structural Engineer 5


6. Senior Pavement Specialist 3 I

7. Senior Quality cum Material Expert (2 nos.) ;632- 1

8. Traffic and Transportation Expert 3.5 0.5

9. Road Safety Expert 5 I

10. Financial Expert 3.5 0.5

II. Legal Expert 2 I

Sub Total W133 U36

Total for Construction and O&M

B: Sub Professional StaffI

12. Survey Engineer (2 nos) 36 12

13. Assistant Highway Engineer (2nos) 42 6

14. CAD Expert 2 2

Page 22: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering





PERFORMANCE SECURITYThe successful consulting firm shall have to submit a Bank Guarantee (BG) foranamount of 2.50% of the Contract Value within 15 days of issue of LOA.

The BG shall be valid for a period of 38 months i.e. upto 2 months beyond the expiryof the Contract of 36 months. The BG shall be in the format specified in AppendixlJ-ofdraft contract form .

experience subject to maximum 7 (seven) marks.

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal



ii) Experience in financial documentation related to 20project financing.<4 years - 04 years - 17Add ~ (one) ~ark extra for each additional year 01expenence subject to maximum 3 (three) marks.

iii) Advisory experience in Highway/transportation 10sector.< I year -0

Add I (one) mark extra for each year of experiencesubject to maximum 10 (ten) marks.

3 Employment with the Firm S< 1 year -0I year -3Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum 2 marksTotal: 100



S. Man-month in Man-month in


Developmentand 12

Key PersonnelConstructionperiod of

months O&Mperiod



A: Key Personnel


Page 23: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

AddendumNo. 6 to theRequest for proposal


21 SCC Clause The Authorised Representative is:I

1.9 For the Client: Additional Chief Engineer (PPP) IPage 105


SCC Clause The time period shall be 36 months (~ 6 months for ~eveloQment Periodl W2422

2.4 monthsfor construction period and ~ 6 months for O&M penod)


23 SCC Clause Consultant will maintain at its expenses; Professional Liability Insurance including3.4 (ii) coverage for errors and omissions caused by Consultant's negligence in ~he

Page 105 performance of its duties under this agreement, (A) For the amount not exceedingtotal payments for Professional Fees and Reimbursable Expenditures made orexpected to be made to the Consultants hereunder OR illl the proceeds, the

\ Consultants may be entitled to receive from any insurance maintained by theConsultants to cover such a liability, whichever of (A) or (B) is higher.

24 SCC Clause Proceedings shall, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, be held in f}elffi]aipur.8.2.5 aPage 112

25 Appendix E The Consultants Key personnel and all other Professional/Sub Professional/Supportpagel17 Staff / Sub-Consultancy personnel shall work 6 days (Mondays through Saturday)

every week and observe the Gazetted Holidays of Government of ffiEltaRajasthan asHolidayswith prior apQroval of Project Director.



(Clause -W.12 of TOR)

............27 Clause 18 RFP submission must be received not later than 1100 hrs on 24.0l.2017 31.01.2017 in

of Section 1 the manner specified in the RFP document at the address given below:page 07

28 Clause ~id must be sub~itted online only through e-procurement portal of State Government8.2.3. of r.e, http://eproc.raJasthan.gov.in using the digital signature of authorised representativeSection 2 of the Bidder on or before 24.01.2017 31.01.2017 - (upto 1100 hrs 1ST).page 19

Page 24: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

15. Environmental Engineer2 1

16. Assistant Bridge Engineer (2 nos) 36 0

17. Assistant Quality cum Material Engineer

(3nos)66 6

18. Electrical Engineer 4 219. HTMS/Toll Expert I 020. Quantity Surveyor 24 621. Sub Total 213 35

Total for Construction and O&M

Note: (i) The qualification and experience of Sub Professional staff would not beaccounted inthe evaluation. However, Consultant shall have to get their CVsapproved from PWDbeforemobilization. The other inputs like support staff shall also be provided by the Consultant of anacceptable type commensurating with the roles and responsibilities of each position.

18 Appendix B- ..................We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the1 above in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated (Date). and our Proposal.

We are hereby submitting our TechnicalProposal. the Financial Proposal has beenPage-43uploaded on www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.inwhieh iHeh:laes this +eehHieal Pfsj3ssalaHa a FiHaHeial Pwpssal sealea uHaef a sej3afate eHvelspe for the above mentionedwork ............

19 SCC Clause 1.1 (a)1 (a) The words ..............1.1 (a)

Page 104

20 SCCClient: Public works Department of RajasthanClause 1.6.1

NirmanBhawan,Jacob RoadPage 104JAIPUR 302006.

Attention: Additional Chief Engineer (PPP)

Cable address:I Telex: 0141-5110547:

Fax: 0141-5110547.........

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal


Page 25: Date:18.01.2017 Public Works Department …pwd.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/doitassets/Roads... · More than 5years 2marks 2. Average Annual Turnover ... Graduate inCivil Engineering

Addendum No. 6 to theRequest for proposal

29 Clause The Authority shall open Technical BIDs on 24.01.2017 31.01.2017 at 1130 hours 1ST,8.4.2. of in the presence of the authorized representatives of the Bidders, who choose to attend.Section 2 Technical BID of only those bidders shall be online opened whose documents listed at

clause 3.1 of the RFP have been physically received. The Authority will subsequentlypage 20 examine and evaluate the BIDs in accordance with the provisions of clause 5 and Data

Sheet of RFP.

30 Clause ..'-6 The time and date of submission: 1100 hrs on 24.01.2017 3l.0l.2017. The pointsIof data assigned to Technical Evaluation criteria are:

sheet page21



\ '( op Kulsh shtha)

Addl. Chief Engineer (PPP),PWD Rajasthan, Jaipur