Everyday AI with Workplace Analytics & MyAnalytics Data-driven transformation

Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

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Page 1: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

Everyday AI with Workplace Analytics & MyAnalytics

Data-driven transformation

Page 2: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

The reality of modern work


time demands


amounts of data



28% of week spent


39% say personal time

disrupted by work weekly, 50% increase in time spent

collaborating, 44% of meeting

time is unproductive

Page 3: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

The reality of modern work

75% of organizations are transforming to keep pace with a rapidly evolving world

50% of transformations are failing to deliver impactful results because people’s behavior doesn’t change

75% 50%

McKinsey Quarterly Transformation Executive Survey

Page 4: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

knowl·edge work


an occupation characterized by non-routine cognitive work

Businesses are increasingly dependent on knowledge worker productivity

Page 5: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

With behavioral data, we can shift from soft to hard science

through data-driven cultural transformation

Page 6: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

Meetings & emails Focus time

After-hours meetings

After-hours email


Email hours

Meeting hours

Multitasking hours

Avg meeting length

Avg meeting size

Meeting frequency

Collaboration time

Email frequency

Internal network size

External network size

Internal collab time

External network growth

External collab time

Internal network growth

Internal meeting hours

External meeting hours

Internal email hours

External email hours

After-hours external email hours

After-hours external meeting hours

After-hours internal email hours

After-hours internal meeting hours

Avg external meeting count

Avg internal meeting count

Avg internal meeting size

Avg external meeting size

Avg meeting time w/ geo

Avg geo meeting time

Avg email time w/ geo

Avg geo email time

Geographic insularity

Avg geo network size

Avg geo external network size

Avg geo internal network size

Avg geo external meeting duration

Avg geo internal meeting duration

Avg geo focus time

Avg geo after-hours time

Avg meeting time w/ dept

Avg dept meeting time

Avg email time w/ dept

Avg dept email time

Departmental insularity

Avg dept network size

Avg dept external network size

Avg dept internal network size

Avg dept external meeting duration

Avg dept internal meeting duration

Avg dept focus time

Avg dept after-hours time

Avg level meeting time

Avg email time w/ level

Avg level email time

Insularity by level

Avg level network size

Avg level external network size

Avg level internal network size

Avg level external meeting duration

Avg level focus time

Skip-level exposure

Customer network breadth

Customer network depth

Cost to serve

Deal stage collaboration time

Percent of opportunities won

Account prioritization

Opportunity sponsor collaboration

Opportunity sponsor collaboration

Pre opportunity collaboration

Internal role diversity

Top performer internal network size

Top performer external network size

Collaboration time by performance

After-hours time by performance

Manager 1:1 time by performance

Skip-level interaction by performance

Focus hours by performance

Interdepartmental collaboration time by performance

Intradepartmental collaboration time by performance

Highly engaged internal network size

Highly engaged external network size

Collaboration time by engagement level

After-hours by engagement level

Manager 1:1 time by engagement level

Skip-level interaction by engagement level

Focus hours by engagement level

Interdepartmental collaboration time by engagement level

Intradepartmental collaboration time by engagement level

Page 7: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built







Microsoft GraphThe largest graph of human activity at work ever created

Dynamics 365



470BEmails processed per


420BOffice user interactions

observed per month

100MExcel charts created

per month

6.5TThreats signals analyzed


560MPowerPoint slides

created per month

Page 8: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

Unlocks creativity

Built for teamwork

Integrated for simplicity

Intelligent security & compliance

A complete, intelligent, secure solution to empower employees

Everyday AI for employees Everyday AI for organizations

Page 9: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

Individual Organization

Aggregate insights on how your company works

Show how collaboration impacts business outcomes

Drive culture change with data and flexible analysis

Personal, private productivity insights

Focus, find balance, and strengthen relationships

Work smarter with intelligent nudges in Office 365

Page 10: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

How does it work?

Native Office 365


Start with aggregated

behavioral data from

everyday work in

collaboration tools



Map behavioral data to


attributes to reveal

collaboration patterns



Bring in other data

sources to connect

collaboration patterns

to business outcomes



Use powerful insights to

make better business

decisions and transform

your organization

Workplace Analytics provides flexible privacy controls for data access and usage and compliance to help you protect your data.

+ + =

Page 11: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

How data-driven transformation can be implemented

Insights for the Organization

Measure and optimize

Change behavior with suggestions and goals

Insights for the Individual

Page 12: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

DemoMyAnalyticsOutlook add-in & nudges, Personal dashboard, Weekly digest

Workplace AnalyticsExplore the metrics, Custom queries, Power BI Templates

Page 13: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

Provide more white space on the

calendar for planning &


Reduce large meeting sizes with

a high degree of functional


Improve work-life balance with

less after hours work

Reduce the organizational load

employees place on each other

Fosters innovation and employee engagement to attract top talent and boost productivity

Calendaring focus blocks

up to 4 hours more per


Reduced meeting hour

attendance by up to 4

hours per week

Even with increased

demand, maintained or

decreased after-hours


Reduced organizational load

by up to 50%

“My productivity increased because I

declined meetings I didn’t need to attend.”

“I’m more deliberate about planning and

protecting my focus time.”

“I delegate more


“I learned I am more productive

when I multitask less.”

Page 14: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built

“We need to get things out of people's way so that they can drive the

innovation that is inherent in this organization.“

“The saved hours add up quickly…we can give employees 4-5 extra

hours per week to get their actual work done.”

Companies leading the way

“The data we gain in Workplace Analytics can help us have a

positive impact by adapting the work environment to better support

those processes and culture that people or organizations are

interested in creating.”

“Walmart continues to foster a curious, collaborative, accountable, and agile

culture to position the company for further growth. To do that, it’s critical to

have tools that encourage those skills and traits.”

Page 15: Data-driven transformation · 2020-02-06 · Excel charts created per month 6.5T Threats signals analyzed daily 560M PowerPoint slides created per month. Unlocks creativity Built