Short  Teachings & Sayings  by the 14. Dalai Lama  Tenzin Gyatso 

Dalai Lama - Short Teachings and Sayings

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 Teachings & Sayings

 by the 14. Dalai Lama 

 Tenzin Gyatso 

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I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy.

From the moment of birth,

every human being wants happiness

and does not want suffering.

... From the very core of our being,

we simply desire contentment.

... Therefore, it is important 

to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness.

A Brief BiographyHis Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is both the head of state and thespiritual leader of Tibet. He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet

located in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet. At the age of twothe child, who was named Lhamo Dhondup at that time wasrecognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama,Thubten Gyatso. The Dalai Lamas are believed to bemanifestations of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, theBodhisattva of Compassion and patron saint of Tibet.Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have postponedtheir own nirvana and chosen to take rebirth in order to servehumanity.

Education in Tibet

His Holiness began his monastic education at the age of six.The curriculum consisted of five major and five minor subjects.The major subjects were logic, Tibetan art and culture,

Sanskrit, medicine, and Buddhist philosophy which was further divided into a further fivecategories: Prajnaparimita, the perfection of wisdom; Madhyamika, the philosophy of themiddle Way; Vinaya, the canon of monastic discipline; Abidharma, metaphysics; andPramana, logic and epistemology. The five minor subjects were poetry, music and drama,astrology, motre and phrasing, and synonyms. At 23 he sat for his final examination in theJokhang Temple, Lhasa, during the annual Monlam (prayer) Festival in 1959. He passedwith honours and was awarded the Geshe Lharampa degree, the highest-level degreeequivalent to a doctorate of Buddhist philosophy.

Leadership Responsibilities

In 1950 His Holiness was called upon to assume full political power after China's invasionof Tibet in 1949. In 1954, he went to Beijing for peace talks with Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders, including Deng Xiaoping and Chou Enlai. But finally, in 1959, with thebrutal suppression of the Tibetan national uprising in Lhasa by Chinese troops, HisHoliness was forced to escape into exile. Since then he has been living in Dharamsala,northern India, the seat of the Tibetan political administration in exile.


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Three Main CommitmentsHis Holiness has three main commitments in life.

Firstly, on the level of a human being, His

Holiness’ first commitment is the promotion of human values such as compassion, forgiveness,tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. Allhuman beings are the same. We all wanthappiness and do not want suffering. Even peoplewho do not believe in religion recognize theimportance of these human values in making their life happier. His Holiness refers to these human values as secular ethics. He remainscommitted to talk about the importance of these human values and share them witheveryone he meets.

Secondly, on the level of a religious practitioner, His Holiness’ second commitment is thepromotion of religious harmony and understanding among the world’s major religioustraditions. Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the samepotential to create good human beings. It is therefore important for all religious traditions torespect one another and recognize the value of each other’s respective traditions. As far as one truth, one religion is concerned, this is relevant on an individual level. However, for the community at large, several truths, several religions are necessary.

Thirdly, His Holiness is a Tibetan and carries the name of the ‘Dalai Lama’. Tibetans placetheir trust in him. Therefore, his third commitment is to the Tibetan issue. His Holiness’ hasa responsibility to act as the free spokesperson of the Tibetans in their struggle for justice. As far as this third commitment is concerned, it will cease to exist once a mutually

beneficial solution is reached between the Tibetans and Chinese.

However, His Holiness will carry on with the first two commitments till his last breath.


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The practice of patience guards us against losing our presence of mind.

It enables us to remain undisturbed,

even when the situation is really difficult.

It gives us a certain amount of inner peace,which allows us some self-control,

so that we can choose to respond to situations

in an appropriate and compassionate manner,

rather than being driven by our disturbing emotions.

Warm-heartedness reinforces our self-confidence – giving us not a blind confidence,

but a sense of confidence based on reason.

When you have that you can act transparently, with nothing to hide!

Likewise, if you are honest, the community will trust you.

Trust brings friendship,

as a result of which you can always feel happy.

Whether you look to the right or the left, you will always be able to smile.


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Every one of us is getting older,

which is a natural process.

Time is constantly moving on, second by second.

Nothing can stop it, but what we can do is use our time properly; that is in our hands.

Whether we believe in a spiritual tradition or not,

we need to use our time meaningfully.

If over days, weeks, months and years,

we have used our time in a meaningful way – when our last day comes,

we'll be happy, we'll have no regrets.

One should practise spirituality with a motivation similar to that of a child

fully absorbed in play.

Such a child is so delighted and engrossed in what he is doing

that he never feels satisfied or tired.

Such should be your mental attitude when practising Dharma.



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The many factors which divide us

are actually much more superficial than those we share.

Despite all of the things that differentiate us

 – race, language, religion, gender, wealth and so on –

we are all equal concerning our fundamental humanity.

The first drawback of anger is that it destroys your inner peace;

the second is that it distorts your view of reality.

If you think about this

and come to understand that anger is really unhelpful,

that it is only destructive,

you can begin to distance yourself from anger.

If each of us can learn to relate to each other more out of compassion,

with a sense of connection to each other 

and a deep recognition of our common humanity,and more important,

to teach this to our children,

I believe that this can go a long way

in reducing many of the conflicts and problems that we see today.


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 A compassionate attitude helps

you communicate more easily with your fellow human beings.

 As a result,

you make more genuine friends

and the atmosphere around you is more positive,

which gives you greater inner strength.

This inner strength helps you spontaneously concern yourself with others,

instead of thinking only about yourself.

Disturbing emotions not only disturb our own state of mind,

they also disturb the minds of others.

Self-centredness gives rise to fear and insecurity,

which in turn creates distrust.

This is why having an altruistic attitude

brings a great sense of happiness and peace of mind.


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has a great deal to do with warm-heartedness

and respect

for the lives of others,

avoiding doing them harm

and regarding their lives as being as precious as our own.

If, on that basis,

we can also be of help to others,

so much the better.


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 Although violence and the use of force

may appear powerful and decisive,

their benefits are short-lived.

Violence can never bring a lasting and long term resolution to any problem,

because it is unpredictable and for every problem it seems to solve,

others are created.

On the other hand,

truth remains constant and will ultimately prevail.


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Giving material goods is one form of generosity,

but one can extend an attitude of generosity into all one's behavior.

Being kind, attentive, and honest in dealing with others,

offering praise where it is due,

giving comfort and advice where they are needed,

and simply sharing one's time with someone - all these are forms of generosity,

and they do not require any particular level of material wealth.

If we can manage to refrain from harming others

in our everyday actions and words,

we can start to give more serious attention to actively doing good,

and this can be a source of great joy and inner confidence.

We can benefit others through our actions

by being warm and generous toward them,

by being charitable,

and by helping those in need.


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The practice of patience protects us from losing our composure.

In doing that it enables us to exercise discernment,

even in the heat of difficult situations.

It gives us inner space.

 And within that space we gain a degree of self-control,

which allows us to respond to situations

in an appropriate and compassionate manner 

rather than being driven by our anger and irritation.

When we are angry we are blind to reality.

 Anger may bring us a temporary burst of energy,

but that energy is blind and it blocks the part of our brain

that distinguishes right from wrong.

To deal with our problems,

we need to be practical and realistic.

If we are to be realistic,

we need to use our human intelligence properly,

which means we need a calm mind.


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 Anger cannot be overcome by anger.

f someone is angry with you,

and you show anger in return,

the result is a disaster.

On the other hand,

if you control your anger and show its opposite

 – love, compassion, tolerance and patience –

not only will you remain peaceful,

but the other person's anger will also diminish.


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For the rest of your life to be as meaningful as possible,

engage in spiritual practice if you can.

It is nothing more than acting out of concern for others.

If you practice sincerely and with persistence,

little by little,

step by step

you will gradually reorder your habits and attitudes

so as to think less about your own narrow concerns

and more about others'

 – and thereby find peace and happiness yourself.

Everybody wants a happy life.But sometimes people,

in order to achieve a happy and successful life,

rely entirely on external means like money and power.

I think this is a mistake.


the source of happiness and joyfulness is within ourselves.

 And once our mind is more calm and joyful,

then our activities can be more effective.


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My true religion, my simple faith is in love and compassion.

There is no need for complicated philosophy, doctrine, or dogma.

Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple.

The doctrine is compassion.

Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity,

no matter who or what they are - these are ultimately all we need.


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Our life depends on others so much

that at the root of our existence is a fundamental need for love.

That is why it is good to cultivate an authentic sense of responsibility

and concern

for the welfare of others.

True happiness

comes from having a sense of inner peace and contentment,

which in turn must be achieved by

cultivating altruism, love and compassion,

and by eliminating anger, selfishness and greed.


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Compassion creates a positive, friendly atmosphere.

With such an attitude,

you can create the possibility of receiving affection

or a positive response from someone else.

If the other person doesn't respond to you in a positive way,

your own feeling of openness

gives you the flexibility and freedom

to change your approach as needed

and still allows for the possibility of having a meaningful conversation with them.

It is my firm conviction

that human nature is essentially compassionate and gentle.

That is the predominant feature of human nature.

 Anger, violence, and aggression may arise,

but on a secondary or more superficial level;

in a sense,

they arise when we are frustrated in our efforts to achieve love and affection.

They are not part of our most basic,

underlying nature.


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My basic belief is

that first you need to realize the usefulness of compassion,

that's the key factor.

Once you accept the fact

that compassion is not something childish or sentimental,

once you realize that compassion is something really worthwhile

and realize its deeper value,

then you immediately develop an attraction towards it,

a willingness to cultivate it.

People often expect the other person to respond first in a positive way,

instead of taking the initiative to create that possibility.

I feel that's wrong;

it can act as a barrier that just promotes a feeling of isolation from others.

To overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness,

your underlying attitude makes a tremendous difference –approaching others with the thought of compassion in your mind is the best way.


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When we speak of a calm state of mind or peace of mind,

we shouldn't confuse that with an insensitive state of apathy.

Having a calm or peaceful state of mind

doesn't mean being spaced out or completely empty.

Peace of mind or a calm state of mind

is rooted in affection and compassion

and is sensitive and responsive to others.

Even our physical structure

seems more suited to feelings of love and compassion.

We can see how a calm, affectionate, wholesome state of mind

benefits our health and physical well-being.

Conversely, feelings of frustration, fear, agitation, and anger 

can be destructive to our health.

This is why we are impelled to seek happiness.


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Hatred, jealousy and excessive attachment

cause suffering and agitation.

I feel compassion can help us overcome these disturbances

and let us return to a calm state of mind.

Compassion is not just being kind to your friend.

That involves attachment because it is based on expectation.

Compassion is when you do something good without any expectations

 – based on realizing that “the other person is also just like me”.

I am especially encouraged to see

that thinking of consumerism as an end in itself 

seems to be giving way to an appreciation

that we humans must conserve the earth's resources.


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The compassionate mind is very important.

Fear, anger, jealousy

are based on a self-centered attitude.

By developing a sense of caring for others' well-being

your heart automatically opens

and that brings transparency, straightforwardness and honesty,

which leads to friendship.

We are social animals,

and one individual's survival relies entirely on the rest of the community.


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 According to my own experience,

the highest level of inner calm

comes from the development of love and compassion.

The more concerned we are with the happiness of others,

the more we increase our own well-being.

Friendliness and warmth towards others

allow us to relax

and help us to dispel any sense of fear or insecurity

so we can overcome whatever obstacles we face.

I feel that compassionate thought

is the most precious thing there is.

It is something that only we human beings can develop.

 And if we have a good heart, a warm heart, warm feelings,

we will be happy and satisfied ourselves,

and our friends will experience a friendly and peaceful atmosphere as well.

This can be experienced

community to community,country to country,

continent to continent.


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Given the scale of life in the cosmos,

one human life is no more than a tiny blip.

Each one of us is a just visitor to this planet, a guest,

who will only stay for a limited time.

What greater folly could there be than to spend this short time alone,

unhappy or in conflict with our companions?

Far better, surely,

to use our short time here in living a meaningful life,

enriched by our sense of connection with others and being of service to them.

Our good fortune is dependent upon the cooperation and contributions of others.

Every aspect of our present well-being is due to hard work on the part of others.

 As we look around us at the buildings we live and work in,

the roads we travel,

the clothes we wear,

or the food we eat,

we have to acknowledge that all are provided by others.

None of them would exist for us to enjoyand make use of were it not for the kindness of so many people unknown to us.


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We are,

you might say, “brainwashed” into thinking

that money is the source of happiness,

while what we really need to know is

that inner peace is something that comes from within.

It is vital that young people,

the guardians of our future,

develop a strong awareness of the futility of violence and war.

They can learn from the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.,

that non-violence is the best way

to ensure peace in the long term.

Because the twentieth century was a century of violence,

let us make the twenty-first a century of dialogue.


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The quality of everything we do:

our physical actions,

our verbal actions,

and even our mental actions,

depends on our motivation.

That's why it's important for us to examine our motivation in our day to day life.

If we cultivate respect for others

and our motivation is sincere,

if we develop a genuine concern for others’ well-being,

then all our actions will be positive.

Gaining mastery over our destructive propensities,

through the exercise of awareness and self-discipline

with regard to our body, speech, and mind,

frees us from the inner turmoil

that naturally arises when our behaviour is at odds with our ideals.

In place of this turmoil come

confidence, integrity, and dignity -eroic qualities all human beings naturally aspire to.


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Our world and our lives have become increasingly interdependent,

so when our neighbour is harmed, it affects us too.

Therefore we have to abandon outdated notions of “them” and “us”

and think of our world much more in terms of a great “US”,

a greater human family.

Every morning when I wake up,I dedicate myself to helping others to find peace of mind.

Then, when I meet people,

think of them as long term friends;

I don't regard others as strangers.


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True compassion

is not just an emotional response

but a firm commitment founded on reason.

Therefore, a truly compassionate attitude towards others

does not change even if they behave negatively.

For a person who cherishes compassion and love,

the practice of tolerance is essential,

and for that, an enemy is indispensable.

So we should feel grateful to our enemies,

for it is they who can best help us develop a tranquil mind!

 Also, itis often the case in both personal and public life,

that with a change in circumstances, enemies become friends.

 According to Buddhist philosophy,

happiness is the result of an enlightened mind

whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.This is very important.

 A distorted mind,

in contrast to an enlightened mind,

is one that is not in tune with reality.


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However, as human beings we are gifted with this wonderful human intelligence.

Besides that, all human beings have the capacity to be very determined and to direct thatstrong sense of determination in whatever direction they like.

So long as we remember that we have this marvellous gift of human intelligence and acapacity to develop determination and use it in positive ways, we will preserve our 

underlying mental health.

Realizing we have this great human potential gives us a fundamental strength.

This recognition can act as a mechanism that enables us to deal with any difficulty, nomatter what situation we are facing, without losing hope or sinking into feelings of low self-


 As a Buddhist monk I have learned that what principally upsets our inner peace is what wecall disturbing emotions.

 All those thoughts, emotions, and mental events

which reflect a negative or uncompassionate state of mind

inevitably undermine our experience of inner peace.

 All our negative thoughts and emotions

- such as hatred, anger, pride, lust, greed, envy, and so on -

are considered to be sources of difficulty, to be disturbing.

Negative thoughts and emotions

are what obstruct our most basic aspiration - to be happy and to avoid suffering.

When we act under their influence,we become oblivious to the impact our actions have on others:

they are thus the cause of our destructive behaviour 

both toward others and to ourselves.

Murder, scandal, and deceit all have their origin in disturbing emotions.


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Kindness and a good heart

are the foundation for success in this life,

progress on the spiritual path,

and the fulfillment of our aspirations.

Our need for them is not limited

to any specific time, place, society, or culture.


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 Affection and a calm mind are important to us.

 A calm mind is good for our physical health,

but it also enables us to use our intelligence properly

and to see things more realistically.

 Affection too is important because it counters

anger, hatred and suspicion

that can prevent our minds from functioning clearly.

Like anyone else,

I too have the potential for violence;

I too have anger in me.

However, I try to recall that anger is a destructive emotion.

I remind myself that scientists now say

that anger is bad for our health;

it eats into our immune system.

So, anger destroys our peace of mind and our physical health.

We shouldn’t welcome it or think of it as natural or as a friend.


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 As human beings we are all the same.

We have this marvelous intelligence,

which sometimes creates problems for us,

but when influenced by warm-heartedness can be very constructive.

In this context we need to appreciate the value of having moral principles.


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Peace and religious harmony come about through taking action,

not necessarily through making prayers and good wishes.

In order to carry action out,

enthusiasm is very important,

and enthusiasm comes from being clear about our goal

and the possibility of our fulfilling it.

Here, we need educate young people

about our ultimate goal, peace in the world,

and how to fulfil it

by cultivating inner peace within themselves.


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Developing concern for others,

thinking of them as part of us,

brings self-confidence,

reduces our sense of suspicion and mistrust,and enables us to develop a calm mind.

Modern education is premised strongly on materialistic values.It is vital that when educating our children’s brains

that we do not neglect to educate their hearts,

a key element of which has to be the

nurturing of our compassionate nature.


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 Although we are all the same

in not wanting problems and wanting a peaceful life,

we tend to create a lot of problems for ourselves.

Encountering those problems,

anger develops and overwhelms our mind,

which leads to violence.

 A good way to counter this and to work for a more peaceful world

is to develop concern for others.

Then our anger, jealousy and other destructive emotions

will naturally weaken and diminish.

 Along with love, compassion is the face of altruism.

It is a feeling from deep in the heart

that you cannot bear others’ suffering without acting to relieve it.

 As compassion grows stronger,

so does your willingness to commit yourself to the welfare of all beings,

even if you have to do it alone.

You will be unbiased in your service to all beings,

no matter how they respond to you.


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in forcing us to exercise greater patience and forbearance in daily life,

actually makes us stronger and more robust.

From the daily experience of hardship comes a greater capacity

to accept difficulties without losing our sense of inner calm.

Of course, I do not advocate seeking out hardship as a way of life,but merely wish to suggest that,

if you relate to it constructively,

it can bring greater inner strength and fortitude.

Recognizing our shared humanity

and our biological nature

as beings whose happiness is dependent on others,

we learn to open our hearts,

and in so doing

we gain a sense of purpose and a sense of connection with those around us.


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Education is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society.

Compassion and peace of mind

bring a sense of confidence that reduce stress and anxiety,

whereas anger and hatred come from frustration and undermine our sense of trust.

Because of ignorance,

many of our problems are our own creation.

Education, however,

is the instrument that increases our ability to employ our own intelligence.

Comparing the 20th century to now there are many hopeful signs.

Look at the way people view war.

These days many people challenge the need for it,

they question why we have to resort to it.

In the early twentieth century there was no talk about protecting the environment,

yet now everyone is aware of it.

Our perceptions are coming closer to reality;

humanity is becoming more mature and I am optimistic about the future.


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We are driven by self-interest, it’s necessary to survive.

But we need wise self-interest that is generous and co-operative,

taking others’ interests into account.

Co-operation comes from friendship,

friendship comes from trust,and trust comes from kind-heartedness.

Once you have a genuine sense of concern for others,

there’s no room for cheating, bullying or exploitation.


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Honest concern for others

is the key factor in improving our day to day lives.

When you are warm-hearted,

there is no room for anger, jealousy or insecurity.

 A calm mind and self-confidence

are the basis for happy and peaceful relations with each other.

Healthy, happy families and

a healthy peaceful nation

are dependent on warm-heartedness.


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There are two kinds of happiness:

the temporary pleasure derived primarily from material comfort alone

and another more enduring comfort that results from the thorough transformation

and development of the mind.

We can see in our own lives that the latter form of happiness is superior 

because when our mental state is calm and happy,

we can easily put up with minor pains and physical discomforts.

On the other hand,

when our mind is restless and upset,

the most comfortable physical facilities do not make us happy.

When we have inner peace,

we can be at peace with those around us.

When our community is in a state of peace,

it can share that peace with neighbouring communities and so on.

When we feel love and kindness toward others,

it not only makes others feel loved and cared for,

but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.


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However capable and skillful an individual may be,

left alone, he or she will not survive.

When we are sick or very young or very old,

we must depend on the support of others.

There is no significant division between us and other people,

because our basic natures are the same.

If we wish to ensure everyone’s peace and happiness

we need to cultivate a healthy respect for the diversity of our peoples and cultures,

founded on an understanding of this fundamental sameness of all human beings.


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By implementing the practice of love and compassion,

we will naturally live a non-violent way of life.

Helping others and not harming them is the work of non-violence.

We need to develop love, compassion and forgiveness

to develop inner peace and that naturally gives rise to non-violent conduct.


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Words of TruthA Prayer Composed by:His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso The Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet

Honoring and Invoking the Great Compassion

of the Three Jewels; the Buddha, the Teachings,and the Spiritual Community

O Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and disciplesof the past, present, and future:Having remarkable qualitiesImmeasurably vast as the ocean,Who regard all helpless sentient beingsas your only child;Please consider the truth of my anguished pleas.

Buddha's full teachings dispel the pain of worldlyexistence and self-oriented peace;May they flourish, spreading prosperity and happiness through-out this spacious world.O holders of the Dharma: scholarsand realized practitioners;May your ten fold virtuous practice prevail.

Humble sentient beings, tormentedby sufferings without cease,

Completely suppressed by seemingly endlessand terribly intense, negative deeds,May all their fears from unbearable war, famine,and disease be pacified,To freely breathe an ocean of happiness and well-being. And particularly the pious peopleof the Land of Snows who, through various means, Are mercilessly destroyed by barbaric hordeson the side of darkness,Kindly let the power of your compassion arise,To quickly stem the flow of blood and tears.

Those unrelentingly cruel ones, objects of compassion,Maddened by delusion's evils,wantonly destroy themselves and others;May they achieve the eye of wisdom,knowing what must be done and undone, And abide in the glory of friendship and love.

May this heartfelt wish of total freedom for all Tibet,Which has been awaited for a long time,be spontaneously fulfilled;

Please grant soon the good fortune to enjoy


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The happy celebration of spiritual with temporal rule.

O protector Chenrezig, compassionately care for Those who have undergone myriad hardships,Completely sacrificing their most cherished lives,bodies, and wealth,

For the sake of the teachings, practitioners,people, and nation.

Thus, the protector Chenrezig made vast prayersBefore the Buddhas and BodhisativasTo fully embrace the Land of Snows;May the good results of these prayers now quickly appear.By the profound interdependence of emptinessand relative forms,Together with the force of great compassionin the Three Jewels and their Words of Truth,

 And through the power of the infallible law of actions and their fruits,May this truthful prayer be unhinderedand quickly fulfilled.

This prayer, Words of Truth, was composed by His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the FourteenthDalai Lama of Tibet, on 29 September 1960 at his temporary headquarters in the Swarg  Ashram at Dharamsala, Kangra District, Himachal State, India. This prayer for restoring  peace, the Buddhist teachings, and the culture and self-determina-tion of the Tibetan people in their homeland was written after repeated requests by Tibetan government officials along with the unanimous consensus of the monastic and lay communities.