Daily Insights

Daily Insights

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Daily Insights. Stop complaining about your Circumstances. It’s extremely rare to find a successful person who complains, and frets about his circumstances. This is despite the fact that he may have overcome great obstacles to achieve his level of success. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Daily Insights

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It’s extremely rare to find a successful person who complains, and frets about his circumstances.This is despite the fact that he may have overcome great obstacles to achieve his level of success.On the other hand, it’s extremely common for struggling individuals to continually blame their circumstances for their lack of joy and happiness.

The real question is: what came first – the attitude or the success?The answer, in virtually all cases, is that the winning, positive attitude came first, followed by a lifetime of success.

All it takes is a simple decision; the decision to stop yourself from falling into the habit of complaining about your circumstances.

As an excuse of complaint comes to mind, gently shoo it away. Don’t worry about it too much.You’ll quickly get used to the nicer feelings that come from a life without complaints.

Stop complaining about your Circumstances

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When we realize having made a mistake, we usually have negative thoughts about ourselves.

This is because we expect the best out of ourselves, i.e., we expect ourselves to be perfect in everything we do. But this expectation prevents us from taking naturally the learning from the situation. We need to realize that perfection does not come by thinking about it but by being busy in whatever we are doing.

With every action of ours comes a learning and this automatically brings perfection.

Perfection comes to the one who is open to learning.

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How often do you find yourself saying, "I'll be happy when..?"

Do you keep one eye on the task and the other eye on the clock? Forward-looking steals our happiness.

When we don't enjoy what we do, we spend more time correcting or dealing with a lack of success.

Instead, put your heart into what you do, make the most mundane tasks fun and enjoy happiness at every moment.

Enjoy What You Do And You Will Get Happiness Every Moment !

I will be happy… When?

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~ The Worry Chart ~

40% of all things we worry about never happen.30% have already happened and we can't do anything about them.12% needless worries about health.10% petty miscellaneous issues 8% real worries. ½ we can do little about, the other ½ we can.

When we worry, we make problems bigger than what they really are.

Instead of worrying, accept whatever you have no control over,

prepare wherever you can and choose happiness instead of worry.

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When we're working in a team, we need to make sure that we inform all the details

to everyone involved in the task.

The task is easy to accomplish when those involved feel part of the team.So, make sure you communicate clearly, simply and openly.

This will naturally create a flow of contributions and enable the teamto give their best to the task.

When we're working in a team, we need to make sure that we inform all the details to everyone involved in the task.

The task is easy to accomplish when those involved feel part of the team. So, make sure you communicate clearly, simply and openly.

This will naturally create a flow of contributions and enable the teamto give their best to the task.

Team work

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When there is a determined thought to overcome weaknesses, you will be free from them.

You only need to take a determined thought to overcome your weaknesses and you will. Then the influence of others' carelessness will not fall on you but the influence of your determination will fall on the others.

Take any weakness of yours and take the determined thought to overcome it.Even if you see others with the same weakness, let it not loosen your determination in overcoming that weakness.

Make sure you don't give any excuses to yourself but work on it till you overcome it.

Concentrate on your Weakness and Remove with Determination

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If you observe the conversations around you, you’ll notice that, often, what many of us do is simplywait for our chance to speak. We’re not really listening to the other person, but simply waiting for an opening to express our own view. We often complete other people’s sentences, or say things like,“Yeah, yeah,” or “I know,” very rapidly, urging them to hurry up so that we can have our turn.

This harried form of communication encourages us to criticize points of view, overreact, misinterpret meaning, and form opinions, all before our fellow communicator is even finished speaking. No wonder we are so often annoyed, bothered, and irritated with one another. Sometimes, with our poor listening skills, it’s a miracle that we have any friends at all!

No need to worry that you won’t get your turn to speak --- you will.In fact, it will be more rewarding to speak because the person you are speaking to will pick up on your respect and patience and will begin to do the same.

We simply wait for our chance to speak

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Thoughts are like Ants.  When one comes, a whole troop arrives. One thought can multiply in a matter of seconds, and then suddenly an army of negative thoughts is on the march.

What are you going to do, to stop the invasion?Have one determined thought to transform a negative thought into a positive one. 

It's easier to win when you deal with only 1 or 2 thoughts.Don't let the negative thoughts multiply - have zero tolerance for their presence, even if it's just for a few minutes. 

Deal With The First Negative Thought & Things Will Be Simple !

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Stay Calm & Give Yourself Some Time !!

Some circumstances are just beyond your control.Often, all you can do is accept this fact, hang in there, stay calm and do your best.

Try to curb your expectations and be understanding of yourself and others.

Everything else will work out in its own time.

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Where there is TRUTH there is victory !

When you are truthful you might temporarily experience dissatisfaction, but you will ultimately attain victory.

When you are going through a time which is difficult for you, remind yourself that the truth within you will ultimately get you victory.

This faith will make you face all situations with a cheerful face.

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Interaction helps bring Confidence !

We are normally good to people who are good to us.But when someone is not behaving well, we tend to change our attitude, our response and our behavior towards that person.We wait for the other person to change, in order to change ourselves. So neither do we find change in others nor in ourselves.

When we know the art of perceiving others’ specialities and connecting to them, we are always successful.We are then not dependent on the other person’s behavior for our own growth. We are able to see each one’s positive aspect and take it in ourselves too. So we are richer with each interaction. The one who knows the art of connecting to others is successful. 

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Instead of changing many different things at once, make a small change and when you're comfortable with that change, move on to the next small change.

Notice small improvements and bask in your inner appreciation. Your confidence will increase.

If there's one or two slip ups, cut yourself some slack. Stay positive and get back on track.

Also, have resolutions reminders. Then you'll be less likely to stray from them! 

Move one Step at a Time !

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Action your Sayings to Build Trust

When there's a gap between what you say & what you do,  both your integrity & people's trust in you seeps away.

Make effort to close the gap between your words & actions.

Don't make promises you can't deliver. 

Do what you say you're going to do. 

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If there is the thought that we can do things ourselves without other people’s help, it means that we have arrogance of our own potential or we are not able to have trust for others.

This lack of trust doesn’t allow us to use others potential for the benefit of the task.

We need to understand the fact that there is greater success in cooperation. It is much more useful to invest our time and resources in training and developing others’ potential.

This brings about the best from people and so there is a greater contribution and hence greater success in every task that we take up.

Cooperation helps get bigger Goals !

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If you are, you might be taking on more work than you should.You might also find yourself avoiding the hard conversations because you don't want to rock the boat.

Imagine how different you'll be in the workplace, if you were to stop being a people pleaser?

Instead of expecting others to be the source of your self worth; take responsibility for how you feel, understand how you work best and recognise the value you bring to your work situation.  

Are you a people pleaser in the workplace ?

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Never believe anyone who says you cannot change, or that you should not tamper with your personality.  The truth is, you are already changing numerous times every day.

It is up to you.  You can either live with the pain that is known as stress - it's what most people do because it seems the easiest way to live - or you set off on the adventure of self-discovery. This is not some New Age fashion. 

Every time you change one of your old habits, of creating pain as a response to life, it will be one more step towards enjoying a riper old age.

If you want to live a long and healthy life, kill your stress and your pain with truth, before it kills you!

No Stress .... Relax !

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The one who is responsible changes first before he expects others to change.

The one who is responsible is a leader. He would take up the responsibility to change himself first instead of waiting for others to change. With the change that he brings in himself he inspires others to change too.

Think of one situation where you are expecting someone else to change. Now think of one aspect in this situation in which you can bring about a change in yourself.

Take up the responsibility of changing this and you will find yourself progressing and others taking the inspiration to change too.

Change Self to Progress !

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You're the star, playing the lead role in the story of your life.However, in addition, you also have roles in many other stories where you're one of the extras or playing a supporting role. 

Not every scene is about you.

When it is someone else's scene, try not to draw the focus towards yourself. When invited give your opinion, otherwise keep your opinions in check.

When you understand that this is their scene and they're playing it their own way, you're free to concentrate on what you're doing. 

Concentrate in Yourself & Your Life

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A Cooperative Effort benefits Everyone !

When you are working for something and that task is for common benefit, you will find that others will easily cooperate with you.Also their good wishes help in the success of the task.

When you take up something new and important, make sure there is some benefit for everyone involved in the task.When you do this you will find that everyone will cooperate with you.

Cooperation comes when there are pure feelings and good wishes for all involved in the task.

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Just as sports coaches help players visualize their goals and victory, in the same way, if you want to create a winning strategy, create a positive vision of yourself and visualize your success. Be a self coach and:

- regularly and effectively assess your personal development

- focus on and enhance that which is positive

- instead of beating yourself up for every mistake and failure, practice positive self talk. 

Be your own Coach !

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Think of a person with whom you find it really difficult to work with. 

Now, make a conscious effort to think of one of their better qualities. 

Remember, each and every individual has something special about them.

Whenever you come into contact with this person, see them with this

positive quality. When you make this a habit, you'll find any resistance

or negativity (on your side) disappearing and cooperation becomes easy. 

Recognize People from their Good Qualities !

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~ Respect other's Choices & learn what made them make those Choices ~

How often do you want to change the choices other people make?

Next time, respect other people's choices and remember:People have good reasons for the choices they make.

Each person learns about life at their own pace, through their own pace, through their own experiences and the lessons they need to learn are not yours.

You can't change anyone. You can only change yourself.

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We usually find ourselves to be slaves of the past !

The situation has occurred and has gone by but we are not able to forgive and forget the past. We continue to think about it again and again. This brings about the same feelings and experience of the past and we are simply caught up in it.

We need to free our mind of the past.We need to see what we have learnt from the past situation, take that and be free from it. We need to forgive and forget. We can forget only when we forgive and we can forgive only when we learn.

When we take the learning from every situation, we are able to be free from being a slave of the past.

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Two bulls always fight in our mind.

"Negative Thinking & Positive Thinking"

Do you know which one wins in the end ?

''The one which we feed the most "

Negative & Positive Thinking

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How often do you forget where you've put your wallet, keys ...?Or do you can't remember if you've locked the door or left the iron on?

Is it because you can't keep your mind on what you're doing? Are your thoughts wandering off because there are many others things on your mind?

Here's a tip: Just do one thing at a time. Be present and focus on what you are doing

Do one thing at a Time ~

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We often develop ill feelings inside our heart for the person who insults us or harms us.

We nurture grievances. This in turn results in loss of sleep, development of stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure. This insult or injury was done once, but nourishing of grievance goes on forever by constantly remembering it.

Get over this bad habit. Believe in the justice of God.

Let Him judge the act of the one who insulted you.Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forgive, Forget, and march on. Love flourishes in giving and forgiving. There is nothing wrong with the outside world, let the world remain as it is. Irrespective of whatever you have, if you DO NOT HAVE PEACE OF MIND, Life will have has no meaning!

We all are searching PEACE in the external worldwhereas PEACE lies WITHIN US ONLY.... We just need to find it to live a happy life.

" Peace of Mind "

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Ctrl + Alt + Del ~~ 3 Keys to Enjoy Life

Ctrl ~ Control yourself Alt ~ Look for Alternative Solutions

Del ~ Delete the situation which gives you tension.

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What is the secret of Success ?“ RIGHT DECISIONS "

How do you make Right Decisions ?" EXPERIENCE "

How do you get Experience ?"WRONG DECISONS"

What is the secret of Success ?