DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2013 (PAGE 7) Sham reviews progress on PHE, I&FC projects Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18; Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, Sham Lal Sharma, today convened a high level meeting to review the status of various ongoing development projects under PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control. During the meeting, the Minister had a detailed review of the ongoing works, pace of restoration works at flood dam- aged sites besides implementa- tion of decisions taken in the previous meetings. He asked the officers of both the departments to raise awareness among the public about the importance of conservation of water resources and its judicial use. Among others the meeting was attended by Commissioner Secretary, PHE, I&FC, Dr Pawan Kotwal, Chief Engineer PHE, K K Gupta, Chief Engineer, RTIC, H C Jerath, SEs, Executive Engineers of PHE, I&FC of Jammu division and other senior engineers and officers of con- cerned departments. The meeting held exhaustive discussion on various aspects relating to development of new PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control schemes in the uncov- ered areas across Jammu divi- sion. He also took stock of drinking water supply, function- ing of irrigation tube wells, works taken up for the revival of traditional water bodies and ponds, water quality testing at PHE installations, action plan for new schemes, water supply to every schools, functioning of communication and capacity development unit, installation of water meters, etc. The Minister also reviewed the irrigation sector and took stock of progress on various Canal. The Minister stressed upon the Chief Engineers of PHE and Ravi Tawi Irrigation Department Jammu to personally monitor progress of various ongoing schemes and activities of the field functionaries for effective implementation of the pro- grammes. Sham said that access to safe drinking water is the right of every common man and the Government is committed to extend facility of potable drinking water to each nook and corner of the state. He directed all the executive engi- neers to submit their progress and action taken report of var- ious development programmes to their concerned CEs with detail of the ground level mon- itoring. The Minister asked the engineers to effectively over- see the restoration works on traditional water reservoirs and ponds as these would greatly help in meeting the water requirements. District Development Commissioner Ajeet Kumar Sahu chairing a meeting at Jammu on Friday. Sahu reviews Diwali arrangements Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: District Development Commissioner Jammu, Ajeet Kumar Sahu today convened a meeting to discuss installation of crackers stalls and other arrangements being made by civil administra- tion for ensuing Diwali festival in Jammu. The meeting was attended by ACG, Shehnaz Chowdhary, Joint Director Information, Jammu, Smita Sethi, CMO, Javed Chib, S.P. City, J.S. Johar, senior officers from PDD, PHE, Municipal Corporation, Fire Services, R&B and other con- cerned departments. DDC directed the concerned authorities to keep a strict vigil on sale and storage of fire crack- ers besides ensuring that the shopkeepers are adhering to the guidelines laid down in this regard. He directed the Fire and Emergency Services Department to keep the fire ten- ders ready to meet any eventual- ity at various sale outlets. The DDC directed the con- cerned officers of different departments to put in all possi- ble efforts for ensuring smooth celebration of Diwali festival by providing essential commodi- ties, power and drinking water supply, medicare, security, sani- tation and other basic needs to the people of the region well in time. Sahu asked the Health, Information and Fire Services authorities to make the masses aware about the safety measures to be taken during Diwali for safe and secure celebration. He direct- ed the PDD and PHE to ensure un-interrupted power and water supply during festival days. He instructed the traffic authorities to prepare a compre- hensive traffic plans for smooth flow of traffic and launch spe- cial drives near crackers sale stalls. The Police authorities were asked to make foolproof security arrangements besides verify the applications submit- ted to them both by wholesalers and retailers so that they can start selling crackers from October 24. The DDC directed the Municipal authorities to ensure cleanliness in the city. He direct- ed the CMO Jammu to keep ready the ambulances and suffi- cient stock of life saving drugs at different health institutions to meet any mishap. Likewise, the CAPD was directed to keep a check on qual- ity and rates of eatables besides conducting regular market inspections to avoid overcharg- ing and profiteering. MP convenes DLRMC meeting under JNNURM Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: MP, Madan Lal Sharma, convened maiden meeting of District Level Review & Monitoring Committee (DLRMC) of district Jammu. The meeting was attended by Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture, Raman Bhalla, MLAs, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta, Ashok Khajuria, Prof. Gharu Ram Bhagat, Sham Lal Chaudhary, Sukh Nandan Kumar and Indu Pawar. During the meeting, District Development Commissioner, Jammu, Ajeet Kumar Sahu, gave a presentation about various schemes under the ambit of the JNNURM, pattern of funding, implementing agencies besides highlighting the role of DLRMC in implementation of projects and reforms under Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG), Basic Services to Urban Poor (BSUP), Integrative Houses and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) and Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) of Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Jammu as imple- menting agency of UIDSSMT & IHSDP gave a detailed Power Point Presentation about imple- mentation of programmes in Akhnoor, Khour and Arnia towns in respect of these schemes. It was informed that against a sanctioned cost of Rs. 864.67 lakh under UIDSSMT, Rs. 561.96 lakh have been expended in Akhnoor town on "Augmentation of Water Supply, improvement of road net- work, Storm Water and Surface Drainage and Development of Water Bodies, etc." Besides, con- struction of Solid Waste Management Plant is yet to be taken up, for which land is being acquired. Regarding implementation of projects under IHSDP in Khour and Arnia towns, Rs. 357.69 lakh have been spent up to September 2013, against the sanctioned proj- ect cost of Rs. 733.70 lakh for con- struction of 376 houses, 46 roads, lanes and drains, 124 septic tanks and provision of other amenities in both the towns. Commissioner, JMC, Jammu, Kiran Watal, explained in detail the achievements registered under schemes being implemented under Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP) in Jammu city. It was mentioned that basic services to the urban poor have been provided at Rajiv Nagar, Kusht Ashram at Bhagwati Nagar and at 21 different locations in Jammu city. Under the programme, an amount of Rs. 2092.31 lakh has been incurred up to March, 2013, against the sanc- tioned project cost of Rs. 4909.18 Lakh. He also apprised that a mega housing project, envisaging con- struction of 608 dwelling units at an estimated cost of Rs. 14.25 crore for rehabilitation of urban poor under JNNURM is in progress at Sunjwan. Under the project, Rs. 9.54 crore have been utilized and 64 houses have been completed while work on 272 units is in progress. During the meeting, the Minister impressed upon the DC and Commissioner JMC to expe- dite the process of verification of documents of deserving benefici- aries under BSUP so that they could be provided financial assis- tance for construction of houses at different locations, without further delay. He asked to sort out the issue of release of 2nd & 3rd installments in favor of the benefi- ciaries under the scheme at the ear- liest. MLAs highlighted the drainage, Solid Waste Management problems and requirement of other basic amenities in their respective towns. They demanded that the projects for all left over towns under UIDSSMT / IHSDP should be formulated and recommended to the GoI for sanc- tion. CCI’s concern over IT survey, warns to come on roads Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) has expressed concern over the survey conducted last evening by the Income Tax (IT) Department on one of the prominent member of the Chamber. In a statement, YV Sharma, President CCI said that it has hap- pened despite the assurance by the Commissioner of Income Tax, AK Thatai that they will have a meet- ing to find a way out so that busi- ness community voluntarily fulfill the revenue requirements of the department. He said that it has been noticed in various surveys that ultimately the businessman surrenders under lot of pressure from the depart- ment. Sharma appealed the authori- ties in the department of Income Tax (IT) that they should not cre- ate instability and restlessness in the business community. The business community will be compelled to come on streets if this approach of the department continues, he said. Arun Gupta, Secretary General stated that the department never realizes that the members of the business community wait for the festival season so as to do busi- ness and sustain themselves round the year. Jammu experienced cur- fews in last few days which affect- ed their business and there have been many killings on the border, all these things demand very restraint behavior by the depart- ment who are to deal with the member of the business communi- ty, Gupta added. If the IT department has any information about any member of the business community it should be settled by warning the person and not putting respect of the members of the business commu- nity in dock, Gupta said. Activists of DF&SS torching Pakistani flags during protest at Jammu on Friday. —Excelsior/Rakesh DF&SS holds anti-Pak protest Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: Dogra Front and Shiv Sena (DF&SS) held anti-Pakistan protest, here today. Amid slogans, the activists of DF&SS led by its president Ashok Gupta burnt the flags of Pakistan for aiding and abetting terrorism in J&K, frequent cease- fire violations and infiltrations. Addressing the protestors, Gupta strongly condemned the ceasefire violation by the Pakistan rangers in Pargwal sec- tor in Akhnoor, which resulted into injuries to 3 children and 2 women. He said that due to heavy shelling and firing, around 80 villagers were trapped in the field for couple of hours, adding that continuous ceasefire viola- tion by Pakistani rangers is just to give safe passage to terrorists to infiltrate into India. It is mini-war like situation on borders, which is resulting into casualties and injuries to the Indian soldiers, he added. Gupta demanded statement from Prime Minister on rising ceasefire violations by the Pakistani rangers. Among others present were Vikram Sharma, Sukhdev Singh, Bantu, Rakesh Kumar, Nanak Das, Roshan Lal, Raj Singh, etc. Devotees taking out Kalash yatra prior to start of Bhagwat Katha at Jammu on Friday. —Excelsior/Rakesh Kalash yatra taken out from Purani Mandi to Parade Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: A Kalash yatra was taken out today from Purani Mandi temple to Parade Ground here where an eight -day long Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagya started this afternoon by renowned Katha Wachak Shri Anurag Krishan Shastri Ji of Bindrawan. Besides, the saints and sages, a large number of devotees includ- ing a sizable number of women participated in the Kalash yatra. The Yatra passed via Link road, Jain Bazaar, Chabutra Chowk, Pacca Danga, Moti Bazar and cul- minated at Parade Ground where Shastri Ji started his religious dis- courses. Prominent among those who took part in the Shoba yatra included Mahant of Purani Mandi temple, Mahant Rameshwar Dass Ji, MLA Jammu East Ashok Khajuria, BJP senior leader, Yudhvir Sethi, Party’s Mahila Morcha president, Priya Sethi, Congress leader, Vikram Malhotra and heads of various social and religious organizations. The religious programme has been organised by Raghunath Sewa Dal led by Mahant Rameshwar Dass Ji. The eight -day long religious function will culminate on October 26 with Puranahuti fol- lowed by serving of prashad to devotees. The katha will be held daily from 6-30 am to 12-30 pm and 2- 30 pm to 6-30 pm. J&K has highest unemployment rate in Northern India: Dr Jitendra Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: Contesting the coalition Government's claims of having created new avenues of employment during its rule, BJP National Executive Member & J&K chief spokesperson, Dr. Jitendra Singh today cited latest official figures from the "Annual Employment and Unemployment Survey Report for 2012-13" released by "Labour Bureau" under Union Ministry of Labour and Employment, to show that unemployment in J&K had increased over the last few years and the current unem- ployment rate per 1000 persons in general category in J&K was 100 which accounted for 10 %,thus being the highest among the North Indian states followed by, per 1000 persons unemployment rate of Himachal Pradesh (69), Haryana (50), Punjab (48), Delhi (43) and UT Chandigarh (40). Dr. Jitendra Singh dis- closed that in the SC category, J&K had second highest unem- ployment rate in North India. As per the survey, the unem- ployment rate per 1000 per- sons, in age group of 15 years and above, among SC popula- tion was highest in UT Chandigarh at 151, followed by J&K (132), Delhi (82), Punjab (55), Haryana (42) and Himachal Pradesh (36), he elaborated. Dr. Jitendra Singh said in the Northern region, the maxi- mum overall unemployment rate per 1000 persons was also highest in Jammu and Kashmir at 88, followed by Himachal Pradesh (63), Delhi (57), UT Chandigarh (56) and Punjab and Haryana (48). Not only this, but unemployment among the youth in age group of 15 to 29 years in Northern region was again highest in Jammu and Kashmir at 241, followed by HP (177), Delhi (159), UT Chandigarh (136), Punjab (135) and Haryana (123), he added. He said, the NC-Congress Government is accountable for lakhs and crores of rupees ostensibly spent on much hyped fancy employment schemes including “Sher-e- Kashmir Employment Scheme”. In an era of evidence based results and target orient- ed programmes, he said, the rising expenditure on new employment schemes with cor- responding rise in the rate of unemployment is bound to raise questions regarding dis- bursement of State funds as also the huge Central grants received on the pretext of mil- itancy. Prosecution failure leads to acquittal of charas smugglers Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: Principal Sessions Judge Jammu Kartar Singh has acquitted Girish Kumar, Mohd Yousaf and Abdul Karim, who were facing trial under NDPS Act as prosecution miserably failed to prove the case. The accused were arrested on October 22, 2011 by Greater Kailash Police when they were travelling in a Toyota vehicle bear- ing registration number MH04AW-9810. From the posses- sion of accused, police recovered eight kilograms of charas. During investigation, it was established that the accused had brought about 20 kg of charas out of which 12 kg was given to one Rajesh Kumar and rest of the cha- ras was distributed by the accused Girish Kumar, Mohd Yousaf and Abdul Karim. They had received an amount of Rs 5,70,000 from Rajesh Kumar which was con- cealed by them in the vehicle and on the disclosure statement of the accused Rajesh Kumar, the amount was recovered. After investigation, the final report was submitted in the court of law. After hearing both the sides, Principal Sessions Judge Kartar Singh observed, “the prosecution has miserably failed to prove its case against the accused beyond any reasonable shadow of doubt”. Accordingly, the accused were acquitted of the charges framed against them. FIR lodged against crackers manufacturer Bandh, protests in Banihal over sacrilegious act Excelsior Correspondent RAMBAN Oct 18: Protests broke out in Banihal town today against the sacrilegious act by a crackers manufacturing company with the people observing com- plete shut down for several hours and disrupting the vehicular traffic on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway. Reports said that protests start- ed when the people noticed Quran verses written on the wrappers of crackers being burnt by some chil- dren as part of Eid celebrations. As the news about sacrilegious act spread, people closed their respec- tive business establishments as mark of protest and held massive demonstration in the main market. The protesters even blocked the vehicular traffic on Jammu- Srinagar National Highway for more than two hours demanding stern action against the crackers manufacturing company. On getting information about the protests and bandh, SP Ramban along with Additional Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner Revenue rushed to Banihal to pacify the agitating people. More than two hour long protests and bandh came to an end only after the Police registered FIR against the crackers manufac- turing company for hurting the religious sentiments. Acase FIR No.163 under Section 295 and 295-A was registered against the crackers manufacturing company namely Assam Tiger. MC conducts anti-encroachment drive Excelsior Correspondent RAMNAGAR, Oct 18: Municipal Committee (MC) team today conducted anti-encroachment drive in the main market and adjoining areas and imposed Rs 15,750 fine on the default- ers. The Municipal Committee team was headed by Naib Tehsildar Arif Mohammad Tak and accompanied by Executive Officer Kuldeep Sharma, SHO SS Baloria, Sanitary Inspector Vipan Gupta, Tehsil Supply Officer Kuldeep Singh and Khilafwarzi Inspector. The team removed the encroachments from the footpaths and asked the shopkeepers to refrain from such encroach- ments in future otherwise strict action would be taken against them. Un-hygienic eatables were destroyed and domestic cylin- ders were seized from tea-stalls and dhabas. A fine of Rs 15,750 was recovered from the defaulters. —Excelsior/Rakesh Books being released by Padamshree ND Sharma, Savita Bakshi, Addl. Secy J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages and Dr Om Goswami at a function in Jammu. Academy releases 2 books Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages today released two books of Literature one in English and the other in Dogri in K.L Saigal Hall of the Academy English Novel entitled "The Journey We Left" was written by a student of 2nd year Pummy Sharma whereas, the Dogri book entitled "Anmol Rattan" by Late Durga Dass Gupta and was got published by Ashok Kumar Gupta, son of the writer. These two books were released by Padamshree Prof. Nilamber Dev Sharma, a renowned writer in association with Dr. Om Goswami, Savita Bakshi and Ashok Gupta. Speaking on the occasion, Savita Bakshi, additional secre- tary congratulated the writers and termed these books a milestone addition in the treasure of respec- tive language. She also blessed the young writer. Pummy Sharma,who has done a remarkable job by giving an English novel to the lovers of English literature. Padamshree Nilamber Dev. Sharma, who was chief guest on the occasion also congratulated these writer. He said that he had gone through both the books and found them as good work done in the field of literature. He advised this young writer to continue his writing with the same zeal and enthusiasm. "This will result in bringing our more literarey books in mother language also. Dr Om Goswami, threw detailed light on the life and work of Late Durga Dass Gupta and also blessed the new entrant Pummy Sharma for his bright future in the world of Literature. During function, two detailed papers on each book written by Ashok Gupta, Editor Dogri were read out which were highly appre- ciated by all. Awareness lecture on dengue held at JU Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: Health Centre in collaboration with Department of Student Welfare organized an awareness lecture on dengue fever at Rajinder Singh Auditorium, University of Jammu. Dr Ishfaq Chaudhary, Consultant Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, spoke about the pre- vention, complications and man- agement of dengue fever. Dr Chaudhary said that due to lack of awareness amongst the common masses about the dengue, the panic has gripped State and everyone is running to Medical College for admis- sion even in case of slight fever and common cold. People themselves are going to private laboratories for test of dengue fever but the Government has banned this test by these private laborato- ries, he added. He said that the very basic management of dengue fever is adequate hydration and tablet of Paracetamol. He stressed that patient should not take any medication like aspirin for pain management which could fur- ther complicate the situation. In case of fever with rash and severe headache and body aches, the patient should report to nearest Primary Health Centre or hospital, for which symptomatic treatment will be prescribed and patients do not need to stay or require admis- sion in the hospital. He also informed that the number of cases of dengue is declining as the winter season is approach- ing. He further said that till date there is no immunization of dengue available but a high level research is going on at Thailand to discover its vac- cine. Prof Manoj Dhar, Registrar, University of Jammu was chief guest on the occasion, whereas Lida Singh Ishar was the guest of honour. Dean Academic Affairs Prof Neelam Saraf and Dean Students Welfare Prof NK Tripathi were also present. Earlier, Dr Poonam Sethi, CMO, University of Jammu presented the welcome address, whereas in the end, Dr Gautam Sharma, Dental Surgeon, University of Jammu delivered vote of thanks. SVO failure leads to acquittal of Patwari in trap case Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 18: Special Judge Anticorruption Jammu, Puneet Gupta has acquitted Fida Hussain, the then Patwari after 10 years long investigation and trial as Vigilance Organization has failed to prove its case against the accused. The Patwari was arrested by the Vigilance Organization on July 29, 2003 while demanding and accepting Rs 5000 from one Bharat Bhushan for issuing Fard for the land measuring 14 marlas situated at Gangyal owned by the com- plainant. During the trap, one more per- son Harnam Singh (died during proceedings) was also found to be ally of Fida Hussain. After comple- tion of the investigation, challan was presented in the court of law. After hearing both the sides and going through the case, Special Judge Anticorruption came to the conclusion that Vigilance Organization failed to prove its case against the accused beyond shadow of doubt. Accordingly, the accused was acquitted of the charges leveled against him.

DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2013 …epaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2013/oct/13oct19/page7.pdf · long Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagya started this afternoon

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Page 1: DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2013 …epaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2013/oct/13oct19/page7.pdf · long Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagya started this afternoon


Sham reviews progresson PHE, I&FC projects

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18; Ministerfor PHE, Irrigation and FloodControl, Sham Lal Sharma,today convened a high levelmeeting to review the status ofvarious ongoing developmentprojects under PHE, Irrigationand Flood Control.

During the meeting, theMinister had a detailed reviewof the ongoing works, pace ofrestoration works at flood dam-aged sites besides implementa-tion of decisions taken in theprevious meetings. He asked theofficers of both the departmentsto raise awareness among thepublic about the importance ofconservation of water resourcesand its judicial use.

Among others the meetingwas attended by CommissionerSecretary, PHE, I&FC, Dr PawanKotwal, Chief Engineer PHE, KK Gupta, Chief Engineer, RTIC,H C Jerath, SEs, ExecutiveEngineers of PHE, I&FC ofJammu division and other seniorengineers and officers of con-cerned departments.

The meeting held exhaustivediscussion on various aspectsrelating to development of newPHE, Irrigation and FloodControl schemes in the uncov-ered areas across Jammu divi-sion. He also took stock ofdrinking water supply, function-ing of irrigation tube wells,works taken up for the revival oftraditional water bodies and

ponds, water quality testing atPHE installations, action planfor new schemes, water supplyto every schools, functioning ofcommunication and capacitydevelopment unit, installation ofwater meters, etc.

The Minister also reviewedthe irrigation sector and tookstock of progress on variousCanal.

The Minister stressed uponthe Chief Engineers of PHE andRavi Tawi Irrigation DepartmentJammu to personally monitorprogress of various ongoingschemes and activities of thefield functionaries for effectiveimplementation of the pro-grammes.

Sham said that access tosafe drinking water is the rightof every common man and theGovernment is committed toextend facility of potabledrinking water to each nookand corner of the state. Hedirected all the executive engi-neers to submit their progressand action taken report of var-ious development programmesto their concerned CEs withdetail of the ground level mon-itoring.

The Minister asked theengineers to effectively over-see the restoration works ontraditional water reservoirs andponds as these would greatlyhelp in meeting the waterrequirements.

District Development Commissioner Ajeet Kumar Sahu chairing a meeting at Jammu onFriday.

Sahu reviews Diwaliarrangements

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: DistrictDevelopment CommissionerJammu, Ajeet Kumar Sahutoday convened a meeting todiscuss installation of crackersstalls and other arrangementsbeing made by civil administra-tion for ensuing Diwali festivalin Jammu.

The meeting was attended byACG, Shehnaz Chowdhary,Joint Director Information,Jammu, Smita Sethi, CMO,Javed Chib, S.P. City, J.S. Johar,senior officers from PDD, PHE,Municipal Corporation, FireServices, R&B and other con-cerned departments.

DDC directed the concernedauthorities to keep a strict vigilon sale and storage of fire crack-ers besides ensuring that theshopkeepers are adhering to theguidelines laid down in thisregard. He directed the Fire andEmergency ServicesDepartment to keep the fire ten-ders ready to meet any eventual-ity at various sale outlets.

The DDC directed the con-cerned officers of differentdepartments to put in all possi-ble efforts for ensuring smoothcelebration of Diwali festival byproviding essential commodi-ties, power and drinking watersupply, medicare, security, sani-

tation and other basic needs tothe people of the region well intime.

Sahu asked the Health,Information and Fire Servicesauthorities to make the massesaware about the safety measuresto be taken during Diwali for safeand secure celebration. He direct-ed the PDD and PHE to ensureun-interrupted power and watersupply during festival days.

He instructed the trafficauthorities to prepare a compre-hensive traffic plans for smoothflow of traffic and launch spe-cial drives near crackers salestalls. The Police authoritieswere asked to make foolproofsecurity arrangements besidesverify the applications submit-ted to them both by wholesalersand retailers so that they canstart selling crackers fromOctober 24.

The DDC directed theMunicipal authorities to ensurecleanliness in the city. He direct-ed the CMO Jammu to keepready the ambulances and suffi-cient stock of life saving drugsat different health institutions tomeet any mishap.

Likewise, the CAPD wasdirected to keep a check on qual-ity and rates of eatables besidesconducting regular marketinspections to avoid overcharg-ing and profiteering.

MP convenes DLRMCmeeting under JNNURMExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: MP, MadanLal Sharma, convened maidenmeeting of District Level Review& Monitoring Committee(DLRMC) of district Jammu.

The meeting was attended byMinister for Housing, Horticultureand Culture, Raman Bhalla,MLAs, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta,Ashok Khajuria, Prof. Gharu RamBhagat, Sham Lal Chaudhary,Sukh Nandan Kumar and InduPawar.

During the meeting, DistrictDevelopment Commissioner,Jammu, Ajeet Kumar Sahu, gave apresentation about variousschemes under the ambit of theJNNURM, pattern of funding,implementing agencies besideshighlighting the role of DLRMC inimplementation of projects andreforms under UrbanInfrastructure and Governance(UIG), Basic Services to UrbanPoor (BSUP), Integrative Housesand Slum DevelopmentProgramme (IHSDP) and UrbanInfrastructure DevelopmentScheme for Small & MediumTowns (UIDSSMT) of JawaharLal Nehru National UrbanRenewal Mission (JNNURM).

The Directorate of UrbanLocal Bodies, Jammu as imple-menting agency of UIDSSMT &IHSDP gave a detailed PowerPoint Presentation about imple-mentation of programmes inAkhnoor, Khour and Arnia towns

in respect of these schemes.It was informed that against a

sanctioned cost of Rs. 864.67 lakhunder UIDSSMT, Rs. 561.96 lakhhave been expended in Akhnoortown on "Augmentation of WaterSupply, improvement of road net-work, Storm Water and SurfaceDrainage and Development ofWater Bodies, etc." Besides, con-struction of Solid WasteManagement Plant is yet to betaken up, for which land is beingacquired.

Regarding implementation ofprojects under IHSDP in Khourand Arnia towns, Rs. 357.69 lakhhave been spent up to September2013, against the sanctioned proj-ect cost of Rs. 733.70 lakh for con-struction of 376 houses, 46 roads,lanes and drains, 124 septic tanksand provision of other amenities inboth the towns.

Commissioner, JMC, Jammu,Kiran Watal, explained in detail theachievements registered underschemes being implemented underBasic Services for Urban Poor(BSUP) in Jammu city. It wasmentioned that basic services tothe urban poor have been providedat Rajiv Nagar, Kusht Ashram atBhagwati Nagar and at 21 differentlocations in Jammu city. Under theprogramme, an amount of Rs.2092.31 lakh has been incurred up

to March, 2013, against the sanc-tioned project cost of Rs. 4909.18Lakh.

He also apprised that a megahousing project, envisaging con-struction of 608 dwelling units atan estimated cost of Rs. 14.25crore for rehabilitation of urbanpoor under JNNURM is inprogress at Sunjwan. Under theproject, Rs. 9.54 crore have beenutilized and 64 houses have beencompleted while work on 272units is in progress.

During the meeting, theMinister impressed upon the DCand Commissioner JMC to expe-dite the process of verification ofdocuments of deserving benefici-aries under BSUP so that theycould be provided financial assis-tance for construction of houses atdifferent locations, without furtherdelay. He asked to sort out theissue of release of 2nd & 3rdinstallments in favor of the benefi-ciaries under the scheme at the ear-liest.

MLAs highlighted the drainage,Solid Waste Management problemsand requirement of other basicamenities in their respective towns.They demanded that the projects forall left over towns under UIDSSMT/ IHSDP should be formulated andrecommended to the GoI for sanc-tion.

CCI’s concern over IT survey,warns to come on roads

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (CCI) hasexpressed concern over the surveyconducted last evening by theIncome Tax (IT) Department onone of the prominent member ofthe Chamber.

In a statement, YV Sharma,President CCI said that it has hap-pened despite the assurance by theCommissioner of Income Tax, AKThatai that they will have a meet-ing to find a way out so that busi-ness community voluntarily fulfillthe revenue requirements of thedepartment.

He said that it has been noticedin various surveys that ultimatelythe businessman surrenders underlot of pressure from the depart-ment.

Sharma appealed the authori-ties in the department of IncomeTax (IT) that they should not cre-ate instability and restlessness in

the business community.The business community will

be compelled to come on streets ifthis approach of the departmentcontinues, he said.

Arun Gupta, SecretaryGeneral stated that the departmentnever realizes that the members ofthe business community wait forthe festival season so as to do busi-ness and sustain themselves roundthe year. Jammu experienced cur-fews in last few days which affect-ed their business and there havebeen many killings on the border,all these things demand veryrestraint behavior by the depart-ment who are to deal with themember of the business communi-ty, Gupta added.

If the IT department has anyinformation about any member ofthe business community it shouldbe settled by warning the personand not putting respect of themembers of the business commu-nity in dock, Gupta said.

Activists of DF&SS torching Pakistani flags during protest atJammu on Friday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

DF&SS holds anti-Pak protest Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: DograFront and Shiv Sena (DF&SS)held anti-Pakistan protest, heretoday.

Amid slogans, the activists ofDF&SS led by its presidentAshok Gupta burnt the flags ofPakistan for aiding and abettingterrorism in J&K, frequent cease-fire violations and infiltrations.

Addressing the protestors,Gupta strongly condemned theceasefire violation by thePakistan rangers in Pargwal sec-tor in Akhnoor, which resultedinto injuries to 3 children and 2women.

He said that due to heavy

shelling and firing, around 80villagers were trapped in thefield for couple of hours, addingthat continuous ceasefire viola-tion by Pakistani rangers is justto give safe passage to terroriststo infiltrate into India.

It is mini-war like situationon borders, which is resultinginto casualties and injuries to theIndian soldiers, he added.

Gupta demanded statementfrom Prime Minister on risingceasefire violations by thePakistani rangers.

Among others present wereVikram Sharma, SukhdevSingh, Bantu, Rakesh Kumar,Nanak Das, Roshan Lal, RajSingh, etc.

Devotees taking out Kalash yatra prior to start of BhagwatKatha at Jammu on Friday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Kalash yatra taken out from Purani Mandi to Parade

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: A Kalashyatra was taken out today fromPurani Mandi temple to ParadeGround here where an eight -daylong Shrimad Bhagwat KathaGyan Yagya started this afternoonby renowned Katha Wachak ShriAnurag Krishan Shastri Ji ofBindrawan.

Besides, the saints and sages, alarge number of devotees includ-ing a sizable number of womenparticipated in the Kalash yatra.The Yatra passed via Link road,Jain Bazaar, Chabutra Chowk,Pacca Danga, Moti Bazar and cul-minated at Parade Ground whereShastri Ji started his religious dis-courses.

Prominent among those who

took part in the Shoba yatraincluded Mahant of Purani Manditemple, Mahant Rameshwar DassJi, MLA Jammu East AshokKhajuria, BJP senior leader,Yudhvir Sethi, Party’s MahilaMorcha president, Priya Sethi,Congress leader, Vikram Malhotraand heads of various social andreligious organizations.

The religious programme hasbeen organised by RaghunathSewa Dal led by MahantRameshwar Dass Ji.

The eight -day long religiousfunction will culminate onOctober 26 with Puranahuti fol-lowed by serving of prashad todevotees.

The katha will be held dailyfrom 6-30 am to 12-30 pm and 2-30 pm to 6-30 pm.

J&K has highest unemployment rate in Northern India: Dr Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18:Contesting the coalitionGovernment's claims of havingcreated new avenues ofemployment during its rule,BJP National ExecutiveMember & J&K chiefspokesperson, Dr. JitendraSingh today cited latest officialfigures from the "AnnualEmployment andUnemployment Survey Reportfor 2012-13" released by"Labour Bureau" under UnionMinistry of Labour andEmployment, to show thatunemployment in J&K hadincreased over the last fewyears and the current unem-ployment rate per 1000 personsin general category in J&K was100 which accounted for 10%,thus being the highestamong the North Indian statesfollowed by, per 1000 personsunemployment rate ofHimachal Pradesh (69),Haryana (50), Punjab (48),Delhi (43) and UT Chandigarh(40).

Dr. Jitendra Singh dis-closed that in the SC category,J&K had second highest unem-ployment rate in North India.As per the survey, the unem-ployment rate per 1000 per-sons, in age group of 15 yearsand above, among SC popula-tion was highest in UT

Chandigarh at 151, followed byJ&K (132), Delhi (82), Punjab(55), Haryana (42) andHimachal Pradesh (36), heelaborated.

Dr. Jitendra Singh said inthe Northern region, the maxi-mum overall unemploymentrate per 1000 persons was alsohighest in Jammu and Kashmirat 88, followed by HimachalPradesh (63), Delhi (57), UTChandigarh (56) and Punjaband Haryana (48). Not onlythis, but unemployment amongthe youth in age group of 15 to29 years in Northern region wasagain highest in Jammu andKashmir at 241, followed byHP (177), Delhi (159), UTChandigarh (136), Punjab (135)and Haryana (123), he added.

He said, the NC-CongressGovernment is accountable forlakhs and crores of rupeesostensibly spent on muchhyped fancy employmentschemes including “Sher-e-Kashmir EmploymentScheme”. In an era of evidencebased results and target orient-ed programmes, he said, therising expenditure on newemployment schemes with cor-responding rise in the rate ofunemployment is bound toraise questions regarding dis-bursement of State funds asalso the huge Central grantsreceived on the pretext of mil-itancy.

Prosecution failure leads to acquittal of charas smugglers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: PrincipalSessions Judge Jammu KartarSingh has acquitted Girish Kumar,Mohd Yousaf and Abdul Karim,who were facing trial under NDPSAct as prosecution miserablyfailed to prove the case.

The accused were arrested onOctober 22, 2011 by GreaterKailash Police when they weretravelling in a Toyota vehicle bear-ing registration numberMH04AW-9810. From the posses-sion of accused, police recoveredeight kilograms of charas.

During investigation, it wasestablished that the accused hadbrought about 20 kg of charas outof which 12 kg was given to one

Rajesh Kumar and rest of the cha-ras was distributed by the accusedGirish Kumar, Mohd Yousaf andAbdul Karim. They had receivedan amount of Rs 5,70,000 fromRajesh Kumar which was con-cealed by them in the vehicle andon the disclosure statement of theaccused Rajesh Kumar, theamount was recovered. Afterinvestigation, the final report wassubmitted in the court of law.

After hearing both the sides,Principal Sessions Judge KartarSingh observed, “the prosecutionhas miserably failed to prove itscase against the accused beyondany reasonable shadow of doubt”.

Accordingly, the accused wereacquitted of the charges framedagainst them.

FIR lodged against crackers manufacturerBandh, protests in Banihal

over sacrilegious actExcelsior Correspondent

RAMBAN Oct 18: Protestsbroke out in Banihal town todayagainst the sacrilegious act by acrackers manufacturing companywith the people observing com-plete shut down for several hoursand disrupting the vehicular trafficon the Jammu-Srinagar NationalHighway.

Reports said that protests start-ed when the people noticed Quranverses written on the wrappers ofcrackers being burnt by some chil-dren as part of Eid celebrations. Asthe news about sacrilegious actspread, people closed their respec-tive business establishments asmark of protest and held massivedemonstration in the main market.

The protesters even blocked

the vehicular traffic on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway formore than two hours demandingstern action against the crackersmanufacturing company.

On getting information aboutthe protests and bandh, SPRamban along with AdditionalDeputy Commissioner andAssistant Commissioner Revenuerushed to Banihal to pacify theagitating people.

More than two hour longprotests and bandh came to an endonly after the Police registeredFIR against the crackers manufac-turing company for hurting thereligious sentiments.

Acase FIR No.163 under Section295 and 295-Awas registered againstthe crackers manufacturing companynamely Assam Tiger.

MC conducts anti-encroachment drive Excelsior Correspondent

RAMNAGAR, Oct 18: Municipal Committee (MC) teamtoday conducted anti-encroachment drive in the main marketand adjoining areas and imposed Rs 15,750 fine on the default-ers.

The Municipal Committee team was headed by NaibTehsildar Arif Mohammad Tak and accompanied by ExecutiveOfficer Kuldeep Sharma, SHO SS Baloria, Sanitary InspectorVipan Gupta, Tehsil Supply Officer Kuldeep Singh andKhilafwarzi Inspector.

The team removed the encroachments from the footpathsand asked the shopkeepers to refrain from such encroach-ments in future otherwise strict action would be takenagainst them.

Un-hygienic eatables were destroyed and domestic cylin-ders were seized from tea-stalls and dhabas. A fine of Rs15,750 was recovered from the defaulters.

—Excelsior/RakeshBooks being released by Padamshree ND Sharma, Savita

Bakshi, Addl. Secy J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languagesand Dr Om Goswami at a function in Jammu.

Academy releases 2 booksExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: J&KAcademy of Art, Culture andLanguages today released twobooks of Literature one in Englishand the other in Dogri in K.LSaigal Hall of the Academy

English Novel entitled "TheJourney We Left" was written by astudent of 2nd year PummySharma whereas, the Dogri bookentitled "Anmol Rattan" by LateDurga Dass Gupta and was gotpublished by Ashok KumarGupta, son of the writer.

These two books werereleased by Padamshree Prof.Nilamber Dev Sharma, arenowned writer in associationwith Dr. Om Goswami, SavitaBakshi and Ashok Gupta.

Speaking on the occasion,Savita Bakshi, additional secre-tary congratulated the writers andtermed these books a milestoneaddition in the treasure of respec-tive language. She also blessed the

young writer.Pummy Sharma,who has done

a remarkable job by giving anEnglish novel to the lovers ofEnglish literature.

Padamshree Nilamber Dev.Sharma, who was chief guest onthe occasion also congratulatedthese writer. He said that he hadgone through both the books andfound them as good work done inthe field of literature. He advisedthis young writer to continue hiswriting with the same zeal andenthusiasm. "This will result inbringing our more literarey booksin mother language also.

Dr Om Goswami, threwdetailed light on the life and workof Late Durga Dass Gupta andalso blessed the new entrantPummy Sharma for his brightfuture in the world of Literature.

During function, two detailedpapers on each book written byAshok Gupta, Editor Dogri wereread out which were highly appre-ciated by all.

Awareness lecture ondengue held at JU

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: HealthCentre in collaboration withDepartment of Student Welfareorganized an awareness lectureon dengue fever at RajinderSingh Auditorium, Universityof Jammu.

Dr Ishfaq Chaudhary,Consultant Department ofMedicine, Government MedicalCollege, spoke about the pre-vention, complications and man-agement of dengue fever.

Dr Chaudhary said that dueto lack of awareness amongstthe common masses about thedengue, the panic has grippedState and everyone is runningto Medical College for admis-sion even in case of slight feverand common cold.

People themselves aregoing to private laboratoriesfor test of dengue fever but theGovernment has banned thistest by these private laborato-ries, he added. He said that thevery basic management ofdengue fever is adequatehydration and tablet ofParacetamol. He stressed thatpatient should not take anymedication like aspirin for painmanagement which could fur-

ther complicate the situation.In case of fever with rash andsevere headache and bodyaches, the patient should reportto nearest Primary HealthCentre or hospital, for whichsymptomatic treatment will beprescribed and patients do notneed to stay or require admis-sion in the hospital. He alsoinformed that the number ofcases of dengue is declining asthe winter season is approach-ing.

He further said that till datethere is no immunization ofdengue available but a highlevel research is going on atThailand to discover its vac-cine.

Prof Manoj Dhar, Registrar,University of Jammu was chiefguest on the occasion, whereasLida Singh Ishar was the guestof honour.

Dean Academic AffairsProf Neelam Saraf and DeanStudents Welfare Prof NKTripathi were also present.

Earlier, Dr Poonam Sethi,CMO, University of Jammupresented the welcome address,whereas in the end, Dr GautamSharma, Dental Surgeon,University of Jammu deliveredvote of thanks.

SVO failure leads to acquittalof Patwari in trap caseExcelsior CorrespondentJAMMU, Oct 18: Special Judge

Anticorruption Jammu, PuneetGupta has acquitted Fida Hussain,the then Patwari after 10 years longinvestigation and trial as VigilanceOrganization has failed to prove itscase against the accused.

The Patwari was arrested bythe Vigilance Organization on July29, 2003 while demanding andaccepting Rs 5000 from one BharatBhushan for issuing Fard for theland measuring 14 marlas situatedat Gangyal owned by the com-plainant.

During the trap, one more per-son Harnam Singh (died duringproceedings) was also found to beally of Fida Hussain. After comple-tion of the investigation, challanwas presented in the court of law.

After hearing both the sides andgoing through the case, SpecialJudge Anticorruption came to theconclusion that VigilanceOrganization failed to prove itscase against the accused beyondshadow of doubt. Accordingly, theaccused was acquitted of thecharges leveled against him.